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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1886)
vl. tfJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JIONDAY. OOTOBEK 11 , 3886. h i , WHAT WE ARE DRISK1NC , A Sample of tto Decoctions Served at Tiral-Olais Bnrs. " REVELATIONS FOR GUZZLERS. Hrniuly , Hum , Oln nnd ItoiirlOii Proin tlio hninc I'niicct ' UxtrnctH front n Scurnt Ulroiilnr of n Buffalo Slini-p. A tratlc clrculnr , i sncJ by Mr , John D Hoiinllmn , of Iun'alo $ , N Y. , lately canio into tlio Cincinnati hnqulror's Imiuls. It is not cxiictlj * ndnplrd for Kcnr-rnl circulation , nnd bulonps to thnt class of lituratnro which tliu lecipunits arc snnimscd to huop nndor lock and kuy not bucattio of any indicate allusion ? to the anatomr of tlio human frmno , but bccunso Mr. lloiinthnn assumes thnt ho is adiht'ssln liijuor-doalurs alone , nnd hcnco inakos no UOIICH of inuntioiilng thn passwords , si ns , p'ips , nnil scorot work gunoiallyof the samiilo-iooni brotlior- hood , llusayfl : " 1 liavis wiittrn a book on the process of malting whisky , brandy , gin , ale , porter , lajjor buor , ami everything per- tiUninp to the business. The iccipus nro Bosimplo that : i boy ton ycarri old oiin mnko in your cellar or back room twenty gallons of boHrbon whisky niflldo of an hour , and you may place it side by side with the genuine , and yon cnn not tell the dlU'crenco fjy look or taste. "My directions for Imitating bourbon whisky , Irish whisky , and I'leneli brandy /'I ate tlio bpsHn o.\lstoneo. You may put my imitations and the genuine side by slue , and the best judge will pionounce them the same. Hcsidcs , they can bo nmdrj to piosent the appearance of being twenty yum8 old. "It is a tact known to a great many liquor dealers that half of the whisky now sold in this country never passed thtough a still , for it is nearly all adulter ated more or loss. ' 'As reference I could mention many of the first class hotel bars of Maryland and Pennsylvania now using my book as a guide ; but , considering the nature of the boolc. 1 will not mention names. " This precious book is not a bad-look ing little volume , and talks out in meet ing on the title page in this style : 'Tho seeiet , urocess of manufacturing whisky , brandy , rum , gin , bitters , wino , ! Ii I champagne , lager , ale , pop , cider , sprucii i : boor , etc. , in the cheapest way , without the use of the still , llow to doctor poor liquors ; how to double your piofits by thinuinir down without discovery ; how to j imitate , etc.1 Among about ono 'iimdrcd ' gives seven for making champagne , ono for making elder without apples , ono for niakinc beer without malt or hops , and ono for making old barrels out of new ones. As old whisky ban els are moro valuable than those that come fioin the cooper's hands , some enterprising citi/on mayliko to go into the business of instantly meta morphosing young and lusty casks into hoary patriarchs. To do this dissolve in three gallons ot water three pounds of sulphuric acid and ono pound of .sulphate of iron. Wash your barrels with this mix ture on the outside , and in a few hours they will be as rusty nnd venerable as though they had lain in a warehouse for forty years. - - Cut Mr. Hounihan. of Iluflalo , by no * < "O * jnonns him a monopoly of Unas branch of , , iiihtruction in the higher walks of the apirit business. Alexander Fries & Brother , Nos. 40.18 nnd 00 .East faccond street , in this city , jsstio a book made up solely of recipes and pi ice lists for manufacturing every thing in tlio liquor line Irom chemicals and a barrel of ptoof spirits. In the fol lowing guarded sentencethcyoxplain the value ot this method of spirit manufac- ttno : "Parties not wishing to keen a large Block of liquor on hand will iuui it to their interest to lay in an assortment of the oils and essences which will enable them to fill largo orders at the shortest notice. " For instance , an order comes ever the wires to tlio wide-awake merchant for for forty gallons of port wino , to bo filuppou by tlio 0.20 p. in. express. Be ing ono of those patties who do not do- Biro to kpop a largo stock pt liquor on hand , the merchant walks into his back room , closes the door , and manufactures the port wino with neatness and dis patch In case ho follows the recipe given by the Messrs. Fries & Brother , Ills formula is us follows : Port Wine For one barrel : 80 gallons cider after the cmmo has fotmonted , 5 gallons spirit , 4 gallons sirup , $ pound powdered gum kino , i pound tartaric acid , 0 to 8 ounces port wine llavor. To Eroduco a bettor quality , add either a jw pUJons German cherry juice or any kind of pure wino. Color for Poit Wino -Ono ounce a/.ulino , four ounces of biigar coloring tote to the barrel. But in case ho desires to make a cheaper wine oven than can bo manu factured from the innocent ingredients above , ho fills his barrel with n mixture made up of Di ) gallons prepaiud eider. Ci gallons natural spirits , 4 pounds relincd sugar , 2 ounces tincture kino , 1 ounce taitario acid , 0 ounces rhatang root , powdered ; a pounds ruibius , 1 quart alcoholic stared .solution. rt Take notice , please , that the first article called for is thirtjthree gallons prepared elder. The prepared older is of his own preparation , and , us the bulk of It is piuo water , it ought not to bo too expensive for use in the manufacture of port wines and champagne by the most economical nrtibt. Tliu formula upon which it is made is " 115 gallons t.oft water , Co pounds brottti sugar , a pounds taitario acid , 1 quart yeast. Stir up well and stand twenty-four Iiouis with tlio bung out. Thou add U gallons neutral spirit and bung tight. Stand forty-eight hours , and o } t js ready for uso. " ' in ease his order chances to bo twelve doion champagne ho is unable to fill it In 4 loss than ton days ; butgwo him that time limit and ho will at its expiration ship the li/z duly wired down , tin-foiled and labeled with French labels , To do so ho llrst places 85 gallons prepared elder , made as noteu above , in a clean caskfol- Jowjng It nltli 4 gallons neutral spirits , 3 ounoi'a tartarlo acid ( crystallised ) , pounds refined sugar , , } pint lemon juice , a pounds raisins , 1 pound honor , i pound roast. They ai o to bo mixed well and al lowed to stand for ton days. If not spark ling hc < adds moro add uuilit Is , and fin ally bottles the mixtuio , adding a piece of whi to sugar the size of a pea to each bottle , and then coiking , wiring and labeling the finished product. L The miines given in thosu and other sue rot booKs ol' tlio s-.imo ilk of which at least a do/ten are Issued throw a Hood of lii'.ht upon thopuz/.lingquestions often asked by these who Know , the catmulty of French vineyards as to how it is pos sible lo fioM French nines und brandies in t , T nnnicii j\t lower rates than these for Which they can possibly bo purchased at homo. Taking the C.IKO of Chateau Ycuem , the entire vintage never exceeds ISO casks , and the price of the now wino is 11,800 a cask , or $10 n c > llon say ? 5 a Lottlo. Yet ono can buy what is labeled Chateau Yguom at almost nny retail li quor house ut from $3 to f3 a bottle. The yield of thn Chateau Talitto is 11)0 ) casks n year and the now wino retails in 1'ans at $4.00 a bottle But there nru adulterated wineS'ftnd ' liquors in the market is a well kupu'ii fact much moro generally known than the other fscl that the cheering po tations are oftencr manufactured out- i ighl from foreign substances than adnl- teritrd. It is not the proxince of this atliclu to establish these points ; it Is merely our intention to toll in as few \\ords as po" < iblc how thn manufactur ing Is carried onei\e the receipts as they are furnished to dealers by the chemists. To make those heart-warming diops of distilled lire known as cordials , the clujtuNt f mulshes the following directions tions- Kummel TakeaUout one fourth pound of cordial e oneo , cut in one half gallon alcohol , 80 gallons spirit , and 4 gallons sutrar sirup. Peppermint Dissolve one-half pound of the c si nee in 1 gallon of alcohol , and n < hl to : > 5 gallons spirits , proof , 4 gallons sugar simp , one half pound of our pep permint coloring. Itrneilletiiic , n ounces e enre cut III one- ClinrtiBuse , hnir Kiillun alcohol , 2 pal- ( 'iitnron , Ions Minn to I baircl anil Maraschino , color. Absinthe Twenty gillons cologne spirit , proof , 1 pound essence out In alco hol , 1 pint sugar sit up. Color is made of 0 pai u solution cureuniu , U pails indigo cat mine , mKcd. Hill , rum , brandies and punches may bo manuf.icturcd severally from the same barrel of proof spirits bj adding to the spirits for apple brandy , four ounces of apple essences to forty gallons lens spirits , lor cognac four ounces cognao essence to forty gallons spirit ; for Holland gin , old Tom , rye , Sclinicdiun schnapps and London dock gin , add four ounces in oacli case ot the essence to forty gallons of thospiiit and ono and one-fourth pints of sugar syrup ; for Ja maica in in use one-half pound of Ja maica rum iisseneo and one-halt pint of sugar coloring to forty gallons of proof spirits , in each of the above cases the mixture is to bo reduced to the desired alcoholic strength by the addition of water in proper proportions. This can bo readily tlono when it is known that the average alcoholic strength of the various liquors is about as follows : Hhino Nine , 11 per cunt. ; sherry 20 per cent , claret , 10 per cent ; port , 21 , Mar sala , 20icliampaigno,14 ; brandy , 51 ; nun , 71 , gin , CO ; whisky , 00 ; cider , C , bitter ale , 0 , la.or beer , 0. As a great many customers jtulco of the fineness and quality of a sample of liquor by the bead which it carries when newly poured into the glass , tlio chemist has nut the gr.iy matter of his brain to work in devising an artificial bead for the manufactured product. What is meant by the "bead" is the appearance presented on the surface of the spirit by a number of pearly , oily-looking drops or beads hanging to the sides of the glass , and it may bo attained by adding only half an ounce of "bead oil" to oacli forty gallons of proof spirits "Tlio beads will be of uniform sue , " says the chem ist's book , "and perfectly natural at any and all temperatures. " Ono ounce of lai&in oil added to ono barrel of bourbon or rye whisky will give the taste of ago to the same , and four ounces of raisin oil in a ban el of bour bon whisky will make a most beautiful brandy equal to tlio imported. IN advance of the sickly season render yourself impregnable , a malarial atmos phere or sudden change of temperature is fraught with danger , use Dr. J. 11. Mc Lean's , Strengthening Coidial and Blood Purifier. TALKS AVlTHTUAVBljtiKUS. Short Interviews Gathered in the Hotel Jtotundns. G. Cunningham , Ctdar llapids , la. : "I sco the prohibitionists are making an effort to get to the front in Nebraska. If the voters of the state would take a trip through Iowa "before they vote oh a pro hibitory amendment , if it is even submitted , the license law will bo emphatically endorsed. In Cedar llapids , ono of tlio liveliest cities in the state before wo got our prohibition law , tliero is but very little being done in the way of building or other improvements. The fanatics have Finally gone so far that you can't buy a cigar in the place on Sun day , oven at the hotels and restaurants. Tliero was an arrest made there last week of a party who sold cigars at a lunch counter to travelers. How would that suit you ? " iE. . Meyers , Yanklon , Dak. "Our people ple are getting interested in the Omaha & Northern scheme. If a railroad is built from Omaha , Yankton wants the terminus of it and will vote a liberal sub sidy to aid iu the construction of the lino. " C/ias. A. Maskrcy , Editor Deadu-ood Courier. "Yes , wo are expecting a railroad to reach Deadwood next year sure. This statement has a ohestnutly llavor up In our country , how- over. I was looking ever iho files of the Pioneer for the fall of 1880 , the other day , and I saw n slug-head article giving our readers absolute assurance that the rail