Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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TLe Life All Squeezed Out of the Chicago
Markets ,
Corn nml Provisions In the Same
JjtrclcH * Condition His Trailers
Stay Out or the IMts
( jnotntiuna.
ON 'omcAoocuAXon.
CittcAoo , Oct , 6. ISpcelal Telegram to
the JlF.r.J Puts on wheat wore Rood at the
vrry start this morning. I'rlvilei traders
wore selling them this motnlug at T.lVe for
No\cmber , Rood for all day , Mid within the
minutes ot the openlnn the price was TCJf ®
73Jfc , and scalpers who had puts bought Imd
a very lltttfi profit right In his hand. "Theie
Isn't a pound of wheat held anywnerc In
the world tlAit shows a prolit , " Bald a Bcalper
before the opening. That was an eplitra-
matlc wny of saying that wheat was at the
lowest price for the year , and that there
wasn't any wheat bought at any time or at
any price that showed "any money ahead. If
ho had walled llvo minutes ho could ha\e
said that thrro wasn't a pound of wheat In
tlio world that did not show a loss. 'Hie
price Is now so low that all selllm ; is nf the
cautious kind. It Is , In the lirsl plan- nil
done by people rlpht on the lloor.'itnd not at
all by people In the country , nor even by the
professional speculator at New York , lint
the .scalping crowd In the pit Mills rueh morn-
Init and corns each night , and this Is whj
cnoh day at some time between the opening
nnd close there Is a pcilod of strength.
November whi-at sold to Wtfc , nnd rash to
71ic. ( Moso Kraley , of .St. Louis , sent Ions
sctflng eider lor tibout lOO.iXX ) bushels of
wheat , and as Kraley has been about the only
Jarne sneciilnlor on the bull .sldo ol the
innrkut , Ids Rolling had nmio than ordlnaiy
InOuencK In Hie pit. The Noilhwe-'terii
ciowd , headed by Pat Kelly ni St. Paul , is
bi'Iloved to hu\o cost-led its vvlicat , nnd to be
only waiting lei another lallj to pat it out
again. As fur us the local tiadcrs , It is
explained that Jones nmi Cud.thy w < \ -
cied last week , expecting that Horn 7ft ! or i4u
the innrkut would have u little lebtiund.
Their anticipations modi into as thejeie ,
were not rc.ill7ed , anil mm It H claimed that
all have attain put out small shoit lines and
nru In attitude to soil mine flthi'r on an ml-
vance or on n deollno. A furlliui outbirak of
wliurttat Milwaukee win repotted , \\lien
November w here sold at WfcCjJ'iS'tfc. ' It
wns repotted that wheat ioires''iiled | by
Angus Smitli'rt recehits was sold down to
CCc. On this news pit'Siiinably the mitrkft
was at Its heaviest henMllman. . IJ.tdnun &
Co. N lllii\eiy ) laigelv lit TSJie. Later It
ns le.trncd tnat Angus liailaoptMroil In the
pit at Milwaukee and uibineil the excited
Milwaukee trndcis that no wheat in his
house-\\onld be posted , but that nnancu-
mentH him bi'en iiiado , presumably with
Armour to .ship nil of It aw.iy.
The coin nnd provision pits were as dull
and heavy as > the wheat January pork sold
down to SiMi'i. Armour is believed to hnvo
been n Inure buyer. IVrtatn of the big shorts
were coverlne. Ch.xrlers to-day were ilsO.OOO
bushels of corn and 75,000 bushels of llax-
BCL'd.Tlib close was at 7i ; ? < c for November wheat ,
Sfiatfc lor November corn , and S0.fitor Jan
uary pork. This nttoinoan there was a trillo Jt was gossip that
two gentleman ono a bank picsldont and
the other a dheetoi In two blinks hr.d n long
conleienci ) with ! as to the prospects for
further mining ol wheat basing a damaging
result on business.
On the short boaid November wheat closed
nt 73Xe. November coin at 'iO eand January
VOiknt 50.70.
CIIIOACIO , Oct. S. [ Special Telegram to
the UEK. ] CATIM : As a rule salesmen
considered tlio mnrliet to-dny to bo steady
ind strong at ycsteidiiy's advance. The re
ceipts were comp.iiatlvely light nnd snlcs-
incn seemed to have vet their hearts upon
consldcrablo advance. Pi ices , how us or ,
were at the best only a sbado stionger than
yesterday , but the average rates svero 10@15c
higher than ( ho close Inst week. Cattle sold
to-day al 8. > .2 , > ( a5. ; > 5 seemed to be considerably
higher , but let It bo icmembcred that there
\vcro no such cnttlo lime tosvard the end of
last week , 'ihiu and lough qualities bold
elosvly and at unlmpioved rates. Natives ,
which came in competition svilh west
ern cattle , were had to soli. Shipping steers ,
1850 to l&OU Ibs , SI.M5.55 ) ! ; 1200to 1S.WO ,
Ibs. S4.aoni.7i ; u : > o to 1200 ibs , S3. ) © i.oi. in
range cattle the otrcrlngs of. wintered Tex-
nns ss01 o really quiet l.ugo nnd theio weio
compuatlvely fesv Texnns direct trom the
BOiilli , The market In a geneial ssay s\'s :
bout btrady , tliougi ) there were some Mies
at easier i alt's. Tim olfeilngs weie mostly
nil sold , but the market closed weak. Texas ,
700 lbi . 5..00 ; Montaim , 1107 to 1237 Ibs.
Sii'@t.sri\\omlngs : ! ; \ , IIGO Ibs. 5H.10.
lloos i'rado svas only modoiately actls'o
.on account of the rouuuknbly light run for
( the d.iy ot the \seek and bcnson. Und iho
frt-celpiK been 20.0JO In&load of 1S.OOO there
r/oultl have been a better market , for that
f'.iuiUber would have drawn oat the big btty-
j 'is. nnd as It svas they held hack , being
It.svaieoftheusolussness of undeitaUIng to
Kvl any : idv.inticeo\ur the uigcnt orders , of
ihhipiiers. llouuh and common sold al SX75
Vjfl.Oj : fnuey , 8 1.70 light sorts within a range
N > sv York. Oct. 5. MimicY On call ,
-nctlvunt 5jJ10 ( pei coiit , closliij ; atbporei > nt
I'lllMK MKtlCA.NTH.I5 I'Al'BIIvgS t W
4iT.iu.ivn EXOIIANOI : Quiet , nH.blJf for
CO diiy bills , S4. ! > IX for demand.
TitjVKa.x'.iii.Nrs Cioveinment bonds wcio
dull nnd unsettled.
STOCKS Dealing in stocks svas tlielnrsrcst
foi u lout ; time anil the traaini ; lor the
hour tins seldom U usvr been axisudvil. It
one-third of total day's .
svas osor - the lms |
ness. The openhn ; svas seiy Minn ? , liist
pilccsshosvlnirads.inecs ot ' to f per cent
boiler on Union 1'uclllc. Them ssns niiieh
Irregularity In the Hist hour , tint the
innrUet was strong , and Nosv Kn laud and
Westein Union weak. Canada Southern
nnd Un'on ' I'tieiiie. then bwawo prominent
for atieiiKthand aetlslty , and troin the Hist
thirty ininnteb the couiso of prices In the
Kcnctal list svas upsvaid , though siihlect to
frciiuoiit lenetlons. The extrnorillniuy ac
tivity continued until the close , nlthouj , ' ] ) the
labt hour ssns h'hs uxcllett and feverish thnn
At any previous time ot the day. Nosv En g
land is dosvn 84 per cent and 1'aeige Wu Tl
nnd We.stoin Union each 1 percent.
cent bonds , . C. < \V.
8.cent . lr. pruleired.
N.Y. 0 .
I'nclttoO'sof'W. Oiecou Tran. . 'B
Central I'acltlo. . I'actUoMixil 'BMX
pieiern'ti. . . . . .I''o. . , . ' ! . " ! ! ! HI '
C. fi. & 0 Itock Island
1) . 1 < . & \V LJ i > K. . . .
D.&Jl U preferred. , . fJQii
Kilo. . , 0. , M. As SI. 1' . . .
pro erred. . . jiroferred. , . 121
Illinois Central. St. 1' . .to 51 }
1.,11.&W preferred. . . UUi
Kmihas.tTexns , Texas I'acllic. . . 18'V '
like Shore Union 1'ucillo. . . 02 f
\V.St. L. & 1' . .
Mich. Contral. . . IW prefoireil , , . iis
Mo , 1'acllio 115 Western Union , 77
Northern 1'ao. . . m O. . 11. &N
in eferred. , C2 ,
Cltloago , Oct. 5. Klour Quiet and un
changed : winter wheat Hour , Si.UV l.lO ;
fcouthvin. St.lH : ) < i54.iW ; Wisconsin. 5100 ®
4.10 ; Michigan . . boft . spilnic . wheat. SH.&O ®
" " - -
) ; patents ,
, iu ; lye Hour ,
. _ _ and 33.0 < M
j. In sacks.
