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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1886)
PP1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , QOTOBEK 9. 188G. A BARELY STEADY JIARRI Wheat Held About Even Without M Active Trading. j CORN RULES HEAVY ALL D The Trouble nt the Hlock Ynrtla nioiiHil | > le for n I > ccllno In Pork TIioGciierftl Market Quotations1. ON CHICAGO CI1ANOI3. CnicAoo. Oct , B. [ Special Tolcuran Urn HUE. ] The tone of the niarkuls shndo firmer on w niornlnK was just a but only steady on other artlc'03. ' Novel ' wheat opened at TilKc and sold totxvccn and 7l ! ) < c. November corn opened at a iTOJic. Cables wcro again slow anil ga\ Intimation of any particular action base anything other than domestic causes. I 10:30 : nothing ot any prcial Interest ( Into wheat , alt the fluctuations bclnp tween 7Wc : and 73Kc. Unt corn , on other hand , was heavily sold and fell to MJ < o for November , only recovcrli fraction , Pork went down early to 58.70 November , then recovered to 8S.b'Ji , reacted to 88.77KAfter the lion direction of the market waH steadily di waul , but the decline wan M > slow and as not to attract any particular alien Up to noon the low point wna W4C. cables brought out a good many bu orders on a basis of 7tc : foi No bcr , one house being ready to 500,000 bushels at that tigure. Hut the 01 could not bo lllled at that ptlcc , anil bo ; that the hutti ocean freights nnd search tonnauosould \ have made It Imposslb move the stulf. it Is of course unkii what Induced traders on the other aid look on wheat ns a putchase , but It Is the here that the next rt-iiort of the amount n will show a c < inslitciable deciease. ' nmdo no appieclabln recovery from WiVft November , but ruled heavy to the close was not opciated In nny large lots. The labor tumbles at the Mock yards given up as the leason fora decline in 1 traders having appan-utly overlooked fact that two dajs aeo they bulled It up IKc on this viy thing. IJusliiess was and wholly without special feature. In the nticriioon the markets were did weak. Thu stilke at the packing hi made home holders of provisions niixioi realize. Wheat was dull and heavy u largo ollerliigs. Wheat closed at 703. ( < it for October , T.JXG'iHc for November , bid for December. Corn closed at i naked for October , 3.V < f < iK94- ; ( > , Novel 405jr MOVe for May. Oitts closed at i nominal tor October , 2l-V24Jtfc fet No bt-r. Pork , 8S. lf for October. SS.r.i November , ? H.W ) for year. S .HO lor .Jam Laid , 55.05 for October , S.V70 for Novell e5. 2K lor year. S-.8" > bid for January. IS ribs closed nominally at EfUO for Oct er > . ( )2K ) for.anuary. ) Cunn , 2:40 : p. m. Wheat For Novel : puts , TiJ72Xe ; calls , Tli' e. Novel corn , puts , : tr > J c ; calls , aojfe CHICAGO ItlVK STOCK. CnicAoo , Oct. -Special [ Telegra the HKK. ] CA.TIM : The beef eatllt crease in receipts to-day gave salesmen elded advantage which they were not sic take. The supply was not very large nn ( leuinnd was good. Trading was moie ai and while common to fair kinds wer better than steady , good to choice kinds 10n higher. For instance , some big 1,6 : blue grass cattle .sold at SJ4.M ) to-dav , \ the same man who bid S1.70 for them yi day olTcicd 84.7. to-day. Tidy light c were in good demand and sold we stronger prices. Shipping steers , IIVIO In Ibs. , S4.N)5'5.10 ) ! ; 1200 to IflSO Ibs , SJ.IKXy 50 to 1200 Ibs , Su : > 0S4.25. In raiigo i tun supply lo-day wo.s not huge. Tin iiiiind was quite good and the market * strong alliliouiid. Some sales were co eraoly higher , but on an average prices about 10 lo 15C higher than day botoro terdav. Sales : 45 Moutniias , 12TO Ibs. S 275 .Montana Toxans. 1087 Ibs , & 1.GO ; Jlontnna Texans. 075 Ibs. 33.2T ; 120 W iiitr , 11"0 Ibs , gUO : ; o Wyomlmr , 11U 8H. 10. Hoofi Trade was slow and prices ri Yirnk , es-pecially on the ordinary run of ] Ingsorts. There was really but one b Armour , for packing sorts , and really shipper. .1. P. Squltes. This class is sc atveiy low prices. One of the above hi tilled out an order yesterday for about i and plenty ot good and useful packing : Bold down to 3.75 ( < rt.gO. with lough 1 low as sJ.50TtS.GO. : ( Best packing sold at © 1.10. and best heavy at 4.20 4.40. F1MANO1A.U N w Yorfc. Oct , 8. Movitv On active at 4@10 per cent , closing at 1 pci nsked. PltlMK MlUICA.NTirn 1'AI'EU 4@5 cent. STKin.ixoKxcuANoi' Steady at ? 4.8i CO day bills , S4 WK for demand. UovKiiNHh.STS Government bonds dull mid heavy. STOCKS -Stocks again showed a dec In volume of business , and the net icsu the tiadtng of the day Is that prices are 1 In the majority of the active list. The i Ing was Irregular , the difference betweei evening's filial Humes and lirst price. ! niouilng tanking Irom declines of l { rent to an advance to a HUe amount. England was a piomlnuiit exception , I 1 per cent higher. Thu goueinl market barely lirm. After the tirst hour biislnc came quiet , and In the atteruoon v sagged otf tlnoiuhoiit the list , thu 1111 exceptions being Nickel Plate , Ind Itloomlmiton iV : Western anil We Union. The market rallied In the last hour ami closed lirm. Thu gicat major ! active stocks to-night aru lower , STOCK B ON WAI.I. 8 rilP.BT. 3 V cent bonds. . 109 1C. & N. W U , K.4',4's 111 piefeited. . . Kotv fS. , . WM Y. C. Pnollie O's of ' 05. 120i0rc"a } | Trail. . , . Central Pnclllo. . 