Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1886, Image 1

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Interviews \7ith French Scientists on Astro
nomical and Seismic Features.
They Cntinot Ho Predicted , nut the
ObscrvatlotiH AVouht Altl
Buluutlllo Hcscniclics.
Opliilotin of Prouch
P.uiis , Oct , n. [ New York Herald camV-
Special to the HBI : ! Tlio recent seismic con
vulsions nil otcr the giobo bate put sensi
tive people's ncrtCH on edge and set the
brains of savants to thinking. Are these
simultaneous upheavals ninety the result of
chance , or are they determined by causes
that cnn como within the sphere of human
calculation''lu other words , can earthquakes ,
like stoims , bo predicted or not ? 1 called
this morning on Admiral Moiichc ? , director
of the I'.uis Obsertntory , and head of nil the
astronomical and meteorological establish
ments In I'rance. 1 naked him :
"Cnn earthquakes bo predicted ? "
The admiral said , with n confident smile :
"No , sir ; that is utterly Impossible. Science
lias not got ns farns that vet , but It would beef
of the grc.'itost scientific value If the Herald' *
suggestion wns can led out to establish , In
conjunction with the principal govern
ment of 1'nropo and America , a
network ol mlcrio solsmlo obseitatlona
over the surface of the giobo.Vo could
then obtain obtain snlllclent data to sertc as
n solldlbasis for serious study. Wo nro now
nil In the dark. For instance , science can
not say whether the recent simultaneous
eruptions In Xoith America , the Greek
Aichlpelago , Scotland nnd Mexico , nro con
nected with each other , or whether they
meiely , by pure chance , happened to occur
nt the same time. I advise you , howevoi , to
t ilk with M. Daubrc * ' , member of the Insti
tute of France , who has made earthquakes
Ills special study. "
As I took my leave , Admiral Moiicbez
showed men photograph just taken In the
obsmtatuty , of scveial hundred thousand
stars nnd minor planets , only ono or two of
which aiu visible to tlio naked eye. Iho ad
miral said : " 1 wrote a few days ago , through
the minister ot foreign atfalis , to the sclen-
title bodies of the United States nnd other
countries , suggesting n new photo map of the
heavens , and proposing an Intel national
astronomical congress to meet next spring
and decide upon a uniform scale upon which
photos could bo executed. Fito thousand
photogtnplis like this , about the sl/o of n half
pagoofyour papei , would represent the en
tire sphere of the heavens , and make clearly
definite about twenty million stars that me
now in visible to the naked eye. "
iNnnviiwiNo : : AN I\PIIIT. :
1 then diotc liom the obscitatory to the
residence of M. Daubiee , In the boulctaid
St. Germain ? . Tlio famous savant protested
most caceily ; against tlio possibility of the
picdlcting of eaithqunkcs nnd denounced
any such attempt in the proscnt state of
science as w lid , danccrous , cruel and liable
to cause a vast amount of human anxiety
nud suffering.
M. Daubieu said : "Science lias not sufli-
clent data to serve as the basis for any serious
study. Tlio frequency of earthquakes is not
leall/.ed. It is now known to be a fact that
not a day In the year , perhaps not even an
hour in any day , passes without nil earth
quake manifesting Itself with moro or less
violence In some part of the earth's crust.
So you sco the authors of fantastic predic
tions aio pretty sure not to be far out of the
way so long as they conhno themselves to
generalities. The first step would be to put
in practice the Herald's suggestion of an In
ternational network of solsmographlc obser
vation. This Is a grand idea. In Italy , foi
the past two v cars , twenty-eight special ob-
scrtallonshavo been dally rccoided of the
most minute seismic dlstuibanccs , and each
day n seismic chart of Italy is published by
the Italian goteinment Some of these dis
turbances are so faint as only to bo delected
by the most sensitive Instruments. A series
of seismic observ atlons are also carried on in
Jnpnn , where agitations nro probably more
frequent than anywhere else. "
Mr. Daubrcb showed mo several hundred
Bclsmlc maps of Italy and Japan , with little
wavy lines that imuked each day's earth
quake. .Mi. Daubree continued :
"Tho United States has the great advan
tage of covering nn enormous expanse ol
ten Hory , and if the Herald's suggestion ot n
net work of seismic obsctvatlons were carried
out , it would bo of the greatest value tc
iclencc. All that Is necessaiy Is to ostabllsli
n lorm of well chosen stations nnd niovldc
each of them with 0110 or two ingenious nnil
sensitive Instruments. These Instalments au
very simple nnd easily taken care of. Theii
woiklngand lecordlng Is HO easy that thny
can be intrusted to any seigeant or corpomi
of average Intelligence. "
After taking leave of M. D.uibrco I mot
M. Kouls Figulor , the well-known sclcntitlc
niitbor , Said M. Flguiei : "I nm not a sat mil
Ilka Danbree , but I lellect the result of tclen
tide reseaichcs in my ttiitlngs. J warmly
cndoiso tlio Herald's suggestion , and do nol
hesitate to say that nny attempt to picdlcl
eaithqunkcs in the present state ot science h
more charlatanism nnd likely to play upon
the fenis of weak intellects , ana will only
cause human sutfeilng.
Democratic nollnfln Civil Service itc-
form Despite luciHislHlouclcB ,
Nnvv YOKK , Oct. 'J. ( Special Telegram ti
the Hun. ] Tlio World sajs editorially :
"When Mr. Ilceelipr's prayer-meeting was
oncu aflllctcd with a long drawn out roclta
of | a sister's rrelUlous experience , vthlcl
began In tviilnlngcant and endudIn hysteria
the great preacher's only but snfllcleut com
incut was : 'Nevertheless , brethren , Ibcllcti
In women speaking In meeting. ' In some
thing ot the sumo spirit we nro moved to t-ai
that notwithstanding tlio fact that nn ail
nilnlstiatlon candidate for n high judlela
office has been successfully put foi ward li
this state , and despite the spectacle of a col
lector , a cabinet ofllcer and n private secic-
taiy of the president are actively Intirestlnt
thcuiscltrs In the local election In tills city
the World still bultetes In civil
form. Wlmtev er others may do or say , w i
maintain tlmt , In the language of tliu piesl
dent's ordei , 'olllce-hohleis are ngents of tin
people , not tbeli iiiastcis , and that they hati
no light as olllce holders to nictate the polltl
ral action ot their party associates , or to as
mine active conduct ot political campaigns.
The World Is not only in favor of lefoim , bn
In favor of Its application lilgli up and low
down , "
Itoodlo Aldermen Skip ,
KKV > YOIIK , Oct. 0. It Is rumored tlm
ex-Aldoriucu Kirk and Sayles , two of UK
Indicted "boodle" aldermen , hate left the
city for parts unknown. It Is said that aftei
their ttlaU wcro fixed they went to Klrk't
Long Uland residence , there taking n .vacln
which enabled them to board n sailing te e
for iome foreign port. District Attorney
JJattinc refuse * to believe tbe leport.