WheatMoia active at a further decline ; J/iine ( losver , dicllned } C < * J > e moi ,
rtilea steadier , and closed $ { c under yestcr-
dny'o closing. A noticeable lealuit ) was M'll-
Ing svhcat for May delivery , the offerings to-
iloy being much larger tlmn usual , und the
premium namisved dosvn somewhat. Selling
orders forMiy were largely from tha north-
VT t and presumed to bo R .tlnst lioldltigs In
coutitry olosatori. Cub aud October , 72 > < e ;
> os'cnber : , Taj QCOXc ; December , 75\c ;
May , sic.
lorn Kttlrly nctls-o but weaker , opened
lower , rallied n fiactlon , then sold otf J < < \
and closed \c under yesterday ; ca hMV' *
s Vc ; October , M&c : November , ffi\y (
! > 0'sc : ] ) eeemher , I Ji'4Ml7\c. '
Oats-Weak ; cash , Jle ; October ,
May , 30 < > .
Kve Dull and steady at - . . .
JJarlcy D':1I : and loss'cr at Vi5
Timothv seed-i'rime , 81 .rJ5iLT4.
WhisKV SI.18.
1'ork Weak and tin ettlcd ; dwllnoii - . , >
"Vie , closlnj ; tame nt iusldo tlKiiies : eash ,
? H.4V/s.r , ( ) : Ortubor and Nosembei , fcS,47Jf
d ? . 'iO ; Jannaiy , SO.O.V.Z'i.Olf.
Lard Weak ami "JiWt'JXe lower , eloslns
steady nt the decline ; easli , Su.73 ; October
and Novenibci , 8.CJ. ' jC 5 05 ; JniiuarjS..77'
( (6.1 Sfl.
Hulk Meats Shoulder * , 85.70(55.75 ( ; short
clear , -I5@ff.60 : short ribs , iO ( X ) .
liiiltfi-Drill : cieamcry , lGa'o ( , 'c ; dairy ,
Cliceso Firm : full rreniu rhedilats. 1U <
( nfl''c : do thus. It'j'iJl'iDc ' : youiiR Anicilcas ,
Ix'djiui c : skims , Wi7 > . .e ,
KKITS- Finn and spare at PW 17c
Hull's lleasy erecn salted , tullj etucd ,
7Me : llsht. do si e ; bull hides 5)ie ; div
sailed Il@l''c.
Tallow No. 1 country , 3 iiMWc5 ( No. 2-
c : cake. KJfc.
Ai'ri.'uvodV HOARII Maikets nllashatlo
flimei. Wheat Nosemb-r , 7is : c ; December ,
75hci87. | > 1/tc / ; Mny , l * c. Coin Nos ember ,
: : miMW < o ; Decembci , U7.c ; May , 4l < c.
O.its-Noseiuber , li'iUc : lecembcr0 ) , ' c ;
Muy , itOXce. Poik- November , SS.50 ; Jan-
nniy. SWO. LsuJ-Nosember , S55 ; : Janu
ary , S5.SO.
Kecelm . Shimnents.
rioiir.bbH . 17,000 l'-.OJO
Wheat , lu . lrs.uoo il.ooi
Corn. OU . 250.0UO ! MU,000
Oats.Dii . ail.ixxi lif-VOO
Hje , on . : tooo a. < x)0 )
Uarli'v.DU . Ut,000 : 61,000
Now York. Oct. 0. Wheat Receipts.
rVt.MX ) ; exports , lit,000 : ; spot about Ke nnd
options JiCjilo josser , closing heavy at inside
rates ; export demand seiy modeiato unit
.speMilutioii\urs ( bilsk ; ntwindcd red.Jr ! lc ;
No. Hreil , Hl e" Inelesotoi ; No. a lud. VU $
GlM"ae In elevutoi , MJ < c I. o. b. ; No. 1 retl ,
Kse ; No. 'J , Octohci , clo-eil nt Kc. !
Ooi n Spot tibout ' 4e nnd ontions
lossei , closing hensj ; receipts. 10,000 ; ex-
potts , 50,000 ; niiKraiied 4lsH" ( ! ' ° 4r" " ' - ' - '
\ > \ < u 4'i 4'c in elesitlor M-tOc alloat ; Mo. ! . ' ,
Octotier , elo-liig ut ' .
-'tC'tUelosseruiid modeiately nolivc ;
recolpU , llU.tOO ; \poils i , tHK ) , ( ) ; mixed sscst-
etn , iJOdCUu ; white sseslcin , : tt@41c.
Petroleum Kli m : t'nlted closed nt a'a'c. !
Pork -Kstslei and modeinlely aetls < ; old
mess , S0.75 ; nesv , SlO.'J-jdflO.DO.
Laid Seven to li'ii points lossi'i andbaicls *
artlso ; sveslein Mteam , spot. 0.iO. !
Uiittor Finn with lair demand ; svestein ,
1 K4S.te. Finn but ijiilet.
ICggs Firm and demand fair.
MlmicnpnlK Oi-t.5 - - Wheat Continued
wea Ic and n shade lo\seiNo. ; 1 hard , casher
or October , TO o ; Nosember , 72c ; Pecom-
bcr , 7lVe ! ; No. I noithcin , cash 01 Octohei ,
OS' c ; Nosomber , 70c ; December , 71 ytcNo. \ .
2 northern , cash or October , lASc ; No
vember , DSC ; December , ( Kt'so.
Flour Dull ; patents , 54.yo , < tl.lO ; bakeis ,
Kecelpts- Wheat , 20 ,010 tin. , 11,000 bu. ; lloin , 17,000
Clnolttimtl , Oct. 5. Wheat Dull ; Xo. 2
led , 7tic.
Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mlvd. 3b.sfe.
Onls Dull ; No.U mKeil , a-J o.
Jlje-i.isler : ; No. 'J , S'JJsc.
I'oik Dull nnd lesser nt & ' . ) . %
Liiid--Weakei ntSr .GO.
Whisky riim at Sl.l .
MHwaukco. Oct. 4. Wheat Film ;
rash , 71'2e ; Nosembei , "J c ; Deceiimei ,
TM/fc. /
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , 35c.
Oats- Weaker ; No. 2 ,2lc.
Rye JMrni ; No. 1 , fi\\
Uarloy Lowci ; No. a , 55c.
i'lovislons Lower ; poik , October , SS./Q ;
November , 3S..W.
St. IJOIIIH , Oct. n. Wheat Very ssyak
audio lower ; No. 2 led , cash , 7ii4S7n : : < c ;
October 7 > P c : November , 74 > Jc ; Deccmbei ,
c ; tive.
Corn Weak ; i.'s@We lower ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash. D3Xc ; Octobet : > UKc ; Nosember , : ! .t ; < c ;
December , 34Xc ; May , ai c.
Outs It tegular : near futures higher , de-
ferted losvei ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 20c ;
November , 20Jfc ; December c May ,
Jive 4be bid.
Whisky S1.13.
Pork S0.25gai7K. ( :
Uutter Quiet but stronger ; cicamciy , 2i ! @
C6c ; dairy , laffltfJc.
Afternoon bo.ird Wkeat strong nnd c
higher. Corn Firm and Vi c better.
Oats Weuk and ( Kc losvei.
Toledo , Oct 5. Wheat Opened sscak ,
closed liimer ; casii 7 ( < J e.
Corn Dull : cash. ! ! Uc.
Oats Steady cash , 37c.
KansiiH City , Oct. 4. Wheat Stouly ;
No. 2 icd. cash. OiLc Xoyoiiiher , OJjf(30JJ ( < c.
Coin Stiong ; No , a led , cash. 2UV@
29J < o : Novcinbot , oOc bid ; December , Ul c
blflMav ; : ( fc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 2H > 4c.
Ijlverpool , Oct. fi. Wheat In poor de
mand ; nesv No. 3 svinter , dull nt Os 0fd } ;
ntisv No. 2 BjirhiL- , dull at r > s M.
Flom Poor domiiud ; dull nt bs 4d.
Coin In less duimind ; spot and October 4s
4d. dull ; Nosombor and Decembei 4s a > < d ;
NowOrloniia , Oct. 5. Corn Scarce and
Oats Steady.
rorrtiseal Strong and higher ; 81.15.
Hog Products Dull and diooplug.
1/uit RoUncd. tierce , Si5.00.
litilk Meats Shouldon , r..7. " ) ; long clear
and clear ribs , 8fl.75.
