Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE ( XttAJiA. "WEDNESDAY OCTO'BKR 1H , 1880.
No Activity Displayed by Speculators on
Chicago's Board of Trade ,
Not til MI ; Cnti Tempt Trmlr J lo Tnko
tlic ttiilnu Side of the Market
Until HID Ilrgliutlni ;
of Sliliilnn. | |
CII1OA < ; ) H MAttKKT.
Oct. 12.Sinclal [ | Tclccmin to
tlio Hii : . ] Kail ) cnbltmlvlrcs tinlay con-
tallied fowlfniiy fwiturcs iPiwrllii ! : c\cr > -
thliiK ( julct nnd Mcaily. Un tlio open
ho.inl , trail nti In vlic.itvas at 7lfc for Xo-
\uiiilior. Tlip rcsulnrotipiihts wnat " 1J < P.
sonic sold nt TVc , but MIOII drlltrd liaok to llie
opening. Tliciciro 'J-t07 , rats or till kinds
of wheat on liisxctlon | ; ln-i't , MM cars of
porn anil 212 pars of oati. Tlii-M' UKUIPS
nvui ran the estimates "oiuewliat. "llutcli" '
was aaln tlio pioiiiliicnt srllor. NoviMiibcr
r i n ojicneil at 3lr4c anil ki-pt bul\\een I'.I O"
! U4c. A more jwacuful tone to cable * liclned
Mlieat prices downward ooii a'tet tlio open-
Inp. Tlieic were no oidcrs Inliuat eltlicr
htw or at New York , so diipalrlies fioin
there ald. A little Xovomber sold at ? l\c ,
but It wns liuposslbh ! tn woiK olT luriro iiiin- | :
tltlcsat that. Corn nilvancril tntlVKc. I'oik
I'.ept steady around SS.SCX'ts.HTi for No\eni *
bcr. Aroiiiul 11 o'clock local pal tics began
buylnp with considerable frmloin , and It
liinkcd as though tlieie inli bt be an ad\aiicu.
ruiibols caiuo In n shade lower on account ,
but unclianiud for money. This dec Ine ,
though llsrht , was Milllcleiit to bull up
to W'4@J3/iC / for November from Its eniller
restini-ilaeuaiouiiilTl"iR. | The local btt > eis
on this upturn weio headed by Kialuj ( "inter
as much as by any utlit'i local licivy welnht ,
but the liuyns broiutlit out were not numer
ous enntu'li to hold prices , \erj miiuli o\or
72 < ' . Tlio latter unrt oi tliu SPMIOII was In
clined lo heaviness.
After coi n cot up 1 1 : i3e and a shade over It
IIIIMK theie , with moie or Ic-iSHliuiiiftli , but
was net heavily ti.ided In.
I'rovlslon iipuleis did more heavy sittlne
do'.1,1" tlij'i tiatlliii' then belli" no orders on
futi iTr.6r"li"rt1ii7m'iirio"uinlTint. ! ' . ainT tlio
iniiiket wholly w.thout . foatuies Thcoiowd
Isamnn-d at the dullness of the speciilatho
juts , but do notdaro to try to osercome It by
uiiv opciatliiiH of theliown. It is ni > pirpnt :
thtit every ' .pccul.iior in fjraln now has his
me lixi'd on the export and Hltlpiiinp move
ment. Until that begins , on nn ndequ-ito
hi > alt , nut all the bull tall ; norovun the lowest
juices in histoiy will tumpt anybody to take
tlmhiiinit ) sldo with onuUKh vigor to .illcct
On tlio afternoon session iPall/.Inc wns
vciv ireneral , anil wheat broke back. Other
articles Hero null The closings were :
Wheat , weaker : 10e for October , 71 HC for
No\eml er , 71Kc for Deeembei. Corn ,
casiur : fflVic for October , : H3tc for XOMMII-
tier , : Kife ! ; tor JIay. O.its , quiet ; ! W\c for
rib" , unclianp-ii.
2'i : ) i > . in. 1'uts on No\ ember wheat , 71
@ 71 e : calls. 7i'e ' , I'uts on November
coin , 34 c ; calls , yVb
CnirAoo , Oct. 12. [ Special Telcginm to
thoHEK.1 ( \ \ ri hi : . The market this morn-
Inn seemed to htait with ( rood promises , but
they vveic not fulfilled. Theie were some
good to choice fat beeves sold early at stronger
juices , but the demand was confined to a few
good cattle , and there was an utter lack of
lltu In thu market for common to fair eat lie.
Borne sales of low made stock showed lO&Kc
decline , but there were many which simply
could not bo sold at all. Cattle continued to
arrive until l.ito ami tlio receipts were con-
xlderablv larecrthan ut lirst e.\pected. Shlp-
lilii ! . ' steers , 1,350 to Imo ID * . Sl.iO © . * ! . " ;
1.200 to 1.8.10 Jus. S4.10(2i4.70 ( : 11.10 lo I..OO Ibs ,
? : i.50i$4.10. ( The rntiL'o cattle receipts to-day
wem ttilrly law , and there proved to bo al
most to many common too lair cattle. I3cst
graded v\eie In demand and sold at
steady nrlcep. Somu piettj jooci Montana
cattle sold at SU'C43.lK : ) ! ! > } ; 22J halt-breeds ,
1.105 Ibs , ) J.b5 ! : 42 hall-biecds. 1,014 IbSy.30 ;
10 Montana , 1.S31 Ibs , S3.W ; : i7 Montana ,
1503 ! Ibs , si.OO : ; J4 Montana , 1,21s lbsS.02M : ! ;
131 Wyoming. 1,00(1 ( Ibs. S3.SM ; 70 cows. 1,003
Itis , S2.M ) ; li ! § Nebraska Texas , rcr , Ibs , SH.40 ;
2-is Dakota , lort5 Ibs. sao'i ; 150 Wyoming
half-breeds. 1,120 Ibs , S2.25.
HIIOH Thu market was active and prices
6i10e lilcher on butcher's pics aim lancy
assorted shlppliiK { Trades. Hut theie were no
biijers for loiiKh or common. Shippers and
city butchers paid SI.UiJM.l'S for ordinary
sort , and S4.50@-l.55 foi fancy heavy and
Ktilctly riilhulelphlas. Ll lit sorts sold at
g3.-io < 24.40 ; Yorkers , S-l.10it4.20.
Now York. Oct. I1. . MOVKY On call ,
aptlvi ! at Ofe' ' per cent , closing at 67 per
cent asked ,
1'lllHK MKKCANTILn 1'APKIt 4@5 per
EXCIIANOK Unchanced.
s Ciovernmcnt bonds were
stioni ; .
STOCKS Stocks were less active , and thn
majoilty of them are lower. Ttadlngwas
comiarativcly quiet and iirlces weak In early
deallnirs. Later the market was marked by
considerablu dullness anil narrow lluctim-
tlous , prices making llttlu pioRicss In either
dlicctlon , until thu laithuur , when a general
decline took place , which was cheeked just
previous to the close , lint It closed weak at
the lowest figures of the day.
B i cent bonds. . 100 C. &N. W
' prefeired 142 tf
Now'4's N.Y. 0 "
i'acltlcO'sof 'SB. OiCL'on Tran. . S3
Cential I'acltic. . 47'4 I'aeliicMall 52
C. A A 142'il ' 1 > . U. .t K 20
piuierroa. . . . ao 144
C. II. A o 1I7 ! > Rock Island. . . . , 125
m D. U&W 130i4 SUL. AS. F. . . ,
I ) . itHG 81fl } preferred. . ,
Erie. . " " 0. , M. A : St. r , , . m
pro erred . . . 70 pi of ei red. . ,
Illinois Central. 1B3 St. r. A-O ,
1. , tt. ite W 21 pieferred. . ,
Kausas&Te.xas. . Texas 1'nclllc. .
Luke Shoru POU Union 1'ucitle. . ,
L. itN 60S , W. , St. I * & ! . ,
Mich. Control. . . O2'i ' , pi ef cried. .
