Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 08, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Virginians in Washington Very Much Exer
cised Over the Negro Knight.
To Vote or Not to Vote the Question
With Government Clerks
JimticoU'oods Ill-Other
Capital Ncus.
Vlr/ilnlnnt on Ncnroes.
WASHINGTON , Oct. " . [ Special Telegram
to the BKI : , I There Is much Interest mani
fested hero In rcqard to the the outcome of
the double otcr tlic colored delegates to the
Knights of Labor convention In Richmond ,
Va. A private Idler received hcic to-day
from a WaMilnjctonlan. uho Is now In Richmond
mend attending the convention , says :
' Itbccms to look ns If the rnco question
hole would mnko blood-died. The northern
knlKht. ° | ire ilctormlncdto ; sot an cxauiplo her
which tlin w Into n n thus will not emulate.
Kvon more , they tlucnten to repulse Hand I
would not bo surprised If a collision occurred
ut nnytl mo. Tliciu will bo a ball nud ban
quet hctc nn Monday nlsht next mid that
will climax the nil air. It the visitors try to
rub It in on the iiatl\o whites there will bo
trotibloand the northern delegates say they
will. "
The Virginians have talked just emphat
ically of the outrage , ns they call It , ns the
knK'hts do for the negro's rights In Rich
mond. Thcronre many Virginians hero and
a Inrcc excursion froniRlchmoml Is In the city
A journalist from the Old Dominion says
tlmt Ilio uoithcrii Kulchts of Labor have no
right to try and override a social custom of
Virginia and they cannot succeed.
Every ono who has ever vhltcd Washing.
ton knows Jttdgo Rellly , of Accom.ic county ,
Vn , He Is a typical southern gentleman and
Is better known than many politicians.
Judec Rellly Is thinking of running for con
"Sir , " ho said , "you cannot overstep our
soclnl position by trying to force things upon
us which for yvnrs wo have not toleiatcd. A
well bicd Virginia negro would not thrust
himself where he was not wanted. No , sir ;
the negroes of Virginia know their place ,
and no kulclits or any one else , irom hell or
htmven , purgatory or New York , can make
us Virginians bicak up our social customs.
Why , what the northern knights arc trying
to foico us to do Is a greater outrage than the
tiring upon the United States Hag by the
confederates. "
The fall elections this year possess more
than the usual Interest to the employes in the
government depaitmcuts In this city. The
* question is not whether they will go homo to
vote , but whether they will dare to go homo
to vole. The democratic olllclnls disclaim
any interference on their part with the lice
> vill of the clcrka In this nispcct , but at the
samu timu them nro liulhcct methods which
can bo employed to advantage. Little indi
cations atu quoted as illustrating the present
toudonoy. Fur instance , a cleric in ono of
the bureaus applied for a Icavu of absence a
short timu no , thu time abked for Including
the election day In his .state. The chlet cleik
of the buieau irlauced over tlio application
and then salt ) , In a en re less tone :
"By the way , when docs the election take
plncu in your slate'.1' '
Th clurk told him and tlio leave was not
given. Some of the democratic otlicials do
not hesitate to say that republicans who are
holding ollico ought not to go home to veto
ngittnst tlui administration , and there is no
doubt but that the feeling Is VPIV
The Immcssloii scums to prevail In the de
partments that the cloiks will bo discharged
lor taking part in the elections. Of course
this will not apply to the democratic em-
plovcs , who will bo given to understand that
thuir duty icqulrca tholr presence In their re-
r spcctlve states on election day.
jtisTicn WOODS Ar.AnMiNoi.Y ITT
Word has linou received hero by the Irlcnds
.of Justice Woods , of the supreme court , tlmt
he v as very ill nnd not expected to live , llo
loft for his vacation , and on Monday no.\t
the supreme court meets , and ho was ex
pected home. But It Is feared that h will
not be able lo get here. The news which
reached hero is that the judge is very III , but
his filumlshono tlint It Is gicatlv exaggerated
and tlmt ho will soon icturn. 1'ho news of
his illness has somewhat dlharraucud the
plans of the sumemo court , which was that
.ludgo Woods , foolug an Ohioan , should bo
one of the committee from the court to ac
company the lomniusof the l.ito Clilof Jus
tice Ohnso to thuir last resting place at Cin
cinnati , where they will bo removed next
> tru WEST ox mi : INDIAN.
Jlr. West , the British minister , has trans
mitted to the secretary of state a communica
tion trom the governor general and the coun
cil of Canada relative to the Into raid of In
dians from the United titates Into thoNorth-
westtcirltory. The letter contains no com
plaints or recommendations , but Informs this
government tlmt a Inrgo number of I'icmias ,
lilnckfcvt and ( irosJVomies Indians fiom the
gieat reservation of northern Montana have
crossed the border Into the British posses
sions ; that several battles have been fought
with casualties on both sides nud that the
Bloods may bo exiiectcd to tollow their ene
mies and cross the border into the United
States. It suggests that with this Informn- '
tlou this government may bo able to take
active mcasuies to meet these hostiles in the
proper way. .Mr. Bnynra hns transmitted
copies of this communication to the war de-
'VmrtincMitnnd Indian bureau nud iho former
is now considering the best plan of prevent
ing these deiut'dntliig bands trom Inliicting
Injury to settlers or peaceablolmlians on this
side of the line.
Colonel Lament KOI homo from New York
this moiiilng. HD went on toseo Scctetaiy
.Manning nud to curry Instructions trom the
president. It Is anticipated tlmtManning Is
to remain only until nfter tlio November elec-
-tlons nnd then retho. Ills doctors doubt
whether In ; can stand It as long as that time ,
sotho president is nnxlous for him to last as
long ns posslbleto put It In the plainest
yolouel Lament was sent to Now i'ork to
toll Secretary Manning to lest there until
October 15 and thoii como on hero , nud ho
IIOIHM to. bo nblo to have strength enough to
hold the seciotaryhhlp until November. To
keep the secretory occupied Colonel Lnmont
took with him the president's latest views In
icgard to Nuw York politics.
The secretary of tint Interior
, to-day nf-
firmed the decision ol1 ( lie commissioner of
general hind olllcu In the content ol llenrv H.
bniideroon W. II. Xoal , over the hitter's
Umber culture entry o the west halt of the
northwest quarter nnd the we t hnll'of tlio
southwest quaiter hection ! JO , township 10 ,
riimro " 0 In the Grand lt > lnnd , Neb.
