OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 0 , 1880. . - . . _ _ . , . _ . . _ , _ H iiMi nii.M i -i nn I 1 i i M a i i i .1 \ T ( Tlt fM TTltMtTVP AtTnn\7 TAME GATHERiM , , &cr t Call for the Tirit District Commit tee Meetly Falls to Draw , OMAHA ATTORNEYS AT LINCOLN. New IjICc In tlio Untli-oad Commission Ollloc A llrnUoninu I/OHCS nn Ann Iluturncd to tlio Aayhiin. Irr.on Tit" nnr.'s i.ixcor.s nnuxn.1 About a week ago Chairman Court- nay , of the 1'irst district republican eon- gre siual committee issued a circular let ter to the mnmbon of this committee fern n meeting at Lincoln to be held Tuesday , tlio filli , at the olliee of the chairman , at U p , m. When that hour arrived a call Was made at the above olliue and but three members of the committee were there Frank llanlon , of Omaha , and the Rommitteemen from 1'awneo and Johnson counties. These , witi | the chairman , constituted the committee at the meeting at the hour of the call , and the business then seemed to bo tv general waiting for Chureh Howe , whom the chairman con- lldoully predicted to the wailing three would certainly arrlvo on tlio afternoon train from the south , at which time other members of this committee were looked for. It co uld not be called an cnthusiat- tie committee meeting , and the absence of Interest was commented upon freely by those who had stumbled upon the fact that the campaign wui to ' * s ouongel , Just why aiucrofcail was made tor the committee meeting Instead of giving notice through the press , after tlio man ner in which the state committee \ . called together , is not accounted for , al though a good many express in comments dissatisfaction at the manner of secret procedure. OMUtA ATTOKXr.YS c-amo to the front in goodly number yes L terday at the state capital , the occasion being the call of cases for the Third judi cial district in the supreme court ai , its rooms ul the capltol building. Among tlio Omaha attorneys in attendant wen noted : C. A. Baldwin , A. C. Trotip , it , W. Patrick. 11.V. . Brcekunridgc , .J. J H O'Connor , 11. S. Wall , ( Seorgo \ \ . Doane if E. M. Bartlett , W. A. KediJk and General oral G. M. O'Brien. Court proceeding ! for the dav wore as follows : Court met pursuant to adjournment and Mr. K. W. Patrick was admitted tc practice. Clark vs Clark , rcargumeni ordered ; Sehuylor vs llaiina , dismissed Peters DimnelU , continued. The following causes wore argued am submitted : Connolly vs Miller , on motion Peppercorn vs State , on motion ; State c > i el , 'Loose vs Perkins , on motion ; Don eeker vs Foster , on briefs ; Dodyo vs O. < S S.V. . K. H. Co. ; State , ex rol Weaver vs Itodorick. Court adjourned to this morning. OTA-IT. HOl'Si : MATTEHS. There is an air of industry at the rail road commissioners' rooms. Judge Mason has signalized his entrance mtt olliee by careful and systematic efforts tc clear up the eases that have boon hang ing lire , and in which recommendations made by the board have been allowed tc move along at the will of llio railroad ! without protest. Secretaries Cowdn and Buschow were on the ground yesterday day , and there are refreshing signs o : life in that ollico. The board of public lands aud buildings a1 , its monthly session , approved tin vouchers of the ilillerent state in .filltiitions aud approved the estimate No 8 of the construction work on the home for the feeble minded in amount for tin month ot ? 0,07-1. Estimate No. 0 on tin reform school for the month calling foi & 1.7GO was also approved , and estimate No. fi on the Norfolk asylum for tin month in amount $17.100. This latte : building , it is stated , will bo completei ready to bo turned over to the state ii two weeks more time , although itcanno bo used until appropriations arc made a the next session of the legislature for it mr.intonancc. Noils Sundborg , a patient in the lnoin ! < hospital , died on tlio iJOth. and was buriei nt the asylum. The report of the case us furnished the board by the superintcn dent recites that Sundborg was an imnat sent from Herman , Washington county that ho was a native of Denmark amllm followed farming ; that ho was 45 year of ago , had died of consumption , am had no known relatives. TJio following school bonds were yes lerday placed on record at the auditor' ollico : District M , Fillmore county , $001 District SJO. Fillmore county , ? 1 , 100 ; Du trict ! ! ! ) , Webster county , $500 ; IMstric 20 , Knox county , $800 ; District No. ( Jefferson county , $700 ; District No.U Dawson county , sf-.TtO ; District No. 8f 1'rankliu county , $31)5. ) Tliesn are th rsual ton-year 7 per cent bonds on sohoi districts. in the auditor's oflico record was als liuule yesterday of tlio Ord , Valley count precinct bonds voted in aid of the Oinah Hi Republican Valley branch of the Uuio Paeilio. These bonds are twelve in nun bor , each of tlio value of $1,000 , all beai ing 0 per cunt interest , payable annually nud the bonds to run twenty years , bi coming payable in Now York city. Tlio monthly tongtt of tlio warden c the aUito penitentiary showd a couotaT * decrease of the number of prisoners i the pen , the number reported at the clos * * 9 of the month being 803 , or 23 less tha reported the prior month. The insuratico.dcpartmcnt m the