Mo.l'aclfic liaj < Western Union
Northern 1'ac. . Ss'iO. . R. AN . . .
incicned. . C'"tf |
Cliloago , Oct. oil. Flour Unchaneed ;
TT I liter wheat Hour , S4.a 4.10 ; ftoutli-
ern. SIUHX&I.OO : Wisconsin , S4.006J
4.10 ; Michigan soft sprint : wheat , g&Woj
4.10 ; Minnesota bakers , KI.50Cit4.10 ; patents ,
54.K ! ) 4.00 : low Kiwles , SL7.W4i.75 ; rjo Hour ,
quiet ut § 3.25 ( .50 In barrels , and 3.000 $
3.20 In gnrkH.
Wheut Opened holier than the closing
figures yesterday afternoon , nilvancwl ) ja
more , declined } fc , advanced iiKnin , then do-
ell n i'd , Dually closing ic. liliier ) than the
closing yesterday atteinoon : cash and Octo
ber , 'OyCiiTOVc ; NouMiihcr. 71Jfo ; December ,
Tunutliy seed I'rlmo , Sl.CSOl.C'J. '
WhisKy 81,18.
1'ork rrlce * advanced 5@10e and closed
Bti'ivdy ; caMi , Sl .00 ( y.W : October. SU.OO :
No cinber , SU.o-JVjtey.OJ ; January , 510.02J $ < 3
Lard -Steady ; cash. S5.CO.ri5.j2) . < ; October.
S'MX ) ; No\eiuber , SfcWJtfw675 ; January
Hulk .Meats Shoulders , S5.49CuS.45 ; short
clear , SO.G5 < 3 < 5.70j short ribs , 0.70.
lintter ( juiot ; creamery. 10 < < jehc ; dairy ,
lW22c ; vacklllR stock , 7\(38'ivr (
Cheese Kader ; full cream cheddars , coed
to fancy , 10'vlic ; do flats , ll@UKo ; young
Amrrlcas. llWUhc.
EcttS-QuU-t at 15 > fc.
Hute llca > y green salted , fully cured ,
l > ( c ; llsht. do SXo ; bull hides 5c ; dry. 2c
Failed Il@l2c.
Tallow o. 1 country , 8K@3WcNo.2. ;
8 : cake , 8J/e ,
Afternoon llourd Tlio markets ruled easloi
and closed generally lower. Wheat , Nou-ui-
tip Tl p ; Deambor 7 e ; May , fiisc.
< iin. , c ; Dcccmbrr , . > ,01
Mai , .i\e , Oati Noiriuber. ! M < Ke ( Alav ,
2'4i I'ork , NovenitxT. ? ! U s .lanuarv ,
| ) n,0o , Irfird , Nmi-mlHT , $ V. > ; * Jnnnaiy ,
? fl.W\
Rffi'l'it * . SlilfiinPtlte.
30.0X ) 2'OX )
Com. Oil 2 1.010 2.VI.OOO
OaKbu i 203,000 , , on 2ooj none i
Harlev.oti 1H.OUJ C.1.0W
Kt. ijouK Oct. 12. Wl eat Stionccr ;
SiivemlM-r , TJ'febid : December , M' ' u did ;
May , Me bid.
Corn Firm : No. 2 mKed , cash. JK OfSe :
November e ; December , S3Jfc $ Mav ,
: i7r.
Oats IllRher : No. 2 nilxcil , cash , 24(3 (
2.V ; Orloher , afic ; November , 2.1'jo bid ;
. . . .
M. - , , | (
l'ork- tl..1T'tti9..V\ '
HuttiT 1'anly ai'tlvoaiid firm ; cicamcry ,
2U.l-J7c ; dalrj' . IW'JSp.
A nonunion lioard Wheat ll.isy : \c
UUM-r. Corn Weak , > 4lower. ( . Oals-Kisler
and a shade limcr.
lilvnpodi , ( lot. 12. Wheat In fair
demand ; new No. J wtnti-r , steady al Cs fiJid ;
now No. 2 sprlnir. steady at fis si.
Flour In poor dPin.iiid , dull atbs4d.
CoinIn fair demand ; spot , steady atIt
Id ; ( Holier. Nou'iuber und December
steady at 4s "d.
rolfilo , Oct. 12. Wheat Opened steady
and closed ras > ; cash. "S c.
Corn -Dull : e.ish and October , Wic.
; cash , OT
Knnsns Clly , Oct. 12. Wheat lll lirt ;
No. 2 ii-d. fish , ri'Jic ; December , die
bld.Mn ; > .rci > { < < .
Coin llluliPt ; No , 2. fash , ! t , i nsUcd ;
November. 2liiji' ; Dm'iubi'r , : uc ) bid.
Oats Nomliml ; c.i"h.5l > ; u asked.
New Orleans , Oct. 12. Markets iiuli't and
Coin Dull , \\eakand IOUIM ; nilved ,
.Vic : > ellnw , 50 7olchlU' ; . . "ilOi. > 2c.
OatsFiruiiT at 3-V.
Coriimral Steady.
lloa 1'iinliicN In talr dcmniid.
1'ork - 'li.iliiswti.M ) .
IiulSfl.OO. .
Hulk , S5."O ; Ions clear
and C.'IMI ' rib" , Srt.trt .
Now York. Oct. IVlitat-Cnsli Riados
h'ni ' "It I'll'iil' ' nlmnun of Impoitaiii-u ; ex-
poit tniilinir IIIOIG nctlvi-i < iptlnii < i opened
Him and advanced ( A e. latiSr ' .W'U'd ' , ' 4
C ' ic , I'loM'd steady \\Ttli ' liirlit looo\i ry. n6-
* < > " ' . e1-.00j ; exports 101 000 ; ungraded Kil
T.V vie : NO. : i red. SOo In M6\Moi : N'o. 2 i.-d.
\OlSlc ' in elevator , ' ( 'B iU'c alloar , 82V <
Si e'f. u. b. ; No. 1 icd. vi'iip ; > 'o. a roil ,
October closed 8l\'c.
Corn Spot shade slroiisrr , niodciatply
actt\u ; ontlons ' .jOOV- higher , cl - > ln \\ltn
advance paitlj lo-l. , Receipts lOt.OOl ; e\-
poits , 12II.OOJ ; uui-'iaiU'd , 44w4'p ; No. 2
2 closed ( Holier , at 4i'4e. :
Oats iCirf 'c lil 'hiT : lecclpta , 10POJ ; e\-
poits f > 00 ; ml\ed vve > tem , uO it.'Kc ; vvhito
vvi > tein , : HC : ! ' . 'C' ' .
Pctroloum Steady : United , K > lc.
EUCS- Steady and In fair ipitei-t. ( |
I'oik Firm and In moderate oeniand ;
old me , < f ! .75 ; now , ? Hi.,0.
Lard Opened CO' * ' points higher and
falily active.
Cheese Firm lint tulpt. |
Mutter Firm and demand fair ; choice ,
quiet but steady.
Cincinnati. Oct. li Wheat Dull ; No.
2 led , 7.V.
Corn Weak anil lower ; No. 2 mixed , : i7(3 >
, " > 714t\
Oats Dull and lovvei ; No. 2 mixed , 27O
27d'e ,
K > c Kaslei : No. 2 , .ll c.
1'iovlsluns Firmer , tenilliiK unvvaid.
Whlskj-Steadyat S1.1I ! .
. Oct. 12 Wheat Weak ,
and lower ; No. 1 liard , cash fi'.io'i : Novem
ber , 70'4'c ' ; December , 71j4c ! : No. 1 nnithern ,
cash , ( J7e ; November , ( > 7Kc : Deeembei , O'.ie ;
No. 2 northerii. cash , C5c ; NoveniDer. CCc ;
December , 07' < c.
Flour Dull ; patents , SUOrtM.55 - ; bakers' ,
Receipts Wheat , 100,010 1m.
hhlpmeiiLs Wheat , 14,000 bu. ; Hour , 22.0CO
Milwaukee. Oct. 12. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 70c ; November , 70' ' c ; December ,
Corn Steady ; No. 2 ,
Oats Xo. 2 , 23 > jTc.
Rye Dull ; No. 1 , 51c.
Uailey lllsher ; No. 2 , 52J c
I'rovlslons Higher.
