Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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Dfillr rMornl.iir Ikllllon ) Including Sunday
n r. I inn Venn . 510(0
For Blx Month * . fi ( )
J'orTlirooMnnMn . 'AW
The Omnlm Sunday HBR , mullotl to nny
, Ono Vcnr . 300
nppirr. JTo. Mi AVH ! > K. FAtmv THEfT.
Nicw VOHK OPM'T. HIIOM iw. Tiiim-vr UriiuiMi.
WASill.Miru.V UlrlCL , NO
All communlttUtons rolnllntr to news nnil rill.
torlnl innttor MiouM bo uddrossoil to tlio Km-
TOII of TIIK lir.n.
lir.n.Wr INCSS I.IVTTErtSi
.All hit lnos Inters nnil rcmlttnnconliould bo
ftiMrcs'oil to TUB lltn : I'l'iii.iniirNii COMTANV ,
OMAHA. Drafts , ppi | | > k nnil po lonipp nrdors
to bo made payuulo to tlio onltrof tlio couiiniuy ,
Sworn Klntcmunt of Circulation.
Stnto ot Nebraska , I , ,
County of Douulns. )
Wilt II. Koenlff , caililcr of The Ileo
Publishing coinimny , does solemnly swear
that tlio actual clirulntlon of tlio Dally IIco
for tlin week ending Oct. bill , 18M5 , was as
follows :
Saturday. Oct. 2U . 1.1,07o
Htinilay. yd . ii.0 : (
Monday , -Hli . ii : , <
Tuesday , filli . . . 13JK : )
Wedm-Mlny , Oil . l'Js,0
Tliurnlny. 7Ui . IS.sso
Friday , &tli . .1'J.SIO
Wiu. II. Kor.Nio.
.Sworn to and subscribed In my jiiosenco
tills Dili day of October , A. D. , IbSrt.
N. I1. FKII , .
fSKAL ] Notnry Public.
( Jeo. 11. TV.schuck , boliiR first duly sworn ,
deposes mid says Hint lie is hcciotnry of tlio
lire PiiDllsliliiK company , that tlio actual av-
ernco dally circulation ot tlio Dallv Hoc for
tlio month of .liimmiy , 18SO , was 10.i8 : ! copies ,
for Pebrtinrv. " ISsrt , copies ; for Mnich ,
1830 , 11.KI7"copies ; for Apill. ISbO , 12,11)1 )
copies : for May. ISNI. KASU copies ; for Juno ,
18s. ) , W,2'J3 conies ; for July , 18S , rjiM : copies ;
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ISSfi , W,0:0 , : : C IL'.S. | Oio. : II. TzscitfCK.
Subscribed and sworn to before tno this ad
dny of October , A. 1) . , ISbO. N. I' . FKII. .
[ SKAM Notary Public
Contents of Sunday Hoc.
1'aftnl. Now York Herald Cablegrams
Specials to tlio Ilr.E. General Telegraphic
Nmvs. 2. Iowa and Nebraska News. City
News , Mlftccllnny.
1'nctn : t. Special Advoitlsemonts. General
mid Local JInikets.
1'ngo 4. Killtorials. Political Points.
Press Comments. Sunday Gossip.
I'ngo f > . Lincoln News. Balloon Adven
tures , by Will VISMPiion Miscellany.
1'nuon. Council llluirs News. Miscellany.
Pairo 7. Society's Weekly Shuffle. Society
nnd Fashion , by Clara Helle. Tlio Veiled
l.acly , bv Fninklln Iflle. ( Jossln of Pugilism ,
by tlio ' 'Professor. ' " li-uflalo Bill's Greatest
Effort. Letter List.
Page 8. General City News. Local Adver
Page 9. A Trim Talc , bv T. .T. P. The
Tyro Tourist , by Lu II. Cnke. ( ij'nslns.
Timely Hints on Marriage. Queer Advertis
ing Schemes , by A. J. Komtrlck. Lhiriud
Page 10. Adventures of Major North , by
Alfred Sorcnsnn. " ( tod's Dnst Gift to Man.1'
Industrial Schools. Sights In Italian
Paiio 11. Aie Women Fairly Paid ? Honey
for the Ladles. Connublalltlos. Musical
nnd Uramatlc. Iniplotles. Kducatioiinl.
Itollk'foiis. American Opera.
Page 1'J. Among tlio Wits nndYnes. \ .
JlulTnlo Hill's Coyote Cry. Much Ado About
Nothing , by James H. CoIIoy. Batbara's
Cimncn HOWK is exhibiting ihoto-
graplir of his politicnl ounoncnt's oattlo
ranch. lie has failed to have n photo-
-jraph { of His own character taken. It
would break the camera.
SOMH months ago the Herald denied
vigorously that it was lighting Van
Wyck. It has now dropped the mask
and bangs away in it. * old style for a split
party and a vailroguo republican.
Mit. Br.ACKiiuitN admits that ho knew
Boino of his school questions worn ridicu
lous , but pleads that ho asked them because -
cause ho had been roquoste'd to do so. If
Mr. Blackburn proposes to make himself
the medium for voicing every paltry
Bpito and attack on our school manage
ment ho will find his time fully occupied
during his term of oflico.
IT is decidedly refreshing to hoar the
shouts of "straight republicanism" from
the lips of Church Howe's supporters.