Inml dlstilct. JCeal had lixod to comply
the law , nnd thocommissloiiershcld theeutiy
for cancellation.
1 rosT.vr. cnANnrs.
The following postmastcis have bcon roui-
jdouod to-day : Krnnk U. Collins , Rohart ,
Nob. ; Fred Commit , Spring Ruuclie , Neb. ;
bnrnii Al. .Mays , Morsemuu , la.
JMIlos anil Crook.
t WASHINGTON , Oct 7. The 1'ost this mornIng -
Ing published the following : "It cannot ho
discovered that nnj thing has been said olll-
ctally nt the wnr department to justify the 10-
port that tioncrnl .Miles dlsoboyed orders nud
made terms with ( ieionlmo , but lis ( said that
certain officials In the department , while not
positively giving nut repoits , have encour
aged the publication of these stilctures on
General Allies In order to favor General
Ciook. Viho seems to meet with special cou-
fcidenulon from bomo quarters because ho
was a West Point graduate while illlei Is u
volunteer soldlen
A Forlottcil Oninc ,
WASHINGTON , Oct 7 , Kansas City nud
Washington having by mutual consent
agreed to play elf tlio postponed game hero
this morning , and the former not appealing
on the Hold nt the npnoiutnl hour. Umpire
Ouest declared the gnmu forfeited to the
Washlngtous by a scoio ot t ) to 0.
Pneumonia In Now Jersey.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 7. The commissioner
of agriculture to-day received a telegram
from Dr. Salmon stating that there weiosev
In New Jer
eral cases of pluuro-pncumoula
sey. Dr , W. H. Mtflor. orCauulon. was til-
reeled to report to the state board of health to
juako an Investigation.
Frank llc.irld IJO OB n HnvnftO
"With Lcnnon.
HOSTON , Mass. , Oct. 7. A glove fight took
place to-night In ahull on Trcmont street be
tween Joe Lcnnon nnd Frank Hearltl In tlio
presence of about two hundred sports. The
lichlwns governed by the "fair play" rules'
eight three-mluutc rounds to be fought , with
one-minute rest between rounds.
From the start the lighting was sharp omt
terrific. Lennon , however , allowing more sci
ence. Six rounds wore foucht , licarld hav
ing , If niiythlng , a slight advantage up to tlio
last half of the sixth , when Lennon rallied
with a savage blow and knocked his oppo
nent In n li'japnud ' won tlio match.
The ItnNO Unll K coord.
AT rtTT nrnn
I'lttsbiirg . 0 2012 7
Italtlmnro . 00001 1
I'itcliets Say nnd McOlnnfo. First baw
hits riltsbuiK 0 , Baltimore 4. Krrors
I'iltslmrg 0 , UnltlmoioO. Umplro-l'iatt.
rinclnuntl . t 03000000-4
.Metropolitans. . . . C , 1000200 * I )
I'itchcrs Irwln and Shatter Hnso hits
Cincinnati . Jletropoltaus S. Krrors Cin
cinnati 4 , Metropolitans 4. .Umpire York.
Now York . 3 1 2 0 0 1 7
St. Louh . 00 1 1 0 0 a
First base on balls Now York 4 , St Louis
1. Karued runs Now York 4 , SI. Louis 1.
First base hits-Now York 8 , St. Louis 5.
Krrors Now York 3 , SL I/otils S. Umpire
Fui men
AT ST. Lorn
St. Louis . 1 00003101 0
Athletics . 0 0001000 * !
1'ltchprs-roiitz nnd Miller. Hnso hits St.
Louis 10 , Athletics 10. Kirors-St. Louis 4 ,
Athlctlr.4 . Umpire McQuadc.
AT I'mi.ADnr.rmA
Detroit . 0 10000000 1
Philadelphia . 0 10000000 1
First base hits-Detroit 8 , Philadelphia 1.
Krrors Detroit C , Philadelphia 4. Umpire
Kansas City . 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 .1
Washington . U 0051 3 1 12
I'itclicrs Whitney and Ollmore. First base
hits Kansas City ft Washington 11. Kirors
Kansas City 11 , Wnshlngton 3. Umpire-
Chicago . 2 0002022 * 8
Boston . 0 10100020-4
Pitchers Clarkson and Stemmyor. Fust
base hits Chicago 8 , Boston 7. Krrors Chicago
cage 2 , Boston 12. Umpire Powers.
Imtonia Frill Sleeting.
CINCINNATI , O. , Oct , 7. Selling race , ono
mile : SkobelolT won , i-'loiimoro second ,
Aichbishop third. 1'ime 1:4(5. : (
For maidens , two years old , six furlongs :
Hornpipe won , Van second , Lady Maxthhd.
Time 1:17.
For tlircc-vcar-olds mid upwards , seven
furlongs : Porter Asho won , Gold linn
second , Sis lilmvnt third. Time 1:20)4. : )
Handicap , nine furlongs : Jim Giuy won ,
Knloolah second , Park Cottage third. Time
lr OJf.
Fallsetto stakes , for thrce-ycar-olas , two
miles : Montana Iteireut won , Mollie Mc
Carthy's Last second , Guinn third. Time
3:31. :
Tockoy Clnl ) Knees.
GitAvr.snxD , L. I. , Oct 7. Brooklyn
Jockey Club races :
Tlircc-fourthsmlle : Gleaner won , Editor
second , Mamie Hunt third. Time 1:1. : %
One mlle : Climax won , Himalaya second ,
Frank Ward third. Time 1I1J :
For two-year-olds , selllugracc , slxfurlongs :
Rebellion won , Kelax second , Triple Cross
thltd. Time 1:10. :
Fourth rnco , ono and n half miles : Adonis
won. Bouaiua second , Fcroua third. Time.
2S.sf. :
Oue'aud one-sixteenth miles : Politico won ,
Florence M. second , War Eagle third. Time
Knulbars Scores a SUCCCHH.
PI.KVNA , Oct. 7. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to tlio Bins. ] On arriving hcio Knulbars delivered nn nddrcss to a
deputation on three points of the situation.
There were larco gatherings oE people
brought totrcthcr at dllfereut parts of tlio route
by the journey oE General Kaulbars to
Plevna. The Inhabitants ot the village of
Vinrcscha told Knulbars that if n Hussiau
occupation were needed it could take place
at on co. The was linthcr Informed
that the garrisons of Itustchuk and Slmmla
were already on the march to Teraova in
order to set fr ! o tlio prisoners confined there.
