Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OttAlLA DAILY BEiJ : i-.niDAI , OCTOBER H. 1886.
i Tradirg Stilt Dsuling Sparingly i
Sinatl Gmlns Kcnmttt Qalet-.ln At-
tenutt to Boom Toi-k Coilar"rfc |
Ktcrjtlilric Clones
CHICAGO. Oel. 7. | SK | > cinl 'Mesnim t
ilrcHii ; : . I An easier lone nrvrRllcd in the
opening markets , find Uiero na nothine
) > lnunt ; In the probability of I Is Ix-ine ovci-
cjmni' latt-i. Un HIP ojtin board tli price for
X /x 'inbfr \ heat was troni T2Vc 1 ! c. This
oiton ; : ojicni-d icpiilnily t rac , sold ui > to T3
( UTr ! > p bncli to Tajf"'l ' H' ' 'a steadied at
T c. Xrttlicr outsiders uor local oKTatos ]
\\cio ditjiiisfd to do vt.-rv much tiadin ; : .
Corn op'jiiitl at .Ti c tin Xovciiiber , v Inch
VMS the clohiiif juice yostt-rdny. I'lvAislons
w rt' casift , poik wlline : it b.r.TX early , but
utweiUii ; toSVJJV A veiy Kcni-.ral sjmrl
ol short covi-ilris loicvtl Xovi'iuborliunt
up to TU c. J'oik lot ( lie Rntiioicasons ad-
> nnccd to & ± . 'J3. It iirovtul nnothur oil day
In Mlirat. After lianping rloso mound Ti'ic
fet Nmeinbor. tlif niari ( t \\as bulged up to
73'tcon ' ItK'Bl covi-iini ; and tnlk of nn art\o ,
< ' \liorl uiuvciiK'nt . ' iiiliicinc tip lit NeYorl ; .
lint later In Hie day , when UHMrtiiuors had
lind ample tltnulorcrilicntlon and \ct noth-
inc ramo U-iirtlne to cmitirin tliin. there WHS
: i m-ndiinl easltiKbark to "tc.liwc the
l.ct stoixl Imlt an hour befdie the eIo- > ' \\ith
o\oiy sjiujitoin of coins n little Jowt'i. Jiy
this time Hie locn ) slioits roxeied iitioul
nil tlielr sales anil th"ieiis Mile or no de-
iimiul fiom home iiaitius , exci'jil veiy inod-
rrntely ! n a sriiltiina x\ii\ .
The close was : i little better than heavy sit
Milistniitlnll ) thn ot > ctiic prices ) . Corn , as
itMi-il. men iJery nuirli with \\lient , Nnvem-
biTitoiiis u | > to ; > ' ( ( and Mibswinetitlj lall-
Inir lo JiO' ' .c , but not f > lio\s itic iinj very special
feature. Puckers acted a little bnllisli In jiurl ;
ii ) lei the mm Uet lind btromefulU e.-.talili < licd ,
and woiked Xo\ ember up to ? UI24' , but the
ral * < u was made bj main Mietunli. and when
the bullish influence * weie wilhdrawunlues
i carted to $ 7J. The .iinall paiuseie gen
erally quiet mid steady.
" : oOp. in. On the afternoon board \\hcat
was stroiiRer. advancing to To 4ci r'sp ' lor
No\embei , uhere it closed. Krom Xew \ orl ;
ten boat Juadh oflicnt nnd eluht boat loadb
of corn \\eie leiiorted taken for cxpuru Corn
was laliij steady ; mess jxirl : The hijrher , and
Jantiar > laiilgujiied a Irncllon.
Crnn. 2.viii. : in. J'riMlejeb on Xovember
wheat , 72 > Kji7rK ( ; and l c
CniCAoo , Ot-L -Special [ Telegram to
the BEI : . ] CATTIHVlth 12 , ( J rattle re-
eeued to-day , ninktng over 34,000 In two
da\H , salt'snien were natnrnlly bomewhat
feantil of tlie outcome. More than half the
receipts were rangers , but many of western
prnss cattle filled the places of corn fed na
tives which the owners at least classed as
"good. " Tbe market 0 ] > ened this morning
with the prosjH'cts not very bright , but when
bujers and sellers got fairly to worl ; n large
volume ol business was clone at Wednes
day'sdecllne ol 15c , making prices about the
hame as they \\ereat the close of last week.
The SD.CO cattle were "as line at , silk , " and
such sales , of course , did not cut any Im
portant liguie in the general market Infe
rior to fair grudes were very slow sale , and
in some cases'sold lover , Shlpplnz steers ,
JS.0 to1X0 Ibs , f470.jJ.15 ;
] 00 tol.TM Ibs. 54.15(54.75 ( ; U50
totlSOO Ibs , 3.00. The ranee cattle re
ceipt * to-day Included lully 5,000 wintered
TCXHIIS und nntive.s , and 2,030 , through Tex-
ans. Ju some instances poor to fair kinds of
cattle sold slowly at easier rates , but as a
ruin prices were nene.rully about htendy at
yesterday's prices. Sales : 143 Monlanas ,
ittMlus , S4.H5 ; t"0 " Montanas , 120 ! ) ibs , S3.70 ;
" \Vyoinlni \ ; Texnns , 1)50 ) to 10S2 Ibs , Sii'JQ'ilS ' ;
iifirfAVyoiuitiKs , lisi Ibs , SS.10.
lloes Tiade was blow and prices again
a strons:5 10c lower , making a decline of
nearly : (0c ( since .Monday. Large uumbeis of
roincli but useful packing sorts went as low
as sa.TSg.'J.UTi , and common lough at S3.50
and along there. Good to choice packing
sorts Hold at 54.00(54.20. ( and best
heavy at S4.10g-4.40. Llcht sortp sold
within a i ante ol f 3.404.40 , with Yorkers
at 4.10 .4.20. The uncertainty as to the
future operations ot packers has had a good
deal to do with bringing about the present
bad bicak.
New Yorb. Oct. 7. MOMET On call ,
active at 5 } @ 12 per cent , closing at C per
e ut asked.
i'yiMi : MnKCANTiLE 1'Arnn 4@5 per
STKHMJJO ExcnAJfOK Quiet and steady at
f for 00 day bills , S4 M # for demaiHi.
GOVEISKMI.XTB Government bonds were
dull and easier.
STOCK * , The stock market showed much
less activity than In any other day HO tar
this week , and with the exception of the first
hour was tree from excitement. The openIng -
Ing was Btiong und mst prices were iiorn
h o ? ji per cent above last evening's final
figures. Prices were feverish and irrecular.
but generally firm. They soon gave way ,
however , under the lead of Western Uuion
and Vanderblits. Toward noon the decline
was checked and a general advance ensued ,
which was marked by special strength in
Minneapolis & St. Louis and Xlckel Plate.
.Heading nlso became extremely active and
htrnng , but Just previous to the close the mar-
Let declined and closed weak *
n f cent bonds. . 100 | C. * N. W . 1K-V
U. b. 4K's 112J-/I preferred . . .
IS'OW 4'g . 12-.J6X.Y. C .
Pacific O's of ' 05 , 120' lOiecou Tran
GpS'ra1 Pacific. . . 41) ) J'acIticMuil . . . .
GAT A - 1421 ; P.I ) . & K .
prmerrea. . . , IfiO P. P. C
C B. A 6 , * 'ock ' Island . 120
1) . U& W St-L. . 'JS. F. . . 82
D.&K.G preferren. . .
Erie. . . IO.M. < tSt. P. . .
pro erred. . . preferred . . . 121
Illinois Central. | SUP. itO . 50
1. , II. &W i preferred. . .
Kaui-asikTexaB Pacific. . .
Luke Short ) Pacific. . .
L.&X St.L. & P. . 20
Mich. Central . . to preferred. . H7
Mo. 1'aclDo. , . . . nr fWe.tum , Union. 70 ;
Northern Pac. . . 2SKO. | . It. < bN . 105 ;
ju ef erred. . .
