THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TJETORSDAY. OCTOBER. T. > 1886 , GATHERED FROM THE CITY , An Omaha Physician Who Worsted Two Foot Pads , HE FOUND THE WRONG ROOM. n.tllroad News- Telephone Line Im- XiroTcmcnts Army News A Jlnroo Thief Captured Police Court nntl Other Liocnl. Amniittcd In the Dark. Yesterday morning at about 13:30 : o'clok lr. Piirrow was proccodinc lioniowurd from a sick call wlinn he reached tlic block oil Jnckson bet wcenTliirtecntli and Four teenth slrnuts. Ho had previously dis covered Hint ho did not luivo his revolver with him , and in passing the Marker building picked up n brick wlilcli ho in tended to u o in the event of beinR at tacked. When ho reached Fourteenth street two follows accosted him , one ask ing for u niatoli. "Ilmvoii'tgotamatoli , " Bald the doctor. " \Voll \ , we'll BCC what you have got llllill. " The doctor's hack was turned at the time , and he suddenly wheeled and faced Ids assailants. As he did so , ho was struck in the side with a sand bug. which had boon intended for his head. The next in- Blunt he hurled the brick at one of the assailants and struck htm on the head knocking him down , the other fellow taking to his heels. The doctor started to kick his victim , but misled him , and nearly loJt his feet , and before hn could regain himself , the prone assailant arose and lied KAIL NOTES. An Inloroilinii Ilinl ot of Track Items I'crN email. Goo. W. Hall , of the Union Pacific. went to Marysvillo yesterday morning. President Adams , of the Union Pacltlc , with General Manager C'allaway , came in yecterday from Kansas City. They loft yesterday afternoon for a western tour of inspection over the Union Paoilio. The Missouri Pacific for some time back lias been contemplating running a daily train to Lincoln , and next Sunday the lirat train was to have been run. Hut at the last moment , Superintendent Drake Las decided that the tr.iek is not yet in good enough conditionto put the train on. Yeslordav morning No 2 from the west came in nearly an hour behind. Tim Grand Island , although it had but a few passengers , hud lost thirty minutes. No. -11 from the east did not got across the [ bridge until nearly ll)0 : ! ) , and the cause of her detention , a freight train which blocked up lie | tracks near the bridge , also knocked oul , the regularity of the dummy runs. These obstructions also Interfere with the M. P. , which now does not get its en gines until half an hour behind time. Last night this train reached Papillion on .time , where the U. P. caused it to lose ; thirty minutes , rendering it impossible to iimkp the eastern connections and compelling a number of people to remain over till yesterday morning. Tuesday nielli iTforco of Union Pacific men went to the bottoms , eait of Drexel & Poll's stone yards , and putting a number of the shanties at that place on skids , moved them to wind the river and then laid a continuation southward of the shops track. The occupants of _ the shan ties were angrv , but the superior force of the tracklayers rendered resistance use less. It really scorns as if the delays on the part of the trains of the Union Pacific were increasing daily. For several days back not ono of its trains has come in on time. They moot with obstructions , whether coming from the west or going in that direction. The yards are gener ally so filled with trains , and the outlets being so few , that it is absolutely impos sible for a train to enter or k'avo on any thing like schedule timo. SAM'S OFFICE. H Sonio or the Noway FoaturoH of tlio 1'ontoIHoo. Postmaster ( Joutant and his assistant , James Woodard , are still busily ongaced mid will bo so for a couple of weeks to .eome in recording the quarterly returns made to this olllco by the postmasters throughout the stato. These returns are made in all kinds of stylo. Some are in an excellent condition , while Others are botched , inaccurate and in Bomo instances neither head nor tail can bo made out of thorn. Yesterday two of them