Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Lancaster County Flooded with Money to
Oarry On the Campaign.
Prourcsi of 31 any Stntc Works An
Obstreperous Prisoner nt ( Iio
I'cti AVnrincil Avltli I
Lincoln News.
[ rnov TUB nr.r.'R LINCOLN nunr. tt * . |
The pleasant ucalhor is to the advant
age of political worker * and nil sides are
taking an active part. The republicans ,
straight , on doubling their forces in this
county , having received anew "iipply of
boodle , possibly a part of the $50,000 sup
posed to huvo been expended in Tonnrs-
see when mugwumps were at a premium.
However , If Howe were to expend the
whole $50,000 in thn big First district it
would not elect him , as the average
voters are beginning to llnd out that the
self constituted leaders in their respec
tive localities arc so easily controlled by
boodle , which they have to make up in
the way of railroad tax on tholr grain
and stock before the year is tip. They
are refusing to longer bo led , and hence
the action of the independent republican
voters of this county. While they have
no boodle , an active campaign will bo
made by individuals throughout this
county , and when the votes are counted
in November it will bo found that the
money appropriated to cary votes in
Tennessee -ibsolutcly failed to cap
ture the honest votes In Nebraska in sup
port of the bar-tending temperance advo
cate , who is all things to all men , who
Jives in allluoncc ami rolls in wealth se
cured largely by killing hills which ho
Introduced in the Nebraska legislature
and oilier wily moans known to the No-
inulia statesman who will never repre
sent the First district in congress.
iMKjoituss or STATI : WOIIKS
The board of public lands and build-
vings , at its meeting on Monday , al
lowed the estimate for the second 500
foot being sunk and known as the salt
well. A now plant with new and in
creased machinery has taken the place of
the old and the hole will continue to go
down until salt , coall or nothing but
China can bo found. Already it is over
one thousand foot deep. The Insane hos
pital at Norfolk , the now reform school
bitildtn" at Kearney and the feeble
minded building at Beatrice , are all Hear
ing completion and it is thought will be
ready for acceptance by the jjtuto within
the next four weeks. The secretary of
state is having the senate and representa
tive halls re Titled nnij repaired , and with
wings and other devices is improving the
acoustic properties of those places which
have always been miserable in spite of tm |
copper rims they have usud. It is bind
these false ceilings will adjust the hear
ing dilliciilty without injuring the venti
lation. The halls arc also being papered
and considerable new furniture added
for the comfort and convenience ot the
boys who are to inhabit it in the near
Owing to the fact that lucre arc an
unusually largo number of criminal cases
on the docket , the court thought best to
call a grand jury which was duly om- _
pancled and consists of the following
named gentlemen ; W. W. English ( fore
man ) , M. 11. Hubcock , T. .1. Dickson.
Tlios AiorriHy , John Slusher , Daniel
Brown , John Hurcham , Hiram McGee ,
Adam Luuterlueli , G. F. Kitzlaf , J. W.
Smith. J. 11. Dickson , J. N. Dowdcn ,
Wm Hackney , John Aburtmthy , R. V
Franklin. After receiving their instruc
tions from Judge Pound they repaired to
tholr convent , accompanied by District
Attorney Strode.
The following named gentleman huvo
been commissioned as notaries public in
their counties : K. T. Hamilton. Charles
Marsh , Goltlief Houthor , John r. Urecn.
John A. Mllroy , Charles C. George , of
Omaha , Douglas couuty ; Oscar Uaucock ,
E. J. Habcock , North Lonp , Valley
county ; 11. MeLuod , Hemingford , Dawes
county ; Albert G. Groenloo , .Lascastcr
county ; O. N. ICnight , York county
Prank VV. Blair , Ouster county ; W. L
Graham , Logan count } * ; A. r. Cullo.y ,
Sherman county ; John C. Hayes , Chase
countyO. C. Surponing , Satndors county ;
Charles L. Mannon , Koya 1'aha county ;
E. A. Complon , frontier county ; James
IJ. Mather , Polk county ; Engono II.
Johnson , Clay county ; F. E. Uobiuson ,
Adams county ; Josiah Pontiold , lloono
county ; E. K Woniplo , Hall county : Goo.
11. Stewart , Frontier county ; A..A. Athor-
ton , FHImoro county. Quito a number
of commissions are loft over upon wliich
the foes have not boon paid , Iionco the
commissions will not bo sent out until
the would-be notaries forward the nco-
essary amounts.
Among the compliments of Cass county
Drisoners brought to the penitentiary by
ShorllV Kekenbarry was , party named
Hiulahcc.k , who comcfj up for eighteen
months for grand larceny. Kudabeck is
what might bo termed a terror on general
oral principles and an offender for
years in minor matters until ha served
a term of enlistment in the regular army
When he was taken out to the pen ho
was ns ugly and obstreperous
ns Usual , and ho hadn't been
lu the bnstilo two hours
until ono of the guards had shot at him
twice for crossing the dead line. Either
the guard aimed lugli purposely or also
'ho ' is n wretched marksman , for nolther
'shot took oll'oct and thn prisoner was glatl
to quiet down. The list of delegates to
the pen from Cass county at its present
10x111 of court numbers seven , most of
worn go np for short sentences car
Tabbing , grand larceny , and likooli'onccs.
The Knights of Pythias of the city of
Lincoln gave a grand street parade on
Monday evening , followed later in the
evening : by an elegant banquet at
Poohlors that was enjoyable in oyory
way. The occasion \yas the institution
of Apollo division uniform rank , the
third division of uniformed knights in
the city. In the street 'parade over a
hundred knights in uniform paraded
through tlio principal streets of
tlio city , The other divisions
( riving many handsoma evolutions on'tho '
Una of march , and tlto streOts along the
way wore crowded with spectators. After
thn now division had been instituted at
Pythian hull , the banquet was opened ,
and 0110 hundred and lifty wore seated at
the tables. Sir Knight U. O'Neill was
toast master , and speeches were made by
Commander Downs , of Marshall division ,
by General Smithof , Lily division.Omaha ,
by Supreme Representative * iV. E. Copeland -
land , of Omahu , and others.
HE CAMI : TO nuv ooons.
