THE O3LAMA DAILY 'BEE : WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6 , 1880. THE DAILY BJ5E. COUNClTTBLUFFS. WEDNESDAY MOUNING OCT. 0. 'il O1TICE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET , JJflluicd by rprrU.T 'D ' iMiypnrtof tliocitytit iwtnty tints ] > cr week. H. W.TILTON. - Manager. 'rKI.m'HONES : KKSOmCE , No. 4J. r EUITOII No. 2.1. MIN'UIt MKNT1ON. New York PliiniblnK Co. Now fall ( roods sit Huitor's. Buy Soul brand oysters , tliu best. _ Clioit ) ) railroad tickutn at BusliiiuH'f. Rtulnnond fitrnacus ut Cooper iV Mo- Oco's. The city council is to meet on Tlwrs- day night. Tlic republican convention to-day will be held in the Masonic liall. Ono io/.uii ! c.iblni'ts anil n ! ; irj.o ; jianel for 1 2.60 at Sehmidt's gallery. CF. . Ilocil has been appointed as pav ing inspector for upper Broadway. Ladles , cali to-day and scil the Kire Kinir tit Jones' hardware store , No. 331 Broadway. Deputy United States Marshal Trout- man lias taken Collins , the young passer of bogus dollars , to Anainosn. In another column will bo found the minimi report of the Citizens' State bank of this city , : i verv creditable report. The Fire King is fsomothlng every lady should sec. It Is to-day on exhibition at Jones' hardware store , No. ! W1 Broad way. 1'urniits to commit matrimony were yesterday given to llansChristoferson , of this city , and Emma Denham , of Chad- ton , la. ; William Boslcdt and Alburtina Witt , both of Minden. One of Martin's express drivers , named Adiiint , was thrown from his seat last evening , onto the pavinir on Broadway , a nut coming oil' one of the wheels. Ho was slightly injured only. City warrants crept up a cent yester day , and were .selling for 78 cents on the dollar. Many reluse to part willi them at that price , preferring to wait for smother rise which is sure to come. The necessity of some system of street cleaning is becoming more anil moro ap- jtarent. The city does not get half the benefit of its paved portions which it might were the mud and tilth kept cleaned from it. The election passed olFso quietly that it produced little for the police court to sict upon yesterday. There wore three cases of disturbance of the peace ; Henry Mooney , II. R. Head , J. M. Brown. Kach wius lined | I.0'J. ) ' The republican county convention lyi'ots to-day 1 * at 11 o'clock to frame a county ticket , sure to win. The task is not an easy one , and there do not seem its 111:1 : 1 aspirants for positions on the ticket as usual. Among the most troublesome of all the prisoners in the county jail are the tramps who made such a fearful assault upon Charlie ' 'rice , of the St. Paul road. They seem to lose none of their ugliness byconlinement. J. C. Langc , deputy United States col lector at this point , is posting up the nec essary notleys In regard to the tax on oleomargarine. The law takes etl'ect on the last day of this month , and dealers willhavo to procure stamps from Daven port for this district. If the ladies will call to-day at Jones' hardware store , No. ! ! 31 Broadway , they can see the Fire King in oni" .ti6n. The Fire King can bo plncwu in either a cook ing or liea.tin r stove. It burns coal oil instea'i of coal or wood : is safe , clean nmt cheap. Call and .seo it and you will iinil a big surprise. John Bohn , L. C. Br : ckuU and Thomas Cavin have returned from a trip into Ne braska. Their score of lishes caught runs tip into the scores , and the number who got away was beyond count. Bohn used Ins now lish polo with great success , it being a special beauty brought him fiom the east by Mr. Braokott. The newly elected mayor , Mr. Grone- wegmade an excellent selection of a place in which to entertain the friends who rallied about him to congratulate him on his victory. The Creston house was placed at their service , and Max Mohn being at the front , there was no lack of the needfuls for the merry time. Eisoman's opening is still the talk of the city. The crowd last night was im- nionco , and everybody seemed to run bankrupt with adjectives with which to express their admiration. Few cities in the land can support such au extensive establishment , and the special display there nuuio is an exposition of itself worthy of charging an admission price. J.V. . Kccd. who has a print shop at No. 707 Broadwaj' , found yesterday morn ing that during the night some rowdies liad entered the place and amused them selves by tossing about the property , soil ing paper , and causing a great e l of trouble and some damage. If the of fenders could bo caught , they should ho given an amount of irco advertising which would