TJEDE CXMAHA DAILY BEE i-THURSDAY , OCTOBER 7 , SPECIAL NOTICES AeUcrtl emcnts under this bond , 10 cents per line lor the first Insertion , T cents for each tub- ffquent ln ort'on. and $1.50 n line prr month No wUertlsement taken for less tlmn 23 conta for the first Insertion. Soten words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu tively nnd mnit bo paid In ndxnnce. All advcr tlscraents muM bo handed In before 2 o'clock p.m.nnd under no clrcum'tnnces will thoybo taken or ill-conllnnod by telephone Pnrtlcs advertising In thoseieolnmns nnd hav ing the nniwcrs addressed In care of TIIF HBK Trill plcnno nsk for nchncV to pnnblo thorn to got their Icttorf , ns none will bn delivered except on prcTiitntu.n of check. All answer * to ad * ycrtl'cmcnls thoilkl bo enclosed In i TO LOAJX-MONE1. \JOM1V TO IOAN-At rurnonnblo tntos. on 111 furniture , tine , nntchos nnd ullinr personnl iiroiiorty r. .7. rnsxxoll , room V ) Iron Hunk f. 121 h nnd Puriinm. 1UI fIX1AN \ Money l.onns placed on Itn- -L proxed real i-stito In tlty or county for Now CnRlnnd l.o'tn & Trust Co. , InDouif Ins County tinnk. IBlh nml Chlcnco sis 07 o U7 $ aoOOO to loan. Sums I50J mid upxvnrds , I/orrest rates. Ilomls , fith nnd Douglas sts. MONKY 1O IOAN-On ohnttcld , rollalerals and real ostato. S. H Campbell , loom 1 , 1500 I'm nnin at 103 M oSl7v TO I.OAN-O r. Dux Is A , Co. Heal Katatcnnd Lonn Agents IWi I'm mini si. , W8 _ 711 OMiV 1 o l.eiAN on rcnl estnlo nnd olint * JL'l lels. 1) U Thomns. 109 " ] \ IONlto ! inxo t If joifhnxo good notesTo J-'L eell call on J. H. Parrotto , 15th nnd Chi cago. MO MONKV'lo IOA > Insums of J.OJO ! and upwards on llhsl class lonl estate security , rotter & Cobb , 15151'arnam st. U10 MONKY to lonn on chntlol nnd rcnl estate ; fnlr rntu Interest. J.1L Pnrrotto , IGth mid Chicago , 499 MOMY I.OANI.U me r.iteed.v Go's Loan oltlcs , on furnlturo , pianos , hor8Piwngeuu , personal preiporty eif all kinds , and nil other ar- tlclKsofvnluo , xvlthoilt romovnl. 311) ) S 13th , oxer Hlnghnm'a Commission store. All busl- nessslrlell } eonndohtlnl. Oil MONKY rl ( ) LOAN-OII farm nnd cltv prop- oilj , no elolnj' . W. A. opencer. IMt ) Par * limn st. HO.N'I Jl50 ,000 To loan on Omaha citx in oporty at R I' percent. G. W. Day , over I1U Douglas at. "I OANS Loans I/Jims. Henl estate loins. Collaleiul loans. Chattel loans. Longtime lounn. Short time loans. Money alxxajs on hand to loan on any ap- pi ox ed security. lux cstment securities bought and sold. Cnll nt the ollico of thu Omaha rinanclnl ex change , i > e'cond lloor of the Harkor block , s. w. cor. ( if Fifteenth and Fnrnnin sts. Coibctt Manager. JU2 moNKY'lo I OAN At loxxe-st rates of Inter est on farms nnd Itnpro'.cd city proportx' . r. .1 Day \ Co. , room 5 , Cronso block , S. U. coi nor Capital nxoniio mid Hlth street UJI3-0.0 CriIJt Ci : > T Money to onn. J. J. Malioncy , 1500 rnrnam. 1115 " I'KIl CENTriTiiiej-'toloan. It. C Pnttoi orT 13th mid Doilglns. U1B _ G7 , and H percent money to loan. Mortgages , taken In exchange for roil cstnto. Central Investment Co , Room T , Darker Illook.or 15th nndFiirnam. 817 WKImvo cheap money on longtime , in nny qunntttyto loan on Inside cltv propcrty.or farmland. Marshall .VLobeck , 1511 Farnainst IMS MONKY to loan by the undoislgnod , who has the only properly orgnnlod lonn agency in Omnlm Lnnn : of (10 to 11,000 mndo on fur nlturo. pianos , orgnns , horses , xvngons , machin ery , &o. , without romovnl. No delays. AH business strictly conlldentlnl. Loans so mndo thnt any pnrt cnn bo pnld nt nny time , onch pay ment reducing the cost pro rntn. Advances made on fine wntches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they nro dotting with , ns mnny now concerns nro daily coming Into existence Should you need moner. cnll nnd oei mo. W. IL Croft , Itoom 4 , WlthnoH Iltilldlng. 1 Mbi nnd Ilnrnoy. liii ) C CP.NT Money lo lonn. Stoxxart A. Co. , Itoom3 , Iron bank. 12th nnd rnrnnm. 821 "I710H BALK The stool , of giocorlcs. hnrd- - * - ' xvArof furniture , cnrpots , otc. , together xrlth the biillcllngs , IKturos nnd real O'-tato , being the estate of A. L. Donor , deceased , ot Sidney , Nebraska. This Is a Hrst-class clianco to get hold of n good business In ono of the llxost toxvns In wo torn Nebraska. Address 1'rod W. Orny. Omnha. 2 ! > S 12 FOH SAtac-Ono hulr Interest In n nrst-clnss Llx'oiy Stnblo doing n good business. Pmlc A. Towlor , Ki J Dotlglns. 283 9 V\7ANTii : ) At Lonv6nxvoitb Htiainegs Plnco , TT Is nt the crowing of Loaxonworth street and the Holt Line It. It. A grocery store. A good line of gioearlofl at this point \xlll command thu best suburb trade about the city. There are three hoarding nouses In the : Imme diate vicinity. If you > xant n good business look nt Lonx'cnxxorth Huslnoss Plneo. Yon cnn get a lot for this pniposo on any reasonable terms Wo tnupt have a grocery ftoro See J. W. Hller , loom" , Iron Ilnnk , telephone 590 , or J. W. Lopnn , on the promises , telephone BOO 251-01 FOH 8AL13 Tlio best grocery store In Dos Molnos , In , doing a strictly cash business , Bales nxoraglng about ? 150 H day and ranking anaxorag of 18 per cent on salea. Kxpcnsoft small. Cash loqulrod , $ .v > 09. .This Is ono of the best chances In the state to stop Into u money-miiklnir btielncsH freim the start. For full Information address O. E. Snider , DCS Molnes , In. you U * TjlOH SATiE Klrst-clnps hnrelxrnreT bualnosT , JU 109 ft. building , with f5,000 etoek. No en- cuinbrance . Slcknoes caiiso of selling. Ad- drees look box 1 , Alnsworth , Nob. U71 A-yTANTKH An elevator , Leax'onwortli Husl- ' ness Plnco. on the Holt line. A splendid ohanco to got trnckiigo for elevator or stoio- house. After Oct. 25 It xvlll cost more money to got on this splendid location. See J W. Loian on tlm premises , telojihono FOO. orj. W. Kllcr , loom 7 , Ircn Ilnnk , telophonori'K ) . 255 9 FOK HAl.i : iinkory ! confectionery and lunch loom , olionp If sold aeon ; Kloknoss cause of selling , of Ixopp. Drolbus & , Co. , HUil Farnmn St. , Omnhn , Nub. _ 1157 "nteillSAl.K Or trndo for Omnha property ! JL.1 The best located tlxory buslnns.s , with stock In tlm city. Lonirloiisoof bum ut cheap rent MIIYIIO Hrgs .1510 Karnnni _ 022 ' HOIlbKS Lots.rnrnn , Lands money loiuiod' Hc'inls , IMh nnd Douglas strools. glfl rouyp. rPAKIIN UP-llod cow xx lib calf , I miles xx OKt * - of Omnha on Nelson Patrick's faun by Onbilel Hoxrer. 2i ! b * Uf-On llollenuo road at 20lh SI..H J. thico jenr old bny colt , black mane nud lull. iil/nbcth : Palmtag. 184 6' " 171O11NK A package of goods in n pnnor box. JU Cull nt Heo olllie. J5M fl LOST TOST 1'nokngo rnntulnlng glen 09 , stocklncs , i &o. Cull Iron Hank uuduiil rv nrd. 2'iil-7 ' 1 OST Mnstilf pup , light biilf , black nose JLItettirn to 1405 Douglas at. and get rowurd. . _ li'14 8 ! 1 OS r Pocket cuso surgical Instruments j Nnnitt on olasp. Finder pleuso return to UT. i\y. : _ ixo. ihj " 1 OST On street , n colored brocaded shaxvl. J-J Itonard for return to 8. e. cor.I'th ' 4. Ham ilton BIS. 157.C * T .OST. A plain band goal finger ilmr , either U onKHh.Uardor 18th street , xvlth the iiaiiio "low , " nnirrnvcd on Inside. The finder xxlll plciieo It'oxu nt lleo ollico. KO r ) S r A line rod knit uliaxvl , about el o'clock j Saturday ejxenluir , Bept , U. Leave at this ollico and got reward iSl BfJAliDIMQ. nOAIlDlNa Oood tlayboarel , IClo California IVOAltU And loelglngs , at iJ N. 15th fct. ' V-J AU.Nl'LUMAN wishes the ) areiunlnlaiico of „ _ a Indy muli Imonially liiclinoj ; uge 25 to 30. f AddroM pas , lleo Ollico. aiG-7 * " / IJKllfrONAI. Nontnnd taaty nil-wool business I X suits , $7. U O. Jones & Co , American \ Clothiers , WJ Parnain si. Mall 01 dors tilled. < ! . U5JNB ( "I } KU50NAL-Dou't full lo call ut the Hond I JL. mid Mo'tgago I-.xohaniro If yem ureauoUng ( f for lnoitiuents.o can furnUli xrhatjou x\mil. M. L. HUi'lus i Co. , 150C Douglas t- 1.