Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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TniinB-Oet. J2 , PtmnpinK 1'nllrrn * U > cncli
JL I'orpon rnlllnirnt IMJtiipltot Alr-nuo $1.00
worth of I'ntturns tluo , jour own seiettnn ,
J1MO *
_ _ _ _ _
BlN.lO-'llioiniinldj nnd qnlrKl ; tmii-Iit br
the I'nrlnn lrollier ! ! > , Hie onlj cpt'it ill the
V.V n t A per f ft t tnno < ri'irniitrr < l every ln on.
JnatrUitlon piirlors 1417 0 S'sltut. 416-10 *
VTONl'.V to loan nt Mrnlifhl R per centNn
J.TJLcormiilt ion li V. Hammond , room 3 , 15-.J
llouiflas strcf t. 07-nK
IJMH $ AIKA Rriod "toc'r of ltnrilwn"nr nrnf
1 11,11 leu , tm nl Implements , spl li 110 locu
tion , mil ) nnn < ithor lo"k of inrdrc linro ; fi
now ruin end now lii'lnir built to the town , lm | .
nets In tow n boomlnsf. Acldiesi 1'3 , Iltcolllro.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mas'
rnllUCnllirriipli li the wntlnir machine * of the
JL ilny , ( I , VV. Iliil.oi , Hfcum , rooms T nml H Iron
Ilnnk. .1119
Y At.KXTISr.4 Short-hand Iii'titutr Is In Ix- !
poslllun biilMlnir. 111)
rf IIK Hir.Al , rAMOHA7'7T l W. linker"
JL Aurnt , room9 7nnd 8 , Iron Ilnnk. 200 U
G\V. ll\I < iU' : < 4 hortinnil ) rhoo1 , Uoo iis
nnd C , It on Hunk , Oinnlin , Nob. .HI n
3 IMHI SAM : nil TitAiTK A sooiT second
' bund Max Mo > er & Ilia , pbino VVIIloell
for half Its valuii , or trndc for n lot In Omntm.
Cnll on or address Win A Wilton > V Co. 1418
llnrnoy * t.OmnhnN.b. 311
K KM KM IIIMI our nl lit reboot m ilcno-
Krnpli ) coiiimonccfi Monday , Octnbor 11
I'm tins ilnslrlnir to Inciciiso their fp < ed cnn
Join our uvndncoil classes fesulon comniLnclnir
promptly nt 7 1ft. Apply or nddr < * * s O VV
linker , lleoms 7 nnd 8 , Iron llunlc , Omiilni. Net.
'US 0
Biliary nnd nl ev
piila at liomc ot to truvol : Rtnto
.i | ir'lorrcil ; nl o ciliary H nnlid So'\n ! , V
Co , Mimuliictiirorg nnil VV holinnln ilciueru , ' "J4
( Icorpost , Cincinnati , O. : U1 U *
rplU'iS , Hears , Slirnbj.etc . pluntcil I roc for
* - poirons biiyhisf ol Iojum < < Co. Nuiserlcg
C.O. Ilownnl l'rou.1II'O.boxL1 < iO. _ N > 7 nU
Il'youiledlroa iootl i < icnoginpticr mldrcis n.
W. lukorCo. ) . , rooms 7 nn < l H , Iron llnnK.
_ _ _ _ _ S'.l 9 _
> rfUHra ] I'lnno fJ rnontiTlr. A
. IMIJiouidng. \U1 \ _
SIINI ) jour CiillifriinliRto liorc o (1 VV.
linker , rooms" ami 8 , Iron Ilnnk. 'Ml !
Al.l.klmlsol writing uincliliue lopuhoil , nml
rcpnlisrortlins'iiiui. O.V. . linker , KOOIUK
7 ami B , Iron Iliui ) iilr > U
fn ) K KKNT Squnro Piimo , $ l monthly. A
L1 Hospo lull ) DounlM. _
3 I'yon di-slio it position ns stcuosrrnplioi nil-
dru s 0. VV. linker .V , Co. , rooms 7 und M , Iron
Ilnnk. 2ii l-
TSI1AI.I. OI'IIN n nlBht fcliool In slimo-
Krnpliv , comment'lmf Mondiiy , Oet llth ,
feliool to bu In session tlireo nluhis u weoli , us
follows : Mondays , Wcilno-iln)8 n < l 1'ridnjs.
Special ntlmitlon ( riven to ndvnnued fclmlirs ,
im nlno to tliixo eommeneltijr the art. Itcnu'in-
tier llio ilnti * ( lot. 11 , O. VV. linker , rooms 7
nud B , lion Ilnnk. "i J-9
Jl" jou Imvo n typewriter tor snlo or deslro to
pinclm o one , uddiess G. VV. linker , Itooms.
7 nnd f , 1 ron Ilnnk. a4"i U
FOKlli.NT : Orgnna , fS per month ,
151J DnuirliiR.
AV Nlis * Al > ) I HiN.onlv two miles trom
Kiirnliiini street. Fifty lots lor snlo at
from f.Wll to f 450 I'nUi , on oiicv tcims. Cheap-
Kt property lu Ihu nmikct. C. I' . Mayne , Houl
Kbtlltlt > \ Tl tJFt CO.
ITIOlt HAI.K Olllco fiiriiltmo , snfu. trucks ,
JL1 ecnlu , vtc ; Apply Ull Jones t. llens-on riah
Co. : isiu
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jr < roil SAI.II Apple bands , molasses bin-
rel- , half liariulB nnd ki'xfi. I w 111 mime low
prk'OB on car lands dcllvorcd at iHllroiul sta
tion * In Ncbnifkn , VVq tein Iowa IIIK ! Wcstriu
lIlKMiml. .1. ho j moil i , IBtli nnd 1'lorco street ,
Oinnlin. N'rli. SIU 10
H HAI.H-Ico In cnr loml lots. AiIclri8
Olllitit Ilios. ! Council llluir- .
Vl/llmviilliu lintel U1of i on I c tnto for
V > Bnlo In tlio cltj. VVo can phouj oil fcoine-
tiling that ulll pli iiso v on 11 j on want to buy.
0 K Mnjuo , Khtnli ) .V Trust Co.
"iriHltSAI.K runuico. eccoiul hunil , Chll'on
Jlurnaco In KOO < ! ouloi and nrinnucil to
lioiit llxo looms , liNjnlie ut No HOT .lonesbt.
3'M U
n\OIt SA I.K A Hist elii'B buck lior o and bnr-
JL1 neEB complete. Address P DO , Ueo ollico.
| ,14'J 11 *
FOH SAIjV. Lnrgo spun of 0-jcnr-old mnlcs.
Kiiqiilro A. H. Duncan , Tex & Atwood's
rale barn , 114 B. Ifthst. alll *
Foil SAI.K IIoiso fi 5cnrsoldeoinid , broken
to Huddle nnd ilrlvlnjr : also bUKy und hur-
ncRs. J. J. .Mnlionev , J5U9 I'nrnnm ft L'tt-i )
Wlllnxvo the Inrircst list of renl estnto for
Milo In tlio city. Wo cnn show yon some-
tlilnirthut will please you It yon wn-it to buy.
C. 15. Mnyno , Hunt Ketnto At Trust Co.
FOim ALU-FnrnltUTO nnd lcii o of lintel ,
centrally located : postolllco In bulldlntc :
peed Rnmiilo rooms. Address Handnll House ,
Jloiitrlco , Nub. 2.M 11 *
Foil S.Vl.K I'artor l/ortroom nml kltotien
furniture cnrpctH.innffo und hontlnpstoves ,
ullnoulynow , a Kcntlo lioiao ( ho ycius old ,
nil at a biiixain , Klvlna up housekeeping , "JH
1 ? < ) H SAl.i ; Ijirico tire nnd burKlnr proof
) pntu.costSVV ) . Sell Tor $250. J. VV. Mui-
aliull. l.W.i Farnmii st. 700
\VKlinvo tlio lurKCEt list of real ostnto lor
' I 8. lie In tlio city. Wo eiiii uliow you soine-
tliliiK Unit wll1 plciisti jou II you want to buy
O. I ! . Muync , Itcid Kt-tnto A. Trust Cp.
Foil SAM : A line thorou libiod ircMlnir ,
Kood ililver , single or double. line saddle
liorto for man , woman or child , perfectly ftontlo
anil kind , elv yunix old , no bnd traits. J. VV.
iiler. : room 7 Iron biuiK 18 0
SAtn Fuinlturo nnd IOIIKQ of liotni.
lljder llouac , HtromsburK , Nob.
"Tjioil HAI.i : Kurnuiuo ixnill IIHAO ot Blt-roum
JL ? hoiifio , time on pnrt. Cull 1202 North 27th
Btrcol.tHO blockH from lied Car Him. _ b ! J
Hl.siS ) I ) tsrnrni3lniil8 ( money lonned"
Hernia ir.tli nnd Douglas gtroels. 1K7
Wl ! hnvo llm lniKO"t list of real estate for
"ale In thu city. Wo show > ou some-
thliiff Unit Mill pleaiejou If you want to buy.
C. I' . Ma ) IIP , Heal Kstuto ft'J'rliBt Co.
171 OK SAI.K ( , iioip. : iron columns ind win-
JL1 ilowonpsdiiltnblo for fiont on brick build-
Ing1. 1'or pnrtlouliirHnpply ul thlsolllpo. 611
rANTlil- ! : nnd n | > pr < > ntlio Kills.
713 e.
