Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1886, Image 1

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Conferences Between the Packers and Men
Without Reaching an Agreement.
Itoport Hint tlio Uerf Mon Will Ho
Called Out To-day IiiM'ort
.Moven Predicted \\ltlilu
Twcntj-l'onr Hours.
Tim StrlUo of I'aolcrri.
rmcAoo , Oet 12. ( Special Telegram to
the Hnr.l A circular Issued by ono of the
commission at the stock jards summiri/cs :
the situation thus : "Wo think the stilke is
welcomed by the packers , and by holding
out they hone to secure cheaper labor , a gieat
reduction In the present largo store of pro
visions on account of the falling off In the
supply of hogs , and cheaper ho son account
ot tlm hciivv receipts when the labor tumbles
have been adjusted. For these reasons we
look foi no compromise on the part of the
parkers , and bellovo the duration ot the
sti Ike will depend entirely on the ability of
tlio strikers to hold out , and some of the
pnckers who otuht to know something about
the temper and resources of the sttikeis ,
profess to believe that they will hold out
eight or ten weeks. "
Ono Knight of I/ibor said that the arrival
of liullei and Hany had not helped things
at alias jet , and until they had worked for
several days It would ho useless to look for
any settlement. ' "I ho men , " said ho , "aio
all determined to work only eight hours , nnd
the packets are just as detcimlned to work
ten , It is not a question of wages , and
while theio in.iy be a compromise on a basis
of nine hums' work , 1 think it Is n trlllo
doubtful. A cany rate , any such compromise
will only be the result ot long consldeiatlon
and many conferences , and cannot bo ex
pected In adaj. '
This aftcinoon Harry said to n reporter :
"I have seen a number of packers this morn
ing. ' 1 hey refuse to tieat with us as an or-
gatii/atlon. 1 expect to see moro of them
this aftei noon , and then conclude tlm nego
tiations which are pending fora settlement.
Tills will bo in the natuio of a compromise ,
probably something between nine and ton
hours. "
"What do ion mean by that ten lioms'
pav for nine hours' work ? "
" 1 didn't say. " ho replied , with a laugh ,
"and cannot penult myselt to talk. "
Cinr.Vdo , Oct. 12. Tlio committee ti om the
ucncnd iisscmolv of the Knights of Laboi ,
this nioinliig aie having consultation with
Individual owners of packing houses , not
finding it possible to deal with tlm committee
icpicsentlng the entire pacMnir Inteiests.
The situation at the stock jnrd is
unclmngid. There weio largo ctovvds waiting
about the houses this mornliu , but no dis-
tiuhaiice. The bcefmen continue at woik ,
and the Armour house Is i mining its pork < le-
p.iitmcnt with icduced loices. Ono bundled
and ) " ' cmploicsot the I'liion block Vards
'In company quit vvorkthls morning. Of
thcsi/'fK aio section hands and the bahnce
work in Ilic-blacksmlth shop.
Fifteen bundled strikers met tn-nlght and
listened ton icpoit Horn their reiucscntativo
at the conference engaged in attempting to
adjust the dllTeieuecs. Aftei discussion it
wan decided to givn the executive board of
district No. r > 7 , togethei with the rein esenta-
tives mentioned , lull powers to anani'oa
settlement. It is lenorted that Aimour's beef
men will be oidcrcd out to-nuuiovv. It is
predicted that Important changes in the situa
tion will take place within Uventj-fotir
The KnlulitH or realtor.
Hirii.MO.Nii , Oct , 12. The Knights of Labor
"onventlon mot at 10 o'clock this morning ,
.net took hold of the business presented with
delci initiation to push it thiouih and at
-ist make an endeavor to bring the sessions
< > a close within two weeks , alloted as the
line the convention should set. .Since the ad-
out lunent ot tlio assembly on Saturday , the
vai Ions committees have bien actively en-
MI ed In considering matteis tofciied to
During the morning session the report of
thocommlttceon law was presented. Iticcom-
mnndcd a change In the constitution by
which the evecutiXH board shall consist of
thogeneial master workman and slmum -
bet 8 , no two ot whom should bo liom the
same state. This pait ot the report was
adopted. It was also iccommeiuled that the
ofllces of the general socictaiy and treasurer
bo divided. Xo action was taken on this
part of the repoit , Defoio adjournment It
was stall d that , amendments to the constitu
tion weio In ordci , hut owing to the lateness
of the horn none were presented. The as
sembly al 1 o'clock adjourned until to-mor-
low morning.
There was a meeting this afternoon of edit
ors of labor papers and other newspaper men
who are delegates to the convention. Frank
K. Foster , of Havcrhlll , Mass. , was elected , and Albert Pine , of Ilartfoul ,
Conn. , secictary. The object ot the organ-
l/ation Is the formation of n labor news
uuicau tbiough which authentic Information
with regard to labor matteis can bo tians-
mlttcil to the country.
Itciiresentatlvcsot the farmcis In the con
vention met to present a plank in the con-
\entlon by whieh the Kntghts of Labor may
form an alliance with grange and with .other
alliances. A commlteii of thieo was ap
pointed to make a collection of the conspi
racy laws of tlm SMVCI.I ! states , bv means of
wlilch lit ms and companies encroach on the
lulitKof uoililngmon.
'Iho foneuil VM'Ctttlvo committee held a
' meeting to-dav to hear cases that had been
picscntcd to It , but took no action on any of
them. It has moio than 12.0J ! ) cases awaiting
its decision mid these do not include all that
mi ! to bo hionuht bcfoiu II ,
Povvdcily to-day tecolvcd the following
telc iam tioni Thomas I ) , liaiiy , membei of
the c\ecutlv o commltteo sent to Chicago to en
deavor to settle the sti ike of the employes of
the pink packers ot that city :
"Piickon. say they have no orgnnl/atlon , so
I nuihl tieatwllh them as Individual compan
ies. We called on several Huns jesteidav ,
and all expressed a desire for a settlement ,
but insist on working dm limns , while the
men arc linn tor eight. Wo look for a settle
ment this we" ! ; , "
Povvdcily lias received , almost hourly , to
day , telegiuiiis commending the position ho
has taken In his letter on thu race question.
IJi-akcmcii'ti Ktrlkn .
CT.I'.VI'.I.ANO , O. , Oct , 12. A ( special fiom
t ! Mi-advllle , Pa. , eaya that the strike on thu
? I lltip-Ani'e Now York , Penns\lvanla & Ohio
auioiiK tliciuakcmcii Is over. At n meeting
held there to iiiBUt between Ceneral .Siipei-
InteudentShaloriimlncoiiimltteuof stilkcip ,
It < mutual concessions woiu ti > dtand the men
will go to woik to-imuiow ,
i 'llio Hoc Altukot .Moiliiff Wear.
CHICAGO , Oct. 1"- . ( Special Telegram to
the llii--ln : : | a published interview Aunoui
says : "Tho day of Chicago's supremacy as a
noik paekliii'centci will soon be a thing of
the past. Omaha , Kansas City and other west
ern points ara fust taking the business away
fiom here. Take Kansas City for Instancp.
The price of hogs thcio Is on an average 2V
per bundled less than Ills hen * , while Jiet
trclght rates to nil western and southern
points are us low as ours , while to the At
lantic seaboard they nro only 12 , or at most ,
15 cents ti.uuiKtii'd higher. In othei welds
Kansas Citvi > ficlglit rates to the
iimikcts , whcru iilhely t > cr cent
of our products 11IU sold , are
lust as good as ours , w Idle hogs are cheaper.
