Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements undertnn heidTTo cents net
Hnelor the fr ) t insertion , * cents for each sub-
tcquent ln rt'on. ami f 1.60 n line per month
No advertisement token for If s than Si cents
for the first Inicrtmn. Seven words will b
counted to the line ; they raujt run consecu ,
lively nnJ must bo paid fn adx xnce. All adver
tlscmcnts tnu t be handed in before 2 o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no clrcum tnnces will thcj be
t&icn ordllcontlniiol by telephone.
Pnrtlis advertising In the u columns nnd har <
Ing the answers Udre eJ in cnro of THE DEI
Trill plca > o ask for a chock loanable them to sM
their letter ? , na none will bo delivered pxccpl
on prc'cntitlon of check. All answers to nil ,
vertl ornonU should bo enclosed In envelopes.
TO LOAN-At rf > a ona ! > to rates , oil
furniture , flno wntchos nnd other personal
property. C.J. Caswoll , room U Iron Bnnk
building , 12th and Fnrnnm. 104
T'O ' I/AN ) Money Loans plncoil on Ini' '
provr-d real e tnto In city orcoiintyfoi
l f New England Loin .V Tmtt Co. , b ) Doutrlaj
County bank , leth nnd Chicago su 807 o 37
. to loan. Sums 15.5) nnd upwards.
Lowest rates. Bemls , 15th nud Oouglm ets.
MONEY TO LOAN-On chattels , collateral !
and real estate. S. S Campbell , room 1
I'M Fnrnniust 103
ONiTO : LOAN-O F. Davis Co. Ren
Estate and Loan Agents 150.1 Fnrnnm st.
JM o\iv ro LOAN on real estate nnd chat
tcU. _ TlThomas. _ . o 19
] \ fONFtoinvcn : If ) ou have good notes tc
i'-L sollcnllon J. II. Pnrrotto , 15th nnd Chi
cago. tm
MOMI : rt > M > -insum of f.OJO am !
upwards on first class renl estate security ,
loiterx Cobb , IMS Farnam st- 910
MONBY to Tonn on cmitteT and real estate ;
fair rate Interest. J II. Pnrrottc , ICth anil
Chicago. 4fO
MO.N KY 1,0 VNKU at C F. Reed A Co's.Lonr
allies , on furniture , pianos , her oswagong
porfonnl pn ) | > erty of nil kinds , nnd nil other nr
tlclesof xniuo. without removal. 319 S nth ,
oxer Bliigham'i Commission store. All busl
ness strictly conflrtontliil 911
MONKY TO I.OAN-On Inrm nn < l cltj prop
ortj , DO delay , \ \ . A. gpuiccr. 1W Far
nntn st. 11UN1
( BrX > lOi)0 ) To loan on Omaha cit ) property at (
P percent. 0. W. Da ) , ox or 1IIJ Douglas st
T OANS Lo tins-Loans.
Real estate loans.
CoUatel al loans.
rhnttel loans
l/ongllmo loans.
Mioittlmu loans
Money nlwn ) s on band to loan on any ftp
proved securit ) .
Investmontsecuritlcs bought nnd sold.
Cull nt the ollleo of tbo Omaha Financial ex
chnitgo , second lloor of the Barker block , s. w ,
cor. of 1'lfteonth nnd Fnrnnm sts.
_ _
CPKUCKNT Money to oan. J.J.Muhoncy
1509 1-nniam. ' 915 _
mil CKNT innnv ) to ion u K.C Patterson
13th and Douglas. Oltl
07 , and 8 per cent mone ) to loan Mortgage ;
) taken In exchange for roil estate. Centra
Investment Co , Room 7 , Barker Block , cor 15tt
nnd l"nmum. 017
MO NI : Vto lonn by the undersigned , who ha ]
the only proporl ) organised loan ngcnoj
in Omaha I oan * of { 10 to { 1,000 made on fur
ntture , pianos , organs , liorTs , wagons inachln
cry , ic. , without removal No delays. Al
business strictly conlldontlal Ixians so made
that any part can bo raid nt any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance'
madoan line watches and diamonds. Person *
should carefully consider who they nro donllng
with , ns many new concerns nro dally comlno
Into existence. Should you need monev , cal
and sea mo. W. R Croft , Room I , Withncl
Building. 15th and Hnrnoy. V20
6 PER GEN 1 Money to lonn , Stewart Jc Co. ,
Itoom n. Iron bank. 12th nndFnrnam. 9J1
3 OHSAIE Or Exchange , Improved Kansas
Stock Ranche , t > miles from R K. , txvc
crcek 4 springs flno grass , j > lonty of hay
Want Imrdwaio , not oxcec < llng $ n.OOX ( Would
glxo great bargain forcnsh. Over 1,000 highest
-Jf BrndoMdrlno sheep xrlth rnncho , if desired ,
ox206 , Wilson. Ellsworth Co. , Kan.
317 7 *
AAgood pajlng laundry ntid busl-
no seitnblisho 1 5 year" . Good chance fortht
right mrtn ; S1.WO rash , bnlnnco on easy terms ,
1 or particulars address P. 47 , Bee otllco
3J2 0 *
TT10R SALE The stock of groceries , hard-
JL' xvure. furniture , cirpets , etc. , together
with the bulMlngs , tlxtures und rcnl estate ,
being the estate of A. L. Flower , deceased , of
Sidney , Nebraska. Tills Is n flrst-cla s chance
to got hold of n good business In one of the
llxest towns in wp-torn Nebraska. Address
fred W. Gray. Omaha. _ 2M li
OU SALK-Ono-hnlf Interest In n flrst-clas'
Llx cry Stable doing n good business. Park
& Fowler , ISJJ Douglas. _ 283 0
TX7 ANTED At LoavonxTorth Business Place ,
T whloh Is ut the oroialng of Loaxonwortli
Btrcot ami the Bolt Line R. R. A grocery store
A good line of groceries nt this point xdll
command the best suburb trade about ttio city ,
Tlioro nro three bonidlng nouses In the Imine-
dlato vicinity. If you xnt n good business
1 look at Lcax enxvorth Business Placo. You car
get a lot for this purpose on any reasonable
\\omustnuxoagrooory8tore t-ee J
W. Eller , room 7 , Iron Bank , telephone 590 , 01
J. W , Logan , on the promises , telephone SCO.
FOR SALE The best grocery store in Dei
Molnos , In , doing a strictly cash business ,
lalcanxnrnglng about flJO uday and raakinf
an averags of 18 per cent on sales. Expense'
Binnll. Cash required , fJ.W ) . This Is ono ol
the licit chances In the state to stop Into n
monojmaking business from the start. Poi
full information oddruss 0. E. Snldor , Do ;
Molnus , lu. _ 209 9 *
FOR SALE First-cla s hardware bueinoss'
100 ft. building , with fo,000 stock. No en
cumbrnnce . Sickness cause of soiling. Address
dross locKbor 1 , Amswimh , Neb. _ 274
\\7ANTK1 > An oloxntor , Lnax onxvorth llu l
i ness Plnco. on the Bolt lino. A iplondlii
ohanco to get truckage for oluvntor or store
lioi sr\ After Oct. " 'i It will cost more money tc
trot on this splendid location. Sco J W. I-ornt
on tl" ) premJBos , telephone SX ) . or J. W. Eller
room 7. Ircn Bank , tolopboiio f > 'V. _ ga 9
fjlOK SAIK Bakery , confectionery anil
JL' lunch room , choxp If sold goonj Mcknos
cause of gelling. Inquire of Kopp , Urolbus i
Co. . 1101 Karnnm gt , Omaha. Nob. _ m
TTlOlt 1Afi : Or trade tor Omaha property
J- ' The best located llx-ery business , with stocl
in the city. Longloasoof burn nt cheap rent
JlBxjio llms.1519 Kiirnam _ ! _
H OINKS Lots.l arms. Uinds money loaned ,
IleinH , 1'itli and Douglas streets. 616
rouin ) .
rrUKEN Up-Red cow w 1th cnlf , 4 miles west
- ofOmnha on Nelson Patrick's farm b )
Gabriel Bower 25J 8
SI I..V Vii ) OU STOIHN-RH | cow. tin tftir it
right ear , loit from ISth nnd Pierce Flndei
plenro rotum to address nnd get rexvnrd
Richard Moore S03 b *
LOST Packngo containing glo\c > , stocklncs
&o. Cull Iron Hunk arm get rowurd. 2UiV7
T OST-Mustllf imp , light butf , black nose
.Lj lloturu to 1105 Douglas st. und tret reward
_ _ _ _ _ Wt B *
TOST Pookot ciTso surgical lnstrtiment <
j Name on clasp. Finder please return tc
Jr. E. W. Leo. _ 1KI _
T .OS I' . A plain bund iroul linger ring , oitiioi
JJ on irth. Izard or IStli street , with the name
" Inc , " miuraxed on Inside. 'Jlie flndor will
plensu leax o ut Ueo ofllcu. KO
J'OST A flno red knit blmwl , about 0 o'clock
J Saturday evening , Sept. 11. J.uuxe et thli
oibco an 1 get reward 291
FIRST-CLASS t iblo board for gcntlomnn nm
vlfo or tingle gtMitlcmcn , In prixato fain
ily. IK N. 18th , bet. DocUo un I Capltul ux u.
310 12
_ _ _ _
BOARDING Uoodday board , 181U California
_ _ 447 U18
"liOARU And Iodri | | < cs , ntai ! N. IStb 6t.
\ GENTLEMAN wishes thu Bfjuulntnnco ol
Jalud ) uiutrimonlull ) InclineJ ; age25 touO
Addrom 1' , llco Olllco. 316-7'
PEKSONAI , Nout und tasty all-wool bnsmoij
§ nltb , tl. L. O. Jones \ Co , Americun
Clothlcn , l&SJ Furnaui H , Mull orders tilled.
