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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1886)
THE OMAITA DAILY 33EE : c TUESDAY , OCTOBER 12. 3880. SPECIAL NOTICES A.Hf Miff monts oiiderthls hoid 10 cents per line t"r the firM Insertion,7 cents for onoh sub- Bcqn'nl In'-ert'on. nnd Jl.50 n line ptr month Zfo r.ilxcrtlgf inont taken for le sthnn US cents Jor the llrst Iti'ortton Seven words will bo counted to the line : they must run con e < u- tlvoly nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvcr tlstmcnts mu t bo hnndwl In before 2 o'clock pin.tinilitnOT no circumstances will the ] betaken taken or dlwnntlnnpd by tolophono. Pnrtlcs ndxrtilntr In those lOiumns rndhnv- Inptho nnsxvors nJdros Ml in rnto of THE IJpu will t lon o npk for arheeV toennblothem to pet tlitlr letters , ns none xvlll b" delivered except on pi e entntlrn of check All nn wers to ad- Tcrtl'ctnpnts should bo enclosed In envelotie' . \ TO LOAX-In largo nnd small MOM Mini' I/ ) ' * rate of Interest. Hntcbor & Co ,1210 Douglas. Millnnl Hotel block. 4P2 13 ONEY TO LOAjf/\t rensonnblo rnto , on furniture. flnow4.iTios and other porsonnl proiiort ) . C.J. ( asxicll , luotn I'l ' lion Hunk building , 12th nnd Pnrniim. IU4 rj o f/OAN' Money Lonrs placrd on Im- JL ptnxtd real estate 111 elty oi-county for Ncxr Knglnnd l.oiin , V Trust Co. , bv Douglas County bank , 16th and Chicago sts. B07o27 ' " : to.OOOto"lonn. Sums t'M and upwards , $ Lotxost rates. Ilomls , 15th and Dougla sts. IK)7 ) MONnV'lOI.OAN'-On ehntli-U , collaterals nnd real c-ttuto. 8. 8. Cnnipbull , loom 1 , 1W3 Tin nntn st IPS M OM"TO : i , ) . \x-o r. Dnvit & Co. iionl I'.3lute and l.oiin AKOIIIS UXX'i rnrnam st. MFl ma Fl < > MV TOI.O.V > on rcnl uatuto nndoliut Ids I ) J * Thnmiis. Hj'J _ _ MONIU to invoit If jou have itood noluMtn FlM eollcnllon J. II , I'lirrotto , Ivth nnd ( Jhl < cntfo. WX ) M OM10 I.OAN-III sums of $4,0' and tlpwnrdsou llr t class real estate security , Polttr * CoMi i , Uil.'i rnrnnm at , nio MONKV to hmn oirciiatteT and real nstntu ; fair into Inteiest , J. H. 1'ariotte , 10th and Chicago 4M MONP.V TO IXAN-On farm nml city prop- eity , no delay. W A. Spencer. 150'i Par nnm st. 110N1 i ) > "Hv 1,0Xl I ) ntO P. Heed A Co's.Lomi olllc" , on fiirnlturo , pianos , lior esxvngons ( porsonnl propoity of nil kinds , nnd all other nr- tlclcsof xniuo. without lomox'nl. 319 S 13th , oxer Illnglium'sCominlealon storo. All liusl ness tiUtly conlldontlnl. Ull M ONIiy to loan nt MI night 8 per centNr commission L P. Hammond , room .1 , IKS 437-H9 _ olotn onOmnlia chy property nt ( P percent. O.V. . Day , o\or MU Douttlnsst _ _ mi "T OANS Loans -Loan * . lleil ostnto loans. , - ' Collntoinl loans. ' " Cliu. 'ol leans. LoiiKttmo lonns. Fhoil time loans. Money iilvuija on hand to loan on nny np pro\L'il security. Inxestmeiit "ecurltles bought and Rold. Cull nt the olllco of the Omnhu Flimnclnl ex cliiuiKo , cccond floor of the Barker block , s. w , cor , of fifteenth and Fnrnnm sts. Cnihott Mnnacor _ 012 Griic UK > r Money to oan. J.J. Mahoncy 1501) Parmim. 015 _ " I'KH C I3S"r money to Joan. 11. C PntterfoTn 13th nnd Douglas. _ 'Jl MoNin to lou.i by the tindcrslKtiod , who bn : tlio only projiorly orsnnl oil loan nponej In Omnha Ixians of $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur nlture , pianos , orwins , horses , wnjfons , nmchln cry , &o. , without removal. No delays. Al business Mrlctly confldontlnl I onns BO made that nny pnrt cnn bo paid nt nny time , each pay racnt rednelns ? the co t pro rnta. Advance ; nadoon fine watches nnd dinmonds. Person' Bhould carefully consider who they are donllnp with , BB many now conceins nro daily comlnp Into existence. Should you need nionov , cnl nnd cos mo W. n. Croft , Iloorn 4 , Wlthnol nullillng , IRth and Ilarncy. _ 0 6 PF.H CP.NT Monov to lonn. Stow ait i Co. , Koom3 , Iron bank , llth nndFnninm. 821 BDSIWE3S CHANCES. TTiOH SALF or trade Ma lo lantern outfll X' rcndy lortho mad. IIlK money to the rljjhl parties. Addrrbs PCS , lleo. 40111 * T7HmHAlji--Hontrlc6 : steam launilrj'of Ucat Jrlco. . Not ) . , doniff n ( rood business ; reason : for sehlnp other business. Inquire or wiltotx Mrs , i : . N. Mullln on , Uontrlce , Neb. 4V 18' ' USrn:5s : CIlANC-Stock ! of procorlcs nut llxturos In troort locution , $1NM ; a tine op portumty. Itush & Solby,218S. 15tli st. T7 < OU.S VTIC Or oxclmiiffo. Klosrant stock o ! JU miUlnoiT , mostly now , ln\olco about ? .l,000 coi sistltiffot featheis.bliils , llowors. ribbons gtiawmid toll Imts , beads nnd noxoltlos laocs aud nockw car , hair poods In fact o\crjthliu nocenry fora stock siiltablo to nfliio nnd Be lect trnila Unexcelled location. Will sell 01 Irndn for cliolco Omnha property Porno casl ictiulred. M. A Upton & Co. , 1509 Farnam. _ _ _ | _ 301 BUSINI.SS CIIANUK Wnnted njiartnor Ir n Rood pajlnj ? business , lad > orpont. Om thousand dolluia ruiiultcd. Addie&s P CO. IJe < olllco. 431 12 * _ T710H 8ALK The stook of groceries , hard JU wuro , fiirnlturo , carpets , etc. , tojrutboi with the bulMlnps , IKturos and real estate bolnc the estate of A. L. 1'lonor , deceased , o : Sidney , NehrasKu. This Is n flrst-clu a chanci to KOI hold of n good business In one of tin lives ! towns In western Nebraska. Addrcsi Fred W. Gray , Omaha. SI'S ' 12 _ "TJ1OH SAL15 Sloe * of linrdunro olT the b s JL1 ctrout In Omaha : peed chnncofor pnrtici havhiK the cash nnd wlshlni ; to invest In hard wnro biifllnoss. Addro s H. II. Seydcll , 10th niu California sts. , Omaha , Nob. 413 11 bTTlULK'-TTrst cTass" Tiai-dwnro business 100ft. bulldlnp , with $5,000 btoek. Noon Gumbriinces , Sickness cause at 011111 ? . Ad dre B lock box 1 , Alnswouli. Nob. _ 274 .SAI.K Itnkcry , confectionery nnc lunch room , cheap If sold soon ; slcknos * cause of solllnif. Inqulro of Kojip , Drolbus j Co. , 110(1 ( r irnnm St. , Omnhu , Nob. H17 IjiOK SAliU (7r trade for OmnTiu puiperty JL1 The host located llv'ery bualncss , with Btocl In tlio city. Ixmir lease of burn at cheap rent Mil ) niillrosJ51tlJ'iiriiain | _ Di2 _ H OIJSKS Lots , Parms , Lands money loaned Iloinls , 15th nnd Douplas st roots. 010 rOTJWD. | T > Ot7ND Apalrofmon'H shoos. Owner cai V lm > o sumo from A. Hnmburgcr , lit ! Par nnm , 45J 11 * LIVK'SIOOK Auction htubles , 25i5 Cum Ink' street. The best fnollltlos lo ; hnii'lllnir ' nnd soiling nt auction , Horses mule nnd Ih'OHtonknlRo cnrrlages , carts , llxorynin lmi o fiiipnllcs , wrst of ChlciiKo. Sulo dajs Honda ) s , Wotnosdnyn nnd Satunlnyfl. Ilroun WluspetiriCautor. Telephone No COI. . 211 X 4 X.O3T. IOVT Pocket cuso Riirglem Instriimenti , , - , . " 'Vno ' otl clasp. Finder ploiiBo return ti Dr. 1MV. Loo. | IKI STIIAVIII ) Oil smiJ5NT-Piom28th and Mer i linn tits. , N. Omaha , on the evening of Oct 0 , n dark brown bronco mnro , hind foot whlto whltc turlnforthcnd. HoxvurU for retuin ti Mllluid hotel. SCA 13 * " " j""O3T A Rruv iiiarofuxun xeurs old , x\elgh Jj about UJO Ib * . Murk on the right hind leg Finder return to U17 N Dhiilou gt. und IOCOIM i on aril. W. Haxthuusoit , 49.M4 * LOST A Pug bitch , Plndorxrill borownrdci by rrturnlujf same to O. H. Gordon , Ul Doni'liis st. i'Jl'13 T > " f A Hue rent knit tdmwl , about U oTolocl 4- > Saturday ovonlng , Sppt. IL Lome at thi onliomid pet icuurd 2U1 HOAUDUTQ , Witu rooms , 6 o cor Kill am JiOHrtrJsts. 4'1 11 * tublo bouiillor geiitJciinui am ' \vlfo or blnirlo gentlemen. In private lam ily. Ill N. 18th , bet. DodtfonuJ Capital nvo. Ulil IS * B Ciooddiiy botuxl , 1010 CiiiltonTli 447 01C * TP1SUNAI < NoHtiind tasty all-wool 1 Milts , * 7. U O. Jones & Co. A..V. ClothlCK , 1309 Kurnam st. Hull orders tilled. V'JJNQ Pl' ' ONAIj-Mrs. Itandolph , the famou Mini Header , tolls puit , pri ontand futuio Co ncsxfoll locommondod. HcsKlos not Norll lulh St. , second door north of Duxonport bt Lnd.os. as rents : gem ,50coiiU. 