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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1886)
- v - , , I THE OMAHA DAILY _ BEE : SUNDAY ; ' OOTOBEB 10 , 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. THE PRESIDENTIAL PARDONS , Why Cleveland Freed Three Convicted Mor mon Bishops From the Penitentiary , PUSILLANIMOUS PUGS PAIRED. Scnntor Pike's 8ttcocftor A BR | Sol dier IA } ' Cnlrinet ClmitRos Trcns- try Arcliltcct A Vnrlcty of Cnpltullno NOWH. ' Imprisoned. WABIIINOIO'N , Oct. 0. [ Special Tcleerr > m to the Ur.i.J The president has pardoned thrco Mormon bishops who were convicted in Arizona nearly two years ago for practic ing polygamy. It seems that nn unsuccess ful effort was made to try the defendants under the Kdmunds law , and this falling they were Indicted nnd con\icled under the territorial laws for unlawful cohabitation. The penalty for this olfonso Is confinement In Jail and n line of $3,000. Tlio Judge , how ever before whom the trial took place , Im posed [ sentence under the Kdmnnds law , giving each of the defendants two years Imprisonment In the penitentiary and Im posing n fine of 31,000. The tlnco bishops were sent to the penitentiary at Detroit , Mich. , where they have been In confinement for nearly eighteen months. Theappllcation for pardon was referred to the attorney general - oral , who decided that the action of the territorial Judge In Imposing sentence was Illegal , and the president therefore dliected a pardon to bo issued , This would seem to bo n case which furnishes excellent ground for a suit for damages on account of Illegal pun ishment. ishment.A LOT or Disnufvrr.n SPOUTS. Tlio local sports nbout town woio greatly excited all day over the teport that a prize light was to take place tlili atteinoon at Shepard's landing oppoilte Alexandria. The place Is Just Inside the District line and was selected on that purpose. The sports were encouraged by the appearance of some of the well known lialtlmoio ftaternlty , nnd early this afternoon IliTo was quite an exodus towards the appointed place. The sluggers \\cro twoyoum ; ; hitters , Kd Murphy , ol llal- tlinorc , nnd ,11m Yiiung , oL Washington. They had gi\cn lovera ! exhibitions In vatlety theatres and at sporting results In linltiinurc , but their triend.s were anxious lor them to try their powois In the ring. To-night the crowd came back to the city greatly disgusted because they lound out that the sluggers hnil crown timid at the last moment and failed to show up. Tlicio are a lot of very dls- ' gusted sports In town to-night. HKNA101I I'IKK'S Hl'C ' CT.SSOIt. Senator I'ike , of New Hampshire. Is hardly ' dead before the politicians begin to name his successor. The light no doubt will bo n bit ter one anil lovives the old combat between ox-Smintor Kollnsnud ! ox-Secrotnrv William E. Chandler. Senator I'ike was selected as . successor to Rollins and the light caused a little antagonism to atiso between Chandler and Kolllns. IMko wasn compromise cntnll- dnte nnd most likely another compiomise will bo clTcctcd because llolllnsnnd Chandler are still in the lield. A new legislature is to bo elected in November and no appointment will bo maile befoio the new legislature is elected. The candidates will have plenty ot time to niuku their canvasses. This legisla ture will most likely eleet a successor to Sen ator Pike ns well ns one to till ills unexplred term. Hut as the legislature docs not meet until.January , Governor Currier will nppoir.t n senator up to tlmt time. Among the candi dates tire ox-Sonntor Pnttorbon , ex-Congress- nmn Mnrston , Daniel Hainanl. ( tlio late Eenatoi's law partnei ) , and ex-Ooveinors 'Chconv ' and Smyth. Chandler was opposed to Cuirier's election nnd cannot expect an appointment from him. The Hag on the senate wine of the capital has been at half mast nil day , nnd the senate- chamber has been draped with mouining In leaped to Senator Pike's memory. A SOUTHKKN THKASUUY AnClIITKCT. It was mentioned in this coirespondenco r a dnyor BO nuo that there would bo most 4. likely n change In the office of supervising architect of the treasury. Mr. Bell has held , thc place for some time. Ho came from Iowa to ni'eept It nnd no has lasted two yours under - , , the democrats , but n change is mott probnblo now. To-day Acting Sccietniy Kalrehild In formed Senator KnslKnt Louisiana , tlmt Mr. William Trerret of New Orleans , had been asked to comn to Washington and see the president. The appointment is made by the 'secretary of the treasury , but of course the president Is consulted in the matter. Mr. Trerret Is spoken of ns n good nrchitcct nnd is now on his way to this city. Tim GISIAT NATIONAL T > nn.r The success of the proposed national drill In this city next May Is already assured. The money is secured nnd the services of Prof. T. 0. Do Leon , the celebrated drill master , are engaged. These are the prerequi sites of success. From the very day the project was put on foot nnd announced in the press n volume of correspondence began. Jlllftary companies In every part of the country began to send Inquiries until It is all ono man cnn do at this early day to answer questions from these who mean to take sub stantial Interest. In the first place Washing ton is by far'the best place In the United States for n military exhibit. There are much the IInest streets and grounds hero for parades and dillls , the best ionosphere In May , thu best local military companies , bo- Hides headquarters of the army and navy , the army and naval academics , all of which will add much to the occasion and it has the greatest enthusiasm of any place over military nlfairs. Nothing de pends upon that uncertain and uncharitable body known ns congress , unless possibly n joint resolution gtnnting privilege to'usotho , . whlto house lot anil one or two other govern ment reservations for drills. AH Is n private enterprise and It Is not a money-making scheme. It Is proposed to hold band concerts - , certs and special exhibitions In drill nt night on the white house lot