Ohlcuco. Oct. 7. Flour Di'Jl and un
changed : winter wheat flour , $4.0X8.-UO ;
southern. S3.lK.t4.00 ) . ; Wisconsin. S4.00 ®
< .1U ; Michigan soft Bprlnc wheat } ? . & < K < J
4.10 : Minnesota bakers , S3.50 ( < M. 10 ; patents.
8l.3iKJti4.oo : low grades , S1.75i75 ; rye flour.
quiet at SS.26' ' < tli.W ) in ban els , and $2.003
Whent Weak and rather nervous feeling
existed and prices touched the lowest point
yet reached on this crop. The opening was
JfGJf'nc lower than yesterday afternoon's clos
ing. rallied . e , settled back % c , closed $ c
under vecterday afternoon ; cabh , 70K@71c ;
No\ ember , 78c ; December , 74J4'iin4 ; c ; Jan-
uarj'i 75e : May , Bl ' 4c ,
Corn Hather bteadler , prices fluctuated
within 9 c , closing > < ; c tinder yesterday ; r isb ,
October , lyjej November , 3Cc ; ; Uecember ,
87c ; May , 41V&
Oats J airly active , weaktir fouling pre
vailed and prucsdeclluedt@ ! ! > i'ccash124 ; ;
October. 24cMay,80 ; ( iC.
Ityf Steadj at 4b r.
ilarley Slow at SSisRSS 'c ,
TimothT seed I'rime , itl.CT.
W hisKy S1.1S.
Pork Unsettled , early in the day active
demand exUUd and prices were advanced 40
@ 4pxin near and IKXga-Jifc on more deferred
dcl'verlea. ' later demand slackened and prices
receded KJi' Kj on whole range , and closed
quiet ; casli , i70 ; October and December ,
fb.fifw@fa.70 : January , fca.SO9.taw.
Lard- Moderate buslnesi ) , steadier : cash ,
SS.bO ; October and November , Si70 5.rJk ;
January. 85.t-5 < ! i5 k.
Oulk Meats Shoiuder * . $ ; euort
clear , f8 OV3ft.70- short tibs , SC CS > , .
-r iiiitter Firm ; creamery , 20g27e ( ; dairy ,
Clitic * * Steady and ttnn : full cream ched-
d&rs , llUal2c ( ; do flats. Hfl24'c ( ; young
Ecei-Firm at li Ccti7c.
ilide Heavy green salted , fully cured
Tt'i ' do \i : bull hide * 5 , p * drv
T' i i . .
r owNo. . 1 co ntry , 8v TV ; Xo. 2.
? r . . si- . : ; se.
ArrKit5oi x JJoAJ r - Grain m rtet ! nik-d
> ! ! < ! cn ior. Wlrwt Xoremttw , 7S'iP : ! > *
ecmbpr. 7Sl , f ; M y , ii ' e. Corn Nox-ember ,
> % e : IxwwW. ffr p ; May , 41V . O ts-
N n ember. S % * : M > . Wic. Porlt Nor-
eiiiber. $ .7Ti * ; Jannary. CT.'T'f.
> o erober , f& 75' ' ; Jaunary , 96. * < i , ' < .
\V > . SJ.WM 10.000
Own. on . ZB.tX * 5BW.008
Hye , DO . -J.ffJJ . TS.tKO
Xoxv York. Oct. 7.Vheit \ le ! lt > K
198.000 : t > : t ort . l.MO ( : spot a * liiKle lower
a' ' rt hwivj : optlrtns opened Mllic JO T ,
af A-rwartls adnped ' < tt4e , eloslne heavy
With a n-actitm ot i ( ftfc : uiuiarit-d lea.
T5 * I5 ? : Xo. Jiied. * > | Xf. < 2. : > 0. 2 led. < < lc
In elevator : MrM'c aH Rt ; Vrj. i , S7'e ;
No. 2 red. uetoiwr elo'.od nt taw
Corn bnot ' 4 ® ' , ehicher mid moderately
active : oiitinn < > ' 4'c lower , crrwtne hnavj :
ii-oeipts , ars/mo : exports. H.OOO : ansrratted
44' ' ftf4V ( ; No. a , 44c ; No. 2 , 15'vtf ' > V in
elevator. 4V4G , c afloat : No. 2. October , clos-
ine at 4S , c.
Oats without ltn ) oitant elianee ; recelpU ,
, ' 7t < U ; expoits none : mixed western , 80.S
C r..k' ! : ublte wosteni. ffi@4'le.
j'etroleum rinn : Tiiilotl , f Yc.
Kecs Hnni-r. lair Inquiry.
I * < ir5. I'lirhansed.
Lnrd A shade higher ; western steam ,
Ppnt. 6fi.S ) .
Ciiee'.e Quiet and about steady.
Otueis tinchunged.
MlnnenpntU , Oct. 7-- Wheat Weak
and loner : No. 1 hard , ? ! < : raMiaml No-
MMiiber. 71'fe ; Dpeembei. 7 'fc : No. 1 north
ern , ( Vv : cash. ( W : Deceinbui , 70'e : No. 2
northern , cash , ( tt' e ; November , OO' c ; Octo
ber , ON ; .
1'1'tiir Dull ; patents , S4.20.T1.-10 ; bakers' ,
-VMa 3 40.
Iteeelpts-Wbeat , 3 .0 X ) bit.
bhlpmcntsWheatjS.OJObn. . ; tlour.M.OOO
Oinclnnntl , Oct. 7.Vheat Dull ; Xo. i !
re. I , 70c ,
Corn Weaker : Xo. 2 mixed. ! WC < 3SSl c.
( > at Kilmer ; No.S mixed , 27Vjc.
It je Steady ; No. 'J , 5'Jc.
Porh-Ouitt at ? ! ' .i.V !
l.ttrd Firmer at S.VCG
Whiskj Finn at 81. ia
MHwnukcc , Opt. 7. Wheat Kiriu ;
cash. 70Ne ; November , TlH'c ; December ,
-Steady ; No 2 , a c.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 , 24c.
Itj'e Firmer ; No. 1 , fTc.
Ilarley Ijtiwei ; No. 2. S4c.
I'rovislons Stcadj ; poik , October , tS.7o ;
No\ ember , S,70.
Xew Orleans. Oft. 7. Corn Dull , weak
and lower ; mixed , 60c.
Oats Steady.
Commeal Strone and hlchcr ; S1.1H.
llnu 1'roducts Unsettled , but generally
Pork -59.37 (119.50.
I.ard-Keitneii , tierce , SO.OO.
Jlulk Meats Slioulden , Si 7. > ; long clear
and clear ribs , &n.75.
Lilverpool , Oct. 7. Wheat Dull ; In
more demand ; new No. 2 winter , Os Od ;
new No. 2 sprinr. Os 7J d.
Flour Is in poor denrtmt At ' $ & tlllI- !
Corn In poor demand ; spot , 4s 4d. dull ;
O.-totHT and November , 4s .id. dull ; Docera
her , 4s , a d. easy.
Toledo , Oct. 7 , Wheat Opened weik
and closed lower ; cash and Oetobnr , 7f > 1j c.
Corn Dull butsteadv : cash , ob.'i
Oats Steudj ; cash , ' - " . 4c.
KO. O L 7. The Drover's Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Keeelptsl OOO ; steady 2 ears fancy
1CSO Ibs S5.G5 ; shipplnc steers. S".GOa.r ( > .r > ;
stockers and feeders , S2.00i < : ! .45 ; cows , bulls
and ml.\ed , Sl.BOltfi25 ; bulk , S2.'JO < rt.iO ( ;
through Texas cattle , steady : cows , S2.2CK *
2.75 ; steers S2.00a'.COvesieinranceis ( { ; , abntit
Meady : natives and half-breeds , SH.OO5.o ( : :
cows. S2.-)0g:3t5 ) ( : : ; wintered Texans , Si > @
a&o.Hotrs Receipts. 1S,000 : slmde lower on ac
count of prospective packing house lockout
on Monday ; rough and mixed. S3.50@4.10 ;
packing and shipping , S3.iKKa-U.O ; light
weights , SS.50@4.45 ; skips , S2.2.X:3.50. / : .