ANTHU Good woman cook , 314 S. llth
Bt. 445 12'
A\ ANTKn-Oli l-Must bo t-'ood cook nnd
Innndrcii. 2.kl8 runmun , Mrs. J. M. Tliuis-
* \\rANTiu : lii u small family without eliTP
i i < lren , UKOod.nuatreliable andeompeleiit
Klrl for cook nml luundiy : nlso another such
Klrl for second worlc nnd plain nowlitir. These
nroinruHltuntions for two bright , iilnln Kiiff-
Il lisii > . > nklmrilil8. : A'lpress I' . 41 , llio olllcu ;
Jlvo diijs Iteleronces leiinlred. 2ffl ll ( * _
WANTI5D 1'our o.\ierleneed | illnlnt-Tooru
girls Wimea JIM per month , nml room ,
Danbiuiiu'a llust.uiruiit,1511 luirmuii itieetM
M 9
WANTIH ) Inimcdlntoly girl for wenenil
housework , northwest corner Ilninlltou
andI'lerdroelgbest ; v\n o8. H74 0 *
AV : ) ) QlrlR at WltKlu'a papur box fnc-
jtory UMS 14thnt _ , 3tl 1U *
WAN rlci' Pciimlo niront. For particulars
tnll nt Omulin Kmnloymont Uurcnii , 118
North Iflth HI. 410 U
TANTKfl A ( food dining room girl. Apply
: w Njutii st. 3 < 8i )
_ _
" \A7ANTKn-airl foTgonernl houtcwork. 2602
W'AlTrtvIT-ood ! ( ieiTiiuii ilrl In hotel , best
vruKes.DO ) 8. llth bt. U , Mumiweller.
2JJ 11 *
\ \ AKTii-li : ) | lor liouinvriirk In Bmull
i > fumlly. lira Morholf , 23.1 ! Buwnrd Bt.
! 1I7 0 *
ANTKD-MlilUlo ngoJ or olilvvoiUHii for
cook ; ( food wiges. 107 N. Uth tt. U209'
ilrn VMU Wllllinn icr IlOUiunoaprri
J07N.lell. 310 U
_ _ _
IVAI * ) mil A milt Khl toinko cnro of clill-
'I dicu ami ( In fi-eoiiil work. Inquire Mre. It.
l'llrrU,2 ! < l nml ht. Miir > * nvo. &i9 10
\f .VNTTD A nook for sfnnli fumlly , Inqulro
Jl Wtl ffiuUi Utli Kt , 611) ) _ _
\ \ 7ANliii : udliB to wnik for uoBt their
> ' i n boiuns. f tu J1J per week ean lie
i\iirlh ; iiinilu No panto , pamtlrir ; no eun\iisn-
In ; , * , Kur full piirllouhirf , plcasu addroRs nl
n > i < , Cro . net \rt Co. , 10 Central Bt. lluntoi * , ,
W BUS. , | lojr. S170. t'OIOIl ' *
\ rANnu : A ihl for c'cncrnl housework ;
M iitily | | fttniiiunt U15 N 13tli. UtSO 10 *
" \\rANTKU 3 Rood dlsli washers nnd ono or
i' Iwnv'ooil nitois at Norrib'rcbtnui-ant ;
lill h ei In I Duili ! P uud Douclas. . - ! U
. \ \ , ' ANTKD Oond "ouokT ttout MODIUII : 1'JOS
11 1'uriiKiu t , went Jpor 3 < OB *
\\TANl IQlrl for Beneral liouscwork In
it -uilyof two : innet irivo rcftrcnco. Ap
ply UI3 Virginia nvnouo. til
ANTKD-Glrl for general housework , d-'O
P , lOili b t St ll rj * ATII nnil Lcavonwonb.
\t fANTnOnl for ncwlng by hnml lit
> Klchtor * , M ! PA-nnm et , 4S4 9 *
" \\fANrt-i : ) A KiMxl jrlrl for second
Ofrninnor Ilino prof et red. No tti
Mrs A. 1'rnlt , li.t'3 ' I'nrk ftVf. Stl 0
w \N1 iJli 'tend cook nt the I'limous res-
timrnnt. nn s nth t ti
WAN7KD A qtilci-wlttcd ! mnn who Is nccus-
tomcil totknl nltli hulli6 inen ; iil'o
cxppilcnc d wrltirs Address J. I ) Snmion ,
Arcade Hotel 4is 12'
WANTKD-SO Voitnfr tnnnto Join the No\v \
vinrtlnl llaml Address U. A Cor 'in. Irtih
AJ'aeillcBK _ 431-1U- *
" \\7ANTrn-Vounirmnntotri\\pl ; Snlnry tl"
T PIT tui < mid evjieinps. viu t < ! epo it
f ) rn ti S tiirlty glvun. Cnll Momlivv , IfllU
M. -
\VANTii-gloitt : lioyforilellviTliiKtccil ntul
Brocirlcs , LMli nml Cnlirornl.i tt . 4M'l
Itiimis. VVltmnni .
N. ICth st. Wl 11
\yAM ii Trnv cllnp mui for Mile line Mimll
call In lonndijnto , Itoom 11 , C'J Duitrboin , Chi-
\\7.\NTii-Mcn : for lllnch Hills extension :
> > Ooml wngeg nnil Kood Job Albrlvlit's
Lntior Airvno ) ' , 1H01 * rnriinin. ! lsl
WANTii--Iiniiif : llntcly , n fli t-cliu > cook
for sin vovlmfimrty. Appl } ut clilot en-
Kllicci'solllce , t ! ity. _ 3VD !
WANTr.ll Siilooiimti hnvlnir n ttioiouuli
knowledge ol tlie tnulo In lids mid lid-
lol iliifr stntvs : must lie fiunlllnr with thu sad *
cry nnd fiddloiv linnlwnro bnslne's ; A 1
refcri'Dicti ic < | Ulrcd. Aildrc 9 1' , I17 , tlds oincc ,
" *
WANTFII A coed Stenocraphcr nt once , (3.
> V. It\kci \ Co. , looms 7 nnd S , lion Hunk.
W\NTiii : 2 rnrpcntors thnt nrp used to
dlnlr ImllilliiK Cnll nt SOT Honnrd fit. ,
lloK iild & ' . . ' '
WANTii : > Flist ulnns Imrhiir. Strntlyuork
nnil u-ood wnires 1'etei .Vloier , 1'iinllllon ,
Ncl U1 - '
_ _
WANTI5U 7 Oirpentor" . Kminlrf * nt oornor
of Hurt nnil Heaenulst , V. II , Ci
) An e\j oijcneed , ll\o mnn to
Vt luiinlle ? ) iups to ittall dado 111 ( liaalia. on
libeialeiiniinls'lon. 1'iefei onu nowliiuulllni ;
Kio < eis'peciultlt" < nud known lo thu trndo
Addiess witli ieferente 1' 411 , tnio Oinnlin
Ileo. 1118II *
WAVl'ii > AgeutH. maleor fcmiilo , cvorj-
here , to tiiKo orders for platlnt' . Addiess
nt onto U. I , . Horton , VVintii , In. 'JJ1 l'i *
S'I'KT honoinliin mTrn viTh
W A ! ) A Kooil
3.VJ1) ci h , us jiniliter , can mnko Irom Jl.'i
to ? 20por dny to IIVUIECO nurnts mid soil goods
In tills state. Address 1 * 40 , HcuollUu.
\\ANriJl ) Instnllmciit ( niivusbora to cnll at
1JU7 rarnain M. und see wlmtvvo have to
olfci. C. T. . Lee , viminifcr. } ? " ' _
rpIIljlniiroM vftir Co In the \\orld nnntmon
JL to sell their creeds on snlnry or commlsloii
In nlltoune In Nebin kiu No capital or o\pcrl-
enco ncrcs'nry. Huferonco iCutu | < d. Address ,
M , lioiC7 , OinnliH , or SI , box 5U" , Lincoln , Nob.
WANTii : > r'l mon for VVjomlmr Good
winters job , Compnuy work li , S. Al
bright , I.nbor iiKcney , 1.U8 Knrnnm St. 1'K )
YV/ANTI31) / A few more nirciiFs to intTodiTcc
t > our Antomntla Music il Ins'rumonts , on
lii'tallinents Anyone cnn piny them without
iniisicnl Instruction , the best imylnjr , cn8le < it
cellmif novelty ever known. $ "A tot40 n voclc
c > tui bo re illzo 1. C li. Ioe , Innaijor , I'M' Tnr-
nnmstrcrt.upstnlrs 488
WAN'H'.D A nilesman to introduce a now
spncln'ty ninonir tiiidcapuoploiind mcclmn-
los. Addicoa with icfcruucts nnd past experi
ence , Dux O-0 , flco otllce. 4b7
\\7ANTKD A position liy n joung married
'i ludy nsdlnliit--ioom ( rlrl for hoi nnd IIIIF-
biimlVlioiiid. Addiess 1' 7ii. Hco olllce. 450-12 *
WANTIin "Ituntlon by n nrst-clnss book-
kiopci , lomr i'\ieileme | nnd best of relei-
oncos given. Addiess tor live dnys I' 70 Hco
olllco. 4I7-11
I tTAN'l VI ) Situation In u liotol by yoiiiur
IT iirui nnd uil'c ot i years oxpeiioiice. Ad-
ill ess P 61 , Bco ollico. 4tt ( 10 *
\\TANTIH > A situation 113 driver ot c.\picss
> t ordellvciy team , with a yonnp man well
nciuiiilntLd with linnillniflr nnd cam ot horses ;
wIllliiK to woik. Addicss , K. II. , room 11 , over
Commercial Imnk , Oranliu. 412 10 *
WANTKI * Situation liy ) ounir Indy to cnro
for chlldten iind ee\v. Address I ) , 821 N.