Chicago. Ost. 12. The Drover's Journal
rcuoits a1 * tollovvs :
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; stiong early , clos
ing weak ; shipping stceis. S3.50u5.12J ( ;
stockers and leeders. S2.20@3.SO ; cows.
ers , bteady : natives and half-breeds. SJiOJ'5) )
3.00 ; eow.s , SiSOrf'iW ) ; winteied Texans ,
S2.86Sj.55. ( :
llo s Receipts. 4,030 ; ficsh and stale stock
neatly all sold : best , lOc hislicr ; rough and
mixed , si.CiO@4.25 : ; paekhii ; and ohlpplnir ,
SJ5.U.-XTU.70 ; liuht weights , S.5'xg4.45 : ! ; skips ,
$ t > "I\t
weaker ;
3.C5 ;
Kniians City. Oct -Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 head : shipments , 1,000 head ; good to
choice. S4. 00n4. ( 50 ; common to medium ,
S3.30@.00 : ! ; stockcrs , S4'rxS2.75 ; feeder : ! ,
S2.bOu ( .00 : cows , 81.50 ( 'J.OO ; grass lange
bteers , 32.2.V 3.15.
JIogH Receipts , l.LOO : shipments , none ;
good to choice , S4.SO@4.50 ; common to
medium , ( ! .
Bt. ijouiH. Oct. 12. - Cattle Receipts ,
2,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; Him and a shade
stronceron desirable grades ; native shippers ,
S4. ! CM.aii ; butchers. S3.15(2rt.23 ( ; rangers
and Texan ? , S2.00yi3.C5.
HOBS Receipts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ;
opened firm and eloped stiong ; butchers and
cnoleo heavy , Sl.-05i4.5,5 ; packers , S4.00 ®
4.85 ; Yorkers S4.-4.40 ( ; jiijjs , common to
choice , 5S.OOI.10.
Tuesday Evening , Oct. 12.
Cattle The cattle market Is mm nt pluvi
ous quotations. The receipts of range cattle
are heavy.
lloa.s The light receipts and the needs of
the packers caused an advance In the market.
The Luner.s became excited and bid way
above tlio market One load was sold at
Sheep Nothing doing on the maiket.
Jtuciii'is. :
Cattle . 2,000
Hogs. . . 400
Showlne the prevailing prices paid for Hvo
stock on this market.
Choice steers , 1850 to 1500 Ibs . S4.S5@-t.GO
Choice steers , HOu to 1800 Ibs. . 3.75i ( 4.W )
Medium bteers , 1250 to iav > Ibs. . . 3.00(5-1.15
Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150 IDs . . . . 8.80i4.00 (
( loodfeedeis . eno 3.25
< ! oed to choice eorn-ftxl cows . 2X.1.00 (
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00ftti'.2.l5
( ! oed to choice Dulls . 1.50 ( < W.OO
Light and medium nog ? . 3.55 3.70
flood to choice heavy ho s . 3.75as..O
Good to choice mixed IIOKS. . . . 3.tiOii3.75 (
Rough throw onts . 2.50Crti.i)0 ; )
( ! oed to choice sheep . S.WXii'JM'i
Fatrtogood sheep . 2.75 13.00
Common sheep . 1.0@.M )
ItcpreHOiitutive Httlea.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r.
SI. . . . fall S2..2tf ( 40. . . .1013 8M.10
S. . , . TOO 2.IUJ < 5. . . . WO 8.15
SS--12CO 3.00 12. . . . Oh5 ai5
fi0..11W 3.00 4. . . . U05 8.15
23 , . .JOsl 3.10
% NoAv - Pr >
; . . .i 54
No. Av. Slit. I'r. No. Av. Khk. I'r.
88..1W 2SO glno ISO. . , .227 120 fS.UO
W. . .207 SOO aM CO. . . . 303 120 4.00
64..2&J 120 3'JO CO. . . .201 120 4.25
Showing tlio hluhnst and lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this market dm lug
the Mj\endays and for the same time
last ) car : , l'naD itt -.OrtS nrfc < J"c.cd50 ) i
Gcncrnl Produce.
Tuesday , Oct. 1'3.
ncfollnirlng prices urc for rnuii'l foil nf
7 > rot/utr , ( isinNf nil the imrrArt tn Jtiit. Ttie
iluuMlimiiin fruit * leiircxrn' tnc ; irlcc. < K
uhfr/i / < > nfcotcrR ( / < irc ( JJfc'J.
Kiiiii 'lliv ct'z tnnrki't hpr.v . linn nt
nitolalloti" . ItecclDtsnro nl)0it ) ( i-qunl to tnu
( Iciiiiiiid. Drnlors ilo tint look for nncliaiieo
In tlio innrkot ni long n < < tliu pri'M'tit mild
ncntlii'i contiuiiiM. A cold su'll , Iiowevor ,
\\tnild Mn likely camp nn luhaiici * . Strictly
flt' < li. iMiidlrd. IMT dor , 17i\
Hi 1 1 . it Tlin ilpiiinnd lorolinlrp ore. ! ! ) ! ! i >
and dinin > \\r\\ \ \ n * . iicili connln mil. is
scrvlii'sk. InfiMlui ctadpo roiunlii ns ilull
nsi'xoi. Tlii' MMSOII is no'v sulllcli'iilly nil-
\nnri'il li > ship roll Inillor. When piniiLTly
ci.ided nnd p.irkril nlcelj liirlonu boxes , not
containing inoro tlmn obout cli'litiiniind
1'ipsb cioniia'iy , 'AV 2v : lii"-h dairy , IVitiOc ;
I'liniceciiiiutrx loll. I'N.C.'OC ' : olioioo roiinlry
mil. solid piicUi-il. UK/IN' : need connlrj loll ,
HiC < tlp : c ( 'd cuimtM loll , solid picked , ISyt
10c : inlt. HctHc : coiinnoii. Iml'c '
< iun-A : innrctienltby fpi-linj ; Is prnxall-
IlIL' . I'l , III iCrlllckcllS nllll UIOllsOlll'll 111
food nnlei. < ( 11 lemlllj at iiiiot-itloiH. Ducks
nro In nnicli better ii'iinmt. ijuail In lUiit
leri-lpt ninl inurli called fni . Snle. | fair
sale. Drei and nntelniK * carc < J nnd wanted.
Slilpni'is should bear In mind to slilp nil
Kninelilli ; It Is fieib , and not bold olT until
tbev lm\o on hand lanre ( iiutntltU'- * . I'ralilo
chicken * * , per doreit , S1.CXJ ; nnall. Sl-iXXJil,1) ;
siiiiMi i > lo\er. eti1. , ; Arii1.'J.i ; ducks , ( Mallaid ) .
Sl.r.o.-H ( ( ) ; ducks ( Teal ) , 8l.oo , l.-T ; ducks ,
inlMMl. : nctsfv , Si.OXit'l.)0 : ( : deer.
saddles , ncr Ib. , litici''c ; deer , carcns-es' . per
Ib. , 7ci ' . .k.nitelote | , saddle's , IKjgl''o ; mile-
loiie. catrasMTti.'r ' , ( ilk. saddles , lUal'Je ;
'Iu. rmcassos , I'Kiiie : jaeK ribtil : ) > . i > ei do/ ,
St.r : > 0 ( < H.H ( ) ; siunli. P < M do ? . , Sl.00wl.ur , .
I' Kho noultiy continues \erv
dull. Tim demand tor dieted chickens Is
dall > Incte.isini ; . Aiiivnls thus lar have
been extiemolv lluht : I.hc Ohickcns , old ,
per doSSOO rJ.W : cldrkens , sprlnp. z2.H (
WAM ; dnck.s , S-.iK.nJ.V > : tinkojs S7.tO@
s.ft ) ; see e , & ( ' . , ( ) Of.uO. . Dressed Chickens ,
ttiuleu jounc , jier Ib , llcM'Je : choice old ,
hrniie ; dui'lf ! , lie ; iepse , lie ; tuikevs ,
IV Ii'K * .
\ i .ITAIII : i-s-Our jiotalo niaiket Is inn
rather unsettled state just at present. C'ai-
lots aie hnrd to plnro. Kninieis are suppl.v-
in dealeis \ \ , \ \ \ whate\ei tl oj ieiiiiro | for
linniedlatu coiisuinpt on. Hujers do not
show the lean anxich to lay In their \\.ntei
stork , \ \ arineathei bcltn ; . aniiaiently , their
onij exc'ii'.1 ' 1 or ! : „ ! . ! . r.n' rS. , c1111 ? . ' ' "
the NV-iitUvr woulii rinuotilitedly C.ti.0 n
tnucii bciu-r leellinr. Onions also incitlth
slosale. . Tlieic Is hardlj a doalei In the
market \\lio buys more than li\o 01 ten
bushels at a time. Sweet iiotnaoes aio p'enti-
ful and low. t'abbnu'e in lull supply. PnLi-
tocs , choice , per bu , 'X. @ Kic ; lair lo good.10
( ( Sine : onions , choice , lOe' < iSl.OO ; fair to
uood. 7.Vii'.Ooj in small lots tiom stole , per
bbl , SH.OO : sweet nolaloes choice , per Ib , .Q
'J } < c ; cabbage , choice , per doftO iCOe ; ccl-
ory)0e. ) .