"OERSONAI Weak , undox olopcd parts of the
J- Led ) enlarged ami Etrungtliciied. Posltltt
piool , full particular * , etc. , mulled in plain on
1 elopixioaloj for stamp. Addreag Erie M eJl
iltlto , 7 bvran Bt. . Butfulo , N Y. 205 11 3 *
fFERS'lNAL Mr * . Dr. Nmmio Y.Norreii
Jclairvoyant. . Medical anj biulncss Medium
Itoom Na 3,121 North ICth et , Oumho , Neb.
fpo KXCHANUK fop inorchunt'Uo. KJSacrcl
-1 laud 20 mile * cast of Council BluBa. il. It. ,
toiWJJbh uiaidouhlowa. 33i IU
vy nt rind r iiml t. Hex CAM rn t , proent
nnd future Satista tion in arnnu-rd Como
linJ bo ccnMncc-d 513 south Iflth street.
2:1 :
vrot N msn to le rn stenography : peed po-
J sit enl wncn learned. G. W. linker , rooms
Tjuidf , Iron Hank. 270 9
IK iou desire n pooil position M stenographer
eml on O W. Uaker 4 Co.rooms 7 nnd * iron
Hank. 845 9
j ou dt lre to be a stenographer. It will bo
II to j our liitcr/l tto tail on U. VA. tiaker.rooms
7 and , Iron B .nk. 3 > 3
rpnn Stenograph , O IV. linker , agent , rooms
J-7 nnd 8Jnin llnnh. Mfl 9 <
LIM : broCR Auction table , KM Cum-
In ? ctrcet. the l > o t fnollltles for
ban lllni ? and cllln ? nt Riictlun. Her o , mules
nnlllxe stockalso carriages , cnrts , llxcrynnd
horio supplies , west of Chicago. Sulo dn > ,
Mondays. \ \ elnosdnvs nhd Sntunlajllrown ,
Wm ptnrA Cautor. Telephone No. Ml.
rpIIB 3TEVOlRAPH-Is ( the sjstom of
JL Shorthand , nnd It does not require more
than one-third of the lime to learn the Jimo.
\V"E assist nil of our scholars In "eourltur p sl-
W ttons nfter Inking n einirso of shortnand
with us , O. W Baker , Rooms 7 and 8Iron Bank.
8t1 U _
UThNOUUAPIII mm Pypewriting school ,
k ; Rooms 7 nnd 8Iron bank a , W. linker
SALK A good stock of hardware nnd
1 agricultural Implements , n splendid loca
tion , only ono olhor stock of jardw arc bore ; anew
now rnllioiid now being built to the town , bus ) ,
ness In tow n booming. Address P 9 , Bee olllco.
9198 *
TltliCallernph Is the writing mnchlnoof the
day , G , W. Ilukor , ugentrooms 7 nnd 8 Iron
Bant 3158
ALENTINU'S Short-hnnd Institute Is in
portion bulldlntr 100
Agent , rooms 7and 8 , Iron Bank. 2 0 u
\Y H VKKU'S shorthand school , Rooms
and 8 , Iron Bink , Omnhn , Nob. 345 0
ou MALI : ou TUAIIK-A good second
hand Max Meyer k Hro. piano 1III sell
for half Its value , or trndo for n lot In Omnlin.
Call on or nddniss \ \ tn A. \ \ llsoii Jt Co . 1413
Hnrnoy et. , Omaha , Nob. 341
iMKMl iuour : night school m stcno-
graph ) coinmonees Monday , October 11
Pnrtlos drsirinir to Increnso their speed can
Join our nvadnced classes bosslon commencing
promptly nt 7 13. Apply or mlilioss G W
Baker , Rooms 7 nnd f , Iron Bauk , Omaha. Net.
Eni'LOYaiKNT Oood silarj and all ox-
pen e * piila nt homo or to trax ol : stnto
whi"h prelerred ; nl-o snlnry wanted Sloan .V
Co , Manufacturers and \ \ holesnln dealers , 231
GeorgOBt .CincinnatiO. KJ U *
rPUKHS , ! lose , linibj.ctc . planted tree for
Jpoifons buying of Dojffias Co. Nurseries.
CO Howard , l'i-op.,1' . O boxJJO. b87-nl2 *
IF you doilro a goal stenographer nddresa G.
\ \ . Baker A. Co. , rooms 7 and S , Iron llnuk.
J710U llUX-r S < ijaro rinno ta montttly. A
J Hoapc. 1513 Douglas. Oil
SUM ) jour Cnllgruphsto boropnlrod to OV. .
linker , rooms7 and 8 , Iron Hank. Ml 0
ALT , kinds of writing mnchlncs repaired , nnd
repairs for the s.imo. G. W. linker , Hooms
1 nnd 8 , Iron lltmk , M3 9
Foil UKNT Squnro Piano , { l monthlv A
Hospo 1513 UouKlas. Vi.1
you desire a position as stenographer address -
dross O. W. Baker i , Co. , rooms 7 und * . Iron
Dank. 2C30
I MI.M.I , OIMN n night school in Ete-no-
grnphy , commencing Monday , Oct. llth ;
school to bo In session three nights a week , aj
follows : Mondays , \Vodne days nnd FndnS.
Special attention gtxon to udxunced scholars ,
ns also to those commencing the art. Rcmoin-
ber the date Oct. 11. G. W. Baker , rooms 7
nnd 8 , Iron Bank. 262-9
IF ) ou have a typewriter for sale or desire to
purchase one , address G. NV. Baker , Rooms
7 nnd 8 , Iron Bank. 34.1 9
TCIOU IIKNT Organs , $2 per montb. riospe ,
J 1513 Douclaa. OJ7
FroiCSATjK Apple barrels , molasses bnr-
rcU , hnlf ban els nnd kegs. I v , 111 nnmo low
prices on car loads delivered nt railroad sta
tions In Nebraska. Western. JOT.n and Western
Mls-onrl J. Seymour. 18th and Plorco street ,
Omnba , Nrb. 219 10 *
TTiOK SALE Horse 0 years old , sound , broken
-L.1 to smldlo nnd drlvlnz : nl o bupsy nnd hnr-
ncss. J. J. Maboncx' . 1509 Fnrnam st Stl-0
SAt.K or trade A small black mnro
about o jear old Broken to ride or drive ,
Cim trot in JS minutes now , nnd with proper
training can bent anything of her sire In the
city. Would trndo for hcaxy draft Borso Kor
particulars Inquire nt Ed. Culver's barn N. ICth
bt. J. A. llnrx oy. _ 210 7
FOUS AtK Furniture and lenso of liotol ,
centrally locnted ; postolHco in building ;
peed sample rooms. Address Randall House ,
Beatrice , Nub. 22311 *
THOU SALi : Parlor ixOdroom and kitchen
furnlturo . and
- - carpets.rango honttnsrstoves ,
all nearly now , a gentle horse flvo years old.
nil at a bargain , giving up housekeeping , EoU
Douelnsst , CCo
TOUSAIK Largo flre nnd burglar proof
_ C safe , cost f5W. Boll forJSoO. J. W. Mar
shall. 1509 Parnam st , 700
OH SALE A flno thoroughbred pcldliiL' .
good driver , single or double , flno snddlo
horse for man , woman or child , perfectly gontla
and kind , six years old , no bad traits. J. W.
Kllor. room 1 Iron bank _ 258 9
SALE Furnlturo und Icaso of hotel.
Addroas R > dor Houee , Stromaburg. Nob.
_ tC5 10' _
fjioit 8 VI.K I'urmture nndi cnso 01 six-room
JP house , time on part. Call 1SB North 27th
f trout , two blocks from Red Car lino. 8iU
HOUSKS Lois. Farms , Lanas money loaned.
Bamls 18th and DouglM streets. iW
FOU SAM -Two No. 1 , second h-ind. canopy
top Surreys : also two good , eocond hand
phaetons , nt 1 4Ui > Hedge straot _ 23. ' > .
FOU SAIIJ Cneap. iron columns ind win
dow qnpj sultablo for front on brick build.
Ing. For particular * npply nt this office. fl3
fANTED A good dining room girl Apply
' nt 300 N. 15th st. 318-0'
t ) Four oxperlencod dining-room
T > girls Wages f 20 per month , nnd room.
Daubaum'a Restaurant , 1511 Farnam street
327 9
\\rANTKU-Glrl lor houinwore In small
family. Mrs MoiboB , 2130Soward t.
> Mlildlo ngod or oldwomun for
cook ; good wages. 1U7 N. r.'tli st. J-M 9 *
"fT/ANTlin Old woman for bousokeoper.
1 > 107 N. 12th. 319 U
A.NT - , -Good Gorman girl In hoteUbost
wafc-cs , SOJ S. llth st. H. Muniiwollor.