ICth St. 4QU 10 *
WANTto situntion wnntcd by u yonntr
ludy ns milliner , eighteen mcnths' oxpnri-
onco. Address , 1' 0. , Hoe olllco. 2t5 0 *
W 'ANTED Situation ns housekeeper. In
quire 811 Capitol nv e. 1W8 11 *
WANTED Dy u llrst-cltt's , tetnpcrnto nicnt
und pastry cook ( man ) , n Kood stciidy situ
ation. Address 1 65 , lice ollico. ilil ID *
U'ANTIJU 1'osltlon In wliolcsnlo store or
otlico by nyoun mnn of business oxpor-
iiicc ; best ol refcicucos. Address I' 48. lice
oillco. 3J7 11 *
WANTKU Eyonlnir Emplnymcnt by yoim
man , bookkeeping or otbernMo. uddioss
1' 40 Hco ollice. 302 11 *
WANTED Position ns Pilesmnn , on loiul. In
nny linn but Jry uoods or liiird nro. With
food leferences. Address 1 > 41 , Ileo oOloc.
8UO 6"
Slluntlon us engineer or cure of
it heathiK bollorc. SK yciun uYpurl < incu ;
( rood references. Address I * . 25 Ileo olllco.
187 0 *
w ANT11U A position bj n slenouiaphor ,
references t'lven , addicssl'14 , Hco ofllce ,
10.1 13
WANTED Hy youiiR1 mnn of ft years' busi
ness oxpenonce. n position IIH snlosiunn In
nny line of goods , either wholesale or retail ;
cnn furnish A 1 rofeionccs. Address I * K ) ,
Omaha Uco. J'J3 10 *
WANT15D Situation ns bookkeeper or as-
sislani ; 111 jearrt' oxpnrloncu In lumber
Address I' ID , Hoc olllce. 102 Id *
" * "
WANTED To rout Nov. l7"B lioiTscT"t Irom
6 to ! > rooms , near Illfrh Hcliool. Ailihesp ,
stutliiR locution nnd tonni < , 1'71. 17,1-11 *
WANTBD - 1st class bouid In 1st clnss" boi-nl-
imr liouso. htnto piico per week. Ad-
die > s 1' , G7 , lice ollic o. 413-12
WANTUU Room nnd board In pijuito fam
ily , by youiiK ninn , near Pnundein nt 414 U
\\7ANTKD llnrurnlfihcil ir.oms , ccntrtilly lo-
> eiited , fjr lltrlit houscl.cupmt ; Aildie-3
C. M intonfiiiB. : : 13th fet. _ 33111
"l\rANTin : To rent IIOUFO fiom 4 to 6 rnoms ,
t > with bum lorli liortus. C. M. Eaton , din
B. Illllist ! KU ) 11
\ \7ANTHn Dpskroom. Address , stntlnt'
> > terms , I 01 j lice ollltc. 3. )11 *
_ _
WANTED Uy bachelor , Rood-Bl7i-d , weIN
furnf | < lied nlcovo bedroom , In prlvntn
hoise , with bnth on sumo lloor , etc. Address I >
60 , Hco olllce. _ 307 U *
WAN1'HI > To rent Nov let by permanent ,
prompt paying tenant , 5 or (1 room cot-
t nuo not over ? i mile Horn 1' . O. Addicts liilS
Luke st , city. 3'J8 11 *
Vl/ANTBD Two rooms , aontrnlly located , for
' onico use ; must bo connected , nndnrEt-
I'lass In ev ery resjicct. HV. . Orlswold , cure
i'axton hotel. 355 u *
\\7ANntD-To Itcnt , four unfurnished looms
IT nunr and north of tlio U. 1 * . depot. Address -
dross P 6.1 , lluo olllce. 8S7
WANTUD 111" t o Keiitleiiien In n quiet
hciibe , ndjomlnir rooms with lintb. Koer-
cnces. Apply stnliuu I'DO , Ileo ollico.
am a
\TMNTii-Set : ) of Nbluiiskn Ileport . Ad-
dress John C. Khea. 710 1-2 N liithst.
WAJxTKll rainllles dt'slrlnir their washings
neatly und ijnlcklv dona In their ov\n
homes nudtesit 1 * 45 1'eo ' olllce. 1105 V *
"lXrA TKl > A house for Binnll family no j
T T U. P. 8iops..JJltS ! ? , UCC 'Jlflie , "
I aoo
WANTKD Kcntlcmnn und v lfo , fnr-
nlsheit room itud board In prtvntu Inmlly ,
within tnilo of 6t. 1'aul Depot ; moderate terms ,
Aildn ss "I" , W Heo olllce. 00 li ! *
' \17A riill-fjrooriy dealers to take notice
' i nnd bo the II'61 to ttnrt u K roe cry store at
I.envcnwt'ith Dullness 1'laco. USOO
\\'ANTKD Itooms , n or 4 , by 3 prow n people
li for lluht Iiouiekiieplur ( : prefer up-stnlrs
vv ith another family. Address 1 * " 4 , Bco olllce.
\\7AN riO All wHiitm ? to lenrn ghort-hand
' i and typo trrltlnir to attend Vfilcntlue'j
Short-hand Institute. VUpokltion bulldlnir.
Omaha. Wo run furnish tnitllclont employment
to rounir men and boys to pay their board whll *
lit Utendanee. Kftj-Oct. 0
W IANTEU-Toams. T. Murray.
F1U lir.XT House uud stnble , cor llib and
Ylutou. 100
TIon RHNT R roomrd house , p l * J. nth ,
( Center eH.JJSpcr month , _ 'W 11 * _ _ _
[ TiOlt Ity.VT House of 11 room . 25th nnd
L * J'nr.iBai ) sts. A. r. Tukey , 1JOI rarnnm
OH HKST-N'o. BlN. Kth t. . $ ! .M ; nl o
honouaiat nnrt Mloliljrnn sts , JI2 Ta. oVZ
YOll lti : > r A house , iilS Ciltninjr Mrcor
-L contnlnlnK n ftoro room. Wt 0 , nml four
Ivnnr rooms , nlso cellnr Apply to I ) . 1) .
Smcnton , 12th nml Ilmnqy streets. T. M. & Co
4SI-1I *
| 7 > OH lIKN'T-r. room hon p , SUh nnd Dodjro.
I.1 r.mnntc at J. IL lllngnnlt , . ' 18 i ) IMIi st.
4UCU *
IJBST-A Hroom homo , | 12 month ,
In n wood lo"nllon , for n iMinllj of two v'T-
son" Ciillnt Js ! I'lh St. , lent hoii'c. 40.1U *
FOlt I8KN r A Iilinl9lie < l boiiio of C rooms
on Doilfre lirtwtrn U'tb nnil l.ltn. Will icnt
fill or In pmt. Apply nt flynr Store , 10f > N. 12h (
st. ; t04
37M1H HUNT-A I room boilip , 3 blocks 8011th
omtlisu Ptiietcnrs. Inquire of C. Specht ,
stirii Cornice Works 174 1U
" 17TOR HUNT d loom cottnRO , llnrnoy nonr
i Mth. fJJ pur month B , A. Slomnn. I6.a
Knrmim st i-d3
F OllT.liASK VVchav-nrlovoTnicrp on IT. 1\
H. It. truckHOO fci-t front : will lon n nil or
pRrtfornvoveiirg. Ucdfonl .VSoiicr KH
FOH lir.NT- I Icfrnr.tly fnriiiMieil rooms with
UrM-ilRM bonrd nt KW Jones St. 1'our
lilocks S ot rnrnatr St. All modern con von *
tneos. 44B12 *
TtOll KENT -Pnrt of lloor for Hint mnnufrtc-
- liiriiur purpose * . Cent i all ) locnted. Low
rent. 1M7 I'mii m St npstniis. 4 ! (
] 7UH HUNT 1'ront pnrlorto parties wishing
to nay ( rood price. Lady preferred. Address -
dress I1 US llio olllio 4' in *
F OH m.XT With I'onrd. newly furnished
suite of Iront rooms for ! l or 4 ( rentlemon
Modern ; icfcrcncos lequlii'd : u5 !
I'leii'iiut 411 11 *
POH ltiNT"imly : luinlshel rooms at 1U
S. ii'ilsl 4J"
_ _ _ _ _ _
ITOH HUNT 4 rooms for lieu o' < eophiR ; . 014
I S , 17tli ht. , but Jackson nnd l-eavenworth
4(1,1 ( ID *
rpl ( < ItVM Smn'l ' ruoliTsulinblo lor ( lentle
12 m in , H J Dodpo. 'J7D 10 *
FOIt Itr.NT A IIIIRO front room : nlso for
fl lie cheapR'lume ' I'oseuood plnno nt 1HJ1
1 nrmiMi st one block \\tist \ of court , houso. 4 < .U
B-iOIl HUM' Front pntlor brdroom for
gentlemen. JISOJ. Imiulre r > UbCa s ,
T7\OU ItllNl' I'mnlsbea loom lor ono or two
J Keiilletiien : finnitiire now , plcniint loon-
tlon ; Houninl st , bet sth nml Uth. ; couth Hide.
Foil UKN'I nmilslieti front room , 1110 N.
17tli t. Cnn Ket bo ml novt door. 41010 *
JJM H HUNT -Nicely luinislied Iront loom ,
1 SKI Soutll lOIll tt. 4'JO I ) '
FOItltKNT N ricer l.'tb nml 1'ierco Suite ,
parlor , bedroom nml clopet , tosetlior or
ficpiuntc , nlcelj ftirnlsli'il , with ( rood tnblo
boiud. yukt house ; one bloek from street cnr.
37' ' 10
TT1OK HUNT I'lcnsnnt south room upstnlrs ,
LA Ininlehod.vvitb bonrd. Unusnnlly pioiisiiiit
locution. With two In room , $ .tt per month
ouch. N n. Cor 12th anil 1'lorcc 37'J 10 *
POH HUNT Desk room , $4 per month , nnd n
fiont vol-fuin8heil ! ! ollico , well lUhted ,
central nml commodious , $11 , Apply W. H.