What IB true of Kansas Cit.v is trueot Omaha
nnd other vvcstcin points It Is the naluial
eouisoof.veuts. ) The corn belt has moved
west and with It hogialslng. It is hlstoiy
rci > catlns Itself. Only a fovv jcais ago Cnl-
cauotnoi ; away the supiemauy tivin Clneln.
uatl and t3t. Louis. "
CollMon on Thirteenth fStrecr.
Lust evening n street car : uul a vvngon
collided ou TliIrteontliMrcet near M-ir.y ,
Ono man , who did not wish IUSHUMO
mentioned , nas unite seriously Injuu d ,
Kainpant Annrclilst Hympntlil7cr' <
Will lie Held to Account.
CiiirAno. Oct. 12. [ Special Telegram to
the ii.l : In spite of the recent heavy baud
of the law as laid upon the condemned an
archists In .Judge Oar > 's courtthcronre those
In Chicago [ and v Iclnlty w ho get upon boxes
and declare there Is no law. There are others
who daringly boast that they will bring re-
vcngo upon the officers who have enforced
the law. Still others , more daring but less
dantcrous , make open attacks upon the wit-
nes cs who brought consternation and con-
Ictlon on the bad men by telling the truth.
Samples of these tlnce cases have been seen
n Chlrajo iiishto of fortj-elght hours after
he death sentence was pionounced In thu
narchlsts' case. Justices KtiL'hart , Picssel-
nan and others openly advocated vengeance
t the .Saturday night meeting at Jefferson ,
jld lake front. The cry , "Organ-
7C for revenge , " was taken up ,
, vhcn with boldness and eflrontrv , Witness
kVallcr was attacked and nearly assassinated
bv anaichlsis' sympathl/ers , some ( it whom
are now In Captain Schook's station , and in
a fair way to follow the tilal of the con
demned. .luror Cole Is being persecuted at
mine and on the streets bvilo names ami
threats. His home. even , has been visited
nnd his ehildien frightened People who
have watched with much solicitude tlio eroat
struggle with the leds that began May -I and
'iidcd Oct 9 , are now anxiously looking to
, co how the law and Its ollleeis will meet
.heso snarling and hissing enemies. Mates
Attorney ( rlnuell Is still aveiybusv man
with all the criminal matteis wh eh aio
ciovvdlneupon him. When asked this mom-
"ng by a icporter what action he proposed to
: ako iiLMlnst the new otleiideis. he said :
" 1 cannot po Into details ; that would bn
.invvlso. We shall stand by tlie work nlruady
[ lone nnd shall protect all poisons who have
aided In tlu > work "
"Will vou take ouli'ial notice of such' . ' " '
"I shall. All such peisoiis. will be kept
.rack ol , and wheie evidence wariauts It
offenders will bo called liuforo the gland Itiry
and called to answer lor unlawful nttei-
( irlnnell's maniiei wasnot of tlunlnillctlvo
sort , but lather indicated Ihmiiess ot puiposu
logo on to the end , as ho so well bo tiu , in
making the law felt ami lespccted.
Icrrllilo Destruction Aloiift tlio Coast
Hy Wind null Water.
XKW Oni.KANSf , Oct. 12. A special to the
Times-Democrat from the Mississippi quar
antine station saj s : Ono of the most tcirillc
and damaging hurricanes since IbCO orevalled
In this nelghboihood yestoiday and last
night. For thlitj-slx consecutive boms the
wind blew a regulai hunicano trom
the noitheast , diiving the watei
from tlie bay and destiojing
the property of the Inhabitants. The storm ,
or moie propel ly cyclone , was of such violence
lence as tote.u uway old levees of seven
jears' standing , cairylug destiuctlon to late
rice planters * Last ninht all the inhabitants
of this place waded a distance ol a mile , in
watei thiee feet deep , to the custom house
lor piotectlon. Distiesilng news has
been icceived liom the lower
coast regarding the effects of last
nights stonn. Water In the town ot
roiutoa la Hache. In Plaqumine p.ulsh. is
seveial leut deep , hav ing been dtlven in from
the gulf. Many persons took let ugo in the
comt house and jail. The water rushed In
with such force that it cirried uvoivtliing
bolore It. The levees , which along this sec
tion are very low , w ore ovei flowed and swept
awav , and the watei rushed into the Missis
sippi ilvei , carrjlug with It all the ileo
stacked on the Janus in the vicinity ot Pointe
ahiHachoand for a distance of twenty
miles below. The damage is estimated at
glX,000. ( )
Nr.w OHLUANS , Oct. 12. The wind was
blowing a gale heio last night. Dispatches
from tow us on the Mississippi coast repoit
the gale prevailing all daOn the Missis
sippi sound the steamer Ch.ilmettc , Cantain
Ujinc , irom New Yoik- , which arilved jes-
terday , K-portcd that .she came by the Inside
loute along the Floihm coast , and cncoun-
tcn d heavy easterly gales w ith heavy tains.
Fiom Tottngas to Poit Kads heavy gales weio
oxpeilenccd with high , liieguiar soas.
On Sunday. Octobei 10 , she encountered
scvcial hunlcanes lasting seven IIOUIM , aud
backing fiom east to noitli , thence howling
to the south. The sets ran high , continually
flooding the vessel's deck and also her state
rooms IDIO and aft. Lake Pontchartraln was
tilled with the wattu from the gulf , and the
gale yesterday was liom the same dliection
caused an lucieaso of the lake tide water ,
oveillowlng the marshes in thoiear ot the
eltv nnd Illllng the canals b ink full. The
bieak In the basin levee on Bioad stieet ,
was reported at midnight last night. The
velocity of wind was thlity to toity miles an
houi and I nc leasing.
tiAi.vhsiox , Oct. 12. The storm which
was rcpoited bv the signal service as entering
the Gulf of Mexico last Saturday night.
leached ( iahcston to-day , and at this time (
] ) . m. ) , u iiirlous gale Is blouini : tioin the
noith. On the hav side of the city tlie water
Is veiy high , and is wishing over the docks.
The damage to shipping will doubtless bo
heavy , as half n hundred laigo steamships-
and sailing vessels are pounding against the
wharves. Tlio water Is constantly Using In
tlio bay and Is cncioaehlng on the city for a
squaie or so. but no danucris nppiehended or
damau'ii to business propel ty. Two barges
trom Houston , each laden with 1OOJ , bales of
cotton , mo being submerged by llio waves
and the cotton will bo ruined. Along the
Cult sldo the waves have tout up tlio stieet
railway track and submerged seveial houses.
The baiometci has fallen sixty points since 7
o'clock this morning , Indicating that the
stoim center is very near ( ialvcston. Tele-
giaphlc communication with the main land
will pioVmblv bo entirely suspended beloio
morning , us the gale seems to boincieaslng
In velocity oven moment. Since sunset tlio
wind shitted slmhtly to the west. The stoim
Is now coming Irom the noithwe t and Is
blowing lit'icely.