Sheep Ueeeiplt. 3,500 ; steady ; natives ,
S2.2.(3'4.20 ( ; western , fuT.50aa.75 : Texans ,
S2.25a-10 ; Jambs. S4.004.75.
KanRus City , Oct. 7. Cattle Itecelpts ,
30,000 ; fehioments.2,033 ; stockers and feeders
steady ; good ttt choice. S4.00@4.r > 0 ; com
mon to medium , S3.80@3.SO ; itockcrs ,
S2.2.a2.75 ( ; feeding steers , SiK.00 ) : ; ; cows ,
SI .50(42.00 ( ; grass ran e steeis , S2.25@8.20.
HogB Receipts , 4,500 ; shinments , 1.000 ;
light , gtroiiK a shade higher ; others
steady ; good to choice , S4.05s-4.15 ( ; com
mon to medium , S3.70gl.00 ; grassers and
jKs ! , $2.75 3.50.
St. Lionis. Oct 7. Cattle Receipts ,
1,500 ; shipments. 000 ; all gnules steady ; lair
lo choice native shippers , 4.25@4.G ! ;
butcher steers , S3.25@4.0o ; rangers and
Tuxans , Sl.7ngS.50.
Hoes Itecelpts , 2,500 ; bhlpmonts. 800 ;
weak and easier ; butclieis and choice
heavy , S4.25@4.40 ; Torkers , S4.00S-4.25 ;
mixed packing , S4.03@4.SO ; jigs ,
Thursday Evening , Oct. 7.
Cattle The market was about steady. Sev
eral bunches of feeders were sold , but at nri-
vate terms. Range cows are selling slowly
and the yardbare full. Native butcher stun"
is a shade lower and receipts moderate. Good
corn cattle were in fair demand , out the mar
ket generally is 25c lower than on Monday.
UogB The fresh receipts were light to-day.
Tbe market was slow and dull at a decline of
fully lOc. Salesmen generally are predict
ing lower prices. Llcht hogs are especially
blow sr.e ! , Buyers will only takn such hogs
as they wantai.,1 | lie light weight and rough
hogs have lo IKJ thi.twu 2".t before they will
buy a load. The throw outs art 'J'd ' < > t 5.1.15
@ ! ! .50.
Sheep There were a few loads In to-diy
but nothing doing on the market.
Cattle 3M
Hogs. 1,200
Sheep 1,500
Prevailinj : Prices.
Showlns the prevailing prices paid for Ilvo
stock on this market
Choice steers , i : i to 1500 Ibs. S4.25@4.f.O
Choice steers , 1100 to 1S03 Ibs. 8.75(34.50 (
Medium steers , 1250 to 1350 Ibs. . . 8.00a-U5 (
Fat llltlesteers , 1030 to 1150Ibs . . . . a.83t < M.OO
wiT'd feeders. 2/.iii5.25 ! ( ! !
(5iodtocu5l63t-ra-fed : cows 2.1HIW.3.00
Fair to medium crass tows 2.00&2.25
( iood to choice Pulls LMffre.OO
Light and medium noes n.r55J5-7r' !
( iood to choice heavy t'oss 3.UO&4.oiS
Good to choice mixed lie s 8.75W3.b5
Good to ciioico sheep aoo/aa/Jj /
Kalrtocood sheep 2.755tH.oa
Common sheep L502J2.50
Representative Hales.
Xo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Tr.
127. . . . 1153 t'3.05
IIIAIIO KANGi : srr.r.ns ,
> 'a Av. 1'r. Mo. Av. Pr.
(1 an J2.S5 1SS 1259 g1.40 !
53 WJ2 2.B5
No. Av. Pr.
4 1823 51.50
No. Av. Pr. Na Av. Pr.
1. . . . 970 82.00 Oil ' . (74 ( S2.SIK
S..1U3 S2.S5. 22..10C1 2. < X >
No. Av. Shi : . Pr. No. Av. Shi ; . Pr.
44. . .2ss 100 S3.W ) S1..S42 1 ( i8.Kl !
40. . . .22.1 . . 3.W ) ( W..260 . . 3.0 !
K5. . ,217 . . 'ISO 57..2C3 HO S.1K1
54..2C1 . . 8.b5 6J..2CS Wl S.IK )
&U..2C5 bO 8.b5 5S..277 M ) & ' .
40. . .2ft5 40 R.65 5S..307 200 4.W
50 . . .272 340 S.90
Na Av Shk , I i. No. Av. Slilc. Pr.
5..2SO 40 83.15 8.a ; 2-40 S3.25
S..S55 120 S.15 5..282 . . . 3.25
12..810 40 8.20 10..i 3 . . . 8.23
4..5U ) bO S.25
Stiowinc the number of cattle , hors and
bhtf ti suliiiied from the yards to-day :
Na Cars itt. Pest
IS It. I Chicago
Xo. cars Rf
6 C. B. iO Boston
5 C. B. itQ Chicago
bin : in- .
No. cars Rt- Dest
5 . . . . .N , W Chicago
All sales of stock In this'market are made
per cwt. live weiuht unless otherwise stated.
l > ead liO & tell at Jic per Ib for all
"SkinO orlior * weicli ng le s thnn 100
lid \imie I'ri'gnaJit'sow ? are uockcti 4J
Hotrs lOo lower.
No sheep msrket ,
Cattle are selling fairly well at j rir te
term * .
O. r. , Tohnon was here and sold St7 head
cil ctrtlta.
Charlie Hunter , Innvste , wcs a vllltor at ,
tinjards. .
Q. UnrUn. an old-litre live stock man , wa
at UK- raid * ,
Speed. Siacnfcr t To. soM 175 li nl of feed
ers loaded at Doticlas.
lly Kelley , Ctmrnnc , mwl * his first viMt
to the yard to-day.
0. 11. Hammond iV Co. received ten Inarts
ot fnt cattle to-day.
T. .1. OolToe. 1'onca , was on ilie
vith a load of cattle.
John and William Cox , of Hampton , were
liere lool.ihg for fittlers.
J. 11 CicAver line ! a locul of rattle on the
market from Council Bluirs.
Ml. Walker , ennnecteil withToMler Bio * .
Parkinc coinpAiiy. was heic.
Col Pratt , of 1'ratt 4V : Fi-rris Cattle com
pany , was a Usltor at the yards.
Ml . Mul. ; of Itiiston.lio Im u much near
Bitter 1'ieek , as n visitor at the yaids.
\V. JX Walton. ( Jemm Hlexator eompany ,
was heie and hoiulil 17'i he d of teedei.s.
Mi. 15ie ster , of the Wnr Bonnet Cattle hero and M > M HO head if cat
The Ocrola Raneh rompnny. Plum Cieek ,
had l , . " > lb head ol sheeji in to-tlay. Charles S.
Lincoln , pte-ident uf the company , xuis
Mr. Forest , ol the ( irm ol Clay > V 1'orest ,
Wjominc. wa = a vNUm at the jaids to-da\ .
It Is undeisKiod Hint tliey : ire niiout to open
up a live stuck commission bouse in ( 'hi-
On the maiket with hors : Fuller t 1'aton ,
Fullerloa : C. sclinldfi. Snyder , K. K. Day.
Kacle ; Thomas Powers. Sutton : Too.oou
Jtros. , Crete ; 11. Ford. Manjuette : Nelson it
.lacobs. btaiilchuisi ; .Sncll A : Acnew , Ash
land : Walker Bros. , Waxerly ; C. Cliamidon ;
Dorcliestei ; . I ames Odsers. I nndllla : Aeet * .
.V B. , Atkinson ; C. T. Kenyon. Howard ; .1.
Wilhflinseit , Daunebioi ; ; D. A. llnle. Mml-
KOII ; A. lletlt'es , Kim CreeK ; J. Blair , Cbl-
General Produce. j
Thu diu E\eiiiL't : ! Oct. 7. I
Tjc/ofoiclJi < 7iricis ; nrr tor ran nt loll nf
produce , ai > M > 1 < 1 on the imtrt.e ! ioJTfic |
ginrtatlMii on fruit * represent Utc/irlccii at
which ulAfR ( order * art nilal.