Arri.i.s There Is plenty of fancy stock-
iio\varri\lni : troin all sections , this demand ,
bo\\e\er. Is limited. Dealers are not fully
lirepnied to laIn their wiutei ktoi'lc. Coiu-
iiion sloc-K , SS.OJ irJ.'i'j ; choice sldpplnt ; stock ,
S---OMii-OO ; fanc\ stand , j.TV'tii.OO : fancy
.Michigan , SWC't.-.r : ! ( ( : .
HoMi.-tiiiou.v ( iiii'i : , Are \ervnrarly
out of tin ) market. The m.uket K supplied
with XcYoik Conrotds ; _ ' . ' > to . " > 0 basket
lots pei basket. 15 ( r-iOc ; ID to in basket lots ,
jrr r > c ; 1 to : > basket lotNIO& ' Vc. )
O .STlls ! The weathei has been most too
waim to admit of a very heavy oj ster trade.
llo\\e\ei. tiadu Is liuttei than nsu.d al this
season , and a good many oideis lioui thu
outside niebeini : lillcd. .Mudium- ? ; stand
ards. ! ' > 0e ; selects. : ! . "ic : N'ew Vorke.'iints .
l.BMO.vs Cliok1'1 , "CO si/e , pel box" SB..V ) .
UitAMiKs Thu only clumircs on the mar
ket aiu Jamaica , \\lneli aie lower than Iat
week , Jamaica , per box , $ > .00 : jier bbl. , Ifll.
C'iANiiiiini : The maiket Is falily well
siiplilied with \crv cliolcti slock. C'ape cod ,
fancy , per bbl. . SS.W ; Wisconsin , S7..W.
UAN.VNAS liananas ui felling at about
the same as last \\eek. Bananas. velosjiei !
litincb , Sl./XXi'-.CO / ; liaiianas. jellow , large
bunch. ? 'J.5C@i. : 0.
C'Ai.ii'onxiA. KuriTS Two cars of Cali
fornia fruits \\ero received tbis\\eek. On nc-
countof the cooler weather they aiilved in
\eiygood older and met with imicK .sales.
1'caches. Si-l ; cniiji ! ' . Tokavs , S-.0 ; trranes ,
black , S..OO ; pears , \icar. ili.OO ; pluiiis , 31.75
Mni.oxs A few aiu still coming in , but the
demand Is light and they aie sli vv sale.
MAl'i.i : Sun ui. Stiictly pure. 50-lb boxes ,
15cierpound ] ; stiictl.v pine , 10-11) tin palls ,
I4c per pound ; choice 5j bricks , 25-lb boxes ,
r.'c per pound ; choice penny cakes , 25-lb
boxes. I2 > e per pound.
Iloxm Nebiaska , choice , whlto clover ,
15ijliie. ( : Nebiaska , dark. 12fii)14c. ) ; California ,
extra whlto inc. : choice , l2@l2.Jic.
PiiovisioN' , Ham , sugar-cured. 13c ;
boneless , 50-lb boxes , UJifc ; plcnle ham. 10 > fc ;
breakfast b.icou. sugar-cured , He ; shouldeis ,
Miiiar-cured , Sc : elear side bacon , iK3'J'.fe ' ; dry
salted sides , 8 > .jc : diied beef ( hams ) , 15e ;
dried beef ( regular ) . 12elaid,40-Ibe.ins , Fair-
bank's , 84c ; 10 , 5 and : t-lh pails ,'s ,
Fi.orr. AND Mn.T.STiTK.s WIntel wheat
flour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second iiual-
ity. 82.40 ; best quality spiing wheat
Hour , patent , S2.00bian,50cpercwtehopped ; :
fetd , 70c per cwt ; white corn meal. Sl.OO ;
jellowcoin meal , i)0c ) per cv\t ; screening , ( > 0e
percvvt ; hominy , 82.00 per ewt ; shorts , .V > o
pei cwt ; L'ralmm. Sl.OO ; hay , in bales , 55.50 ©
0.00 per ton.
15r-AHs The market Isaimost cleaned up.
Nice clean beans in fair leanest. 11. 1' .
Navy , S5I.70@1.75 : 11. 1' . Medium. 81.nOf <
clean eountry , S1.25@l.Hj ; coed clean coun
try , 0 31.00 : Inferior , G0ii75c.
( iitAi.v Corn , 2-ic ; new oats , 23c ; rye. 40c ;
wheat. No. 2 , cue.
Orocors * Tjlst.
1'icKi.ns Medium , in bols , 50.50 ; do In
half bbls. 8:1.75 : ; small , in bbls , 57.50 ; do in
half bbls , SJ.-I ; gherkins , In bbls , SS.50 ; do
in halt bbls. 54.75.
&YIIUINo.70 , 4-galion Kegs , 51.20 ; New
Orleans , 3x < S40c per Ballon ; Manlo Syrup , J <
barrel , "old Hue. " 7.'c pur gallon ; ! gallon
cans. SIO CO per dot. , ' & gallon can S5.W per
dru : quail cans. 53.00.
StiOAits I'owdered. 7y < * 7Xe ; cut loaf
7a7'4e ( ; granulated. 0 > < < < tt > ! c ; confectioners'
A,0 4c ; standard extra C. Cll | > o ; extra C , fijf
5 ; < e ; medium yellow. .SUcts c.
Roru ) i Inch. OKe- ; inch , lOe ; # Inch ,
10'iTe- '
DIIIKH FnriTS No. 1 quarter apples. 8 { ®
4c ; In cvaixirated boxes. U'M < a'J'-viC ' ; bl.tckber-
rlos , bo.xes , ( ( ( ii'j c ; peaches , eastern.
fij c ; peaches , evaporated , 15)i@l7c ) : tialt
hake , noiu ; In maykef i-aspberries.imw , 17H
faibJic ; cm rents , o4@7c ; prunes , now , -1 %
4J < c.
OANNID : ( ! eons Oysters , standaid. per
cas , 50 : : ! ! ; stniwbenles , 8 Ib. per case. 82.10 ;
raspberries , a lb per case , S2.10 ; Calltornlix
iieaft , iwr case , S4.50 ; apricots , per case ,
$4.tO ; peaches , per case , S5.8.p > ; white cherries ,
per case. 51.03 ; plums , per case , SS.ii.'i : bluu-
borrles , per case. SI.H'ij egc plums , alb , per
case , C-.M : pineapples , 'Jib , per case , J3.20
( S5.M ) ; 1 Ib mackerel , jicr doz , 31.20 ; I Ib sal
mon per doz , Sl.ft l.M ; 2 Ib gooseberles ,
per case , 81.75 ; a Ib string beans , per case ,
31.70 : 3 Ib lima beens , per case. Sl.OO ; U Ib
marrowfat peas. t > er case S2.40a ; Ibcaily
June peas , per case. ? 2.75 ; a Ib tomatoes.
CorKKi'.s Ordinarygractes.ll@llKc : tulr ,
12 il2 } < c ; prime.12i < ( i4lSceiiolce : , 13'xittitc ' ;
fancy green nnil yellow. 13) ) @ 14c ; ohl cov-
rriiment JavaiiOC"py > c ; Interior Java. IOJ/fi (
SOo ; Mocha , 22W24c : Arbucklo's roastPif ,
ICc ; Mchaughlinr XXXX roasted , Ifin ;
Dll worth's. ' 15 'c ; Hed Cross. lOc ,
STAUCH Mirror gloss , j Ib , S.Vo ; Mirror
Kloss , 3 Ib , 6 0 ; Mirror glo s , i Ib , f Kc ;
Oraves corn , 1 Ib , fie ; Kinjrsford's corn , 1
Ib , 7cKingsford's ; glo.s. i ib , 7d ; Klnis-
ord's Klops. 0 Ib , 7'u ; Kln Bford's pure , 31b.
Jfc ; Klnirsforil's bulk , 4e.