411 U k , undeveloped purlVofTiu J- body enlarged and stroiiKthonrd. Po | t\i | proof , full particulars , etc. , mulled in plain on 1 cloniu-oiilud f or Etiimp. Adilresa Kilo Modi cnl Co. , T Swan t. , Huir ilo , N V , 203 n a * Clairvoyant. T\T"ADAM ALASKA roxcaU past present am V , lu 0t how , mnn > " ' " f'lioi'i ' Htro , etc , , liov i to hold niraotions of husband or lov . > r. SutU. faction guaranteed tia S. 10th st 271 Mr. . Dr .r clainoynnt. Medical and businuaj Medluia Jloom Na 8 , 121 North ICth t , Ouiuha , Neb. KIDOEI.1.AITEOU3. "VO1H K-l will not bo responsible for nny J-i blliscontrnctel for by Mrs. trunk Hob- cM . Frank Hobcls. 4IHJ * hort-hnnd Institute Is in fix- position Inill.llng HO mmNT SiiJaro I lane tJ montnly. A Hospc. 1613 DouirHS. VI' T ADIKS W I'hliifr for good domp'tlc help ean Jjlio sinu'llc.l nt Khort notice nt the Omnlm implement : llurcnu , IU North ICth St , Ciounse. block. 418 . - > OU SALi : till THAI K A good HOCOnd 1.OU 1 hnnd Max Meyer .V Ilro plnno \\llls.-ll . forhnlf Its x-aluc , or trade for a lot In omn'ia. Call nn or addro s x\m A \\ll on & Co , HIS Hnrnoy * t. , Omnlm , Neb. 811 PLtnAiliM-Oood snHr ) nnd nil e- pen es paid nt home or to travel : stnto wlil-h profctrrd : nl o snlnry wnntod Plonn .V Co , Manufacturers and \ \ holpsnln denlrr' , 231 ( leorgest , tlnclimatiO. 3-"l 12 * , Hoses , "limbs , etc , planted tree tor J- per on buying of Do iglns Co. Nurseries GO. Howard. Prop. . P. O box -0. " M7 n2 ! IUNT cininro Piano , J monthlv. A . 1513 Douglas. on [ 71OIIIHST : organs , * . ' per month. Jlo po , -1 1513 DouirhH l'-7 I-QB _ TjMtll SAI.f : oit Tit Vll : I'lno span ) oung JL ; driving liore .well broke , together with iHickboard , polo , thills nnd double harness , xx-lll trnde for itood lot. J. L. HicoCo. . , oxer Com mercial Nut Hunk. 407 1.1 TTiOil SALK A line Hnmblotonhin Stnlllon ; J penile nnd kind : cbcup Schleslngor IJros. , 1018 Fnrnum st. COI H TTUHl SALK Horses , harness and xrauons , JSchlesliigor Hros ,1018 Farnam st , VA 11 "ITiOH SALKOllico fiirnlturo , safe , trucks , JL scale , etc ; Apply Oil Jones st. Bon on Fish Co. , ' ) il 11 POH SALK-lco In car lend lots. Address Gilbert llros.f Council I tin Us. 378 "IjlOKsALi : Puriuico , second hand , Chllson -L furnneo In good order nnd nrninceil to heat Ilxo rooms , inquire ut No 1407 Jones bt. 8jU H ilOK SAI.I : A llrst class hack hoi-Jo niidlinr- - ness complete. AddtessP CO , lleo olllco. 349 11 * FOH SALi ; Lar o span of (5-jenrold ( mules. Knqulro A. It. Duncan , FoAtwood's snlo bam , 111 S. IBtlit. . 3nil' Olts Al.i : Fin nit tire nnd lea o of hotel , i 1 lentraliy located ; posttitllco lu bulullnir ; irood sample rooms. Audiess Hitndull House , lleatrlco , Neb. 22.1 11 * IilOIl SA 1. 1 : Parlor l/odroom and UltLhon f urnlturo cat pets , raUK and licatlnirtovos allneail } now , n gentle horse flxo } old , nil at a bargain , Klvlntr up housekeeping , 2511 Doujflnsst. _ 5-5 _ 1jMH SAI..K Large fire nnd buiilnr proof 1 < inrocnst(5.V ) . Soil for $ J50. J. f. Mnr- Bhnll. 1 50' ) Fn rniim st. _ 70a T71OU SAI.I. Kiirnituro nndi ca-o ol six-room JJ lioiito , time on part. Call 120J North 27th street , two blocks from Hod Car line. _ _ H OfSK > LotsThrms.Lnnds- loaned. Ilomls 15th nnd nonclas streets 1 7 771OU SALK Cncnp. iron columns intt win- JU dowcipssultablo for front on brlok build- Inir. For particulars apply nt this otllco. 8H HELP. lTANTii : > A girl for general hou = onork. > 310 South Sixteenth street. 477-13 * t ANTii > At Heyns Onhory , n lady re- toucher , firnnlto llloclc. 4 i "IT cimmberinoid nt 012 Douclns. ITANTIID A girl to do housework. Apply V 1512 Hoxvnrd , 401 11 * t'ANTKI ) A good girl for ceucral liouso- ' work , 141.1 Jones st. 4b9 "V\7"ANT1'D OlrlforKoncrnl housework. In- ' ' ciulro rnt Knlttlnjr Factory , St. Mary's nc , bet 17th nnd Ibth. 4 S-12 > \\7"ANTKD A ( rood plrl for general house- ' i wor * , 1WJ Fnriinm St. 40o W.VNTi ; ! ) First-class dlnlntr room girl Im mediately : none other need apply. Occi dental hotel , 10th nnd flow nrd. 4SS " \\7ANTUI > A plrl to do housework In n * ' finnll family , ( icrmnii prcfeirod.npply at liOO Fnriiam st. 4fiJ 12 _ W ANTED Nurse Bli 1. 2214 Douglas St. 451-12 * _ _ _ " \7ANTnD Good , woman cooki3fl.S. Ttth bt. . . 4 < 513 > _ _ _ WA > 'Tii > Cook.dlnlnfT room Rlrl mid < ] ish- waslier nt Millora rcBtaurant.lOOl NIOth u 413 _ _ T\AfTKI > Girl Must bo peed cook and ' ' laundress. 230H Fannam , Mrs. J. M. Tliurs- to n . _ 2SU WAM t.l > ( iood Ueimitn plrl In hotel , best wages , SO } S. llth st. 11. Mannwollcr. 2JJ 11 * \ \ J ANTUD Arook for small family , innulro > MUsouthjsthst. 019 "V\TANTii > uidles to woik for us at their own homos. 87 to ? 10 per week onn bo < ] iilctly made. No pboto. painting ; no canvass ing. Per lull particulars , please address at onco. Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central st. Hoston , Mass. . 110x5170. 90JO11 * NTKD Gill for general hou-owork , ( t fl S. loth bet bt Maiys ax-o and Loux cnxxojth. 427 t "V"\7ANTin A woman to doushlnir , nt518 8. llth St. 400 11 WANTii > Head cook nt the Famous res- tiinriint. 319 S llth st. 78'l WAJITE1I MAI.E HELP. TVANTKn Partner In first class saloon , 303 8. llth st Apply H. Mannxroilcr. 47114 * TT7 ANTED Cnsh boy : must como well rocom- 11 mended. O'Uonahoo i Shcrfy. 470 11 \t7Aj TBl > One enoruetio , reliable man , for > > steady work. City position. Call 421 South 10th street. 478-13 * WANTKI ) Young man to travel ; salary $15 \\coli und expenses. $50 required , 1010 Douglas St. 4o3 12 > \\7ANT13D A qulok-witted man who Is nccus- ' ' tomccl to deal with business men ; also experienced writers. Address J. D. bnm'on , Arcade Hotel , 44812 * WNTinTlnnors. , . Wltmnn i. Scoillo , 310 N. 10th st. Ml 11 WANTHD-Mon for Illnck Hills oxtonslon ; ( iood wages and good job. Albright's Labor Agency , 1'JO. ) Fariinm. oSJ "Y\7"A > 'Tii : > Agents , male or female , every- i > w hero , to take orders for plating. Address nt once t ) . L Horton , Wlotn , la. 3il 15 * _ \\rANTIU ) A good" Tmnorabio muii wltli > t S'lOJ cash , as p tuner , can make from $15 to f 20 per day too\eiseo agents and Boll goods In this stnto. Address P 40 , Hoe olllco , 275 13 * _ \\rANrUD Instnllmonl canvassers to cull at l 12U7 Parntim eu and eoo what wo liiivo to olfor. C. II. Lee , Manager. 37."i rpHl'lnrgo'tJlfg. Co Inthowoild want men JL to sell their goods on salary or commission In nllti > wiisln > ' ( ibia kn. No capital or experi ence necet > snry. Hctcrenco required. Address , M , box 207 , Omaha , or 31 , box 507 , Lincoln , Nub. 711 02,1 \\7ANTKD-50 men for Wyoming. Oood ii winter's Job. Company work. K. S. Al bright , Labor agency , 1.WS laniam st V.K ) \\/ANTP.I > A few more utrents toliitioduco 1 1 onr Autoinatla Muslcul Ingfrumontx , on IiiJtallmonts Anyone can piny thorn without musical Instruction , the best tmylnir. oaslest CHlhitriio\filty ! e\or known. $ J5 to$40 a week sun be ronllt > l , O. U. Lue , Manager , 12U7 Par- nain street , up Blairs. _ 4 SITUATION WAHTED. _ _ Xl'ANTIJD A position by n young mauled il lailyasdialng-ioom girl for her and hu - Imiiil'M liourd. Addiess P T. , lloo olllce. 