Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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- - _ . . . . . inn i i i' -ir ' n ifini iiim.miiniin i uji M
Ilcllrtrtil lij rmritr In liny jmrt of tliccltjrU
tiunt ) ( Mils JUT w tk.
11. W. TILIO.V , - Manngor.
IlrMNri < 80ititr , No 4-t.
innoi ; ( No 2:1. :
Now York I'ltunljl ig Co.
Now fall goods ut Helton's.
Coo | > oi & McOcc suit xtovo < * .
Tlip ell v council incuts to nlglit.
Htiy Seal br.itul oi'itcM , tlm bi t ,
Cliua | ) tallroud tiukuti at Hustim-HX
( tailand cook sloven arc tlm bust made.
( Jot onu of Cooper As McUi'o.
OIKI < ! o/en c.ibiiH'Ifl and a latgo panel
for sf'J BO at Selimlilt'M gullury.
MM Don Sontheiland of Cicslon , i
\lnitlng her NSOI ! | , Mis. SWUMBOII.
Kd , Watcnniin uijoices as bccoinutli
onu vvlio ! H tlm f.ithur of a llltlu maiden.
Tlm letter eairluis In this city have
handled during tlm paHt font yunrao.-'OT-
1II ) ) ) leees of mall.
A toiriblu xtonn is predicted to take
place heto to nioiroxv It will bo known
us tlm dtiinociotlc county convention.
Thnfunuialof William II Ollicor Is tn
bo held at tlm rcsidenuu of his bl other ,
Mr. Thomas Olllocr , this mornliiK at H
.JtHtlct ) HuntlrlckA yesterday afternoon
tied tlm knot , and tied It tight , uniting. )
W. Clink and Jennie Fcignson , both ol
Hans Christofutsun was yesteiday hap1
jlly tinitud to Miss I'mniti Denham , ol
Chanton , Iowa , thcceioniony buinir i > er >
fronmd by Jnslicu 1'iaiimy In his ollieu.
Tlm coinml ! folks' ball takes plueo to >
nlgbtin Illooni A : rmon'H hall , on I'e.ul
Ktruut. A lugnlar old tnno "cakoalk'1
will take place , and nmncious "l ii/.o"
Ur. II. Hums agent of the Union I'iv
uilio , IIIIH bad a tcluphonu put into hi1
olllco , No 1)7 ! ) , and ono Into Ins iesi-
donco. No Oil Tulephonu subsciibuu
Hliunlij make a note of it.
Tint Union I'aeilio ! I\H completed 101
Jiioro feet of platform at tbu Uioadwaj1
dupot. thus making about four hutulreil
fee I of platfoiin along lh dummy tt.ick
The republicans fianuidastrongeoimly
ticket jesteiday , and if tlmy work for
it , and hland by it , tlioy will douhtlcv
Hwlng the most of tlmir candidatus
The Scandluaians of tlm eity arenv
quested to meet at the Danube hall , No ,
tfll Main street , to-monow evening , at
7 8) ) o'clock , for the pnrno o of foimlnjr n
! Seandlna\ian democratic club. By oidci
of the committee.
Art.ingements are being made for tlm
meeting of tlm Soutliwostein low.i 1'ie t
nssociiitlou , to be held bero November 10.
A tirograinmo is being piopared to till
the dav witb inteiest to all coneerued ,
and the gathering wiM indulge in a b.ui'
< jnct in the evening.
The Nonp.uell still insists on koopini ;
nt the head of Its columns , "For m.nor ,
.1. I' . Kvans. " Thoie's nothing like stick
ing to a good cause to tlm bibt , but when
the old lady wakus up and linds that ( lit
election WIIH o\ci several days ago , .slu
will be surptisud at the icault.
The social hop to bo given bv Abt
Lincoln post G. A. H. this eveninc prom-
IheH to bo a success every way. 'thecom
initteo of arrangomonitThavo Relucted a :
floor managers Colonel W. F. S.ipp. Vic
Kellar , Ueorgo Mctculf and Charles blmr
radon. ( Jood miusio has been .secured
and all the details carefully provided for ,
The lopublicaiiB evidently believe ir
picking out the best possible men foi
county mipcrvisoiu. Sam 1'niui luit
Berved in the board , and his recoul i'
enoucli to recommend him. Air. Waitt
ifi a thorough business man , of well
Known integrity and ability , and certainly
tainly there can no light bo m.ulo upoi :
him peisonally.
H. J. ChiimborH , whom the ropnblicanf
renominated for recorder jostorday , rui
like a deer at tlm election which cniiiei
him into olllce for the lirit toiin , uiul u ;
ho has so conducted the olllce as to in
croiiKii rathui than diminish bis popular
ity , he will prove a swift one in the coin
ing race.
The nomination of ,1. M. Matthews a ;
cluikof the coinU is one in which tin
republicans bhoucd much \\isdom. lit
is without doubt the strongest man wbon :
they could lm\o named , and it will bet
hot i ace between him and the picscn !
democratic incumbent. Matthews a *
superintendent of schools made frmndi
throughout the county , and ho hr.3 kepi
thorn. He has many good points a < i i and olllclal , and the republicaiu
noted wisely in selecting him.
