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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1886)
* q \ GATHERED ABOUT THE CITY The Call of Canes in tlio District Com Yesterday , INTERESTING NOTESOFTHE RAIL Shovellers Tlio T.ilo of IllnR A New Dry Goods Firm A Tlilof Nlupcil-Othcr DlBtrlot Court. L , V. Morse nnd Thos. C. Hruncr sue Anton ilolin.son ( or $1,000 damages und tlio specllic performance of contract of sale of certain real estate claimed to have been purchased by thephimtiU'j from de fendant. In the case of ( 'has A. ( Snrnor v * the H. & M U. 11 , the matter was dismissed by the court at tlio costs of the defendant. S. S. Lyons , defendant , Illcd n motion that the plai ntlh" Kate Murray bo com Veiled to give security for costs in the matter of appeal. Constable Karl llled.nnanswcr yesterday mornlngto tlio petition of Aurelia Knapp denying tin ; statements that ho had ille- pallv seized property belonging to the plaihtiir. The case of .Jos Doherty vs Martin Unn- nan was dismissed by Htlpulatioii , omMi party to pay his own witness fees and other cost.s to bo equally divided nnd the defendant to pay pliiintln"uO. K. L. Stone , one of the garnlshoes of licrllo Mann lllud an answer in the suit of Urane brother vs that lady , showing that the linn of Dewey & Stone was .se cured in the indebtedness of the defend- nut by insurance policies amounting to Tlio case of J. L. Illco vs. Miller & Klchardson was continued by stipulation to the I'obnmry term , 1877 , of the district court. J. 1) . Thomas makes answer to the nllldavit of Attorney Kevin's , denying the truth of the statements made in the same. Judge Neville has gone to Washington county. Ho is accompanied by Air. Ks- tclle. ' Judge Wukoly is hearing the case of Louis Kchnann vs. Thomas Murray. In the suit of S. Jaeobson VH. II. T , Clark the sealed verdict of the jury re turned on Saturday night found for the uliilntiu'1.0U. ! Knil Notes. Mr. J. t. Actlnr , general agent of the Union 1'acillc atSt. Louis , is in the city. II. K. Johnson , superintendent of con . ' * > struction , has gone to Topoku. General Manager Callaway is in New York. The partition which formerly divided the check room of O. 11. Dorrance's ollico has neon taken down , greatly increasing the roominess and light of the place. The change is appreciated by the clerks. The Grand Island train arrived this morning on time , anil was loaded with passengers. The number of the latter was about as great as was ever carried on the train. Several of them were car ried to the 151 nils. Superintendent Dorranco has been out on Hie Union 1'acilic for several days bad ; making a careful inspection of sev eral points in the vicinity of North Platto. A. P. Maxwell , formerly of this city , and now ticket agent at Portland Ore. , who mis been in the city for several days , . , returned home yesterday mornihg. W. J. Donovan , ono os the most pop- , tilar conductors of the Missouri Pacific , " ilit is again on duty after an illness of sov- f TJv'ornl weeks. 'l. J ° 'in ' Harding , ono of the Union Pacific i 4Wocomotivo.pngfneers , went to Columbus " -.ulny where ho will take charge of a engine which the company is teat at that place. Heretofore the itching has been done by a road en- % } VJhu. but the busin'ess has increased so tgAucn ( ; afrto require the change. The on- I i gi'iu ' will leave hero on Wednesday next. I- , J * The second train on the Missouri Paci fic from Lincoln in rived yesterday morn- lag'about thirty minutes behind time , the schedule hour being 11:17. : It had but few passengers , owing to the fact that it IH still a now train. It is thought , how ever , that the evening train from here , at 0:20 : will divide the patronage for thu capital with the U. & M. Cricket. The following is the score of Iho cricket match in which the high school defeated the Omaha second 11 , the Englishmen being defeated in one inning : A. Cnvin. p , Heal b. Uroatch n W. ( Savin , P , Yeul b. Broatch 10 G. Westb. Grimtts r. J. Scott b. llio.Ucli 0 K. ( SiilllttBl ) . Grlfllttn 0 11. Ncalc , W. Htistln b. Uroatch 0 K.TaulTub. ( Jrillllts. : 3 A. Kvans , c. and b. GrlHIIUi ! ! JlcClunty not at. Hyos a , whk's 3. Total. . 