-JO \Vcak , undoxolopod purls of the ixiUx onliirtioj mid hliuniriuuncd. Po ltlxo proof , full puiilculars. eta , mulled In plain on * vrloj > tealoa for tani | > . Address lirio MoJI- " * " . 7hut''l > "tf"to'y' Y * 03 * . . , JJEllSONAIj-Plaiio and violin taught pn- ? JT. y t > y I Inttruotlon of Orit order ; Professor ' \yiehle.oai-cMm Mcyeir. BOC O5 _ CHRONAL You can uu v alt kind * of stocks , L boudi notl othorseonritloa at the Hond and lortinjo iUcaanto ut.M. L. lllik'ltu , V Co. . 1500 ou laj t. } o . . i rf * - * I/ You cnn poll bonds , morlrn cos nnd other securities nt the He.ndnndMoit * pntto I.Kchnngo of M. K lllgglns * Co. , 1500 s t , ISO _ 13KHP' VA LM fs Fif Nnnnte V.vnrrcn JL clnin-oynnt , Medical nnd bu Ines Medium Itoom .No. 3 , 121 North ICth St. , Omaha , Nob. MISCELI/AliEOUS. GI.MHVOYAST Mlk-lam Alnska-Cl lr\6v- nut nnd I'nlinlst. Koxcixls | ) a t , present nnd future Sntlsfnctlon Kimrmitccd Como nnd bo conxlnced. nis South IGth street. 371 _ \rofN J men to learn slonoBrnphj ; good po * J fit ons when learned , O. W. tinker , looms 7 nd8 _ , litui Ilnnk. _ _ ilP'-L. RiOl'K\IMl : It. Poteisoti , who Is well known In his bn ltiri win ro open Ilio DinIng - Ing llnllnt M)3S. ) 13ti ! st..eipposllo Ills old stand , nn ThurKdny , Oet 6th. xxhuro ho xvill be Rind to sec nil bis old f rlondi mid ninny ncxr ones Como nnd g n n good dinner. 241 C * M ili : ' 'tennirrnpli ' , O W. linker , agent , rooms J 7 nnd 8 , Iron Hank. _ _ _ _ 2Wig rivi : STOCK Auction Stnblos , syi3 Cum * J Im ? street. Iho host faclllllos for liannllntc mid selling ntnuetlon. llor'o , mules and llx-p slock , also enrrlngcs , eirts. llxnry nnd her o supplies , west e > f Chlcagei. bulo elms , Mondnjs. UiHinc dnjs and Sntuulnys. Ilroxxn , Wlnspoiir&Cnulcr. Telephone No sol. 215 N 4 _ nnii R 8 niNorTiTAFiT fs The SfMom of JL * * hortbnnd. nnd It docs not lonuire more than one-third of the time to Icaiu the simo. 2r.'J ' II _ STllNOflHAPIIV nml Tjtiewruinir school. Kooms 7 mid B , Iron bank. O , W , Haker. 190 _ FOlt 8AM ! A good stock ot hnrdwaro nnd agricultural Implements , n splendid loca tion , tinlj ono other steick of iiinlnnre bore ; n now rnlliond now bolng bnlltto thu town , liupl- ness In toxvli boomlnir , Addiosj P 9 , lleo ollleo , 1UBH * _ _ VAIKNTINr9 Sliort-liand institute ! Is In Ex position building. _ 100 Hi : IDHAL CAII(1HAPII-.I. W. linker Agent , rooms 7 nnd 8 , lion Ilnnk. 2GO u rpltn s. Hosoo , Shrubs , etc. , planted free tor J. peii-ons buying of Douglns Co. Nurseries. COJIeWard.Prou.iV.a [ box ' -K ) . ba7-n2 ! * "I I * yon desire n good stenographer address O. - iV . llnkor X Co , rooms 7 and f. Iron Ilnnk. _ _ j _ | _ 204 U _ ITIOKlii'.NT Sq.tnro I'latio $ .1 montnlT. A J.JIospo. ! 15H Heimrlas. _ Oil _ HN'I ) j our Callgraiihsto bo repaired to O W. S llakci , iooms7 mid 8 , Iron Hank. "ill u ITIOK iiNT-piinro : ] rinno , JV monthly A JJ ospolSirDuglas. UJ7 I r you dcslton position as stenographer ad dress O. W. linker i Co. , rooms 7 and C. Iron Bank. SC3U . , oi'iN n night school In He-no- rSIIAI.r , commencing Monday , Oet. llth ; school to be In session three nights a xxeok , M foltoxxs : Meinday , Wcdne ilajs nnd I'mlajs. Speclnl nttontloii glxen to adx'anced scliolats , as alan to thobo roimnunclnu Iho nrl. Heuiem- bcr Iho dale Oet 11. 0. W. Ihiket , rooms 7 and B , Iron Hank. 2UJ 0 FOllltnNT Organs , $3 per mouth , riospo , 1513 Uouglns SI-7 BALE M1DCEI.I.AI7EOU3. ' ( H SALK Apple burials , molasses bar Fl' . half bnrrels and kn s. I n 111 nnmo loxv price's on cur loads dcllxoicd nt railroad sla- lions in Nebinska , Western loxxn nnd Western Missouri. J. .Sojmour , 18tli and Pieren street , Omnha. Nob. _ 8 III 10 * I7IOK SACK Horses , harness nnd WnK JL' Schloslngcr Urns. , 1018 Farnnin st. ISO 0 Foil SAI.K Horse H J ears old , sound , broken to siiddlu and dilvlnir ; also IniK y nnd liur- ness. J. .1. Malioncy. 1,500 rarniim t t. SAf.t' e > r trade A small black mnru FOlt nbout 5 yeiiri old. Hrokon to rhlo or drlro , Can trot in fl4 ! minutes now , and with proper training cnn bent nnj thing of Her fli/o In the \\ouldtrndoforheiixydrnft horse 1'or particulars Inquire at Kd. Culxcr's barn N. ICth fat. .1. A. Hnrxoj- . 210 7 * FOHS AI.E rurnlturo mid loa o of hotel , centrally located ; nostolllco In building ; good sample rooms. Address Handall House , Uoatrico , Nob. 2 1 11 * SAMS Parlor l.odroom nml kitchen Foil furnlturo cnrpott.rnngo nnd hontlngstoves , ' gentle horse fix'o old nllnoarlj'now , n years , all ntn bargain , giving up housekeeping , 2511 Douglas st. 5J5 iSAI.K Largo tire nnd buiglnr proof 17oil , cost f 550. boll forfJ50. J. W. Mnr- Bliull. 150) ) Fnrnnm fit. > TOO FOIl SAM ? A line thoroughbred goldlnir , good elilxor , Hinglo or double , line saddle hor-o lor man , woman or child , iiciloctly gout Id nnd kind , six years old , no bad trulls J. W. Kllcr , room 7 , Iron bank 2.8 9 SALK rurnlturo nnd lease of hotel. FOll Adiltcss Hjdor House , Stromsburg. Nob. 6fl > 10 * Foil 8AI..K Furnlturo andl ease ol six-room hoiiBO , time on part. Cnll 1202 Noith 27th street , txvo blocks from Uod Car lino. bOJ HOUSES Lots.I armsLands money loaned. Homls 15th nnd Douglas streets. DO" FOlt SALK Two No. 1 , second h-ind , canopy top Surreys : also txvo good , second hnnd phaetons , at 1401) Dodge atreot. 235. EOll SAI.K Gnonp , iron columns and win dow caps suitable for fronton brlok build- ing. For particulars apply at this eilllco. 811 * ATTT'TTTE TlTATiB XZd.X\ WANTM ! flood Herman girl In hotel , host wages , U S. llth st. II. Mniinxx oiler. 2iJ ) 11 * " \X ANTK l > A good piano player , lady or TT gent , must road musla at sight to traxcl with afltstclasscntorlalnmonttx\olxo ycnrs on the load. Aildioss ntonco Mnnnger 1) . M. Sul livan , Comedy coinpany. ( Jnuid Island , Nob. 204 b * \VANTKD Four or llxo young Indies to address - ' dress cliciiliiis. Must be rapid ivrltois. Apply personally. Tliurday , bolxvcen 10 o'e lei k n. m. nnd 4 o'clock p. in. , to J. W. and K. L. b < julro , 1413 Karnum st , In HascmenU 240 fl * IVAVrHlJ-Girl Must be good cook and T laundress. 2JOS Faannin , Mrs. J. M. Thurs- ton. 286 WANTii-In : n small fnmily without chil dren , n goodneat , rollnblo and competent girl lor cook and Innndiy ; also another mich girl for second xvork mid plain sowing. The o are Hire situations for two bright , plain Eng- INh-sponklng girls. Adpross P. 41 , Hoe olllce ; Ijvo dnys. jtofoioneea ipeiiilroel. 2S5-1 ( > * \\TANTBI ) A good girl for gonorol honso- ' > work , 1009 Fai nam at. 23J7 \X7A > TiiOlrl : In famllj of thrco nt 21U StMnry's nveiuio. 212 6 * W ANTKH-A nurse gin , 810 South 18th st. ajl 7- WANTED A gooil girl for gonornl house- wotk lllSJonosst. Win. btadolmnn , . 188 W i\.NTii A Ilrst-chibs dlnlntr-ioom glilnt Oicldontat i-'J V\7'ANT1 { | > 20 competent girls for prlxato fnmlllPS , best of xvages Call at Jl'J N. ICth shootOmaha limplojment Htiicau. 2jl 0 ANl'l'.U-GIrl for geuurnl housoxxork lu family of txvo ; munt clx o reference. Ap * ply 13IH Yltgliila nviinuo. 221 * iVNTii : > Kxporlence-d shlrtimikoisat Iho Omaha Shirt fiictury , ! I'J8 N 10th Bt 222 T > I'oinnle cook and chatnbermnld TT St James hotel , oppuopot. 221 ti' \yANTii : > Olrl to do housework In amall Imnllj- . Apply at 7-V ) N. 20lh St. 214 fl * " \T ANTii-lirl : forgonoral Homeworkgood TT xvugcs 010 , Vlit'lnln are , ncnr Le'iixon * worth. 11K5-7' ANTKD-Uexod cook , nt I'apilllon homo. Pnpllllon , Noli. , wagcafS perweok , 19s ) 8 * ANTKD-Good woman cook at 314 8. 13th bt. 178 0 * \\rANTKU-Compelent girl ; Herman pro- > > forre-d. Txxo In family , ilrs. D. H. Whetelcr , Jr.C01 Vliglnla axe. IBO W"ANTKl-Coinpetent servant for general housework , none other need apply , 1810 California. s'j " \ VA.lTKIAoook for sninll ramlly , Jmiulro Mfl south 13th st. afj > IVANTIJIi l.ndlea to work for us at their T * oxvn homes. $7 to J10 per week can bu quietly made. No photo , painting ; no canvass ing. I'or full particulars , jilcnso address at once > , CreucrntArt Co. . IV Central at. Huston , Masa. . 