contained the amount of money w.liioh they should have contained , but strange to say , the name of the postmas ter or his ofllco was not given. Asa consequence - sequence , , it will be difilcult matter to de termine to whom the funds belong. Chndron'H report was made in $1,100 , which , of course , leads all others , The position of Letter Carrier E. U. Godding , who resigned a few days ago , has been filled by the appointment of L. J. Edwards. Ho will 'deliver mail in route ton. west of Twenty-first street and north of Farnam street. II. J. Wright , who for some time back has been one of the most accomplished distributing clerks in the postolllco , has resigned because of the overwork devolv ing upon the clerks in the ollice , and will gO into other business. Frank White , formerly paper distributing dork , has beun promoted lo fill his position , and W. Brown , Jr. , has succeeded White. * A COSTI/Y JlolorUliS8 ) Wanders Into the AVroiifj Itonm anil in Hriitiilly Itoatca. "Judge , it was nil booauso wo got into the wrong room , " said Robert Hess and Jan Cathroo , when questioned by Judge tcnberg about a free for-nll light In which they hail boon engaged yesterday mornIng - Ing , The trouble took place at Hertz's hotel on Tenth htroot near the Hopubll- .can olllco , and Koss received decidedly the worst of it , sustaining sovoral.sovcro in'Virios about the face and head. The story of Cathroc and Hess is as ; Tluiy wore returning yesterday Jollows all night work at the smelter , with a friend who was 'decidedly they \y < ) rso for liquor. This man roomed at ( ho Hort/ house , and his two friends con- cliiilnd to see htm safely in bod. They accordingly 'oolc ' "lin P to Ids room in the hotel , and by mistake , as they eliilm , opened the door of a room In which wore a man and a Xjjrl. The man Immediately made a jump for Hess and knocked him down find Jciikod himjbrutally. Cathroo managed } Q escape by running down stairs. When tfio patrol wagon came the follow who rontmlttod the assault hail disappeared. and up to a Into hour the police had not Arrested him. Both Hess and Cathroo 'nro hol.l as witnesses. TWO CAUCUS. V no For Speech anil the Other for nn ElovatcU Car. Unusual activity Is now being displayed by the wire men lii extending the telephone - phone wires from all directions to the JJnrkor building on the corner of Fnrnam , anil Fifteenth streets whore the now tolo- JUot\o central will bo located. The poles -Vfcd for this purpose arc the highest hi tno cty ) , unit yet , only one oablo will bo ilretohodupo'u thorn from a distance of 'a IVlock surrounding the ofllco. With cable ull the other wires will bo con- ncctcd , so that the result wlllbclho same though the street will not bo disfigured by the myriads of wires from all parts of the town. Between each of the poles mentioned another largo cable is now being extended. It is a heavy one , well coated with a preservative against the weather , and will bo used for the purpose of running an elevated platform to en able the wire men to inspect the other cable at all points between the otllco and the connecting point with the wires. This will be strung In a few days and the other will follow it and bo In readiness when the Barker building shall be completed. The Transportation Problem , POOIIMAN'S RANCH , Grcolcy Co. , Nob. , October 5. To liio Kditor of the UKI : : The advent of the railroads Into our country brought great rejoicing , f jr wo counted on the good times we wore to have with available markets for our products. \ \ o regarded thorn as common carriers , not thinking for a moment that they would exceed their charter and do any thing but a legitimate common carrier's business. Wo figured the profito from shipping dressed hoof to eastern markets , and to our great surprise wo found the railroads wanted 70 per cent more for dressed beef than on foot. They deny any right of the people to a voice in mak ing freigtit rates. That is to say : " 'You may hava the deeds to your lands , but we take