Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
i THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 0 , ISSft SPEOTAL NOTIOJ5S Adtcrtlncmonts Binder this ho d , 10 cents prr line lor the flr t Insertion , 7 cents for cnch nb- ttquent ln ° drtlon. nnd (1..V ) A line per month No niltorti ctnont tnkon for less tlinn So cents for the llrst Insertion. S 'von words will \ > o ronnied to the line ; they munt run consccu- timely nnd must ho pnld In ndtnticc. All ndter llpements mu l bo linndod In before 2 o'clock p.m.und undfr no elicum tancc9 will the ) bo tthtn or discontinued by tolephono. Pfirtlts ndttirliilni' In those tolu inn s rn < l linv- Ingthonngwors nc'dre xd In care of Tnr. HER Trill plcn o n k for a check toonublo them to set their letters , ns none will bo dollvorCHi except on pro entntlon ot clirck. All answers to ad vertisements should bo enclo od In envelopes. TO LOAIT-MO Et. \IONKV TO LOAN At rcnsonntilo latus. on J 1 filrnltniu. tlno wntchos nnd other pnrsonnl property. C. .1 Cusitrll , room IU lion Hank building. Uth nnd Kuriiiiin. 101 a O LOAN Money Loans plncod on 1m- piotdl ical t tale In city or county for Now Knftland Loin > t Trui-t Co. , by Dong" County bank , loth nnd Chicago PIS E07o27 $ : iOOOO toloan. Sums $61) nml upwards , Lout st rates. Ilomls , 15th nml IJoiiglns Ms , M ONKY TO IOAN-On chattuls , oolliiternls and rial ostato. B. S Cnmpbell , loom 1 , MAN1 \ Davis i Co. lloill Kolate nnd Loan Agents 150.1 Knrnnni st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11)8 ) M OMJV TO LOAN ou real cstato ami chat- MM tols. I ) J * Thomas. _ lull _ M ONIJJ to imost If jou hnvo ( rood notes to Bull call on J. H , Parrotto , lotli nnd Chi- MO MOM'.v ! ( ) LOAN- Iii sums of $ ' , ( ) nml upwards on tlrst class real estate security. Totter .v Colib , l&in rurniim st. Si 10 MONEY to loan onchnltcl nnd real oMnto ; fulr rate Interest. J. H. Pnrrotle , ICtli and Clilcawn. 4TO MOMY I.OANKII at o. r. m-od i Co's.l.oau otllrs , on fiirnlturo , pianos , horsos.wnRans , personal property of nil kinds , and nil other ar- til IPS ofmiio. . without removal. 31'J ' 8. 13th , o\er IllnirliHin'srominlsnlon store. All busl- ntssstrUtly conlliloiitlal. Oil M ONT.YTO I.nAN1 On Inrm mid city proic orty , no del ly. \V. A. Spencer IM't ' 1'ur- iiam st. 110N1 UWX1,000 ! To loan on Omalia city propoily atn I * percent. 0. W. Daj.otcr MlJ Uouglnsst ttll OANS Loans Loans. -i illcnl estate loans. Collaieinl loium. Chattel loans. Longtime loans. Short tlmo loans Monojnl M } s on hand to loan on nny op- lUOVudHocurlty. Investment Hccurltlcs bought nnd sold. Call nl tlio olllco of the Omnha Financial CT- chnngo , picond llonr of the llarkor block , s. w , our. of riftocntli nnd I'limum sts. _ _ Corhctt Mminuur UU Gl'KK CKNT Money to oan. J. J. Jlahonoy , JMUraumm. HID I'Kit CKNT money to lonn. It. C I'littorfo. ' ? ? 13lh nnd Douifliui Ultt 07. nnd porcnut tnoiipy lo loan MortKagos 1 taken in exchange foi real estate. Central 1 InttMmcnt Co , Itoom 7 , llaikerlilocktor 15th n n d 1'nn ni 817 MONKV to loan by tlio imilerilgnoil , who has tlio only properly nrgnnl/ud loan agency inOmnhn Ixinn ; of $10 to flOUO mndo on fur- nltnro , pianos , oigann , homrg , tvaBonn , machin ery , &o , without removal No delays. All business ftrlctly conlldontlnl Loans so made that nny pnrt can bo pnld at any tlmo. each pay ment reducing the cost pro rnta. Advances mndo on line watches nnd diamonds. Persons elioiild carefully consider who they nro dealing with , ns many new concerns nro dnlly coming Into existence. Should you ncol manor , call nnd POO me. W. H Croft , Room 4 , Wlthnoll llulldlnif. inth and Harnoy. U20 6PBH CKNT Money to loan , fltownrt it Co. . Itoom 3. Iron bnnk , ICth nnd Tarnam. Oil BUSINESS CHANCES. Foil SALK Or oxchnnge. r.loprant stock of inlllinory , mostly no , invoice about $3,000 , constating of feathers , birds , ( lowers , ribbons , straw and felt hats , beads and novelties , laocs , and ncckwenr , Imlr nuodB. In fact over } tliini ? nccossiiiy foi a stock Riiltnble to n line and so- loot tiade. I'liexcollod location. Will sell or triulo for cliolco Omnha propoity Some casjh loiiulicd. M. A. Upton i Co. , 1500 .Fnrnnm. , at _ TTIO'II H Al.n-A. ( Tood-pnyliKr htlimlry ftnil busl- Jne sostabllflhoJfljcn'is. ( lood chance for tlio rlKht man ; $1 , 1)0 ) ensh , bnlniicn on easy terms. I'or particulars address 1' . 17 , lleo olllco 332 0 * _ _ _ TTlOll SAM : The stock of jrrocerks , hiird- Jwnio , fiirnlturo , carpets , etc. , tojretlrer with the hullillmrR , llxturos and real estate , bolnir tlio estate ot A. 1 , . I'lowor. dccoiisod. of Sidney , Nebraska. This Is u first-class chance to jfot hold of n prood IniRlnoss In ono of the ll\est towns in western Nobruskn. Address Fred \V. Hi ay , Omaha. 28 ! 12 "ITIOHSAI.i : Ono-halfliitorost In n flrst-rlass JL ? I.hory Stable dolni ; u good business. Paik & 1'OM lor , ifija DouKlas. 283 9 "V\7ANTin : At LonTonworth Ilusiness Place , > ' wlucli is ut tlio eroeslnir of Leiuenwoith street and the Holt I.luu U. H. A urocory storo. A good line of proecrlort at this point will command the best suburb trnilo about the city. Thorn mo thrco bonrdliiK.houBos In the Imino- dlnto vicinity. If you want n good business look ut Loiucnworth IUislno s 1'lneo. You can cot a lot for this purpose on any reasonable toriiiB. Wo must have n ( trocorv ptoro. bee J. W. Kllor , room 7 , Iron llnnk , telephone BDO , or J , W. Loiruu , on thopioimses , telephone 8M. ( I pOIl SAM ! The best grocery store In Dos Molnos , la , doing a strictly cash business , snlca n\nniKlntr about * 1H ) aday nnd making nn average of 18 per cent on Bales. Ktpcnsos small. Cash required , & .SOO. This Is ono of the best clinnccH In the stnto to stop Into it inonpy-miiklnir buMacw from the start. . For lull Information address O. IX Snider. DCS Molnes , la. _ . _ 20 ! ) U * " T710U SAW5 Klrst-clnss hardware business" JU 100 ft. bulldlnur , with fSflOO stock. Nocn- cumbr.incoii. Sickness cause of eolllng. Ad- th ess lockbixl | , Alnswoith , Nob. _ S74 \ \ ANTKt > An olovntor , I-eavonworth IlnsI- ' ness Plnco. on the Holt lino. A splendid clinnco to trot trackage for elevator or store house. After Oct. 2T > It will cost more money to got on this splendid location. See J. W. l.oiran on tliupiemlsos , telephone MX ) , or J , W. I'.llcr , 1001117. lieu Hunk , telephone ft'K ) . 255)1 ) Foil SAI.i : Ilakery , confectionery and lunch room , cheap If gold Roon ; sickness caii'-o of selling. Iniiiiuo of Kopp , Urelbus & Co. , 1 1 OH I'ltrnain Pt. uimihn , Noli. _ .r,7 5IT1OKSAT7K oFiriuroTTor ( iihnhn property. J. The best located livery buslncsa , with stock n In the city , Iony lonso of bum nt cheap rent. , II nj nollios . 15111 rnrnuin. _ OJ3 _ H OUSKS fx > tsriirm9ianils money loaned. llemls. inth nnd Uouim ) stroots. ( ilfl rbuiro. LIVi : brociC Auction Stables , 2505 Cum. Ing sticot. The best facilities for hanitllng and belling nt auction. Hornos , mules unit llxo stock , also carriage * , carts , Ih ory and horco supplies , west of Chicago. Snh < dujs , MonilnswoilnoiilHyA nnd Hnturdius. lliown , Wlii3penr& Ciiutor. Talephono No. Ml.2IS 2IS N 4 IAKI'.N UP-Ilod cow with calf , 4 miles M est of Omalm on Nelson Patrick's farm by 2548 * Z.OSX. OTUAYIM ) OH STOI.KN-Ono dark rod cow , * < sixears old : ends of horns sawed olf. riudurploiiBi ) ictiltn to Oeo. Mvrudith , Sara- totfii , nnd get row ard. 1UU o * " " AVKI"oiTsTOIiKN-rroin28tli ) nnd Mei- rlunifts , , N. Oinatia.on the OTonlng of Oct. II. u dark brown hoi MI , front feet uhlto , whltn htnr In forehead. Ituwurd for return to Mlllaid hotel , 3CUIO * OTItAVKO OU STOLKN-lloil cow. till tag In O right oar , lost from 15th and I'lorco. 