110X5170. DOJOll * \\7ANTIJD llend cook t ttio Fumoua roa- T T tauruut. 319 b llth Bt. 78J WAMTEU-MALB UBLP. WANTii-Aotl > elDtelllgent nieni IoO per nook tun bu inado ; no Investment. Call forenoon , Hoom | ,13UI Douglas BU KUJ 8 * WANTI5U Salesman having thorough knowledge of the trad a in thll anil ud- Jolilnggtiites ; inuatbe familiar xvliU the sad- lory ami saddlery hardware buslno.'a ; A 1 rotorunccj reijulred. AddrctsP , S7 , tUin oCBcc. \\TANTKD-A bnkor : good second band. Smith & Co. , K3 MUa street. Council Hluifs. sii-o * WAVni-Guea : saunasc maker , at till Cuuilu it. ; JD 7 * WANTIin nu lnfrs A flr tcln8 oHlco innn nnd bookkeeper with ponio cnpunl Is open to n propoiltlon looking toward buslnf-M , nd- drtss WT euro T. O. Hex KM. V5B _ ItfANTKI ) 2 persons to help In dining room ntmoal tlmo for tholr bonrd Inqniro 1518 Dodgo. IRK 7 _ W . \ > rfcl > 2cnrpontcrs nt Towlcr houic , South Omaha. H 8 * " \\rANThD-A geol honorable rann xxlth t > S'lOO cn h , a partner , can make from SIS to JSOpor day too ors ( o ngcnts nnd ell goods In this state. Address P 40 , Hoe otllco o . trt * 27. > 10 * AN1KD Instnllmoiit cnnvns ers to cnll nt U 1207 I'lti-iium M. und sco wliat wo linxe to plfcr. C U. Leo , Manage r. _ 375 riilflnrgr- | | Mfg Co In the world \xanlmon -L to ell tholr uoofls on ilary or commls Ion In nil Ion n In Nobnvkn. No capital or export * e nco necessnrj' . Helcrnnco loiiultcd. Adi3ro s , M , box 2C7 , Omnlin , or M , box u' } , Lincoln , Neb. 711 ICJ "TXTANi in : fo men for \\jomln > r Good > ' winter's Job. ( oinpnny xxork. 11 S. Al bright , Labor ugcncj , 1'WS Knrnnm st. 1W - bunds feir In- nldo work , tall botxroon " "th and 'i.tli , south of Popploton nxo. .1. C linden. 2777 * JiD Ono rollnblo mnn to poll goods In city Slcndj omploj incut Cnll 4 1 S 10th gt. Ifll G * _ _ "t\'ANTi.I Cash bny ; must eomo xvrll ro- i commended. O Donnnhoe A. Shcrofj' . 240 0 _ _ _ _ WANTKU Initnodliitolj.n gooil busholman _ nt Djo Wet fcs , UIJ Doilglas st , yn 6 WANTRD Ailistclnss phoeninUer ; no cob- bier noe-d apply. Ueo. Woolber , Bhcnuti- elonh , lown 170 WANTKU 2. " > cirpontors , ins lo xvork. Alt- _ ply at Stock yards. Bhaxr ft rioia. 110 TAN * \\/AN I iI : > A fbxv nToro'nceiilirtoliaTreHluco i > our Automatlo MtiHlunl Ihs mnionls , on installments Anyone can piny thomixlthoiit musical Instruction , the bo t paying , easiest celling novelty oxer knoun. V25 to 140 n xxook snn bo roill7od. C II. f.eo , Mnnngor , 1207 Tar- niim street , up slnlrs. 483 WANTP.i ) A llrst clnss polisher nt the Coun _ ell lllnlfs stoAtn laudiy at once 223 0 " \A/'ANTiTl > A snTosmnn to iinrodiice u noxv t siierlaltynmong tuideapeoploanil niechnn- lc . Address with loferoncos and pust cxpert- oneo , lloxO-20 , Heoolllcc. 487 \\TANTr.D Position ns inlesinnn , on road , In T T nny line but dry goods or Imtilxx are. \ \ lib peed luferouces. Address P 41 , lleo otlloe. , WO B * T\fA > TKl > Situation ns nur o 01 vorkby T > duj. Mrs A. Anderson , blU ) N 18th at. 251 8 * \\AM Kl > Pltii'ition bj fli't cliiR broncl nnd > cake baker , to uiko rlniifro or otherxvi o. Addro s Pilinte ) o , Kiel's Hotel , Council Illnlls , loixii. State xxagos 27J 8 * \\7" ' 's"ril > Pit1nilioiiiisconohmiiiicnn make T > himself Konoially useful , sponks Prcncli , fiormnn mid Enstllsh. also xvUlork In store or hotel , am sliut'o ' , sober nu 1 steady , reference Kix on , nddress P SI , lleo olllcc. 2IU 0 * "V\7'AVTii ) An ojtpoiloiiceil dia'smakor IT xxlshesfoxxlnjr In raiiillic.s ; cnutlxobo-t ofrefeienee. Apply to 12J3 17111 St. . bctxvcon 1'aul and bhcrmnn. 22S t. . WASTii > A portion about Hcc. 1st to Uko eliiugo ot n set of bonus htnto salnrj { ( food references fumlshcd. Adilross P. 20 , Hco ollico. 182 Of "IV'ANTKli A position byn vounpr man o\ ' > poilenccd as nu i so nnd In cerlntffor In sane. Isxxllllnirto xxorkat nnxthlngrto niuku nu honest liUng. Address P U.I , lleo ollleo. 2.11 n * _ \ V"AM'ii : > Situation as onclneor or enro of TI hontliiK' bollors. Six j cars experience ; good rofcret'eos. Address P. > Hoe ollleo. 1878 * _ _ _ _ _ _ WANTIJD A position by n tonoirrnphoi , rofoicnces Klxon , nddicss P 14 , Hoooflkc. 10J 13' _ _ _ _ _ _ \\7"ANTi:0 : Fltuatlon ns bookkeeper or ns- T ? slstnnl ; 10 jcars' o\perlonco In luinbet business. Address I' n. Hoe onico. 103 1 < 1 * WAI Tii ) Situation In ehy ioods "toic : ex perienced , good letoionccs Addres- 10 , Hoe ollico. 1ICJ t. * WANTKD fix Kent , n luinlshcd roora with board in piixato lamlly ; nddress l'rt : , lleo ollico. 27 1 ti WANTii : > A nxo loom cottiih'o with stlxbTo facilities , ncnr Hl h school. AddnssP4J , lleo ollico. Shi 6 WANTHD Hy Kontlomnn nnd xxifo. fftr- nl-hod room nnd boird lu prlxato fnmlly , within mlle of St. Paul Depot ; moUnrotu terms. Atldrcss "P. H6" Hco ollico. M U * "WAIsTlCDnrocory elonlors lo take notice ' nnd bo tlio Hist to start n friocory store tit LcitvciiXYOith Husinoss Plnco. SHU 0 WANTKI ) Stock of dry Roods , clothhifr nud Oenls' fuinlshin Koods or boots nml shoos in ovchan o for Omiihn real ostato. fr'chloslngor H )8 . 1018 rarniun st. 2uU 8 WANT13U Tlio acuiiintnnco eiC n midJlo ascd ( rontlcmnn , nmtrimonlally Inclined. Address P II , Hoe ollico. _ 230 ( ] Vl'ANTnn Hooms.ilor 4 , by 3 prrown people * for ll ht hotfsckooplnir : prefer up Btulrs xxith another fnmilj- . Address P 24 , Heo ollico. 103-9 _ "XX'ANTKD-School bonds , Wnlor WoiKs mid T nns ( Company bonds at the Hond and Mort- Kaso exchange of M. U HlKgins & Co. , 1508 boUKlusst. 125 0 _ WANTiTo : sell Icnso nnd furniture of 11 room house lor $300 ; this is a b.trKiiln ; Ol'j N. 19th st J1 fl WANTI ! I ) Hoarders nnd roomers ; board nnd rooms first-class , 103 N. 16th St. U10 G * "it ANTHD-Parlial board , A 1 piano , or lanirniiKo lesions In pnj nioiit , O 58 , Hce otllco , BIS 7 WANTKD-Informntion of K. It. Ottawnj- , % x ho left Irwln , In .July 20th. for Nebraska In search ot location for hnrdxvaro store Auv poison Kix nifr leliablo information will bo lib erally rewarded. Address H. Ottnxvay , Kirk- man , Iowa. 072 n * TS7ANTKI ) Allwnntinfftolonrn Hhort-linnd T and tytio wrltlm : to attend Valentino's Short-hand Institute , Imposition bulldhiR. Omaha. Wo can furnish sulllciont employment to jounjr men nnd hoys to pay tholr board whlh In attendance. S03 Oct. 20 \\rANTKU Teams. T. Murray. * ' 928 ron nBUT-nousES AWD LOTS. Iriou HUNT Hotico.1 rooms , south Ifith. sco- end house from Ploico. 233 il * "Iiioil KIJNT-Hrlck house in Omaha' \'loxx-i : -i-1 looms and basomonl , f 10. Applj to J. r. Hammond , 711 South Hi h st. &M 7 * FOH HH.NT-A 4 room houso.n blocks south oflStlist. Streelcais. Imiuiroof C. Spocht , x ostcrnCoinlco Works. 17410 17fiH JIKNT 2now U room houses on Mich -L El. , ono street south and ono xvosl of the corner Pmknx-o ami Loavonworth st fusing oiith. Will ho nnlslieJUct. 10 ; or ixillsoll. . Coltrln.BlJ Pink axe. lus 0 * TTlOlt HKNT fl room cottago. Harney near JL1 20th. J30 per month. H. A. bloinim , 15IJ Farnam at b < JJ. IilOHLKASK Wohnx-oolox-on ncroa on U. I : It. It. traok,800 foot front : will lease all or part for tlvo roars. Hodford i-Souer. , TO I IDE KHBT-UOOMS , KNT Lnrtro.iilcnsniil'furiilshea room 1 for onoor txvo t'eiitlouicn. Inquire at 1309 Farnnin BU * S187 171t > lt HUNT Wont room nnd alcove with 3 X ? beds : nho llrst class board. 10U Fiirnam St. 2070' FOH IUNT : Nicely furnished fiont room , nlcovo nnd eloect. No. 115 b 2JU st. 235 Foil llUNT-Furnlshed-n very pleasant fiont reoinortwo roomsntllod North itjtti Bt , on car lino. Uoard cun bo bad near by. 201 10 * _ POH HKNT 8 well furnished looms , en suite. bath loom and all modern improvements. BtthoCnpliol , 1 500 and 1511 I'arimm St. ; refer * cnces required. Inquire at room 23 , 3d floor. aQJ u _ Tf/tOll UKNT-Nlcoly furnished room for ono JL' Kemtleman , nt 17U Chicago et. 2g2 ti TjAOH HUNT-Ona large front bed-room. Jfurnished. . Can accommodate a fcxr tablu bonrdore. _ li south Idth. lai 0 * FOIl IU5NT Thostrdeslriny newly funjlshod front rooms with bath and gas nnd every roiivenloncocallatii.