of your earnings whatever we Bee lit , and it is none of your business. " I say to our neighbors it is our business , That wo have no right to complain unless we assert our rights at the ballot box ; unless we go to the polls and cast our vote for men who arc for the people and not for illegitimate railroading as it is now done. The only man we should vote for is lie who in our congress or legislature will work for justice for the people , who are now being plundered and robbed , not for the benefit of the railroad stockholders , but for the few nionoy-bngs in the east who , by the present system of pooling , have taken away the rights of the people. Our election is eloso at hand , and what ever wo do should be done quickly ; but ono thing is certain : Our form of govern ment is quietly changing from a republic to an aristocracy. I , for one , would like to call a halt , and if it bo true that the railroads can classify and make any rate they choose and force it on the people by a pool wo must come to the conclusion that wo may own in proncrty only what they don't want. If the readers of the IIE $ feel an intcrestin our welfare wo will state more fully our complaints in the future. DAN POOUJIAN. A U.illronil Platform. To the Kditor : Although political platforms are now the order of the day , it might not bo out of place to ask the attention of your monied men to the platform upon which our Northwestern railroad will bo built. Primarly , there fore bo it remarked , a majority of the stock will be hold by throe trustees , who shall bo men ot unimpeachable intergrity and who will retain this holding for the next ten years , under judicious legal safeguards. This guarantee prevents all attempts nt "soil outs" or "freo/.o outs' " and for the time designated , if not for ever , the road will bo strictly an Omaha Institution , and cannot bo 'influenced or controlled by any interest inimical to the welfare of our city. Secondarily , in order of routine , but of equally vital importance for investors to know the uromoters of the enterprise will suppress any attempt at speculation , cither in constructing or operating the road. No land steals , no jobbery in con nection with the purchase of supplies or equipments , but the most rigid adlioronco to the strictest honesty in dealing , and with solo reference to tlio rightful inter ests of stock-holders and investors. A first-class road , to bo honestly built , and as honestly administered , presents its claims to you , which , if you nrounrly recogni/.o , will repay your eilbrts in its buhalf ten-fold. PLATKOHM. Police Points. Judge Stenbenr disposed of a largo number of cases in police court yes terday morning. Dominick Kgan had assaulted the lame peanut man who keeps a stand near the corner of Fifteenth and Farnam. He w.\s fined $10 and costs. John liurke stole a coat from a Tenth street clothing house. Ho was sentenced to 15 days in the- county jail. Charles Stuart , who stole $1 from Councilman Frank Caspar , was given a similar sentence. Nine men who had been guilty of drunkenness wore arraigned. Six of them were discharged , and tlio otnor three , who were sultbrlng from the dis ease vulgarly known as the jim-jams , were sent up to the county jail. The following suspicions characters received - coived sentences : Tom McGregor thirty , days ; Billy Doyle , fifteen days ; 1'at Kelly , ten days ; A. Montgomery , ton days ; John Allen , ton days ; Wil liam Johnson , ton days Hugh llaloy , A. B. McFall , W. S. Blake and John Murray were given two hours to leave the city. These men , Judge Stenborc says , were brought to Omaha by the fair , and have become HO impressed with the advantages of this city as a place of residence that they have forgotten to leavo. Army Notes. Gonnral Dandy and Colonel Henry , of the army headquarters , wont down to the Bellevue rillo range yesterday to sco about erecting a store-house for the use of the soldiers next year. In addition to that improvement the grounds will bo graded and