27 K. Lulsoiirliiir , c , Tnnto. b. U. Grllllths 0 0 , JlcCoiinell.c , Kvitns li.v . ( Suvln HI n , Uenll , c. Kvans , b.V. . Uavln Ki U. Nelson , b.V. . ( iiiviu 4 W. GiHlltimrun out 0 W. Uroatcli , b. W. Gavin 0 P. Tomplcton , b. W. Gavin 7 J , Teuiplulon run out " , A. Townsend , b.V. . Gavin 1 W. Hiistln , h. .1. Scott 0 M. Nelson nut out 0 Byes 4 lea byes S 8 Total niulinionil'N "HcHt Cltr/.mis. " To the Kdltor : The attempt of the Her- uld to palliate or justify tint conduct of thu white residents of Hlehmond in their expressed determination of murdering worthy oiti/ens from other communities , lawfully assembled there as representa tives of one of the noblest of organiza tions , was necessarily a very weak pro duction. The proposed gathering of the Knights of Labor at Richmond was lixed upon several months ago , and was of course known to those "best citi/ens" spoken of in the dispatches. They had nmpld tune , therefore , for the prevention l ' of any infringement upon their cherished i' customs in respect to the negro by notifying northern knights that they would not bo allowed to have colored delegates in attendance with them us equals. It may safely bo usserted that the noble knighthood of the north would never have dishonored itself by sending delegations into such n miserable com munity.As the Hr.K has lately said in an excellent article , if Iho fact of the pro posed presence of a colored man at n meeting of whites wassiillieient to arouse the pasMons of the latter to such a pitch as would have insured the precipitation of u bloody riot , it becomes n serious i'u question whether those who have been fondly entertaining the belief that they could seethe clonus whicli have all along overshadowed the south , rapidly rctronf- ilit : before the continual march of in telligence ns to the true relationship nml mutual needs of the two races , have been wmpt hi the embrace of a pleasing but delusive dream , Nor does it brighten the cuso to note us is remarked with appar ent satisfaction in dispatches that the angry demonstration against law und u life was luil by the "best citizens. " ? In their ollorts to apologize tor the , outbursts of lawlessness on the part of \i the whites of the south , their northern ' pnnsora , with characteristic subtlety , endeavor to set in inoi gn thu forces of t prejudice by discussing this matter In connection with the much mooted subject of social equality , in the hope of diverting public attention from the trno question at Isstio. The attempt to draw a comparison between tlio case of the colored knights al Richmond and the ordinary social intermingling of the two rnces is ono of the most ridiculous strokes of sophis try yet resorted to by these hearty negro haters. In conclusion , allow me to add , with duo re ppcl to those of diU'creni opinion , that sue.i sallies of rage on the part of the whites of the south afford evidence too strong to bo Ignored that their oft repented declarations of friendship towards the colored populace among them , and desire for their elevation , fire followed by few , if any symptoms of sin cerity. ( Juus D. HII.L. : ST. ilOSKlMI IIOSPITAU Donations Hccolvocl by tlio liiNtlttitlon Tor the Quimcr. The following are the donations re ceived by the St. Joseph Hospital for the quilt-tor ending September ) ! ( ) , 1880 : A friend , SIfcO ; John A. McShnne , ? 10 ; Louis Hill , S'r > : \'ossS10.J. ; . K. Rlloy , g : . ; .1. A. Muriiliy , : ; .lolm Kienrei , 5-5 ; Dr. O. K. llollnmn , So ; Mr. Corbncli , SS ; Henry Sno'.st'iibueli , Sfi ; 1) . N. Cooililch , S3 ; Ktl. .Sullivan , 93V. ; . Slonenl , ? a ; .1. Al. rivnn , S3 ! C. A. TlilPiiinii. S3 : Mrs. Itnner. S3 ; Mrs. AluClnn. S3 ; Mrs. Cannon , 8'M. ! : . Donovan , si : ; r. Sullivan , SI ; H. llerl , 81 : L. 1'ejekp , 51 ; J. Mutton SI ; .1. Dowllmr , SI ; J. Uiirl.