- * jLJ t-yr ' * * . i * THE OMAHA DAILY EEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 8 , 1886. A Ohevcnno Back Who Created Trouble at Pine Ritlgo. DETECTIVE NELIGH'S STORY. JIo Tells Why Ho "Wns Arrested ixt No- liraskti Cltf Soliool Hoard Af fairs Discovered liy Mr. A Now Convent. Indian Affairs , Captain Hell , tlio retiring Indian agent from the 1'ino Hl'lgo reservation , was in the oityyestrtrdny. He has just Tgi von way to lils'fliicccssor Col ( inllnghurof Ctrcenfourg Indiana , mid yhul enough lie Is to bo ro- llovcd or tlio arduous duties which have devolved upon him from tin ; time that Mctlliouilrly ( ! retired. I In conversation with a IJr.B reporter yes- tonlny , Cntiln ] ) : Hull jitvo an Inluru.-uing account of the Indian trouble tit Pine Hldge , which occurred , it may bo ro- iiieitiberod on October 2nd. "The trouble is all ever with now , " ho Bald , "iiiul I ( Imi'tsitpiKHi ! wo shall hear aii.ytliitiE niort ! of it. The way it oc curred was tills : One of Huflhlo Hill's Indians , on coining back to the reserva tion from bin eastern trip found that n Younj : liiok of tin : Cheyenne tribu had Rlolon his wife. Ho Immediately came to imi and preferred formal comiihunt nirniiisL the suucussfiil rival. I at once or dered the native police to nrrest tlio young buck and bring him before me. Six of them went to his house nnd tried to arrest him , but ho refused to come , saying that he would die before ho would be tjikoii. lie was armud to the teetli and evidently prepared to liyht. The pojico came back to me and told me of the situ ation. 1 inforr.icd thorn that if they couKln't do it one way thny must another if they couldn't bring him in alive they must bring him ( load. They accordingly in- oroasod their members , ami wentout pre pared to capture the young buck. The Clicycnnu had thrown of his clothes , smeared himself with war paint , loaded hi * carbine and mounted on his pony , bad established himself on the crest of u lull , where ho was ready to defy any at tempt at arrest. His aged father had also armed himself and came to his son's assistance. A short blooody encounter ensued and when the smoke cleared away it was found that the horse of I ho young Choycnno had been Killed under him , he himself had been badly wounded and his father haJ been killed. During the excitement that followed lie managed to make his escape to tiic bushes. Up to the time that I came away lie had not boon arrested , though vigorous search was made for him. I imagine that he will be .summarily dealt with when lie is captured.1 Tin ; I.NDIAV roi.ici ; . In answer to another question Captain Hell said : "The police employed on the reservation are. all natives ami are good , trustworthy men. Their salaries arc very meagre , not over $8 or $10 a month' , though this of course includes food and clothing. They are all uniformed the captain in regular military style and are very proud of their dross. Are tlmy re liable ? Certainly. I would rather trust one of them than the average while man. Just to illustrate this point , I may mention the fact that every quarter I used to receive from S-l.OOd to ? .1,000 to disburse at the reservation. The money came by ex press , and instead of goinir after it myself I send : in order for jt to the express agent bv some of the police , and they would return with every dollar of the cash. " TUB IN'UIAN CKNSI'S. - "Under McGillicuddy's regime , " said Captain Hell , "tho number of Indians on the Pine Uidgo was listed at about 7r , > 00. An enumeration which 1 made while 1 was agent disclosed the fae.t that there were only about -1,700 on tlio reservation. A good manv people have asked mo if 1 didn't think that this proved that Mc- Ulllicuddy had been guilty of crooked ness in securing rations under tlio pre tense that there were 7,500 Indians on the reservation. Now 1 do not look at it in that way. When I look charge of the reservation. McCillicuddy told mo that ho was perfectly well aware that the number of Indians there was greatly overestimated , lie sud ; that for months past ho had been trying to induce the government to taKe a census in order to determine the exact number of Indians on the reservation. He showed me copies of letters which ho had written to tlio de partment ollicials about the matter all