Talks With OfllciulN Who Tnvor Vlcld-
SOFIA , Oct. O.-fXcw Yoik Herald Cable-
Special to the HFK. ] Seankolf , the chief
of the Russian party , nnd his tilends made
recently an attempt to fuse with the Stnm-
buloff supporters , and a piopoMllon was sub
mitted for a conference of four irom the
ranks of each party. This , for n moment ,
was fntorably entertained , but when tliu
Soankolf party claimed two places In the
cabinet , the Stambuloir people declined to
Diirsiiothc discussion.
A Ct'ItUH'S 01,1) CIIAK.CTKI .
1 had n conversation with old Scankoff last
etonlng. He Is n curious chniacter nnd pre
sents an anomolv , being the only public man
In Bulgaria who Is past middle age. Ten or
twelve peisons were In Ills library , among
them MelarcIT , who has just been released
from prison. Their conversation led mo to
Infer that tbo prince's supporters hut Inau
gurated tbe iclgn of tenor nt the departure
of Alexander , that many people had
been arrested for speaking 111 of the
Hntleuboriror , and that numeious attests
had been made In the Interior towns
some of the airested persons not
having a feather weight on tliulr conscience.
Of course 1 took all this with ginlnsof salt ,
but tin nlng to Seankulf himself , w hose gray
haired ballet head was bent over the papers ,
nervously lingering them , tasked why Ilus-
sla and her friends Insisted so much on post
poning the elcction'i1
"Uecause , " ho loplled , "wo must pieparc a
new constitution If wo elect n new prince.
Undei the old constitution he would bate nn
opinion ns to Its merits , nnd those who did
not share that opinion would become his
"What would bo the best way to set about
modifying the constitution ? "
.The old man smiled. "The constitution , "
he said , "had its goods points , if we try to
Impiotcit wo nmv spoil it , The best plan
would bo lor Russia to send us n constitution
ready made and have It read to tliu people In
thr * church , and they would bow their heads
nnd that would tie the end of It , An amnesty
Is necessary. The coup d'etat must bo recog
nized. It Is not na If they had gone with
arms to the prince's bouse to hate Ids money.
They went to make him sign a political
document , which is quite a dltferent thing.
Our policy nnd convictions nrc Hint liuUaiU
has no future it cut elf from Russia. That
Idea inspired tbe coup d' etat ot Ernielf and
Ucucleroll. Afterward the foimei lost his
head. If he bad held him the counter revo
lution could never have been accomplished.
The prince could never hate como back.
During the eight years of tlio existence of our
pal ty , " said the old man in conclusion , "wo
nato notor stirred up strife between ono
political party and another. It remained for
the pi luce to do that. "
A modeiato Xankotltc , with vvhomlnc\t
conversed , told me that a Russian governor
would be welcomed by many if they did , not
drend the nagalka , the Cossack whip , and
which does n good deal to maintain order in
n Russian mob. Priuco Alexander himself
has clearly no idea of ctcr returning. Baron
Brcdisel , his mareclial delacociir nnd light
hand man , left yesterday , taking with him
thopiinco's stud of cloven hoisos , among
them two handsome Irish hunters worth
51,350 apiece. His wine has been sold , the
diplomats and the club being the principal
A Defaulting Partner Bankrupts an
Old House.
CincAno , Oct. 9. An afternoon wiper
says : K. M. Neeld , partner In the well known
packing house of J. C. Ferguson & Co. , Is in
Canada. Ho lias issued bo us warehouse re
ceipts lor people aggiegatiug 5400,000. Ho
has practically buist tlio linn. The loss will
fall altogether on the banks. 8100,000 on a
slnsle New York bank. "The banks hero
vt ho lose by It , " said n prominent director ,
"nre all rlcli nnd will not know the loss. The
worst loss Is on the New York institution.
Neeld left for Canada the night before last
and no ono has heard liom him. Neeld was
n line-looking man , about forty-eight years of
age. Ho was managing partner in thutirmof
J. C. Ferguson , which was a very old and
rich one , and came originally from Indianap
olis. Ho has been a big speculator on the
Hoard nnd In stocks nnd lias been for along
time. Tlio biggest loss has been inVall
The Hun was composed of J. C. Fciguson ,
Ed Ferguson , a son , Goodbody , of Liverpool ,
Neeld , si soii-hi-lavv , and Howard , also a son-
in-law. The latter had his headquarters at
Now Yoilc , and fiom that plnca managed tbo
shipments. For that reason some banking
was done theio. The New Yoik Coin Ex
change bank Is tlio heaviest loser , being
100,000 In the hole , without a dollar of so-
curl tv. The heaviest losers hero are the banks ,
nnd In this Older : First National , .Mutropol-
itan , Illinois National , ami piobablya num
ber of others. Tlio Continental Is thcsmnllest
losei among the banks. U Is expected that
Neeld was not a shrewd business man. Ho
was the cause of tlm failure ot his father-In-
law Home yeais ago. Mis J. C. Ferguson ,
hotteter. was very wealthy , and loaned
money to stall tlio house here. She now
holds a mortgage on It. The defalcation
giew , ills believed , through the year , and It Is
presumed that It started with no really dis
honest motive , but alfalis were soon beyond
ids contiol and befoio ho left ho sunk ctiuy-
thing out of sight. The house of J. C. Fer-
uusou it Co. Is one that lias been In existence
for tweutv-lito years. It was In existence in
Indianapolis before Chicago was a packing
center. Neeld married a daughter ot J. C.
Ferguson , whom bo 1ms now ruined through
his crookedness. Ho ami a son of the senior
Ferguson , Edward , moved licio mid opened
a housent tlio yaids about ten yeais ngo.
Neold has been managing imitner e\ei since.
Fora number of years tills really lias been
the head ot tlio firm. It did a very laigo busi
ness with England nnd wns rated ns high an
nny Him In the trade , nltliough of course not
doing business on nny such scale ns ono or
two others.
HtocklioldoiH In n Iloail Trying to
Keep Him In Check.
ST. Louis , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegiam to
the lliu : . ] During the present week- there
hat o been in St. Louis a commissioner and a
United States marshal engaged in the task
of securing tlio depositions of tlio olllclnls of
thuMlssouiI Paeliic rallioaU with reference
to thn operations nnd earning- the St.
Louis , Fort Siott it Wichita rallroad.n recent
acquisition of the Gould fit stem. The fact is
dot eloped that AttornoyMoran , icpretentint ;
thonmjoiitvof the stockholders of the ht.