Church couldn't bo "straight" anything
! f ho tried. If ho tried to bu a "straight"
thief one year ho would bo heading a
reformed criminals' ticket the next with
nil the unblushing cllrontory with which
bo is now posing as a straight republican ,
THU way for republicans to defeat
liquor , which la what prohibition
nriiouuls to , is to defeat it through the
roiMibllcan party in tlio legislature. No
other party can control the legislature in
Nebraska. The talk of the democrats
carrying the state is supremely ridic
ulous. Republicans who favor high
license should bring other inlluonco to
r boar upon republican candidates for the
legislature nud see to It that tlioy do not
commit Nebraska to the Idlooy ot frco
rum and poor whisky by tearing down
hlcth license nnd throwing open the doors
to a gonornl and illicit trafllo in "wot
goods. " _
IN its "swan song" the dying editors of
the old JlcjnibUcnti oall attention to the
fact that that paper was for years a vorn
clous maw into which its owners sUUl'od
tholr capital. Itnoglectcd tottato that
It was n no luss voracious receptacle for
Checks for railroad printing nt n > high
lulvanco over the market price nnd tlmt
Its failure ns a Journal was the prioo it
paid for bolng the tin can appendage of a
job printing oflico. The frank confession
of the departed editors of our old rail-
, ro&d contemporary Is another proof that
public confidence cannot bo attracted to
wards newspapers who think it to their
business advantage to oppose the public
interests ,
ACTIVE nnd organized cflort is now beIng -
Ing made by the i'oung Alon's Christian
Association to ralso funds to begin work
on their now building. The institution
{ a ono which Is greatly needed in this
lty , nnd which will bo invaluable when
in operation to hundreds of young men
Strangers to homos in Omaha , and with
no pleasant place to spend their even-
Jnga. The Y. M. C. A. building will contain -
tain a library , reading rooin.eymnnslnm ,
bath rooms nnd leoturo hall. It will be ,
In short , n club house for young men do
yoid of all the temptations which are
found In connection wiilunany city clubs
Our business men and employers shoult
contribute liberally towards providing a
Jiomo for an association wlilcli ftlma to
benefit unsoJtisblylho many young mon
of Omaha oy furnishing them ploiwani
nod harmless surroundings and healthy
recreation and amusement.
Our City SclmoK
The condition of our city si-hoolp , nssct
brth by Superintendent James , In his an-
uiiil report , published in this issue of tlio
IHt : , is must encouraging. The report
ihows a steady advance in attendance , a
lattt'ring Increase in the lolnl enrollment
and a gratifying falling off in tardiness
unong thu pupils. Omaha's school popu-
atlon , as shown by the last census , Is
11,881 , an increase of 070 over last year.
Unruly half of this number , or 0,809 , arc
enrolled in the public schools. While
this , on its face , scorns a small proper-
.ion , the percentage falls little below that
found In other cities. The church and
> rlvato schools always draw off largo
lumbers of the school population
iml many children who begun their edit-
atlon in our public schools are taken
iway to begin life for themselves before
hey pass the limit of school ago. Thu
ivorago attendance itself is better than
ever before , 01 1-10 per cent of the school
iiombcrshlp being reported In attendance.
The superintendent calls special atten
tion to the gratifying fact that corporal
ninishincnt has been entirely abolished
without detracting from school discipline.
The condition of' thu High School is also
spoken of as a marked Improvement over
uiy in its history. Six per cent of the
total enrollment in the schools arc in
Utondaneo at the High School ,
an unevamplcd record , and which
.vill stand thu test of comparison
with any city in the conn'ry. '
Mr. ilumiis makes sumo recommenda
tions of importance. Ho criticises se
verely , but quite justly wo believe , the
use ot the prohunt text books for raiding
in the various grades , us too advanced
for the pupils , and suggests a change in
thu standard required. Ho also urges
more stringent rules making a bolter at
tendance obligatory. The most impor
tant change urged by the superintendent
is one which will make the principals of
thu various schools responsible for thu
results in their building. Mr. James
urges that the power of supervising
thu work of individual schools ,
now vested nloiio in the super
intendent , bo divided among the
principals nnd that they bo made re
sponsible not alonu for the cleanliness ,
order and discipline ot the schools , but
also for the faithfulness and ability of
the teachers. To supervise the system as
a whole anil to exercise a watchful care
over each individual teacher is a burden
sullicicnt to overtask the ablest superin
tendent. The c'xperimuut of manual
training ; Is , in Mr. James' view , a suc
cess , ilo believes the money well spent
and that vnluo has boon received in the
now interest excited in pupils and thu
actual results attained.
The year's work has boon ono of pro-
gross. Our school system is on
broaclnr nnd moro substantial
basis than ever before , bettor
equipped In all its departments ,
moro harmonious in its workings and
more satisfactory in Its results. The
change since Mr. James first took charge
Is one which no ono familiar with the
history of the Omaha schools can fail to
notice. The superintendent has good
reason for congratulating thn board of
education nnd the people of Omaha
that our schools "aro making a decided
gain from year to year , increasing moro
rapidly than the growth of thu city
would require and reaching a higher de
gree in many ways" and that "tho last
year has been ono of success in the higher
and more important spheres of school
work in progress in study and develop
ment of character. "
A Ministerial Consor.
The American minister to England ,
Mr. Phelps , has done very little in his
ofliclal capacity for which ho can bo
commended , nnd of what ho has done
much has been condemned. Ills ap
pointment was a surprise , nnd his career
has not been a source of supreme gratifi
cation to his countrymen. This gentle
man has recently been the subject of
criticism for having refused to present
at court Air. Thorudiko Illcc , the editor
of the North American jRevtew , on the
ground that Mr. Hlco had printed in that
periodical an article assailing the public
career of Mr. Bayard , which the minister
doomed to bo scandalous and defama
tory. It is nearly or quilo a year ago
that till.1 ; arliclo was published , signed
"Arthur Richmond , " doubtless a iicti-
tious name , as all efforts to establish the
identity of the author wcro unsuccessful.
The article attracted n great deal of at
tention at the time , and was certainly ti
most scathing criticism of Mr. I3aynrd ,
evidently written by ono who had
made a most careful study of his career
and perhaps had a personal motive in
thus attacking him. But while it was to
the last degree severe nnd relentless , Im
partial men would hosltatn to char
acterize it as scandalous and defamatory.
