THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : THURSDAY , OCTOBER 7 , 1886. 5 SOME IMPORTANT DECISIONS , Many Opinions Handed Down by tte State Supreme Court. ONE ON DEFECTIVE SIDEWALKS. Van \VycK With Ills Jlrsldcncc .McHlinno Kinll- Ini * Oilier Happenings at tliu Mtalu Cniltnl. | IFJIOM THr. TIRE'S LINCOLN tltflllUC.I Thu supreme court yesterday handrd down n number of decisions In cases brought before it , an nb.straot of Hie opinions Iwiug given to the public , nml which follow. One of these opinions is in the case of Mitchell vs. the City of riattsinouth for damages from a defec tive-sidewalk. The court below at the hearing of this case gave Mitchell judg ment against the city for $1,000 damages. From tills finding thu city appealed , and on a hearing in the supreme court the de cision of the lower court was alllrmed , being written by Justice Keose. This opinion is presented quite complete , ami cites several points In the line of corporate negligence and conlrlbutary negligence not before passed upon. It will bo good reading and n salutary lesson to a goodly number of Nebraska towns thiU maintain wretched bidowalks and ways , and will add to the strict construc tion of the law heretofore made In cases of similar nature. One of the other opin ions handed down , rendered by Chief Justice Maxwell , relates to lliu forfeiture of lease rental in .school hind leases , anil holds that a forfeiture is not revoked by failure to pay on thu exact day named in the contract , but absolute good faith is required and In case of ( lellniiuency the statute limit after duo notice has born given of delinquency holds good. The court yesterday was engaged in the fur ther hearing of appeals in Third district cases , the attorneys from Omaha having the lloor. Following are the DECISIONS nui : > . Uicliardson v. Pratt. Appeal from Otoo conntv. Allirmed Opinion by Max well , Ch. J. 1. One S. purchased certain school lands in 180 ! ) , paying therefore onu-teiitli of the purchase price and interest to tlio following January. In 1870 hu sold ami assigned'tho receipt or ccrtilloatc. The interest was paid on tlio laud for the years 1870 ami 1871. Default having been made in the pavinont of the interest for the years 1872 , 1873 , 1871 and 1875 , the treasurer of Otoo county , in which the land is situated , caused a notice to bo published in a newspaper of that county Hutting forth the facts of such delin quency and requiring the removal there of by the fullillmunt of the covenants , etc. , within thirty days. Held , the pur chaser being absent from the state , that siien notice was sulUcicnt. State v. Scott , 17 INob. , 080. 2. While the failure to pay the interest on school land contracts on the day it becomes - comes due does not work a forfeiture of the contract , yet the law requires coed faith on the part of the purchaser and a iailnroto pay such interest within the limo required by stotuto after notice of biiuh delinquency , will bar the rights of the party. Alexander vs Iiwin. Appeal from Otoo county. Alllrmud ; opinion By House , J. 1. Tlio act of 1885 , icquiriiig abstracts of cases ir the supreme court to be made , requires biieli abstract to bo so made as to sot forth so much of the case as is nec essary to n lull uudorstaudhig of all ques tions presented to the court lor decision , and. so far as the examination of the cnso by thu coiirt is concerned , is to taku tlio place of the transcript and bill of excep tions. The court does not look beyond the abstract. All parts of the same omit ted therefrom are treated as not in the case. Ballard vs Cheney , 20 , N. W. H. , 587. ! ) . All presumptions are in favor of the regularity of the proceedings of the dis trict court , Error is never presumed. I'lnUsmouth vs Mitchell , error fiem Cass county , niihmcd ; opinion by Itccse , J. 1. Before a city or other municipal cor poration will bo liable for injuries caused by n defective sidewalk , it must be shown that the city by its ollieers had notice of the defect , or that such defect had existed BO long anil under such circumstances as 1o raise the presumption of knowledge. But whore a portion of a sidewalk is in bad condition by reason of loose boards and dcfoctivo construction , itisuot neces sary that the city or its ollieers should have notice that the particular board which caused the injury was looso. Notice of tlio general bad condition of thu walk at tliat jilacu will bo hold sulttoicnt. 2. In an action for damages resulting from personal injuries caused by the alleged negligence of the defendant , thu nnestion ot contributory negligence on thu part of plaintill'k ) , ordinarily , ono of fact for the jury to determine under proper instructions from the court. 8 , Where a sidewalk is constructed on a public street or thoroughfare in n city by an abutting property owner without any direction or order by the officers of such city , tliu fact of such construction by the property owner without authority , would not relieve the city from liability for damages to persons injured tiiorcon without lault , if after the construction of n such walk , the city assumed jurisdiction over it ami ordered repairs to bo made prior to thu accident. 