nnd charge sulllcient admission to meet Iho other expenses. All other entertainments will be free. The drills ' will last eight days , winding u on decora tion day , when the great national cemeteries will be visited. Jt promises to 1m nn a Hair whluh will llguro In the history of the country. CIIANflKS IN TIIK CAIIINKT. Au Ohio man suggests tlmt ex-Sonator CJcorgo II. I'eiidielon , of tlio Huckejo stnte , * > now minister to Jierlin , may have as his ob- ' ? "Icct in coming heie a tindt * of positions with Secretary of State B.iynid. Mr. Pendleton docs not like It abiond , and Mr. Uajard makes no fcccii't of ItU doslie to spend a sea son In a foreign countly. The huggostlon looks plausible. Them Is very llttlu doubt that there will bo at least 0110 , ami may Ibo , three , changes In the cabinet as soon as the excitement over the elections settle down , i. ilesbrH. Manning and ( inii.ind aio on the eve Ot letliement , while Mr. Itnvatd may bo ready to go out also. Alter all Itbeeins that f Mr.Yhitnoy , who to the country gave the least promise , has turned out thu most satis- 4 Tnctoiy man In the c.iblnt't for the president' KAimiQVAKi ; riioiOQiiAriis. , Some very Interesting leports will ho made b by government i'iuploes ' and others on the n South Carolina cniiluninkes when congress r fonvoncs. lieslilcs the two scientists sent to Charleston by the geological suivoy nnd the i. , glgnnl olllco engineers iroin the wnrdepnrt- t nnmt. architects liom the hupervbing architect's ollirti , lieasury department , were sent down. They made caieful examlnn- tlons , and ore preparing elaborate reports to l" thelrbiipcilorollicers.nndlhoy will bo printed , : Thou thorn will tie n lot of photographic V views inserted In the lupoits , Over lltty line views of crumbled building ? , Koysers and flssuws were obtained by ono artist. An en terprising photographer hero has obtained copies of these views , and Is doing n thriving business turning out duplicates. Tiieiuwill be the llrt > t scilcs of enithuuaUe documents published by this Koverment out very soon. TIIK Cor.Olt I.INH AT WASIIIMOrON. The drawing of the color line nt Itlchmond , Vn , , the other day hns led to nn Inquiry on the subject here. It Is ascertained that none of the bust hotels in Wnxhington will leceivo n P.oloied man ns n guest U It can possibly bo avoided , although all of them have colored ptovlii as guests fiequently. Here an effort Is nwJe , and pietty successfully , too , toon- force the civil lights law , while at Hichmoiul i > casu of that kind \\ould bo 1 tunlied out of , . , court. TheronuJiiioiobaibershops for black men In "Washington than piuhably any other : city in thu United Slates. There aio ninny 1 bather shops heie which nru never onteied by > white men , and It la doubtful It some ot them would do the work for \\liitnmnn , BO etiong . . ( e thn line down , Colored men nni never nc- * commodatcd In A whlto mnu's barber snop , J and no act would lose trudo for a tirst class 0 shop w quick work foru colored man. AXOTUtll UKNKI ICTI ! K UOUNCE. ' 1'ubllo Printer llonedlet , after a ictl of ' 'jirarly three days , IcthU io fnll ugalu to- titxtit tnd dlkciiarg d thlrtj men from the government prlntlngofiic unioui : them John II , Kennedy , master workman of the print ers' Assembly , Knights of Labor. Mr. Bene dict has claimed so far that his removals have been nonpartlsnn , but among the dismissals to-day wete a number of republican nrlntcrs , excellent workmen , and standing high In their ptofesMon. There could bo no cause on this ground for removal. The chance for Benedicts confirmation by the senate seems to be crowing beautifully loss. o.v Acror.NT or MIIS. THOMPSON . 'Iho Kontticklans In this city are jubilant tnnleht over the defeat of Congressman Willis of Louisville , Ky , , for lenomlnation. Jlewas defeated today nnd the democrats day retribution has come to him for causing the reappointmcnt of Mrs. Thompson , ns postmaster of Louisville. It was to Willis that the President said that ho was going to IcaM' the selection nnd appointment of post masters to congress where they represented cities. Hut Willis Is better known to the country ns the chairman of the river and harbor committee , nnd the conirtcssmnn who successfully engineered thn last river and harbor bill through contrress. The demo crats hnvo shown their usitnl stupidity In turning down ncood man and ono of usoto them in congress. The light over Carlisle Is on the same grounds the appointment ol Mrs. Thompson. I'OSTAf. XOTF.B , A now postofllro has been established In N'eornska named Folsomilnlo , In honor of the Indyof the white houso. It Is In Kearney county , and Wllllnm U. Cole Is appointed postmaster. Another now postofllco has been estab lished at Inez , Holt county , and Mary A. Adams has been appointed postmtstiess. Christian (1. Jensen was to-day commis sioned postmaster ot Uoletts , Neb.nnd James Uurd at Thnycr , In. t'.VOKHtCI.U. KXIT.ANATION. Minister Phelps Is paid to have sent to Secietnry Bayard nn otllclal explanation of ills refusal to present Mr , Thoiuyko Klco at the court. To the Polo Tin A.lnBkn. WASIHSOTOJT , Oct. 9. Tlio following tele gram was received nt the navy department this morning : United States steamer Bear , Oun' Alaska , September W , via San Kranclso , October 8. lion. W. 0. Whitney , scciotary of the navy : I have the honor to tenort the airlval In this port on the fifteenth Instant of the United States revenue steamer Bear , Captain M. A. Healv commanding , with the not thorn Alaska exploring expedition on board. All \\ell. Wo succeeded in exploring Arctic- Alaska to the Arc'Ie ocean. Wo leached the ocean slxtv miles to the eastward ot Point Barrow. Have rewarded written synopsis of the work done. Lnttrr. GKOIIOT : M. STOIIEY , Commanding Expedition. DEAD MAN'S MONEY. Worse Tlinti Hlnck Cnts to n Gnmblcr , nncl Still Waiting for JJucy Twen ty Years After llei Hus- bniut Ijost It. Chlcaco Herald : "Tell you a story , mo boy ? " mused a Clark street gambler to the. Herald reporter. "Well , J