Oct. 5. The Dros'ei's Journal
leuoi ts us follow * :
Cattle Receipts. 0,000 ; steady and stiong :
shipping stoeis. K-)0f.t5 : ! ) ( " : ; .stoclei : ! > nnd
feedor.s , S'J.20C'.40 ! ) ; co"\vs , bulls unit mixed ,
Sl.OOM-i.40 ; bulk , .WjJ'i.vO ; tlHongh Texas
catticaicitiiyt rows , V''Oat'J.OO ; steers S2.00
' wcsleni laurels , steady ; natives ami
hnlt'lneeds , 8i.lO : ( < ii.yo : ; svlnteietl Texans ,
Si.00 : .i. 15.
JJoss Receipts , 14,000 ; steady ; rough nud
ml\ed , S.fi5 : ) i.Ki ; p.icklni : nnd nhipplng ,
Jj 1. 10 4.00 ; light weights ? : .G5@J.Go ; Klps ,
Sheep Keceipis. 0,000 ; active and steady ,
closing weak : native * . # 'J.2. * > ( iM.2ii ; wcstein ,
S.'i.itUfiiaCS : 'iexans , 5i.25WJ.25 ; lumbs. 5 > : i.50
Kunsns City , Oct. & . Cnttlo Receljits.
: < ,000 ; hhlnmunttj. 1,000 ; Mtoukerrt and
feeders and good butcher bluff nctiso ; otheis
quiet ; good to choice , S4.00i-4.'iO ( ; com
mon to medium , Sai'.iK&VJO ; htoekeisS2.2.X't '
2.7."i ; fccderH , 5 > 2.Hi.w ) : ) ; cosvs , Sl.&tHa-.OO ;
grass ntngo blcoru , S2.25Q3.2t > .
HO A Receipts , 4,000 : bhipmonta , none ;
opened 5@10o lower , closing with an nd-
dltlounl dcellno of no ; good to choice , 4.15
@ 4.25 ; common to medium , feH.l 0ig4.10 ( : ;
giassers nnd pigs , 52.75lt3w ( ) .
Ht. Ijouls. Oct. & . Cattle Receipts ,
3.000 ; shipments , 2,000 ; all grades sold lead-
Hoits Receipts. 4,000 : shipments , 1,000 ;
itiled easy thioughout thu day , but closed
bteady ; butcherft nnd choice lieavy , 81.25
4.4"i : mixed packing , S4.004.25 ; Vorkers ,
31.256J-I.305 pigs , 5 75@4.00.
Inesday Kveninp , Oct. 6.
O.VTTI.K The receipts were not heavy
todasThere sserea tow corn-fed cnttlo in
nnd they met svlth ready sale at tirm prices.
Wchtcrn range cattle nre coming In moderate
ly and feeders tire In fair demand , from S2/JO
to SrJl.10 for falrtogood. Raneocows nro.isell
reiioenti ) > d und irolng slosvly. Itecelptsof
natlso butchur stuff light and a llttlo stronger.
JIoos The receipts ttwlny ssere very light
but the demand was not heavy nnd the pens
were not cleared until Into In the afternoon.
The bulk of the Uogs fold lower to-day than
yesterday ,
SHI Bi1 Theie sveio tsvo Finall bunches
sold to-day.
Cattle. , . . , . , , , . .1,100
Hogs WO
Prevailing I'rlces.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
htook oil tills market.
Choice steers , ISM to IMO ibs , S4.2A@4.00
Choice steers , 11 OU to"M Ibs. 'A75M4.50
MtHllum steers , 1'iV ) to 1850 ibs. . . : i.00o4.i5
Fat little steers , 1050 to' 1160 Ibi. . . . a.8)M4.00
( iood feeders , 2.90(33.23 (
( ! oed to clioico corn-fed coss's 2.tKK ' 3.00
Fulrto medium glass cows , 2.00 > O.25
Oood to choice nulls .
LIcht nnd medium nogs .
Oood to choice heavy hogs . 3.HV 4.t5
( Iood to choice mixed hoxs . S.SWS.M
( } oo < l to clioico sheep . 3.00i > ! 3.23
Falrtoeood sheep . 2.7Vu3.00
Common sheep . l..1X(32. ) ( . > iO
lloprcscnlntivc Hnlos ,
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
18. . . . 1235 81.12 20 140 S4.CK )
COSV < ! .
No. Av. Pr.
43. . . . 1000 52. M.
runKii : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
CG. . . .HOJ S.'UO 14 55J.10
sin. Ki-
Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi.
2Ji ) . . . . 01 51,00 131. . 74 S-.V )
1100' .
No. Av. Shk. Pi. No. Av. Shk. Pi.
C"i . . .274 llfl S4.0. ) M . .2S"i " 240 4.10
415 . . . ' . ! Ci 2tO I.M 0'J. . . .2 'i N ) 4.10
S ? . . .210 40 4.IH .r)1. . . .2rtl 12J 4,10
51 . . .2&1 120 4.05 57. . . . 270 4.10
71. . . . 240 100 4.0 * . G1. . .2M ) 40 4.10
75. . &n. . . . : U4 tO 4.15
60. . . 210 -1.05 03 . .S03 fcO 4.20
1III1OSV l'T .
No. Av Shk. Pi. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
0. . . .140 S3.60 2.'J4'J bO § 3.50
Shnsvlnc the ntimbjr of entile , hoes nnd
sheep bhlpped from the y.ttds to-day :
CA 11 I.I- : .
No. Cais lit. Dost.
Jl X. W Chicago
Jl C. H. VQ Chlcnuo
SIIK.l.l' .
No. cars Kt * Dost.
' . ' .N. W Chlenijo
All sales of stoek In this market are made
Per owl. Use sveiu'lit olhmsvlM ! stated.
Dead hues sell at } e per lb for all weights.
"Skins'ot hojri welpliim ; loss Hum 10J His
no siilue. I'fijnaiit sows mo docked-10 Ibs
all d s tans SO I bd.
Monthly Kesicsv.
The follosvliiK shows the hluhcst nnd lowest
pi Ices pihl for mixed lends ol hoi : * , on tlie
Oinalm iiinikot , durin. ; the past tsvo months
aim ( Imiiiu the uionlli of September a sent
ace : " _ _
buy. Atnr. IIMI. , Scpt/l'MiT ll-S'l.
Slid II "i d-1.s- ,
; iut I. fi H IJ ( M.70 ii.Ol ) O. ) S ,
: \ -n iriT' ' : HV.
"itii . 4.4) ) 'i 4 IU Mlinhiv
1:10 : ( it i 'jO
7th i.n : Pir.o ! 4 4 ; < 3.i. TI not
sh SlIMllllV I 4 40 lit I.U'i : i7n
Mill 4.T'H . ) | 0 tlt.- ( |
loth ' | .4 i 4.l | |
lUh 4.K' ' : Tl I L5 4.4-1 fi l.o ;
4Ri ) ( : I 111 lMiliy
irtii 4511 ( t 115 4.5.1 CM. 81 Suitiliy
Hth 4.T' < ' ! .7 < ) ' I in ijfl : , : i i ; i
l.Mli Run IHJ- I 4.W M.'U BIJ ® 'J,7)
l.llh 4.m < n ; u I I IS
ITtli 4iV > d\-'t. \ .
iMh '
IDtli i''i : : 't 70
. 4.0 Sun.lay
Jl't , 4 IB CM W i | 4 40 i A fa ( ; T.5.-i )
iJ.'ail Suii.lav 14.10 ( 4 : .u : i.4-i
141 ( if 4 n" , . ' 104 4 I ! l.4'l Q..riO !
21 Hi I.Yi > l.7 % . 4T , i.o : i.4 < ) ( ( fi.4-i :
2.-th 4.40 < M.7i 4. ' . . I ! ) n.4 ( r/iro
-'litli 4 l ftilTU 1 u n luv : s4r.
2 , ill OJ iTMT ) I 4.11 ( TC.ii7 : SlinillV
Sstli 4.11) ) C'l.ilU
Sun l is' n 10 < at.n
fotli n.4j . - )
' ' ' Punrtny @j.-i
illst r.'i" ) ( ( fcl't'ij
Fesv hoes in.
Cord-fed eattlo In demand.
Jim Fin/ler , Colum'ou- , \SM-J a visitor at the
II. C. Miilhny , t'h'cago , was a visitor at the
Hammond St Co. iecei\ed eight loads ot
cattle to-day.
The WnrltoiiiietCtitllucompany hail t > e\en-
teen loadb ol cattle In to-d.i\ .
K. W. lilack , PJattamoiith , wns here to-day
and marketed t\so loads or cattle. Tsscnts
head nseia.'edH'K ) Ibs , and svcie as hue n
hunch ol cnttlo as tnso been seen iu the
jnnls in many a dis * . They sold tor Sl.ii'i. '
The cattle were led by J. C. ( iilmoie , who
was nlbo heie , and speak well lot Ills success
as n feeder.