1'indur plcasu return to address nnd eel reward. Jtli hnnl Moore. . 30J b * L OST Mnstlir imp , light butr , black HOBO Itoturu to H05 Douglua et. nnd get rounrd , bOl B * 7OST Pocket casii 8iirjfUnl instrnmunta -j Kuino on clasp. 1'lndcr pleasa return to Dr. H. W. Ixo. IM TOST.A plain mind goid finger ling , citncr < on IGth , Izanl or lUth street , with the nmno "InconirriiMM ] on Inside. 'Iho tinder will jiloasti k-at o ut lice otllce , l > ! 3 I OST A line red knit sliuwl , nhoutc o'clock - / Satnrdny eveningSept. 11. Lcu\e nt this olllco and got reward < J1 IjlUtST-CLAbS table boanl for geiitloiiiun nnd Jwlfo or alnglo gentlumon. In pihuio fam ily. 114 N. 18 but. Dodge uuJ Capital uve. am i ; _ _ BOAHDING Good day board , 1U1U California 447 QIC * IHHSONTAI. Neat and ta ty all-wool business . . . ult rT. L. O. Jones & Co. , American Clothier * . 1309 Furnatu Bt. Mail orders tilled. _ _ U50N6 "pISHSONAli Weak , uudovolopoil parts of the J. body enlarged and fctrenicUiunid l' < i-.ltlxo T > r > or , full particulars , lite , mailed In plain on- UlopeMaluJfor * Uuip. Addrea r.rlo M eJI- cul Co. , I Strun su , UuUolu , N. Y. ai u J * IWnnted n mnn with brnins nml L money to tinn lln n material sod In nil biilldlnifs lor this "tiito. Already Introduced. Address I' W , Ilco olllco. 359 s * _ _ Mrs DfT7Sntiio Wnrron J clmrvoj-ant. Medical nnd business Medium lloom ISO. S , 121 North IGth st. , Omaha , Nob. 1 > .M MISCEifcAHEOXJS. HV. did not wnnl to pnj It when hpwnsnt Lincoln , Nib. , he rtfii cd to piy ! I5 or Mo lor n monl nt sovcinl h-itoti nnd rostnurnnts bo- CKU C ho conlil get n bettor menl at the li-p t Hotel , "ppo'ltn tlio II A M. pn einrcr depot for onlj 2.V1 ! breakfast , dinner , suipor,2."icy5cS.Hl | , 51 uetr furnished rooms. Ooo. .Majorlo. Pro. . 3 fl K * rpo KXCIiAMli : for morohiim'lsp , KTincrPs l land'.Si mllrs east of Council llltiirs H 11. , box tion.Slionaiulonli , Iowa. ! 9 10 * \1UVOVANT I Md lam Ali ka-Cl lrvov- C mil anil Palmist. Uovonls | nst , present nnd future Satisfaction uuaiantccd Come nnd bo com Inci'd. 012 South ICth stroot. 271 AMHJNO mmi toloarn slonoirrnphy : good po- 1 sltlons when Icnrnod. O. W. llaKoi , rooms 7 nndx , lion llnnk. 270 Jr > niiilc Iroiirood ( position us utrnnffriiplicr cull on O Vf. linker it Co. , rooms 7 nnd 8 Iron Hank. 843 0 mHnSTT.XOOHAPlT 315 3 T Tr you ilcclr.0 to bo n Stone raphor , It will bo to jour Inli-rc ttocnil on U.V. . Ilaker.toonis 7 nnd f , Intn llnnk. 345 9 rjAili : stenograph , n ) V. linker , ngont , rooms -L 7 nnd 8 , honllunk. _ 805-U OAMOH.U'H. U15 V . . . . HIT.XOtlUAPH-ls the system of _ Shorthand , and It does not ronuiro more than ono-thlrd of the lime to learn the iuno. \ \ ' i : assist all of our scholars In securing posi tions nflo * taking a course of Rbortliaiid , G. W IlnKcr , Itoom * 7 nnd 8Iron Hank. J | 315 II _ _ _ t'TKNOOilAPHY. mm 'lypowritmg SCHOOL K ) Itooms 7 und 8 , Iron bunk. OW. linker , 190 SALi : Agood stock of hardware and FOlt Implements , n splnndld locu tion , only one otlinr stock \urduarc hnro : anew now ralltond now bolng built to the town , busi ness In town booming. AddicssPO , llcoolllco. HI ! ) 8 * Is the ttiitlug machlnoof the day , ( } , \S. liakor , agent , rooms 7 and 8 Iron Hank. -31-1U AI.KXTINr/S Short-hand Institute Is In V position Inilldlnx 100 t imAjoAiiinuAi'H-j. w. AKHH , roomsTiuid n , lion Itnnk. 2GO U . \V. u VKIJlt" ; shorthand ctiool , llootna and H , Iron , Omalia , Xnli. il(5 D FOll 8A-.K Oil TKAUK-A good second band Max Mejcr It Ilro. piano. Will sell for half Its vnluo , or trade for a lot in Omalia. Call on or address Utn. A Wilson i , Co . 141S Hiirnrj st. , Oinnlm , Neb. 341 KKM UM l iil : our night school in stcno- grnpliy commences Moililav , October II Pnrtios doslrlnir to Increase their speed cnn Join our nvndnccd cliissos. Session coniiacncliii ; luomptly nt 71 < > . Apply or aildross 0 W llHKor , Uooms'7 and If , Iron Iluuk , Omaha , Net. ! H5 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EMl-noYMiNT-Oood Biilnry and all OK- penses paid at homo 01 to tinxols state which iirelorrcd ; also salary wanted. Sloan & Co , Manufncturors nnd Wholesnlo dealers , 294 U cargo St. , Cincinnati , O. _ 3 _ : > 12 * rpltUHS , Itosos.Shrubs.eto. , plnntcd fro o for J. pei onS buylnirof Douglas Co. Nurseries. C.O. Howard. Prop. . P. O. box 21)0. ) b 7-nl2 * I I' you doslro a good stenographer address G. W. Ilakor A Co. , rooms 7 and S , Iron Hank. _ [ _ | _ 2040 FOIUlHNT-So.Uttro I'lano M montnly. A _ Hoapo. 1513 Douiflas. _ 8J7 SKNI ) j our Cullgiuphs to bo repaired to (1. W. linker , 10011137 nnd 8 , Iron Hank. 2fil 0 A I'l * kinds of writing machines i opah od , and ropatis for the same. O. W. llakcr , Itooms 7 nnd 8 , Iron llnnk. 31) U _ T71OU 11KNT Square Piano , 51 monthlv. A JJJIpspe , loISJoUKlas. _ 837 II' you dcsh on position as stonoirrnphor ad- dioss U. Vf. Baker A : Co. , rooms 7 and H. Iron Monk. _ 2CJi ) I SHAM , oi'KN a night school In steno graphy , commencing Monday , Oct. llth ; school to be In session three nights aeek , as follows : Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays. Spotial attention Riven to advanced scholars , as also to these tOiiinunclnir | the ait. Itomoui- bcr tlio date Oct. Jl. G. W. Iloltor , rooms and B , Iron llnnk. , IF jou hnvon typewriter tor sale or doslro to purchase ono , address G. \ \ . Ilakor , Itooms 7 and 8 , 1 ron Hank , 34" > 0 T7U > 11 IlENT Organs , 52 per month , ilospo , J 1513 Douglas. _ iJ7 ) rOB HAXI MiaCEI.r.AirEOU8. FOH SALiOlllco : furnltiiro , safe , trucks , sculo , etc ; Apply Oil Jones st. lienton Plsli Co. ' 31 11 F FOK SAf.i : Apple barrels , molasses bar rels , half bnrrels nnd kegs. I will name low prlcts on car loads delivered at rnllrond sta tions In Nebraska , Wcstein lowu and Western Missouri. J. Seymour , 18th and Pierce street , Omnlm , Nob. 219 10 * T710H SAT < i-Tco In car lend lots. Address -i.1 Gilbert Bros. ? Council lllulfs. 378 _ "TJIOKHALU Furnace , second hand , Chllson Jfurnnco In good order and arranged to hontlUo rooms , Inquire ut No 1407 Jones st. IMcugJ ) . 350 U _ FOK SAM : A llrst class hnck horse nnd har ness complete. AddiossP &U , lleo olllco. 348 11 * _ FOIl 8 A fji : Largo span of 0-jenr-old mules. Knqulro A. It. Duncan , lox & Atwood's sale barn , 114 S.inthst. _ ami * Tmoit SAM : norse B years old , sound , broken , JL1 to saddle and driving ; also buggy and liur- ncss. J. J. Malionoy , 1603 Tarnum st 23lt-i ) FOIIS A Mi Kitrnlturo and lonso of hotel , centrally located ; postonian In building ; good snmplo rooms. Addrois Uandall House , llcntrlco , Nut ) . _ S23 11 * T71OII HAI.i : Parlor Midrootu and kitchen A ? f urnlturo cnrpctH.rnngii and hontlngstovei , nllnoailynow , n gentle horse tlvo years old , all nt a bargain , gi\ lug up housekeeping , 2514 Douglas st. _ 625 "I ? OH HAM ; Largo tire and burglar pioof Jj finfo , cost $550. Sell for250 , J. Vf. Miir- Bliall. 