No ono , however , will question the right
of Mr. Phelps to so regard it , nnd It is
doubtless also the unquestionable right
of tlio American minister to determine
whom ho will or will not present nt court
among those of his countrymen who scok
this empty honor. But in this particular
case of Mr. llico there are considerations
involved which take it out of the course
of the ordinary exorcise of ministerial
discretion , and give it both a political
nnd personal character which docs not
appear consistent with the functions or
privlto/ros / of a minister. In refusing to
present the editor of tlio Jlcvlcio nt court
ou the ground that ho had admitted to
the columns of his periodical an attack
on a fellow partisan of Mr. Phuips , the
American minister in effect proclaimed
that any nnd all American editors simi
larly attacking his political friends would
bo thereby shut out from nny courtesy nt
his hands. To tills extent Mr. Phelps assumed
sumod a position of hostility to the right
of the press to the full and free expres
sion of opinion regarding the coursa nnd
policy of public men , and an attitude
of virtual censorship which It must
seem to every Impartial man wa ? not
warranted by his privileges nor consist
ent with his character as an American
minis tor.
' The objection to Mr. Rico appears to
'have been solely with respect to Jiis professional
fossional action as an editor , but the
ofl'ect of making n public declaration of
that objection was to brand Mr. Rice as n
man unworthy of recognition by the
minister of his country , and consequently
not to ba rocoivcd in good society. Thara is
probably no parallel case of a representa
tive of this government at a foreign court
having openly insulted ud ostracised an
American citizen of honorable tmnractcr
and repute , Mr. Phelps has In no way
vindicated his political friend by this un
worthy and unwarrantable action , nor
lias he done any real injury to the object
of his displeasure. But lie has supplied
further convincing evidence that ho is a
person Whoso narrow nnd undemocratic
views totally unfit him to worthily repre
sent this nation in the most important
foreign mission ,
"Jlolil MIC Kor
The appointment of General John M.
Corse as postmaster of Boston .should re
ceive the cordial endorsement of Mr.
Moody , with whoso popular hymn of
"Hold the 1'ort" ho will bo forever con
nected. General Corso entered the army
from Iowa and mailo himself famous by
his brilliant defense of Altoonn pa < s and
Its stores during Sherman's novcr to bo
forgotten march to the sea. For several
days ho hold his position against over
whelming numbers while waiting for
Sherman's relieving army and repuslcd
attack aftur attack of the oncmy. At
last n signal Hashed far down the valley
bolow. It was easily translated by the
signal mon as n message from Sherman ,
"lldld the Tort for 1 am Coming. " Gen
eral Corso , bleeding from the effects of
n solid shot which had carried
off ono sldo of his face , bravely signalled
back the historic message which is made
the basis for Mr. Mooily's no loss famous
hymn of "Hold the Fort. "
" 1 mn slioit cheek bone and an ear , but
atu able to whip all h 1 yet.
Jon.v M. Cousi : . "
Mr. Moody'.s hymn has softened down
somewhat thu rugged dlutlon of the.
doughty soldier's dispatch , while pre
serving entire ( Jonural Sherman's mes
sage of encouragement. Whatever pious
thoughts might at times have wandered
across John Corse's brain lie had no
inclination at that moment to express
tlium. His tnh.sitig check bnnc and car
forced tlionisulvus more on his attention
than a needed dlvino assistance. But for
all that the signal waved from the
heights of Altoonn Hindu tlio bravo Iowa
soldier famous in religious song nud mil
itary story , and gave to the great reviv
alists ono ot thu most stirring of their
many singing choruses.
General Corso , still " .short a chook-bono
and an ear' ' will now "hold the fort" of
the Boston postollico for several years to
come. If ho shows as much grit as an
ollico holder ; vs ho did as an ollicor he is
likuly to prove himself able to "whip"
all tlio Satanic forces which civil service
reform and party jealousies may bo able
to muster against him.
Two HcliKiinm Conventions.
Religious interest during the week has
centered largely In the two great conven
tions in session at Dos Moincs and
Chicago. The American board of for
eign missions of the Congregational
church has boon sitting at Des-Moincs
and wrestling with the doctrine of pro
bation after death. The general conven
tion of the Episcopal clinroht in session
at Chicago lias boon chiolly concerned
with the question of mooted changes in
the Book of Common Prayer.
In tlio Congregational body the oppo
nents of the Andover doctrine , that pro
bation after death is not unscriptural ,
scorn to have boon in the ma
jority , but the question will como
up again this week at Chicago
in the national council of Congrega
tional churches. The Congregational
missionaries have reported that their
work among the heathen is greatly ro-
tanlod because of the veneration in which
their ancestors are held by tlioso be
nighted pooplo. This makes thorn un
willing to accept a religion which teaches
that millions who have never heard the
gospel are irretrievably lost. The
Andover school urge upon the church
that by holding out hopes of probation
after death , thousands who now , out of
respect for tholr fathers , dcolino Chris
tianity , could bo brought into the fold ,
nnd they insist that there is nothing in
holy writ which prevents tlio holding of
this comforting belief. Their oppo
nents , on tlio other hand , ndvunco tlio
argument that if the heathen are to
bo saved without missionary work
thcro is no necessity of sending mission
aries , and hint that if the new doctrine
wins they will drop their contributions
for missionary work into the boxes of
moro orthodox denominations.
The Episcopal body at Chicago will bo
largely interested in the question of
Christian unity. There 1ms boon a grow
ing desire among Episcopalians for sonic
years to promote , if possible , a closer
union of Protestant churches. Evangel
ical alliances composed of all churches
have mot and found that as between
many of ( Horn the disputes wore few and
immaterial. But Episcopalcy has been
charged with ambitious motives in soak
ing this unity , because it will not yield
its prayer book , its form of worship nor
the vital principle of the apostolic suc
cession. Thcro is no probability that it
will ever do so entirely , but the move
ment for modifications of the prayer book
and the evident deslro for n closer union
with other denominations , uro stops
which arc noted with Interest by the ro-
ligiouH world.
The Indiana of Alntikn.
BBI'ioutanunt Sohwatka , of the Now York
Times Alaska expedition , in a recently
published letter glvos some interesting
facts regarding the habits and character
of the Indians in South-cnstorn Alaskn ,
which shows that thcro is a great deal of
human nature In the aborigines of that
far-away region. "Thllnkot" is the name
of the largo tribe inhabiting this portion
of tlio territory , but it is divided Into
many sovereign clans , each , of course ,
having a distlngu ing name and other
evidences of a distinct Individuality.