2J3 11 *
l Slust bo good cook nnd
laundress. 2303 Faanam , Mrs. J. M. Thurs-
ton. _ _ _
H VrA.NTKD In n small faintly xvithout ohll-
' i drcn , a good , neat , rellublo und competent
girl for cook nnd laundry : nlso nnothor such
girl for second work and plain bowing. Tlio euro
uro rnro situations for two bright , plain Eng
lish-speaking girls. Adpreea p. 41 , Bee ollloo ;
Ilxo jln ) s. Roforencea reoulrcxl. 2s'i-lo
> A good girl for general house-
_ work. 1003 Farnom st. 23.-7
WANIJ : ! ) A nurse sin , BIO South isth st.
y."j 7 *
\\TANTED-A good jrirl for general house-
IT xrorlc. 1415 Jones bt. Win. Stadolman.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ijj
\\7AM 1:11 A llrst-class dining-room girl nt
J > OccidenUL _ 2W _
\V"ANTKU-airl for general bousonork in
it faintly of txvo ; must glxo rcfereaco. Ap.
ply 1318 Virginia ax-.muu. _ 224
\\7ANTIJU-Eiperiencod ehlrtmakors at the
_ V > _ Omuhn Jlhlrt factnry , 3)8 N IBth St. 222 7
\\TANTRD GlrT for gohoVaTnou sow ork , good
it w ages 610 , Yirglula avo. near Lnax on
xvorth. 1V8-T *
WANTKU-Compotont irirl ; Gorman pre-
fnrml. Two In family. Mrs. I ) . H. heeler ,
Jr.C01 Virginia axe , _ IHI
\TT ANTED Competent servant for genera
T T housework , uono other need apply , IdlO
California. ' _ &V
WANT15D-A cook for small family. ' Inquire
oagoutuiJtiiBt. flto
WANTKU-ijidles to work for usntttiBlr
own homos. $7 to f 10 per week can bo
quietly made. No photo , painting ; no canvass
ing. For full particulars , tileaso address nt
once , Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central gt. Boston ,
M ass. . Boi 5170. _ OuiQll *
V\7ANTED A good girl for second work ,
' Herman or Dane preferred. No washing ,
Mrs. A. Pratt. 1303 Park axe. _ Sll 9
ANTKD Uead cook at the Famous res
taurant. 319 S llth it. 783
rANTKU Immodlately , a rood busbolman
I ' at U ) o Worm , 1213 Douflas si. rJl f
ANTin-Gr od cloih'n ? salesmin , hi ist
fpoalt Qcrtnun. Apply at tno Fair , WXJS.
rnh t. 307 7
\\A > TM > An establtshrxl renl e tateneent
> desires R partner w ith sams means Ad
dress P&l , Bee offlco 3o 7 *
\\TANTF.D-Aetlve.lntclllicnl men : tW per
> i week can bo mivlo : no investment. Call
forenoon , lloom IH > I Douglas M. 2gj S *
WANTED Salesman barliiir & thorough
knowledge of the trndo In this and ad-
Jol ilnir states , must bo familiar with the sad-
Icry and snddlery hardwnrs bu mess ; A 1
refori-ncci reijUlred. Address P , 37 , this office.
\\TANTKD-A rood Stenographer at once , G.
i i > V , Baker .V Co. , rooms 7 and V , Iron Bank.
_ _ _
\\7"A > Tin Good general servant ; lifl ! Far-
i > nam st. 310 7 *
ANTKD-A smart boy. Apply W. n.
Cummlnu's printing de | > ot Omaha Litho
graphing nnd Stntlonnry Co. 303 7
WXNT.D 2 carpenters thnt nro used to
stair building Call nt 807 Howard st. ,
Hogwnld A Peterson. 333 9'
VVTANTI I > Flr-t-cla s barlx-r Steady xrork
and food w ages Peter Mo ) or , Pnnlllloti ,
Neb. _ . 313-0 *
\\7ANTED-7 Cnrpcntors. Enaulro nt corner
of Burl and Pleasant et. P. E. Crcedon
W ANTKU Two xoung tnon who can speak
Bohemian and English Good roforencei
required 722 So , Uth. J. P. Me-alinder A Co.
JlS 8
ANTKI5ood furscwer.nt RIclitcr's , 1322
Fnniam st. JJ1 7
. . > An exrorioncpd. live mnn to
> > bundle strups to retail trndo In Omnhn. on
liberal commission. Pi-ufer ono iiowbnndllng
groce-ri'specialties nnd known to the trndo
Address with reference. P 49 , cnro Omaha
Beo. 318 8 *
WANT 1JD Agents , ninlo or femnlo , over-
w bcru. In take orders for plating. Address
ntoncoO L Hortou , Wiotn , la. X'4 15 *
T\rANTKD Good sausaga maker , at 2-Jll
Cumliigs Bt , 209 7 *
trA ? TKi > 2 persons to help In dining room
' nttncal time for their board Inquire 1518
Dodge. . " .12 7
\\7A > TKi 2/carpenters nt Fowler packing
V > house , South Omaha. Bit 8'
"VVTANTKD A good honorable mnn with
T 4VXcn hn8 partner , eiin mul o from 115
to 20por day toovorw-o ngcilts and ell goods
in this stato. Address P 40 , Booollk < >
275 10
\\"AN1 ED Installment ctinvn-jsors tcTcail nt
> > IJ)7 Farnam st. and ECO what wo have to
offer. C. E Lee , Mnnnger 371
ri HElargest Mtir Co Inthcworld wnntmon
JL to sell their zoods on salaiy or commission
In all towns In N obi asko. No capital or experi
ence nocosnry. Reference icuuired. Audross ,
M , box -V7 , Omaha , or M , box 547 , Lincoln , Neb.
ANTKD 50 men for \Vomlnir Good
winter's job. Company work. E. S Albright -
bright , Labor agency , 1303 Farnam st. 190
WA > Tii > A few goolflnlsh hands for In
side work. Call between 21th nml SiJth ,
south of Popploton nvo. J. C. Hadon. 277 7 *
WAXTKll 25 cirponters , Ins'ao work Ap-
pi ) at Stock yards _ Shaxv & , Field 119 7'
A'ANTED A few more ngonts to introduce
i i our Automntlo Musical lusirumonU , on
installments Anyone can piny them without
musical Instruction , the best paying , easiest
celling novelty oxer known. 525 to 140 n week
enn bo realized. O E. Lee > , Munnzor , 1207 Far-
nam street , up stairs 4S3
WANTED A salesman to introduce n now
siie'cinlty among tindespcoplonnJ mechan
ics. Address with references and past experi
ence , HoxO-20 , Bee olllcc. 487
srruATioa WAITTED.
WAMTKI ) Position in xvholcsilo store or
olllco by aounir mnn of business oxpnr-
mcc ; best of references. Address P K llco
office. 337 11 *
WAVTKIi Evening Employment by young
man , bookkeeping 01 otherwise , address
P 46 Bee ollleo. 302 a *
Position ns itnlcsmun , on rond. In
Ti any line but dry goods or hardware. A
peed rcforences. Address P 44 , Bee olllce.
TTrANTEU Situation oa nurse or work by
TT dny. Mra. A. Anderson , SOti N 18th st.
2.J1 fi *
_ _
T\ANTKl > Situation by flrst-clnss bread nnd
TI cake baker , to tnbo churgo or otherulq.
Address I'rlmro o , Kiel S Hotel , Council Illutfs ,
Iowa. Stuto wngoa. 272 8 *
TV7ANTir > An experienced dro'smnkor
TI wishes sowing In famlllt-s : can gl\o best
of reference. Apply to 1223 17th St , between
Paul and bhermnn. 22S i >
ll'AVTKn Situation as oiiBlncor or cnro of
IT heating boiler * . Six years experlonoo :
good roferoccos. Address r. 21. Boo olllco.
1S79 *
WANTED A position by n stenographer ,
references glxcn , address P 14 , Bcooniec.
10J 13 *
WANTED Situation as bookkeeper or as
sistant ; 10 ieara' experience in lumber
business. Address P 15 , Bee otllce. 102 U *
_ _
WANTED By two gontlcmou In n quiet
home , adjoining rooms xvlth bath Refer
ences. Apply stating terms , to P CO , Bee olllco.
TtfANTRD-Set of Nebraska Reports Ad-
IT dress John C Shea , 716 1-2 N 16th st. 3329 *
WANTED Families desiring their washings
neatly nnd quickly done in their own
homos nddi o 3 P 43 Boo oflice. 305 ft *
TT-VI < T K ' > A house for small family near
TT U. P. shops Address P 4J , llco olllco.
309 9 *
T\7ANTKI > By gentleman nnd xvifo. fur-
i T nlshod room nnJ board In prix-nto family ,
xrithln mlle of St. Paul Depot ; moUnroto terms ,
Address "I" . M" Itoo olllco. 206 12 *
\ VANTKUGrocery doulcrs to take notice
* T and bo the tlrst to start a grocery store at
Lenveiir-orth BusinObS Place. 239 9
V\7ANTED Rooms. : 3 grown people
T * for light housekeeping : prefer up stairs
xx ith another family. Address I ? 24 , Bee olllco.
A \TANTED-Pnrtl il board , A 1 piano , Bin. ng
1 T or language lessons In pax mont Address
O S3 , Bee ulllce , _ 043 7 *
\VANTKD All wanting to learn "hort-hanil
IT nnd tjpo writlnif to atton 1 Valentino's
Short-band Institute. Exposition building
Omnhik Wo can furnlbti sufiiclont employ mont
to } ounsr men and boys to pay tuolr bonrd w blip
In attendance. " 5C5 Oct. 20
W PA > Tiu : Teams. 1. Murray.
OU KENT 5 roomed house. 83) N. nth.
( Center St. ) , ? j per month. sort
FOU IINT A tumlsheil house of O rooms
on Dodge between 12th nnd IJtn. Will rent
all or In part. Apply at Uignr Store , 105 N. 12th
St. 3U4 0 *
I OU ItENT-Brick hou o in Omnhn Ylew. 3
i- rooms nnd lmniucnt , ? 10. Apply to J , r.
Hammond , 714 South llth st. w 7
FOIlRENT-A4roomhouso,3 blocks south
of lath st. Street cnrs. Inquire of C. Specht ,
eetcrn Conilco Works 174 lu
T71OU IlENT 8-room cottago. Harnoy near
-L1 23th , $3J per month , ti , A. blomnn. 1512
Fiu-iiam st e )
TT10R LEASE Wo hnx-o eleven noroj on U. P.
JL } IL R. track. BOO foot front : xnll loasg nil or
partfornvoTears. Bedford A Souor Kit
Tr/OIl UC.NT Largo. pleasant fumlibe-d room
J. ' forono or two teutlomeu , luiulru ut 1JU9
1'armim u , 218 7
oil UKXT Nleoly furnished front room ,
alco\o and closet , No , 115 S i3d st.