Bt rT.-.n 'Ihe receipttof butter are exceed-
Incb pool and there is- not one pacKase ! n
twenty that can be craded as rood or choice.
Commission houses are oerruulili jKior
buttei. and have hard work to sell it at any
price , while there Is an iucieubing demand
for choice butter. Shippers can iirprove the
quality of the'u butter bv handling it with
more care. Pains , should be taken toha\e
only one ciaue in a packace , as poor butter
jiacked with coed iKvessitates the whole be-
me sold as poor butter. It is too early to stiippini ; bnttcrin boxes. Tlie market
remains about the same as last week. Choice
uuttei commands Ifiiuisc , and funcv Iba2 ( c ,
but there it. MTJ little of that trade in the
market Fair to good is selling at r-s.15a ! ! ,
and poor at 4 > aOc. Choice eteauierv butter
is selling at ± 'e to 24c.
E < , c.s The leceipts ol ecs are not heavy ,
but as the maiket advanced the deimiud
has fallen off 10 the ame extent , so that the
supply is about equal to the demand. At the
present time the market is liiniat l"e for
strictly treih ecgs , ami deuleis teuerally do
not anticipate any Iciwf'r pi ices. The more
liberal leceiiits at the close ol last week and
the h' ol the piescnl v eek compelled deal
ers in some cases to clear up their stock as
low as If.p
GAME Good sound prairie clfckens hold
about their own. while duckn are
extremely dull ntm lo\v. Prospects
Inyor a very busk trade in prairie
chickens at hlcher tiguies as soon as
cold weather sets in. I'rniiic chickens , f iM
( aH.OO per dozen ; quail , SLi"i@1.50 ; ( , UUK %
plover , etc. . Sl.OOSl.25 ; ducks , ( Mallard ) ,
gl.5UWl.7Ti ; ducks ( Teal ) , 51.00 1.25 ; ducks ,
mixed. 75caS1.00 ( : geese , S2.50vUt53 : : deiir.
Baddies , pur lb. , ll&lSc ; deer , carcasses , per
lb. , 7 < 5'.ic ; antelmie , saddles , ll@12c ; nnte-
Joiie. carcasses , 7@Uc ; elk , saddles , 10@lle ;
elk , carcasses , 0 ( 7cjack ; rabbits , per doz. ,
83.BO@4.00 ; small , perdoz. , 51.00 1.25.
Pot'Li itv The demand for poultrv has
been very light for the past few days. Huck
sters have been glutting the market with both
old fowls and spring chickens , and by put
ting prices down have cut off a good deal of
trade from the commission houses. Prices
are not as linn as last week. Old lowls ,
choice , per doz , S2.25@2.50 : spring chick
ens , larce. , S2.00 ; spring chickens , fancy ,
82.25 ; spring chickens , medium. 2.25 : spiing
chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , S2.25c
2,50 : turkeys , not wanted.
POTATOES The season is approaching lor
the laying In ot winter stocks and the mar
ket Is linn. Local gardr.ners are temporarily
supplying a part of the retail trade which les
sens the demand upon commission dealers.
The local supply , however , is light and deal
ers will IKJ lorced to look to the outside for
their winter stocks. A few Colorado and
Utah potatoes have arrived and sold r.t 8oc < p
We , Choice shippini ; stock , per bu , 59r fiOe.
CAiniAbE ( iood solid heads are selling at
05W75c per do/ten.
bw II.T \Tors-There Is a very liberal
supply of choice stock on the mnrUeL Choice
shipping stock , pel lb , 2c.
OXIONS The demand Is not heavy but
choice stock sells fairly well. Choice stocK ,
per bush , 81.00.
JlOMF.-onowN GiiArns The supply Is
growing less as the season advances and
prices , are accordingly firmer. Shipping stock ,
per lb , 5c : 10-lb baskets , 40c.
GRAIN Corn. 24cnew ; oats , 23c ; rye , 40c ;
wheat. No. 2 , flOc.
Oy Tiis : Af > the season advancestlie de
mand and the number of outside orders in
creases. CijJr tlw very choicest stock Is
the way around than last week , and lovvt-r
than any other city. Mediums , 2 ! > c ; bland-
ard , ! tOe ; selects. ! ! 5c : Neiv York counts , 40c.
CELEIIV The maiket is well bupplied and
the demand good. Shipping stock , r > ei doz. ,
Ai'in.ES The demand for choice apples
continues good and tlm supply is very Jicht ,
The market lias been flooded with poor stock
which had to be sold at very low prices and
which tended to keep down prices for good
stock. Stocks have been mostl > cleared up
and the market is about bare. Choice shl | > -
ping block and fancy stand or eatlne annles
are In good demand. Common htock , 'iu.i(3 (
2.25 ; choice snipping stock. S2.60@2.75 ; fancy
bland. 82.75@i.OO. :
MICIIIG AN PEACHES The receipts the pisi ;
W6CK have t > een very light. Baskets , accoid-
ing to size , 75c51,00 ; crate ? , 4 baskets. 3.00
LEMOXB Choice , 300 size , per box SB.50 ;
JJebbiua , S9.75@10.00.
OIIANGEB The only clianges on the mar
ket are Jamaica , which are lower than last
week. Jamaica , per box , SO.OO : per bbl.,111.
CitANiiKniiiEs The market is fairly well
supplied with very cholco Block. Cape cod ,
fancy , per bbl. . Sb.50 ; Jersey , choice , 87.50 ;
Wisconsin , S7.50.
BAXANAS Bananas arc selling at about
the same as last week. Bananas , vellow , per
bunch , Sl.&OcoS.OO ; Bananas , yellow , large
bunch , 2.5ii3.f ( ( ( > 0.
fornia fruiu were received this week. On ac
count of the cooler weather they arrived in
very good order and met with quick sales.
Peaches. 2.25 ; cranesTokavs , S2.00 ; crapes ,
black , S2.03 ; jiears , vicar. 8.00 ; plums , gl.75
(5-2.00 ( ; quinces , S2.50@i75 ,
MELONS A few are still coming in , but the
demand is light and they me slow hale.
MAI-LE St'OAiu Strictly pure. 50-lb boxes ,
15eper pound ; strictly pure , 10-lb tin pails ,
14c per pound ; choice 5s bricks , 25-lb boxes ,
12c per iKiund ; choice penny cakes , 2Mb
boxes , like i-r pound.
HONEY Nebraska , choice , white clover ,
15@lGc. : Nebraska , dark , V.XHC. ; California ,
extra white 15c , ; choice. 12\gl2 c
BEANS The market is annost cleaned up.
Nice clean beans in fair request. H. P.
Navy. tl.70Cnl.75 : U , P. Medium. Cl.Suw.
1.05cholce ; dean country. S1.25aL50 ( : coed
clean countrv , HOdgl.OO : inferior , 00tt75c.
I'jtovisioNS Ham. sugar-cured , ISo ;
boneless , 50-lb boxes , 11 Vc ; picnic ham. 10 > yc ;
breakfast bacon , sucar-cured , t c ; shoulders ,
fcuirar-cured , be ; clear Bide bacon , 9 aV c ; drj-
salted sides , bLc ; dried beef ( hamsj. 16c ;
dried beef ( regular ) , 12e lard , 40-lb cans , Full-
bank's , b34c ; 10 , Sand S-lbpalls , Fairbank'E ,
FLOUR AKD MnxsTurrs A\ inter wheat
flour , best quality patent , 2.75 ; second qual
ity. 2.40 ; best quality spring wlieat
flour , patent , 82.00bran ; , ncpercwtchopj > ed
feM , 70cper cwt ; white corn meal. SLOO ;
yellow corn meal , i0c * iter cwt ; screening , COc
per cwt ; hominy , 82.00 ir cwt ; thoru , & 5c
per cwt ; cratmin , 1.60 ; bay , in bales , 55.50 ®
0.00 pw ton.
I ifc
Grocers' I.lnt. Medium , .n bNs , $ . * ; do In
I half tibls. $ . ) . ? . tinall. In bbls , S7.Y ) ; do in
> vnxr-So.0 < 4-pwion Kees $1.90 ; Xew
I Orkwns , iN4fte t T eniloti : Maple isvmp , V
barrel , strtrtly pntft , TV pt-r ration : l pulloa
cans. S8.9S pei doz. : H callon can S.VS5 i er , c
dor : oniirtcans. $ : < .oa.