Toiurco I'lug , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
37c ; star. Ht ) . ; ; spear head , S9e ; piper heldsick ,
C-Oc'j gold bhleld , ! Hc ; meiry war , 2.5c ; J. T
' '
'TOUACCO Smok-lng , Durham , Is 51e ; J < s.
54c ; > 8. Mo ; Ks. OOa ; meer.scluiiu. 30c : old
stIP. . 'iJc ; V. X. ( ) . , 15c : spirit cured , 45c
MATCHES I'er caddie , asc ; snuaro cases ,
$1.70 ; muli ) square. Sl.20.
OA.NDV Mixed , wUKc ; stlcif. 8K9Kc.
UitACKF.iis ( larneaii's sod.i , butter and
picnic , 5)fc : creams , 8Jfc ! ginger snaps , 8 > e ;
cltr Foua , 7uc
SOAPS Kirk's bavon imperial. 32.70 ;
Kirk's eatlnct. S3.00 ; Kirk's standard , Si.O- : ) ;
Kirk's white Russian , S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. J6.50 ; Dome S3.W ; Washboard , ga.10.
White Cloud , Sa.75.
General Markets.
WOOL Medium. 18(3203 ( per Ib : fine heavy ,
14$10c ( ; light , 10gl8c ( ; coan > e , 14@10o ; burry
wool , * @ 5u on.
HIIIKS ( Srecn butcher" , 6c ; gtecn
curwl. feQS' c ; dry llmt , ll@lSc ; dry salt ,
W lOc ; ereen calf skins. WgfJiodamaged \
hides two-third * price. I'allow 8c. > . ( Jrcase ,
prime white , Sc ; yellow , 2c ; brown ,
Sheep 1'elU. 25 75c ,
LKATHCU i'rlme slaughter sole leather ,
leather per f > 't. > < ' ' ' 3 , item , kp 7vv :
( Mk kl"M'll'V | ' : Liench k'lS1.00iM.M ' ;
hciii.wlf , $1. < V9I k. n k cart , Sl. < iviis.j , ;
French onlf , M.e.ViM.'vi : Monwio limit tec ,
SOiiJKc ; Morocco nil in-bull1 , 8S jM ; < ! . toppings
HKAit.MiiiWAiir : Iron , rate , S2.SO ;
low stfol enM , 4c ; cniclh letecl , Oo ;
rast tool * do. Wlv ; wagon spokes1 per < 0t ,
Fl.75rf3.0i ; hub * , per sot Sl.'iV. felloos
rawed div , ? t. 0 ; tongu-s , O.IPII. 7" > c : avles
each. " . "KJ ; < uiaro nuts , per Hi. 7c < lHc : cell
chain , per Ib , fXnjt e ; malleable , Ciis ( * : Iron
wedges , lie : * , oo : harrow teeth. 4c ;
tptlni ; steel , 7"i'o : Uurdcn's hoise tioes.
54.40 ; Uurden's mule sitoes. S-1.40. Unroot )
wire , tn ear lot , S4 oo per 100 Ibs. tool
Null" . ratf . lOto M. S-.lo ; steel uaiK Si.i' . ' , ;
Shnt-Sl.iVi ; buoKihot. 51. 5 : oriental
powder , kegs ' - ' . . ' ( ) : do. half kegs , $2.00 ;
do. quarter ke.' ; blasting , Kegs , ? . : . : ; - ,
fu-e. pel 10 leet , r& . J10.
DiifosANi ) Cvi vur vi.s Acid. carboll3
! > -c : acid , tartarlp , r > Jcbalsim ; cunalba , tier
tt > , 4 c : br.rk. "ass.ifras. per Ib. lOe : calomel ,
tier Hi rlilnchnnliiin ! : , KT nt , 40e ; chloio-
loim , per ll > . " 0 e : Dover's jxnvdeia , IHT tb ,
81.8S ; cpsimi salt * , per Ib , Ji'te ; cheeilne ,
| > nit > , per It' . IS ? : lead , acetate , per III 2le ;
oil , castoi. No. 1. per gal. , fcl.5'1 ' : oil , cantor.
No. 2 , per gal. . ) ; oil. oll\eper gal. . < 1.40 ;
nil orivaniiuni , 5.V ( : opium f.-O ; nulnine ,
1' . vt W. and R. V S , per oz , 70i : ) Kil\S"iutn ;
Iodide , IH-I Hi , S..s'i : snllein , pel o40c ; snl-
plip.teiuorpnlne. pet oSJ.Hi ; sulphur , per
lt > . 4c : Mrvchnine. jero Sl.l.X
I'AINTS IN ) n.Muecaii. . Omaha , 1' . I'
he ; white lead , St. Louis , ] uue. 57.75 ;
ellles gifcti. 1 to 111 ems. Jc * Flench zlne ,
creen seal , 12c ; l-'ieneli r.lm ? red seal , lie ;
Fiench zinc. In varnish asst , 20c : French
zinc , 75o ; ternillllon. Aineilean , Ise ; Indian
red , 10c : roie Pink. He ; \ enctlan red , TOOK-
oil's'J'its : Venetian red. American. IJJ
led lead , 74e ; eliromn yellow , genuine. 'JO
cliiomeellow , K. We : ochre , roche . le . , . : . tc ;
oohte , I'lench , 2 , e : ne ) .ire , American , l > fe ;
Winter's mln-'ral 2e } : l.i > lilili blown,2' ' . c ;
Spanish blown. 2'ie : I'rince's mineral. " 2.
\ AHMSIIKS llaireli , pel gallon : Kurnl-
lure , extra , S1.10 ; fuiuiture , No. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coaeh extia , 51.40 ; roach. No. 1 , Sl.20 ; Da-
mar , extra. S1.7. " > : Japin. 70c ; asplialtuui.
extra , Me ; shellac , 33.50 ; hard oil tinisii ,
51.5 ( > .
Dnvl'AiN'White lead. * < ; Kronen 7ine ,
I'-V ; I'nris whiting. 2We ; whitiliir , gliders' ,
Si .e ; whiting , com' ! , We , lampblack , Ger-
man.stowii. 1-c ; lainput icf , oidlnary. N.- ;
Prussian blue.Vn ; ; ullr.imarinp , l c : vainly ke.
brown , se : umber , burnt , 4e ; unibci' . raw , 4c ;
sienna , burnt , se- sienna , ratf , 4c ; J'l'ns
gieen. genuine , > c ; rans crcen. eniumon.
'c ; chioiiu1 1'rePii. Ji. . . COc ; chronic green.
K , I2eermlllion ; , IJnslisli , in oil 70c ; raw
andbuint iniiber. 1 llj ti\\\t. \ r.v ; niw fiTiu
burin 'jileium ' , IV ; vantlvko. blown , " iiic ; r < > - 1'Je ; coach bhck and i\oiy
black , ir : diou black ific ; Prussian bine ,
< ( H ; ; ultraminnebup : ! , 15e ; eiiiotuc geen : , i , . ,
M. t 1) . , Kk- ; blind and cutter irieeii. L. , M.
& 1) ) . , 16e ; I'ailscifen , IS ? ; Indian ml , l&c ;
Veneliati red. IV : Tuscan , 'c : Anieilean
\eimilllon. L. > VD. . , 20c : yellnw ochio , t'e ' ; L.
M. Ai O. D. , Ibs : good < , c'ire , ific ; patent
di > er , be ; graining coloi. lUl > t oak , daikoak ,
wlanut. chestnut and abh. 12c
bPi HITS Cologne spirits. Its jirnof. S1.17 :
do 101 prool , 5 > 1.1 ; .sp.rlt-s , second auilily ,
101 proof , 81.1 : do l b proof. 81.10. Alco-
hoi. isspioof , S-M PCI winetallon. liedis-
tilled whiskies. Sl.OO < ei..V ) . Oln. bleiuld ,
Sl.WXtt'J.00 ; Kentuck/ bourbons , Jji.oO i.OO ;
Keiituclyandl' : < 'iins > lvanlar > es , 5J.00@ri.50 ;
( ioldcn .sibeaf bouibon and rje whl-kics ,
Sl..r.O.i.1J.00. ISiamKes , Imported , t > .00S.53 ; ;
domestic. S1.JO.OJ. : ( . ( lins , impoiled , S4 : a
@i > ,00 ; doiiiestie , 1.2.Vu't.OO. ClianiUKnes ] ,
imjiorted , per ease. S''s.oyC'iKI-fO ; Amciican.
per case , S10. ( C'il'.WJ. '
' muni ) * ' .
Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12. 14 and 10 ft . $17.50
No. 2 " 12. ' 14 and 10 tt . 14.7ri
No. a " " ' 12 ] 14 and 10 n . 1H.50
No.4 " " 12. ' 14 and 10 It . 12.00
S'AM ' ) TIMllMts.
i i' | | i j j j
i. rt n a iu it is it uo n a rt 24 n
ill . . . . . . . unOin ) IB.DJ it.ooiis.oo 21.00 1.00
2.\iu . . . .
,10.n , | lB.rillli.M ( 17.Hll8.00 ( 22.1X1 ii-.OJ
lli.-iliiii ( ; fO'lB ' Snil7.OOH3.U3 Ul M ) 00
Xo. 1 , 4 it 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. . iouh. . .317.04
Xo. 'J , 4 it 0 incji , 12 ami H ft. , tough. . . 14.0J
A 12 , K Aloft , 21000 C . 515.00
] J 12. 14 A : 10 It.,000'D . 11.00
rnil.l.VO AM > PAHT1TIOK.
1st com. , % in White I'ino Partition. . . . S33.00
cl . ' " " . . . . 27.50
2d Com. IS In. Norway Pine Cclllnir. . . . 14.00
A Cinch , wliitti pine , 2 ! C . S20.00
0 Oinch , . D . 21.50
A 12 Inch. 6.1s. 4'C ' ! . S 1.00
liiailicll " " 421) . 23.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , ISA 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , " . . . . 16.50
Xo. 2 , " " " 12ifcl4ft . 17.00
" " " " 10 ft . 10.00
1st and 2a. clear , I'f inch , s. 2s . S50.00
8d , clear , 1 inch. s.'J s . 45.00
. id. clear , W , ! ! < ? . 2 in . 47.50
1J hclect , 1 inch. s. 2 s . 29.00
U select , l 4 < , VH,2in . Wi.OO
Mill' LAP.
No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 inch . S17.50
Xo. 2 , pUn,8 aiid-10 Inch . 15.50
sni.voi.r.s I.ATII.
XX clear , S2.VO ; A btandard , S2.50 ; Xo. 1 ,
S1.H5 : hath. S2.2T. .
POSTS Whlto Cedar , 0 in. , J s , 12c ; 8 in.
qrs. , ' .l' < c.
I.IMP. Krr. Qulncy white Hmo ( bestl 80c :
Cement ( Akron ) SMW. llalr , : c. Mlehl-
gan plaster , S2.75. Sash , MJc. Ullnds , 50c
loor. , 5'Jc.Mouldings , 50
Mew ITBII . HI1 * HT ll'NUr Illils'l'ls ' Kta
axJiJOJ 90 M 4U U 1U
Don's S'tNo 1 I/b 70o'coi ' : If , 2 0" 1 70 !
J/go GIUM Fancy S 00 II 002 75 1 Ml 5J 50 45
UK It'U bh'ro K'Cj 5 00J , OJ.a 7,1 1 M 1 it ) ! M 45
iK KIoll.
l'lf ' l 'l"yr ' , ltils | " ! H Kts
10j w M 12 I 10
No , \viiito i Fish. . 7 oo n : ion soi : 101 ni
Fiiinllr While 1'isli. . i 3 601 3 152 051 M ( K
No. 1 Trout il SOU 052 Ml U5 , 74
. , . . . . Hrlsjllf llhlPlQ'rllhls.l'allsor Kits
„ . , ,
j)0 ) ] W M ,0 40 u J0
, , ,
KKKllcr'ncs 14 M7 WO 803 SO3 10 . . . . 1 04
Holland her-
tlatie , now. DO
Artists' Material.
A. HOSPV , , nt. ,
Artists' Mntcrlnln , 1'ianos nud Organs ,
1513 DuvElna HtrootOmntiu.
Agricultural Implsments ,
ciTuitciiiLL pAitmt ,
Wliolcoulo Dealer In
Agricultural Iniiilenieiits , Wnpons ,
ouJ Uuerl ? ! . , Jones rtrrct , between Otli
ana lotbOmntin , Nct > .
Agricultural Implements ,
.CarrluiM , UucirlC'S ' Ktc. , Whalesalo , Omaha.
Afrriculiural Implenifiiits ,
i and IIUKilet. 7JI'J33.Oi and 107 , Jonei ( t
Buffer and Eggs.
liuyers of Byttor nnd EffgB.
tor Mini J' iklni Home , llth mrf
ortli St. , U.JMi.H.Tfaclt , Omaha.
Butchers' Tools.
liutchcra' Tools and Supplies ,
mlnsi of nil kinds nlwajri In ttock. 1J15
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
llechnnlci1 Touli anil IlurTalo Bcalei. UKi Douulm U
Orualm , Neb ,
LEE , Fit J EJ ) M CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , hheet Iron , Etc. .Aitenu for IIowu bcalo * ,
and Miami Powder L'u. . Omaha. Neb. _
AVholcsnlo Hardware.
\Veitrrn nirerti for JefTenon fiterl Nalli , Auitta
I'uwderCo , Kalrbankt fctandord bralvt. Corner
IdtU andllanieOmaha. .
floor's an < / Shots.
SHOE CO.V7M.V1 * .
Munufati'rct niHltii lc slc Dealers In
Hoots niitl Shoes.
Complete tt rK tif K'il > t or ( ionil nlwnT" on hum )
Hit S. Hill M . litniiliii. Nob. A T Au tln. Agonl.
jrTr Moti'snlp x ) .
lolilirvs of Hoot * ninl Shops.
1411 Pun nin M , Oiunhik , Nrh .Vnmifnitor ) , Summer
l , Illl'tOII.
Agt. for Aii1ieu er-u ! ! > ] i Hrowintr Ass'n
Spcclnl ItmmK t'nuit. I'mlttcner iinil TrUnpcr.
KTOKX tl > ILKIi ,
linger HPPT HrowerS )
l.YM North l th Mrwl , Pmnhii.Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Sic.
Omalia C'oflVo ninl Spire Mill * .
Te.v.CciCoo' cpro ! . lliilliik' rondi'i. I'l ro m Us-
traru. Liu. dry lllue Irk. Kn lilt ! ii llmnc ?
Mrcol.Ouiiilin , Vcb.
Homo CollVc mid Sjtk-p Mills MVi ? Co.
Cntrpo Homers mid pli UrlMilrr. Miuvilnnuiirs
n ( llnLlna 1'owdor. I'l itnrliu ! I'xirnrN Illnl it. I IP.
1rr < > nnri > c nf oir 1 & jniknisc llnina lllvnd Itoiul. U
OntTw IWHo-nnln itmiiin Nil >
.John Kpcticter , Prop.
Manufacturer of CnUnnlffil Iron ninl Cornlcp. SZ1
l > nUai-iim < 10) ninl 1 . " > .N , ID'Jl u. ( nnllIiK.Ncti.
, l > JtOLTE ,
Mnniifarturcro of
Oniiiinonfiil ( inlvin.oil : ! Corulros.
Dormer \\lmlon HnnN Wci llrSkjlliliti'tf. | 310S.
lSTEJff i'OJt.\lt'Elt'01lKS ,
( \ Kppclit , I'm" .
Gnlviinlicil Iron ( Vrnlei s , rtr. Hi i > i t "Improve" ! 1VU-
cut Mctullu MtylUlit. tut i.nd Ml ) h 1-Mi M .ilninhu.
Jobbers of
ts , Cnrtnins Oil Cloth" . Knys ,
Lira pum * . Mnttlne * . RIP IMI Donglni uln-rt.
S . A.
Who'esale Carpets Oil Cloths.
Milliner , Cirtaln ir.i < d . I'le. 1121 1-ninum Mrort ,
lirssliit , Neb.
Crockery and Motions.
pent for tl'o Munuf.icturtrs nml Importers of
Crorki'i'v , ( iln > s\vniv ,
Lcmp ? , Oiluiiejs ftp. llfflro , all South 13tli et.
I iiK'hn , Ne'i.
Commission and Storage.
Commission ixiul .l
Hntlrr. i/.v / < Ri"l rrortticc. > tollc'tPil.
Ucuilnii iilcru for i tuncwiri' , Hurry Hole B mul
l.r.ii'O ItmkO's. 14U lnMj.'o-tr ! < > il.Hnmlm.