road would bo built into Deadwood the next spring sure. Deadwood is booming now , making greater improvements of amore moro substantial nature than o\cr bo- foic. " Charged With Hoiiflcbroaklne , Ono day hist week llio suite of rooms ever Fuller's saloon , at the corner of Twelfth and Capitol avenue , occupied by Mrs. Somcra , were visited by a sneak thief , who carried pfl'a lot of jewelry and valuables. The thief was seen by noverai parties. Yesterday evening Ollicer Hob- bins arrested a man named Henry Wil- ion and charged him with the crime. AssctN Nominal Ol'Couiso. Monn.K , Ala. , Oct. 10 , The Alabama Gold LIfo Instir.inee company 1ms assigned to President A. P. Busch , and a bill was filed nskliiK chancery jurisdiction. Tne paid-up pnllfle.s amount to 5700,000 , life pollclns to 51,000,000 , nnd contested cinluis to fOJ.OOJ. nominal. In Favor of Tracy. PKOIHA , 111. , Oct. 10. After a v cek's thor- ouish Investigation by the grand jury of II. P. Trnc\'s enso. who Is held for crooked work In his l.lmuooil failure six months ni ; < > , the veto \vab eighteen to luo for Ignoring tl'o CUbU. Mother and Daughter Crnmated. ' CINCINNATI , Oct. 10. This moinlng tlio residence of Auuust Becker burned. In boarchliiR among the ruins the bodies of Mai- gnrpt Link , aped sixty , and her daughter , ngcu thirteen , were found , If Ho Only Had Two Arms. LIITM : Itocit , Ark. , Oct. 10. Ills repotted by the Southern Kxpresscomimny tlmt II. V. Milton , a telcKraph opeintor , has stolen SJ.OOU. Milton is sitld to have but one arm. Hurllncton Home Cullfbrnlu Kicur- lon , $00 Ibr Hound Trip. On THURSDAY , Ooronnu SBrn , a first- class excursion will leave Omaha at 8:10 : a. in. for SAN FHANOISCO and Los ANOE- via the Denver and Kio Grande 11. H. Tin : GIIAT : : i > ci.MO : LINE. Tickets lim ited to six months. Uood thirty days go ing and thirty days reluming , allowing stop-over each way at any point within limit. For further particulars apply to any agent of the li. 6 : M. li. It. , or to P , S. Kuans. Gen. Pass , and Ticket Agt. , Omaha , Neb. 15 o Buro JJororo You Iluy To invo-stipato the merits of Plainyiew. T ho Cable is building on 2pth street , and heading toward the fair grounds. Plain- view lies between 20th nnd Saunders and wo have lots in this addition which are certain to advance in price next spring when the Cable line it ready for business. J. 1J. EVANS & Co. Fo bargains in UeiUUstato always go to CrK. Maj no. SUNDAY JlASK UAfjU Close of the Sonnon lu the American Association. CivnsvATi. Oct. 10. T\\o thousand the hundred people saw the Cincinnati and Hallhnoro clo e the clmmplonshlp season to day. JJy mutual consent the came ns ctlled at the end of the sc\cnth Inning. Scoio : rinemiiRtl . 3 00343 1 12 Baltimore . o o 1 1 0 0 'J hits-Cincinnati 12. Haltlmoio 0. Kr- rors Cincinnati S. Umplie York. Hrnoklj n Worsted. ST. Lon . Oct. 10. The St. Louis ami HrooMjn clubs closed the season to-day. Score : Ht. Louis . 0 8 llrookhn . 'J oaoooooo 5 I.i ! olilt8 St. Louis 11 , Uionklyii 0. Kr- rnrs-St , Louis I , Brooklyn U. Umiitic Mc- CJuade. Doreitt of l-oiilsvlllo. LOUISVII.I.K , Oct. 4. The homo team closed the M'.iFon heio to-day amias de feated by the Athletics lit an interesting iinmc. Hcoro : Louisville . 0 0000012 3 Athletics . ! t 0033000 8 I'ltchots lluckct and Miller. Umpire Kelley , Tuny AM ; o TO oiiimuii. JIow Powdcrly Spout Sunday Mon- Uny Kcntlvltlcs. IticmioM ) , Oct. 10. A majority of the Knlehts of Labor hero attended the morning services to-day In some one ol the numerous chureliesand this afternoon dio\eor strolled nboiit the cltj. Po\sderly \ wentto hluh mass at St. Patrick's chinch this menilng , but this atto'noon ho was kept busy attending to numerous matteis connected with the \\ork of the convention , and In consultation with the membcis of the executive board. The mattois occupying his time , however , nrc hi such n shape no Information lu reference to thorn can at present be Riven the public. To-moirow will bo devoted wholly to the pal ado , banquet , ball and othiu entertainments provided tor the Usllhii : del egates by the Klchinoiid knights. Mayor lariliigtnn has issued a proclamation that tlio city ho closed to-moirow to allow pnuiloves to attend anil has requested , on be half ot the local committee of Knights , that merchants amlomployui : ) give their emnlojos a holiday. - - Supposed to he the Auchorl.a. BOSTON , Oct. 10. The captain of the baric Antuoip , who was landed here by the steamer Bulgarian , reports that on the night of the 24th the man at the wheel matlo out allghl aheait. Ho called to the/ second mate. On coming closer , they macio it out to be a steamoi. evidently under sal ) . She was making very little progress and they at Hist supposed her to boho\o to. They ran within about a mile of her , but although the crew of. the steamer could not bat have seen them , they matlo no sign of distress. ' 1 hey were on the northern passage and sup posed the .steamer was one of tfio Anehor line boats. It Is now believed hcio that the vessel was the overdue steamer Anchoilo. Klcctlon niots lu Sotla. SoriA , Oct. 10. The election disturbers are Macedonians , and are consequently not en titled to vote. The Russian consulate sui > - plied the rioters with money and spirits and they renewed the conflict. The ciowd tlneat- enod to attack the consulate , whereupon the consul's servants opened file upon the mob. It is repoitect that ciKht pei. oiis were wounded. A lady was observed at a window , ostentatiously dressing wounds. Some bullets entered the neighboring Clcr- man consulate. The eonsul made complaint , and troops now occupy the stieet tn prevent ail ) one from passing through it. ThoKar- aveloit party are trjlng to oust the govern ment who , hiiwover , asseit tint they have a larco majority. Schooner Seized by Russia. SAN KnAscisco , Oct. 10. The steamer Alexander 11.'whlch has just-arrived , brings news of the sebnro nnd confiscation of the American schooner Henrietta and her cargo by the Itnssian utcam cruiser Garrotte. Par ticulars of the