ufging an Immediate census none of which had been of any avail. Of course lie could not make an enumeration un less authorized by the government. This fact , it seems to mo , completely exoner ates him , " JIo tells Ills Side of mi Interesting ! Story. Detective J. J. Noligh , whoso recent nrrest in Nebraska City , at the instance of Julius Norman , on a charge of obtain ing money Lunder false pretenses , was mentioned in the linn , was met by a ro- liortoryottorday and questioned abouttho | occurrence. Ho said : "I'll tell you the whole thing. Several years ago this man Norman was indicted for incest with one of his daughters. It was charged that ho had had illicit intercourse with all three of them. Ho that as it may , the feel big of the neighbors against him was very strong , and ho had not a friend in the whole county. In fact there were at one time loud threats made of lynching film. From time to time ho received threatening loiters , announcing that tlio writer , who was , of course , anonymous , pronosed to burn his houses and barns down , and commit other outrages. Nor man men secured my services , to dis cover , if possible , the writer or writers of these letters. Ho paid mo $ & > 0 , and told mo to sift the case to the bottom , as money was no object lo him and if necessary ho would spend $5,000 or $10,000 to discover the writers of the letters , I worked on the case for several months and finally got mutters in such shape that 1 knew the parties who had written the letters to Nor man , One night not long ago , I , with two of my men , met Norman on his farm in Otoo county and had a talk with him about the case. Ho asked mo why it was that no ono had attempted as yet to burn his houses or barns. 1 told him that 1 had investigated the matter carefully and was unable to find that anyone in the neighborhood had any intention of doing such n thing. Furthermore , I told him his case had been a peculiarly liard ono to work up , because ho had not a friend in the county. 1 told liim that the parties who had written the threatening letters had only committed a misdemeanor , nnd with the strongest kind of evidence could not bo sent to the penitentiary. This angered him greatly , itiVd ho salt ! they must go to the peniten tiary. Ho suggested that 1 put m a job on t'noso parties and decoy them into the neighborhood of his place some night. Ho would then see thai some of his build ings were llrod , mid the parties could mi- Jtiodiatoly bo arrested before they had loft the scone of the lira. Of couso I de clined to go into any scheme of that sort , and told him that 1 was not in the business of convicting honest raon. Ho insisted upon it. Ho insisted thai Wn what Up liad hired me lor uud snid that ! if 1 did not consent to It ho would compel mo to giro back his money. 1 emphatically refused , and ho immcdl ntely had me arrested on the trumped up charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. "J want to say , " concluded Mr. Nc- ligh , "that I was not thrown into jail , as stated In that telegram to the Hin. : I was sick In bed at the time , nnd the sher iff merely came into the house , read the warrant to me , and told me to come up and give bail when I was ready. Ho had scarcely Mulshed before a dozen promi nent citizens came In nnd oll'orc'.l to go on my bonds. Tlio feeling ngainst Norman is so strong up there that I believe I could have secured bail to the amount of $50- COO if necessary.1 .ST. MAltY'S Ol ' TIII3 A .New Convent to bo Hroctcd in Bel- vldcrc. Hlshop O'Connor has purchased several nores of ground on the beautiful heights of Helvidorc , immediately north of Fort Omaha , where a convent of the Sisters of Mercy will bo erected at an early day. This will bo the mother house of the or der in Nebraska , and lake the place of the convent of St. Mary's , on tlio avcnuo of that name in this city. The city lias grown up around the latter , and the land , a part of which is unused , is too valuable to longer remain unoccupied. Some of it has already been disposed of , so that the convent has. to n largo extent , been de prived of the privacy and seclusion sought by such institutions. Tlii ! silo of the proposed structure is perhaps as beautiful as any that may bo found in a radius of a do/.en miles. It comprehends the most