Knulbars hns thus speedily secured tlio suc
cess of his representations to Biloft and at
Kustchulc and to the olliocrs nt Shumla.
Unuluars' Acts Denounced.
Bnussr.r.s , Oct. 7. [ Now Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the BEE.J Private advices
from Vienna announce that Count Kolnoky
has sent to the Austrian ambassador at St.
Petersburg for 31. do Giers , an Important
note concerning General Kaulbars' action in
jiulgarla. Although It is couched In "moder
ate language , the no to strongly blames some
of the acts of Kaulbars ns opposed to thu
letter and spiiltot' the Berlin treaty.
SOFIA , Oct. 7. The bureau of parties sup
porting the government has issued an appeal
to the people and the army to refuse to allow
General Kaulbars to deceive or bribe them.
The appeal says : "llathcr uphold tlio honor
of the country'nnd army and show yourselves
worthy of Independence. " The olllcers
of Slmmla garrison have telegraphed to
the government askln g If it Is true , as It icp-
icseiitcd , that Bulgaria Intends to make war
on Itussla. The government has promptly
don led that any such intention wns enter
tained nud wnrued Inqiililng oflleeis tlmt
they would bo punished If they nsnln ques
tioned Hid government about its all a Irs.
The government has notified loielgu con
suls nt Sofia tlmt General Knulbars. thiough
the Ktmlnn consul nt Itustchuk , ordered the
mllltaiy commanders tliero to release politi
cal conspirators In his custody , threatening
to hold him responsible 1C he disobeyed ,
promising ns a reward lor compliance ,
promotion to the rank of a command
ing geheral , "when the Russians
nrrlvo , " nud informing him that the penalty
ot icfusal would bo reduction to the ranks ,
The commander infoimcd the tioops under
Ms command that he Imd received and de
clined the command , nud tlio soldiers np-
plaudcd his conduct. General , en
route to Plevna , summoned the mnyor of tlio
cltv to meet him. nud tirgcd tlmt olllcial to
petition the czar to occupy liulgaila ,
Knravalol ! has reslgucdns regent.
Tlio Overdue Ancliorin.
LONDON , Oct. 7. The Anchor line bteamcr
Ethiopia , which arrived at Glasgow to-day
from New York , reports tlmt on the Kith of
September she passed another steamer of the
same Hue. The latter was probably the
stenmer Anchorln , which lett Olnszow Sep
tember 10 for Now York nnd 1ms not reached
her destination. The owners of thu Anchor
line beliitvo tlio Anchoria Is safe , but is de
layed by some accident to her machinery.
Hcil CoalB on n Klot.
LONDON , Oct. a The royal Innlskllllng
fuslleers , stationed at Andershot , went on a
riot last night In resentment to a drntt that
was biilug mndn lor service in Africa. A sav-
ng i light ensued and the rioters were only
Hiibdued when a number of soldiers and po
lice weie wounded. Forty-one of the rioters
A Priestly Murderer's Trial.
MADHID. Oct. 7.-In the trial of Father
Caleoto , the juiest who killed Moiiblguor
Isqucratlo , bishop of Madrid , on Palm Sun
day , In revenge for having boon silenced as n
priest , the defoiisonsV3d for the prisoner's
acquittal on the ground thai ho was not
resiMiiibible for hU actions when ho killed
thebibhop. The court reserved Its decision.
llio KhiK of Senegal Mimlcrctl.
PAIUS , Oct. 7. Advices from St. Louis ,
Senegal , state that Kluc Trarzashas been
murdered bj his nephew.
The Spanish Cabinet Resigns.
MAPIIID , Oct. 7. The whole cabinet has
decided to reMj-n. It Is believed that the
queen \ \ ill nsK Seuor Sagasta to form a now
m tmtry.
An Amateur Photographer of Hnstiiigs
Wins a Pretty School Girl ,
The Junior Mechanics Fined For
Contempt Th ell Ills Move Insane
Cnscs Sweepers SliiRucU
Other liocal News.
A School Girl's Escapade.
"Anything hero for S. II , Mender ? "
nskcd a neatly dressed j'Oting man of the
clerk nt the delivery window of
the posloflico yesterday afternoon. Ho
received nn nllirmativo reply nnd a let
ter. Ho nervously clttlchcd the opisllo ,
smiled ns ho saw it was postmarked
"Hasting" nnd was turning from the
window when the hand of a member of
Moynlhan's dutectivo agency wns laid on
his shoulder. "There is something hero
for S. II. Uondor too , " said the detcclivti
displaying a warrant for Bonder's arrest
on the charge of abdncUon. The inter
esting particulars with which Bender Is
charged form another missing girl
story. Mabel Van llrokcr Is the pretty
daughter of Gco. E. Van llrokcr , a
wealthy farmer living ncnr Corning in
Adams county , Iowa. She hns made the
most of her educational advantages nnd
progressed so rapidly that her proud
parents decided to give her the advan
tage of a collegiate training. The college -
lego nt Hastings wns decided upon as the
proper plaeo for the girl , and she was ac
cordingly placed in that institution of
leaving at the beginning of the present
school year in September last. She was
apparently delighted with the school , and
for the lirst two weeks glowing accounts
of her success filled frequent letters to
the old folks at homo. About two weeks
ago the accustomed letters failed to make
their appearance at Corning. Several
days passed and the old folks became
an\iou about their daughter. A letter
of inquiry brought no response and tlio
girl's father , now thoroughly alarmed ,
wont to Hastings , where ho was horrilieu
to learn that Ills daughter hud fallen a
victim to the wiles ot Bender , an amateur
photgraphcr of Hastings.and had left ; the
college and the town with him. , en at
once came to Omaha nnd ulaced ll.w.m I
in the hands of the Moynihan Dotec. I '
agency and commencodan action again.- . . ,
Hender , charging him with the abduction
of the girl. It was found that Benderand
the girl had been in Omaha , but before
they could bo located the airl suddenly
nppearod at school again as if nothing
had happened. When Bender was ar
rested yesterday ho denied that he was
guilty of any ollenso and finally decided
to go to Hastings with the detective and
the girl's fatlior , whore it is thought that
a satisfactory settlement of the trouble
will be cllected.
The General of the Nation's Army
MulccB n Halt In Omaha.