The many friends of Mr. Jacob Sims
rallied about his cause nobly yobtoiday ,
nnd hcemed bent to nominate him foi
county attorney , but the claim that i
nominated he would be made the specia
target of the anti-prohibitiontst.s , am !
doomed to , caused many of then
to conclude it was not ud\isnblu U
put him on the ticket. Mr , .Sims lias beer
active as tlie attorney for tlm piohibi
tionibts , ami tlm opponents of that mca
Bnre would have slaughtered him had lit' '
been put up , as many doshed. Colono
Daily , the nominco of the convention , i !
not open to any such objection , aii'l lu
will doubtless prove a sttong candidate ,
The case of Dr. Seamen ami his. attor
liny , Fiank Trimble , growing out of i
dihpntu concerning the possession of s
liorsc , waa yesterday taken fiom .Justice
ijclunv. to .lut-tiee llcmlricks.ou a cliangi
of venue , and continued until this morn
Jug. lu tlm meantime Constable
Kiekelts trot iiosiesaion of the hors (
ogam , on the chattel mortgage hold bi
John Aliloti , and it was jesteiday soli
nt public auction , The complication in
creases , and who will p.iy for the hon > i
finally is a subject of gim s , but at tin
present pto its value will soon bo eatoi
lip in co U or .SUUH.Trimble , donie
that ho took tlm writ of roplOV.1" fro"
Justice Schur/'s table on the quiet , nu.
claims that he received it from the hand
of the justice. Ho disclaims all stcalmi
of the Instrument , or otherunprofussiona
nets ,
Just received , Ladies' line shoos , bus
Wakes. Prices low , Geo. llla\lm , 60
Elotrio door bulls , burglar alarmsan <
every form of domestic electrical uupl
auccs at tlio No Yoi t Plumbing Co.
J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire cot
trol of the Pha'uiv chop house , dusnos t
atute that ho has secured the hoi vices t
Cunrles Decker , n lint-class cook of Nm
York city. The best the market attbrdi
night and day , in the bo t stjlo of th
nrt. Will also havu a regular bill of fan
Seal brand oyttors nt H. J. Palmer's.
OjMcr Supper.
The ladies of tbo Methodist church wi
give the first oyster supper of the scaso
this evening at Cocke As Morgan's ol
land , corner of Uro.xdway and tourt
streets. Uefreahments served from 0 t
10 p in. Supper , 250. Oyators , 25o ,
Don't forget the Good Templars ball i
the Masonic tciuplo on Thur&daj ovcnini
34th iiibt. Ticket * for sale at liushuoll
book store.
A car loud of largo , heavy niules , o } '
& lotjf line , largo heavy brood mares fe
calo by Schleuter & Uoloy , Council UlutI
NC A S " - -
The Republicans Name Men Whom They
Think Will Win.
IMnns of Sunday Hcliool AVotkrrs
A Shark'M 1 1 cudllnppy Soolnl
Gnlliei-lnt ; The NPWH
About 'town.
The HrpiiliHoun Cotucntion ,
The reiullicin | ) : county comontion nml
in the tnmplu hall es'orday John M
Matthews , chah min of the committee
calling to older , and reading the call.
T P Tiejnor , wti selected as temper
at > ohalnnan , and for temporai.y secre
tary , II. J' . Thomas , nf Alaccdonia.
On motion of .1. M. Matthews a com
mittee on eredentialb was appointed , con
sisting of H. F Clapton , of Macedonia
.1 H. Mattock , of Cre eent , .1. A. Ilakor
of Avon ; W T bapp , jr , of Kane ; J. K
Annis , of Washington.
As a committee on permanent organ
i/ation the following wete nppointed
\V J. Ti otter , of Knox , H. Campbell , ol
Keg Clock , A. T riickingcr , of Kane
F. W Williams , of Kane , and 11 S
Smith , of llai din.
While the convention raised a cry foi
Major Lvman , who lesponded to the nn-
o\pected call , brielly. Ho tlmnkcd tlu
republicans for the iminner in which hit
nomination had been given by acclaims
tlon , and without opposition , lie deemed
it , HI indication or tlm endowment ol
his com so in congicss Ho wai
thankful , also , for the snppoit thu <
far gi\cn in this eamaign | ) , He though
that tlm gieat need was lo get out the re
publican vote If that only per
formed there was no ipiestlon as to the
result in this county. At the List election
llmro weie enough lepublicans whc
stayed at homo to ha\e made a swoop
ing m.ijoiity He mgcd eveiy lomibli t > > bco that oxi'iy Mite in histoun
shin was cast on the coming electiomlay ,
ami then them could bo no doubt as t <
the lesult.
The committee on eiedcatials rcpoited
all the townships lepiesented c\cepl
Hoekfoid. Silver Cieek , Wright and
Waiolaud The following was the list
of delegates :
KANI : viiibr WAiin.
Henry Di'Long , Joscpli Plumer , M. I ,
Seais , I' M. Williams . McFuddcn.
sr.t'ONi > wAim.
J. M. Matthews , C. S. Hubbard. A. S ,
Ilii/elton. John Fox , C. M. Hail , Ed
Mott , J. A. Sp.iiildlng ,
tltlKI ) WAllD.
George T. Smith , .lolin Lindt , W. F.