don't mind if 1 do. I've been carrying one around in my head for this twenty year , and I guess it won't harm anybody if I toll it to you. It was away brck in the early CD's , when me and Cy Mcrritt were dcrliug : faro in Baltimore. It was in the fall of the 3 ear , too , by the way , for I lomoiuber , wo had just rigged up a steve near the roulette wheel. One night , when the play was light and there was nobody in the house but me and Uy , a man Opened the door , sat down at the faro table and bought live stacks of chips. Ho was u young feller , this man was. He had a light mustache , blue eyes , and a face sis white as : i case sheet. Cy did the dealing nnd I went up into the lookout chair. The deal came our way all through , and the feller lost his chips in no timo. But ho was a dandy , though. Ho was uniting nil ever the layout , and if ho had over called the turn he'd knocked us silly. I seen that the game was going to be n. heavy one so 1 just locked the door , nut on an old straw hat , and watched the bets. The foller never .said a word morc'n to call for chips. Ho never took his eyes oft'n the table either. 'Long nboul midnight mo nnd Cy got hun gry , nnd wo asked the feller if He'd stop long enough to get something to cat. IIo said that ho wouldn't , and so the play went on. Nearly every bet he made Cy picked up. The feller seemed strangely unlucky , but ho never beefed. Never a word came out'n his head. Ho just set there and bet and lost till I got sick. About daylight the feller got down to his last hundred. Ho blew it nil infer for chips. He slapped $10 on the queen to lose and another sawbuck on tlio ace to win. Ho whip-sawed us , bogosh , and then Cy said ho was hungry and wo'd better go got something to oat. The follow said no wouldn't have anything of the kind. Me and Cy wore about ready to fall out of our chairs from hunger , but the player seemed to be as fresh as ti lark. Lvorv once in ti while he'd take n drink of whisky , but that's all. "From the moment ho whipsawcd us ho began to win just as fast as no had lost during the night. Ho was just making Cy nnd the money box sweat when I ex changed places with niy partner , and began to fix the cards in tlio sardine box for the next deal. The stranger had his bets all made when I tapped the box for luck. But that was all the good It did me. The follow called the turn from Start to finish , and hauling in enough chips to make him even. Mo and Cy were getting a little uneasy and faint , but the stranger was as fresh as a daisy. Ao kept on playing until nwny into the after noon , with dead luck agin the bank. It iiad been over twenty-four hours since we'd eaten a mouthful of anything , but the foller still insisted on playing. At U o'clock ho wus nbout $2300 winner and showed no signs of quitting. "Finally 1 got so tired that I couldn't watch the bets no longer. I got up and walked around the room , wliilo Cy be gun to deal. From thai minute the feller began to lose , and at midnight ho wns down to his hist hundred , 1 remember just how ho looked then , although it's twenty years ago. His face looked like marble , his great blue eyes glittering with n strange light. Ho had nil of hm chips in his left hnud , while with his right ho stroked his long , silk-liko mus tache. 1 wns looking ever his shoulder when ho mada his last bet. He played the same old cards again the queen to Jose and thu nee to win. Then ho leaned forward and watehud Cy pull the cards. 1 could almost hear the stranger's heart thump when Cy began to uncover the ace of diamonds , and when ho unveiled the qucnn of hearts-1 saw the player's lingers twitch ncnously , n Mningo cry escaped from his lips , and then no full backward upon the lloor dead. " 1 will not toll you all that happened from that time mil if the ole o of thu core ner's inquest , for it's rather unnlunsant to mo. lint this much I will tell 3011 ; When they searched the feller's olothes they found nothing but this letter , which bore no date ; My Daillng Henry : Hold on to thu money you Imvo been entrusted - trusted with. You know your weakness , nnd just think what would become of the children and I should anything happen to you. liuov. Ever since that dny 1 hnvo beea trying to lintl who Henry wns , Cy has been looking for I.uoy , but neither of us has ueun successful. Do you know it has al ways been my opinion that Henry' was sent to Baltimore to buy goods , and that when ho realized ho had lost his em ployer's money the sbock was too much for him. Lucy wus his wife , mu boynnd I often wonder if she hns learned of his fit ran ye death. I wish wo could find her , for the money we won from her husband hns been compounding interest these twenty years. Suppose mo nnd Cy could spend n cent of that stutt" after what had happened ? It would have gone ngm our grain , and then , besides , it would have been a Jonali. Dead man's money is thuu black cats. " Dr. Hamilton Warren , Eclectic Physi cian and Siirgoou , ttoom ( I , Crounso block corner 16th and Capitol avenue Duyiiud uight calli vroniutlvattontodto ARENSDORF IS ARRAIGNED , The Alleged Assassin of Rev , Haddock Brought into Court , HIS BAIL FIXED AT $40,000. Independent Itcpulillcnns Untloriso Iton , John BlcSlinnc Oilier No * lirnnlcn Politics Tclosraplilo Nowfl From two Dl States. Ilpforo ttio I > nr of JiiHtlco. SiorxCtTY , In. , Oct. O.