4 W Paellio Moll C. & A 14iVi P. D. it K uierrva. ino P. P. 0 C. I ) . &CJ Hock Island V. L.&W F. . , . t * . Ik * proferieii. . . II , U. JV U. , Erie 0. , M. feSi. P. . . Erielire erred . . . 77 profencd. . . Illinois iVntiiit. 1B5 St. P. &O 1. , B. AW. . SOU pieferred. . . ' 1'cxas Pacllic. . . Lake Shore. . , . Union I'ucltlc. . . 1XN W.St. UA P. . Mich. Central. . pi of omul. . . Mo. Pacllic Western Union. Northern Pac. . 28 ? ; O. . It. iteN pi of erred. . IMtODUOia a Clilcuuo , Oct. 8. Flour Dull am changed ; winter wheat Hour , S4.UX < Bouthent. Sl.WrW.OO : ; Wlhcousin , S 4.10 ; Michigan suft spring wheat , S 8.20 111 acks. WluMs-Qulet nnd rather steady , cl ko under yi-ti'rday ; cash , ' ctober , 71' < e ! November , 7li@7 ! L'liiber ' , 75i475'te ( ; ilay , bljfe. Com Kuh'd weak , declined ) ( rinsed U- KyiA Stead ) "at Hal ley Dull at Timothy ei'eil I'rliue , bold early at anil closed at S1.70 . Wliihky Sl.lts. Poik-Oneiu-d tit . rallied 17S'e , receded 10x5rl2)o. cioslnt ; milef S470 : October , SS.07W © ! > .70 ; > lo\e S8.W ) < Oi .75 ; Jtiiuwry , SU.SJX'ci'J.iw. . hard -Katily active , wcaki-r , ilerllnei 7Uc. closlnir tame ; cash. 55.lKii5.U" ) ) : Uc SS.GXitt.U7U ; Noytuibor , SMlXttC.'iS ; uary. SS.pfXij5 ! > 7K. Hulk Meats -Shoulders. 5V0Vf5.7r. ! ; clear. 0 O.V3Q.70hUort ; rlos , fcG.70. Uuttor Klrni ; creamery , lbQ27c ; < I4a'-Hc ( ) ; jiackliiB stuck. 7@0c. Ulieosu ICasler : full cream cboddan , young Anw JtlT'8 bcaiC43 at liiJ17c , llutes llt-avy greuu baited , fully cure IKc ; llcJit. do 8Kc- bull LUIcsSJic ; Cry palto < l ll@12c. Tftllow Xo. 1 country , 8 > ( @ 3 c ; N 3c : cake , xjfc. AFTr.n.vooN IloAnn .Mnrkc'U all t weak and generally lower. Wlie.\t Octi 70\c ; November , T2Uc ; December , 7- Mny , 8Ic. Corn No\cinlxr ; , RV c ; le ) bft , SiiWc ; May , 40 c. UatNoen WJ < c ; Mny.t' ! < c. Poik - November , i&i January , S'.i.S ) . hard No\ ember , 8 ! Jnnuaiy. S5.8.\ . Flour. Wits . 1S.OOO Wheat , bu . h2ooo 1 Corn. DU . 217.000 sn ( )8tP.Dll ) . 151.000 It Hye , on . u.oo'J UtUll'V.Otl . 71,000 4 Now York. Oct. 8.Vliont \ Uere 17-1,000 ; export * . 17,000 ; cash a shade lc closing hpiv ! > ; OMMirt tradlnu very mode options opened linn anil advanced UC nut soon weakened and btoks sharply % C nloslni ? nt bottom rates ; ungraded rea , fe2 c ; Xo. Sred , 71K"i : N < > . ' rwl , b elfvalnr ; Wkcalloat , S ! OJSl94c f. o. b. 1 red , STJfcNo. 4 red , October clo < ed nt Corn - Spot declined ' 4aiKc. fi" < l ' XWt' c. closlni ; heavy ; receipt * , 7l',000 ports , K7,000 ; tinirrnneilt4iUr ( ! > ; No. ' . In elr\ator , 4V j@iGc ; No. 2 , Oct clnslnic at 441,0. Oata Miil"c lower ; receipt ! " , U ! mixed western , ! K ) > . , ( ( tSHchito ; c : i5X c. Petroleum- Firm ; Unltod , f4Vc- ! -In fair demand ; lirmeatcrn ; . 1'ork Dull nnil nominal. Lard Octobci thirteen points lower ; ' ern steam spot , 8G.10U\ Uutter Quiet , barely steady. Clieeso Quiet nnd easier. MlnncnpollH. Oct. 8 - Wheat ni'llvoaud ' OJiuhluhcr ; No. 1 hard , "O'ic ; Xovonibcr , "IJ o ; December , 7o : 1 uoitlicni , cash , iWJJi- ; November , COc ; I'i'iiiber , 7Uhc ; No. 2 nnithern , cash , Novemucr. 77c ; December , ( W'ie. Klnar Dull ; patents , SI.SO.uM.40 ; bal Hecelpts-Wheat , 139.0JO bu. .ShipmentsWheat , 44,000 bu. ; flour , ' . bbls. Cincinnati , Oct. 8. Wheat Dull ; - red , 70c. Corn Weak ; No. 2 , JBXc. Oats-Quiet ; No.2 mixed , 27Kc. Hjo btt-ady ; Mo. B. KJc. Pork-Quiet at S'A25. Lfirtl 1-W at S.r > .70. Whlsky-Sl.U Mllwfiukcc. Oct 8. WheatV cash , 70Uc ; November , 7Usc ; Decei Corn-Quiet : No. 2 , M Xc. < ( ) nts-.Wcakcr : No. 2 , 2tc. ! > 4 KyeKtf.uly ; No. 1 , f)3 ; . Harley Lower ; No. 2 , UlU'c. Provisionsuiet ) ; pork , October , ' Kovuiuber , Sb.7. > . 8U IjotUa , Oct. a. Wheat Closed stt " No. 3 led , cash. 74c ; November , > December. 7fi ( Tc : M v 8.v ; @ fc. Corn Weak ; No. 2 , cash and Novel & 4c ; December , a-Hn'c ; May , S3 , ° < c. Oats Weak : No. S mixed , cash , 2O : veuibcr , SGj Qc'iO c ; December , Z'tGi. May , ni-\c Uye l-sjfc bid. Whisky ? t.ia. . . RHiitter Quiet but firm ; creamery , 20 < daiiT , UQfJSc. Afternoon board Wheat weak and \c lower. Corn Weak and ( , < SKe It Oats Unchanged. Ijlvorjioiil , Oct. 8. Wheat Dcmaiul proviiiK ; new No. 2 winter , Os ( id , st ( now No.spiinc , fis 7K < I , steady. Flour Is In poor tlom.uid at 83 4d. du ! Corn Is in poor demand ; .spotIs steady ; October and November , 4s : ) d , December , 4s 3' < , d , easy. Now Orleans , Oct. 8. Coin Dull , and lower ; mixed , 4Uji50c ; jellow , 50 ( white. 31fi Wc. Oats I'll nier at 30c. Coi nineal titeady. Hoi ; I'roduct.s In fair demand. Pork S. > .37j46i .30. Laid-S0.00. Bulk Meats Shoulders , S5.50 ; IODR and clear ribs , SG.G'J . KunsnH City. Oct. 8. Wheat L < No. 2 red , cash , GOJ c bid ; November , asked ; December. iVJo asked. Corn Steady : No , 3 , cash , 0fc ; Nc bor , nt'fcbld ; December , 32c bid. Oats Nominal ; 34-fe bid for cash. Toledo , Oct. 8. Wheat Dull and c weak ; cash and October , 7G3fc. Corn Dull : cash and October , Oats-Steady ; cash , 20Jtfc. STOCK. Gtilongo , Oct. 8. The Diovcr's Joi reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 5,500 ; stronR and a f hlKlier ; shipping stcei.s. S3.00@5.20 ; 8 ers and feeders. S2.20@t.GO : ; co\vs. and mixed , S1.75@-1.1T ; bulk , Si-10 tin ough Texas cattle , 10chlnhereows , S : 2.7."j ; steers 32.75@it.