An Important Decision ,
Niw : VOUK , Oct. 12. Judge Wallace , of
the U. S. clicult couit , tendered a decision
to-duj of much Impoitanco to the taxpijois
ol New Yoik directly , and to too entire conn-
tiy generally. Many millions of doll us aio
Involved ) About a year ago the receiver of
taxes , ( lcor ! o W. McLean , levied u tax upon
the shares of national banks. Tlio banks as
lepivsentlng the t-haieliolders resisted the de
mand of tlm lecehci , mid obtained an in
junction lustrulnlng him trom collecting thu
tav , Tlio decision of Judge Wallace Is made
upon the motion of thirty-live of the hanks to
have tint injunction made pennanent. The
motion for an Injunction Is denied ,
ISnllvvny CoiiiiiilsHlouors Victorious
.Si'iuxoKiui.t' , 111. , Oct. 13. In the case of
the railway commissioners of Illinois against
thu Ohio it Mississippi lallwav. Judge Jesse
Phillips pieidlng , deelded that theiallway
company should comply with the demand ot
tiiC'Oijimlsslonera to put the load In a safe
conduitf ; unii opcrato It so as to give the
people n icasr'iably slfu and convitnlont
louto , 'Iho bcollou nf tUp ioid In cnntio-
viiny Is known as the Hif1" ) Ui'Jil dlvUlon ,
extfiidlng liom Shawneetovvit tl.ioiiiih
bpilnglicht to lieaid tovvn , nnd the i * ! u
complaint Is In regard to that part between
1'lora and Shawncciovui.
Jockey Club Ilaccs ,
rsf su , Oct. 12. Handicap , for thrcc-
j ear-olds und upwards , thieo-qimiiuia mllu :
deaiiei won , MiitfAithur bei-ond , Pericles
thlid. Time-la's. '
For tliree-i ear-old , ono and tluee-sU-
t eenths miles : Millie \YOII , Kluwood second ,
Longatop third. Timo-'iW. :
For tvvo-jcar-ohU , tlireo-quarlein mile :
le.-ilo ! Jnut ) won , Fenelon second , Payuias-
tei thiid. 'limo-lilO' . ' ,
One nnd onc-ahteenlli miles ; llerbcit won ,
JJw Douglas second , lluckstono third. Tluio
ffr.r.g ! ncp , beven-elghthii mile : Valllsa
won , bouvenlr second , Fcrif K > lo thlid.
Time 1& &
A Defaulter In lUiiuiulu.
-MovriiKAi. Oct. 13. Nathan M. Field , the
Chli ago defaulter , ts here aud has encaged
i > u > iicnt counsel to defend him it necessary.
A Statistical Mirror in Which Omaha's '
Prosperity Is Reflected ,
Patents to Western Inventors Postal
Clmrmes General NPUM I'roin tlio
National Capital Political
nnd Oihcinisc ,
N , Ort. 12 ( Special Tdezram
to the Hr.r. J Colonel Dates , Superintend-
out of the fieo dellvoiy mail system has just
Issued his annual renort for the woikin'sof
the carrier s\ \ stem In all the large cities. Tim
followingts the detailed report for Nebias-ka
and Iowa :
tir.i.tvr.iiri )
Mall o t rail's ,
icttois i & * n,44 : iri w ; 42.III5
. , 15 , WH
taflMer'dlt'is 12.0I' '
a.-ii-.trn r,7r'Di _ B7i , ' 'i [ n ; .i5 |
rou.w 'i ID. :
t''V >
' ' '
ii'amilc't '
inirirrnicutc ) 110,101,781 8i
( liBKiujratc ) 151,513,070 $531,731 t27Vi1 $ u'3S7i
Coat of voi vloo I
llturpioee in l i | 2 ! l.n ! ! XS
'ostonlo'lm'i yi.7IO. 08 $ IOMS- ' .S"S f207H JO
HI. If UN.
Secretaiy Minnlng i cached hero to-nlghr.
Ho is looking lalrly well. A number of poll-
Iclansaiid men who want something have
nit in an apnsnuncc-nt the department in
anticipation of his ictiun. Secrelaiy Mun-
nlug will not , however , permit himself to ho
uinoyed by this cliss ot visitors , and will
irobnbly deny himself to all olllce-seekeis.
lie will take active contiol of the dcpait-
nent , but will not again subject himself to
these long and troublesome Intel views. It Is
not expected tint Ids return will make any
change in the policy of the depirtmont. As
ils stieiis'tli returns ho w 111 give some alien-
; lon to iiupiovin , ; tlio machinetv ol the de
partment , making changes where necessaiy.
Assistant bucu-tiries raiichild and Thomp
son will , as far a ° possible , icllcvc him ot the
routine and tedious work , and ho will be
saved all unnecessary annojnce. .
becrctaiy Manning was accompanied by
his wife nnd daughter and Sceictnncs
liayard and a Whitney , who ioincd
him on the way ( low n. At Haltlmoie lie was
met In the commlsslonei of inteiual lovenuo ,
Mi. Miller , Chief Clcik Youiuan , and other
ol the minor officials ot tlis tie.isut } depait-
nieiit. Other ollieials met film at the station.
Ho limped slightly as he walked n-it to his
c > rria.o but ho looked well and lie said he
"tell himself" again. He diovo diicclly to
hi- , residence on Kightccnth stieet wheio he
found oveivthing in ii'adliiess tin him. A
basket of floweis fiom the white house con-
seiv.itmy and u largo hoi so shoo In llovveis
liom tin * employes ot the tioasiuy depart
ment weio among the blossoms which idled
the house with li.igr.tnci > . becietaiv
Manning was very much pleased
with the attention of his fiioiids.
Ho said that ho was veiv clad
to be back again and intimated that ho had
come to sfiy. Hu will take active contiol of
the treasmv department to-moiiow. The
pollcj ol the dcputmeiit has not been
changed dining his Illness and lie has baen
consulted about eveiy Important stop taken ,
so that he will have nothing to eh IIIL'I * . This
statement anplios to the calling in ol lioiuis
as well as to eveiy other Impoitant operation
of thu department. Mr. Manning will save
himself liom iiutu'cessaij annojaiieo by ic-
fusing to see ollice seekers and other trouble'
some and trilling peisons.
I'Al P.X I S ) 'I O W KS ! MIX 1NV1.X1 ORS.
The following jiateuts v\ero issued lor Ne
braska and low a today : Thomas K. Coik-
liill , jr. . Ml. Ayr , la. , ear coupling : Ale\-
nndei Cuitlcc , I veigieeii , la. , draft cqntl-
Iz'r ; Cyius J. Fov , Falls City , Neb. , calf
vvaner ; Haiiisnn W. ( iaiv. Plum Cieck ,
Neb. , cud gate tor warons ; David W.
( Seoige , Milton. la. , washing machine ; Albeit
Q. Hess , and II. A. Stoltenborg , a'-signer to
sild Hens , hotel call me alaim and indicatoi ;
Chitplu .S. Howard , Mouioc. la. , cheek rowel
lor coin phinters : Joseph U. McF.ill.assigncr
by mesno assignments to 0. L. McKill Oska-
lo-jsa , In. , smoothing and polishing lion ;
G ergo W. Nation , What Clieer , la. , shutter
or door for mines ; ( ieorgo I' . Palmer , Ccdai
Kapids. la. , bosom board ; Joseph 12. Toll ,
Kxha , la. , sash holder ; Marshall Fuiley ,
Council Ulufls , la. , root ; William H. Tjler
David City , Neb. , call vveaner ; John H.
Whitaker , Davonpoit , la. , harness. Tiado
maiks , Chailes Knhlman , Omaha , Xcb. , cer
tain named medical remedies.
rosrvtsir.ns ATPOIXIKI ) .
The following new postolllcus have bee.
established in Nebraska , and postmasters a ) > -
Dolntcd :
Thomas D. Babbitt , Ames , Dodge county
Martin Maton , Komi ; , Holt county.
L1//io C. It iss has buen commissioned post-
inlstreasat Jl.ililla.
Why tlio Kla Cnino Down.
