Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1886, Image 1

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Packers Insist on a Ten-Hour Day and the
Men Demand Eight ,
i\crjthlnR Quiet In Chicago row-
dorly Ue-Hcctcd GcncrAl MnRtcr
\Vorkninn ( it the Knluhts Con-
Hlilutloiuil ClmiiKOH , etc.
AVorkltiK Porn Sottlctnrnt.
ClitcAiio. Ocl. 13. ( Special Telegram to
the linn. ) ' 1 he stock jards sttlko , involving
the unforced Idleness of L 0XX , ( ) packlnit house
emplojes , Is still on and the prospects of a
sctllementdo not siem to bis good. Dele-
Rates Butler and Barry , who came from the
Knights of Labor convention at Richmond
at the request of General Master Workman
Powdcrly lo try to effect a compiomise , were
seen by a reporter at the Transit house
shortly before noon. Mr. Barry said Iho
men vw-ru willing to work eight houis for
eight hours' pixy , givlne n guarantee that
thty would work ten hours when necessary
and receiving pay lor tlio oxlra tlmo at the
sumo rale. Tim men's heal ts were set on the
eight-hour schedule and they would do al
most anything to insure Its permanent adop
tion. On the other hand the packers seemed
to bo detoiinlned to have the ten-hour sjsteni
in foiccand to bo willing to do almost any-
thine tobccuio Us retention. Bany salu hu
had it on rellablu authority that the packers
whoso names wcro on thu ten-hour noticu
were under bonds of SW.OOO each to stand oy
the action of their organl/atlon. Ho pro
posed to submit allldav its to tlio association
to show that "Armour had been playing last
and loose wllh the other packers. "
About 0 o'clock this morning 200 Poles ,
from Kansas City , Omaha and Milwaukee ,
were brought to Aimoi.r's packing housu by
the Fort Wayne road , and immediately went
lo work , i'his makes about 500 men who aru
nt woik at Aimour's. Thcv are working ten
hours and receiving ten boms' pay. A large
numbei of nuw men havu taken the strikers'
places at Kowlei's , and are working wllh
closed doors. Tlio beef loaders at Armoui's
who strutlc Monday iclntnud to woik this
morning under pollcu protection. Later they
id used to work under the polite , and the
latlei woie icmoved. Thetangof men who
aitlvedatlhe jaids this nioinlnir and began
loading beef cars on the Panhandle road
have dlhapi > earud mvstorlonslv.
About o o'clock this morning a Itock Island
cattle lialn w as dcr.illul , presumably by nils-
placing a swlttb at the Laku Shoie ciossing.
Two head of cattle were killed and consider
able damage was done the cars , it is tlioiulit
thu Lake Slioro stiikoib aio responsible lor
Iho accident.
Mkh.H'l Citdahy , the superintendent of
At nuiiir's packing house , to-daj said that ho
had not been called upon by Bairv and Bit-
Ioiand that hu know ol no Intention on thu
part of the beef men to quit work , as had
been Intimated by the morning papois. The
wmkmen waiiti'dto peipetti ito tnc , eight-hour
sjstem , Iml me willing foi a induction In
] > nj , while the pickers Insist on n letuin to
the tcn-honi svstem. Cndahy bald U at a
laigo numbei ot cleiks from Aimour's down
town olliie camu out this morning to help in
loading c.n.s and In doing whatever they
could do. Ho lauithliiKly said hu MVV them
ficqucntly looking at thcli soft , white hands
In disniav. To dav w as pay day at Ai mom's.
A largo numbui of men who had a few d.tjs'
piy coming lo thum vvoio on hand , and 10-
iclved tliuli money , but theio wna no disturb-
aneoof any kind.
Tim qulol that lias attended this gieat
Milko Is. Iho wonderot ovciyonu who comes
lo Iho yards , and has imulit Ihous.inds ol
fiiends to the Knights ot Laboi , to whosu
ellorts thu adniirnblu older Is due. 'Iho im-
porlatlon of men bv Armoui A : Co. is making
home ot thu strikers a trillo resilve , and thu
laskol conliolllng thoyonngei element Is be-
Lomlng more Ulllicult. l verjthing , this
morning , was as it was vtsterday. A i mom's
beef butchers btlll remained at workby ordei
ot thu knlvhtb , although thny are restlvo un
der thu fact that tlio cars ar loaded by clerks
and outsiders. Thu Pinkeiton men have
completed their culinary apparatus , and will
now livountiiely In Washington Butchers
Son's packing house. They cannot buv nnv-
thlng outside , as , except at Transit lioubo ,
theiu Ic a ilgtd bo > uot against them.
Delegate Dairy was Been by a Dailv News
rcpoilei at noon to-day and said : "Thu men
have their minds set on thu eight-hour rule
and will agree to nothing else. Wo made a
imposition tills mojiiingto the. packers that
then eight-hour run and hour-men will agree
to work all ovcitiniu necc.ssary. This will be
piactlcally a recognition of tlio olvht-hour
question and will bo accepted by the men.
The packers submitted a proposition that thu
men work and be paid by thu hour , bill Ibis
will not be accented , as tbo men aio afi.dd
the .sj stem will work to their dis
advantage , and it Iho packers desliu
to do BO , they can give tliem
only an hour or two boms' woik a day. I
havu pioposed a meeting with the packeis at
the boa id of tiailo this afteinoon , ami bhonld
t hey accept the proposition the matter will
bo bellied immediately. Should they not
meet me , I will take other means to ellect a
settlement , for this thin. ; must bu lixcd up
qnlckl ) , ns It Is all nonsencu lor Armout lo
MinpobO that his beef buteheis will woik
ntiilei thu circumstances bv which they : uc
( surrounded. It 1 find that things are as 1
hometlmes suspect they aie , and that the
imckciKiiiu pla.vlng a waiting game , 1 will
lake moiticneigetle imiiMiiesillume , and on
my letuin to lEichmond shall toll thu knights
that Aimoni's beuf is not as good as it used
to be , and wuwlll see how the opinions ol
U.oio.tuu men tlnoiighoiit the country will
nil ei I trade. "
Tlie confidence Messrs. Bariv and Butler
Intended to have thh , evening wllh the pack
ets was not held. The packers could not beget
got together. Baiiy , when questioned to
night , bald negotiations fora-ettlciuont weio
bllfl pending and a conclusion might bo
leached to moriow. Hu bald the matter
would bo bioiight to thu nothu of the Itlcli-
mend convention , with which body ho was in
dally communication.
Tlio KnlghtM ol' Ijalor.
Iliniu Mi , V.i. , Oet 1 ! ! . The delegates to
the geneial assembly of the Knights of Labor
vvero this morning unusually piompt In theli
attendance at Annoiy hall. The most Im
portant work of the convention was be nn
yesterday , w hen tno general mallei vvork-
nliin dcclnied amendments to thu roiihtitn-
tlon Inoideraiid was siistnlnud In his decis
ion bv thu assembly , dcsplto the objections
' of a few , This work of amending thu con
stitution .was resumed this morning and
prosecuted throughout the session , The pro-
uuacdamendment to the constitution uxtcnd-
ing to twojearu the terms of all the general
otllceit'vxcepting ) thee of the me in burs of
the co-opciAtlvo boaui. was titUon up and
adopted. The changes In the constitution
leqnlreda tvvothlids vote for their adoption ,
and tint calling of thu roll of Ol'J delegates
consumed a good deal of time. NMien that
matter had been dbposedof thu reguhii oidei
ot business was biisK'iidcd | and thu general
iissemblj procveititt to thu election of geneiul
o filters. Ueiiend M.isfi' Powderly
diiil ( iencinl Worthy Foieman ( iillllths were
ic-i'lecti'd to ( hu otlkes they havu aliuudy
licld foi bin en con.-eeutivo terms.