Yesterday a party from Colmnlius came
down to Lincoln to buy goods. Yester
day evening he was in police court , but
the ollieials failed to got his correct namo.
lie was lined ona dollar ami cosU , and
thereby hangs an experience if not u
history. It seems that through the day
Iio was nt Trjokey's jewelry store and I
T. Clark's drug store , looking at goods
with a view of making purchases ,
and lie was Been to be accom
panied by a man ot years who \\as either
n G. A. It. man or dressed that way. The
next of tlio Columbus man that was soon ;
was when the oilcurs ! found him lying
among the li , & M. tracks wholly uncon
scious from either an abundance nof
whisky or drug' ) . The place Whore , ho
was found \\M in close proximity to some
of tlie worse til VIM in the city and the
Columbus man found that he had lost
? 10. Olllccrs are at work upon the
TIIK Klltr. l ErAlITMiXT :
is being largely increased in the city and
u new company with one of the steamers
and the new hose cart recently purchased
will take possession of Tingine house No.
1 , over In the second ward. This engine
house lias been in di use for some lime ,
but a force of about ten men are now en-
gaced in rolitting nnd furnishing it ready
for occupancy and in about two weeks'
time the house will be open for business.
The state committee announce to-day
that Congressman Laird will speak in
Lincoln on the e\eiiin > r of thelltlual
Omaha on the evening of the Ifith. and in
Norfolk on the oveninc af the Kith. The
committee al o announces that Low Wal
lace , of Indiana , will speak in live places
in the state , and that 1'latlsmoiilli and
Columbus or Fremont will be added to
the places mentioned yesterday.
Mrs. Hachel Stringfellow , of Ada , O. ,
is visiting her brother , Mart Howe , of the
land commissioners' ollico , the is so much
pleased with our city that she has Instruc
ted her brother to purchase two good lots
for her to hold as a speculation.
Mr. llobin on nnd daughter , of Colum
bus , O. , father and sihtor of Mrs. Charley
Carter , are vWting With their friends.
Ml s Laura Irvm , who has been on the
sick IKt for some time , took a run home
to Kearney yesterday , whore she will re
main for a time.
IN I'Oi.icr. roL'HT.
Tlio judge yesterday dispensed of
seven casus in the police court. James
Clary , for drunk and disorderlv and re
sisting an ollicer , was lined $10 and costs
and committed
Two plain drunks wore up looking as
though they hail been through the war
in Bulgaria. Each one \\as assessed a
line of $ ! 1 anil costs one of whom paid ,
and the other was committed.
There was a light about midnight
before last in which n man was qitilo
badlv pounded up. The question of ar
rests" was being discussed in court yester
day , and it is understood that certain
parties , if not mixed up in it , were spec
Jailor Parsons has now in his charge
only about eight prisoners , and the city
boarding house is depopulated greater
than in the last two months.
MINOU Mi'xriox.
Hon. Joseph Scott , land commissioner ,
lias gone out to Kearney to see about the
now building at the Reform school ; ho
will be mot there by Architect Ellis.
Owintr to the non-arrival of Judge
Maxwell , the supreme court has not
handed down any decisions , but will
probably do so to-day. Hon. L. A.
Grofl'is among the Omaha attendants at
the supreme court.
The city council has decided to pay
its policemen a stated salary , instead
of making It afeo ollieo ; the council has
also decided to place 200 street lamps in
tlio city in addition to the lights alioady
in the city.
W. H. Dolcson was appointed addi
tional sewer inspector. This certainly
gives us enough ollieials around the
sewer business to give us lirst-clabs
The anmial convention of the State so
ciety of the Home of the Friendless be
gan its session in this city Yesterday with
a very large attendance , it will continue
till to-night and 'tis hoped much good
mav bo accomplished.
Charles W. Stoncsifer , doing a small
grocery business at the corner of Thir
teenth ami E streets , made an assign
ment yesterday. It is thought the 'p is
property enough to cover all liabilities.
Rcnl Estate Trnnsrcrs.
The following transfers were lilod Oct.
11 , with the county clerk :
John M Hopper and wife to S M Gilbert ,
the undivided U of tlio n Si foot , lot 5 , block
11. Village of Waterloo. wd-STOO.
Andiew Henry and Thomas II McCacac ,
paitneis , as tlie Bank of Uinnlia , to Matnew
F Mai tin and K A Henry , w 00 feet ot lot ! ,
block 1 , Jlillardl'laqo , qc $1.
Alfred 1' Hopkins , et al , executors of l-7ra
Milliard , deceased , to Mathovv F Mnrtln , lot
23 , block 1 , In Mlllard Place , to Omaha , wd
S:5,000. :
Mntliew F Mnrtln and wlfo to Thomas H
McCauue , lot 23 anil w K lot 8-1 , block 1 Mil-
hud 1'Iaco to Omaha , wd 512,000.
AriioIiMiniuoranu wlfa to Jerome IJ Par-
rott and E E Mayne , lot W. block S , McGorm-
ick's 'Jd add. to Onmlm , wd 8750.
Jacob Levy nnd wlfo to Nathan Glnsburpr ,
K lot 7 , block o , Jcttei's add to Smith Onmlm
Samuel McLcod and wlfo to to Abigail T
Morton , lot ifJ , block 1 , llanscom Place , wd
John IjMcCatjuo and wlfo to Ilobcrt B
Khotlis , lot S , block 2 , West Cnminu adfl. , wd
dSanih Richmond to Archie Richmond , lot
14. block -157 Orandvlew add. to Onmhu , qc
Jacob Kendis and wlfo , ct al , to lianct
Cohen , the 2.5 feet of lot 7 , block 70 , South
Omaha , next to o 25 foot o said lot , wd
§ 1)00. )
James II McCuIloch to Llzrto Cockc , lot 10 ,
block W , llanscom Place in Omaha , wd
Jehu II llumjato , trustee , to Kdwnni For-
naiule/ , lot 1 , block A , licdfoid add to
Omaha. wd-Sl,000.
Mai tin Oulclcanil wlfo toSwnu Ahlstraud ,
lot 10 , block 470 Graudvlaw , wd S50.
There arc 3,000 Chuutauqua circles in
Ilnlfortl Snuoo invaluable for soups
hashes , etc.
A Cedar Rapids , la. , cat has adopted a
young mouse and is tenderly rearing It.
'Tis vain to soak a powder that defies
ddtectlon. but'uso Po zoni's to improve
the complexion.