WASHIMHO.V , Oct. 13. Advices received
by the dcpaitmcnt of state this momlng cor
rebate the published jepoit of the hauling
down of thoAmerlcan flag of the Ameilcan
schooner Marlon ( Ulmes at Shelburim by
Captain Qulgloy , of the Canadian cruiser
Terror. The action of the captain of the
Crimes in running up the color * while the
vessel was In custody ot the Canadian ollleeis
Is deprecated at tlio department as IlKelv to
needlessly complicate the department In its
effort to reach a satisfactory settlement ot
the fisheries ( | iiestion. It appears that when
the United States cutter Coiw In sol/ed the
Hritlsh sailing vessels in Alaskan wateis. the
Hist oflicliil net of the cantors was to haul
down the Hiitish colors. 'Iho ground foi
taking such action is toiind In the claim that
until the seUed vessel is teleased , she Is tech
nically In possession ot tlio government mak
ing the soUutc. The Incident Is not reg.nded
ut the state depaitment as ono likely to cause
any seilous tumble , and may bo passed over
without 1 uither notice.
How niilni'Ht ! I'Jv.iilo the Ijiivv.
WASIIIVOTOX. Oct , 12. 1'ho collector of
customs at San Fiuncibco has Infoimrd the
treasury derailment of dlftlciiltles encoun-
tried In the enforcement of the Chinese re-
stilctlon law. It appears that seven Chinese
In transit from Now York to Hong Ken ? ,
and tluco others from Hong Kong to Honolulu
lulu , have not jot deimi ted from ban J'ran-
eifco. although they have had amplu time.
The collector expresses apprehension that
these persons do not intend leaving the
countiy , and that even If tlicy do It Is their
pmposu to fraudulently obtain retinn cer
tificates In order to establish the right to
come and u'o at will. The collector also
tj'ls attention to the practice of Iho ledcuil
courts".11 ! landing Chinese laborers on wrltn
of habeas corpus and i pleasing them on ball
after the collector. ' " rxamlned their troas-
uiusnnd lofusert to alio' " them to land. This
piHctlco , hosa.vs , Is substaiu'-'UX' nlj. " "f'W'-
tloii of tljo law. Acting Seeiotao l-alrchlld
advlscsidm tobilngthu facts stated i ? Uie
notice of the United States attorney tor thu
lespoctho districts wtieioln such facts occur ,
ROIIIO Allowed IrrejtiilarllicH.
WASIIIXOTO.V , Oct. I ) , W. W. Wllshlre ,
ex-chief justice of Iho supreme comt of Ar
kansas , ( lied with the secretary of the treas
ury to-day charges that the list of judgments
filed In the freasuiy department by J , D , Porter
ter , assistant secictary ot state , were not
certified and that all drafts thereon issued
were illegal and void. The facts will bo In
quired late by the sumeme court of the Dis
trict on the llth lust , to show cause uiralnst
.Secretary liayard why n mandamus should
not be Issued compelling him to send a cor
rect list to the treasury department.
Wnlioo Wants the Pnokcrn.
WAIIOO , Kib. , Oct. 12. ( Special Telegram
to the HKE.IAn enthusiastic meeting of the
Wahoo board of trade was held at the court
house this evening ) and a resolution was
unanimously adopted to Invite Armour A
Co.'s packinghouse and other packing houses
now closed by labor disturbances In Chicago ,
to remove and relocate their establishments
In \ \ ahoo , on the lines of three of the great
trunk rallwa\3of the continent , wheie laud
is cheap and ta os are low. Wahoo Is the
county Beat of Snundcrs county , one of the
hog and corn pioduelinj counties In No-
brasku. Ity locating hero Immense emus
could bo saved in transportation. J. H.
Davis was appointed toconuspond with these
8tno W. C. T. U.
I'liKMOXi , Neb. , Oct. 12. iSpeclal Tele
gram to tl'o ' Hnt : J The twelfth annual meet
ing of the Women's Christian Union of Ne- convened In this city today. Theie
ire now piesent nbont one hundred delegates
rom abroad And thej are still coming on
very ( lain. His expected that altogether
iere will bo 'JOO bore. The meetings will
continue to 1'iidaV nl ht vrlth thieo sessions
dally. The state ofllcers aie all piesent. The
Meetings will bo held at the Cimgiegatlonal
. lunch , except on Wednesday evening ,
which will bo at the opera house and will bo
itddicssed hj Mis 1'iaiicls K. Wlllard , the
national piesldent , who arrived to-day nnd
will asl < a In Iho deliberations of the conven
tion. The fltlens are extemllhg every cour
tesy to the visitors ,
lie Survived the Tiro.
llAvt : N.v , Neb. , Ocf 11 ( Special Tele-
giam to the UKK. ! The Hie which visited
H'uenna on October : i , destrnjing two busi
ness buildings with thcli stocks of goods ,
: auscd Fred I * . Ifooilen to tenipoiailly letite
fiom business. Unt in a few days ho will ro-
oiien in the Dawson building , north of Itohac
AiKases' haiuiws shop until tlm building at
the old stand Is completed , with a lull and
complete stock of diiu's , medicines , paints ,
oils and glass , apd will gladly welcome all
old pations and as lumiy now ones ns desire
to come.
A PlijNiuinn's Dcnth. , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to the
Hi i.J : Dr. W. H. Hobcits died hero this
mottling , after a severe Illness. He was for
many jears a practicing physician and druggist -
gist In AcKlov , Iowa , and came to .Norfolk
about two jeais ago to establish Himself In
the same business. Latteily ho has been
doubled with melancholy , growing out of
sickness and disappointment. He was born
In Kiedericktown. Otilo : served dining the
vvurin the Twentieth Ohio infantiy , and was
a member ot the 'ii.ind Aim ) , and of the
Masonic fiaternlty. Ho leaves a wife and
two ehildien. well piovidcd lor bv iiisuianco
on his lite , ills age vvas foitj-thiee.
KrenirtntV WntrrvvorlvH.
Nub. , Oct. 12. ( Speehl to the
Hi i : . I The city ominqll has at last taken de
finite aclion toward solving the pioblem ot
ccuiIng water tor our wateiworks svstem.
'Hie old well bus been lejected and the bonds
decl. > ied foilniteiL flic s > stem adopted Is
the patent of A. A. Hlchaulson. of Lincoln ,
the same as the onujn opmatlou at ( hand
Island. The council aio putting down the
well under their own supervision , and It Is
boded and expected thai this etlort will bo
successful. f
Hnlcidc 1)V Drowninfj.
OAicr.AM ) , Neb.j'Oct ' 12. [ Special to the
ii.J : : The nev\s \ ha JiistreacheiUoiir tov\n
that a man by thojtime o.f Wilson , who lives
eastot bete , waikcifjo'Bellpreok , thce miles
north ot CrjUK. Si tnaay evening1 , and It is
supposed , droW'ucd hluihclf bj lioldlni ; liis
he.ul under thu vvnter. The water was only
one toot deep. He li.ul been Mitfeilng trom
some throat tiouble. audit is tiioimht ho went
insane and took this method of ending his
The Old "War Horse nt Ills Rest ,
NOUTII 1'i.ATii : , Neb. , Oct. 12. ( Special
Telegram to the Uii.J The state lepnblican
campaign opened hero to-night by a mass
meeting which was addressed by Ooneial
Thayer and othei speakers. CJoiieial Thajer
was at his hcbl niul delivered an able and
eloquent address , with telling effect. The
K'publluan tiaityof Lincoln county is united
for tlio whole ticket
Sulcldn Ncnr Croljrhton.