Sapp , jr. , E. Hosccraus , W. 12 H.uer
stock , 1) . . Claik.
F. H. Hill , A. 'I. Flickmgor , L N ,
Troynor , George K. Hunt , J. \ \ . Kilgoie ,
1) . E. Gleason. A. J. Hiown , C. 1) . Arnold ,
HelknaWilliam ] ) Lyman , L. IJ. Hob
inson , C. H. CoiuciM ) , Honiv Cooper.
Knox W. H. Van Itiunt , JA. . I Like ,
C. H. Moiton , W. J. Tiottor , C. 1. Swart-
' '
eola-O. J. Smith , H. U. Clark Chai lc'
lla/ol Ucll-A W. Johnson , S. S ,
lloomor--L. b. A\tell , Thomas Pago.
Cicsccnt it. C. Moncrv , J. U. Mat
Norwalk Homy Cook , , L Carlisle.
Garner A. F. Clatioibnck , M. Gullop ,
J. Y. Caitwalder.
Yoik W. A. Pruitt , U. Erclionbugor
Lewis T. P.Treynor , W. II. Shea.
Lav ton W. I. Longncckcr , W. S
Packard , H. V. Hcatty , W. C. Hlaclc.
James W. 3W. Maxwell , James Adams ,
A. W. Ilalhulay.
Center ( Jeorgo Gage , J. llnllington ,
Charles Hobinson.
Valley W. S. Williams , H. Viclh , W ,
C. Hatter , H. F. Sto\enson.
Lineoln-G. II. Thorloy. II. H. .lock.
Giovc A. W. Piico , Tlionus Stieet ,
Alov Dsler , C. II. Coy.
Macedonia H. F. Clayton , J. C. Urad
ley IL C. Thomas.
Carson- . I ) . Lust.icc. II. F. Jones , 11
Lowe , C. D. Taylor.
Hanlin H. A. Smith , H. H. Chambers ,
Minden P. FJilers , L Thomas.
Keg Creek L. II. Foibes , H. Camp
Pleasant S. H. 1'iiini , II. C. Hurgmin
Washington J. 1C Annis , G. G. Lam
bert.A. . L llii/leton , of this city , suggested
that as all the delegation weie not fill
they should bo empowered to cast tin
full vote. His motion to effect was
rim fm liter suggestion was made thai
as the delegates wcio not all "full" an
mljomninent should be taken to give
them an opuoitunity to got so. A motioi :
Wai rdssed taking a noon roaess unti !
1 ! 10 oVlock.
On reassembling Mr Finnic McKlratl
was admitted as a delegate fiom Silvci
Creek , and Henry Goss to ropiesenl
The convention then proceeded to maki
For county clerk , H F. Clayton pro <
bunted , the n.une of F-liner E. Smith ol
Macedonia. LIJ : ton township presented
the name of W L. Packard. C. S. Hub
bard named J M. Matthews of this city
J. 11 Mattock moved to vote by town
ships and wards , tlm lii&t ballot to bo in
The informal ballot rc-iultcd Matthew
50 Smith 20. Packard U
Mr. Clajton moved that the infnimal
ballot bo considered formal , and that
Mr Matthews bo declared the nominee
Mr Kilgoro moved that II. J. Cham- -
beis bo rouoniinatcd by acclamation
Carried unanimously and
ly. Calls for Mr Chambers caused Inn
to respond briolly , heartily thanking the
convention and rcpledging fidelity to tlu
The nomination of coui.ty attorney
came next. Colonel D 1) D.iily and Mr
Jacob Sims were named. Fiank Shim
was 'named by Carson delegates
Macedonia seconded it. An ii. forma
ballot resulted : Daily 1)7 , Sims ISO
> dnn ML
"A dcie-9 stated that Mr. Slunn'i
name bSing pr056nt'Jit without tiii
knowledge or consent ! : s .li'.uru'.V U' <
namo. The formal ballot resulted In tin
nomination ol Colonel D.iily , who re
coivcd 63 votes , v\hilo Sims received 38
On motion of Mr Trotter the nomins
tion of Colonel Daily was made 1111
The position of coroner was then lilleil
C , S. Hubbard named H. 11. Field. Th
nomination was made by acclamatio :
nnd unanimously.
The duty of nominating two men fa
county supervisors cnmo next , W. Al
Maxwell , of Jtimes ; Peter Potcison , c
Itoomor : S. H. Fruni , of Knox : .1. P. Ho
den , of llarel Dull : J. H. Mattock , c
Crescent ; E. P. Hrown , of Ncolaj 0. 1 :
Waite , of Kane , vv ere named.
The informal bollot resulted : Wait
fiSi , Fruni 01 , Peterson 231 , Urowu2 <
Maxwell I'Jj.MatlockG , Holden 3.
The formal ballot resulted : Waite OJ
Fium 4 ] , Pctcmon 40 , Maxwell 18 , Hrow
10.Mr. . Wnitu's nomination was mad
unanimous ,
Tlm name of E. 1' , lirown was \vitl
drawn , also the name of Mr. Maxwell.
The formal ballot icsultcd : Frum M
PoUn' ou 40.
The nomination of Mr. Frum wi
made nnaniniona.