4. Nor coulit such city bo released from liability even though it did not assuuio nitoli jurisdiction , if tlio walk WHS in a public street in constant use and In a line of other sidewalks constructed by direction , of th j'city or over which , had control. Lnvtwilor vs. Atkins. Apircal from Lnn- nihtur county. Dismissed. Opinion , by Ittese. J. 1. Where In an action for the recovery of real estate the plnintlir ami his attor neys enter Into a contract by which the i attorneys agree to receive as their. Com pensation a part of the protftrty recov ered in the actlo" Jinti the pluintilTipoml- /\v / ; \ Ilia tan liti < v-i "Uj2i ( tno casu with " ' ' ' .le'fondaiits" t'o 'liis' atislnntlon-thoro bmng no attorney's lion for fees--H WIIB hold that the attorneys could not inter vene to continue the suit , by virtue alone of their contract with their client. WEDNESDAY I'HOrT.WHNOS. Court met pursuant to adjournment , State ox rol , weaver vs Rodericks writ denied. The following causes were continued Manning vs Cunningham , Parker ys Matheson , Banks vs Hitchcock. Motions were overruled in the follow ing causes : Manning vs Cunningham State ox rol vs I'erkins , Uottman vs Hart ling , I'opporcorn vs State , Connolly v Miflor , 1'arkor vs Kulni , The following causes were argued am sumbittod : Wl.bon vs Beardsloy , Smitl vs State , O'Urlon vsGasliu ( in part ) . Court adjourned to this morning. r TIIK LATEST BC'HKMli thnt the enemies of Senator Van Wyci have concoctud in this propinquity ha just come to light although it has beer worked since the days of the Lauoosto ; county convention. This brilliant sohomi is the procuring and disbursing of photo graphs of Senator Van Wyok's Washing ton residence , and if any parties arount through the state will let themselves JO known us avowed enemies of the scnato willing to stoop to any kind of work t < compass his defeat , they can secure thcs photographs in this city , nnd after seem injj them they will bo expected Urcall tii gulhiblo to one side and show it to them A Lincoln republican , not a follower c the senator himself , was heard to rcm a r that such a method of procedure was en tirely in keening with the reckless me thods adopted , and it Is evident that the promoters of the scheme hope by adopting the stale pl.ins of u former Min nesota campaign to accomplish their ends. The sidelong irlanprs that the BKK ripro. entntlvconitghl of ono of these picture - ture showed that the senator hail a very comfortable homo in Washington just such a ono as can be seen in the rcsitfcnt part of Omaha and which any frugal man of ability can secure by linn ! work. M'SIIANT. ) K DOL'Ol.A ? , the democratic candidate for congress man in the First district , wns in Lincoln yesterday and goes to tliu state conven tion at Hastings to-day. Mr. MeShnuc , when approached bv the Br.r. representa tive , was smiling and reading the expe dited telegram in the morning local paper of hU opponent's opening speech nt Falls City , Mr. McSlmuo had nothing to make public nnd stated that thu work of the campaign had not yet been map ped out by the committee. flTV XKWS NOTPA As n result of Judtje Mason's vi it lo Vilbor to look after tno trouble between hat village nnd the B. & M. railroad com- > atiy in the matter of crossiuirs. the ailroad commission has called for a earing of both bo held at Iho oems of thu commission in the capital jullding on the HUh. There seems to be i legal point in the controversy that tlio nniniission want to hear evidence upon jeloro rendering a decision. 1'ollco Judge Parsons yesterday adopted now plan in Ids court and instead of ining prisoners' ' * ! ami costs hn has raised he amount to ij : ami will not deduct fees or making the arrests. The result will jo that the police will have to be paid ; oed living wages in future and not bo nadu to depend in part on the gathering n of fees lo make up their salary. A large number of Lincoln people have gone to St. Louis the present week to low the fair ami exposition there ami he veiled prophets. The now Missouri 'acilic road to the capital city seems to inve its attractions in leading travelers 0 St. Louis ami the south. To-day tliu Lancaster delegation to the lomocratic state convention al Hastings aku their departure for the front and iv nimbur of spectators of democratic pro clivities accompanying the delegation as jody guard. A lively runaway sped down the prln cipnl street of the city yesterday nfter- 10011 , the team being followed as rapidly as possible by an excited farmer whoso iroperty they were. The last obsorvn- , ! on taken showed no damage of a sen ous nature from the escape. There are several new cases in course of development that give promisn of some Interesting disclosures , but as the warrants have not yet been issued their exact status Is yet unknown. Police court went light to well as usual yesterday , only a few cases coming up "or hearing. Several gamblers were ar- nigncd and lined , one taking an nppuai that was granted with $170 bonds. The question of lighting the city foi the coming year is tlio topic of discussion .imong the city fathers , the present elec tric light system not being satisfactory to them. Nothing at a-11 has been done yet that has the certainty of change. AT TUB IIOTKIJ" " . Yesterday were registered among others the following Ncbraskans : Brunc T/.hchuck , 1) . II. Wheeler , Omaha ; L. 1 I ) , Emerson , Milford ; B. E. Whnlev Loup City J. V. Aiusworth , Tobias ; 0 , S. Montgomery. H. D. Estabrook Omaha ; J. Collins Lloyd , Nebrask : City ; S. II. Stull , David City ; G. K Du'dloy , Liberty ; K. L. Lndd G. W. Me Millan , Frank Irvine , II. E. Jameson Omaha. Disjointed JolntR. Detroit Free Press : "There comes an other ! " said the hardware dealer , as ho suddenly interrupted a conversatioi about the state of the iron market am tried to hide Ids body behind that of tlm reporter. The latter was on the point o asking for an explanation when a citl/.en halted ami said to the dealer : "Oh , yes , you sent that stovepipe up yesterday atternoon , didn't ' you ? " ' Yes , sir. " "Four links and an elbow ? " "Yes. sir. " "Told me 1 wouldn't have the least trouble in lilting tliu joints ! " 'J-I think I did. " 'Think ' ! Why blast your old swind ling vocation , you Know you did ! You said a boy ten years old could put up a hundred links of it in an hour ! Not ono infernal joint would go together , though 1 worked for three hours. Don't you oyor speak to mo again never ! 