make life in the great rail way center unbearable. Yesterday the superior court was turned into a medical college in appear nnco. There was a largo gathering of ilcclprs called upon as expert witnesses in the caSe gio'.Viyg out of the AUon-La- Voiibcrg-Brownold family rumpus. As usual , tlioy were called upon to unss their opinions on numerous hypothetical oases put to them , and as usual their replies left the real question about where H was originally. The evidence was concluded yesterday afternoon , ami Judge Aylos- wortli la to render his decision this morn ing. f Fresh tallies ut Bnird's , .VJ3 Broatlway. Opera house barber shop and bath rom. Everything lirst clasis , K. M. Mar vin. The Insurance "Mnmit" B. B. Mann , who formerly made Coun cil Bluff ; iienfiQTlnrtcrs for hU insurance Business , la now located In Kansas , and it will bo gratifying nowa to his many friends hero to learn thnt there Is a strong probability of his being appointed Insur ance ) commissioner of that state. As nn Insurance man ho is widely and favorably known In Iowa , nnd if experience , ability nnd Integrity count as requisites for the ofllco In Kansas , ho certainly can pieot nil the requirements , The pri-sent inomnbont Is a democrat and in n state onnablo of rolling up as big republican majorities s Kansas , it f = ceins that a re publican should occupy the posjtion , especially when ono fully capable ia at hand. Mr. Mann's republican friends in Iowa , remembering his loyalty to the party for years , have political as well as personal reasons for tno hone that thu ex- pootatlon of Ins being appointed may bo realized. Hard and soft coal , wood Hmo , cement , etc. Council IHuffe Fuel Co. . No. 5W ! Uroadway. Telephone No. 180. ' Cabinet Photographs $3. Quality the finest. Bhcrradeu , an Broadway. Pernonu ! Charles A. Markey , of the Daily Press , Dcadwood , Dak. , was at the Pacific yes- torday. Alen Obert returned yesterday from Germany , a little too lut lo voto. but lust in tune to join in the congratulations , Which ho Uid heartily. HE CANNOT BE IDENTIFIED , The Body of the Stranger Found Near Crescent. TO-DAY'S CONVENTION. Oior a Stncil IicoilH to Arrcm for Homo Htenlinj ; Tlie Democratic CllllOIIHI'S IjiUlt Xlftllt t'ulltlUH Hot. To-ilay's Convention. The county republican convention meet' ? nt 11 o'clock this morning to put Into the Held n ticket for thu coining election. Tlicrc has been little discussion ns to who will lie the nominees of the convention , nnd the public is left more in the dark than is UMtal preceding Mich occasions. There set-ins to be no qttes tlon but that County Recorder Chambers will bercnominated for that position , and a stronger candidate could hardly be ntttued. With the exception of this place on the ticket have been few public conjectures as to who would bo honored with nominations. There has been some talk of oll'ering tlio nomination of county clerk to J. M. Matthews , the present ccief of police of this city. It is not known whether Mr , Matthews would no- copt if the honor wore tendered him , llo is a man fully capable of performing the duties of the ofllco. and one whom all republicans coulil earnestly support. There are aNo to be nominated n county attorney , a coroner and two supervisors. 'llic democratic camp hcems full of aipirants for nominations for all of the positions , but the republicans are either strangely modest or else they tire plan ning very quietly. Them are no disscntions cropping put in the republican ranks , ami no aspiring candidates who will feel sorely disap pointed if thev are not struck by light ning , so that tlio nominees , whoo\er they may be , will doubtless receive the hearty and full support of their party. Among the whisperings in regard to possible candidates are heard tht > names of Colonel Daily and Jacob Sims , for county attorney. For supervisors Sam Frum stands tin excellent chance of being nominated. Charles Waite. of Sliugart , Waite tSc Wies , is being mentioned as an other probable nomination. First-class regular dinner 25 cents- 2 o'clock. Phojuix chop house , fi05 B'wny. Just received , Ladies' line shoos , best makes. Trices low. Goo. lilaxim , SOT Main. A Horse With n Jtcconl. Some time ago the owner of a two- year-old marc turned the animal loose upon the bottoms , in the vain hope that she would wander oft" and get killed by the cars , or that some other circumstance might arise which would make it possi bio for him to reali/.e some money for her carcass. She was atllictod with spinal disease , so that she had got her back up about , and was in a deplorable condi tion every way. Finally some deputy marshal managed to get the animal into the pound , and the owner valued her so lightly that on hearing of her wherea bouts he scfuscd to pay even the ? 