Suuvuy , HIS. 14th Bt. 4C2 10
AOIt Itr.N'l' Comfoitnblo furiiiMioil room In
lirlvnto tnmily ; terms inoilrnito. Address
1' 5SI , Hco olllto. a iJ14 *
Tj\t \ > R IlKVT 1'loisint fnrnlslicd rooms ,
JL ? south f rent bilek tint , bo.iul can bo bad
noxtdoor.Ap _ _ lv a 11U1 Chlevgo Bt. U1J
,1 Oil linxr Nicely ItiinlEhcd looms. 1013
1 . . 28U-U-
Chic.110 st. -
HUNT I'otir looms , pnntry nnd elotlius
pro-sand cellar , I'miuiro upstairs , with
iofcionoo.707 South llth Bt 2W-10 *
Foi : HUNT Nicely furnished fiont room ,
nlcovc nnd closet , No. 115 B3J st.
ioit HUNT rurnlshcd a very plensnnt
liont room , onwo looms nt 1700 North 16th
st , on car line , llo ird can bu ImJ no.iv by.
201 10 *
POH KfiNT Ono Inrjro front boil-room ,
fnrnlahod. Cnn nccommodiito u few tnblo
bonnlcrs.,214 south Irfth. 101 B *
Oil UDNT ruimsnod rooms , 181(5 ( Dodpo.
873 O 27
FOR KISNf 2 unfurnished looms ; 2410 Hni-
ncy st. yi2
HUNT Four nlco unftiruisbod rooms
In suits , with use ot gas nnd oath If desired ,
loliillovvurdst. 3100 *
TIOH HUNT Two very dcslrnblo furnished
J roomn nfAWiSt. Mary's uvo. , with fiirnnco
bent , bnth , nnd every modern convenience ,
FF bonrq. Terms v ery rciisonnblo. IW-.I *
I7OH HUNT I'urnished rooms with bonrd nt
F | l'l > VI , , .lln o , „ 1750 *
UJSIINT A small lurnlslicd front bed-
Ioom nt 111 i Douglas fct. 3" > 4 0 *
Foil KiNT 0 nicely furnished rooms ut the
corof 7lh nud 1'nclllc st. lor mnn und \\lto
or gentlemen : with or without bonrd 65H 10 *
POIt HUNT Kooni nnd board in puvalo fina
lly , 525 par month. Address P 60. lice
otnco. JIM I" *
Foil HUNT Furnlihu rooms for gentlemen
_ only 1508Ciiss _ St. 2.1.VJ *
" 1710 U HUN P rurnlsheil front rooms with flrst-
J cluts bonrd , 621 1'Ionsiint. 33512 *
FOll ni'N'TNlcdly furnished front room ,
liliMIovmdat. S23 12 *
Fl ( ! HUNT Tuo InrRO unfurnished rooms
suitable for Hnht liousekecplna Inqulio
Kniifmnn Hroc. 1009 Knrnnin st. : K8
OU ilENT Nice , InrKO. furnlahcd Iront
room ; suitable tor two KOiitlemeu. Mil St.
Mniy'savo. HH.O
FOH UINT A Inrjro , newly furnished fiont
mom with buy window ; suitable for two
gentlemen , nt "O-1) I'nriuuu st 111Ml !
Tj OlfliVNTNicely furnished room , 1007
JL1 DouglnsBt. ; references required. 110
bonrd , 10IJ Cnpltol nvo.
.72 ft *
FOIt HUNT Nicely fuinlsheJ front room
with nlcovo , nil modem oonvonloncos , for
three ( 'cntluinen , four blocks directly south
liomopeta hnuee , apply at once , 1415 Jones st.
FOH HUNT Nicely furnished nnd comfort-
ulile looms for winter , with or without
boar I. 1DJ3 l-'ainamst. 2TJ lii *
Itll.NT ruinlshcd iront loom vslth
boa i il. 1178.17th. 3'J7 10 *
Foil HlIN'i' rinnlshcd looms , parlor suit-
able for t Gentlemen , 1510 llniney ,
38 10 *
FOR HF.NT Suite of rooms , furnished ; nlso
1 single room lor gentlemen. 020 hi. Mary's
nvo. BZJ 24 * >
HINT Newly furnished room-111 Bt ,
Mary's nve ( Ml
A IT.VV Hcrcs loft In Newport for snlo nt 275 teX
X ,1TO dollms tucli , C. E. Mnjne Heal Ue-
tnto & Triifct Co.
.I , lots at fiom | 550 to $7W nre
the cheapest In tlio mm ket Ixits u mile
bo > end them nro eelllnK for J5JO. C , B. Mnyno ,
Hunl ICetiUo & Ti uxt Co.
OH BAf/K-TIait front Int Inl'lnin View , only
$700 , bnrif nln. Cnll nt ono
Two S. front lots In bhlnn's addition , 1,000
Some choice lots In Lane's addition ,
For cheap bouses buy In Bllby Heights ,
A Bplonldld suburban homo for sale , near
Bcliool und Btioct car nccommodutlons , or
would excbuniro for vtuant lots or stocl , of
xoods. li. I' , Hammond , room 8 , 1A3J Douglas
strict. 43511
- - " urni- ! . ' . in uichnid Hill In the
pull lx montbs Forty IIOUECS built nnd
contnatcd for. 103 lots ftlll for ealo nt low
pilces nnd on easy terms. C. U. Muyiie , Heal
Estnto Trust Co.
TOOK nt Maont 1'laeo If you want a nice lot
J with trees. In a rood neighborhood U E.
Mnyno , Heal Estate . Irust Co.
IpOH 8AIE-Ily M. L. HlgirlnB & Co . 1504
DoiiiMts tt , , t ( i room cottairoa on 17th ft ,
for { 2noO , email cash pajment , bal 125 inonth-
Ij. wliy pay rent wben > on can buy youirelf
n homo In Ibln najV Tliooe Uousta will rent for
ftfipcr month.
Ol'fl hundred lots sold In Orchard Hill in the
putt 8lx montuB. Foity UOUBOD built nnd
contructod for. 100 lots still for sale ut low
Pilces Bnd on easy tonne. C , E. Mnyno , Heul
Estate Trust Co.
A FEW acres left In Newport for sale at 275 to
Ka dollars each. C. E. Maynu Heul Eatiito
& Trust Co.
FOH bAtiK A nloo5 room hoiiso und lot on
street tvliore grade la cstubllehcd , lot soded
nnd ircoa , ever } Ihlnp In gooa condition , If sold
within SO da > fK.GOQ , M cash balnncoto mit .
No real ustute moa need apply. Address 1' . 8 ,
Ileo office. Property will bo shown. 143 1& 1
AKKVV norr * lof < In * sowp' t tornlo nt 2V" to
J'- " iia Jiach C E , .MnjiifcHcrd Kstato
A. Trust CO.
froritliundre l ts old In Orch-uiTlllll In Hid
J. pn t x moutis , 1'otty lioutca built nnd
coniinrtCHl for 100 , tots Mill feuuIo ht low nd on ensj linns. 0 E. .Mn > uc , Henl
Estate Trtl't Co.
FOH HVI.K-A. H. ComMoek. ronl rstnto
broker , 2d story Mi rehunls Nntuninl bunk
tilllldlnjoilld cnll utlcnt'on ' to the following
Inrpnlns ;
Carnir lot. 100 fcrt front on A Iritlnln n > enuo ,
Hu i onkmld : JVtO
Tliuc south front lots on Ilunlett street , 1'nt-
rick's 2d ndd ; flV03 nrh
Cornm lol 0tl28't , 1'ntrlck's 1ft ndd ; JI/00.
TwoKOod bUfilnssslots In South Omnbn. $7iO
sovcrnl choice lots In Hancom 1'lnce.
IKM < In Kiltij riiiifi'fiom ' $ MJ to * 1.0U
Acn-lots in I'tntl s suhdlvls on , JB50 to$7M.
Uttecn ncre , throe mllP ! > wi" < t tiom tlie court
hoif-t1. between tonvcn or1htind DodircMreets.
llni'lj locati'd forplnttin , nt ? OJporncto.
Choice biislniss nnd rc ldenco property In nil
imrlsof Ihiclij. . 415
Ari.VV acres left In Newt ort lor snlo nt 275 to
a-iOilollnifivnoh G 11 vinjnu Heal IMnto
A Ti list Co.
O HCHAK11 IIILI , lotRattronTjvio'loTTfiO nro
the chcnpst In the mnrket. Lots n mile
liej end th'jm nro eollhiB for fWO. C K Mnyne ,
Heul Estnto A. Tiust l o.
° *
FmSAl < t-lly : M. U ilijrRlns A Cota \ \
Doimhis st , n splendid C-room cottnce. with
nil modern Impiovumcnts , enst-tront lol Al\l2s ,
with llnolniirn hhnde trces.vory sluhtly loentcd ,
u bargain forlriOI , Jl.OOOcnsh , Inl to suit
LOOK ut Mnj nu Place If j oil wunt n nice lot
with tree" , In n coed neighbor hood C. K ,
Mn > no , llciil Hstnto \ Trn t Co.
cH A lt ) ll.Ij lost from ( MX ) to $7WI nro
thoulionpcst In llio mnrkot. I/ots n mlle
bo > on < l them nro olllni ? for $500. C. 11 Mnync ,
Honl Estate \ Trust O ) .
Al'r.VV acres left In Newport for sale nt 275 to
IMdollai Bench UK Mnyne Heal Estate
.V Trust Co
F OH SAUi-lly M U HlnKhiB & Co. . 1VH1
Dou lns8t.n2torj 8-room hou e on Cn s
st. , bet. I'lhund Itth , forfl.OW . , on very liberal
FOI 'uimdo lots solili Oielmrd Hill In 111 o
pn t lx months Kortj houses bulll uud eon-
trnctodlor. KRI lots still for pule nt low prlcis
and on easy tei ms. C , U. Mnyne , Iteal l.etnte
Trust Co.
TO ) K nl Mnjrnol'lneo If jon wnnt n nlio lot
j with tiois. Inn peed neighborhood , C. K
Mill ne. Heul Hstnto &Trut Co.