_ _ _ _
"T7Olt ( IlKXT Furnished a x-ery plensunt
Jfiont room , or two rooms at 17uO Nortn IbtU
et , on cur line. Board can bo bad near by.
20t 10'
T710R RENT Ono largo front bod-room ,
-L. furnisbod. Can uccommoduto a few tublo
boarUcrsglt gouth liftu. lei ) >
OR RENT Tboso desiring newly furnished
front rooms with buth und gta und uxcry
con > at n.w.cornor \VobstT A.2Itt
its. Terms moderate. Abe largo barn for rent.
OR HENT-Furnuned rooms , 1814 Dodgei
_ t > 780)i7 _
"I710R RENT--UufurnlibiM rooms In new ulock
J-1 cor.lkxjgo and 13tli st Imjulreof Ueo. 1C
Davis , MUlard Hotel. _ _ 137 a
OU UKNT-Niccly lurnlshod rooma. 1013
Chicago tt. _ tea-7 *
OK KENT 2 nnfurnlanod rooms ; J418 IUr-
ney et. 312
IilOIl ItENT Four nica unfuriuihod rooms
'Insults ' , with usoolgas and D th U desired.
Iil2 Howard st. fiio v *
UIVT rVtnishea room , 8. ) pi r m. nth
FOU . 2S | <
Itrvr-TWo xery deslm > le furni ! , d
room * at yM Si Mary's ro. , with furnace
heit , Imtti , and tvsry tco > lern conrenicnce
lernis very reajunnble.
unfurnished Iront
J rooms to man and wife IIM N. I'th t
278 7 *
RENT Hnrnlshwl rooms with bonrd nt
FOR Virginianx9. 174
KENT Twti Iftrco furnlshel room * to
FOR . PrlviUo fnmll ) . 711 mil t. \ 7'
FOU HUNT Vurnlshwi rooms for Bontk-men
_ only _ iv rnssst a V9'
FOU lU'.VT IATSO front room with board ,
for t o rcntlpm6nt 19)5 Fnrnnm st. 3T8 s *
REST Furnished front rooms with ttrst-
FOR board , 52i Pleas int. 33.1 U
RHVT- Nicely furnished front room ,
141. Howard St. JEM 12 *
TTlO't ItENT-Two Inriro unfurnlsheil rooms
JL snltnlilf for llitht housoVecpln ; lti\i'rn | '
Kniifniau Bro . itwj Fnrnam st. * M
TTiOll ur , T-Nlro. arBo7 furnlshnl front
I1 room : suitable for two gentleman , illl M.
Mary s nve. _ 3 .Q
IlENT A largenowly furnlfheil fiont
room xvlth ba ) window ; sultablo lor txro
gentlemen , at 'A)25 ) Farnam st. 3VM-
) irTlENT-TIcely furnished room. 1007
F Douglas st. : reference * required. 119
ROOM With board , 1613 Cnpltol ave
_ _ 872 &
KKXT Nleoly furnished front room
IflOR 1th nlcove , nil modern convonloncol , for
three Kcntlemcn , four blocks directly smith
from opera house , apply at once , 1115 Jones st.
_ _
IlKNT rurnl hcit rooms for pentlo-
FOU , four blotka from car lino. Applj nt
s. w. corner 17th and Dorcns. 20 , 8
"oil 11KNT Nicely furnl'bed nnil cnmfort-
nblo rooms for winter , with or without 1W.1 Knrnam st a.3 12 *
Tj Oll RKNT Sulto of rooms , furnished ) nl o
-L ! i single room for gontlomon. 20i8 St. Mary's
ux o. b T "t *
OU HUNT Furnished room wltn bonrd.
1813 DoJgejt Stl 7 *
_ _
rjU uTVT 1'loTsant furnished rooino ,
outh front brick list , board c'tn ' bo ha 1
noitdoor.Apply _ at Ul ChlciifO st _ 5U.J _
POU IlKM Newly furnUhod room , . * ' ! ! ! st.
MnryVsnve fJ
RENT Fiirnisliol rooms for lltrht house
keeping in Boomer's block cor Eighth and
Howard. "tVS
? OB aitB"KouaaH LOra.
lNE lot near now school house Georaln avi.
Ji J2.WO. Graham , Crclghton blk. 1019
TpOU S VIi : tiots in Ynti-sanil Hcmpel'n ad-
-t ditlon , North Omaha , SMJ to SW . .1 H Ex-
ans A. Co 273 11
SALE-Hou- 5 room's , lot nxUO
FOU cor. 19th and Paul st * bargain nt ? i.tW (
2 lots , eornot. inoxl'fl ft , Hanscom Place . . fi.500
3 lots \\ushlnzton ' ( luaro. each . . . 2OjO
3 choice lots In Patrick's 1st add CQKl2fl ,
each 1,100
Jll Marshall X Lobock , FiOJFarnain
GOOD lot Georgia nxe , Sl/iOO , Graham ,
Crtlghtonblk 3019
SI > MM > IH UAUOAIN TWO magnificent
lots on Hamilton st corner of Plo isant sr ,
100 foeton Hamilton stand 14" > foetowton Plea
pant st Mu tbo old Infewdaji , only $ i,200 :
$700 citsh. btockdulo i Mitchell , 1" > 16 Dodge 8t ,
-'ur g
F INEloton Vlrpinlnnvc. * 1.003 Port cash ,
E. F. Morqarjty , 1)20 ) Douglas.
32o 7
n , bik PL , Lowes add ; 3700. Graham ,
IOT _ _ UtoeH. 801 9
Btoro la demanded atLoaxcn-
worth Business Place and It will command
tliobest ntiurbjtnulo al < out the clt > Alljou
bax o to do N to KO and ask thu people llx-ing In
the Immediate vlclnlt } and } ovxxlll be satisllou.
You can get a lot on Le'U onworth street nt the
Belt Line Seo'J. W Logan on preml < H , or
J. W. Kllcrnt room 7rIron Bank 2"i7 9
PAST1 2 lots In Lcnxenworth Busl-
GOING Place have lieen sold w ithln the 11st 30
days. It Is the ) ) estpluco on the Belt Line for
a mnnutnetory of auy kind , or for a lumber
jnnl. Don't fall to Invcstlgnto for > our elf
Itilon't nooil ahynyontto blow for tno locn-
tlon. J.V. . LoannJj doing n thriving mislncss
in the 1 ed liuslytv-- , and throe bonnling houses
urn full. A srocwy. ttoro and u , meat t > hopls
xralited there. " , ir ' " 313 ! >
1'i.t this out and look them up.
122 feet on Saunders street , 14,00000. Corner
I ) u an o and Woolworth. fronting now entrance
to Hanscom pnrK. Call nnd get price. Beautiful
lot on Pnrk axonue , fronting Hanszom pink ,
only fl.HO , casxterms. . ICO tcct frontage on
Ie ixonworth streetjust on grade , xvill make
four good business lots , for ton das at
? _ ' ,150 CO 13 beautiful lots In Ctlcn Pinco on 3Ith
nnjd Pleasant streets , ju t two blocks south of onworth , and onlj three blocks south of
the cleglut brick and irnmo residences being
crecteil on Plensunt street SI.20) ( X ) each on
very easj torms. 4 lots in Hartford Place ,
eouth of foavonxvorth streetnnd thN si(0 , ( of
the new MI , Muri 1'acillo depot and canning fac
tory. $3oO 00 to $400.00 , xery o'isy lerms 16 < 5
feet front on Caoltol avenue , oxfomling from
cornorof 17th street to Masonic block on IStli
street. Call and get price. Lots on Ymton
Mroet , thu main street connecting Omaha xxlth
South Omaha and the stock jards. S')50 00 to
t7000J on xory easy terms Improxomonts
going onut South Omaha will mane those lots
double in value before spring. Go out and see
thorn , just at Interaction of 20th street with
V'lnton Go out und see them. You cannot
ml ° s them , signs are on property. Romombcr ,
corner 2itti and Vintoti streets Five splendid
lots on Bristol street , just xiost of Snuiulors
Lots In Ilodford Place , a long way bojond , are
solllns for 1000 00 and f TO ) Can oiler those lots
for next few ilnys nt $ ii70.00 : very eisy terms.
Hicks & Inghrum.215 south 15th street ,
FOR SALE Half-acre , noir Sacred Heart
Convent. Cheap. K. P. Moreanty , ICO
Douglas H25 7
" | 7lc U SALE Lots In Yatoa nnd Hcmpel s nd-
J.1 ditlon , North Omaha , | W ) to * 600. J. II. Ex--
ans & . Co. 273 11
AKGK lot , south front Harnov st nr 25th ,
I J $4,500 Graham , Crolgtiton blk. 331 U
S \i : A nlco ' > room house and lot on
street whom grade Is o-tnbllshcd , lot soiled
nnd creM. oxerj thing in gooa condition , if soli !
ivitbln 30 da ) a f..tOJ , 'J ciish balnnco to suit.
No real e"-tito men need ippl ) . AddroiJ P Isj ,
Bee olllco Property w 111 bo shown 14J 15 *
, .OK > V 1,1 House nnd lot Walnut Hill.
F House and lot on Kith street. f4r ) J.
Hou-o nnd lot on 'Oth street. 5-Y/W.
I it In l'lali\-e ! | 5GV.only ) Hcniti
Lot on Miami stroct. f SS , $ V > 0 cash.
I ots in bhrix ( , r Place. $ 125 , f * 5 cash. Balance
f-lpor month ; x-ory cheap
Two notes of ? 1OCO each for sale.
Mono ) to Loan on Improved clt ) property.