Louis , Vort hcott A Wichita , lias filed papers
In tbo United States coiut at 1'opeka asking
tlmt the line bo taken out of the hands of the
Missouri I'achicand tbat a receiver bo niv
pointed to look utter the Interests of the
bondholders. The suit is based upon the
claim tlmt the toad has proved a perfect gold
mine , and tlmt notwithstanding the hand
some returns rccelted from the property by
Jay Gould , that gentleman has failed to ptiv
n cent of otentuu Interest on the bonds and
Intends to at old payment. Upon this theory
the bondholders propose to demand an ac
counting auil claim to be able to show that
tlio property has paid a handsome surplnd
over expenditures.
Two Presidential Appointment * .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 0. The president to
day appointed Michael F. Uattellu , of Minnesota
seta , to bo register of the la ml office at Fargo ,
Dak , ; Thomas rriestley , of Wisconsin , lobe
nee nt for the Indians of the Yakiuia agency ,
Washington Territory ,
IHcporta of Crops.
WASHINGTON , Oct. C. The department of
agriculture to-day Issued a report on the con
dition of the cotton crops , and will Issue re-
potts on ether crops Monday.
They Aio Sentenced by Judge Gary to bo
Hanged in December.
Solemn nnil < VfI > ctliiR Hccnen The
Condemned Men 1'nlc Hut Uu-
nioved CloHltift HcninrkB
of the Court ,
The Knd or Iho
CitiCAdo , Oct , I ) . As the concluding
scenes in the great trial of the nmrchlsts approach
preach a close moro interest is taken and
suppicsscd excitement becomes more nmiked.
Hundreds and bundle Is of people wended
their way toward the ciimlnal court building
to day , cacu one desirous of listening to the
conclusion of the speech of Anarchist P.u-
sons. and with the expecUtion 01 healing the
death sentence pronounced , Pniions ie-
sinned his speech as soon as the cottitwas
opened , lleereatud something of n sensa
tion by dtelaring in n teiy dramatic nnd lm-
picsslvo mannt'i that they h.ul positive pi oof
that tbo bomb which created such destruction
at thn Ilavmaiknt was tbiotvn by nnnircntot
Now York capitalists and monopolists who
sent the man out lieu * to take tills means of
bieaklng up tlio eight hour movement.
He spoke continuously In .ImUo Cart's
court to-day foi live hours audtoity minutes ,
and sank Into bis seat exhausted.
Captain Hlack rnteied n motion In arrest
of tudgmeiit , nnd tliu coiut piocecded to ex
ecute tlio solemn dutv dotoltlng upon
him. The judge exhibited considerable
emotion , and when he reached tbe vtoul
"hnnged" ho fnnlteied , nnd with dlflleulty
littered " 'till you .aio dead. " Tlmprisoneis ,
who bad turned to listen to tlio sentence ,
wilh added palloiexhibited no other emotion
on heaihit : the latal woids. As they lose
Mrs. P.usons c.imo up and kissed tier hus
band. The relations oftho other defendants
wrung their hands , but none ot the women
shed a tear.
Judge ( ! aiy'swords In imposlnc sentence
will not soon bo forgotten. They weio as
follows ;
" 1 nmquitc well aware that what yon bate
said , although addiessed to me , lias been
said to tlio wet hi. Yet nothing 1ms been
said which weakens the foico of
the proof , or the conclusions theiefrom ,
upon which tlio terdlct Is based. You
are all men ot Intelligence , and know that
if tliu veidlct stands it must bo executed. I
am soriy lioyond any povtei of expiosslon
lei y 0111 unhappy condition and the teriiblo
ot cuts which hat o biouglit it about. I shall ad-
diosstoyou neithei leiiroaclinorexlioitation.
What 1 shall say shall bo in tlio faint hope
that a few words trom the place where tlio
people of the statoof Illinois bate delegated
authority to declnio the penalty oftho viola
tion ot theii laws , and spoken upon ,111 occa
sion so solemn and aw till as
this may como to the knowledge
of , and bo heeded by the Ignoiaut , deluded ,
and misguided men , who buto listened to
your course and followed your adtlcp. It is
not the least among the Imulships of the
peaceable , frugal and laborious poor to en
dure tliu tyranny ol mobs , who , with lawless
force , dictate to them undei penalties
ot peril to limb and lite , where , when and
upon what terms thov ma > earn a livelihood
for themselves , or their families. Any got-
crnmont that is woitby of the name will
sticnuouslvciidcatoi to secure to all within
its juilsdiction freedom to follow lawful
ntoiMtioiiH , and safety fortheli property and
tlieh persons while obeying tlio law , and law
is common sense. It holds each man respon
sible for tliu and prob
able consequences of his own acts.
It holds that whoc\cr advises miudei
Is himself guilty of murdci that is committed
pursuant to his advice , and If men band
together for forcible resistance to the exe
cution of the law and advise murder as
a means of making such resistance effectual ,
whether such nihice bo to ono man
to minder anothei. or to a numerous
class to niurdar men of unothei class , all
who are so banded togetlier aie guilty of any
murder that Is committed in puibiianco of
such advice. The people of this countiy loto
their institutions , they loto their homes ,
they loto their property , they will ncvei
consent that by violence and minder those
institutions shall bo broken down , their
homes despoiled and thelrpiopcrtydeslroyed.
And the people are strong enough to protest
and to sii tnm their Institutions , nnd to
punish all ofTendcrs agaiiibt theii laws ; and
those who threaten danger to cltil society , if
the law Is enforced , uro leading to destiuct ion
tthoetei may attempt tojexccnto such tin eats.
The existing order of society can bo changed
only by the will of the majority. Each man
has a full right to entertain and ad
vocate by speech and print such opinion
ns suit themscltis , and tlio gu-at body of the
people will usually care little what ho says.
Hut if ho proposes muidei as a moans of en
forcing his statement , he puts lib own llfent
stake , and no clamor about fieo speech , or
the evils to bo cured , or wrongs
to be icdresscd , will shield him
from tno consequences of his cilmo. Ills
llboity is not a license to dcstioy. The same
toleration that ho enjoys ho must extend to
others , and not arrogantly assume that the
great majority is wrong and may rightfully
e coeiced by terror or removed by dynamite.
It only remains that for the crime you hate
committed and of which you hate been con-
ticted nllci a trial unexampled In tbo pati
ence with which an outinged people have ex
tended to you ototy protection and privilege
of the law which you deilded and defied ,
that the sentence of that law bo now given.
In form and detail that sentence will appeal
upon tlio iccoid of tbo couit.
In substance and effect It Is that
tlio defendant , eebc , bn Imprisoned
in the state iiunltontlaiy at .Jollct at haul
Icbor lor the term of fifteen years , and that
each of the other defendants between the hours
of lOo'elockin tbo forenoon and 2 o'clock
in the afternoon of tlio Bd day of December
nuxt , In the manner presetIbed by the
statute of this state , shall be hanged by the
neck until he is dead. Kcmoto the prisoners.