\ > niororWob < t > 'riX.2lKt fits. Terms moderate. Also lartcu barn fox rent. _ OU IU.NT-Fumi8Uoil rooms , 1816 Dodpo. trJOSf TTWU llRNT > * UnfurnUhad rooms In now block J-1 cor. Dodge nnd UtU st. Inquire of Uavlg , MlllarJ Hotel. 1378 * _ AN AND WIFK-neairmtf nicely furnished room with use of bath and mis , call at s w corner ot 2Utli uuil Webster. Hoard c n bo had close by. oj octtJ FOH IlKNT Kiutnir room and bed room tin- furnished ; nxo minutes wnlk to vo lofllcei ; Innprixato famlljj rofoiencos roiulied. Ail- dress W. S. II. , IV > mco. 213 C' IlKNT FiiinUhHl ( room , JO per month E C07N17th. SI3 8 UKNT-j'twp xory elcslrablo lurnlshed FOlt rooms nt 2 , > 'iySt , Marj's nvo. , with furnnco heat , bath , and .crbry inodorn conxenlenco 'lormsMiry mn < mnblt > . _ 2S7-B * " 7OR UKNTictiy furnlshoa rooms. 18I3 ] 1 Chlcigo St. ' 88 6 * _ _ 1J10H HKNT-ii jiionjant untiirnlsliod Iront JL ? rooms to mAn nrta w Ho 1 ! 5J N. 1Mb st l < * > 276 7 * "Ij"OH IMIS'T 1'xxdiargo unfurnished rooms , JL ? gpntlotncn'profcrrcd ( S 18th st. > t' U77 filOll HKXT-Nlceljr funilshod rooms. N.1J. cor JO 7th and rnciCc st. 173 C lUINT-rnrnishcd rooms xvllU bo'ird at FOH ( Virginia nx o. 175 i' * FOH IlKNT Twe > Inrpo fninKliol roivns to rent. Prixnto family. 71-'Unh t. lfi 7 * TTtOIt H11NT ViirnHliee1. rooms f or gpntfemcn JU only _ 1WJ ! Ca s st. givu * ITIOU ItlINT Vour rooms , pantry nnd clothe * -L pro < snnd collnr. Kinittlro upstairs , xxlth rpfcroujo. 707 Seiutli 14th st 'JiOfl * Foil HF.NlNicoly furnished foom , lfx)7 ) Donglnsst. : references required , 110 OOM With board , 1013 Cnpltol nvo nvoE7J0 E7J0 * Tmoil HIINT-Nlcoly furnlshud front room X1 w Ith alcove , all modern conx-onlencos , tor three gontloinon , four blocks ibroctly south Irom opera house , apply nt onoe , 1415 Jones st. , Ml KICNT I'uinlshed rooms lor gonllo * Foil , blocks Horn car lino. Applj nt 8. w. corner 17lh mid Dorcas. 2iJ * C * llKNr Nicely furnished and comfort * FOR rooml for xx Inter , xxllh or without board. 1WJ Farnitm st 27J 12 * TT10H HT.NT Sulto of rooms , furnished : also JU l single room tor gentlemen. 0c St. Mnrj 's no. . 8J7 24 * lin > T Furnished room with board. Foil 1812Dodgost 2317 * r A largo Iront room , ulcolj" fur * Jt ? nlahotlnbundRiit room for txto ; cvorycon- \enlonco ; vorj choice,414 N. 19th st. 019 TTIOU unsr Ploasnnt furuHhcd rooms , JL : south fiont brick lint , boif.l can bo hail nextdnor. Apply at UlOChleigo st. Oil inoil IIKM Noxxlj tuiTitsiicirroom.Jiil bl. JL ? Mary'a : nve f.11 "fnUiT HBVT rnrnisho 1 rooms forlltflit housu ' keopinjilii llooiaor'sblock cor llghth ! and Howard. t'13 ' FOlt SAIiK Ijols III Yntesttnd Hennpol'i nit * ditlon , North Omiihn , JJOJ to foOJ. .1 II V\- ims & Co. 278 11 S rijKMlll ) IIVKOAIN Two maRlilllcciit hits ou Hamilton st corner of Ploasiuit st , KiU feel em llmnllton Rtmid IK feet east on Pli n pnnt st MUH bo told in fc-xx days , only f--XW ; $700 cash. StOckdnlo & . Mitchell , IMt ) noilxo St. 'J')7 ) 0 _ ) . la domiindcd at Lcuxcn- AeiKeCliKVStor.j worth Iluslnc s Plnco utid It xxlll conimnud the best siibiiihtnnlo about the city -\ll.xou Imxo to elo Is ( o ita and ask the people llvlnir In the Iminoillato vlclultx and } ox x\ ill bo siUislloit. You pnn Htt n lot on I.em onxvorth street nt the licit Line See J. W l.o aii on promises , or J. W. Kllor , nt room 7 , Iron Hank 2'i 0 SKH r. I ) . Taiiuci X Co for bargains In Ilnns- com placo. Hit il OUU UAHUAINSl'OU THlb M'lIKIC. CMt'thlsout nnd look thorn up , IJSfoot on RiMmlbfsstioet , $ iUUOOO. Corner Dnnno and WeioVxodth , Iroutlni ? noxv entrnnco to Hanscom parfqll nnd Rot pi Ice Huaiitltul lot on Park nximtio , Jrontltiff Huns'-oin pnik , only $1,800 , easx'tol nts. 101) ) icct frontage on I.caxoinvortli stlvt't.'JUBL on Kiado , will in illo lour good hufttncsH lots , for ten dajs at SSi.lBO UO. 1.1 bonutllu ) lots In I'tlca Place on 1)71 ) h nnd PleasiiitsttoaWyju'ttwo blocks Miiith of lieaxenxvorth , nmt onn tlueo blocks south of thu eloffant brlcuiiuQi linmo resldoneos boint' creeled on Plonsuutrsticet fl.-'OJ ( K ) each on very oasj totms , . J , lots In llnrtloid Place , Foutli of Ion > oiiworth street , nnd this side of the new MI-ntjiifl'PndKlo ' tlopot nnrtcnnnlnt ? fac tory , JJJOOOto tMouuiei > ' oimy tci ins. IOU fcot fiont on riyoitolii\onuo , oYtendhiK fiom coinctol 17t1i htraqttp Mnsonle block on Ifith street. Cnll and 'jrvr-prlce. Lots on Vinton street , the nuunlMrrfoi eoiincctintr Omaha xvith South Omaha nid tbw'.Mock jauls. ? i > 50 0) to $7000) on xcrv An1tornis Improxomonta KolnL'on.nt South piuuhax iU ipaKo thpsq loll double in tfttlnowc'idro sprlncr. Oo out nnd sco them , justructntorsfiutloti of 20th sttcet xvltlt \ Ititenu Go-out uijd.i oo them. You cannot mlbs thoin. sUns nruon , ptoportj' . licmombci. corner -0th nnd Vinton streets , rix-o splendid lots ou Hrlstol street , just xvcst of Snundors Lots lu Hodlord Place , ulonjr xvnj' bojond , nro for ? t00 ! 00 nnd $700 , Can offer these Iota fornoxt leix elms nt $073.00oiy etsj' terms. Hlcka A , Inijhriiiii.-'lD south 15th stteot. IfiiT SAI.K To t" In Vntos nnd Hompcl's nd- dlllon , North Omihn , 50) to * WO. .1. II. r.x- nns A. Co. 378 11 _ HAHB HAUOAIN-Threo lols In Thoin- burvr. fUOO caoh. nonrloixonworthnd- joinlnir lots held at $ ' > 00 each. 1' . T ) . lannci A : Co , 1015 Hox. aid. _ HH C T7iel { SAI.K Anlco5reom house nnd lot on JL stieot xx hero srado Is ostabllslied , lot soiled nnd tieos. oxorjthlnjr In irooa condition , If sold xvIthln30dajsJtOJ , 'i cash balance to suit. Norenl i"-tnte men need xpply. Addroas P lb , lice ollleo. Property will bn shown. 142 ! " > lIuuhoTmd lot Wnl niiTlinK Hou cand lot on 10th street , ? JuOO. House and lot ou "Oth street. SJ.TOO. Lot In Plalnvloxv iOVI. onljMcnsn. . Lot on Miami sti cot S1T > , § , l > 0 civsh. Lots In Shrlx'dr Pl.ico. $125 , 52,1 cash. Bahuico floor month : x'orychoap Txvo notes of $1.M ( ) ) each for sale. Money to Loau on improvoel elty property. II. W. HuntrosH , J1D8 t'urnain stroot. 181 U T71OH SAI.K iKitsIn Yntos nnd Homnorsnd- -t dltion , North Omaha , $500 to f 009. .1 II. Kv- nns & Co. ST8 11 IT VOlr xranta pooJ baiifiiln call on r. D. JL Tanner & Co. 1015 Howard. Thoj- have thorn , 101 0 _ _ _ ' TTToTl SAMJ Or "dxctiarif o. Ilouao ana lot. JL1 li-th and Nicholas ; house and lot 15th nnd Dorcas. Win fc Mom oe , fltb and Douglas. U51 BA ISC5A1.V "fnio"couior 'in cTmniri 100x127. Vetrynlco rejlrtonco lot,00) . ( ire orv i. Haaioy , KI12 Douglas St. 117 I710H .SAti-rxts : 7 and 8 , . UOicino foot , In -L1 block il , Ihfit addition to South Omaha. Call em Fred Lemon , earo 1'armers * house , or nddress Cooifo Llndo , P. O. 'JOV407 , llnpld City U.T 787 POll Birfralns In Itont Hatato look ox-or that inmnmoth bulletin at 1W)3 ) Doti.'las st M. IHlta'lns. . PJJ 0 ' \\flinroconstnntiyin receipt of soincthlnw now Inthuxxuj of real ostnto bniKUlns at 1503 Douglas stroe t. Sco our mammoth bulletin oxorydaj.M , L llfaalns & Co. 1JI tl i lo TicsTv i.ti it i : TiTioits imd ' bnvo uikcu n fancy to the hljrb plittcnu in West Omithn , nud soon nil thnt slwhtly hill on both sides of Leavenxxorlh 6t.In the vicinity ol' Messrs. Coo nnd KliKundnhi's buautlful res- ! elonco , xvill bo co\ored wllh nrtlstlo homes. The lucky Imostor In that vicinity xvlll then ronphls rexvnrd. T'tlcn Place Unow on the mm Icct , sit- tinted - blocks south of I.onvonxxortti M. . on Jit Plen ant nxo. I/its from H.10U to $ ) . Orhoout that XMIJjou , xvho xvant Hrst-elais roslilenio property , and then como In and talk to mo nlmut Icrms , etc. D. C. I'attorsOii.Oimiha Nat. Ilium. ljl)1i 1U Q1T.CIAL HAHCrAtN-An elopnnt east front p loton yirguilftjwo , $ l.,3. . ' 1 his IB a in out bargain. F. 1) , Tanner iV Co , 1015 Hounidst. . . - 1 1 0 HOIISKS Ixts , Km ms.l.ands money lonnod Ilomls. 