, A tcnoar'Old lad in Henry county ,
Ala. , got hold of u quatt bottle of whisky
and drank nil of it. The next day lie
Pozzoni's Complexion Ppwdor pro
duces a soft and beautiful skin. It com
bines every clement of beauty and purity.
Sold by druggists.
A lineman who took hold of an electric
licht wire in Detroit Tuesday was
shocked to death before the Hno'could bo
It is proposed to have a democratic re
union at the grave of Jollbrboii next
spring , and President Cleveland is ex
pected to participate.
Prepared with strict regard to Purity , Strength , nn&
Ileaitbfuluesa. lit. I'ricu'u UitdnK 1'owdcr contains
no AmmoniaUm9.Alum or I'lio phatca.Dr.l'rico'a
VaaUla , lemon , tu fl4voiCell lousljr.
Qenoral Brisbin Writes About Three Great
Generals Shtruian , Terry , Schofield ,
ForlKBO to I H0 Inclusive Tlio I'lrst
Complete Mil I'tililUliccl Doatlis
Diirlnc tlio I'ust Yoni Vncnnulos
mill Who Wilt Cct a IHMII ,
i'oitr Is mint MIA , Keb , Oct. 11. [ Oor-
respondeneo of the IIK. ) : } When 1 was
down p'i-t a lew days ago [ met at Chicago
cage three of the most eminent military
men this or any other country has pro-
dtteed in the present century. These
were Generals Sherman , Scoiield and
Uncli- Hilly Sherman was as lively a * a
boo and actually looked .oiingor than he
did four years ngo , Hi- was on his way
to the reunion of the Army of the Tun-
npsM'o and full of pleasant anticipations
at the prospect of meeting his old sol
diers once more. He had jnsl been to
California where he had lived so long
and had enjoyed the rare hospitality of
the big hearted mon of the coast. It was
very agreeable to hoar him la'k ' of Cali
fornia nnd the Californians. Ho had
como back through British Columbia and
boon honored wherever ho had gone by
the loyal subjects of the good Queen Vic
toria , lie jokingly said he had not known
what n great man ho was until ho
had gone abroad. Special trains ,
escorts nnd receptions had met him at
every point , nt'd ' no people could Imo
done more to show their re-pcet for him
than did the ColumbianHe described
the country minutely from the I'atilio
ocean to tlie great lakes of the north , and
those who know Sherman will tiniler-
btand how well ho could do it. It was
very pleasant to hear Uncle Hilly talk
nnd to see how lively and happy the old
general was.Vhiit a womlnrlid man
Sherman has been , and how unlike in
all respects ho is to his great Iriond , the
dead commander , General Grant. Yet
between those two men there existed the
warmest friendship , and Grant never
seemed to tire of praising bliorman. As
for the hero of the march to the sea ,
Shormaii can hardly yet speak of Grant
without tears in his voice and often in
his eyes. How long it will bo before
Sherman follows his great friend over
the divide no one can tell , but not long I
.suppose , ami all too _ soon for his old sol
diers and the American people , who love
this old man as they have loved fnw mon
who have lived among them in the last
fifty years.
Terry I had not soon since 1870 when
wo were on the ill-fated campaign against
Sitting Bull , in which Custur and his
command lost their lives. Ho is much
changed and has aged a great deal. I
suppose those who 'ire about him ovorv
day do not notice the clninsc , but I could
see it and was really pained to observe
how old ho is growing. Terry will retire
November 10 , 1891 , and has tlicrctoro
only a little over live years to serve. He
was born November 10. 1827 , and will bo
retired by law at sixty-four years of ago.
Without the advantages of n military
education General Terry is perhaps at
present the most accomplished general
in our army. Since the death of Han
cock , if any soldier can be called the
"superb" it must bo Tarry. The hero efFort
Fort Fisher is so well known to all our
people ho needs no dc&ciiption , but it is
pleasant to think of this , courtly soldier
and gentleman and to wish him a lontr
and happy life. 1 have known General
Terry well and I can say it advisedly that
with all his great public reputation few-
know of the goodness and kindness of his
heart. He Is not only a great soldier and
a great man , but one of the best mon
that over lived. His retirement will como
all too soon for us who live in the army
under him and love him. Wo can only
wish that after he retires ho will bo as
happy , as ho will bo.followed by the love
and respect of his soldiers and ofliceis.
All will pray that the good God may
bounteously' lengthen out his life for
immv years to bless his country and his
SCIIOKir.M ) .
What General Scholiold was doing in
Chicago , 1 do not know , and he did not
say. Ho was looking well but lleshior
than when I saw him three years ago.
General Soholield is a remarkable man
and perhaps has more political ability
than any man In the United States army.
Ho has never yet boon placed in any
position however diflicult that ho did not
manage it to easily as tov astonish even
his most intimate friends. When Presi
dent Jo inson wished to make him
secretary of war , Gonoarl Grant became
alarmed for the reputation of bis friend ,
and wrote him to decline the ollico in
advance , but Bchofiold did not decline
it. Iio came to Washington , assumed
the dillienlt position umler Johiihon and
mudo so good a secretary of war that
not only the grouty prenident , but the
whole country heartily approved of him.
Grant was astonished and although ho
had a high opinion of Scliofiold'a ability
before ho over afterwards spoke of him
as 0110 of the ablest mon In the country.
1 think the administrative ability of
General Scholiold is hardly known to
or appreciated bf the people of the coun
try. Ho would make n good president ,
and it is out of just such timber good and
safe presidents are made. Ho will TO-
tire trom aetlvo service September 29.
180. ; , and should ho live until then wil
ns senior major general command tlio
army from March 0 , 1695 to September
2I > , 1895 , Sheridan -retiring March 0,180.r
before Seholiold. The retirements ol
the great generals of the army now on
tho-aetU'o list will take place as follows
OIIHAT onNiiiiAi.s IUIIIUMIXT. : ; :
Lieutenant General 1 * . 11. Sheiid.m , Maicl
0 , IStB.
.Major General John M , ticholleld , Soptcm
bcrS'J , lb'J > .
Major General 0. O. Howard , November 8
Tilajor General Alfied H. Tony , Novcmbe
10 , IMU.
liri adler Genuinl Geo. Crook , Sujitumbc
8 , lt > 'J.J. '
lirluadicr General Nelson A Miles , Angus
8 , liioTi.