AtthoaUernoon session It was decided to
divide the otllco of geneial sccieturj-tieas-
nn > r. Chailesll. Lllchnian , of Marbluhead ,
Mass. , was placed In nomination for thu
ollicu of bccu'tarv by J nines Campbell , ot
1'itt.sbuig , Pa. Tliu Humiliation was M'C-
ended bj T'om O'Heilly. of Now York. The
only candldato placed in nomlnotian In oi > -
position was Joseph Buchanan , of Denver ,
Colorado. LUchman was elected by inoru
than 1HU majoilty. Krederlck Turnei , the
picsent Keeietary-trcasurer , was nominated
for general treasurer. Turner wab dueled b >
more than 200 majoilty.
Tno balloting for members of the executive
board then began. The follow Ing names
vvero placed In nomination : John W Haves ,
Now JCTMIV ; Tnoiims P , liaiiv. Micbig n ;
W. 11 , IJailoj , Ohio ; T. U. McUuIriw
York : Tom O'Hcllly , New York ; Joseph
Buchanan , Colorado ; William II. Mullen ,
Hlchmond ; Ira B. Ajlesworth , Baltimore ,
MO. ; John Howe. Ma-mchii'ictts. An In
formal ballot was taken , In which Mr. Ila > es
led In the number of votes pollcd.wltli Barry
second. Some delegates w anlcd lo continue
thu voting , but a motion to adjourn until to
morrow was put and can led.
Mltincnpo'la Switchmen Strike.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oet , la. At a meeting of
the Switchmen's Mutual I'lilon and Aid
association last night It was decided lo order
n strlkounlesstliouiilon'sdeninndsforan in
crease In saldiv fioin S5 to 310 tier month
were compiled with. Early this morning
thirty men In the Minneapolis A , St. Louis
yards quit work , and by lOiHu there was not
a union man at work In any them.
llic PolntH lliry Advocate In Their
CIIIC-AOO , Oct. n The following niothe
piincipa ! poinls In the address lo the lepubll-
can party , Issued by Urn nallonal committee
of anti-saloon tepubllcans , appointed nt the
confeicncu held In Chicago September 10 :
A Her dwelling upon the magnitude which
the liquor tialllc attained in Ameilca and the
resulting evils , thu nddiess empha us the
disastrous effict on tbo woiklng classes ,
refers ta crimes accruing fioin the non-oper
ation of prohibitory laws , and sa > & : "This
widespread violation of one set of
wholesome laws breeds ircm nil contempt for
all law , and opens a hospitable door to these
modern allies of the saloon system-iom-
iminlstii andaimichv. " The saloon power In
thu United Status uses a coiruptlon
Innd to cairy elections by the
purchase of votes , lo obstruct the cause of
justice by tampeilng with juries , and to
punish with delcat public servants who In-
cuired ltn displeasure. The aildiess declaies
that the saloon oueht In bu put out of exist
ence , and lhal uiilll destio > ed the saloon
should bo cilpplcd bj eveiy restraint and dis
ability which local public hentlment will en
force. ami made to rulmbiusc as much us
possible Iliu public loss it i.uises. Thoad-
dre'-s believes this polie > tlio proper ono to
pui uo The address insists that the lepuhll-
can paitv Is called to this work. By attacking -
ing gient wiongs consecullvelj , it bat de-
slio > ed them In detail , and at each success
has pioiuicd thu ) > eoplu foi anothei step.
And the hour has stiuek for llio next ad
vance , _ _
Another Chinch Wrangle.
CAirAoo , Oct. 13. The triennial session
of thu national Con icgational chinch met
In Chicago to-diy at Union Park Coimregn-
tlonal chinch. There vvero between four and
live hundred delegates piescnt. Nothlngwas
accomplished at the morning session , there
being consldeinble dllferenco of opinion as
to wliethur the icp'iit ' of the committee on
credentials should bo read or whether the
convention should pcifect Its organization.
llio friends of Piolessorhmlth weiu in favor
of the lattei. 'I he convention , without com
ing to any conclusion , adjoin tied until -p. in.
Al the afternoon session a paitlal icport ot
thocommltteo on crcduniials was siibmitti'l
and accepted , and thoioll ofaccicdlted dele-
calos wascilled. Theie was a lonir dfbitu
on the question of admitting Di. IMdv. of
Atlanta , Ca. It was claimed that Dr. I'ddj ,
thoii'-'h delegated bv a wealthv and Inlliicn- element , repiesenlud onlv fem chinches
a less numb" ! than icquiiul bj the con-titn-
Ihin. Hi' was ojiposcd bv tlie negro and
pool white chinches The dllliculty was
nlvedbj maklnghiman iionotaiV member.
Hon. L. A. Cook , ot Itiveiton , Conn. , was
clcctul miidciator. Dr. .McLean. ot O upland. , was elected assistant modeiatot , und
Kov. B A. lines a coloiud dlvino mini
Memphis , Tenn , was mined as second assist
ant. A varletj of loutlnu business then ic-
cuived atlmition , and the day endid vvlllioiit
aiej > oit ot the cicdenli.ils committee butng
The Sun Pays the Hill.
Nnw YOKK , Oct. 1 ! ! . fSnccial Telegiam to
the Brh. | The Sun prlntb the tollovvliig let-
ler to the editor of the papci :
"Sin : Since tlie publication of our com
munication iu your issue of the Ctli lust. , no
offer has been made by these legally and mor
ally bound to pay our bill lor laying out , car-
lug for , and embalming thu body of General
Grant. We theroforu inclose our bill.
HOI.MIS : & Co.
The bill , which was inclosed , Is for ? r.OO ,
and contains an ilemi/ed account. At the
foot it bears the follow Ing lecclpt :
Uccelved payment of within bill of Now
'i ork Sun. 12. s A ; Co. ,
[ Signed. ] ( per K. Holmes. )
Octobei 8 , 18SO.
This Is the settlement which the editor of
the Sun offered to make if no member of tlio
Grant family came forward within a ceitain
time and paid the bill and hushed up the talk
which the matter created.
J ! * viitt for Major.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 13. It seems piobable
that Abram S. Howltt will accept Tam
many hall's nomination for mayor. In caa
he does , the county demociacy will endorse
the nomination , and this democrats of New
York will tor the tliliu in six jcars pre
sent a united front.
The cominiiten appointed by tlio Tammany
hall countv convontlon waited 111.011 Con-
gtessman Hovvill this afteinoon. Hewitt in
vited them into bis pi ivato ofhco and a long
confeionco was held. When It was ended
tlio committee came out with downcast faces
and Inn ried away , llnwllt said that the
nomination had boon tundoied him and that
It hud been discussed. It Is gencially be
lieved that Iluultt has declined the nomina
tion fur major. William Bomku Cochiauc ,
of the commltteo , would enl > say that theie.
had been discussion and the committee would
receive an aiibwci later In tlio dav.
The KplHcopal Triennial.
CnifAGO , Oct. 18. At the Kplbeopal con
ference to day there was an animated discus-
blon on the motion to send congiatulatloiib
to the "Congregational Church. " Afler the
faiibstllutlon of "brethion" for "chinch" Iho
resolution was adopted. Thu house met with
closed dooin after the icress , and appiovctl
the testimonials ot Uov. Di. Mahlon M. ( ill-
bert , assistant llsltovelect ) | ot Minnesota , and
assented to his consecration. Upon teopen-
Ing the doois , the debate was lesuuied on the
pioposed change of church name. O. C.