Great onro is taken to maintain social
and caste lines , nnd those clans are di
vided into sub-clans of aristocrats , the
mlddlo class and plebeians. They take
their namus from ( ho birds , boasts and
fishes , and the quality of the "social set"
la indicated by the name it bears , which ,
doubtless , also shows the popular esti
mate of the character of thu bird , boaster
or Ibh , Thus ID ono clan Iho Cinnamon
Bears wcro the highest of the high castes ,
the Crows were of a loss elevated grade ,
while the Wolves nnd Radrus were low
caste. Those clans occupy determined
geographical areas , and deadly encount
ers are frequent among thorn , any little
Infringement upon the rlghU of ono clan
by another Doing sufliduiit to bring on a
eavago conflict. Among tlio Yakutnts ,
the most important of the clans , with
which Lieutenant Scliwatka wus chiefly
associated , the highest of the high castes
is the doglldh family , to which the chief
belongs. Ho found those , us indued ho
did others of the tribe , very shrewd at
driving a. bargain , and when ho desired
to secure guides and packers for Ms
Journey to Icy Hay he * ftlUml n good dnal
of . Ho "As
dickering nee ssnry.-j says :
soon ns I made nrpr oatlion to my
would-be guides am t wns sur-
prised to llnd that jy < belonged to a
stronger league thai jjtho Knights of La-
bor or the trades un , for they asked a
per die-in that won Su have made any
laborer in the fulled * Stales stand on his
head with joy to recoivtn Finally a few
wore found , prolmljly of the "scab"
onlor , who underbid Iho figures first
asked , and competition being thus
opened the required guides and packers
were secured at life "regular" rates.
There Is one regulation or law unions
llicso Indians which might bu ob
served to advantage moro goner *
ally than it is among civilized people ,
nnd that is that the consent of a squaw is
needed by her husband to coiieludo any
arrangements that ho may want to make ,
uulesa of a very trivial nud immediate
nature , and even then the woman can
undo the contract. From what Lieuten
ant Scliwatka says of tlio Alaska Indians
they are evidently in nowlso inferior to
their brethren of other portions of Iho
The National Hiilaiico.Hliert.
The statement of tlio treasury dapnrt-
niunt showing the population and bal-
nneo sheet of the nation at the close of
thu last liseal year , makes a most grati
fying exhibit. The official ostmiato
placed the population of thn United
States on Junu 30 last , at 08,420,000 , so
tlirt bv tlio end of the current fiscal year ,
it is snfo to say wo shall bo a nation of
00,000,000 , puoplu. Wu have now a larger
population than uuy European nation
except Russm.aiul If the ratio of Increase
of thu past twcnty-livo years is main
tained , tills country will in Jess than two
decado.s be abreast with thu Russian
umpire in the number of its people , while
in respect of all the conditions that render -
dor a nation prosperous , happy , and
truly great , wo shall bo very much
farther in advancu of that country than
wo now aro. Since 1800 the Increase of
population has been at the average rate
of about ono million a year , though if the
estimate of the treasury is correct ,
that nvurnga has been somnwhat ex
ceeded during the past six years ,
the growth in that ( imo according the
estimate being : i little over eight millions.
In this brief period the accession ex
ceeded tlio populations of moro than half
a dozen European countries , and is equal
to thu combined population of Greece ,
Scrvia , Switzerland and Denmark , while
our now population since 1870 equals tin"it
of Spain and Portugal combined. Those
facts show that the United States is
marching steadily forward to the achieve
ment of its great tlostinvti with no abate
ment of the speed and vigor of its pro
gress , and suggest 'futliro possibilities
that oflor n feast for | lie imagination.
Showing ; Up Inconsistency.
An interesting interview had by Sen
ator Gibson , of Louisiana ! with the pres
ident , is reported frjom Washington , in
which it is said the seiiator told Mr.
Cleveland some pla\n \ truths reflecting
unfavorably upon his consistency in tlio
matter of restricting > the rights of federal
olllciala in connection with politics. The
Louisiana senator is specially concerned
about the cases of the customs officials
and the assistant postmaster at Now
Orleans , wlio made themselves conspic
uously active in congressional conven
tions , in violation of the president's
"advice" to such officials to bo seen and
hoard as little as possible in such matters.
It is stated that the senator ha vine de
fended the action of tlio offending oflicials ,
the president declared that if ho found
there had boon any violation of his order
immediate ) removal wouldfo lo\v , where
upon Mr. Gibson with moro truth than
discretion , informed Mr. Cleveland
that lie regarded his notion in
proceeding against ofilco holders in
Louisiana for mingling in politics , while
permitting those in New York to do so ,
as inconsistent.
There is not a shadow of
doubt that the president lias know
ingly permitted nnd in nil prob
ability urged , the political efforts for
strengthening the administration in Now
York which it is certain Mr. Manning
and Mr. Lnmont have been quietly but
none the less /enlously engaged in dur
ing the past few weeks. Particular rofor-
cnco is said to have been made by Sena
tor Gibson to the conference of a few
days ago in Now York City between the
collector , the secretary of the interior ,
and the president's private secretary ,
which Is believed to have had reference
to the political situation , although of
course an entirely different purpose will
bo claimed for it. But besides this cir
cumstance it is pretty well known that
both Mr. Manning and Mr. Lament made
good use of tholr vocation in endeavor
ing to repair the administration fences in
Now York. It is true that all this was
done without publicity. Those gentle
men did not visit conventions and make
nil exhibition of their zeal. But it is not
to bo supposed that their work was on
that account any tlio loss earnest and ef
fective , and hence should not bo regarded
as any less olfonslvo. If the principle
enunciated in the order of the president
is sound it must apply to all forms of
political action , and not simply to that
which is done openly. Every ono who
is at nil familiar with thu methods of poli
tics knows that for < lho\ \ most part the
most effective work iff tllht which is car-
riuU on scerotly and 'insidiously ' after the
manner that Mr. Manning and Mr.