I bnoAti * I'owdWfd. 7-\ia7V ; cut loaf
7W7'4e ; rrantdated. ( r nf"p ; oontecttotiure'
A.O , e ; siandard evtra C. frtt'sc ' : extra C , & %
bXt'i medium jelloft'trtf c.
iJiiiu : .H Inch.Hi.eInch : , lO' c ; ' / Inch ,
10 4e.
. lHir.i ) > Fiii ITS-NO , l quarter apples. n 4ia
1 4e : in exaiKiratefl Ixixes. H wO e ; WuclslK'F
e\Rp' iated.
1e ; , none in miyfcer ra pl < err esiipw. K'j
t-Ue : cnrrents , iJ4m7'ile ' : prutief , new , 4"V "
5S'c : Mirror
pitMs , . in. f > v ; .Mirror cio ' " " "
JII , 7
fij rt *
Kiiicsioitl's iwiiu , Vc.
CAXNID : ( iotuis uvsters , standixid. per
cas , SS.iO ; ; stni beirles. 2 lb. pel case. ii.'lO ;
rs-plierrio. 8 lb jier ease , 52.10 ; Calilornla
jiear' , iipr case , * 4fiO ; nprlents. jier ra e ,
4. < . i ; jH-aelies. tier case. S.'i.IW ; white cheiries ,
tier case. S ' .0 : plums , per case , $ ; i.7fi : bltie-
tierrlcs , per case , "l.s1 , ; etc psuiu : , lb , pel
rn-ie. 52.'iOiiliieapiiles : , sib , per ease , 3.20
CT5.50:1 : lb nmekewl. p"T do * . 81.20 ; 1 lb sal
mon per doz , $ L.V il.fiO ( : 2 lb couseberies ,
percasn. $1.75 : 2 lb utiint : tirati.s , jH > r case ,
51.70 : 2 lb linm heens , pet ensc. Si.00 : . ' lb
mnriowlat pas. . IKT ease. 1240:3 : I b early
June pea * , per ( vise. $2.7V. ! t lb ttmwtoes.
iK-r ej e. y2.icy- : Ulbeoin. j 'r eaMs. j-'l..rj
Ci2.10:2 lb eorn bi'et perdtiz. * l.70SiOO.
" CorrnK4 Ordinar > cmaes.nca'ilH'e ' ; iiilr ,
l-'fitl2\c ' ; prime. . li'yolKeieholee. 13' rt 14e ;
tanev creen and jeliow. 18 > j tl4e : old cov-
intnent ; Intenor , la\-a. lO'j ; ®
20c ; Mocha , 2ifJ4c : Ailnickle's roasu-a ,
Ki'jc ; McLuuchlin'c XXXX roasted , 10'4e ;
Dilworth's Ifx1 ; Ked Cross. 1111.40.
ToitArro Pine , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
t7e ; star. : si , ' : spcai head. IKV ; plpor heldilek ,
fiitc : sold shield. 84c ; meri-j- war , 2'ic ; .1. T
,1. . : yc.
TonArro Smokinc , Dtiiham , Is Me ; } < , ' * .
54e ; > 4s. r.7r : Vs. ( Vic : meersehum , Sfie ; old
stile. 22e : V. X. ( ) . . l.V ; Pttirlt cured , 45c.
M Ait-lire j'er istddie'be ; square cases ,
$ -1.70 : mule siiuaie1.20. .
CANDY MlxeJ. 9 1 i c ; sticK , SH' PKc.
CiiAriiu : < ( tiirneau's sodsi , butter and
picnic , 5'vc ' ; ciearns S'jc ; cincer snaps , Mi-'c ;
cltv soda. 7'vC.
JMiAt't Kirk's hnvnti impeiiai. t2.rO ;
Kiik'v satinet. M.OO ; Kirk' - stunilanl. S3.03 :
Kirk'.s white , S4.nj ; Kuki White
Can. tO.50 : Doinu , SS.M : Wnshboald. S3.10.
AV hite Cloud , ? ! 5.75.
General Markets.
WOOL Medium. 1W120jiar Hi : ( inn heavy ,
l-lffliKie : light. Ki'ulse ; eo.trt.e , WtjtlOc ; burry
wool. - © > oil.
HI I > ( irecn butdier * , 0 > ve ; ; cre < ;
eured. N'fc ; dry flint , llnl5c ( ) ! : - " " "
! iioiOc ; "iirejn calf skins , 1'initu.Mr. ' . '
hides two-thirds ] iriee. I'allovr S "i . . .se ,
iirime wnitc. Ho : yellow , 2c ; t > t ' " i c.
Sheep Pelts. i5 ! ic.
Lr.Aim.i : I'tiiiic slauchtei sole leather ,
! Sc ; prime oak sole leather , 3Gii..Ns. Ujincr
leather per foot. 'JOiaS'ie : hem , km. 75'rtsjc ;
oak kip. Si'gjiV ; Flench kip , M.0ul.20 ;
hem , calf , Sl.OOSl.10 ; oak calf , S1.0'iiii.25 ' ;
French calf , Sl.-iVtl.'O : Morocco boot lee ,
! tO attic : Morocco oil , pebble , 2Sj/Jc. : ! toppings
and Jliiiucs fiOirfUc
HEAVY AUII\VA E iron , rate , S2.25 ;
low stiwt si | ; > cii l cast , 4c ; crucib leMeei , Oc ;
east tools do. VAfflsc ; wazon sjiokes' per sat ,
? ; hubs psr sat sl.2'i : lello"s ,
BRvred dir , 5L40 ; toneuss , eacn , 7r > c : ailes ,
each , 7"n5 : squate nuts , II.T lb. 7olic ) : coil
chain , per lb , Otffll2c ; malleable. G(3sc ( : Iron
wedges , Oc : crowbais. Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
pprinc Bteel , 7i ScBurden's horseslioes.
F4.40 ; Buiden's mu'e ' shot-s. 55.40. Barbep
wire , in car lots , , s4.oo ? per 10J ibs. ronl
Nails , rates , 10 ro 50 , ' 52.50 ; hteel nails , S2.05 ;
Shot SUfifi ; buckbhot , SLb5 : oriental
powder , keirs , 82.W : do , bait kegs , S2.00 ;
do. ouaiter kecs , Sl.oO ; blasting. Vegs , S2.S5
fuse , pei 10 leot , 05s , Lead Bar. fid.
DurosAvn t'HEMirAi.s Acid , carbolic
S2c : Reid , tartarlc. 5ic ; balsam eouailia , per
tt , 4"c : bark , saksaf ras , per B. lOc ; calomel ,
per lb 72c : chinciioniaia. tier oz , 40c : chloro
form , per It ) , so c ; Dover's jiowdflia. per lb ,
81.25 ; epsoui salt's , per tt , sjrc ; glycerine ,
pine , per Ib.lSc : lead , acetate , per Hi. 21c ;
oil , castor. No. 1 , jier gal. , bl.50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , ) ier eal. , EL40 : oil. olive , per coL.Sl.40 ;
oil oriirunmim , 50c : opium , 8 .20 ; aulnine ,
P. it W. and K. &S. . per oz , 70e : potassium
iodide , per H > . SJ.W5 : salicin , perez , 40c ; sul
phate morpnine , pel oz. S2.Si ; sulphur , per
fi ) . 4c : htrvchnnie. r.eroz. SL15.
OIL \ \ meeao. Omaha , P. P
; white lead , SL Lculs , pure , b7.75 ; Mar-
eilles gieen. 1 to 5 19 cans , ic : French zinc ,
preen seal , I2c ; French zinc rwl seal , lie ;
Fiench rmc. in varnish asst , Me : French
rinc,75c ; vermlllion , American. Ibc ; Indian
rod. lOc ; rose nlnl : , 14c ; \ euctlan rod , COOK-
bon > s,2Jac : Yeiietlau red. American , life ;
red lead , 7Hc ; chrome yellow , cennine. 2oc ;
cliromeyellow , Jv , 12c : ochie. rochelle , c ;
ochre , Fiencli , 2 c : ochre , American , IJ c ;
Winter's mineral. 2Kc ; Lehlgh brown. 2' c ;
Spanish brown. 2 } < e : Prince's miners ! , -e.