Mr Spencer Smith came to the froi
voluntarily , and made au earnest appes
for all republicans to turn out and vote
lie iubistcd tUat the county was republ
can , If the republicans would only turn
out and vote , Ho showed ( igures to the
( ffoct Unit while at the last election there
wore only 203 tlomociats who t.iiled to
vote , over ono thousand republicans
stayed at homo. Tlm republicans had not
done light by the men they had nomi
nated last fall Ho urged them , tins fall
to bo loyal.
The convention then .idjomncd.
Hard and oftcoal , wood , lime , conipnt ,
otc t ouncil Hinds Fuel Co , No. 585J
Uroadway. Tclrplionc No 1)0. ! )
12 Cabinet Photographs $ : J Quality
the finest , bhcntuton , u7 ! Broadw'iy.
Hie Huniluy Suliooli.
'I he move slatted ome months ago foi
the Gigam/ing of a Sunday school as
scnibly to bo held hcie vuaily is nol
Mopped , although there has been little
said about it publicly of late Those In-
tcie ted in getting the plans at ranged
have been holding sonic meetings lately ,
and have decided to ineorpoiato ami
ptoeeed with the scheme. A committee
Isatwoik securing subscribers to the
stock and there seems no ictison why the should not wotk as successfullj
here as in other largo cities. The pccnl
iar advantage of this gi oat lallvvay ccntci
makes this a point where such an as
sembly would draw je.uly thousands ol
of people from all paits of the west. II
it can bo put into successful operation il
will prove a wondciful help to tlio city ,
morally , intellectually and linancially.
It is to bo hoped that each citi/cn will
taki ; a pi.iclieal interest in helping along
lliu plan , nnd with a little help from cacli
the success will be as uied.
Another m.itler which is interesting
the Sunday school workers and ihurcli
pcoplo is the convention of the schools of
this county , to bo held nc\t week. The
ollieors of tlie association are. President ,
Kev. ( J. W. Crofts ; M-cietarv , Dr. P. , l !
Montgommy ; committee Hairv dulls ,
Mrs 1' . , ) . Montgomery , Alls.I' . K. Allen ,
Airs. P. C. Do Vol ; Don A. Jiiild , M. K.
Irons. Ahs M. A ( Jajloid , Mrs Moigan.
. /os. / Wells will serve as leader of song ,
and Aliss Winnie Crofts as organist. The
convention is to bo held in the I'irst Hap-
tist clinreh. commencing Tliuisdaji
noM week , in the .ifteinoon , and closing
Fiiday afternoon. Among the bpuakeu
will bo J.T. Low , Huf Mi. H-itos. Dr.
Cooloy. Dr. AlcCicaiy , Hov Air Keiehen-
bach , Dr. Montaomeiv , John II. Funk ,
state sccietary , Ucv Elliot Caisou , Mis.
II M Stevens , K. H. Stevenson , of Ccdat
Hapids , Sundav bchool missionary , ami
Mrs Dr. Montgomeiy. The piojrranuno
includes a number of practical and inter-
obting topics , and the convention promise-
to be laigoly attended.
Fresh ovstors in everv stvlo at tlic
Plueniji Chop House , No. 005 Hroadway.
Fiist class ngular dinner 2. " ! centsis to 2
o'clock. Phil-nix chop house , r > 05 B'way.
Homo Attain.
Mr. Manscl Wicks lias returned from
an extended eastern trip , visiting the
scenes of his childhood and early man
hood. During his visit cast lie was at
Nantuckcl and them mot three of his old
shipmates , men vvitli whom ho saileil
many ; vears ago and whom he had not
been for forty-six jear . Among thu
mementoes of the trip brought back by
him is a bhsuk's jaw bone , perfect in
cvciy respect , showing the full sot of
teeth , and being indeed a curiosity in
this part of tbo world. It is to bo seen at
the Hi.i : ollice , and will probably be
placed in the museum of tlio Bloomer
school. Mr. Wicks had a delightful hip ,
and has many interesting dfitails to nar-
late. He is warmly welcomed here , but
will probably not icmam long , his ex
pectation being to go again to Texas this
fall to icsuino railway building , in which
he has been engaged for so inanv
Opoin house barber shop and bath
lorn. Eveiv thing liist-class , E. M. Mar
vin. _ _
llichniond ranges for hard coal nt
Cooper iV , McGcu's.
Seal biand oysters at 11. J. Palmer's.
Dr. nollliitfoiVliulicatcd. .
Judge Ayleswortli ycstoiday decided
the case of Dr. Hellingoi. which has boon
pending before him for some days. He
gave the doctor a vindication by dismis
sing the chaige , and tlm doctor now stops
foi t h f too fiom fnither connection with
tlm disgraceful showing of family histoij
growing out of Chai lie Allen's piosocu-
tion ot his brother-in-law , Hrownold.
Tlm case is a peculiar ono , Allen making
serious charges against Ids sjstcr's hus
band , and his sister in turn giving sonio
very damaging testimony in logard to
the cluuactor of the other sister. The
dbgraco brought upon this whole f.unil.y
by these diminutions and icciiininations
is'sunh that it seems trango that one ol
the family should be anxious 10 havu the
details ventilated so freely Dr. Uellingei
is to bo congratulated on being cloaicil
of all connection with the duty aflair. abstracts ot titles and real
estate loans. J. W & K. L. Squiie. No ,
101 Pcinl street. Council Hlulls.
A PIcnHliiK hoclal 15vcnt.