Onthcmniket svlth hogs : Speltit Co. .
itralmud ; A. V , Nihart , Kisinir ; Ostenbmg
tfeFiuih , Wnhon ; HnwKs & Hiluy , Albion ;
F. Somali. North Uend ; HllssA : HIU ,
Scliuyler ; Kiticley Uios. . Wlsiiot ; Wlllhim
Dyer , Wayne ; John Wltrgiiis. Colnmbrs :
W. E. Smith & Co. . St. Paul ; M. Killiiei ,
Macedonia ; Ripi ; & L. Humphrey ; F. .1.
Hale , battle Cieelc ; C. D. Mooie , liouaril ;
Fisher it Wagner , Voi k.
General Protliicc.
Tuesday Evenlntr , Oct. 5.
arc jor round loti , nf
produce , tiHsuhl on tlic iiuirltel toilnjThe
qunUtlion8 on fruits toiitvioiit tha prices at
which outsftfr wilers urc illleil.
HUTTKK The receipts of btilternrce\cccd-
lugly poor and thciols notono p.icKagoIn
tssenty tluit can be cindcil as mod or choice.
Commission houses me ovcirun sslth poor
buttei , and linso linitl woik to sell it nt any
price , svhilu thcio Is 1111 incieaslng demand
lor choice buttei. Shlppei.s can in ptovo the
qunllty ot their butter by handling it with
mot o care. Pain * should be tiiKen to have
only one made in a package , as pool buttei
packed svlth oed necessitates the whole bu-
inirsoldns pom butter. It Is too eailyto
bmln .shipping butler In boses. The maiKet
lemahis about the same ns lust svceK. Choice
inittoi coiiiinaiids 10@i-c , and Inncv IsrS''Oc ,
but there is veiy little of that grade hi the
nuikct. Fair to good is selling at la tgiric ,
nud poor at 4(5Cc. ( Choice cienmcry butler
is .selling nt 22c to Me.
KOIIS Tlioieceiptsof e/gsoio nothcayv.
but as the maikct has adsanced tno demand
1ms fallen oil to the .same extent , bo that the
supply is about to ilie demand. At the
Diciciittlmo the mailtotls lirm at I7c foi
btilctly liesh eggs , and dealeis gcnoially do
not anticipate any low'r pilcex The moic
llbcinl : ccelits nt the close ot hist svcek nnd
the Hist of the | u . , cjit scck compelled doil-
crs In some cases tn c'oar , , y their inocirns
lo\v as lOe ,
GAMI : Hood sound pialiioclfckens hold
about their ov.ii , sshile ilueKs ntu
extremely dull ami h > w. Prospects
tavor a very bilsk tiatlu in pialilo
chickens nt lihzhcr ligntcs as soon ns
cold sscnthei'sets Iu. Prairie chickens , S'-.VJ
biuiillc * , per lb. , llQUc ; deer , catcasses , jiei
Ib , , 7C'll u ; antelope , saddles , ll@12e ; ante.
lone , catc.isses , 7@.1e ; elk , saddles , 10@llc ;
elk , enir.isstiS , ( Kf&'e ; Jack ntbblts , per do/ . ,
St..W@4.00 : ; Hiunll , pel do/ . , 81.00val.25.
Pori/iitv The doimind for poiiltiv has
been veis light lor the | > ast foss dasri. Iluck-
btershasobiou glutting the mmkc.1 . with both
old fowls and spiing chickens , and l > > put-
tlnz juices dossn hus'u cut elf ngood deal of
tntdu tiinn the coiiiinisslou housus. I'nces
nro not us linn as last week. Old fowls ,
choice , per doz , fA256f2.50 ; spring chick-
cnh. largo , S8.iO ; ; siiilng chlcKens , fancy ,
$2.25 ; Apt lug chickens , medium. $2.'J5 ; MII Ing
chickens , small , not wanted ; diicUs , W.2.V.4
2.50 ; turkeyc , not wanted.
POTATOES The fivason Is approaching lor
the laying in of ss Inter stocks and the mar-
Lctlsinm. Localgaidencrsniu lenipoiailly
biippl > lng u p.ut ot the retail trndesvhleh les
sons the demand upon commission dealeiH ,
The local supply , however , Is light and deal
ers svill bo loiced to look to the ottlsldu for
their svinter stocks. A fosv Coloindu and
Utah potatoes hnse niilved and sold ntbtKif
85e Choice shlpjilug stook , per bii , ViNWa.
CAIIIIAOK ( ! ooj solid lieailsaie ulllii ! ; nt
& ' 5@7.le per dozen.
bwiiT : I'oi'A'ions Thete Is a very liberal
supply of choice htock on the iimrket. ' Choice
bhlpjilng stock , jier lb , 2c.
OMONS The demand is not heavy but
choice stock M > lls fnlily well. Clioico MOCK ,
per bush , Sl.OO.
HoMu-oitowN CiiAi'KS The supply Is
grosvlng less as the season advances and
prices ore accordingly iirmcr , Shipping Htock ,
JKT lh. ftcj 10-lb baskets , 40c.
cliuiN Corn. 24c ; new oata , "SJc ; lye , 40c ;
wheat. No. 2 , OOc.
OvbTiiitb As the season adsnnccs the de
mand und the number of outsldo rndeis In
creases. Only the scry choicest stock U
being handled by the ojhter houses this sea
son , and they arc better prepaid ! than oser
to till outside orders. Prices are 5c losvcr all
tlio way around than last woek. and lesser
than any other city. Medium ) . , 25c ; ttand-
ard , 80o ; selects. 35e : Nesv York counts , 40c.
Cui.nitv The maiket In utll supjilled and
the demund good , SlUpjiIng block , per doi. ,
APJM.KS The demand foi cholco aiiplcs
continues good and tin * , suppl ) Is sery light.
The market has been Hooded svlth poor block
ssh'oh had to bo sold nt very low prices and
which tended to keep dow 11 prlceh for good
stock. Slocks ha\o been mostly cleared up
nnd the market is about bare. Chnico * jhlp-
plng block nnil fancy stand or eating apples
arc in good demand. Common stuck , 82.00 ®
2.25 ; clmlco shipping stock , 5ilOi2.7o ( ; fancy
stand , fa j.V-niH -
Mir inn v.v Pr.M iiffl The receipts the past
week Imo been sers ; . light. H.i kct , accord
ing to size , 7Vj ( * 1.00 ; crate ? , 4 baskets 58.00
( i74.50 ;
LKMONriiolce,5CO size , per box S8.M ;
Me slnn.
On sviirs The only changes on the mar
ket mo Jamaica , which aie lower than hist
w eek , Jnmnlcn , per box , sr.,00 : per bbl. , fll .
riuNiiiintiis- : : The market Is falilj well
supplied with serv choice stock. Capo cod ,
fancy , per bhl. . 8ViO ; Jci ey , choice , ? r.M ) ;
Wisconsin , ? 7.r-o.
lHv\\\s Jtiuinnns nr'o selling nt nbont
the sniup ns Inst week. Ilaunnns. selloss- , per
bunch , Sl.f > Odi2K ! ) ; Hiumlltis , selloss , Inuo
bunch. SiftOtu'J.BO.
CAi.iroitNi.s Fin ITS Two cars of Cali
fornia f i nits ssere iccelscd this \scek. On ac-
tonnt of tlie cooler weather thoj arils etl In
seiy good older ami met svlth uulek sales.
Peaches , Si. % : urauc'.TokajsSiOO ; craiies ,
Mnek. S . ' .00 : pears , s icitr. a.UO ; plums Sl.5
f i.OO ; illluces. | S2 VWM.75.
MPI ON A few niestlll coming In. but the
demand Is lluht nnd tlie.s ate flosv sale.
M vi'i i bt iiAU.-Stilctly pine. dO-lb boxes ,
l.'cpcr pounil ; stilell.s pine , 10-lh tin paIN ,
14c per pound : choice 5.1 bricks , 25 lb boxes ,
I2e per pound ; cholco jiunny cakes , 2.V11)
boxes , li'.e per pound. \--Nebr.iska , choice , whlto clo cr ,
l.'KjJlGo. ; Nebinska , dark , l'Jctl4c. ; California ,
evtiii white IV. ; choice. PJCiiPJ'jC.
\Ns-The market Is minus ) cleaned tin.
Nice clean beans Iu fnll leanest , II. P.
Nnsj , 51 TOOC1.75 : II. P. Medium. S1..VM )
l.a'ijeliolec clean country , S1.2.-ir l.rx ) ; oed
clean eouulis , WOfSl. 00 : infer. or , ( > > , & 75e.