H. W Huntress , IDS Parnain street 181 u
71OU SAL.K Ixitsin Yaies nud Hompol snd"-
- dltion , North Oniahn , JMX ) to fCOJ. .1 B r.x'-
nns & Co. 27S 11
FOU S VIi : Or oxcnargo. House aim lot.
IMti nnd Nlchnlis , hou-.o and lot Uth nml
Dorcas. Wm L Monroo.6thand Douglas \h\
rtORNEIt nnd ono luut to it , Clnren Ion. J-.OW
\J Oruham , Creishton blk. SOI 9
AISGAIN Fine corner in Clarendon ,
B 10Jxl27. Yorynlco residence lot.,00) .
Gregory & UnBoy. 1312 Dou Us St. 1 17
K Mtai7 nnd 8 , 1.20x151 foet. In
-L1 block 3 , llret. addition to South Omaha.
Call on Fred Lomon. care Farmers' nouso , or
Address Gcorgo Wnd6/ / . O. box 4J7 , Rapid City
U.T ' l ' 787
WHOLKSALJi"ijEALKUs and capitalists
box o inker ) a fancy to the high plateau In
West Omnha , nnn eopn nil that sightly hill on
both aides of Ix'A\oiiX rtli Kt. . In the xnnlnlty of
Messrs. Coo ntH Klr omlahrs beautiful roil-
lento , will bocoxir > M wlthnrlistlohomo' ) . The
lucky ImeMoriitthfU Vlclnlt ) will then reap bis
rexvard. I'tlca PWci * li now on the market , sit-
untod 2 blocks'isouih of I axc-nworth st..on
Mt I'lea = nnt uvj ) . [ ts from $1 100 to ? UO ) .
1 rlxe out thnt w yjQU , who want llrat-clasj
rojidenco proper'ty ' , and then coma In and tulk
In mo about lertis. 1X6. D. U. Puttoreon,0muh i
Nat. Bank. , c IL ! 0
owi.lNG fijiE r-Our now nldltlon is
xfcat of Wnrttuf , H111 , on Hamilton street.
Ily bolectln ? lots ut < iW for insldo and # 175 for
coiners , ) ou will' rnaku a good investment ,
1'erms 10 per cent , cnsh and 5 monthly. No
chur/o for showing the lots. Marshall & Lo-
beck , 15J3 Farnam 310
FOUSAf.K Qnoncreln north pirt of city ,
ono block from street card. * .i ; J. Uhls
if 111 make six east front it-foot lots that wl | |
reiuhly M > 11 at tl.OTjij each. Ibis mutt bo sold at
jiice. Inquire room 27. Puitonbulldln x , U H
TVU'O lots , corner , east front near Plerco t ,
X two blks from iOtb 8t"OJ. ; . Oruhutn ,
Creighton Block. _ jwi _ aj
POU UALK Or exchange , unproved Kansas
Stock lUnobiM , t lulled from tt. K. T. > o
srecks , 4 springs , fliiezrasj , plenty of bay \ \ ant
iur rare , not oxoecauig | 1WO ) , Would Kixo
neat bargain lor nish. Oxer l.Ott ) hli-btst
rrado monno sheep with ranch , if desired. Box
! utf , Wilson. Kllaxrorto Co. , Kns. 3i 7
PINK Dewcottago.Srooms.comontel collar ,
100 bbl cistern with illtor , Insldo woodwork
> f .fuleetod ) ellow pine. reodoJ with oil fliiislu
iVIU bo flnUhul In iOdu ) and painted to uit
io purchaser Lot J9xUl. Price. ir ) a
Grejfor ) 4. Halley , 1JU Houglut Su UT
CAT t , On F. D T i i icr Jl r ni 1 t'u % TT ' 1
sh ( w ) ou the lift bsr , . iin < in lu mi' l
property to Ijn bad in Oniahx Remeii i > r tbo
plaee , 1813 Howard _ l"t it
In Stanton lliwfVo t
J Ix-axenworth , cornerof oreive tr-ot enl )
$500 toll.OW. Best Inxtst mont In Ornnhfl J. II
Kxnns.V Co. J78 11
1.K \ \ nxTOUTII r sitis rt , one wit
from Park ave . fJ.SW. oratiam.Ctelirhton
Illnck. _ l B
"ALi ; , f ) foot pjrner
-i-1 street , f , . .1 IU Fx an A Co.
5-vtiMit lot on Lean nworlh , nenr Park n\o ,
onlv ? ; < )
) foot lot , I'nrmenterPlncp.fl.O'M.
n drove street near Li-ax enworth , only
41 ff t on Do Ire street near po torflfp , with
Improx cnu'iits. ? J.i.i J. _ 8 * > ) 11
FBII" * SlXin Sbi re-n estRto iid PXory
otl.irda ) . Stolt. _ 9J3
f ) plondliTTots ill block 0 , OniihiV Ylow. 50x150
I'llCtl , fsjll
. nalloy.VU2)oiifrlns St. 117
K j uvory
other day. See IL H
HOtsiUitsFarm , Lnnrismoney tonncd.
Bcinl * . 1Mb and Douglas streets. Wi
TjlOlt 5 U,1 : Olio of the bo t plc'ees of proiv
Jcrty In North Onmlin , onn block from
pnxedstroot. An e-lght roam lioiiso , nonrly now.
( "an bo bml chonp , If tnken nt onco. O F
Davis XCo 15Q'i Farii tn st reot. 1U7
1" ft front nuiulcrsstcoinei , 57,000. Grn-
liaiii.CiclLliton Hloek. _ 3)1 ) U
IfOlt SA1 K Cottugo , C rooms , well coil
1 house , etc. , fenced ! cor 27th nud llurdotlo
streets , 1 Illock from Street Cars Small cash
pav mont. bnU J.5 per month , J 2 , ) > 0
tor Sile .H ottagcs head Ninitoenth street ,
6 rooms , new. n Bnrgiln nt $2 , ' > 0 Smili cash
p irmunt , bnl * 2o per mouth
Cottage , 17th street , B rooms , Well , Coil
House , etc. , 2 Blocks Horn StieotCnr , suinllc.isli
payment , only f 2,500.
Two Cott.iffcs on Chlcngo street , new , tl
rooms , fenced , oto Good bnr nln nt $2.VM nnd
f2,70i ) . Small cnsh imjinunt , bil inonthl ) . _ ,
One Lot , bouth Oinahn , i > 0xl)0 , In the center
of the Iliislncss part of Town , only SI. W
2 Lots In Bedford Place , tiM each. Ono-hnif
cn. h , bal 1 , 2 nnd 3 ) ears.
One of the best b trimlns In the clt ) , 0.1x100 ft ,
bctnrcon Cuss and California streets , with small
house , enl ) ? ' , VX ) ; fl.lXW ci h. bui. 1. 2 nml I
) oar , Thlsproportx Is well worth $ -1,500 Paris
LOT on Dodge near27th St. ; S-.OO' ' ) . Oriiham ,
Crolghton bile. 301 9
' to mnKo mono ) Inxest in lots In
Il'jouwant Ilnslnoss Plnco at the Bolt Line
on Leax enworth su 3I" > n
. .s , iopercontcai
timl fj per month Marshall A Lubcck ,
Agents , 1509 rarnain stroot. 94J
A ,
GHLOOIIY Estate nnd Itentnl Agents.
ITU Douglas Street.
Hero nro n Tow of the 'mrgalns ' we olfur ;
It there is notbltuborutlmt suits you , cull on
us. Wo cnn show ) tm others
Cornerlot onScnard St. , Lowo'sadd . t 1,000
Lot adjoining above HUU
Conierloton Hamilton St . . . . l\'tl
Adjoining lots , nil m Orchnrd Hill . . 1.IXW
Corners lu Plalnview and Kirkwood SO )
Corner Imp Ass add. 'lOxlK . . . 3,01X1
Corner Yates and Hoe-d. VixlOO . . . . 700
Corner lots In Paddock Plnco
( C ill at ollice foe pi Ices. )
Corneron Dodic ! > l.,6txl32 ) , renting for
$ -3 WO per jcnr 30,000
Corner lot on 10th St , Kountzo's add ,
with market building , only . . . 4,000
Sdwolllngs on lot lt2xKtt , Chicago st ,
renting (1,400 per year . .5 LJ/03
8-room house on corner lot , Schull's add ,
BJSxl'W 4,000
New' room cottage on corner lotMil-
1 lid &Ciildv > ell's add . 2,100
7-room house , S K. Rogers' ndd , front
ing 15th St. . Iotb'lxl40 . . 3r > 00
6-room house. Popploton axe , soutti
front , lot Guxldtt . 3,000
NoxfBroom cottngo , well built , on lot
VK130 , near Saundcrs . 2,800
2 room house In West Ido , 1 block from
canning factory , lot OOi US . . . 750
9-ioomhou-o mil 4 room hoii-o , birn ,
cistern , cellars truit troos. etc. . on lot
6Jx253 , fronting both 17th an I 18th 6,000
S-room house on S 20th < t , near bt
Mary savecity water , etc. . . . . 6.200
Fine corner on Cuinliurst ,3 nouso * . 13,1X1
Fine lot In Imp ASM ) udd GOtlSS littln
nbov o grade birpaln . . . . l.'W ' )
Lots In Kllby plnco 700
Lotsdi Lincoln plnco 411
Lot on Farnam near Lowoave . . . 1.700
llnociut fiont lot.ttJtjXUj in NeUon'3
Hdd. bargain . 2OW
East front l.'d st ; Hanscom pi ice . . . . 2 0) )
Splendid lots fronting Park ; only. . . 1.W1
Hawthorne lots on Davenport st 1,00) )
Eastfronts Just on grade ' 'W
Omnhn Ylow lots cast on the bill nt ? 350 to 5910
each cheap
Ono block In West Omaha , 4 acres ( call nt of
fice for prices )
Special attention given to propoity luted
with us nt reasonable prices.