_ _ _ _
AYN r/S A DDIT1ON. onfy two miles fiom
Fnrnlinm stieet Kilty lots tor Bnlo nt
ft mil f'K ! ( ) In $1"0 each , on ensy toimo. Cbi np-
i-st propcrtv In the market. C. 12. Majne ,
Ilcid i ; tiite A. Trust Co.
Olt A I.K liy M. ' { Hiwms i Co. , ISOrt
Douirlas st.i : C-room honsos 1 bloek from
street o.ira , "Ith bnthroora , v\ntcr closet , trns ,
so\\einifo.ilty wntor , nil south front , for $2,500 ,
itnnll cn h piiMiient , bill. $ . ' 5 monthly.
IICHAHI ) HIM , lotsnt f7o m 150 "tcTjWO lire
the cheapest in the market. Lots u mlle
bejond them mo selling for $500. C. H. Mayne ,
Heal r.stnto A. Trust Co.
LOOKnt Mnvno I'lnco If you wunt n uko lot
vvltbtrcLS , In n coed neighborhood. C , IX
Majne , Heal IMato.V Tiust i'o.
OH SAI.U-lljr M. I , HlKgins & Co. 1VH !
Bt. t'.io new 7 loom bouses > \ Ith
bath roou , . water closet , sewetnps , gas nnd all
other modern improvements , only one block
trom street cnrs ; nil for $3,500 , smull cnsti pay
mcnt , bal. f-i'i per month.
OPH hundred lots sold In Orchnid Hill in the
pnsi six months. 1'orty houses built and
onntrncted tor. Km lots still for sale ut low
prliosnml on easy tcitns. C. E. Mujno Henl
Ebtuto ' 1 rust Co.
IOOK nt Miiyno * I'lnefe If you wnnt n nlco lot
I with trees , In n Rood neighborhood. C. K.
Mn ) no. Henl Kstito&iTrust ( Co.
MAYNIl'S ADDITION , only two miles fiom
rnrnhnm BtrcctJ Fifty lots foi snlo nt
fioin ? Kmo ? 4)00iicb | , on onsy terms. Chuip-
ust pronnity In tuo market. C. K. Mnyno , Heal
Kbtnto & Trust Co.
( ) lsAii-Uy 51. . , L. HIirgnH & Co. fiOl
Dongliis ft , one of tlio most elfrhlly located
dellhiu n ith nine rooms In East Omaha View
for $ JoOO on llboialtci ins.
WY. Imvo the farifost INt or ronl estnto for
pnlo In the city Wo cnn show jou aoine-
thlng' tbutvIII plonse you If jou nauttobny.
C. K. Miiynu , Heal IZsuuo & Trust Co.
AVNlsAlirtlTION , only two miles from
Fnrnhnm street.1 Fifty lots for sale nt
from f.'k)0 to $450 * onct > , on easy toniiB. Clioap-
est property In the market. 0. B. llayne , Iteal
Estate .V Trust Co , „
TIIR nbovo nro only n few of our numerous
daily bargains that cnn bo seen on our
maininoth bulletin at 1503 Douglas st. M. I * .
Hlfffc'lns Je Co. 428 K
fV < C H MID HILL lots nt from J500 to J750 nro
\.J the ehonpest In tlio market. Lots n mile
lioyond thorn nro selling lor $500. C. E. Mnyno ,
MAVNE'S ADDITION , only two miles from
Knrnhnm street. I'ltty lots for enlo nt
fiom $ .100 to $451) ) oncti.on easy terms Cheap
est piopcity in tlio market C. K. Mayno , Iteal
Kbtnto &Tru t Co.
To Contractors.
\\illborotehoclat the of-
Uco of tlio Clilol Inineer , I'nion 1'ncillc
railway , Onnilia.Nob. , for tliofrrndlntr , brldirlng
nnd 11 aek laying , and aurlaelntfot the follow-
In ? uoik.
Tlio line from Oakley to Colby , In Kniisns ,
nbout 22 miles.
The line from I.o > 'oland to llui'kliorn Stone
Quniries , in Colorado , nbout N'/i miles , nnil the
nxtonslon of the fralmn , Lincoln & Western
ltiiil ny Irom I.lneoln Center westward In
Knnsas,4l ( to M miles.
I'ropo-uls for the Colby line will not bo re-
cc Ived uftur October 12 h , but proposals for tlio
other lines will bo received until the ovcnliiK of
October lilth.
Profiles can bo scon nt the olllco of chief on-
Klnoer for the data previous to the diijB named
rorcloslno icceliitof bids.
Iho iltrht IB rcHorvod to lolett nny or nil bids.
B , It CAMjAVVAY. General Jlanuffor.
Dry IjumDor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. IS , and 10 ft S17.6X )
No.U 12 , Handle ft 14.75
No. 3 " " IS , 14 and 10U 13.50
No.4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 12.00
No. 1 , 4ifc0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , lough..817.01
No. 2,4 & 0inch , 12 nnd 14 ft. , loimh. . . 14.00
A 12 , 14 AlCft. , 21000 0 515,00
IJ12 , 14 A : 1J ( It. , 2,000 1) 11.00
1st com. , 9 * In Whlto IMno 1'artltion..SIU.OO
2d " " " " " . . . . 27,50
2d Com. H In. Norway Vine Ceiling. . . . KOO
A Cinch , whlto pine , 20 0 S20.00
CCinch , " " ! J4 1J 21.50
A12 Inch. 400 153i00
Hlti Inch " " 42U 23.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In , , b.,1 s. . 10. 18 A 20 . . . 21X0
No. 2 , " ' ' ia.f,0
No.2 , " ' ' 12 AH ft 17.00
' " 10ft 10.00
Island2d. clearnwInch , s. 2s 850,00
8d , clear , 1 , B. . . . 45.00
3d. clear , Ikf , li.a In , 47.50
H select , linch-,8.2 .p. 2U.OO
U select , 1 > { , I'jj'iln. . so.oo
' KllfP LAP.
No. 1. plaln.Band lOlncl 8l7.rx )
No. 2 , il. ) ii,8 and lO'lncl ' 15.50
fllrtKOf KSj I ATR *
XX clear. 52 ! ; iA i.tandard , 83.50 ; No. 1 ,
Sl.i5J.ath.8-.2r : ; .
1'osTRwj.uycciar , 0 in. , s , 13c9 \ In ,
qrs. , 'J > _ c. r
LIMP. Krr. ( Julnpy whlto llmo ( best ) 80c :
Cement ( Akronj. blta. Hair , : i5u. Mlelil-
plastci , & 2.7S. S.ish , 50c. Blinds , 50&
Sin , 50c. Mouldings , W
Wheat Ends the Week in Bad Condition on
a Down Tnrn ,
Oats In liimltrcl Dcmnml nnd Prices
lcollm'--l > M > vlsloii' ) Open I * it net-
tied , Hill Kiniillj Close Htjonuer
Mniltet Quotntluns ,
CntCAflo , Oct 9. ( Special Tclejjram to
.lie Itai : . ] DurltiK tlio llrst lioui or so
to-dnv tratllntr In tlio pit was
quite heavy , lint nftor early buyers
weio tilled up the tuniket gradually sank
from n lack of stippoil. About the only 011-
courasiiiK lenturoas tlio Moadne ! s in the
noithvH'st , Diilntli was V over us to-day
and thvtc VMII some talk nbout Increased
business at that point on c\poit account.
Not only this , but there \\ete fair buying
eiders licic tally fiom tlio noithvvcst for fit-
lure delivery. As the forenoon wore away
htislnrss loe.illy became very dtaKiry , and
speculation the gie.ttur portion of the tluiu
was tinder an average \olninc. The expecta
tion of liiiior ; yield per acio In the ne\t tov-
etnment report than \\as estimated in the
lust , and Ihe sensational development In tlio
[ ( revision crowd vveto both teatnres that
liaudlcajipcd from the start. Fluctua
tions In pi Ices wcte firqiiunt dining the MS- ?
slon , but they vveie within a nntrow range ,
l > eliiB less than Ic. The November option
opened at > estcidaj's eloslnit price , TJJjJc ,
and barely touclied 72J < ( f$7ile on a split , from
which point there vvasn decline to 73 > < J ( < 3
n\e. The mnrket then rallied to 7Ji e , but
gradual ! ) eabed on apaln loTJ'/e , which \\as
the bid all o'clock. The liimnessduiiiiK thn
last liour was occasion ed by a report
that sixteen boat loads hnd been
taken In Xew York. The ap-
peniance of llutchlnson In the pit
; is a blddei for bl ( ; jagsnisn had a itiongthen-
In ellcct , but ju t before the KOIIS Bounded
brokers , supposed to bo acting for Cudalij ,
ranicon the niaiket , nnd tlicli hammeilnu
bioku ] iilcus to within a small li.tction ot tlio
lowest point. Itwasavery ratriied closlii } ;
for tlio da > and wrek Ihe latest bids foi
December "were 74'fc ' , and iln > Si'ie. ( ' The
\tieiue range paid toi ilny was so frfl' ' c.
Itasud on je.sterd.iv's closlni ; pilces , theto
was a decline In leadini ; futures of e.
Coin declined ' W' c to day , clobliu at
'ic ' lor Novumbet , KO'je ' lei Ueeembei , nnd
10 'AC ' foi .May. At one time S'k ! was touched
by November , only a ti.ule or two , however ,
belnc reported at figure. The outside
quotation was : i5' ' : v > e .May dioppi-d
c , nnd reactions w ro
few nnd lar between. The estimated lecelpts
lor ilonday wcic 700 cats. The weakness
was laigely the result of tlie anticjp.itlon of
heavv auivals next week and to linewe.ithei ,
assisted , of course , by the .slunipy condition
of wheat.