I'liovisioNs llnm , sugar-em ed , iie : ;
boneless , .7) ) lh bo\e < . 11' ' . , c ; picnic ham. lOJ c ;
bu-akfast lueon. suirni cuied , slumldeis ; ,
smrar-eured , sc ; clui-.r side bacon , Uiali o ; ill v
salted sides , s' ' o ; dried beet ( hams ) . I.V ;
diitd beef iit'giilari , 12clniil,4iMheins , Fnii-
bink's , si4 ( . ; 10 , 5 and 1Mb pills ,'s ,
8' ' ! ) e.
ri.orn AND MII.I.SH rrs W Inlei wheat
Hour , best ipinhts patent , 32.75 : second iitial-
Itv. fr2.IO ; bist ipiality sptlng wheat
Hour , intent. ! j2.(0 ( hran.50cpercwtchopied ; |
foul , iOc per evst : white corn nmal , fcl.OO ;
.selloss coin menlW \ percwt : scieoiiing , iJOo
pel esvt ; homttiv , S.'O ' pot csst ; shoits , 5c
pel ewt ; trinham , i J.iiU ; hay , in bales , S5.50i $
0.00 per ton.
PirKi.r.s-Meiliu u , m bols , tiXSO ; do In
half bbis , . ? " . , 5 , small , In bbls , S7. " > 0 ; do in
hallbblH , Sl.'j ; Khcrlcins , In bbls , ? " 3..0 ; do
In halt bnls. P.r. ) . .
& \HLM' .No. 10 , l-gnllon kens , 81.20 ; Now
Oilcans , itxoMOi ; pel gallon ; Mnplo Syrup ,
barrel , strictly pine , 7to pel gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. * } .a5 per doJtf ; gallon can ? 5.25 per.s
ilnHi.iiluin ( . t.J.u ) .
bnoAKS I'owdered , 7'e.u7fe ' ; cut loaf
' .n e ; granulated. Oj u-J 'c ; conleclloneiV
A.II .c ; standard extia C. r.W > 'je ' ; c\tiaC , 5
c ; medium ji'llosv. ftUht'i-'iSc. '
iCiirr 4 . % ; ( incii , 10'jci ' ; \ Inch ,
STAIICII .Mnror ( iloss , lib , 5'fc : .Miiror
Kloss , .1 lh , .V , o ; Miiroi closs , o lb , iXe ! ;
( liases11oiu , t Ib , lie ; Khijrstoid's eoin , 1
lb , 7c ; Kinu'sloid's gloKS , 1 Ib , 7e ; Kings-
oid's { 'lo s. n lb , 7'ic ' ; Klnsr < ird' ) pure , 811) .
"j'c ; KinirslonUhbuIk. 4e.
UANNKD ( iooiii Oysters , standaid. per
cas , si.'iU : : ; hliawbciiles. a lb , per case. SAID ;
iastbeiiie.s'Jib per case , ) ; Callloini.'i
lier case , " ? 4riO ; npricots ) ier
' "
: ! .75 ;
.Mb . .
. , , .v-
case. * { J..VJpme.ipplef ; ) , " it ) , per c.iw. ? : t.'JO
Gt > V 0 ; l lb macKetel. p-f doS1.30 ; 1 lb sal
mon jier div. 5l.f > Vii.oO ( ; 'J lb Kooseberies ,
per case , Sl.T.'i : 3 lb Miing beans , per case ,
tl.lOs'Jlb limibeens , pel cnsi' . Sl.iiOi'Jlb
inniiosvlatpe.i3.fpoi ease. S'J-JO3 ; Ib oaily
June peas , per case. SJ.7 > ; S lb tonntoes.
per case , t-''CiJ ! i : Jlbrorn. pel case , jji.yo
( i2.10'J Ib cot n bnef 4-ei do51.7U ie2.00.
CoFrins OiJinarj u'ratics.l.QZllKe ; fail ,
1 ( ii > lSvc ; pih'ie ; 1 ' 'ttiliicchoice. : ISiiWe ;
lanes-Kreen nud yellow. 13J t < 8Uc ; old uos1-
1'innu'iit , Invn,2n < K ii > ; inteitor Java. IfiJJ 1
20c ; Mocha. iiAiWIc ; Aibucklo's ronsteu ,
lU'iC , MeKautihlin's-XXXX loasted , lOi n ;
3)ll\soith's. ICc : I Jed Uioss. If. c.
TOIIACCO I'hlUt , iilininx , 42 ; horseshoe ,
: i7u ; star. : ' ! ie ; spear head. Hilc ; piper holdsiek ,
fiOc : irold shield , :54c : ; 'nieiry svar , 'Jje ; J. T.
TOIIACC o-Smoklnp , Diitham , Is 51c ; } s.
We : I4s , o7o : ] < s , COc : mcerschum , 8e ( ) ; old
stj le , 'J-'e ; V. X. O. , ire ; .spliit cured , -inc.
* 1'er iMddio , JSc ; square cases ,
81.70 ; imtlii fiiiunrt ! . 51.20.
CANOY MixedflHKc ( ; Rtlcic , 8W@OKc.
OitACKiiits Oanu'iiu's hoda , butler and
picnic , r , c ; ciuaius , bsc ; U'lnger snaps , f > Kc ;
CltVBOll.l. 7'jC. '
boxi's Kirk's bnvnn imperial. 62.70 ;
Kiik'b satinet. S.00 : ! ; Klik's&Umlanl , 8.1.05 :
Klik'swbito ltti slan , "j-l.OD ; Kiik's White
Cat ) . sn..W : Dome. ; . So.10.
AV liilu Cloud , S.T5. : !
Gcnorjil Slni-kcts.
WOOL McUltiin. IK't'-Oi perlb : litiu licavv ,
l-iraiiie ; lljrht , H5C < 4lfcc ; coarse , JC' ! lfic ; buiry
wool , s@"ieott.
Iliiis ) ( Jiepn butcliei" . OKc ; green
ciueil , W'flMie ; diy Hint , ll@lc ! ; : tlry h.ilt.
Urt'ilOc' i-rc'ii c.ilf . ' Kini'fri'JVrfo ' ; daiiiajiea
liltles tllilnls ( piice. I'mlcw 8'fc ( Jrcavc.
prime white , ! < . ' : yellow , 'A ; ; liiown. l > ' c.
Sheep 1'clts.r / T.K' .
UI 1'ilmo Hl.uixliter solo leittlu-r.
Kiunclirtilf , &l. * Xil.bO ; Morocco boot leg ,
Moioccooll pebble , S&.jJ'Uc. toppings
HEAVY jiAituwAiin iron , rate , c2.2 , > ;
low stc-'A spcclil cast , 4c ; citicib leitccl , Co ;
chain , pur Ib , 0@Wc : nulieable. ( icbc : iron
s , Go : crowiiirs , Oe ; harrow teeth , -Ic :
. ! , Tg.1 * ' " IJnrden's ImiM'siiues ,
EJ.SO ; inn den's mule S.'IOB- , . ? " " ' . Haioup
wire , in car lots , 54.00 ? jicr 103 ft * , . , . . : 1
Nails , lati-s , 10 to 50 , Si.50tool ; nails , S'J.n.5 ;
Shot SIX ) ; buckihot. Sl.bS : oriental
powder , krus , SJ.r-0 : do. IialC Ut-cs , W.OO ;
do. niiatti-r Ucics , Sl.fiO ; blasting , ke H , S'i.SJ
fuse , pel 10 feet. Ola. . ! < > .
DiiU'isANii OvuMit'Ai.s Acid , caibollo
2c : ncld. tartnilc , fticb.ils'ini ; comtilia , pur
Us 4 'o : bark , wassafras , per Ib. lOc : calomel ,
perlb7A ; : cliiiiciioiilina. pero40c ; chloro-
fin in , per Ib , AUc ; JJo\er' jK\Ml''i , per Ih ,
l.'JS ; epsoiu fcnlls. jier U ) , Xo ; glycerine ,
pure , per ll > . 18c : lend , ncctnte , per lb. iiic ;
oil , castoi. No. 1 , periMl. , Sl.BO ; oil , citstor ,
No. - ' , per itnl. , fcl.-IO ; oil , olhe.pi'r K.u. , 1,40 ;
oil oiiu-nniiiini , tOc : opium , i-0 : ! ; ( iiilnine ,
1' . it W. and If. iVS. : , per 01 , ? 0o ; iotassitnn )
Iodide , per Hi , S'.V5 ; Fnlloin , pero40o ; mil-
phute niorpnlne , pci o/ . Ssulphur : ! ; , per
Ifa. 4o : Ptiyclniiiic. pi'ro81.1ft. .