-iO ; we.stein ran tinner ; natives and halt-breeds Sue : < < cowp , S2.70@J85 ; wintcied Tuxnus , S' ' : .CO. Hoes Receipts. 10,000 ; steady : rough mlxetl , -'XXaH.lO ; p.tckiiii ; and rtlilp si.ixx : f4.K > ; iFuht weights , SJ..W@l.55t : Shcci > Uecolpts. 0.200 ; active but K lower ; natives , S2.noc(44.00 ; western , ? : 3.70 : Texans , S'J.50 3.25 ; l.tmbs. 5 4.73. 4.73.St. . LioulH. Oct. 8. Cattle Kee 1,000 ; stiliuiionLs , 000 ; market stronger to native shippers , Sl.OOQWK ) ; butcher s S3. 'J.4.10 ; i aimers aiidTexaiis , Sl,7f C lloirs Hecelpts , 2i 0 ; shipments. market remains weak niul sliiKfishicI heavy and butchers , 34.00 4.40 ; pac S4.00Ci54.20 ; Yorkers , S4.000J4.25 ; pigs , @S.OO. Italians City , Oct. 8. Cattle Uec 2,000 ; shipments , none ; grass rniiKcrs i und lOc higher ; cows nnd butchers steady ; stockeis and feeders lirm ; c choice , $4.00@4.50 ; common to iiuMliiiin. ( ij.lK : ! ) ; stockers , Si25a2.75 ; feeders , 8 : 3.fiO ; cows , ; grass range s Hog * Hecelpts , 3,000 ; shlnmonta , ll ht mixed weak and " > to lOo lower , o Bti-.idy ; good to choice , S4.00g-4.1.'i ( ; con to medium , S3.GOX33.85. OMAHA IjlVli ! 8TOCIC. Jfilday Kvcnlnp , Ocl Cattle The receipts of cattle are not h Western ran o cattlu arc coming in si but fast enough to supply the ( Ionian fuedeiH. ItaiiKO cows are goinp slowly arc In plentiful supply. ( Soodcorn cattl In good demand and Moady. Uutchcrs' Is In liberal Mipnly and tlm market ' ' ' ' " - - the Chicago paeklng hoiibcs has a voi presslujr effect upon the market. Tli cclptH of hogs were liberal to-day and the Bamo us yesterday. The maiKet wa 15 lower and slow at the decline. Si loads'wem loft unsold. Sheep Nothing doing on the markc Cattle lloga. . Prcvnlllnjj Prlooa. Showlnc the prevailing prices paid fo : stock on tnls market. Choice steers , HIM to 1500 Ibs . S4.2'n Choice steers , liooto 1300 Ibs . 8.75i Medium Hteors , 1'iW to 13V ) Ibs. . . 3.GOi KatlittlostoCH , 1050 to 1150 IbJ . . . . ! ) .80 " . 'M Coed feeders , . ( iopdtochoicocorn-fod cows . 2.UO Fair to medium grass cowb . 2.0 % ( iood to cholco Dulls . l.W ) Light and medium nog ? . 3.55 ( iood to cholco heavy hogs , . 3.75 Coed to cholco mixed hon'S . 3.UO Coed to choicu sheep . 3.00 Falltogood sliyoii . 2.75 Common shcup . 1,50 Itoprcaontntivo Males. COIlN-FliU 8TKKH % No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 18. . . .1210 $4.3) WKSmilN Il.VNOK OATTl.i : . No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. J18..UGU S3.05 104. . . .1187 20..11'JO ' 3.05 COWS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 7. . , . 015 S2.25.STAGS. STAGS. No. Av. Pr. 1..1540 S1.50IJUl.l.S. IJUl.l.S. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. 1..117U Sl.M ) IIOO3. No. Av. Shk. Pr , No. Av. Shk SI. . . .SCO 3.70 60..2GO S 8)j.'J2a ) 3.70 5.1. . .247 40 5G..3-J1 440 3.70 &S..25J 80 43. . . , 264 120 3.70 01. . . . 302 100 S4.,2 > 3.70 53. . . .288 1GO 40. . .2:50 3.70 U3.3S5 200 44. . . . 273 23.75 W.I500 200 m ,001 240 3.75 CO , . .311 120 .1 50. . .003 200 3.75 T1IIIOW OTTS. Xo. Av Shk. Pi. No. 'Av. Shk. 13. . . . .WJ 4K ) S2.W 7..2.14 200 S3 IS. .201 IftM 3.00 P. . . . 'ill M ) ; l 4. . . .215 40 3.00 11. . . .100 3 Shipments , Showing the number of cattle , sheep shipped fiom the yards tonlay : CATTM : . No. Cars lit. 1 21 . C. H. Q . Clil All alcs of stock In this maikct arc n per cwt. llvo wclnlit unless othprwKo ts Dead hoes sell at He per H > for all well "Skins , " 01 hous wciuhliiR le s than VK no > aluo. Pi'-gnant sows nro docked 4 nndstaitssolbs. OMAHA \VHOLiKSAIjI2 MAUKl General Proituce. Friday EMsnlnir , Oct. prices lire jnr roiemi lot produce , ( is sold on the iiuir/cl /o-Ji . ( ( iKildtlom onritlfj represent the price which on/side / orders urc fllJcii. HfTTKH The receipts of the Ind Ktattes of Imlter are on the Increase , choice table butter continues to bo a s < aitlclo and in Rood c'ciuaml. Tlicic ait now features In the market. The Mimu t that was said last week applies equally this week. Commission houses aru o\c with poor butter and have hard work ti It at any price , while there Is an liicien demand for clioleo butter. Shippers cat their butter by ham ) > i ovu the quality of It with more care. I'lilns should bo t.ikt have only ono grade In a iiackaite , ns butter packed with good necessitates \\holebclne sold as i > oor hutter. It Is early to ho ln shipping butter In b < Choice tiuttcr commands KVrflSc , and f ISftJ-iOc , but there is very little of that v in tlm maiket. Fair to peed is selling at 0ir > c , and poorat4Jirpc. ( Choice cieamerv tor is selling at 25c. Koos The ess ? m.irket remains stead last week's quotations. Thu leeelpts an he.ivy , but about eintal to the dum Strictly lioh OIBS aie Celling nt 17e. Pori/iuv The iccelpts ol poultry been heavy tlm past week , and the 1111 tlraKcliig. The bulk ot the old fowls aru coming lnaio\i'ry light and poor icqiilieerygood spring chickens to I S2.00. llucksteis ha\o been glutting nurket with both old fowls and bpring c ens. and by puttlut ; prices il ha\u cut oil a good deal of I from tlm commission houses. Old f ( choice , per iloz. $2.25 ; old towls. tr $2.50 ; spring chickens , large , 552.00 ; HI chickens , fancy , S2.25 ; spilng chlcl medluiii. SI.W ) ; spi lug chickens small , wanted ; ducks , S2.2.VH.2.5U ; turkeys , wanted. ( ! AMI : In spite of the warm we : tht'ii ! has been considerable giime In di the past week. Cooler