-tSpcdal Tclo- Krauito tlio HiwK. ] This 1ms boon another ildj-of Intcnso excitement In tlio murder cnsc , The preliminary oxnmlnntlon of John Arons , dorf , the ono imtncil In tlioLoiivitt confession tis the uuirdcror , na hold lo-ilav. LOUR be fore the hour for the same to bc ln the court room nna cro\Mlcit nml ( lie sldownlk nnd street In tlio Immediate \lclnlty were lluorj cd , Aicnsdoif was hiotiijht In about Uo'cfoclcnccomnanled by SlierliT JIcDonald nnd his deputies , followed by his nttornoys , O. C. Tread way and Matt M. Gray. Tlio first charge preferred \ \ < xs Unit of conspiracy , the Minobolni ; conducted lioforo Justice Urown. lie Is charfiod with conspiracy with llonry Sherman , Fredilunchrnth , jr. , nnd others , on the night of Augusts , In the minder of Uev. Haddock. The state was represented by HenayJ. Taylor , who filed a motion for a continuance of thecasa until Monday. Tlio motion sot forth that 11 , Ii , Lcnvltt , n ma terial witness for the state'was In Kliigsloy and could not roach hern until that time. Lawyer Ttonduny liled motion for a ctinnuo of venue. This was argued at great length by the attorneys nnd associate counsel for both sides. The result of the whole mat ter was that the continuance was granted nnd the prisoner placed under 820,000 bonds. The following nro the sureties : It. Sclzor , O. C. Tread way , C. S. lloyt , James Junk , J. U. Sloan , K. J. Kcssegln and L. 11. Diumm. Immediately afteiward ArcnsdorC was charged \\ith minder , the information charg ing him with killing Key. OcorRO C. Jlid- : dock , .su'elfying ] that on the night of Auuust 3 the defendant did Ho in wait and did felon iously , wilfully and prenieditatclylcill and murder Kov. Haddock by Urine a revolver. Thu complaining witness is Dr. 0. B. K. Kurd. Arunsdoil's lawyers also in this case hied a motion for a change of venue to Jils- tico Foley's court , alleging that the court was prejudiced. The motion was finally granted and the prisoner was taken back to jail to wait until the papers in thu ca ; > o could be liled in Justice Foley's court. Shortly alter 11 o'clock Aronsrtorf appeared , in chariro ot the oHlcers and accompanied by Ills attorneys , to answer the chaige ol mur der. Attorney Taylor for the state lilod a motion for a continuance until Mon day. This was the occasion for an other sally between the attorneys. Finally the case tested and the continuance was granted until Monday , Arensdorf's bond beIng - Ing Hxed at S'JS.OOU. The bondsmen were the same as in the conspiracy case. As stated yesterday when Aronsdorf was brought to thn citv last nlcht , ho was taken at once to jail where he remained all night. This morning , In company with the ollicials , ho nett to his home to see his family , who iaro greatly distressed. Hero a mostalTcct- ng scone took place. The prisoner lufusos to say anything with reference to his case or make any statement for publication. It Is expected that M. 1) . McConnell , of Foil Bodge , nnd possibly States Attorney Uaker will be hem Monday nnd assist in the prose cution. The examination promises to be a very sensational and searcliIiiK one. Oeorgo Lange , arrested yesterday for con spiracy , has prepared a written state ment , \thich is now In the handset ot thu officers. In this ho states ho saw thu assassin commit the crime and that he saw Haddock Inll. He does not .state in this who fired the shot , but says ho will swear who the murderer Is. Lange has made several con tradictory fitatemonts , however , nnd there is some doubt .is to how much confidence may be placed upon his statement. AInny believe , however , that he Is arranging to turn status evidence. It i expected that Leavltt will bu brought hero to-morrow. Much sympathy is uxpiessed for Arensdorl , owing doubtless to bis prominence nnd the good name lie has nluuys borne. During the examination to-day many evidences ot friendship fioiu the crowd were munitfsU'd ana the Germans particularly refuse to believe him guilty. Much stress is laid on the point that Lcavitt's account of tlio murder does not cor respond with thu account given by the man who saw the shooting from the window of the engine house. Tlio man at the engine house testified befoio the coioner's jury that the ono who did the ishooting came Horn tliu Columbia house corner , tallowing Mr. Had dock. Lcnvlttsays Aronsdorf came unin fiont of Haddock. Kiimors ot all kinds and con jectures and surmises are heard on every hand , add all shades of opinion are ex pressed. The public is anxiously waiting to learn what delcnso Aiensdorf will make and what ho has to say for himself. Prohibition in Iowa. DunurjUK , la. , Ok 9. [ Special Telegram to the IJnis.J Judge Couch rendered an Im portant decision In the case of Koob , who was lined by the mayor of Cascade , Dubuque county , for selling liquor without a city li cense , and for selling to minors , appealed to the district court. Ho demurred to the com plaint in the former casu on the ground that the state law did not permit thu city to li cense saloons , and In the latter case on thu ground that the state law provided punish ment for allowing minors to frequent saloons nnd that the city could not impose an addi tional punishment. The dcmmrer was sus tained. It Is calculated this will cause Dubuque buquo saloon itcupcrs to refuse to pay the license. city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ An Hxcltlnj ; Convention. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. ft. [ Special Tele gram to the UKK.J The Woodbmy republi can county convention was held hero to-day. For some weeks great interest lias centered in the same on account of the piomlnonco given thu prohibition question lately , and nsnns expected , the convention was ono of tlmmnst spltited and exciting over hold In this county. J. U , Holtou was renomlnatcd tor county clerk ; I'hil Cattor , the piesent Incumbent , for recorder ; S. M , Marsh was rminmlnated for county nttoinoy , nnd A. L. Wilkinson nnd George Ksantraut for super visors. INDORSING McSIIANB. Independent Republicans In Ijnncas- tor County in Convention. LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 9. ( Special Telegram to the liui : . ] The Independent lepublleans of Lancaster county met in convention to-day nnd placed in nomination some strong candi dates for the legislature. The convention was composed almost entirely of farmers , the vailous precincts being well represented. A thorough organization was cllccted , and the pcoplo are In earnest , as witnessed by the following resolution : Whereas , The Hon. John A. Mc.Slmno , candidate for congress In thu First Contirea- slonal district , has shown by his letter of ac ceptance , asell as by his pa&t history , that ho Is In favor