UrlL'iulIor General David S. Stanley , Jun
1 , 180-J.
UrlL'udler General John Gibbon , April 20
llilpidler General Joseph II. Potter , Oct
berl'JI IBsn ,
UrU'ndlcr General Thos. A. linger , Apr !
13 , lb r.
By seniority General Nelson A. Mile
will como into command of the army ii
less than nine years , nnd succeed ( Ion
oral Scholiold , unle.vs linger or som
brigadier general Junior to him is jumpi-i
over him 10 a major genoralhhip. Jf no
jumped , Miles will command the army
from September 29 , 1893 , to August
years ,
Speaking of army retirements , I won
dcr some enterprising young follow doe
not cot out a pamphlet giving the date
of ictiromont of all oflicors. It wouli
hell well , as there are over two thousam
officers , and at least one-half of their
would take a copy. Then there are thci
friends and citizens interested in fatic
matters , at least 1,000 more , and ! iOU ,
copies is a very { rood sale for a pamphlet
I tnouirlit 1 would do this mybolf. and go
a Ijt of data togcthor , but 1 lind 1 an
getting too old to take an interest in any
tiling , even Nebraska politics. The dat :
I iiavo is at the service of any or
who may wish to use it , and i
very full , giving nearly all th
? S5.00 More'nt Tailor Made at $15.00 MISFIT CLOTHING
SOUO itu 11.00
35.00 u 1000
45.00 ' . ' 000
M.OO 20 50
W.OO 28.00
< r oo so.oo
75.00 1)5,00 )
Mjilo by some of tlie most prominent merchant tailors in tlxo east
have been received this week by the Only
0 Merchant Tailor Made at ? 0.00
8 4.00
10 5.00
13 0.00
15 7.50 1119 Faimain Street
10 " " " 85' ) ,
And comprise all of the latest styles now being made. These suits were
OVERCOATS , purchased in a large lot at a very low figure , and by reference to the
price list to the left it will be seen that they will bs sold even cheaper
$25 Merchant Tailor Made altO.OO than ready made clothing. Another new line of Childr ns Clothing
! JO 11.50
10 1J.75 has also been received ,
ID .
50 00 2050 22.00 MISFIT CLOTHING PAE
70 " " " iiO.OO
retirements in the army which will take
ilaee up to 11100 which would probably
lie as lonir as most of us would bo inter
ested in army matters , Wiggin's predic
tions or even Nehnuska polities. Suppose
.ho 15iv : publishes a lot of retirements
pay for thi ) no\t ten years or from 18SO
to 181KJ inclusive , 1 am sure it will inter
est a great many people and especially
irmy olllcera , all of whom road the Hr.n
and can cut out tlio list and keep it to
calculate their promotions by. 1 know
you will print the wrong years opposite
Llio o Ulcer's names and spell Higiiins
Spriggm- ! , and mix up dates generally ,
but no matter , most of it will no correct
and the reader can guess at the balance.
The rotiiemont for 1880 are nearly all
over. They have been up to this time as
follows :
Hatch , John P. , colonel , Second cavalry ,
January I ) , 18N5.
SunimeiH , John E. , colonel , M. IX , Jan
uary Si , I'-Sl.
( illbuit , Charles C. , colonel , Seventeenth
infmitiy , March 1.
Pope , John , major general , United States
niiny. jM.iroh 10.
McDonald , Hubert , captain , Filth intnntry ,
May 12.
Stands , Samuel I ) . , colonel , Seventh cav
alry , June 11.
teuton , John , brizadler concral , engineer
department , July , 1.
Brown. Joseph H. , lieutenant colonel ,
meillcnl iloiwTtmtfiit , July 20.
WllkinsJtihnl > . , colunol , Fifth infantry ,
Ancust 1.
Munay , KQbeit. bilijadlw general , medical
deimitiuunt , AucustO.
Von Hermann ; C. J. , captain , Fouith In
fontry , beiitt-mVer 17.
The retimmenU which are yet to take
place In 188(1 ( are as follows :
I'ottor , Joseph 11. . brigadiergencial , United
Stateai mv. Uctobi-r IS. '
\Vhistlcr. Jo.- , > cpi | W. G. , colonel , Fifteenth
Infantry , October 1 ! ) .
I'Ybteer , Geoigt11 , . , colonel , paymaster do-
paitmpiit , Uoeoinbi-r 8.
Itnullov , Luther P. , colonel , Thirteenth in
fantry , Decembers.
id'.TlltEMKNTS 18S7.
Chipman , lleniy -lieutenant colonel ,
Seventh inf.uiUy , Fubum-y 1
iJlunt , Chniles E. , colonel , engineer de
paitment , February 1.
Stewart , Charles S. , colonel , engineer de
pai tnicnt , Apiil U.
SpraguiChillies J. , major , piymaster
department , April 12.
Wilciox , Orlando IJ. , colonel , Twelfth in
fantry , API il 10.
Tayloi , Jloise 1C. , major , inodical depart
ment , .May H.
Hamilton , John , colonel. Fifth aitlllery ,
August 10.
Nichols , Frederick C. , first lieutenant ,
Fiiht artillery , August 11.
McAllister , Julian , colonel , ordnance de-
paitmi'iil , October lil ) .
AlGMInn. Win. H. . lirst lieutenant , Kighth
Infantry , October Si ) .
1'erln. ( 'lover , colonel , medical depart
ment , November 17.
UK nniaiKXTs 1688.
Dewey , Isriicl O. , major , paymaster's do-
pnitmunt. March ! ' .
Schooloy , David , captain , Twenty-fifth in
fantry , Apill 1.
15e t , Clcimont L. , colonelFouith artillery ,
April ! i" .
Collins , Kdwnid , major , First Infantry ,
DiianoJamcs C. , colonel , engineer depart-
mnnt. Juna'iO.
Ucntlcy , Edward , major , medical depart
ment , .Inly : ) .
Ualrd , Absalom , brigadier general , Inspec
tor general department , August 20.
Mabon. John S. , colonel , Ninth infantry ,
August ,
SimpsonMnrcus.D. L. , colonel , subsistence
dcpaitmcnt , AugustM ! ,
Johnston , Wm. U.lieittcnnnt-colonol , pay
master's ' department , September 0.
limnlmm , Horace H. , liettteimnt colonel ,
Judge advocate general's depaitment , Soi > -
tcmibcr 10.