seizure nro meagre , but nro to the eflect that the Kusslan commander claimed the llcmietta had , contrary to Hus- slan laws , been trading In liusslun poits. The commander furthei claims that these facts can bo substantiated by the Hcmietta't , log. The cargo Is valued at S15COX The lleniiuttu was placed In charge of n prize crew and sent to Pepnpaulorskl. Killed a Handsome Girl. SOUTH Bn.s-D , Ind. , Oct. 10. John Hemp- onstall , a dissolute farmhand lately dis charged from the employ of Mrs. O'Neil , 10- turncd to the farm to-day for his clothes. While ho was in the i > ouso Ida O'Ncil , a handsome clrl aged seventeen , cnmo homo from church. As she entered the house llcmpeustnll drew a rovoh or and fued three shots , each one of which took effect. The girl will die. Hemnonstall escaped and is now ut large. The supposed motive for the act is that Miss ld.i rotused to accent Ids at tentions. _ Aid for the Aimrchlnts. CIIICAOO , Oct. 10. At to-day's regular Sunday meeting of the Central Labor union , the sentence of the anarchists was the chief topic of discussion and various methods 01 raising funds with which to carry the case up to the supreme court were considered. An aeltatlon commltttco was finally appointed and Instructed to go to work at once and raise all the money possible. Thousands of copies ot the speeches of the doomed men were ordered printed , and will bo scattcied throughout the country. Ono Killed and Ton Wounded. CHICAGO , Oct. 10. Meagre particulars have been received from South Chicago of an accidiuit which occuned there this afteinnon. Thotoof of the repair shops of the Noith Chicago rolling mills Is lepoited to have fallen In , buiying under it a number of laborers , ono of whom was imaoved dead and others moio or less Injtued. Attempting to HPNOIIO Hohhcrs. OAIIIO , III. , Oct. 10 , While balng taken to Chester penltcntiniy last night , tlio train lobbcis , Jeff and Miller , were very nearly rescued by n of their friends , who boarded the train at Coulter Station. Deputy Jailer I'lt/ger.thl ' , however , put the gaus to rout after cnpturlug ono of them. In the melee Miller was shot In tlui arm. News From the Anchor-In , ST. JOHNS , N. B. , Oct. 10. The Anchorla's life boat , which aril ved hero this ntteinoon , was under command of her first o filed s. The Anchorla's main shaft Is broken , nnd she lies under canvas about seventy miles off Cape Spoar. bearing cast houiheast. Tlio pas sengers and ciow were nil well. Victims of the Kxploslon. OAPB GIIIAKDEAU , Mo. , Oot , 10. The body of Judge Hager was caught yesterday about two tulles below the point where the La Mascotte exploded. Tills Is tbo iTrst ono of the drowned persons that 1ms boon found except the four bi ought down on the Kaglo. The mi ( ferine victims are all doing well ex cept Carpenter IJavldsou. Two IJIjr Vires. LINCOLN , III. , Oct. , 10. Two fires occurred hero to-day. The first blaze was nt 0 a. m. and dcstrojcd tbo Michigan Cential car , Logan. The mills owned by Maloney , Spellman & Co. , with a largo quantity of grain worn found on tiio at 0:10 : o clock. Loss § 10,000 ; insured for s-5,000. Had For the ripo-IIlttors. BAN FKANCISCO , Oct. 10 , It Is learned to-night that the custom house authorities seUod a large quantity of opium which was consigned in the disguise of tea to Chlng , Yek & Co. This ctune over on the Bulglo last Thursday. The value of the opium soked Is S20.0UQ. _ A Itt-Ycnr-Old Fiend. PANAMA , Oct. 10. A hotrlblo tragedy has occurred at Chlnetionqutra , in tbo state of Cundluamorea , whore a cbild 13 jeans of nge tnurdeied tlneo children by stabbing them with a rusty table knife and subsequently t > eatlmr their brains Qut-wltli stones. THE STACK COACH ROBBERS , Drivers Hauled tfjj for Plundering Their Own Ooaclies. THE STORIES. OrDETECTIVES. . Who \Voro | Wrongly Acousotl A Tcloarnjih Op l-ator's IMI | > ht Spec lioldqr's tiaet illtle. "It is the hardest thins In llio world , " snld a dcti'cllvo from Cnllfornin , "to provo n 111:111 : entity of robbtnjr hlmsolf , provided ho didn't do It. " You can sometimes fasten other crimes on : i man , whether ho la guilty or not , but in thu case of a. robbery of tills character it Is different. I had a job once on the coaU that nearly broke mo up In business , nnd nil because 1 was BO ilend sure of my man. Tim Shasta stage was lobbed ono iluy of about ? 3oOO. , Old Sam Wilson was driving. He had a long story to tell , and bo told It well , but as ho had been hold up twice boforn , and ns 1 was more suspicions in these days than I am now , I made up my mind that he did the job himself. Ho was alone on the trip , and had been alone on ono other occasion when ho was robbed. Ac cording to hip sloiy ho was halted oti the highway by a couple of fehots which passed through the stage , and Im mediately thereafter was pounced upon by three masked men , ono of vvhom olubbcd him with the butt of a rllle. When they had secured their plunder they made him mount and drive away , holding their rillu.s on him until ho was out of sltflit. To con oborate his story ho could show the holes In the coach whore the bullets went through , and 1 must say ihat ho had a welt on the lioad which ho would have had some trouble in inllict- iug himself. Utit in spite of these facts I made up my mind tlmt there was little use of looking beyond him lor the robber. There was something in his demeanor which caused mo to Mispoct him , and I readily accounted for the holes in the coach on the theory that he probably blood oil at a distance and fired throuca it himself , and as for the bruise on his head , he might iiavo got that in a fall. lu fact , it might have been the very thing vv hi ohput the idea of the robbery into his.hoad. . . v "Old Sam was laid off , and I kept track of him. At the end of a week he went to San Francisco , nnd I followed him. Once there J kept him well shadowed. After a few days I noticed him going into a bank , and whrn ho left I entered to make inmiincs as to his business. Com municating my suspicions to the cashier. I was informed that tlio old follow had opened an account there and had to his credit ? -l,70p. Tlj'w was enough for mo. The excess in the rvinoijnt over that taken at the last robbery probably represented the proceeds of hiA r > ro\ious thofts. 