Oats weio In limited demand for futuie de
livery. The Icelliig throughout was one of
weakness. November closed at Ul'ac , ind
Slay nt .O e , a decline for the d.iv of M'l'-
Provisions were weak , unsettled aiut pi Ices
circular , The market opened lather film ,
declined later on i nmois of the biispeiision ot
Kcrguson. but lallied latei and closed i.ither
stiong. Aless poik finally closed at about
jestcrday's ligurcs. October sold sp.ulnglv
at 'J > ic under Novcmbei lizures. November
v\asactiveaudsoldatS8t)0itt1.b7K { ! and closed
nt S8.75IS.77J ( . Januniv v\usinnood
aniet and sold nt S'J.7' > ( ffilO.V.liJ ! nnd closed
steady at fct . ! UXOt9 n. I < aul ruled easy and
o&JlOc lower c.uly. but rallied lOc nnd closed
steady. Octobei changed hands nt S5Mh ( ? ?
S.Ciand closed at S5 02X. November was
moderately active nt S'i.0ji.75 ( ' , nd clObed
quiet at S5.'Z @ t. S.
Uunn , S:8)p. : in , November \vhcat , ? iKc
bid ; nnvilegcs , 71c bid. and 7Je belleis.
Privileges on November coin , U5c and
_ _
CiticAfio , Oct. 9. [ Special Telcgtam to
the BEE. ] CATTI.K Trade was dull and
prices nbout the samt as Friday. The bulk _
ot the offerings were not them rangers ami
noithcrn vvinteied Texans nnd big , coaiso
natives and Colorado good uutcheriiu ; stock ,
averagine nnywhero from 1100 to 1200 Ibs ,
selling at S3.bO@4.lO and thereabouts , with
rough and common as low as SH 00@"X ) .
Largo numbers of useful butcheringstceis
are selling below 84.00. Shipping stecis , 13,10
to 150-3 Ibs , S-U 0@5 10 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibs , S4.00f
4.GO ; OWtolSOOlbs. S.W > 0@4.80 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , S1.70 < ? 3.10 ; bulk , S2.30@3.r,0.
Through Texas cattle were 10(3150 ( lower.
Gunners were stopped on account of the
strike. Webtoin Lingers were bteady ; natives
and Imlf-biecds. 83.00 ( 4.10 : western Texan .
SAWKH3.5I ) . Sales : i07 ! Nebiabka-Toxas. 1137
Ibs , S3.40 ; fi8 Nebrabkas , liissibs , 83.70.
lloos The fourteen regular packing firms
thatcairy on summer and wlntei business
virtually.shut down to-day , locking theii men
out until they arc willing to work ten hours
a day for ten hours' pay. Tvvontj-onn gront
polls packing houses are now closed , Silence
reigned in evciy department. Nearly
0,000 ho s were bought by city butch
ers and slaughterers and any soil that
was good enough for olthcrto1d nearly
as high as jcstciday. Jiut below
this class , nnd especially tor the otdinaiy
run of packing sorts , there were no lixod
values , salesmen taking any offci they could
get Some rough but usetul packers sold ns
low ns S3.40ai.r ( > 0 , and fair nt S3.7B < g3.fcO.
with best at S3..K ) @ .IO ; best absoited heavy
nnd Phihdelphlas. 54.40 4.00 ; lleht sorts ,
53'JS@50 ) ; ; inline Yorkers , S4.00@4.20.
Now York. Oct. 0. MOVBY On call ,
quieter nt 5@7 per cent , closing nt 5 pel cent
asked ,
cent ,
STIIIIINO EXCIIANOK Sleadynt$4.8l/4 | for
CO day bills , S4.b4tf lor demand.
GovBKXMbNis Gommncnt bonds weio
dull and weal ; .
STOCKS New Enpland stock was notlco-
nhlu in the early morning tor the unusual
decllno ut which it opened und its wild lltic-
tuaUons In the Hist liltcen mlnnlcs. The
opening prices showed lnejitlnr ; changes , the
differences bolntf Kenernlly from > 6 to > ' * per
cent , vvhllo Now KiiKland was down 't ner
cent. The pilnclpnl activity In tlio iiioinlnK
was in Now Kngland , Heading it Western
Union , nnd the former , alter several violent
Iluciuntlons , which loft it about I percent
below the opnnliiK pi Ice , ami having in tlio
inuinllma touched both Us highest and lovvcbt
points foi the day , became heavy to weak ,
and Heading sympathized lo a cuilaln extent.
The lumalndm of the list was generally In in
until toward noon , when ItMKKed on . The
maiki't closed baiely lain , close lo the lowest
of the day.
3-Q cent bonds. . 100 1C. &N. W Uiltf
uTb. 4k'B 111 % prefcn ed . . . 142
New 4V. 12s > f | N. Y. 0 112Jf
Taclncfl'sof'05. 130 > { Uiccon Trail. . . . 83 | <
Central 1'ftclllc.ISJis'l'ncUlc ' Mall 64 %
C. & A 142tfIM | > . & K 28
pruicrrea. . . . KX ) 1 . 1' . 0 144 }
C. I ) , &Q IHStt'llock Island 125
U. L. &Vf JSOK.St. L.&S. F. . .
U. & K ( } 32 ' preferred . ,
Erie a 0. , M. " < Jc St. P , . . 04
pro erred. . . 77 referred , . . 121
Illinois Central. IS * ! ; St. * . &W 21" Deferred , , , 112V i
Kansas it Texas. § 0 Texas 1'aclllc. . . Ill
LakoHhoru Union 1'acltlc. . . fli )
L.&N r-o2' w. ' , at , L. * p
Mich."Central ; ; ; 01 % 'prcfeircd. .
Mo. I'actlio 115'i ' Western Union.
Northein I'ac. . . 2b jO. . 1J. &N. . . .
preferred ,
i'liouuots M
Clilcaco , Oct 0. Klour Unchancod !
winter wheat Hour , 84.0' ai.lO ; south
ern. 53.90(0)4.00 ( ) : Wlbconsin , 54XX ( < g
4.10 ; Michigan soft sprint : wheat , $3.50.iC
4.10 ; Minnesota bakers , 83.51)34.10 ) ; patents.
84.WC4.00 : : low grades , $1.75 .73 ; io Hour ,
yuiet at 33.25@3.50 in ban els , and 3.00 ®
8.20 In sarks.
Wheat Lower : the main Induenca on the
inaikot to cuiii < o deprcbslon was the fulluro o.
a prominent ( 'rnln ami provision IIOUSH. Thn
oiienliiK was a shndu c.iLirr , declined % < 4c
rallied Ji'c , lluctuati'dblluhU.v and closed ' <
under jesterday's closint ; and clobud wit
lc of Inside prices i cached ; ra b. 'i'Vt'J '
U9tc ; Oitober. Hl'vc5 ' Ncivcinlwc , S. ' ! .ia"i' ' < c ,
December , ROVe W ei Slny , 40Vv'OSc. !
Oats Doll , vvcnk and lower : cash and
OQol ( > cr , sic ; November , ' .Mjrc , Ma > , CO.V ®
Kye-Dnll , < ] iilet nt
Itai ley I , ovv or nt We ,
Timothy seed t'rinie. SI 72.
Vlav eed SI.OOf1.0closiiiR ( at ? l.OO.
Wln -51.18. .
Pork-liuxiilar ; advanced lO fHU'tfc , lint
later n weaker feellni ? prevailed , prices
receded 2.V < i J7 > , c. then rallied 17 ' 4(81 ( .Me , clos-
Inc Meadv ; cash , JrS.1 ; , ' , : Ootoher , S\Jl Oi
8Vi ; November. ? S.7X'i\774 } ; .Intiuaiv ,
fcH..U'j ! !
Laid Declined MiV , hut near the close
ruled steadier declined nnd recovered ; c.ish ,
hMlTiiiifi.71) ) : Octobei , 8S < iJ' ( 't" .r > \o\ember ; ,
fr" . ? i < ji/.li7'i ( ; , SA.notu'i ! M'4.
Hulk Miats-Shonl'ders. 5ouft.7ri ; shoit
cleai , SO ivxfl.70 : < > liaitrlH 0 70.
llutter Uood demand ; ciiMinny , lM'J7'a'c :
dnlrv , 13ilic ( ( | ; p.ickliiK slink , 7it'.V.
Chceso V.aslei - . full crtam Cheddars. 11
( n'1''c ; do Hals. ii > 4ni'ji4c ( : JOUIIR Americas ,
llitfifiutic ; skin s. os v.
Kucs-Veij iirin : irifl7 < c.
Hides lle.ivv ureen salted , fnllv cured ,
l > fc : Ik-lit , do b e ; bull hides 5Xfc ; dtv. 2c ;
Tallow No. 1 country , I5\Vo ; No , ' . ' .
> : cnke , 3 ie.
Itpoolnts. Shipment' ) .
Klour.hWs . 2I.KX ( ) 11.0-H )
Whcnt.bu . 7\WW 1H.IWO
Corn , mi . 20iMO : ( I2itxx )
Onls.mi . 17tMXXi iwtHX : )
Uye , on . , ( XM -MXK )
Hnriev.nn . in.OuJ 41,000
Bt. lionlH. Oct. U. vYhratVeak and
lov\er , No. 'J led , cash , 7 , ' > c : Novenibei , ;
December , 7rVe ; Mnv M trfsl' c.
CoinKa , v nnd ' © elowci ; No.2ml\ed.
cash. Ki'ip ; Novembei , ! ; % c asked ; De
cember , K > 8 < e : Mav , SN'iC. '
Oats Weak ; No. 'J mixed , cnsh,2. " > l4c ; lo-
comber , 2.Vae : May , R0\c.
live Slund > at4 e.
Whlsk.v S1.13.
HutteiKatrlv active but steady ; ctcameij- ,
aagwic ; dairy , l2C't'-Jc ,
Ijtvcrpool , Oct. 0. Wheat Supnly
lame ; now No. 2 vvintei , steady at Os ( id ;
new No 2 siirinc , stendj ntfis 7l < jd.