of wlsu and judicious legisla tion in relation to railroads and railroad liallic In this state , supplemented by national leijiH- liitlon upon the same biibjuct , to the end that the tillers of thu soil may be relieved from the thralldom ol railroad monopolies , bo H therefore ) Itesolved , That we recommend him to the cordial support of ovury anti-monopolist In the district , nnd wo pledgu oui.selves to use every honest means to securu his election , The ticket nominated to-doy wilt nuiko It very chilly for the gang ticket next Novem- bes , and Lancaster will bo among the doubt ful 011 congressional matters. Plntto County Republicans. Coi.VHiius , Nob. , Oct. U. [ Special Tulo- gram to the UKE.J The adjourned county convention met to-day at IMatto Center. J. M , MoFurland , of this city , was nominated for county attorney. Dr. F , J , bcluig , of this city , was nominated by acclamation for coiouer. William Ivln , of Woodvlllo town ship , and G. G. Dowraan , ot this city , were nominated for representatives of the Twenty- third district. The con test for nomination of float representative was close , and at the close of the fifth ballot McAllister , pf this city , withdrew for some reason , leaving the field clear. J. J. Itobluson , of Humphrey , was nominated on'thn sixth ballot. The tottntv central comlnlttre was then named , and the following resolution v > as unani mously adopted : . . . . Itesolved. That Iho republicans of I'laito county , In con\entl/ > nassomhlcd , heartily approve the course tif Hon. C. II. Van \ \ yck as United Slates senator fiom Nebraska , and hercbv express our bholro for him as tlio next United States Collator. Hnll County lUpiil > lIcnnti , UIUND Isr\.xn , tfcli. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tclt-p-am to the URKlj- The Hall county ic- publican convcntloil | mcj today nnd nomina ted the following naliies on their ticket : For county attorney , L , M. Whltnuy , and for lopresentatlves James Jfiwinir , of the Wood Itlver Gazette , and Olivet 0. Hall , of Grand island. For dolepales'lo the slate sanatoria ! convention the following nero blcctcd : A. U. Lodoinmn , W. F. Hanks , W. F. Me- LatiBlilIn , J. M. Ware. C. A. Haldwln. J. Hall , Chris. Schlotfeldt. No Instructions were given to the delegates , but it Ii under stood that they will favor C. 1' . 11. Williams , of tills city , for senator. Quito a lively Inter est was evinced thioueliout the comcntlon. nut the nominations scorned to bo most harmonious. Points From 1'omlor. i'ENDKit , Nub. . Oct. 0 [ Special to the JlKK. | A lamp exploded last evening In Ulaltcr & Jnbobs1 hardware store , spread- Inc kerosene all ever Iho room which was In- btantly enveloped In llamos , The lire was seen by some boys , nnd ns plenty of help nnd water was near the llames were soon put out. The damage Is slight. The lumber Ilrm of llalloy & Dror has dis solved , Mr. Jos. (5. Ualloy. of Dubiique , tak ing the linncrol t and rentier yards , and Win. Dyer Iho Wayne branch of the business. The mananument of the yards luiuaitiH the same. John Uroncmnn , formeily editor of thu Times , is putting In a stock of boots and shoes. Van Wyclt In lotlge County , FiiKJtoxr , Neb. , Oct. 'J. I Special Tolo- pram to the HER , ] The republican campaign in Dotlco county was formally opined nt Contervillo to-day , In the center of the county. The Fremont brass band was pres ent to enliven the occasion. Senator Van Wyckcameln from Norfolk on the morning train , and was driven liftcen miles ncioss the country. 1 ho meeting was held at n b null- ful grove , nnd a largo crowd of innnvrs turned out. Vnn Wyck's speech was full of practical sense , and was enthusiastically re ceived , llotmnlng to Ficmunt the senator addressed n magnificent audience at tlio opera house to-night. Kim Over By n Cnr. TLATTSMOUTU. Neb. , Oct. ! > . | Special Teleiriam to the3ii.j : : A .switchman named J. W. Welghtman , foimoily of Council Uluft's , fell from thu top of a box car wliilo switching. The car ran over his body. Ho may recover. * HOW TO LVE LONG. The Course Pursued ) > y People Who Have Attained ( ircnt A > je. English Exchange : A few days npo Iho hero of tlio hour in Franco was M. Cliovrcnl , who has just completed thu lirst century of his c.-dstonco ; and n fete jn his honor was colebrntou m the botan ical gardens of Paris. To what docs this ominunt man tillribnto his great ngo To the action of colleo in preventing WHSto of system , urtUflo his moderation in eating. o' . n In addition to cdfieo'ha ' 1ms indulged in warm baths. Hurras. Always , it is roijort- cd , had n , repugnance to Jish and to vege tables ; but ho likes Onions nnd fruits. \Vino ho has never pasted. Hut other things besides diet have contributed to M. Chovroul's lone IffiR First , ho had d 'goq'fl beginning. His ' ancestors were Ij ulth'y txml lonir-livud moreover , ho ncvor found money "hard to gut and hoiiviv'tp Jpjd. ? " If not born with a silver spooi iiL'iiis mouth , ho was ccrtainlv wull provided ! for , and he scorns to have had Jiulo troubjc in the. world. But M , QhcvroUl ) .uaes'ilot dogmatizo like some other mcliijwho luivu achieved length of days.