Saxton , Itnfiis , colonel , qtitu term aster s de
partment. October 19.
Uailov , Kllslm 1. , colonel , medical depart
ment. November U.
McGinn- , Daniel , colonel , paymaster's de
paitment , December lit ,
i timms M niTs 18S9.
TIdball , John C. , colonel , Flist artillery ,
January ! i" .
Card , lienjnmln C. , lieutenant colonel ,
quartermaster's department , February 15.
Glllmorc. Qinncv A. , colonel , engineer department -
partment , FebnitxryliS.
Itoyall , William U. , colonel , Fourth cavalry
April 15.
1'rlco , George F. , captain , Fifth cavalry ,
April ' . ' 3.
Magiuder , David U , lieutenant colonel ,
medical department , April BM.
Smith , hosllo. lluntunant colonel , Twen
tieth Infantry , May 15.
Drum , Hichard U. , bilcodler general , ad
jutant gcnuial department , .May tiS.
Clniko , Francis , captain. Twenty-second
intnntrv , Juno 2.
Danurott , Kugene A. , captain , Fourth ai-
tllloiv , Juno 17. i
Mul'.irlln , Thomas A. , colonel , medical de
partment , July 10.
Dudley. N. A..31. . , colonel First Infantry.
August 20
La-Motto. 1 Sobert S. , lieutenant colonel ,
Twelfth Infaiury/'AiiKiist ! M.
Collin , Guorgo W.chaplln U. S. A. , Au
gust 'JD. i j i
Jlnnis , WilliamW.coloncl , subsistencede-
p.irlment. Septonioej- .
lii'cUwllh AniO- . , lieutenant colonel , sub-
slatenco dupartmeiit , October 4.
Green , John lieutenant colonnl , .Second
cavalry , November 120.
Ayies Kninoyir II , colonel , Second artil-
Iciy , Decembot : 20.
, , j , 1600.
Smith Andiow K , Jleulenant colonel , medi
cal department. 1 obrunry ( > .
Itnchostcr VVlllfam I' , brigadier general ,
pavniaier ( deimrtment. February 15.
Wilson D , diapltn IJ. S. A. , March 30.
Gilison George , lieutenant colonel , Third
Intnntry , April 4.
Hough Alfred L , llputennnt colpnel Six
teenth Infantry , Apill 'A
Sawtnllo Chnrlw C , lieutenant colonel ,
qunrtormnster department , May 10 ,
Holablrd. Snmitt'l H.bilgadier generalquar
termaster dcpaitmcnt. June ICtb.
.MaoFt-oley , Uobert , brigadier genernl , sub-
filstenco dopartmcnt , July 1.
Grlerbon , Bonjuinln 11 , colonel , Tenth cav-
alrv , JulyH.
Ilndeor. William , captain , Sixth Injantry ,
Aiiirnst 1.
Whlpple , William I ) , llcntcftiant colonel ,
adjutant runcml department , Auaust 2.
Moore , John , lieutenant colonel , medical
denaitmoiit , Augiibt IP.
MldUleton , Jolnibon V. 1) . , major , medical
duparimcnt , Deccmbei4 ! ' ) .
lHnilKMEXT8 1891.
Ulaek , llenrj'il colonel
, , Twenty-third ln <
fantiy , January lo.
lionet , Stephen V. , brigadier general , oid-
nancedepartment. . January ' - " - > .
Douglass Iloury , colonel , Tenth Intantiy ,
Maich li. , , , ,
Uutlt-r. Kd\\aid , major , Second Infantry ,
tiibhon' , John , bilcadiei general , IT. S. A. ,
* * '
Doduv' Ulchard I , colonel , Eleventh Infan-
( 'ihsonHoratio ( ! . , colonel , Thhd aitllleiy ,
Mav 2.J.
Ml/Tiior. Henry It. , lieutenant colonel ,
Tenth iiiluntis , August ! .
Undesmllli Kit J W , chapel U. S. A. , bop-
Vollum. Kdward P. , lleuteiinnt colonel ,
mi depaitment , September 11.
Parko John ( i. , colonel , engineer dcpait-
nii'iit , September 2i.
Smith. Charles H. , colonel , Nineteenth In
fantry , November 1 ,
Teriy.Aified II. , brigadier-general , U. b.
A. , November 10.
niTiir.MiNTf : : : < , 1MU.
' Kuutz , August V.colouul , Kighth infantry ,
Januaiy B.
MeWattv , Uobert , clmplnin , U. b. A. , Jan-
Neil Is , Uasil , lieutenant-colonel , medical
depai tnicnt , March U. , .
Hell , George , lieutenant colonel , subsist
ence dopartmcnt , Miuch 12.
Belcher , John 11. , major , quartermaster de
partment , April S.
Barstow. George F. , captain , llilrd artll-
lorv , Apill-t.
Britton , Thomas , captain , Sixth infantiy ,
Amhows , George L. , colonel , Twenty-fifth
Infantry. ApiilUi
Piper Alevunder , lieutenant colonel , Fiist
aitllleiy , May 11. ,
Stanley , David S. , bilgadlci-gcneral , U. b.
A. . .Mine" 1.
Keltoi ) , John C. , coloncl.adjiitant-gcnerars
( letiartincnt , Juno 21.
Kniitriimn , Albeit P. , captain , Kighth cav-
aliy , July 10.
/uned 1 , Daniel K. , major , paymaster' de
pai tinent , July 20.
Cailand , Johu , llistllciitenant.Sixth infan-
l\'loxaiider , hichard II. . lieutenant colonel ,
medical duiiaitmont , Autriibt 2S.
Crispin. Silas , eolonel , oullnanco ucpait-
ment , beiitembcrO.
i Poole , JJoWittC. , major , paymasters'de
partment , beptomber 2a.
\Vilicov , John A. , major , Lighth cavahy ,
October 20.
Tllfoid , Joseph G. , lieutenant colonel , Sev
enth cavahy. November20.
Du Hairy , Bcelcmnn , lieutenant colonel ,
Riibslstenco doiMitinonr , Deccmher 4.
Hener , Anthony , major , medical dcpait-
inuiu , Decnmhcr 4.