otherwise placed in good condition for the division competition which takes phioo next year. General Sheridan has gone to Denver from Fort Loavonworth and it is quietly whispered in army circles here that his visit in that city has some thing to do with this post which the people of the Colorado me tropolis are so anxious to secure. It is probable that General Sheridan will also go to Fort Russell to Investigate the com- plalntsof the olllolalsof tint post , who say that the cattle men in that vicinity nro shutting oil' the water supply from tlio fort. This Is done by constructing water basins on Crow Creek , into which the water Is allowed to run , thus almost completely shutting oft' the post. When the fort was located near Cheyenne , It was the understanding that the post waste to have unlimited water supply. District Court. H. S. Stltt , father of John Stilt , the eleven-year-old boy who was killed by the explosion of the powder magazine on the 37th of I'obruary , sues I ) , M. Steele , S. K. Johnson , S. W. Spratllss and John Dnmont , composing the firm of Steoio , Johnson & Co. , owners of the same , charging thorn with negligence in the caring for the magazine , which was the cause of young Stitt's douth. Damages are laid at $5.600 , The casn of James Banr , who has boon charged with contempt of court in not obeying the Injunction of the same re straining him from interfering with his wife who is proceeding against him for divorce. Is being hoard by Judge Novlllo. flaur's last interference was 'J ueiiday night when he drove his wife out of doors. The Cable Wne Cam. Yesteiday afternoon depositions in.tho injunction case of the street 'car - com pany against the cable line were taken in Juilgu Wool worth's oflloo. [ HON. JOHN A. M'SHANE. His Acceptance of the Nomination fttr Congress. Hon. John A McShano's acceptance of his nomination for congress by the democrats of the First district , is us fol lows : OMAHA , Oct. 5 , 1 ° f > < 5 To the Hon. Charles Brown , K. K. llaydon and Rob ert Cli'gg. Committee Gentlemen : I have received your communication of September 93 , informing moor my nomi nation for rourosontativo in congress for the First district of Nebraska , by the democratic convention lately assembled at Falls City. In accepting the nomination I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the high honor conferred upon mo , and the great responsibility 1 assume In accept ing the same. Owing to business engagements U will bo Impossible for mo , during the short time allotcd. to make a thorough can vass of the district , but 1 .submit herewith a declaration of principles upon which 1 ask the support of the people of this dis trict. I have carefully considered the resolu tions adopted by the convention and they meet with my hearty approval. The prosperity of Nebraska demands easy and cheap transportation of our products to market , reasonable rates of freight must bo secured to the producer and shipper. So far as the regulation of railioaus comes within the jurisdiction of the general government , contrross should enact the necessary laws in that diiec- tion , and especially such as will prevent extortion and discrimination against localities and individuals. The working men and agriculturalists form a very largo pat tot our population , nnd their etl'ort to better their condition should meet with every encouragement from the people of our country. Congress - gross should guard vith a watchful eye tins class of our citizens , and nass such laws as will urotcet them in their efforts to peaceably assert tlioir rights as agajnst the encroachment of organized capital. The welfare of our workingmcn and ag riculturalists Is closely allied with the prosperity of the general government. All larltr taxes collected beyond the necessary wants of the government are oppressive to the people and should be reiluced to a revenue basis , and laid in such a way as will relieve the ncces- snries of life of these imnosts. The im posing of a tax or $2 per 1,000 