CiiKKiiiTo.v , Neb. , Oct. 13. ISpecial 'lele-
giam to the Hr.i.J ; It. C. Holt , living two
miles west of here , shot hlmsclt below the
hcait. Ho was alive at last loporls , but can
not live. Despondency Is the probable
cause owing to pool health.
Ono Doodle Alderman In Canada , niul
llio Host Itc-ArrcRtcdi
Xiw : YOIIK , Oct. 12 Ono ol the most un
happy men In town this morning was Dis
trict Attoinny Mattlno. The stoiy of ox >
Aldciman Saylca , and the Information re
ceived this moining that the indicted alder
man's bondsman. Sol Sajlof , had transtened
thopropeity pledged In the bond of S2VKX )
tor his a ) i pea ran co , was worse \ et. "Candor
compels me to say , " leplied the dlstilct at-
toiney , "that 1 liuvo no doubt that Sajlcs
lias gout ; . "
A Montreal special to the Vest sa.vs : Tlio
exiled uoodlemen 'to-day ' have been showing
nround three stianueis fiom New Yoik , who
arilvud on last night's train. Thej are bo-
lleved to be c\-Alderman Sa > les , his biother ,
and ox-Aldeiman Klik. They aio living at tlio
St. LavYience , "all under nssumed names. "
At half-past I o'clock this afleiiioon Inspector
specter Byrnes icceivcd a bulky jiackage
from the dlstilct : ittoino > 's ollice. It con
tamed an eider from the district attoiney'
accompanied bv a bench wauant tor the ar-
reat ot all "boodle" aldermen of the bo.ud ol
lbb , savofor Henry L. Kayles , whoso flight
to Canada has Insmred theeruside , thujiiose-
eiitlon of which was thus placed
in the hands of Inspector Uyriies. The 10-
siilts were llrst fcltdovv-n at the dlstilct attoi
ney'H ofllcontJJ'o'clock. Insjiector Byines
at once put all his available men at woik to
Fcivotho warrants. Alderman 1'at'Iek Tar
ley had been the ( list who was made to ice
the Indiawlng lou-e. of the big diagnut
vvlilchhiid been again spread out ovei the
entire eltv to cuvrlopo a handful 01
men , the craven fearet of whoso colleague
Sayles , had once uiorqset the judicial water.
In a loam about them. At the hour named
ho was biought In by detectives and at once
taken to the distilct attorney's ollice , nnt
from there Into court , acco'ii
panted by his atornqv' ( . district attorney
addressing the cout | teclted tno tacts o
S.ivles' tlluht , detailed the facts of the cases
having been put on thu calendar , and stalei
that ho had now caijaoU bench wui rants to bo
Usued lor the u rie-it , of not only the four
Whoso liial day haiU uecn lixed , but of al
othiiiH under indlctineut. The district attorney
asserted that slneii the Illirht of Savies ho luu
no longer any faith In nnj body. Ho iloubtei
whether any awoiuit,01'b.ill , would keep tlio
otlieis within the coiirt'ri jurisdiction , but H
ease the comt should decline to hold the mei
without ball , ha would ask thut It be
Increased In each" case from b'J5.000
the present nmoiint , to 57r > , 00. The
counsel for the. "bqodiern" plead against at
Incieaso in the amount of ball , but the cour
decided to make It j-fO.Ou'j ' in each case. Al
derman Klilc , who had come In voliintailly
In the meantime , at once gave bal
and wont away , Then one atte
another detectives brought In Al
dermen Miller , Cleary , McOuade out
< i'abe. ( Of these , Cfeary , .MtCabo am
Mctiu Q seemed additional bail dining the
eaily oveiiI.l Kailey and ullller weieun
able to fiirnisii O.added secuiitv and were
locked up lnthoTourlJiJo1ll ; > 1 Vl J1- Lateen
on Aldetmen Spiels , O' rfUpd Kellly weie
arrested ami locked up. A fcon was
seen In Urookliii to-night by . je
potter , to whom he said j
would bo at the district attornoi's onico
to mm row mornlnt : tq give extra ball , Thus
nmu have been re-arrested nnd disnosed of
us stated , and them vet tenulns to be at-
rested or reported , llulTey'Fink , Fnllgiatf
and Wendel. The cuseot the absent .Sayle-s
tins been placed on Hit * calendar for to-mor
row. If ho will not respond his bail will be
tleclaicd farfelteu.
Sixth Day of the Convention Occupied
With Important Work ,
Stricter Cliuroti Tmufl In UoijiU'il to
MnrrlnKo anil ll\orac Strongly
AilvocAtcil * lions nnt : Siilr-
itctl Dlscussloni.
The Gront ChurHi G. thrrliiR.
CHICAGO , O't. 12. 'I'lio hou o ofdcpulles
of fie Protestant KpHcopal church began Its
sixth daj's session this forenoon. The com-
mitten on tin1 cnnsceiation of bishops re-
nortoil In favor of the consecration of Itev.
Mahlon Not i Is ( illbcitas assistant bishop ot
Minnesota. itov. li , Knxiiklin , ot Now Jer
sey , said thai while hulmil no sorlous objec-
Ion to llio election of nil assistant bishop ,
.hero was one thing that hnd not been com-
illcdwith. Thcio was evidence that Hlsliop
Whlpplo would bo able to puifuim his duties
t lie hnil sufficient icsl for a ptrtuf n jeat.
I'ho point was raised that the question of the
consecution of n bishop should be hold with
closed doors. The miller was aceoidlugly
refeiicd back to the committee. Tin * com
mittee on canons. submitted a icport authorl/-
lug the diocese of northern Nnw Jeisej to
change Its name to that of NevvatK. The
committee also asked that the question of the
consecration of coloied people to the epls-
cop toy should bo icfei led to the committee
on constitution. After consldfinblo discus
sion the ii'port ' was placed on the calendar ,
A iiii'tisuiucr lioni tiio hotiso of bishops 10-
potted that the bishops had derided , the
lieu oof depiitlos coiieiuilng , that there is no
constitutional obstacle to the consideration
and adoption ot the severel additions nnd
nllciatlons In the book of common mayor
proposed to the gcucial convention of IbS1 ! ,
A similar repoit was picsented on behalf of
the joint commlttco on lltmgleal revision of
the house ot deputies. Kofeired to thu committee -
mitteo on constitutional amendments.
Itcv. Dr. Hoffman , ot Now Yoik , presented
n rcpoit of the joint committee on the spir
itual care of immigrantaiidafterievlevvlni ! :
the question at meat length the teoit ) rec
ommended that a joint commltteo of both
houses bo appointed to consult with the au
thorities of the chinches of Kuirlr.nd. .Scot
land and Iicland , nnd thoChiiich of Liigl.tnd
in , fet Inlnt action of all blanches of
the chuich for Iho reception and spitltual
care ol Immigrants. Adopted.
Itev. Benjamin Fran Kiln , of N'evv Jersey ,
rend the unanimous icpoit of the joint committee -
mitteo on maiiiage and divoico appointed at
the gcnoial convention ot 1SS.1. The
loport was of unusual length and
consideied nil the causes deemed
sufficient in the various state laws
for the gi.intlugot divorce. llio reuort em
bodied u ni'\\ canon , \\liieh contained seveial
sttingent modification , of the existing canon
on mamago and dlvoieo. The proposed new
canon mov Ides that no mairiag < * of any per
son uinlei eighteen ot ago shall bo sol-
emni/ed unless the piionts 01 iniaidiaii bo
piesent. or have given written consent ; that
at least t\vo witnesses knowing the eontiact-
lug parties bo piesent : that divorce can only
bo recognised or gian ted on the gi omul ot Inn-
delity , the guilty jiemon being foibidden
again to mairy ( lining the llfotime of the
person fiom whom no or she was dlvoiced.