Floin lloldeisoirerfieel.v ; dull nt ! 's ' 4d.
Coin Supply good ; spot , steadv at 4sHUd ;
October and Xovembei , dullut 4s ! 5d ; le-
cembei , casv at 4s : > 3id.
Now Orleans , Oct , U. Markets ( inlet nnd
Coin Dull. vveaUand lower ; mixed , 4'J ' ( < 5
50c : jellovv , 50ur.le ; white , 51i i2c.
O.its 1'irmei , U & ' < c.
Cot Steady.
llox PiodticKIn lair demand.
1'oik -io.7j4ii9.60. (
Hulk MtMl.s Shoulders , 8-.5D ; long clear
nnd clear libs , FO.W' ( ' .
1'olcilo , ( Jcl. 0. Wheat Opptied weak and
closed dull und lovxei ; cash. 7f)5 c.
Corn Dull and lowei ; cash , : (7 ( } < c bid.
O.its Nominal ; cash , 2tV e.
KanHiis Olty , Oct. H. Wheat Wcnkci ;
No. 2ied , cash , .VJ' ' cbid ; November , f.0'4c '
bid ; May , 7c. ( )
Coin how ei ; No , 2 , cash , 20'fe ; Novem
bci. SO' ' e ; December. I'.le.
Oats- Nominal ; c.ish , a-l' c.
New York. Oct. 0. Wheat Receipts ,
ICT.OOO : expoits , , u,0)0 ( ) ; spot M ( lc. and
options Vc lower , closinir he.iv y at Inside
lates ; iiii.inded red. fii8i'fc ' ; No. 8 red ,
bO"fc ; No. 2 ted , saUtrtvj.fc 111 elevntnr ,
S5J4 < ' ? b434c , s. fesi n-lO f. o. b. ; No.
1 , h7e ; No. 2 ie < l closing , il WBc.
Corn Spot % ( $ > 'tc and options © 'Kc
lower , closing vvllh leaetlon of -'dc ' : ro-
celptb. 112/0 , ( ) ( ; e\poits , 47,000 ; unsr.ided ,
4tK4- : < ; co. . 2.44i4.r4 . ic ill elevator ,
4r. ' < : No. 2 closed atI lo
O.Us } Ki'bc Invvei anil active ; receipts ,
b'OOJ ' ; mixed vvestein , ! > 0vil-c ( ! ; while vvcHteiu ,
Petroleum Klini : fnitcd , IM C.
KRJJS Finn and in fail demand.
Pork Dull and nominal.
1/ml Opened r/its points lower , later nd-
v.inccd ; western steam spot , 0.0'@C.07 > .
liuttei lulet ) nnd unchanged.
Cheese Sle.uly hut quiet.
IMInncniiollH , Oct. 0 Wheat Unsettled
and lovvfi ; No. 1 hard , cnbh or Octobei. 70c :
November , 71c ; Decembei , 72ko , ; No. 1
northern , cash or October , fSc ! ; Nov amber ,
Wic ; DecemlTer , 70J c : No. a northcin , cash ,
CCc ; November. G(13 ( c : December , 08c.
Flout Weak and lovrei ; patents , 84.10(3 (
4.2V. bakers' , ? S.10@3.2r , .
Receipts Wheat , lfil.000 bu.
bhlpments Wheat , 50,0d ( ) bu. ; flour , 23,000
Cincinnati , Oct , 9. Wheat Weak nnd
lower : No. 3 red , 7.r (7j77 ( } c.
Corn Weak and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 37j ! c.
Oils ijulut ; No. a niKed , 27jf27Kc.
Kjp ( Julot and unchanged.
Porlc-DulI nt $ ' . \zr .
Jird i : svnt5.75.
Milwaukee. Oct. 9. AVlicnt AVoak ;
cash , OOJic ; November , 70 e ; Decembei ,
7' ' * > I/C
'Corn Easier ; No. 2 , OTXc.
Oats Lower ; No. 2 , 22c.
Ilyo-DulI ; No. 1 , teJ c.
Uarlov Steadier ; No. 2 , 53)40. )
Pi ovislons Steady ; pork , October , SS.bO ;
November , S8.75.
OhlcnKo , Oct. 9. The Diover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; slow and nominal ;
Rhlpplusr steeifi. So.50@'i.lO ; stockers
and feeders , 82. 10 ( 3.40 : cows , bulls nnd
inKcd , SKIOfa-Lio ; bulk , 82.,0j : 2 00 ; through
Texas e.ittle , 10@I5c town , S2.UOC43.00 , owing
to canneis stojiiiiiiR on account of the strlko ;
western raiiu'eu , .steady ; natives and halt-
bleeds , S3.00fa4.10 ; wintered Tcxnns , S2.0iJ (
H.50. Sales 'inn head ofNcbr.iska-Texans , 1137
Ibs , S3.40 ; W Nebraska , 128 > Ibs , S3.75.
Hoes ReciMpts. 9,000 ; best steady : packers
Idle ; niai ket lOc lower ; rough and mixed ,
5t. l.r @ 4.00 ; nacklntr anil shipping , 8I.OOi (
4..W ; lljrhtvvelKhts , S3. 15@l. ' i ; skips , 8 2.60(5 (
3.2.1 ! .
.Sheep Receipts. 2,500 ; slow and lovvo/ ;
tiatives , s2.2 ? > ( a3.7.r : weslein. S5.IO@3.70 ! ;
Texnns , 82.i5fi.15 ! ! ; l.imhs. W.50@l.25.
Kaunas City , Oi't. II. Cattlu itecelpts ,
2,000 ; shipments , none ; linnei but more
active. ; good to choice , : common
to medium , 33 : > 0@i,90 : ; , ;
feedeis , SJ.bO ( i)0covvs : ) ( ; , S1.50iirJ.GO ( ; tjr.tss
iiin BO steels , J-.25rf7.20. ; !
llogh Re'olpts , 2,000 ; shipments , none ;
nctlvo and 5 < . 10i ? higher ; good to choice ,
84,10u.4.2. ( > ; common to medium , 33.75G4 1.05.
St. fcouls. Oct. 0. - Cattle Itccplnts ,
200 ; shlnmonfs , nonS ; steady at unclinnucu
pi Ices ; lull to cholco native shippers , SI , 00 ®
l.fiO ; butcher htf'Qts. & 3.25@l,10 ; landers and
Tcxnns , S'.O'JGS.OO.
Hou's RecoltitH , 500 ; Milpmcnts. none ;
unsettled nnd lirauulnr ; bulelieia nnd clioico
heavy , 5I.0VWI..5 ! : ! : packinii , ' , P.J.bOC * .lfi ;
Yorkeis , 5H.10@4,25 ; ] ilgs , eommoii to best ,
83 10 ® 1.00.
Saturday Kvenlni , ' , Oct. 9 ,
Caltlo The receipts weio light to-day and
the mnrket uuict , as usual at the close of thu
the week. A few feeders changed hands but
the market was not active , Thu demand was
yeiy good foi corn-fed sleerh but thcio vvns
only lew head In.
Hogs The hush receipts weio very light
nnd tivcivthing was cleared uit I v In llio
day , at n little better prices tlmn on yuiter-
Sheep Nothing doing on tlio market.'.iris.
C.itth ) . 600
Hogs . ' - . "
. :
I'revnlllaK I'rlous.
Showlnc the iirov-iUUiKiH Ices iuia for live
stock on this mftiKCt.
Choice steels , liho to isoa Ibs . S4.2.r 4.CO
Choice stcoH , MOU to IK : IN .\.ra \
Xfodluiii stecis , law to vin ibs. . . s.
Knl llltlu steers , 1050 to 1150 Ibi . . . . a.
dooii feeders , . S.
Coed to chnicu coin-led cows . 2.00tf3.oo (
1'uirto imidlum KMSSCOWD . 2.09i'a..2.5
( inod to cholco bulls . 1.5 ( > ( i$2.00
Litihtnnd mudiuin noes , . 3.55' < c3.70
( ! o"od lo choice h avy i'Ogs . 3.75 ( < fH.OO
( iood to cholco mixed ho s . : Uift3.75 ( ) (
( loud lo rhoico sheep. . . . . . . . . . . .1.00Mii.25 :
Kulr tociuil sUeep , , . 2.7. > ( 'ti,00 :
Commun sheep . 1,50 2.50
Itoppchontalivo HuIcH.
COII.V-1'KO bTKI'.ltb.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
17..1'jyi si.oo
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1..1030 S2.25 0. . . , 8fi5 82.60
1..UOO 52.50
No. Av. Vr. No. Av. Pr ,
107. . , . 800 83.70.
No. Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Shir. Pr ,
< B . .225 ao § ? .w it.m.Moyswi
te. , . . ' < ijrt 210 oo fli. . as
( W..2.-.9 to .1,80 S7 . . .tOl 60 8.W )
( ii .t.u. so .T.S-I 64 . .SIM so aw
41. . . y-o eoo sw >
Illlion ot T < < .
No. \v Shk , Pi. No , Av. Silk. Tt ,
! > . . is ) 40 sa.po 17 .188 ino $3.10
1. 120 2,50 2,1 ! 7 W 8,18
CO . 40 2.SO 1o 170 8.S1
1 .140 2.K ) o 270 40 $ .03
7. . . 271 80 3.00 17 74 200 S.M
2. . . 2-15 40 a 10
orirlee * .