and tor's ollloo was entering on the rccor the appointment of Miss Fannie O'Lint of Chndron , as an Insurance agent thet lor a company. The second young lad in the state in that business. AN AllM AMrUTATCl ) . There was n sad accident at Benne o.irly yesterday morning in which W. I Shupp. a B. & M. freight brakcman , ha his right arm run over so that amputatio near the elbow was necessary. Shun was u braKeman on t ! > o run between Lli coin and Nebraska City , the train leavln hero at 4 a. in. When it reached Benne they were doing some switching an Shupp was endeavoring to make coupling , when ho stumbled and or of the cars struck him , knocking him u the track. He managed to get out of tl way , but as ho was gutting up the c : tt ruck him the second time and ornshc Ida arm. The engine was uncoupled tro tlui train and tlui injured mau broiij ; ! buck to Lincoln and placed in charge i Dr. Hart ; whore his arm was amputate and , the conditions are favorable for r covery , His relations uro till in Pounsy vanlu. Sl'.NT HACK TO TIIK ASYLUM. Yesterday shortly before noon a inr from Stevens' private boarding house c M ctruet , notified the sheriff that Jann Skelly , a boixrdor at his place , was era ? asking that he on taken in charge , Ti fchorilf and Policeman Mtilauo went lot ! house , ami after a hurdstrugglo , in wide both olllcors wore thrown around in lively way , Skelly was bocuroil ai taken to the RherllFs ollii where the insane hospital w ; telephoned , and under direction of si porlntondont AlatthoWgr/n ho was take back to the hospital by the sheriff , tike lily WA * tnkoi ) to the hospital some tin last summer , and after seine two montl u : is roloascd on the 7th of Septumbes i cured. Ho has been stopping in the oil < ver since and has shown no evidence < the ru'.urn of his malf.dy until yostorda \Vlifii ho first wont insane ho was in tl employ of J. A. Uuokstsrf uml hlstroub nro.ti ) over n girl ho had in Jowtu 11 CMS OVA DAY. 'I ho bar dockets for the term of tl dMriet court commencing October 11 , have jU3l boon printed and Clerk of the Com t Sixer was distributing them to at- tornt'\s yesterday. The docket shows in addition to the criminal calendar 283 civil case.1 ! on the call and the published list nf the members of the bar shows that there are ninoty-cevou lawyers in Lincoln to attend to them. Yesterday and the day before were term days In Judge Parker's county court , but llttlo business was transacted. There were twelve term ea e < * on thedoekct , in volving amounts in litigation ranging from two hundred lo one thousand dollars lars , but lhe e term cases are a very small proportion of the work in county court. Hlnnnui. the forger and uitinlc man who played the dickens with the Kimball - ball organ business in tills locality was taken to Wilbur , ball ne county , yester day for this trial as a forger in the ( list- i let court there. The last time ho was over the line in Unit county , four new warrants weio served on him , and it is evident that he will bn well convicted before - fore sull'orers from his acts get hold o' him in this county. The management of the Lincoln Itaso Ball association arc not at all discouraged over the poor record the Lincoln club made the past year , but propose to prolit by experience ami place a club on llio diamond the coming year that will loom above anything In the northwest. To do this they propose to hire no cheap meu and none that dissipate. Jailor Parsons took two of tlio city prisoners from behind the bars yesterday morning to help clean out the promises , He furnished them implements and turned his back for a moment when the precious pair shot out of tlio door and down an alley , making llieir escape , at least lomporarily although Jailor Parsons prosecuted the search for a couple of hours. In police courtjestvrdav 1ml five cases Were up tor hearing , one of them being one of tlio parties engaged in the disturb ance the night before tit the St. Ch.iiles Imlel There are at present only about a dozen boarders at the city jail. Tlio recent meeting of the city council brought forth an opinion from the city attorney in regard to abolishing the fee system among the police , and the opin ion was rendered that no police oillcnr had a right to collect fees and thai where parlies have paid different members of the police costs for arrests that they port may bo remains for future disclosure , could recover. What the end of this re- The Arion Glee club is holding regular meetings now with the coming of the wlnler months , and Ihoy have comfort able rooms at 1033 O slrcol , whore thej meet , ami where they will i ndoubtcdlj originate a concert for an early day. Tlio three uniform divisions of the Knights of Pythias in Lincoln arc drilling - ing nightly at present in anticipation oi tlio Grand Lodge next week at Hastings where they propose to enter the lists at pri/.o winners. Ccrcsco , the now town on the North weslern road to Lincoln , that is locatei just over the comity line in Saunder ; comity , is to have a public sale of towt lots on the 12th inst. The People's thealer has Clark's com ndy company for the entire week , tin company giving a very satisfactory open ing play' and rendering to-night "Tlu Ticket , of Leave Man. " Minnie Hank in