The piops-ed canon foiblds lemaiiLuo of di
vorced persons undei ci'itam ciicumslaucos.
and piovides lor penalties to bo Imposed
upon the eleigy for any non-obsorvanco of
the strict lettei of the , canon. The report
was in ado thu special older for October 14.
J. C. Dancioft Davis Vuestsutcd a i evolution
for the appointment of ; i joint committee of
nliui to consider the dutv ot the church to the
ooloicd people of the countiy. JIo said t"at
ho was opposed to asenainto eplscopito tor
coloicd people , but said that many of thorn
\\cre drilling into mhdclltj orgoliie over to
Home. The times demanded immediate
action. The resolution was adopted and the
committee instructed to diatta plan of action
and loport next Monday.
Mr. Judd , ot Illinois , proposed a constitu
tional amendment to the effect that a geneial
convention might constitute a couit of ap
peals. Hefened to the committee on judicial
Itev. Carstcnbon , of Pittsburg , asked that a
joint committee be appointed toconsidei the
authorization of evangelists. Adjourned till
2 o'clock.
In the afternoon the joint committee on
tno piavcr book was directed to print their
repoit Colons piesuntlng It to the house.
In. Swopo , of Now York , moved that when
the house adjourned Friday , it stand ad
journed until Monday morning , giving
added time to vmit K.ielno college. Mucli
opposition was developed to any delay of
the regular business of the convontlon , and
Dr. Swope's proposition was rejected.
lr Seott , of the commltteo on the consecration
cration ot bishops , said that on account of
the poor health of Ulshop Whlpple , ho moved
that Iho house appiovo the testimonials of
Mahlon M. Cillbert as assistant bishop of
Minnesota. The resolution was made the
special older for Wednesday at20 : : ! , on which
occasion the house will sit with closed doois.
btoddard , of Northern Now Jeispy , intro
duced a resolution pio\Idinginr a commltteo
of bishops , eloigyaml laymen , who should
lecommcnd some graded course of introduc
tion foi schools of the churcli. Stoddaid
sa.vs the present system wasfi.igmentaiv and
unsatisfactory. After much desultoiy dis
cussion the whole matter was tabled by u
votoot lasto'-tt.
Guy A. Kiovvn , of NebrasKn. to test the
constitutionality of all piajet book levli-Ion
by this coinention , olleied u lesolntlon
which was loterred to the com
mltteo on constitutional amend
ments The resolution asserted thai
certain amendments to the lesohitioiiH ot the
convention of ibK ! touching liturgical
Ion had never been conemied In by the house
of bishops , and that concuiieiit action in
othci was also lacking. in vlovv
ot those tacts the joint committed of this
convention , Drown held , should bo dis
chaired. S. Johnson , of Alabama , oireied n
seilesof resolutions on the subject ol the
chin eh's woik among the colored ] ieoplo.
with special refeiouco to the loalln over Iho
coloi line. Thodlsposil of the suDjeci was
tenipoiailly deferrctl.
'Iho business on the calendar was taken
up. beliiK'S , ' 'ornlns Jnilu's icHoiutlon ro-
littini ; totlmrhniuru in nainoof the ehuicli.
Piinco , 01 Now Mexico , said that as Judci
was absent ho would move that the resolu
tion bo made the order of the day Wed net ,
day nt 11 a. m. , when the Chlcu o deputy
could be piesent. The motion was adopted
nnd tlio lesolution of Dr. Admits on thosamo
Hubject was m.ule the order ot the day at the
Mime hour.
The jiiovlotis motion , to concui In mcssago
No. i riom the house of bishops , which pie
v uled that committees on crrois might hold
joint sessions , was then considered , calling
toith a long and spirited debate. The hoiiii
finally adjourned without coming to any de
cislon on the question.
Mr. < ) OIICH on Hlnlne ,
1'jrrsm'iin , Oct. 13. At a nieetlns on the
republican lion manufactureis and business
men to inako arrangements tor the leceptioi
oflilalneon October 'M , ( Jlmliman li. 1"
Jones , of the national republican committee
declined to servo as chiliinan on thu recep
lion commltteo , sating that .such u f-tei
would Jookaslf thodcmo'istratlon waschlell ;
for the purpose of booming IMalno
for the presidency In issi Ho sail
tliat Hlalno was not cominir hero tor per
sonal apKiandlicment , but to acrompIN
what ho fi'lt satlshed ho could do help tin
lepuhllcan parly In l'onnslvanla. liosah
It WBJ a question whether lilalno cared to
piss thiougli another presidential blo 'O us i
candldato : and for his part he was tiatlsilci
that ho did not , though the mutter would bo
known later.
Trioroaficd Postal Krceiptn.
sitixorox , Oct. 12. Colonel J. V.
ijennlondent of the fien ( U-ll\pr >
8stem ot "ttr ? uostollico depattment , has
ivado tils annual report to the poMiaaste
general , In wliicli U appears'-Unt ' Iho uccia
pito H'.sult of the sen io for tiiu > < H'i as
compared with the jear issU an lucruasu c
jmstaKC on local matter over the total cost o
tcilceuf \ 52if.,100.
nxuuun < : .
Trlnl of aVtrn K liter Who Olorlcil in
Ills Crime.
Hut sst i. , Oct. ! S.-Ncw [ York Herald
' 'able ' Special to the UitTodav : | , before
ho .Mons nssi7ecou t , theu- was opened the
resh liial of ( luslav VaiideiNmlsson , the bar-
rKter nnd member of the hon o of reiuesent-
atht's , who wn ? sentenced by thu Hitissels
nssl/ocomt to llflecn jears penal sorvlludo
'or the ninnler of hit \vifo , and wldcli son-
once was recently quashed us leg iltj doloct-
VP , because there was a foreigner on the
ury. The ooint was crowded. Vandcrsmls-
-en vvns v\elldies ed , but looKed much thlnnei
han on his appearance at the llrsl trlii' ' . Hur-
IIR his tilal he made charges terribly against
ho 1110.11100 of his wife , whom ho holds up to
tdium , and K'lorilHM hlstirt < > f vene\neo , to
ho applaii o of n portion of the public. The
rial will prohatilv last two or tluco d.ijs.
The prisoner has mennwhilo resinned his
seat In the lion ; o of representatives In ordci
that his counsel mav plead that ho has al
ready sulllclentlj sntfered in all vvajs with
out iiiuler-olui : p nal scrvlludo.
Will Aloxiiuler Knturci ?
UnfssKi.s , Oct. li [ Now Yoik Herald
Cable-Special to tlio Hm-.J A Vienna
clegram to th Independence llelgo asserts
that In the recent meeting ot Itulgarlan jiat-
rlolsnt Ititstchuk M. htoupoll lead a telo-
gtam fiom 1'rlnro Alexander statins ; that ho
will i estimt ! power in Itulg.ula If the so-
hianje ro-eleets him. This c-auses a
sensation , but Its authenticity is open to
great doubt.
Pre-ncli Wnr Sontlnient Oronlnc.
1'Ailis , Oct. 12-Tlioio Is arapld Ktovxth of
the war feeling In FintuM. The Honlaiiu'er
party has begun the Issue of two now jour
nals , La Kavancho and I.oSohlat Lnbouiem ,
to ndvooate an oflciis\iiinllrv ! ] in vindication
of the o'.d ' military piestlgo of Trance. M.