on lumber is an imposition on the people of our state and should bo repealed. All articles of necessary use among the general pub lic should bo cither on the free list or the taxes reduced to the lowest possible basis ; articles of luxury should bear the greatest burden. Gold and silver form the constitutional currency of the country and the coinage of neither should be suspended and a paper currency should bo based thereon. The greenback as the promise of the gov ernment convertible into coin is the safest and most reliable form of paper money. If called by the sufi'rago of my follow citizens to represent them in the Fiftieth congress , I assure them that whatever honesty of purpose and earnest zeal can do , shall not to the fullest extent of my abilitbo wanting , to. promote the best interest of eacli and every part of the First congressional district , and of Ne braska , when the time comes for me to transmit the trust to another , 1 shall sur render it , leaving no stain of dishonor. Jonx A M Congregational Sociable. A vnry enjoyable time was had Tuesday evening at the sociable given by iho Happy Hillside Home Helpers , a juvenile society connected with tlio Congrega tional church of Omaha View. Tlio vari ous exorcises were gone through with in a manner that would have done credit to much older persons The sociable was given for the purpose of aiding in the completion of tlio church , whicn , it is ex pected , will be about the 15lh of this month. The dedication will take place November ? . The following was the programme : rhoius-"Praiso" H. 11. II. II Recitation " .Jim" Mamie McCoy ItecitatlonUlitu't Ihink" Llz/.lo Andrus anil Ktllth Wallace Smut lilrnlilo Levitt Hecitation "To-morrow"Nellie Vanilemar Iti-citatlon "Keys" Myrtle Smith Song-"iullaby" , Pearl Itewo and Nellie Avers Recitation "Tl.o Sculntor Hoy".Il.H.lI.ll Hfcitatlon "Nobody's Child".Ktta Smith Soiitf " ( Jranilpa'sSpectacles/'LiizzieAiidius Dialogue "Cour.shi | > " lU'dLitlon "Mps That Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine".Mamie McCoy Soni ; "TheLittle Ones at Homo" . . . . Tdllo Denton nmi Nellie Aj'ers Cltonis "Never Forget the Hoar Ones" H. H. II. H Dedication of a Now Church. Tlio jrood people of Walnut Hill arc congratulating themselves on the fact that next Sunday the now Christian church erected in that locality will bo dedicated. The services will open at 11 o'clock In the morning and bo conducted by J. Madison Williams , a distinguished and eloquent clergyman of West Liberty , la. A special feature will bo made of tlio music and nothing will bo loft undone to make this occasion a memorable ono for Walnut Hill Undoubtedly a largo num ber will bo present , and citizcnn of Omaha are especially invited. Mrs. J. A. Gillespio , of the deaf and dumb institute , deserves particular credit for the success ful works ho has done in bringing about the erection of'tliis pretty little church and turning it over on dedication day "free of debt. " Injured at the Bridge. Tuesday morning Wi lllam Dlboml , employed on the construction of the Union Pacific bridge , mot with a very serious accident. Ho was working on a derrick by which iron was being hoisted to the upper portion of the new struc ture.Vnile standing on some rails that were being raised , the ehnm oroko and he was thrown a distance of twelve feet to the ground. Ho was picked up in an unconscious state , and taken to his rooms on Pacific , between Eighth nnd Ninth streets. Doctor Galbraith wus called ami found that Dlbond was badly injured in the side and his loft ankle somewhat lacerated. It is not thought than any serious results will follow. Round Air .Toilet. The following prisoners were regis tered at the Hotel De Miller , or county Jail , yesterday on route for Joliot. They wore in charge of a sheriff and deputies ; 1'rank Webster , grand larceny ; William Watkins , burglary ; William Robinson , crime ngamst nature ; Green Ballis , horse theft. The first throe wore from Wyoming , the latter from Nebraska. Mr Peter Bcson was the victim of a picas ant surprise party Tuesday night at his residence SOU Douglas street. Music , ( lancing and refreshments furnished the entertainment for the evening , Among those present were Mr , and Mrs. Cragor. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward , Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly , Mr. and Mrs. Benson , Mr , and Mrs. Gould , Mr , and Mrs. Miles , Mr. Will Crager , Mr , John Gladstone , Mr. Jus , Dovino , Mr. Worthing , Miss Bosslo Hammond. Miss Curistwnson , Mifs Badger , Mies P/lofTor , M. 0. Keith , of North Finite , is at the Paxton. Local Lmoonlc * . Judge Ilavrcs "Yes.tho fall days have come , but it will bo a long time before winter. 1 feel this year we will have one of the most beautiful Indian sum- mors wo have over liJul.w The loaves are already turning for thaiviirposo , mid I am In hopes of enjoying their beauty until late in the year. " Col. Curtis. "There la no doubt about it , when the city secures 200,000 inhab itants , the watcrworra must be removed northward , bconiiso the sewerage from the northern parts will then How into the Missouri and still more corrupt the water which wo now use. If 1 had anything to say about it , any Improvements made from this on , should be in the direction of Florence. Military Convicts. Yestcrdaymorningthi'.ro was adcletat- ion of.flvo soldiers taken to iho United Sta tes - prison at Lovenworlh to servo sentences varying from two to live years. They wore all guilty of desertion nnd had been brought from dificrcnt parts of the department , and , though they had all boon temporarily quartered at Fort Omaha , yet none of them belonged to this post. Ono of thorn was a colored man. They were in charge of Lieutenant Van Liow , I ) coimiany oftlio Second in fantry. Ho was assisted by a corporal nnd three privates , who kept close watch as guard. Stole a Ton in. A man named John Hiloy was arrested yesterday afternoon for stealing a team from Collins' livery stable , on Cumlng street , Tuesday. Ho secured - cured the team with the un derstanding that ho was to use It in looking at some suburban real estate. Ho did not return the rig , however. Yesterday morning ho went into Furay's barn , on HIM same street , and tried to cct another team on the name plan. Mr. Collins happened to be present at the time , and promntly had the horse thief jailed. The team has not been recovered -yet _ IJQUCI-'H Condition. "He's fairly well nev r bettor since his confinement commenced , "said Jailor JooMilleryestorday when questioned a- obiitLanor's condition. Laucriseertainly in good condition so far as health and spir its are concerned. Ho is now allowed the freedom of the jail , frequently plays cards with the other prisoners , and "is well liked by his associates. Ho is keep ing the record books of the jail , and as he is a splendid penman ami a good accountant. Inis a highly useful man to the jailer. He frequently receives visits from his relatives. Alter a Ilohbcr. Yesterday morning a delegation of Miss ottri Pacific men wont to Plattsmouth to attend the trial of Herman Carman , of U coping Water , who has been arrested charged with robbing the cars of that line nt the hitter place. The robbery was committed home time ago and in cluded cheese , tobacco , whisky and other articles. The witnesKos from this place are John 7 . Hisscm , Tdrenco Bovlo and R. H. Fleming , all of' ' whom will testify as to the condition in which the goods and cars were when tfteyjeft the city. Checks bii ( , nr > A man named Brans , who Tuesday had uolled a charge of robberv against ono of his friends , is now missing. Ho is wanted by Attorney Kuhn , to whom ho gave a check on the First National bank for $5 for attorney's services , with no money m the bank to honor it. Another man named BranholVe , has another worthless note of the same kind for sfSfl , loaned to him. Brans cannot bo found , nnd when he docs it is thought forgery will also be charged hgaiust him. For S.nle. The furniture