-c , 81 ; 1) . Delnney , SI : M. Kelly , SI ; V. C Dotan. SI , O. Simmons , Balltiy , 81 ; C. Tinner , S5 ; Mr.s. . % > t l. 1 It t Jill Illl STl i tit ill 111 HJJ t Vl | 1 > Knrley. Si ; J. \ \ nllnre , SI : Mr. Lowiy , SI ; Mr. Wendcrirh. 81 ; Mr. Nelson , SI ; U. Klslii'iSI : Dr. ( Carpenter , S'J ; lII. . IVr- slnirei.81 ; Mrs. Tiucey , Si : Mix. UnpN , 81 ; Qtmrtcimiiatur's department. M.oO ; Union Pnrllic olliccs. S..IH ) ; Union I'wliir shops , 85I.UO ; . AM. talhonil olllci-x , Slli.OO ; cnsli , 7.00 ; McSlmnt ! it Shrocder. ono box of butter ; \V. C. Cornel , out1 gallon spirits ; Mr. I'urntlitini , uinccrles ; Hcckliolf it Mnck , ono pilot'spltits ; Mr. Her , one gallon alcohol ; Di'llonoitCo. . two callous spirits. ; W. Me- Count ) , fjiocprles ; liinncli A : Co. , finlt : John MuCicniy. frnlt and vegetables : Onmlm Hilclc it'leira Cottix coinpiiuy , 1,000 briclij Consolidated Tank company , llfty Rations oil ; K. Krnusc. six brooms ; John Toner , one load huy ; Mis. Ilonnnn , two barrels vinegar ; Pullman Car company , sheeting ; Mrs. II. A. Lyinan , fruits ; It. Tiussln. fruits ; Mr. Ucr- rlmitl , mopt'Hes ; F. Krtitf , Stortz & llur , the dally and weekly papers ; Messis. Fitch and Kiiuball , leu every day : City Water works. Siarnit Ilnnwin , tSupeiloieas. The Tale of a King. Joseph Pascal is the niimu of an Italian who has for some yosirs resided in this city. During the course of his stay hero ! io met a woman of easy virtue known is Annie Latham. Ho managed to gain a. complete control over tlio yonnsr woman so much so that she seemed per fectly infatuated with him. Among other things that she possessed was u valuable ring. The ring ono day she placed upon the linger of her dear Joseph , as a token of her plighted affection for him. It was only n < short time after this little episode thai the two lovers had a falling out. Annie- immediately wanted her ring back. Pascal would not rot urn it. L'lie woman swore revenge and had the talian arrested on a charge of larceny. JTliucasueaineupforJtrialyestordayinor- ling. ami after a careful hearinjr Jinlgo Stonberg discharged the Italian. Ho still has the ring. Thievery in Onts. Yesterday morning Henry Stigor and Jnrlcy Love , the latlera colored man , and > otli employes of Jim Stephenson , werear rested by Captain McCormlck and Officer lowlcs for theft. They have been work- ng in the barn for some time , and for many WCCKS back the owner has been nissing largo quantities of oats , which could not bo accounted for. Suspicion , lowever , finally rested on the men , Kilned and they were subjected to aclose rutcli. Similar they were tracked to i barn near Thirteenth and Jones streets , where there are six horses kept , the owners of wliich claim that they have ) eon buying oats from them for some line. Iho plan of the men evidently was 0 put the oats in a wagon in ( ho stable uid then smuggle it out and sell it as de scribed. Stoigor denied his guilt , but Love 1 ail nothing to say. They will bo tried o-day. Attached tlio IJIoodlioniitls. For some mysterious reason actors md actresses seem to prefer Omaha as u > lace for instituting legal action against heir uiunngors. The latest instance of his kind developed in Justice Helsloy's court yesterday in a siiit conimonced by Miss Minnie Foster , alias "Topsy , " of draper's "Undo Tom's Cabin" com- miiy , which was hero tlio latter part of ho week. She sued ( he management of the company on a claim of $125 , for sul try and other incidental matters. A writ of attachment was placed in tlio hands of Constable Chas.v. . Kdgerton , who at ) nco sei/ed tlio byggago of tlio coinimny , neluding three "bloodhounds , " Frank , 1'YiU and Nero , Tlio outfit , including ho dogs , is at the Planters' house. The case is set for trial on October 1C. \Vltli n Harness. Yesterday morning Officer Poironn .ar- resled a follow named James Daily at : ho haymurket on Jackson street. Tlio utter had a harness In a bag , which lie was offering for sale for $5.50. Ofllccr L'elronnett had been looking for such a ; ale for several days because ot the num ber of barn robberies which have lately