1 50 necessary to secure her release. The mar shal had to sell her at auction to get his costs out ot her. llo tried it last Satur day , but the highest bid ho could get was fifty cents , so ho put her back m the pound , bought some moro hay , and post poned the sale until jestcrday. By drum ming up n crowd ho thought to be able to got a bid. but tlio lookers on gazed at the two-year-old blankly nnd refused to chance a cent until OIHcor I'.cndricks came along and startled the marshal by offering live dollars for her. Heiulricks said ho had a plan for getting that much out of her. Ho was going to kill her and sell the hide , and save the carcass to feed his dog during the winter. Cliarlio Price , of the St. Paul , came along and raised the bid to a quarter. He thought that by get ting Colonel Fox lo ride her under the saddle for a few times he could reduce the hump on her buck. By this animated bidding of two officials a stranger was so carrieu away with the prospcotof coming wealth and fame as a horseman , that he bid $5.75 Marshal Guanolla , fearing that the enthusiasm might pass awity , hurriedly knocked the animal down , fig uratively speaking , the figure being about liv dollars more than no expected to reali/o. The purchaser was a stranger , who got a pretty fair piece of rope with which to lead the animal off. Don't forgot the Good Templars bal ] at the Masonic tern plo on Thursilay evening , 14th inst. Tickets for sale at Bushnoll's ' kook store. A car load of largo , heavy mules , a a lot of line , large heavy brood marcs for sale by Schleutur & Boley , Counci Hluffij. _ Tlio Corpse of 11 Strunjtcr. As stated in yesterday's Bui : , the body of an unknown man was discovered the day before , in the willows about a milo from Crescent. Coroner Fual yesterday wont out there to investigate the matter and hold an inquest. A jury was impan elled consisting of A. R. Prentice , War- ran Hough and C. M. Maynard. The boiJy was found about thirty feet from the banks of ilia Jlnyer , in the cdgo of the willows. It was badly decomposed , and the features wore gone beyond recog nition. The skull was lying about ton feet from the rest of the body , and had no llosh upon it. The rest of tha body was so badly decomposed trt ! tno clothing - ing alone held it tj-otUor. ' All that could be found in the pockets was a horn collar button , a now tooth brush , and a badly crumbled piece of paper on which was written. "Miss Mine jJowman , Capital Avo. , 11. Uugbnru , " The man was dressed in a dark woolen striped sack coat , black vest and punts to match the coat , a nearly now pair of button shoes , white shirt , coarse cotton undershirt and whlto drawers. The pants pocket on one side had been cut open indicating that ho had been robbed , The inquest revealed nothing definite as to the man's identity. J , B. Matlook thought it was possibly a man who worked for Charles MoICown , and who disappeared POIIIO time after the Fourth of July , having gone to Counoil Bluffs to celebrate , and never having re turned as ho promised to within a day or so. His name was Norman TluvytT and ho was called Barney. Charles McKown did not think it was Thayer. The body was not largo enough and the clothing did not agree with that worn bv Tlwyur. Dr. Kmmonds guvo it as his opinion that the man was a colored man , judg ing from the head and other indications. Much Ado Aliont Lit tin. Yesterday afternoon a team belonging to Henry Do Long took a lively run down Glen aV''iiuo , attached to a buggy , and as the runaways dashed into Broadway they collided with the pop wagon of Wheeler & Harold. The smash was a general ono , the pop waflott am | contents being wrecked , while the buggy suffered several lad breaks. .Mr. Do Long's horses were badly cut up , but.uot pt'rmunently disabled. Jt w s juit tue uoou hour , uud as the fire bell tapped n < usual at 13 o'clock , and several persons were seen running in the direeUou of the aeel'leiit , the report spread quickly that there was a lire , and this reaching the houses of the lepartmont the boys tinned out ready Id suppress the bla/e. Taken altogether Jiu runaway team Miceeuded in causing quite a commotion. Kin trie doorbell ? , burglar alarius.aml every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the New York Plumbing Co. J. Krnsdlorf , having taken entire con trol of the Phu-iiK chop house , duires lo Hate that he has secured the services of Jharles Decker , a lirst-ela.