Peii.v , Alexander J. , colonel , qunitc-i mas
ters' dupurtment , December 11.
Sweltter , Nelson B. , colonel , Second cav
alry , December 12.
lIKTlimMRXTS , IS'J , ? .
Smith , Uodney , Jleiitenant colonel pay do-
paitmont , Januiirv ! ) .
CJairety , FianU D. captain Seventeenth In
fantry. February 4.
Biackett , Albert G.colonel , Third Cavahy ,
Febiuaiy 14.
Sago. William W. captain Eleventh Infan-
trv. Febiuaiy 20.
"McGonnigle , Andrew J. major quarter
master depaitment , Match 4.
McLellan , Curwln. 11. , major Tenth cav
alry. April 7.
lUpliall , Alfred M. , first lieutenant
Klevonth Infantry , Apill 13.
Morrow. Henry A. , colonel Twenty-Unit'
Intantiy , July 10.
Mendcnlmir , John , lieutenant colonel
Fourth Artillery , July 29.
Itoilly. James W. , major ordnance depart
ment , August 2.
Juneway , John II. , major medical depart
nutiit August 12.
Cimck. Patrick , captain Ninth Cavalry
Ancust 29.
MeKcevor Cliaunccv , lieutenant colonel
adjutiint penural department , August 81.
Ciook , ( ieorise. brigadier goneial , United
States Ainoiica , September 8.
Warrens. Chailes II. , captain Fourteenth
Infantry , Scpteinbur29.
Hopes , James M. , captain l.lghth Cavahy ,
October 21.
Williams , Unbcrt , colonel adjutant general
detiartmcnt. November 5.
Katon , John U. , lirst lieutenant Third Ar
tillery , November 8.
Cailm , William P. , colonel Fourth Infan
try , November 24.
race , Charles , lieutenant colonel medical
dcjiaitmcnt , Drcembui 4.
IJoynoIds , Chillies A. , lieutenant colonel
quartermaster's department , Decumber 11) ) .
i ir.Ti in : MEKT.S Ib'J ' 1.
Dandy , George U. , major , quartermaster
department. February 11.
Otis , Klincr , colonel , Eighth cavalry ,
liccd.YllHam I. , captainSeventh , Infantry
March 7.
HohO , Thnmns E. , captain , Sixteenth In
fantry , March 12.
Hall , Pc'ter P. G. , major , paymaster depart
ment , March 10.
Hoc , Charles F.captaln.Eleventh infantry ,
Match 17.
Carr , Eugene A. , colonel , Sixth cavahy ,
Mai eh 20.
Foster , Charles W. , major , .quai termastor
depaitineiit , Mniuli 21 ,
Bash. Daniel W , , major , paymaster depart
ment , Apt II 1.
hyinaii , Wyllys , captain , Fifth Infantiy ,
Apt 114.
McKee , James 0. , major , medical depart
ment , Mav 18.
Curtis , Herbert P. , major , Judge Advocate
General department , May'J7.
Itochc , James K. , major , paymaster depart
ment , , ) n n 11 7-
Clciiduiicii , David It. , lieutenant colonel ,
Third cavalry , Juno 24.
Irvln , Bernard J. I ) . , lieutenant colonel ,
medical department , Juno 28.
jackson , Hit-haul H. , major , Fifth aitllleiy
lurk , Ezra I ) . , major , quartermaster de
partment , August b.
Blunt , Matliow M. , colonel , Sixteenth
Infantry , August 13 ,
Tompkins , Charles 11. , colonel , quarter
master department , September 12.
Ilazen , William B , , brigadier goncial ,
signal corps , September 27 ,
Haklns. . John P. , major , subsistence de
paitment , Septcmbor2V.
Bunuoln , Charles , captain , Twenty-fifth
Infantry , . October 11.
Langdon , l.oomis L. , lieutenant colonel ,
Second artillery , October 03.
Howard , Omer O. , bilgadlcr general ,
United States Army , Novembers.
McGowan , Alexander B. , captain , Twelfth
Infantiy. December 10.
Chandler , John < > lieutenant colonel ,
quartermaster depaitment , December 31 ,
iimniHMKvrf , ISifi.
Ho\\o. Henry S. , eaptaln , Seventeenth In
f ant ry , January 2.
Hodges , llonry C. , colonel , quartet master's
department , January 14.
1 [ ucker , William A. , lieutenant colonel ,
paymaster's ilejiaitnicnt. January If.
Sx\aiuo. PettrT. , colonel , Twenty-second
infantiy , January ! ? ! .
Comstock , t'jruh H. , lieutenant colonel , on-
( . inei'rs , February 8.
KcklusVllliiunJl. . . major , paym. steins de
partment , February IL.
Ihincslon , Lu lihett K. , major , Fomth ai-
tlllei v , Febtuary 12.
Ilium , Geihaid h. , captain , Fouith inlnu-
tn , IVliiuary 11) ) .
Adnm , Emil , major , SKlh cavalry , 1-Vb-
riuuy 20.
Jones , Unjiei , colonel. Inspector gnneial's
ileiiaitmtmt , Febiuaiy 25.
Ki'iinniL'tnii , James , captain , Fourteenth
inlnntry , Mutch 17.
Smith , William , major , pa > masloi s depait-
inenl , Alairh 0.
Klllott , ( Jeorgo II. , lieutenant colonel , en-
giueet's depiutinout , Match : tl.
livlne , James B. , captain , Twcutj-second
Iniantiy. April : ) .
Tisdnll. VIlllalll M. , captain , Flist Infan
try , April 10.
' Smith , Joseph It. , lieutenant colonel , medi
cal derailment , Apiil ly.
Wilfuid , John P. , nmjoi , paymaster's dc-
i paitmoiit , Apill 18.
McCook , Alexander M.cD. , colonel , Sixth
In Inn try , A pi II 1.
Cusev , Thomas L. , colonel , englncci's de
pai tmenr , May 10.
Hingham , Judson ! > . , colonel , quariermas-
tei's department , May lt > .
Gibson , William it. , major , paymaster's department -
partment , May BO. i
Mason , Edwin C. , lieutenant colonel , !
Fnmtli Iniantrv , May 111.
Wlntlnop , William , lieutenant colonel ,
jitdL'o advocate general's depaitment , An- 3.