Lament have boon pursuing.
The pretense of great virtue made by
tlio administration in this matter , as
shown in the case pt iMstriot Attorney
Uuluny , nominated fi/r congress In General
oral Bragg's districtllni , Louisiana onsen ,
and n fovy others , .does \ not appear to
Very good advantage nrlioh VlflWefl In tno
light of what the friends oY Mr. Cleveland
have boon doing by thq "Jstlll hunt" pro
cess in Now York , certainly not without
his knowledge. It is-exceedingly lenient
to charactori/.o this sort of double-dealing
us merely' ' inconsistent. "
OMAHA has never done such general
grading as she is doing this fall. The
streets in every direction are torn up by
tho. improvements under way. Tno en
tire plateau from Dodge street to Cum-
Ing and from Sixteenth street west be
yond the hill , are bolng brought down to
established grade nnd placed in n condi
tion for paving when it may seem do-
sirablo. The paving operations includ
ing Fnrnam , North Sixteenth , Sauudors ,
Capitol avenue , Jackson , Tenth , Twen
tieth nnd Cuming , hnvo all been in the
Jii.t ) of extending well traveled thoroughfares -
fares and making dry and substantial
cross streets between those hlroady Im
proved. Sewering , too , lias boon con
tinued wheru most needed. The public
Improvements of 18SO , while not so
showy perhaps as these of two
years ngo , are none the loss
Important. They Imvo been for
thu tnoM part judiciously distributed and
the burdens which they impose on I lie
taxpayers , cheerfully borne. Under
Omaha's excellent system of distributing
thoeost of paving , guttering and cowering
over a term of years , property owners are
given ten years to pay for the cost of im
provement while their property nt once
feels the c flue I in nnhanceil values. The
overwhelming sentiment in favor of a
continued extension of public improve
ments in Omaha is largely duu to the
knowledge that they pay liniulsomuly
and do not bankrupt taxpayers ,
NHDIIASKA high license law Is a pro
hibitory law. It elves prohibition In
every community where license Is re
fused. It throws upon liquor sellers the
burden of proof to show that the uounty
in which they do business In In favor of
license. Without the sanction of the
licensing board all liquor soiling is illegal.
There is not n town or village in No-
brasa to-day which cannot , have absolute
prohibition If its people desire it. Any
other style of prohibition Is valueless.
No license means frco license nnd the
elevation of the drug store on the ruins
thu saloon.
A grand political plnttorm Is that of Char
les It. Jones , editor ot the Chai lotto ( N. 0. )
Observer , who proposes to run tor coucress
solely on the declination ot his ability to ter
race the stito rapitol grounds with a two-
nnilo team , at nn expense of 81,000 , thi'io
having been appropriated 5130,000 for the
woik ,
The democrats In Pennsylvania have Just
nominated a candidate for congress for the
eleventh time \\lio hns never yet been
The mayor of Now Yoilc city receives n
salary of ? ? 10,000.
Mr. Pnrnull knows a thlnn or two about
rnmpnlcnliiK. Ho contested sixty-seven dis
tricts with S-'O.OCO.
( lenoral Sickles has so vivid a recollection
of Oettysburi : thathu refused to stump Penn
sylvania for the democratic ticket.
Texas republicans don't bclltivo In wearing
themselves out unnecessarily. The chair-
mnii ot their state committee has been so-
join-nine In the north , ami no campaign
work 1ms yet been done.
Congressman Wilklns , oC Ohio , estimates
thn democratic majority In the next coiiKrcs1)
at twenty-live.
RoswcII P. Flower Is urged to run for
major of Now Yoikelty.
Chas. S.Volfe , the prohibitionist candi
date lor governor oC Pennsylvania , contin
ues on the truck also ns a candidate for the
state lesislalure. Then ; is very little danger ,
however , that ho will bo elected to both
General Gordon has no opposition for gov
ernor of Georgia , iiml made his whole cam
paign befoio the convention.
Congressman Van Sclmldc of Wisconsin
steadfastly refuses to accept a renomlnatlon.
having given his wife a promise to that
Wm. Walter Phelos hns been rcnoinlnateil
for congress , but there Is still tilkot making
him the republican candidate for govoiuvrof
New Jersey.
Omaha Truth.
I'm a prohibish , lam ;
Howe are you ?
The tcmperanco vote to catch ,
TJmtwIlldo ;
But when my price they name ,
I'm ' high license , all the same ,
For I go In for the ducats ;
That's my game I
I'm a granger , too , I am ;
Howe are you ?
And 1 wear a seedy coat
When 'twill deFer
For to catch the granger vote ;
Then I quickly change my coa.
Anil n monopolistic lawyer-
Is not very far remote.
I'm n domo-rcpuhllcan-crat ,
That I nnico ;
Can be grccnbackcr , too ,
"Alice sameol"
Whichever ono will suit ye ;
lfor I'm only after booty ,
And any way to got it
Is my plan.
I'm ' n Inbor man , I am ;
Oh , you bet I
For I have tlio labor vote-
Now to get.
So I'll throw Boss Stout aside ,
And the labor hobby ildc
( Hit don't throw mo )
Into congress llko a trooper
If I'm lot.
Couldn't Doooutly Ilofuso.
CMcagn Ttinei ,
General Miles appears to have conquered
G'oronlmo , not by force of arms but by kind
ness. The old cut couldn't decently
refuse to suriciulcr when offered such ex
tremely handsome terms.
Hlvnlry oCAVoBtorn Citlca.
Chicago I.ctlaer.
"Tho education board of Minneapolis lias
excluded the Bible from the public schools. "
" \Vlmt for ? "
"There was too much about St. Paul In it. "
High Ijlconso n Hiiro Remedy ,
1'ltMniru Cimtneiclal Gaittte.