available portion of the table land of the addition men tioned , several hundred feel above and quite a distance from the roadway. He- side , the country round slopes in all di rections , thus enabling at all times an un obstructed view to be had on every side. This viowcomprohonds the bluffs and river channel to the north , the undulating plains to tiio west , the Iowa side and the entrancing beauty of the rolling Mis souri and the city to the south. The pro posed convent will bo a bountiful struc ture and will aptly crown an eminence so commanding. SICK IN A HA UN. Horrible Cnso ot Destitution Dis covered l > y tlie I'ollec. Charles J. Hloom died at the poor farm ' o'clock of j'oslerduymorningaboulJO an aggravated ease of pneumonia. Ho was found Wednesday evening in a dirty barn on the corner of Eighth and Douglas lying on a pallet of slraw , and without any of the necessaries of food , medicine or attendance. Ho was removed in the patrol wagon to tlio city jail , whence ho was taken to the poor farm. Everything possible was done for him , but , to no avail. He sank rapidly and died at the time mentioned. Hloom was too weak when found to tell much about himself , but enough was learned to know that ho was a Swede about 25 years of age , anil a stranger in the city. He could not say how ho had come to be in the barn , probably having wandered there when his illness was approaching preaching its height. Papers wore found on his person wliieli showed that he had taken out his naturali/ation papers in Michigan. Tlio whereabouts of his rela tives or friends is not known and he will probably be buried in the potters field. Glj.\M > iaKI3l > I10IISI2S. They Arc Stilt PnlliiiK Before the LiCKal liiiller. Dr. Garth , veterinary of the State Live Stock commission , together with Messrs. Harnliart and Hirney , of the same body , arived in town Wednesday night anTspant some tiinu in consultation with Dr. Hamacciotti. They are on a tour of in spection throughout the state , and are almost daily in receipt of calls from cat tle men requesting their immediate at tendance or opinion as regards alleged cases of contagious disease in cattle. They left yesterday morning for Hlatr and go thence to Grand Island. Yesterday morning Dr. Uamacciotti re ceived notice that toiire was a ease of glan ders among the horses used by graders near the government-quarter masters de pot. There was also another case repor ted in North Omaha , and both of these the doctor said ho would investigate to-day. Since Sunday last , tlio commission has endorsed the Killing of two glandercd horses. Ono of these was at 201(1 ( Decatur and the other on North Sixteenth street. Hoth of the animals were killed. Yom Kipper. Last evening at sundown commenced ono of the most important days observed by the Jewish people , i. o. , tlio day of atonement or "Yom Kipper. " To the student of comparative religion , this day is a phenomenal spectacle. Ho beholds a race famous for their keen energy in worldly matters select ono day from the year , regardless of markets or exchanges , commercial obligations or financial rou tine , on which all business is su.spendid .ind attention devoted for twenty-four hours to matters of religion and soul welfare. The number who disregard the day is limited in all communities to a few , who , by the desurcration of that day , manifest a dcnldod spirit of aversion to the teach ings of their own faith. 1'ortho overwhelming majority of the faithful Israelites , the day , though solemn , is sweet ; although a day of pri vation , worldy inactivity and earnest wrestling of soul , its approach is hailed with genuine pleasure. The main mis sion of the day is to secure peace be tween man nnd man , between man his Maker. This evening the services nt the synagogua will commence at 7 o'clock. Habbi Henson will olllciato on Saturday morning. The synagogue service will bo a continuous ono from . .I ) a. in to 0 p. m. The rabbi during the day will [ deliver three lectures. The "services | for tlio diipartd" will commence immediately after Dr. Hen- son's morning sermon. Mr. H. Kcilnor will render his valuabloZscrvicos during the day by reading morning and after noon prayers. _ A Beautiful Testimonial. Hanging up in ono of the show windows dews of Max Meyer & Uros' jewelry store is