1 do ad mire a sharp thief , but I have no respect for an old hart" " \VIiy didn't you punch his hoadV" queried the reporter , as the man passed on. on."Why don't I punch half the heads in town1 asked the dealer just as a second citizen came to n h.ilt and puckered his mouth lo say : "You can send up for that stove pipe ! " "Yes , sir. " " stoyo pipe I lugged homo last night. " "I remember. " "That stove pipe over which I sweat nnd swore until midnight , nnd then mashed flat and Hung into the alley. " "I'll send for it. " "And I could have mashed you with it , you glib-tongued old hypocrite ! Send for it ! Honiovo it ! Don't never look another honest man in the faco. " "No , sir ; I never will , " humbly replied the dealer , as he opened his door to escape a third man with blood in his eye , coming across the street. Ronl Kfttato Transfers. The following transfers were filed Oct. S , with thu county--clerk : IIO Merge ot ill to Chas Johnson , Its II , 18 blk O. Lowu's add , w d-Sl.OOO. Glias DnlTaekto Llirzlo Couko , Oniahn , oK It 4 blk 10 , Parkers add. w d-Sl-00. Win Morse nnd wf to K S Morse , pit It 2 , 600 a 10 IB , w d 81. John KlrU to Wm Spcnce , itnilir ) { lust In o 35 acres of uk m\'K see IK > , 13Ii ) . n u d § 300. 300.JenrKO Armstrong and wf to A N Kcat , It 131)11 : 'J. Al lustrous ? 1st nUil , w d-S.1,000. J II lluncate. trustee , to Jno W lluadcll. It 0 blk 0. Uedfonl place , w d S1. E V Lewis unit wf to Mlclmol Donnoll- Wits ami nil It l blk 18 , ilanscom place , w d 8 100. Clnw Johnson nnd wf to A S Vincent , U U and 13 blk ( , ' , Lowe's niUl.wil-Sl.4W ) . Treas of Douirlaa Co to K II walker , Its 1 , U 0 Patterson ct al to Hattlov uruni , It 2 blk a. Pattersons sub dlv , w d 3150. HO Patterson et a ) to IlnttleV Orant , H a blk 2 , Pattersons sub div. w d S175 , Jno I Uedlckto Nells Scleroo , pt It 11 sec 21 15 13. tor 10 years lease. U B Owlees to Win 11 Morris , Oinnlrn , o& ; of 8) It 0 blk 4U , Omaha , w U-SI.7W. 0 Q Miller to V O Van Mostrand , sK H 2S , Urluln A Isaao's'fxdil w d-81,800. U U Hoccs ct al to (1 L tiwartz , It 8 blk 0 , Omuha View , w tl S900. , J 11 HuuKatc , trustee , to Annie Durkcc , Us 4 and 5 blk s , Bedford place , w d-SSOO. A 0 I'owolUnd wf to S J Chambers , Oma ha , It 3 bile 1 , Paddock place , w tl 58,7fio. ( i F J M Lelimer to Klclmril Moors , U S blk 251 , Omaha , re-record , w d S200. J [ Preston and wf to Mrs P A Whltlock , Its 2 anil 8 blk 12 , Florence. wd-Sm J P Preston and wf to Mrs P A Whltlock , Its 1 , 8 , . 0 and tT blk 13 , 1'loroiice. q o d- J M Swotuam and 11 K lloclcto John Toll I- man. U 3 blk 1 , Lua von woith Terrace addw d SIXW , HUHnrto toWP Uarte , umllv K HO , OUoiis aUd , w d-SCOO. - John A McShanu to ( i K Bertrand , Omahn M , O Ises add. w d-S'-.CCO. Louisa Van Colt mid husb to Charles find FretleilcU Mctz , It i blU3 subdlv J 1 Kt'dick ; or add. w d-5700. to \V V Conner ct al to O P Bomls , Its 3 and 4 so blkT , Lowes add. wd-81.600. 11 Ambler and Miranda McClury to Louis : lie P Ambler , umllv 4-5 of It 10 ami 11 blk U , liea. Amhlor place , w d 31. 000. a.of Henry Ambler and wf to Miranda MeOliitj of umllv l-a of U 17 and 18 blk 15 , AiaWer place , rk wd51,000. . A HUSKY SHOW FOR SEIGSORS Specimens of NebraBlca Coin Wanted to Ez- Libit in the Senate , TlieltccitricraUoii of tlio Soil nNcctss- Ity Fall Work for Tnrmcis Various Notes nml Riieclmcnt of XetirnsUn Corn Wanted 1 want the best obtainable Nebr.tskn grown corn specimens , lo iilaco in tliu rooms of the semite congressional com mittee on agriculture at Wellington dur ing the coming session of consricss. I wHi nt least twelve ears each of all tlio lending and must valuable varieties of Duiil , Hint , sugar and popcorn , In the husk. Specimens should bo fully ma tured , named , ami as perfect in all even tful characteristic ? as po iblo. Wrap eaeh car carefully in eonno paper , pack tight lo prevent shelling , nnd send to mo nt Hrownvillc , nt my expense , anytime before November 1 , 18UO. From thnt sent inc. nn expert will select twelve of the best ears of each variety , which will be disposed of as Indicated. The namenml address of the successful contributors will be placed on specimens for exhibi tion. tion.Tills plan of showing ono of our staple products lias been agreed upon between Senator Manderson nnd m > self.Noaro sure it will bo productive of good results. 1 trust tlio farmers of Nobrinka will join in the effort. Lot us hear not only from the old corn growing counties in the eastern part of tlio stale , but from the west particularly west of the 100th mer idian. UOIIT. W. FfHNAS , Secretary Nebraska Slate Board of Agri culture. Soli Needs to UB Keel. Ex-iovernor ( K. W. Furnns , out ; of the best posted agriculturists in the state , says : "While 1 believe the soil peculiar to the great slope , reaching from the Rocky Mountains to tlio Missouri river , will continue to reward the intelligent husbandman with crop yield in abund ance , and longer without perceptible diminution than almost any other , tlio Creator never made the soil that would not depreciate and eventually wear out without proper recuperative efforts on thu part of the tiller. To expect other wise would bo to ask Him to set aside His fixed laws to accommodate nn already bountifully provided section of the country. Wo mny as reasonably ex pect that from n single bank deposit might bo drawn forever without replen ishing. In plain parlance , soil needs to bo fed , same as cattle and hogif like results are sought to be obtained. " UlueOr.iHS in the AVesr. Professor Bessoy , of Nebraska , writing to the American Agriculturist of grasses in the west , says : A careful study of the problem upon the ground shows that Kentucky blue grass can bo well grown uion the soil of the plains. In the vicin ity of tlio old forts , where many years ago the United States troops were sta tioned , Kentucky blue grass has been