General Sheridan and wife , General
Ruckcr , Airs. Sheridan's father , and
Lieutenant DoBeyoiso came in from Den
ver on the private Pullman car Pickwick
last evening at 5:20. The car was imme
diately transferred to the B. & M. tracks
and attached to the Q train , whence it
went directly to Chicago. The general
appears in excellent health , and while the
change of baggage' was being made in ,
the depot ho and Mrs. Sheridan took a
short walk up'and down the platform ,
the "observed , of course , of all observ
ers. " Tlio head of the army of the
United States appears to far better ad
vantage in uniform than tin civilian's
dross , especially when ho wears an
nncient tile about three sizes too famall
for his largo head , and one that was
evidently blocked ucforo the wnr. llo
received a representative of the BEE very
cordially , anil strange to say , did not in.
dulge ill his usual description on pave
ments in response to questions pro
pounded. Ho has been to different
points in Kansas and tlio Indian territory ,
making the longest stay at Fort Leaven-
worth. Thence ho took the
Kansas Paeilic to Denver and
is now on his way \Vashington. . The
general expressed surprise at the wonder-
ltd changes in the west , widen ho said
are becoming more and more striking
every trip ho makes. When asked
whether his present visit wus ono of
pleasure or business , ho rather hesitat
ingly answered :
' ' but I hnvo
'Principally pleasure no
news of public interest that I can com
municate now. The nature of my trip
will all bo known in duo time. If I had
any news that I could consistently give
you I would most willingly do so. Hence
you sco an interview would bo fruitless. "
"Did you call on any of your old In
dian friends , general. " wns asked.
"Them it is , " was the reply. " 1 don't
bo " nml the indulged
want to pumped , general
dulged in one ot his knowing smiles "
The "pumping" process was subse
quently applied in several ways , but in
tno bust natural manner possible the
general parried them all , especially on
Indian matters. After a pleasant tallc
on everyday events , Lioutcnnt DoBovoiso
announced that the car was ready for
transfer , and with a cordial "shako" the
general ot the army entered the Pick
wick and took his departure ,
Mrs. Sheridan was dressed plainer
than the least important of the travelers
on the train or in the depot. She wore a
very indifferent straw nat ami a loose
dress of exceedingly plain material ,
without even any attempt at the style of
traveling attire No casual observer
without having some information in the
promises would over take this plain-look
ing couple for the loading soldier of the
day ami his wife.
Oinnliu Council oft tin .Junior Order of
American JMooIiunlos.
A meeting of the movers of the organ
ization of a council of the Junior Order
of United American Mechanics was held
at Judge Wright's ofllco at the corner of
Fourteenth and Douglas streets , last
night. The comniitteoa appointed at the
meeting on last Sunday to solicit names
of charter members reported that they
had mot with gratifying success and
found enthusiasm prevailing among the
the young Americans in regard to the
order. They felt sure that as soon as the
objects of the organisation become better
known a very largo number of young
men will unite with it. An application
was made for a charter and committees ,
appointed to secure a hall and maku other
arrangements for the future accommoda
tions of the council.
The following olllcers of Omaha Coun
cil No. 1 of Ncoraska wore elected :
Past Councilor A. H. Cochrauc.
Councilor 11. A. Brown.
Vice Councilor A. U , Clark.
Recording Secretary K. BDnnlap. .
Assistant Recording Secretary George
Conductor C. W. Greene.
Warden D. Clemens.
Inside Sentinel II. May.
Outside Sentinel F. C. McCoy-
Daniel KauHhian , treasurer.
The following are the charter members
of the council :
Arthur B. Cochrano , Robert B. Diintnu
H&nsford Brown , II. B. Meyers , Clrark ;
\V , May , Thomas IL Stttrkuy , Joseph
a D
Porter , Anty M. Winger , Andrew Row
ley , C. S. Plymouth , ft. E. Lansing , C.
\V . Greene , J , 11. Oofrht , Dnn Kaufman ,
Alfred D. Jones , Josfcph M. Rogers , C.
L. Davies , George N , Coats , Thomas
Filzpntrlck , Harr\ , Patterson , K. E.
Pench , II , J. SnoUisy , , . ! . E. Smith , 1) . 11.
Smith , Simon U. Clnrk , Horace New
man , F. 0. McCoy , I..C. Gross , Chat-lei
Hippie , Dau K , Clbmchs. J. a. liirkhoad.
Sentenced'Po * Contempt ,
The case against'Charlcs ' Bauer charged
with contempt ot court , was concluded
before Judge NeVillfc yesterday after
noon. Bauer's wife commenced action a
short time ago for a tllvorco , tilingng !
cruelty as a ground therefor , and ob
tained an injunction restraining Bauer
from troubling her while the case was
ponding. Disregarding the court's man
date , Bauer went to his wife's homo the
other night and threatened to kill her
unless she withdrew from the prosecution
of the di vorcc cause Ho was arrested on
the charge of contempt and has been before -
fore Judge Neville for two days having
his case tried. When the arguments in
the case wore concluded yesterday after
noon JudgoNoville gave a prompt decis
ion. Ho said Bauer had shown himself
to bo a thoroughly moan citizen and hus
band antl 1m would line him $100 for con
tempt and place him under bonds of
$1,000 to keep the peace hereafter.
Trouuln Aiiiniie the Hills.
A warrant was sworn out yesterday be
fore Judge Stonberg for the arrest of
James Hill , charged with an assault upon
ono Sonica , The Warrant was placed in
the hands of Ofttcors Burdish and Car
roll , who went to make the arrest. The
ofllccrs found Hill all right but when
they wont to arrest him they awoke a
tartar in the person of Hill's wife , who
made an assault upon the olliocrs and
gave them a lively tussle She was
locked up along with her husband.
Insanity Cnscs.
The commissioners of insanity will
meet at Dr. Tilton's ollico to-tlay to act
upon the case of Frank Maystrick , who
is charged with being insane.
A Swede girl named Albertina Softer-
grcn was arrested at the Swedish church
yesterday afternoon. She is violently in
They Slugged the Sweepers.
Two brawny-looking fellows came up
to Policeman Carroll in the depot last
evening , and in a half-crying way said
. < l"-v had been attacked by two men
] )0 ! -I Robert Dorr and Jack Gainoy ,
. ' on. , ,11'hout , cause or provocation were
b.beaten. . They said they were
strangers in the city and employed on
the street sweeping gang. Last night
when they went to gel their tools they
encountered Dorr and Gainoy , with the
result aforesaid. They wore directed to
procure a warrant , so the sequel cannot
now bo written.