-s cook of New York city. The host the market affoids , night and day , in the beM stjlo of the art. Will nlfeo have a regular bill of fare. The Richmond combine * the four ca , sentials of a treed furnace , simplicity capacity , durabilitv and economy. See thorn at Cooper & McGee's , 41 Main. Was tlic Stcctl Stolen ? A number of complications arose yes terday over the possession of a horse , which has been in Dr. Seamon's stable for some time past. The horse was the property oi John Jones , and John Abies yesterday sel/.ed it on a chattel mortgage which ho claims was given two years ago , and which with the interest amounts to the full value of the steed. Constable Rleketts went to the st able and took the horse on Allies' claim , and led it over to Bray's stable for safe keeping. Dr. Son- mon claimed that ho had a feed bill against the horse for $7o , and he began Kecking ways and means to secure thN bill. Ho scoured as his attorney , Frank Trimble , a young man who has numer ous peculiarities by which ho has become more or less known in this community. Trimble told the doctor that ho could get posscsbion of the horse by a writ of re plevin , and stepping IntoJusticeSchurz's court prepared a characteristic petition , but it was not . i < rned. llo also prepared a writ of replevin , and the justice Mgued this , folded it up and laid it under his inkstand , telling the doctor and his young attorney that they could go aid get the proper bond mailo out , then re turn and sign the petition and the writ won III be placed in the hands of an of ficer to serve. Dr. Seamen started out with the bond to get signers , and Attor ney Trimble waited about the justice's ollicc for liis return , lu the meantime Justice Sehuiv. sat baekof hisdoskquietly reading and wailing. Trimble was walk ing about the room and walehing his op portunity picked up the writ of replevin from off the desk , and start ing down stair. * , placed it in the hands of Constable Wesley. That officer at once started for Bray's barn , served the writ and Joolc possession of the horse. He took it to Seamou's stable , and turned it 9\'er to one of the men there. In the meantime the justice discovered that Trimble was gone ami that the writ of replevin had disappeared. Ho surmised that Trimbln had taken it , and rushed down stairs but could sec nothing of any of the parlies concerned. The petition for the writ had not been signed , nor had the bond been filed. Soon Constable Wesley made a return on the writ , and following this came a hunt on the part of John Allies and Constable Hickctts for thu horse. They claimed that it had beer spirited awny from Seamon's stable. The next move was to lile an information against Dr. Seamen and Frank Trimble , charging them with the larceny of the horse. They appeared , and bonds were fixed in the sum of $500 each for their appearance in court this morning. Dr. Seamen speedily fixed his bond , but Trimble had a little more difficulty in securing responsible parties to ensure his appearance. A change of venue will doubtless bo asked for tnis morning , and when transferred into Justice Framey's court the cases will probably soon have the bottom knocked out of them. There is talk on the part of Ahlcs of beginning suitou some of the bondsmen of the ollicers to secure the value of the steed , which lias thus slipped out of their possession. Seal brand oysters at 11. J. Palmer's. Substantial abstracts ot titles and real estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Everard and Eulalia , by Ed. Wright , for sale by Bushnoll & Crockwell. Duly Dclouated. The democrats had a lively time select ing delegates last evening , especially in the Second ward , where the wrangle was kept up until a late hour. The following are the delegates in the 'several wards , the wrestle in the Second ward being contest over delegates growing out of the eagerness of candidates to capture the nomination of recorder. Dohaney's lial" was packed full and at 10 o'clock the count was not finished. FIltST AVAIin. John Clausen , Ben Winchester , F. M Hunter , James Wickham , John Linder , B. Hogg , G. H. Jackson. SECOND WAItl ) . J. C. Dellaven. J. W. Mikcsell , A. V , Larimer , Dave McAdams. A. T. Whit tlcsoy , Ira Plainer , Charles White. George ( inivflS , John Wagner , F. P. Bellingei and J. W. Ci'ossiriii'J , THIItl ) AVAltD. P. Lacy , C. A. Fox , F. W. Spetman P. Gunnoudo , M. G. O'Connor , M. Keat ing , FOUItTII WAl'D. Thomas Carey , J J. Brown , W , u Biggs. Martin Hughes , C. Wesley , Antoine toino Rink , James Madden , Frank Trim bio William Baldwin , I , J. I