The Very Friendly Cnnviiss of Alf
and IIol ) Taylor.
NKW Yoitic , Oct. 0. [ Special Telegram to
the 15eo. ] A special to the lierald fiom
Union City , Tonn. , says : The good feeling
which characterises the campaign between
tlio Taylor brothers In Tennessee was well
illustiated Thursday at Dyorsburg. Alf had
the second speech , and when lie had finished ,
Hob icmoved his ot ercoat , eager to reply ,
arose and put his papers on the table.
" 15ob"sald Alf , "I am physically unable
tonuiko aiejolnder. "
"Well " lobanswered"lean-
, gentlemen , , -
not make my icply. "
The crowd shouted : "Go on , Hob , any
how. "
"No. gentlemen : it would not be fair to
my brother , " enld Hob , as ho walked away , '
The enthusiasm for the distinguished
brothers Is greater than it was before the
novelty of the canvass wore off. The whole
state Is moused. The brothers are the subject
of conversation In the cities , In towns , and
in the country. Sharp adventurers use their
names to draw attention to tholr business ,
nnd the traveler on every road is deceived
Into reading many a patent medicine poster.
Hob and Alf are familiar names In every
household in the state. Their merits are dis
cussed everywhere. Alfa physical condition
was better than It has been , but ho spoke with
diniculty. It has transpired that while Alf
'laylor was in Memphis ho met a number of
leading republicans from several of tlio
southern states , and a convention was held
concerning the piobablo leader of the lepub-
llcan paity In the next piusldentlal contest.
Since consultation Alf has said etcry
day upon the stump that James O. HIaino
was tlio loader nnd exponent of repub
licanism in the United States , and that ns
euro as the years rolled around the Plumed
Knight would bear the republican banner to
tlctory. His mention ot Dlalne elicited tre
mendous applause Al's physical condition
will not pennit him to proceed further In the
canvass. Set end telegrams hare passed be
tween Kmerson Ktheridgn and himself , and
it is probable that Alf will retire from the
canvass Monday , and Emerson Etheridgo
will uil the remaining appointments with
The Struggle AmorVtf the Democratic
Factious of the City.
Niw YOIIK , Oct * 0. ( Special Telcgiam to
the Hn-.l-Tho World snys : The local
political situation remains unchanged. Kvcry-
thing appears to bo mixed up. The demo
cratic factions seem no nearer settling the
union question than they wcro n week ago.
The republicans nro watching the democrats ,
while the followers ot Henry George are
reilously organizing tholr forces. Irvlnn
hall has appointed conference committees to
talk peace nnd harmony , The republicans
held primaries last evening and elected dele
gates to tholr county contention , wlifch
meets I'rlday evening. The Tammany ball
leaders wen' In session In the afternoon nnd
simply ni ranged foi the contention Monday
evening. ' Tlio county democracy leaders
took n needed rest. Thelrconvcntion Is billed
for Thursday. The countydemociatle leaders
say thoj have now every reason to believe
that Tammany hall will not accept ex-Mayor
Kdwaid Cooper as the union nominee. They
hatobcen Impressed with the belief that at
the last moment ho would bo acceptable to
Tammany , but Tnmmnny leaders In conver
sation with tnelr county uemociacy brethren
' 1 hursday evening were not backward In sat
ing that they would not accept Cooper. Tins
position was taken by several of the bluest
cliletlalns of Tammany hall and all the llttlo
hots hurried to support them. Thoio nro
setoial leadeis in Tammany hall who thlnlc
that the couut.v dcmocincy Intent ! to nomi-
nnto Crncu in the otent ot Tammany hall not
accepting Coopei. Thelondus niu In fator
of Tamm my ball taking the bull by the
boms nnd nominating a straight out ticket
next Mondnv. I'lfends of ex-Cougiessman
P. Henry Dugioarecutbuslastlcalh In favor
ot nominating him for mat or. They say
that If the Tammany hnllcoutcntion nomin
ate Dugro , and ie.uue.3t him to inn lor mat oren
on its own ticket , no will accept.
The lepubllcans are pattcntlv awaiting the
outcome ol the tight among the dcmociats.
Theio was quite a gathering of prominent
republicans at the Gllsey house last nlghU
Among them tvoru seteial membeis of the
Union League club , who tat ored the nomi
nation ot Thomas C. Acton , for mayor ,
Iniuyer Convicted.
HOSTON. Oct. a Lawyer James A. L.
Wlnttlei ttasindcted In the superloi crim
inal court to dav on ten counts lei the em-
bo/7lement of borne hundreds of thousands
of dollars from Harriet 1) . Uecd , a client.
'llio case was continued until Tuesday next ,
and the prisoner reumndcd in default ot ball.
AutUnvictioii .
DI.TUOIT , Mic . . Oct. 9.Kef. . Dr.
O'Keilly. treasmer of the Iilsh National
League ot Amciica , to-day rcceited from
John KltVgcrald , piestdcnt of the league , a
diaft lor St.OOO toward the nutl-etietioii
fund. _ _
( Jiuinon Htrniipcd to Tlicir Hacks
Whllo They Mrtrch AVith the
Ill-Utah Army.
Attriuhcd to tlio Urltisli Indian army ,
which is now in Hurmnh tuiiifj to wipe
out the niimleious lunds of Dacoits that
aio aflriKlittnj ; the country is an elephant
batti'ty. boven-uouiid. { * iins , including
their cutti i iis , are tastuncd to frame
work , unit hoisted upon tbo backs of the
oleph.ints. In tins tv.iy the troops are
able to tiaiispott their nitilloiy tlnoiigli
loiiy stretches of country where tlicio ate
no WMKoniouds , and vynore they would
not bo siblo to take their caunon if they
did not h.ive be stof burden strong
enough to carry , the tirtillury on their
backs. When the-.troops meet the enemy
the guns are quickly unloaded by means
of u tiipod , to which is attached a swing
ing arm and tackle.
The elephant takes a moro humble
place in war nowadays than fotmcrly.
Ho used to be one of tlio combatants , but
in these days of gunpowder and bomb
shells ho has been reduced to the trans
portation department. Centuries before
the oluistian era the rulers of Eirjpt
maintained stations ns SiOiitli ns
toum for tlio solo pm pose of collecting
wild elephants to bo tamed and trained
for purposes. ' Ihuy vvcie used not
only to cairy archers and javelin hurlers
into the field , but wcro also trained to
rush upon the enemy and trample them
under foot.Vhilo \ opposing warriors
on elephants fought at shoit
range the elephants themselves would
light cacii other. It is said that the no
tion that the Asiatic elephant is supeiior
to ins African brother dates from the time
when , in a battle between AntipchusIII. ,
King of Syria , and Ptolemy
217 15. C. , the Asiatic elephants in the
army of the Syrian monarch killed every
one of Ptolemy's African animals. This
ide.i of tlio superiority of the Asiatic ele
phant is still held by many , though it is
probably groundless.