opera and chorus a' ' the Funko opera house Saturday oveuin < : has promise of a great house and an on thnsiastic gathering. W. H. Carnahan.B.C.Cowdry , Cohim bus ; S. H. Davis , Beatrice ; C. Buschow William Johnson. Red Cloud ; Dr. L. A Mcrriam , John W. Lytlo , F. P. Hanlon Omaha ; K. D. Mcrritr , Wahoo ; F. F York , arc Nebraskans who affixed theii sign manual at Lincoln hotels yesterday A Beautiful Present. The Virgin Salt Co. . of New Havcti Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into ovorj family are making tins grand offer : A Crazy Patchwork Block , enameled it twelve beautiful colors , and containing the latest Fancy Stitches , on a large Lith ographed Card having a beautiful gold mounted Ideal Portrait in the center given away with every 10-cniit package of Virgin Salt. Virgin S'alt has no equa for household purposes. It is tiio clean .ost , purest and whitest Salt ever seen 01 used. Remember that a large package costs only 10 cents , with the above pros cut. Ask your grocer for it. Postolllcc Mr. K. Franck , one of the elistribntin ; clerks of the postollico has resigned hi position and lias been succeeded by Mr L. S. Mole , who , for some time back has been acting as dork at the gonllc men's delivery window. Mr. Mole's sue cessor is Miss Viola Collin , who look he place at the window lliis morning. Mr. E. D. Godding , one of the lotto carriers , has resigned his position , an intends to go to Missouri wnoro lie wil enter one of llio business colle'-gos of tha stato. _ _ The blood must bo pure , if the bed would bo In perfect condition. Ir , J. I ] McLean's Strengthening Cordial nn Blood 1-iiritier makes pure blood , an imparts llio rich bloom of htul'.h ' an vigor lo the whole body , The Btail Delivery. The following is a showing of the nun bcr and work of the ! lotlor carriers of th Onmiin postollico during the month c Soplombor : Carriers employed , 21 ; de livery trips daily , 50 ; collection tors dolivoroi | , 71.773 ! ; local postal card delivered , -10,723 ; newspapers , etc. . di livered , 280,180 ; lelters colleotoel , 201,00 ! poslal cards collected , 50,031 ; nuwsp ; pers , etc. , delivered , 17U)3. ! A. Totnl Kollpso of nil other medicines by Dr. R. \ ' "Golden Medical " Pierco's Discovery" ; approaching. Unrivalled in bilious dii orders , impure ) blood , and coiifimptioi which is scrofulous disease ) of the lung : Bunt to tlio Poor House. Minnie Paulson , n uinotuon-yoar-ol girl , was sent by the counly commlssioi ers lo the poor house yesterday. She is su foring from epileptic ; fits Mid her rcl : lives do not lake proper care of her. / llio poor farm she will luivo the beuclit e good medical uUendaneio , MOSI ERFEGT MADS Prepared with strict rojard to Pnrlty. Strength , i lle ubfuln e . Pr.Prlco'eUiVlncPowdc.-coutM : coAmmODtaLInioAluuioil > uo8pbdt09.Dr.I > ricQ " ' ' , YaB'.ila , tomou , etc. , f yj WUVfffCOL-Q<iMaf.tKrn THE OLD CIRCUS RIDER , Eaton Stono's lutoresting Stories of tlio Long Ago , How tlio American Circus wn * Con ducted AVIieMi thoNliiotcuntli Con * tury win New The First Kn trailco to the lilon'fl Don. It Is sonic fifteen years npo , says a writer in tlio Now York Times , since Kntoii Stone was famous as llui "greatest bareback oquestrlnn in tlic world. " lie had born rilling for lifly years since lie was eight years of ngo To-day ho is a well iireservetl , nllhble little innn of sixty- two. In his day ho was a uuher. ally popular favorite , and though now a rein- inisceueo , it is lint possible that his name is not familiar. I in result's on a farm of liis own on the Krie railroad not far from I'nlcrson , in moral and mental eon- tontmuiit amid fruit trees and grassy lawns that are hU iiriilu. "Goint ; on fifteen years ago , " ho says , lighting a cigar by a smi'-liua ' , "I gave ni > ruling , because I thought it was lime , and became 1 could n lib re I to. When 1 was a lad of thirteen 1 was getting $150 a wcnk , but I never saved much money until 1 got alone : in the forties , and began to think of tlio future. 1'or thirty years Commodore Vamlerbilt used to takeearo of my moneyt when lie died the late William 11. assumed llio trust , and on his death 1 asked \ \ illiam K. to coutiiuu ! keuping it for me. J hove a good deal invested in veal estate. Unco I uwued 4 BQQ acres iu ditVoront parts ot tlio country. Tlio way I got into , or rather went into , real estate was on tlio solicitation of friends to assist them by taking mortgages on their property. An old friend would come to mo and say'Now , Eaton , you must have a good deal o loose cash to spare , getting alt your money in cash from tlui public , mull want you to let mo have so much on my real' estate , as 1 need it in my business. ' To help them I'd comply with their request , and never charge them interest until the bond was due , and then , it'they could not pay I'd lot it run on for one or two more years at interest , giving them every ehaiico to redeem , as I did not want their property. 