Having no property of our own on tno murV
ct wo can not do other than a strict ! ) commls
slon Du lno-3.
( RIXiOllY A HADLCY , 1312 Douglas St.
Telephone Nil. Cull nnd see uj 033
TG10RSAIK-Lots In Stauton Place , Wo t
J-1 Lcnvonworth , corner of Groxe' street ; otil )
SWO to $1.000. Best inx cstment in Omaha. .1 B.
Ivxans i. Co. J70 11
T OT noir Snundcrd st ; very chenp nt $750
JLJ Gniham. 3H 0
LKAVEMVOUTH nuslne-ss Place , on the
Belt Line , is a splendid point lor a good re-
tuil lumber ) ard. 315'J
LiAVi : > XAOUTII street at und near the
Beit Line IL. R. is now being greniiy tin-
prox ed.
Loin enworth Business PHco , nt the crossing
ot Leiix enworth street nnd the Belt Line , is the
nearest point of Bolt Line to the city.
It tt > o best pluco toe a Lumber Yard , erA
A coal ) ardor
An Eloxutor , or
An ) business requiring trackage.
The citizens In the xicmity will now support a
good irrocer ) etorc , saying nothing of the
country trade.
Twent ) ilxo lots In Leavenworth Business
Plnco havn boon sold within the Iust30 da-sund
prices will bo ruKcd Oct.
Se-o J. W. Ellor , Room 7 , Iron Bank , Telephone
MJO , or J. W. Logan on promises , Tolophoun SOO.
nV ) U
TTlOUSALE-Lots In Stanton Place , vv cst
- iLcax enworth , cornorof Groxostrcot ; only
J9 > A > to Jl.OOX Boat Investment In Oman u J. B.
Exansi.C'0. 279 U
H IOUSIIS Lois , FarmsLands money loaned
Benils. 15th nnd Douglns streets 007
REALKSTALE BAUGAIN-2 beautiful lots
onxteat Cuuilnj at. , $703 each Flue bar
gains J. I. Rico i. Co , room 6 , over Com-
morclal Natlonnl lUnte. 675
KlIT. Cumltigst , pivomcnt ; 50,000. Graham ,
J Crolghton blk. 301 n
FOi : AtK-75xl41 , house 8 rooms , all
modern Improxoments , east front
on Yirglnla nxo north of Lonvonworth $ 7,200
Houoo rooms , furnneo , etc. , in Quo lo
cation . . 6,003
llOxl.W. Pannentnrs sub , corner , for a
fowda > sonly nt . . . . . . . l.feM
Corner lu Parkers addition , ( Ox HO , "
houses . . . . . . 3,5 X >
20 acres on Military road ilpo for subJI-
xIJIng only per ncro . . 4V )
Flno lot on Capital nxo 5,8X )
Many other tine plncos which I bine for sulo
but am not permitted to mlvortUu. Call and
fco mo nnd I will tnku pleosuro in showing
ttinin to jou. M ) olllco is No. 15JQ Pnrnnin st.
J K Plor'ion. 2wj8
ONI ! line corner lot ou lOlh St. , In Puduock
Place , can bu fiolil at n bargain
Gregory A Hailloy , 1313 Douglas St. 117
" | TOU | > > vTKTwo haxo sUtoon lots In flaw.
JL1 thorno nddltloa that wo will soil : best and
cheapest inildo propouy in Omaha. Bedford Si
Bauer 04J
-TXT a. SlIUIYKIl , Heal Estate Uurffams-
T V . Unlmprovo < l property.
2 beautiful corner lots In Hanscom
Placo.10xlt'l ' foot each , east front . ? 0.001
2 lots In Tabor Place , each 1,0.0
218 SO feet on Leavenxvorth St. . 2.M )
2W-Fuil lot , Just 1 mile from P O , nenr
Crolirliton oollego . 1,600
Lot 03x120 , o front , Sounders St- . . . . 3uoO
3 lots In Kllby Place. , . 2.UOJ
2 lots , licilJ o front.Hancomo Place . . tfln
Full lot on 10th , near Douglas ll.OJO
I/it on Hamilton bt . V51
JTJ-BuautifulIot.sfiont , 04x132 , Juttolf
Saunders bt . . . . . . . 1,100
371 Full lot , s front , on Patrick nxrnuo 1.TKH
111) acres 4 l--i nulus from P , O. , f ISO per acre.
sum feet on Howunl. near 10th 6,000
1'ul ! lot on2lst noarClurk 2lu )
Full lot on 21t near Niuholas . 3,000
1mproved Property.
Full lot , largo 2 torrhousu and barn
that runts for JW..W j > ei month , on
Davenport , near lllb . . . f 7,000
J feet front , larjt house , on Furnam ,
uoarlbth 8 100
t tiro-roomed oottageg , cittern , etc. ,
c.iej terms , 25th and Parker Its. , euUi 2,009
FinoresldcneoonZMand i'arnum , cor. HflOO
House and cottage near N. 16th at. , on
monthly payments , 8.0W
Beautiful oottavo in Uulnut Hill , 1-3
cash , balance long tlmo 1,100
Full lot , 3 houses ou 0tb near Clarke . . f > , 'JOO
Nlco brick houioiith nnd Cup. uva. . . 3jCOi
Cottage 0 rooms and lot 17th near Cali
fornia 3.003
Full lot , nice cottage. 8 front on Cburlos
stnoar29th . . S.OM
Half lot auj houw ncur JJthand Cass. . . 3.UX )
SSilJO ft corner , on Uaxcnport near 10th
Itroet , . 24.0M
Corner , 12th and Douglai Kt > )
iMtt on easy terms lu 'shrlrar Place , " 'Pleas
ant bill. " "We t Ouralntr. " and Weft bide. W.
G. t > tirlror.nppP.O. l-3
imou k.\L.K-tt ft. fronting on Podgo gt. S
A- blocks east of the postofflce , A .tarjruln nt
S18V > j ; tiojKQ caiU. Uanbtli 1 Lobeck , 1503
tarnnm. yy )
lIKAflnt In Sh nn's nJa : $1OCO. nrnhnm ,
Creighton Block. , 1 9
s Kllby I'luoo ; JVOcmlilf soil now
( Irahnra Creiitritim BlccK POI 1
_ _ _ _ _ _
TK\t , l TVTR \lra\lN 'iT Tlot in
Lv Hiwt mill il.iivi h ir c h. ? PP lhi nml
you M 111 purr-hn o. J t * Klco \ Coxerl'oin
mcrclnl ba ik _ i '
ON neof ! pnrt of countj poor fsrrn ncl ap
propriation ot pruo tsls
Ati * Si' * k > n of the lxi nl of niinit * e-ommH-
loner < if Iho oountj ot 1) Miitlni , In tltc * lute of
Nebm im , hoWen on Snturint. ootol > o ; W , A
1) ivrt itwnsb ) aM br > l
Rcsolvoil , 1 Imt thu follow me question bo nnd
the * \mp l horeliy ubmltted n H prnpoitloii
to the qualified plertors of the cmint.x ot thxi g
h . tfitenr Nebraska. at the gptural I'lcctlou to
be hp'd ' Noxrmbi'r ' 'nd ! < * * , to wit
To the qunlitiitl i lector * of the county of
IVoiiirlflslli tlio tate of Nibrnakn :
Thclmnrrl of t-otinly niinnil > 8lonpri fnr ld
coimlx hcnbx nub-nlt to the ili-ctors f said
county the tollnninirt
Mial ! thocountx of Douglis by it boinlof
count ) coinmls < , onpr l o nutliorirod to sc u thnt
psncl nnd tr.ut of laud situate In Doiifrlns
eounty.ln thpsliteof Nebraska , and do irlbixl
u folftiws , to wit
Beginning at the northenst corner of section
txroiitx-iiine lU' township tlttoen ir , tuirth
of rnngo thirteen dH ) , ea t of the * mh ( ith )
piincipnl mori < llan. runnliut tlionco west twclxn
j.nd illy huiiilrciltln iiSSO ) ohnln * . lhoiico o uli
forty 1411 chillis , thence east tvrelvv mil llfty
hundredtbs ilJSK chains , theme- north forty
< 40 oh ilnstntho pinto of bcslnnlng bolngthp
easttlMy noresof that tract of hum known us
"tho Douglas County Poor Farm or an ) porter
or parcel thereof , nml in such pnrts and pnrcoh
at which the > most advantageous bales may bo
made' , nml nppniprlnto the proceeds nrHlug
tin re'from.or o much ns mil ) bo liicess-iry , to
erect and prox'ule tiece"ary and suitnblu buildIng -
Ing for the tare ami piote-ctlon of the county
poor und Insane
1 ho term in XN hlcb the question shall bo taken
on the proposition submitted shall bob ) ballot ,
upon waled there shall boprlnl Mor written or
pirtly printed nml partly xxrltte'ii tliewonH
"rortho prorMXltlou to soil the unU llfty (5'l ( ' )
a re-s otthnDouglft * Count ) Poor Farm , or any
part or | ) iircel ot said i > n t llfty one * , and ap-
propilitoMi muoli of the proceed * ns ma ) lo
nceossnry foi the on-etloii of such buildings
tli HI may bo necos ary and sultablo for the r r < <
and protection of thocouut ) poor and Insane , "
or"Against the proposition to sell the cast flft )
aerojet the Dougl is Count ) Poor Hirm or any
put orpnrcol ot.lid e-ist lift ) acie-i , and to ap-
proproprliito so much of the proceeds that inn )
biMie-c > s ir ) for the erection of sucli buildliiTS
minn ) bo noco sar ) for the cam and prote-o-
tion of the county | > or and Ins.uuv. "
All lulots ! cast haxlng thereon the \\ords ,
" 1 or the proposition to sell the cast fifty acres
of the Douglas County Poor 1'nrin , or an ) part
orp.ircol of said east llfty nnos nnd nppro.
priato S4 > much of the proce'uds us limy bo neo
os-tary foi the oroetlon of such buildings as ma )
bo neccsinrj and suitable for the care of thu
count ) poor ami Insane , " shall bo de-emod nml
tnkon to bo in favor of said proposition , and all
ballots e-ast h u lug then-oil the words "Against
the imposition tusc'll the east fitly uerosof the
lO'iglaCount ) Poor Farm or any part or pur-
eel nf ald e > ast lift ) HCIOS nml appropriate M )
muchof tboproccsdstis mn > ho uoce > ai ) for
the crocilon of such buildii gs us uui ) bo ncrov
ary nnd ultnblo for the enrc of the count )
pour and Insane , ' stmli bcdoumod and taken to
! > agulii t such proposition.