A Ijccnl Incident.
Boston Cornier : Ono of the most de
licious examples Of the feminine method
of doing business has just como to light
in Now York , ami not oven the of
the indignation of the W Oman's Journal
can rustr.un us from tolling it. A w ealthy
Knglisiiman who had married an Amcu-
can tvilo with whom he lived in a good
deal of luxury , loot his pioperty by un
lucky speculations , and after all sorts of
oilier expedients had boon tried his wife
moitg.iged seine very valuable Paiis
gowns to a fashionable friend. Some
time after the husband returned to ling-
hind and the wife obtained employment
so tlmt at the end of a couplu of years she
found herself in a position where : she
could r.iiso the money to redeem her
clothes. The possessor , however , de
clined to part with She had a
fondness for the sort of lace with which
they were udoincd , she found the handi
work of t01 th quite to her taste , nnd to
nllotottures she leturned a comleous
but decided negative.
The lady for whom tlio gorgeous rai
ment hail originally boon fabricated , al
though she was by no means in circum
stances tvlioro the , wearing of such rai
ment was appropriate to her condition ,
became only the moro determined to re
cover them , She foimd a lawyer willing
toundoitaku hur ganso on speculation ,
nnd through him filihbrought suit to re
cover tno valuable' ' gowns. Tlio case in
duo time came on. ' .Experts tcstilicd to
the value of tluj property , Uio icceipt of
them as a pledge vrus not denied , tlio
original owner ] test , it&d to having prof-
feted principal and interest for tlio loan.
and the lawyer for I 10 prosecution closed
his case with a co uplaccnt assurance
that ho had won thqult. .
The counsel for Urn defense simply sub
mitted to the court47-singlo paper , but
this was an agtcemcnt , diawn at tlio
time the loan was made , nnd signed by
the borrower , that if not redeemed within
n jear the gownsJsIuMitd bccomo inalien
ably the property of the lender. Asked
if she acknowledged the signature to this
document , the ' , borrower unit civ re
plied that she signed something at the
time of tlio transaction , but of course she
did not suppose U would pi event hur
getting back her gowns when she wanted
them I
The Incident is Biifflciently ludicrous ,
but it ically has a pretty seiious moral.
Iho ignorance of womankind of legal
foi ins ai.d obligations has been often
commented upon , Uut apparently the sex
MO as a rule quite aa far ns ever from ap
preciating tlio disastrous consequences
which may follow fiom their neglect to
inform themselves in this diiection. Thn
lady in question loft the court in tears ,
mid her spec-muting counsel retirci' in n
bluu mist of urofaiutt ; hut they left a
moial bi-a'nd tin in "svhicl' il would bo
vul ! if vtuLB-oL. viii.l iri I.nd poudor ,
Progress fof the Knights in Solving tbo
Labor Question.
riio Grcnl Power Which the Conten
tion Hit * Over the DcMtlnlfH
of the Nation Work ol'
the Session.
The Ittiluhts of Imhnr. '
UtriiMo.VD.Vn. . Oct. 0 [ Special Telegram
to the Hoo. ] "It Is nut altogether Impiob iblo
that another Impoitnnt epoch Is about to bo
marked In the history of the Old Dominion's
capital , " said 0110 of tliobialiilest delegates to
tlio Knights of Labor contention , In discussing
the outlook 'Klcliwond tbo
ing to-day. \MIS
cuntroof attraction twenty-lite jears ago ,
mid should bo at this immunit. You new !
not bo surprised , " ho continued , "when 1 say
that there Isqutto .is serious a pioblem before
the people of the cnuutrv at this time as tlicio
was tlilitj years aeo ; and , 1 may add , that
war Is not anv moro out of the line of po si-
billtlos now than then , If 0110 Is to le.ich : i
conclusion from a stud } of thosmfaco "
' 1 his somewhat sensational stti'iiipntas
ringing In my oats when , an hour later , I
visited Armory hull , whore tlm convention Is
being hold. The session of the moi iilug bad
just closed , and the delegates wcro nearly nil
"You probably hate noter seen a moio In
telligent , and smelynotnmoioeoiiseUMitious ,
body of men befoie , " said a IVunsyltaiili
kulght who stood at my side. "Tiiei aie all
sonei , bright , gencially cdncttcd , always in
telligent men ; nud think of thocontiast be
tween this contention and these that met In
Chicago In ISM to nomiate candidates for
tbo presidency. Earnestness , candor , de
termination In o\ery ejo hero to day. There
is no bartci , no treachery. The subject most
dear to every man's heart Is under dis
cussion dally broad and It marshals the
best judgment and the most honest action.
My I but this Is a most momentous occasion. "
1 looked the man who thus spoke haul in
the ejes. His lace was blanched , his lips
qttlteied. Evidently something of magni
tude was revolting in his mind. Finally ho
continued :
"Eteiy master mind in this ball bellctus In
sochlism ! "
Upon my expressing surpilse the gentle
man said :
"Oil I It is true. All of our best spcnkeis.
our blight thinkers , the ccniiis ot the oigani-
zation throughout the country , bclietc in
socialism. Now don't understand me to say
they bellcte In this rot lepir-entod thiough
the press in tlio delinitiiin ot 'socialism. '
These men do not boliete in n destruction 01
( llstillmtlon ot pioperty. ' 1 hct believe-hroi-
gani/atiou and an exertion ot such of Its
loicr ns will niiiku it impossible lor capital
ists to buy laboi teij cheap and sell it ten
liiuh. Do you Know thi'iu lias , lor A gie.U
many yeais , been a 'coinei' on laboi' ' Tiuc ;
ami it Is this tbat these men ttoultl biealc. 11
it leqtiltos wai todo It , lot it bo ttar. 'the
pioblem bcloio us now is , 'How can the In
tercsts ot capital and labor bo levelled with
out a conflict. " '
The above w010 not tbo utteiatiees of in-
limned minds , but those of as cool , candid
and influential men ns there nro in ttiu con
vention , and I regret that they admonished inn
not to use their names. I find , liovtotcr , the
greatest caution e\eielsed by delegates and
olllcers in tbe publication of their acts and
speech. No one seeks the newspaper no
toriety so common at all great meetings ,
hcaicely ono cites up infoimatlon except
that it bo with an Injunction of sccrcet as to
its source. Eton thomembciHof the executive
board do not want to bo commented upon in-
dlvidunllv ; and the membeis of the commit
tee on credentials made a peisonal lequest of
tlio concspondent ot the United press that
tholr names bo not published. Asked why
this was so , ono of the membeis said :
"Wo do not know what step may betaken
taken by a committee , and wo do not
want to assume the responsibility ot
it. Whv , a membei of a committee at
the Gletclaim cuntnntlon was blaek-llstod on
account of something ho adtocatcd and ho
lound it necessary to seek employment under
an assumed name. Ho Is now tbe leader of
dlstilct 19. the homo club ot Now lei k. It is
a serious tiling to take tlio responsibility of
some migresslvo move on capital. Capital ,
ton know , is deteimined , powerful , coucen-
tratlto , vindictive. Labor is hiimbli' , weak ,
unless organised ; then it is so stiong it must
be. curbed. "
Theie is somotlng awful about ttio power of
tills meeting ot laboi heio something ter
rible , when its significance is consldcicd and
its possibilities are realised. The ablest ,
coolest and most excrlenced statesmen of tbo
countiy readily acknowledge ) that tbo laboi
pioblem outweighs all others baton ) the
countiy ; that finance , commerce , the tariff ,
Indian , toieign and all oilier Issues sink into
insignificance tvhon that which moti'severy
wheel of our institutions , laboi , Isconsidoicd.