weather would cr Improve tin * dunmiia and icdtioo thu ol handling It Prairlo chickens , ( aaoo per do/eu ; qimll , Sl.'iXSl.W ) ; s plover , etc. , S1.001.2.tlucks ; , ( Mali S1.7r.2.00 ; ducks ( Teal ) , S1.005M.2.V di i.'lxcd. 75e@3l.00 : geuse , S2.rxK S.50 : i saddles , per lb. , Il@l2c ; tleer , carcasses lb. , 7(4''o ' ; antelopi ; , saddles , 11@12 ; i lope , carcasses , 0@7e ; jack labblts , per $ : U > 0@4.00 ; smnli , per do/ . , S1.00@l.25. Ovsn.iis--Thc weather has bueu mosl warm to admit of a very heavy oyster ti However , tr.ule Is better than usual at season , and a good many eiders Iroin outilde aiehcliiif lilted. Mediums , 25c ; si ards , JiOc : selects. : ir c : New York counts POTATOKS There are not many poti arrivlii- . and the maikct Is good lor cl stock. Small anil Inferior stock moves slowly and is not wanted. Piices rci about the same as last week. A Colorado and Utah potatoes have an anil sold at baS5c Choice shipping b pcrbu.VXTifiOe. . SWIIT : : I'oTATor.s The market is supplied with t'holct ! stock and they are i iug in taster than they can be sold. Cl shipping stock , per lb. , l2c. ONIONS Oiilons aresollinir fairly wel a small way. at SI , 00 per bushel , but demand Is limited. Car lots have sold wceknttOe. Choice stock , per bush , ' . 81.00. OKI.KUY The market Is well supplied the demand irood. Theic is a wide dilli-i In the quality of thu stock that Is comiii ) which is Indicated bv the range In pi Shipping stock , per doax t/ic. / Ari'i.KS Strictly chok-o apples arc sc nnd all sucii stocks meets with verj sales. Common stock Is In verv liberal ply ami moves slowly. A consignmcii tancy Michigan apples Is expected to a tiio lirst of the week. Choice ping stock and laiicy stand or iMtliic ai nro in good demand. Common stock , S" J.25 ; choice .shlpnlin ; stock , S2. : > 0 < an.OO ; f stand , § 2.75@i.OO : ; fancy Michigan , Sf 3.25. iloMi--onowN'KR The maikc lirm nt the. quotations. 'Ihn supply Is nlng light and thuy will not last i longer. The Concords are about played nnd are not coming In fast enough to su tlm homo trade. Shipping stock , per U 10-lb baskets. 40o. LEMONS Choice , SCO bbc , per box S Mussina. S9.75 ( 10.X ) . OII.VJUIKS This onlv changes on the ket aiu Jamaica , which aiu lower than week , Jamaica , per box , S'l.OO ' : per bb ) . , CIIANIIKIMIIKS The maiket is lalrly supplied with verv clioico stock. Capo fancy , per bbl. . S8.f > 0 ; Jersey , choice , S Wisconsin , 87..10. UANANAS Uauanas are selling at r the same us last week. Bananas , vcllow bunch , SI.50C12.00 ; linnanas , yellow , 1 bunch , S2.W3.50. ) CAiii'HNiAFnuiTS Two cars of fornla fruits were received this week. 0 count of the cooler weather thoyimlvi very good order and met with qulclc Peaches. S'J.25 ; graDC' , Tokays , § . .00 ; irr ; black , S2.00 ; pears , vicar. $3.00 ; plums , @ 2.00 : ( iidnces , S2.r > 0@2.75. Mni.oNa A few aio still coming in.bu demand Is light nnd they aie slow sale. MAIM.K Sue AH. Sti Icily pine , 50-lb bi lr > c per pound ; strlctl.v pine , 10-lb tin i 14cper pound ; choice 5o bricks , 25-lb bi 12c pur pound ; choice penny cakes , boxes , 12Je per pound. llo.vnv Nebraska , choice , white cli 15@10c. ; Nebraska , dark , l'J@14c. ; Callfo extra white ir.c. ; choice , 12@l2Kc , HKANH The maiket is inmost clcanei Nice clean beans In fiilr lenuest. 1 Navy. S1,701.T5 : Jl. P. Medium. SI 1.05 ; choice clean country. S1.25@1.50 ; clean country , t0@Sl.OO : interior , fiOQliT.'J Pnovisioss Ham , sugar-cured , boneless , 50-lb boxes , ll } c ; picnic ham , 1 breakfast b.icon , sugar-cured , Oc ; shoul sugar-curi'd , 8c ; clear Bide bacon , ' . ' © ij'c salted sides , HJ c : dried beet ( hams ) , dried beef ( tegular ) , 1'Je lard , 40-lb cans , bank's , e ; 10 , 0 and 3-lb palls , Falrba 8 30c. Fi.oi'it Axn Mn.i.sruFrsVlnter v Hour , best quality patent , S2.75 ; second Hy. § 2.40 ; best quality spring v Hour , patent S2.CObran,50opercwtcho ; ; feed , < 0i ) per c\Vf. white coin meal , i yellow corn inenl.'OOc per Wt ; Rcreonlnt ! per cwt ; hominy , 82.00 per cwt ; shoti per cwt ; graham , 81.00 ; hay , In bales , SC fi.00 per ton. IN Corn. 24c ; now oats , 23c ; rye , wheat , No. 2 , GOc. Grocers' lilftt. PIOKI.KS Medium , in bols , $0.50 ; d half bblH. S3.75 ; small , In bbls. $7.r > 0 ; < hftlfbbU , S4.25 ; gheiklns , in bbls , ga.rx In halt bbls. 84.75. No. 70 , 4-gation Kegs , St.20 ; Orleans , ItSdJ-Kic per gallon ; Maple Syrn barrel , strictly pure , 7to jwr gallon ; 1 g cans , $0.25 per doz. ; K gallon can SS.'i'j doz : quartcans , $3.oo , SUOAIIS I'owdered. 7 ; ru,7 ifc ; cut 7 ( < 47 > fo ; granulated. 6k > xc ; contectio A.0)4o ; itandard extra 0. Bdt < i's'c ; extra ( 6Kc ; medium yellow. 5 ! . ( U&jiC. -H Inch.ojic ; Inch , lOtfc ; } i evaporated , 15 } < @ 17o ! Lake , none in maykef iaspbcrrlesnow , ( Sisj e ; currents , 7 &S7 > jc ; piunes , nev 4) 0. 0.STAnrii Mirror closs , i lb , 5e ; W Klosa , 3 lb , 5 > < c ; Mirror glo s , ti lb , ( ! raves corn , 1 lb , Gc ; Klngsfoid'a co lb , 7cKiiigsford's gloss , i lb. 7c ; K ord's glow. G lb , 7Hc ; Klugsford's pure , 9fc ; Klngbford'sbulW , 4c , ( Joois Oysters , standaid. caa. $3.30 ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case , i raspberries , 2 lb pur case , S'-i.lO ; Callfi pears , per case , S4.0 ; uuricots , per Sl..Ki ; peaches , per caao , S5.30 ; white che . V4IOM * VMl Wf I'l II Mf r IllkfJ * * * l * | ( fVA V-tO 35.50 ; 1 lb mackerel , per do * . Sl/iO ; 1 It mon per dot , Sl.b.Xgl.fiO ; 2 lb goosubi per case , S1.75 ; 2lb string iK'ans. IMT 51.70 : alb lima beeiiu , i > er case. 31.CO marrowfat r > as. per raso. S2.40a ; lb June pens , per case. (2.75 ; y lb toim per case 52.iiit3J.3i ; 21bcorn. per case , Q2.103 ; lb corn beet , perdoi , tl.702.00 COFFF.F.Onlinari eradca , ll@u < o ; I'Wl'J' c ; prime. 