Thn Flrsf 'Ivu6u '
As the season advances , the pains and
aches by which rljeuinnUsni , makes itself
known , arc experienced after every ex
posure. It is not claimed that Hood's
Sarsaparilla is a specific for rheumatism
we doubt if there is , 'or ' can be , such a
remedy. But the thousands benefited by
Hood's Sarsapirjlla\yarrant : us in urg
ing others who suffer j from rheumatism
to take it before tfoc lirst keen twinge.
Sapcrintendent Wl tlock issued build
ing permits yestorUay. is'foliOws :
\VM5ussoll " & 06.1'tTrtWtory fraino ,
"boarding Iionse/'Jl'iuqkn'oy , near > ,
SCrd.wV/ : . Vj..f.'J. . ' , . : . . S 6,300
Slavin & UflUtyoiiOry brick-black
smith shop , 'Lettveinvorth- between
lOlh ami 11th. . . . ' . . . . * . . : * . . 400
Omaha Corrul'atlng Iron cempiny ,
ono-sloty brick , 1'eutiey , between
asil and 84th. . . . ' l.OCO
AI. F. Martin , two-story fraino dwell-
hit ; , Dodge , between Stli and Oth. . . SCO
S. N. Uustln , nlno one and one-half
htory tramo dwellings on 23th and
Charles streets . 8,100
Boark of Education , one-story frame
school house , corner of King and
Di-Jawaro streets . 1,210
Board of Kdticatlon , two-story brick
school liouso on Georgia avenue. . . . 20,000
Eight penults nggrecatlnt ; . 533,010
of cither sex , however induced , promptly.
thoroughly and permanently cured ,
Send 10 cents in stamps for largo illus
trated troatisc. World's Dispensary
Medical Association , CG3 Main Street ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
On Wednesday , the Ctli Inst. , at 11 o'clock
a. in. , Miss Lillle Williams ami .Mr. Edward
Temnlciy were joined in marriage , Rev.
Preston , of Irvlngton , officiating.
A larco assembly of friends witnessed the
ceremony and partook of a sumptuous dinner
prepared by the bildo's mother at their resid
ence In Union precinct. The happy couple
were well rcmcmbuicd In the way ot pres
ents. and a host of Iriuiids wished them a
happy future.
Norn. Bo suspicious of persons who
recommend any other article as "just as
good , " and take nothing else but Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup.
A party paid ten dollars for a horse at
an auction sale. The horse was lame and
bruised all over. A bottle of Salvation
Oil costing i..1) cents was used ; ho is now
valued at two hundred dollars.
From Iowa to California.
Attached to the regular overland train
last night was the Pullman sleeper ,
Manorga , containing a party of well-to-
do citi/ons of Marshalllown , la. , and vi
cinity , going to Los Angeles , Cal. , to take
up a permanent resiecnco. It consisted
of Dclos Arnold and family , S. C. Arnold
and wife , Dr. Knoppor and family. An
thony Pierce and family , Doctor Kiorolf
and family. Mr. Rogers and family and
Mr. Ralston and fajwlv. With thorn was
Mrs. Townsend , of Walton , N. Y. , and
Miss Alice Edson ; of tbluw York city.
Appetite and slM-'ri ' I4my bo improved
and every part of , 111 % , , system strength
ened , and the aniuiat spirits regain their
bouvanoy by the 110 'oP Dr. J. II. Mc
Lean's Strengthening Lordlal and Blood
Purilier. f * >
The CoalirJuife Again ,
Rov. Cochrah , ivlio e , troubles with his
wife have been tyi'pJ in the police and
divorce courts , isno.y ? posing as a defendant -
fondant in a roploiin oXso brought by his
Wife before Justice Herkn for the rccov-
cry of a big arm -chilli' , which the plain-
till' claims is hur property , ami is being
wrongfully held bJ'Jtov. Cochrau , her
whilom husband , ' ,
For delicacy , lor purity , and for im
proycnient of the complexion , nothing
equals Pozzoiil's Powder.
A Tory Close Call.
A switchman named Coach , employed
on Urn Union Pacific , had about as close n
call for an eternal journey last evening as
has been recorded in many a day , Ho
was standing on the rear foot-board of
engine No. O31's tender when a "back
up" was being made to rouble on some
conches in the depot Just before tlm
cngino reached the cars and
Coach was about to step off to
make the coupling , he Clipped and fell
directly under the tundiir. He announced
his mishap by a shrill yell and in a
tw iihling of nn eye Harry Johnson , the
hud 021 stepped. Another
revolution of the wheels and Coach would
have been manglrd , The presence of
mind and skill of Johnson alone saved
his life. It seemed almost impossible
that the big locomotive could have been
under such perfect control.
Didn't onr girl graduate * look lovovt
Yes , Indpc-d ; they all use Po//.onl'8 Com
plexion Powder.
Knllroail N'otofl.
S H. H. Clark wont south on the Mis
souri Pacific last night ,
W. N. Babcook , agent of the Chicago
it Northwestern road , has gone to
J. D. Holmes , travolincpas'entjcragent
of the Union Pacific at Dos Moincs , is In
the city.
Tracklaylng on the Cheyenne & North
ern road has commenced , and It is ex
pected that trains will bo running on the
line before no.\t spring.
Ypstordiv morning flioovorland ! Union
i'acillc passenger train for the west did
not arrive in this city until 12 o'clock. It
waited at the Bluffs for the Q. train ,
which was two hours behind time.
The B. & M. Is now ballasting the road
between this city and Portland with
crushed rork at the rate of ten carloads
per day. It is estimated that in the place
designated along the track ' 100 car
loads of the material will be deposited
within the next thirty days.
The Union Pacific track in the vicln-
lly of the biidgo is n scene of grout ac
tivity which is continued out upon that
structure and indeed far over on the Iowa
sido. Two pile drivers are at worK at the
Seventh street viaduct. Hundreds of
graders are preparing the approach to
the wagon road across the now bridge ,
while several "hundred men are engaged
in taking down the superstructure of the
old bridge and supplanting it
with trusses for the now 0110.
Two stone piers have already been
erected. A third has boon sunk to a depth
of sixty-six Feet , while two more remain
to bo eroded , lo enable all this work to
bo carried on piles have to bo driven in
the river from the Iowa side , and on these
a temporary track has been laid which
enables all the material required to be
drawn to the point of operations.
Hnlford Banco Is the best. Buy no imi
tation for It.
What IB to Itc Found In the tjocal
Marts Prices.
Cucumbers sell for 15 cents a dozen.