And what to do to ateit the tlncatened
clash is the greatest pioblem. None ot the
frank-spoken delegates and such noaily all
of them arc bavo any hesitancy In saj lug
that they imvo a great potter in their Hands ,
and thai they tccl tbat the climax Is almost
It Is expected that some tciy flno manrmiv-
ering will bo indulged In bufoio this conven
tion adjourns manusuteilng to tuin the tldo
ot affairs aw.iy fiom every testago ol'cuuont
tending toward involution and violence.
Many of the coiiEcivallvo men oppose boy
cotting In any foi.n. because tboy bellevo It
has the most direct tendency towaid revolu
tion , tvlnlo others take the ground that all
vlolcnco grows out of sti llces , and that strikes
me to be moio leaicil by capltalihta thiin any
thing el-e.
The mis'ako in having such a largo
ropiescntation is a veiy serious
one , it U believed. Ono hundred
men are much moro capaplo of dealing
eight or ten hundred. It Is probably a very
wise tiling that there , nro almost two do/on
lidics among tlio dclujiatos nnd participants
In the pioteedlngs. I'hcy act as salt , and
cool tlio ardor oftholiatu. Tliu ladles rank
tery hU/h In intelligence , education and prac
tical experience. This might l > n expected ns
tliey were selected to eomo hero solely be
cause they were fitted , while men nrn often
chosen b > scheming and fnvoiltism. Ono of
the iadv delegates a tall , handsome woman ,
with bright 01 es and u matronly fnco was
made a mother only two weeks ago , but
loses none of her Interest in ( lie contention
by It. The presence , tlio speeches , the woik
of tlio ladles , argues , EOIIIO people say , that
the Knights of Labor nre leaning towauls
woman's rights , and that they will b the
first to take the positive step in that dliec-
tiou , I hate found none of the men
who desire a reduction of tlio pro i.iU
representation of the female membership In
the annual contentions. They all take pride
In pointing to the deference Hhotvn the fe
males , and greatly enjoy their salutory Dies
Richmond 1ms done a great deal to inalco
the stay ot tlio knights hero en jrty able. The
capacious hotels wore tluovvn open with ie-
nevted accommodations and a hearty baud
extended till the colored delegates appeared ,
then the doors were closed. It Is altogether
out of the question for ft flrct-clnss hold to
entertain a colored man at the capital of the
confedi-iacy. No natlte Caucasian would
live under the tame root. Uut the knlirbts
came prepared for buch an cmeigcncy. They
needed no rallylngcommand , Like one man
they left tlio hotels w tilth refuted to retelt e the
black and white delegates alike.and sought
other quaiters. One hotel an old aristocratic
place which bad never a Herded homo com
forts to a colored man before , llatly refused
at hist tootun consider the suggestion that
inasmucli as the Knights ot Labor knew no
distinction in race or color , ttiat a black
delegate must bo received na though ho weie
white , and tbe ono hundred and fifty dele-
eates had to fall in line to march out before
the determination of the landlord was coun
termanded. Then the delegates Insisted
that a bed be arranged In a room where
wwto delegate * glej > u and alter this was
done the colored doleealo was picked up and
cmrled Into the dlnlngioom , vthoro be oc
cupied a tib'.o w lib co laborers of another
color ,
Tlio doslgn of the whites In proving their
demand foi count treatment of all members is
to Impiess tli eli earnestness upon the blacks
of the south , where the organisation his
grown so phenomenally during the imt
tear. 'I line is serious talk now , since
the color line was diawn beip , of
holding tlio next auninl contention In a
southern city so as to fuitlicr cmnlato the ex
ample nnd mluolplesot at this time. Ills
nnfoitunnte-for the white population of the
Old Dominion tbat this contest arose
Olio of the most impiesslto Indications that
great stipes Is put upon this gathering ; Is tlio
fact that twenty 01 thirty of the leidlncrnil-
loids and mauulactuilng coiporatlons have
agents beie wati'liing the piooccdings as best
they can and who telegtaph tlio important
dovolopmt'iiK I'hu knlght.i hate it in their
putter to stnifirtM the eommeiclal Interests ot
this count ! } as they nctcr bate been. They
can ruin rallrond ami other propeitv , bull the
markets , and shako the \ci > foundation of
out government bj tlit'ii promiilatloiis. Kut
no class is moio anxious than the one lieio
lepri'sonled tontold trouble and acieleiato
thrift and haiiplness.
Work oftho Uotnontlon.
KirtiMovt ) , Va. , Oct. 0. ( Speoltl Tele
gram to the Hsr | This Is the sixth dat that assembly of the Knights of Laboi
has btvn in besilon hero , and the lust to
begin with mattets in such shape that tlio
business of the contention can nt ouce be
taken up nnd e.urled tin ouch. Knch dele
gate ns be p issed thintK'b the iloois entering
the contention hall this morning was pie
seined with a bundle of pamphlets ami elrcu-
lais. One of thesnwasa supplemeutaiy u-
port written bj Italpb lleaumont , ehnliman
ot the committee on legislation , in which be
proposed ncongiessof woikingimn at Wash
ington to sit while the United Males congress -
gross was in session. Anolhoi wns the piop-
osition of A. M Dowe ) , ol Detioll , Mich. , to
I'stiblish alvveoklj journal as an organ of
the oidei. 1'ho purpose of this was tint
carh membet "houlilbu full ) aeiiu.iinleil \ \ Ith
thosoteial subjects when htoiurlit up fur dis
cussion. ' 1 no eimimittco on dlstiilmtion
were set tow 011 * run betoro the convention
met , dlstiibut'ng ' the various pamphlets , etc. ,
Including 1'omleily's addiess , and the dis
tribution ot poitUms ot them to committees
charged with the duty ot considriing the
subjects of which the lespeelito poitions
treated. Of the committees to be ap
pointed onlvapoitloiivtcio named testi'iday ,
and when the contention met the work of
completing tlio list was at ouce icsumed.