15lk-igiJ-I > nuglns atructs. 'JOT OKAI. M3TAL il\UGAIN-3 boau'tlrul lots J-V on xvost CijiM 14 St. , $700 each ; HUB bar gains. J. I * lie.lajCoroom ) ( a , over Com- in erclal National linn k. 073 FOlt HALII A bartf iln Lot tiUxU. . 'J blocks from iiostoilleo. $ JO.OOD. Imlf cash. Mnr * Bhnlljfc LobooK.-Viilionium stioet. 21K _ [ 710H aAI.U Hqufiiund twofnll lota In Wai- ' JL' nut Hill , $ 'JoJ , ' Six ) ) cash , bilanco JJOpor inontti , 5 rooniii , east front , corner. Lot In PlalnxMoxT. ? 0VD , only IM cash. A lot on Miami stnpnt , only $ ( 5. I/ots in Shi Ivor { HiiiSe , UJ5 , > W cosh , balanoo $5iicr month. < " ' Ilottso and lot In Omaha Vloxr , Sl.Ml lux ) foot on Ploioo stieet , comer , JJ.IO ) . ' lleforosou buj I'liTand see H , W , Huntress , ZSiii rarnuiu st. List jour houeuamid lotswitti me. C53 FOK hALi : 75x140 , house 8 rooms , nil modern Improxumuuts , east front on VirKlnluuxo north of Leuvonxvortli f ' M Hous-o u rooms , furnace , etc. , in Uno lo * cutlon 0,003 110x150. Parmentnrs sub , corner , for u few dux s only ut J,8iO Corner in. 1'arke.w udaittou , 00x140. ' tf homes . . 8,5)0 20 acres on Military road rlpofor subJI- TlJiur only per acre. . . . , 4W FinoIpt on Capital rm > , g W Many other nno places xxhlcb 1 huxo for , sale but am not permitted to advertise. Cull und sco me anil I will take plcuuro in showing tnomlojou. My ollico 14 No. ISOtI I'anuini-su J. L. Pioraon. Ma t / \NK tine corner lot on llth Bt. , In PmluocU v/Plnco. can bo sold at n bargain. Gregory & | | ndlej1312 Douglas St. I IT nmoitSAbi : Wo haxo slxtoou lots In flaxv- * thorne addition that wo xvill sell : liosrund cheapbtt Inildei property In Oinuha. Uodford & OALlt On F. D Tnnnor .V Co. Jitul Ihoy xrill show jou Iho best bargains m business property to be Imd In Omnhit. Homoiubprtno plnco , 1B1\ Howard st _ 11M fl 3A1/U At re barirnlti on ossr torms,3 JL' lots In Wnshinifton siiuiiro , c-ich $ iCOX The best corner In Han com 1'lnco , 100x150 , fs.OOJ. llou o anil lot nOiUO.cor. loth nml Pnul stropl , J.,400. ISCM Fnrnnui street , Mnrsbnll .V I/obeck. P03 n btnnton Plnopwst Len < .etmorth , ce > mer of ( It-ox o Mrt-et ! only JCOO to MAXX ) . Hcst iiu ratmont lu Onmhn .1.11. Co. S7D 11 IrtINK now cott po , fl rooms , cemented e-olUr , 100 lib ! cistern with Illtor , Insldii xxoodxveirk of selected jclloxv pine , reedo.l xxlth oil tlnljh. \Vlllbollnl4liedln 10 dnxs nud pnlnle'd to suit thoimrehii'or l < ot iMxUI Price' , f..fiOO Uregory & Hndloy , 1.112 l > OHRlns St. 117 iiioll SAI.r fv ) foot corner Lca\enxroitli ' slreot.Jl.oji ) .1 It. i\nns : A ( V. Wt-feiot lot on Lcnvenxxorlli. near Park nxo. , onljiiOO. . tii > foot lot , Pnrmentor Plnro , $1,010. lxtson a nno street noir Lcnx onxvorth , onlj $ ! > M to $ loax on llolpcsttcol near peistolTlee , xrlth liuprox cnients , $ JOWO. 2S ) 11 A PKUIY'Sbltr ren cstnto tl-.vSi-ihij. Scolt. O ipkndld lots in block fl. Omnlin Vlo A cncli. svi. svi.ft Hndloy , 1.112 DoiiRlns St. 117 I Toll A BiyrillYrtlilirroal etstnto Hit ivvofy 4-v other dayt See It. P3I T/lOU 8 \Lv.- 1 Ij Sch Icslniror lb-03 , -I ? 1U1S Kurnam street. IbR loot on 25th St. , near Fui-nuin ; will soil nil or pnrt. f > -AcraIots In I'lirnnn I'n-k , J125 per aero. r.nsy terms. This Is xory doslntble lor gitrdcn. InirMl Ml acres' , Iniproxcd. near city , bouse , bain , cilbs. etc. Cheap , nnd on en j terms. Lots In Schlcslnger's Addition f,0 to $ "ViO. on onsy terms. 2flO fl ' . Ol'U beautiful resilience lots on Park SI'.K , ( leer ln nxo , Vlrirlnlnnxo , Phil Shor- Man. Hamilton , Ilnrnoy , Fmniim and lenxuii- worth streets. It will pny you to cnll on us be fore biij lug. 1' . D. TnunorA. Co , 1016 Howard SU IPt B _ _ HOUSKS IotsrnrmsIjanasmoney ( onnod. llcmls , 1Mb mid Housing stinots. V07 "T71tK SAl.i : Ouo of the best pieces of prop- Jorty In Notth Omaha , onn block Irom Fn\cdMieot. Atiolgrht room house , noaily now. 'nn bo had cheap , If taken at once. O. F IiivlsACo 1501 Fiirmun struct. P17 _ : Nico5ioom house nnd2corncr -L1 lots in Wnlntit Hill ; k cnsli bat to suit. Cnl Martin 11U.S llth st. VU4 1011 R teems , xxell 1 IIOIIPO , etc- . ; rented ; coi. tilth mid Iturdotto streets , 1 Illoch from bttcet Cms dnuill cnelt liii.Miinnt , bill. J. " > pot month , f-)0. ! ) Kofbalo JHottiiKos bond Nineteenth street , 5 rooms , ncrr. nllnrcnln at J - . ' , " . jJ. ) biiiall cash p ij munt , bal 5JJ per month. Cottajro , 17th street , 0 rooms , Well , To il House , etc. , 2 HlotKs fioui SttcctCnr , small tush immcnt , onlj f 2,10.1. Two Cottnjjis ou Chlenffo stteot. new , (1 ( rooms , fenciil.eto ( lood barunln nt JJ.MH anil JJ.7IX ) . Small ca h pnj inont , bil. inonthl ) . ' One Lot , boiith Oinalm , noxl'il ) , In the cottier ol the Iliislne * * * part or 'low u , onlj" $1,800. S Lots in liudforil Place , S3JO cncli. One-half casli , lial 1 , 2 and .1 } ( Mrs. One of the best liarirulns In the elt > , C-lxlOO It , between Ca s mid California streets , xvlth smtill house , only $ i , WO : * 1COO cash. bin. 1. 2 nml a > enrs , 'J his property Is w oil woith $ .1,500 1'niK A , Toxvlor , IM'iSJJoUirlns. _ abJ BOWLING < ! IlKEN lots , $150 10 per conttnsli and f > per month. Mnrshnll & Lobeik , Agontu , 1B09 1 arimni street. U19 G Itunl Kstato and Itontnl Affonts , 1IIU Douglas Street. Hero mo n foxr of the bargains xvo oiler ; 11 tliero Is nothing hoi o that suits ) ou , call on us.Va ran s-bow jou others Corner lot on Sowtird St. , Ixjxx-o'sndd. . . $ 1,000 Lot adjoining above . WO Coinorlot on Hamilton bt . 1,1V ) Adjoining lots , itll In Oiohnrd Hill . 1,000 Corners in Phinulow und Klrk > xood . H ) ) Coiner Imp Asa. add. . 00x11 ! . 3,000 Cornel Yates mid Itoed.MxlOO . 700 Corner ! oK In Paddock Plitco . ( Call at ollleo loipi ices. ) Coinoron Iod e > 8t.OilKUU , rentlnir for JJ.OOO per jcar . . . . 30,000 Corner lot on 10th St. , Konnt/o's add , xx Ith market binldlnjr. only . 4,000 StlxxolllnRM on lot lUxl , ! . ' , t lilcaKO St. , rontlnir f 1.4UO per jonr . 512,003 B-rooni house ou corner lot , Schull's add , fli'4\UX ) . . 4,003 NoxrSioom cottnso on corner lot , Mll- hirdCixldxx ell's udd . . . 3,104 7-room house , S 1' . Koirura' add , f ront- Injr 15th bt , lotGSxUO . U.'iOO Groom , Popploton luc , soutti liont , lot OOxlbb . . . 3,000 NoxvO-toom cotttiRO , well built , on lot GOtlti ) , ncm Blunders . 2,800 2 room house In West Side , 1 block from c tnnlnjf fnttoiy , lot OOnU'S . 750 0 teem linu o and 4 room house , barn , cistern , collars , trnit trees , etc. , on lot OiJcJ50 , fiontiiiK both 17th nnd 18tb G.OOJ 8-room house on S. 20th st , near St. Mmy's axe , city xyatcr , etc . fi00 Tlnoeornoi on Cnmlnpst .Utionsos . . 1.1,5'X ) rinelotin Imp Aso add OB\188 little aboxuirrndohnijmln . IfOO Lots In Kllby place . 700 Lots ( n Lincoln place . 4RJ Lot ou Puriinm near Loxvo ax'o . 1,700 rinoon t liontlot , Wi\123 in Nelson's ndd , biuiriin . . . 2,000 I'aat front SMst ; Hnnscom phico . . . . 2.SW Snlondld lots fronting Pnrk i only . . 1,00) II ixxthoinolotson Dnxonport gt . l.ifl ) nnst fronts just on srado . 1HW Omaha Vloxvlots east on the hill nt $050 to $050 oneh cheap. Ono block In West Omulm , 4 ncros ( call at of- llcc fen prices ) Special attention glxon to property listed wltli us ut rcnseinnblo prices. Haxingno pniptrty of our oxvn on the mark et wo can not do other than n strictly commis sion business. eJHI.OOUY i , HADLin' , 1.112 Donirlns st. _ Toloilioiio | 8'il. Call mid see ut. _ IIJS T71 < nTsTlJi-Lot8 : ill Stnnton Pluco , Woi-t JL1 Lenx'onworth , corner of ( jrovo street ; only fO to $1,000. llistlnx-ebtment In Omnlin. J. U. _ _ 37 11 LiAVi.NWOHTII street nt nnd near the Holt Line It U. Is now being- reatiy Im- ptovcd. Lonxcnxxorth Ilu iness Pi ice , nt the crossing ot Loaxenworth street anil the Holt Line , Is the neatest point of Holt Line to the ully. It tlio best place for a Lumber Yard , erA A coal j aid , or An Klexntor.or Any business loqulrln , ? trackage. 