growing lor n long timo. The seeds scattered from the hay used for feeding the horses germinated aud took root upon the unbroken prairie sod , and in time ac lually crowded out the wild grasses. The hint thus accidentally given has been acted upon , ami to-day there are many line blue crass pastures upon giound which has never felt the plowshare. Timothy thrives upon the soil of the plains , and fields of it may bo seen every year in eastern Nebraska , which rival nnv ever seen in the oast. It is now fast replacing tlio wild grasses for hay. On the lowlands bordering the Pintle river timothy furnishes a perennial pasture , which endures the treading of cattle al most as well as blue grass itsult. It is now known , moreover , that timothy will produce sued of superior quality in gre it abundance , indicating very strongly its complete adaptation to the climate aud soil. HlntH anil StiKCCBtlons. Haul theahocksof fodder to the barn , nnd do not allow them to bo exposed to the weather all the winter. A cup of limo water in the milk fed to calves is said to be an excellent prevent ive of scours and bowel diseases. The decayed branches of old _ trees should bo promptly removed. Their un sightliness is the least of their evils. Tuberose bulbs showing buds at tlio cud of the month may bo lifted carefully and made to dower in the house later on. A first-class salt should bo pure white in color , clean , comparatively dry , uni form in grain , and quite soluble in water. Kye if sown now will grow , nnd , as il is hardy , will furnish early green looil before the grass makes its appearance in the spring. If every farmer who cuts down a tree will plant a j-oung one in its place the result will bo a constant supply of tim ber and fuel as well as a profit. Now Is the time to got the roads it good condition for winter. It will be u saving of time and labor when the rains nml frosts nro so injurious to travel. Sheep will cnt more , bo more contented nnd thrive belter on n new than un old range. Frequent change of range for Ihcm is important nt this season of the year. Ashes spreatl over the beds of straw berries nt the rate of 100 bushels per acre will increase the quantity , improve the quality and Intensify the color. They may bo sown broadcast at any time. Canning fruit may bo expedited by do- much work In that respect as pos sible at ono lime. There is more labor in getting ready and making preparation than in canning and scnling. This is the season for hatcliinc out the buntnms if you dosiro.thom small in si//j. The latter the better , prqvidcd they cnn bo raised , as the object should be to dwarf them in size as much ns possible , It has boon d 'l0nstratcil that the nnanhiy oi meat produced by sheep do- livercU'to Jlio butcher at the precocious asoof'from ' nine to Jifjeon.months epsts exactly half the expense 01 u'.s9 ctl lo double the age. A resident of ( JpYumbia , S. C. , has gone into the cultivation of the sunllower on n large senlo , He has several uores planted with diflorcnt varieties of the fiowor , ami expects within a short time to bo able to supply the southern market with the pro duct. The seed makes splendid food for poultry , and horses and cattle nro quite fond of it. As soon ns all thu work of the bees is over , ami the weather becomes coolplace the hives in a uhcd , under u dry roof , where the winds cannot reach them , The bees should not bo kept in too warm a location at first , but as soon as winter comes on they should have a room or cellar of an oven temperature. After the loaves of currants have dropped , trim the plants , thinning fully halt of the now growth. If ono cares to propagate them , cuttings can bo made of these trimmlnirs. Cut to about six inches in length , bed them firmly in good , mel low soil to within ono eye of the top , and in an upright position. Every time you have a scuttle of ashen scatter them around the trunks of the fruit trees. If you will begin at the end of a v row aud give each tree n dressing as fast as the ashes are made ft will require but a short time to give all the trees the benefit of aslu- , * .fiilc ) the labor of so j doing w ill not be noticed , The best way lo purillj wax is to ndd to every ten po'thiil ' * of wnK out- quart of u ator and one pliil of good vinegar. \Vhcn \ nil is melU'd strain and put it in n warm phiee so thai it will cool slowly. When cool , scrape the dirt from the bottom where it will bo found nil to gether , leaving the wax clean ami nice. It is n rule nlways to plow hillside laud crosswajs. never straight up and down , ove.ii when Hat onouuli lor so doing , as Mich lauds frequently wnih from heavy raln . The best crops to grow on hillsides are grapes. A succd ful grower of bedding plan Is lays two inches In depth of rieli old manure over the entire Mirfaco of his grounds before digging over in the spring , it Is a good time now to start a manure heap for ne\t year's use. While planting the tree do not try to rattle tile dirt among tin1 roots bv shak ing the tree up ami down , tor UiN draws tin * line , hair like roots out of place , but noes not pu < di them bnek ; it folds them up an.l gets them nil out of shape. The discovery of a method for utilising thu grease in wool will ndd to the price of the clip. Heretofore the refuse was wasted , but now that It posses a market able value the unwashed wool will be as much sought ns that which is clean. The merino is hardy , nml , being nctlvo nml industrious , does not require that cnro which is often necessary for the larger breeds. Huiice tlio farmer is on- tibled to mnko a prolit from the morituH on locations not m. all adapted for the. mutton breeds. There is a largo Field open for the o who will make a specialty of flax. It is a quick growing crop , is as easily grown as wheat , ami improved machinery has made it morn easily llttod for market. It