\AiixisiiES-BaiTels , per gallon : Furni-
tuie , extra , S1.10 ; fuinltiire , No. 1,81.00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach. No. 1 , 81.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; jnpin , 70c ; asphaltum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 8S.50 ; hard oil Imlsn ,
DiyPAiNio White lead. c : Kronen zinc ,
12e ; Parif. . whiting. 2jc } ; whitlnc , gilders' ,
5ic ; whitinc , eom'l , lUc , lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12c ; lampbiaclt , ordinary. Sc ;
Prussian blue , .Tic : ultramarine , Ibc ; Vandyke.
brown. 8c : umber , burnt , 4c ; umbor. raw , 4c ;
Hienna. burnt 40- sienna , raw , 4o ; Pans
gieen. genuine , 2.V5 ; rans creen. common.
22c ; chrome rreen. 2s. "i . . BOc : chrome green ,
K , 12c ; vermlllion , Knirlish , In oil 70c ; raw
and burnt umber. 1 lb cans. J' c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 1'Jc ; vandj'ke. brown , ISc ; re-
nned lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ivory
black , lOc ; dron blacfe iCc ; Prussian onie ,
40e ; ultramanneblue , 18c ; cnroine green , j . ,
M. < k D. , IGc ; blind and suatter crecn. L. . M ,
& D. , lOc ; I'aris cren , ISc ; Indian red. l&c ;
Venetian red. ft1 ; Tuscan. 22c ; American
vermlllion. L. < fcD. , 20c : yellow ochre. Sic ; L.
M. & > , D. . IBs ; good ochre , ific ; patent
dryrr. Be' color , light oak , daikoak ,
wlanut , chestnut Ann ibh. I2c
briiuis Coiocne splriLi. i S proof , SMQ :
do 101 proot. 1.17 ; spirits , second ouality.
101 proof , SL10 : do 1W proof. 81.15. AlcohoL -
hoL 188 proof , 82.10 per wine gallon. BediR-
Fl.riO' < i.oa } iiand < e % Imported , { 5.0 > 1S.50 ;
nomer > tc. ! SWifti'l.00. Gins , imported , F4 50
@t)0 ) ( ) ; riomentTc , 1.25ftaoo. Clmnipacnes ,
fmjiorted , per case , E23.CC'2'3'0 ! ' ; American ,
per case , 810.00 10.00.
No.l Cotn.&l.B. 12,14 and 10 ft S17.50
No. 2 " 12,14 and 10 ft 14.75
No.3 " " 12,14andl6tt 18.50
No.4 " " 12.14andl6tt 12.00
xO . .JG.TiO.lC.5U.Ki.5U i 17.011 lb.OO 22.00 2i.OO
2x8 . Itno'lKM ' 10.50 17.00 1k.WSt.W21.UO ( (
xlO . 11WJ,16.511G.50I17.00JB.O'J , 22.00 22. 0(1 (
2x18 . | lfi.5iUiUlfi.ri017.0' ( ; 1S.OO 22.00 2iOO
. . jllUailC.5ttllli.Ea.17.OUlB.UU 20 00 20.M
No. 1 , 4 i0 Inch , IS and 14 ft , rough. . .S17.0J
No. 2 , 4 i Clncli , 12 and 14 ft , rouch. . . 14.00
A 12 , 14 < tlCft , 01000 C . S15.00
Vl'J , 14 10 ILAU)0 ) I ) . 11.00 AND I'AnTinos.
1st com. , % ln White Pine Partition. . . . SfAOO
2d " " i * * " " . . . . 27.50
2d Com. 9b' in. Norway Pine Ceillnc. . . . 14.00
A Cinch , white pine , 23 C . . 29.00
C Clncli , " ' " : M D . 21.50
STOCK iioAitns
A 12 Inch. 8.1s. 41 C , . 5M.OO
B12inch4JD . i3.M !
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , b. 1 fc. . 10. 1H A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , . . . . ] B.'K )
No. 2 , " " 12 A14 ft . 17.00
10 ft . 1G.OO
1st andfia. clear , 1U inch , a. 2 B . S5f > .00
Bd , clear , 1 inch , s.3 s . . . 45.00
8d. clear , 1J1H. . 2 lu . . 47.50
B select , 1 mcli , s. 2 B. . . , . . 3.00
B ( .elect , 14 , lv,2in . SG.OO
Kinr LAP.
No. 1 , plaln.Bandlo inch . . . Si 7.50
No. 2 , planB and 10 Inch. . . . 15.50
XX clear , f 2.W ) ; A btandard , 82.50 ; Na 1 ,
fcl.35 ; Lath , 62.25.
PoBTh White Cedar. C in. , Jtfs , 12o ; 8 In.
qrs. , tic. )
LIUK. liTr. Qulncy white lime ( best ) 80c :
Cement ( Akroii ) $1.05. Utir , 85c. Mlclil-
plaster. 82.75. Sash , tOc. Bliiidh , Me.
Bin , 50& . "ilouldiucs W
Mew nsH. 'Ill * fff li Or llbls I'ls ET3
11 200 190 W M 40 K 13
HB'f S't.Xo 1 Ll > ' 7 ( KM 00 3 ft f ttM 7P 9 $
L's-e niti'd Pniiri K 00 .1 001 7M M1 XMI \ 45
i k'r H'd 'h're ! > } * < W8 IMS 7 * 1 * l ! W SO 4i
. n it.
n n.
No.fH'h c rifh. 7 ( Kl M inn id ] M 10
I > mllj ; White l > h. 3 IW 3 I.M OT. 1 .VI ,
No. 1 Trout 4 * 1 4 < BS Mil PS 741 Bi
I i I
_ IMI'DHTM ) n H.
" " "
'ail cir Kit *
JJJ jy
KKh HIT tigs 14 XI t ) f , W > 3 80S 10 . , , W
Ilollnnd licr- 1
rlns-s , new '
Fi.hD FfClfiC KDIEL , hl , \
o , 111. Nc VotUCitf.
n < mgJit rtHd tolil for iurc < : tini'nt or OH
J'rtratc icirc * ami iits
' / /r to
Members New York Stock Eichaiure.
Members New York Cotton Exchange.
'inbers ' Chicapo Hoard of Trade.
Members Xew York Produce Exchange
Omaha Correspondents McAVluirtcr A :
Rollins OinAiin Kutionul Hunk Building.
Jf lO Xortli IGtli Street.
Paid ill Capital , . - . - $100,000
cro n
HOIIT. L. GAltblCHP. Vipc-Piesldfn .
r. n
pA.Mt'El. It JOHNfOV , GCO. E. DAnKCIt ,
T. B. .IniivsoN.
A ppticral bankiiij ; business transacted.
Interest allowt-a on time deposits.
Carpenter and Builder ,
Telephone COO.
lion Southxtceiitlt Street.
Recently nullt. Newly Kunilnhed
Tlie Tremont ,
J. C I'lTZGEKALD A SON , 1'roprlotors.
Cor. Uli und 1'Sts. , Lincoln , Neb.
TlntPBFI.riOl'i'r dojbtrcct cars Irom Louia to anr
t > ort ol tbe cuJ.
Architect ,
Oflicps 33. SI nnd 42. llicliardb Dlock , Lincoln ,
Neb. Elevator on lltli struct.
Breeder ol flrccderof
Live Stock Auctioneer
Sides miidt in all tiartB or the U S. ntlulr
rates. JSoom 3 , State lllouk , Lincoln , Ncb.3
u > and Short Horn bulls for sale.
Farm Loans and insurance ,
Correspondence in repnrJ to loan ? solicited.
Hoom 4. Hicbards Ulo-k. Lincoln. Not ) .
Riverside Short Horns
Of strlttly pure llutes and Iliites Tupjmd cattle.