450-1S1 ) Ily a joungiiinn ofSIynara ex- i i purl ) nco iu banking , u ttltuntlou In fonui city or country bank us cashier or assistant ciislilor. Addreas O. n. Clark , care ClarK to HIvliuidson. Hitukcis , \ \ nrron , Illinois. | 431 11 _ _ " \\rASTr.n situation by a flrst-clnss book. 1 1 Li epor , louir ovpcilonco and bo t of rolcr- encos Bhcn , Addtx-sg for five dn ) P 70 lice onico. 437-11 * _ WANTP.D-SUunllon as houcokeoper. In" qtllru 813 Capitol uu. . XS H * \\.VM'KD Position In wholesulo store or ii olllco by HJOUIW man of biislno.-s OXIH.T- nice ; livsl of rulurenuos. Address P 41 lice ollko. 83' 11 * \\rANThli-lly a lady stinogrnpher who is" ' ' H riipld writer tuompt and accuiuto In hrr work , pormunent rltuutioii. A 1 refcroiicus fuinlMied. Addioes htntlng huslocss. duties aiidji > lar ) . 1 lleo olllce. 458 1J " \\rANTKD-Sltuatlonas honsoLceuor by a I i mlddleagod lady of oxperlcncu. Addreis L , 1119 At OQ , Council lllulfa , lovrq. 45412 * WANTUn A position by a stenographer , references fc-hou , uddiess I'l4 , Dee oBice. 10J 13 * \\'ANTKD Sltuntion ns booVkeoper or as- i * . kiituut : U j ears' experience in lumber biblm 5. AdJros * P15 , lloo offloo. 1U218 * Ilouin nnd I onrd In prlxntc fntn- iiiiv young man , near Snxinders st Ad- dtPM H n , liec ofllpc. olMt WAlfTKI ) To ndnnt a lltile irlrl fionrsold Into ft good family. Mrs. lllflkcninn. 1SI. N. 15th st. 40MJ' Y\7ANTii : ) Stock of dry poods' clothing ixnJ ( ient fuinlMiitiB goods or roots and shoes In otchnnpo for Omuhn rcnl f > tnto ; -ehIo inger Uro , Iol Fnriutm St. 401 11 " \\7ANTF.D-Torpnt Nov. 1 , n hou p of Irom i 0 to' rooms , near Hljrh School. Address stntlnir location and tennj , 1'TI. 17J-I1 * TVTANTKO-lst clfta bonnl In 1 cln s boardIng - ' Ing hou e. f-tnto pilco per wek. . Ad dress P , 07 , Ilco ontce. < t.t-li A\ANTRD I'lifurnlMifdroomscentrally lo- 11 cntfd , fir light housekeeping Addre s c M Knton.t.iis. miist. ; rjin \\TANTKD-To rent 1mu c from 4 to 0 room' , i * with burn lor Jhor ts. C M Union , 013 s isth st wo 11 \\TANTii-Toront : Nnv 1st by permuncnt , > ' prompt pax Ing tenant , 5 or (5 ( room cot tnponot oxer \ mlle tiom 1' . 0 Addro s 1015 Lukost.cit ) . 3M IP \VAN1 KD-To Hent , four tinturni'hfd rooms i ' ncm nnd north of the L' 1' . depot Ad- diessP 6. ) , Ilioolllec. U7 lljr gentlnmnn nnd wife , fur- til-hod rooinnndtin.ini In prluito latnll ) , within nilln or St I'nul Depot ; modoroto term ? , Address "I1.3V Jlco olllco. 2W ! ! , * " \\7ANTI3li All xviintniff to loam short-hnnd nnd typewriting to nttond Valentino's Short-hntid liiitltuto. Exposition building. Omnha. Wo can furnish sulllclont employment to young men nnd boys to p-\y their board while In attendance. BOW Oct. 20 REHT HOUSES AHD LOTS. W Kl\n < room cottage with Stixblo. Address U 4 , Ilco olllco. 437,13 FOlt HiNT : Nuwhou'o Ju t comploti-d , on street ear lino. All modern coincidences Ownui wishes to occupy two moms and board with the inmlly Holeronco rofjuhcd. Terms reasonable. Applj on the promises , No 1000 North mil st 4'3.13 IIKNT Half a dozen no\v , six room Foil lieu cs In A. S. Putilok's addition t o Mockb from olthdr red or green street car lines. Call nt room ! ! , Arlington block. Patrick llros. ITIOIt ItKNr SOIotson the lie-It U 11 In Oak LCliHllnuii , ju = t soutli ot the Saratomi i-cliool hou o. Tliviu lots can bo touted for J } onri on lilo tui MIS' . John I. lledk'k , _ _ _ ii'l N 7 1/lOH Ur.NT House und stable , cor llth and -t ? Vlnion _ 4JH ) _ _ 171OK ltl.M-5 roomed lioiisu , UtJ N. 27th , j.roiitorct. ( . ) . SIS per month. _ MOO 11 * Foil ItKNT House of 1) rooms 2,1th nnd Knrimmsts. A , P. Tukey , 1304 Fat num. ' 417 itKVl A homo , 271j Cumin ? -treot , JL contnlnlnR n store room , ) x40 , und fonr llvitiir rooms , also collnr Apply 'o ' I ) . 1 > . Smcaton , Uth nnd Hiirnoy streets. T. M .S : Co. 4J3-11' Foil HUNT n-room cottage , Ilarnoy near 20tlu ? 3d per month. 5. A. Sloman , 1512 Farnain 8t 80J TCTOH tiKASKVolnoelovon acres on I' . P. JU. . n track , 600 foot front ; will lonso nil or pnrtforllvovoara Hertford % V Souor. Wl FOU "HIOR JIKNT Two newly plastered and very -I ? commodious rooms ith every coin onlcnco. also , a sulto of rooms suitable for married couplo. Apply W S. Soa\oy , 111 South 14th street. 47312 IJKK KIXT A nicely furnished front room Jat ? UHM 1-amnm st. 470 12 Foil ItKNT 1'ront parlors to panlp1 * wl h- Inir to piyeood price. Address It 8 , Ilco Onico. 4SC.10 * FOlt 11KNT Xlcely fitrnlshod room" ; an ei- collcnt cook , a quiet liou-u , a clean and healthful location , and 'will rccoi\o four or Iho boarders nt moderate rates. J'Ino south front parlor nnd bedroom together or sepaiato. N U cor. 12th and Pierce. 474 IS * K12NT Sulto of fl\o unfurnlslicd rooms Poll Inprhnto house. City water , bull and pas. ton\ctilnt location. To small family only. Address , H , 2 , JleoOIBco. "lilOH II KNT With board , ne ly furnished JL * sulto of front rooms for ! ! or t tiontlemon Model nconxonlcnees ; pleasant homo : rcfur- uncos required ; 5i3 Ploaaant st. _ 4'll U * Foil UENT In prlvnio' nnnlly MvUxory dcslr- at > lo front rooms iurntaucd or urUurnLthocl. Board next door. 2410 llatney 6t. 479 FOH llliNT J/irRO , south front room : liny window ; utilurnlshod ; on car lino. 213 S. _ 4S3. I foil IlKNT-Mccb fifnl'-hedioom , Iii'iulio Kaufman Ilros , 100J 1'arnam. 457 Foil 11RNT Nicely furnished room uitstnirs 111 SJUli. _ 4V 13' "IjlOH HUNT tlopantly furnished rooms with Jtlrstclnss boiud at 14D9 Jones St. Pour blocks S. of Kiunnir St. All modern com on- Itncos. 44'J12f _ HENT Part of lloor for lliiht inunufiio- FOU turln purposes. Contmlly located. Low rent. 1207 rnrnara St up stalls 4J4 FOH lir.NT Front parlor to jiartics w Ishlng- to payjfood price. Lady prcfotred. Ad dress P 1.3 lleo ollico 4M 1 J "T710U KKNT Now ly lurnishod rooms nt 113 JJ S. 2Jd6t. 407 _ FOU UENT A largo front room : nl o for sale chcap.squaro ioso oed piano nt 1H21 > ariuim ft. one block uust of court house. 429 TOll ItKNT Front parlor bedroom for Jtl t-entlemon. $18.03. Inquire 150S Cass. _ _ _ I _ 432-11 "TJU3H HUNT l'urnl hed room for one or two JKontlemon : furniture nuw , ploiiMint loca tion ; lion aid St. , bet. Sth and 9th. ; south side. _ ] _ * 2 _ TTlOlt ItKNT Comfortable furnished room In JL1 prlvnto family ; terms moderate. Address PS'J.lloo olllco. _ 3i)5H ) > T71OK KI5N r Pleasant furnished rooms , JL' south front brick Hat , botrd can bo hail iioxtdnor. Apply at 14IB OhlcaKO st. 01.1 IT OIl liisr Nlcoly fiirniiliod fiont room , JL Hlcovo and closet. No. 115 SU st. _ 295 _ IpOU K1..NT-1 uriiisnod roonia , 1810 Dodpc _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ b J O 27 _ FOU HIN r 0 nicely furnWied nioms nt the cor of 7th nnd Pncltlc st. torroan and wlTo o Kontloiiioii ; with orwlthotit lioitftl.058 10 * "IJXJK HUNT Hoomlind board lh iu\ ate fum- JL' | | y , fs per month. Addiesa 1 * M. I lee olHco. IMU * _ ItHNT Furnish cd front rooms with llrat- u a board , 5J1 Plonsunt 3ai U * HUNTNlcoly furnished front room , 2 Howard st. U23 12 * ITioit HKNr A larse.nuuly turnlshod liont -1 rtiom with bn ) xxlndow ; suitable for two gromlomcn , at 2025 Farnam ft. 313-12 Hl'NT Nlcoly furnished loom , 160 Douglas st. : references required. 110 F 6TT HENT Nicely furnlbbod front joom xvlth alcove , all modern convenience ! , for three gentlemen , four blocks directly south from opem house , apply ut once , 1(15 Jones st. Ml Foil HUNT Nicely furnished and comfort- ulilo rooms tor xx Inter , x\lth or without boar I. 19J3 Farnam ht , 27J 12 * T710H HLNT Sulto ot rooms , fnrnis-liod ; also - 11 single room lor ecntlomen. 