a beautiful testimonial just presented to Senator Charles F. Mundeason , chair man of the senate committee on printing , by the employes of the pnulio printer's department. It is a formal expression of thanks from the printers for Senator Manderson's successful efforts to secure them a llfteon days1 leave of absence every year. It is written entirely by hand , in ( tirVorc.nl kinds of script and scroll work , and is M > beautifully executed that the closest observer falls to dolect that it is not the product of the engraver's art. Fi htliiK Women. A woman named Mrs. Kutlo Dunn was arrestedycslcrday afternoon Jfoi assault- inghersister-n-law'Mrs. { ! Eliza Cameron. Mrs. Dunn claims that the trouble arose over her brother , who has boon on a sprco for several days. She was taking her part and this so en raged Mrti. Cameron that she assaulted Mrs inmn with n rolling-pin. The latter retaliated us best she could nnd a light ensued , lira. Cameron getting desidodly the worst of it. liONO'fl HTOIIY. Wlml lie lias to Say About Mnttcrn of Kducntlon. A reporter for the HEUycstordny morn ing called upon Mr. KJ.K. Long , of the school boardjlo nsecrlnin what ho had to say with reference to the questions pro pounded nt the Inst meeting of thnt body by Mr. Blackburn. The questions , it mny be remembered , wcro referred to tlio committee on teachers nnd text-books , of which Mr. Long is n member. In answer to the lirst question ns to how many base.ment rooms nro occupied in the schools , Mr. Long said : "Thoro are three basement rooms occupied in the Leavenworth school , three in the Long school , thrco in tlio Ixartl school nnd one in the High school. " To the second question ns lo how ninny rooms were not occupied nnd in what schools , Mr. Long gave the following ! "At the Castellar school there arc tlirco unoccupied rooms , two in the Doilgo school , and one each nt the Cass , Fnrnam and ilartninn schools. The only school in the city that is crowded is tlio Long school , and it has a new room nearly finished , and ready for occupancv next week. " Tlio questions from the third to the eighth , inclusive , referred to the over crowding of Leavenworth , Pleasant and Central schools ; allowing children to at- lend schools far from homo instead of those near at hand ; why grades were re moved from the Dodge school ; by whoso authority "children were scattered all over the city" ; why confusion was expe rienced in opening school and why teach ers could not learn of their assignments until the day before the commencement of the session , To all of these , Mr. Long replied ; "Tho superintendent is to bo blamed for all this. There are no dis tricts established , and it lies with him to regulate this mailer. There is no other uerson to bo held responsible. " As to why teachers from all parts of the city are forced lo gather nt Dodge school at the call of special teachers , his statement was : "A resolution to abolish these meetings has been introduced. Nolhwith.stamling , however , there is a necessity for these meetings and Dodge school is , I presume , as convenient as any. The instruction given by those special teachers cannot be given in the schools , because it is required to lake all the teachers of one grade at si time " With regard to ill-fteling among teach ers : "The genotal opinion of the best in formed people , concerning school mat ters , is that there is no truth in the insinuation. There is no ill-feeling , no Jack of harmony , no jealousy. The teachers were never in better shape or more harmonious. It is better now than for any time in the last ten years. As for wire pulling , they would indeed be poor teachers if they did not try to get better positions in this manner when they can not do it by good work. " "Could the committee devise a scheme of districting the city to avoid confusion referred to ? " was asked. "Yes " said Mr. "the , Long , com mittee can do so , but the. matter has been referred to another , the committee on judiciary , which will in time do the matter justice. " "Could not a better method bo adopted V" "This is not a matter for the board to act upon. It was left to the superintendent. The committee can and will devise a plan , which will not work hardship to the teachers if the matter is left to it. " \ \ itii regard to the