gives a proIII in both straw ami seed. If the pcueh trees have not been rimmed il is bust to defer so doing until iiirly in the spring , before tliu buds icgm to appear. A peacli tree is often greatly bcnolitted and renewed by judici- jus trimming , and trees would last much ongor if given some care in that respect. One of tlio first plants to change from green to scarlet is the poison ivy. He- vnro of it. Kumombor , the poison vine ins three leaves in n cluster ; the loaves of the harmless woodbine are in ehisters of live. Another gay-luted plant of thu arly autumn is thu poison sumac , or the > oison oak. The practice of abandoning the rasp- jerry and blackberry fields ( after liar- csting thu fruit ) until spring , is per- licious. The vine should bu well culti vated in order to keep down the grass mil weeds. It is true that by cultivation .ho number of blncKborry plants will bu Multiplied , but they can bo destroyed if lot desired. There is a largo loss an- iiially bv allowing grass nnd weeds to uonopoli/.e the Holds in the fall , Indefinite horticultural quantities nro a barrel of apples , a quart ot strawberries , : t basket of peaches , n box of berries , or what you get for your money of a tree iieddlur. in the poultry line n do/on of 3ggs or n pair of 'spring ' chickens. In live stock , a qiiartor of veal , mutton or lamb. In husbandry , the proportion of liny to a load of trash , or tlio dirt to the bushel of grainr In dairying , tlio butter in hog-fat , nml mill' in the water sold. Corn meal is a. , convenient , nml wo might sny stapjo , article of food in the barn-yard and poultry-yard , yet it is not the best food ' .for' ' chickens. It is very good food in whiter * , ns it is heating , butler lor young ehiokcns'it is not sufficiently growing. Very young chickens thnt nro fed on corn meal exclusively are liable to be troubled with bowel disease. Give : i variety of foo/1 / , give plenty of rnngo , ami. above nil , givu clean quarters. Tlio price for washed wool makes the increase , or lambs , the main source of income from the 'Sheep , says the Wool Journal. The poof sheep must bo dis posed of and onljv those kept whick will show well and have a salable lamb. A great deal of money is lost by farmers by holding on to stock when they get fat. This is often done until they got poor again. This system , or want of system , never pays. Shnop once fat ami then allowed to got poor never do well. Cntnrrli Is a very prevalent and exceedingly dis agreeable disease , liable , if neglected , to develop into serious consumption. ISe- ing a constitutional disease , it requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsa- parillu , which , noting through the blood , reaches every purt of the system , efl'cct- ing a radical and pormnuont cure of catarrh in oven its most severe forms Made only by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mass. A. notable bazar , according to the Jew ish Chronicle , of London , was held nt Lcighton ln//ird ! : in tlio last week of August. The bir/nr w s intended to bene fit n local Wcsloynn chapel. It was held in tlio grounds of a member of the Society of 1-rionds. who acted as chair man , nnd who was appointed by n church man. It was formally opened by a Hebrew , Leopold do Rothschild. Rarely do we have so signal an illustration of the growth of religious toleration. It is a siirn ot tliu times , and a token ol butter things to come. The "Life of the licsh is the blood thereof , " pure blood menus healthy func tional activity , nnd this boars with it the certainty of quick restoration from sick ness or accident. Dr , J , H. McLean's Strengthening Cordial and lijood Purifier gives pure , rich blootl and vitalizes and strengthens the whole body. At the Southeast Indiana conference in Indianapolis last week n , speaker , refer ring to the hardlships of the early days in the west , turned to the venerable Joseph TnrkingtOD. aged eighty-six.years , nnd snid : "Inm ind , Father Tnrking- ton , that I did not " enter tlio itinerancy nt the time you "did. " "I tun not sorry J did , " said Hio old man. "Hut I'm not n gootl honsoback rider , " said the speaker. "Well , Earn , " answered Father Joseph. "I can break a colt yot. " A Conutimi Present. The Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven , Conn. , to introdiicoy4rgln Salt into every family are making-this grand offer : A Cra/.y Patchwork Hlock , enameled in twelve beautiful. ' colors , and containing the latest Fancy Stitches , on u largo Litli- ogrnphed Card h'avTng a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the center , given away with ! 'o'y/iry / 10-cont paokngo of Virgin bait. lYJrgln Snlt has no equal for household purposes. It Is the cloiiu- ast uurest nnd wliitW Salt ev " : , „ * -r , t * - wutffi Ar used , UenioM ? r ' .Ul'.l a largo paokti"o costs only 10 cants , with the above pres ent. Ask your grocer for il. Sixty-five Chin'mnon sailed from Now York yesterday by'the ' iron steamship Parthla , of therfayf 'China line , for China , Captuin Tom Alnrslfnll , her commander , is a favorite with the Chinese. Last year ho carried 1,800 Chinamen from Hong Kong to Liverpool , snd his rolntions with them were so pleasant that thu principal men among them presented him with n sot of resolutions in the Chinese Inn- gunge. The captain bus them in his cabin , and is very proud of them , Yearn Toncli Aloro Than nooks. Among other valuable lessons imparted by this teacher Is the fact tlint for a very long time Dr. Piorco's "Golden Medical Discovery" has been the prince of liver correctives and blood purihors.being the household physician of the poor m'lin , and the able consulting physician to the rich pntient.nnd praised by all for its mag nificent service and etiicacy in nil diseases of a chronic nature , us malarial poisoning , ailments o' the respiratory and