1 got out a warrant foe diiiUi and soon had him under lock and ky. ( U his preliminary examination he deplaned that ho had just inherited this nfonoy , from a brother. They always have v seine yarn of that But the worst of' it is in this case ho proved It on me. ' Ho showed conclu sively how tliomoney came into his hands , and thcroVaSr nothing for the court to do but tojilU'cimrgo him , About a year after that wo got niniin for another robbery , whivon dnlfviotion , confessed that ho wa" & ' ono oQlirno wjio had held ill ) old Wilson. Since that flay I have never been very sure oftmything I didn't know. " "That was a queer case of Jeff LcTor's ( on the Union 1'acific a few years ago , " put in an operator. "Ho was the opera tor at Honloton. The Cheyenne ; Indians wore cavoinng around at that time , and the country was tertibly excited. 1'irst a band of savages would go by. Then would como a squadron of cavalry , and then there would bo a big pack of stam peded sottleis. Tliero was seine fear as to the trains , and Joft'had been on duty day and night for a week , the railroad men bringing him his meals , and lie catching such sloop as ho could in his chair or on his table. He had a safe in his ollico , and ono night , besides the money belonging to the company , ho had about $2,000 of government funds there for safe keeping. The next morning ho was found gagged and tied in his chair , the safe wide open , and the money all pone. According to his story , four men came In homo time after midnight and asked what time the train went west. I5eing told that it passed at 2 87 , and that it did not slop unless signalled , they withdrew for a minute and then returned. Looking up to the window , Jeff saw two revolvers aimed at him nnd a second later his door was broken in and the two other men proceeded lo bind nnd gag him. Finding himself at their mercy , and being threatened with death , ho gave up the keys to the safe and saw no more of thorn. Many opin ions were oxprc ed on the point of JnlPa ability to bind and gag himself as ho had been lixed. 801110 held that lie could have done it , while others insisted that it was impossible. The detectives came in nnd made a close examination of the premises. There was no cluo. Jen" could not describe the men. nnd no ono had suim any suspicious ohaiactcrd around. At loiiKih a thorough search of the depot was made and In the corner of the thin foundation was found tlio greater part of the monov that had boon stolen. Jon' was arrested. Two weeks later a man found in a pile of wood a bag coMUuniiiir tlio missing specie , it looked as though Jofl'was in for it , but a friend of his , who did not believe him guilty , kept mm : on the lookout at the depot uyoi y night for a month , under the impression that the real thieves would presently return for Ihoir booty. In this snviniso lie was correct. Ono dark and rainy night three men rode their horses a littlpwu'ys ' from the dunot , and bognn prospoqting. After a little ono of them stole up to the depot and crawled under it. That was enough for Jeff's frionds. Tlien gave a wh oop thieves took to their hucls they woutjuftor them , shooting asTTio'y galloped. It was tlio liveliest s > ccno .vur > witnessed there , but the night wad Uarlt nnd tlio pursuit was soon abandoned ! 'jjTho next morning they found the dead body of 0110 of the robbers about half a milo from the depot. Ho had boon shot till ough and through by his pursuers. NTo ono know him , but of his character there could bo no doubt. On the strength dfXliw mtito witness nnd the story which thq men who killed him had to tell , Jefllprlf released , his case never coming to The thieves were believed to bo members of the llluok Hills Jack band , but no explanation of their singular course hi leaving their plunder where tlioy did could over bo given. " Ono of the stage drivers , a grizzled veteran of fifty or thereabouts , said it was always an easy matter to lay the blame of a robbery on the driver. "Present company always excepted , " he said , "I have a migbty poor opinion of detootivos as n class. They generally jump at some conclusion which is at variance with the popular idon.aiid then , instead of their proving the man guilty , the man they pounce upon must prove hlmsolf innocent. The number of stage drivers in the west who have over con nived at the robbery of their coaches , to say nothing of doing tlio job themselves , could bo counted on the lingers of ono of your hands. There was Speck Holder , who used to drive from Reno to Virginia- City. Ho had boon hold up two or three times , and a the detectives couldn't get any satisfaction out of anybody elsp.thoj began to hint that ho was in the Job him- fliMf. The company wouldn't have thH , however , and when I he people hoard ol the suspicion they began to talk about thinning out the deteclUo fraloiulty Speck was a great favorite and in moro than ono light ho had shown that there was good stufT In him. Some of tlu > de tectives still clung to their theory , ni.d by pioilueing confidentially avit amount of what they called circumstantial evi dence of Speck's guilt , they at length pievailed on the owner of the line to give his consent to the arrest of the driver tlio next time heas robbed. You see tho\ took Ids stories and picked them to pieces liy twistuig things a liltlo It was com par.