0 THE OMAHA DAILY T3EE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 32 , 188(1 ( THE DAILY BEE. COUNCllTBLUFFS , TUESDAY MORNING OCT. 12. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. DtllriKd by tnrnt-r In nny pnrt of the city nt \ \ \ c uty tents per wtuk. II.V. . TILTON , Mauneer. THUIPHO.NliS : JloBiKEt-fl Office , No. 43 , NIGHT ii : > iTOit No. Si. M1NOU MUNTION. New York Plumbing ( 'o. Now fall poods at Holler's. Buy Soul brand oyster. * , the best , ( 'heap railroad tickets at IJusluieH's. Richmond furnaces , t'oopor fc Me'iei ' Y. Sullivan was yesterday lined as : plain drunk. .Fancy goods and millinery opening to ' , at 11. Friedman's. Unit io/en ! e.ibiucts and a large pane for $2 60 atSchmldl'H gallery. Ladies , lu sun ; to see tlio 1'arisian pat tern bonnets at II. Fried in all's opening Permit to wed was yesterday given W. II. Mason and EvolinoVitcht cr , both o : tlii.s city. . The "Hunch of Keys" company was al the Ogden yesterday , anil appeared al the opera house last evening , Justice Sliuiv happily olllciated yester day lit the marriage of Mr. Ilcrnian F Leitkc to Miss Flora Abbott , both ol Miudcn. Yesterday C. J. Bockiuan partially canvassed the carpenters for his pateui locking bracket for fences and received : very liberal patronage. A number of changes have boon made in the boards of registry , some not bt'inj ; nblo to servo longer , and others beiuj. appointed to ( ill vacancies. I will close my place of business between tween 5 and 7 o'clock this evening tc prepare for my grand opening whicl takes place to-morrow. 11. Friudimui. The last joists are being put in the nov court hoiiMi and about seven feet moro i : to bo added above this before the roe gous on. Thu work is progressing well Will Harris , a colored oll'emler , win yesterday lined for being drunk am whipping his wife. The woman was no liadly used up , but it was not lior lius bund's fault. The Council Bluffs Uebekah di > grc < | l sss-rJodge No. it , 1. O. O. T. , meets this eve Ir S-w11' " A ful1 iittundntico is requested , a : - - business of Importance will take plaeo By order of N. G. A cordial invitation is extended to tin public , ruy friends and customers to at tend the grand millinery opening to night and to-morrow evening , at No.10 ! Broadway. 11. Fried man. The boards of icgistry open the book.- to-dav , and every voter should sec to il that his name is inscribed. Each voter must sees to it pi'i > onally. Under the law there is no chance for anybody to see tc it for you. A government prisoner , handcuffed a id shackled , escaped from an ollieer at .Missouri Valley on Sunday , and the oIllcoT.s are on the hunt , for him. At last reports the fellow was still at large , but how hu can make good his escape in Jus ironed condition is a mystery , Merrill Ileiulry yesterday started the erection of a now brick blacksmith shop ou Broadway , just cast of the Ogden liouso. The building is to be 22x10 feet , find will bo made a model shop in every rcspocl. lie expects to have thu roof on this week. The paving ot upper Broadway is pro gressing well , ami so pleased are all that there is talk of having the paving ex tended up quite- distance beyond where the contract calls for. Tlio street car line will bo extended to a considerable distance beyond thopaviiigon liroadway. M. Kelley was arrested yesterday on the charge of carrying concealed weap ons. P. McNully claims that Kelly put : i revolver under his nose on one occasion about two weeks _ ago , and now proposw toget _ evou , it being the lirst chance offered since than for nabbing the offender. Lillie Ewing was again taken in charge by the police yestisnlay on complaint ol her mother , Mrs. Seott , who says slu wants the girl sent to tiio reform .school Mrs. Seott-Kwing has herself been ii : court on several occasions , and the home life ) is not thought to bo as helpful lo tin girl as life in some public inslitntior would bo. About 3 o'clock yesterday morning Captain Cousins discovered that some one had broken a large pane of glass it ; the trout of M. Droliuoh'sslore on Broad way. It looking like an attempting burg Jury the ollicer aroused Air. Drohlich anil n search was made through the place , hut nothing was discovered missing , and nothing else disturbed. H. and L. Vincent. Into of Tabor , la. , nre now located intheir new homo at Winiiuld , Kan. , and have their started nil the Nonconformist , which they trans ] ) lantecl with them. They have added tn the title of the paper that of "Kansas In dustrial Liberator , " and preserve most ol the oharnctcristics