Tliei manner In wbluh said land sluill bu sold
shall bo n * follows :
Iho land to bo sold shall tlrC I'o InM out Into
lots and blocks , and plnttc'f us iiV law In that be-
h.ilf provldeil ; Mild lots , bcto * Tiny -nlo shnll bu
made thereof , shall bo n ( > piiiisoU for the ) ) iir-
postsof sale by three disinterested resident tux
pnxeiN xvho shall bu np | > olnteJ lei that pur
pose h ) the county juilgo ; mil the ad ! lots
shnll then boolfcred ut public sale Inslntrlolots ,
und no lots shall bo sol 1 lor loss than the np
pral-cd xulue , ns rct.ined by the npprnise-rs.
Anew appraisement mnv bo proxidcd lor by
the Ijoiird at anx time It ahull ilwrn It for the
intoic tfor the count ) to o ilircct , Imt no lot
shall bo itppMNcd for lisa than the orlcinnl up-'i'incnt. unlc s the sumo hns been off roil
for silu nnd not sol 1 foi want of blddcisattho
price ot thu original appraisement.
Said proposition shall bo xotod upon at the
general election to bo hell In thoiount ) of
Douclns iu the stnto of Nolnaska , onTuo'dny ,
the 2nd da ) of Nox ember , A 1) . ISM , nt the fol
lowing name 1 places , designnted bv the board
as voting places foi the purposes of said tfon <
oral election
OMn x rnuciNrr o. 1.
DIstilctNo 1. At southwest corner of 10th
and Jones stroets.
DK No - At onarlne house , 1023 Dorcas street
DINo.J At lll'i South bill street.
ojin i r ihriscr M ) . 2.
Dl' Vn 1. At 1-lu South 1 ith street.
1)1No. ) . 2 At 17U bt. Mar3 xcnue.
OM Ut X 1 IlhClNOT M ) 3.
At northeast corner of 10th and Do Igo strouti
Il . No. 1. At Plantcra IIOLSO. 1610 Dodge
1)13 No. 2. At 1 ft seniont of now court house.
O > 1 VII V I'llLClSCT O 5.
Ila ) No 1. At 1202 Cass street
ls | No. 2. At Rodman's iced stoio , cornci
of l ard and 16th street
nis No. 1. At 2117 Cum Ings street.
Dis. No. 2. At iVJl Cumlnw street.
At school liouso near Grucnlg's.
H.OIlLM'l I'ltLtlSCT.
At school bou-o nt Florence
tsinv I'luriNor.
At section house at W arncr station.
At school house. District No 44.
H.KHOIIV i-itno xcr.
At town hall.
At school house nt Valley station.
At Masonic ball building.
At school house nt Elkhorti station.
At Mlllnrd school house.
At McArdlo school house.
Dlstilct No 1. At southwest corner of 17th
nnd Vlnton streets.
DKtrletNo J. At school house , DIstriet No ,
3. South Oiiiulm.
District No. 3. At school house , District No.
At school house , Ointr.ot No. 5-1 , near Sut-
plion's ,
And which election w 111 bo opened nt 8 o'clock
Intho morning and will rontinuo open until f
o'clock in the ex cuing of the t > mno dax.
Theo proceeding RhaU bo published as bylaw
in that behalf prox Ided.
( * 1 F W CORLIS
J. fiKAl , . } OEOUGK K. TIMMB ,
I r ) R. O'KEEH'K.
Countr Commissioners.
Attest : C P. NEKDtivir County Clerk.
To Contractors ,
Proposals will bo reeolxedat the of-
flco of the Cluof En.'inoer. I "ion Pncltlc
railway , Omnhn.Noh , for thogindlng , brldglne
nnd truck laying , nnd surfacing of the follow
ing work.
'Iho line fiotn Oakloy to Colby , In Knrsas ,
about miles
'I ho line from Loveland to Hnckhorn Stone
Quarries , In Cole i ado. about 81 , mile's , mid the
( xten-lou of the r-alinn , Lincoln i. Wu-toni
Rillwa ) from Lincoln Center westward in
Kansas , 40 to 50 miles. for the Dilby line will not bo ro
ctlvounftor October 12 h , but proiHjs.ilH for the
nthurlliusuillbo rocelx oil until the cxening of
Octobni 1'ith.
Profiles can bo focn at the olllco of chief on
glnecr foi tlxo daS proxloua to thu da ) H named
for closlnu receipt of bids
Ihu right Is ronoriod to i eject ant or all bids.
8. R. OALLAWAY. General M lumber.
oct8 octl'J
rPO Whom It may concern Onundnftnr this
L ilato I urn not roaonn-lbln lei mix bllU tlnit
m ) wife , Matilda MnliiiMon or elilldren , inn )
ontruct In my numo. hlgneil.
SIMPItOVKI ) r.VUMS. Butler Co , Runs ,
lor sain ; 64 nlco city lots. Ill Donuio , Kiuis. ,
for sale. Each turn" U null udiintoJ In gnilii
nnd sttxik ; rich soil ; all piow or pa turo lanil ( no
waste ) , litleperfi t , xvlth warranty dood. The
lots are smooth , nlco building lots , only H mils
north of P. O. Price , $175 to M7x Teachers ,
cleiks , auyono who wishes a Hiifo property that
will double In 1 ) oar , shoull buy lots In P.I Dor
ado ; population A.ijiX ) ; the prcttlcstcity In Kan-
tas Ti-nns cash. AdJrim U , W , CAC , Eldura
do nunsus.
In colors , shoxrs nil counties , towns , rnlhoads.
Mailed for 250.
Omaha City 3Iap , now additions , etc. , 2.V.
Nebraska Slnto Go/ttto , Ilusuu-Si Director )
and I'armer'o LUt , (5.
12) S. lith St . Omaha , Neb
A Vile * . I'ermuitrtr.
- , > < -r.
r. In.
. Lt
Oapital Stock . $150.000
Liability of Btockholdors . . . . 300,000
Tbe only regular cnxMnga bnnk In the state , t'ira
percent latuifst paid onduposlU.
orrczni :
OuyC. narton. Preatdeut ; J. J , Brown. Ylao
PreildLiit ; L. M. Bennett , Muniuiiiy 1)1-
rurior ; Joha E. w ui.ur Cashier.
Special Ordinance CTo. 063.
A XOrilmnnoo lnymtrnspovml IIIT.
-tV. rm'nt on nl > luis and renl o late within . .
tnir D > ttut Ne > VS. in the tit ) of Omaha to
eoxcr thoetut of paving MxtiTiilb Mrwt fr > m
Ohio street to 11 Hi ) n nth of NitholMstrtt t
IV iirm is It Imxlnfftioeii , mil bolnjrhtiiby
nilJuiliroil.iUtcrmlnpil niiil established that tlm
several lots and plrco * of re nl i stuti horcmaf i r
rt'ft'mil tn tittle < tch IHH-II | ioemll ) Ite-wOtuM
to the full nmnunt hcmtii lexir < l nml B SI s i
against inch of s M lots ami plc of renlrsinte
rvpectlvrl ) bv mison of flip paxlnirof t'int '
pirt of Slxteonlh trppt from Ohio strut to
nllo ) south of NH holas tr < H > t.
Tim nwiir , lor Iho purpose of pnylntr ttin
cost of li ! piulng Iftih mm t from Oblostici t
lo Hliex nnt i of Nicholasstrict !
licit onltilmMli ) tbo clt ) council of the city of
t-wtlon I. That the enst of pnvlne that part
of s xtiHiith Mrvot wllhlii Paxlnit ! > letrlct No.
8.1ln tinrit ) nf Omnlin from nlilo streit to
nllo ) mitlior NiihtilnsstiPi't Hhlcint being the
sum ot f IMii 1C. tx anil iho snnip Is hoicby
levied nml n sn p.l. In jirrmnrtlott to tlm feet
nlonif nKijiflx lug.nmlmvonilnR to sptviitl bcnp
tits b ) rt > non < > r iildpnvln > r , u | m tin fo'lowlng
ilo < ? rllnM lot * nnd real i-sintp ns simwn by the
Li'nenill ) rpooirtilnil map ol the citx of Omnlin ,
HM , lltliiigiiiphod and publlslii d by ( ! < H > P.