Mix , Victoi Stephenson , Fresh oysters in every stvlo at the Phujnix Chop House , No. 505 Broadway Seal brand oysters ut H. J , PttlniCr's , The Sturti Forming n Gulnvy. The recent gathering ot the city mar shals and chiefs of police at Codur Rap ids was not so largely attended as was expected. The organization was made with unoriginal memborshiu of twenty. Marshal Gtianella , of this city , was ap pointed one of the executive committee. It has leaked out that ono of the reasons why more were not in attend unco at this meeting was that many misunderstood Iho purpose of the organization , and thought that it was some move to enforce the prohibitory law , and they did not want to commit themselves , Of course nothing of this eort was thought of by the originators of the organizationwhich has entirely different purposes in view. A largo number of now members are now being added , and by the time the association meets in Dos Moines next May there will doubtless bo a largo num ber representing all parts of the state. If you want a good furnace and ono that will be as durable as your house , get a "Richmond" at Cooper AMeGce's , Died. William 11. Onicer , at3 o'clock yester day afternoon , at the residence of his brother , Thomas Ollicer. The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock Thursday morning , October 7 , Friends of thn fam ily are invited without further notice. The I. O. G , T. have completed all their arrangements for their fir&t annual ball , to be given at the Musonio temple on Thursday evening , October 14 , Parties coming from Omaha will be able to re turn at a o'clock a , in. Tickets are for sulo at Bushmill's book store. See that your books are made by More- Jious.0Co. . , rooui.l , Everett block , HTATH.MteNT of the con 1 tlon of the ( Jit syn * ' Stntc ttntiV , or/nnlm ! under the la n , of lonn , located nt Couno 1 HIiilT" , In theco inlvor rottiuviittmilo. nt thoclo oor bn-lnoM on tliiinitli dnyol Sop- emlicr , A. 11.18M. niiulc to tin- Auditor of Mute. Sro jlll red by Ir.w , Amount of Mils , bonds nnd other lilciiccs of debts lU'coufitcil or jmrchnted r.nd actually owniil by the hank SCC'.rfS 10 The condition of the fern- point ; N imrlleuhirly spi'Cltled us follows : ) Hood Mffl''bS 10 In suit or Judtr- nrnt I.SM 05 i Gold iiiid'VtiuT coin nnd > bullion. v , $ a , * l 07 Iicpnl tender nnd niilloniil hnnk notes nnd suhsldlnry coin . 7,000 00 Draft''on fuhont biinl.8 on hiuiilnnd cn. h lloins 49J tU lclo 00 At New York . f Ol.O.'T 4 ! " \t HoMon . 3 , 2l " 0 At HikMtfo . SOKO ! Oil At SI. Louis . lL'i-7a : A1 Umahn . s.i , ii : li At tlnMolnot . ( " . "I- * " At PlolIX City . ll.TCOSr Other banks . : i'U3 31 . li. > t 10 Ovonlnifls SB7 .3 Tlio vnlllo ot rop- . , , „ „ „ cr ty 0,1100 00 Total nssots . M'JIiO < ) M I IMIU.ITH.-J. The Hiiioinil of cnpltul stock nctunlly ) > nldlli | lneii h . 5150,00000 mount clRlit ( Iciolt8. | . . . f.l.'V.S'W . ! Amount ( line deposits . iiQ-iJ ; ( V" uK to lmnk n ilc'ioslls . 71,431 78 iaii'i' . 3iai au Total lliiblllllcs J. Amount of all liabilities to the hunk on the pail of the illiectois S13'HW.Ol , of wlileli SI- ! ' tfl'J.01 Is only a L-onllnneiit llnbllltv. Siuiscrlbed ami swoin to bcfniciiie bv .1. I ) . Kilmundson and Chnrles ( SIAI. : ) It. llaniian this nthdayof Octo ber , A. I ) , l l. KiiNKsr K. IIIIT , Jotaiy ? Public. Examined by mo this October 5 , IS-fi , and toiiml as hliown by the above statement. S. K. HTI WAI IT , Stale Bink Examiner. Will make n Special Sala this week o OIL CLOTHS , CURTAINS , CDRTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will bo Lower than mndo by any othsr store in thei weBt. Do not fail to see us , before purchas ing1 elsewhere. This department wo shall clone out , and shall make prices , to sell them. Our Stock is seasonable and style s excel lent. Tliese are Bargains Never Be fore offered , And pau can save money by calling onus before purchasing ; for we will not be undersold. SFORSET THE PLfiOE , NO , 401 BROADWAY , MURDER ! ! bthedu iMiaaln milking Its nnnuul rHltn- Ho. .Ton yen IB' trial of UK. TJIOS. JIJKFEKI81 UEMI'.DV tor thnt futnl miMmly lins dcmon- rutcd tlio fuct that It In Infallible us u nrovcnt- hoiiiidcuiH. If you permit your clilUlrnnto dlo with dlphthorm , "Tlioir blood bo upon your head. " For pnlo only at the ofllcc , No , S3 South 5th btroutCouncil 11111114 , In. , or gent by oxprosa on receipt of prieo , ? - . C. II. lllnliiHieo , of No. 1110 Cnmiibell street , OmnhH , who recently lost a hcnutlful and in- toieitlntf ilniiifliter , aped about 15 jcnrf" , by dlphtliorlii , under the trcntmont of ono oftho ho < t pliys'.clniw ' in Onmhi : , writes lo Dr. Jotlorls , ol this city : "Vour icmody lor Ulphtlierln came too Into , our dour diuitrlitor was ilylnir when It wns received. I am eutlMled thnt her llfo could hnvo been huvid. Another onoof ourchildren who hud jhc diphthcrln'icr tlnoatwas llllnd ; ; n with the putrid iilccrntltvii , o used your lifo.