1 l .tllr : choice. laMf.l tancy grcon ami yrliow. Wkyillc ; old prnmontJa\a , J.K ; ; Intoilor .lava. M 2 < ic ; MoPlia. ? l.cJ4c ; Ailmckle' * roa ; lfi'4e ' ; McLauchlin'o XXXX roasted , V Uilworth's. ICc : Ked Cioss , v\itc. \ TOIIACCO Plnir , clliimv , 42 ; horse * STc ; Mar. m. ; ; spear head. Wo ; piper hold' Me : gold shield , aie ; merry war , 2 > c ; J ,1. . JWc. ToiiAcro Smoking , Duiham , Is Mo ; 6lc ; s " > "c : Us , nee ; mcprschum. ! Wo ; st\le. 22c ; V. N. O , I5o ; spirit eureil. 45 < ' . . - ' caddie , 2Sc ; square c ; 51.70 ; niulo square , 81-20. CANDV .Mlxpdoaiii o ; stick , s 'fiM- } UiiArKins ( iariu'iiu's soda , butter picnic , 5tje ; ci earns , bk'c ; Blnger snaps , t cltv soda. 7't'c boAi-s Kirk's isavon imperial , S' ' Khk's satinet. Saoo ; Kirk's standard , 5 ? KliK's white Uinslan , 84.00 ; Kirk's NV Can. $0.60 : Dome. S3.8- > ; Washboard , S White Cloud , $3.75. _ Wool. Medium. 1K(7120. ' per lb : line lir l4WlGo ; light. Kk-n'-c - ; coarse , l4c'HOc ; b Wool , 'J@-C otf. llinr.s ( Jrccn bnt lier , C' < c : c ciiii-d , K ' O ; dry Hint. ll@itc : : dry lt@10c ; uroju caltsklno. i > &l > > ( c ; llnm hides two-thirds pi lee. Tallow H' e. ( n prime wliite. 3c ; yellow , 2c ; blown , Sheep Pelts. 'AY Sc. IjKAiiiKH I'rlmo slaushter solo leai S2c ; prime oak sole leather , SO < a3Sc. U leather per foot , 20ri,3' , > c ; hem , kin , 7.Vn oak kip , ( tt@ - > c ; French kip , Sl.OOcu horn , calf , S1.00Q1.10 ; oak calf , Sl.WVit French calf , Sl.'iV l.W ) ; Morocco boot BOC'tiHc ' ; Morocco oil pebble , VS&iiWc. topti OOca'-XJc. and Iliilngs , - HK.VVY ilAitnwAUK iron , rate , 3 low stiMl i > | eclal cast , 4e ; cruclb leitcel st tools do , 12rtl8c ( ; wairon siiokes' per Sl.7.rtj.OO ; ; hubs , per set. S1.25 ; fel sawed dry , 31.40 ; tongues , each , 75c : n each. 75c : square nuts , PIT lb. 7 < TUc ; chain , per lb , < Xii5l2c ; malleable , o8c : wedges , oc : crowD.irs , liu ; harrow teeth Bprlng steel , 7@ c : llurdeu's horses ! 84.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. 85.40. Ua wire , in car lots. S4.oo per 100 Ibs. Nails , rntt's , 10 to 5'J , S2.50 ; steel ualls , S' Shot Sl.CA ; biicKMiot , Sl.hS : orii powder , kegs S-.r-O : do. half Kegs , S do. nuarter kegs.81.50 ; blasting , kegs , S fuse , pel 10 leet , tHs. Leatl Har. Slo. UnuusANi ) r-.uMirAi.s : Acid , caib 82c : acid , tartarlc , 52e ; balsam eoualba , BJ , 4'c : bark , sassafras , per tl > . lOc : calo perlbrJc : chinciiouhiia , per or. , 40c ; eh fin in , per lb , fiO c : DOMT'S powder ? , pet 81.25 ; opsoiu salts , per H > , ilj 'c ; glyoe : pure , per lb. ISo : lead , acetate , i > er lb. oil , castoi. No. 1. per , S1.50 ; oil , ca No. 2 , per gal. , ? 1.40 ; oil. ollve.per gal. . # oil orlgaiinum. 50c : opium $ ; i.20 ; quli P. iV W. and H. & S. . per o70e ; potas- iodiile , per lb. W.V5 : saliclu , per 07 , 40c ; phatc morpnine , per oS2.ti : ; sulphur , lb. 4c : htrvclimue , ceroSI. . 15. PAINTS IN on. \ > iiiecao. Omaha , I kc ; while lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.75 ; 2 cllles green. 1 to 5 Hi cans. 2j ; French : ITCH-II tcal , 12c ; French zinc red beal , French rinc. in varnish asst , 20c ; Fn zlnc,76c ; Termllllon , Ameilcan , ISc ; In red , 10o ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , C Bon's , 2jic : Venetian red. American , : red lead , 7) ) jc ; ciirome yellow , genuine. ' chrome yellow , K , 12c : oclire , rocho'le ochre , French , y ? c ; oclire , American , Winter's mineral , 2kc ; hehlgh brown , ' . Spanish brown. 2Xc : Prince's mineral. S V AitxiaiiKH Barrels , pur gallon : Fi ture , extia , S1.10 ; furniturp , No. 1 , S coach extra , 81.40 ; co.ich , No. 1 , S1.20 ; mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; n.sphal extra , 53c ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil li ! $1.50. DuYl'AiN rt White lead. N ; : French : 12C ; Paris whiting. 2Kc ; whltliu' , gild 2 0 ; whiting , ciTm'l , IXc , lampblack , nianstowii. 12c ; iampblacl ; , cudluary , Prussian blue,5"B ; ullraiuarlne , lbcvaml ; brown. 8c : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw sienna , burnt , 4fc : sienna , raw , 4 ; 1 green , genuine * ! i" > o : u-aris irreen. eonn 22e ; ciirome irreen. It. \ . . 20c : cliromo gi K , 12c ; vcrmlllion , English , In oil 70c ; ami bin in umber1. 1 lb cans , i c ; raw burnt sienna , 1'ic ; Vandyke , blown , We ! lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black nnd i black , lOc ; drou blact tGc ; Prussian . 40c ; tiltramaiineblue , ISc ; ciirome green , M. & I ) . , lOc ; blind and suutter urecn. L A D. , lOc. ; Paris ureen , ISc ; Indian red , Venetian red. 9e : Tuscan. 22e ; Amei vci million. L. &D. , 20p ; yellow oclire , Oc M. * O. D. . IBq ; good ochre , ICc ; pr dryer , 8c , grniiilng color , light oak , dark wlanut. chestmiUiiitt ash. 12c bpiniTS Cologne sptrltM. 188 proof , 5 do 101 proof , 81.1" ; spirits , second our 101 proof , S1.1U : do 188 proof. 51. 