Nothing has been morn clearly demon
strated than that high license tends to re
strict the evils connected with the trallic by
lessening the number of saloons aim placing
thn business In moro responsible haiuln.
Until public sentiment can bo educated up to
the point of enforcing prohibitory lows high
llccnso is the most practical anil elTcctlvo
method of regulation and restraint.
They Wore Usoil.
Ketv Yin It Sun ,
"How is It none of my contributions arc
over used ? " asked n would-bo coiitilbutorof
an rdltor.
"You must be mistaken. Do you write on
ono Bide of the paper only ? "
"Certainly. "
"Then It's all right. Wo wrllo oiir colto-
rials on the blank bide. Never bo nlrald of
your contributions not being used. "
A Fair OfTcr of Kxclinngo.
Hvston Courier ,
jonesllnV old fellow , how are you ? Just
heard that you had gouo lute tlio newspaper
Smith Yes , Just bought n country paper.
Jones That so ? Good enough. Why , 1
guess you can give me an occasional puff ,
Bmfth-Cortalnly. What are you busy with
now ?
Jones I'mlu the clothing buslness-roady-
mndo clothing.
Smith Hal Then I guess you can jjlvc
mo nn occasional pair of pnnts.
Jones Well , 1 dunne about that. It coats
inonuy to manufacture clothing , you know.
Smith That's true , and It costs nothing to
manufacture newspapcrd.
Tlieii theypait
" 1 I had the honor of brluglus to
Omnlm the Hist slow-pipe hat OUT cotm In
M'braskn , " s.itdau old timer. " 1 never wore
the lint but once nud that was on my wed
ding dav. Soon after l.mdlng In Omalm I
disposed of It for four dollars. A Xcbiaska
City man , who was to bo married , sent up to
Omnha for a stove-nlpo lint , nud a general
search of the city proved that mine wns the
only one In town. 1 accordingly let him
lm\o it. The probability Is that ho never
woie It after his wedding day. It Is IIKelv
that Hint hat did duty nt other Nebraska wed
dings in those caily days. "
A xinv sidewalk ouht to bo planted
mound the Planters house.Vo suggest that
n petition bo sent to Cousin Hen Folsom or
to President Cleveland.
'Ir ' Iho street ear folks don't pioposo to
convert tlinlr system Into n c.Uilo car line , "
said n pnwiigcr In ono of thebobtall vehlole.s
the other day , ] 'I hope they will give us
Iniger cms and'hent them. I am tired of
tiding In icfifgorntors during the winter.
The Mealing of the sticet cars would bi > n big
Imjirovomeiit which \\ould bo apm eclated. "
Tin : foundations that ate bolng laid this
tall lor half a doren or moro big buildings
will give the building boom of ISST an oaily
stnrt In the spilng. Among these structures
are the First National bank , the Merchants'
National bank , Paxton's building , Uniugo's
building , HIP city hall , and tno new hotel nt
the corner of Tenth and Fnrnam. The nitgio-
gate cost of these six buildings alone \\l\l \ bo
in the vicinity 0131,100,001) ) .
A ninit-Toxrn Kncllsh tourist and his
wife \vmci among the passcugeis In a Pull
man caren route fiom Chicago to Omaha the
other day. The Kugllshimm sized up the
ciowd and patronizingly said to his wife , In
r.ithor n loud tone : "Well , by Jove , they
appear to bo quite Jcspcctablo poojilo In tills
car. " Ho boon ropo.ilud the observation ,
adding that bo was surprised. An Omaha
man couldn't stand It , and tinning mound
to him , said : "What In h 1 did you expect
to llnd In n first-class American car' . " ' The
Ktmllshmaii wns completely subducil , much
to the gintllicatlon of tlio
ixn ono of the caily tenltoilnl legisla
tures of .Nebraska , A. J , Hnnscom , who was
a loading member , had In his hands n hill
which some of the wire-pullers wanted
changed slightly. Mr. llanscom , however ,
icmalncd linn and would not listen to thorn.
"llanscoin , consider your constituents , " said
one of them. "Constituents ho hanged , " re-
pllod llanscom : "I own them ; i bought
and paid lor ovoiy one of them/ '
GIXEIAT : : , TUAA-KU'S nomination for gov
ernor brings it ) ) the recollection of the most
exciting campaign thai over took place in
Nebraska. Jtofeienco is had to the senatorial
campaign of 1870. Thnyer was then In his
prime n perfect plclmo of health , vigor nnd
soldierly manhood. His biirnsldo whiskers
wcro as black as Jet and so was his hair. Ho
was as erect as a West Point cadet just irom
the academy. Dr. Miller called him the I5en-
gnl tiger , because ho wns always ready to
spring upon his political enemies and give
thorn a lively shnklni ; up. Thaycr
had been In the seuato four years.
When Nebraska became n state ,
Thayer nnd Tlpton wcio elected senators.
They drew straws for the long nnil short
term. Thayer got the four year term nnd
Tlpton the two year term. Thnyi-r wns the
most popular man in Nebraska at that time.
The worklugmon , and pattlcularly the ru-
publlcaus , fairly Idolized him. No man ever
had n moro devoted following. The only
tilings that his enemies could bring
him nt the time wcro that ho halle.d from
Massachusetts , wore kid gloves , was the In
timate friend of Chmles Simmer , and would
not associate with everybody.
* *
Thn Jezlslnturo of tlioso days wns made up
of fifty-two mcmbois , twenty-seven being n
majority. Douslas county had eight mom-
members , or nearly one-third of the vote noc-
essnry to elect It wns generally conceded
that If Thayer cairled Douglas county noth
ing could prevent his being olectoi' ' . The
whole fight against him therefore .was cen
tered In Omaha , nud the republican primar
ies of the fall of 1S70 wcro the most fiercely
contested of any that have over taken place
In Nebraska. They wore held on a Friday ,
nnd that day became known as Blade Friday
in Nebraska politics. The sum of gafi.OOO
was thrown Into the six wards of the city on
that day. Thayor's backers , with Augustus
Kiuntzo nt the head , spent 520,000 , nnd
Snundcrs , who wns Thp.yer's opponent for
the senatorial brogans , spent Slfl.oon. A
political saloon keeper named George Taylor
took SCOU from the Sauudcrti fund , nnd then
worked for Thnyor. Tlio followers of
Thayer carried the pilmnrloa , Mid a doubleheader -
header was the result.