202d bt , Mary's n\o. b27 21 * Oil UKNT Noxxlyfurnished rootu,25il St. Mnry's nvc. P31 rOB HAI.B-KOUaE3 IOT3. IjTOirSALK Xllno rosldoncolot neit jo L' new resldencu of Wm. H. Iliivns on Sev enth street , between I'l rat and Vfllow avenues Apply to Pores t Smith , No. 130 Main Urcot. CoujiicIIJlhiirs. _ 4'0-17 ' * T710H SALC-Knst front lot Inl'luln View , only J ? f 710 , barKiiin Call at nnso Two S. front lou In bbinu's addition , $1,030 each. Pomo choice lots In Lowe's addition. For cheiip houses buy in Fllby Heights. A bplbiiidld biibuiliiin home for t > nle , near Eehool and stiett car uccoiiimodatluns , or would I' chuniie for Mifiuit lots or Mock of goods. U P , Hammond , room a , 1522 Douglas Etrtet. _ 43.1 U "T71OH SAM : A nlooSroom ho se und lot on Jstieot whorogrodolsf ! tabllslicd , lotsodod and irt'cn , o\eri thing In goo 4 condition , If sold within 30 days fGO-J : ! , K cash balance to suit. No real estate men need apply. Address P. 8 , lleeolllcu. Property will bo bbown. 143151 1T10HSLEIly M. L. Hhrslns & Co , , 150i JL' lomlu ) : st , a splendid B-room cottasro. with all modern liiipn > vonu-nu , uast-lront lot CU12 < , w 1th line larife shade trood.vory tlubtly located , a bargain fort3W _ ) , f l.&JO cash , bal. to suit. T710U SALK ily iTTLrillirsiiia i Co. , Uw -L Uouiflas st.a G-rooin houaoj ] bloek from strooto.iri , with bathroom , water clot.ct.jrai , eon onii-o.olty water , nil south front , for t-.liW , imall ca h pij mint , bal. fj monthly. P ) KSAI.i-ly M. L. llleglta i Co. 150tl Douglas ct , one of the moat blghlly located dwelling with nlno rooms In East Omaha Vlow for fJoUOon liberal terms. PmSALE-Hy M. L. Illiinns i Co. . liOO Doui'laj gt. . n2-stor > - 8-rooiu bouso on Cuss St. . bet. IHh and Uth , for 81OOJ , on very liberal terra i. THIS nbovo nro only trfow of our numerous aslly bl r < aIiisftnL1't ' cfln l)0 CPU on wit ninnimoth bulletin ill l3M Douglns t M. L. Illgglns & Co. ' 4.'S IS -I- Douglas st. two iicw 7 room houses with bath room , xvntPrcUl'c ! , spxverugp , ga nnd nil other modern Impniroinonts , only ono blooX from treot ear * ; all for Wj < 0 , small cash pay ment , bal. $83 per inoniii. ALP-Hy i'i ' Hlfftrlns * Co. , l.-M ( . Iouf.'li3 t. , 2 0-rohm cottifcs on 17th st , for ? 1,500 , small ci h pojmont. bal fJS month ly. Why pnv rtmtvhof * jon cnu buy yourself n homo in thli w n ) ai1io e houses will rent for ? * pcr month. FOH SAU-lty : Sfhlcslngor Hros , . 10is Knrnnin l fl feet on 2Jth st.VncV r Paiiiiun : will sell al or pnrt , ' ' 5 Acre Lots in Fnrsnni Park , $121 per ncro. Fa ) terms This Is x op dpslrnblu forgrndon s incre , linproxcd. nonr cttx , housr > , bnrn. cribs , rtu. Uionp. nnd on easy terms. Lots lu Sclilc'sinifcr s Addltlun S--50 to tX > \ on IPI in * . 401 11 . kA A. CO.-Oppo itc P. O. 1J \ \ c oner n fexr Mnrninn : Kii t fiontlot , We t KtuI S1.B.V ) " " " Mnr < h ndd. , on 2.Uhst . . . 1KTJ 3 nno lots on Hamilton t . 1,550 Ixit on 10th ft. with J stores building , enjy terms * . . 4,000 H lot on Montana. t , cheap . . . . "W 8 lot * on rnrnntn st . 4'i'0 ' South front lot In Heed , 3rd ndd . 1,2 ) ) five on t front lot * , Shlun s 3rd add. . . . l,20i ) South fiont lot In Olsos's add . . 7.V ) Call on Hcnnwiuv Co if > oti hnvo nny houses : for rent , as xxo mnko rental buslnpsg n special- ty. lloimxra A Co , Opposite P. O. 337 > 11 SALK-A tine east trout lot inblock2 , 1JM llnn com plnco ; must bo sold nt ouco. J , 11 F.vnns A Co. 3 < i 11 TyTi"sTfin \ hll , Heal IXuto Haignlns- Unimprox od Properly. 21ots , corner , Foster's add . . . $ 3,000 5 orii-iO feet front nnd 148' { ft deep , on Loixeinxorlh iienrl'nrk avo. g.V ) irontfoot. Pull lot on Cnlifoi nln st. near Ciolgliton college . 1/03 n lots in Kllb ) place . . 2,000 2 lots 1(10x242 ( , on'-t front , llan ooni place 5"inO Pine lot , s.front , 01x132 , near Snundcrs 1,100 nitOOlt on lloxt-nid near 10th . . 5.01H Full lot on 21st nonr Nicholas . . . U.OOD 4 lots Mi 1 1 ft each , 2 of xx hlnh lire cor ners , facing e,9iimlw , In Hnnscom Plnco 10/XM Nlconcrolot In Holxedoro 4SO llonutlful lot , HlmebnuKh Place , near Park nvo . . 2,2 > 0 2 lots lu HmrOftK. o trout E.OOO improved Piojierty. Full lot 61 ft front xvlth ? I.lOJ Improve- incuts thnt touts lor $70 per month , on Davonpoit nenrllth S 7,030 Lot 1IK1I1 xx Ith largo 2 "lory house on 21st st jUstoiri-t Marj 'sax o 8,000 2J f t trout , Imv'u house on Furn nil uuar l th . . . . 8,530 Fine residence on Corner lot , 2Jd nml 1 1'at nntn 14,000 3l ! ft , lot on Cnss near 15th stxlth goon house . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Lit 3H140 with new cottage on 21st near Clark . . . . . 2W ) Don t forgot to secure a lot In 'Shrlx or place. ' only afow loft. MJ1 to ? 3Vl ouch : 1-10 , bn- $111 per month. W. O. Shrix or , opp I' . O. 'lolel Phouo7il 40J IfWH SALi : Lots In Yatcs and llempol s ml- 1 dltlon , North Omulm , S50J to SMU. J. 1) ) . Kx-- nns A Co. 278 11 SALK Iluslnosj lots on Lonvenworth st FOlt $000 to f 1,000 ; cheapen lots on this best of t roots. J , U. Kviins & Co. 3S21I ijtOll HALT 53 foot oornnr I/onxenxn rth -U street , $5.000. J. H. P.vnns & Co. 50-foot lot on Lcnxcnwoith.nonr Park nvc. , only SJ.600. no-foot lot , Pormontcr Place , $1,000. Lots on Oreo street near Lcavonxvorth , only ? P50to $1,001. It-feet on DoJgoatrCot near postoITlce , with mprox emonts , $2."ioil ) ( , 2SU 11 POK SALK Houses rooms , lot ft. , cor. 19th nnd.PiUTl sts. bnrgnln at. .Si.400 2lotscorner , 100\li ) ft fllunscom Placo. . . 5.500 3 lots In Washington Sutiaro. each . . 2.0JO : tclmico lots In Parrlcl 1st add. G0xl2i5 , each . .n. . , . , . . 1,300 311 JlarshMrJ/liObock , 1103 Parnam. oil SAM LotV'ln0 StatitiuT"PIuco. West Lcnvcnxxorth , corncrof Oroxo street ; only f000 to $1,000. Ucsrlnrcstmontin Oniuhtt. J. U. llx-ans & Co. , _ . . 279 11 BAHOAIN FliusL 'ouinor in Claiondon , 100x127. Very nlco iO ! > litoiico ot. SJ.001. Orogorj & niilloy. 1812 Douglas St. 117 rnoilSAIK-Lot i 7 > mnd 8. 120x150 foot , In J block 3 , first ltddltlon to South Omaha. Call on Fred Lemon , pure Fanners * house , or address Ocoitro LiwJe , P O. box407 , Itapld City U. T 76 7 ? ; i > i ; * T7l01tSA"LKftboflfMsln.nt6ff \-n6mt' ' nd- rdltion nt &OJ 10 $000 ; see them. J. H. 13vims A. Co. * * i C H T > OWLLN < J .HEL.Klot3.$150.10 per contcftsh JL > and f > per month. Marshall & Lobeck , Agents , 1509 rnrunm street. 019 & HADhBT GHUOOHV Katato and Kontal Agents , 131. Douirlas Street. Hero nro nfoxv of the bargains x\-o offer ; Ittheio Is nothing here t lint suits you , call on us. Wo can Hhoxv ) on others. CornerlotonSonnrd St. . Loxv > 'sadd..S 1.000 Lot adjoining nboyo fOO Coi nor lot on Hamilton bt l.lnD Adjoining lots , nil In Orchard Hill 1,000 Corners in Philnviexx- and Klrkxxood 800 Corner Imp Vss. add. , 0/1x132 3,000 Corner Yntos and Rood , 55x100 700 Coiner lots in PuddockPlnco ( Call at onico for piicox. ) CoinoronDodiroSt.GJtUJ ( , renting for $3,000 per year 80,000 Corner lot on 10th St , Kountzo's add , w 1th market building , only 4,000 Sdwolllugs on lot ! J2xlJi , Chicago St. , roiitlngfl,400 poryoar S 12/JOO 8-room house on cornorlot , Scbull's add , WJxIOO 4,000 No\r.'iioom cottazo on corner lotMil- lurd & CnlilxvoU'8 ndd 2.10U 7-room house , S. E. Honors'add , frontIng - Ing 15th st , , lotOilxUO 3,100 0-room house , Popploton nx'O , soutn front , lot OOxtBS . . . . 3,000 NowO room cottage , well built , on lot WxDO.noai Snundors 2.SOO 2 room house In WcstSido , 1 block from canning factory , lot 503128 750 0-ioomhoiiso nnd 4-room house , barn , oNtorn , collars , fruit trees , etc. . on lot 03X250 , fronting both 17th and 18th (3,000 ( 8-room house on S , 20th st , near St. .Mnry'saxo.clty water , etc 6,200 1 Ino corner on Ciiinlng St. , il nouses , 13,500 Fine lotln Imp As n add 69xl3S llttlo ubox'o urado bargain 1B > J Lots In Killiy plnco 700 I ) ts ( u Lincoln place 410 Lot on Furnurn near Lowouvo l,7iM 1'lnooa t front 101,02 x125 In Nol on's add , bargain . . 