'I ho citizens in tliu xitiiuty xvill noxr support n Kood mouery fctoie , 6iijln ( , ' notlilitr ol the country tiade. Txxontyllxo lots In Lonvonxvorth Huslnoss Place liavo been sold xxltliln the Iast30 dujnuiul pi Ices xx 111 bo uiKcd Oct. 'i'.tb. Sue .1. W. Kllor , Itoom 7 , Jion Hank , Tele-phono C'JO ; 01 J.V. . LoRim on piomlses.TeluplionnkOO. _ 25J V JT jou want to doiiblo jour nioncjqulult , buj * _ oin InBdilei-liiKet's Adillllon. " . ' U II i-Lols in htnnlon Place , wcst Lonxonworlh , coinorof ( liovoMitot ; only fw ) lo fl.otxl. Host Inxistment in Omaha. .1. 11. KutngiML'o. i27U 11 _ O. hlllttviit , Itoitl Kstnto Itartfiirnl- Unlmproxod ptoi > eily , Z bonuttful eeirnor lots In Hnnsconi Placer > OxlHl foot cncli , oust ftont. . . . $ C.OQO Slots In Tnbor Place , ench . 1OX ) 218-50 foot on Louxenwnrlh St . B/jOj tfjfl I'uil lot , Just 1 mlle from P O .near Crolirliton onlloiro . . . 1,100 Txttl.lxl"0o fiont , Situndeis b ( . il.iKd II lots in Kllbj Plato . 2.CU ) 'lots , lOlxJI-i o irout , Hnnsomo Place . . ri,50a Full lot ou JOtli , near Douglas , 11,009 Lot on Hnmilton fct . . . V 3) 37.i-llenutllul lot , 8 front , 111x132 , Just oir KiinildiujM . , . , . 1,103 371 1'ull lot , B front , on Patrick avenno , . 1.5UU lei ) ncres 1 1-2 miles from P. O , 5-1WJ per aero. ICIxUI fctt on Iloxvmel , near lUth . fi.OOO I'ulllot on21sl nuarClurK . UH l Full lot on 2Ut nonr Nicholas . U.UCH ] Iniproxcd Property. Vnll lot , lar o S story house nnd burn that rents tor fin.Vj per month , on Daxeniiort , nextr llth . $ 7,000 S3 lout iront , hiift- house , on Taruam , nimrlhtb , . . . , . p.WO 4 Ihe-roomed cottages , fletoin , etc , , easy terms , 25th nnd 1'ml.or els , each.,100 i'ino residence on M nnd Fariiain , cor. 14,000 JIouso mid eoitak'n near N , Ifith BU , on monthly paj incuts , . . . . . 2,000 nettutifnl tottiuo in U'ulnut Hill , 1-3 cnsh , bnlniico lonK time . , . 2,100 Full lot , : tboui > osou 20th near Clarke. . . C/X1U Nice brick houou X'5th nnd ( up , ax o. . UOOJ Cottage u rooms and lot 17lh IK nr Cull- foniln . 3.003 Full lot , nlco cottage , a front on Ctinrlca tt.nuiir tli , . . . . 2.000 Half lot and houto neai Uth and Cuss. . . ; iUCO 83x120 ft corner , on Da\tnport nuur 1Mb street . . . . 2 000 Corner. 12th anil DouKlast . - W iJil Ix > U on easy taiin In "riliriivi' Plitco , " ' 1'JfH- ant bill. " "West Ginning , " uad 'xVobt Sldo W. n. 8hrlxcr.opiP. | O. _ 118 A Mil A I A ' 1 hrce lot j , one n corner in HRUII- dorsfc Illmelmutrirs add , block A , all for- II , SOO , i cash. Cuu be soid soporately. F.I ) . Tanner A Co. _ IP ! fl UaTATK llAUUAIN--CUliJ lot lu moves' udd. f 1,051) ) . half cnsh. boo this anil you \v 111 purelinf o. J , L Itico & Co. , over Corn- morclnl bant. _ PA ) Betrotlon. rpo TUB Merchants and Public of Oiualin : -L On the 4th day of Hoptembor , 1H1 , | cauiod a publication to ba inodu lu the Hcu annoiiDcInK that I xtould not pay bills contracted b > my xrlfe , Mr { . Bather Abiahnms , Tor reason * tuoie- Innatexl. TJioroiuon x er b xl upou itnuu- fortunuto niUuiiduHtainllui ; , nnd I now with. druxr said Bitnounceimeut nud give notice that tiny blllt ootitrucUtd by ) oy x jio vrlll be cheer fully pottl by me. II. A1IUAIU MS. September SStlil(3a. otat To ConttMctor $ . VI.1U > I'rop il8 w III bo rex-otx od nt the of. flee of the Chief llnmiieer , I nlon Pnclllo nuiwnj , Omnhn.Se'b , for thofrindlni ; , brMjclnff nnd truck laying , nml surfacing of the follow * Inpxvork. 'Iho line from Ortklcy to Colby , In Kansas , nbotit22 inik-s The line from I o\o'nnd ' to lluckhorn Stone < Jtii rric , In L > > lorndonltotit sij mile * , nnd the e-Monston ot the ' nhiln , Lincoln ANe tetn lUlhMij from 1 Incoln Center xxostxvnrd In Kitncas , 40 to M miles. l'ropoils for the ( \lby line will not bo re- crlx oil nfte > r October 13th , lint prope > nl for the other lines will be rocolx c I until Ilio ox cnliiff eif October IMli , PiolHcsoiinbo cen nt thoodlpo of chief en- trlnoot for llxe dnxs prexlotis to thodiijsiiinu : < d feir rloslnn receipt of bids Iho tight Is ri'soni'd to reject nny or nil bids. § . It CALLAAY.tU'lUTnlMnmiKi'l. . oeliVoctl1' ' Kotico. Of thoslttlnirofthoCll ) Council , ns u llonnl of llMiinllrntlon. To tlio owners of nil lots nnd real e tnto In any of Ihopaxltnr district , sexxor district ? , or nlonir the line of nny of the Improvements hcielnntternnuioil , 'ieiu nnd e'lich of jou nro hereby nolllloil thntthoclty cnunill ofthocll ) ot Onmlm.xxlll pit ns n board ol miunll/ntloti , nt tlio olllcti of the clt.x clerk. In the court honiio In nld eltj' , on Tuoilax nnd Weilno'dnv , the Kth nnd l > th daja of Oilobor , 1 0 , betxxeon the bouts of On in. anil 12 m ; and botwi en tlio bouts of'p in mid f > p m. , tor the purpo o of e-qunlbhnr Iho pro | Msed lex\x ef ) the spiolnltnxi's nnd ns'i'S menls anil eorreetlnc mi ) CM lens therein , to cox or the eo t of oertnln Improvements. Tocoxurtlioc ( > st of pax'lmr , m follows 10th street , front Mnson street to William street To cover tlio cost of constriie-tlnp sexror" , ns feillOHSi Sewer In soner illottlct No 30 To exit or the ) cost of ourldim , ns lollows : 10th street from William street to Ce liter stroot20lh si loot from si M nrjsAx'enno to I'letcu street ; 2Mb Aveiuio tiom rnrnnm otroe-t to Doiiitlns stii < ct ; Cuminjr street , 2-itli Avcnuo to mlddlo of block between .111 and & ! d streets ; 27th AX'O. 11110 riomCuniliitf stie-"t to northeiii terminus. You nro further notified that by resolution duly adopted by paid council , It Is propovod to lox-j the snld cos * ot said linproxoimmls upon nil the lots nud reuxl estate In M lel dlctrlcla or olonir the line of snld linproxcmuntA. repect Ix'clxnccorebnrto foot frontage , nnd ncoord- Ihfr to the usual scalhiK back pi-eiccss nshtiroto- fore adopteO mid fe > llowed bj snhl eoiincil , 1111- lois for treed cauio shox\ , some clinniro shidl uppearto bo proper. You mid each of jou mo herediy nollfle'd lo npponrbofoiosthl boanl of e-iiuallritllon at tlio tlinunnd iilacenboxe spi'oltlod , nnd make nny compliilnl jou mnj wish concornltiK said pro posed lox'lcs or nny part there of. .1. II StH'TIIAHD. City Clerk. _ OniahaNub _ . Popt.,2Mh , I8N1. B I 'dfit ' OrJluance No. 1,173. A N Ordinance to pmrlelo for the Issue of fifty X thousand dollms eil pnx-lntr bondu of thu eltx'ol oninli i , tor the purpose of pajliiKtho cott of pnx Inp , lopnxlnjror tiuicndaml/liiK tlio Intcr.