management of special teachers , Mr. Long said that the matter was kind of a white elephant. "They act independently , and run things in their own style. Hut plans could and should bo made for the benelit of the schools and not for the. individual teachers. " ITS NEW BUILDING. The V. SI. G. A. Semis out an Import ant Circular. The local branch of tlio Y. M. C. A. has issued the following circular bearing on its building scheme : Dear Sir : The work of the YoungMon's Christian Association , as an institution , has long ceased to bo experimental. Its mission is to aid young men morally , socially , intellectually , religiously and physically. To do this successfujly it re quires a home and building of its own , combining the facilities and convenience for this woric. Its friends and well-wishers in this city , representing all classes and both sexes , agree in the immediate necessity of a building for this purpose worthy of the cause , and worthy ot Omaha as a business andconimcrci/.l center. Hy personal eilbrt and solicitation tlio building committee have secured plodires aggregating $28,000 sulHcient to pay for a lot ; SoO.OOO more is needed to erect a suitable , necessary and creditable build ing. Finding it impracticable to give and continue the requisite personal atten tion to this service , the committee have , after careful inquiry and consideration as to his fitness and reliability , employed Mr. J. K. Ensign , of Now York , to prose cute to completion tlio work so favora bly begun. It will b the duty of Mr. Ensign to call personally upon the citizens of Omaha , solicit subscriptions , explain antl advise concerning tlio institution and the progress and nature of the building. Ho will report all subscriptions to the com mittee for collection bv the treasurer , Mr. O. F. Davis and will bo governed by and responsible to the committee in the work undertaken. We bespeak for him your courteous nnd generous re sponse. It is expected the foundation of the building will bo placed the present fall and the building completed within a year. Huilding committee Loavitt Hurnham , cnnirman ; O. F. Davis , treasurer ; Gee , A. Joplin , secretary ; Wm. Fleming , P. C. Himobuugh , P. b. Lcisennng. Advisory commitleo II. W. Yntes , Geo. A. lloaglnnd , A. J. Popplcton , G. W lloldrogo , Herman Kount/.o. As will bo seen by the list of names ap pended to the circular , some of our best and most prominent citizens nro identi fied with tVo work. They nro nil men of recognized business talent and energy , and the fact that they have lent them selves to thu work is nil earnest that the building scheme will bo carried out suc cessfully. NEW OUTFITS FOU NEWSPAPERS. The Omaha Typo Foundry nnd Supply - ply House Tor Printers and , I'liblltilicr * " . The Western Newspaper Union nt Omaha is prepared at all times to outlit publishers on short notice with presses , .type , rules , borders , inks , composition , sticks and rules , and in tact everything in the line of printers and publishers' supplies , Hotter terms and moro liberal prices can bo secured than by sending to Chicago or olsowhoro. Save money by buying near homo. Second hand goods in the printing line bought and sold. Wo often have great bargains in this particu lar. Send for TUB PitiNTinis1 AUXILIAUV , our monthly trade journal , that gives lists of goods and prices and from time to time proclaims unequalled bargains m now and second hand material. \VH3TKHN NKWSrAI'EK UNION , 12th Street , but. Howard nud Jackson , Omaha , Nebraska. POLICE PICKINGS. A Telegram From Sioux Olty Court Doings. Marshal Cumlnsis frequently receives letters or telegrams which boar orldonco onthoirfaco that the writers are not at all deficient In that quality popularly styled "gall , " A fair sample of this sort of com munication was received yesterday from Sioux City mnn , who Aoleeraphs the marshal to arrest ajpnfty of four men who nro coming down : ( \\o \ river In n boat. Ono of thorn , iPottor telegraphs , owes him a board bill 'of $15. Ho asks that the fellow bo nrrestfcd , and If ho re fuses to pay let the boat < bo attached. As Marshal Cuuilngs Is not a collection aeoiiry , nnd furthermore Is not eauipncd for navnl warfare , litdbes not feel In a position to attemut the nrrest. E. V. Hrouso appeared In police court yesterday