\ti\ely easy for thorn to make Speck out a liar. One evening word eame into Virginia City that the stage had boun lobbed again about li\o mtlus out. The detectives were ovorioyed , for it VVJH Speck's coach. Now they were sine they had him. Obtaining permission to make his arrest there on the spot , they waited for his arrival. Some ol the boys around town got wimi of the gauui , and when the stage droyo up at about It o'clock there was quite a crowd to welcome It. There was n stranger on the seat , and after tlio passengers Rot oil'they lifted a dead body out of the coach. It was Speck's. Ho had been shot by the highwaymen in the volley which brought the stage to a stand , and the clothing of the man who had driven the team in was stained with Speck's blood , which covered the box. Well , now , maybe you don't ' think there was : i scattoiing of detootivns that night. You couldn't sco them for tlio dust that they made , and when the boys saw that they had lost them they paraded tlio town swearing Unit tlujlirsl ono who returned would bo lynched on siirhl. That inci- dunt has always made mo rather suspic ious of detectives. Stage drivers are not robbing themselves very often , 1 can tell you. " \ \ hat powder will I use this warm weather ? Why , 1'o/foni's Complexion Powder lasts longer than any other , and. is not sticky. THE TRUTH ABOUT BLAINE'S BOOK. The Number of Copies Sold and I ho 1'rolltw the Author Will OlHuln. Boston Correspondence New York Mail and Express : Talking with a lead ing publisher who knows the ins and outs of the trade , ho said to-day : "Some highly-colored and wholly unreliable statements have been circulated as to tlio number issued of Mr. lUaino's great po litical book and his profits from it. At the outset 73,000 copies of the vol ume wore printed , to which 25,000 , Have been added since , and the larger part of of the entire 100,000 copies have now been disposed of. Of tlio second volume only 7.,000 have been printed , and no more of those will be sold , at least for the present. Why is thuio this diller- once iu the sale of the two volumes of the workv It is no reflection on the charac ter 01 importance of tlio book , or on the popularity of the distinguished author. It is a simple matter of fact , well known to the trade , that for various reasons the sale of the second volume of a subscrip tion book never equals that of the first volume. Why not ? liccunsc people die , move nway , lose all their money or enough of it to make them teol poor , some of thorn are thrown put of work nnd cannot pay , or are dissatisfied with the first book , and so rcfuso to take the second volume as agreed. Every one in the business knows this and makes cal culations accordingly. Aliy , even in Augusta , I am told , copies of the .second volume have been refused. By the terms of Mr. Hlaino with his publishers , ho is quarter of a million that newspaper re port has placed it at , but a tidy little sum that any author , no matter how popular or successful , might be promt of. Jt will pay for his elegant now cottage at IJar Harbor nnd leave a handsome surplus beside 15ut I have reason to believe that his publisher would have paid him § 1 , or oven § 1.25 a volume if Mr. Hlaino had hold out for it. If lie had understood publish ers as well as ho does politicians he \y-ould have been from fifty to seventy- live thousand dollars the richer for it to-day. Aside from that , thorn is stiil money ahead for him on the book. It is a standard work that every well-equipped library must possess. That will give it n steady if not largo sale for years to como. Thou if Mr. Ulamo should bo nominated in 1880 , that would give the book another big boom , only second to its first enor mous send-on" . Hood's Sarsapar/7/a Combines , la a manner peculiar to Itself , the best blooil-jiurliylng and strengthening reme dies of tlio vcKctablo Kingdom. You will find tills wonderful remedy effective \\liciootlicr medicines have failed. Try it now. It will purify jour blood , icgulato tlio digestion , and giro new life and vigor to the cntlro body. "Hood's SarsaparllU did mo good. I was tiled out from overwork , nnd It toned mo up. " Mus. ( ! . 15. SIMMONS , Coliocs , N. Y. "I suffered three years from Wood poison , I took Hood's SaisapnrilU nnd think I am cured , " Hits. JI. J. DAVIS , llrochport , N. Y. Jurlflcs t7ic Jilood * Hood's Sirsaparllla Is cliaractcilrf-d by three peculiarities : lit , the combination ot romcdfjl agents ; d , the proportion ; 3d , the process of securing the nctho medicinal qualities. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures Jiltlicrto unknown , bend for book containing additional evldrnco. "Hood's Sirsaparllla tones up my sjstem. rmrlllcs my Mood , sharpens tiivniipetlie , aim H'ems to niiko mo o\ci. " .1 , r. TiioMrsox , ItegUter ol Deeds , Lonull , JIusj. "Hood's Barsapirllla beats all otliorn , and iswnrlh Its weight In i' < > 'd. ' " I JIAltm.NGToN , UO lUult Street , New Yoil ; City. Hood's Sarsapariila Bold liy all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Mudo only by 0.1. HOOD & CO. , Ixnvoll , Jinss. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. FIRST MTIOHAL BANK U , B. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , Nebraska. Capital $500,000 , Surplus. , , , 100,000 Herman Kouutzo , President , John A. Crotghton , Vlco President. F.1L Davis , Oaslilai. W. LL Mosaulor , Aju't Onhlet FRANK D. Carpenter and Builder , FINE CAHINET WO K ASPEClAl/iT. Telephone GOO. 9OO goullrxfecnllr Street. JOHN SIMMONS FLORIST , Al ilnda ol bedding jilunU for aola oarn.v HOUSE ON STATE ST , 3 blocks North of L. U. Williams' residence. C17 Nf. < : iinrIo NI. , KM.onlH.Mo. Arfiru1trcr dii&Uf > r two U dletlCl1ti i , titi taen ton ? * * CDCKgnJ lu ttteirtclal treatment of CHIU IC , Ntivoii , NKIM Mm utoob DiMikki tbnn nor other rhvitelitnlQSl. Louli Mfllj iiperstbow anlcllold reildtnliVbow Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions of Throat. Skin or Donos , Blood Poisoning , bid Sores and Ulcers , r trutrd with .urir.n.j.4 incfcitmMo.lJtl-iitlOoprlnclnU. s t | r I'rlT.tfl/ . Oljeasis Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , * kith plo4ne tone or tbt lolloMlnj cfaeut iicnomncii , d Mliir , dltnnou or ilfbt ml Jcrtcllicratmjrr , rloirlf i < " > 1L her , ibrilMldwar , kvernioDtnih toeUi/of rctnule' , ecnruilon of Idtta , et . , rendering Marrlago Improper or unltappv. MB MrmiDcnllj urtd. r i-iphIn(3Upiici ( ) rn tbnttoro , lent Intriiledcnrflop rrcoto nny nddrcM ConinltMIonfttof * Bttor I/ mill rrei. Inrltc I mil H-lcllJ ceoflJenUil. A Positive Written Guarantee gircn in eterrn. ratle > ui. JItdielue ieutrtnheioby mill etciprcsl. MARRIAGE GUIDE , aoq PAQE3 , PINE P&ATC8 , elecut c.ath an * ellt blcdlnc.aeilflfflrSCc. In poMerecrcurrenej Ow fifty wonderful r u pictures , true to lire ; crtlrlvaei tbe foltonlcf cubjeetm who mo. jr tcfirrTt"honot ( why , nnwhooJ , we run. Iioo4 ib/ittl deciir , fctt 4tiorc lltftCjnJcxe titthc phr * . toloitr orrrniodaaifdQ.aQd tn ny moro , Tboie mirrlod cr conlcinplktlQC nurrUf * tbsuM read It , J'iirti r edition unit , piper coTfr. 