1MD Farnani St. _ 700 17IOH SALP. A line thoroughbred goldlnir , JL' good ill Ivor , smglo or double , line s.iddlo horse lor man , woman or child , perfectly gentle und kind , i\x \ yoais old , no bud trulls J. W. Uller. room 7 Ironbaiil ; _ 253 1) ) "iriOIt SA i : rurnlturo and lease of hotel. -L1 Addicts llyder House , Stromshurg , Nob. _ _ _ HB 10 * [ Jioit AIH 1 urnlturo nndl oa o ot sivroom JL1 house , time on part. Call 120J North 27th f trout , two blocks from Itod Car lino. _ Kn HOlSK ) > T Uits.ranns , Lands money loaned. Homlg IBth nnd Douglas streets. U07 FOll SA Jji : Two No. 1 , second hsnd , canopy top Surreys ; uUo two good , EOcond hand 1400 Dodge fltieot. _ 2J5. FOK KAl.i : Cncap , iron columns > md win dow cups suitable for front on brick build- Ing. Forpnrlloiilar npply nt thUollleo. 811 WAMTBP fEMAIiE HEX. P. \\7ANTKU-Good fursowcr.nt itluhtcr's , 13UJ \ I Vanillin st. ail 7 A good dining rqoiu girl. , Apply ataflN.J5thjU ) _ 31 W * " \\7 ANTKI ) Four experienced illnlni-rooni V girls Wages f Jo per mouth , mid room. Uiinbaum's Hojtuurant , Ifill I'urnum slroot. l7"ANTi : Olrl lor bougowork in small lainlly , Mrs MorliolTU ) Suwiird ft. ai7 o * Middle aged or o'dwomun ' for cook ; good wagcM. 107 N. 12th at. JiO T 7ANTii : > Old noman for houeekeepor. 1QJ N 1 * ' ' aiu.u * W. VKTfcU nooil Corman irlrl In hotel , best traguj , 30J S. lltu tt. U. Mnnuitollor. 2 J ll rANTKn-Aglrl for general housework ; 5L- at onto ut 1415N 18th. DUO 10' , . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "VyANTEO Immediately girl for Konernl > > housework , noitlittcst corner llnmlltou and PloretrouH ; test wuses. 871 U' T\TANTKn-OI la at WIlKlo's paper box fno- > 1 tory. 100B. Hthet. Soia WANTii-2 : good dlsti washers nnd ono or tttogood wultnrs at Norm restaurant ; IGth si bet Dodg-o und Douglas. Ml u \\7ANTKO-Qood cook , stout uoman ; 1005 ' Farnam 6t , west door. 3100 * \VANTK1 > ( llrl Must be good cook and > > laundress. 308 tuaimm , Mrs. J , M. Taurv- ton. SM \\rAM-EU-jn a email /mnllj withoutchlli ' T drcu , u goodneat , reliable und competent girl for cook and laundry : also another such girl for second work and plain sowing. Thuso nro euro situations for two Bright , plain Kii - mb-spetiUngglrU. Adpress P. 41 , lice ollice : llto dujg. Hoferoncesrequired. gsa-io * " \TrANTKll-Qirl for general lioukowork In fatally of two ; uiunt k'ivo rcfcrouce. AIM ply 1J1S Virninlu avtfuuu. i2l \\TANTru-Comp ttnt ftlrl ; Gorman pro- > T forrcd. Two In family. Mrs. D. 11. Wheolcr , Jr ,001 Irslnla nve. _ 1W \\7 ANT KD competelir orvnnt for genera" i > hou ework , none other need npply , 1910 California. _ JL _ _ _ \\-ANTKD A neat plrltotftfco care of chll- ' drcn und do second work. Inquire Mrs. II. \\T ANTKD A cooiTfor small family , imiulro WOeoutli Hthst. _ G19 _ \\f.\NTi : ? ) i.ndles to work for us nt their V own homps. $7 to f 10 per week can 1 * > Htilotlt made No photo , painting ; no cnnvn 9- I nir. Kor full purtlonliir0 , please address at once , Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. llo ton , Ma s. , Hot 5170. _ - -PJl * " \\rANrKD-A good girl for scqond work , Gnrmnnor Dniie prcfoireJ. No washing Mrs A. Prntt , 1203 Park ate. 3J1 ! ) WANTKIJ Head cook at the Pamoits ns- _ tniirunt. 319 S llth st 7SJ _ \\'ANTr.t-Mpn for Illnck Hills tntensinn- ' Good wages and good job. Albright's Lnhor Agencj , 1 X ) ' < I'm mini. _ 3S1 \\fA.NTKD ImmciTlntelj- nrst-clnss cook for surtot Ing party. Applj nt chlnf en- glneoi's olllco , C.P Uy _ 8U "l\7ANTii : ) Aolltn , Intolllironl men ; HO per T week can bo mndo ; no Investmont. Call forenoon , Uootn 1,1301 Douglns st. 03 8 WANTP.I-Salo mnn hat Ing it thorough knowledge of the trade In this and nd- joining stntcs ! miistbo fnmllliir with the sad- 'lery and snddlnry hardware business ; A 1 rclorenccs required. Address P , 37 , this olllco. SI7-7 * _ WANTT.D A good Steno rrnphcr ut once , O. tV. ll.ilicr i. Co. , rooms 7 und 8 , Iron llnnk. 345 U _ _ WVNTKli 2 carpenters that nro used to stulr building Call at b07 Hownrd St. , Hogwald &l'eterson. 333 P1 _ 'lA CNrni * Fli-st-cla slmrbi'r. ' Stcadj woik > ' and good wages. Peter Mojer , Papllllon , Neb. 3110' _ WANT1ID 7 Carpenters. Unqulro at corner of Hurt nnd Pleasant st. P. K. Creodoa. IUl Two young men who can speak IT Hohomtnn nnd English , flood lofnionces roquind 72 So , IJth , J. P. MeilanJei .V Co. 3158 _ _ _ _ _ "V\rANTin : An oxiorlcnced , llto man to TV bundle st nips to rotnlltrudo In Omalia , on liberil commission. Prefer ono iiow-himdllinr KroLcrs'ipeelnltles nnd known to the tiudo. Addicss vlth icfcreuco. P 40 , euro Omaha lice. 318 11 * _ -V\7'A > Tii > Agents , male or fcmiilo , overj-- TT where , to tnko orders lor plating. Address ntoncuO L. lluiton , Wlotn , Iu. 34 ! IV T\7"ANl KIJ . "I cat pomots nt ro"wlor pncking Y } hoiiao , South Omnliii , tills * WANTED A good honorable man with i'lO'J ' cash , us piutncr , um make fiom ? l."i to f 20 per dny to otorseo agents nnd sell goods In this stuto. Addiess P 40 , lleeoillie 275 10 * _ \\7ANri3D Installment cnnvnssor ) to cell nt 1207 rarnam st. und see what wo hnvo tu olfor. C. 13 , Leo.Managcr. _ ! 17S rpHBliirgost Mfg Co. In the world ttiintmoi ) JL to sell their coeds on satai jor commission In nil tow us In Ncbra ka. No capital 01 oxporl * enco nocessiuy. Itofcronco loiiuirod. Aildro st M , box 207 , Oiunlin , orM , box 507 , Lincoln , Nob4 _ _ ill ( Kr J _ ANTii : > 50 men for At joining Gooil wlntoi's job. Company work. 12. S. Al bright , Labor ugency , 1308 Farnam st. 1TO " \\/ANTKn / A fowinorb ugeiils To IntFodTica > > our Automatic Musical Ins'ruinonts. ' on InstnllmonU Anyone cnn play them without ; musical Instruction , the best paying , easiest celling novelty ot or known. 525 toIO a wi-okl sun bo roill7od. C 13. Lee , Mnnngor , 1207 Knr-i nam street , up stairs 4 ! < 8 WANTHU A salesman to inirodnco a now spot-laity amomr tuidcspooploand mechan ics. Addi ess with references nud past experi ence , HoxO-20 , Heo olllco. 487 GITUATIOH WANTED. WANT13II Pituatlou wanted by n joumr lady as milliner , eighteen nicnths' oxpeil- onco. Address , PC. , llcoolllco. 2 5 WANTP.D-Situation us housekeeper. In quire 81 J Cnpitot nto. 30S ll WANTED lly a first-class , temperate meat and pastry cook ( man ) , u good steady 9ltu- ntion. Address P 55 , 1'eo Olllco. 351 0 * V\rANTED Situ ntion nBhou oKoopcr In prl- > ' vntofnmtly or to do light work. Address 11 D3 , Dee olllco. 377 8 * ' _ iyAMTii > Position in wholcsilo store or T olllco bja joun man of business cxpcr- moo ; best of rol'utcnccs. Addiess P 4K Heo Olllco. at7 U * _ _ WANTii > r\cning Employment bj VOUIIH- man , bookkeeping or otherwise , nddicss P 40 lleo olllco. 302 y * WANT13D Position ns Falcsman , on loud. In nny Ilnw but dry goods or hardware. With peed references. Address P 44 , lice ollloo. 3UO 6" _ Situation as nuiso or work by day. Mrs. A. Auderjon , SUO N 18th st. 251 8 > _ T\-'ANTIJI > Sltuntion bj nrst-clnss broiulund IT cake baker , to take chnrgo or othernlsu. Addre s Prlnuoso , Kiel's Hotel , Council Illuirs , Iowa. Stuto wages. 2728 * WANTii > An experienced dro'smakor wishes sowing In lamllles ; can glto lie t of rcforonce. Apply to 1223 17th St. , bctweOn Paul and Shormnn. 22S 8 TtTANTKn Sltuntion ns engineer or care of TT heating tollers. Six joins experience ; good references. Address P. 25. Hoe olllco. 1879 * _ WANTED A position by n stenographer , references given , address P 14 , lice olllcc. 13 * _ _ _ IQj TVANTED Situation us bookkeeper or ns- TT sUtnut ; 10 jears' oxpciionco in lumber business. Address P 15 , lleo olllco. 10J U * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ANTUD Doslcmom. Address , stating teims , P 01 ; Hoe olllco. 3 0 J WANTI3D A second hnnd olllco table or desk and cliuirfi.must bo In goud uondltlon nnd u bargain ; party hating such can find pnr- olinsornt KoomO Itodioks block , rarnam be tween 1 % und ICth sis , 371 h WANTKD By bachelor , good-sired , well- furnished ulcoto bedioom , In prlvuto house , with bath on same lloor , etc. Addiofs P 60 , Heo olllcc. 