The most biilliant social event for the
season occnned last night at the homo o
Mr , and Mrs. Wies. The party was given
in honor of the debut of their dauglitor ,
Miss Ida Wies. Tliero wore prosmil
about lifty young poodle of this city a <
well as a'numbor Irom abroad.
Evcr.ud and Enlalla. by Ed. Wiight ,
for sale by Biibhnell if Crookwoll.
See that your books are made by More
lioiibo i : Co. , rooml , Everett block.
A Glance at a PrcstlUlKUatcur'e
St. James's (5a/otto Every trade ha1
Hi tools , and ihat of the magician am
callcr-iip of spinl , needed several. Al
wore exccod glj simple in themselves
but the Conditions which hedged arouiu
their pr0parntion or manufacture wen
o precise and onerous that only tin
adopt thoroughly veiled in the filnbbol
cths of Ids art could hope to piovido him
bolf with really cllicicnt and trnsfvorth :
implomonts. It was not enough Unit hi
should watcli and pray. It was ncccs
eary for him to follow tlic Instruction
laid down in tlio boons with the mos
borupuloub lidellty. biucc the sllghtes
deviation would nullify hi * spoils and per
haps cause them 10 recoil upon hlmscll
It vvas , indeed , tempting Providence ti
fall in aught that vvas csaontial to the sue
cc * ful accomplishment of ina iea
works. For although the mugician
had dealings mainly with ' 'dovil
ami evil men , " they novcr tired of con
vincing themselves and cndeavoiing ti
convince others that they were cngagei
in furthering heavenly designs. ThisTio
liefwliether sincere or not , is the explan
ation of the grotesquely blasphomou
prajors with whieli tlic literature of tli
occult abounds. Whether it was a client
foituno that was to bo made in a night b ;
the discovery of a hidden ticasiiro or ai
enemy who was to bo ruined , maimed , o
put out of existence amid intolerable toi
hires , tlm blo.ssme of God vvas asked al
the s.imo. M.vsticism of all kinds has 111
variably nourished better under a mas
of religion than when presented as mye
tieisni pure and simple ; and the nior
gioss material forms of the occult wonl
piobably hayo obtained no follovvm
wh itcver had it not been
they wote pcimittcd bj the church and
pleasing to heaven |
There wtie three In rumcnts without
which no magician's chamber wns com-
plntoly furnislied All vvoro small and
easily"portable , and lieiciu the ordinary
maker of spells , the lowest and least eon-
plik'inblepcr-on in tlm magical hioinichy ,
possesscil a distincl advantage over his
nionds the nlohcmisUnndtlio aMiologor
Tlm one needed ictoits and ornelblos , a
lire and bellows to blow it withal , long
langosof bottles and jars full of power
fill compounds , the other must needs
hav e oh irts of the heavens , mathematical
instruments , and great stoic .of papers ,
observations , and Horoscopes The ma
gic an needs only the "white knife , " tlm
fc.u-.omo wand , nnd the magic minor
of steel or crystal Other liistiuments
ho might have if ho ehoo. . Ho
might have tlm "black knife , " the
sword with a loitnd guaid and a little
cross at the extiumit.v of the hilt , the
stiletto , the sickle , or tlm small lance
lint thu thiue that huve boon mentioned
were alone absolute ly.'cssential. The knife
( with which tlm magic wand had to be
fashioned ) was. above nil lo be now uiul
nbsolutolunused. . Tlm blade was of the
linost Mei'l and the handle of ivoiy An
ordinal } knife with mi Ivor } haft would
not do The vv capon destined for those
mysterious uses had to be specially made
on the day of Mercury ( Wednesday ) ,
when llm moon wns at the lull , between
midnight nnd tin eo in the imrning ; and
while llio smith was at his work thioo low
masses woie lo be said "for the inten
tion" of the magician. When the blade
had been lilted into the handle the ivory
was inseiibcd witli hieroglvphies with ! i
specially prepared burin and exorcised
'Hie wand was of thioo forms , accoid-
ing lo the purpose for which It was to be
used. It might bo either loutid , liKe a
ruler ; shaip nt ono end , like the pointed
sticks used by gaidonors , but thicker ; ot
a forked twig. Tlm latter foi in was bj
far the holiest anil best esteemed. Tlm
twig was alwajs of ha/cl. voiy similar , il
would seem , to those used for the discov
ery of water. It must have often been
diliicult to lind one which fulfilled thu
inexorable conditions laid down by the
caily law giveis in matteis occult Tlm
night before the wand waj returned the
magician went to the Holds in soaich of a
lia'/cl twig which had never budded ,
forked at tlm end , and exactly niiu Icon
and a h.ilf inches in length fiom tlm tip
of the longer folk to tlm junction
with the p.irent stem. When he had
tound it he caiefnlly maikodtlm spotand
letuincd the next morning , shoitly be
fore sunrise , to cut it. The psychological
moment was when the sun hrst peeped
above the hoii/on , and all yiituo dcp.ut-
ed fiom the twig if it weie not cut upon
the instant. The leaves Cnnd small
blanches wore then stiinpud oil with the
ivory-handled knife. While this was
being done ceitaln "grand and tcriible
words1' wci c pronounced in the form of
a prajcr tint the w and might be endowed
with the strength and virtue of the wands
of Jacob , Moses and Joshua. It was es
sential that while the loaves wore being
stripped and the prayoi uttered the face
should be tinned tow.ndj the rising sun.