1 got this pjaco in that way , and , besides the extension granted. I gave an ad ditional sum , as 1 fancied tlio place for a residence , being determined in my in tention to retire. It was thought 1 had paid a good price for this place , which I have improved considcraoly. So 1 did , but several yours a < rv > a stone quarry was discovered in that liold , which has since annually paid me over tJO per cent on my investment. "I do not see much of show folks , and to many ot tliom I'm probably dead in reality. I went over to L'atorson the other day to see Jimmy Kobinson. wheat at titty is riding hkn a youngster at thirty- lie says ho will soon settle in California if he can sell a farm he owns , in liiinoit , I think it is. 1 always go to sec Mr. Barnum once or twice a year , when he is in Now York. He has been my life-long friend. Mr. Barnum onoe gave me a testimonial wiiteli with a massive chain representing a bridle , surcingle , and bit that cost ifO.OOO. I've got in n safe de posit company a tin box a foot high and a foot long and wide that is tilled with jeweled testimonials I have receivett watches , medals , rinjis , whips , paper weights in the shape of htirrups , ! nit more than all lvalue a testimonial parch ment , a testimonial that was gotten up thirty years ago , containing the signa tures of all the prominent editors of this country and Europe. "Barnum and Forepaugli are the only in ana wealthy circus men ol to-day. I should say they are equally wealthy , Koropatigh having the advan tage ol being alone and getting all the prolits , while Itanium has to divide with his partners. Both are in the habit of in vesting all their surplus in real estate , Barnum owning a section of Bridgeport , while Foropaugh has numerous houses in Philadelphia. In the olden days more money was uiadu in the circus business , because tlio expenses and risks were not so great as now , especially in tlie mallei of ground rent and license. A dozen 01 so horses , four or live cages of animals , one elephant , one camel , ami twenty people all told constituted the outlit ; there were no double mammoth toutsno droves of elephants , no herds of camels , or studs of horaes. "I remember tlio first time a man evei % vent into a lion's den. It was back in ' 28 befonj Van Ambureh's time. It wiu down in Now Orleans. His name was Lane , and ho had charge of a lion and lioness named Ajax and .Nance. ' One daj Ajax took sick anil Lnno determined te go into the cage and physio and nurse him , satisfied that the lion was too sick to do him much injury should ho seek tc attack him Ajax showed si'ch an appro , elation of his knuliii'es chat he insisted on licking ] /\m , > s nand with his tongue ami rubbing his head against his knees. J forgot to say that botoro going into the cage Lane had Nance partitioned oil' in one end of tlio cage. While she scomei ! to under tand what Lane was doing foi her niato and appreciated the kinuncs : as highly as ho did. Nance would try tc get Lane to let her lick his hand anil i > a\\ him , and one day ho decided to go mtc the cage without shutting her oil' to her self. As ho expected , she was as alt'ec tiouato as she could be , and joined Ajtw in his demonstrations of kindness am atFuction. When Ajax recovered Lam miaQimcod. ( , } < ; ( . Jig would go into th < lions' denj b'llt the public wore afraid l ( come to tnaslioW.- > The announciimon of 'Daniel in the lion's fitpv rcligioui exemplification,1 did not tak'o , and. IJiCn was no such lithographing and picloria work done in those days. " 1 always made friends with tlio ajt niajs in the shows I traveled with" , am lirmly believe in the Intelligence ) , almos human , of the brute Creation. Then seonis to bo a sorl of freemasonry ninong animals , by which they communicati witli each , ot'ner. 1'or instance , if then is a nmn in the circus that the animals di not like you can bet your life on it tlui a now animal added to the lot will eliov this dislike with the others , oven befon ho has had any experience with the mi lucky man , All my horses are dead , gave the famous Ella Zoyara the stcei she , or rather he , rodo. I required i very fast going horse , and no 0110 ha cyer ridden faster than I. I learned thl fast riding during my three years' lifi with the Comanche Indians in Texas My I how my Indian act would take now auays. It ia not done now because in one can do the riding. "When I went to Europe I was fort1 days in making the voyage across in \ sailing ship , t have always taken ai in yachting , and was on tin yacht America beforu she sailed acres and won the cup. From curly childhooi I liked horses , and took to riding a naturally as , I suppose , young ducks taki to wntor , J commenced in the ring a years of ago , and enjoyed riding si niuoti that there never was any beatini necessary to make mo work , and nothinj could bavo induced mo to leave oil' . A a rule , once a circus rider always one The Erie road gives me an annual pass and the train always stops ut my gate , s < it is very convenient for me , for fii gooi weather 1 frequently rim over to the cit1 and BCO my old friends and acquaint aneos. "It docs not seem to me that I am ai old man. and but for tlio fact that si many whom I know wlum I was young thirty and forty yours ago , have cot inti the conicturli'A unit ciimmt get out should notconeider myself old as my healtl is good. I urn rather abbttmiiotw'us re gards liquor , the junult probably of in' early training , but I tiijuy u sinoKo , ani OVERCOATS , i Merchant Tailor Maelo at $10.00 80 " 11.50 As tn the slock of Clothing kept by thr 40 " . 