J'E YCKE 1 } HOS. ,
Coniniission Merchants.
Trull" . I'rotHHP Irovi lonf. Omntri , Nrb.
Storage nnil Commission Merchnnt.
brcehittlos Ilu tc1'CKi. . TlirpBe , Poiiltrj. ILaino ,
UT > t rn , 13IP , I to llJ'-nutU lull Kln t
Produce roiiiiiiission Morcliauts
Poultry , Ituttir , ( .nine , rniltf. cti. . 120 B. nth St.
Unnl.t ] stil ,
General Commission Jlerelisuits ,
And Jo'ibrrs of Fiirelsn nnd llnincj'lc I'mlt * . Torre-
f ponilpncc f nlloited. Wiireliou o nnil onico , 110 N.
Thirteenth St , Omnlin , Nrb. Telephone " ' .
p.itbcco 'c co. ,
mportcrs anil wholonleile-iluM In
Italian i'rotluce ,
ForclEn. Domc'tlounil Cnllfornl.i Krults nnil Co-amis-
alon McrcUunts. 101 b. luh 't. Only exclusive
fruit house tn Oin'ihn.
Coal ancS Lime.
Dealers In
Hard anil fc'oft Coal ,
Office nnrl yard.irth Nlrliolns IB. , Omaha , Neb.
Viml Telephone , Ui7.
( Itu. . . IHAOH , 1'rcs. C. F. noonwAN , V. Prei.
J. A. HUNDKllLAND , bee. und TrciiB.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 South Thirteenth Strert , Omnha , Neb.
o co. ,
Hannfacturevs of Illinois White Lime.
And Hilppera cf Coul nnd Coke. Cement , Planer ,
IJuio , Hulr , Tire Uriels , Dniln , Tlio und hewer 1'lpo.
ontvc. 1'iUoii Hotel. Kitrnam rt. , Onnha , Nfb.
TeU'iinono 811
JlanufactHrliip ; Confectioners ,
Jobbers of rruiteNut > and Clt-niB. 1211 Taruam St. .
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
Oeo. Ilurkc , > 1anflfcr.
union Stock Vnrdn.B iimaha. Telephone 682.
Xlve Stock Commission Jlcrcbants ,
Ehlptnent * of nny anil all klmlb of Flock ( elicited.
Union mock Yanlt , Oinaba , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Quni anil Ammunition , 115 to 3 S. HtU tt. , 1020 to
1021 rnrnjin Bt.O-nahHNob.
jrniinfactiirers of Fine Clears ,
And Wboletale le lorn In Leaf TnLacroB , Not. 108
ODH110 N. Kth rtreut , O nntiu.
Dry Goods.
M. KMITltQ CO , )
Dry Goods , Fnraishliiff Goods &Notlona
1103 nnU 1101 nouelat.cnr. llth St. , Ornnha , Ntb.
DlBtlllers of Liquor * . Alcohol nnd Pplrtti. Importers
and JoLbercof Wlncsund l.lquorB.
CO. and ILEIt C CO. ,
Iniportors and Jobbercof Fine Wlcci and Liquors.
bolo matiufucturi'mof Kennoilr'n KattlndlnlJIt-
lira and Domes Ici.lqunri. 1IU IturiiujHt.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Largest Drner , Paint , Oil & Glaus Honso
Weitof CtilraEo. romnk'lo Line of Druggim Sun
dries llll mrnejr ( t.Oinibu ,
Wliolcaiik' DiUfiffflsts.
Andnealenlnl'iilnte , Olltnnd Window OlaM.Omaba ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. Il.SAi'rti.Prf , . J.W.7wronn.Beo.ATreri
It. J , CAnsoN , V.l'rci. nnd Hupt.
Office 213 B. llth et. , Omaha , Neb. Machlnerr and
buppllea for tlacu.'aoiurlni ; Cement llraln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Ensriiicers and Contractors ,
Brldzei , Vladncte. Hwif Truuei , Steam Tile Drlflnr ,
HlW.Onkanii rine llrldn' Lumber , lithn. , n r
Barnaul , Omaha , Neb. _
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
farnam t. , Omaha. Neb.
Furniture , lioddingUpliolstery ,
Ulrrori.ete. 1200,1208 and 1210 Karntm > t , Omabt.
a.tu..iJiiiin , p ro. ,
( Ji-ocprip < < nud I'rovislons ,
No _ , " ; . : W nti'l 711 s IMIi'-t.Omshii , Neb
Kill nnd I/"iTcnworlli Hv.Omiil
ir. i/
Honvjllnnhvurp , Iron nml Strcl ,
. \Htnn ( siocV , 1lnrilnnrn Lumber , tic. l
nnil I'll llnrni-y n , DniHlii.
Iron nud Sl
Weconnnd ( MrMacc Wocxl Plocli. H TT llnnK
HIP I.M7 rnil ISt'i Lrnrrnn vrih ft . 1'nniljn. Nth
Kto\t j , liaitiros I'tirnsipps T
( Irutoj. llrnsM.OHl'i liliinj t
sltl. t.
Iron Works.
- * - *
r n
Iron WiirKs' ,
WrciiRht n-icl Crttt Iron llullillli : Work , Iron p ( lr ,
llullini : , llfiiin * nml ( .Inlpr. tcnni I.neliicp. lirn
\Vnrk , tmiernl Kniiiul , Mnililno ninl Illm Kunlth
\Vot > . < l"lrf.nil\V | < .tl. . f r llr niullUlirliPi" .
Wholcsnlp .liMNclpra ni.d Music Dealers.
orx In snrvrnu'-c , Dlaninmlr.V lchP . < lock
Joni'lcr'sTiMilinnil MnlurtnN. c.p. 1 M niulKU IMIi
M. , i-iif. DtxtitiUmalui , Neli.
LO I "TS 71 7 ? . I T > FO Jl rt ,
Denier in Iiitiuhnr. Lath , Lime , Snsh ,
DOOM , IHc. Ynriln CorncrTIti nnil DoiiKlns ; Conirr
Mil nml ll : uln < .
AMiolesnle ] < iiitiber ,
814 S. lllh'Irvoi.Omiihn , Nrb. I. OilpcUcr , Minaecr.
Kth nril Callfon-l iS-lrpct , Omnlm NcK
jvtfii ) ua it AT
Lnniber , Jjiine , rt'inent , Ktc. , Kc. (
Cor. Clh nnil Iiniiln t , Oi'inlri , Nob.
Luinlier ,
To Dealers Only.
OSloc , I4tl ( rnrnnm trppOniBlm.
C1TAS. It. LEE ,
JIartlwood LninbcV ,
Wood Cnriict' nml I'.nuuct Klooilnf. PUi nnd Pouplns
holcsale Lumber , Etc.
liuprrtcil nnd Ancilrnn I orlluiul Coiuont. ptnto
Arent furMII llrdmiillci'viLcnl nnil lien
UiilnryVliltpI.lmc. .
Live Stock.
y STOVlf YAltDS CO. ,
Of Omaha.
Limited. Jolm T Iloyd , StipcrlntcrdsnU
Millinery and Motions.
I. OltEliFELDEIt ,0 CO. ,
Importers nnJ Jolibcrn of
Mllliiipvy and Notions ,
nllnntl IZlMlnrnoy M.cct.Omnhn.Ncb.
Cr . c f f\ fT . \ T ? Tf171" O f fl .
> Ijr 1-/1-/J./JI-I l--U < ljJ. ,
Arc the only Direct Importers of
German & French Toys & Fnucy Goods
In NcbrHRkn. Chlciipn prices ilupllcatcilrlthont ndtl-
Inctrclnlit. 1415 I'nnmni MrettOmnliii.
J. T. JUWnVSOtf JVO77O.A' CO. ,
Wlinletialo DenU'rs In
Notions and Fnmis-hiiiR1 Goods ,
( iri .mil ( Oi S Tentli St . Ornolui.
) 1 0 S CI
Jobber ! In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
101 and 1O13 Ririmm St. , O-nnh-1. Neb.
Sramifactnrcrs of Overalls ,
Jeans 1'nnts , Shirts , itc : 1102 anil 1101 noughts Street ,
Onmhn , Neb.
Job Printers , lilank Rook Jfakers.
And Hook Hinders. 10H and 1W ( HoutU Fourteenth
utrocl. Omali i. Neb.