But the tw ig was as yet b } no means
complete. Tlm practitioner had now to
seek n piece of wood wlubh he cut to ex
actly the same thickness as the two forked
ends nnd leaving the twigs caiefullj at
home , hu took the piece , ' of wood nnd
knife to a smith , who woikcil up the line
steel blade into two foiinles , one for each
tip. It should bo s.iid that the mystic
propcittcs of the km'fo had been in-
cicased by using it to cnl the throat of n
kill a d.ij or two before the finding ot tlm
twig winch had to be severed from the
blade was still stained with the blood
of the "saerihcc. " Takhig homo the two
steel ferrules , for which the small piece
of wood had served -as. 'a pattern , the
adept himself lixcd tbchi to the two forks
of the twig , nnd thenmngnet'ucd thorn
with wai m loadstone , to the end that
the wand might attract to itself mctallif-
eions trcasmcs of all kinds. The veri
table verge foundioyantc , as tlm old
French cabalistic writers termed it , was
then icnay for action.
The prcpaiation and sanctifing of a
nu.gic minor was a much longer but less
complicated process. It occupied forty-
eight drjs : between the ad vent of n now
moon and the full of the following one.
A pieceof steel was polished until it shone
like a mirror , and the sacied names "Je
hovah , Eloim , Mitiaton. Adonai1' were
wiuten nt the four corners of the face
w ith thu blood of a white dove. Then tlm
stool wns wrapped in n piece of line linen
and put carefully away until thcio was a
new moon. The moment the sun had .set
on the given night tlm mil roi-maker went
lo tbo window , and , rcgaiding the moon
and firm imont devoutly , he uttoiod an
appiopnate Latin praver. All this time a
( ireof laurel-wood hud boon binning in
the room. The prajor ended , the piece of
steel wns held tlueo successive times over
tlio smoke , au invocation being repealed
each time The mirror was then bjoathed
upon and a terrible adjuration nddrbSMid
to Annel the angel bj whose ngencj it is
sometimes given to man to see into fu
turity. The coiemony was concluded by
another pr.ior , tollowed by making the
sign of the 01 oss over the person ot the
magician and over tlm mnror. It was
desirable to repeat the crossing of tlm
minor from time to titno dining the suc
ceeding forty-eight days , nnd nt the end
of the sacramental seven weeks Annel tin
pearod in the semblance of a lovely
child. If the "intention" of the operator
wore moro sacred , or his devotion gi eater
than ordinary , Anael sometimes ap
peared at the und of a foitnight. The
angel saluted the owner of the
minor , whom ho commanded his
companions to obey. Tlm adept
was then at liboity to see what he wished
of the future 'ives ' of his clients and of
events destined to convulse the woild
After the lirt.t occasion a very short in-
\ocntion sullieod lo iiiMiro the picbeneo
of Annul , without which the mirror re
mained a meie blank piece of polished
stool. Who can ever forget the power
ful bccno in "La ComtObso doChainy , "
vUioroCagliostro ponnits Marie Antoin
ette to BJC the events of hoi future lift ! in
a nnigla mirror such as that just described -
scribed ? These there aie still who de
clare that Joseph H.ilsamo was no impostor
pester , and , if the truth is In them , tlm
poor ) nUy must , have hfid jgood warrant
lor swooning w lion she glnncud into the
fatal sphere of stool , '
JuiiriiaH , County niul
ItimU Work ofi II KlnUo ahni'c.
Prompt Attentionjo Mailorders
Room 1 Everct Hlock , Council lllufls ,
Standard Papers Used All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
IS. n. NatlonM Ilnak , M. K. Smith i Co ,
Citizens' Hank , Pence , W clU J. Co. ,
Urst National Hank , < \ II. Insurance Co. ,
nicoc A I'u&or.lIankcrs.C. 11. Hav incs llank.
B. RICE , M. D. ,
Or other Tumor * runioioilrltbou
Over tinny jear | irBcticaloiorlcnco.
No. 11 1'carlSt. . Council lllutti
pr'OonsuUatiou free.
We Simply Want to Impress npon the Minds
For Hie Reason that there will be a Change in
Our Firm m Dec. 3st ! , and we must sell out
Our Present Large Stook of
Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Mattings , Oil Cloths , Lin
oleums , Window Shades , Curtain Poles ,
Upholstery Goods , Etc ,
COME WITHTHE _ CROWD and get Bargains
No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
K\untHK Lintls in Iowa , Mlnncsut.i , Katisao , and ranging from $ r > 00 to
$10.00 pur actc. Soliool aiul state l.mds in Mint.osota on 8 ) yours' tnno 5 per
cent intorost. Land Hirers fnru fruc. information , otc , trivon by
. - -
No. r i Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , aaent - for Frcidilksun As Co. ,
o- - /
' U
"Will make a Special Sale this woolc o
Prices will bo Lower than made by
any otbsr store in the west.