-n.liionnil ; I" twelvt ) IIOIIIB UioilUoasunas Bubdnod. In the fnturo wo will From thLijuiicfl niii Oiilly llonild : " 15. Vit , Ijoinril.wll'o at r.ntflneorGornrd , ? : tno Union 1'ncinc , thHclty , has been . . . . sufferer for miiny years , with what wnu sui > - posed to bocnoccr of Iho throat. It VTIIN so nnd that ehowiHthietitencd with Bturvntion. Her ffcnoral health wns eoniplotoly biokcn down , She could only swiillow liquid lood , nnd even thut her stomach could not digest or iisiliulliito. I'liyBlclniiB of Council Uluirs nml Oniiilm attended her for thrco yearn and ifiuo no relief. Dr. JelTerlH.ot this cltr , wns ciulod. In four weeks' tlinohoeiircd her tliiont , HIU ! oom- iilctcly restored her penorul health. Hud Mrs. Uorard not olitulncd nillof iloon'Hho ' would hare died from blood polt-on , the niunocondition that destroyed the llfo of ( Jon. Onint. From the Council lllunn Dully CJIobo : M. A. JloPme , editor o tne Cambrioliben ! ( burp , 1'a. ) Frcomnii , hiwiboeli the porbonn- friend of the editor of the Globe for moro tlnin twenty years , and ia known wherever ho is know n us ono of tlio best men living1. Ho Is ulso nn Intimnto friend of Mil Clink of the Non pareil , llo 1ms been unfortunate In the 1 net tluit his fiunlly was niviiired with dlphtliorlii , and L'icntly dlttiowd. MrJ Chu k linvlnir hcHid of his calamity bent him tame of Dr. JotTcrls Dlnhthoihi Cure , It WHS u od ut once , iindtho lives of the rest dl hlH children waved , Letters from Mr. Mcl'IKo ro unlioundod In Ihelrox- prcstlonsofBriitltudo for finding gomo monim of nvorllnir the lo s of his whole * jrrouii of little and tender ones. Five of Mr. MoPiko's children out of elirht died from illplivhcna beloro ho Imd tin opportunity of Ublns lr. ) JefffrU' remedy. Pysjioptio , why Jn o In mle-ory nnd dlo in dls- air with canci-rof tha stomach ? Dr. Thomue cirena cures every cnso of liullirestloii and onstlpation In a very bhort Mine , licet ol ref erences trivcn. Oyepopsln is the cuiibO of ninety per cent of nil diffused conditions. 1'rlco f-r > lor two weeks treatment. Dr. Jefforli,1 diphtheria modiclno Is Infill ihlo for nil kinds of MHO throats. Indlspenslhlo in putrid son ) tin out. In niHlltrnnnt Huurlo if over , I'liuntrliiff It in 11 hours to the simple form. Inful- llhlo cure for all intlammutory , ulcewtlvo , iiut- rld , cancerous ulcorutlonof tlio womb and nil cutarrhal conditions. Full printed Instructions how to use the medi cines bout with them. Nn doctor inquired. Dr. Jcffcrls' remedies can only bo obtained a his ollicc. No.2H South Kiiflitn street , Comic HluiTs , Jowu.orEcnt sy express on receipt drlco. B. KC M. D. . , , . . , Or other Tumors lomovoJ wltho I , je knife ortlrnwlnir of blooJ. Over ttmtyyeu HtticHlexe Np. 111'oarlBtj ) ucil HIutTs. We Simply Want to Impress npon fhs Hinds of the Public that WE ARE SELLING GOODS For the Ifeason that there will be a Change in Our Firm on Sec. ifsf , and we must sell out Hur Present Large Stock of Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Mattings , Oil Cloths , Lin oleums , Window Shades , Curtain Poles , Upholstery Goods , Etc , COME WITH THE CROWD and get Bargains COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. THE FIRE KING ! Tnorrcrinirlotho ) oople nn nccepllblo substitute lor Wood nnd t'oiil for Cooktnff nml HealliiR ; . the proprietors of the Tire King1 arc tnllv mvnro ol the inuiiy dllilcnltlc * In Iho w ay ol pleashu ; n lonp siilIothiKHii 1 dioitly IIH posed upon public. Uror tdncothu Intiodnctlon of Coal Oil Into so ninny ol the economics of dull } Hie o.\prrH hiivo been constantly ill \\ork to dis cover Mimubettor wuy ot Coii-tliiR mid llcntlnjr limn the old dirty and trotib'o.omoiiv , that N , with foal nnd Wood. Tliori * are innnv rcu- sons why ( Jii'-olliic Stoves will not "till the bill. " ls > t. They ar von damn-rolls , often ox- plodlMir , "ml In UfhiK them , thciols a con-tiint smell ol Coal OH nil thintijrl the house , \ \ hllc with tin riRE KING theic la perfect combuis tion. IM. While the Gusollni SIOMwiilvliiK nil tithe objections , has boci toll-ruled lor tiitmnpi use , It IA 01 no account It the Winter , lor tin family ueinjr It at that tlmomust have some othorwny of hcatln , the Kitchen ; uhilo Iho PI UK KINll can boailnpted to nny kind ol slino , ami nnsnor tliu purpo'O ol CooKliiR nnd lloiitlnir nt the sumo tlmo. And then the Fl. < 13 KING cuu boopcratcd cheaper tlnin any other known nppilca tion of Conl Oil for furl. This Cut ropiescnts our Hydro Cnrbou Generator and Ilurnor known us the FIRE KING in operation. Onoildc of the doublccan on the wall contain-Oil and Iho other Wntor , and thov nro connected with thiliuriierby load pipes. The can may bo lee ilen in a ciofet or In the scuond story. Tlio Ilurnor ns scon In the stove Isorj flinplo , and inalics the ptitr.