3il7U * ANTiiPnrtncr : ; small capital ; In luw and real estate. Western town. Addio&j P57 , Heo olllco. 3R1 8 * Vl ANTKD Two rooms , continlly locatPd. for TT ollkoii o ; must bo connected , und nrst- clnsslnetoiy icspcct. H. W. Grlswold. oaro Paxton notol. 355 a * \\TANTKD To Itont , four unfurnished rooms > near und ninth ol the U. P. depot. Ad- UlUSSp 53 , Hie olllco. 357 WANTED lly two gontlomoii In n quiet homo , adjoining rooms with bath. Itefei- encos. Apjily stating terms , to P W , Hoe ollitc. it 100 * \VANTKO-Sot of Nebraska lloporls. Ad- Y > diuss John C. Shcu , 71B 1-2 N lothst. anu T\7"ANTiu : ramlllos desiring their washings TT nently und iinlckly done In their own homes nddioss P 45 Hoe ollice. 305 0 * \\rANTi : ! ) A tiouto for small family near T T U. P. shops. Address 1' 43 , lleo otlico. ! ) ! 1J tl * WANTI2D Hy gentleman and wife , fur nished room and board In private family , within mlle of St. Paul Depot ; mooorota terms , Address "P. 38" Hoe olllco. I'bij IS' \ VANTKUGrocery dealers to take notice mid bo the tlrst to start u gioccry store ut I.cnrcnworth liusmoss Placo. x'Si ) u \VANTED Itooms , 3 or 4 , by 3 .grown people ii tor light housekeeping : prolor upstairs ttith another faimlj- . Address P 21 , IIco oilico. Vl/AJt rijl ) AH wnnting to luarn short-hand nnd typewriting to attend Valuntlno's Short-hand Iiiatltutu' . Kxposltion building , Omiilia. Wo cai ) furnish sumolartfonipjoymont to young men and bojs to pay their board whllr In attendance. " 633 Oct.i'O ANTiaj-Toams. T. Murray. ' 078 REHT-HOtJBES AXO 1OT3. TJIOII ItUNT-S roomed house , 030 N. rl\i , \ , - - ' ( Center stj.ya per month , 30ii 0 iTIOirilKM' bnmll room suitable for poiitlc J. man , 1B3 Dodge. 3JJ 10 * TTIOH HUNT Comfortable furnished room In - Private family ; terms moderate. Addicss P 59,1100 olllco. -jjj | j EtOItllKNT A turnishcd house of n rooms on Dodge between lith nnd 13tn. Wildcat all or In part. Apply at Cigar Store , 105 N , U'tU st. 301 0 I7 > OIl HBNT-Ai room house. 3 uloeks south 1 of 13thsU Streetcars. IiiquiroofC. Spccht. V ostero Cornice Works , 174 Id IilOU HKNT 4-room cottage , llurnoy ncor 1 SOth. f 3) per mouth. S. JL Blouimi. 1513 Farnam Et t ) TT\Ont.EA'n-'WDlinvoplovpn \ ? aoro-s on P. P. J : H. H. track , SMfoot front : will lonso nil of finrtforflvoTcnrs. Bedford A Soiior. Wl ron , RSRT- J iiOll lnNT-t.plpjnint furnished rooms. south front uflf fc1 Hat , board can be ho < l next-door. Apply af14ia Chlciifo 91. 913 77 o"n Itr.XT lficc'i- furnished rooms. 1CI3 J1 Chicago st. ' 23-0 * _ iroll lU'.NT 1 hi ) 0 tlrslrlliK no ly f urnlshod X' front rooms titlbath nnd P'1 * " " 'I otery convenlcnco.callMtit xi cornororwpb t"r A.2l t 8U. Terms modomte. Also largo bain for rent. Inoit IIK.NT I'loasnnt south room np tnli , furnished , wlli boanl. rnusiinlly piciKint locution. Wltn ( t o-lii room , S u per month oaeli. 3TJ 10 * _ _ U ) _ HUM' N iJcor 12th nnd Piorco-Sulto , FOlt parlor , bedroom nnd closet , nlcclj fur nished , with peed table bouid. Quiet house ; ono blocft f rota slroa car. 372 lu * TTM > 't HUNT Kour looms , pantry ntul clothes Jj prp nnd ccllnr. Hmiulro upstairs , with KKNT-Nlcely furnished fiont room , nlcoto nnd closet , No ll > S23dst. T7U > K HUNT Furnished n very plensint JJ ftont loom.ortwo rooms nt 1700 North Ibth Bt , on unr line. Donrd cnn bo bad no ir liy. -J01 10 * TTIOIt HP.N'T Onolargo front bod-room , -1 } furnished. Can nccommodulo a few tnblo boardcis.2l4 _ south ISth. 101 0 * OH HUNT Kurnisnod rooms , 1818 Dodgo. , b7J 027 ItnNT t'nfitrnlshpii rooms In now tilock FOK . Dodge and llthst. Imiulroof ( Jco. H. Dat Is , Mlllnrd Hotol. U78 * Foi : KINT 2 unfurnished rooms ; aim liar- nry st. 312 HUNT Pour nlco unfurmshod rooms Insultswith tiioofgns and oath II desired. l.-)121lommlst. 310 l' TTAOll linxr rurnlshfil room , (9 pnr month _ j C07 N I71h. 218 Foil HUNT Two \nry doslniblo luinlslicd rooms ul S."Vi fit. Marj's avc. , with furnace heat , bath , and ovorj modern convenience , with boara. 'lorms tory roiiaonnblo. 287-U * > OH IHINT-Pitrnlshcd rooms with bonnl at 1T ( CW Virginia ate. 1730 * TiOit | KINT A smull furnished front bed- JL ! room nt IIM Uou ias - < t S1 n * FOR uivr o nicely furnished rooms nt tlio cor of 7th mil Pactllc st. for man and wife or gentlemen ; with or without lio.uil. CIS i ) * I neil IO1X1' Hoom and bonrd In private fain- lly , $ J5 per month. Addict P iiO. Hoc oflleo. IM 11 * * | 7tou HUNT I'mnlsliod rooms for gentli-mcii i ? only lV)3Cus3St. 21VJ1 _ FOH HUNT Largo front room tvlth board , for two gontlcinon ; 11)35 ) L'urnam st. ItW b * "IJIOU IHlNT rurnlshcd front jooms with lltst- J2 cla s board , 521 Plonsimt. < ' O : > U * FOR HUVT- Nicely furnished fiont room , 14U Howard St. ! Kfi 12 * FO't Ki.ST Two largo unfurnished IOOIIH Biiltablo foi light housukocplii ! ; luiiulro Ivaulmnn Ilios. 1003 Farnnm St. ; H3 cKNT NIcoT Inrso. furnished front room ; suitable for two gentlemen. 2. > 11 St. Mary's nvo. 3U.D TlOlt ItKNT A larue.nouly furnished fiont ' mom with bay window ; sultnblu for two ontleiiien , nt 025 Pnrnnm st. 3n-l TT1OH UKN F NlcclV "fumlslioil loom , 1TO7 n"1"-1"0 ot * , rdlejrcnces loriuircd. 110 , 1013 Capitol avo. O 872 0 * TTIOH HUNT Nicely fumlshod front room AJ with ulcovo.nllMilodorn convonloncos , for three Hoiitloinou , , fo.ur blocks directly Bonih Irom opera house , apply at oneo , 1415 Jonosst. r > ii Foil Ili'NT-jViirnlshcd rooms lor gentlo- men , four blocks from cnr lluo. Apply at s.'V. corner 17th nndT orcas. 2i7 ! b * bTl KKNT Nlcotv fui nishcd nnd comlort- able rooms fpr Winter , with or without bojr.l. 19J. ) Kjirnnmyt. 27J 12 * TJ1OH HLNT Sulto Af looms , furnished ; also -L ? 1 slnglo room.tor gontluinon. 20JJ St. Miuy's . 83724 * A- aye. _ _ - _ _ _ T7IOR Ui\r : Newly luumtiod room- " > ll St. -I ? Man'sayey - rat TnOtJ. til'INX'WirUitliW ivviniva tot IluhUiiouSo -L1 keeping Iu llocracr'ablooU cor Klghth nnd Howuid. - " ai3 IQU BA.I I1 HOU3B33iOT3 OK JllixT w lotson the Hi-It It H In Oak Chatham , justgouth of tlio Saratoga school bouse. Tlicso lots cnn bo routed for J tears on roiihonablo terms. John I. Itrdlck. 71 N 7 SALIJ-AJlno oiiKt tiont Iotlnblook2 , FOlt llanscom plnco ; must bo sold at ouco. j. 11. KvonsACo. sai 11 INK lot nrnr now pchool house ( icoigln nvo. Jj JJ.O30. Graham , Crclghton blk. 101 0 TinNT SIt-rooin lieu o , 27th st. north FOlt Dodgo. Kuqulro ol J. It. Itlngwalt , 2 bO ISth t. 3D I 8'q FOR SAI.n Lots In Yntcaand Hompol's ad dition , North Omaha , $50) to * WJ3. J. I ) . Kv- iiiis & . Co. 278 11 IT'Oll SAL.K House G rooms , lot 33x140 J. ' ft. , cnr. lth ! ) and Paul sts. bargain at. , ? .i.410 2 lots , cornor. 100x160 ft , Hnnscom Placo. . . 5,500 3 lots In Washington Snuaro , cacli 2,0X1 J choice lots In Patrick's 1st add. COxlJl , each 1TOO 311 Miirsbiill & I/obock , 150'J ' Fnrnnm. GOOD lot Georgia ttvo , 81riOO , ( Iraham , Crolgliton blk- . 801 9 SPLlINDin IJ VJIOAIN Two magnlllccnt lots on Hamlltcn st corner ot Plonsnnt st , 100 foot on Hamilton stand m f out mist on Pica Bimtst Must beeold In fnwdiijs. only ? J,200 ; $700 cash. Btockdule & Mitchell , Vila Dodge st. 97 0 OT 11 , bile L , I/jtvos add ; 5700. Graham , CrcUjliton Illock. SOI V Ar.KlX'KllY Btoro Is domunded at Louvcn- tvorth Huslno i Place and It will command the best suburb trade about the city. All you have to do is to go nnd U8l < the people living In the Immediate vicinity nnd j ov will bo s itinlleit. You cun get ii lot on Lent enworth street at the lloltl.lno. See J. W. Logan on piemlsts , or J. W. Kllor , nti oem 7 , Iron llnnk. 