Auxiliary Fublishors.
DoalerslnTrpB. I're" ! ' nnd Printers' Supplies. WO
fcoutli TwclfIh Mreft.
Picllts , Vinegar , Etc.
Jlnnufacturers , I'ackcrn and Dealers In
IMclclcp & Strictly Pure Apple Vinepar
IlaklnR 1'oirclcr. rintorlng Kxtrncis. Tnble Hntirc.
KreneliJIuitn" ! WiHi lilnlnu , ( IriKCr-1 f-i-ecir't'cs
hole nt lur Voik Unto Snnil llctliiud Apple Ci
der. 111X1 1 c.irennortli rt. . Ouiulm.
Safes , Etc.
G. ANDItEElt ,
Omaha Safe Works.
Mnnufnclurernof Flronnil liurcliirl'roof Snfes , Vault
Doors , \Vork.Miimpri and Wire Work , Cor.
nth miilJacLton till. , umulia.Mjb.
O CO ,
Afirents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Fire and llnrx'nr Proof Bnfor , Tlraa Ixicks , Vaults
and Jail \Yort. 10JJ riinmrn utrei't Oioalm , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
co. ,
Wnoleralo Mniinfncturen of
Sash , Doors , lilinds and ilouldliiffs
Ilrnncli onice,12tli nml Uard tit. , Oruuha , Neb.
G. J < \
Sash , Duor , Blinds , Mouldings ,
lIulMInu I'niiee. etc * . 1U01 boutb Tblrtrenth BlrCft ,
Ouiuha , Neb. Arnrapletu ttoikof llullderi'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uauld'jiiii.italrVorkund Interior llnrd Wood rlnldi
Juttopcntd. ti , K. cor. Stli nnd I.tuvcnworllitiu.
OmnUu , Neb.
Wholesale PunipH , 1'ipo , FittiiiRfH ,
pt nmonil VV'nter Kunpllct lleniluurteri | fir Matt
I'oOBtCo'B UoiKls. 11111 urnniu tl. . Oiuubu. Neb.
A . L , STJiAXG 0 ,
Pnmpn , Pipes and Engines ,
BteamVuler , Itallnuy und Jlllllnn Huppllei. Ktc
V30 , If.'JnndW * Kurnuiu el. , Oiiinlm , Nob.
U. S. iriXD KtfdlNK and PUMP
UalladayWInd Mllli ; rteam and Wi.ter Bnpplles ,
uil.Inildoi'fli . , Ileltlnit. lime. 1MB nnd t'JU tur-
Hum H. , Otonlin. H. K. Kclton , Muuuitr.
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlltunl Hotel Illock , Omaba.
Wagons and Carriages.
The Leading Oarriaifo Factory ,
JIM and lilt Dodge itrtet , Omaha.
Building Material.
Dealer In All Kludiof
fiulldins : .Miitcriiil \VliolcsaIn. .
ISlliBtrtctund Union I'oclrlo Track , Omiili * .
UKV1XS A CMttlKCllII , !
N-W. Cor , isith ami DouglM Sta.
313 S. Uth.Street.
K \v. DOAM ;
Falconer' * Illoch , IMIi mid IK
ur.oum : s. SMITH
1N < ! rurnnm Street.
Attorney at Lair ,
ItootnS I'li-nrri Illoolil > | H'OslH'r < ) lonicc.
CllAliLES KOXEU ATElt , M. 7) . ,
Physician & Surgeon ,
"IIS 1i.Ui St.cur I'm num. lion llnnk nullillnir ,
Ofllci-linuig , 2to4 nnd ' to Up , in. 10 to 12 on
o. s."iiorr.TiiS. 31 , i > . ,
Physician and Surgeon ,
OFFICE. V.IK Cor. 14th and Douglas.
Onico Tolepluinc ItlX HcgldencuTrlcphono 48.
Surgeon and Physician
OFFICE , N.W. Co14th and Douglas St ,
Olllee Ti It'iilioUL * tt" > UrvMciU'o TuloulionoSSS
JA.MIS : n. iM.vitoiYM. : a ,
Phvtlclaii nml Surgeon.
Heslilrnce , No. Hfl7 Jones Street. Olllcts
\ \ Itlmell Itlook , Teleplione , t jsldcnoc , No. 125.
olllee , f > U
Dlt. JAS. HKCKl7rF
Onicennil Heililenco , Kl N. IdlhSt.
H. A. WOltl.KY. M. I ) . ,
Onirc 1410 DnilKn Slice ! . Ttlepheno HX
Hesldenco 1712 Cnplttd Av c. Telephone 510.
VAN CA V.I'M. 1) . ,
IM1 Ilo tire Pt. . tMt Moor went o. 1 * (1 ( Tft'to ole
ntor to rooms U-t'l third floor. Tulc phone No
y. Mthsti-oct. TolcphntiB No. 30
Pliyslelnn nnd Surgeon ,
Telephone DHi. Otneo'in 3. Htnat
" "
K. W."CONN"ELL , M. D. ,
ilonucopatlitst ,
, .113 S. Ulh st Telephone S9J. _
l > li. .B. W. DYSAKT ,
K.\V. Cor. & Howard ,
Itosl ICIIPO , 1011 Doilirc St. : Telephone , 60.
OIlli'i'lioiirH. Kilo IS u. nnil 2 tof. n in.
_ " _
Gonornl Agent
OfllcoCor. 14th nnd Douglas , Sts.
Issues Onllnnrj' I.Uo , Knilownirnt , Umitcd
Hnclonnicnt , Kl\o Venr nlvldcnd I'liin and Ilia
1'oinilnr Xoii-1'orKiltliv , ' Tontlnii Policies. As *
Eels ever tnO.OOO.WW. Airouts wantoJ.
General Agent
Pioildont Saia Llfa Asyinni Go
of Nc r York.
Mlllnrd Ho o llloo.t , Oiniilin.
The Etrlclls "NHiurnl I mltirn 1'lnn , " Actua
avorn o yearly cost durinir 1833 , 18JI nud 18S5 ,
at ape . - " . for 810,030 , wns J78A\
Printers , Book Binders
And ninnk book Mnnufaeturcrs. Nos. 104 and
J08S.14th otrotit. Omulm.Ncb. J.K. KH rl'c , Supor-
liitcndcnt lllndery. Telephone No. 233.
llitnutnctiircr nnd dealer In
liinnea-i , saddles , nhlps , liorso
clothlm ; , etc. All pnuloH of
ImnifvsHlunys kept on hand
or mndo to order. IluimlrlnBT
a flpvciulty 110 N. idtH tif
but. Dodtfo nud Capital Ave.
Auction and Commission
Coiiflpnmciils Bollellu'l ; furnlttiro bomrhtanl
Fold , ( tales of 1U o block nml liousolioM f urnl-
turontprlvnto residences Is a specially with us.
Ilcmoinbortliu pmcoVo t & Frllsuhoi'a block
NHthst. NollU
Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery ,
Ktc. Also Tin Kooflnif , auttorim.gpoutlrnr , anl
Oencrnl Job Tmnlnir. The boat of work nnd roa
eonubloc-lmriros. Milk cims'and other tlntraro
n stock. U1 Cumliix St. Oiniilin , Neb.
& KlilM ,
Dentists ,
1314 Fnrnam Stros
K. JlKllllEKTiS
13tli Street Market.
All kinds of fresh and ealt moascomtautl/
on hunil. ,1
J'oultry , giunu , etc. ,
U. ! ' . li Bo. nth stroot.
The Morris Restaurant
( Btho very beat catluv house In the cltr. Tr/It
end you will bo Mitlsllcd ,
1 lllaof faro on t is Aine loan anl U i.-jp out
KQ.A liMonrntnutntlnii thkoc for } ) .
11ckeUfor21 inoula rili ) .
Ilourdby lUo week H/i ) . Mould , 25o aoli.
! 6thBet. Dou"lasand DodgeStj.
CoitNEnlStii AHD Dooor.ia Srucsrv.
Capital Stock , . , . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . , , 300,000
' 1 hi- only regular savings tmuk hi the ttntu. 1'ivo
purcvnt Inturi'tt pitld on deiu | lu.
OtiyC. Ilartnn , 1'rcildeut ; J. J. Ilrowa , Vlci
I'rusldear L M. iloiinelt , Hamulnif Ul
rurtursJoUu K. WUbur CntUler.