Parsley is sold at fi cents a bunch.
Radishes two bundles for a nickle.
Onions -10 cents a pock. Turnips 3
bunches for a nicklo. Potatoes , ! iO cents
n peck. String beans and wax beans sell
4 quarts for Socents. Lima bonus 50 cents
a peck. Green corn is worth 12 J
cents a do/.en. Carrots s > ell for three
bunches for a dime. Beets are soiling
three bunches for 10 cents. Tomatoes 75
cents aimshcl. Cabbage 10 cents a head.
llubbard squashes are worth 10 to 15
cents. Green mangoes sell for 12 } ucnts a
dozen. Homo grown sweet potatoes
bring C pounds for a quarter ; genuine
Jersey 4 pounds for a quarter.
Peaches sell from 20 to40centsper dozen.
Michigan peaches from 75 cents to 90
cents a basket. Plums. sell for 12 j cents a
pound , antl Bartlett pears 15 cents a
pound. Watermelons am in the market
at prices ranging from 10 to 23 cents
apiece. Musknielons are worth from 5
up to 15 cents.
Rodi oranges sell for GO cents a
a dozen , and Messinas 05 ,
Lemons bring from 40 to GO cents , the
outside price being for very choice
ones. Bananas are worth from 23 to 35
cents a do/on. Rose Peru grapes sell for
15 cents a pound ; California white grapes
15 cents a 'pound , and Concord 0 cents
a pound.
White fish and trout are selling for 15
cents a pound. Salmon steaks arc worth
25 cents a pound.
.Fresh perch are still in the market
and sell at 12J cents a pound. Fresh
catfish also on hand , soiling at 15 cents a
pound. Buffalo < s worth , fresh
caught , 10 cents a pound. Pickerel are
now Jn the market , fresh , and sull at 12 }
cents a pound. Fresh mackerel are
worth 15 cents apiece. Fresh pike sell
for 15 cents a pound , as do also black
bass. Croppie and perch retail for. 12 }
cents per pound ; blue-Jish are worth 25
cents a pound.
Fresh cod and haddock sell for 15
cents ; flounders 12 } cents ; eels 20 cents ;
hallibut 25 cents ; lobsters 25 cents a
The best cuts of sirloin sell for 15 cents ,
rumps and upper part of round steak at
12J. Roasting ; ribs , linn and juicy can
bo bought from 10 to 12 } cents.
Sweet broads can bo purchased at
25 cents a pair. Corn bcof is selling
at from 5 to 10 cents , according to
cuts. Prime leg of mutton can bo hau for
12J cents ; mutton chops 12 } to IB cents ;
ham is worth 11 cents in bulk , 20 cents
sliced. Pork , 10 to 12 } cents. Sausage.
10 to 12 } cents.
Spring lamb is one of the delicacies of
the season. The hind quarters brinir
$1.50 each , the fore quarters $1 25.
Prairie chickens are worth 75 cents a pair ;
teal duck 20 cents each ; wood duck 25
cents each ; mallard duck 35 cents each.
UUTTiU : AND r.HS. ( !
Butler from 15 to 20 cents a pound , the
latter price is for the bust creamery.
Eggs bring 10 cents a dozen.
Levi Carter , of Coo ti Carter , went
westward last evening.
\ \ . 11. Michael , of CJrand 'Island , was
at.tho Millard yesterday morning ,
.Mrs. S. N. Mcalio returned yestordaj
morning from a long and pleasant visit to
the east
.louTeahon , the veiled prophet of the
\Vabash , returned trom the cast last
W. ( i. Palmantcor , president of the
First national bank of O'Neill , passed
through to Denver yesterday morning.
Colonel A. II. Forbes has returned
from Woodstock. Ontario , where ho was
cnlled to attend the funeral of his brother ,
J. M. Alnthcws , chief of the Council
Bluffs police , and candidate for county
clerk on the republican ticket in Potta-
wnttamio county , was in the city yestcr-
Johp Sahlor went to Now York yester
day , nnd knowing one , ho says ho has his
eye on a railroad bur'l , which is to bo
tapped in these parts for Church pur
Lieutenant-Colonel OUloy , of the Seven
teenth infantry , who has been in com
mand of Columbusbarracks , Ohio , passed
through the city last night on his way to
Fort Russell to join his regiment
Harris F , Jnekson left the city for West
Point ve.sterday morning unon i-ivitation
to visit the paper mill at tlmt point , and
to assure themselves of the great paper
manufacturing interest desired in our
J. 13. MaoDonongh , of the O'Neill
"Tribune , " the gentleman , who has
come , relatively speaking , out of more fist
contosU , lately than J. L.Sullivan , passed
through the city yesterday us a delegate to
the democratic convention at Hastings.
Rev. T. U. Hall has returned from his
custom trip , fie is now encaged in clos
ing up his business affairs hero and will
leave the latter part of thin week for Chicago
cage to take charge of the Forty-first
Presbyterian church. He will still retain
his interest iu the Christian Hour , of
which Rev. J. N. Boyd is to remain the
managing editor.
The nc-tinlon nt Otltitmvn A SOUR
Hook .Milsnnue In the Han-
( inct Hall.
Urtl'MWA , la. , Ocl. 0. [ Special Cor
respondence ] The third re-union of the
Second Iowa infantry , held at this plnco
yesterday nnd to-day , wns nttomlcd by
about 200 of the old regiment , who enjoyed -
joyed to the ulmo.'t this meeting cf com
rades , ninny nf whom had not seen each
other sinee Iho close of the wnr. Gen
eral J. M. Tiittlo , who succeeded General
Samuel Curtis as colonel of < Jio regiment
nnd who led it in the famous charge nt
Fort Doiielsou , wns present nnd , ns pre
siding officer , contributed much to Iho
success ofthe nll'alr. H was pleasant to
note the skill he exhibited yesterday , dur
ing the proceedings nt the opera house ,
in suppressing nn oily , well-fed ehnpwho
modestly styles himself "Tho Fighting
Parson , " in a vulgar song book which ho
wns endeavoring to peddle among the
boys at a quarter apiece. Ho occttnied n
prominent plnco on the stage and at the
slightest lull in the proceedings would
pop up nnd sing n song to ndvertisu his
nook until General Tuttle " "
, "dropped" on
his scheme nnd maneuvered him into
Among those killed at Donolson was
Captain Clotttmnn. Tim programme of
yesterday included a song trom a dnugh
tor of that gallant soldier. Miss Clout-
man has achieved a line reputation ns n
vocalist , and when she appeared on the
stage , dressed in mourning , and sang ,
"There Will bo Ono Vncanf Chair , " in a
voice of thrilling sweetness and sadness ,
nil hearts were touched with sympathy.