of thuold sheet. The "Vincent boys think tlmv have struck r rich liold , and wilt doubtlebs work it will energy. Fresh oysters in every style at the I'liiunix Chop liouso , No , 505 Broadway , Seal brand oysters at II. J. Palmer's. I'crHunal I'arntri'npIiN. Mrs. Tims , Bray lias returned from her eastern trip. J. Y. Stone , of Glenwood , was in the city yesterday. ( J. L. duly , of Stnnton , Nub. , was at the Pacific yesterday. E. Donoling has loft for the cast nnd expects to spend most of the winter in JJoM York. Mrs , 1) ) , J. Gates and daughter , Nina , will leave to-morrow for a visit to Bur lington , Kan. John Anderson , of Shepherd's drug Btoro , loft yesterday on a visit to Cedar Itapids friends. Ed. Wright , alter being confined to Ida room for a month past with malarial fever , is able to be out and about again. Chief Tomnloton has received a letter from the veteran llrcman , Sam Morrison , who is in St. Louis receiving treatment for his eyes. Unsays thoroiHsomo im provement , but it is quito slow. Prof , E. Buckley and wife , Mrs. Sarah , M. D. , together witli Miss Buckley F. Bliss , nro guests of Mr. A. B. Walker nnd family of this city. They are en route to Kyata , Japan , whore thny will engage in missionary wort under the direction of the American board. Prof. Buokloy addressed the Y. M. C. A. Bunclav afternoon , and in the evening at the Congregational church. The Richmond combines the four os- gcntiiils of u good furnace , simplicity , ca pacity , durability nnd economy. See them at Cooper ft McGeo's. If you want n good furnnco nnd ono that will ba us durable us your liouso , gut ft "Richmond" at Cooper & McGeo's. The Sunday School Worker * . The annual county convention of the FoUawattamio Sunday School associa tion is to moot at the First Baptist church of this city commencing Thursday at 3 o'clock p. in , , and closing Friday at 5 P. m. An interesting programme has boon arranged and nil nro Invited to at tend the several sessions. \VRA1W \ ABOUT MR , HULIB An Attempt to Force tlio Mayor to Appoin Another as Chief. THE POLITICAL POT STILL HOT Accident to M. II. Juiltl The Ilcr-ttb llciiu I'i'Imnrics ImM Night lilt IJy a Hrick Nefvniin About U mi powder Men I Ions. Siiiilillltiff | Over Chief. The announcement made in yesterday' HKK that the mayor had decided to : ii point Jerry Mullen as chief of polie caused no little commotion among sum of those who flattered themselves tha they stood very near to the throne , am wlio were foiMit on having another nninei for that place. Their hopes had eenterei on Nick O'Brien and that aspirant hai strong backing for the place. Theolhc police ollicers had signed his pelitioi and n number of cili/cns had added the ! endorsement , and Pat Lacy and Jin Madden , the hitter being related t < O'Brien , were advocating his claim loudly. All conceded that O'Brien wouli make n good chief of police , but tin mayor was evidently quick to disceri that if O'ihien was cliosen there mlgh bo n clashing between tlio marshal am the now chief , and that it would be bet tor to name another man. In reaching such a decision it seems that ho ha awakened tlio wralli of O'Briun's suii porters , who yesterday brought tlici strongest pressure to bear upon Mayo ( ironcwi'g to have him reconsider hi appointment and name O'Brien. 1 O'Brien could not get it then let tli mayor name some oilier man thai Mullen. Mayor ( Sronewng expected It make tlio formal appointment vcstorda morning , and Mullen was notilicd to b in readiness to take the oath of oflicc , aiv begin his duties. Tne storm raised abou Mr. (5ronewcg's ( ears was so loud that h deferred the swearing-in of Mullen , whic event is expected to take place this inon : ing. It is predicted that the mayor wil not yield lo the tlielation of Lacy" , Mail den or others , but lhat having bee elected mayor he will act as mayor , aji iiaving the appointing power will oxui ciso it Should he yield to the clame raised yesterday , it would bo n virtm concession that the predictions matte b. his political opponents were true , wliei they insisted that if he was elected h would be controlled by Lacy and other of liis kind. A change in the appoint ment would place Mr. Oroneweg in : very unenviable light before the public however honest might be his change o mind. Tlio all'air was the theme ol tall about police headquarters and the cit ; building all of yesterday , bul the assnr unco , was given by those who were it condition to know , that Mayor Cironowei would stick to his original 'intention , am make Mullen chief this morning. Hard and softcoal , wood , lime , cement etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. 