and vcnfal 'of the Coz- 2ons hotel. This house is now doing and has done for two years the second largest business of any hotel in Omaha. tisfactory reasons given for wishing to sell. H. P. HU.MSEY. His Owner. Yesterday morning a man named A. Krickson was attended by Dr Darrow for a badly cut hand and a broken finger. Ho was traveling westward on the Union Pa cific toward Cheyenne in a freight car wtih a magnificent horse. The animal became frightened by a passing engine and kicked his owner with tlio aoovo re sult. Absolutely Pure- - This powder never vurlo3. A innrvel of pur- ty , strength uml vrholoioinoncfs. More ooon- oratcal thini the onllnnry kinds mid onnnt ba old Incoinpotlllon wilhtlie multitude of low t itshort woltflit iilum cr uhospliiua powdnra. Bold only In cam. UOYAI , MAKING 1'owoiit Co IMWnli at. . Hovr York. Ajfter seTUiiff out our clcbratcl Fancy Dress SJtirt. uf 85v we compelled to Idffrajph Jar another consif/nincnf of X2O tlozcnf < ( nfl these tvill bejrfaccfl on out' coienfct's rfuriitf/ the coining n'celf. IFc will altto < Iis- jtose of balance of our all wool scarlet Shirt and Drawers at SOc. When closc l out these goods cannot be ( lii UcatcdVc are positively the originators ojf low prices. Otir Men's S ( tits , sell nty from $ W to $12 , in 4-2 different patterns , cut in sacks , frocJfs and -Z-btttfon cutaways , nicely trimmed , cannot be bonyht anywhere else for less than $ fS. Our $ 3 to $ JL6 Men's JSuifs hi G5 dijf'erent patterns , made of corkscrews , diagonals , cheviots and cassiinercs ; all cut in the latest- styles ; cannot be duplicated anywhere for lets than from $ W to $2 . Our Prince Albert Coats and Vests , made front the jincst imported worsteds , for nty7c , flf nid worltnianship cannot be excelled. We challenge tlic world 01 our Overcoats for variety and low 2 > rices and wJiere can you beat in price an all wool man's suit for $6 ? A strictly all worsted man's suit for $7 ? A Norjoll : all wool boy > s suit from 5 to 12 years for , $2.93 ? Oar style of doing business is cJtarae- terixcd in every respect by legitimacy , and all our goods are sold at strictly ONE PRICE. Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia. HQLMAN'S ' tirocnslly worn , cafe and reliable. Ihey Imvo been tented In thou nJo of cnses anil ne can posltlroly iiesert tliiitln all casus where the liver , spleen , kid- npya anil bowels are Involved , In. HOI.MA v's I'Ang arc at once the best , quicker t and chcmicst ; and tl.ej-lmvo mnde permanent cuien In tliuusimJs uf lives where raedlclno bus been usoJ without nujr nctlts wluiiover. Holmnira Liivcraiut .Stomach Iacl .Absorb * nil Impurities from the blood , invlKorntes und vltailtei the whole a/atom. Hotmail's JLtvor anil Stomach Pad Curoi IllllouBneis , IndlcoBtlon , J.iundlca , Dlnrrhocn , Mlilurlu.SIck Heartache , ntieumjtlMi ] , etc. ISolnmnSP I vcr and Stomach Ind Ileuulateti the Stomach and Ilowcls. Improroj iho ApiMitlte , corrects Assimilation , beautlnua the Comp'pxlon , ntc. Hotmail's Liver and Stomach Pad l'revent.8 Sen Sickness , Choloru , Smullpox , " Yellow. Typhus , Typhoid and IllllouHKevcrs. ALL DIlUUiJISTS-Orseut on recelp of i'rice ® ! 2. BAJV B AI > CO. , 120 William St. , N. Y. EPl HS QTiTP asiHi TTM T ft ft HibiHt& ! EniO B $1 B Zn SliiiQ BUaU uB ) < $ # S. W. COR. 15th ANHJ FAUSfAM , O3IAISA. Property of every description for aalo in all f > arts of the city. Lands for sale in every county in Ncprnska. A COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACTS Of Titles of Doimlns county ko t. Maps of the city state or county , or any other information desired , furnished I'ec of charge upon application. RELIABLE JEWELER , Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware The largest slock. Prices the lowest. Repairing u specialty. All work warrant ed. Corner Douglas und l , " > th streets , Omaha. LEVI CARTER , President. B. H. HAYDBN , Secretary. itrietly Pure White JIANUFAOTDRER8 OP , OSTEB. For Sale by all tiie Loading- Paint , Oil and Drug Houses