2OW Kn ttrnnti. : < lat ; Hnnscom pluco S-'JW Splenflld lots fronting Paik : only. . . . 1,60) Huwthornolotson Daxcnport st 10) I'.nst fioniH just ongrudo ' ' ) ( ) Omaha View lots east on the hill ut ? 053 to $3iJ each cheap. Ono bloo't ' In West Omahn , 4 acres ( cull at of- flee for prices ) Special attention glxon to property listed with us at reasonable prices , Havlngno property ot mirown on the marl- ct wo can not do other thin a btrle'tly commis sion business , ( IKKOOItV A , HADLr.V , 1312 Douglat Bt. Telephone h. " > 4. Call and wio in. li'Ji "plOK SALK Houses on very easy payments. Lots on easy payments , money to loan. rOxlbO loot onloth street , 5 room noueo.xory cheap at * 4.1'W , IloiibO und lot Walnut Hill only f-UO ) 'fhreolotsln Lcnxenxvorth Ternico JJ.OOO , IdOvl.lO feet Hillside add. f-.WO easy toims , onlx flbOdown. If. W. Huntress , 1TQ3 Fanmm stteot. 434 Wltoj.l'.SAI.i : .lilTvLKUh and c.ipltallsls hax'o taken a funvy to the high plntoau iu West Omnha , nnd spouinll that sightly hill on both sides ot I.onvoimortli St. . in the vinlnlty of Messrs. Coo nnd Jtlfl/iU'inhl's ' beautiful rosl- iloneo.wjll bocoxorp4. > yith aitistlohomos. The lucky mvostorln tlrat vicinity will than map hU roxxard. I'tlon Plneo istioxr on tlio market , sit uated 2 blocks south of Mt Pleasant ax'o. 'TxirVfrom $1.109 to J1.40) . I rlx-oout that xvni..yo'jriwlio want flrst-class rojlilcncoproportyjnul then come In nnd talk to mo about lerms/Dto. ' J ) . C. Puttorson.Oimibn Nat. Iliink. y i 112 U f > splendid lots m li'lp W 0i Omaha Yin w , tOilA ) J eiieli , J v > ! ) . id i Orogory A. llad y , jjlS Douglas St. 117 | > Uoll A BI'.I.HV'tj nlxro-it estate uu every JLV other duy. See it , 031 H lxtsVaruifLanu9 - money loanort. llemU , 15th nWjputivlas streets. WT N'0 | > 'Q"13 Et 171OK hAl.i : I otsln Vntcs and llomnul'sinl- Jdltion , No h Omuhn , * WO to ? OOJ. J IJ. Kv- aii6&Co. ; s U "niou HAD : Or oxcharge. Houto nnd lot , J-1 18th and Nicholas ; hotibO and lot 15th and Dorcns. > Ym L Mum no. fith and Houylaa 053 TT'Oll S.U.i : Lots Jn"YntT 8 nn7 lTonpoFis"a- : : JL' ditlon , North Omaha , $50J to 5SOX J. II JJv- BIIS fc Co. 274 u _ _ TTU.VH nowcottuve.Srooms , cemented collar , J100 bbl cistern with filter , inside woodwotk of seiocted yellow pine , reoclol with oil flnl h. i 111 bo tlnUtioJ in I0du > s and painted to suit the purchaser. Lot 33x115. Price. firSOO. Gregory fcHalley , UU Douglas Bu 117 ONK nnoconior lofon Hith at. , iu Pudaock Place , cnn bo sold at a bargain Gretory & 131. St _ Hadley , Douglas 117 TT1OK HAl.K-ea it fronting on Dodge st. 8 J. ' blocks east of the poitofflce. A bargain ut S'8,500 ; futojo cash Jlarshall & Ixibeck,15 ! larnain , a:1) . , F.ST\TF lUWOVlN Mxn ! lot > n RF.VT Hixwcs ndd. fl.njii linU cash , > totlu nnd you will purchase. J L. Hico ft Co. , oor I om mercinlbnnk. Pw Ijlott * > AT K LookT TonkM Don't ml * "it" X1 Onc-hnlf Intirest In Jit 719 , 3 tory , brick building , rcntlnir for $ iin per mouth * on Doup- Ins Mreetoppn lte Millard Hotel OnU fftOHi It Sold nt once for cnsh As good n bargain as jou will Mud In Omnha to-dn > . Tli e II iii-s t pi i if In Onmhn Vlow. OtprlonKs thcclty , river nnd hlulTs New , n room htiue , 22x40. Porehon PH ' and south , elo ot * . pntiti } , cellar nnd "idi nil I cistoin all forf.'IJi SWl cn h nnd JJs per montti. Where Is there n liotlerchnneo to ( fpt nn elcfrnnt homo than thi ? Cnll on us for bargains , Jl. A. L'ptou A Co , lul i I niniini. H d , BO\\ NJ ( 7)1tiP.N-Mir : new addition 1 wi-st \\nlnut Hill , on Hamilton < tieet. Hy eoctliiu ! lotsat JiMfor Insiilpnnd $ IW lor corner * , jou will mnke n peed tnvcstiiirnt. Terms 10 per cent en h nnd s > monthly. No ihnritn fet she ltin the lots. Muish&ll < V I/o- leek. 1500 Kiuniiin 310 IpOIt 8AI.1I tjnn ncro In north pnrt of ( Ml ) , one block tiom direct cats , f.t.trtO. Ibis will mnko sttpist front 41 root lots thnt will readily ell at $ lV ( > i cnch. Thin mint bo sold nt once. Inquire room 27 , Pntton building. B14 sit X SliLllY'S blif rea estnto ml every otl rfr day. See it ' . ' .n Fo KS utiots In Stniiton Place. o t Lenxenwortti. oornorof ( lio\o stieot : onU tR.Xto$1.0Jl. ( Host Iinostment In Omahn. .1. I ) . ianCo. : . 27. ' U HOt'feKS Lots , Knrms.l.inds money loaned HomK Inth and Douglas rtreots. mi _ _ FOItlTvLK-Lots in btanton J'lnco , Wo t I.onunw orth , enrncr of (5io\e Ptieot ; onlv JOOOtotl.OOa Hostln\etmcnt In Omnlm. J IJ. Kvnus X Co. _ j7" ! 11 _ FOKSALK Wohtxo sixteen lots In Haw- tborno addition thnt no will pell : bo t nnd chen pcstlnsldo propci ty In Omuha. Ucdfoid Is Souor _ _ f,4J JF > ou want to double > our money iUlek. | buy 4M 11 RF.AL nSTALE HAHOAtN-2 beautiful lots onwo t Ctimtng st. , 700 cnch Pine bar gains. J. L. Hico & Co. , room 0 , oxer Com- murclnl National Hank. 07' To Whom It Slav Coucnrn : N'OTICP Is hereby Riven thut the undersigned will recelvo bldp until 4 p , m. on Tupsduj , October HUh , A. I ) . IMfl. nt the otllco or tno city cloik , fet ouch of the tolloulng jiniculsof bind. to wit. Heir Inning at thp N , W. corner of lot 1 , block 187'i. mid running south 1 loot to the S. II cor- nerof pnld lot , theneo west is U foot , thenoo north 1 foot , tlienco east PJ foot to the pluuo ol beginning. Unpinning nt the N. W. corner ot lot 2 , block 187'inml running south 41 feet , thence west 1 o teet , theneo north 44 t"ct , thento cast 18.P tcot to the place of beginning. Huglr.nlng at the N , \ \ . corner of lots , block IS'li. iiml running south 44 luet , theneo we-t 1 1 feet , theneo north 41 loot , theneo east 1'.5 leet to the place of lu'Rliiulmt. IloglnnltiK nt tlio N W coiner of lot 4 , block 187't , nnd tunning south 44 leet. theneo we-t 17 7 feet , thento north 4 1 feet , thenoo onstlS.l loot to the plnco ot beginning. Ucgmnln. ? HtthoN. \ \ cotnci of lot 5 , bloc-K 187't. and running south 41 loot , thence west 17 4 leyt , theneo north 41 leet.tlicncu ea t 17 7 foot to the plnco ot beginning. at the S. W. cotncr of lot 7 , block 187' , and running noith.l ) feet , thence west tl'J feet , thunco south .to feet , theneo en't U.7fout to the pluro of beginning. H ( ginning at the N W cornorof lot ? , block lS7Vfiuid running south 41 feet , thence wcst'O Rot , theneo 1101 th 44 iootthunsuoist 0 7 feet to the place of beirllililnu. lle Innlng nt the N. W corner of lot ) block 18 ; > 4 , nnd running touth 44 feet , theneo wc t 8 0 fecit , thoncp not th 41 feet , thence uiibt ti31cot to tlio plnco of beginning. Hcglnnlngat the N. W. corner of lot 10 , block 1T4 , and iunnln.r south 4 feet , tlienco west S.8 feet , thuncp north 44 feet , tlienco oust B.O feet to the plnco of boglnnlng. Hcglnnlngat the N W. corner of lot 1 , block 191 'i , nnd lutuilnir south 44 font , theneo won 7.5 foot.thonce north 44 loot , theneo east 7.0 feet to the place of buKlniiuifr. Heglnnlugnt the N. W. corner of lot 2 , block 1(114 ( , mid i tinning south 44tcct , thenoo west 7.1J feet , theneo north 41 feet , thunco east 7.5 feet to the place of beginning. lleglnnliiif nt thoN. W corncrof lot 3 , block 191 ' 4 , nnd i iitmliiR < outh 44 feet , thunco w c t ( ! . ' . 1 feuttheoconniih44 feet , thence east 7.12 toot to the pluco of boirlnnlng. Iloglniiing Pt the N. W. corner of lot 4 , block lim , and lunuinc ; south 44 feet , thoncewoM 0. II foot , thence noitli 44 lect , tlienco oust 0.7J feet to the plaooof beginning. Ilegliiniiig ut the N W. corner of lot 5 , block Idl'a , and running t-outh 44 feet , thence west MS feet , thence north 44 foot , thence east 0 ! 