53 ! Broadway. Telephone No. 130. Not Il'.irinoiiioiiB. The democrats are getting into a sorr ; plight over the township licket , namcc by the peculiar convention which wai held the other day. The announccmon of Justice Hcndricks and of Justici Sclinr/ , that they will be indcpendcn candidates , has caused no litllo comuio lion. The defeat of the ticket seems evi dent , unless some move is made to re store harmony. Some of tlio leaders o the party have been urging tiiese gentle men lo withdraw from the independcn race , and abide tlio action of nnothc township convention to bo called recu larly , and conducted on honor. The sus pioion is aroused that Ibis is a mere prc loxt to get these gentlemen oil' the track and then atlcmpt to capture the nex convention , and turn it against them These gonl'omen decline lo withdraw , am stoutly stick to their positions. The. hold that if the township convention i hold as proposed , and that convcntioi chooses lo ondorfH ! them , it can do so but thej having been once made the vie tims of duplicity , they do not propose ti put IhcinHolvcs in a shape lo be caugh twice in Ihe same trap. Tlio manner in which Judge James Frail i uy el al , managed to get Jame nominated for county commissioner , Imi also caused a storm , which cannot b easily subdued. A. C. Graham , as hones and worthy a member as over sat on tli board , was shut out by the overreaehlii ) tactics of this faction of the democracy and lie has his war paint on. Ho is niak ing a hot light upon thai part of tin ticket which was put , up in this sort of i way , and with his following , and tin large number of supporters , who ar actuated by like indignation , ho will bi found to be a power in the campaign The people will hardly submit lo see s < trusty a man as Mr. Graham set aside when lie has done such excellent \vovl upon the hoard of commissioners. 'I'll people have great confidence in him , nn < they will not easily submit to see hi chair taken by Judge James. Allogethe : the air is full of wars and rumors of wtirs which Indicate that the latter da.ys an drawing near for the democratic party or at least thai portion of U which seeki to rule by such methods as wore sliowi in the recent convention , J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire eon trol of the I'lm.'nix chop hou&o , desires t < stale that ho has secured the Forvices o Charles Decker , a lirst-class cook of Nnv York cily. Tlio best the market affords night and day , in the best style of tin art. Will also have a regular bill of faro I'olnts of Prosperity. The Union Pacific is making man ] changes and improvements on Hi grounds on this side of the river. Tlton am many more tracks being laid foi switching purposes , and the prospect ! bcem good for soon having a great dea of the business performed on this side which is now so crowding the yards ii Omaha. Piles are being driven , and preparations parations are being made for the build ing of a round liouso at Spoon Lake , tin house to have forty stalls. It seems als < settled that the passengei coaches wil be kept on thissiile.eleiined nnd repaired here , thus adding considerable bnslncsi to the yards hero. The prediction ii made by those keeping well posted or the changes now going on , that these changes will soon result in inereasei employment on this side of the river which will tit a very early date add c thousand more inhabitants to this city.The The project of a Main street depot Im.1 not been abandoned by any means Probably the matter will come UP at the next meeting of the council , and If tin necessary ordinance is passed , the aetivt work will commence at once. The talk of a union depot is also going on. with the promise of soon taking definite finite form. There is not a road running into Council Binds from the east bui what needs a better local depot , anil every one of them will before long be obliged to build , Thu local depots are i sad comment on the city , and ncarb every one of the roads bus better depot ; at small country stations than hero. Now seems to bo the ripe time for n move ol this sort , and Instead of building a fitim ber Of separate depots , as they surnlj will have to do very soon , it seems thai they could unite to great advantage , am cnrtninlv to the better accommodation ol the public , in ono line depot , which wouh prove u credit to the companies and tc the city. The prediction is made will confidcni'C that a large union depot M among the things whic.li Council Bluff ! will possess within the near ititnre. Sec that your books arc made by More house it Co. , room 1 , Everett block. Tlio New Wagon But lillh' Inn bcon said of Into concern ing ttie new wagon bridge , lo bo buill a tli4 foot of Broadway. It seems that tin scheme has not died out , however , bu that the details are being worked ii | quietly and surely. The prospects seen good for such abridge being built , am that right speedily. The articles of in corporation have been prepared , am ready tor filing , so that the company cat proceed. Il seems that the idea of : pontoon bridge is losing favor , and lha the bridge will bo a high ono , perma ncntly and carefully constructed , ueco ? sitating a cash outlay , in a Idtlion to tin bonds , of bolwcon $1 00,000 and $200,000 The bridge as now being planned will hi at tlio foot of Farnam street , on tin Omaha side , and it is talked that i viaduct will bo built there , BO that rail way trains can pass under , and thosi who cross the bridge can drive easily rijrh onto Farnnm street. On this side of tin river the bridge would bo at Fonrtl avenue. It is planned that Broadwa' would lie paved by the property owner along that .street 'clear to the river , am that Broadway would be made an excel lent driveway its entire length. Tlio cm tracks would be thrown onto ono of tin avenues south of Broadway , so as not tc interfere with the wagons on Broadway Such are some of the outlines ascertained concerning the project as now boiiu " talked up. A petition will be started in circulatioi to-day , or very soon , which will open uj another phase of the situation. It if thought that this township would gladlj help along the enterprise , and it is pro posed that the township pay for niaklnn the necessary approaches to the bridge on tliis side of the river. The xpensi would not be great. A petition is to be circulated asking fora special electiot to be held to vote this appropriation. II a majority of the freeholders sign fhif petilion , then it will appear that tlu township will bo willing to UK : the enterprise to this extent , wldol ; will bo but trilling lo what can bi gained by it. If the township will show its willingness to appropriate this amount then it is prcdiclcci that the com pany will go right ahead , lot the con- Irncls , and proceed with the building ol the bridge , and that it can be completed under the present arrangements by noxi March. Substantial abstracts ot lilies and real eslatc loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No 101 Pearl street. Council Bluffs. To- lays Convention. The republicans meet this afternoon a ! 3 o'clock to nominate candidates for the township ollices. Tlioro arc numcroiu aspirants for positions on the ticket Among the names mentioned as liable to be placed upon the ticket for justices arc E. Rosecrans , J. II. Kilgoro , E. S. Bar nett and E. J. Abbott. There is semi possibility of Squire Burko's name beinf favorably considered for ono of ilie jus lices offices. He rather expects to be le out of the oflico of city clerk by nexi spring , and in that case it would bo prof arable to bo scaled in an ollico which he can hold for two years , and probably foi as nuic.h longer as he felt inclined lo re lain it. There has been also some talk ol the republicans endorsing Justice Scliur/ , or Jnslico Hcndricks , or both , in view o : tlio squabble in which the democrat ; find _ themselves , and tlio independent candidacy of these two gentlemen. For constable there are also numerous names being mentioned. Prominent among these arc. Wall McFadden , Join : Fox and Joe Spaulding. Tiie delegates were selected last evening ing as follows : First Ward F. M. Williams. W. Me Faddon , E. J. Abbot , J. Cromer , N. W Williams , L. Sherwood , J. J. Newton. Second Ward Ed. Mott , C. S. Hub bard A. S. Ha/.elton , 11. C. Barnes , F M. Nichols , G , 11. Jones , Harvey Pace Jacob Sims , Third Ward-W. F. Sapp. Jr. . Join Limit , L. E. Bridonstoin , William Aind E. W. Davenport , C. H. Gilmore , E Rosecrans. Fourth Ward C. U. Ilannan , Georjr , Hunter , A. J. Brown , Walter Smith , .W II. Cuninboll , A. T. Fliokmger , Pern Knight , E. E. Hart , Forrest Smith ! Eletnc door bells , burglar alarms.am every form of domestic electrical appji anees at tlio New York Plumbing Co. IJadly Injured. Lagt evening quite a serious accident occurred to Mr. M. II. Judd , the Jam : agent of tlio Union Pacilic. A youiifj man named Emcrinc was riding nloim on horseback and stopped at Metcalf' . ' saloon , where lie had a few minutes' tnlk with some parties. As h j started away on