257 U FAST 2" > lotH 111 Leavenwoith Ilusi GOINO ness Place have been sold within the last 30 days. It Is the best place on the Holt Line fern n manufactory of any kind , or for n lumber yard. Don't fall to Investigate for jourself. ltdon'tnued nny agent to blow for tlio loca tion. J , W. Loirun Is doing a Ihilvlng ouslnoss in the rood biisliifhs , and three I onrdlng houses nro full A grocery btoro and n meat phopls wanted there. 315 0 ITlolt SAM : Lots in Yates and Hcmpol's nd- X1 dltlon , North Omalm , $50) to $ WO. .1. II. Kv- niiSiVCo. 278 11 I AHOI3 lot , south fiont Harnoy et nr 21111 , J S4fiOOOriilinin , Crelglilon blk. U01 0 POKHALi : Anlco5roora house and lot on stioot whore grade Is established , lot soiled nnd trees , oven thing In gooa condition , if sold witliln 30 duys S-.tOO , ! J cash balance to suit. No null est ilo men need apply. Address p 18 , lleo olllco. Properly will bo shown 14J 15 "IT10H SALK-lliistiiesalots on Leuvenworth ft J , ' f 603 to $1,000 ; ohitupoat lots oil this best of streets. .1. U. ivnna.&Co. ; am U _ , KAVKN\VOirrUJ.Sr.-50rl3J Tt , ono bile from Pink moi'fJ.GW. ' Uruliuiu.Civlghtoii Jiiook. _ f nn _ 301 u "OOH SALi : 5fItot corner I/on vei worth JLJ strtotf.r..OQJ J , II. Kvans & Co. 50-foot lot on Ifoavfiuvorth. near Pink nvo. , onlyJ2cno. w-foot lot , Pormonter Plnco , f 1,000. Lots on Grot obtrce jioar Leavonworth , only 44-foet on Jolcx > fiiiel near postilllce , with linpiot oinonta , & ) t jy. } 8i01l . K11BH i BULlnrS"bTir rea ostnto ud otory otl. Jr day , rice | t 03J | _ _ _ O splendid lots irt block 0 , Omtlm View , 50x1/0 * euoli , f HJO. _ Orogorj i natUrfji , 1313 Douglas Bt. 117 RUoll X SI3Lllrfg ularreal estnto * uu every ether day , guolt. OJJ _ _ HOtJSKs Itsl.'ftrrii8L'iiui8inonoyionnod. . llemU , 15th , mid Douglas streets , 037 "IllOll HAM : Ono of the boil plocos of prop- * - ' crty In N.orth Omaha. 0110 block from paved street An eight room house , nearly new. Cut ) bo hud clioap. If taken at once. O. I' DuvlsAtOo , I50i gumani street , U17 _ 3" ( ilt front Saunders ft corner } HWO. ( ira- bam , Crclghlon Illock. _ _ aoi u 7V OT on Dodge noar27th St. ; 8,000. Ornhnra , JjCiolghjonblk. _ col U II" jou want to IIIHKO qionoy invest in lots In Loutonworth Ilusluesa Place nt the Holt Line on Lavenworth st. uis-a _ H SALi : A corner on Nicholas St. . trucU- Bgu. j , u Kvnna & Co. 38211 _ T71OU SAMJ LotTin Vntos and Hempel'sad- J-1 dltion North Omaha , JMO to IC03. J n. itr- : nns & Co. _ 278 11 Tairm 8.\u-0r gxcharjo. Iloueo and lot , J-1 Iftn mil Nicholas ; house anil lot 15th and Dorcas. Win L Monroe , OtU und Douglat. U53 FOK SAI.J--t.ot ( n Ptnnton Phuc. Nest liPniontrorthi cornerof Orotc Mrecttonly $ < VX ) toiOOJ. Hest Int istmont in Omaha J. Ii. Kvans \ Co. 270 11 Trolls VLi.-House and lot Walnut Itlll. J.1 Hou e and lot on imh street. * IYW. I lonso nnd lot on JOth street , $ } , * * . I/it InPlnlntiow JftVj.tmly Mt n. Lot on Miami street. J 2S , flY'ensh. Ixits In Shilttir Plnco. f B6 , f2o cash Hftlnnco J" per mouth , t pry cheap Two notes of $1,000 ouch for sale Money to Loan on Improved city propotty. 11. W. llunlrcss , pus rani'iiii street HI u B AltOAlX-KIno cornci la Clarendon , 100x127. Vpry nlco residence lot.SJ.O'Jt ' ) . Urogory \ lladliiy. 1,11. ! Domtlns M. 117 IJlOll SALK-T/ots 7 nnd S. IJOxt&O foot , In JL1 block 1 , Qrst addition to South Omaha. Call on Fred Lemon , rare Pnriiii'is'nou o , or nddrossUcorjfo Llnde , P. O. box 107 , Hnpld Cltjr : , VloolloU ( In Yntos A llemplis nd- ilition at ft > OJ 10 $ UKi ; sco them , .1. II. Ktuns & Co SS-J 11 BOVVMXdOUKIIN'lots.JIM 10 per contemn nml $1 per montli. Marshall K Liobt-ck , Ajfonls , IM'J riirtinin street. 1M9 GUi.uTfuT7lfI717KT Itcnl l tnto uttd Urntnl Agents , 1 U ! Don nl us Street , Hero in on fownf tlio bargains o oiler ; It tlioiu Is nothing ; lioMitlmt suits } oil , call on 110. Wocnnshon jouotliorA. Corncrlol onSewntd St. , l < owo'snild S 1,000 Lot adjoining nlioro . WO Corner lot on Hamilton bt . . . . l.l.V ) AdJolnlnirloU , nllln Oiclmrd Hill . . . l.tXM CoinoiBln Pllinvlow niul Klrkttooil. . . NM Corner Imp. Ass ndil , . WxliU . . O.OtK ) Corner Vales ami llooil , f > 'x100 . 7UO Corner lot1 * In Paddock Place . . . . . . ( Call nl onu o ro > - pi Icus. ) Coinuron Dod o St.ftil ) , ) ' , renting Tor f 1,000 per > cor . . . . 30,000 Corner lot on 10th St. Koimtro'fl mid , tt 1th market huildlii.1. only . 4,000 3d\tolllmrs on lot 1 tttlti , Chicago St. , rcntlnv $ 1,41)0 ) porj our . S 12.003 8-room house on coruor lot , Suhull's mlil , luiixioo . 4.000 Now ft room cottaio on corner lot , Millard - lard AcCilldwoir.s add . 2,100 7-room house , S K. Holers' mltl , front- liiKlSth sU. lotfiflxMO . fl.500 0-room house , Popplnton ave , south front , lot UOxllW . 3,000 Now 0 loom eottiijro , volt built , on lot fiOUnu. nenr Blunders . . . . 2,800 2 room noti'u In West Side , 1 block from cniinltiK fnuoij' , lot . 7W O-iooiu lioic-o nml 4-i 00111 house , him. clstuin , celling , fruit trcos.etc. , ou lot OJrrH ) , flouting both 17lh anil ISIti 0,000 8-rooni house on S aith st , nenr SI Mary's at o , clt v w ntor , oto . " .200 rino corner on Ciimlng St. , Iliiotisos . lJr > 0 I'lnolot In Imp Asso tulil or. \ 133 little nbo\uirrmli > liniirnln . , . l.WW Lots In Kllbj pinco . ' 00 UiU hi Lincoln plnco . 4 ! > ) Lot on I'limam tioni * Lnnonvc . 1,700 line nut trout lot , ( j'ixl2i ; 111 Kelson's lulil.liniKiiln . 2.0TO I'.iist Iront ! l'dRt ; llnnscoiii pluco . . . 2,3li ) Splonaiil lots fronting Pnrlc ; only. . 1,60) ) llautlioinolotsan Davenport st . I.WJJ Knsttionlsjust oiiKiudti . 1KM Oinnlm Vlo Iota oust on the liill ut fOjO to $ 'J. ' > 0 oni'h chonp. Ono block 111 West Oinnhn , 4 neros ( cull nt of- llco forpilcos ) Special attention pl\on to property listed vim us nt roimonahlo prices. Hn\iiiLMio propntyof our own on the mnrU- ct o run not do ether tbun u sti lolly Y & HAnTiRY , 1112 Uoilgl. " St. Tclopliono t * . " > 4. Call anil oo IM. _ U03 WIIOI.KHAI.I : DIAI.IIIS : : mni cnpitiuists lin\c inkcn n fancy to the bl b plateau In West Omalm , mid soon nil tlmt BlKhtly hill on both silica of I < oavonworth RL , In the vicinity oC Messrs. Coo and KtrkomlnUrH tieautllul rosl- ilenco.vrlll bo coorod lth nrtlstlo homes Tlio lucky Investor in that vlcinlti will then reap UN rowanl. Ptlcn Place Isnowon tlio mnrket , sit- Hilled 2 Mocks south of Lonvunworth st. . on Jit Pleasant avo. Lots Irom ? t,100 to fl.WJ. lri\o out tlmt xvay , jou , who Miint tlrst-class ro iilenco property , and tlioncomo In mid talk to mo about terms , etc. 1) . 0. Puttoison.Omalm Nut. Unnk. 112 0 _ BOU'IjINO OKKr.N Our now addition Is vro t ofWulnut Hill , on Hamilton sticot. 11 } colcctiiiKlots nt Sir > 0 for Insldoaiul $175 for coiners , you will mnko n peed In vestment. TuimslOpor cent cash nnd f"i monthly. No chnrtfo torslioMinar the lots. Miueluill & Lo- boolc , ISO'J Fnrnuin _ 310 Tj OK.SAr.i : Quo acre In north pnrt of city , JL1 ono block fiom street cars. f.l/iOO. 'lliis will make six east front 41-foot tots tlmt will romlily soil nt $1,000 each. This must bo sold nt onco. Inquire room 27. Paxton building1. 