Miattnck , of Massachusetts , and Hev , Di.
Hanckjo , of Virginia , argued foi thopie'scr-
vatlon of the old name. They worn icln-
foiced by Wllmer , of Marjland , Bev. Dis.
W. N. MoVicker , of Pennsylvania , Beards
ley , of Connecticut , and Goodwin , of Ponn-
.sjluinia. Tlio discussion was still In prog
ress when thoadjournmoiit bom arrived.
Gone Wrong.
Wi.STiii'UV , I * . L.Ojt 13. Joseph It. Hunt-
ling , law > er , justlco of the peace , Sunday
hchooj suiK'ilntciulcnt , and leader in gooil
winks generally , and possorof thoconlldonco
of thu entile community , appears to Imvo
gonu w rung. Some tlmo au Piederick Wild-
licks , a New Yoik bulldei , placed In Hunt-
ling's hands lor sato-kcfping about SIS,000
worth of no'otlablu documents.Vililiicl.s
now claims that Huntllng has uioved lalso ,
and that ho nej-otlatoil frl.dOO worth ot the
napur. It appeals ajso that Hnntllni ; has gel
In debt to tiadesnien lo thoamonnt of tsovera
thousand dollars , and onu ot thusu creditors
attached .U mil ling's propel ty.
lovva'H W. O. T. U.
Siorx Cn v , la. , Oct. 13 , The sessions of
thu Woman's Chiistlan Temperance union
convention of Iowa to day have been given
np largely to loutlno business. The reports
of the Fccietnry , tioasinci and other olflceru
were ineu'iited. Tliiblafternoon a discussion
was had on Iho question of introducing
woman suffrage intii tun woik of Iho union.
Mn * . George. C. Haddock was present and
was Intioduccd lo the convention ,
Tlio Gulf Gale.
UATA'ISIOX : , Ocl. li Last night's furioun
gale snbsfdeil towards this iiiorpiiig and to
duj is clear. The damage to shipping and
lailroad pioi > erty is blight , and beond the
wetting of couple of barges laden with cot
ton on the gulf Mile of iho city no serious
damage U reported.
3ltty-l'lvo 1'crsotiB Drowned ntSabinc
Pass , Tc.xns.
Nr.w OIII.KAVS , La. , Oct. 13. Chief
Opcralor West , of the Western Union Tele-
; raph company , has received the following
ncssago from the operator at Oiangc , Texas :
The town of Sablno Pass was totally do-
strojcd by the vratcr of the Sablno river last
night There nro known to bo
slxty-livo lives lost. Last nisht ,
during thu overflow tlio hotel , with fifteen
or twenty people In it , was swept out Into
Uio bav , and every one of the inmates
dtowncd. The captain of a bchooner from
there to-day sa > s that not a house Is left In
the whole countiy , and every living thing
was drowned. A party of men camu from
Buinmont this evening on n train with the
Intention of joining the people of O ran go
and going down to S'vbine Pass wltli a relief
[ KoTi : . fiio wires have boon down all
duv both sides of Orange. SAbine Pass Is
twelve miles below Ucaiimont on the Sablno
AVostorn Union UnrnlnRH.
Nnw YOIIK. Oct. 1 ! ! . Al a meeting of llio
Westein Union Tulugiaph compivnv's slock-
holdcishold to da > , Samuel Sloan presiding ,
the following new dlrcclois were elected :
Austin Corbln , Henry B. Hjdu and JolinG.
Moore Thc o gentlemen take the places of
Hanlson Dinkce , deceased , Ptauk Woik
and Hugh J Juvvett. Picsldent Norvln
nieon piescntod Ids annual lupoit. The
bonded debt at the closu of tint } oar was
SOiar,20U. Thulmsinuss ot tlio > ear was :
Itevenues , SlO- 'Hab ; ; expenses , Sl'J.ars.Ttv'l ;
piolils , 8.'JHiSJ * ; siiiidus July 1 ,
Ibv , SIUOI > : ; from which piollts
und surplus deduct SV .Oi" .
foi dividends and Interest chaiges and thu
smplns June .SO , of this jcai , amounts to
8-UOli.s : ! . ! . The repoit sajs : "Whilst the
volume ol lialllc has continued to inciease.
tbu tables show a i eduction In tlie
iiivenuus. piincipally ot cable , gold and
stocK and coiiimeiclal-nuvvs cainlngs. Not-
withslnnding the continued leductlons li ,
tales , thu eainlnus fioin land linu seivice
have been well maintained , thu falling elf In
cainlngs fioin messages tiansmittcd
over land lines being less than thu Inciease
fioin wire rentals. 'Iho outlook for the ensuing
juar Is bettei. In the lace of active and ux-
lundcd competition and inithcr leduced
rates the eainlmrs aio well maintained. The
e.nly movinc of the grain ciop m ule an
active business In Julj ami August and the
weeklv letmns trom lust otllces bhowed a
large fucicisc : of the earnlnus , and some in
crease over these ot the coiiespondlng weeks
of the piovious veai Is still uxiilbllud. It has
been demonstialed with two or mine
competitois reaching nil the ] nincliil ) com-
meicinl centeis ei t of tlm HocKy moun
tains , and with somt1 of the rates cut bulovv
cost of seivice the company ' -till maintains
an earning eatneitj eijnal to mote thin I
pet ceni on its capital stock above lixod
chaiges. ' '
_ _
An Ijiist-ltimnd I'ool Foiinrd.
Cine uo , Oit. i ; : . The manaureis of the
northwetein lines agtced lo form a pool on
cist hound tieiglil tialllc , lovei ing all busi
ness exccpl wheat and itspiodncb. The- pool
Is to bo foi one jearwilh ninety davb' notice
ot wltlidiawal.iftei Octobei 15 , Ibb7 , andgocs
into ellutt to-mouow. The west-bound pool
wnsajjieed to jc tcnla > . J.X. Fuithoin v\as
eliosun as commissioner ot the association ,
and ho will uibiliate jiercentnces. ' 1 ho exemp
tion ol wheat und its inoducts takes out ol
the pool so pci cent of the tlnou li business ,
and leaves the loads fico to tight ovei the
liiinspoitntion of that amount. As all of
thu tionbles and disputes have been ovei tills
ilassot ti.ule , the agieemcnt resolves Itself
into a compromise , wheieby rates .no kept up
on meichaiiillse and live stock , while the
bulk of tialllc will be open to lice competi
tion. As the piescnt thiough late on Hum is
7W tents when destined for eastern points ,
there is not much maigln left foi the loads to
light over.
An Agreement Readied.
CHICAGO , Oct. 13. A meeting of the Peorla
committee of the Cenlial Traflic association
was held to-dav to consider the demand ot
the Indiana , Bloomlngton .t Western foi the
icaibitration ot peieontngos. Hie lusult of
the meeting was llio formulation of an agree
ment to continue to divide the business undei
the old award until January 1. pnn Idlng the
October .settlements wcro made.
Coney Islnnil Knees.
BniniiroN BIIACII , Oct. 13. Ono mlle :
( ieoigo C won , ( ! co. C. Bennett second ,
Boiinio Lad thlul. Tlmo 1:18. :
Seven fin longs : Frolic won , Kovoko
second , Grand Dukethird. . Time 1 : : > 0 %
Seven luilongs : Sam Bennett won ,
Xamora second , Bay Kebcl thlid. Time
lH : : ) < f.
Tliree-quaiters of a mile : Kiddle won ,
Orlando second , Sea Foam thlid. Time
llStf. :
Tbree-nnaiteisof a mlle : Bass 'Viol won ,
J. W. White second , Duke of Connaunht
third. Time 1:17 : .