horboback ut a quick gallop ho turned about to sec what the pertons ho had just been talking to were doing , and not noticing what was ahead of him , he ran his horse right into the vehicle in which Mr. Judd was seated , throwing that gen tleman out into the street. Mr. Judd was in tin unconscious condition when picked up , and the blood was flowing freely from a wound in the head. He was taken to his residence , and a physician was called. The result of the injury could not be fully determined last even ing , but it is thought to bo qnito a seri ous ono. Deputy marshal Itarhyto. As soon as Deputy Marshal Mullen is sworn in as chief of police , there will be a chance for another struggle as to who will be ids successor in the marshal's ollico. It is understood that tlio ollico has bcon offered Mr. John Barliyto , an old ollicor , and ono in every way compe tent to till the place well. That this will bo the outcome of the present figuring there is little doubt , the only seeming conlingonoy being as to whether Barliyta will accept. Marshal Gnanolla lias en- dcred it to Barhjte , believing him to bo tlio man for the placo. This appointment will suit the people generally , although as iii all such cases , some sore spots may be discovered among tlio few. Everard and Kulalia , by Ed. Wright , for sale by Bushnell & Croekwell. An Independent Candidate. I hereby announce myself as an inde pendent candidate for justice of the peace , and submit my claims to tlio voters of Council Bluffs , la. , on the 2nd day of November , 1880.A. . A. L. UENUIUCKS. Afraid of Gunpowder. Complaint was lust night made to Mar shal Guanella that some parties wore storing gunpowder on North Eighth street , within tlio city limits , and in greater quantities than 11 allowed by law , The marshal will investigate this morn ing and' see whether there is any cause for the nervous condition In which the complainants find themselves In rcgart to being blown up by powder. Just received , Ladies * line shoes , best makes. Prices loWi Geo. Blaxlm , W < Main. _ At the Institution. The board of trustees of the instltmioE for tlio deaf ami dumb met yesterday foi their quarterly ses.ion. . There are ji number of contracts to be lot for wintei supplies , besides tlicrnvim ! routine work A. Welnstein , of Burlington , nnd C. S , Ranck , of Iowa City , arrived on the morning train. A. T ! Flickinger , the other member prcsbnt , is a resident ol the city. _ A Shoulder Urokon. Yesterday morning L. C. James mcl with a serious accident while digging ; i well for Charles Bannhan , on Avenue 1) A brick falling from tlio top of the well , only a distance of ten feet , struck him , breaking his shoulder. "Respects to you , republicans ; I die n democrat , " wrote J. ( i. Kurtz in a lettoi at Farmvillc , Va. , a day or two ago , Then he shot himself three times just above the eye-sockets. Gout has various names according tn the parts affected , as podagra , when in the feet ; chiragra , when in the hands &c.\ \ but whether the attack is first fell in the feet or the hands , rub with Salva tion Oil at once. It annihilates pain. . Price ' 'no. Popular trial shows the worth of every article , and 4U years' constant use lias proven the great elllcacy of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ) it lias no superior. "I once saw a person ire into the water With his nose embraced by a clothe.1 pin , " says a sciontilio writer , "and llic greater number of bathers now protect the ears with wool. " After Diphtheria. Diphtheria is a terrible disease , requir ing the greatest medical skill to effect n complete euro. Even when its power is broken , it clings to the patient with great persistency , and often leaves the system poisoned and prostrated. Just here Hood's Sarsaparilla does a vast amount of good , expelling impurities from thu blood , giving it richness and vitality , \vliiloit renovates and strengthens the system. Though the British Isles are rather small affairs in the mat tor of standing- room , and though every outgoing steamer takes a parcel of emigrants , the population piles up al llic ralo of 1,000 n day. In the litllo but rich city of Fargo , out in tlio wheatlanils , each policeman carries a { rold-headed cane instead of a billy which is n base tiling at best. A man out of his mind in St. Louis has invented "a trtip with which to ensnare Jay Gould. " lie anil two others lost their mental grip during iho'great ' strike last spring. j j Seal baand oysters'at 13. J. Palmer's , Don't forget the Good Templars ball at the Masonic temple on Thursday evening , 14lh inst. Tickets for sale at Busancll's book store. ? MURDER ! ! Diphtheria Isniraln making Us nnnunl vlslta- tU.n. Ten yenrs1 trial of Ult. l'HOS. JKFFlCIUtJ' ItK.MF.DV lor Hint fnlnl miMady lias ilemon- strtitud tlio fuvtthiit it la Inl'iillllilons u prevent ive mid euro. If ynu permit your children to tile \vltli diphtheria , "Their blood bo upon your head. " For sale only nt the odlcc , No. ' t South Sth street. Council lllnlls , la. , or sent by express on receipt ot pi-lee. (2. From the Council lllulfs Dully Hcruld : Mrs. K. M. Uerurd , wife of KiiKineor Oernrd , or t he Union I'aclllo , this city , has beim a icat sullererror ninny yenrs , with what wns sup posed to bocanccr of the throat. It WIIH BO uad fcho wni ! threatont'd with stni-vntlon. Her gon- cnil henlth was completely broken. Hho could only swallow liquid tood. and even that could not dlfrost or usslinllate. I'hyslclans of Council lllutl'snnd Omnha attended her for three years end iravc no relief. Dr. .loirorls.of this city. In lour weeks' tlmo cured her throat , and com pletely restored her health. Hail Mrs. Oernrd not obtained rellof hoon slio would hnvo died from blood poison , the same that destroyed the life of Gen. Grant. From the Council I Huffs Dully Globe : M. A. McPIke , editor of the Cambria ( Kbens- liurir > P"I'rci'innn > , has been the personal friend of the editor ol' the Globe for more than twenty years , nnd Is known wherever hois known us one of tlio bust , men living. II In family was ravaged with diphtheria , ami irtcntly dis tressed. Home of Dr. .lolTcrls' Ulphlherla Cure was ui-e < l , and the lives of the rest of hlschlld- rcn Buvril. I.ettors from Mr. Mcl'lke tire un bounded In their expressions of Ki'atlludo for llndlni ? some means of nvertimrthe loss of all his little onen. l-'ivo of Jlr. ilel'lke's children out of cljfht died from diphtheria before ho had an opportunity of using Ur. Jolferls' remedy. l-'rom the Omaha lleo : Mr. .1. It. llutler , of Hn/ol Dell.Pottnwntlnmlo Co , , Iowa , and his luinlly of eleven persons , were nil sick with innllunant diphtheria. Kvory oiiL'of them 1ms recovered bv the ut-o of Dr. Jcirerlf ) ' I'rKVentlvo and Cure for Diphtheria , without the ad ! of a phjvlfilaii. IIVSI'KIVlAl DVSI'KI'SIAl Dyspontlo , why live In misery and die in dls- pair with eunciir of the btomiieh ? Dr. Thomas Joirerls cures every case of indigestion ami constipation In a very short tlmo. I lust of ref erences trivon. Dyspepsia is the cause of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. I'rluo ff > for two weeks treatment. Dr. .Ictfcri * ' diphtheria mcdlchio Is Infalllhlo for nil kinds of Mire throats. Indispenslblo In putrid sere throat , in malinniuit sum-let fovcr , elmiiKliiX It In 4Hioiirsto | the simple form. Intnl- llble cure for all Inllnmmatory , ulecrntlvci , put rid. cancerous iilcorntlon of the womb and all eatiirrhal eondltlons. I'ull printed instructions how to nso the medi cines sent with them. No doctor required , Dr. Jclferls' remedies can only be obtained nt hlg office. No. 23 South Eishtti street , Council UlulTB , Iowa , or sent ny. express on receipt of price. Holders of Currency Hondo & Bonds of SERIES B , OK Til I ! Will receive ii communication of Interest nnd Importance to them by forwni-dlnjc their names and addresses to us ( If they hnvo not already done to ) with nmoniornn'lum of iho amount of bonds of cither dings hold by them , or by calling In person at our ollico : A. S. HATCH & < > . No. 5 Nfsnan St. , Few York. Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICK Is hereby clven that the partnership -1-N between Joseph I' . ' Mallendcr and John l.lsy , under the linn nime of Mailonder K Mar , \ra-4dUiolved on the nth day of October , IHHfl , All debts duo to the said partnership nnd these duo to them will bo setllml by Joseph I' . Mail- under , who will continue the business under the numo of Joseph I * . MallctMcr& Co , 'J03K , , , , , , . MAU5NDEK | oficttt JOHN Notice to Property Owners or tfi iinreuonco of rosolatlb J from the elty coun cil , you aio bcroby notlllcd not to lay side walks on the streets alrpudv prnded , or liclnjr Knidod , until notice Is ulvon by the board of public works , and u uniform plan or system nr- ranged governing wol , . . .jr. Cmjrinii | _ Omaha , Nob. Oct. 7th , lb 8 , oWOt PUTS AND CALLS. On Wheat. Corn. Onto , I'oilt , Lard nnd It. IL Blocks , lor l < om ; nuil Hliort Time. Bend for I'nco Ciicular. H. I' . HAIIT i Co. , 12U Wushlueton St. , Chlcaro , III. Ueleienco : American I'.i- cbaneeNutloual Hank. . ) I'AKMS , Uutlor