- ' - AfoV eem to think thoirown method of _ living and working the bqst fpr all other men. The < Abbo Moigno , a famous rroucli scientist , for instance , cxchumod : : 'Ho\V happy would these be who should adopt my regime. " Ilo attributed his powers of work and his old age to abbtiminco from tobacco , eating little meat , to the habit of never saying "I shall do. " or ' 'I am doing,1' but " 1 Imvo done , " and to this fact that ho lidded a drop of rum to his colleo ! The experience of M. Mignot , another octogenarian , who was the oldest mem ber of tlio French Academy , diflurs slightly from the industrious savant. IIo ascribes his extreme old ago , to sobriety in eating and drinking , the habit of long walks , constant and congenial won ! : , early hours , and perfect content ment with a small Income. Extraordinary nro the reasons assigned by some pcoplo for their great age. i Ho- furring to J\l. \ Chovrcul , a Purls corre spondent says ho can see no special merit in a man's living 100 years. "Tho other day , " ho says , "I was shown nn ancient angler who is 103 years eld , and who has been teasing gudgeons in the lliycr llanoe for nearly a century past. " This worthy old Frenchman attributes nis great age to fishing with a rod and line , and says tlmt if every ono would go a-lisning for a hundred years or so very few would die yovmgl Lord Marchmont , the friend of the poet Pppo , lived to the ago of eighty-six. In reply to a question as to his habits , ho explained that ho had laid down when young ono maxim to which ho rigidly ndhored , nml to which he attributed much of his good health. AVhat was lhat ? To rise with the lark ? No. To go to bed sober ? No. To live on ono meal a day ? No. It was , "never to mix his wines.1' Not less curious is the reason given by ft curtain Canon ISlcndon , who reached 100 years by the simple precaution of wearing nn overcoat ! It is recorded by another centenarian that ho hail never onion cold meat , nml by this abstinence ho had saved his digestion from prema ture exhaustion. From the land of cakes we have equally interesting , but equally unsatisfactory , explanation * of long life. A Scotch nowspnpor recently nmionnccd the death of tour centenarians in MorayMiiro. Of ono it is stated , "During her Ion" lifo she took no other medicine than sulphur nnd Infused blackberry leaves , to which she attributed her perfect etato of health and longevity. " y * ' * There is ono cjis'n on record which would seem to jicovo that oven dirty that she had not'1v ' slcd ) nor face for thirty or forty year * * Mforo her death.11 Some people tire always complaining of the moral tlquuiwacy of our times , Obviously , they iWron never read the social history of thtffipiWii country. Not half a century ticouilr/uiikonness / was on- encouraged by all clasdts. Au old adage - ' says : I4I 110 who goes to bed. ami eoes to bed sober , Falls ns thu leaves do ainl dies In October ; lint ho who goes to ttoilj ahd goes to bud mel low , ti T Lives as ho ought tatlt uud dies a good fel low. V In the good old times this ndngo ap pears to have been regarded ns gospel by nil classes , nml , inspito of hard drinking , ninny tipplers Jived to old ago. There is now in England a famous Now York minister who began life as a black smith In Yorkshire , This is the Kov. Kobort Collyor , who says that the way to thu ngo of BO is to bo temperate , virtuous nnd to "keep on the sunny side of the hedge. " Ho is himself considerably over CO , and declares that ho has never been 111 for n day. lie attributes his good health to the fact that ho was roared on oatmeal and milk , and ho claims to have never hail indigestion in his lifo. On thn other hand , Cnrlylu lived to bo 83 , hud the dyspepsia nil his life , and never lived on ' 'the sunny side of the budge" ut all. MiTPPT ninnrpT Ln LJ , II LHl LJ ics southeast of Jfot't OmaJia. Gifttvaicr and Cftw on the street , Wliat is the use of Paying $500 $ or $600 $ for Lots When You can Get them a Nearer for $400 and $425 , OH THE STREETS BY THIS ADDITION. rJTo "buy l > caiitifnl lots without going into banli rnptct/ < lo it. INVESTIGATE THIS. M. A. UPTON & ; CO. , Sole Agents , 3.&O& Fan mm st. ABOUT LADIES' ' CLOAKS , iC , S. P. Morse & 06's Magnificent Dis play. The Largest nnd Finest Stoclc anil Suit Rooms West ' of Clilonco fivcrytlilng New riiifjh Gar ments From $ liO 'to $1OO. Street Jackets ? 1.CO to ? 15. Now styles nil over the department. Complete line Sealskins Sacqtios. Newmarkets and Del mans. A glance through S. P. Morse & Co.'s spacious cloak and suit rooms on tnoir second lloor impresses ono with the fact that they are in the largest and best stocked cloak department in the country and such is indeud the fact. Every style of jrarmont r.on LADIES' WEAR can bo purchtiscil heio , as S. P. Morse & Co. niako as distinct and separate a bus iness of cloaks and suits as though they wore an exclusive cloak and suit house , instead of the largest dry goods house in America. ALASKA SEAL SACQUES. $200. This is the greatest bargain ever shown in America , because it has always sold for S350 in past years. PLUSH CLOAKS , All lengths and bi/.cs nt ? 20 , ifSo , $28 , $30 , $31. ? 40. if-15 , $50 up to $100. LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS At * 10 , $13 , § 15 , $13 , $20 , $23 , $25 up to $50. $50.All new styles made in the last CO days ; a special feature is also made of 1SLAOK SILK SUITS At $20 , $30 , $10 , $50 and $00 , everyone of thuni a perfect gem in style and work manship. SILK PERSIAN SHAWLS $7.50. 100 of these for next wrok's sale ; they have been $15 and$18 each ; thirteen sales persons are employed in the cloak , suit and nndiTwear departments and b. 1' . Morse & Co. invite all to call and see the proper fall styles before purchasnlg. A North Adams. Mass. , lineman , re pairing telephone wires near a black- bnilth blioi ) . was in danger of falling , and caught hold of an electric light wire. The current was powerful enough to keep him from letting go , and would probably have killed him had lie not yelled to the blacksmith , who ran out with his pinch ers , clipped the wire and rescued the severely shocked man , Don't Crowd The Toes. Detroit Tribune : "Tho only way to prevent corns or bunions , " said a chiro podist yestnrday , "is to have shoes to lit the foot. Unless a person wants to got burned ho docs not put His hand on a rod- hot stovo. " "In what particular arc shoes generally niislittedt" "I think it is safe to sav tlmt ninct3f- nlno out of every hundred women wear shoes lliat are too largo in the instep. Shoes that are made too largo in the in step allow the feet to crowd forward on to the toes and tlio result is there is a de formity of some sort. When a woman's foot hurts her , nine times out of ten she will have the buttons of her bhous set so they will bo made larger in the instep , and if her toes are troubling her the mis chief is only increased. The buttons