-cctlon ot stn-ota nnd snnea opposllo allots In the said cltj' , or icul nstnto not subject to asjissuiont en special taxes lot * pitxhiK put poses \Miercns , nt the special election hold In thu olty ot Oinalm , Tuosdn ) . Aiijnist .list , A. 1) 1S. > < < ! . thu question of Ksuhw the bonds of thocitj of thu sum of $ VtXIJ ) 00 , to become duo In txvonly (20) ( ) jeiirs ftiim the date thoieof , and to bear Intoiest , pijable semi iiniuuillj. at a into not oxeeeidliiK six iici cent per annum , upon intoi est coupons to bo nttaihod to bald bonds , to bo cnllo 1 "Pnx lust lionds Series Plx e , " mid to bo Issued dm liitf tlio join A. 1) 18SU , xxns dulj submitted to the electors of t > nld cilj ot Omaha ; mid , \Vhorc. is , at snld election said bonds woto atithurl/nel to bo Ksnod by n xoto of the inajoi- It ) of too eloctius xotlntr at bitch oleetlou. NOXT , thercfoto. for the pmposo ol e-mrxlntr out the express wish of said eloctots , nnd pro- IdliiK funds noi o < saiy tor tlio put pose of puj- IUK the cost of piuliiir , lopnxliiffor niiicadninl/- inif the Inteibeutlonsol Httoots mid spncusop poalto nlloys In snld city , or opposite ro il estate not subject to assessment eir special taxes for pavhiK pin poses : Ho itotdnlnud by the clly council of the city of Omaha : Suction 1. Thnt the bonds of the city of Omaha ho Ismicd In the sum of lUty thoiHiind dollars ( fiO.OOO Od ) to become due in twenty ( M j ems from the dnte thcieof , and bear Interest pnjnblu Honil annually at the into of llxotici cunt per nniiuin , upon lnteii"-t coupons to bu attached to Fiild bonds , Bald bonds te > bocnllcel "PiixIiiK llonils Series 1'ixo , " tei bo llfty in buriuidln tliu sum of emu thountil elollais each , 11 ml to bo con ecuti\clj numboiod Irom oiiutolittj ; stiid bonds hlmll bo d tiled Octobei 1st , A. I ) . IHtU ! . and the piinclpal and intoiest shall bo made pajabloal the bank ol Konnl/o Hi os. . In the citj of Now Yoik nnd stntoof Now Yen k ; said bonds hall bo signed by the mil ) or and city cloik of wild city of Omaha , mid snull haxo Interest coupons In the usunl loini ut- tachod thuroto. mid shall linvu the teal of bald oitv nttuched theicon. Section 2. bnlil bonels shall not bo Sold for loss than par , nnd the proceeds thereof hliull bo UKod lor no other puipopo than ] > a.\ lug the cost ot paxiiiK , topaxlnif 01 iiiacad.imUlnK the Inter- f oetlonseif streets and spnuo opposite nllcxs in Biilelclty , or opi > oslto ical ostiilo notHubJeot to nsbojsmont of special taxes for piivinK IIIH-- iio-o < , and forthupajmontof principal and in- loicst of snld bonds , the tatth ol the clly of Omaha , and its propurtj- and luvomios nro bctcby plodded. Section ! 1 That this ordlnanco Shalt takccHcct mid bo in loico from and niter Its passage. Passed bontombor Ath , ISM. Wxi , r. lliciiri , , I'ro-nlcnt City Council. 0. II SoimtAiti ) , City Ucrk. Approxod October 1st , 18-si. _ ,1uth3 Ii Ilovi.3fuyor. ) Ordinance No. 1,174. A N Ordlnnnco ordering that pmt of draco XX btiect , InPnx'liKf District No. Bl , and allow ing thirty days to the owners ol the lots and rc-il estate in "nld rthtilct to dotermlno nud dodlgnato the matorlul to bo used lei such. Ho II ordained by the Clly Council of the City of Omaha : Section 1. That thnt pnrt of Grace street in 1'axlntf Dibtrlct No. 84 , In the city of Omaha bo and the ( tame is hereby ordered pined. Section 2. Thnt thltty days next after the passage nnd approval ol' this ordinance bn and hereby Is allowed to the oxvners of all real ostnto In said pnxlnir district to dosljr- nnto the mntotlal desired to bo used for mich Intr. nnd notify the city council thereof , it iaIna boon and hereby boiiiK determined bj * Ifao mayor and elty council of snld city , for rea sons xxhlch npponr liirht and propoi.tnnt all the nml estate within Bald pnvlnir district , shnll bo chaiKOdand asso ncd jxlth the cost of pnxlnir thuroln , to bo hereafter determined nnd estnb- llahed , nccoidliiK'to the bonulllsro the projiurty In said district by reason ol snld pining. BcctlonH. That this ordlnanco shall takoolfoct nnd bo In force from nnd nftor Its passage. Passed Scntomhor2-tli , IHCii. WH F IIH-IIH , . I'losldout Cltj Council. .1. II. 801:111 xmi , City Clerk Apptovod October Jst , JS ti. J * MIS 15. Burn , Mayor. THE BANK OF COMMERCE 1-JO Forth Kilh Street , Paid in Capital , . . . . $100,000 GEO. K. liAUKKH , President. J1011T. Ii GAHLICHH , Vice-president. T. H JOllNSON.Cashlor. _ niHiCTOHS ; B siui-.r , K..IOII.SFOV , Oro. K. lluiicii : , Hour. L. 0 Aitracii" , Wxi. SUM us , I' . II JOIIVRON , A ( 'rnornl ImnXInpr biislnr s trnn'notoil , Interest nllotxed on tinio deposits. FIRST MiPIOM BANK U.S. DEPOSITORY. Omaha , Nebraska. Capital . $500,000 Surplus . 100,000 Herman Kountzo , President John A. Crolghton , Vioo President y.U. Davis , Cushion W. IL JMceauler , AAS'C Notice , rp 1 Whom It imiy lonrorii : On mid nftor this I. dnlo I am not roapoii luo ! for any bills that my wlfo , Matllila MahiiMon 01 child i en , limy onliactin mynunie. Nlmied. ( SAUli 15. MAIM&Ti.V. : U , S , Marshil's Sale. IN the * Cli cult Court ol Ilio Unitevl Stnltu. for tlifl district of Nouinskii. Tootle , IlosoaA Co , XB. I ovl Cox. Publlo notleo In herebjjflxcn thnt In punii- nncoaml by vltluu of nn order of Halo , in tliu nboveenns" , biutrlnir ilalothe i.d ! eluy of Hon. tembur , 1 ) . 1 , K.lls U Hlrrboxxti , I'nlti'd bUles Murt > hul for Bind dialnct , will , on thellOtli ou ) of Oclobetr , IHN ) , ut thu hour of tern o'clock lu the forenoon of enld duy , at liio north ilooi of tlm IT. H. Court Houto mid J'uitolllcu tiufiii. lugr , In the city ofOnuihu , ctmo and district of Nobrasln , cell at mtulion Ilio followinif doscrlb- eid propuity , to Hit ; Ilio mat liulf ( h/tof ) thu Boiitnwost qiiuttpr itiW'j i ; nnd Iho wcst Half ( U' > i > of thu eonthopst iiuurtur l- ; ! , , ) ( , f hnc- t'pn foutleoii ( III , tottiifihlp ten ilU ) , north of rntifo six id ) , x\e l In IHmlllun oouoiy. Nubidf- ku. .Mso Iho noithxxe-st iiimrtci Niv > .n , nf Mx'Llon ihltty-etx ( JfltoxriiBlip ) |'i ( Hl.nnrih ofrnngonUliKh/ in llamlllon tountx , No- braoku. lAixitxl uiKii nml lukun hiIrtuc of unorder of utluoliinent. . . U.8 MunliHl DUtiic D.AMhil i IClil.x. Atturuty for Plalntlir. r.'i'pJ'M ' \ . " ! Ot.Unnnoo No. 1,171. Ordinance mithorlnng the Usup of onrb 'C and gutti ting bonds for the purpose of njlng the cei t elf curbmg mid guttering In . 'avlng DlMrlcts Nos. 41,51 , t > \ > , ( it. Hr It oninlncHl by the Cltj Council ot the City of Omnha Section ] Ihnt for the pttrpo'o of pa ) Ing the co t of curbing niul gutti'ilng In raxing Dlstilcts Nos. 4lM.r > sR'l nmlM , H"\extixclj \ , In tlio i-itj or Omnlin. tlu > max or nnd ell ) obrK of nldoltj bonnd thoj are1 tin oh ) mithor ted nnd directed to e-xoeulo und Issue' Iho bonds eit thoe-ltyof OninhH , to bo e-nlled "Curbing nnd ( luttormg Hoods fet PnxmDlstrlcls Nos " n folloxxs.toxxlt Piixlng DiMilct No 44 , nineteen bonds of $ H oaeli , to be'i'ome duei < sieetlxplx | , 2 of rnlel bonds te > bpi'oirodne In euio jenr , 2 In txxei j o ir , 2 In tin co j oiir * . J In lour yoarJ , 2 In llx o jems , 2 In six joms , 2 In sex \eari.-lin-lfrlil jenisntid tin nlnojenis from tin dnlo thoioof. I'nxln ? Dlotilel No M , tpn bondse > I $ IOunch ) , to beeomeidiio U'SpecllVe Ij.ti of said bonds lo be-eome duo In one > onr , I In txxo jenrs , lln thre'pjrnn , I lu fourje-ms 1 lutlxo jpnrs , I In. Mv joar , I In sex en je'm , 1 In eight jenrsnnd 1 In nine jeni * fioin tliodiilelhenof Pax Ing ni trlet No ( > , tblitj two l > oniU of tldieiacu , to be-cetino duet ro peotixolj , lour ot "aid bonds In Imeemio eluo lu euio jear. 4 in txve > ) oars , 4 In throopnr- in four jonrti , 4 In tlvo je'nrslln six xours,3 In sex en ) mrs.ilIn eight ) cars , mid .1 In nlno } cm s f torn tlio date t hoi e'of. Pining DIMitct No fnlno ' bonds if flXM rnch , to become duo , lOspoettxolx , ono onoh j e'ar foi nlno j'onr * from tlio dnto the mil. Pax Ing Distilct No. ( II , foui bonds of $1M ( nch to boeomo duo , lospoi'trvoly , in 1,2 , 5 and V ye-nrs from the dnto thprcof All of snld bund * for c nch mid all of until dll- trh-ls to bo dntoii October lot , iwi , nnd all to hour liitoioM from the dnlo thereof nl the rnto of six per cent peniinnum , jmjnblo niinuallj , xx lib InleiroM coupons mtnrliielt principal anil lntoro t to bomado pnjntilo at IvounUe Hros. . bnnkors , Noxv Yorkelt } , nnd for the pajment of snld bonds , pilni'lpnl and InteroM , thofiillh of I ho city eif omnhii , Its piopoily nnd lovonues nro herein pledges ! . SeHtlon2. 