314 TWO lots , corner , east front near Plerco st , two hlks from UHh st ; SJ.'OJ. Oialiam , iCrel htonlllock. _ _ ; i01 11 " 1711X13 nowcottago,6 rooms , cemented collar , JL ; 100 bbl cistern with llltor , InsldoWoodwork of seloetod j ollow ] ) lno , reeded with oil finish. Will be Hull-hud In 10ila > s and piilnted to suit thopurtliasur. Ixit 3D\115. Price.riOO. . uioxory &Hadloy , l.JU Douglas St. 117 TTlOIl feAI i : 7" xl40 , house 8 looms , all JL. ' modem lmpio\omcnts , oust front onA'Irginla n\o north of Lcnvonworth S 7,200 IIouso ! ) looms , furnnco , etc. , In line lo cation . O.COO JlOxlW. PiirmentniSHUb , corner , lor n few dnj s onlj at . 1,850 Corner In Parkeis addition , 00\I40 , 2 houses . . . . 3,530 20 acres on Military road rlpo for subdi viding only per acre . 410 Fine lot on Capital mo . 2,500 Many ether line places which I have for sulo but am not permitted to advertise. Call nnd see mo and 1 will take pleasure in showing tnani toou. . My olllco Is No. 1500 rnrnnm-st. J. L I'loraon. 2m 8 _ Nl ! flno corner lot on Ifith Bt. , In Paddock 0 Place , cun be sold at n bnrgnln. Gregory A. llndloy. 1J12 Douglas St. 117 F "oils VI.t : W"b hive sixteen lots in Hawthorne - thorno addition that wit will soil : best and choapbstlnsldo property In Omaha. Ucdford St Bouur U4 } T710II SAM3-CO ft fronting on Dodge st. 2 JL blocks east of the postotllco. A bargain at S18..WO ; $10,000 cash. Marshall & Lobeck , 150'J ' rnrnani. J. o CHKAl'lot In Shlnn's add ; $1,200. Graham , _ Crolghtoii Illock. _ -WLLj FpVVO lota Kilby Place ; S750 each 1C sold now L Uraham , Crola-hton lllook. 301 'J pKAIj KSTATH HAllfiAIN-dlxn lot in LX Hiiwos' adn , $1,050. half cash , fee this and jou will puichnso. J L. Hlco&Co. , ororCora- inoiclal bank. 030 IriOllSALi : Cnttaffo. 0 rooms , well coal 1 house , etc. ; fenced ; cor.7th and Hurdettu stiects , 1 Ilioi-k from Strcot Cars. Small cash pu > montbal. f-5 per month , J , ' , ' 0. For Sale ! I Cottages Nineteenth street , 5 rooms , now. nllnrgum nt W.250. Small cnsli p.i > munt. b.U. if 2 per month. Cotlngo , 17th blroet , o rooms. Well , Coal House , etc. , 2 IllocKs liom StiuotCur , Buiall citeh pat mint , only f2WO. Two Cottages on Chicago street , now , 0 rooms , fciitod.oto. flood bnrgnln nt $ ' .rM and ? 2,70i ) . Small oii"h pnj mont , b U. monthly. ' _ ! Ono I.ot , bouth Omaha. tiOxTX ) , iu the tenter of the Ili lno s part of Town , only $1,600. " Lots in lledford Place , ? 5JJ each , Ono-lmir cash , bal I , 2 and .1 years. One of the best b irgnlnfl In the city , B'.xSOO ft. between Cass nnd CulllornlB i-troetH , with small hnugo , only * JW ) ; $ IIOJ ( casli , bill. 1 , 2 mid ! ! j cars , This property Is well woi th $1,000. ParK & .ro wlor , mj Douglas. _ 28J FOItSVMC-I.ots In Stnnton Plnco , Won Loavonworth , coiner of Grove sticot ; only fftW to SI.OOO. Host lux ettiiiont In Onmlin. .1 U. livans & Co. _ 8i'J 11 LOT near Buundors stury ; cheap nt ? 7.riO. _ flrnjinin. _ 3)1 ) U T KAYKNU'OHTII Itiialnuss Place , on the J-J Unit Line , lii u sjilondld point tor u good re- tall lumber } aid. 3IIU KAVKNWOllTH stioet nt nml near the licit Line 1C. U , U now being gi catty lm- > pio\ed , Loavonwoith Ilit lnoss Place , at the crossing of Loin enworth street and thu Itrlt Line , U thu iioaiitst iiolnt of Holt Line to the city. It tlio bust plnco for n Lumber Yard , erA A coal yard , or An KIoMitor.or Any buslnoss roiiulrlng trackage. The cltunna In thu vicinity will now support a good gioceiy btoro , euyluy nothlig ot the countiy trade. Twenty live lots In T.cnvrn worth Iliislnoss Plnce IHIVII been sold wltliln the lust J3 diiydiind prices will be rnUiut Oct. 25th , See J. W. Uller , lion m 7 , lion llnnk , Telephone 600 ; or J , W. Logan on promises , Tolcphoiin bOJ , 2.VI y Foil SAM : Lots in Stanton Plnco , Leinenirortli , corner of Gio\oetieot ; only fiiW to $1.1K > J. Host Investment In Oinulin. J. 11 , Kunsi Co. i.7'J U _ IOUSKS Ixits , Farms , l.nndsrmoney loaned H Jlfinli. 12th and Douglas streets. HOT HR1SAL R1SAL I3STALU HAKQA1N-3 beautiful lots on wiut Uumlng Bt. , $700 caoh. I'iuo bur- trulnu. J. IHlco Si Co. , room 0 , over Com- inorclal National Hunk. 075 0 101 IN Kit und one next to It , Clurcnilon. $2,000. Gruhiim , Crolghtou bill , 301 V 54 Kl1 Cuiulnif st , pnveinoat ; f 8,000. ( Irnhum , Crelgbtoii blk. 301 U 3IMP110VKI ) FAUMS , Ilutler Co , Knns , tor sale ; W nlco citr lots. Kl Dorado , Kans. , forsulo. Kncli farm is well adapted to grain nnd stock ; rich soil ; nllpiotrar posture laud ( no wuato ) . Title perfect , with wurrantj dood. Tliu lots mo smooth , nice building lota , only Ii mlle north of P. O. Price. $174 to JJI5. Teachers , cloika , anyone who wishes a snfe property that will double In 1 year , should buy lots In Kl Dor ado ; population fi.OOJ ; the prettlntt oltIn Kan- EBB Terms cask. Addroja C. W , Cao , Kldora- do Kauai. ON TUB INCUBASU The Hnngo or Ht-lKlit'i ll cnso. ( Viomtho I.oulsMlIp ( Ky.CouttcislournM. ) ) The Ki't'ctl of tlistlllprs tins tnitcd thorn to ) > n h tlinlr ilistilliitions fo ns lo K1- ' ' < > ' iniirlt wliUky from tlio CTO'H ' ns jto spblc. Troin tlip old tlnio standard of ono nnd 'i half thoylm\p , increased the pi othtrt to tliroe , then to four , nnd seine dlstillois bonst'of getting eM-n llto nnll < 'n''of ' wills- Ky from ibu liel of grnln. This lncran otl protlucl \ obtained by rai-nir ( llio teni- pcrnturo until both the \olnulo and Ilia essential oils from destrnelivo distilla tion aie thrown ofT , nnd consequently nn increased percentage of fneel oils ( deatllv jiotson ) is found mixed with the whiskey and cannot easily be gotten rid of. This fusel oil \t ill soriou'.l.\ damage the stomach ach of llioso who drink it , or If the stomach ach oscape. this poison nllools the kid- lie,1' , produpiiijj qlnndnlnr degeneration , n fonn of Hright's disease , which is to- itai nlarinlnirlyioalunt \ ) nnd on the in- ctoaso. 1'iisel oil is olo-ely allied to cre osote in its ehatactcilslios anil Us cflooN on the human system. U Is a corrosive sivo jioixon , that in its concentrated form , will immcdiateh Kill if swallowed , or if allotted to linger in the tissues docn destructive work upon the delleato vital orgaiH. " The discoverer * and only man- ufaetmors In the world of an absolutely pure , entirely free fiom lu ol oil , pledge their aitlelo to ho not only adistil- lation from malt thu malt supplying tlio food quality but by a costly process of ledistlllation it i tendered so entirely de void of any poisonous principle , that the most distinguished chemists certify "that no trneo of fusel oil Is to bo found in it.1 Hy this | > ioco 3 the lire that cra/os the brain ami tilhttcs the blood is also elimi nated , but nt the snmo time none of its delicate aroma is lost none of if vale- riansites are destioiedantl its strength lemains the .samo with Its full Ijavor. It is not to bo considered oven a mild stimu lant , as it lomains n strong intoxicant. It is not a medicated whisky , but a jmru whisky for medicinal use , demanded by tin ) medical profession ; hence the DulW'H pin o malt whisky is not only a standard of the pharmacopiuia , but , as n beAorago , it is tliu piofiirrod and most popular among the bust and oldest whiskiusin the market. _ _ Instead of "Jluoh obllged , " "Thanks , " or ' 'Thanks ' awfully much , " the Anglo- dudiH in Now Y'ork now siy , "Heholden , " orery nnioh beholden loyoti. " It's the latest and catulnng. In gathering wild ilowcrs , autumn leaves , or picnicking in the \toods , wo are moro or less e\posed to danger from poisoning by ivy or other wild vines and Hhrubs. The poison is under coi tain cir cumstances ro.ndily absorbed by Iho blood , and painttil styellings or eruptions are caused. Such nlVcutions Hood's Sar- snparilla rendily cures , as it exjiels all impurities from the blood. E\en in cases of poisoning by Paris groon. Hood's Sai- haarilla ) ) has boon remarkably successful. It should bo kept constantly in the house for all blood disordois. Hood's S'lrs.ipn- rilla is prepared by C. I. Hood & Co , Lowell , Mass. , and is sola by all druggists. 