Kiting , Oscar , captain , Thhd cavalrv , An-
Small , Michael P. , innjor , subsistence de
partment , August D.
Abbott , llonry L. , llcutontnnt colonel , en
gineer's depaitment , August in.
llaiullton , John , captain , I'iist Infantry ,
August ID.
Clements. Ilcnnctt A. , major , medical do-
pai tnicnt , Ancust ill.
Parker , John 1) . , chaplain , United States
aimy , September b.
Lo.ihoy , Michael , Ilrst lieutenant , Eight
eenth Inlantry , September 'J-J.
ticlioliuld , John 31. , major general U. S.
ai my , September 29.
Mendell , Geon-o II. , lieutenant colonel engi
neer dopaitmont , October 12.
Gllman , Jeremiah II. . major , subsistence
( liartiucnt. | November 11.
bwceiioy , lieiiiy , captain , Fourth cavalry ,
November 20.
VIckory , Uiclmrd S. , major , medical dopait-
nicnt. Decembur 7.
Fletcher , William , captain , Twentieth In
fantiy , December 27.
Uiynnt , Montgomery , lieutenant colonel
Kighth Infantry. Dec < mibor28.
Dale , Olayton , captain , Sixteenth infantry ,
January 7.
Sellmer , Charles , first lieutenant , 1'hiid in-
tllleiy , Fcbiitars 20.
Tenell , Charles M. , major , paymaster do-
p-utmcnt. Fubiiinry 2 .
1'oe , Orlando M. , lieutenant colonel , engi
neering dopaitml'iit , March 7.
I'omnsL' , Wm II. , major , Twelfth infantry ,
March 10.
Keeler , John H. , major , paymaster depart
ment , April 10. , Henry 15. , major , paymaster depart
ment , April 11.
Mussel ] , Gerald , captain , Thlid cavalry ,
Mav 1.
Crandal , F. M. , captain , Twenty-fourth In-
fantrv , May 12.
llauold , Chiistopher W. , lln > t lieutenant ,
Third artillery. May 17.
Gordon , David S. , Major , Second cavalry ,
May 2Ji.
Parhi-r , Dalnscrlleld.iimjor , Ninth infantry ,
Wood , Henry C. , major , advocategenoial's
deiiaitmunt , May 20.
Ullo , James , captain , second Infantry. May
Closwn , Henry W.lleulciiaincolonel , , Fifth
artillery , Juno 0.
Wllbon , Thomas , major , subsistence depart
ment , Dunn 10.
Shaw. Itlclmrd G. , captain , First aitlllery ,
Juno 2 ! .
Con way. William , captain , Twenty-second
Infantry , July 1.
liarrlger , John W. , major , subsistence de
partment , JulvO.
Snauldlng , Kdw'd J. , major , Seventh cav-
aliy , July 14.
Norvell , John M. , captain , Twelfth In
fantry. July 22.
llatchelder , Hichard Wlieutenant colonel ,
quarteimaster's depaitment , July 27.
lEoblnson , George K. , nmjor , paymasters
department , August 111.
Cnambors. Aluxandor , llntitonnnt colonel ,
Twenty-first Infantry , Aiieust2U.
Do Kudlo , Charles C. , captain , Se\euth
cavalry. August 20.
.La/.elle. Henry 11. , lieutenant colonel ,
Twcntv-tnlid Infantry , September 8.
Robinson , Danlol , first lieutenant , Seventh
Infantry , September 20.
Hughes , William H. , major , quartermas
ter's department , October Ki.
Bernard , Heiiben F.major , Kighth cavalry ,
October 14.
Lodor , Klchaid , major , Third artillery ,
October 20.
Vincent , Thomas M. . lieutenant colonel ,
adjutant Keiuual's department , November 15.
llogcrs. William W. , captain , Ninth In
fantry , November 15.
Munson , Jacob F. , capta In , Sixth Infantry
November 17.
I'niHilctt , , ) nines F.captainKighth cavalry ,
Decembers * .
llldulo , James , major , Sixth cavalry , De
cember 11.
Swaim , David G. , brhradlor general , jiuleo
advoenio general's uepnrttnunt. Decumbur22.
Hatcli , Kdwaid , colonel , Ninth cavalry ,
It is iiossiblo ono orjtwo names may
huvo been loft out in the above list and
a few olllcors may have changed their
rank and regiment by promotion but tlio
list will bo found nearly , if not quitecor
rect , and may be relied on , At some
future time 1 may publish the retirements
for the next ton years , viz : from 181)0 ) to
1900 , but these will sutllco for the present
and no list of retirements beyond 1890
could bo rolled on , as death would cut it
all up and perhaps not one-half of the
olllcers named would live to reach a re
tiring ago.
It will bo seen that tlio president haeu
brigadier general to appoint for the en
gineer corps and one lor the medical de
partment. On October 10th a vacancy
will occur in the line of the army by the
retirement of Brigadier General Joseph
II. Potter and thn president will
also have this vacancy to lill. Who the
now brigadier will bo of course no on'o
etui toll , but it is generally believed in
army circles Colonel James C. Duane
will bo called to the head of the engineer
corps , Colonel Charles Sutherland to the
head of the medical corps and Colonel
Wesley Morritt bo appointed to Potter's
place. The contest for Potter's jilacii
will probably bo lively as all the arms ,
cavalry , artillery and infantry claim it.
For my own part , although I should gain
milo by Merntt's appointment I would
rather son the infantry got it. Colonel
Luther P Bradley , who retires December
8 , 1880 , should not be hent into his lotlro-
mi'iit as a colonel , neither should Colonel
Orlando H.Vileo \ , who retires April 10 ,
1S97. Both of these eminent soldlurs deserve -
servo promotion and it is hoped they
will got It. As for Colonel Merrill ho
does not retire until Juno 1U , 1000 , and ho
has waited so long he can wait six or
eight months longer to see two such
comrades as Bntdlny and Wllcox prop
erly rewarded. 1 doubt not if ( jcnoral
"Merrill could be assured that his promo
tion would follow the retirement of
Bradley ' and Wileox lie would nnjfor to
wait. 'No doubt it President Cleveland
know this was the opinion of the Bui : ho
would make out the appointments as de
sired. "Don't let some pody pretty
quick spoeohk soon mil dot brcseilont. "
UKATUS IX Till ) Alt.MY.