14.75 -15 " 20.00 PANTS. FIT CLOTHING PARLORS II II " . , 2:3.00 : oo I IIII " 20.50 At 11 W FAltXAM STItKKf , ooo ( I " 30.00 0 Merchant Tailor Made at $ 3.00 In furor of llic rnrlors lintli an to quality , MISFIT CLOTHING PARLOUS 8 " " " 4.00 < t > nl nt'trc. Xoii'Ifrc in the trrst ctn Clothtnu be i > iti'- at no low //f/i/rc < i $ at 10 " " " n.oo . / SUITS. Tin : OXL r 13 " " " 0.00 15 " " " 7o $55 00 Morc'nl Tailor Maelo at $15 03 llklll Clolliing Parlors 10 " " " 8.60 30.00 ' 11.00 , MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 35.00 ' 10.00 40.00 ' 18.S5 1119 FAKNAM. 15.00 ' 20.00 Jn t'Vri'U fitsr in f/iuri'ruifmf. nntl tlio of any ar- . ' 23.50 il < to < > / ' wrai'tiui i > i > ttn't at the CO.OO CO.OO ' 28.00 CHILDREN. Co.oo no.oo 75.00 , 1)5,00 ) T alii'Hi/s usut'ctl of ti perfect Jit before tlie-yanncnt leaves MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS Parents and guardians will find filestore. Jrerejutn * Tailors' Mlsjlla and Cncallcil for garments received tlallu anil sold at 0 the largest and best selected line tKXTN OX T11K DOLLA It. Iteml tlie prices above. of clothing for children in the west at the lowest possible prices , at llio MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS an trenl a slump in a most scientific nannor. There is nothing Unit inlorests ue so much as the progress and growl Ii of Now York , which 1 rcmcmuer vividly for "oitv on forty-live years 15ut I never ike to iiet to telling about the city or its old citi/ens any more than 1 HKo to get talking about tno show business , unless we have the night before us , for when 1 get started on either subject 1 never inow when lo slop. " And the veteran , whose features indicate much elolieacy , relinement , kindness and intelligence , essayed to light a "tjutt" with ids sun glass , declining a proffered Heina. as he considered the remnant in his hand "just honey" ami observing Unit traveling about the country it is handier to get a light from a glass than from lucifer matches especially if you happen to get to using tlie former before the latter became - came popular. Constipation , the curse ol our seden tary life , Dyspepsia , our national disease , and Rheumatism , which comes from acid slomach and from the sudden changes In our climate , are quickly cured by taking one or two Hrandrelh's I'ills every night for a month. Persons are now living , enjoying most vigorous health , who have taken one of the'se I'ills a night foi' over thirty year.J Chronic diseases are cured by taking from 'two ' to four of Urand- retli's I'ills 'every night for a month. They purge away llic old diseased body. This you replace1 with new ami heulthy llcsh prciiareel by an inviiroraled digcs- lion from simpleiieallhful : food. The Kolsojus at tlic AVhltc House. Washington Special to Baltimore American : A friemel of the president who frequents the white house says the pres ident leads a most simple life. Ho is up carlv , and after a good breaklast ; turns his attention towork. , Since his return ho has fallen into tlio old habits. His marriage has not much changed his course of living. "Will Mrs. i'olsom remain at the white liousoV" was a question asked. "Oh , ves , " was the reply ; "it seems as if Mrs. I'olsom was to make this her homo a long as her daughter remains in the white house. Sue ncnt ° back loFol- somdulo after the weelelmg to settle up what she had to elo because she had not been there since her trip to Europe. But Mrs. Folsom has no other home. Grandpa Folsom is deadami so naturally she wants to bo with tier daughter. The presielent is fond of her , nail she ia quiet and docs not meddle , so she is welcome. One of tlio servants in the house said that Airs. Cleveland ami Mrs. Folsom made fewer complaints than any one who had ever been in the house. They likeel tilings kept neat and clean , but they did not make trouble o'r a fuss about little things. " It is said thai llio Hon. Denj.imin I > ol- som , or Cousin Ben. who Irnvelod abroad wilh Mrs. Cleveland and her mother , is to pay tlie white house a visit this winter. Cousin 15cn is a pleasant young uian.who likes society and notoriety , aim v/ill no doubt bucomo one of the leaders in the German. llalfonlSnuoo Is palatable and healthy. Kip Vim Winkle. Joseph Joflerson in St. Louis ( Hobo- Democrat : Dramatisation of Washington Irving's Hip Van Winkle dates back as far us 1835 , Ihe year in which Irving'e skelch book was first published in Lon don. It was first proelueeel by an actot named Yates , in London , but the version was unsatisfactory inasmuch as Rip wna mailo to die at the end of the play , leav ing a very dismal impression upon the mind of the auditor. This was followed by two or three American versions , which were also unsuccessful. I had scon Hack' ctt , Burke and some others play thqi r.r1 and had always aelmirnd it gTcally Jhoiurh I diel not approve of cTo ! worlcini ! up "oi ti > < * dciijs as they produced it. Ii wiitf a llttlo uioro tJilftrtSY' > ; ' .ty4)iroo ) year ; ago that I formulated my iilea of the pla.'v and 1 secured Mr. Djon UouCtcauil k write it for me. I outlined the plot as J wanted It , and Mr. Boucicault did admir able work in the dramatization. Tin play was then for the first time success- lul , and its interest has been duo ver.