25a. A Jr * * e pv. Wtlttler 21,829,850 TansilPs Punch Cigars wnro Bblpnod during tun past tno lo.kra , u illout a ilium- imr Incur employ. Nootrior house In the \ \ orld con triitU- ( ull > mnliifiiicb n. sliowiuR. Ono nccut ( denier only ) wanted In otcb town. SOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS. J"4iltl RAVTAIMSILL&CO. > 55StaleS .Chica3a _ 1 111 : lilitl LliMh.N'h i Ulh.MI. lOrxirt linplin ! > > nlsUlii > ach1)ittlp Sure ; nre in Jto4duy Aj.ltoiirliniftitht fur It si > nt to liny luldroM fcir(5J.5l > . MALYDOH K'F'8. CO. , SprtDEflold , 0. Messrs. Ktilm & Co. , Agc-nts. A Bo k thnt cvcrr fttlicr vhould nlnco In htn Fon'fl hfLnils and leaablntHilf MlUi the utmost cftro. Ghrfl all tliu tiymptoms ai.d tcrrlblo ri'fnils of DIM unia duo to l.urly Altu und Isnur- on 10. l ' 'S . . " " ClvtalB. ) and Itrnd of Fam- Franco ) t om eminent l > jiidou Uotton FRENCH HOSPITAL TREATMENT For DmlnH , Prcay , Weakito n , T-oet VKnllty , Etc. Roil onh ponlr * I Prco < Vti ulta1lon. From 9 A M.tofti M. UIVIAJX AOJ.N < Jjl. 174 rulton ttNew lurk. WOODBRIDGE State Agents KOll 'J'HJB ER Bif & PIANOS. Omaha , Neb. PEOPLE And other * suffering from nervoan debility t < ilian tln3 ' --i dlbuaios , pnm4.ur , . . . . of iounK ur old nro oil lively urcd by Dr , ' " ' loxne'f fn - * " Mnipictto licit * TttoumndJ Hiata In the union hue bftii aureu. J. ! , . WILKIE , Mnnufucturor of 100 S. 14th st. Om.iha , Nob. Orders by mail solicited and will re ceive prompt attention. OMAHA SAYINGS BAM COHKCnUtll ASDDOt/OMS SlIlEBTl Capital Btoclc $150,000 Liability of Stockholders . . . 300,000 'JTic only i fffiiliir siirlntri bnnk In tlio stnto. 1'lvo I'd ' Lent intuiost paid on dopoalls. LOANS MADEN REAL ESTATE. OIKCEIIS : OuyO. riarton , PiegMonti .1. 3 , Drown , Vlco i'lCultlfiit ; M . Ilunnett , Mtinii liiff 1)1- roelor ; .John K. VVIlhur C'uahlar. THE BAM OF COMMERCE JfiJO Forth Kith Street , Parti in Capital , . . . . $100,000 QUO. K. riAUKKIt , Prealdqnt. IlOlli' . L. OAlthlCJIH , Vlc'o-I'rosldcnt. I'.P JOHNSON.Ciishlcr. DtltUCTOHS : S4tJUrl.IL.IOII.NtOV , G 0. I ! . I1.U1KKH , OUT. L. OAKLIOII" , VVH. SKIVCII3 , IMI. Jniivnnv. A ( inncriil Imnkln hiielnoss transuctod. JutorfBt nllowoil on time iloposlts , Probate Notice. IN the matter of tlio estate of Nutinotto llaunu'r , doceiiKcil. Kotluilu hi'robi Klvon , tlmt tlio orodltora of eulil dccimscd will mtot the ndmlnlatiiitoi of suld ustHto liofinoinu , loiinty Jiiilpoot Douglas county , .Nclnusl.u , ut the LOUII ! ) umit loom , In siilOomit ) ,011 the 1st d ly ol iOLOinl > or , 18 , 1 , < m tl.o 1st day ol' 1'ubiuury , 11 , mid on Iho 1st dny of Apill , 1 " 7 , ut JO o'Uock u m. i-ach day Jorthoinniioaoof j > roM > ntlnif tholr t-lainia lor oMunliiiitlon , U'lJnstmoiU nnd nllontinin Six inontha um alloMod lor cndlt H to lursonc iholi tl lms , and onoj cur for tlio ndinlnlaliittor tosottlaculd nstuln. from the 1st ilii ) ol Ortolior , ISM ) , tlili , notice wld bo publlsh ( l In tlio ( Jinulin Dull ) ' lloo oneu ouch utok for foiu ncokasno- cessh tly , jiuor to the 1st duy of Di'Lbinbor. ISe6 J , li. Mcrui.Louii , County Judge. - DBEXEL & MAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , UJN VJEXf.TA K.JDJ18 AM > n.iasj A limits. At the old stand 1407 Farnarn st. Orrlers by telegraph so.icitod and promptly- - tended to. Tuluphone No , 2J5. Special Ordinance No. ODD. lovjinfriKpeeinl tax nndn p . ANOrdlnanoe incut on nil lot * und iciil o < tntovllldn I'nv- Infr DMrli't No IV ) . In tlif city of Oinnhn , to foxi't Ilic cii t ofiwMnir Sixteenth ticrl fi-om OldoMii-et lonili > ) sciitli of NUIioliU treet. \viit ui.s : II lmiiiff been , nnd Iiotntf horoliy ndjudjji'il. ili In mined nnd e tiibll hed that tlio fiernl lot mul plrre nt i-cnl e'tnto hprclnnftor n f ( rii'il to lm\o wuh lnu-n Fpocwlly benellttc-il to tin full iinuutnt hi loin lin led nnd noMi'ioil nirnliKt onoli of onld lots und nleoo of leidoKtiilo n piitl\ih , bj itMiMin ( it tlid piulnffof tliut pnrt of SlMi-cnlli tn > ct fmin Ulilo stn-ot to nlli'ouih or Nliholn * Mreot. Tin nrioiit , for lln > pnri' " * ! ' of pivhiR thor r t nl siiiil puxliur inih irpit fi-oiiHihloslreot 10 nliot ' > inli or Mi hon ! nn rt : Ho ti Oi.bilncHl by tlio oltj council of tlio clt ) of ( iinulin Si-etiniil. Tlml HIP eo l of pnrlncr Hint part ol - Jtoonth < tn < rl ulthln I'mliK. hldildNo. I i. iu the tltv of Oinnhn , Iroin I'lilo ' ytrii't to 11 IU ) funitli or Nlcliiihig ilieel.NiliK'ost In-ini ; thn * nm nl Jin. TC I" . Innnd Ihrrnuiin I * hi-trby % l nnil n < i si > il , In piniiotlliin to the loot nli iiu sniilin\ln | rnndnM nidliiK t pn'lnl I'ono- tlli l > ) iou on ol N ld pin hiKiiiin | the following ( lr < ill'o.l lot iuui lonl i vialo , in flnin b ) llio ui nornlh ni'oifiil/ol tiinp dl tliocltv nT Oniiiliii , IM lltlniiuilioil [ | nnil pnblNlied li ) ( lee 1' . Ill ml * Mild ro t liolin ; so loIi il on falil lots unj rnnl i tnti' , loiprotl * Plj , n fulloM < , to \ \ It . Omaha IU1I It ) Co. , It fl blk 1TU' ' { , elty f .n at It TMklTU'f ' , tlty . a * Ji " It SMUI7"frlly ! 2.H ,11 2.ts 31 Morln A Shlk ISO'i.iiity ' . . . . 2.W .11 Kat. of I. MuUvrmntt , It ! l blk IKl'f.cll ' ) CTS II ll4l.lMMHi'lty 2IM , U " Itr. hlk IN ) ' , , oil ) 2.18 III Win. A. Hr-dlck , n ' 4 It 1 lilk limelt ) 2. ' " ) 23 Pnm'l Uottiut , * ! 