1 feet to the place of begiiinlnir. noglnnlng at the N. W. corner of lot fi , block IDlti , and running south 44 feet , thence west f. M liqt , tlu'iico north 44 feet , thence cast 5.U5 feet to Illo place Of beginning. Ilu Innln ht thoN. W , corner of 10t7Tlock 191VJ , nnd running south 44 feet , ihenco wo t D 10 foot , thence noith 41 feet , tlienco east 5,55 feet to the plnco of beginning. Hcglnnlngat the Jf. W coiner of lot 8 , block Ull1 , , iind running south 44 feet , theneo wc t 4.77foot. thence north 44 teot , thence ensto.lfl feet to the plnco of boirlunlnjr. ncglnulngnt thoN. W. coiner of lot n , block ifl.nncl ! runnlni ; south 41 leot , tlienco wut 4 39 feet , tlienco north 44 leet , theneo c.ut 4.77 leot to the plnco ol beginning. Hcginnlngat thoN. W. corner of lot 10 , block 3U1H , and runnlnsf south 41 feet , tlienco wu t 1 feet , thence north 44 Joct , thence cast 4 39 feet to the pltico ot be lualni , ' . No bids to be consldei od ut n into below the npprnlsod value. The city council reserves the right to reject Any or nil bids.J. J. IJ. SOUTHAHD. City Clerk. October llth. I860. olldflt Special Ordinance No. 803. A N Ordinance lovjing a special tax nnd assess- xlment on all lots and ostnto w Uhln Pav ing District No. 35 , tn thr city of Omulm , to cover the cost of paving Sixteenth street from Ohio street lo alloy south of Nicholas street. WiiEiiifA * . : It haIng boon , and being hoieby adjudged , dotoiinlncd and ustnbllnhed thut the ee\ oral lots and pieces of real u tnto hereinafter rofoi roil to Im'NO each been specially bonellttod to the full amount hoiuln levied mid ngalusto.tch of wild lots nnd plooesof real ost.ite reiipoctUtly , by reason of tlio paving ot that part of Sixteenth Mi not from Ohio stieot to alloy south of Nicholas street , TjiimHiu : : , for the purpose of p.iylng the costot Baldpnvlng loth slroot from Ohio stioet to nlloy eontli ot Nicholas street : Ho It Ordained b ) the city council of the city of Omahn. bictlonl. That the co t of pacing that part otbizteohth street within Paving District No. 35 , hi tlio cltj ot Omaha , Irom Ohio t-tiect to alley south or Nl ( liohis stie > et , said cost being the Rum of $ li.70.r. ! ' , bo and the FIUIIO is heieby ) < i\iud and assessed , lu proportion to the feet along MI 111 piu lug , and according to Hpociul bone- Ills by reason ol bald paving , upon the follon Ing desciibitd lots and teal o-ttiitf , as shown by the wool-ally ieoo/nl7od mup ol the city ot Omoliu , ISSLl , lithogiiiphcd nnd published by ( leo. P. lli'inh ; said cost being HI lo\ led on tulcl lots und i cnl eftnto , lospectl cly , ns follows , to-wit : . . , . Chni.'lhoinpsctt.olSJHlblkO , Lake's add 2U 22 Kmmn Frlej , o 1.12 It 2 blk C. " 2b5 ) Luclndu Conrad , 0132 It U blk C , " 2 522 F.liznbctli K.Popplctono Vt2lt 4 lilkO , " 2 < l 22 " oli'HSblkC. " 2-5 Jii Slury Morgan , It 1 blk 1 , Paddock Place 21 * ) 15 " ItSblKl , " 24'J 15 A. a 11 blk 1. " 24W 15 " It 1 blk 2 , " X70 81 " It 2 blk 2 , ' 27081 It 3 blk 2 , " 2T081 It4blk2. " 27111(1 ( " 115 blk " 2. 27081 " ltd blk 2 , " i'J ai Ellen 1 blk 3 , " 270 pi Jeromluh A. Wholey , US blk 3 , " I7H HI A.S. & blk U , " 70 ill " it 4 Mk 0 , " 270 81 14 ItpblkU , * SJOfU Tliomns T TutMo , H fi blk 1. " S ) ! rt .llnumer. o I K n 7n t Mk iR.T.SmttU > 4i i w M f-nundrr , o I.KsJM'10 tilk 1 , " Hid 47 Thos. II. PrUo. P 1 ! 2 U 1 blk 13. " MK 47 Thoi H Dalle * . PtS \ II 2 blk l.\ " K 47 eimtHMkr. " H71 f,7 CunnlnL'ham A HriMimin , e 1S It 4 blk 15 , \.Smltirsmld . . . . 35747 P. Hnwrs.cU. It 5 Mk 1ft. K V.Smlth'o nd 3fi7 47 P y on C Stone , P ! . ' It fl lilk M , " ! * 7 47 PlKH7blWli ( " 7 47 Peter > let , P IS It ? blk IS " 357 47 Omnlm Houl F'tnlo .1 Trust Co. , It 1 , Wdshngt mPaump . . . 21" 7 * O. H. 11. .v 1' . Co.UWashington * iunro Il 5S " , it1 ! " 2l 7S " w 13 ft It i " H7 il " wi \ ft It S , " " 7 M " HJ8 M 210 7S " It W " 210 71 * " It .11 " 21(1 ( 78 Mmy 11 7nrd , w Ufitnt It i > , sec. 10-13-13 f M > H. 11. Kill-mil , " 11 , " ' 41 IVlwIiiHiipruaod , " It , " 1MI 0 HandHllA.IIrown , " 1. , " ! t JHincs J. llrnwn , " 18 , " 1 3 I Amelia .1. llnll. " 11 , " 714 HI P .t Win Hill , oltitrtXltlO , " WiaS L. H.I lull. " 17 " fM H * Iinllli : DinPe > , " IS , " 8'll as A. J. Poppleton , " U > , " 17"4 7H j. M coiinsin ui , " a ) , " tm 7 < tleo smith. " 21 , " 14VI as J. A P Cotter , " 3S J , " K > t \\.ll.iumir , " * . ' - ' , " "l M " i , " r.w us S. A Paddock , w-IMtnx 111' ' , SOO. 15-15-13 7W 71 * John l.rro Hhtnu , " 10 , " 4J D.nld 1' Mount , " II. " WW 4. Maitlinllediiion , " U , " ! S TO Adclln \Miitnor , " 1.1. " 1W 49 Mefliire.VKouiit/e. " 14 , " 1JM ! < 4 A. S Paildnck , " 15. " 1421 ! M Samuel tl Damon.S H o PC tut It I' , " 178 74 Jas. O hlattcr. oil-'tut It 19 , " IWI 7 Sii nnHlch.ei2ta\lt2l : ! ) , " 17 74 l8imoTonipC'ttolS2ln\ SI , " - ( < 'J1 Julia Hechtol. o IB2 US tntlt22. " ! K4 7 Hobnrt Wlllliiuis. o hC ! s ' j tnIt22 , " : CI 117 Kiln H Arnold , o 1'B tin It 2:1 : , ' Sill CT , JohnA.Horlmcli.sub nntill , " 40122 Nnte Holiiuistuti 40 It 31 , " Il.'t 7 John A. Horlmoli , Riib41 It 31 , " : ,2I 7 Chns.Weddoll , sul 4 Jit 31 , " XMW 'JsulUllt 31 , " 1R. 49 Ivnut Kn tmnn , fS siiti43Hll , " 10249 K..MIltSkoH , Mlb441tll ! , " re.4 U7 Sections. That said special tntcs lovlpd nlore- snld , onsnld lots lesprctlxolj , shall lieeomedu- lliKliient us follows : one-tc'iitli of the total amount so lo\ led on each of said lots shah be come delinquent In lltty dujs liom the passairo andnppto\al of this Inoiio j earone-tenth in two ) ems , one-tenth In thieo > eurs , one-tenth lu foui jeais , bur-tenth In ll\o jenisone tenth In sK 5 ears , one-tenth lnso\uii ) emsone-tenth in eluht jenrsnuil ornvtrnth In nlnojours after slid lovj.tuul being from the pns'airo und apjiroval ot this ordinance. lincli of said iiistalliiinits , o\copt the llrst , shall draw Intei-ost lit the into of soxon pori-eilt. per nn- niitn liom the time of the lonfore ald , until the < nmt < shall becoino dulhiiiue'tit A ponulty of Iho per cent. , together w Oi Intoro't nt the inte ot one per cent per month , p i ) able In ml- \iuicc , shall bo paid on each delinquent Install ment. Section 3. Thnt the entire amount of tax so levied and u i csod on tinot paid lots may ho paid bj the ownorof any lot , or the entire' o.iual . pi ii i nt u pt oportlon of ald tax on iinj ol said loU ma ) bo paid by nnj per ou on imj purl of said loN within fifty dnjs from snld lex y , nnd tlmro- upon such lots or pnite of lots , shall bo e\otnpt from any lion or chin go thorelox. Si-ctlon4 , Taatthlsoiillniinco BhnlltakooIIoet nitti liMu fiMve from and lifter Its pas .ijfu. Passed "eptombor 2-uh , ISMi. WM. F Hi ( .111.1. , PicsldontCIty CouiiciL J II Sot'Tiiiin , CitvCloik. Appioxc-d September 2"th , 1S0. WM.K llcoiir.i. , Acting Mayor. The otu\os are now duo mid paynblo to the cit ) treuMiicr , nnd will become delinquent us f.hownln . ! octiou2. THUMAN HLCK , O'lPlt Special Oidlnanco Ho. 35-1. A N Ordinance lex ) ing u special tax nnd ns = oss- JAmont on eeitain lots and leal estate In the clt ) of Omahn , to cox 01 the co t ol cm lung { sixteenth street fiom Nichoiua stieet to Ohio BtlOOt. Whereas , It hnxlnir boon and liolnjr hereby ad judged , determined nnd established that the ecxoinl lots und plecos of ic'nl ostnto hoiohmf- tcrroforredto , huxoe.ich bccnnpeclull ) benotlt- ted to the full amount heroin lo\ led nnd nsv-sod ugalnst ouch of said lots nnd nieces of real estate , rosj.ectix oly. by ron'on uf tne curbing of that part of Sixteenth sti cot Irom Nicholas btioot to Ohio stieot. Thorofoie for the purpose of pa ) ing the cost ol such ciiibMie : llo It oidulnod by the city council of thocitrof Omuhn : i ' i Section 1. Thnt the cost of curbing that pirt of Sixteenth stioot , In the city ol Omuhn , from Nicholas stieot to Ohio stieot , said co't beliiir the turn of J7VS..15 , bound the same Is heiuby loxiwl nnd nssi > s od , In proportion to the leot front ulonir said lmpoxoniontand uc-cordingto ppcclnl beiiellts b ) reason ol said improxomoiit , \ipon the lolloxxlng co cribod lots and leal ostnto. ns Mioxxn by the generally locogul/ed map of the oil v of Omaha , ib3.lllthoginpc'd and published by Goo P. Hornl" , tnld cost being so levied on snlil lots and real estate , i O3i > octlx ely , nsfolloxxh , to-xxit : Omaha Hull it ) Co. , It 0 blk 179'5 , city . ? 