- *
The SnumlrrR faction nominated n high-
toned ticket , hondnil by Joe Mlllaid. The
Tiiaycr ticket , which was called the regular
lopublican , wns made up of the lollowing
candidates : Senators Fred Met1/ and I. S.
Hascall ; members of the hoiiso L. S. Iteoil ,
T. F. Hall , K. Jtosownter , John Alimanson ,
John Uynii nnd John K. Myorn. The Saiin-
dcrs bolter republican ticket , uu It was called ,
had the support of the Omaha Tribune , a
paper which was afterwards consolidated
with the Republican. Hy a shrewd inovo
Saundera had secured the appointment of n
personal friend , named Twoosdnlo , ai editor
of the Republican , and Dnlcombo , the owner ,
who was a friend of Thayer , did not hnvo
the courage to support tlio regular ticket
With the Republican ou the fence and the
Trlbuno against them , Thnyer nnd his candi
dates had nothing nlso to do but publish n
paper of their own , which they uld In
KeilileM's Job printing oflico. This paper
only lived through the campaign. It was
printed In soveinl languages Kngllflli , Ger
man , Danish , Norwegian , Swedish , Hohflm-
ian , ate. It had moro editors thnn are to
day employed on all thu Omnlm dallies com
bined , Thn democrats believed thai they had
a walkaway with the republicans divided In
the mliliUii.nnd they put upn vnrvheavy ticket
\vllliJoluiA. Crelghtou nt thu head , with n
very rcspi'etnblo class of high-toned bourbons
bens as his companion ! * . To everybody's
Hiirprlsu the democratic ticket nnd the Kami-
deru ticket wore beaten. Thayer cmiled the
day by over 100 majority. This almost unex
pected victory for Thnyer wns chiefly duo to
tils popularity with tnu masses of all parties ,
Humberts of democrats votud thuTlmyer (
" \Ve downed tl'cm ' In great shape , " ynlrt R
dttlogato hQE * Ihfl 4 ui6eiv > tt ; Stafu Oonv'ulJ'
lion. "Tho packing house crowd , headed hy
Jim Hnyd uud Dr. Miller , aio irnod dumoirnts
lu lull nccord with the docti lues of the I
paity , They believe In the iood old Marcy
docliino ilmt to the victors belong the hpolla ,
The convention from lirst to last wns run mm
controlled In the interests of tlio Uoyd-MH-
Icr wing ot the party , nnd every nomination
nindo nnd committee appointed was the re
sult uftliL'lr dictation , In furl , thu other fel
lows scarcely showed tholr hentls , and their
loadcis were kept In thu background
as much ns possible. In the np-
appointment of the state central committee
the fi lends of J. Sterling Merion were very
carefully plnced oil a back sent , and ot thu
whole number not moro than throe or four a
can be paid to belong to the slaughter-house
win ? . While there Is n probability of a
democratic congressman being ulectou from
Nebraska , Hoyd thought Itvibo to so arrange
mattuib that , in case Church Howe should
pull through , tlio eiitlro machinery of the
patty In the state should bo In full n > l
with his views. With Charley Ogdi-n < u
the congressional democratic commiti . ,
Hoyd , member of the national commit ! ' .
and Dr. Miller rnnnhiR thedonicrifttvi-
gnu , and a jmckliig-liouso inembci < t
tlio state central committee In ncsilv
every county , the pncklng-lioufio ritmd
will bn able to claim that thoio is
no fnctlounllsm in the NcbraMa
democracy thai everything Is lovely ni
that everybody dwells In harmony and Hi i
they me tlio slmou-puio U'picscntatlve.i if
slmon-puio democracy. "
Honoring n Citizen of Omnlin Hnrtli >
] iinKOM nnd Tholr Causes IMicov-
croil by Monironl HolriilNm.
MON-TUI.U. : , Out. 0. [ CorrospomliMK"
of the llti.j : : The cnntrnl comniltteo of
Iho Astro-Motcorologlcnl association in t
for Iho lirst time tins season on October l
1'rcshlont Prof , Walter 11 , Smith piv
sided , and nftor routine a number of m-w
members were nominated , there being i
oonsidoniblo Increase of intorcst in plan. i
tary meteorology nt Montreal lately. '
owing ohiolly to the very correct forecasts - i
casts of Prof. Smith.
An informal discussion as to the prob
able ofllcors for 18SO-7 , whoso election
will take place in November , oltuitud tlio
fact that President Smitli would bo n - '
elected unanimously , and that Alt' , G. F. t
Sesb , of Omaha , now a member of the *
council , would , in all probability , bn in
vited to accept n vioo-prosldonc.v.
Ills recent article " "
on "Enrthiitia Kcsj"
printed n short time sineo
in the Hr.n , as well as his known dovolloii J - * .
to astro-muti'orology , nro the principal
reasons for Mr. Test's advance.
Communications on special subjects
wcro received and rend from Vice Presi
dents Manrlll and Huatwolu , of Illinois
nnd Virginia , aftur which the president
mndu brluf reference to the rapid strides
with which the .science of astro-meteorol
ogy was advancing under the auspices of
HID association.- While on the subject , hu
deprecated in the strongest torins thn
non.suusi ) sent out from Ottawa by the
man Wiggins , who , ho said , had iloim
moro to bring planetary weather science
into ridiuulo than its most bigoted oppo- iBv
11 on Is. . . r % .