Herd numbers about no head.
ramtlles rojiroFontoJ ; j'llbons , Crnsrps ,
Acomlis. Itenic ; ; , Hosn of Slmi-oiib. Moss HOSOE ,
Kniirlitly Duclu-tcs , Tint Cruuk Vounp Marjo ,
1'liyllisus , l.ouuns mid True Lores
Hulls lor said. 1 1'uro Hates rilbert.l Pure
Bnti'B Crupp-B , 1 Jtosool Stiuion , 1 Younif Mur ' ,
1 I'ine Crulcl : Shank and ottiurs Come and
Inspect tlie berJ. Address , CHAS , M , 1UIAN-
SON. Lincoln , Koh.
When in Lincoln Btop at
National Hotel ,
And eel u i-ootJ ainnor for 5c.
A-1'EDAWAV Prop.
Artists' Material.
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Orpans ,
I IS ) ) outlii ; Kireel. Onmbu.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wholesale Penler In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Ciirmcet uud Itucj-lrB. Jonra urcct , butwren OUi
mid lUtli. Oumho , Neb.
Agricultural Inipleinents ,
Wazoni.Ctrnaroi , UucElf , Btc. , Wboletalo , Om h .
Affriculrnral Iiniileinents ,
BndBu lei. WllO3 , Oi ndtW , Jone rt
Butter and Eggs.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Beri eretor and P ckluc llouie , luh Una LeaTtto-
worth Cut ) r. IL It.1'furt , OnuLo. .
Butchers' Tools.
BntclierB' Tools and Supiilics ,
C * ICCf of nil klnfls ulwtjUD flock. 1111
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Buildei-B'Hardware&Bcale Repair Shop
ideciuuilca * TooU fttid Uuffalo Ecule * . K05 PoucUi u ,
Ouahik , NtU.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Ehe t Iron. Etc. Arenli for Howe bculec ,
and Miami Iowdrrlio , Omnlift.Nel .
AVholesale Hardware.
Western icenU 1 r . < rtan fieri Ntlli. AuttU
VovaerCo , lf\ \ . . .nu&rd Sculti. Corner
IDlU ii It * , i * .
Boots and Shots.
M/OJ ; roj/JM.vr ,
Mtnufuc-tuirr. ii ; > < l Wlidr-Tli l > f ] rIn
H * ots mill Shops.
imnl tp MOI ii < f n . I ir i < i. ni * alr-ny * nn h n < l
* i ISlliM inm'in. N > A 1 A tln , Arrnt.
? r. r. MoiesE iJi ro.
Jobbers of Heels find Sliws.
Hit Far-mill H , twtirhn. Neb Mimntaito ? , Sutumoi
' jJiEA "TIXG"
AfjL for Aiilipnspi'-Huvh llrt'wlnsr Ass'n
mK Tmi l liuUwftwnmd Krlsnrft.
X ,0 ILiit ,
Lnir < r H > or Hrpvors.
I Nnrtli l < ib SU-PM. Omxlth Nub.
Cofftf. Skiers , Etc.
c'/Tf/'K / : nitox. ffl. .
Omnlia Cofl'pp niul Spire Mill's.
tt'.OorcoBi.o - ll V'tic ITwdrr. 11 iTortnn Cr-
tract * , LnunatT I'lt'P ' li-k Kit 14H it. llnmtr
( iATI * . COLK fll MILES.
Home Cnfleonnil Sjiice Mills MTp Co.
CnBcp non ti > r and fftef tirinrtf r . M&nulnrturrm
fit llnklnc 1'owflpr. Ilivortnc f. trnrt . Hint ic.
Trr nnp ric cit n ir I-I I'm kiicillninr HlPnd Ilimttrd
O" < % " . HT'IItiwerdM "tBiba l
lohn Ejieneter , 1'rop.
Uatmfncturpr rf Galtanlrcd lion and Cornlrp.
liortcf nuc' 103 mid li&7vlDib ft. timnbi
iXG P J10LTE ,
MRnufnrturrrt of
Ornamental ( ialvanired Cornices.
Dormer WiudnKr. llnitla.Mct lU M.jlljbttc. : 810S.
lvirt.rfintm. ) .
C. Speeht , Prop.
Onlvnnlreil Iron rornirpn , ptc. S'prt | > 1mproTprt Put-
cut Mi'tiillc r-Lvilthi. lit ) nmlMt ) S 1-Hi M . ( ininlia.
Jc > bbciof
Carpets , Curtain * , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleums. Mntttuc * . iif ln < 1 Doueln
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Ci.ruiln < .nnd * > . Kit 1(23 rurnum Mloct ,
Omaha. N b.
Croikery and Notions.
jr. / . ifjjG jrr ,
Arentfor tlipUnniifucturpnanil Importcn uf
Crockery. Glassware ,
Lampr , Cblnitit > n , rtr. OfTicr , SI ? boutb IS'.b Pt.
. Neb.
Commission and Storage.
I ) . A. Jll'ItLEY ,
Commission and .T
Biitlpr , Kcrennd rrortuco. ronrlcnmerjit Kollcllrd
Hcndtju.irtprp for htcnrwiirr. r.crry Jlor'-i * nnd
Griiixi likBki' * , 1 < I4 jKulpt-Mn'ft ( iruHln.
Commission Merchants.
I'rultn , rrocUicrcml rrorlMont. Oiut\ha , Kcb.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
fcpcrlultlu * Diiiter EcpCbPitr. . PJultry. Game ,
O ftcre. Ktc. lt < HZf-ouib Kill turret.
Produce Comiuission Mercliants ,
PonUr > , Iuu ! r , Gnnio. nltetc. . 22) S. I4thBt.
Oninliu Neb ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobber * of riireiern t.nil DomiwIeFrultk. Corrc-
[ ondcnoc Hollcltrd Wa llCu e nnd nriloe. 110 K.
Tblrtoftntb St . OmabB. Nrt ) 3 < tlciibttne7a.
r. Jiocco < P co. ,
mportcre und wbolc'Ale ilcalura In
Italian Produce ,
Turclcn. T > nme < tlcunil California h'rultf and Commls-
Bion Merchant * . KUbUtbH. Only exclujlvu
Irult home In Omaluu
Coal ansf Lime.
Dcalcre In
Hard anil Soft Conl ,
Office fend yard , Iflib find NtfbolHS pic. , Oroaba , Neb.
1 tird 'clrjibono. r < nr.
GUI. r. I.AUMIU , l're . C. F. OOOIIMAM , V. Pres.
J. A. RUMiriiLAKi ) , Sue. und 'JYeun.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
2O South Thirteenth fitrrft. Omuba , Neb.
, T. , r.Tro7ryp > r < fco. . .
Hnnnfu turers of Illinois White Lime.
And Hblpp r of Cotil Hnd Col e. Cement , Planter ,
Umc , Hulr , 1'lre Brlcli. Drain , Tile nnil Sewer I'ipe.
( mice. IMrtoo Iliifl. rurnum ft. , ( liiiihu , Nt > b.
- -
-pATtf. o7 (
Mnnufacturins : Confectioners ,
Jobbcrr of Frulu.IVutB cpd Clpaic. l-'ll 1'arnnm SU
Life Stock Commission.
M. iiritKE < soxfi ,
Live Stock Commission.
0. Burkn , Mnnocer.
Union StocS V rd.S Dmnha. Tclepbone la.
Live Stock Commission
Shipments of unr hnd nil kind * of Bmtk
Dnlou Stock urd P , C maha , Neb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Oune and Ammunition. ; i : > tozn S llth u , 1030 to
llt'4 FanmniFt. OraHlm.Neb
WEST if : FltlTSCHElt ,
Ifanufactnrers of Fine Cigars ,
And WbolL'talr Dculen In Licnf Tnbarron , NOB. 106
and 11U N. llth rtrect , ( I uuliu.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH A CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods ANotions
; 2Hnd Ilft4 IiciiflHB ror lltb Pt.Omnba.Kcb.