19 10 do H7blkl79 .clty , . 811 10 do HS blk 17IVtcity ! , 3910 do H 9blkl79'icity . . 3910 Mortn & Qulnn , It 2 blk 1W > < , city 39 10 Eat. Lilko McDermott , it J blk 1804 , oily. . 31 10 do lt4blklNjulty ) } . M 10 do H5bllclbOHclty 3910 O lli'lt Hj. Co. , xv 132 ft it 1 , Horbuch's 1st IB 02 do " 2 , do 513J do " 3 , do 53 ! L3 do " 4 , do 5. ) 32 do " 5 , do M 32 do " 0 , do lifl 113 do " 7 , do 5305 do " 8 , do MSI do " 9 , do fit 15 ilo " 10 , lo M 15 do " 11. do 54 15 do " J2 , do 5415 do 1,1 , do G4 15 do " II , do M 15 do " 15 , do f,4 15 do " 10 , do 51 11 do " 17. do M 15 do " IB , do 54 1.1 do " HI , do fil 15 Peter Steubon , " 20 , do M 1,1 Paul Nelson. " 21 , do 64 1,1 Hobort Lalng , " KS , do 40 01 Clins. H. Ogbuin , o 132 ft ni It * ! 3 , do 2. ) : il W J. Whltohouao. o 133 f t s ' i It 23. do 20it Clara Hoedor , o ft It 24 , do fii 15 Goo K. HuiKor , o UJ It 21. do .141.1 FianclsF. Packard , o 13 * 1120 , do 61 15 hiiruh 1'iiickoy , ol U n yt 1127 , llo 2707 Wm.J. Hiies , ol.Es" it'7. do 27 OS W. A. Uuithoomowol32 ! Hit28. do M 1.1 do " 2U , do 54 1.1 John A Horbach , " 39 , do M 15 do " 31 , do .14 1.1 do " 112 , do .11 15 do " irt , do fi4 15 ito " 34 , do M 1.1 do " 3J , do 51 15 do " ) , do CO 70 do " 37 , do M 3J J H. Kliony , " ! K do 53 33 L , Tliompjott , o 13 ! tt HI WKfl. Luke's add 40 M Kmmn I liewj , " 2 blk U , do 40 W Luclndu Conrnd , " 3blKO , do 40 M } i ; F . Poppleton , " 4hlkO. do 4'i ' S ) do " 5 lilltll , do W bO Mary Moijran , It 1 blk 1 , Paddock's Place 40 hS do It 2 blk 1 , do 40 SS A. S. Paddock , It ! ) blk 1 , do 40 Hide do It 1 lilk2 , do 44 43 do It 2 blk 2 , ilo 44 4J do It 3 till : 2 , do 44 4) ) do It 4 blk 2 , do 41 4.1 ( to It 5 blk2 , do 41 43 do It ( I blk 2 , do ! ID .1 Cherry , H1 blk 3 , do 41 41 J. \\liiilon , It 2 blk J , do ' 414,1 A. S. Paddock , It 3 lilk : i , do 41 4J do It 4 blk 3 , do 41 41 do It 6 blk , do 44 41 Thos. F.Tuttlo HO blk ! 1. do 81 10 W. Hniinianol3. n7UblllF..V.Smlth'Rad M 48 M.i-liiiiiiloisolJJ82j'.lliblk 1 , do 220 1)5 Thos. II. Price , 01 2 HI blk 11 , do M M Unos. H. Dulloy , o U2It 2 blk 11 , do r.s d ; do ol.fJlt. ) blk 15 , do 01'.U Cunningham .Ulronmui.u 1J2HH i blk 15 K V. Smith's add fiS CO S. Huxtos , o 13J f t H 5 blw 15 , U.V.SmIth's fiS UJ P. C.Ilaxxo < , " II hlk 15 , do DS ca do " 7 blk 15 , do IS u\ \ PetorMols. " 8 blk 1.1 di , M CO Omnha Honl Ksluto X Truet Co. , U i , WiithlnuUiii Squuro 3157 O , M H.T.Co.lt2WiishliiglonHiiuiiro 11567 do It B. do 1)5 37 ( Jo v 12 ft It 4 , do II 15 do w 12 It It 26 , do 0 11 do U29 do 35 57 do It : M , do ! ,17 do It 31 , do IIS 57 Mnrv Hn/ard. vr tasft HSln oa. 10-15 13 in 31 Hoilman IJ KlINon , " 9 do 47 IK ) IMuin Mifiuood , " 11 do ffJJ 27 H. A. Hrown , " 15 do 110(1,1 ( JiiB.J. ilioxvn , " 1,1 do IM 7,1 Hinollu J. Hull , " II do 117 ill P.oWto Win. Hill , o 132 it It 10 do 1(0 ( tl LxdluII Hall , " 17 do HU M InrlnC.Diidioy , " 18 do 1P10I A.J. I'nppleton , " III do 2 * . ) u .lucoli.M Couiuinnn , " 21) do ! I7 70 UPO. Smith , " 21 do SJ"i 40 .Ins .v ! ; . Cotter , " 21 ! J do IU OS \\.HiUiluiili , " 2- ! do M JO do " 23 ilo W Ml Susie A.Pad lock , xvj ; lt 'tU 111 sec 1515-13 1211 ' , ' > JoluiD Ciolghtoil , " 10 do SI O'J Daxid 1' Mount , " It do BJ in Miulhii Hudmati , " 12 do I/O 40 A.A.Whllno } , " 13 do 2(1 ( if JloCluro.v. Kountzo , " 14 to 210 ! ti A S Pitddnik , " 1,1 do 11 10 hiunni'l ( i , IlHinon , n 1't ; s V U IS ilo"I . ( I J O , Matter , o 1J2 ft It 1 do f. ) .IJ .Susan It th , " 21) do 29.1) ) IsHiicloinpsatt , " 21 do U9 ill Jilll.i Iltclitd , c-llJii 'J U2J ( Ui 5I.U Hobnrt Willlati.8 , it VK n > . , ' H 22 ilo 51 K iilnl.Ainnldo : ( ii.'lf : l ilo iti f'j Jonn A. Horhach , ubltu9of H3I ilo 1.1. U' Nnls Hrl'iuist sub It 4iol ( It 31 ( In rl ; JobnA Hoibaeh.subll 41 oi Itai do O'i aj Chus WotUII , nib It 14 of It .11 do MJ ! Charlotte Knstumn , n 'i tul > 411131 ilo 2d i. Knut Kiifctmun , ' / iib H 4.1 of It Jl tlo 2i ) m K Milttkuir. hub It 44 of ItSl do MIL. Hoction2. Thut tiiid gpcclnl tnxcs levied nfoio- F.uW , on hiild loin ii"Hioothil > , Hliull trcoinc ilo- linijuunt ni follows ; onu-tpnili of thu total mnount no lovivd on oiali of &utl lu Miall bo- cbiiiodullniiuciit tnlllty dais iiDiu thu pi .iti' und upprox-Hl of tins oidlnane * . o utoiiitiu one juwOUB loulh Iji two ) oci § , onetunthlii three jrnrs ont > tenth In four j pars , ono ( pnth In live yenrs , ono ten h In fix jcnr * , ode tenth tnsoipiijonis , ono tenth tin nht .xcftr niid np. ti nth In nlno jears nuer * nid loxy.and btmg fmm the pa > snci < nnd npproxnloi th' * or.Hn nnco. P.ireliof six dln * < nlliiu'iits , otcept thp ftr t , shnlldinxv lull ii < t nt tlio inloof oxon pcrcont. per pent , pe-r niinnni ftom the limp of thf Ii xy nfnn said , until the mme shnll t ) ( > i- < > nip dtl , litent. A poimltx of flxe ppr eont. . together x\lth liitore t nt the r tu one vor cent , per month , | < v able In lulxnme , tlnill bo IHI.I ! on eiuh di'llimuent tti'liillmoiil. t-ectlon.l. Hint HIP entiio ntnount of ta * so lovlod Hinl n'ses * on nnj of wild lots tnny bo paidb > thee n ( ref auj lot.ortheenliropiu.l pro nun proportion of nM tux on mix of still lots , tmi ) bo paid bx nny ppr un mi nns pnttof M lots within llttx dins fmm id ( exx nt 1 thereupon such lots ur pmt of lots 1nl ] bo pvimpt fiotn mix HiMioi ciiiune thoiifor be'ctlon 4. I hat thli ordlnniu es.iall take ellect niul l > p In foioo from nnd niter Its ) ins ipp I'assod.-cptrmlier > th , l fB , M K. lUcin I , . Pro lilent Ctl } Council J. H. SiUTitviin. ( it ) llirK. ApproxiHlPoptemlm Slth IS fl \ \ M. P. llf ( IIKI , Aotlnir Mnjor These tnxcs nre < nnx\ duo and prtxnblo to the elty tnn iiioi. nnd will become dt < linqunut ns slum u In Seitlon'J. o-'dM 'lintN HtYK City Tionsurcr. Special Ordinance Ho.065. N Ordinance lox.x ing a spuoiul tax nnd assess. A _ iiioiit on certain lots and leal ostntt. In the ill ) ol Omnlm , to eoxertho part post of con * Mructlngn suwoi in &owc < r District No. 27. WilHtrvs , It hnxltn : been nnd 1 > lnir hereby adjndirod.dotormlupil nnd oMablMiod that the ( -ox oral lots mid plocosol real ostutu heieluufter totoirod to. linxoonih been upoclnlly benollted to the full nmouiit horolii lex hut and n sos od niinliiBt pneh ot Mild lots nnd piece's of lonl ( " > tito. u-M'Pctlxel.x. b.x lonson of the construe tlnn of n oxror In bower District No 27. TiiHiMimi , for the purpo o of pniiiR tlio pmtcost ofwich MIWCI conjunction : He It ordained b > the city council ot the city of Oimihu. , Section 1. Thnt the pnrt cost of eonptriictlnir n semor In to or DlMiict No. 27 , in the oltx ot Omahn , < aid cost being Iho tmin of $ ir > , UW.5.