taken place. He Know that tlio haymar- -ut would bo a good place to dispose of iho stolen goods to fanners , and was not mistaken. His watchfulness and saga city were rewarded as above mentioned. Hi ; thinks the harness is the property of William Preston , the stealing of winch was mentioned in those columns. K. 1 > . Grand hodge. Last evening Jno. J. Monell , P. G. C. , of tlio Knights of Pythias , S. M. Willox , G , K. , J. S. Shropshire , S. U. , and E. E. French , G. T. It , S. , wont to Lincoln to attend tlui grand ledge of tlio order which convenes to-morrow and Is to Jast three days. It is expected that there will bo COO Knights in attendance. The gentlemen mentioned as also the rouresontativcs of several other lodges in the northern part of tlio state have been instructed to endeavor to se cure the next mooting of the Grand Nodgo in this city , ono year from this time , A , U. II. Ball. The following gentlemen' liavo been selected as commltteemou to manage ( ho A , O. II. ball , which takes place Tuesday evening , October 13,1880 , in Cunning- liam's hall , on Thirteenth and Jackson strecta : Reception Committee M. Fenlon , Thos. Connors , J. J. Connolly , J. Pholan , Floor Committee John Price , Ed Powers , John Kerwin , J. M. White. Door Committee H. McGinn , M. Me- Itridc , Win. McKcuna , M. Leuhuy , GISKMAN COMKDtf. Finely flnycil nt the Hoytl Idist XlK' ' t by tlio Home Company. The performance of the German com pany at Hoyd'x peom to improve with each entertainment. Tlio audiences con tinue to Increase in size , nnd the actors , encouraged by tlio numbers and appre ciation of the auditors , the magnificent accommodations of the stage , and tl.o cozy interior of the theater seem Im pelled to work of the highest order. The play Sunday night , "Kucnstlorlc- ben''or " Verfehltor lleruf , " is an excellent sample of the polite musical comedies in which tlio German abounds. It is of a kind with many which have been pirated and rendered In English under strange names and without more than locali/.ing the time and name of the characters. It is full of action , sparkles with wit , and abounds in opportunities for the Intro duction of delightful pieces of vocal music. Last night , of this feature there were not less than nine selec tions in which Messrs. Haurcis and Schmitz and Mrs. Pnls-Alil and all of tlio performers took part. The singing of all the soloists was en cored , that of Mr * . Puls-Alil and Mr. liaurcis , at the close of Hie first act , receiving a most enthusiastic recall. In brief , the play is the story of four impecunious artists , pcr.-oiiatod respect ively by Messrs. Koch , Puls , Batircis and Sclimit/ . ono of whom is in receipt of a letter from a young lady , requesting an audience , which each answers , and. while answering it in person , is intruded upon by the others in one two three order. This results in a most humorous complication which provokes the great est merriment. The plot is sustained by a number of incidents growing out of this suggestion , together with a little intrigue which introduces a leaven of seriousness to the rollicking gaiety of tlio whole piece. Of course , the play ends in the marriage of everybody , and this denouement is accomplished when the characters seem indeed to have merited it because of the escapades into which they have been inducted. The piece was signalized by the second appearance , this year , of the venerable Julius Grossman , ono of the most capa ble and esteemed actors the Gorman stage , Omaha , has over known. His acting as "Baron von Eichonstein , " showed that absence for several years from the boards had in no manner impaired his theatrical powers. Mrs. liaurcis was as painstak ing and interesting as she always is ; Mr.s. Pnls-Ahl's versatility in the part of of a young women of volatile propensity and an elderly lady of demure manners was excellently displayed , while her voice was sweet and clear. The dressing of these ladies was rich and elaborate. Messrs. Koch , Puls Sehmit/ and liaurcis were thoroughly identified with