-t Hydro-Ciiibon ( Hyti blldo ndjii tcd tothn top oftho llurncr , a part ol lliothunr , ur all , khould ( jicnt heat bo de sired , can bo thrown bn.-k over the ovi-u. REASONS FOR USIKG TrlE BLRMER. It Is clenn.beintr without smoke or pmcil of ( Jus. The boat Is steady , and w ill continue so , ns Ions as the can * me . upp1lel. It Isunotly iCBiiliiti'd , im'l win bo stinted in a moment , and cxtlnjfiushcd 113 easily. It makLM its own Gas us rapidly as needed. It is economical. Toobviuto all ot the nbovo , nnd many other sorioiKiin 1 nn vors.'illy nckuonlcdgod obji'CtlonB , nnd to irivo to the public , cspccinll ) to thoc Ihlnjr where lur-l Iss-carcc nnd h it'll , a C'llKAr. 8AFH nnd CIJlA ; f ninnncr In winch to beat their house" and oookirg stores. Mr. John U. lioi-ils. nun of the loroinost ln\cntlvcRciilU-os : ! of thon'jo. hah spent mouths of tlnin nnd bundled * of dullnrs , nnd lias ut ln t miccco.-lcil in Blvlnwto the I'liblic Iho nomlutlul TIB.E KING , the simplest mid most olfoctixo Ilurnor that is possible to conceive of. Wo oiler territory for sale , cither by slates or counties. Correspondence solicited. CALDEB & HENSLEY , Owners and Itlanufacturors , Tcrro Haute , Ind , We Invite Iho Public to cull and stutho F1KM KllstJ in opoiatlon at II. It. Jonus' burdwnro Etoro , No. JCil Ilroadwny , Council Illulls. FARM LANDS CHEAP ! Farming Lands in Iowa , Minnesota , Kansas , anil ranging from $5.00 to $10.00 per acre. School anil stale lauds in Minnesota on 3) ) yuars' tiini ) 'i pur cent interest. Land liti.vurd faro fruo. Information , etc. , given by P. 1" . Lan- strup , No. r > o5 Broadway , Council liluU's , Iowa , agent for irutghtcrs and com panies , U'licago. ' MRS. G. L GILLETTE , d.6xixO-UuJ5t/c-t.C : 'c-i-- - / - : .cyCt - - - o t * HAIR GOODS , iLt KiinK Work of. II Kinds uSpcc- - iulty Prompt Atlentionjo Mall Orders IOREHOUSE & CO. Room 1 Evoret Ulock , Council Dlufls. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in Magazines and itni-'EUKNCKS : 0. n. National Hank. SI. K. Smith & Co. , Cltl/ons' Hunk. Dooi-u , WiMU A : Cx > . , t'irst Nutlonul lluiilc , U II. Iniiir.inco Co. , llicor jc'Uboy.laukor3C.H. ] ! tsavliU'S Hank. SPECIAL NOTICES. Special advertisements , bucli as I.oet , I'oun To Ixinn , For Sale , To Kent , Vinnts , IloaiJInir , etc. , will boinsertod In this column nt the low rntoofTiNCKNTH : VIM LINE forthe flrstlnser tlon and FlvoCentil'crlilno for each subsequent Insertion. Leave ndvertlsomcn 'lilt our otllco No. 13 I'oal street , near Wrondwuy , Council HlnlTH. WANTS. Vl"ANTEI > A peed Kirl for KOncrul liouso- > > woikut lua llunorott itruet. ? frcsTi cms"h J Fit/Herald , No. ; 1 < U llroadwny. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards , UKOAMVAY , COUNCIL H LUFFS , Opposite Dummy Depot. 5. c7 K ca. BJJ. _ _ _ . . _ ri Horses imiTintili's kept constantly on hanil , for snlo at retail or in car loads.Or- dors uromiitly tilled by contract on bhort notice , .Stock sold on commission , SiiLiTKit A ; DULLY , l'roprie rs , Tclephonu No , 114. Formurly of Keil Sale Staulcs , corner st uvu. and itu street. Creston House , Tiic only hotel in Council liluffs Imvlu ? -'nil nil modem Imjirovoniciits. 115 , 217 and UI'J tlnin Hi. MAX JIOHN , Prop. 1JJN. Main St. , Council niufFs , Ia. , nnd SOUS. intliSt..KoomlOOiiiiiittJfcb. ! , Mniuifneliirur'.i A ; o t for thu CALICRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awiiiii" : : . I'.mimijv Riufo , Mnu- 'C- , mire ana Window Ulasn , bliow- Casea , JUevntoru ( luiiiU autl liy- dr rnli&c. In the city ran bo obtained by pattnnlzlnii : the , J'rop , Nonn but oxpRrienced hands employed. Out of town ordiirs bv mail or express So licited , and all work warranted. ll y B I KIB'U'BBII ' UK 5 LATE OF ST. LOUIS. Office Ho , S25 Broadway , Council Vlutls , I'.1 a , : n , i to 5 p.m. 7 to s p. m. .loom AO , 0. P , C. i No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATKdT DESIGNS. MANUFACTUIU3H OF PAINT3. House , Siirn and Docoru o I'nlnter. I'apler Macho VVui ! Orniimont ? . None but t.n = t hnnds