Ono and onc-quailcr miles : Bonnie Piince
won. iionnn/a becond , Glcndnlu thud. Time
A Postponed Game.
Athletic . 0 0-3
Btookiiii . o o o i o o a 0-- : !
Tlo game.
Uaso hits Alhletlc.1) , Brooklyn S. .Kirors
Athletic 0 , Biookljn 5. Umpiie Valen
Detroit Suiroriiii ; Tor fleer.
Dr.iiiou , Oct. 13. Deli oil has a large
Geimnn poDiihitlon that is wotrlcd to-night
as > it never was bofoto. Ahtiikoln one of
llio brew eiles spi cad and became a lockout ,
and now not a biuvveiy in tlio city is inn-
nlng. No beer Is being dullvoicd oxeopt a
few kegs by Iho piopnetois 01 theii sons ,
and none will bu shipped hero trom othti
eltitis on atcount of an agioumcnt ol thu
National Bruvver nssaclatlon to Iho ellect
that In cnso of labor troubles no bcei w 111 bo
shipped to" that city until the liouble& aru
o\cr ,
Prohahly fiono North ,
CiitrAr.o , Oct. 13. Kieenian Feainley Ins
dibappuaicd fiom his usual plaeo ot business ,
111 Smith Water bticet , and it Is said that hu
has gonn lo Canada. Kearnlov was presldenl
of n corporation i mining n line ot icti It-era-
tor cars over the Illinois Cunlral , Loulbvillo ,
Nuw Albany & Chicago , and Kantotn Illinois
railroads , to which was added a com
mission business. It is charged that ho has
been running up iicight bills with lailroatts
and the different dispatch and express com
panies , and that ho has failed to remit lo his
customers until his shoitagn amounts to over
For the Itoil Skins ,
LAKK MOHAWK , N , Y , , Oet , 13. The
fourth annual Indian conference convened
here this moinlug , Ucneial Clinton B , Kisk ,
piosidcnt of the board of Indian commis
sioners , In the chair. A commltteo to ar
range the general business ol tha confeionco
was appointed. Thu session was devoted to
thu discussion of means ot clviliiinh the In
_ _
lied Hill's Slnycr Held.
CIIEYUNNE , Wo. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tel
egram to the Hue. ] The coroner's jury at
Lusk , Wjo. , In the ease of the killing of
Charles Wiley , alias Red Bill , last Sunday ,
brought In a verdict of muider In the flrsf
degieo against Deuuty Shciiil Chailos Trum-
blc. Trumblo Is in jail heio without bail.
Clnlnii ARalnst Tlldeu's Estate.
HUDSON , N. Y. Oct. 13. To-day another
judgment was filed in the county clerk's
ofllce against George H. and Samuel J. Til-
den , jr. . i In favor of the National bank uf
Klnaerhook ( or 3125,000. , Tim claim 1s tor
notes t'lven Iu 1S55.
3rovcr's ' Second Daniel in the Big National
Bank Again.
A UoRiilnr Klccllon Hliick Unll
Cleveland Suddenly Hnmcmburs
tl > o AVeslorn Unit of the Krlo
Cnnal Other News.
Hack nt II IH Post ,
\VAMiixoTort , Oct. 1 ! ! . ( Spechl Tolojriun
to the lHu. : ] It was live minutes to 13
o'clock this morning when Secretary Man-
nine's open carrlngo caino down riftocnth
street. 'I lie colored government mossomrei ,
who ha been with Mr. Manning slneo the
"ilnj lie lull the tti-vwry , sat upon thu front
Fcntbcsido the livened coaehmin. On tlin
back sent was Jjecietary Manning niul Ids
tirnthci in-law , Mr. Kiyer. The carriage
dro\e dovMi to the southeastern door on Fif
teenth sticct , and thu Svjcietnry entered the
trenbiny bv the sainu way ho was cariled out
over six innnth ago. Mr. I'rvci wtsllrslout
of the milage niul the secretary followed
him slovvl > . Once on thu pavement he
stopped to say a few welds to seveial novvs-
piper coiri'spotulents who happened to be
"I feel much better , " said the secrotarv ,
"and ,1111 plnd to get back again. YIH , 1 am
about to take charge , and think 1 w 111 bu able
to do all the wo'rk required of inn. I feel
finite tested this inornliiu , after yesteulay's
Journey. "
Then Mr. Manning mo\ed toward thosteps ,
when it was noticed that ho limped a great
deal , Ho doesnot seem to have lost much if
any Ilesh , but his lacu has not its healthy
look , lie had some dilllculty In getting up
the dozen steps /ending / ( o thu trensmy , and
he went upsidovvay , not bending his light
IU.T to any gloat extent. Mi. 1'iiui olleri'd
to a blst him , but no i of used the ptolfuied aid ,
and walked up alone. Once inside the corri
dor , however , ho found the. cxeition too
much , and ho allowed Mr. Trj or to take his
aim. The elevator cairied him up to his
room , and ho wont Into thu olllco at ouco and
thu door was closed. The news of his
spread inpully , but hu saw \orv few people.
Much speculation was indulged In as to how
long Ml. Manning will icmaln as sect clary.
The goneial verdict Is that lie will resign
again after the Novcinbei elections.
mosi : cou.xuiuinn ci.uuricATiN.
Nothing whateve'i is known iimong the
gov eminent olllcials in Washington as to thu
counteifoll silver ceitilicalcs in Chicago.
The olhccis in chaige ot the secret sei vice
buicnii said : "This thing Is simply Impos
sible. if theio been any cmintorloits ol
the now $10 silver certificates disco\eiud in
Chicago , or elsewhere , ' wo should have been
the Hrst to hear ol it. Hut this ofllco isv ith-
out any know lodge of any such discovery.
The statements that the seciet beiuce at
Washington sent ofticers to follow the tiail
of tlic strange men who went to Chicago to
dl ° tnbute this counterfeit stull is not tine.
No seciet service ollieur was stint from this
buieau , and w ha\o no Infoimallon what
ever ab to any cmintpileit of this nuvv ceitl-
licate. Thu statement that counterfeit notes
aio printed Wull-nxccuted. enslaved
plates Is a physical Impossibility. The notes
nave been Issued but doout a month , and It
would not Imvo been posblblu to unguvcn
plato that could bo called well executed In
thattlme. " '
Commissioner of rcnsions lliaclc seems to
bo lookih , ' out towauls stopping any attempt
ot the cleiks In the pension bin can to go
homo and voter .Holms issued orders to all
the chiefs ot divisions to make aieport of
men who ask \acatlonsfiom now to a
ceitiiln time In November , lie also requests
the chiefs to icpuit any picric who may bu at
homo now and whoso time extends past a
certain time In November. While no uxact
date Is named in November , It Is well know n
that the election will take place In the eaily
pait of the month , and a curtain time in No
vember will cover that time. Gencial Black
thus hopes to have a little list ot all men
who want to ao homo and exercise their
light of Iranchlse , and ho thinks , perhaps ,
the know ledge such a list Is bclorc him ,
will at . oik number of '
keep v. a laigo lopu'jii-
c.ui cluiks. At any rate ho Is going tote
to It.
ci.tviiAxi : : > ANI > m iinprAr.o rimixps.
1'iesidunt ClovcUnd has at last taken the
alarm , amUit Is now stated on the most ex
cellent authoiity that ho will , during the
next month , attempt to atone tor tin ; manner
In which be has treated his old fiiei.ds and
political allies in Bullalo. ( Since Ills admin-
Istiatlon began ho baa persistently puisucd
the policy of ignoring Jds old-time filcnds ,
and up to the present moment not a Buffalo
man has been appointed to a position
of any kind In Washington by the pieshlent.