their re spective parts , the humorous work of the latter two especially awakening rounds of applause. Mr. Lindcmaun a very pains-taking young gentleman had a moro ambitious part than usual last night , and acted it in a very clover man ner. Mr. Denicko made a good deal out of his tumbling character. Next Sunday the piny will be "Dor Schwabeiibtreich. " City lliillwny Tracks. The city railway company has a force of men engaged in extending the Cuming street track west to lirown street , a dist ance of about three blocks beyond tlio u'osent terminus. This brings the- cars : o a point about a block east of the Sacred leart convent and to thu base of the hill near the city limits. Sunday the cars commenced to run on the double track on Sannders street , which extends to Seward. This improve- nent enables the cars to make more regular time and make tiic run to the lepot in live minutes less tlnn formerly. A Xow Dry Good.s Firm. The store room recently occupied by iV. V. Morse & Co. is being lilted up for occupancy by Thomas , lieldcn & Co. , of Cleveland , Ohio , who will open a retail dry goods establishment on a large scale n a short time. Their goods are now ar riving over the Rock Island and will bo arranged for the opening as soon as the store is ready for them. 1'lie firm conies strongly backed and endorsed by lead- ng capitalists and business men of Cleveland and will form a valuable ac quisition to the city's business enter- irises. Hint Papers. Yesterday morning a cai tie man living a few miles south of Rogers , in this state , a ittlo town near Schuyler , lost a pocket- jook containing $110 and a number of valuable papers on flip Grand Island .rain coming to this city. The book was in ono of the pockets of his overcoat , which ho carried in his arm in going from one car in which there were but few pas sengers , to another which was full of : liem. His name could not bo ascer tained , and ho was in ignorance as to whether it dropped on the lloor and was iiicked up , or stolen fioin liia pocket. The New Hotel. Contractor William Flynn yesterday morningsccnrcd the contract of diging the excavation for the now hotel building , hicli is to bo erected on tho'cornor of Tenth and Farnam streets. Work will bo com menced as soon as the old buildings which are now on tlio lot can be moved off , probably by Wednesday. The con tract will probably require ono month for completion. As already stated in the Br.E , the structure will bo lU2xll)3 , six stones high. Shovellers , Yesterday altornoon at 1 o'clock about llftyjof tlio men engaged in the excavation for the foundation of the now city hall refused to go to work , because , they claimed they had not been paid for two weeks. Tlio foreman , P. O'Toolo , said that the contractor , Mr. Reagan , was in DCS Moines , and that the regular pay day was Tuesday , and further that ho did not understand why the men had anticipated the usual time for receiving their wages ; 12.OOO IleglBtorud Ijouors. In the last published report in the Br.i : of the business of the registry depart ment in the postolHeo , no mention was made of the fact thai during thq last quar ter 12,000 registered letters passed through the office for delivery In nils city , an in crease of0 per cent over the business ot the corresponding period one year ago. Tlio Cable Line Homo. Mr.JLi. B. ' Williamsjsaid yesterday morn- ng that it would not bo dot ermined bcforo next spring what the cable company \vould do with reference to building on Farnam street. Ho claimed that the statement made by interested parties that Htirnoy street had been selected for the track was entirely groundless. Could Not Itecovcr. Chas. Mehuiln , the young man who last week was kicked in the head by a liorso , died yesterday morning , at 815 South Seventeenth street. From the start there was but little hope of his re covery as his skull was fractured and his brain was injured. His folks in Warren , Ohio , have been notified of the sad nlfair , and the body has been sent to Iowa for interment , Arrested for Fighting. A quartette