I'Ai.Ms i.v uiirNluceati. . Oinnlia , 1 * . 1'
He ; white lead , St. I.c-tls , pure. 87,70 ; Mar-
elllea jjieon , I to 5 lo cans. 'Jc ; Jfiench i\nc \ ,
irn-c'ii seal , 12c ; t'runch zinc rwl seal , lie ;
French Fine , in varnlsli a-st , 'JOc ; Kreneli
zinc , 76c ; vcrmllllon , American , 18o ! Indian
red , 10c : rose pint , He ; Venetian icd , OooK-
Venetian red. American ,
led lead , TJic ; ctiromo yellow , KiiiiulnuMo ;
VAii.Mbiiis : iiftiri'K perpallon ; Ktirnl-
Hire , extra , 81,10 : fmnittire , No , 1 , SI.00 ;
coach wctia , 81.40J ; roach , No. 1 , Sl.'M : Da-
mar , evtrn , SI.7.1 ; jupui , 70c ; nsphaUuin.
nxtra , CSu ; bheltac , & 3.50 ; iiaid oil linlsn ,
Slt&O. I J
] ) itYl'AiN' a White lead. BO ; Kronen irliie ,
I''e ; I'arls whltlujr. 'JKo ; whltlnir , Klldera' ,
2/c ; wliltlnc , com'l , IMC , lampblack , Ger-
ninnstowii. ll'c : lampblucK , ordinary , he ;
I'russlan blueaw ; ultramarine , lbcvandyke. ;
brown , 80 ; umber , burnt , -Ic ; umber , raw , 4c ;
ttleuna , binnt , tu ; su'iina. raw , 4c ; 1'ans
Kieen. Kentilne. 'J5c ; ram croon , common.
- cliiomit \ frccn. N , Y. . "Oc ; chromo green ,
K , I'Jc ; vermllhon , Knclisb , in oil 70c ; raw
ami bin in umber. 1 In cans , r c ; taw and
taunt bit-Una , lisaudjke ; , blown , I3c ; ro-
lini'dlampblack , I'Jc ; coach black und nory
black , lOu ; drop black ice ; 1'ru.silan blue ,
40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; cliromo green , ij. ,
JJ. & O. , lOo ; blind and fiiuitter ereen , L. . M.
fc 1) , , 10n ; 1'aris tieen. IHc ; Indian red , Idc ;
enetlan re < l , Oe : Tuscan. 22o ; Ameiican
\ermilllon , L. &D. , S0 < jj yellow oclire , Oc ; L.
M. & O. D. , 18c ; good oclire , IGc ; patent
dryer , 8c ; giamlng color , JlKbtoak , tinrkoak ,
wianut. chestnut nnd ash. Ka
bpiiirrs ColOKno aplrlUs , 168 proof , 81.10 :
do 101 proof , S1.1T ; bplrita , bocond ouallty ,
101 proof , Sl.lO : do Ibd proof , 81.1 % Alco
hol. 16S pi oof , S2.1U per \\ino tallon. itcdis-
tilled whiskies , J1.00MI..V ) . Gin. blunded ,
! 1.50@2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.00&t .00 ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 8-.00@fl.ttj )
dolden Sheaf bourbon and rye will klas ,
Sl.MKii oa HramHos , lmporte < l , * 1i.OOH.50 :
domehtlc. Sl.SOMJ.OO. Gins , , 84 W
(5 , < i.OO ; domebtic , 1.S5T < { 3.00. Champacn&s ,
Imported , per case. $ Ja.OO@U3.X ( ) : American ,
per case , tlO.XK.ailO.OO. (
Dry Immtjor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1 , 9. 12,14 and 10 ft 517.50
No.3 " 15,14 and 10 ft 14.75
No.3 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.50
No.4 " " 13 , Hand 10t 12,00
'is ' ni4 [ ft'ic ' ftis | rtjjo n'a ' rt'n ' ft
2x I . . . 10 SO UUO 1(1.50 ( I7.W IS.OO 31.00 21.00
2xfl 10.50 1(1 ( 50 10 M 17.0J KOJ i.W ! 22.00
2X8 Id.V ) lfl.MIC.VI 17.00 IWiO 21.01) 2I.HO
2x10 . . . 10 JO IO.iV in.5) 17.00 18.01)22.0022,00 )
2x12 ilfl.1 1 < LW M.W 17 ( M I s.PO ,22.00 , 22.00
M _ -SxS _ _ . ! IO.fiillf.yi | iO.Mll7.00ll8.002tlPO-000 | _
No. 1 , 4 A 0 Inch. 12 and 14 ft. , much. . .S17.0J
No. 2 , 4 A OInch , la and 14 ft. , touch. . . 14.00
A 12,14 Ainft. , 21000 o sn.oo
H 1'J. HMfttt. , " . ' ,000 1) ) 11.00
1st com. , ? i in 'White 1'ine'1'artltion. . .5M.OO
' . ' ( I . . .1 . . . . > ; . - , ( )
d Com. 'V in. Noiwav I'lno Collliiif. . . . 1-U'O
A fi Inch , w hlto pine , Srt C $ ? .i.OO
C OInch , " " .I D 21.50
A 12 Inch. s. t B. IHO * jV.00 : ,
Hl'iinch " * M'J1) tfAftU
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , H. 1 s. . 10. ISA ' . ' ( ) ft. . . 21.00
No 2 , " ' ' . . . is.f.0
No. 2 , " ' * " 12 \ 14 ft 17.00
" in ft HUM
1 I.VISHlNd.
1st nntl 2d , elear. l' ( ineh , s. 2s S6 < * .0\ >
Hd , cleir , 1 Inch. s.y s 4R.Ot )
: id. clear , 1'f , l' ' , , 2 In 47.50
U select , 1 Inch , " s. 2 s W.OO
H Delect. H , , l' ' , 'J In MJ.OJ
No. 1. plaln.Saiid 10 inch S17..VJ
Nu. 2 , plain.8 and 10 Inch 15.-0 ?
SIIINlll.r.s , 1.A.TII.
XX clear. S3 SO ; A Maudnftil , S2.W ) ; No. l ,
81.WLnth.saS5. : ;
POSTS White Cedar. 0 In. , H'.s , 12c ; 8 in.
LIMP. . I'hr.-Qulncy white liuiu ( best ) Wo ) :
Cement ( Akion ) Sl.iv1 > . llnlr , ittc. .Michl-
ian : phistei , t2.75. Sish , Me. Dllnds Me.
Doori , Me. .Moulding * , 50
" ' ' llhlsl'Is'KlS
"IIUVH'I ll'IsOl
Mo , iimi .
MOV usii.
| M , OJ uo 50 40 | U 10
Hun's h't.Nn 1 l.'li'7 ' 00 1 10 .1 I 'i2 IK 1 10' ' , ri
I.u | ; ( UliM I'ltlli'S * i IK'I ) 002 7. . 1 n.1 1 ! U 50 41
l.'lf HM'l \ 0 I' CJ B W 'i 01 2 71 1 61 1 : W 6fl 46
I.AKK t i * .
, lir lllilsi r Illils T'li Kts
nail .
No , 1 Whttu Kish. . 7 IHI ( i ! 8)n ) bO.1 10 1 01
Kuinlls SVIilto 1'ish. . . liM 1 In-iOM M If !
No. I Tiout i 1 , ' . ! 4 p > 2 tV. 1 01 71
IMI'OUll.n Hill.
; h' ' y'r llhls 1MIU 1 or 1CIIB
W , M 40 : .J 10
Norwi'j'liin ' i i
KKKlIui'ntfs.ll . ) COO SJJS03 10 1 01 90
rlnjrR , now.
Hnriicil to tlio Crntiiiit.
Yoaterdny afternoon , between 8 und 4
o'clock , the cottage beloii iiifj te Mibs
AnnieDsvoittk onTsventieth .stieut , near
the shot tower , caught lire , und invinjr to
the ftu't tlm ] no svuter eoiikl bu proemcd
in tlm vicinity , svis : burlit'd to the RI omul.
The loss svas about live hundred tlolhtr.s ,
svhlcli covered by nisuiaiiee.
AViillcctl Awny AVItli tl > c Jiiitiiny.
Homo cnterprisini ; thief svitlked tisv.iy
svith tin1 dummy in fiont of iho "Vtinkei )
Oiphan" elothhi'jr store last night , on
svhich wis : nn and coat : int ! ve t.
Tlio police ssere to-ilay looUinj ; tor the
tlnet and the stolen at tides.
Gnril ol' Tlianlts.
Isvishto retnui my hinceiv thanks to
my friends niul nei iibors of North
Omaha , niul many otheis , svho contribut
ed and roniliiied such timely aid to my
late husband. Kdsvard Chistv. and also
to myself. U heir Kindness will never be.
forgotten. Mits ED Cnisrv.
Juillclnl Alnrrla c.
Justice Borka ycstordny morning innrr-
Weii7ol Hoil'inan ami AntoninRnlln/nvc /
tliBin a hiixhly colored eertilicatc in green
and gold , and sent them oil1 happy to
begin Hie in earnest.
Police Court.
.Judge Stenberg disposed of a Urge
number of drunks and disorderlies in po
lice court yesterday morning. No eases
of any consequence came up for trial.
( Joint : West
General Crook left for Wyoming last
night on n tour of inspection , tvnich is to
bo'follosved by a short hunting trip.
iTnlforil Suuco. Try It on sour beans.
J1O Xtn-Hi Jdfli M
Paid in Capita' , . . . - $100,000
OUO r . nAllKKII , 1'rcsldent.
HOHT. L CJAItMCIlS , Vlco-l'iosldcnt.