Helms can led lils resentment tovvaids the
icsldcnts ot hit old home city to such an
extent that he oven selected an outside man
for Internal revenue collector ol the Binfalo
dlstiict when ho Idled that ollicu last
week. Naturally tlieio is In Huflalo
in consequence a deep-seated feel
ing of resentment towaids Hull'alo'.s
quondam major. There Is no open out
break and , from the outside , no apparent
dissatisfaction , lliil onu has only to spend
an hour in the city to and that among mich
men as Lockwood , Titus. ( Joodjear , Hum
phrey , the loaders of the paity , and Cintln ,
Schcn , Crooker , X.ieclo , HniiPlu and Nichols ,
who aie the "workeis , there is a manifest
pieteienco lor Govcrnoi lllll as the presi
dential candidate lor ibss. This anil-Cleve
land tcellng is so stionir among the
dumocints , vvjioro none should exist , that
not a dcmocntt ot promlnenco will oven
consent lo sign an cndornemunt for any man
fora federal ofllto , with the exception ot
ux-pattncr lih.icll aihl a Itivvot his Immediate
adherents. Cleveland has beun too busy with
other sections of the country to pa > much
attention to Ins own homo , but
at last ho has awakened lo the
danger. Last week ho sent tor cx-
Partimr Blssull and that gentleman came on
and spent wevural days In close continuation
with Ills liiond. The pie.sldeiit inquired as
to the earnings of a ninnbui ot men whom he
thought ol appointing to federal places , and
Dan Luniont supp ) wonted ilit'so inquiries
with teisoquesllons , ute thu political worth
of such Individuals . The result Is lhal Clove-
land lias a list of p\n liable men tiom Buffalo
at last from which I 16 will fiom time to time
belect appointee.Injjiopos of stemming the
cm rent of thu Hill ntlment. Astute politi
cians fioin western New Yoik. however ,
think it now too Into to turn the tide.
The follow ins , poitmasters wore commis
sioned to-day : ( Jtto'D. Itwiiiubson , Danno-
biog , Nob. : AIlcoIU Cloves Alton. la , : Jus.
N , Davis , Knovvllhv la.
on Cottnin Products.
WASIIIXOTQX , Oct. VI. A. proclamation
luvoktng the discriminating customs Im
posed ( and levied on the piuducts of , and
mildew proceeding under the Spanish flag
from Cuba and I'urto Jllco , was issued this
af let noon , The proclamation saja that :
Wheiois , Uycommeictalagrupmunt , signed
at Madrid IVbruitiy IS. BM , it was btlimhited
and provided that "dutlps of tlio thlid col
umn of custoiiis tariffs of Cuba and I'dito
Rico , which Implies a suppression of differ
ential Hag duty , " Mionld at once bo applied
to products ami articles pioifaedlng'from the
United .States of Aini'ileu , and
Whereas , Complete biiuprusaion of differ
entia ! llag duty in respect ot all vf&sels of tlio
I'nlted States and their cargoes entering
ports of Cuba and 1'orto Jtlco , Is by the terms
of said agreement expiesMy made a consider
ation for the oxcrciso of authority coulcired
upon the president In respect of theeusDcn-
sfon of the collection of foreign discriminat
ing dulles of tonnage and imposts upon
mercliainllso within tlio United
Htnt'js from Cnbi and Porto Ulco iu Spanish
\csscls , by Section 432S ot the re"Ised $ .tat-
utos and
Wherea , Proof is given to IIIP that such
complete suppression of dllfcrcntial Unit clutv
In respect of vessels of the United states and
their cirgoes cnterltii : ports of Culn and
1'oito lltco has not , In fact , been secured ,
but that higher and discriminating duties
continue to bo Imposed and lev led In said
ports upon certain produce , nnnufacture-j 01
merchandise Impoiteit Into ald ports Horn
tlie United States or Horn anv foreign conn-
try In esseH of the United States that Is
Imported and lev led on HUe inoduce , iimnu-
tncaiics or merchandise cairied to said ports
In Spanish vo eK
Now. therefoti1 , 1 , ( ! rover Cleveland ,
president of the Unlifd Stales of America ,
In execution of the afoicsaid section of the
statute * , do hereby revoke the suspension of
discriminating customs imposed and levied
In polls ot the United States on products of ,
niul articles proceeding under the Spanish
Hag from Cubi and Vorto Itlco , which is set
lorth and contained in tlio atoiesild proc-
lamallon. dated the fourteenth dav of Keb-
ruarv , eighteen hundiud and elghtv-fonr ;
this revocation of said proclamation to tal\c
effect on ami after the the twontv-llfth < lay
of October Instant.
Clilol'ilitHtlco Chnoo'H UeinnliiH.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 13 The remains of
Chief Justice Salmon 1' . Ch.isu lett Wash
ington by a special train , which pieeccds the
icgulnr3u : ! train , this afternoon , for Cincin
nati , where ihcj will arrive at 70 : ! to-morrow
moining. An assemblage of distinguished
pcojilu accompanied the icnulns In the pro
cession tiom the cemeteiv to the depot.
Among them were a committee- eoniricss ,
of which llepiPM'ittalhe Mutterworlh Is
chalrmnn , and ICepresentatlvcs Little and
Onthvvaitu ate incmbeis : committee of the
supreme couit of the United States , conslst-
inc of the chlet Justlcoand Associate Justices
Blatehford. Matthews , and Woods : eommit-
tcu of thu bar association : committee consist
ing ot piomincnt colored men , with whom
tlio distinguished dead ! nd piMsonal and
friendly relations ; Attoiney icneial ! Har-
land , representinc tlio pieshlent ; Honor
Itomrro , Mexican minister ; Whltolaw Head ,
and Hiram Itainey ( tvvoof the inll-Ucnreis ol
the oiiglnal tmieial ) ; W. W. Coieoran , and
many local people of note.
There was no ceremonial In Washington.
The remains , which weio deposited thlitecn
years ago in Oak Hill cemeterj , were disln-
tenedday bufoiu vesteiday and l.i } In theli
new casket In tlio middle of the little
Rothle chapel In the cemeteiy. Aionnd
them the assenblage stood vvitliiineoveiud
liead while the bodv guaid wan marshalled to
Its place and then , forming in funeial pro-
ecsslon , lollowed thoin slowly lo the lie.iisu.
Mrs. Chasoand hci dauchler vvcio escorle < l
to and trom lliocariiaceby ( iuneral Sheildnn.
The body suaid was composed of colored
men , among whom were Kdward Brown ,
who for inanv jeais served Chief Justice
Chas-u as coachman , William Jojce , his mes
senger , who was with him when bodied , and
Howard Williams , manyjeaisn tiusled bcr-
\antof thu family.
They Made a Mistake ,
WASIIINOIOV , Oct. 11. I'mHiei advices
have been icccivcd by the statu deputm-nt
today touching thu action of the Canadian
authoiltlus In hauUnc down the Ameriean
ling on the schooner Manon Gilmes. The
facts as officially stated aie that the anni-
veiwiryot the biithdav of the captain of tlio
( iiimes occurred while his vessel was in the
ciistod > of the Canadian otiiclals and ho eele-
biated the event by hoisting the Ameriean
Hag ovei his vessel. The Canadian customs
oflicers have conlessc < l that a mistake was
made in summailly loweiing the colois and
have expiessed relict at thu occurrence , and
as the ilrimes has been released no luithei
notice is likulv to bo taken ot the case by the
dcpaitmcntot btatc.