Co. , Kans. , tor sale ; K nice city lots. El Dorado , Hand. . forsulo. Kaeh farrp Is well Hdaptol to nnd stock ; rluh foil ; nil piutr or jnuturo land ( no waste ) . TitlJ perfect , with warranty dood. The lots nro smooth , nlooDull'lliiir ' lots , only ! i uillo north of V , O , I'rlce , 8173 to WJ5. Teachers , cloiks , unyono who wUhos n safe property that will double In 1 year , should buy lots In HI Dor ado ; population rt.WJ ; the prettiest city In Kan- tae Tiirmi cash. AdJroii U.V , Cae , Eldora do Kuusas. Will make n Spscinl Sale this week o OIL CLOTHS , CURTAINS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will bo Lower than made bj any othsr store in the west. Do not fail to see us before purchas ing elsewhere. This department wo shall close out , nnd oknll irmko prices ( o soil them. Oui Stock is ooneonablo and styles excel lent. These are Bargains Never Be fore offered , And pau can savomoaoy by cnllinp onus before purchasing for wo will not be undersold. DSH'T ' FORfiET TKE PlflGE. J NO , 401 BROADWAY , , la WHOLESALE AND JOBBING zaco-crsrss OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. t.l I. DEERE , WELLS & CO. , Wliolosalo Agricultural Implements , Busies , Cni-rliu.-esl-tc. _ : Uo. Council Hindu , Jowu. Mnko thoOrlfflnnl nnd Complolo Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , COIlN SHISU.BIIS AND FBKD CUTTEHS. Nos. 1501 , 1551 , 1505 nnd , J.VJ7 South Muln Street , _ _ _ Council n.utr * . Iowa. D A V 1 D BIlAiTLKY & Ub Mnnuf'rs ani Jobbers of agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , Carriages , nnd nil klntli of Farm Mixohinorr. 1100 to 1116 South Main Street , Council Uluffi , AXIS F.O. Oi.r.ASO.v. T. ILDotnuAs , Gno.F. WIIIQIIT. Pros.&TrL fts. V.-l'ros.&MAn. Sa&.VCounsel. Council BinTs Handle Factory , ( Inoorpnrntort. ) Manufnclurerg of Axle , Pick , Sledge nnd Small Itnndlos , ot every iloscrlptlon. CAItPRTS. COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPE'L' CO. , Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixtures , Upholntury floods. Etc. Na 105 Uroadway Council Uluffa , lown. CJOA/f.S , TOItACCO , ETC. PERE5OY & MOORE , Wholesale Jobbers In tlio Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes NOB. liSMnln and 37 I'oarl 8U. Council Bluffs , Iowa. COMMISSION. SNYDER & LEAMAN , WllOlCRIllo Frnit and Produce Commission Hercliants , No. H I'oarl Bt , Council HI uffj. Dituaa isrs. I1ARLR , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , Klitft' Biindrlog , Kto. No. 2i Mnln St. , nnd No. " 11'unrl St. , Council llluira. FIlt'lTS. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty Qoiiornl CommlKPlon. No. 513 llrandnrav , Council niuffa. WIUT & DUQUETTE , Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groc&rles. Nna. 10 mid IB Pearl PU. Council lllulTs. aitoanniHS. L. KIRSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also Wholosnlo Liquor Dealers. No. 110 Uroad- wny , Council lllutfi ) . UAItNESS , ETC. BECKMAN , STROIIHEHN & CO. , Mnnii'ncturors of nuil Wholosulo Iloalers In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No , K5 Mnln St. . Council HlulM , low * . llA'fS , CAPS , ETC. METCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Nos. 31 ? un4 nil Dioadwny , Council ! lllutfs. KEELINE & FELT , Wholo.-talu Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wood Stock , Council UliKTa , Iowa. HIHKS A NO H'OOf. D. H. McDANELL ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TulIowWool , ftilti.rironsoimd i'urt Council llluffd Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholesale Io lor In Illuminating & Lubricating Oils E3TO. , 32TO. t.'riieoUoro , Agent , Council lllutr * . Iowa. WHATEVER YOU DO , Jon't forycl that the Council ltlnj's Carpet Company tvlll malt * n chanae in their jinn on ilanmiry l f nr.rt , and that tltcy are bound to materially retluee their stark before that day. ( lo fee tin-in before yon nnrcliase elsewhere , ami obtain their prletSi If non want to Imy anything in their line they will give yon prices that will eerttitnlH stilt yon. Their slock consists of till y ratios and make. * of Curtains , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Window Shades , CUR/TAZJST A1STD UPHOLSTERY GOODS , Etc. A lot of Table Llne.ns , Towels and yapklns to elosc ont at LESS TIUX COST. See them. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , RTo. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. I Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , and ranging from $5.00 to $10.00 per acre. School and state lauds In Mlnui'sota on 03 years' tnuo 6 per cent Interest. Land Buyers faro free. Information , etc. , given by No. Broadway , Council Blntls , Iowa , agent for Freldriksen & Co. , Chicago. SBS. C. L GILLETTE , HAIR GOODS. J' t LUMliEIl P1LIXO ETC. A. OVERTON & CO. . Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pllta , Anil Hridiru Material SpocIixlties.Wliolo-wlo Lum ber ol all Kinds. Ollico No. 130 Mftlu St. , Council llluirs. Iowa. H'lKES AND LtQVUttS : . JOHN L1NDKR. Wliolosnlo Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. forSU r.ottliarn'A Herb llUtord. No. U MulnSU Council llluits. SCHNKIDKIl & BKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , ; \oGW J/uin > { . . Ciiiine/l / li'.ufi. ' Star Sale Stables and Mule U. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot. CO ta ST ei Horses and mnlt's kept constanlly on hand , for silo : at n-.luil or in car lo.ids.Or- dcra promptly tilled by contract on short ncilico. Stock sold on fionnnission. Snu'TKH & HUI.I-V : , l'roprio rs. Telephone No. 114. formerly of Kcil Sulo Stables , corners ' s t. sive nn'tl 4th street. ThU vratcin Is entirely nowumlls to elniplotlmt wo will fruurimtco to tencli you tu driift Miccnttnfnlly In n few bour * . Youcun Omft all tliu imuarns Hint U nvoilctl fortliu liimlly.as it cult nil nurmci > ts worn liy ImlleK.cntlfm" ! ] imcl rlilMri'n. LuUles mid ( .emlemen , It will cost you nothing until yon linvo learned , tlitnnu will want llic litter. We chnlleiiKn competition. The mom exiiurlunocil ilrciotiiHkcri nnil tailor i ncknutrlolcu llaauiiorlorltr. It IK tlio Invention of lloilaino Wulker , n well known French moilUlo. It elli niplclly nnu uooil iiK ntn jnnko monoT. Wo wiint Hntelms luonts to tnko liolrt ortliolnmlnesa with us. Wullkc to lU'iko money mid nlloir otlu-rs to ilo to iilno. so wn nlTor liberal crins. Kor lurlhor Intiirmutlon cull oriuldros * . MIIS..M All V KASTIUDClC.tilMi. Anoilt , Itoom V > . I'Hi-liln Holme. Council lllulTs , lowo. W. A. WUKK. 1'roprlotor. Horses and Mules For all purposes , oo-ight nnd sold , at retail nmJ in Iota. I.iu-RO quuntlttt'.i to tcloct from goverul palrBof line drivers , single or double. MASON WISE , Council Wall's , SPECIAL NOTICES. BALK fihenp nnd on e.isy terms , agood FOIl nearthn tninfcr. Or , wlmt hnvo you to trndo for It ? Imiulro of Odcll llro's. Af Jo. , No. 103 1'earl street , Council llutirs. N. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ollico over American Kxpross Company. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in the State nnd Federal courts Rooms Tandy Shugurt Ulook , DR. F. P. HUtlPHY , LATE OF ST. LOUIS , Office No. 625 Broadway , Council Bluffs. . m. stofip. m. 7 lob p.m. ; teem fto. o. FINE - FRENCH - MILLINERY , 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha , NEW IMPORTED STYLES OPEN. I.adlea buying H f. % Hat or llonnct , ono faro will bu paid ; ill ) ; ru'uud Uiu. OFFICER & PUSEY- COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Creston House , The only hotel In Council UlulTs Imvlnjr IT'Jre ' Esoa/p © And nil modern improvements. 215 , SIT uud'ID Muln Ft. ilAX MOI1N , Prop. 1 N. Main St. , Council IllnlTs , la. , anil aoi ) S. 16th St.lloom 10 , Onmlia , Neb. Manufacturer's . \gcntfor the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awuiiiffs , Roofliiff Sluto , Man tels , rintu and Window Glass , Sllo v- CaHcs , Elevators ( hand mid hy- dr a uli&c. ] n the oily van boobtulnuil by pntronUluir tlia HomeSteam 6 < 0 Broadway Council HltllTs GEO , Jfr. BCHIXltJSLK , Mono Ijiit ext'ricnccl ] ) ( Iiancls oniloyccl ) , Out of t/jvvn orders by mall or uxpruss so licited , and all work wurranlcd. P. C. MIIXEB , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , LA1T.ST DtSIONS. MANUFACTUKER , OF PAINTS. Houeo , SlKn nnd Decora o I'alnter. 1'Ajiler Mache Wall Orniiiiients. None but host hands oumployednnd dint- iv.n olhan. Lc < ljorH , Journalx , County nnd llaiili Wurli ol'i.ll KlncU aSjicc- laUy Prompt Attentionjo Mail Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Room 1 Evorut Block , Council Hinds , Standard Papers Used. All wtylos of blntl- Ing 111 Maga/.lnus uud BLANK BOOKS. KKPHIIKNCUS : ! . II. Natlonnl Hunk , M. K. Smith & Co. , Jill/ens' Hank , Denro , Wells It Co. , h t National Hank , ( \ II. Iimuranco < ; < > , , liter Al'usoyllankorsC. II. tiuvlnss Hank. B. RICE , M. D. , Or other Tumor * removed without. lno kfc. , | ordrnwliii of bloo I. Over Unity yours practicalcxerlenco. No. U I'earlBt. , Council III u IT * . Reduction in Prices , IN China , Glassware , Etc , , /U / W. S. Homer * . t'o's , No. 33 Alain t Council Iftills ] ,