of women was nrrestcd yesterday af ternoon'f or fighting. Among them was the nptorious Belle Sauford. In Jillcr Miller yesterday morning recei ved a letter from W , HHorrinyton.Jthceni' be//.lor in Kvergeeen ) Alii. , who was ar rested hero a week aso. . I In says t'.iat ho was treated well by the officers , and on his arrival found bonds nwalting him , so that ho was enabled immediately to go to hia homo , , wife and babies. I'ollco Uonrt. Judge Stcnberg disposed of tlio usual Monday morning grist of vagrants , sus picious characters and drunks in police court vcsterday. Charles M. Nettleson , who was arested for driving a horse nearly to death Sumhiv , was -fined $18 nnd costH. Five prisoners , charged with in toxication , were lined s5 and costs. A Indies' Fnlr. On next Wednesday night tlio ladies of St. Philomcna parish will opi'n n grand fair in the annex to Iho exposition building. It will continue for six nights and tlio proceeds will he applied to de fraying the expense of the recent im provements to tlio cathedral , Died from liijurtcn. Sunday morning Fred Gerbcr , ono of the Union Pacific men at Sehuvlerhad one of his feet badly crushed. The limb was nflorwards amputated by Dr. J. 1) . Miles , of that place and yesterday morn ing news was received at Dr. lbraith's ollico that the man had died. Forest Imwn Cemetery Association. The annual meeting of the bondholders and lot owners of Forest Lawn Cemetery Association lor the election of officers will bo held at IMS Farnam street , Tues day , the 12th lust. . 7 to ( I o'clock p. m. J. C. DKNISE , Chairman. Tim Orphans. Rev. M. P. Dowling , president of Cri'ightou college , and one of tlio most able and polished orators in tlio west , will leetute in the opera house , on December 8 , under the auspices of the C. K. ol A. , for the benefit of the orphans. The sub ject will bo "Iho Dignity of tlio Christian Family. " Ttic Automatic .Marvels. They arc pronounced by all visitors the grandest , most ingenious , scientific and complicated works of artistic mo- ohanism the world has produced. Nobody can afford to miss a visit to 1118 Farnam. You will bo astonished to sec the masterly contributions to the field of Automatic scenes. KEMEMDKIC ONLYA DAYS. _ Real Kntato Transform. Tlio following transfers were filed Oct. 0 , with thu county clerk : Uo Veto Shok's and wito to Annie Downs , part w 100 ft of e 400 It lot 2 , Uartlett's add , w d Sli.UlO. Jos Barker and wife to Mrs 1' It E E Lin- ton , lot 8 , block 1 ! > 7 , Omalm , w d-tfl.OOO. Alvln Saumlers and wife to Win II tirlf Hill , lot 1 , block 8. Shinn'a add , w d-SU.OOO- SU Mercer ami wife to II O Somorvllle , . lot 17. block ! ( , Walnut Hill , w d-S700. W .1 Hamilton to .J W Savairc , lot 3 , block ni8 , Omalia , w 11-82.500. J E 15oyd to J w Savage , wj of se' ' ' sec 1M5-18. w d-Sl. J W Savage to W It Morris , lot 3 , block 318 , Omalm. w d 83,500. E E French to Eva L Harris , lot 13 , block in. Central Park , w d 3500. Halthas Joller to Theo Olson and James Yore. 4b 100 acics In sec tt-15-it : , w d-W.'JbO. I ! P Ik-mis to Fiedk Bol/man , lot 0 , block JO , Credit t 'oiiclcr , w d 81,51/9. Augustus t ot al to Keller & Campbell , blocks , 5 and C. lots i. , 8 and 4 , block a. lots 'J and : ! , block 7 , lots 1 and [ ! , block 11 , all in Pratt's subdlv , w d 9,000. M T Patrick nnd wife to Martha TSehro- ter , lot 0 , block U , Patrick's : 'd add , w d 81.100. C S Parrotte and wife to C E Snuires , lots 14 anil 15 , blocks , Bogirs & Hill's 1st add , w d-SO,000. Union Stockyards Co to F E Pearl , lot 0 , block.1 , 1st add to South' ' Omaha , w d SfcOO. Alice D Hodman and husband to W ' 1 Sea man , lots J. 