'i of It I , lillt lWjolt > 2M ) 1 " \r ; a A H ot o 34 otit 2 I > IK ins'4 ' , oily . . . lfn , 24 Win. A.ltodlfk. n > i < > 31 It 2 blk IMH.cfty 3 3 fit on n , It ! lblUHri'4.oltj 2U 48 VVin.Mnlliiill li Win U 4 bill 504 00 OnmlmJUiU HJrh > ! , vTnJ ftof It'l/llui- / 34 07 O. Holt II ) Co. , w ! ft 112 , Hot hitch's Ibt IK1 07 " il , " 3.21 07 4 " : et 117 " ft " 3117 " o ! " 40,1 23 7 " " " n24 117 " 0 , . c.0 01 " 10 : w ( it 1 11 , " aw ot ii ) > " ; uo 01 1 ill " : t toot n , " ; o ni 1 ir. , " iSiO 01 " in , : in 01 1 17 ; uo 01 ' 18 , " mo or tin or IVtorStitlicn , 'M , KM Ot I'aul NolFim , si , idl ( U 247 fi3 c. ii. Ottimiii. D n ; n M ii si , " 121 TO VV .1. Wlillchonxc , o MJ H > i It 2J , " 12,1 7ll ClnniKocdiM , o I i. 1124 , " 3.W or ( Ico. i : llmkiMMilIUIt : ! . > . " aw ot 11 mien r. I' , o 112 It 2rt , " : io : 01 . ' 'UniliTincKi'j.o I.IJ n 'f H 27 , " llM 0) ) Win. .1. Ilnyr < u 1J2 i ' 4 27 , " Ik' ) IU \V in. O. Iliu tlioloniow , o IW II 2V : tw 01 " " 211 , " ; uo in John A. Hoi bach , o 132 It ! ! 0 , " aw ot ! M < ! 01 MO 01 ; n , : iiooi : cn in ; ji. " : 17 " " ; i- , " : f.4 07 j. n. Knotty , " : w , " : t24 07 Clms. Thompsonol J HI blltC , I.nko'sndd 2SV 22 Kliinin I'l loc , o l.n : It 2 blk 0. " 2s5 'J Liiclndn Conuul , o IIJ2 lti ; blk I ) , " 2s& 22 iii/al(3ti : ( ) i.l'oi : > lilitoiio ! 1 Git 4 blkfl , " 2A < 22 " ol till r , blk li , " SWi'-a JIaryMorjrixn , It 1 blk | l > mldock I'luco 24H " It 2 bin " 1 , 24 A. S. Paddock. ItHhllc I , " 21U " It 1 blU 2 , 70 " It 2 blk2 " 270 " H a blk 2 , " 270 14 114 blk 2. " 270 " It & blk 3 , " 270 " ill ! blk 2 , " 2IS ) nilcn 1 blk ; i. " 270 Juromliih A. Wbnlov. 112 tilk 3 , " 1.7(1 ( A. S fiuldook. It .1 blK .1 , " 270 " iHblk.J , " 270 " Itf. blkil. " 270 ThomnsT. Tntllo , It ( iblk.l , " SIS W.Ilminior , ol.U n7081 lilk l.K.V.Smlth'B 400 M Snnndois.u ir's2V : ) 10 lilk I , " 141(1 ( Tlux. II. 1'ilco , o I.iIt 1 blk 1.1 , " : B7 Thos II. Dnlloi , o ru It 2 blk lu , " 3W o i r ; it a nik n " a7i Ciiiinliiirlnini , "v. Itionniin , u 1 ! It 1 blk 15 , I ! . V Sinilh'-iiuld . . . 357 H. Ilnuos.oU : It n blk 16,1 ! V.Smith's ud 1137 1'ftj bon 0 Stone , o 1Itr ! , blk 15 , " : iS7 " d I tilt 7 lilk-15 " ari7 Totcr Mof < , o 11 } It 8 blk 1" . " 357 Omaha 1'-tiUo \ Tinst Co. , ft 1 , Wn-.lilnjtton Biiuiuo' 21078 0. 11. II.T. . Co .Itl'.WueliliiHton Square 210 78 " It ! l " Sll " " 12ft 114 " 37 " w U ft It 23 , " ! I7 " It 21) ) " 2111 " It HO " 2111 " " 211 ! Mnry Hn/nrd , w 1K ! tux It 8 , sec. 10-15-13 W H. 11. Klllson , " 9 , 2'iO ' HdwInSliuiood , " 11. " 1811 HnndnlJ A.llrown , " 1. , ' 8'Ji .IIIIHI s.l.Ilrovvn , " U , " 030 AinclJiiJ. Hull , " 14 , " 714 KsU Win. Hill , o 1 ! 2 tai It 10 , " ! > ai L. II. Hull , " 17 , " f InUnK. Dtidlav , " 18 , " 'H A. J. l'oilotoil | | , " 111 , " 1714 .1. M.Coiinsmnn , " 20 , " W ) Geo.Pmltli , " 21 , " 14r'j , J. AH Cotter , " 22tf , " 657 W.BiiuniCT , " 2- , " . II O f It fi'M ,13 8. A Pnddock , w 132 tfty ItV , soo. 15-15-13 7fO 78 John D.L'iDiulitdii , 10 , 50D 42 In\ld T. Mount , 11. SUl ! 42 . . . 12 , " 73 Adoll.iA. . Whilnoy , " 13 , " KB 4I JIcOliuo A. IConiitvo. " 14 , " lati 84 A S Paddock , " 15 , " 88 fininiiol fJ. lainoti.BHon2ttirltl8 , " 17H 74 Jns. O Slntter , olB rax U 1'J , " 117 SiipnnKlcli , oii. : tnxH20 , " 178 74 iBiiftoTonipotl , olilS tux It SI , " rs 31 Jnllnlloolitol.o U2 n 'i tn\U22 , " Hobnrt VVIIIInniH , o it : ! H Vi taIt J2 , " : -4 07 KlhilL Ainold. tuv II 2 % " 210 (15 ( .inlin A. IIoriHuili , puli : ; 'i itil ; , " 22 Niito Hclnillst , Bill ) 40 It ill , " ! I7 John A. Hoi boon , sub 41 It 31 , " 1124 07 Clins. W. VVi-diloll , HUl 42 It 31 , " 7 nmilnttoKnMinnn.n 'isuh I lit 31 , " 49 Knut Kiiotninn. P H Biil)4.it31 : , " 1(12 ( 49 JiMlttHkoir , sub 44 It 31 , " 01 8rctlon2. Tlmtfiniilspcclnl tnxeslovlod nfoio- pnld , on siild lots icspcttlvoly , plmlt buconiodo- llniliKjiit us lollops : oiiL'-tfiitli of the total ninoiint MI lovlcil on t'nch nl Mild lots sliiih lie comodo'liii'ini'nt In IIfly dnyg finni the inissiiifo nnd iipprovnl ol tliHoidlnuni'conr-luntn In ono j cmiiio Icnlli In l\\o j nil8 , ono trntb In tliroo j PIII-S , ono tPiitli In loin JOIIIH , ono tcnlli In five jinri-.ono tuntli In slv ji-uifi , ono tontli In povon jcniH.ono tontli In cl 'lit j cai-s und nno-trmth In iiliiojonisnrinr t-nld lovy.nnd bolnjr fioin the ] ) ii ncn nnil niprovnl ) of this oidlniuico. Kitch ill until liiotiillinonHowupt Iho llrnt.hlinll diuw Illicit"nt ! the into nt MM on poriont. porun- niini Jioni the ( line ol the lovt nldio'iilil , nnlU Iho Fiiini' shnli liC'L'iinni < lilliuinuiil. A ponitlty ollUopnr oont. , lowi'lhoith ' inlonxt ut tliu into ot olio pi-i ( int pup niontli. piijublo Innd- vnni n.i-hnll bo paid on each ilillnfiiuiit ( ( limlHll- int'iit. hecllon 3. That tlio rntlioninonnt of tnvio lo\ led nnd USSOSM d on nnv of sulil lolB inny bo paid bytlioounci ol nnv lot , or Iho onllro umml pni intii pro [ > ortlon ol fitld lux on iniy ofhiild iota nm > bo p ild by mi ) piiaon on un > pailiiftuild loir , within flllj dajrt lioin Hiild liny , nnd tlioro- upon hiioh loli ! or pui ts ot lots , ahull bo oxcmpt flora mi ) Hen in cnur n tliorolor. Sccllon 4. Tlnitthisorihnuiuo shall lakooiroot und linln ferro f i oin nod uttoi lui imssaif u , I'nsvilHniilonibui 8slli , IbNl , VV\i. 1' . llM'in : ! , , J'nutilimt CH ) Council. 3. It. Hoci M uu > , C'itv clot k. ApiiKneil 8uptoml > or ' ! Hli , 18 * ) . VV'H. V. Hi cm i. , ActlnirMuyor. Tliofotuvcs nio now duo nnd jm > nbli ) to the oily truimii or , and will bruiino dollnqiiontiu 6ho n In Suction" . TniJMAS HULK , - , 1'rcs. L.ll.\Vn.iiAMSVko.l'rci. Union TrustCo 215 S. 13th St. , Onmlia , Nob. LOANS MAT3E ON HEAL ESTATE. School , County and Municipal Bonds Nefjotinted. ( OUT. I < . n uiurns , V. U. JOHNOOV , Sooitlnry , Tioasuier. JCihOO.-N V I'OaiST Genl. Insurance Agents , Uortlinnt'fi National llatm Iluildlnv. Cor Fur. nam mid 13th fctu. , room 1 ui/Vtiilri. / Tolui-liono No,375 Omiihtt , Kobrasko. , , . Htl'HKkt n 'bocnlv.lxndoninKhinJ : lrcmim' . Nunrnrk , N. J LH' ijjlf * OluM'fcVHlU.N. .rani. lhll.idiplu. . | 1'ft' . , . . . . . \oMclU'ft iNw Vork.N. V , ! . . . . 1 142 * 9 M ohu 11 nOt 1. Mutum Mfe .Iloston ,711 ,710 1 HENDELSSOUil & FISHER CHITECTS SJfA.VE ,