Occupying a place on the stage wns n
faded ling , referring to which General
TuUlosnid : "Those of you who were not
members of llio Second Iowa can see no
beauty in that old rag , but wo love it. It
is not particularly handsome now , but
when it was carried up the hill nt Done- !
son it wns new , nnd n bo.iiity. Thu rebels
shot lorty bullet holes Into it then , and
the \yorins have shot a good many nioro
into it since. It will bo brought forward
by Lieutenant Twombly , who wts then a
corporal of the color guard , and the only
one left who was not Killed or wounded in
thocharge "
Amid loud calls , Lieutenant Twombly ,
now slate treasurer of Iowa , came to the
front of the slago with the ling , nnd three
rousing cheers were jiiven by the large
audience soldiers nud citizens.
Last night a most generous banquet
was provided by thu good people of
Ottuniwn , to which about four hundred
guests sat down and heartily enjoyed ,
leaving the tables at midnigllt.
Todiy ; was devoted to business details ,
election of officers , etc. , ami tlio evening
trains carried to their homes the ox-sol
diers and their friends , who departed
with hearty good wishes for the commit
tee of arrangements nnd others who had
done .so much to assure the successor the
re-union. J. T. B.
A Jlormon Kpistlc.
SALT LAKI : , Oct. 7. At the Mormon Rcn-
eral coutcmnce nt Cosvlllc , Utali , to-tlay , an
epistle was rend from the president vjiich
congratulates the people upon the unity of
latth Increasing among them , caused by the
present pcisccution , ur es the continuance
of clTorts to lives of purity , that evil-doeis
and hypociltes \ > ctst out. The picscnt
trouble is merely a itillillinent of ancient
prophesy and Cud is on Ilieirsiile. IIostroiiily
nilnionlshc.s the people tocIliiK lirinly to their
principles , pi.ictlcinj ; lives of jiurliy , and
tiust ( led for tlio dulhernpccvliicli ultimate
ly \ \ .
Ijord Lonsdalo's Arrest.
2KW YOUK , Oct. 7. Do Ucnsniule , hus
band of Violet Cameron , the English nctross ,
biouKlit stilt to-day ngalnst Lord J onsdiilc
her manaRur. for S100,000jilnniaics for iillen-
ntinc : his wife's affections. A wnn-ant will
bo Usiicd tor Lonst'ale's ' nire-st.
Children Burned tn Dcntli.
Ciuc-vao , Oct. 7. Early this morning two
young daughters of Samuel \V. Wilson , aired
nlno and seven years , were burned to death
at 153 Warren avenue. The Inther wns load
ing three ot his children out of tlio burning
biillilinir. nnd thctuo youngest CMMi > Pd fioiii
him In the smoke and perished.
Furious Fire In New York.
Nnw YOJIK , Oct , 7. A tire broke out early
this morning In the four-story factory build
ing occupied by eight different firms as tail
ors , cloak inaiuitactururs nnd 'pull makers , at
07 linyard street , fn three cloak inaniifnc'
lories of Samuel Paul , Joseph \Veinernnd \
Nathan Fried , on the fourth lloor , between 50
nnd 75 men , women nnd children were at
work when the tire occurred. Samuel Paul's
employes escaped by the east stairway , which
was unobstructed. The employes of the
other two establishments found their way
to the west stairway blocked by llanu-s.
The liio was below them , in the quilt factory ,
The liiuhtencd employes then made for thereof
roof of tlio building nt last reaching a Hat
roof with clothes nlhontul half smothered.
Tlio adjoining factory WAS u IWo-.storv house
with a peaked i oof. With hhricks of terror
the men ind women Hung themselves olf.
.Minnie KogaiLSky , falling In tlio Micct on her
head , was mm tally hint , her skull being
crushed in. She was removed to the hos
pital. A little boy wlmsas clinging to the
coping of tlio peak tooled house was rescued
by nn old volunteer liicman with the aid of
some citl/.ens and police. The police went
up on the roof of a tall tenement , No. 71 , and
threw n IOPO down to the iactoiy employes
still left on thn loot of the bin uing building
nnd they wcioiescited ono after the oilier.
The others tvero taken Into n window from
the peak-roofed house. At this time the roof
ol the Iactoiy was on ( lie , but the liiemoii
were soon masters of the situation. A clnso
search showed that nobody had been bin ncd
to dcnth. The loss nn the building nnd con
tents Is about twenty thousand dollars.
Queen Clirititinii'H HlnilnrRH.
JlAiiiui ) , Oct. 7. At llior.iblnct council to
day Queen Clnlstlim signed a dcciee com
muting the feculences of the condemned In-
smcents. She also Hlgncxl n ilccieo fieelng
the slaves In Cuba trom the remainder of
their terms of horvitudo.
B nrf * rni 11 NcnviTA HM\
LllCC lUlnl n n cu of leuuiiii
rnrr I nlALi r > " ' " * 'ui"l" , < l
I | IL L I Illrikl ,
> i rrU4 i I MI aim
u.4 lisr . 4 . ff . . U . > . . TiUIliJ | . . . Ifc. . . i * < * ! ' , '
T7r . 1.4 VI . .tilnir fitted t
I > U. A. U. ILIN nil . . f > .l l liu
W. l.ttVpwl'Mkvc * . t > Ufur i.OO.
Prof , Ghas , Ludivig Von Seegor
rrof ( > ornf Medicine t lhi < ItojM mirpr ltTi
Kuliilit of thn itnynlii | rl n Or tor of tlio Iron
t rowm Knlclit Coramimlnr of llio IIOTB ! Sp nl ! i
Onlorof l nbclln KnUlilof th ItnrM l fin 1nn Of
iiorofiholKMKixiit iiornllcr ol tha lculon of
llonor.plp .PIP , my
"I.KIIIHI isis Ooi'A MKKV TONIC nliotiM nol h
ronniiiiiilctl ltti tholionle of lrn lijrcuro IK HU
In no pii c of imlpnl rpincilT 1 nm thor
otiEhlr ( H > iTormnt with It * inivto of prppnrnllon nnj
kiiowlttnlionoi only n ipcitimitn iiti-trin ppiillpil
imxlni * ! . tint nl ownnnvof In" Mill rommonilHilnni
ll lm rccolTrd tniill pnrt'of the norM It cunliiiiii
( ' "oiirii nf licet , ( > , c , Qulnlnn. lion nml Cnllmrn ,
wliiPli nrpdi nlvoil ininiroRonulnoSrnnlslilmpcriil
Crown Miprrt. "
tiiTnliinhloio nil who nrn linn Down , N"rrmi . Pr -
1'Plitlc , Ulllnn Mnlntliu or nRlrtcil nllli nonk kht-
noy . likn AliKur IMITATIOVS.