Even to-day the work being done Ismilnly
iiicllmimuy , anil doubts aio cxpicsseil as to
the poslilteuess ot the contention complet
ing its work within tlio two weeks lot which
Aimorv hall Is engaged. Hut Powdeilj sa > s
he thinks It can bo done. It is the picsenl
Inti'iitlon of the committcemen and dele-
pates to cany the work thioiigh as oxpedit-
oiisly as possible , ami make every endcatoi
tobeicady for adjoinnincnt a week from
to-da > .
An Tinertlon AVItli IMill Armour On
the Situation.
Cnic-Ario , Oct. . fSpeeial Teleiam to
the Ur.i. . | Mi. P. I ) . Auuoui , licing intei-
vletvcd legaiding the stiiko stituUkm s.\\ > , :
" 'Iho umttei ol leturnlng to tlio ten-hour
ststcm rests eutliely on tliu duestlon ol self-
protection. Chicw > packets .lie unable to
compete with Cincinnati 01 Kansis CMty people -
plo on the bisis of eight horns , chiellj on ac
count of lessened cost of opeiatlne af those
points. Tlio corn bolt has motedprettt
much westwaid and hogs aio cheaper out
there. Chicago packing house propcity has
greatly depreciated in value of Jate , and tor
my part 1 stand ready to dispose of my' Chicago
cage stock j.mis property at 20 per cent less
than cost. I have expended S-500-
OOU on my Kansas City packing
houses this season. I would gladly
bate my men work eight boms it I could dose
so in justice to iujsell. but undei the ciicum-
stauces this is not possible , and self piotec-
tlon mustot com so be pilnmrily icgarded by
packers. 1 do not anticipate the closing
down ot work enthely , although fora fevv
dajs we may not operate at the lull capacity.
1 tiustthat the old hands will take a pioper
tiewof the situation and reconsider their
action , which is certainlv 111 advised. If not
we will employ new help , which Is to be had
in abundance , and will give them the fullest
protection. "
KiniMOM ) , Oct. 9. At the convention of
tbo Knights of Labot Mr. Powdeily was
authorized to bend the following telegram to
the picsidcut of the P.ickeis association , Chicago
cage :
' 'Will you postpone contemplated action in
impending troubles between packeib nud
stock yards emplo > es until tbo general as
sembly can appoint a committee to call on
jou with a view of settling the difficulty ?
Answer. " ( Signed.j POWDUKLV.
CHIOAOO , Oct. 9. Adtices from tim block
yaids repoit the situation unchanged theio
this momliig. and no distuibancool anvklnd
lias occurred. Armo'ir ' it ( . ' < > . say that { ho re
port that their beef klllcis had also joined
thostiikers is a mistake , and that that pait of
their establishment , as well ns these of the
other packers , is running as usual. The
strlkcis were confined to hog killeis. About
2,000 head of cattle and 0,000 hogs were le-
coited at the yards to-day.
Armour's employes continued at work to
day , deciding to icmnln on dutv until tbo
ton bom nile absolutely went into ofTcct.
When the force of armed Pinkeiton men
entered the building tills nioniliiir , tbo men
all ceased work and informed tlio foreman
that they would not work whllo this armed
force was present. Asa insult the Pinkei
ton men woio sent aw.iy and the men
letimicd and put etcrj thing in hhapo before
leaving foi the day. A notice was Issued by
the assembly ot the Knights of Labor of
which nearly alljthe strikers aio incmbcifl ,
asking the saloon keepers In the town of
Lake to close their places of business dining
the stilKo , and the men have been cautioned
not to usc tiolemo In anj form.
Nalloii'il Ijftu Stooic GrottorH.
Uiuc too , Oct. ' . > . Kormal calls have been
issued for the annual meeting of the Na
tional Cattle Oiow'eis' Association of Amei-
Ica to bo held In this city , Monday , Not em
ber IS. This imcling , It Is expected , will
ratify the aitlcles of consolidation ngiced
upon last tall between committees lepn'suut-
inir the Chicago and St. Louis associations ,
and on the Knlin lolut meeting of the two
orguni/atlons w 111 uo hold for the pin pose of
effecting o peinmnent orgiinl/atlon to bo
known ns the Consolidated CUtlo ( liowers *
Association of Annvicii. A call has also bcon
Ihsiied by onler nt the joint ovcutlto bo.uds
of the two existing associations for a dele
gate contention of cattlemen liom all ( mai
lers of the United .States to bo held .No\ em
ber 10 nnd continuing until Important bus
iness to como beloro tlio meeting shall bo
despatched. Thcso delegates are to bo ap
pointed by the various cattle growers' asso
ciations , goveinois nt states and tcultor-
cs , state and national deiuntmcnts. or
boards of iigilciilture , agrlcultuinl collo.-i s ,
lit u Mock exchanges , nnd tholliOBtock ami
agricultmal press. The nicotines are to beheld
held whllo the American fat stock show If nt
Its height. All lallroads centering at Chicago
cage will grant leduccd lak'aoif faro during
that exhibition.
The OtcrclnoVnohorln / ,
NKW Yonic , Oct. U. The steamer Anchoila
has not > et been heard fiom , and the numbei
of callers at the olllro ot the < ompany U daily
increasing. Thoofllclnls btlll hold to their
oilglnal thcoiy , that the vessel has broken
her shall and tlmt the canviiss which she
cairlesis not sutllciC'iit foi hci to keep hei
e.ouise. bbo was in good condition when filio
lift Scotland.
The 1'ost's lioston snuclul says ; "Thocievv
of tliu steamer ltiilK.ii , which an I veil to
day , reports that when about 111 teen dat 8 out
they passed a stcameiliicli was evidently
dU.tbled , as blio wits Manning still and had
no steam , bhodld not signal and they passed
her by. bhe was heading westward and wns
under sail. They thought she was of the
Anchor line , but at tliu tlnio they knew noth-
Iiiif of tbo overdue Ancliorla. "
The New York Mail and Express sats :
Even the moie consertatlto bteamshlp men
of tlio Marine exclmnec , tvlio always "hopn
for the best , " are now forced tothu belief that
the ship lias been lost.
A Big Stir to Bo Created at the Opening of
the Olmmbor.