should bo reset so as to make the iiistop smaller and the shoo ( It thu better. The blovonly titled shoo is the cause of nearly all the trouble. "One thing that always makes me mad , " continued the doctor , "Is to have customers talk of a corn root. A corn is only a calloused spot , and goes only as far as it is pressed. Narrow-toed shoes are the cause of ingrowing nails , too. " ' "Do you lind women or men to be troubled the most with their feet * " "Women , I should say. The high- heeled am'narrow-toed shoes are what play ihu mischief with them , nnd , as I said before , the failure to have the shoes fitted properly nt the instou. j If wouien would wnar broad-toed shoes with low heels , and made by n man who under stood his business , complaints would bo few and far between. For Sale. The furniture and rental of the Coz- xuns hotel. This house is now doing and has done for twoyotirs the second largest business of any hotel in Omaha. tisfactory icasons given for wishing to sell. n. P. HU.MSEY. Probate Uotloo. IN the matter of the estate of Nannotto Ilaumcr , docoasud. Notice Is liuiuliy given , that tlio creditors of snld deceased will meet the administrator of said estate before mo , county Jndtfo of Douglas the county court room. In said county.on the 1st daj of December , ISSfl.on the 1st day of Tobruary , 1M7 , and on tholpt day of Apill , 188" , at 10 o'clock n. ra. each day lorthe purpose of presenting tln lr claims lor examination , adjustment and allowance. Six months uro allowed lor credltoi-H to present their claims , and one year for the iiilniliiNtmlor tosottlosiiid obtato , from tliolst day of October , ISbO , this notice will bo pulillthod In tlio Omaha Dally Iloo once eaoli week for four weeks suc cessively , prior to tlio 1st day of December , 18SO J. II. JlcCur.i.ocn , County Judgo. Time Table The following Is the time of nrnvnl and do- narluroof trains by Central Standard Time at the local depots. Trains of the C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrlvo and depart from their depot , corner of Hth and Wutmnr streets : trains on the 11. & M. C. fl. &Q. and K. C. , St. J. & p II. from the H. & M. depot , all others from the Union I'ticlUo donot. IIHIDOK TUAIN8. nddRO trains will leave U. I' , depot at 0:35- : D7'Ji-tlOa- : : : > - 8GD-niO:00 : : 11UO : a. in. : 111:0 -lao-l:50-:00-3:00-H4OJ-6OU : : ! : : : 5f:10 : ; - 7:00-11:10 : p. in. Learn Transfer for Omaha at 7:12 : 01:15 : 0:30 B:4a-lllO:3.1-10:37-.lli7 : : : : a. m.l:37 : 2:13-3 : : 7 3:30-3:37-4:37 : : : .1:50 : 0I3 : 7SO : 7:50-8:51- : llttt : p. in. Leave Hrondway 10 35 p. in ; Arlvo Omaha 11 00. Lv. Omaha 10 00 p. m. ; Ar. llrnndway 1023. In olfoct Anintst ath until Inrther no tice. Tli is Is additional to present train service. J.W MOUSi : , O.P. A. CONNECTING MNK3. Arrival and dupuitnro of trains from the Transit or Doput ut Council Hlulla : UEr.urr. AitiuvE. CIIICAnO , HOCK IRI.ANDA STOCK YAW ) 'WAINS will Icare U. P. depot , Oiuulmv t/C:10-T:33- : Dl'acllloKxiro3i.'il3p. ) ; m. ; Uoiiror ix. , 10:55 B. in , ; Local Hx.r > :05 : p. m. I.eavugtouk yardi for Omiilin t 7:05Sio : . ' ' ' * ' 'AUunilo Kx.l'le'y. O.7 : : > 5 > . m. ; Chlcssro Hi. , le e. 0.6:07 p.m. : I-OCH ! Ux. , le. H. 0.13it B.M. ; Wo. l'a Kr. , le. 3-O. 1:170. n.r 2,1 U. r. Kx , . Kicrpt bau < Ujr. SPEOIALNOTIGES _ _ AihcrflKcnioiita under this licnd , 10 cent * pot line tor the HrM Insertion , 7 cents for cmeh sub sequent ln ertion , nnd fl.60 n line per month No advertisement tnlton for less tlinn " & conti for tlio llret Insertion. Seven nonli will b counted to the line ; tlioy mint run consccu- lively ninl must 1m paid In mlvnncc. Jill dilvcr tlauuionts nuiit to hnndoil In before 2 o'clock l > , in.iiiuliinlrr no rlreumMnnccs will thoybe tultcn or illjrontlin'Oil by tolophnnn. I'm tics mhettl'lnir In tliosu columns find hftv Inplhe niuwon i\uMro foil In cnio of TIIK lltn * lll plt'ino nfck for n check to enable thorn toirot tliclr letter' , as uono will bo ilollccrml vsropt on pro cntntlnn of clircK. All nnwori to ad- vortljonionts should bo imi'loynl In cnvi'lopp * . " " " uuutiisaH CHANCES. Fnil flAMJ or trnilo Mnplo huitern outfit roiuly torllio roml HlR money to tlio right piirttus. AililicHi l'o : > , lleo. 401 10 * rsiVlVS CHANCrf Ptock of RrocorlPd mul IKtuiLM In K"od locution , $ m)0a ) ; nnu op- vortunuy. Kusli & Sclby.iiiss. 15th . 418 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Foil MAI.K-Or oxolmiiKo. litpirant stock of inllllnoij * , mostly non , liuouo iitmnt t l.Oix ) , ooiulMlnir ol fpntiipts. blrtlii. llowora , rlhhoni , ftimviUlll fl'lt llllH , bt'lllll Illlll IIDMllllO ? , llUOI , nntl necK iMir , linlr cuodF. In fnct oiurjthlnir noccs'iiry for n Block Miltnblo to n line nml so' Icct trntlo , ITnoxrollod lunation. Will soil or trtiilti for cliolco Omalm itruii < rtSonio cash required. M. A Upton i Co. , KV rmnnm..V4 .V4 rilANCi-YVntitoct : a partner In n Rood piijhiR lnnlne1" , ladyornotit. One thousand dollars reiiultud. Address 1' no , lleo o 111 co. (111 12 _ iioit SAM : A wood payltiR laundry nndluiBl- iu < iisC' ' < ta ll1ioil fijcniw. tlood cliiuico fortlio mini ; tl.r > oUrttsli , halanco on oaty terms. For particulars address I1. IT , lice olllco. 3S ! B _ _ _ 17H)1 1 BALK Tlio stock of Krooorles. Imrd- - 1vruro , fnrnltnro , carpets , etc. , totrcthor with tlio InilMliik-B , tlxturus nnil real oMnto , liolnir tlio estate of A. Ii. ricmor. deceased , of Hldney , Nobraika. This Is n flMt-cla a clinnco to KOt hold of n peed business In on" of tlio HviHt towns In western Nebraska. Addreni Krod W. ( liny , Olimlm. ! fl > 8 12 Foil HAl.n-Ono-lmir Interact In u drat-ofou M very SI tililo iloltiK u need business. I'urh A Fowler , IKS IJouKlns. ' 'SJ 0 \VANTKD At l.oavonwnrth ifiisinesa 1'liicn , 'i Is at tlio croiiliiK of l.t > pnworth Btrcotnnd tlio licit Mno It. It A trrocory store. A Kood llnu ot Ktoceriusiit tlila point will cominnnd tlio best subtnb trnito iibont tlio city. Tlit'ionro tlueo ttonrdlnt ; hoitsoi In thctrninn * ( Halo vicinity. If yon \vniit n peed business look nt l.uiivonwoi th Ilusinoss I'lm-o. You cnn net n lot tor ihi < iinrposi1 on nny ren om\blo terms.V nuist lni\o nurooorv oro. See J. \V. Ullcr , room 7 , lion llnnk , tolnpliono WO , or J. W Lopati , on tliopiomisos , tolcpliAne WK ) . _ , _ B591 > T710H RAM : Stoc of Imnln-mn on ttiobest -L1 street In Oinnlin : peed cliancu for pni-tloa ImvliiK tlio CKsh unil wlililnu to in\t > tln Imnl- \MIIO business. Address 11. H. Scydoll , lllth mill Calllornln Fls. , Oniiilia , Noli. Ul ! 