\ be nnd the sumo Is hereb ) lex led nnd assessed , In proportion to Iho foot trout along Biild Im- pioxunient.imd accoiillng to special bonellts by icii'.onuf aidliiiproxpiii iiluiion tin-lolloulng desetibod lots mid icnl estate as hhoxxnby the giminilly mogul/ed iniipol the ell ) ol Omnlm , bM , llthoi'inpiioil nnd published b ) iJeo. P. Horn ! * , said cost bolng so levied on Mild lota and iculostato , ru pectlxolns follo 8 , to-wlt. Union Piiclllo H ) Co. . It 3 blk 183 , elty . . SM M " It 4 blk ISM , city . 12,1 83 John fi blk 1 . ill ) . 123 < H \ \ iihclmlnn llntiimu , It 0 blk If" , clt ) . M M Union Pncitlu Ily U ) . . it 1 blk ifi , ell ) . 12,1 3 112 blk IS'i , clt ) 62 8 I'llrnbptli nnvKUT ulk | iiclt > 6288 P. . L. S'ono , Its blk I'-'i.elt ' ) . . . . 123 It ! Paul Nol ono44 It 1 hlk ZUl.c-ity HI 1)7 ) r.uphronloa Doll , w S3 It 2 blk lKl , e'lty. . . 29 30 Haltu/ 2 blk.W.eit ) 628 John H Lev ) . It7 hll 20(1 ( , cMt ) 62 M il < i II tilk 2il , city 12301 Chns. Mi'tr.lta blk .117 , i-lt ) B8 88 NilsC. Nel-onnViilt ) 4 , blk 2u7. clt ) B'l ' ) Hi iiohn Ituelimun , i. It 4 blk 207 , city . . ai OJ ( ho T. 5 hll. : j7.ill ) W-IJll Hiinsl.nif.en.ltOblk-'Ol.e'll ) 62 fcfl Union Paciilu Hy Co. , It J bik Jit ) , city. . . . 62 W ' ' ' ' ' ii " , . . . . 123 KI ii . . . . ra ko 217elty. . . 121 IB A80 ! 53 8ft 12.1 33 W. J. Connell.n ' { U5 blk 2:12 : , cltv 80 42 John Cliiistophetsou.s 'i It u hlk 2 01 07 KuiilcoS. OblU2.K . . . . 88 09 Flunk 0. AllenTruMeo , It 7 blk 2VJ , city R ) OJt It * > hlk SU , city 8809 AndrexvJ Harmon , U 5 blk2.fl , elt ) . 83 09 John H. Lcxltfl blk 2ilclt ) 68 09 It 7 hlk 2,11 , city S3 09 O. A , 8. W. Hy Co. , It 8 blk 2J1J , clt ) 88 09 U. P. 11) Co , n IU70 i-a ttltl lilk 2J1city 111 70 H. it M. H ) Co . s 244n so. It It 1 bllt 2ilclty 31 03 Union Pncll'elt ' ) Lo. , H 2 hlk 2)1 ) , city 52 M O. A.b. W. H ) Co.H5blk2Jlolty . . 88 O'J " Ii " 88 09 8S Utf " 8 ' ' . . ; . . 170 19 U. P.Hy ( Co.lt3blk2.j5 , elty 5280 " tiSV < ST ft It 5 blk 2J."i , city 19 89 O. & S W.Hy Co. , n 78. 4 sq ft It .1 blk 235clty 112 44 U. P. Hx Co. , n 2277 wi It It d blk 23' ) , city. IJ Ul O. ifa.xA'.llyCo , stiJjsqltltOblk2l3city ; 3d 03 IJ Hcud X J. Campbell , It 1 blk 247. city. B8 09 It.'blk247tltr - 09 Peter Lar-on , o'i U il blk 247 , city 4403 Petet Klll.xv'jit. ' ) hll , 247 , city 4405 ' It4 blk 217 , clt ) . . . . US 09 W.J. Council , It 1 ulic.ix.clty K8 0 " 2 " BS09 " 3 " K809 A. J. Ilntmon.n'ilt 4 nlkSls , city 0107 O C. Sohiics , n.Ils1 , It 1 lilk2ISclt ) . . . . 13 ( U W.J. Council , s.J2l ! 4 hlk 248 , city 1281 PheboJ.Tiii.xiioi.nbi)1) ) 111 . 07 44 Chas. II. Muck.sll' , U I . . . SO 03 Eohool District No. 1,112 blk .MO.olty. . H8 Ul It 3 8809 Wintiey Whulon , n 80' , It i blk 219 , olty. 30745 , A. i : . Thomas , B/il'ilt4blk 219. city. 4SU3 " Heni ) J. Windsor , irfibli 'i , city . . . . 1X1 33 1 (1 I ! Jfc.1. Ilnikor , ltd blk 249 , clt ) Jlouls Klgutter , It 1 llk ) 2V ) . city . . . it 2 blk 250 , cit ) Trubteeot b. Omuhn M. P. . Chuich , n H It 1 blk 2(11 ( , city. . . 01 ti , MulindaP. Cook , tU , It 1 bile 181 , city 01 it,1 Irusicu-i ot S. Oiiuiha M. Ii. Church , nU if 112 , blK 201 , elt ) 20 M ilind i P. Cook , s 'i It 2 , blk 2ulelty 20 43 A. KountroIt ? ullcHiLclty . . 62 SO , . y ,1 < 123 33 " " " " " " " " " " " " F . Kouutzo , it .1 bllt SB ! , city" . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5280 " 4 " 123 03 " f. " 123 33 " 0 " 5J Wl J.J. Kennedy. olB ft blk 1. llowuiy Hill. 170 19 A. .V il.Kountzo , o 132 It 1 blk 1 Foicst H'l 8) 16 " 2 140 15 .i . , 3 100 7i 120 8J " " r " 109 78 " " 0 " . H. Kount7o , It 17 blk 2 , Forosl Hill 27 : w 18 2 6074 " 19 2 " . . . 60 74 ii 20 2 " . . . 0074 " . . . 0074 " . . . 60 74 SI " . . . 60 74 24 " . . . 0874 25 " . . . CO 74 20 " . . . 00 74 S7 " . . . 0074 " ' . . . 6074 " . . . 0074 Joel X. Cornish. . . . 00 74 31 " . . . 0074 " . . . 0074 A. . H. KonnUc , 1 " . . . B07'J ' " . . . BS OJ. Iliowiiell'iHl blkO , 1 . . . 307 07' ' A. ill Kount/o , It Ulilk7 . . . 0,1 7T 10 7 " . . . SI077 John P. Hoe , It 7 Koiintzo'i ! 2nd ndd. leO t > 5 Paul Sonimer , n 'iwlittltD , " tO 74 Hi'iirj P Drexel , s 4 w 17J ItH , tU 74 Mnttln HogiTS , w lirMtD. " 1UI1 48 IhlilKoti : Ford , n ' 4 w 13J It 10 , " CO 74 Mmy K. Mncii.B'i w IKItlU. " ( -0 74 August Wlhcrp , n > i w 13 , ' It 11 , 0074 Joseph 11. Dennis , n y w i-Jlt : ) 11 , (071 ( John ( 'In I'tiiuts'jn ' , H 1.1:11 12 , 1TI 48 A.Johii'-oii. . u tw l.ttlt II , C 74 Mnr > Cicoii , o'i W IK Itl'l , til ) 74 Clins. P. Iluticr , n ' 4 w Pttlt II , UO 74 Alucil Pull , H'i w 1.121114 , l. < ! 74 ( has. Kaiifmuu , w 1 U It 15 , Ul 48 John Heller , n ' . w KJ II 10 , 10 74 P M XW II Peckham.s' , 0.1 . 74 Muiy Imirloj.w W.'ltlT. " Ul IS .1 Bchmidto 1,12 It 1 bile I , KounUo't , 4th K ) 41 Tlioi Ca-o ) , o 13 > It 2 blk I. Aug. \ \ iborg. i ) 1 K It ! ) bIK 1 , " 80W HUMS Bclmul'o. o l.Ult I blk 1 , " 8) ) III ) 1) . L. 'Ihomus olJ-U5blkl. ! " BO OJ A. Ifoiint/p.o 1.12 n 'i It fi , I.Ik 1 , " 80 I)1) ) i : . 0. l'uniii > Itiiblkl " ' ( > ( r , oMJsH , ti ) d'l JulliiR Jloolc K , u U. n ' , It 7 lilk 1 , " 44 ni J.Htonronb iKoto VU ' 4 117 lilk 1 , " 41 U L b. Hai-cull , u lu. It 1 I ; 11 , 10 , KotinUo's 4th Mlp . . . . . . . in 74 J.K Itlloj.o 1. Ult2blklllKouiit7ij'N4thsup 0574 Pi itPciuennchaii. . e 1 U It ! l blU 10 , " M 74 P. It Wilson \ C. 7 ! Sliatton , o 1'Ji It 1 blk ID. KouiH/o's 4thBlip CO 74 A. KounUo , e 132 It 5 fil I > lklOKoun7c's4th ! 8111 IX 74 ' ' O. K. Bcollol'd.c 132 It 0 b'lk V > , 'Ku\mteo' \ 4th sup 00 71 L. ( ) lo , o 13J It 7 blk ID. KomiUf'h till up U ) 74 H. Lei eiuou.o 1K It 8 blk 10 , " M74 U A. .Stiniuit.o 1112 It hlk 10 , " Ull IU August Koiinl/e , It 1 bll : U , " ' Mark Hanson , It 2 blk II. " trj - Ul' . KoNon.o 1L' It : hlk 1 , S.Ii. Hogois nd 170 : DixIilC. HhuK. oVaiKlblk 1. " 170 U Hans Hanscii , n H n I'till I blk 14 , " M wt Niels ONoii B " , o 1U2 It I hlk 14 , " 88 DO H. H. Pickurd , n 4 o 1,12 II 2 hlk 11 , " M lu Mury Willis. H'O 1J3K2 blk 14. " hs W Chns W. Willisn " , olttlt a blk 14 , " hs ( ft Mai thn J. Willlrt , BiioiaJH3 , blk 14. " bS W IMwurii A. K\lan \ O'Bulllvun , o IJ-'n S > bllt 1.1.0 i : . rio/nM HIM . . . mat IX I'lPinlnir.o 1,12 6' , blk 11 , aiMtogorsiul n ) to U tc A. J. Hedge , xvi'i2ltfblkl.b.Omulm . 'M ' " " ICIIH " " " ! f ! 3 " " 8 1 " 33 0.1 llrlduetMntlln , HO , " 6S41 Win. D. Mnoro , xx l.jjof Mooru's llint-ivo Hi In H. KounUo , XV UK tiu It Isou 27-15-1J. . , h54 2-1 ' * " 2 * ' CO il ' C. K Ooodiinin.xvlt ; n 122 tax It 7 , tco',7- 15 n lo-j n ( . ' V. ( ioodmiin , xr I.U 6 69J tux H 7 , bintS7. 1 11 . . . , 791 Id Hiitlon. . Tlnil thorpni'lul taxis inn ] UHn ) ! < < . UK ills levied lind iK Of-o I iu iifuu'J.lld , tlmll bi > ill d liiiinodlntel ) upon the iiifisaxre and npprot til of this oidlnancii. nml i-linll IHHOIIIO Ucllinniont II not paid ill.In llfl > dnjH llicnnit'lorj niul lhnioii | > on n pminll ) or ton per cent Nhull bo a Itlcd , toKcthoi- .th Itilorpjt nt the r.tlo of onn imrtont a month , pnynbloln udvonoo irotn the lllllOllIlM ltHO llUlUIIIIII Ml lulllllU'llt. | | ' SoetloiiU. Tliul thUordiimiiioihall lakocilfe-ut nml ho In foicoliom and after Ha puftsayo. PHMI d S ( ploinlx r2Mh , li-nn. \x > i. 1' . lii.uii i. . PiI'Sldcnt City Council. J. H Buir-riiAiiii , fit ) Clurk. ApPtovodSc'iitcinlior 211)1. ) ISM. > i. I' HrrtiKl. , Acttnif Mnyor , TlioKi liiids uitx ( low duo and pnvnblo to tlio city lioaMiiiT , nir.l xtlll buoiimo Oulluquoiit on r.uv mli r ) MI , IMd , nltur xhluh duto pi naltv nil 1 ln rut xklllhuudaod aishoxrii lu Section 2. o d'i U'la-jiAN IJUCK Cltylrtssjror