Lavedon , military critic , writes to the Kigaio
that Coneral Holdall. or has prepared a well
conceived plan. In conjunction with stair
olllceis of high tank , foi u continent il cam
paign. ' 1 ho Mllitalto savs Uoiilanger desiies
war , not for the purpose of recovering Alsace -
saco , not to Rratity peisonul ambition , but as
n step IcadliK' to tno solution of social ques
tions. The stiletest taboo of everything ( ! cr-
niaii Is being obseircd. M. Lockrov , minis
ter of commerce , lias ordeietl the jiolieo to
prosectito all persons scllliiB boxes of tovs Im-
poited fiom dcrmaiiy and contaliiini ; n map
ot 1'ranco without Alsace ,
.liiFUtfj In-r UiibHla > Action.
ST. l'iriiisnt-nu. : Oct. 12. The ncws-
papots of this city are unanimously of the
opinion that decisive action by Russia In re
gard to linlpari.i Is imperative. Tlio Journal
do St. 1'etcisbini ! sajs that ovunts justify
Russia in ui t ; ! 111 ; tlio po-.tponcmcut of the
elections In liuliraiia until the passions ot
ttio ] > uoplo had cooled fiom the Into e.xclto-
mont , and adds that it uau hi * loadily under
stood whv Uiissia refuses to lecoRiil/o or
saiio'lon an assembly elected under such a
condition ol allalrsas now pxlstb In Bulgaria.
Oct. 12. A number of "Sandwich"
men have been ai tested foi displaying pin-
cauls on which were cariieatmes of I'linto
The pohco to day entered the olllcc of
Itevanche ( uewsjiaper ) vvheieln a number of
colored placards lampooning Prince Uls-
marck weio hanging and ouleied them re
_ _
A Peculiar Biiloldc.
, Oct. 12. Herr llntscllerirouter ,
the Uavarlan premier's f.ithei-ln-law , aftei
witnessing the trial and sentence of an edi
tor for libelling the tncmlcr , tan out of the
court room and committed suicide by shootIng -
Ing himself. He had been much dopieswl
recently bj seolng niimoious editors , fathers
of families , impilsoned for press offenses.
A Very Dune llorso Wins.
LONDON Oct. I'A Stone Clink
, , afour-j cat-
old colt , against whom fifty to ono were the
odds offcicd by bookmakeis , won the Cesaci-
wlck handicap tiKlay , beating a field which
contained all the cracks of the past two \eais.
Ho was in at light weight , carrying but 105
Ilrltlsli Troop-Ship Stranded.
LONIIOX , Oct. 12. The Hiltifih tioopshlp
Tyne is stnindcd near Shcernass. A heavy
gale Is blowing. The vessel Is in a danger
ous condition.
Facts on AVIilcli tlio Territory Anka
For Admittance.
WASIIIVOION , Oct. 12. Governor Pierce ,
of Dakota , lias .submitted his toport to the
sccietaij of the Intel lor. On the subject of
the growth and development of the territoiy
the govei nor quotes at some length from the
repoit of the commission of Immigration ,
which sajs : There vvoto 22j51 ; nnvv fdlncs
on public lands dining the vcar under the land lawn , div laud as follows :
Homesteads. 7,10'i ; pre-emptions , 7MM , and
tree claims , 7,071. The aiiu newly tiled on
during the jear was : ir , > ir > , : > W acies. Thoio
weio'J.OOJIinal pioots made dining the vcar.
Thu total Incieaso in the population of the
tenitoiv tor the > ear Is estimated at K5OUO.
giving DaKota a population on .IniiolO , IhSti ,
of fully , r > ( XOOU. ) The ra III oid building of
IbSfi , sajs the icpoit. bids fall to bo much
Eieater tli in foi any piovlous year In the his-
toiy ot the tciiitorj. in conclusion , tno gov-
oinoi discusses the subject of Iho admission
of Dakota Into the union and adds : ' ! lenew
my recommendation most o.iinoslly that tins people bo no longer Kept lioin their
ilghtlul lieilta.'O but ho penultted a shaio
anil volcii In that government they honor liy
their publle splilt and su t iln u'y their In-
dustiy. "
NOTI'wl ) TKOTTIiiCS SOjI | > .
Celebrated Kontiiclcy fitoolc Anc-
tioncit Oil1 at HlKli f'riceH ,
I.orihViM.u , Ky , , Od. 12. Tlio Sfilo of
Olcnvlow , the cclcbiatcd Rli'ck farm of the
latoJ. 0 McFounn , began near this cllv to
day and was Inigoly attended. The hall
compilses the fat m and collection of 175 line
ttottms. Among the prominent peisoim m
attendance weio J. 1. Case. ItaeiniWIs. . ; H.
II. Wheeler , Chicago ; II. T. and K. 1) . Stout.
Diibuque , la. The faun vvns auctioned
and sold to J. ( . Case fur SIIIS.MJ an acie. Ho
stated ho bouifhl in pnrtnciship vvllh W. II
Wheeler , of Cnlc.igo , and that ho would run
the farm on the sauio plan as It was inn be-
lore. At the stock salt ) In the nlteinoon foity
two horsetwoio sold , blinking high prices ,
Nutwood , the gieatest living stud an
representative ot HamblelonlaiiH , sold U
r. 1) . Stout , of liibuiiie ) , la. , lei SJ..OOO , am
i'aiicoast. of ( iieat .Mambilno Chief , was
piiiehnspd by John II. Shnltof Itioolcljn
iorP .OOO. J , H. Crosier , ot IV-nnsjlvanla
pa d Srf100 ! for Wlcklille , and price * langec
downward. J , 1 , Case made thieo jiurchiises
Fort\-t\vohoail icall/ed frr,0.i'5. The sale
continues tluco dnj.s.
LAi' : , Ind , Oct. 1' . ' . Kd Itohlnson
prop1 letor ot ono ot Iho oldest woolen mills
In the .state , has left for pins unkown , hav
In : ; foiired notes on his father and owlnt
laigosums to mt'iehantsaiid fauneis ag ro
gating 'J < I,00J. ( Ho has been acting snt ,
jilelously tot some time , havlnuslept with his
dothes on for three weeks and raiiiot two
pistols continually. This farmers to whom
HIS U Indebted amtliipplnt ' , the mill 01 UK
content ! ? .
_ _
Gcneinl I'ottor Itotircil ,
WA-sniNf.TON , Oct. 13 , Hrlisudli'i < ; eneial
J , H. Potter , comm.indlnt ; the d < p.irtmcnl ol
the Missouri , with h'ndiuaitor | at Foit
Leavcnvvorth , was today letiiul , having
icadicd the age of sKty-tonr
AVsiuoio.v , Oct. 12. It Is understood
that the Mlli's-tteronlmo romplhatlon was
again under coiibWtjuUoh ut tlio cabinet
meeting today ,
More Rumors nnd Kopjtts in Regard to
the Haddock Murder.
Mmlo Avvny With Chrlotlnu
Tcnutcnuico AVoincn Jlcot
Invvu Ncv\s.
SUmx City's Mensatlon.
StovCn v , la , , Oct. 12.- ( Special Tele-
: ram to the UKK. ] However much the pub
ic deshc , the probabilities now are that Iho
Hnddoek murdei ease will not be reached
luting the routing teim of the dlstilct court ,
Among thee Inean-eratod in the county jail
now awaiting trial aio twnchnigcdithinur -
ler and fotn with attempted minder , besides
ithers eh uged with giavo olTcuses greater
.ban any grand jury In Woodbuiy county
was over called to Investigate , so that tl.o
Unco weeks' session will have little or no
imo for this most Impoitant case. 11. L.