11 IVOlt SAljK Tlio bust Krocery store In not 1 Molnos , la , ( iolnj ; u strictly casli buslnesi , snles avoriiRlnir nbom JI.VJ a day nnd miHiliiif nn uvornirA of 18 per cunt on pnlca. K.xpeo'-os pinnll. Cash reiiuliitd , f-.WO. This is ono of the best clmnccs In tlio state to stop Into a inonoy-ninklnir biiilness from the start. For full Information address U. Ii. Snider , Dei Molnus , In. _ _ _ FOIl SATiK Klr.'t-clnss bnrdivnro bu lno'si ' , 100 ft , building , with $ . 1,000 Moi'k. Nocn- ciimlirancos. Sickness cmit > c ol biillliw. Ad- OMJSS locjt boxl Alnanroith , Nob. _ 271 _ \\TANTii > An olovutor , Loavonworth llusl- ness 1'lnco , on the Dolt lino. A splendid chance to pot trackuno for olovutor or store- house. Alter Oou " . ' > It will cost more inonoy to KOt on this splendid location. Fee. J.W. LOKBU on the premises , telephone 600 , or J.W. Kllor , room 7 , Ircn IlnnK , telephone 5'K ) . _ aa 9 Fail SA1-1C iTukery , "coiffoctlonory nnd lunch room , cheap If sold soon ; sickness cmiso of soiling. Innulio of Kopp , Drolbus Si Co-jJIOOJftirnum St. , Omaha. Nob. 057 " * I7KICMAl.IS Or trade for"Sm hu property. J-1 Tito best located livery business , with stock In the city. Lonir loa o of burn nt cheap rent. MaynpJIro ! ! . , lS10l"nrimm _ _ 1)22 ) _ H OUSKS TotsFnrms.l.niiUs money leaned , 15th nnd DoliKlns strouts. CIO rouwD. L1VK STOCK Auction Stnhloj , 2.V)5 ) Cum- Inur street. The best facilities for huuiUUiR mid soiling nt auction. HOTFO ? , mulea nml llvo stock , also carrlngcs , curls , llx-ory imU horse supplies , West of Chicago. Sulo days , Mondays. woilnoidiiyR ninl Siitnrduyn. JlroHii , WInsponr& Cantor. Tclujiliono No. 601i t _ _ _ _ J _ alii N * < LOST. OTHAYED OH STOMSN-Ono dnrk red cow. kllryonn old ; ends of horns snwod off. Kinder jilonso it'tiini to ( Ico. Murcdlth , Sum- togn , ninl Kta i oH'iinl. yU ; o * THAYKlToH STOMSN' From -'Sth and Mor- riumsts. , N. Omahii.nn tlio ovonlnir of Oct. fl , n dark hrown horse , front foot whlto , whlto stur In foiohead. Huwaid for rolurn to .Mlllard hotel. 300 10 * LOST Pocket cnsu nurRluni Instruments Niimo on chisii. Finder plonso rot urn to JJr.j.J Loo. _ IK ) T OST Inrtro Knlcrhts of 1'ytlilns charm : flnd- JU erplcnso return to lumfmnii Hint 1.1th St. clgiir Htore and Ket rowiird. 3115 10' STIlAYRn Thursdny nlttht a dnrit brown nnd \\lnto spotted cow from Ii. 0. Enonold , H.-l Sa'tliBt. 43J i ) ' _ T O.ST. A plain Diuid KOIIflnjror \ rlnir , oitnor JJ on Kith , l/.nnl or ISth elroot. with thu nnino " 7nor , " oinrrnvod on Inaldu. The llnUor will ploagb lonvn at Hco olllco. 833 OST A flno rod knit slmwl , about rt o'clock J Saturday evening , Sept. 11. Motive at this olllco and not reward 8111 . With teems , B o cor 14th and Howard sta. 421 11 PIHST-CI.AS3 table lioind for Hontlonuinand wife or siiiKlo RontlDinoii , In private fam ily. 114 N. 18th , bot. Dodjjo and Capital nvo. OA1UINJ ) ( Gooilday board , 1010 CTlliroriili 147 O10 * Nnnt anil tasty all- IjnitPONAIi , U I ) . Jones & Co. , Amiirlonii Cluthiortf , 1303 Karnnni st. Mall orders lllluil. V20 N u ibKUSONAI/ Wanted a man wTuTnTiflnsand J manor to himdlo n nmturlal nn-il In all liiillilliii-s lor this stale. Ahcady Introduued. Address I'S. , lluo olllco. iii'J ! ) I"JIJItSONAr / Mrs. Itnndolph , the fiimnui Mind Ilimilor , tolls past , present and I tit lira. Comes well rccoininondoil. llosldos JiOI Niirtu ir > th St. , Bficond door north of Oarpiiport et. Ladlug , 38 cents : Bonls , M cents. < ll 11 * T > KltSONAI < Wfiilt , nndovolopod parts of the J. lioily onlaife'od and stroiiKthnnca roslllvo proof , full pHrllunliux , etc. , mallud In plain en > yoliipoeuiilod for htauip. Addioss Kilo M odl- cal Co.,7 riwnn St. , Hullnln , N Y. 205 n 3 * Clairvoyant. _ _ _ 1\TATAM AIiASKA roviiiils nnsl proiiontami Itl lutnrii. how many In familyIIKH , ute , , ho\r to hold airociionsof liugliand or lovjr. HntU- factlon gnmaiituoJ HKBtl ! st ! IL _ T > nilBONA'u-Mf . " r Nannie V. Warren X clairvoumt. Medical and business Medium Jtoom No. 3 , iai North IClU Bt. , Omaha , Neb. MJBCKII.AirEOUH. I will not ho rosponslhle for nnr NOTICIJ for hy Airs. 1'iuiik Ilob- crtn. KrunkitQliiiTt * . < U U * _ ONIIV TO LOAN On farm nnd city jn-op- M orty , no ilrlnr. W. A , Fponccr. l r ) Kar- n am at. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iil _ ATUIMONIAL-I'npr contains nearly 200 M iiilviirtlEoinunla Iromladlot and uutl - niun wanting ooi ruaponiluiiti ) Hunt /iionlha for 10 runts. .Adilicss , Ihlplnjf Jluiul. 70 Lu Bn\aat.t \ _ Mittual\l. \ _ _ mu' _ MTKXOlTA STi l { for monThTiiiflsci , MS acre * a land M mlles oust of Council IllutU. II. It. , pox iiQJ.SIiuiiiiiidouh , Iowa. ifla JO * \7OlJN ! im'iitolonrn stone ruphy ; K ' > 'l ' po- J Billon * vrliun lo.nnod. O. W , ilnTfcr , morns T auUISlnm Iliml. . _ Jg70 _ l ru ilrflroii uood potltion an stuiiojrriiphor JoullonO W , linker iCo.rooiuB7 ami Slron llHIlU , 3 _ _ _ _ rpHKBTENOGHAl'II. M * * IF yon rteHTrTrto liTrTBiohoirrniThor. It wTfl liB to your Inli-rost to i ml on U , W , llukor.rooun 7 niltf , Iron Hunk. UU > B III : Kl < > m > - , < , fl. W , Ilaktr , agent , ioom T 7 nnd 8 , Iron liiink. _ MV rlli : tUMIJHAI'H. 845 8 rpills SfifJOTjHAl'll Is tbe system of _ L Shorthand , nnd It docs not rerjiur * n.oro tliun onu-thlid of liio tliou tc luaru the tti ti , \\"i' lUklfct iilfof our noljolarTIn 6 curlnvpoil < j Ii tlous fUK-r tnVcliiK : i coiiixt or BUortbnn < llli Ub , U.\V. HuKur , Idiom * 7 Mi'l tt.lrou ll uit f | LSil CTONIjiJU\HIY nd T/PUMrnirr eoboof O HooioiT e.oa , lioj'j nt. O , W. JUker. ISO