The subject of "Earthquakes" was then ' \
taknn up and essays read from Messrs. j
Mnnrill , or titled "Tho Charleston Earth-
auako ; " II. M. Simons and Alex. M. '
Moore , of Charleston , on "Tho Local
Phenonipiuv Attending the Tremors , " (
and Mrs.Fulton , of Montrealwho consld- f
ofod thorn Irom an nstro-nieteovological <
standpoint. Mr. Test's comnuinicntion t
to the Sunday UIE : was read to the meeting -
ing by Tivasuror Austin , nnd highly com- !
muiidcd. President Smith followed with i
an nblo essay , illustrating his subject and l
theory with diagrams , aftur winch the
meeting adjourned to reassemble ou
November 5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To-diiy's borvlcrs nt Uio Dlfrbront .
CIutrolioH Throughout ilio City.
Presbyterian church , corner Dodge
and Sevuntcuntli streets. Services nt
100 : ! ! a. m. and 7iO : ! p. in. Preaching by *
the pastor , Kcv. W. J. llarsha. Sunday-
school at close of morning worship.
Young people's meeting at GM5 p. in.
North I'roiibvtorian , Snundors street ,
Kov. Win. K. Henderson , pastor. Sur-
vice at 10tO : ; u. m. and 710 : ! p. in. Sunday
.school at noon. Youngpooplo's mouting
ntO50p. : ! m. At the evening service the
pastor will deliver thu third lecture in the
series to voung mrii. Subject , "The
Young Man in Professional Lifu. "
Strangers made welcome at all the ser
Trinity Cathedral , corner Eighteenth
and Capitol. October 10 , sixteenth Sun
day aftur Trinity. Holy communion 8.09.
Morning service 11:00. : Evening sorvioo
7:1)0. : ) Men's bible class , l0. ) : ! ! Sunday
sohool ! 5:00. : Strangers welcome to all
services. All seats Iruo at the the ovon-
ning servioo. E. T. Ilamol , noting
St. John's ' church , ( Grace olmpol ) corner - ,
nor Twenty-sixth null Franklin streets. (
Services at 11:00 a. in. , and 7:150 : p. m.
Sunday school nt ( h-ifi a. tn. Kov. Wm.
Osgood Puarson , rector.
The Kov. Alex Thompson will lecture
at Uovd's opurn house to-day nt 11
o'clock. Subject , "Tho Why nnd the
Wherefore of God's Commandments. "
No charge and no collection.
German Lutheran church. 1005 South
Twuntuunth street. Surviuo every Sunday
10 u. in. SundaysolioolatUp.m. E. J.
Froso , pastor.
Seward street Methodist church , on
Twenty-second und Seward streets.
Preaching by the pastor , Kov. Chas. W.
Savidgo , at 10:80 : a. m. and 7:150 : p m.
Seats frco nnd all will bo welcome.
Sabbath buhuol at ' : IiO p.m.
Southwest Presbyterian.Twentieth and
Lonvonwotth slrcots. Preaching nt 11 a.
m , by Kov. J. N. Hoyd. Sabbath .school
at ! J p. in. Young people's mooting , 7 p.
CastollarStroot Presbyterian , Sixteenth
and Castollar. Kov. , f. M. Wilson , pas
tor * Prunohing hy the pastor at 11 a. m.
and 7:1)0 : ) p. m. Sabbath sohool , 8 p. in.
Young people's meeting , 7 p. m.
First , linpfisl church. Services at 10:150 :
a. in. mid 7:80 : p. in. Kov. N. A. Koecl , 1) . ,
D. , will pronoh morning and evening.
Sunday school at 1U. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening at 750. : ! Farewell to
thu pastor at the churoh Tuesday evening.
St. liimiiibfis church , Ninouiunlh and
California streets. Services nt 11 u. m.
Kov. W. F. Weeks , Knosburgh Fulls , Vt. .
proauhcr und colubrant. Sunday school
ul 1:80. ! ) : Evensong and sermon ut-1 p. in.
| j.y thu Kov. Mr. ilimiul. Spuclnl choral
snrvluo. Sants free. John WillmniH ,
Swedish Evangelical Lutheran , corner
of Cass and Nimitttonlli streets. Plvlnu
ser 'ico and preaching by the pastor , E.
A. ICogoJstrom , at 10:150 : a. m , and 7:30 :
p. m. Sunday school at 8:1)0 : ) p. m. Tues
day evening , prayer mooting , nnd Thurs
day ovunlng pruucluiiLC Scandinavians
aru invited to attend all the meetings.
Unity churoh , No.MO North Seven-
trunthatreut. Surviuo nt 11 a.m. Key. ,
W. E. Copuland , pastor. To-morrow
the congregation and Sunday toliool
unite in n uliornl survico appronriato to
Harvest Sunday. The uhurui ! will bu dec-
orntiid with fruits , grains nnd vegetables ,
Sunday school scholars nro requited to
bu at tun church by 10:15 : u. in ,
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Mis
sion , K , P. Hail , Saundurs street , near
Jharlea. Kov. Geo. H , Sclmiir , pastor.
Sunday school nt UUO : p , m. Church ser
vices mm preaching by the pastor al 7:03 :
p. m. lJIble niootiii rijjirsOnY nt 7:30 : p.
' '
m. Tory ono is cuTulu'liy inTitciu ,
St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran
Sunday school meuts cvory Sunday at
! : ! ) ! ) p. m. in Cosmopolitan Hull , 1CUI
South Thirteenth street.
W. C. T. U. , Buckingham , Twelfth
nnd Dodgu strouts. Gospel services to
night at 7M : ! conducted by Dr. A. W.
Hartapeo. Prayer meeting Tuesday oyo-
ning at 7:80. : Ladies' ' prayer mooting
Thursday at a.OO p. m. lland
of. Hoiu at 4 p. m. The Reform
club holds iu btiRinosi session at
7aO : p. in , Thursday , On Saturday eyo-
ning at 7HO : thu public entertainment
conducted by tlio Keform club will ba
hold , All , ( ispccially young mon without
church home , are invitud ,
Special Uargain A business lot with 3
stores rontin/ / ' for $1,200 per your , oi\ \
paved street , for fS.uOO , on easy terms ;
for four duya only , as ownur leaves town.
1012 Fitruuin etict.