Leavltt was taken back to Klngsloy to-day ,
where ho will lemaln In chaigo of At-
loinoy Wood until the cases aie called ,
It is not deemed safe that he should remain
iei e. Last night. It Is understood , ho vvns In
company with a body miaul of law and or
der league members , all of whom weie armed ,
Attorney ( ieneral Ilaker Is In the city con
sulting w Ith the state's attorney , nnd the
points nnd evidence far the prosecution are
'xUK ' \ gone over caiefully. Ho refuses to bo
Intel viewed. It Is stated to-day , scmi-on
ciallv , that the saloonlst , ( Jeorgo Trleber , bo-
foio bo left thocltiotuoiitu swoi.i state
ment w ith lefeieiicn to tlio tragedy , and whoi
did the shooting , which Is now In the hands' '
ofthoaltoiiioj. This is to the cited that tlio
"Hlsmaick" man attested In California waa
the one Idled to do the shooting , but as heap- '
preached Ml. Haddock I rom behind , he weaU-
iMied. At this Leavitt appioaehed and Hav
ing , "Heie , now , don't let this bo a lizzlo ,
too , " diovv his tevolver and fired.
Chlet of INillce Nelson lias not reached
hero us jet with his man Hismaick , but ono
of the ruinous current to-day was to the ef
fect that ho would not swear that AicnsdorC
did the shooting.
Among the most sensational rumors cur
rent was that with refeienco to tltemjster-
lous disappearance of Homy I'elirs , the
biowery wagon drlvei , mentioned In thc o
dispatches last night. Your coriospoudcnt
paid some attention to this mattci today ,
and finds among residents near thobieweiy
a stroni ; belief that he lias been foiilh mur-
deiod. In corroboiatlon ot which Iliey say
that on the night of Aiuust'JJ an altei cation
was heard ot the biewoiy , and Heine's volco
was recognized. The neXt day a now ,
driver was on the wagon. It will
bo lemcmbeicd that Leavitt Btates that ;
Aiensdorf jiioposed to send 1'otcis to ( ! ei-
man } because ot Ids knowledgeot thy affair.
It was developed today thut Hcurj's tiunU
and ellects are still at his bo ml Inbousu
bete , that ho paid ins boaid a day before the
fuss above lelened ( o , and bus been heaul oC
by no ono since. Ho took nothing ut all
with film and is said to have some money on
deposit at one of the banks. No satistactoiy
explanation is given of his absence * , and Mr.
Aieusdoif , his emplover , will irom necessity
bo com nel led to pioduce Henry in oidei to
iully establish his Innocense.
Temperance Women.
Sioux Cjry , la. . Oct. -Special ( Telo- -
Kram to the I > ir. . | The thirteenth aniiiml
convontlon of the Iowa Slate Women's
Chilstiaii Temperance union was called to
order in the Kirst Congiegational chuieli this
morning. The sessions continue foi tluco
d.i > s. About 1 10 delegates are In attendance ,
representing all pails of the state. Otheia
are arriving In cveiv train. The moming
hour was occupied In listening to the annual
addiessof tin * president , Mis. J. Ellen Fos
ter. This was laigely n comprehensive ic-
vlow ot the woik of the past year , and win
most gratifying. She icfeired to the ovll In-
tluenco of llqiioi and tobacco upon
the system of chlldicn. anil spoka
w Ith great favor of the fact that text books
and education were beginning to show so
many good tesults. She contended that anti-
saloon legislation Is demanded by the moral
sense of eveiy state , and that temperance Is
In politics to stay. Prohibition legislation
was lovlewed nt length , and she held that
not only must the saloons of Iowa go , but
tlio drugstores nnistdoa legitimate business.
On tfic subject of woman suffiage , Mm. Fos
ter urccd that the members of the Women'B
Christian Tcmpeianco Union enter upon n
vlgmous campaign to secure an amendment
to the constitution. Talking of political
piohlbltloii she said that In eighty
out of nlnetv-nini ) counties in Iowa prohibi
tion was enforced. In non-piohibltlon coun
ties the traltlc had resulted In open violence ,
and she rnicned to the murder of Georgn C.
Haddock , paying an eloquent tribute to his
momoiv. The attoi noon session vras devoted
to healing lepoits of Mis. A. M. Palmer , siip-
eilntendcnt of ev.uiL'CllNtlc Woik , and Mifl.
( icorgo 1 < . MeMlllen , with iclcicnco to .sol-
dlcr.sand sallois. The iciioits ot the com
mittee on nedontlals and the ( IC.IHIIKM were
also read. At the ovcnlngscnslnn an address
of welcome was made and resionded ] toby
Mis. Floionco .Miller.
lovtn VotcraiiH Reunion.
DKS MOINIS. la. , Oct. 12. ( Special Tolo-
giam to the Ur.n.j The survlvois ot the
Fouileenlh Iowa Infantiy aiu holding In thlr.
eitj to-day theh Hist rennhin. About ono
bundled members of the lo lment are
piesent , some coining fiom M chlgan , Nebraska -
braska , Kansas and Missouri. An oiir.inl/.a-
tlon was elfeeted this aftci noon and an ad-
diess was dollveied by the lormer cOm-
manderof thu regiment , Colonel W. I. Shaw ,
ot Anamosa. An enthusiastic camp-tiro I
being held to-nluht , nddiessed by ox-liover-
noi Sheiman , Lieutenant Uoveinor Hull and
other vetoians.
Operations ol' n Now fmvv.
Drs MOINKH , In. , Oet. 12. ' .Special Telo.
giam to the Jiii : : , ] Thu now icglstralou (
law went Into effect to-day and Illty-foiir
cities of the Iliat and second class began
rcglMeilng , all citi/ens who expect to vote
belnic teqiilied to teglstor. Kepoits fiuiu , Davenpoit , Keokuk , Maishnlltowii
and other cities show that the Itiw was genei-
ally observed , though In Keokuk It was qultu
loosely Intel preted , From ono-ihlid to omit
fourth of the cntlio polls was the general
average of registration In UIH ! city nearly „
one-halt of the voters leglstcied to-day , , . , ' }
'llio Hook iRlnnd'H lOntcrprlso. 1
lis : MOINBS , la , , Oct. 12. ( Special 'IVle- I
gram to the Hii : : . ] Piesldent Whithead and
other olllclals of the DCS Molncs and Fort
Dodge railway have been In town today ai-
r.ingjng for the lease of the ioid to the Hock
Island , which will soon operate It. 'Hie Foi t
Dodge road runs northwest fiom this city
about OIKI bundled miles.
Tariff Itoformcrs
NKW VOIIK , Oct. 12 , A meeting In tint In
terest of refoims in tlio t.ullf was I eld heio
this afternoon to consult and decide us to the
most judicious Dleps to bo taken to secure the
election of ic | rj'cntatlves and u United
States senator who will do their utmost to
bring about a icvlsion by i educing the taxes ,
lailir , levies on American Industries and
especially the tepcal of the duties on
jmueilals ,
SALT L\KK , Oct. 12. The Moimon terrl-
loilal convention to-day nominated John H.
Calnu foi delegate. The icsoiutlons deinaud
local s-elf-iule and drclalo for stiiteiood ; ,
Nolnaskn and Iitiva Woiittifr.
For Xchrai-ka and Iowa : ralim ,
pieccded ly fiir weather in castvin pottlou.
ftll.-hlli cooler