'Hint tlio opeclnl luxes nnd ns os - inputs to ho lux led on ( lie pieiportyln each eif Piilddlstrlits , io peotlxe'ljtoc'inor snld cost OC curbing mid guttering tin-vein , shall e-oii'tltuto n sinking fund for the payment , respectively , of nalel bonds mid Intoiest thereof , Nxld bonds not lo bo sold for loss thnii pur. Section ! ! . That thlsoidliinnco shall tnko offeot nnd bu in force from and nflor Itspii8iigo Piissod Soitninl > er 2Mb , 18M. \ \ M F. Ill-in i , . Piosldeiit Cltv Council. .1. II Sotrrn.xim , City Clurk. Apptoxed October lsllS-l. . K. o\H , Major. Ordinance No. 1173 , Orel nnnco nulhorMiig the Issno of dls- AN imxl'ig bonds of the cltj of Oninhii , lor the purpose ? ot pajing , ro in otlxoly , thu exist ot pixhig the ( -0x01 nl stteots nnd pints ofstieiots In Pnx Ing Dlitilets Niimbois ll.fd , 1 JW , Ml , WIB , nlloy Ne ) a ) , emihihlxo nt Intur * Hicllonsspace oppo-ltu nllo ) s or belxxeun the inlUof mi ) Fticol rnlltxajs. He It oidalnod bj Iho elty council of the Clly of Oinalm : Section 1. Tlml for the purpose of paj Ing the cost e > f paving the hoxenil at i eels , icM'ectlxolx- ' , oxe-eptliig Inlorooi'tieiiis , spaces opposite nllujs , 01 betxxoen tliu rails of nil ) Htrcot lullxxuyln the ben end paving districts In the cltj eif Omnha , as heienltoi' speclllud , the nmxin mid cllx eluik of snld cllj bo nnd bi'iob ) nro nnlheii- lied and directed lo execute nnd issue thu bonds oC the olty of Omaha , lo xxll. For tlio pittnoso of pn > tug the afoica.ild cost ofpiixlngln raxing Dlslilel No. 44six.four ! 1 ondn of SWO each , to be oiilled "Dlslriot PaIng Hondsof Pnxlug Dlslltct No 44. mid nilinboic'd , lospcctixelj , fiom 1 to tit inclusive : boxen or Mild bonds lo become duo In ono jemr Irom the dnlo thereof. bevon ot said bonds to become duo In txx'o jemitt from the dnto theieof. Sox'eu of snld bonds tei become due lu tlneo yems treim the dnto Ihercof. Sox en of said bonds lei become duo In four jeais Itoni the date theiool. boxen ot said bonds to btcomo duo ill flvo jeatBfioni the dnlo thoieof. Sox on of Mild bunds to become duo In fix : jemisfieun thu dnto thereof. box on of said bonds to become duo In seven yems from the date thereof. Sox on of said bonels to bee oiiio dliotnolpht jenrs from the diito theioof. F.ight of said bonds to become duo in nlno jems from tlio dnto theieof. Foi thoputposo of paying Iho nfoio ald oot of paving In Paving District No. 51 , nlno bonds ot f 100 each , to bo called ' District Pax Ing lloueln ol Faxing District No. 51'and numbered , ro- specllxclj.fiom 1 toll iiieluslxo : Onoof said bonds to become duo In ono j ear from the d no thereof. One of B ild bonds lo become duo in txvo ycms fiom the'dnto Iheicot One of snld bonds to become duo In thrco ours fiom thoduto thoieof. One ol snld bonds to become duo In foui ) unrs f i oni tlio date thereof. Ono of Mild biiiuls to become duo in llvo ) ears from tbod itotbuicol. ' Ono ot said bonds to become eluo In six : years fiom the auto theieof. Ono of said bonds to become duo In seven yi'iirs from the date thereof. Ono of snld bonds to become dno in eight jcait-fioin the dnto theucol Ono of en d bonds to become due In nine years from the ditto thoreot. For the pinposa of paying the aforesaid exist ot piling In Pnvlng Dlstilut No 58. llilitj-ono bonds ol f VA each , to bo called "DIstilct Pav ing Honds of Pax Ing DMi lot No. fin , " and num bered , lespectix-oly. from 1 te ,11 Inclusive : Four of Mild bonds to become duo In one year from the date ) thuioof. Four of mid bonds to brcomo duo In txvo yeaiF from the dale theiool. Four of Ruld bonds to become duo In three jcatsfiom Iho dale Ihcrcol. Three of Raid bonds to become duo in four joins tiom thoduto tlieioof. lln OP ot Hiild bonds to become duo In dxo > ems from the dnto thin e of. llnuo of pall bonds to become due In six j'enrs fiom tlm ditto thoioof. Tnrooof said bonds to become duo In seven joarsftom the date thoieof. Three of snld bonds lo become duo In eight jenrs from Ihn dnto thereof. Four of snld bonds lo become duo in nlno joins fiom the dnlo there of. For the inn nose of pitying the aforesaid cost ofpiulnaln Paving District No. 69. Ihlrty-ono bonds nf $ VW ouch lo lie oallexl "District 1'uvlng Honds of Paving District No 5' ) , " and nuuiboied , lOf-puctlxoly , Irom 1 to 31 lncliislx-u : 'iiiri'o of snld bonds to become duo In ono ycarfrom the date thereof. Three of taid bonds to become duo In txvo j'caiH fiom the date theioof. 'Ihroo ol said bonds to become duo in three JP.IUS Irom thodatu thuroof Thieoof hnld bonds to become duo in four yeniH trom tlio dale thcroof. 'lluoo of paid bonds to become duo in flyo cnr8 from the dale thereof. Four of fcftld bnndH to become duo In six yonw fiom the dale thereof. Four of snld bonds to become duo in seven yemiK from the date therool. Feiur of hnld bonds to become duo in eight j-oiirs from tliodnto thereof Four ( if mild bonds to become duo m nlno ji'ius Irom the date thereto ! . Foi tliu pinposool pnlngllio iiforpmilil ooal of pnx'Ing In Pax'lng Disiiiot No 81. tluoo bonds ol 50) each to bo called "District Pnving Honds of Pnxinif DUlrict No. 01. " and numbered , ro- Bpocllvuly , 11oin l toil fnclnslxo : Ono ol hiilil bonds to become duo In one yorf from thei dnto thereof. Ono of snld bonds lo become eluu lu fout joins fiom thortato thoieol. One eil mild bnndr , to become eluo In nliu yours from Iho ( Iain thereof. Feir Iho puiposoof plying the afoiosnld eoit ofpnxiiuin Paving Distilct No. 01. four honds ol locallod"ll-trkl PnxlngHonds of Pining Dstiic't No mnud numlioied , 10- Blioi'lhcly.lioin I to 4 Inoliisixo : Ono ol fnld bonds to become duo in ono ynni- fiom thu dnLo tlieioof. OnoolHiiId bonds In become duo In txvo yean fiom the date thnrcof. Onn of Hiild bonds to become duo In four xcnrs fiom tlio date thore-nf. Ono of biild bonds to become eluo in nlno jomtifrnm Iho dnlo thecol. ! Feir the purpoi-o e f nnylngtho nfoiesnld cost ofpnving In alley No "li , llueo bonds of irf'i ) ) einth , to bu ealleii "DHtilut Paving llnnds of Allov P.ixlnif Didliict No. U l , " and numbered , ruspoutivel ) . from I to .1 Inclnslxu ; Ono eif nld botnlH to become duo in ono year fronithodato thc'ioeif. Ono of mid bonds to become duo In fvnr years from the onto theueof. One nf Biilil bonds to become duo In tiluo jdiun fioni thoelntei theroof. Allol snld bonds for each and all of m'd ' IIH- | tiielsto Do dated October Inl , 1KN ) , nnd till fo botr Interest from thodalo thine of ut tlionitu ol tlx per oont per annum , p.ijiiblo nnuulilly , with interest coupons nttnuhod , prlnclpnl iniu Inline si to bo pnynblei at Ivouiit/o Hios. , bank- eis , Nmv Voik city. And lei the pavnii nt of aald bond ? , principal and Interest , the faith ot Iho city of Omaha , Its property mid roxonuenmo lioroby plodxol , , -r.rion ! . That ( ho vpcclnl Hues mid IIBBOIJI- incuts to bo lovie I em the | iioport ) in each of Hill dUlrlcls. roiixidUcly , to cover Hiild ro t of puxlng tlieio n , shall eriiislllnto n Hlnldng liind lor Iho pnj'nnnt. rnsp ctlvoiy , of > nld bonds nml Inlciost thereon , < > ald bonds not bo sold frjr leno linen pur. Hod Ion. ) . Tlmt thU ordinance shall UiUo e(7ccl ( and bo In fnico finmmid nfiorlu pasgitjo. piifsed M'ploinboi 2-th , 18 1. Vi l ; HI.CIII.U President City Council. J. H. BDUIIIAIIII. City Cloik. Approxcd October Ift , IWi. JAUUS 15. Horn , Mayor. Notice to Contractors , Sl'.AIj : ! ) Pioi > o alB xxlll bu idcdHel nl tlio IIOIIBO of tlm Itov. ! > ' II. W , Hinei'licit , lt\fl \ Kontli 15th bticot , nonr Martha ttioil. iiiiulH o chiv'k ji , m October llth , IMSIfoi : the fuinlih- uiguf Iho inntorinl mid building u cliuich xvltji bieininit ! , and imixviitlng the greiund for hue int'iit , f.iriiiuo mid founiiiiilon , us v > lll bu sc'Hii In Iho phtirmul upcclllculloiiH. All Idddcrit xxlll b lO'i'ilreul to fuinlHh u ecrtllled tliock in Iho amount of one li und rod ( $100 0 > > dolluruniu gnniiiiito < of good inlih lo emler into a contract ulionld their bid bo nnevpte.1. Plans mid bpu'llleailons can bu erniilhg ( ollico of HIM * , r , II , W Iliuoehcit , 17'X-'boutu I5lli Hioci , nour Martlm tlruet. 'Jhailvhl id i eject any und sill bds Is rotorvoJ , H aidci of the Hulldlng Committee. u A. B. iiuur.oiiKiir , ' ' Omaha , Neb. , Otobov 6th , lirtff. oCiKt ,