'i nmUlv block 0 , Cunningham's subdlv Auburn Hill , w d $750. Mnitin Quick nnd wile to Oslak Olson , lot 12 , blockUrandvlcw ! , wd § 430. Opening Muslcalo. The opening musicale of the Ladies' Musical society will be hold Wednesday , Jet. 2flth , at Wax Meyer's music hall , at half pasta. _ Absolutely Pure. Thlapowdor never varies. A mnrvol of pur- ty , tttrcntrtli and wliolojomonoig. Moro econ omical tluin tlio ordinary kinds and ciinnt be told Incoinpctltlrm with tlio multitude of low teit.Bhortvrelffhtn'um ' or ntinsplinte powclors. Bold oniy in rans. I to VAT , RAKING POWDKII Co 168 Wall at. . Now Vork J. & T. COUSINS' HAND s UMC.Q The onlyDENUIN&enestnado. The most Lomfortablf anT durable shape for walking. Perfect fit. . . HcTwejiikUs. . . Easy as art old shoe. . .Always retain ttia shape , Will not tire thafett In long walks , Made in 11 m'dttis and all 'sizes. Look on Sal * far Nun * ind Addrm ol J. & T. COUSINS , MEW voazc , DK. IMPEY , N.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. Practice limited to Diseases of tUo EYE , EAR. HOSE AND THROAT for all form ? ofdefestlva Vision. Artificial Byes Inserted. With whicli we have met in the disposal of the several specialties we advertised diiriner the last week has proven to us that the people of Omaha appreciate bargains whenever they are offered , and in order to keep the ball rolling we have placed on our bargain counters for this week the following : One lot of Men's All "Wool Cassiinere Pants at $2.60 , worth at least $3.50. One lot of Men's Bine Chinchilla Pea Jackets and Vests at $6.90 , worth at least $9 , One lot of medium weight Oassimere Overcoats at $7.50 ; sold by other dealers for $10. Another lot of our celebrated All Wool Men's Oassimere Suits at $6 , which are positively worth at least $8.50. Our All Wool Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers at 50c each are going fast. All of these specified lots are in rather limited quantities , and those desiring to examine them will find it to their interest to do so at once. ALL G-QOD3 AT STRICTLY ONE PRICE AND MARKED IN PLAIN FIG-TJRES. Cor. Douglas and 14tli sts. , Omalia. Abnnt twnt.Tesra ttffo I dtscoTered a Httlo pore on my chock. un3 thn doctors pro- connccd It cancer. 1 have tried n number of physicians , bnl without receiving < aiy perma nent bcncCt. Amoas tlio number vrero ona or ttro specialists. The medicine they applied , vas like flro to the sore , causing intense pirn. 1 saw n statement in the pipers tcilinj what S. 3. 8. had done for others similarly afflicted. I procured some at once. Before f h a nsed the second bottle the neighbors could notlCO thai my cancer was healing up. My Rcneral health had been bed for two or three years 1 haa a hacking conn ana tpit blood contin ually. I had & MTcre pain in my brnast. After takinu six bottles of S. 8. S. my couRh left ms nd I grew Btoutcr thau 1 hail been for several yean. My cancer lias hciileJ overall but * little cpal about the clze of a half dime , nud it la rapidly < iUapi > carins , I would udvloo every cue nitlt cancer to elvo S. H. S. n fidr trial. llus. MAHCY J. JlcCONAUQUET , Asho drove , Tippccanoc Co. , InO. Feb. 16,1SS6. Swift's SpeclHc i entirely vejotable , anil eecms to cnro cancers by forcinj oat the Impu rities from Ihs bloaj , TruiUiU un Blood and SUln Diseases mailcil free. THJS SW11T SPECIFKJ CO. , Drawers , AtlantaG . DEWEY < fc STONE. One of the Best and Largest Stocks -in the United States to Select From , OMAHA HEB. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest stock. Prices tlio lowest. Hoj > niriiij { n specialty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas and IMIi streets , Omulia. S. W. COR. ir lli ANI > FAKNAM , OMAHA. Property of every description for sale in nil parts of the city. Lands for sale In every county in Neprnska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Donplns county kept. Alans of the city state or county , or any other information dcbircU , furnished > * eo of charge upon application. MERCHANTS' National Bank Northwest corner Kurimmiuid Uth BtrooU. Paid up Capital , - - $200,000 Surplus Fund _ _ - - 00,000 FltANK MUHrilV , BAMf * E I'rugltlunt. Vltrc.I'roalilaiu. HEN D. WOOD , IA7T1IKU DHAJCK , Cashier. A st-Cn lilcr. Accounts solicited and promiit attention fflvtm to all buslncsa entrusted to Its euro. I'ur Ovo per cent on tliuu deposlto. FIRST NATION ALB AM U.S. DEPOSITORY , Omaha , Nebraska. Capital . $500,000 , Surplus . 