morning and swore out a com plaint for the nrrest of.n man named A. H. Hossolnun , on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. He claims that Ho&sclman induced him to cash a $20 worthless chock. Judge SlenborgdiRuosed of n largo mini her of cases yestordry morning , some of which , however , were important. John Hiley , the man arrested for .stealing a team belonging to Collins , the Ctiming street liveryman , was released on ball. A IJoxor's Iiiiok. J.E. MacDoiiotigh , of the O'Neill Tri bune who was In town yesterday says that Pat McNally , who figured here sometime ngo as a man who wanted to become a prize lighter , has achieved fame nnd is now about to pockotsomo wealth at Rapid City. Ho started ns n policeman , nnd was raised to the position of marshal , Now ho Is to bo run as an Independent candidate for sherill' , nnd it Is thought that he will bo elected. The cause of this was a little episode which occurred about two weeks ago. A roaring bli/.zard from the mines. nt , that time , attempted "lo rldo the town " Ho knocked out several sa- loon-kcopors , and sent two policemen to bed. Ho finally met McNally , insulted him , and tlio latler immediately resolved himself into a private citizen by throwlnir oil' his coat , star and other insignia of olllco. lie then took the blizzard's re volver away , broke his jaw and sent him to ( he hospital. McNally is the big man of Hapid City. District. Court. Yesterday morning James Haltin wasro | leased on bail on writ of habeas corpus by Judge Neville , the bond being placed nt $1,000 , with N. , J. Edliolm as surety. The case will bo hoard when General Cowin returns. D. M. Sells appears for Haltin. On next Saturday the habeas corpus in which Hattin's wife ligures will bo brought up. J. 11. llungato sues Annie Durkio for n lion uwon lots four and live , in block three. Hedford Place , to the amount of ยง 245.80. The evidence has all boon introduced in the contempt case of James liauor. and arguments wore made by counsel yesterday afternoon. This morning the divorce case of Duncan vs. Duncan , will bo ber.rd before - fore Judge Neville. The Automatic Exposition Opened last evening nt 1118 Fnrnam street to a large and intensely intcresled audience. The chief altVaction , Herg- maii's wonderful Automatic City , repre senting all the industrial features and ornamental surroundings of a beautiful Swiss villa. Complicated machinery and busy workmen move , work and operate in marvelous harmony and truly life-like precision. This celnbratc'd work is ac companied by Prof. Hergcr's cabinet col lection , comprising representations of ancient , modern and oriental life , scenery and historical courts , operated by thoino t ingenious and skillfully arranged auto matic devices the. world has produced. They are arlistic.beautiful and wonderful beyond description. Exposition open day and evening. Admission to all only 10c.- Work. The work of the registry department of tlio postollice in this oily , for tlio quarter ending September 80th is as follows : Do mestic letters , UOll ; domestic parcels , 500 ; foreign letters , ! io7 ; foreign parcels , 2-1 ; free registrations , 210. Thisrouresents an increase over the registration of the Cor responding quarter in last year of nearly 20 per cent. Five Wen With No. 2. Yesterday morning Chief Galligan in- crcas the number of men on No. 2 hose cart to liyo I ho force heretofore conisti'ig of but four men. Tlio new addition is John Murphy , who has for some time boon doing temporary work at No. 4 during the absence of one of the members of that company. This raises the torco of No. 2 to the same numerical strength as that of No. a. a.A A Local Failure. Brndstroct's agency yesterday reported the failure of GustavUichter ; , grocer , at 2015 Farnam. Ho hasgivenja bill of sale to Meyer & Haapko on a stock of goods worth about three hundred dollars. His liabilities nro lixcd at about ono thousand dollars. Inattention to business is said to have been the direct cause of his trouble. For Snlo. The furniture and rental of the Coz-- /.ens hotel. This house is now doiti" ; and lias done for two years the second largest business of any hold in Omaha. tisfactory reasons given for wishing to sell. 11. P. KUMSEV. A Call. Prohibitionists are requested to mnct at their room , No. 120 , North Fifteenth street , on Saturday evening at half-past seven o'clock , Important campaign bus iness , JAS. E. VANDKUCOOK , Chairman Central Committee. Kicked on the Fly. Yesterday morning a man named Anton Moycr , in crossing Tenth street at the intersection of Jaekpon , was kicked by a horne which was tied to a wagon which was being driven along tlio thoroughfare nnd owned by a man named Itubling. No bones were broken. . . , POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowder never varios. A marvel of pur- IT , strength and wboloiomonoss. Moro econ omical than tha ordinary kinds nnd oannt ba told Inoompotltlon with the multitude of low teit.ihort weight alum or nhosptinto powdora. Boldomr In rani. Ho VAT , HIKING I'OWDEU Co ieWolUt. , New 1'ork. After selling out ottr Ce1ebrate l JFaHGy DrctJ3 Shirt at ftSc we mere to Ictvyrajphfar another cnasiyinnent of 13 ( > tlosen , < tn < 7 these will bcjrfaccd on our counters tfnrijif/ the conntif/ weeIFc . will also < 7/ - posc of balance of our all wool scarlet Skirt and Drawers at 5Qc. When closed out thfue goods cannot be dtf licafcd IVe are positively the originators of low prices * ( fur Men's Suits , self ing from JftW to $ t' $ , in A2 different patterns , cut in sucHis , froclts and -ouffon cutaways , nicely trimmed , cannot be bought anywhere else for less than tfftf. Our $ % 3to $ $ ti Men's Suits fn fiS different patterns , made of corRscretos diagonals , checiots and eassintercs ; all cut in Use latest Gtylcsc tnnot be duplicated anywhere for Icfs tfian front $ -iO to . 4. Our Prince Albert Coats an l Vests , made from the Jincst imported worsteds , for style , Jit and wnrlnnanship wtnnot be excelled. We cJiallGiiac flic world 01 ottr Overcoats for variety and low prices and where can , you beat in , price an all wool man's suit for $0 ? A strictly all worsted man's suit for $7 ? A Norjolk all wool boy's suit from , 3 to 12 years for $2.95 ? Our style of doing business is charac terised in every respect by Icaithnacy , and all our goods arc sold at strictly ONE PRICE. Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omaha. il BIlffQ B BBfai HlbraSa IfeW Ml B Urn li S. W. COK. 19(11 ANI > FAIiW.n , OMAEIA. Property of every description for sale in all parts of the city. Lands for sale in every county in Nepraska. A COMPLETE SPT OF AUSTHACTS Of Titles of Douglas county kept. Alaps of the city state or county , or any other information desired , furnished roe ol charge upon application. MEATS ROASTED IN THEIR OWN JUICES , BY USING THE WIRE GgUZE OVEN DGOB rOOXD EXCLUSIVELY ON THE STOYES @ RANGES. Then * Is not n cooking apparatus innilo using the Solid OTCU Door , liut Hint the loss In wnljjht ot inu.iU Is from ttvcntr.llvo to forty porcont. of thti mont reacted. In other worJn rlboC bftef. welehtng ten pounds 1C roasted niodium to well-douo Hill losa three i/oun > ln. The name ronBted in the Charter Oak Eaneo ualnir the Wire Oauzo Oven Door losca about one pound. To allow moat tohhrlnk In to IOKOH large portion of IN Julcoi anil llnvor. Iho ilbren doiiotHoparuto , uui ] ron ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS AM Pnice LISTS. It becomoxtouEh , tasUilusanud unpulateiible. CHABTEE OAK STOVES and KANGES are SOLD IN NEBRASKA as followi : MILTON ROGERS & SONS OMAHA. TANNKLI. & SWEENEV , . FAHIBURV. P. KENNEV GORDON. GETri.F. & KAGKR . FRANKLIN. DALLAS & LETSON , HASTINGS. N'.J. JOHNSON . NOKTII HIND. K.C. IHIKWEK HAY SPRINGS. J. J. McCAFFKKTY. . O-NEILI. CITY. H. AIRU & CO. . NBBKASKA CITY. R HAZI.RWOOD , . . . OsCEOLA. W. F. TEMI'LETON NFISON. I.S. UUKH . . . PLATTSMOinil. J. n. STUKDEVANT & SON , ATKINSON. A. PKAUSON , . STERLING. J.KASS&CO CHADRON. J G. GREEN . STROMSIIURG. KRAUSE , LUI5KER ft WEI CII CoiUMIiUs. 1 A I'ADOF.N & SON . OLDS UKOS EUGAF. TIMMERMAN & KRAKER VIKDOH. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watolies , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware Tlio largest stock. Prices the lowest. Hi-pairing a Kpuuially. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas anil IBtli streets. Onialm. LEVI CAUTER , President. fi. 11. HAYDKN , Secretary. MANUFACTUIir.TtB OP , OSTEJB. For Sale by all the Leading- Paint , Oil and Drug1 Houses of the West. DB. IMPEY , N.W. Cor. 14th nnd Douglas Sis , Practlco limited Jo Diseases of tlia EYE , CAR , NOSE AND THROAT Glasses fltteil for all forms of defeetlvo Vision , Artificial ! Cyo3 Inserted. J. L. WILKIE , Manufacturer of Paper Boxes , 100 S. 14th st. Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall solicited and will re- ccivo prompt attcntiou. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NKUHASKA. Pnidup Capital . $250,000 Burplufa . 30,000 II. W. Vales , President. A. K. Tou/lin. : : v'ic.n J'resiilmit , W. II , S. Illicit ! ! ) , Caslitsr. luiir.cioiis : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W , Yaies , Lewis S. Hood. A. H. Ton/alin. BANKING OFFICE : THE 111 ON BANK , Cor 12lh and I'arnam Sts A Ooncnil Hanking IJiHiiu-ss Transacted. N. W. HARRIS & Co. It A XK/SJtfi , CII WA ( f < > . Couutli-Br Cllte * nml otliomof DnOlilKliKruUuboUKlitniu omco ex UovoneLlro * ! . . Jtottou. coco Solicited. . . . . . _ i St , Cor. Capitol Avenue. roll THE TREATMENT OF Al.t. Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DFZ. KlciYiENArflY , Proprotoi. Slstccn ji-iirs1 11 iiuliul ntul 1'rivulc I'jaUlco U'c IIHVO the faciUur.4 , apparatus niul rcinrdli * for the successful treatment of every form of dit- < rc < iulrlui ; either medical or wiu lcnl Ircitajftil , . or corrc i > nil Itli 3. Long t-ijicrlruro In trodt. Ing C.IK'S lir Icltor cn-ibh's us ( n treat lu.lliy cti < ecicntilir.iUy without xcrlnir them \VIHT13 roit rillCt'LAK on Drfonr.itlcj ami Hrncc. " , Club Keel , C'nrTnturea of the Splni- UiEA rs or'OMBN , 1'ilos , Tumor * , Omiccr * , Catarrh , lironchlti' , lulmhtlon , Klcctriclly , 1'nriiN ysis. Epilepsy , Kidney , Kye , liar , Skin , Dlooil and all mrL'Ic.'il opernlioni < . IliitfurleH , luhalcrii , Ilraem , Truitscn , mil nil kluilR of Mcilluil mid Siirulcnl Xppllaucce , man ufactured and for mlc. Th only reliable nTcdlcal Institute making Private , Special S Nervous Diseases 1 A Hl'ECIAr.TY. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND IILOOD DISKA8BS , from whatoviT came produced , BUCCI ssfully trcatrd. \Vu c.tn rcmotu Byrhllltlu } > oitou from the yalciu without mercury. New nstorntlvfl treatment for losi of vilnl power. ALL COMMUNICATIONS CONFIDENTIAL. Cull nnd coiinnltus nr ncud linmo nml poet-ofn > nildrcw plainly written end ono etaiup , mid Mill pcml you , In plain wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN uroN 1'niVATE , Sr ciAi. AMD NKUVCU * Hi6Bifi'-S , HKIUVAI.VrAKNEH4 , HrRitHAroitKiniu , turorKt. cr , Sri'iriun , ( foscnninct , ( ! LXKT , VAnirocm.r , KTnic-riMir. ASU AM. nifEAiEs or THE GBNIIU- UniNArtr Oiioixs , or sonil hlitory of your ciiec fur uu opinion. lY'rumi nn.iliic to vlfit in uiny be treated nt Ilielr homey , by rorrwpiuidcncu Medicines nml Inetru - raenU tent by mall or cipri-s * HKOlUtELY PACK- El ) 1'ItO.M omuUtVATIOX , nn miuknl : ii < ilrnln contents or euniler , OUR pirsotril Interview pir fcirert If convenient. I'lft/nmnn for thci aceoin limitation of patient * . Hoard uuil attendance nt reasonable prices. AilUrcs nil Lottrrn to Oraalia Medical and Surgical institute , Cor. 13lhSr. und -FULLY WAR RANTED- - ST.LOUIS FOR GALE BY _ nTj. Armhriist.IMtCinii'ntf Bt. 1) , II. llOWIIIHII. I I7 I'lU'lKllll bt , John HiisHlo , ! > 1'J7'umlnirpt. llui-iimn Kunilu.milHouili Oth st. O.l.nnjjo.lHH South mill ft. ] 'aul un tV Mlllnr , IDA North 11th fat , J. I. . Itoy , MJ'J Norlli IHih HI. W. Btoitt7. l , Kl'I ! Ilnwiiril Ht. C. \ \ " . Hlcopoii.078llllli iitli : t. _ _ SARATOGA SARATOGA , WYOMING. These \vntors rnntiiln Iron , rotn'-Mum , f.lino , Hndu , MiiRiinslii , Chlorldu of Sodium inid Sul phur , nml lire a piHltlvu cuiu Inr ull dlbniiHi urlslnir from an lirpinai > litl of the Hood Acer * tuln ipcflllo Inr Itliciiunitlaiu , Daily Stage and Mail Line to ana from Fort Steele. Good Piiysicicn in Attendance jr. / / . v < u > H'Kir Itoyal ntn ! United Stiitol tut unlay Between Mweni & Hew York TO TUB RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , IIOL- LAHD AND FRAMCB. r.U.I , AND WINTUIL Salon from ttX } to $ ; * . Hicurslon ( rip from Hl'J ' to Eltiucoud Cabin , outwnra , flu ; | .rrimM , ti ; rxciir.t.uli. t'JO. BteomifO UHSHH O HI lav rHlG * . I'otur WrUlit It buns , Oeaer * Aeunts , 5S Uroiuin-ar. Now Vorlc. , Tlunry I'mi it , Uis Kaniumsi. ) 1'uulsaa fc Co. U.-6 iuniuui it ; D. o. l''reciuutir tU'iiin.Mutt