100 Doses fcl. A shotvor of small black Hies , lasting twenty minutes , was witnessed near Catskill - kill village , N. Y. , Saturday. The all- was deiibo with tlioiu , like a snow storm , save for color. Gout , rheumatism , bums and scalds , vanish at the touch of St. Jacobs Oil. Many persons who live near Winno- bago are shod with shoos made of the tanned skins of sturgeons caught in that water. The leather is soft and looks well , they say. Two necessities of tno household , St. Jacobs OH , and lied Star Cough Cure . Measurements have shown the thick ness of the tinman hair to varxr fiom the 250th to the 000th part of an inch. IHondo hair is the lincst and icd hair the coarsest. It will bo only a few yeais when prnirio chicken and quail will bo scon no moio in Iowa. Ten years ngo boys used to shoot quail on the outskirts of Burling ton ; Jotva. To Contractors ! r.ALRD Proposals will bo tocohodat the of- S flco of the Chief llngmopr , Union Pnclllo railway , OmahaNob. , lor thogrndlng , bridging and track laying , uud surfuclug of tlio lollow- lug work. 'Jho line flora Oakley to Colby , In Kansas , nbout22 miles. The line from I-ovolnnd to lluckhorn Stone Quairles , In Coloiadoabout 8" , miles , and tlio oxton&lon of the Sahna , Lincoln .V Wohtcm Itallway from Lincoln Center wcstwuid In Kansas , 40 to f > 0 miles. Pniposnls for the Colby line will not bo ro- cclvca nfter October 12th , but proposals foi the ether lines will bo rocuhod until the evening ot October lUtlu Pioilloscnnbo soon nt tlio office of chief on- glnenr for llvo daj s previous to the dnj snamed lor closing iocelit | of bids. Iho right is reseivod to reject any or till bids. 8. It. OALLAWAY. General Munagor. octa-octlU Notice , rpO Whom It may coiiLorn : On and after tins L date I am not iospon lblo for nnj bills tlmt my wtfo , Matilda MnlinMen or children , may o ntiact in my name. Signed. 01 3t CAUL i : . MALMS TEN. JiIaEter'3 Bale. In thfc flrcuit Point of the United Slatoa for the DiitiUtol Nebiubkii. Miuy II. Lovojoy ) vs. > In Chnncery. DavIdS. Mooio ot nl. j ronrci.osiMEOH MoiiTOAnR. T > UIIMCiiollL uU horobvgl\un Unit In ptlrsu- J unco and byvhtuoot n detioo onteiod In tin ) alien o eauso.on tlio 3rd day ol December , 1BS5 , 1 , Hills L Illcrbowor , Special Master iu chuneery In said court , will , on the IHtli da > of October , IhW ) , ut I lie hour of 10 o'clock in the foicnoon ol the HI Id dnj. nt the noitli door of tlio United States coin t honso nnd post olllco building , In the city ol Oiimhn , Domrlna county , hlato nnd district ol Nelniiska , ullnt auction tlio lollowlug dobCiibud piojioity , to- hitnnlcd Iu thnconnty ofDouglns.Btntoof N ° - hrnska , and tiolng Lot No. \oiiteon (17) ( ) In lllook No. (10) ( ) ten , In Kouut/ii anil Iluth'a udill- tlciii to the city of Omalm , us plnttid nnd ie- coidod. L lliimiiowKii , biiuclul Mnstorlii Cliancery , GEO. Tl. LIKB , Hollclloi lorConiplplimiit. Master's Bale. TN TUB Ciicuit Coint of thu United Status for J. the DIslrktofNiihriiaku ; Uootlo , JIiiiiiui Si Co. , I . ft , . , Mn Chnncery. Lyiuaii A. Hlx , vt a ) . ) HIIUI.I.DSUIU : OK MOIITfUnB. Public notice Is horidiy gl enihat In pursu- niidiund by viiluool u do iuu entered in Iho ubovct ennui ) , nn duy cil Nineinbur , Ib85 , l.KIIUL. Ilierbower , t-pcoul innater In ( linn- In enli ) Louit will I'm 3rd tcry , on day ol No- Mitnber , 18W1 , ut tlio hour of 10 oYlodclu HID forenoon of the fluid dny , at ilin noitli door of the Unllod Htuu.'i conn house and pobt olllco bulldliiv. in Iho city of Omalm , Douglas county , htntouud dlsttltt of Nebraska , soil nt auction the tollon lug described pioporly , to-wlt ; 'Iliu sonth-wi t ipinrtor t'tl ot hcollon thlity three ( .UcuUothe wiuili oait < | Umlur d ) it soclion thlity-thicotU ) , In town tlueu CJi.rangu twun- ly1" i ) ( " ' , west of the sixth prlnrlpul iiieildlun , oontiilnliu Ihreo liundiod and iwiuily uoroj ( , tiu ) of land according to the irovi'iniiK-iu sur vey , in 1'uinus county , stntcof Nelnaska. ILLIH : L. iuiitiiowiti : : , bpi clul Master In Chancery , Vf , 0. HKMiNWAV'oiipliiiuiint'sSllultor. ! Ql-H.15--22U Notice. "VTOTirfi h hi rehyglvoii Hint Iho paitno hlp a-i belwuen Joseph I * Malleniler nnd John LIdy , inidnr tlio Hun ntuno of Mnilundei A ; Llby , \viwdl-nolvcid on the ntlulay ol Octobur , ibsi , AlldoliUduolotliotilld jiiiiliiuMhlp uud thoji ) duo to Iliom will lie bit I ( ml by JiHuph P. Mall rndor , who will continue thobiislnoia under thu immo of Joseph P. Mallendor& i' < i JOaUPU P. MA1LKNUKU , oSd3t JOHN Lisy. _ _ _ ITotlco to Property Owners or Lnnsees. INpuisunncoof resolution f nun tlio city coun cil , 5 on mo uoicby notinuil not to Jay dido- Wiilka on the t > ticot8 ulroidv ( 'inded , 01 being graded , until notlco la given by thu bouid of public works , and u inillorin plan or I/atom itr- rangcd K \ urninu such ttroit J. K. HOUgJJ.C'KxIrmim. Omalm , Neb. Ocl.Tth , IbW. oJilut 8p clM Ordinance ltd , 053. AN Ordinance let jing n | > ocml tax hml as rM mi ut on nil lots niul mil estate w itlnn Pat Ing DMrkt No 3in thr oit.t of Onuihn. lo cot er the COM of put Ing Sixteenth Mrt'pt from Ohio troct tonllet south of NleholH8 trei I \t iu nt ts It hat Ing been , nnd bclne heieliy ndjndirnl , determined nnd established tlmt tlio M t ei al Int * unit pirn's of iv il c Mute liert Unifier lofenpd to hat c each been specially honelltled totbolitll iiiiimint hproln lotlpd nnd ns cs ed niuiln t e-u h of Mild lots nnd pli-cesof u iilc tnto iispeitltilt. In n > n n of tlio pntuiirof Hint pnrt of yixuenlh street from Ohio Mtcot ( o ullet < outh lit Nicholas stieet. 'liiFiivFonr , for tlio pnrpo'p of invlntr Iho CIK | of MIM pining nub street ftomOlilo ttioot lo nllov smith of Nicholas tri cti lie It Prdiilncd bj the city council of thocltyot Oiiiiihn Section 1. That the cost of patina tlilt pirt of Sutepiilh stieet vllliln fating HlBUIct No. M"i , In the Pltj ol Omaha , from Ohio street to i\lcj ! sonlli iu Nleln > liigMieet , nldoosl bclngthp Mini ot $ l > I7i > in , bi > mid the same l hcrobj- lit led mid nse - < od. in proportion to thi > feet along raid pat Ing , and nccoidlng to Rpoclnl bene fits b ) rtm on ol snld pat Ingupon tlm lotion Ing described lots mid will estate , ns shown by the geneinlly n ctignlrcd map ol the cltj of Oinnlm , lltliogniilied | nnd published by Oco. P. Hi mis ; snld cost being so let led on snld lots anil ( slnti' , lvi > | iectltely , ns follows. lo-Wlt ! Otunlin licit Hj Co. , Htl blk I7 > , .clly t MS 31 It 7 blk 17H1 , , city EH ,11 Il9bll < 17tiijcllv sw : il 111) ) blk 17ii' , , city art 3i Morln & Qnlnu , It 2 blk ls'it ) < lty . 8W ; u Ksl. ol L McUcrmolt , It .1 blk - " 2.W3I It 4 blk isovi , city 23S 31 - It S blk 1NH , , cltj t.\A .11 Win. A. ItcillcV , n It 1 blk lin'i.olty. . SAl ) SI fain1 ! Cotnur , s , , of It 1 , blk llHS.clty XW23 " wa-JAsli ol o 34 ot It 2 blk clly . . . Wm. A.Hodlck. n ' 4 o 31 It 2 blk IVSKtOity , l..l. Iliouil , It , MilkllCH.rlt.v 8 | I 48 Wni.Mulhall A Win. 4 blk n Uicltt , . . . Omaha Holt Ity Co. , w 1M ft of It I , Hor- id 0. IH It It } Co. , t > U ft It 2 , Horlnvh'9 1st 321 7 ! UI 07 " " 4 1 " : tl ! U7 II M ( II : 91 u ii ( , u 40.1 . CJ . - .1 sen 117 II II H II IKI 1)7 ) I , II . , , II I II | ( , .11 : iw 01 an ( ii : uo 01 14 , ; M ) 01 ] ri < 111 , 101 . mo 01 mo 01 HI , III ) 01 IVtorStubon , 2o , : CM 01 Paul Nelson , 21 , : ) ui ItobiTtMS \ , 2. . 