ItoiiT. L. 0 \ HI.ICII.WM. . SBIVI its ,
K. Il.Joiivnos' .
A ( fencriil Imnkliu liusno ! s tinnsncteil.
Intureet alo\tii'l ! on t mi ilo , < os'.t .
J ) . L. NIIAXE , St
firlists' Material.
A. JiofirE , , ru. ,
Artists' Materials , 1'iunos anil Organs ,
1511 I'nitpliia Strei't ,
Agricultural Imrfcnients.
\Vliolr.alu Doulir In
Asfrk'iiltiiral IiiipleniciilH ,
CarrlnvL'i and lliiL-Blrii. Jonm slruel , lictwc'en Vt'j
rn.ntHli.Diiiulin. Kcli.
Agricultural Iiniilt'iiipiits ,
Wan'nn , rarrla r < , llci/iilea , Ktu. , Wliolpiale , Omibn.
Wliolotale Dcaliira Iu
iilhinil Jiiiploiiii'iitH ,
( VdEoniund lliit-Klej. Wl , ! > fl , .H"i nnil'.O" , Jonei t
Butter and Eggs.
Jiiiycrs of Uiittor anil Kg
ntor und I'aeklnff HuaBU , lull iind
worth St , II , 1' . II. It.'liaik.limatui
Butchers' Tools.
' JfELLMt ,
' liutchers * Tools anil Supplies ,
Sausage Cailng ] of all klndi nlwax'ln itock , 1215
Join's st .Oinuhu.
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
MecliRiilo'TooUaud HiirTalo Kculo. UUJ Uauglnjit , ,
Unmlitt , Neb.
LEE , FRIED < 0 CO , ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tinware , Plieo * Iron , Kc. : Arcnli for IIowu Bc.ilos ,
mid llluinl Powderl o .Omulin.NeU.
Wliolcsalo Hardware.
Wettem nent > fur Jetrcrton Plcel Nnl > .
1'owdi.rCo , Cnlitanka blundird 8role . Curcvr
10th undllarnvUmaliu. .
Soofs and Shoes.
XUmfncturcrj mt Whole win Dealers In
Hoots nnil Shoes ,
Complete dork of llufcl'pr < ) oo < l nhrny. on haml
MD P mini .CinnlKi. Ncli A 1 All-tin. Agf HI.
; r , r. MOUSE co.
of Pools nnil Shoes.
141t Farnmnit , ( .iinnlm , N > h Mniuifaolori. Si
ultecl , ItoMini
Apt. for AiiheiiMM'-Husli Hrewinsr Ass'n
lr.imt Vt.ii ttliul elfpr nml KrlnnRpr.
sroitr . ( ILIM ,
Liirror ISt'ov Hrowr * ,
1VI Ni.rtti K'h sirrrl. ( 'until. N'PK
Coffee , Spiers , Etc.
Omnlui ( Woo ami Splro MJIK
T , < ! ( itTrflplrpi ! ll-ikinj 1'ondcT Uxo-nultr-
trnclr , l.iuiuOir nine. Ink. in : IIU H Itnniey
SitfOt Oinilii , Ncu
Hoiun rnliconiiil Spicu Mills M'f'p Co.
OiiroertoiMi'rsnml Spli trlmt ! ; > r * , Mnn'ifncninrt
nfllxUili ! I'nnder , riivorutg Kutrm'tv Illtil'i ) : . Kir
1r > nnoiiVMit oir 1 1 * piu-UiiuclUiiinilllcnd lltmtcu
Coffer liuillo nrtlit.l > mnhn M >
Cornice ,
.John Kpoiit'tpr , I'l-on.
MnniiCiictiner of Rnl\anlt < < > 1 Iron mil Cornice. SM
Id tiki unit 101 unit -S.N' I , lO'.li M. . Oincln.Nol ) .
JtifEM riXU , t ItOLTE ,
M.imtfnftniTis of
Oriinmontal ( tulvaiii/.ed rornlrcs ,
Dotmci Wlndo , Hnul , MclKllrSkjlltlitftc. : 310S.
it i rl , Omnhn.
ity COKXICE ironies ,
C. Spcuht , i'rot. |
tiiilvnnlziM Iron CornlrpN , ( tc. Spt'it'nlmiirovci ! 1'nt-
rnt MclulluMorllulit MU nnil Mil H l.'lli ft Onni'm. '
Jiibbci * of
Cm-pots , Curtains Oil Cloths , Iuis ? ,
1 li olnnnii , Miittlnc * Kin 1511 Houdni Mri'i't.
, ' ' . A. OHCirAltl ) ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
, CurlHln liiMnK ite : US3 1'inuam Mrcrt ,
Crockery and Motions.
jr7r - ltr ( , ] nr
> eenlfor tlipMiiniifnrluivnniul Importer * of
Crockery. ( Mnsswuri1 ,
Lump' . Cliliiinc } f , ctp. OH'ic , 51J South 13tli st.
( 'iiinliu , Net ) .
Commission and Storage.
j > . A. JfUJlLEY ,
Coiinnissioii null .lobbim ? .
Butter , Key' ntnl I'roiliioc. CimnUniucnia Bollcllctl
Ucailqunrlpm for MimewmL- . limy norm unit
Jr. 1110 llmkc n. H1I IioiUtJilii'U , Uninhii.
Commission Merchants.
Fruits 1'roiliico nnil 1'rovl'lons , Ouialrn , Noli.
tr. / : . it 11 > DELL ,
Storage anil Commission Merclmnt.
bpc < liiltU" ( llu tcr , Kk"2 < . Cliocso. Poultry. Cunio ,
1 BICM , KtC. , IHO USSOlltll 14111 Ktll'Cl.
Produce Commission Men-hunts ,
Poultry , luttcr ! , Cnine , trull * , etc. ISO B. Itthet.
Onifilm. Nrti ,
General Commission Jlorchants ,
And.lobbPisof Foreliin nnd Domcmla Fruits. Corre-
upondonc c. pollrltoil. WarolmuFO nnd ullliiHUN. .
'J hlrtuiMilli' I , Om iliu .Noli. 'rclcplinnoTT.'i.
mportcra and wliolejale dealers In
Italian Produce ,
Korclcn , nomoitlcand Callfninla Krulti and Comrals.
( Ion Merchant' 101 C. lltli 't. Only eicluslvo
frulllioiiso lnOn'iUKi.
Coat antfJLIme.
Dcalcri In
Uard and Koft Coal ,
Office and yard , Inth nnd BIB. , Omaha , Neb.
urd 'rclepbonc , WJ7.
UEO. i . i , A n Milt , I'res ( ' . F. QOOIIMAN , V. Prea.
J.A KU.NIIHILAXT ) , b3C. and Treat.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
2HSii'ith Thirteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
ir.innfai'turorsol' Illinois White Lime.
And bhlpiicrn of Coil imd Cokp. Ccmoit , 1'laiter ,
JJme , ) I ilr. I Iry lltli-b , Driln. Tllo and Sewer ripo.
Odleo , 11x1011 Ilut'l. Karnam pt. , t inilm , Nob.
TclepbaiioMI. _
Confectioner/ .
> „ " j' . VA y & CO. ,
jrnnnfaetiiring1 Confectioners ,
Jobbeisuf riultn.NutPiindClr'nio. 1211 fit. .
Live Stock Commission.
M. liritKE , ( ' SONS ,
Live Stock Commission.
( ! to. li.nkc , Jlanniter.
Unlouhtook VnrJs.H. Omiilia. Telephone t
Live Stock Commission 3Ierchants ,
6hlpicnti of any and all klndti of ftloclc eollolted.
I'nlonMorl , Vnrilr.Oinahn , NP ! > .
Cigars and Tobacco.
: 'JAX jnsYj-m < c ro. ,
Jobber * of Cigars , Tobacco ,
( line mid Ammunition , 2j | lo M. . . Hlh St. , XUO to
I i'l ljtn tm si , Oiiitilui. NV15
WEW .0 FltlTSCUElt ,
Jlaniilafturpvs of Kino Cigars ,
And Wbult''il D'-.ilor.i In l.caf 1'obnrruH , Nun. 103
nnd IIU . ' ' . lllb hln-c.1 , O .mini. .
Dry Goods.
M. KHMlTir < Vt CO , ,
Dry Goods , riirnislilii tjooils & Notions
11'Qitiiilllfliliiiiii.lM I..P iiiiijit .tminlm Nib ,
JJletlllcro nf < i rK , Alcidinl nnd rplrltn. Inipurtcrii
nnd Jollier"if Wlncmuul l-l'iioi' | .
' ' ' ' '
CO. anil JLElt ( ) CO. ,
Importers nnd JoMiemof KlnnVlnonand I.lqnora.
hulo mnniifnolnivre of K < linedy'n Hurl Indlii lilt.
tors mid IHMIUI lol.lqnnin. III ! 11 a rnnj M.