Few estimate how rapid the old sol
diers of the late war are passing away.
An . army a year , a corps a month , a rogl-
: mont a week , and n company
every day go out to that
eternal camping ground boyoud
the grave. In the great volunteer army
no ' ono can tell how many die for there is
no i record Kept , but in tlio regular army
every i death is reported and measuring
by them wo can toll pretty nearly how I
fast ( he volunteers are passing away. In
the regular army of onlv 25,000 mon '
about equal to ono good army corps of- ,
volunteers during the war tlioro died
from July 11 , 1883 to July 10 , 1880 , one
year , the following :
Tin : i.ovn noi.i. or IIIIATH.
General U. S. Giant , July iSW , 18i > 5.
General W. S. llancielFelnuaiy ( nth , 18SO.
General Gabriel It. Paul , Mav nth , 1SSO.
General William N. Grlor , July Mil , 1885.
General David A. Hunter , Fclnuary 2nd ,
18 bO.
roi.oMir.1' .
Colonel Plnknoy hugenbccl , Mm eh 18tli ,
Colonel Thomas Swoids , March 20th , 18SO.
2Sth , . . . .
Colonel Clmilcs F. Huir , Oclobor 1st , 1885.
Colonel James Simons , November llth ,
Colonel Kbenezcr Swift , December 2-lth ,
Colonel A. D. Nelson , December DOlli. 1885.
Colonel Hennett Hill , MiuenlWh , IbbC.
Major Samuel N. Henjamlii , May 15th,1880.
Majoi lleniy Goodtollow , Deetimbor 20th ,
1SK > .
Major Joseph Bill , July 21st , 188,5. ,
Majoi Charles K. Goddait , January 4th ,
Ma ' or David Krmise , September 12th , 188.1 ; .
Ma' or Burton Hanc'all , February 8th , IBM ) ,
Ma or James N. Cald well. March 12th , I860 ,
Ma ; or Isaac hvndo. April 10 , lbM5.
Ma or Jo-iuph Whittlofioy , August 1,1880.
Captain William II. Gill , August 21,1860.
Captain William J. Wilson , May 2.1830.
Captain Thomas N. Ilnlloy , April 20 , 1880.
Captain Emmet Crawford , January 18 ,
Captain Orsomus H. lloyd. July 2 ! ! , 1885.
Captain Gillian V. Weir , July 18,1880.
Captain Danlol U. Murdock. Juno 0 , 1880.
Captain May II. Staeoy , Fobmaiy 12. 1880.
Captain Michael T. Courtney. July 10,1880.
Captain William H. ito&icll , July 10 , IbSO.
Captain John U. Livei.s , September 12 ,
Captain i'homasll. ' Uurrows , October 12 ,
lbi > 5.
Captain Malcolm McArthur , January 12 ,
Captain William P. Mm tin , March 19,18SO.
Captain William L. Fonllc , March 28. llteO.
Captain Knioiy W. Cllft , April -0,1880.
Lieutenant W. II. Harmon , July 0,1880.
Lieutenant Clms. M. Hal ley , December 31 ,
Lieutenant Joslah Chance , December 12 ,
Lieutenant John H. Smith , Septembers ,
188ft.Tho following ofliccrs of the regular
army have died within the year , but were
not engaged in the rebellion :
Lieutenant Thos. J. Maddox December
10 , IbM.
Lieutenant II. D. Huntlngton , May 4 , IBSO.
Lloiitoiiant Isaac T. Webster , July 7 , ' 180.
Lieutenant Jamas M Jones. April 10,18t0.
Lieutenant Louis Wllhehul , January U ,
Lieutenant W. II , Low , July 21. 1880.
Lieutenant Patrick T. Diodenck , March28 ,
Lieutenant Chan. II. Ostrood , May 1,1880.
Lieutenant Jeiomu 1 , Wei n burg , Aiuust
23 , ISoO.
Chaplain Manuel J. Gonzalez , September
8 , 18i6.
Chaplain Chailos Hnynulds , December S3 ,
ISM.The long roll is sounding everywhere
for the old soldiers , and the great army
is on Its last march to death's utnrnnl
campinc ground. A fdw more years and
the long column will have passed by and
disappeared forever in the grave ,
JAMT.S A. liicmum.
A fatal disease prevails among horses
all through the tidowalor section of V'r-
ginlii , and hundreds of farmers have lost
Prof , Glias , Lutiwig Von Seeger
I'rdfossurof Medlclno at Ilia Itoyul
Knlidit of thu Kojrnl Auitrliin OMor of tlio Iron
Cniwnt Knlalit Cummarulur of tlio Itnvul HianUU
Orileruf liabollut'Kiiliilit of tha lloynl I'rcmUii Or-
ilcrof tkulluil Eavlui Cliorallur of tlio l.ijliu ol
Honor , etc , etc. , vuvn : .
"J.KIIIKJ CO 8 COO'A IIKICI-'TONIO ulioul'l ' nut be
con/oUnducl nlili tlioliorda of trunhy euro ulli. I tit
In noneilsu of tlio ironlu | > atunt ru nuily. 1 um lugr-
ouyhlrcoiivcrtant wltliltn molu of | irc | ) ratlon iiuil
kuow It to liu jiui onlr u U'ldclniiilu pliiiriiijfCjjulU'al
iiroilucl , but ulujwortlir of tlio liUli ( oniniunilutluoi
ULa recel < rt > illnulliurt | > of Ilio world. It cmitnliij
viionco of llfi'f , Coui , Quinine. lion and Cullmru.
vjhU li ore illiiolruil Ui pure liunuluo Spanlili Juiporlal
Iiimluiililulunll whonro Him Down , NJrvoin , YIJK-
I'ontlc ' , Illllous , itulurluui or aillcU'U nllli wuulc
l\0ft. '
Her Majesty's ' Favoritle CosraetlcClycBrine
Urd liy Her Itojral Illghnco tlio I'rlncosi of Wuloi
nudtlie nnbllltr. Kor tlio Skin. Comiilutloii , Krui > -
tl < uii.'lm ! > ljnK | , Itnuylinuiii.ttUX Of ilfUR Inti.
I.1K1IH1 CO'ri ( ioniilnu K fruit of feariaparllla , U
uHUc bvit burfumrllltt lu tUe uiorkkt.