15. J hoi. 188 proof , 52.11 ! per wine gallon. K tilled whiskies , SLOO < ai.50. Gin , bloi 81.50(32.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00M Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 82.00(3 ( Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whl- Sl.'tO ( < i.00. UramHes , Imported , i 5.00 ( $ domestic , 81. 0@3.00. Gins , imported , @ .00 ; domestic , 1.25513.00. Champaj Imported , per case , 8'J8,00@33.00 ; Amerl per case , 810.00@10.00. Dry ljumDer. Xo. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft . S No.2 " ' 12 , Manilla ft . No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It . No.4 " " 12 , 14 and 16 ft . DIMKXH1ONP AND Tl.MiIKItS. FF..VCINO. No. 1 , 4&6 Inch , 13 and 14 ft , roueh..S No. a , 4&0inch , laaiid 14ft. . rouch. . . S1DINO. A 12 , 14 & 10ft. , 21000 0 . 5 U 12 , 14 & lit It. , 4000 1) . fl'.ll.lXO AND PAUTITION. 1st com. , > f In White . Pine l' rtltion..S , tl ,1 41 .4 II /J J ' ' ' ' 2tt Com. ? fi In. Xornny I'inu Celllnif' . . . IM.OOItlNO. A Cinch , whltoplno , 20 C . 5 C Gincli , " " : M 1) . STORK 1IOAIIDS. A 12 Incll. 8.1 B. 4(50 ( . DVJinch " " 4'JD . No. 1 , com. 12 In. . B. 1 a. . 10. 18 A 20 f t. . . No. 2. " ' " " No.2 " " " 124fcl41t . ' ' " " 10ft . FINIIIIINO. 1st and 2U. clear , 1U Inch , s. 3 s . 3 3d , clear , 1 Inch , s.2 B . 31. cluar , ! / , U 3 in . U select , 1 Inch , s. 2 s . U select , IX , 1)Vi" . R1I11 * LAP. No. 1. plain , 8 ami 10 inch . , S No. 2 , i > lun,8 ; niul 10 Inch . SIII.VUI.KS , I.ATII. XX clear. 82.1K ) ; A staiulaid , S2.fX ) ; 5 : ; Lath. 82.25. roars Whlto Cedar , \n.Xs \ , 12c ; 8 . , . LIMI : . KTf. Qulnoy white Itmu ( best ) Cement ( Akron ) SLitf. Hair , 35u. .M Iran plaster , S2.75. Sash , We. IJllnds , Doors , 5Uc. AluuldiiiKx , SO Fleli. The Indiana Methodist conference condemned tlm USD of tobacco ui cleanly nnd unhcaltlifiil. und the < gates promised to preacii against it a year. A Total Kollpso of nil other medicines by Dr. R Pierce's "Golden Medical Discover approaching. Unrivalled in billons orders , impure blood , and consninp which is scrofulous disease of tlio lu A San Francisco dentist , who chn the hljrhost rates , bases the greater of his bills on the soothing nature of conversation , which quiets the nc and lessens the pain of the operation At an tuition sale of some genuini tiquitics in Philadelphia on Thnrsil Iscw York Extra Suu , printed in sold for 40 ccuta. Genl. Insurance Agenl Mircbfint' ! Xitlonnlll nK llmMlng. Oor. 1 atiin niul l"Ui t . , room 1 mit t lrs. Tck'iihono No. 75 OmnliA , riiocnlt.Ionilon , inulniiit : . . .t5Ktl ) lire-men's , Newark , N J . . . . 1.5M.S3 lllt-n's Vftllfi. UlonV KHlls.N , Y . \ , \ < * i i ( llrnrd , l'hllintl.hln. | . 1'rx . . Wcstchoster , Now York , N. Y l.U..M lofin II ntKorV llutunl I Ifo llo toti ,7ot,71 THE BANK OF GOMMER li > 10 Narlli KHIi Street , Pnitl in Capital , . . . . $100C Giro. K. iiAHKHIt , rr - ! ilcnt. HOIlf. U OAHl.tfllS , Vlct-Prpsldont. r. n JOHNSONunai- ntiiiirruits : SAMtJr.t.U.JOIIN O\ , ( IKO. li. 1URRRII , llonr. I * \ni.iriis WM. SKIVRII * , r. II..IOIIVIKIN , A BcnerallinnVltiK tiuyliieis tfanactc > l. Iiitfieat allowed on time deposit * . FIRST NATIONAL BAl U.S. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , Nebraskr Capital $500 , ( Surplus 100,1 Herman Kountze , President John A. Crolghton , Vice I'realdo F.1L Davis , CinUlor. W. IL MoRauler , Aas't Cash S. S. KI.DYI ) , A. O. MiCAMI'lUIl . Mctiilicr tlnlci < ton Cotton - MomliiT XPW Orlc.ui' ' . , Ktrlmiu-paiul Ctili ton llt'KCnnil St. lmil ton Mcrc'lmnts' l xchttiiKi. ' . niintd nf Triult . S , S , FLOYD & , GO , , llroliois til Grain , Provisions , Petrolei AND SPOOKS , Per Future IDelivei Witl OiH'nfoi'lmnhirnsaniiooH Dirt's rail be fitted up. JOit AND 111 S. iilh STltEl Uofurto lnt Nntlotml IlimH , Orunhn- WM'A.PAXTOS , Pri'S. U JJ.\\1II.IAMSVCO-T | Union TrustC 215 S. 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. LOANS MADE ON HEAL School , County and Municipal Boi Negotiated. Hour. L. OAIII.ICHS , V. D. JOHNSON , St'crotnry. Treosuri MERCHANTS' NortliwuBt corner Furnnmnud lath Street $20C- < Paid up Capital , - - , Surplus Fund - - - 60 , < FKANIC MUUPHY , BAML. B President. Vlcc-1'vcsldoi DEN U. WOOD , LUTHER DUAKi : Cnshlor. AbPt-Cu hli Accounts pollcllpd nnd prompt ixttciitloti ff to all business cntruetcd to Us euro. Tiiv tl\o per cent on tlmo ilcposlts. R. LEE CHAS. . , AMD WA < KSTOCK. . ALSO AGENT FOK Anil W001 > AKIGTI ? S.W. Corner 9lli and Douglas OMAHA ENTERPRISE MANUPAOTUHKHB OF Hardware SpeciaEfie AND LIGHT Grey Iron Castings Castings Warranted Soft anil True Pattern. Nickel Plating , anil iJnuinn ! < ; . J. BOWYER , PROPRIETOR Olllcc , 1411 1-3 Piirnam. ReMldciieu. 20IU and CaiU'oriiii OHfllia JOB8ERS' DIREQTOS Artists' Material. A. 1IOSPE , JR. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Orgt 1513 Uouglat Htrcot , Onmlin. Agricultural Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , WliolctolaDculerin Asrlcnltnral Impleuienls , Wagon CurrlaguB and llugglcn. Jonca itreot , bvtweec mid 10th , Omiiha , Nt'h , LININGER < 0 METCALF CC Affricultural Iniplcincnts , Waionirarrluei , Iluggloi , KtcVboleiaU , O-ni I'Alt LIN , ORENDORl MAR'J WholetaleDciileri la Agricultural Implements , ( Vagoniand Bugglei. VlW3-M ) nud'JOT , Jonc Butter and Eggs , McSHANE iO SCHROISDER , Buyers of Itutter and EgffH. and Packing llouio , Kth und Ixii Refrlnerator worlliflt. , U.I' , It. It.TfaU.Omalm. Butchers'Tools. " -Jfyfrfi , "jfELjfftJf' Itiitclifirs' Tools and Hupplios , Jttuiuiio Cutlngi of all klndi iilirayiln Hock , Jonei it.OuiBba. Builders' Hardware ancTScales. Bnilders'Hardwnre&ScaleltcpalrS Uecbanlct' Tool * and liutTalo Ecalet. liOi Dout'lu Omaha. Kcb. LEE , TRIED & .CO. , Jobbers of Hardware and Nailt Tinware , Miect Iron. Ktc. AsunU for Ilowu 6 ( and illniul rovrdcrt o. Omnlm.NMi. RECTOR t ) WILIIELMY CL Wliolesalo Hardware. Weitem acenti for Jeffcrion Hterl Nxlli. A Powder Co , Kulrbanki hlaiMtrd c-rolei. Cor lOtb and Darner , ( Jrnatia. gplA JOBBERS' DIRECTS Boots and Shccs. AMEinc.tN HAND SIM SHOE COMPANY , M n fncti.tcf * ml Wlielrfiip Dealers In Hoot g ii ml Shops , Compl"le > fto li ot lliibl-er iliunU nlwnr * on HJ S. IStlm ttmnlin. Neb A ' " ' . AM tln. AKC FT r. 'MORSE , c co. of Hoots niiil Slioes. 1111 1'nriinm t , Omnlm , Nrh Mnimfnctorr , Sin ttivct. lliKtnn. Beer , Ajt. for Anliouscv-Uuvh Hrowini * A Hpeclnl ltrinil IV.tsl. V-mln finer anil Priam NTOHZ ,0 ILEIf , Liiijoi' Heer llrtnverg , l.Wt iCortli 15-h Street , Omnln , Noli. Coffee , Spices , Etc. CLARKE 'jlllOS. TF Onmlui CoiTi'o anil Spire Tca , CofTffl' . Srlrp . lliiklnv Vowdff. H'Tor'n tfKcl * . l.ftundry nine. ink. 1:11- : , nil 10 Harm Hrvct , Onmlm , Neb. ' 7TT7'7-.s , C'OL.r . : M'ILES. Homo Collco ami Splro Mills M'f'jr CniTrolliM4tpri nd ? plMlrlnilrr , Man-tract nf lliiMn 1'dwdrr , riDTorlnii H.nrurt" . Illtilntr Trjrnoca'oorciirl-r. pi t knurl Ionic lllcna Itu Ooifeo. ltD.i llimMrtl t , Om'ihit ' , Ji fo. Cornice. E.I ( , ' L K CORNICE ro nits .lolm Kpciieler , 1'rop. Manufacturer of Cnlrnnlrcil Iron anil Conilct Doillic uml 103 n ml Ui N. lOili n. . llinnlm , Nf RUEMPING { ItOLTE , Mnnufsctitrcrs ot Ormnnoiital ( Jnlvnui/cd Cornicoi DornirrVlnilur.r , Klrmlfi.Mrlnllr Skylit , lit , ck' . Mil t. , Omnlm. WESTERN CORNICE WORK C. SiH'clit , Prop. alTanltril Iron Cortiloc-v etc. Hiifcfuhni'roTei cut Mi-fillc i-kylljlil. ( utiil 110 S < r.'tli M , < > mi Carpets. OMAHA CARPET CO. , Jobber ? of Carpets , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , Hi oli'mun , MuttlnitB , Kte 1511 DoiiBlm atrc .S7vl7 O RCHA Ii D , Wholpsulo Carpets Oil t'lothu , Mnltlnen , Curtain ( ! oed , Klc. 1(33 ( Kiumim K Omalm , Neb. Crockery and Notions. in L. WRW HI\ Agentfur Oio Mnmifacturorsnnil Importer ! Croc-leery , d'lnsswnrc , Lamp * , riiliunc ) * , etc. Offlcv , 317 South 13 Oninhn.Nct ) . Commission and Storage. Commission aiul .lobbinpf. Butter , KKitBnml I'ruiliicc. ronilKumenta neil llcnilniinrtcm fur btiincnarc , IN-rry HOZPB tirnpo HiiJkc : * . 1111 loiliebtiv ! tUiuah PEYCKE Commission Merchants. Frnltn , Produce anil rmvHonn , Oninhn , Nfl ir. K. Storage and Commission Mcrcli Bpcclalllcii Unitor. Ktf , Cluoao , I'oulirj- ( i ( > ynter > . I'.tc. , Klc. 112 ouili Ulli Ktrcct. fANiC CO. , ' Prodiico ConnnissioH Jleri'liuiitf Poultry , lltittcr , Omnp , Kiiiltn , etc. V3) 8. 1' ' Oniulm , Neb , WEEKS .6 MTLLARD , Gcncrnl CVmiiniHsion Mcrcliants And Jobbrrn of rorelffii niul DoniCBtle Frult . < pponilcnco bollcltcd.VnriOiuii8cand offltc. 11 ' 1 lilrtecntli M , Umnlni , Neb. Telephone 71S fruits. r. itocco < o co. , mportor.1 nnd whole lo dealers In Italian Produce , Forclen. l > iimo tlcand ( 'allfnniln Fruit" nnd Cni ( Ion Merchant * . I04K. llth xt. Only cxcluil' ' fruit houna In Oniahn. Coal aniS Lime. " MILESTONE C CO. , nealcrs In Hard and Soft Coal , Offlco and yard , nnd Nlcholna His. , Omnlitt , Yard Tclei'liouu , 17. OEO. r. l.AHAiill. I'rpn. C. F. OoonMAN , V. J , A. KUMIMII.AND , hoc. nnd Trean. OMAHA COAL , COKE < 0 LI COMPANY Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal. 203 Smith Thirteenth Street , Oranhn , Neb. ' co. , jratiiifactnrcrs of Illinois White L And Shippers of Coil nnil Coke , Cement , I'l IJmo , HHlr. Hire llrlilt , Dritln , Tllo nnd Sewer ofllce. IMiton Ilutjl. nt. , Onmha , Tcletmono bll. Confectionery. K 2 . J'VlV .0 CO. , ' Jfannfactnringr Confectioners , Jobbers of FlulU.NuU nnd CttruiB. 1211 turnu Live Stock Commission. M. ItUJIKE < 0 SONS , Live Stock Commission. Ooo. Iluikc , Manager. Dnlonytoelc Ynrdf.S. tmnliiu ) Tclcphono K SAVAGE , J ) GREEN , Live Stock' Commission ircrdmn EhlpnicnU of nny and all klniU of Block xoll UulonfrUnk VonlR , Ornnba. Neb. Cigars and Tobacco. ' " MAX MEYER 0 CO. , Jolliers of Ciffiii's , Tobacco , UUDI und Ammunition , 315 to22.1 H. IItint. , 1 I'iU at.Oin.iliH.Ncb. WEST C FRITSCHER , Kannfactnrcrs of Fine Cigars And \Vliuloj li > DpnliTB In Leaf Tobacco * , N end HON. llth ftrri'l , Onuhii. Dry Goods. M. E. SMITH .C CO , , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods &Not lira and lini Diiuulnn , cor. lllh St. , Omnlm.Nt Diaiiiitrs. Dlitlllera of I.lquorr , Alcohol nnd Fplrtto. Imp' ' and Jobbers of Wlnciiaml l.lquori. WILLO W SPRINGS DISTILL CO. and ILER U CO. , Importer ! and Jobbcmof KlneVlnet "nil Il < HoluinniuifAOturvmof KcnnndT'ii Kant India tors und Duiiicn loilquorip. 1112 llnrnejrrit Drugs , Paints , Etc. IT. T. CLARKE DRUG CO , , Liu-gent Dnip ; , Paint , Oil & Glnsa Hi Weetof Cblcago. fniniilcte I/lne of llruegUti arh'n. lilt llnrntj it..Oinaha , _ GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Wholesale Diuppists. Auiinealer lnr liil , Otl nn'l\VlndyHaiaci.Oi brain file , Etc. A. ll.BAt'KH.Prfi. J.W.IItDronn.Rec.i1 n. j. CARSON , v.rrc * . nnd built. THE UNION JtYDliAU. DRAIN TILE CO. , Office III ft. llth el. . Omaha. Neb. Machlnei Buppltci for tin mi foe uuln < Cement Drain T Engineers and Contractors , JIA YMOND GAMI'IIELI En ; inpor.s ami Contractors , Oridzci , Viaduct * ItnorTrnii'et , Stc m PUB 111 I'llTor.Onkntiil Plneltrlilfu tumbur. lithat. , I Karnaiu , Onmhu\cb , Furniture , DEWEY C STONE , Wholesale Dealers In Funiitur Kirnam it. , Omahn , Neb. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture , HedilliiK , Uiiholster Wrtcri. otc. Jan. 1203 und ) K10 Kanum it , O JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Groceries , /M.YTO.V UALI.AdlWlt f CO. , AYUolrsnlo WrocerlM nnil Vrovlsionst No ? W07.TOaiiJllH Idtli St . Omsha. Nth. _ * JleCOltD. It'll A i > f V COt nth nnil I ciT Hardware. ir. , ; . lli'avy Ilanhvnro , Iron nnil Sled , , \Yneoit Murk , llarvlivarf Lumber , tc. 1SOQ Hiul 1 H llnrnpy ft . Omnbn. Wliolesnlo Iron ami Steel , Wacon anil C rri io Wood Slock , UPRTJllanlwatcs Klc. I''IT unit IJl'J l.rivcnworlh it. . Onmhn , Neb. StovnM , " , Furiittt'po , Tiles , Mantlc . liratr * , liood ISlmd 1XSJ Fatnim Mrc. t. Iron Works. Iron Works. AVroiioril and Pnit Iron llnlMliirfVntk , Iron Hlnlr * . lltlllni. , llpHnia ami ( llrilpr .Mram Knglnn , llran % Vi > rk , Unrrnl Kiminlrj , Machine > ml Illacktiulth AT or * , ompo nnil Wotki , 1' r lly.aiul 17tl\Hl l. Jewelry. KVIIOLM .0 KKICKSVX. AYliolosulo Jonolcrs aiulMiisic Dealers. Dralcrii In Sllrutnaro , Dlnmonitf.Vatclirv ( 'locka , JoHtlcr'l Tools and Muturlaluvc. . 101 andlOJlMb. it. , cor. IHHlKP , dnialiM , N b. Lumber. l.OVIK Denier in lannlier , Lutli , Lime , Sash , Door * , Klc. Y r ls Corner "th and l > ouiilai | Corner I'tlmnd Omttlaft. CHICAGO LVMJIElt CO. , Wholesale Lumber , 814 P. Hlli ilrcct.OtualmNoli. I. Ciilpcttor. MaimiiOr. C. X. J1JETZ , Lumlier. ir-tli nnd Callfornln Street * , Oinnlia , Nob. wi ED jr. UNA r , Lumlicr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Ctli nnd limiulnn ta. , Oinnlm , Neb. Lumber. 2' W. 11AKVEY CO. , To Dealers Only. Office , 1403 Furnntu trcctmnba. CJFAS. Ji. LEE , Jlnrchvooil Lnmbct , Wood Cnrrctn and l' riUPt | Klnorliie , Pill nnd Douglni umuhn. JOHN A. WAKEFIELJ ) , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nnd American 1'ortlnnd Cement , StnU Agent forMllvcankco llTdranllc Cement and licit ( jiilncy WhltnLln'c. Lire Stock. rSTOCK YAHDS co. , Of Omaha. Limited. John K. Doyil , Suporlatocdent , Millinery and Notions. I. OJtEItFELDEIt C CO. , Importers nnd Jobber * of Millinery nnil Notions , 1211 nnd 1SI5 llurncy HtiOPt.Omnhu.Kob. Hotions. c. s. GooDiticTr c co7 Are ilia only Direct Importer ) of German & French Toys & Taiicy Goods In NclirHBUa. Chlcacii prlcf dupllcatcrl without ndd * ( UK Ircliiht. 1415 Knrniini btrcct , Oniuhu. j. T. itoiirxso'y NOTION co. , Whnlpimle Dealers In Notions ami FnrniKhinp ; Goods , 4(11 nnd 4Ui 8. Tenth St , Oinnlm. _ VINYAitD . Jobber * In Notions , Hosiery ami Gents' Furnishing Gooits. 1008 nnd 1003 Farnam at , Omaha , Nob. Overalls. COMPANY , Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pantt , Bulrts , Ktc. 11U3 nnd 1104 DotiKlna Street , y Omaha , Neb. Printing. Job Printers , lilunk Book Makers , And Uouk Ulndora. 1UU nnd 1M houtli Kuurtccnth etrct't. Omiilm , Ni'b. WESTERN NEWSPArER UNION Auxiliary PiibliHliers. Denlcrn In Typo. l'ro np und PriiHom' Supnllf . M9 Houili Tivelfth htrcot. Pickles , Vinegar , Etc. JSDWIN Moitnrs\c co. , Manufacturers , 1 'acton und Dculcr In Pie.kles& Strict lyl'nro Apple Vinegar 1'nwdcr , riuTorlnu Kitrucu. Tnbla Huiico , French MnstnM tyNtli IlmlnK , ( irncpis1 Speciltes ! : ! halo Ukcnts for vurk bliita Sand HuUnud Apl > le UU drr. liUOLeavenwortli nt. . Otuulia. Safes , Etc. G. AN DUE EN , Omaha Knfo Works. UnnufactnrcrBof I'lrcuinl IlurnlnrrroofHnrei , Vault Uour , jMll Work.Hliutitrs nnd Wire Work. Cor. 14th and Jaiktnn SIB. , Urukliu , NJb , r. jiOYEH ttco , Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s' Fire and IlurR'lir Proof , Tlrno Ixicki , Vault * and Jail Wonc. IW ( ) funiim nlroct Oinnha , Neb. Sasfi , Doors , Etc. M. Amsnnow & co. , Wlioluialo MHnnfuotiiren of Sash , Doors , Hlinilu anil JloiildiugR Ilranch otlcc,12th ) nnil Irnrd nil. , Oiuulm.Nob. Sash , Door , IllimlH , MouIiliiiRfH , Ilulldlnir I'upur , etc. 1001 Houtli Tlilrtranth Htroet , Omaha , Neb. A complete mock of liullder * ' llnrdwuro. RO UN MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Dlintfs , lloulillji . .HtalrVorli nnil Interior Hard Wtwid Klnlili Ju t uiiciiKd. N. li. cor. 8ih and LettTonworthHta. Omnbn , Neb. Pumps , CHURCHILL ruirr co , , Wliolesalu Pumps , Pipe , Fit tings , Sloamund Water HIIIII | ) | B. llea > l'iuiirlor > fir Matt KujilCo' Uomln. | | | l Knrmim ! . , lnmh .Neb. A. L. "HTRANO CO7 Pumps , I'ipus anil Eiifflneti , Steam , Wuter. Itullvray nnd illlllnK Kupi.lle. . Eta WO , Urtond Wl Kuril ma it. . U. S. WIND K.vwr/f' mi I'UMF HilladarVlnd Mlllii oteara and Wfcter fluntllr < , } luinl > liiKUocd > , HolllnK. lln * . V1B nnd VA fur- iiuiu H. , Ounihii. t ) . K. I'cllnn , Muuuuer , Ivlcpri iiiia wu. ! (10. Trunks , JL II. MARHOFF , Wliolp.Hitle Trunks , Mlllnnl Hotel Illack.OmiUa. Wagons and Carriages. A. J. RIMPSON Tlio Leading Ouri'laga Factory , ( KBTAlll IHIILII liM ) HUD nnil 1111 Poiliio utrcot , Omulio. Building Material , OJIAIfA LUMItEIC CO. , Dealer 111 All Hindi of IHiililliif ; Material lit Wliolonalo. IStb Direct und Union 1'sclno Truck , Owulm.