UrniH : ald out lioltnr soli-x led on nld lots nnd
rt > nl ostiitr.rPspc'OtUt't ) , in follows , to-wlt-
Omaha Belt R ) Co , It rt blk iw , . oliy fji 31
" lt7Mk I71 > 'i.rlty
" IfblklTU'i.clty aw 31
" It blk 171"i , ell ) sw u
Morln A ( Ju' 2blkHliolty CM 11
list , of I , McDermolt , It J blk l--l4elt ) eiuai
" It 4 blk ISHS.ilt )
" H r , blk 1 OS , ell ) 2.T8 31
Win. A. ReJIck , n H II I blk l " , , uit ) 2.V ) 23
Sam 1 Cottier , s M of It t , blk 10-14clt ) SiO 23
" wS-J As H ore. 14 of 112 blk
IOSM , city 1024
\Vm. A Rodlek , tl S e HI U 2 blk UW > , , clty 65 2
J J. llrow-n , It 3 blk U S. clt ) 211 41
Wtn.Mulhnll k m UMonr
J. B. Kuony , IS , 07
Chns. 'Ihomp etton21tl blkO.Lnko'sndd 2 > .1 22
Lininil Fries , o Io2 It 2 blk B. " 2STi 2J
Luclndn Coiiiml. o lli It 3 blk fl , " SS3 22
ElUllboth E.PopplotOll.o 1.12 It I blkO , " 2S.22
O VB It 5 blk 0 , " ! Ni 22
Mury Morgan , It 1 blk 1 , Paddock Place 249 lli
" It 2 blk 1. " 249 11
A. S. Paddock. It 3 blk 1 , " 219 15
" It 1 blk 2. " 270 HI
" It 2 blk 2. " 270 bl
" It Iblk2 , " 270 81
" It 4 blk 2. " 27081
" ItS blk 2. " 270 SI
" It il blk 2. " SW 31
P.llcn Cherry. It 1 blk ,1 , " 270 81
JoromlahAhalo ) . It 2 blk 3 , " 1.70 81
A.S Paddock. It , 1 blk 3 , " 27081
It 4 blk 3 , " 27081
" It 5 blk . ! , 270 81
Thomas T. Tuttle , It tl blk 3. " 2 : 31
W.Baumor , o 1.U 7aM blk lE.V.Smltb's 400 K )
M Sauiulers , o 1J2 s 2.7) 10 blk 1 , " 14111 47
ahos. H. Price , o 1 B It 1 blk 15. " P37 47
Ihos. H. Dalle ) , o 1 J2 It J blk 15 , " 3X747
e 1 12 It J blk 15 " 1)71 ) 67
Cuiinlrulmm X Bronnnn , o 132 It 4 blk 15 ,
P. . N . smith's mid 3.1T 47
S. HnwcsolS2ltr , blk 15. E Y Smith's nd .T57 47
P.i ) sanO Stone , o IK ltd blk 11 , 3W 47
" eltJlt 7 blk 16 " 357 47
Peter Mols , o32 It a blk 11 " 357 17
Omaha Real E-talo i. Trust Co. , It 1 ,
WaahtiiBton Square 21078
O. It , U. i. T. Co.lt2Wusbltntoii Squnro 21(1 7H
It 3 210 73
xr 12 ft It 4 37 63
iv I-1 ft It 28 , 37 W
It 2 ! ) 210 78
It.K ) 210 78
1131 216 78
Mnrj Hiunrd. w 132 tax It 8. soc. 10-15-13 f O 5J
R Il.Llll-.on , " U , " 2W 44
Edwin Sherwood , " 11 , 1811 04
Raudnll A. Brow n , " li , ' bill B8
jaiuos J.Brown , " 1J , " 050 ICl
Amelia J. Hall , " 14. " 714 01
Est. Wm. Hill , o 133 tux It 10 , " Ptl 08
H. Hull. 17i bCl ! GS
IrivlnE Dudley , " IS , " b'tl 03
A. J. Popploton , " IB , ' 1714 71) )
J. M.Coiinsmun , " M ) , " 601 78
Gee Smith , " 21 , " H.VJ 08
J. U E Cotter , " 22'j , " 667 08
W.Baumor , " 22. " 384 55
23 ' " 590 113
S. A Paddock , xv 13:2 : tax IU ) , soc. 15-15-13 700 78
John I ) Cralghton , " IU , 600 12
Daxld T. Mount , " 11 , " 500 12
Martha Redmon , " 1. , " IWJ 73
Adclla A. Whitney , " I.i , " 1CJ 49
Mcfluroi Kountzo , " 14 , " 1MI 84
A. S. Parldock , " 15 , " 142 J E8
huniiiel G. Damon , s 4 o 132 tax It 18 , " 17874
Jns O Slntter , olt ! tar It 19 , " 3JI 37
Su an Rich. ol'H tax It20 , " 178 74
Isaac Tompett , o 133 tax It 21 , " 23831
Julia lloahtol. o 112 n h tuxltC3. " 324 B7
Hobnrt Williams o U2 s Vi tuxltJ2 , " 324 87
Ella R Arnold , o 1J2 tax It ffl , ' 2t G5
John A lIortHClihiibrjltii : : , " 40J22
Nato Hclnulst , sub 40 It 31 , " 324 07
John A. Horlmch , sub 41 It 31 , " 831 m
Chas W. Weildoll.sul 4Jlt.ll. " 324 117
Chnrlotto Kastmun. n 'i sub 41 It 31 , " 1IU 49
Knut Knstman. f" 4 8iibiilt31 , " 102 40
E.MIttskoir , sub 41 It 31 , " 112407
Section 2. That snld ppoclul taxes lox led afore
said , on said loin ix'9pi-ctl\el > , t-liull beromodo-
lliiquont us follows : ono-tiMith of the total
amount so lox led on ouch of sold lota shall be
come delinquent In llfty ihis from the passage
and npprox u ! of this ordlnnnco.ono-tontn In ono
) oat , ono tenth In tx o ) curn , ono-tentli In three
) eursono tenth In fouronis , oiio-teiuh in Ilxo
) curs , ono-toiith In six ) cnr > , one-tenth In Foveu
) curs , one-tenth In eight ) curs and oiiu-tenth in
nlno ) ears after said lox y. mid being from thu
piiRsa oand approval of this orillunnco. Each
of said Instnllmont-s , except the llrst , bhull iluuv
Internst nt the ruto of oxen [ icr cent , per an
num from the tlmo of the loxy nfnrosnld , until
the same shah become delinquent. A penalty
ofllxopor cent .together w.Ui lntcre-t nt tlm
rntoofonnpcr cent per month , pa ) able in ml-
xanco , shall bo jiald on each delinquent install
Foetion .1. Thnt the cntlro amount of tar so
lex k d and n in-od on mi ) of bald lots mil ) bo
paid b ) the owner of an ) lot , or Iho ontlro onunl
pioratupmiKirtionot uld taxonunyofKiId Iota
mil ) bo puli ! by any pur-ou on any part of Bald
lot i xvlthln llfty dii ) from mild loxy. und there
upon lots or purtH of lotH , shall bo exempt
from an ) lien 01 ehnrKo therefor.
f octliin 4 Tnatthlsonliimncu shnll take ctfcot
and boln forc-o from and uftur ltd pas ugo.
Pussi ilS ptombcr2'tli , icyi.
, , Wit V BtciiKi ProsTdontCityCottnclL
0. B. SOUTIIAHI ) , City Clerk.
Approxod September 2Mb. I&SB.
_ , WM. F IltciiH. , Acting Mnjor.
Tlicso taxes nro now duo nndpuublo lotbe
clt ) trensttroi , nnd will become delinquent as
BlioxvnlnHoctlon' ' . THUMAV Bucir ,
f'dJt city Tioasuror.
Of the sitting of the City Council , us n Bonrd of
To thu owncra of all lota and real o tuto In uny
of the paving illstrlcU , sewer districts , or
alonir the line of uny of the liiipravoinont-i
lioiuliiaitur iiamuiL
You and oaoi ! of vou uro hereby notified
Unit the city councilof the olty of O niiilin , will
sit us u board of equalization , ut tbo otncu of
thu clt ) o'urk. In the court hou o in < iul > l city , ou
Tuowliiy nnd \ \ idnewlay , the l.'tb und Utli doya
of OctoberIWtf , between the hours ot un tn.
and U m ; and botwcc-ii tbo hours of Up m and
5 p m. , lor the iinrpoioof ( iuull/.liijf tliu proposed -
posed lei y of the special taxi 4 und imioe.sments
and correcting any urrors therein , to cover the
co-tof certain :
Tocotorllincoi > t of pixlng , in followb , IDtii
strootfiom Muson street to U Illliim tree | .
Jo cover the c-Obt of coiittiuttlug i-ewor , ai
followsi howorlniiOrt-erilUlrlctNo : W.
Tocovor tlioc-os-t of ciirMtig , n followm I0tl )
street \\illlanistreet to ttnleri-troetl'-'Ulb
fcttcctfroiuM. Mnik Avonilo to 1'leitoctreut ;
Siitb Axenuu fium I'urnum iitreut to Dou/lus
To covertho costof Krailliif.uj follows' liar *
noy street. Jlli lo ivtst line of Mo ormlelt'a
niiilliltn , JJli ktrott , Dod.'a fctrnot to Can Bt. ;
21111 Avenue , I amain et lo st ; { 'nniiny
st ,25th Avcnuotn insldo of block between 3Uf.
ndil t'd bl8.rltli Avi'iiuot'uiuliiifkt , , to hortli-
cm tormlnur.
You uro further notinod Hint by rigilulloii
duly nlopto-1 by fcaid council , It U proposed to
lev ) tln'KJld ctot , of slid Iffiprnvomunu upon
nil ihuloUuml roil osi.uo In said dUirlcU or
along the line of ua'd ' improvements , respo't-
ivrluccordiiigto foot trontaje , nnd accord
ing tn the usual noiillng buck proco v us liereto-
lore adopted undfollniMid by sikl counoil. un-
Icti for Kojlcmsu bhuwu , uoiuu elmiuo uhull
appcurto bo proper.
You anil ruch nr you nro hereby notlllcxl tc
appear before 8iiU boani of equalization ut tin
tinH-iiiil plucuuboxi > 8pocltl d , mid make an ]
cvjmplalnt ) ou may wlh concerning guiJ pro
| ) oso4 levies or any ) mrt then of.
J. II bOUlilARD , CltyClork.
Omnha.Nob.Oct.Ttbi&x ! ) . otUSt