digestive systems , liver disease and I n nil cases where the lisa of an altora Uvo remedy is indicated. A Victim of Military Itcil Tape. San Francisco ( hroniclct Why there s no love lost between civilians in Arl- onn and the regular army is shown by a vpical instance that occurred at Hound "V alloy , In that territory , recently. A veil known miner was digging a well to I'ctiro water for a stock ranch which ho uul located. When ho had dug down ibout ten feet the earth and rocks caved n on him. His head was just visible ind his erie attracted the attention of he men driving a pack team along the oud. They set to work to rescue ilin , but finding that the esrlhas caving in as ia t as they removed t they sent ono of their number to ap- > oal to the I'omnmiidnnt at Fort Me- ) owill ! , onlv a few miles away , to give hem n few men. The officer was told if the urgency of the ease , but ho replied hat as the accident happened out-idn imlts of the reservation he had no an- hority to detail any of his men. For orty-elght hours the packers worked to eseun the unfortunate man ; they gave ilin coffee and labored like heroe.s to ave his life , but exhausted nature finally rave way ami he died before their eyes. Military red tape killed him , as It has nany another good man throughout the erritory. Is it strange , therefore , that ho officers who show sueli cynical con- cmpt for the life of a common civilian ire not held in high esteem by the \rizonlan ? A Wronged Wonmn'H Ambit Inn , C'hieago Horrid : "I've just been out in louver , " said an eastbound pas.-onger , 'and while tlicrd 1 met Mrs. Tabor , di vorced wife of iho shirt-front senator. She has not married again , but Is living quietly with her son. She has developed very good business tact , and has taktm such admirable care of the $ -100,000 which lie got from her husband that she is now i nnllionairn. Tabor , on the other hand , las been gradually going down hill. Not eng ago no made a rather lucky hit in some mines , whieh revived his drooping "ortnnct' a bit , but the prediction l.s freely nadn that in a few vears ho will flatten * out Into Impels bankruptcy. Mrs. 1'abor No. 1 says that she will yet have to .ako care of 'the old man , ' anil that when iis hour of adversity comes , as come it will , ho will find himself deserted by No Q , and then ho will bo glad enough to re turn to his first love and her million. It eonis to bo the height of this woman's unbition to get her husband back and to ) u able to set him up again financially. " n Ucnton's HuJr Grower All who are iJALD. nil who are bccomluc BALL ) , all who do not want to 1m bald , all who nro troubled with UAN'IMIUKK. or 11'ClllNO of the scalp ; should u * > u Uonton's Hair Grower. Kionrv PEII CK.VT ot these using It have crown hair. It never falls to stoplho lialr from falling. Through sickness nml fevers the hair somotlmes InlU elf In a > hort time , aud although the person may liavo remained bald for years. If yoauso Ben- ton's Hair Grower according to directions you are sure of a growth of hair. In hun dreds of cases we have produced a good growth of Hair on these who have been bald nrid clnictl for years wo have iiilly substan tiated the following facts : Wo grow Hair In 80 cases out of 100 , no matter how long bald. Unlike other contains no suear of lead , or vegetable or mineral poisons. Itlsa sixiclnc for falling hair , dandruff , and Itching of the scalp. , , The llatr Grower IB a hair food , and Its omnositlnn is almost exactly like the oil which supplies the hair with Its vitality. DOUBLE AND THIPLE STIIENGTI [ . When the skin Is very tough and haul , and the follico is apparently cuefituallv closed , the single strength will sometimes lull to reach tno papilla : in such cases the double or tiiple strength should be usoil in connection with the single , using thoin alternately. Price , slnalo strength , Sl.OJ ; double strength , S2.00 ; triple strength , 83.00. If your druggists have not got it wo will sand It prepared on receipt of price. _ . „ , , „ _ . , BENTON HAlll O ROW Ell CO. , Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhn t Co. IStli and Douidas. 18th ami Cumlius "Wo regret to hoar , " says the London Aihomcum , "that Count Leon Tolstoi , the llussian novelist , is at present sutler ing from a dangerous attack of orysipe las. The count is , however , yet young , and the best is hoped from his vigorous constitution. His writings are becoming bettor known every day , especially through the oxcollcntTrench translations of MM. Dorely , Do Ilauterivo and Hal- pprmo. An English edition ol several of his short tales for the people , represent ing the latest phase of Count Tolstoi's life and work , is in preparation. Anglican missionaries in the diocese ol Maritzburg , South Africa , claim that the great sin of the Kaffirs is idleness. What work is done falls on the shoulders of the women , and they don't work three months out of the twclvo. When the people are not off to a beer drinking they are stretched out in the sun , idling their time away. They don't it seems , hko to go to church any hotter than they like to work. Sometimes the impatient mis sionary will have to wait for his * congre gallon more than an hour , oven after a messenger has been sent for them. Ministers , lawyers and men of high btandiiuT everywhere endorse Red Star Cough Cure , In his address of welcome ) to the dejo- gates to thu Connecticut Univonialist convention Showman P. T. Barnum said : "An old clergyman once .said to mo , 'Mr. Barnum , I hope to meet yon in heaven. " I answered , ' } on will if you arc there. This is n church of charity , a church of good works , of love , of faith , and I wel come yon to the deliberations which shall result in furthering the work of this church and in making known the gospel of love and salvation. " Salvation Oil , the greatest cure oncatrt ! for pain , has made a most brilliant dobut. Price. 