4.rmy OfUocra Aclrnnocdi
WASHINGTON , Oct-.ljS. The prcsldont to-
to-day appointed Colonel O. 1J. Wlllcox ,
Twelfth infantry , to bo brigadier general ,
vice Oeneial J. JI. Toiler , lelirod j esleiday.
Oeneial Wilicox has been oideied lo Fwrt
l.uavcnwoith to assume commtnd of thu de
partment ot Missouri. The. incident has ap
pointed Colonel James C. I ) 11,1110 to be chlof
ofenginoeis , United States arnn , wlthlho
rankof bilgadler geneial , viceOcneial New-
Ion , lesicned. Cuneial Dmno Is now on
duty in Now Yoik as engineer ol the Third
lighthouse district
Tlio Cattle
WASHINGTON , Oct. i : ) . Commlsslonei
Column this morning received a tclcciam
from Dr. Salmon , chief of tlio buieau of an
imal industry , in which he states that the in
vestigations of the nast week show that nleuro
pneumonia Is widely .scattered among the
cattle of Chicago. He is perfecting arrange
ments to secure anil quarantine tlio exposed
animals and slau htei the diseased ones , in
thlh work he has the hearty co-opeiatlon of
the btate cattle commission of Illinois. Anew
now quarantine notice has bean issued in
which the penalties provided by the national
law aio set forlh.
Aincrlcfiti Academy of Moillclnc.
PiTi.snuito , Pa. , Oct. 13 The American
Academy of Mcdlclnu finished up its busi
ness lo-day and adjoin ncd shortly after noon
to meet In Washington , I ) . C. , 1'iiday and
Satuiday piecedlng the international
medical coiuress , which convenes in this
city September 15. lbS7 , At this moinlng's
session the follow Ing olllceis were eleeted ;
president , Dr. L. P. Bush , Wilmington. Del. ;
vice prcbidenls. Dr. 1C. I.owiy Sibbott , Car
lisle , 1'a. : Dr. Samuel J. Jones , Chlcaco : Dr.
ritlneasT. Connor , Cincinnati ; Di. Virgil
1' . ( iibncy. New Voik ; secietaiy and treas
urer , Dr. It. J. Dnnglcbon , Philadelphia.
I/ntnnla Jockey Cliil )
CINCINNATI , Oct. I ! ) . Seven furlongs
Emma Johnson won , Clatter second , l'i obits
third. Tlmo-l:30Jtf :
Ono mill' lionlta won , Blithday second ,
Wandeierthiid. Time -1 Ml.
Half mill * NMoletto won , Lady Max second ,
Varlim third , Tlino IDJSf.
One mlle Klorlmoro won. King ( ieoigo
second , Liillo Fellow Ihlid. Time 1M" .
Six linlonis Kalo-A. won , Ovid bucond ,
I'oteen thlid. Time 1:17. :
Rniull-I'ox nt Toronto.
ToitoNro , Out. , Oct. 13. Small-pox has
broken out again at Tienton , a hiuull town
on the line of a rail way between Toionto and
Montical. Tlteiowas a small-pox onldemlo
at Trenton nshoit tlmoago. and It Isfenied
thu discs so may again spread with tlio same
rapidity which characleri/ed thu foiincrout
break. The disease first made its appealanco
in the family of a seamstiebs , and it IH feared
the contagion lias been spread among a laigo
number of families for whom the woiked.
'lliere was a legular panic In the town among
the people she setved when the tacts of tlio
case worn mudo known lo day.
Knulhara Given a Ton.
SOKIA , Oct. W. General Kanlbaip , who Is
at Vaina , has exchanged vl.sits with the
foreign contuls theie , and both the Austrian
and 1'iench consuls have accepted invita
tions to take tea with him. Gonrral Knnl-
bar Ib awaiting inilers as to vvhethci ho
shall lemuin ! n liulgaiia 01 letiiiu to
Tlio ItuUarlan J loctloim.
SOFIA , Oct. 11 The elections in Unlgatla
foi members of the great hobianjo Imvu 10-
bulted In the mini n of lorty-elght Alexander
rtindldalcs , ot tvventv-six nionibeis of the
Xnnkolf iiuty and fifteen adherents ot M.
Karav cloif.
ICurnpoaii Situation.
VIENNA , Oct. W. The Post's Vienna correspondent -
respondent as&ei Is that Turkey has i ejected
Russian ovortnics for Joint action against
Knglandiiiui Austila. Franco sliongiy nip-
poiteil Itussla.UHlolfeicd financial asslstanco
to Tin key.
_ _
An IIIHIIIIU I'lonolier ,
Di-ni.iN , Oct. 13. The Kvoning Mall to
day sajs that the Her , Augustus Htall'oid
lliooUe , tlio eminent Unltarlvn preacher , hat )
lx > cotno crazy and been confined In an iiibano
asylum , _ _
HopcatlnK Kllles Tor Goriniiiiy.
llKiti.i.v , Oct. lit. ( jennany has decided
to supply her wbolo army with repeating
? larks of Itospeot to HH Honored
Stiulcnt and Co turn do.
Livroi.v , Neb. , Oct. in. [ Spwlal Telegram
lo the UKK.I 1'no death of Krank I *
Wheeler , of Uphold fever , which occurred
this morning , was sad news to his many
f i IcmK lie was a student at HIP university
at the time , and the following order tins been
Issued :
Lixroi \ , Oct. n. ( ieneial order No ( i :
H Is w lib great sotrow thai thu comni uulanl
announces the death , at U o'clock n. iu. . to-
ilav. ol Ki auk L. Wheeler , a fellow student
and formei eomiado of the members of this
battalion , who has pissed thiongh its requlie-
mcnts and acipiltted himself with honoi , and
had completed his teim of service' .
An nccomplisiied muslcl > n , tlio cadet band
owes much of Us call ) success to his Inteiest
and olToits , and his membeishlp with it con
tinued oven alter his teim of seivlco had ex-
plied until theio was assui.mccnr Its con
tinued prospuilty. A warm hearted , genial
guntlemnn , ho had endeaied hlmscll to all
his acquaintances and his loss will bo deeply
felt , not only bj in , his late comrades but liv
Ids instructors and fellow students , ntid bv
these clli/ens of this cltv who know tinil
loved him in his social life. The colors of
the cadet battalion will bo draped in nioiiin-
ingand thu usual badge thereof will bo worn
upon I lie swouls ol olllceis for n period of
thlrt.v days. HnuuiS. lmi.i\ : ,
I'list Lieut. 'Jd U. S Art. Coniiimndant ,
The funeral seivlces will be held In the
Chanel ot the unlveislt > at 10 : . U ) a. iu , , con
ducted by Hev. Unrgesx. of Phitlsmonth.
The lumalns will bo liken to PlatUsmouth
Fildny morning fc.i Inteunent.
The Oniniinlcii at Konrnov.
Ki Ait.NKY. Ni'b. . Oet -Special [ Tele
gram to the Hi 1. 1 The lepubllean cam
paign was opened to-night bj licncral
Tliayer , Coiijties-iman Dorsoy , Audltoi Scott
and Attorney ( Jeneiat Loose at the Model
rink. A largo crowd assembled and
enthusiasm was manifest. Mnsle was fur
nished by the reform sclioul bind. The
speakers worn intioilneed by Ceneial Conner
In his most eloquent mannci.
The mikado at Lincoln.
LINTOI.N , Neb , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele-
pinnHo the Bii : : . | Owing to tlio heavy rains
which set In just at , the numbers nt the
opeia hoiiso lo see the Mikado by the homo
talent was not large , but sulllclent to assuie
tint management that a lingo number will bo
picscutat Its pi'ifonuaiicu to-morrow night ,
Lincoln's Tenth Hailroad.