\ \ largely to Mr. Boucicault's beautlfu worK. I first acleel it m 1805 , in London anil have beon. playing it ever since wit ! the excoplion of one or Iwo seasons when I assumed the character of Bol Acres in Sheridan's Rivals. It is praeti cully impossiulerto have both plays in t repitrtoiro at the aamo time , since Iwo al mosl entirely ilifl'uront companies aie required quired to products them. The play is akji to llio slory as , wvitlon by Irvimr only ii that the characters and their rolalioni are similar. tyatna line of the play is taken from thei ; ! of the story My version rinmuns tlio same now ai when llrst written , with the exceptioi that 1 have altered the details hero ant Ihoro. - 11 ii 11 O Uscel St. Jacob's OH and throw nwaj my erutches-T"Wm. Galloway , Towson Mel , Ijcvol Heiulcel Kcrt Cloud. Keel Clouel , llio great Sioux chief , bo liovcs that it is bolter to get living on of the white people than to quarre with thorn. lie does not favor school ! for the Indian children or the adoptioi of any ways of civilized llfp. "for so louj as the Great Father kuows'that wo can not make our own living ho will give ui rations and blankets , but if ho thinks we know how how to take care of oursolvei wo shall get nothing moro from him.1 Acting on this principal Hod Cloud com plained of tlio farmer sent to leach 1m people agriculture. "Our farmer is noi of tlui right kind , ho expects varriors tc work. What WH want is wltito men tc Plant our corn , | ioa it. harvest it ami put it into the barns which they will build foi us. Warriors don't work. " Red Cloud has n long heaet. MILD FORMS OF IDIOCY. SoHIQ Specimens > f Several Varlnttc FninlHiu- Most People. San Francisco Chronicle * : In the more offensive forms of milel idiocy , there is always this disregard of the well being of others. This is tlio preipatetio iehot , who is always slopping to talk to someboely else in the nueldlo of the .sielewalk or on a frequented corner , taking pains to eto this when the streets are fullest of pedes trians. There is the dramatic idiot , who sits buhinel or in front of you at Ihe the ater , and keeps telling his companions what the actors are going to elo next. There is a female species of this genus who may bo the supposed intellectual \vifo e > f n husband of well authenticated stupidily , to whoso enlightenment she elovotcs during llio progress of Ihe play all her attention. Her volubility esxceoels that of a thousaud-dollar-a-ycar commer cial traveller , and her voice ofjis that carrying. F-iu-alt , kinel that aggravates thejistencr moro lhau llio filing of a saw , or a pine splinter vibrating in the winter wintl. Let it bo said to the dis credit of ils sex that the musical idiot is usually a male _ . If you have an car for music anil it is a favorite opcr.i , he takes puins to sit beside you. ami when the marvelous voice of the great tenor or the astounding organ of the wonderful soprano is going up like Shed- ley's skylark , he beats time with iiis feet ami emits harsh , guttural sounds that he thinks resemble the air of tlie singer. The exquisite joys of muMc are evanes cent at tlie best , ami the musical soul is sensitive lo the slightest discord. Noth ing can be elono wan a pachyderm of this species. There are fools mid ieliots so strangely constituted that thesy will not believe Ihoy are fools and ieliots oven if you tell them. His is one of that kind , and the law , alas , eloes not allow you to kill him , nejr can ho bo put in a dark cell , like the prisoner ot Cliillon , and fed on moldy broad anel ttiintcel meal till his dis- cnrdanllifc fitly ends in a lingering death. Tlioio are oilier forms of musical idiocy which are displayed in acrobatic feals ut untimely hours on the piano , in tamper ing wilh that exquisite instrument , tlie violin , anil iu eliciting ear-piercing sounds from the iluto. But the types are too commonplace for scientific classification. So , also , are those types of idiocy that open all the windows in midwinter and insist on having them closed in midsum mer. mer.Once in a crowdcel thealro Ihe orchestra ceased its efforts with a great crash and an abrupt silence , and a shrill voice was borne to the uppermost part of the audi torium , which said : "I like mine fried in butler. " The incident is mentioned in all the histories of the period. It was one of those idiotic persons , a female in Ihis nibtanco , who , when they get to talk ing , can bo stoppeel by neither a stoam- brake nor the side of a mountain. It is n much numerous class , and il < j represent atives travel much on the street cars , and often visit theatres nnel concerts , whore 'hejy insist on relating their pri- VfttO amurs in loud , nerve narrow ing tones. Ihoy have the kind of voice , which hoard behind you in the streets everjpursucs you , maintaining its pene trating quality in the universal din lone after its owne1" Had been distanced anel engulfed in the heedless crowd. They have ncuto form of the initially trans cending anodynes and anusstliotics. and demanding heroic treatment. Nothing will suilico but to extirpate llio prosonl generation anel slaughlcr Ihcir children. The idiocy of the average boy is of