35 cts. Philosophers say that affairs shouh always bo conducted with ft view to the greatest good of the greatest number Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup does the greatest good to the greatest number. 2r > cents. In February George K. Hcnnon was badly mangled by the machinery in the Cumberland mills , in Mainu , and Dr ( Jordan told him that if ho should re cover ho wpuld not be able to lift twenty five pounds in six inonths , Hormon in sistocl that he'd get well sooner than that and the doctor bet him " new lat | agaiiis a cigar that his diagnosis was correct Within four months Herman lifted 35 ( pounds , and is waiting the doctor's re turn'frqm Europe that ho may got hi ' " * hat. MOST PERFECT MADE ) lteaHbulnc B. lr. ) 1'rlco's Dultinu Powder contains no Ammonia , LlmeAlniQorl'h08ibttW8. | Dr. I'rice'a si Leaoot etc. , CivoiCsUclocil/ . Ti m , SiTthfl Abent trwl ? ytM * ice 1 dlscoTtnxl ft UlUo pore en rajcliMfc. . te < l the Jivtnrs pw- uonrcM It cancer. 1 bare trl.xl i nnmbtr of ii.j Iclftn . but withont wltlng nuj i-cfraa- ntntbem'flt. Mien ? tlio number wrrotmo ot two * IX-AI ' The tntjielno thcj applied TOslIke Ore to the fore , cnusins jntcn'O pnia. Itnw it Matcmrnl In tha jmpcM telling * ! > t S. S. S. liftil ilono far othera similarly afflicted. I rrr nrc' < t * omo at cncc. Hcforo I h l n soil tl.o iccond bolllo tlio r.cighborg couM notice thil my cancer was lionHnf * up. My Rtrcral lifftllh Imcl been t > .id for tv > oor three years 1 l.aa A hacking coiigti snd tpit blood contin ually. 1 htil n tcrcro rm in my breast. Alter taking fix twttlis of S. 8.9. my tongh left jiie nnd I RTCW ( turner than 1 luul botn for iwternl j earn My cancer has lualcil over nil tiut a little | < ol about lh * lzo of a half dime , and It u Mildly Ul&riiurlng , 1 MuuM ajviso cur ; ougMlU cancer la glto H. ti. S. n fair trial. lliis. KA3CY J. ilcCONAUUUEV , Aaho Ororc , Tlfipeeaaoo Co. , led. Teb. 18,1SR6. Swlfi't Sieclflc | Ii cniiHr vecctablo , nml feerrn to cnr cancers by forcing out the lmpa titles ( roiu the Ll oJ. U'tunlue en lllood mid Skin l > l. oi-cu mailed frro. 'J11B BWirr bl'liCinu CO. , Unmet S , AtUnU , G . THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE 01 ? ChlcaptMllwaukee&St.PauIR1 . } THE BEST E.OUTE < ron OMm d COUNCIL BLUFFS ol TWO TUAINS r > AUV. llimVKBN OMAHA COUNCIL iiurra Cliicnpo , AND Milwaukee , St. 1'uul , Minnennolis , I'ciltir Hupitls , Clinton , Dnbuquc , Davenport , Hock Island , Frcoport , KocUford , Klffin , JIatlisoii , JnncsvlUc , Holoit , "Winonn , La Crossc , And all other Importnnt points Kust , Northeast nnd Southeast. Kor tlircm&h tlcliots ciUl on the Tlokot Alton lit 1(01 Knrimm mrout ( In I'ltxloii Hotel ) , or n Onion Vnclllo Depot. PulliimiiblooiiersnmUho flnost Dlntnp Cars In the world are run on the mnlii llneaofthu JllICAOO. Mir.TVAUKBK & ST. I'AUI. U All. WAY , uml Yory attention Is paid to pii sun ui-H by courteous employes of the compnny. It. MII.I.KII , Uonernl MnniiRor. J. F. TUCKKII , Assistant Connral MnnnRer. A. V. H. CAUPKKTKII , Goneial 1'uaseugor and OKO. B. IluApronn , Assistant General i'asson- get nnd Ticket AKOIU J. T. CI-AUIC , Oonorftl Superintendent. CHICAGO AWO RAILWAY. Omaha , Council BMs And Chicago. The only roftd to talio for Tos ) Molnnj , Mar- ghnlllown , ( olnr : HniiidR , Clinton , Plxlo , Chlpn- ito.MIIwaukoo nnd all points cast. To the people ple of Nobra lta , Cofnrndo. Wynmlnjr , IJtah , Idaho , Nevada , Orcsron , Wnshln ton nnd Cali fornia , It offora snnotlor advantages not possi ble by any other line. Amotiff H tow of the numerous points of n- perlorlty nnjoyod by th pntroni of tlilsroutl liotwocnOmnhaand CliloiiKO , BIO Its t > fOtralni < a day of DAY COACIIRH wiiloh are tlioflncst that'butnnn art and immunity can create. Its I'ALACK SLKEl'INQ CAItS.hlch nro models of comfort mid nlofranco ltd I'AUIXMl D HAW ING ItOOM OAKS , nnsurpntn < Ml bv any , and Its widely celebrated PArATIAIj DININfl CAItS , the equal of which cannot bo found oliowhpre. At Coiinoil Illtilfs the trnltunf the Union I'ncl flcRy. connort In Union Depot with tliopo of the ChlcaRo It Northwestern lly. In Clilcapo the trains of this line muko cloeo connection with these of nil eastern line" . For Uotrolt , Coliiinlnin. Indianapolis. Cltioln natl. Niagara Fulls. ntilTnlo , I'ittshurir. Toronto , Montreal , Iloston , Now York , I'lilindclplilu , Tliil- tlmor * . Washlnprton nnd nil rolnts In the cast , ask the ticket unent for tlcliofR via Ilio "NOIlTHVrBSTRHN. " If you wish tlio ! > ext noconimodfttlons. All ticket iwontR neil tlckots via this lino. M. HUGH ITT. II. B. HAIH , Gonornl Mminjror. Gen. Pass. A ont. CHICAGO. aes9auSim@ and Jai ! Work. 1020 l aruain Strcot , QuqUa. Neb. OICtCjTT. A yalrlf , I'ornwnitr * Cura fui lnst Mnnhooit , Dotiilltjr , fjrrv Totisnen , Wraknfi5. Noquaclicrj . Irv dlfputflhU I'rocfs. lonk aont btitu L freo. ' LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Itccoutlr Built. Ncnlr Kurnljlic < l The Tremont , J. C. K1TZGKUA1.D & rON. ! I'roprlutora. Cor. Ptli and J'rjts. , Lincoln , Nob. nates tl.50r > ord7. btrcoi can from.lioujo to ( inr ran or UIQ c"r- J. II. W.H ANV KIN'S , Architect , Oneo ) ! > ca. 3t and K , nivlmrdi Dlooli , Lincoln , Nob. Illovntor on lltli uti'oot. llreidorol Ilrnmlorof OAtLOWAVCATTH. SnQltTllOlUiC'ATTfcB P. M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Huloa miulu In nil imrU of the U. 8. at fair ralos , Itoom 3 , SlHlo llloolt , Lincoln , ( jollowuy itnil Uliurt Horn liulls lor sulo. 11. II. MOULDING , Farm Loans and Insurance , Correspondence In resrunl to lonns solicited. Itoom 4 , lllulmrils lllock. Lincoln , Nolj _ Biversid Jv ur btrittly pure Uatv iiJ > ? > lll ( HurU iminbcra ftliotit IVJ nii "r , _ Fomlliou vtprofontiSU : J'llbertj , r AiioinliH. llonloic , Itoso