Her Majesty's FaYorltio CosrastlcGlycorlns
tiyltorUnr lltiBlino < ttio l'rliirp of
nnblllir. Kor tlio "kin. Coniplatlon. llrui
limn riiniiplnc. ltiMialuio.,1 1 ( V ) ( if ilriieai < l > .
Ucnnlno rnn of S t iMMMa | , U
iitllio licsl i < nn > nimrllln In tlio murkoU
017 Hi. < : imrIo NH.I.oiilnRio.
irn Ur r dnit i r lv * Milled CMUtM , tn < ti intaiic r
tn | rvl ID Iht r < teiftllrttmrnt < ir , Nknrov * . Smtm
tnd UtRoB Diiitin MIT olb r rbrilslu I. SI. LotU , o
Ncrtoiu Prostration , Debility , Mtntat and
Phjilcnl Weakniti ; Mercurlnl nnd other AITsc.
lions ol Throat. Sklnor Uonet , DloodPolionlnn ,
eld Sores and Utcora. t ir .t.j iih . r.rmii iM
uf < ei.tuUl.iiMU > ilOopilnlri , , , n f > lrrtlt , .lT.
Dlsciset Arlslno Irom Indlscrcllon , Excesi ,
E pOSUr or IntlulnCncO , Mtk trclur , , em < ortk ,
l ll > * l > t fffttHI n.tfo.ine. , , dtMlllr , dlnDi , of .I M
uildtrolltiinitracrr , ri..pu , ] Ihi rii . fble ld o.r1
r > lontoll , . .tUljof frniiln , cenhiiloi f Uni , eli ,
renatrinE M rrl liniirorer or uiihuppy , u >
p rnnnmllj ( orcj , r mpblcl(9Srii ( iou lb l.oti. MM
I5 > f lelinr l r , o , HJc.,1. C n.oU ( HinHof.
Sc 0'bJr " " ' " . ln lli-.l . nJ ilrltllr MBUJ.ollil.
A PosltlvB Written Guarantee jirm in T rre .
nlu tut. > liill lii < ieiit rrc ; k r ) \ > j m ll roipriu.
aoq FAOSS , ? mE TLATES. otctnt c'.Mh and itiit
MDalnc , ttlft > r 3Go lu i > r tfi > creati-tnfT ( Over fin/
ronJerful | . o rl tnrr * . tro to Hie | nlcl * on tV followlcf
. ,
teed , j T , n.ft ofpelltaej tcJeioait , th *
h n' ' t It I * prUr editioor
2,829,8130 !
TansilPs Punch Cigars
wore shipped ( luring tlio imst
two years , wltljout n ilnim-
mrr lu our employ. No otlior
lumeolii the nurlil can triitl * .
fcilly inalo : nu3h a showing.
ranlod luiuch town.
R.W.TANSILL&C0..55 Slate SLChlcaoo-
A Boole tlmt rrerr father
thoul.l i lice in liln noil's hand *
Hiul i tiui Jitmftclf w Ith the utmost
CAPO , ( llvi-s all the H\niptoin >
nml terrible ri nlta uf Utxt-wica
diinto l nrljT Ice und Iguor-
nnro. . . . U'ruf. Jenn Clvlnlo. )
llunbandfl nnd I lead of FamOf I'/itlB Krancu. )
ilio ncctl It , TtutlinoiiL'U.i f 10111 eminent London Uocturt
Tor Drains , Kucny , Wuiknci . Lost VlUlltr , Etc. Sonl
onlrwilcHl I'rro ' .m iittnlmi. ( From 5 A M.loM-H.
ClVl.VU : AO1..NCV , ITJll'ullon M. , .Suwork. .
Tlio Orifrliial itml Only dciiiilno.
Rir uid m\wijt \ npllahli * . ncwkre of worthlt * i lultaUonl.
lnrtl > pen llt , to LADIES. A l r IlrucuUt to !
" ( lilch < itrr * Knrlll | 'lin < l ( r no othn-.or InelM- .
( itunnlo | ) u for | < ttlcul&r ffi Ittitr l > r return mall *
NAME PAPER. ChlchMlcr Chrmlcnl Co. ,
331B Mu.ll.oii . Squar * . IMillu.I. . . ! > .
Sold by Druijgicts ovorywhoro. Ask for "Chi-
Chester's English" Pennyroyal Pills. Tuki
no Otlior.
State Agents
I'OIl 'J'lIJiS
Omaha , Neb.
Pays Best
FRCE or CHARGE : . [
The H. P. Hubbard Co. , j
Succetoon to H. P. HUBBARD , (
jJudidous Advertising Agents and Experts , '
j Ettoblithod 1871 , Incorporated 1685. I
! fiow Haven , Conn. j
i. . . . . . . . . . -J
Onr productions arc the
In them Every Objertion to ready.insds
hoci U removed. The BUCCCBS tbno
ottaincd by our coads wherever Introduced
li because they are glove-fitting , elegant
in style and finish , or the finest material *
wnd workmaoshtp , end moderate In pilce.
The horrors cCbreaklnR.Ic are avoided !
they arc comfurtaLlo from the very first ,
IJado in oil clzea , widths and shapes.
J-ftt tn Situ fir Ji'ame a Mil ditJrtu /
J. & T. COV8IK8 ,
Ni 'W voiirc ,
Anil othera luiroilnc from
' ' "
, unnntii i'
i f ° 8 B Q "l"l ' * A. K.NOWIIKN. thO
\ / HID l > rinljU- tonaL -itOullrlulUu
I I /I I 1 I fl * " " ' * fuo ri'Kulurlr. fro-
kj ; zj a u u a g.raiw.v.-Sm'a
xintln BIIJT ulilrox In Ihu UnlUtil 8l tc or C nKl
FOR $2.60 I'KIl
. i ul ridt'i. liioner orclor. ol
Inter. Addrcu Tin : ClllCAUO MAlb
. vaimyo. 111.