of the West. Display at tholr warerooms , 180S and 1307 Farnam the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found ai any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEINWAY , ni Jl IVir\O FISCHER , P .BfrJ I N O O LYON&HEALY , , . < ORGANS LYON&HEALY STANDARD BURDETT , , considered , are placed at the Prices , quality and durability lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most ( iberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , a"0 3 the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , A t STRCCT OMAHA St , Cor. Capitol Avenue. ron THE TnrATJiUNT or ALL Chronic & Surgical Diseases. DR. McMENAKIY'Prlopitato.- . MUrai jear llnsolinl mm I'llvate I'rniUlcf H'elm\o the f.ii.llltk" > , upparntu ? niul runcdln for the successful trr.Usucntof incrjr form of dir- case requiring rlllier medical orfciirglcal treatment , awl ! nUu nl I to c > mc.iiid luvcttlgatu f or tlicmsi Ivs ir correspond with us. Ixjng experience In trout. Ini ; C28cs by letter cinblot un to treat many c.if C8 pcIi'ilMCcn'lr ' vrlthou t rci'ln : tiictn. \VIHTB roil ( 'lliOIILATt on Deformities nud llrncc ; , CIul > fVct , fun uturca of lliu Hpuu lsni rs or WOUIENI'llr * , Tumors , Omivrrr. Cntnrrh , Broncliltlti , Inhalation , Klrotrlrlly , 1'urni- jtls , Kpllcpsy , Ulilncy , JCjc , nar.KUIn , Ilload niul all surgical operations. Hatterlrn , Inlialorn , Timers , Trnsucn , nil kinds of Medical and bitrglcal Appliance * , innn- ufacturi'd and for tale The only reliable Medical Institute maklnq Private , Special i Nervous Diseases rA HI'KCIAI.TV. ALL CONTAGIOUS AND llt.OOD DISEASK" , from whatever cniife produced. successfully trenli" I \Vu CJii reincnu Syphilitic poleou from * } * < m without mercury , New restoratitrvntuirnt for lonif 1U1 mmer. ALL CO.MMUNIUATIONH VONKIDKM'JAI. Call nnd count ! ! u or tend 7ijiio ; and | > oit-uf < ltii iiJdross plainly urlttcu tncUuc nt uii , and MI < will fend you. In plain wrBWi'T , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN WON I'mviTa , FrnciAi , ANI > NmivotJit liHg * rH , , Hrrr. ATOiir.niKA , I arm Ki ev , Sri'inus , GoN-oimiiuEi , ( .LLET , VAKICOI ME , Hnciorunc , ANII jut. imririts or TIII ( IENITI- UniNiicr OIIUANB , or tend history of your CUM > l ( r an opinion. I'emonn iiimblr ti vllt iismry be trc.itod ot ll.fir homo , by correspondence. Medicine * and Inttrn - nicntu § cnt by mall or exprcm 8KCU iiY : 1'ACK- EU FKOM onHfiltVATIO.V. no marks to Indlcnln contents or fender. One personal Interview pii ferrcd If coincident. Fifty rooms for tli n"rom modatlon of patients Donrd nud nlte.mlin.-e t reasonable ptlcci. Address all Let tern lo Omaha Medical and Surgical institute. Cor. 13th St. and Cnollot A e. . OMAHA. NR. --FULLY { WARRANTED-2- BT.LOUIS © fOfl BALE BY. * . ( Job. J. Ariii'jriisl.jritflCiunlntf ' st. I ) . II llowmnn , lu'17 I'uniiim at. John Httsnlu , 2II7 ! fliiinlnfrpt. Horimui Ktmdii.fllu Houm Olb 4t. O.l.iuigo , ; IIH Boutli inth HI. I'aiiUun & Mlor ! ! , flr | > Nnitlt MUi Bt , .1. li. Itoy , BOH North I'Hh ' K. W K. Hfoc > t/.ol , IB.'I llnwnnl St. 0. W. rilcoiii.07B- | lliilist. "NEBRASKA MAP. In cnlora , eliowa all counties , IOWICH , Mulloil for u. Omuliti City Miip , now ncldiutins oto. , J'ns. Noliraskit Btulo ( ju/cito , lliislnrBJ Dlrcoloiy niul Kiirnior'u I.itt , f J. J. M.WOI.FK & CO. , 12JP. Mtli St. . Omaliu , Neb , SARATOGA Hot Springs Hotel SARATOGA , WYOMING. These waters rontaln Iron , Potnsiliim , Mnio , Soilu , MnKiii'Slii , Clilorlilo of bodluiu unit fill , iliur , mid nro u por-Ulvo cuio for Rll illsoutw * irisliiL' Ironi an lirpnre kliiloof tlio blood A cur- tulu ijitcldufur ItlidUinutlBin. Daily Stage and Mail Line to ana from Fort Steele. Good Physic ian in Attendance W. Jr. VADWELL , L M" ir tlff'iir"fi 'tl" * iK ? - ; < Jl cv'-xi ai TruMcombined. Outran "only ono la Ilia worU p comli.uou * . ' ( lrfc - - currraf. faclentlflcl'owfrfa iC lT < rnooo ! irp'il. BtitdBlinpfo/uimip A1.KO KI.KCTKIO IIKI.TH I'OU ItllfeXlCi Ds. | ICSK . luvcuTOi. 181" " " " " "