or SliaronS , nl"8 * n . Knlnbtly Ihichosaoj , Klut Crook Vounif Murys , ] > hylldu9 ) , Ixjuiine uiulTruu Ixvc& . HulU for mid. 1 Turn Hut us Filbert , 1 I'uro Untci CrnifirB , 1 Jtosoof Slmroii , 1 Vouitor Mar/ , 1 Pine CrutoK SlmnV and ottiurr. Conn And Insncrttuo liurl. Artilivss , CHAB , JJi HON , Lincoln , Neb , When in Llnooln stop at National Hotel , And net n vood dinner for - > < ) . A. I'BDAWAY Proi , Red Star Line Carrying- Ilelffluin Koynl nnd United Stutoi Jl nil , tailing every tiatuixluy Between Ant weru & Nev/ York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL- LAUD AND FRANCS. I'ALL ANJVINTKH. . Salon from | ) to lift. Kzourslon trip from $110 to Jl-X Seuoml Cabin , outward , 515 ; pitittkll.V | oxuurilou.tK ) . Bteorivo uiuitfo ot loir raloj. I'oltjr Wrlalit & Boua , Uouoro AffenU , U liroadiray , Novr York , Tl nr > 1'un It , | 2I I'unminhu : IMulsen V Co. 1120 i-'urnuui t ; L ) . U. irctuian , Wl iiitu.iui st D > REXEI , & MAUL , Successors to Jno. G. Jacobs , A\l > At the old stnmt 1IOT Fnrunm si. Orders by tolegrnph so.leited and promptly at- tiMidotl to , Telephone No. SB3. CHEAP AS A WEEKLYH ( or f J .Ml | 'cr nnniini , po-t 111:0 iiropnM. llciult In punt * nuo ttnimi , initial notes iKi inl tmlnr iir rritmterfMl letter. THIS CllU'AUU MAIU Ha Stli-ar. , riilcnsn. ' ' { perfect nubitltute for Mother's milk , Jnvnfunblo In Oholorn trifnntum nnd Teothlntf A pro.rtigosted rood for D Q * psntlco , Oonsumptlvos , donvnlosconts. tvrrcct nutrient In rtll WnstlnR nisonsoo. Iloqulran no cooking. Our Hook , The Care nnd roodlnn of Infants , mailed rroo. POUDCIl. aOODALU tt CO. . Boston. Mnaa Dliilllril lor Medicinal Uxc. THE BEST TON1C1 UNEOUALEDIor CONSUMPTIOIS WASTINQ DISEASES and .GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , Ml T.DVf. I , . W.MMM1. Pur gran iu Clilrf , National Uuarc of N.J. , viltcs "Mv attention ai CAlled tc jour k yttnna Jlult WhUkCj- or I.-ilor , UniCKl't , of Trenton nml I tm\e uvil a few bottUi nltli f r I'oltfr ' effect than any j Imvo hod 1 tun rrcomnitnillni jour nrtlcl In my practice , uua find It vrryratUUctor ? . " BEWASS or immou3. 03 * The ( Icnulne hat lh Mxnalur * 0 CISNICIl t HKNUF.L3IJ.V ric-slnllo tf Eattlo. " u * i. ui. KKSWEift & rJJE EES.SGM , ( Sol Jnii tor Ihetr H. ) 316. 318 and 320 Race St. . Philadsbhia. Pa. ( joudmnn Drnp Cn.ionl.AeiitsUinaha ) Nebraska. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Fcdd up Capital . $350,000 Surplus . 3O,000 H. W. Tales , I'rcMilunt. A. E. Touzi'.linrino Preshlont. \r. II. S. Hu-hes , Ciishior. W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H.V . Yutos , Lewis S. Hood , A. E. Touxalin. BANKINO OFFICE : THE IR ON RANK , i Cor 12th and Fiirnam Sts A General Bunking Business Transacted. N. "W. HARRIS & Co. TIANKUItti , CHICAGO. Or Counties , Cities nnd others of wmf-w lilwli irriido bought Hiid snld. Kurttorn olllce ( W DoVonsliIre St. . lloBtan. Correspond" ILailway Tims Table OMAHA. The followliiHf latlm time of arrival nnd < to- parttuouC triilns by Cantrnl Htnndard Time lit tlio local dopots. Trnliu o tbo C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. arrive anddopnrt from their depot , corner of 14lh nnd Woliitor strnots : trains on the II. & M. a II. 4 Q. nnd 1C C' . , St. J. * p U. from tlio II. * M. depot all otliorj from tlio Union I'nclUo dt'poti Ilridtro tralnti will leave U. P. depot nt e:3J- IJ7'J6 8:008:4DbX : : ! ) 1110:00 : 11IW : a. in.i 111:0 : 1:20 : lfiQ : 8:00 : 3:00 IH:00 : 5UiJ : Sao : l < ! lO- 7:00-11 : IO p. m. Leare TrniiBfer for Omaha at 7:12 B8:15 : 0:31 : : C IIIOai-iaa7-.UJ/ : : ! . m.t:3r : aU : 2:3T : 1:30-a3T : ; 4:37 : 5:50 : :4a7 : iaj7 ; : 50-8:59- : H:63p. : m. I.eavo Ilroadnay 10 115 p. m ; Arl vo Omaha 1100. IiV. Omaha 10 00 p. m. ; Ar , Ilroiiclwny 10 25. lit oiroot AtiKUHt ffJth until further no tice. TliiaM additional to present train eorvlco. j.v MOIIHI ; , Q.I'.A.- CONNKfJTING LINUS. Arrival and doparttiro of trains from th Trnattfor Dojiot at Council Illult g ; WKHAUT , OIUCIOO , HOCK IBI.A D * VACIKJO. inUdA , U , 1)U15A. ; Jf. 1)0:15 : A.M. II5Wl' : . H. C6l40l > . H. Jl7UOr. : u. OIIICAOO A Oll5 A. U. I AIMS A. M. A OHO I' M. I A 7:04 : P. M. CHICAGO , noiu.if < nTON QUINCV. AOiSSA , M. I A OHO A. M. I / ? ; > ! ; ; cniCAno , A 0:1. : ' ) A. M , AOjlSA.M A : < ! - "Z ANSAS CITY , ST , JOB k couNciii ni.urrs A 10:00 : A.M. I ] 0:35 : A.M. 00:651 : * . M. | A.nU&i ; > , u. WAIIASII , ST. LOUIS & PACIFIC. ' AfliOOr. M. | A a : * ) ! . M. 8IOUX CITY t . ATfj3A.U. : I AU:3i : A.M. A fljZ3 i' . U. A SW ; i > , u. ArriVB A , U , i' . u UNION VAOIFldTT f. " . . . .I'nUUoUriuqss. . . , 7 : M . .nouvor lUprnis . . . . .1 < 0'M ISxprosa U. A if. IN NBI1. BtlOil . . .Mull and l'iir | ai. , . . . . . . 6lOa : " jirjN.lKjit J < xprua . . . 10:40o : "liopltrt. BOUTllWAflpV Arrivo. " A.U , I V. H. MI880UUI "l AC'J KIO , A. M. ! HilOa . ! > > KxproaH . . . 8 ; : . . Nltfht Biprcgs . . . RfMi. K. O. , T. J/.V 0. II. _ 0:30a : | 8j " t Vin I'luttsnioiitli. _ T W loinrl. ) | Arrive. " " " A. U. | I' , M , C. , 8T. 1' . , M. & O. I A.M. 1 * . U. . . . Sioux City Kxprtsi. . . . . 6t.'m : Ortkliniil Accciiiind'nlUiOii ! : : ' UASTWAKI ) . A. 51. i f. M. ,11. & Q. I f. M. :20l : 0:00 : | I'liittsinoutli. 1 V : ) | 7:10 : NOTUA.ti'iilnsiliilly ; II , dally oicniit bmi. tinyCdally ; uxcvjitHnturday ; D.dnily ozcoiit MondHV STOCK VAItO THAIN8 trill loqvcU , I' , depot. Dumlm , at * fl : to 7:3J bU51-0OiJiv. ; : mi 2UW - :05 : lW-'iiii-B:00 ; : p. m nl'acirioCxprojs , 8:20 : p. m. ; Denver hi.lQ:33 : n. m ; Local I'.r.,5:05 : D. m. Loiivobtock yards for Omalia at * 1 : ( -i\Q \ . 9:30-11 : ! B a m.i3 : : - -3a5-4:3j-0:05- : : : p. ra Atlantic K * . , lo a. 0. 7:35 : n. ra. } Otilcairo ix ; , If 8.0.6:07 : p.m. : I cal K . , le. a 0.10:51 : u.ta.i Ua. I'M. Ex. lo.S.0 , 6:17 P. "M 2d M. P. Us B-.Mti.ut. 'Uxcevt Suudajr.