Do not fail to see us before purchas
ing elsewhere.
This department we shall close out ,
and shall make prices ( o sell them. Our
Stock is seasonable and style s excel
These are Bargains Never Be
fore offered ,
And pau can save ironey by calling
onus before purchasing for we will
not be undersold.
NO , 40 ! BROADWAY ,
S , la
Reduction in Prices ,
China , Glassy/are , Etc.
At W. S Hcmer & CVs , No S3 Main st.
Council Hlnll's ,
< > veclM nilvnrttt-oments , Midi iv Ixist , Fo.m
Tol/nn. For Silii , To llont , VSnnt * . Bo-irdlnir ,
elotu linlnferU'd In this rolumn at tlio loir
rateof TKN CKNTS 1'KH MNB for I ho llnsi mser
L. ( tru ndvorlUonicn "irtlour
No. 12 1'c-nl tttocl , lieu UroatlwiJ-v Couiioll
WANTr.D A peed Rirl for Amoral lioiisi > -
\ioik HI 11W llnncrort strwcl ,
" > OH SAI.K Two frt-fli eowT In"SiiIJUiui , V
1 ViUycralJ , No J J UroaJwip.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Oppotlie Uummr Depot.
_ _ K
Horses iwid mules kept constantly on
hand , for sale at retail or in car loads Or
ders promptly filled by contract on short
notice. Stock sold on eommistion
SiiLtTKii iV HOLEV , ProprieSrs ,
Telephone No 114
Formerly of Kcil Sale Staules , corner
t. ave aUd 4tu slro tt.
of the ( ondltlon of the Clt zonn'Pt nto IlnnV ,
or unUid undur tlio l s of loun , locntcd nt
Counc I IJluirs , in tliocounU of I'ottuwiitlnmic ,
ntlhi'clo'uor Ini Intss on dio.Utli dayot bop-
umber. A. 1) IfSb , tiuido to tliu Audltoi ofMntu ,
s ro in lied bj li\ ,
Amount of bills , bonds nnd other
oxlilpiicps of debts di'-connttd or
imrchnsud nnd nctuiill } onul bj
the tiO.K8 10
Thu condition of the furo-
Rointr I" pRitloulnity
Rpcclncdns follows- )
Good .fJCT.FfiS 10
In bull or judg
ment 1,284 0. .
1'mtdue'M \ in
Oold nnd Blhir coin nnd
bullion .f 0,710 07
I.ofrnl ( under nnd nntlonnl
hunk notes and snb-ldl iry
coin . 7.C08 00
llrafts on solvent liunl s on
liaiul and ui ° li itonis . 40J ' 0
34,818 00
At Xcw Voik . 5 Cl.dJ * 40
At lloston . . " . .4210
AMhlcipo . . . . . . a ) , ' . " ) , } 00
At8 ( louls . . . U.-'T ,13
At Omiilm 21JM1 \
At Prs MoinOH . . . . S.CIi 4
At Slou-c Oitj . . . . 11.7U ) 'i
Otlicr bunks 11,048 31
134AV1 II )
Ovcidiafts . . . . . 2C7 _ ' 3
1 lie \nluo of r-cisnnal iiioi-
CKJ r , no 01
Total nsscts . . . . . . SaOl.rot ) 52
mim.iTii * .
Thoiimonntof caplnl slock acuull >
paid up tn ci h . 5150,00000
Amount slslit dtpo-ItB . . ' 8' I
Amount timu depot-its . . 1 JO , . ' < J 97
- . , >
IndobtrdiiPF" to banks 8 = deposits . . . . 71 , 4j ) 78
I'lolltsoii li.tnd . < JGJ1 30
Total llnbl'ltlcs ' . . . (564,608 5J
Aniount of all Hnhllitles to the bank on ( lie
rnrt of the directors ? 23'feJ , W. of which S19-
9o2 04 is only a contingent liabilitv.
SiiWiihcd and sworn to hcfore me
hv.I. D. KUinundson and Chnrles
( -1. vt. ) 1 { . llannan this 5th day of Octo
ber , A. I ) . is& ) .
KitNKsi E. U urr , Votaiy Pnhllc.
Examincil by me this October 5 , Ib'-C , and
foiiiul as shown bj the above statement.
S. F. bnw MIT ,
Slntc Hank Examiner.
Kftabl , plica 1867
Creston House
Tno onlj- hotel In Council muffs Imvlnj
And nil inndrin niipro\cnieij. (
210'I * nnd JIUMnln st.
MAX MOH.V , Prop.
10 X. Main St. , Council IMufls , In. , and
20 ! ) S. trith St. . Hoom 10 , Omaha , Xeu.
MaiuSfactuicr'b Agent for the
Tent" , Awninu'q. linoHiifr Slate , Man
tels , Plato and Window ( iliibs , Show
cases. Klevntoi'g ( hauil und liy-
In thecliy cun buobtnlneJ by pntronUIuir the
(3Kl W. SGniXDELT ! , Prop ,
None but experienced hands employed
Out of town orders by mail or express so
licited , and all work wai ranted.
Office Na , 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
] Stolen , in.