The PliuiH or the Mltiistcr of riunnco
Overthrown l < MiciluiiMitlnijon
llchc.ulod .Hen A Seceded
PAius. del. a - | Vow \ oik Herald Cable
Speohl to the Hi i | The autumn session of
the Fiench clnmbei opens next 'Ihiusdat ,
and the deputies will bare plentv to vtianglo
about. Among the chief questions to be dls-
nisscd nro ( ii'iicinl UoutniiKCi's hew nimy
bdl , ( lie Mctiopolllnii inilvvny , and the In
creased duty on loielgn wheat. Uut litst
iiudfoiemost In impoitnnco is the budget ,
which must be balaiucd nud toted some way
01 thoothet. The Iliiaiuo minister , M. Sndl
Cm not , although by no moans ah Mteii In
spired genius , suicetdcd In diawlug up u
budget for ISST , which had nt
any into the meilt ot being Immediately np-
pllablo and requiting no new tax , Aeeoid-
liiir toCaiuot's plan tliu oidltiaiy and ttxtia-
oidlnaiy budgets weiu to bo welded into ono
slnulu budget. 'Iho pie-ent cnoiiiions flout
ing debt was to be diminished iteiuly to-
000,000 traitcs by pating that amount on ( lie
outstanding tieasmv boiuNvvlth the pioctvds
ol a now loan to lie Issued , and the tcmaln-
Ini ; deficits ttcio ( o biuovvrud by ineieasiug
the tax on spli Us. Tlmthlily thue , moiuor
less , mnateiit financiers , lumevei , who foi in
( ho budget commission , bite been In
session foi thi' list thieo weeks , niul ] \ \o
been amusing t'l'iusilves ' in knocking out
nnd utteily demolishing M. Sail ! ( ' .mutt's
budget. Ihcy hatelett lltoially nolhlu ; : of
It at all. 1'iitt 01 nil , tiiiv began by lej c
nig the Idea ol Issuing anew loan , and tlm
Ihntln- debt would bo left ns it Is. 'Hi n
they voted to ketp Iho two
budgetsentiiely distinct , so tlmt monstrous
cxtiavag.ince , engendering that Invent on
known ns the oxtinoidlnuiy budget must
continue to exist as befoio. The spliit IHX
they cousidei inadmissible , as helm : likel.v to
offend pott til fill constituents. Ami tliinlly ,
ns It neccssaiy to put something In fho
place ot the finance inlnMe.i'b lejielcd
scheme , the budget committee last Siiiuidny
took it on themselves ( o tote bv twelve
toiees against lite , for the piinclplo
income tax. hlxUcu out of Uio tlilily-
thrco membeis foiming the commilteo ah-
stnlued liom totliu , not wishing to vote lor
it but afiaid to olfend tliu ladicals by totlig.
against it.
lfor ! lie hist tlmo in the history of Kiauu1 ,
tlieicfoie , the miulstiy has been in
vited to biiug in a bill anthoii/in :
an Income tax. Of course M. Sidlirio (
will u'simi , but M. Do Pieycinot , who seems
constitutionally unable to say no , at least to
ant demand ot the ladlcal party , will probi-
bly svvdlow his sci uples and let the bill be
bioughtln , although ho lias frequently dc-
ckued hlmsult absolutely opposed lo tliepfm-
clple. Kteu If tliechambuis totes an iiicomo
tax , it is now so Into that lite details of assess
ment and tbo imposition of an entirely new
tax- could hardly be arranged before Januniy ,
so that for the coming yeai the budget must
needs bo balanced in some othei way. The
act , however , that a budget committee
has been found to tote foi an
Income tax is an etont ot
tlio gie.atcst significance. It is quite true
that this tax exists In England , Germany
and Austria , but In tbeso countries It takes
the place of other taxes which do not exist
theie , but width do exist In France. In
Franco nil incomes whether deritcd from
land , impiotcd real estnto , dividends on se
em ities , on piolits , or Industry nnd com-
mcice mo already heavily taxed. An in
come tax. ns such , thcretoio , 1ms uo ralsou
If tlio lax Is imposed by tlio chamber It
will bo because there Is a certain flavor of
socialism about It which lias fascinated the
radicals , and unfortunately the radical party
has DOW got the upper hand in Franco to
such an extent that whatever It wants it Is
sure to obtain sooner or later. At the
bourse , however , the tceling Is that the
chambers will reject an Income tax on tbo
ground that there Is not time beforn the new
year to settle all of the details of the now
tax .so assess. Stocks remain high V
and tlicte has benn a slight rlsu tills week.
French rents shaic In the general upward
movement ,
recalling to mind Poo's narrative of thognlc
vanl/lng of n mummy , vtns enacted on Mon
day at the practical school of surgery , where
the bodies of Ficy and Ititlcro were placed
at the disposal of the surceons to ex-
peilment on. A number ol experiments
wcio made , among them the fol
lowing : To IP-establish ciiculatton
in tlm scteral heads , tlio velnswore Injected
with blood taken liom n living animal. The
skin of the face , piotlously livid , bvcaiuu
chaigcd with coloi , the lips lecoveied their
natural led , nnd the checks filled out. Irrcg-
ulai movements agitated tliu skin and the
face resumed the appeal an to of llfo.
Klectiic currents were passed llnouirh the
facial noives , and the 'contractions of the
lace weio noted. Thoio wore , however , no
results In the slightest dugicu Indicative of
nny restoration to life or consciousness.
The neives slimtly ceased to betray any son-
Blblllty , and it was evident tlmt all peicep-
lion and sensation were at an end.
The Salvation aimy In Paris has lost ono of
its rcciuits. .Miss C , n handsome young
woman of eighteen , failed to return to the
bariacksn fovv evenings back , nnd uftervtnids
wns seen supping at a night restaurant with
M. doli. n piotintlnl spoilsman who comes
occ.islonnlly to Paris.
IjOHl III the ICO.
( Ji-oirci flnn : , Mass. , Oct. ( . The schooner
Belli iitorkbiidge , which Balled liom hero
Juno 1 hint for Greenland to engage in hali
but fishing , has been given up an lost ,
Another schooner , which was to meet her at
the fishing grounds , could not find any tracu
ot her , nnd It Is bellotcd tho.'itockhrldguwau
crushed In the Ice. Her crew was composed
ot thirteen men , commanded by Captain
Anthoue OlM-n. nnd thev wi > ro mostly
bvvedes. Tlm vessel was owned by Geor ii
Noiwood it.Sous.and waHlnsuicd tor fill , 000
Tills U the bccond vessel Irom hero lost luth
( Jic'cnhuul fisheries.
( ia. , Oct. y. Slight shoekH ot
eaithquako wcio felt here at llr : this nic'jn-
CUAIIUSTON , S. C. , Oct. , Thoio were-
thuo slight shocks hem Mnco midnight ,
No daimtgo was done , and all the shocks
weio so slight that many persons did not feel
_ _
Mvelv Iliillroutl HuUtllng.
DirniHjifH , J.i. , Oct. lt.-Speclal | Telegtv.i )
to the JHK.J--TiaeUluyliigoii the Mliinusotn
it N'oitlnv eMcr u was completed today ana
tlio ttoikmen were transform ! to KUckntj' *
line between Chicago ami Krceport , wbtob
will bo completed January next , The coni
n.iiiy will build n line from
buiuiu next spring.