Shovvlnir the highest nnd lowest .
paid for loads ol hogs on this nmikct during
the past seven dns nnd for the snnio tlmn
last :
tmj'gpf.t. . ; Oct Oct. If * .
itnT fiao ? t TO Sunday 3 4n O.I M
4th 4.4'i fM 17 4 111 Ml "f- Sundnr
Mb Siimlnv. 3 > fiO < . ! W QIW a ro ( in si 3a 'M cra.M
.III 4 4 % 0o ' 5 3 Kl W 4 WJ n )
fill 4 40 C M n 75 at.10 \ a ! * ) ( W 40
mh 4 tU ( ] 4 C- ) 3 AJ CC3 W
Bhovvlnc the iinmhci of r.tttlr * , bogs nud
sheep shipped from the jnuls todny :
10 U.I Chicago
0 N. W Clihaeo
7 H. * M Ilcntrlrc.Nrb
r , C. , ll. A Q . . . .Motina Cliy , la
12 C. . II.V ( J Chicago
12U N.V Chicago
Allsalosof stock In this market MO nindo
per cvvl. live weight unless otherwise stated.
lead hogs sell nl } fo per Ib. for nllvvolRhtd.
"SMns/'or hogs vveiuhlup less tliRU 1X ( ) HID.
no value. I'leijnnnt tows ate docked 40 Ib *
nnd stags N ) Ibs.
Not OH.
Xo sheep In.
lloga nil hold.
t'.ittle mnrket steady.
.Light n-coipHof overvlhlnff.
.John .Stiode , Shoshone , was hcie to-dny.
P. li.utlett. Alnsvvorth , hnd In foui loadi
ol cattle.
( ! eo. CIOVF , Kalilmi > , Kcb. , was horolook-
Ing foi leedeis.
Thomas Spirl s , ( 'hejetine , was a visitor at
the vntds to-day.
Mr. Hauls I'erry , la. , was hero locklns
foi li'cding heip. !
Mi. Hnssi'l , Ashland , was 111110115 the via-
llois nt the jurds.
( teed iiianv strangers In looking for feed
ers , but lew buying.
W. H. Ppiague , Hratilce , VMIS hero and
bought beven cms ol leedeis ,
I'lixton A- Heeler , Chadron , had 4Itt head of
cittle lit thu jardv. Mi. Hosier vvnshert1.
.John 1'ntteiMin und J. 1C. Hycr , oomiulssion
moil of Chicago , vvcro looking uroiind the
jnrds to-day.
J. W. I'tideihlll. Thayei.Xob , miller and
stock feedei , was heie. ImjiiiB block lions to
follow his entile.
.loo Kills , DeWItt , one of the most success
ful tccitciu in thu state , was hero ImiuliliiK
foi feedeis and S toukci.
On the mnrket with hogs : K. Slgninn ,
North Hend : Files A Co. . Ccdu : Hnpids ; W.
h. Cook , Wakolield ; . ( . AsUvvig * Co. , Oak
land ; C. T. Kcnvon , llovvaid ; H. tichluntock- ,
West I'oint.
Tlie following were rezlstcied at the Ex-
elmngo hotel : Mat Miller , Unvlil City ; A.
I.nmnn , Knit Lake : J. H. I'.icc , Counuil
Hlnirs : J. 11. Ktuvvurt , Hloomlngton ; Jiuuus
Jackson , Chlcairo ; C.V. . llotfman , ( lenoa ;
lliiani Lovvis , Ccnoa ; Thos. 8pnks , Idaho ;
.1. W. Undeihlll , NV.ico ; J. M. .lanell , St.
l ouis ; John I'attcr.son , J. K. Hjeis , Chicago.
There Is n gi > neial feeling of nuuoitnlnty on
thcinaikot on account of the htrluo at tlio
Chicnco p.icklng hoit-ses. Oidcis Imvo been
given to IMVO the I'ovvU'i Hiob'nnd Upton
lucking hnuse-b , vvhleli mo being built heio ,
eomnleted by tho"tli ( ) of the piosent month ,
impossible. It IK uudcistood Hint they will
to ) run to their tidiest cap.iclty , If tlio hogs
cnn DC bought on tlio nmikct.
Goiicrnl I'rnttuco.
Saturday , Oct. 0.
. . prices arc jar roinni lota of
produce , us hold on thn tnurAct ( < > - < l < ii. ] Tht
fiuotiittoni tin finite rcprcxcnt , the prices at
u/itc/i / outsfcfc orders < irr. filial.
BUTTKU Tlia receipts of the Infoilor
grades ot butter nio on thu Increase , but
choice table butter continues to bo : i sc.nce
aiticlo nnd in good demand. There are no' '
new features In tlio mm ket , The paine thine
that was said last week applies equally well
this week. Commission houses are overinn
with poor bnttor nnd have hard work to sell
it at any price , while there Is an increasing
demand foi choice butter. .Shippers can Improve -
provo the ( jim Illy of their butter by handling
it with iiioio c.iro. Pains should DO Ukon to
have only ono grade In a package , as poor
buttei packed with good necessitates the
whole lolng bold as poor butter. It In too
early to begin shipping butter In boxes.
Choice milter commands littjltta , and fancy
I8@20e , but there is very little of tluiterado
In the market. Fair to peed is selling at 12 > {
@ 15c , nml pool at4iiic. ( ( Cholco creamery but
ter Is selling nt 25c.
rJnos ThoctfB market remains steady at ,
List week's quotation * * . The iccelpts are not !
heavy , but about equal to the demand. '
StiIcily fiesh eL's are selling at 17c ,
I'or/'iuY The reselpts of poultry have ,
been heavy tlio past week , nnd the market !
draKKlnu. The bulk of tlio old fowls thatrj
arocoiniiiK inaiuvery li ht and poor. It j
requlicb very good fipiinc chickens to bring ]
S-.OO. Hucksters have been glutting the j
mm ket with bnth old fowls nnd spring chick
ens , nnd by pulllnc prices down
have cut oil a good deal of tr.irto
fiom the commission houses. Old fowls ,
cholco , per dot , § 2.25 ; old fowls , fnnoy ,
52.60 ; Hprlnt ; chickens. Jar o. 52.00 ; Suring ;
chickens , fancy , § 226 ; sprliiR chickens' ,
medium , SI.50 ; spiing eiilckens , small , not
wanted ; ducks , S2.25a.2,60 ( ; turkoyti , not
GAMI : In spite of the warm wralhe ,
llicie has been considerable ) grime in durli :
the week. Cooler weather would cre.iyly
Improve tint domanu nnd icduco the rslc )
of handling It. Praiilo chickens , SU.M )
J.oo : ' per " "
mixer . . , - - ,
s.iddlfs , pei Ib. , HiilJc ) ; deer , carcasses , per
Ib. , TCfJ'Jc ' ; antulcipL' , .saddles , Il@l2c ; nnlo-
lopo. carcasses , fl@7c ; jack labblts , per doz. ,
SU.60G i.OO ; small , per doSl.OOGJl..iS. .
OVHIKKS The weather hrts been most too
ilow66rlrid"e { Is better than uSual nt
ficithon , and n good many eiders Irom tiio'1
outride aiohcln : ; Idled. Mediums , 25c ; stand
ards , UOc ; selects. : Ke ; Now YuikcountH , 40c. If ,
I'orAioi'.s Thuio nro not innnv potatoes
nrrivlnu' , nnd the mnrket Is good for choice
stock. Small and inferior Block moves very
Blnvvlyaud IB not wanted. Prlcca rcmalu
nbout the same as last week. A few
Colorado and Utah potatoes have airlved
and sold at bOiiS5c. . Cholco shipping slock * ,
per mi , rrfi noc.
JSWKKT PoTATor.s The market Is well
supplied with choicu stock and they aio coin
ing In faster than they cnn bu sold. Choice
phlpplng Block , per Ib. , W-ic.
ONIONS OnlonH urn sellinc fnlrlv well , In
annul ! way. nt fcl.OO per bushel , but tliil
demand Is limited. Car lots have Mild thu
week nt UOe. Cholco btocic , per btibh , IKieQ
CIII.KIIV The market Is well Mipnllcd and
the demand coed , ' 1 huio is u wldu dilleicnce
In tlio ( iiiallty oC thu Block that Is coining Inj
which Is Indicated by tlm range In prices.
Shiplng ] ) stock , per do3.1 ® 15c- .
Aii'i'U-.s-Strietlycholco apples. t flro icaico ,
and all MICH stocks meets vvflh Vcr > -fair
sales , Common -.lock la In very ilboiiii"stifl -
ply nnd I moves i slow ] } . A consignment ol
illvhljati apples Is oxpeclcd to nnlvtf
tiio first o't tfif * week. Olioico
ping stock Hint fancy stand or eating s
are in good demand. Common stock , ff'AU.-
2.25 ; cholco shipping block , S2.r > 0Ui.ou ( : ; fancy
stand , ? 2.75y.00 : ) ; fancy .Michigan , 8i.JO@ ; (
HoMK-oiiovvN OIIAI-KS The market Is
firm : t the ( imitations. 'IhnMipplf Is run
ning light nnd they will not last inucli
longer , The Concords nro nboiit nut
and ain notuomlng In tnbt unougli to supply
tint home trade. i > hippin stock , tier Ib , 5o (
10-lb baskets. 40c.
IIHONB : riioicc. fX ) glze.per box SS.CO ;
y.7v , i
b Tlio only changes on thn niar-
. * < ot me Jamaica , v\Inch uiulovvei than last * '
week , Jamaica , per box , 31,00 ; per hbl , , 11.
OitAMiinniKs : The market Ib fairly vvull
supplied with verv cholco stork. Cope cod.
fancy , per bid. SS.50 : Jersey , choice , 87,50 ;
vYIhCdiibin , S7.50.
ll\VA.VA8--Hanana are selllnt : at about
tlm Hnimi ab last week. H.uianas. vcllpvv , IICB
Imnch , 81.50 210 ; llnnaiuis , vcllovv , lar e
bunch , $ a. Kaia CO.
HKAHS Tlie market is lumost nlujiinil up.
Nice clean beans In fair roaue.-t. II. P ,
Navy. 81.7tKTcl.7S ; II , P. Medium. 51.50 , *
l.ti.'ijr.liolco clean rountry. bl'J5Q1.60 ; tooa ;
clean counto.WC'iSl.OO ; inferior ,