an cxaggcratetl kind. It can hardly b : clashed as kinel. Ho miirUtp're > porly be called a howling JtiTot except that , neit having years of eliscrotion ho is paiti- ally excusable for the mental iiDerration which causes him to violate all the pro1 priistlcer A liltlo later ho becomes an ael- JjleSeont , when his idiocy takes a senti mental form , less disagreeable , Ihougti equally selll-m. The mala bipeel JHstfcu- lorlng manhood imagines Unit ho is tin center of the solai' system and that about him revolve all the planets and theii moons. Ho is not quite certain about the universe. If ho walks ho thinks pvsvvbotly is looking al him. When he spenfts mi Ijnriirlnes oyi'ryono ' is lisleninc lie regards TniTuklnii as 6iir" ! ? - CUjmr e ment or broadening out ol tiiei ( anui ) circle , of which hu has been the idol Nothing but hard knocks cures thH form of idiocy , and it is a sovereign romodv except in respect of curium cases spocl < fled , But the forms anel phases of idiocy thai ohaniolorizo advancing years tlio jni per of old maitleuhood , tlio girlish alFecta tipn of matrons who shonlel have learnoe something in a past full of stern oxpuri eiiRes , the weakness for the front row that characterizes b&lelr.oss and all the lillle artifices by which onn attninptx U wage n losing battle with time luok in torcst and repel sympathy. With vurio tics not montleined there Is onouiih ma tcrial to make a woi k like Agassi/ " 1'ishes" or Audumm's "Birds , " anil Iu who Unvotes his time to it will bn sure U make money and muy enhance his iuino Klrk'B Geirnmii I'llii Ointment. Blue cine for blunt , bloa llnzuiit Itching Pilus. Ono box Im * eui.M the worst cases ol ten year * Rtanilln ? , No one newi miller ten minutes niter vising thli wonderful Kirk1 Ocrman I'llo Ointment U nbsorbg tumors nllays the Ite'hln at ones , actt M u poultice , Fives instand ii'licf. Kirk's Herman I'llt Ointment is prepniod only for 1'ilea anel Itching of the private ) paita , niiii nothing eo , Kverv box is wariantoej by our agunti. JjoM by druuiilsts ; scntby nialf on receipt uf prlcti , we per box. box.DR. . a O. HBNTON , J'lwc , Cleveland. O. Sole ! C. K. Ooooilinati auil Kulmt Cei. , lota a a a Dotiulas l tU and e ) , lining The London subiirbs are crowded will unlut houaus and shops. Scrofula diseases int\nfcft : themselvc1 In the warm weather. Ileiod s , .Sir&upa i ilia eleiuisc'H the blood , and remove ; every taint of scrofula. The general election in Great ns year cost 1,033,707 an average of 4s Od per vote. Prof , Glias , Ludwlg Von Seeger I > rofos ser of Modlclno nt Ihn llnynl IMIvornlty : Knlslit nf tlio llu > nl Aii'trtivn Onlor of tlio Iron Cnmnt KnlKlit CoraminiliT of tlio lloynl Simulsli OnloroC l < ulK'lln ; Knlclit uf llio llnynl 1'iuitilnn ( ) > flproitlinltcil KimliM Uliorallcr uf tliu l.t'k'loii of Honor , etc. . etc. . IUI\M I.KIllle ) CeH fcot'A H11KK TONll ) ahoilM not hB i conAiundcil ltli tlioliorilo of tnnliy euro ulln. Itli 1 In nnnciisoof tlioTonln pntcnt roinoil ) . I nm thop- . ouitlilyconroinnntwltlilti moilo of pruii irntlon iiiul ' know It to ho not onlv n ICktltlimitu product , but nl n worthy of too hluli commoml.itlom i Itlmirocclvi'illii all piitt nf llio worlil. H rnnlnli i c ! "onco of Hoof , focn , Outnlno , lion Rtid l'nll- < yi ! , | which nroillsvilvcd liiiuruKOiiiilnu | Spanish lii ' Crown Sliorry. " IiiTnlniililotn nil trim KTO linn lion n , Ni'ivnui ' , Iy - MiilnrloiiK or atllctoU nlth ue.U It tM- llCys. ller Majesty's FaYoritie CosmeticGlycerlnQ Usoil by llor Iloyttl IllEhnp lhc PrlncoM of Wnlos nndtho nubility. Kor the Miln , Conilili'ilon , Krup- tlon .l'hni | > lnu , lloiiclnu'es , ? ! ( M. Ot il IiIKIIlO CO'8 eicnulno Syrnn of Nikraiipiirlllm Is KunriiiitcoJ usilio liuat burncpurlllnln tbc market. Time Table OMAHA. The follOTClnp Is tlio time of arrival nna do- pnrturoot1 tiiilnsby Coatral BUmeliud Time nt the local Uopota. Tinlnj of the C. , St. 1' . , M. At f ) . airlvo nnd elopni-t from their depot , coriioi-of litli nnil Wob'tor sti-oots : train * oil the 11. \ M. C. II. &Q. nud 1C C. , SU .1. iV p H. from the 11. .VM. depot nil othcis from the Union I'aclUo depot. nltlUGB TllAINS. BridRO trnln ? > rlll leiivo 7J. P. depot nt (1:13- ( : 117:3.5 : 8:00 : 8:40 : Sui : ) lllU:00 : llW : ) n. in.111:0 : 1:3 : } l:50-ajQ--a:00- : : ( : tUO : 6lKj : j:3U : l'lO- ' 7:00 : 11:10 p. m. Lonvo Tiniisfor for Omaha as 7:12 H1 ] ! -9M -n:42--Ilinr-10 : : ; : , > 7-.ll:3T : n. in.l:37 : 2U2JT : : ) : HO-3 :37-4 : :37 : . " ) : M ei.12 7 u'O ; - 7 :5 : J-8 :5J- : llKJp. : m. Leave Ilrondn-ny 10 ? 5 p. m ; ArlvoOmahn. 1100. I.v. Omaha lUCOp. m. ; Ar. Ilrondwny 10 .j. In clject AiiKiist SUth until further no tice. Tiiisis uddltionnl lo present tiain servlco. j.w MOUSIc.p. ; . A. COKNKCTING MNK8. Ax-rivnl mid dupaituro'or tr.Uns from the Translcr Depot itt Council i CUICAOO , HOCK ISLANDS. I-ACIHC. 