oiimploycdnnJ char w as others. . . L ( * ui a ( ur I < UanUunil , Utblillr , N n j ou * t AVtftLji te. Not | tuckerIi * . iduput 1 lr < I'rrff. . lltx.1 : ( vat .Alrfl IUW4WUK USJ ; COM UVVi'ALO. K.1C WHOLESALE AND JOBBINQ zaccrcrsnsa OJP COUNCIL BLUFFS. DKHKE , WELLS & CO. , Wholesale Agricultural Implements , Bngglaa , Cnrrlnirri , Kto , Ko. Council lllufTS , Iowf\ . KKYSTONK MANt'l'AUTt'IUNd CQ. Iinko Iho Original mid Complete I Hay Loader , also Rafces , Cider Hill & Press , COIIN RUI5I.I.RII8 AND FKlsn . ' Nos. 1501 , .ii. : 150J nmlJIUT foil 111 Mnln , Council II , HIT ? , lows. t DAVID IMtADLKV * CO. , . MnnufrsntU Jobboi-s ot I Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bodies , Carriage * , nncl nil klndi of Farm Mnohlaom > 1100 to 1116 youth Mnlu Street , Couuotl Dlutfa ; A XK F.O. Oi.msoN , T. 11. Down. * ? , ( lio.F. Wninitr. rrcs.&Trcns. V1'ros Minn. Couucil EMs Handla Factor/ , ' ( Incorporated.1/ / Miuiufncturcrior Axle , I'lck , Slscteo an j Small of every do rrlptlon. I HI.UFFS CAUPKT CX ( , " " 4 Carpets , Curtains , Window Shadflfyj Oil Clothi , Curtnln Klxturon , ITpholstory flood * Ktc. No. ilM llniniltray Couuoll Uluffs , .1 lima. . I CIGAHH. TOIIACCO , KTC. 1'KHKr.OY & IMOOKE , 3 Wliolc.vnlt- oh lie in In the j Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipasj Nos. i'SMaiu ' and 27 I'enil ' Sts. Counoll lUutrg/ town. I ( OW.M/SMOV. SNYDKK & LKAMAN , 1 Wholesale ' Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants. No. HlVail St. Council lllulTs. HAULK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , s' Sundries. Ktc. No. ! 3 Miilti St. , and No. "I INmrl St. , Council Illutrs I Hit II . O.V. . 15UTT3 , Wholesale California Fruit ? a Specialtj General Commission. No. 5U Ilrorulirnj- . Council III HITS. W1RT & DUQUETTE. Wholesale Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Nns. 10 anil 18 Pearl Pt. , Counril lUuffR. L. KIltSCHT & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries Aha Wholesale T.lquur Doalnrs. No. 418 rtrotul- irnyCouncil Hind * Il.llUCUSS , KTC. BECKMAN , STUOI1HKI1N & CO. , Mnnu'aetnicrsorand Wholcmlo Doilorili Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery. . No. &i > Mnln St. . Council Itlu.Tj , loira. HATS , CAPS. ETC. MKTCALF UUOTIIKUS , Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Gloyas. NOR. 'Ji'i and ! HI Ilroititirny , Council lllnlTi. flKAVY IIAHIWAKR. KEELINE & FELT , Wholoialo Iron , Steel , Kails , Heavy Hardware And Wooil Stosk , Council MlnlTrt , Iowa. HS .t .tD U'littU Ji. H. JlcDANJCLI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sala of Hides , TullcTr.Wool , Pelts , Oiefisoimd Furs Council' lllnrfs IOWA. U11.S. COUNCIL BLUFFS OIL CO. , Wliolcsiilo Dealers In Illuminating < HubricitliJ Oil j Ginlln E3TO. , E3TO. R.Theodore , Airont , Council lllnT ? . lowi. LVMUER VILIKQ A. OVERTON & CO. . Hard Wood , Southern Lumbar , Pillaj , , And Urlduu Material Speclnltlns.Wuolosale Lum ber of Bl ] Ktnda. Olllcc No. 130 Main St. , Council llluirs. lowiu AND LIQUUKS. JOHN UNDER , Wliolcaalo Imported and Domestic Winas & Liquors. . for L Cotthain'a llnrb Jlliters No. H MIU , : St. Council Ulults. SCHNKIDKJl iiia/'K , Foreign and Domestic Y/laes / and Liquor .V ( M.Maln St. . cnuiicfl U'\iJ. ' \ < . TUG CHAMPION FIT ! ! . Tills ) iiliin l eiillrcljriio anitj | oilui | > lu tluit wo wlllKiiHriinlcu totoutli > nnto ilrnft no > M iitiilly In a low hour. . Vuiicnii ilrad ! Hi" iiatteins ihnt l nuolcd for thiifiinilly. IIH It cut * "II nunntMiU worn tiy lint o.tfiillL-incii anil clilldiun , l.uitliis nml irciitli'iiion , U will orift you iiulhlnjf unlll you luiro lujinuil. tlion > 'u ' will wunt llui ntlur. Wi > rlinlli'iiKO roinpotltluM. I' ' ; " ino liXic.-rl ! | iioou drominiiiki'ii anil tiitlor , iii'ldKiwIalge Itn Hiipnnorltr. It In till ) liiveiitliin nf Itiiliimu Wulkcr , u well kmrnl KfBBCll IIIIKllttll. It Mill IJpUIIIllld HD'lll ' IIRBlltS iiiakn iiinmy , Wo wiuit Mrttrl i iiicnlt liluko iidlil nf IliubiiFlncn" null u < Wullku tu ni < ikn nionoif mill ulloiv olhi'rB ti > ilu § o bUii , mi ire utTar lilunil emit. l'"i' furllin' Inliirinnll'in viill or Hilclri'K , MKH MAHV KAhTHII ) K.tlen Avont , Huoiii.'iH , I'uflilK llouiii. Council llluITi , Iowa , W. A. WOllIC , 1'iopilotor. Horses and Mules For all purpose * , oo'ixht und eoM , at lotall nuJ' in lot * . L i ? o ijumitlttoi lo n-lecl from Several pulrsof line Uilvui 3. simile or MASON WISE , Council liliill's. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in the State and 1-Vderal court * HOOIII.S 7 and 8 Shugitrt Hlo'ik. N. scausz , Justice of the Peace Auibricun Uij ree t'o