Drugs , Paints , Etc ,
jr. T. CL A it it is nitvc co. ,
, I'aint.Oll & ( ilnss MOIIRO
Wontof ( 'IIIC.IKO , riiniiilt'tti Line of llriifulBtB Bun-
drlu < . llll llnrno ; it. , ,
.v > 7 ua cot
WIioIoHuln DiUffglstH.
A i. 'I liualcnln 1'alnK , Olliand Wlmliiir Olnii.Omnlm ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. II , SAI Kii.I'rm. I.W
It. J. CAliboX , \ I'rek.nndHiipt ,
DliAlXTlLE CO. ,
O&lco :13 H. Hill ft. Omslin. Ncli. Muchlnorr and
buppllet rurU uuraoiiirli > K Cuiucot linilii Tilu ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
anil Conlniotorti ,
Hdpei , Vlkdnrti. Hoof Trni ei.hlnum IMu 11'lYlny ,
l'iluiOk HiiJ I'lno Hi Id m Lunit. .r , l&llt n. . near
Kirnnin , Oinnliu.Miti.
furniture ,
" " " "
"jTEWEY a > M'OXK ,
WhoJeBiiIo Dealers la Kiirnllura.
Vnrnuui iu , Om.tlm , N t > .
C1IA It LEU Sim'Eltlt'K ,
FiiniUure , lieiltling1 , Upholntc-ry ,
Mlrrurt.ctc. ; : SOIW3 nrt 1210 Kurtum t. O.i l.l u.
Groceries ,
GALL KJllKlt .r CO. ,
Wholesale ( Jroccvics anil Provisions ,
Nos TO'iO",70C ( AlulTIl S 10th St. , OinaliN , NttJ
> , K/Ln7r7o C'O. ,
Wholesale Ifrocei'H ,
111 ntnl 1 i > aTCnirr > Mli u lOnmhn.
II envy lliirdwiife , Iron nntl Slrel ,
Sprint : * , WURI'II Mnrk Itmrxtnitp l.nnilicruto. 130 *
unit 1 II lUriu-r t Umiili.i.
tin'xEY tp c ninox ,
WIloll'Mllo ItOII tlltll StOOl ,
Wicon am ) Cart IMP V'oi l Mi.iV , llpntr
jfTL'ro.v itol'iti i
Slovns lltiiigco , riiviineoH , Tiles ,
Xlnntlc * , ( Itnlpf , llm * < < lXKt ( > 1 M nrU 1.2:1 : KamitM
Iron Works.
jr-j ; 0jv ( ( V jc//K Yc7 "
Iron Works ,
WtxHiclit unit Cunt Iron Hull Uni : SVork , Iron Ptnlr *
llntllng. llrnnin nml lllnlori sicnm KiiElnoi * nrai
Work , ( Hm'ittl Kuiunlr ) Mm Info nnil IU rl niHli
Wet 1. OltlrcHMilSotki t I * UT.otul Kill uliool.
Jen dry.
Wholesale .lowcltTH uiuhMuaic Dealers.
Dcnlfn In sitriirnure. IMniiH.n.Ui. SS'nldio , Olorkd
Janvler'aToiitr ami Miitrrl ilr.c. . ini anil 1031Mb
H. , fur. Pmlno , cimilui Nr
jor/.s ititAit
Denier in l.nmlicr. Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Duon , lite. Y.I nl roriu'r lh niul IKiutflimi Corner
fill mill Ih
CHICAGO lA\\lHKlt \ CO. ,
Wholesale Lumber ,
8Ua.JlthBtrt'OtOmnli ,4\ili. I rolpiMtor. Mnn < t r.
C. aV. niKTZ ,
lti ! niul < Vilfornn ! ! Streets Oinnlin , Neb.
iiti-i > ir.M i"
Lumber , Lime , LVnicnt. Kte. , Ktc.
Our. lilli niul ( , Oiunln , Ni b ,
T. If. JIAin'EYlA'MUEll CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
ORlcc , HQI Knrnam Ktrcot.Orunlin.
ClfAS. Jf. LKK ,
Unrdwood Jiitmbcr ,
WooilCnrpclntind I'urqtiot rloorhn : . tHIi unit
AVholesalo Lumber , Ete.
Imported unil Anirrlca-i l'otl.iiul Cement , hint *
.AvenlfurMllmiuken llritiiiillc ( cmcnt ullU licit
While Mmo.
Live Stock.
Of Omaha.
IJraltcil. Jolin V , Dojd , Suporlatcrdant.
Millinery and Notions.
J. OltKItFJiLDEll < P CO. ,
Importers and Jobbers of
Millinery and Notions ,
1211 nnil l.'l.'ill irnuy St.oct , Omahn , Neb.
C. ,9. GO < > J > JtTcfr , C CO. ,
.Aic the only Direct Irupoilcraof
Gorman & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In Ncbraikn. Chicago prices duplicated wlllioilt ndd-
Inufrclvht. 1415 I'linium Slioi't. Omnlin. _
j. T. jioitijfaoAr yo'uoA' co. ,
Whulcvile IH-nlei * In
Notions and li'iirnlshin ? Goods ,
( dlnml JO , ' B. Tenlli St , Umaliu.
Jobbers In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
( foods.
1096 nnd 100S Firnam si .Omslin , Nob.
Jlnnnfactnri'rs of Overalls ,
Jeans runts , Shirts. Kte. 1IW und 1104 DouglHB Street ,
Job Printers , Wank Book Makers ,
And JJouk Uliulero. KM and 1H ( t'outli rourU-cntb
strrot. Omiilu , N b.
Auxiliary Pnbllalioi'B.
Ioalcr In Tjio [ , rrpsjnn and Printers' Hupplles. [ 03
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Manufaclurcru , rncUcts und Iiculcrt In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
IlaklnK I'owder , 1'l.ivorlnic lUtrurts , Tnbla Kauce ,
1 rPiicti Miutiini W BI | Illulnu , ( iiocern' Hpccls ! ! !
Hilo I.K' ' nt lor \ ork htulo Sitml llctlnvd Apple Ol
der. KUi I uiivcimorth M. . Oiniili.i.
Safes , Etc.
Omnha Snl'o Works.
MouurirlurcrBof 1 iraniid lliirKbrl'ioorfliircB , Vnult
Ioorr , J.'iil SS'nrk.t-liut ins Mini SSIre SSork , Cor.
lltliunclJuckp.uM his , ( ) " : .liiNjb : ,
JJiOYEIt .0 CO. ,
n 6s ; : ( for Hull's S.tfo & lasli Co.s'
Flro ami llum'Hr Proin ? , Tlma IxjrkK , VHnlu
nndJnll Work. 1'Jil ' riirnnm > lr ct O'unha ' , Neb.
Sash , Doors , tit. ,
Wnolcmlo Mimif.utumtior ;
Bush , DOOVH , Itlinils niul
lliiincliofllco.niliunil ItHrilntf. , Qpmlia.Noli.
U. LYMAX ' ,
Sash , Door , lIlimlH , MouldIiipfl ,
Ilullillnit I'nnitr , Ho , IUOI .iinitll Tlilrlronlli Htreet ,
OniuimNtU. A cumplctn Hutk ut UullUcrt'
lliuilviiiri' .
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moiiiaiiit' HtalrWorkund InteriorIlniil Wood I > 1nlili
Ju l iipuncd , N. IJ. < or BUI nnd l uuiou
Onnitui , Neb ,
j'f rco. . , ° s
Wholosulo riimpH , I'ipe , FHtinjfB , 15
Mcani.-inil SViittT Suii.illis. Ill iiiiiiiiuiliTi > r Matt
I.O I > I/O'H UoDdit. llll runiiini pliniiihii ( Ncu.
I'liinps , J'ipof ) und Kn liiea ,
Bteam. SS'utri. Itnllir jr unil .Mllllni : Bupiillei. Ulo
_ _ WO , UHuiiU W4 rarnuiu > t. . Diimlm , .Sf b ,
fs'7 irmi * ENV LyiJTnuTfuarj *
Hiilln-l.ySVIncl Ullli. ; pleura unit Wfctur Huppllei ,
riuuibliiuUorilii. Ilitltlni : . Hum. IMfi mill 1 ) I'ttr-
iiuin il. , Oiiuili.i. H | { . ruluin , flaiiugur ,
Ttlv.hinie | No ill ) .
Ti unks ,
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllard Uotpl Iltock.Omabu.
Wagons and Carriages ,
A , J , HfMl'tiOX ,
Tlio LeaiHut UiirriiiifU Factory ,
ir T i'iibi'i.n ' ' u.i )
HWnml lilt Dwluo ttrt'Pt , (
Building Material ,
CO. ,
IOJliTln AIK-uil ! of
Jlittei-iil ut
HI'J Mir * -tiiiKl Ilinuu | 'ac"'o 'I xclc , ( iDj