24752 ( Ml.Oirlmrn , ol'Un 'Sit 2 : ' . 12,1 70 W.J. \ \ , o 1 s " , U 23 , " 123 70 Cliirii llocdor , u I ! lt2l , " 3.W nt ( loo. K. llnrkcr , o KB It 25. " SJO 01 rianeis 1Piicknnl. . o 1 12 K 1 , " 3:10 : 01 Puriiti Tiuoko . o 1 U n ' 5 It 27 , " lliTi Ol ) Wm..l. Ilnyos.0 IKs 'J J7. " KM 01 \Vm.O. llnilholoiuow.u 13J H 2S , " ; ui 01 l I * Olj ' II : i30 in JoliiiA.IIorbacli.unJltiW , ' 1CKI01 Jl , .1.10 01 ; wi 01 , ; TOOI 3t , : co : 01 ; tt ; M 01 'M. 34. ) 74 117 , J. 1) . ICuony , as. Clms. lliomiisctt.o I3J III blkO , I.ako'.siuld 2AJ t imimil'iliMolEltUlilkfl. : ) " " ' Lnclndn Coniiul , o 132 It 3 blk n , " 2.S5 S3 iii/abcth : K.Popplcton.o l.T21t4 blkn , " " oruitr.blkll , ' ' Mary Morgan , H 1 blk 1 , Paddock Place 24l > 15 " 112 hlK 1 , " 24'J 15 A. S. Paddock , 113 blk 1 , " 241) ) 15 " It I blk 2 , " 270 hi " It 2 blk 2 , " 27081 " It 3 blk 2 , " 27081 " It 4 blk2. " 27081 " It 5 blk 2 , " 27081 " It blk 2 , " SIS 31 nilon Iblkl ) , " 270 1 Jcromlnli A. Wlmloy. 112 blk 3 , " i70 HI A. S Paddock. It 3 blk 3 , " 270 81 " it 4 blk 3 , " 27081 " Itr. blkil. " 27081 ThomnsT , Tuttli ) , It Ii blk 3 , " .B 31 W.IInumor , o l.B n70 St blk l.lW.Suiith's 400 Ofl M Smimlors , o 1 CJs2.Vl.lfl blk 1 , " II III 47 aiios. II. Price , o 1.12 It 1 blk 15. " 1157 47 Tbos 11. Dalloy , o 11)2 ) It 2 blk 15 , " S157 47 o 112 It 3 blk 11 " 371 57 Ciinntnghnm A Ilrcnnan , o l.U It 4 blk 15 , K. V. Snilth'H add 357 47 S. Haw es.o VU It 5 blk 15,13 V. Smith's nd JOT 47 Pnj son C Stone , o 1:12 It 11 blk 15 , " ! I57 47 ol. H7blkI5 " ; ir,7 , 47 PctcrMoKoltMtSblkll " 357 47 Oinnlm Itoal l tate S : Tiust Co. , It I , Washington Squill o 210 0. It. C. \ T. Co.II -.Washington Square 210 78 . " ' " " ' .1 It 3 " 21074 " w lift It 4 ' < 7 Kl " w UHlt 28 , " 37 W " US9 ' " 21H 78 " It 30 " 2115 78 1131 " 210 78 Mary Ha/nrd , w IK tnx It M , sec. IO-15-1J 5"0 HI K. II. Allison , " II , " 2'M ' ) 44 KdnlnSUontood , " 11. " 181104 It-iiiilallA.nrottii , ' * U , " HIM 118 diimi-sJ. llrown , " U , " ff > QSt AiniillnJ. Hall , " U. ' 71104 13st. Wm. 1II1I , o 1'K tnvlt 10 , " hO.1 C8 Jj. H. Hall. " 17 , " b" H IrtrlnK. Dudley , " IS , " n 08 A. J. Popploton , " lit , " 17')4 70 J. M.Counsman , " 20 , BUS 78 Ceo Smith. " 21 , ' " 14511 (13 ( J. .V P Cotter , " 21 A , " 557 03 W.llaumur , " 2J. " SW4 5.5 " " ttt , " 590 33 8. A. Paddock , w IS ! tnx ItU , soo. 16-15-13 7 ) 78 John DCrolgliton , " 10 , " 60042 David T. Mount , " 11 , " 5UO 42 Maitlialledinon , " Ii , " 3U2 TJ Adoliti A. Wlijtnoy , " 1.J , " IU 49 Mcfliuoi. Kounuo , " 14 , " 12H1 b4 A. H. Paddock , " 15 , " list K8 Sniuiiol n. Dnmon.siiol'tJtaitltlS , " 178 74 Jus. O. SliittoielJ2tnxltl9r " .124 U7 Susan Hloh.ol3i tax U20 , " 17874 lsattoTompottoi2Miixlt2I. : " 2:1831 : .luliu Heohtol , o 183 ni taxlt22. " ! 124 07 Hobnrt WllllaiiiR , o IC B ii taxlt22 , " iK4 07 HllaK Arnold , e 132 tnx It SI , " 2111115 John A. 1 lorLiueli , Hub iniltai , " 401 2J Nuto Hclciulst , sub 40 It ill , " 321 (17 ( John A. Horbnoli , Biib41 Ictll , " . ' 12107 CIniH. W. Wediioll , sub 42 It 31. " r > 24 1)7 ) Cliarlotto Ivnbtman. n H nub 4 lit 31 , " 162 49 KnutKnstmnn.s Vt snb4Jlt31 , " 1SJ 49 li-MlttskolT , 8til)441t31 , " 324 U7 Section 2. That snld spoclnl tnxrs lovlod nforo- paid , on Hiilil lots rcspoctltolj'.Hlinll Dcromdilo- llnquent ns followfl : ono-tonth of. tlio total mnountso levied on cnch of eald lots Khali become - come delinquent In III ty days troui the passage nnd npprovnl of tills onllnnnco.ono-tontli In ono jeiir.ono-toutli In two yours , ono-tonth In tbreo jeuri" , ono tcntli In four jciiis.ono-tenth In llvo jciirs.onu.tiiiitli In six joins , ono-tonth In seven yi'iii s , one-truth In olght years and ono tenth In nlnoj cars alter said lovj'.nnd being fiom the piiHsngo and npprovnl of this onllnanco. Knch ol mild liistiillmcnts , except the Hist , dluill daw ( IntiMcst at the into of MJICII per cent , pui an num from the tlmu of the levy n fin osuld , until tlio s line Him ! ! beeomo dolliinueiit. A penalty olfltopor cunt , together ttlui Intoicst nt tlio i nto ol ono per cent , per month , pnyablo In ml- t aiieu , hluill bo paid on each delinquent Install ment , Section 3. That the cnliio amount of tnx so levied nnd itssossul on any of HIIId loin may bo paid lij'thoottnorof any lot , or thu onthooiiuul in o intn ptoporllon ol wild lux on uny ot snld lots limy bo paid bj any pciMin on any part of wild loth ttltliln lltlj'daj-ri from said levy , and theio- upon Hiich lots or piirtnof lots , sliuli bo uxompt iioin any lieu 01 cliargo tboiolor. Heetlon 4. TiiatthUonllniineri shall tnkoelTout nnd belli forcu from nnd iiltur its pnsbiiga. I'assed September 28th , IKbfl. Wti. r. lU.cin-r , , Piosldunt City Council. J. Ii , SoiTTiiAiii ) , ( 'II v Clerk. Approved Scplombor "fill , 1880. WM. r. IlKcni'.i. , ActlnirMnypr. Thcso taxes nro now dun uud pajablo u > tliu cllj tioMstiror , nnd will boi-omo dellniiuont na Rliiinn In Section 2. TIIUMAN llnuic , o7d5t City Triufcuror , Jlotico. Of the sltlliiK of the City Council , us n Uoaid of Kiiunll/iitlim. TulhuownuiB jf nil tola nml real estate In uny ot tlio put-Ing dlstilU3 , Rower illMrlotj , or nlong the line of nny of the ImprovomonU Inirulnattoi named. You ami uucli of ton arn hereby notldcd Unit the iilty ooumll.ol thu city of Omuliattll | ultns a bourd of oiiuulUiuloii , at thu olllcu of the city olurk , In the court Imumi Iu said city. On Tuosdiiy uudVidiio ! > diiy , tlio ] 2h { und IJth Juts ol Ootolioi , ! > > ) , betnuen thu houirt of U n m. und 12 in ; mid hutwcon Ilia hours of 2p m mid rip m. , tor the puipotour iuiiull/lnir | tlin pio- posul levy ol tliu Hpi.chiltmiH und nssesnintnt.1 uud ciinuctlng uny unom tlunoln , to cover Illo co-t of certain linpiotoinontti.usfollowisto wit ; 'I'ocoviir tlio cost of paving , ub lollnivn : 10th Dtreitfi ! < im Muaon strout to William htuut , 'locator the test of const ruainir to worn , 03 follows ; Sewer in ben cr dislilitNu ! IU , To cot er the coat ofiiiirldng , us lollown : { Old btruot fiom William xtrout lo Center blieiitr-Uili Btieulfioni ht. MIII > S Atenuu to Pjeipo ( trect , "fiili AVCIIUO irom rnrnnm btroutto Doujlus Btll.'Ut 'locovor the co'.tof giftdlny.nii folliwHnr ] ( - no > Htrcel.2nh to not line or Mo orinlok'u iidilillonj.iitli Btlett , DodgufcliKUl lo Cii-i * Bl. ; tuth Ateniie , I'miiiiin st to Dodirc HI , .riniilng si ,2itliAtonuo tiinihliluor hiook between ttlat niM.fii bis ; 27tli AIIIIO , Uumlnust. , to noith- orn leiiuiniH. You uro liirthcr nolido'l ( hat by irvjl'ill > n duly mlopted by said council , it h purposed to lety thu h'lld Cits' or said iinpiovinncnta 11,1011 ull tlio Ion and ronl osuiio In nuld iiutili U or nlong Iho line of nalil luiirpt | 0111,01114. rt-spo tIt - It fly , according to foot 1'iontiue. an I arn ord Ing to the usual wMillog b.iuk pi-oi ct > s licroto- fore adopted and followed by * ilj inuncll , un- leas lor good cause uliotvn , * emu uhanzo tlutll Hpprurto bopioppr , von nml unQ.h of jou ma lieicby notldcdla niipenr before salt ! to tid uf u inul cation ai iln tlinnand iilacoiibovu pocilo-l : , un.l muUu nny complnlnt jou may wUh ( onci-rnlni ; i > uld proposed - posed lurliM or nny part thi r of. .1. H.SUIVIAHD , City dor * . . tVt.,7lh , l