LiNfoi.N , Oot. 1. ) . fSpcclal Telegiam lethe
the Hi.n.l The Kieniont t Klkhorn Valley
road was completed to Lincoln at noon to-
da > , this making the tenth road now running
Into tlio city.
The Itooillc Aldcrinon.
Nrw YOIIK , Oct. l.'l. Aldcimon O'Neill
and Heilly slept last nlnht at police head-
qnniteis with three detectives as their bed
fellows. This nioinlng they weie fin nished
with bicak fast and then taken to thodlhti tct
attornej's ollite. At noon to-day all the
boodle aldeimen who are not known to
havu skipped had eithui been tiken into
custody 01 smrendcicd themselves except
Wendel and Kinck. No apprelionsion was
felt for tins- two , It being said they would
shoitly boon hand. In the ( onrt of general
sessions to day , the case of Henry b. I'luison
was called , and as hu did not luspond ills
ijond wasdcclaicd loilelted.
On apjillcntlon of tlio tli-ti let attoinoy the
ball of AlUorman Sajles vvius alsodeilaied
lorteitod. Pearson nave lutims ln$40,000 this
afteinoon. K\-Alderman Wendal came to ,
tlio district attorney's olllcf nc.compaulcd by
Ills hondaman\IJoinarxlk'vi.Urtiti.c { : > jeY' ! ur.
l'x--Aldormnu ; tJ."iiicl ( . UKO icjiUcd'nt Iholls- '
tnct attoincv's otllco to arrange for'fnci eased'
ball. Aldciman Shields , who was released
on temporal v bonds laj.t night in the police
geneial olhte , paid a .slioit visit to the district
attoiney's otilco , icnmlnlng only until the
bondb wcio poifeclud and nudu permanent
UAI.TIMOIIK , lid. . Oct. 115. Tlio will ol the
late . Joseph Neal , uncle of Piesldont Cleve
land , was filed lor piobate. The document
Is written on both sides of note pnpei in lead
pencil , and Is dated in Ib7 ! > . The estate Is
divided Into eighteen parts , thus : First , six
puts to Small Geio ; second , six pails to his
sister , Ann CIov eland , widow ( President
Cleveland's mother ) , 01 her children , U anv
survive , thus making 1 lusidcnt Cleveland
one of the holts. Thu lematnderof the es
tate goes to other lehitlves ot the deceased.
The estatu Is not largo.
1'rlsonors Iry to
Irsw ICH , Mass. , Ocl. 13. A riot occm red
among Iho prisoners In the contract labor
depaitment ol the county house to day. The
ptlsoneis madoaiush and overpowered the
keepeis , but weio uniiblo lo lind thu kejs.
Afotcool police , hastily summoned. Mie-
cecded in subduing the piisoncrs. Keener
Kails war badly injured. A ireiioral escape
had been planned , and an opportunity was
sulked when Ivvo ot the keepers wore absent
to make- the attumpt. All the piisoneis aru
now undei conttol.
A Kljilit Ainont ; llendrfckV IIclrH.
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Oct. If ! . Ann Hen
drlcks Pleice. and others in Now Yoilc , who
claim lo bo hulls of Mrs. Jane T. Hendilcks ,
mother ot Urn Into vlce-picsldent , have telegraphed -
graphed u piotcst ngaiiiht all inocecdings
taken in tliu settlement of thu estate of .Mi.
Heniliicks. They s.n theli inteie.sts Btr 'iu-
gatoone-thlid tlio eslate , and they liavoio-
celved no nntleo ot thu pioccedlnu's. Tnls
juotest will bu followed tiy pipeis now being
piupatcd , The widow ot the dead statesman
Is oxecutilx of the eslate.
A ChfciiK" I'Miglnvo Coining Hack.
Nuw Yoint , O ( t. IH. Two years ago Low is
A. iwovy , aged Ihhty-sev on , Mole 5925 in the
branch liouse of Ilieiilano BIOS , in Chicago ,
itischaiged , and ( led to Kurope. Jn Svvit/ei-
land lie maiiied a jonng lady with a ( low or
of illO.OOO. Two montlis ago hu letuined hero
and was airet-tcd lot tinging a eiicck for
&iGOO on J. L. Paikui , ol Montionl , puivlous
to the Biontano lohh.'ii' . As no lequisltlon
was madu foi hlmby the Dominion govern
ment hu was dischaig.d , hut was luaiicstcd
lot lobbing Iho Iticntnnos and taken to Chi
les .Molnen In tins
Iis MOI.SKS , la. , Oct. lit. DCS Molnes
was today admitted to the Northwestern
Base IIiill league at n meeting of tlntdiicc-
torb at St. Paul. A btiong association lias
been foi mod bete with hack-
IIIL- . and n club will bo engaged tit oncu foi
nextbouson ,
Tlio Situation Critical.
BKIII.I.V , Oct. ii. : The Kovernment has
lecclvod 11 long telogiam tiom Heir Thlel-
man , ( iernian agnnt at Sofia. Ho descilbes
the position of atfalrs as oxliemely ,
U Is repotted tlijit Russia h.ih nntilled the
jMiwciHof Iho neiesslty ol ! immcdletu occu
pation In Bulgaihi.
Ijx-Iiosldeni Gon/.ulc.s
Nivv : Onu'.ANb , Oct. l.i. The Plea > unu's
KlPasospccI ( jeportb the assahslnation of
ux-l'iesldc-iu doiuales. in an intenui town
In Mexico. No pattlculur areuiven.
Two IMoio ItodleH Jtecovercil ,
Si , LOLIH , Oct. 13. A sjicolal tiom Cape
( iliaulean to the Post-Dispatch hiyt , the
bodies of MUs Itabicli and M . Judge liar-
ner , killed In the La Mascoito dlsasti-i , have
been recovcied and bin led tiiciu.
The Autiimiillu Muk vein.
They uro inonounceil by nil visitors
tlin grandest , most in uniwn , hciiMitilin
and complluutcd vvorUH of nilistlo nieu-
luinUm the world 1ms piuduced , No-
ijody can afhml to miss n visit to 1118
runiuin. You will bo iisloiilblied to buo
the niastnrly uoiitribntidiiK to tlio Hold of
Antoniutlo Buience. KI.JIK.MIIUU o u , \
Beer Laden ixml Blood Thirsty Qatlieringa
of Socialists nnd Dynamiters.
Loud nnd Lurid Slionls A > ; ninst Pnr-
nolllmn nnd CapllaltHiu ( Jovernor
lllll Donoiinoed ns a
Stormy Times.
The I'nrtlouod Uoj-ootlori" .
Nr.w Yiinu , Oct. -Special ( Telecram to
the BKP.I The socialists and anarchists
of thoeitj lield a meeting at Lincoln hall last
night to express their gratitude to Gov. Hill
for commuting tbo sentence of Iho Thclss
boycolters. A cominllteo was appointed toco
lo Sing Sing and escot t the boj cotters to Ihoir
liall , whern a meeting was lo bo held , When
the bocoUvis approached Lincoln hall Ihey
weiu st'ittled by a ticmcndous eheetlng and
when they wuie ushered Into Iho saloon llielr
aims weiv ncarlj wrenched out of lluilr
sockets by vigoinus handshakes , * which thow
had to undergo. They were called brnvo
men and mart } rs to the causn of laboi , after
which they went mndo to swallow
innumerable glasses of beer. Tlmy
\\cie taken fiom room to room
lo show tlicmbclves to Ihu ciovvd. Paul Wll-
seiu was called upon for a speech. In com-
plvlng hu coilalniv did not show anv repent-
iiuco tor thootlunco tor which ho had been
convicted , nor any evidences of clntngooC
hcnrt , ns was intimated by Governor lllll In
commuting the sentence. Hu launched foitli
Into thu usual socialistic abiibu of capitalist ! ) .