Hours , J'Jtofii' " > .
) 7 tob p.m.
3oom No , fl.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
House , Sign and Oecorn o Vafntor. Papier
Unthe VVull OrnuincutA.
None but tc t UunJsoemiilojcilBod char
> r
* *
" "
_ AIKtl ( V Tl'MAI. MI't.KMKXTSr"
wholcial *
Agricultural Implements , Boggle ! ,
Cnulnirti , 1'to , Kto. Coutioll Nluirs tow * .
Make the Urtplunl ami Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press.
No IMI,1WI , I.W. nml ISJ7 South Mnln Stroit ,
Council HiiitTs low ,
" " "
Munul'ri naitJobtnnof
Agricultural ImplementsWagons , , Buggies ,
rlllrJ.lllV' | ? ' n" Wa 3 ° r * " rm Mnohlnerr.
1100 to 1118 South Main Street , Council llluh ,
> ' . T. II.IKwoiTw , Hno.
Pie .VTrom. V . | 'io * AMiti Stw-ACounicl
Council BluTs Handls Factory ,
( IlKMrjtorntiMl
Munurrictiiicrxor Vxlo , Pick , SIsJ o and SraMl
IIiUHllr ? , of tnorj ilntcilptlon
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shads ? ,
Oil Cloths , Cm tnln rixtures. Upholstery flood *
Ktc. Na 405 ilroailwar Coutinll Uluffn ,
S ,'O. UTT.
M holtKtilo .lolihois iii the
Finest Brand * of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
NOB B.Maln am ) ft Voml 9ts. Oounoll niuttt
Fruit and Produce Commission Herchmt ! .
No 141'onl St. , Council 'lluir .
llAHLi : , HAAS A : CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
R' fimuliips. Ktc No 22 Mnln St , and
Na 31 1'iiul 8t. , Council Illuir *
0. W. IIU'ITS ,
Wholesale California Fraits a Specialty
General Commission. No. Ml Urondnar ,
( ounrll niuff *
V holcsalo
Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. 1C nml 13 Pearl Ft. . Coun-II llluffv
L. K1USCHT & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries
Al o Wholesale I.lquor DonlpiH No M HioaJ-
wny , Council I'.lutls EJV.
Slnnii'nctmcrs of and VV hokMalo DavldiM I i
Leather Harness SaddlerEtc.
, , Saddler/ . .
_ NoKi _ MnlnHt. _ Co moil , Iowa.
HATH , rVU" ? . KTC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps ani
11 nnil 314 Ilixmilway , Council Illn Ts
HEAVY JlAItni\-AltK. \
\ \ holosnln
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And VVooJ Slok , Council Itluff * . lo va.
1) . Ii. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sala of Hides ,
Tallow. Wool , Polls , Oreine and Fun Council
UluCTs Iowa.
Wholes ilo Dealers lu
Illuminating SL LiteloithjOiU Gis
S. Theodore , Agnnt , Council HluTs. Iowa
LVMOEK piuxa arc.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Plltoj ,
And Hrldffo Mutoilal SpcclaltI'1Wholcsalo LUTI-
b r 01 all Kinds. Offlco No. 130 Mala tit. ,
Council lllutrs. Ion a.
111AES .t.'VX ) L.IQUUHS.
Imported and Domestic Winas & Liquors.
AKCUI for St. fiouliani s Kerb Ilittrri. No. II
Main M. Council HluUs.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
fi orw.Vdin it. , liiuncif UiuJ * .
ii diiPioN mm
Tills yncru It entire ) ; new ami Ii o > lsipl Itint wo
Till Bu.imntco to U'HCIi youlo draft ucci > > jf jllr In
L Jon- hour * V.ucnnilmri U th puttwiw ll-at Ii
ic.'Tal ( or ( ho fainlljr us U rii ( > Mil [ oriucnli Hum
> T Inrt o , zullemennnd ciil'drcn
ltille unti Kcnllemcn. Il Mill < v > it rou nothing
intllyou IiavBlearneJ ( lien j < u will wmii ( banner.
, \'c chitllcnce cormx-llllon. Tlio moil eiprrlvtioosl
IraMmakeri nJ lall-irl ucknonl U'u ll > > u | > erlortl ; .
! ! thu Invention Jlnclnoe Walker. veil known
'lenCn aiKlltl * It tell i raplnlr mm eooj xcntt
nuke mon6r. Wo w-in ( Ar t elu t H ini ( j ( itke
ioM or thcliu lnc ; llU u W f HVa in m-iVa inoner
ind llo other to do oS'f > to we ulTar Illientl
eriui Kor further l ; .rm . ! , . . ; _ ! < " * < .Mrtt .
MUH MAIl' , RAsillllMTS. cm Acenri
llooniiti IVrlrlo llnu.c Council llluli , town ,
W. AVuilIC , Proprlttor.
Horses and Mules
For all purposes. oo-igUt ni * ol I , at ic'all ami
in lol Largo quuntltte-j to ftlotl from
Pccral pnlra of flnoUrh em , f Ingloor dotibln.
Council UlnHs.
Practices in the State and Kedeial
liooms 7 and 8 Shugart lilo's
Justice of the Peace
Office oor Awnntau Kijirisj