100,000 Herman Kountzo , President John A. Crolghton , Vlco President. W. IL Meequler. Ass't Onhlsr KlSm > \ & CO.TlSTUCIi , Genl. Insurance Agents , Mt-rcbnnVi National naiic lluildlnp. Cor. Far- Hum mill Mill eta. , room 1 up-t > Ulrg. Telephone No. C73 Oinuha , Kobrajlu. IIM-KBdESTS Phoenix. London , Uiifrland . , . . . , .t5,7ilfJl.lJ yircmun'8 , Ncwurk. N. J . J . - t,8SiU ( Jlcn-uValfs. aieu'BValli.N. r . liai 3.iM Oirard , PUIIadelphla. I'u . . . 1,2 3.50J.71 Wcstcliestcr , New VorltN. V Joliu U anoock Mutual Life Wjt'A.l'AXTON' 1'rcs. Ull.Wll.LlAMSVlco > l'roi. . , . . . , . Union TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Nob. I LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Hondo Negotiated. Hour. I. . fl.uiMciiF , F , fl. JOHNSON- , Secretary. Trcasuior. THE BANK OF COMMERCE JflJO North Kith Street , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GEO. 13. iiAKKnit , ( 'resident. H01IT. I * fJAHUCHS , Vico-l'icPldcnt. J * . II JOHNSONCusliltT. BtMUii. : It Jnil > rOV , ( Jio. : K. lUiniKii , OUT , It , OAHMCIIH , WM , SKIVKIIS , ! ' , II. Jon-'fio.v , A trc'iH.-rul tiankliijf business trvnsactuJ. Interest ullatcd on tmo : ilo ; > ualt , g O. P. DAVIS & CO. Nebraska Land Agency deacrHldealer * to Roil Kttnto and Beal tiitn , Omaba. Nab OMAHA St , Cor. Capitol Avinuo. ' ron THE TiinATMnrT or AI.I , Chronic & Surgical Diseases. " DR. McMEN AMY , Proprietor. KlitecnjLura' Hospllalniid 1'rivulo I'lactlco We Imvo tlio facilities , iippnrattie mid i < medics for tliosticcri-tfiil trcatmcntof eiery form of' < ! ! ia o rennlrlti ; ; either medical or surgical trwitracnt , uiul liultor.ll tncaiiinand Invcstlgitufortliemselvs or correspond ttlth us. laug cxpcrlvuro In ' cs by Idler enables us to treat many dues ci < 'iitinc.ilfy nlthniil Kuotnj them WHITE rou CIUCUI.AH on Drformltlet nnd Brace * , Club 1'cet. Curvatures of tlio Hpluo DIABAVM OP WOMEN , Piles , Tnmorn , Cancel * . Catarrh , Krnucliltlr , Inlinlatlon , Elcctrldly , PnraN ) ctn , EpilL-ii y , Kidney , iyc : , Eur , Hkln , Jllooit und nil MirL'ical opernllona. r.iitfi > rlnn , luliiiliirx , llruccn , Tru84r , nnd nil kluil4 of MedlcAl nnil Sui icul .Appliance. ! . ' , iniin- ufuiturrd nnd for f.'ilo The only reliable nlodical Jnsliliito making Private , Special i Nervous Diseases ' r A SP1X IAI.TV. ALT , CONTARIOITS AND 1ILOOI ) DISKABKS , from whatevercnntaiirniliirefl.nnccpHsfiillytrcatL'i ) . Wo cun rumoTU S/pIillltic poUau froiii the tj item witliunt intrciiry. New rc < toratl\e treatment for lossaf > ltaliiowrr. ALL COMMUNICATIONS UONl'IDKNTIAI. . Cull on'l consult us or tend name and post-nlUca nddrosi plainly written cnclono Mump , nnd w I send you. In plain nrnpiier , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR To III'ON I'lIIVATX , 6l' OIAI. AM > N > : U\O1I8 SKUINAI. WFAKNEBK , HiTKUATonnnu ! * , luroTE.-/- cv , Sri'ini in , ( ioNoniuin : * , GI.EET , VAiurocn c , SlIIICIUIlK , AMI ) AM. IMTA'CS OP Tllr. OCMTd- UitiNAiiY OIUIANS , or tend hletory of your catt for an opinion. lYreons unable to vlflt tin mny lie trrated nt Ilielr homcB , liy rorrrnpondcncc MedicincH niid Inelru ' raeiits cent by mall or express SEC'UlttiljY PACK- Kl ) FHOM marks to IndlraU contents or pcnder. One prrnonul Interview pru- fcrred if convrnli'iit. Fifty rooms for the arcomr mailatlon of putlontf Iloaid nnd atlendancu at rrasunablu juices Addns all Lclterii to Omaha Medical and Snrgical Cor. 13th St. and Caoltal Am. . OKAIIA. NED. Delicious Flavor. No jiains are- Hpared to jnalto these mcnta BEST that can bo produced. Pcojilo of EPICUREAN TASTES aru highly with them. Ifyonr fli ucc.of STiirUelmnn tin not bi-rp . fteud dli'cvt to Armutir .V tci. . C-blcnvu. Bankrupt Stock , OF Shoe Findings at Cost , OMAHA SADDUWY CO , 1'07 UoiiL'liiH Street. ' o-io InUio worldirentntl yom KltctHc < Maffnt . ruf. r Ki'tindl'uwerrul , | ) UI JB iTwufoitrl lo > nd Ifrfillto. Atola frtudw < > i < -r O.IIUII cnr < d. K < lid F.tuinp for p lnpklut4 j ri.Kuutiu JIII.IM : I'OK oiiCABEk i A. UOOHE. 1U/CUTOR. 181 WmMAYC. ' I