Ho said lie had been sent to ptiv
0113 by the biutallty of capitalism ,
wllh thu assistance ot money bags How
ever disagreeable was the confinement in
mlson In the society of thieves nnd other
cilmlnals , he would have lather complete-
thulcimto whieli hu had been sentenced
than to give "Unit dcmagnguo Hill" any
leason whatever to Imagine ho could iibo him
and his associates ns tools with which id' '
catch votes for Ids party In the approaching
elections. The governor hid mndo a mistake
In his calculations , for the ( socialists know
what his motives wcro nnd Unit he acini' '
meicly fiom .self inteicst. The socialists
should elect lleni.v George.
Now Vorlc IrlNhiiion I'lnyliiji Into tlio
llamlH of the ICncniy.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 1' ! . TSpcclal Telegram to
tlio BIE.I : 'ihe municipal council of tlio
Irish National league met nnd Indulged In a
hot debate last night. A resolution was In
troduced censuilng blanch No. I'i'.i , and with
draw ins Its chatter because , at a meeting of
the bianch , Octobei 3lth mumbeis expiesM-d a
decided disinclination to comply \vlththcic-
quests foi aid foi evicted tenants mndi1 by
I'ainell , nnd had advocated Ihu use "ol moio
vlnoious mensuies' than Jielnntl's clram-
pioii thinks ndvKible. . This , tl.o icsoliilion
deelaied , wns levolullonnij. A toimj dis
cussion followed , and moio than one meni-
hei deelaied that Pninell was altogether too
slow , and thai it would bu bdttiu.
to use the money to iiievont evic
tions bv loicu than in iiuu'oitiiijj '
longer the victims of English tyiannv.
Jli. Djorsaid it vYas Jitsi as well lor onrt
brancli to drop tlio cjoak ot hipocii\cy-y\Hl \ ) -
com ou . bfildly In favor of dynaiiiH" , tJK'
President , Doianov promptly Qiipprcsswl luin
wlthloice. Thuwholo nfatter WIIH ilnailyt
'Jn'itl'OnJiJUatvV * and the council pissfTlri
resolutloil calling for contributions lor tbo
eviction fund. Dining thu evening thercv
was icfurencu to Mi. KiUgoi.ild , president of
tlio National oiganl/ntion , "as ono. who had
got his ollicu the dev II knows how , " and thO
discussion was earned on foi some tlmo
after tlio niL-etltig adjourned , but President
Dclanoy finally got thu mcmbeis out of the
_ _
Tlir Gtcat GIpiictalo Sale.
LOUISVII.I.K. Kv. , Oet 13. The sale qt
blooded tiotlcis at the celebrated Ulundnl'o
stock f.uin continued to day with a Rood at
tendance. Tbo bidding was biisk. Fifty-
boven bend sold foi 8107 , 1'X ) , average 31,885
per head. Among the more noted horecs
sold whcie : Kstella , tvvoeu old bay filly ,
Bruce Douglas Nnsnvllle , : iUX ) ;
two-yenr-old black mnie , W. P. IJiims , Teiifl
Hanlo , S3iOO ( ; Innn Wilkes , foin-year-olkl
bl.ickmaie , U. B. Metcalf. Luxlngton , Ky. ,
Sl.oj'i ; Ciiert.vwooil , buckling bay poll , H. .7.
Wilson. Bitshvllle , Ind. ; fsniinoann. llvc-
ve.n old blown mnio , John H. ShuIU , Brook
lyn , Sn.OjO : lieino Victoria , eleven-jeai-olil
bay maie , Fied Xacoid , ( lalcsburg , HIM. ,
S7.0J5Cnvlei : , elghtcon-j ear-old bay stallloil ,
.lolm II. ShultBrookivn. . Sl.OOO ; Nevada ,
tvvo-vuai-ohl chestnnt maie , C. F. Kmcry ,
Cleveland , 8l.'J.'S.
For St-uiilii'il : Kallrond Time.
NEW YOIIK , Oct. U ) . The geneial ruihond
time convention met nt lite Hotel Brunswick
to-day. There vvcio ono bundled und tvvcn-
ty-hvo managers and general managers of
rail ) ends throughout the United States and
Canada present. Thu association met tiir
thu puipobcof discussing tliobe inle.s , which
nnmbuied twenty-live , coveting every polnb
lel.iling to lh < ; time and management ot
tiains , and If no objection is , made to them
tbu convention will adopt thum , and sign an
iigicement to put thorn into cllect on the 15th
rtt Novembei.
The Cellar ISottoni Drop * Out.
SIIKNASDOAII , Pa. , Oct. IU. Tim tollnr oZ
a building , belonging lo a man named Ifen-
nessu > , livlni ; in WeslCoalo street , Is uhjli-
teen feel aciossnnd ouo bundled feet deep.
The bottom of It ill opped out to-day , falling
Into the vvoiklngs or the Oakdalu collloiy.
The houho Is Htlll blniidlng. but fears uio m-
tertalnod not only for ill safety , but for the
safety ol other bulldlngti In the neighbor
hood , and the people of that section of Ihu
boiougb are tetrlbly excited ,
Flvo nion Iladly Hurt.
I'll iNiii'itu , Oct. IH. A bcnlloldnt tlionuw
building of thu Allegheny County Kltictno
Light company ' fell this aflcinoon , prccipl-
tatlngiiv'u men to the Kiound , a dlbtunco of
about lilty feet. All weio danucrously hint ,
nnd two ol thum , Alexandur Frouman anil
Cyius Slew art , lecoived fatal uljinlcs.
NolirnHku and lovva Weather.
Foi Nebiaskn and Iowa : Fair weather ,
preceded by local rains In thuenstein poitlon ,
decidedly coohn In thu eastern portloh ;
Hlatlonaiy temperatuiu in thu westcui i > or-
Ijlttln Tommy ,
Hoston Hccoid. Litllu Toniiny Ims n
very piirrerbo disposition anet vvhioli
the doctor , who was called to prcscilbo n
uonisu of truntniunt for him rccuntly ,
seems to Imvo taken fully into account.
When tlm doctor calluil Ivvo vvtioks nfter
ho had told Toniiny vvhnt to do in oidur
to yet vvull , ho found the hey plainly very
much bettor.
" \Voll \ , how nro yon , Tommy * " the
doctor asked.
"Oh , I'm nil cunsd now , " siilil Tommy ,
with n giln.
"Tlmt'H Kom\ \ I'm "
voiy KomI'm muo ,
' Yd , hut I didn't do u biilgh ) ono of
Ihu things .v on told inn to , doutor ! "
"Of roiirso ion dnlii't ! 1 kiit-w you
wouldn't , nnd thnl'u thu re-a son I told } ou
to do thum , " Mild the dot-tor.
" 1 got up iviriilar ) > at C o'clock now lode
do my praetioiiiic huforo sc-liool tlmo , '
said Tommy , who is Jeurnin # the violin.
"Ah , indued ? Well , I suppose Kt-Uinj ;
up at ft o'clock now moans that you really
got up at that hour this moriiinir , docmi't
"N-iio , not oxnctly , " s.xhl Tommy } ,
" > ou RUO , I'm tjoinj ; to begin to-uioiio y
niornln' ' ! ' ' .