OUtlllcr * of UquorK Aloohol and SplrlU. Importen
and Johberaof Wlnrtcnd Uquora ,
CO. ami ILEIl d ; CO. ,
Importer * end Jnbboni of Fine Wlntu and I.lqnnra.
bolenmnufnoturuMiif Ktnn dr > r. t Inrtln Bit-
tcrt unilliirarB'lcI.lgupr , 111 ! llurney r-U
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Larpe t Drug : , Paint , Oil & Glass House
Wuttof Cblcacu. Complete Mne of lirucclet * Bun-
drlfn. 11141 Unify t.Ouitba.
Wholesale Dinp/p/ists.
And I > c lcnln I'alntt , OlUand Window ( ilati.Omcba ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. II. Bifln.rrfi J.W Briironi.See.iTreaa
1U J. CAIISOK , V.ITea. und bupu
Office tit 8. lltb M , Omaha , Nrb. Mucblnerr and
feuppllet for Manufacturing Cement Drain Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
Drldret. Vlndueu. Hoof Trua c . Steam Pile Drlrlnc ,
fllinc , Oak and riimllrldrcLunitx-r. Idili at. , ueur
f urnaiQ , Omabu , Nrb.
.Wholesale Dealers in Furniture. et. , Omaba. Nob.
Furniture , Bedding1 , UphoUtery ,
Ulrron , etc. 13X.1SJ6 and 1ZIO rarunm tt , Ouiaba.
Groceries ,
/ ' . < ATO.V. GALLAGIIKR ifCO. . ,
Wliolosnlp ( iroeprir * ami Provisions ,
No * TO. . Iff , fly mid MI S lothtn OmMiii Xfb
co. ,
Wholesale ( i rarer- ! ,
b ni ! l.etrr'iirnril , M .
Hi rtiwnrt.
ir. , T.
llenvy Hardware. Iran niul Steel ,
Fprlnpt.iirm Murk. Hiird Mt > lain Vtir no. 1JOO
hndlfn llurm t n onulift.
liiixTTr , r 77/wox
WlmlexHlo Iron nwl Steel ,
tpn end O rrliic - WOIKI S (
Kir. 1817 mid lam liMiTi'ti-tu
Stovn s. ItHitiri's FiiniHre * . Tiles ,
( .rule * llni > d l.i ; und l.cii Jnmm
Iron IVorAs.
Wrorrbt tiJ r nt Iron UuiKltnc Work , Iron Uilra ,
1 allmc Brunt piiiH.lnlrri. S'rno lpk'lmUnin
Vfurk , dtiirrul r"cmtiilrj. MMlitnr m ( lilnckrinltb
"XVotl. IXHrc hntl \ \ oiks t' I1 lit nntttti Miff *
ED no LSI , c iincjisox.
Wholesale tip weld's nwl MuskJirulers. .
Itrnlcrf In MlTfr ar < ! . ln ni unlr , Wntrlie * . Clorku ,
Ji'wpler i'J < il nrt MHInriiiln rvf 101 line 10J l&Ui
, I'lUtitm
Dealer in Lumber. Lutli , Lime , Sash ,
lluor * , Ktc. Yiird * Cnriurth niul DoucInM Cornrr
Vth ntit ) l > ( iintln .
"Wholesale Lumber ,
B14 S. Hlb ftrri't , Onnlia. Xcti. r. Colii-ttrr. | Mtti > fcr.
C. X. D1ETZ ,
JSth nnd California Ftrcrts , Omnhv Nrb
mtir > ir. GJIAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Ete . , Etc.
Cor. ntii nnd Unnrltif Ms. , Omnhn. Ni-h.
To Dealers Only.
Offlcci , 1403 I nnmnj MfPt.Oniftl'n.
Hardwood LutnbcT ,
TVood Cnrfietr nnd raronpt Floorlnc- lib and Doaclan
AVliolesnlo Jjiiinlier , Etc.
Inifortert nnd Amirlrnn 1'oMliinO Crnifnt. Htntt
Acent ( urMllnunkcv IlyOrnullr Ccmpnt und Bo t
( , 'ulnry AVhltcl.lmr
Life Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John 1" . Boyd , SupcrlnterJlont.
Millinery and Notions.
T. OliEItrELDEK < CCO. . ,
Iniportum and .lotittcrp > of
Millinery nntl Not ions ,
1713nnd nijHiirner ht/pot. Oninliu , Noli.
c. s. Gooniticir < P co ,
Arc thp oulr Dlrpct Importcrfl of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
luNfbniptn. . Chicago jflfpf ( Inpllcntpd wlitiout add-
Inc IrclEht. 11 15 1 ' Street , Omnlui.
WliolesHlo Doiileri In
Notions and Furnishinsr Goods ,
4m nnd 403 S. T nlb ft. , ( KnntiH.
Jobbcr In
Notftms , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
ItWO nd IdfS r.irnnm et. . Omnha , Nsb.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Joint 3'nr.ts , Eblrtn , Ktc 11D2 nnd 1104 I > OIIRU > Street.
Omnhn , NPb.
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers ,
And Book lilndern lXi ( nnd ItH Suutb 1'ourtceDtb
rtrcct. Omulu. Ncli.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Doalcrn In Type , PrrsucB and Printcrd' Supple ! . i09
houtii Twelfth ritn-ct.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Wmiufucturcrs , I'acVern and ICRCIH ! in
Picklep& Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
Iluklie PnwdPr. HHVCirlnp Kitrkrm , Tnble Knnr ,
> rpnch Mu i " 1 , veb Blulnc , Gmreni1 fr-ectaJti |
f-olii nertitn lor York Mmr InnA Hctlncfl A'jjo | ' ) Ci
der. HlC ) I euTvnirorth KU , Oniubu.
Safes , Etc.
G. A
Omaha Bafts "Works.
llannfocturprnof I'lrcnnd lUirclnrProiirBBfrs , Vnult
Dourt.lull \Vork.hhut.crii and \ VlroVorl > . Cor.
Ktb and jKcLnoii bin. , Um bu , N = t ) ,
F. JJOYElt L' CO. ,
Afrcnts for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
rire anrt nil re ar Proof Hxfon. Tliua IxickB , Vault *
nnd Jitll Work. ItU ) 1'nrnntn utr i'l Omaha , Neb ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
a. AnsitKOvrtC co. ,
Wholepalo Miinufncturrrx of
Sash , Doors , BHndB and Monldingfs ,
llrancb ( iflitc.litb end liurd ft . , Omabu.Neb.
G. jr. LYMAN ,
Saeh , Door , Blinds , Mouldings.
Balldlnc I'aiMir , eta 1DII1 hnutb Thlrtrtinlb fitroet ,
Omnlia , Ntb. A poraplfle utoctt of Ilullder * '
llnrrtwure ,
Manufacturers , of Sash. Doors , Blinds ,
Uonldlnii. lKlrWnrkand lutrrlnr Tlaid WIKIC ! Flnltb
Ju t oicued | , X , K cur. bib Hud IxinvuxjxurlliHtt.
Omuba , Nrb ,
ciruitciiTLL pran * co. ,
Wholesale PumpH , Pijie , Fittings ,
Btenmimit Water buiipllct. lUaduuurtera f r Mutt
I'uaMCo'kUoiida. llllJBrnaru n. , Otuubii. Mcu.
Purajis , I'jpcri and Eneine
, Water , Hkllar knd tlllllni : hupiilln. tc.
ICO , icsund tU4 i'umuni kU , Oiuuluu N < :
U S. riXDEXGIXE nnil
nullH nr Wlnfl Mlll : cionin end ATttar Sn
} 'IUDiblncGoc l > , Ilrltlni ; . IJinii. IU9 mill KJJ I ar-
uam kl Oniuba , h K. rclu > n , Muuurt'r ,
'j'ulcpbonti Nu , 10.
Jf. Jf.MA
Wlioleialfi Trunks ,
MMI rrt llotfl lilotk , Omaba.
Wagons and Carnages.
A. , r.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
( UbTAlll.tHIL ! > 1S&8. )
1(03 upd Kit I > ( KJ.e fclroct , Oimho.
Building Material ,
Dealer In All Ulndtot
Baildiiiff Material at WholcsaK
lotug trot land Uuion I'acinc Tr r r , l > mcl.a