157:15 A. M. I 1)3:15 : A. M. 1JO:15A. : M. 11 5:30 P.M. U 11:10 : P.M. i U 7:00 : P.M. CHICAGO & NOHTllWESTKIlrr. APir.A. M. I A'J:15A. M. A 0:40 1 H. I A 7:00 P.M. CHICAGO , nUHLIHGlON & QUINCV. A :35A. M. 1 AU:1)A. : M. 110:10 : P.M. JJ :20p. : : t. ' 1 A 7:00 : p. a. CIIICIOO , JIIIAVAOKUE S. BT. PAUU A 0:13 : t. M. I A 9:15 A. M A 0:40 P.M. I A7:00p : , > l KANSAS C1TV , ST.IOE 4 COIJNCII , ] UUKF.S. A 10:00 A.M. I UCfl5A. : M. CUfi5l : . M. I A 5:33 : P.M. WAUASII , CT. LOUIS & 1'AOI IC. , A3COp. it. | sioaz CITY & STOCK VAHD TRAINS Lea-restock yards for Omahn nt * 7:05 : Sno natJUasn.ra:3aOaalajflOJ8J5 : : : : : : p. m. Atlantic Kx. . lo 8. O. TT : n. m. ; Chlcauo Kx. . le B. 0.6:07 : p.m. ! Loenl Kx. , le , H. 0.10:51 n.ra-i UC9n. ; in. ' * ' * E\ooDt Sunday. _ LiNlL BUlSSDWCTlY llecemlr lliillt. Kow The Tremont , .1. C. I'lT/UIIHAU ) & 60S , Proprtotors. Cor. fill mill PBts. , Lincoln , Noli. niio ! l.JOperd r. ftrcot car * from..ious'j ' to anr panot Uia , ,117. J. \\M1A\V Ai'cliitect , Offlcos-Sl. : il nut 4. . R ! < jiatda ! Illofk , Lincoln , Neli r.lovntorunlltli B'ruut. I.'lPC'lfrol IUf.-'lurof OAU.UWAV UATTI.B. PIIDIII-II IIN OAvrts K.M WOODS. Live Stock Auctioneer Haibs niadu In ull piuu oC thei U. 8. atfulr rnr < ij , Kouin U.ritnlu ] loe- ! ) [ , Lincoln , ( J olio vi HJ iiiij tiliort Horn tnilh l 11. LiOULUINO , Farm Loans and Insuranoe , Correstion-tenco In rtfiii'l to loam fiolljltoJ. Houm 4 , Hl < ; liurJa leiol ) ! > , Liiiuoln. Nob. lilversMe Short Horxis Of ttrlttly rv.ra Uutim and Ilutc Tupuduutttt. ! . Ilmtl numbers about W Uuad. l-'umllBji | roiut-Mintt-il : I'llbeitj , Cnygt , Aoomti . Hunlix , Itosaof Slinions. Mum , tuici < , Knivtitl ) ) ) uuhpscs , l-'lut Crook Vuuny il.uya. PhyllU'ja , l.oii.nis iiiui'Jriio ixjvt. ! . llullj tor n.-.M. 1 I'nro Itutos Filbert , t I'nro Bali e triiKKJ. 1 Hosoof Hlmion , I YounJluiy , 1 Pine Crulcli Shank nnd oilioia I'nmo iiiul Inipci-ltho hcrl. Aildren , CIIAS. M. 1IKAN- tOX , Uncoln.Nob , When In Lincoln stop at National Hotel , And-jioi ii KouJ ulnnor l'nrU5o. A. t'KpAWAV Prop. P. BOYER & CO. , , . and Ml Work. 3020 Farnain Slreot. Uuaha. ffeb. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP rim Chicap.Mitaukee&St.PaulR'i . . ' THE BEST ROUTE Jrorj mm ad COUHCIL BLUFFS tt - TWO TRAINS DAILY HKTWEEN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFK3 Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cellar litiplds , Clinton , Dubtiquo , Davenport , Rock Islautl.l'reepor t , Roukfiml , Elgin , Madison , Jiuiosvillo , IJcloit , Wluona , La Crosse , Aiiiloll other tmportnut points Uiibt , Northeast ouil SoutlionsU For through tlclicta call on tlio Tlokot Asou nt 1401 Knrnam uttout ( In I'azton Hotel ) , or n Union Vaclllo Uopot. 1'ullmun BlBPDurs i\nd the Hnest Dlalnsr Cftva In tlio world mo run on tlio inuln lines of tlio CllIUAOO , Mir.WAUKEK & ST. I'AUti 1U1MTAV , nnil every nttontlon Is pnld to piissougors Uy ooui Icons employes of tlio company. It. MII.I.KII , Uuneinl Mn n\tf : or. J. F. TucKiin , Asalstant Uonural MnnnRer. A V. H. CAHI-ENTKH , aonoml I'lissoater and Tlolcot AKOIII. , e KO. E. HKAFFOUD , Assistant Q enoral Vasian- gcr nuil Tlokot Agent J. T. CL.UIK , Goueral Suporlntendont. AMD RAILWAY. Council Bluffs And Chicago. Tlio only rend to take for DCS Molnos , Mnr- Blmlltown , e oilnr nexitliK Clinton , Dlxlo. Jlilca- ( ( to.itilwniilcoe nnd nil points cast. 't'o thejifo- ulo of Ncbra < il.n , Colorndo , Wyomlnjr , utnli , Iilnlio.Novdiln , Oiojron , Wnsliliijfton nnd Call- Ininln , It nffi-ri anpoilor advnntugcs not poesl- bio by nny otlior lino. Ainontr n ftiw of the numerous polnti of su- perloilty onjoycd by tlio patrons of this rend l)0t\v ( ! n Oiniilm nnil Chlunuo , uro Its two trulni ndnvof DAY COACHIW ivliloh nro the finest that liumnn nrt nnd Itik'onulty cnn crontc. Its 1'ALACR SU'.Rl'lNO OAH8. rfhlch nro modeM of oomfort nnil oloffnnoo Its I'Alir/JU DHAW- 1NQ ItOOM CA11R , nnsui-piissodbv any , and Us wlduly oololirntcd I'Al/ATIAL DININC ! CAltS , the omml of which cnnnot bo found n'sowhcro. At Council niulTa the trnltmnf the Union J'ucl- ( lo Hy. connect In Union Uopot with thopo of the CvhlrA ? ' ) k Noitbwcntoin Uy , In Chlcneo the ttalns of this line rniilio close connection with these of nil custom HIK" . Kor Dntrolt , Columbus , Imllunnpolls. Clncbv- nntl. NiQ ; nri\ Falls , llntTulo , I'lttBlmrir , Toronto , Montronl , llonton , Ko f Vuvlt , Plillndolpiitu , Hal' tlinor * , Wnshlnjrton nnd 11 rolnts In the east , ft3k the tlokotncrent for tlcknls rla tlio "MORTJIWKSTKIJtL. " If you rl3h thn bcifc-sc MnmoJattoiui. All U"int iiimiitu s l ! ttCuolB via tula line , M. IIUUHlTr. n. B. HAIR , Ooiierat Sldnnger. Don. 1'nis. Ayont. , UUICAQQ. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 , Burplub 30,000 11. W. y itc , rrcsielont. A. K. Tounlinino rrosieloiil. W. 11. S. Hushes , Cashier. W. V. Morse , ' < > " ! S'K II. W. YUIGS , Lewis o. „ A , E. Touzalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE 1R ON BANK , Cor 12th and 1'arnam Hta A General Hanking lUisinosa Transncteel. N. W. HAREM & bo. JlAXKKltK , CJIlCJAdO , ( JflHWQ Of Counties , Cities nnd ritlinrsot UUivUu lujfli u-riulo bouulit and bgltl 15.i-te-ru ollioo UH Dovunshlio St. . Huston. Corrospouil. oiicasojltfllod. " SARATOGA pringsl SARATOGA , WYOHIfiG , _ Thogo waters contain lion , roinsslnm , J.lmei. onila , Mmriifsla , Chlorldo of Hoilntm mil AIII' phur , nnd nro it positive oiiui lor nil illsouscs in shi" Jioiu un lirpuro btutuof the blood A cor * lain | .e.clllo for Hliouiiiatlsm , Dei// Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Stcclc. Bsod Physic ian in Attomlanoa w , n.