THE ( BIAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 0. 1880 , tf : Omala's "Ey Copper" Arrested for Traud in Nebraska Oity. A YORK COUNTY JAIL BREAK. Two I'rlnoncrn Cut Their "Way Through the Wnlls nmt RbCfii c State I'nllllcnt DoliiRs Nc- . Ijrnskh llnpi > cnlni9. I'rlsonci-n llronk Jail. YOUK , Nub. , ( Jet. fi. [ Spcclfil ( to the BI.E J .John Mrlliiilo , con lined In ( lie county Jnll here tor liorsu stealing , nml lliuii Smith , for nuiittciy , broke Jnll Ii\st nlulit by culling a liolu night liy alctcn Indies through tlionll niul escavt'il. Tlio prisoners \vero confined In ono cell niul cut Iliclr way out with a Jack knife. The \vnll wns inatlo by splkliiK two by sixes together , making a solid wall of an evoii six Inches thick. A murder liitoonor was confined In tlio next coll. but niatlu no ntldiipt tocscnpo. All shcrllTs have been notilii'd and n llberul reward has been olTerml for thu mrust and detention of the fugitives. McConk'a Ulc Fnlr. McConit , Neb. . Oct. fi. [ Sjieclixl Telegram to the Hr.K. ] Mct'ook Is all allvo and bend ing every oxeitlou to make the fair , which opened hero this morn I tic , a success. IVoplo conunonced coming In fioin all narts to sec that fair nml town on the Upper Republican. The entries so far In stock. tiKrlcultural pro ducts , and especially merchant products and business men's displays , are tlio llnest over oxhlbltcd In the west. .The weather is thu very best , except a little damp. Tlio races for to-day were the thrco-mllfl trot. Kiilrliw. Tramp S. S. , Ktta I ) . and Lit- Arch , tlio former wlnnlnRln three straight Us , littau. second. Time , 2 : : ; ? , aao , uil. : Tliroc-mlnutopacliiK race. Entries , I'llot , Hilly llutler , Tom and KllaS. . coming In In Jhu onlur named , KllaS. distanced. Timu , ' ' ' JJiiiinliiif'ra'ec. lialf mile , two In tlirco Knirles , Moon lie lit , Nt-lllo 15. , Hilly Xinv- tou. coming In In the order named. Timu 05 seconds. The programme to-morrow Is a good one , but tlm heal races will ho Thursday HIII ! Fri day. Tlirco thousand dollars is paid in purses for races , and 85,000 Is tlm tolal paid by thu association In premiums atiO pursus. Juirjjcd In Xclirnolcn City. NISIIHA.SKA. CITY. Oct. 5. [ Special tele gram to the UIK. : ] J. J. Neligh , the lly Omaha detective , was arrested hero to-tiny on n warrant sworn out by a farmer named Julius Normand , on the charge of obtaining money under false pretences. Last spring Normand was In receipt of numerous letters threatening to burn his house and barn. He hired Nellgh to work up the cnso and find out the Ktillly parties. Nellgh persuaded him to give $ : ! . > 0 to buy a team ot .horses to he used In working tip the case , and Instead of buying thu horses he put the money In his pocket and tried to worlc Normand for more money. The evidence against Neligh Is very conclusive. ASnccoBRCiil Fair Closed. AINSWOIITII , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special to the BKK. ] The fair of. the Brown County Agri cultural society of Alnsworth , has just Hn- Isheil n most successful session. It Is esti mated that " ,000 people were on the grounds on Friday , Oct. 2. The-association will bo nblo to meet nil Its bills and pay all nurses and premiums in full. The weather during the entire session was excellent. The ex hibits In the don.trtment of farm products were remarkable , and showed the wondeiful productiveness of this country. The stock show , especially or horses and cattle , would do credit loan older anil more eastern county. Tlio association proposes to purchase grounds mid make substantial improvements ' ' theieon. - Butler County for Van "IVyoIr. - UKI.TWOOD , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Special to the BKK.J At the caucus meeting held hero the Van \\ryck \ men swept thojlloor and scntscven delegates to attend the county convention , held at David City , at which two good solid Van Wyckers were nominated for represen tatives to the state legislature. The nom inees * nro W. A. Hutchison of Rome Creek and ( ! ord of Ulysses. The nominee for county attorney is Shccsloy of David City. The majority of the republicans In this part of the county are- solid fur the old man. Wholesale Onttlo Stealing. JlEimoN , Net ) . , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram to the HKF. . ] Sixty-live head of valuable cat tle , llolstcln nnd graded stock , were stolen last night from the ranch of Fleming Bros. , located between Byron and Chester. The country surrounding Is being scoured for the thieves. The general Impression is that it Is the work of an organized gang. A reward of SoOO is offered lor the arrest of the thieves or for tlio return of the cattle. Webster to Oppose Dorscy. NOUFOT.K , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Tele- cram to the BnK.I-Tho Third district demo cratic convention met here to-nlghtand nom inated W. 11. Webster , of derrick , for .con gress. AmoiiL' the resolutions Is ono de nouncing the republican state convention on the temperance question. New I ) | > nt finColunitiiis. . COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ Special Telegram - gram to the Bin&l A Union Pacific force broke ground to-day ono block cast of the present depot Kmiioi'lm it that Columbus Is to be blesso.l with now passenger accomo- tlatlonri.and the city Is duly thankful 1'or the long promised Improvement. Senatorial Convention. ST. I'AUI , , Neb. , Oct. 5. [ SpecialTelegram to the BUM ] At the senatorial convention for the Twenty-Mxth district hold in this city last evening Hon.V. . II. Conger , of Sher man county , was nominated by acclamation. Urcat enthusiasm prevailed. Sick .Inline Mo Court. Noni'oi.K , Neb. , Oct. S. [ Special to the HKB.J The Madison county court convened nt Madison yesterday , and was adjourned mull October IH , on account of the illnesn of Judge Crawford. THIJ TKXAK DUOUTH. Not Nearly So Much SuH'crlnR as no- ported. OAI.VESTOJT , Tex. , Oct. s. ( Special Tele gram to the BKK.J A great loal that has been misleading has been published regard ing the extent of the damage nnd suffering causcil by tlio drouth in Northwestern Texas. Morlty Lnsker , a well-known nnd prominent business man of Oalvt lon. returned yester day 1'iom n trip tlnough the drouth-ridden district. Hu made a careful survey of Wit- barger , Hnnnels , Colt-man , Hrown nnd other counties , and reports that while there were occasional Installers of destitution , there were no cases In which thu necessities of life could not have been proemed had the persons suffering made the proper applica tion. Lnslcer states that responsible citizens of the ntUletcd districts had ottered to indome tlw notas of persons claiming to bo In'desti tute circumstances , payable on easy terms , but that the treat majority prufonvd to so licit Instead of making themselves responsi ble for such advances. Instances were not { infrequent , salt ) l.asker. wliero persons own- inu thousands ofcaltiulindnpplicd to lo.-rd icllef committees us mendicants , PostolUco Chauucs. 1'ostonico chinvcs In Nebraska during the week ending Oclobcr 2 , 163 , furnished by Win. Ynn Vlcelc , of the postoflliro depart ment : Name chanced Forest City , Sarpy county to Cirutnn. 1'oat masters appointed Boelns. Howard county , C. O. Juustin ; Orowor , Koyn Paha county , 1) . II. Miller ; Danticbroir. Howiird countyOttoIX Itn3nuui iuSutc.s ! ; Koynl'aha county , Win. NeewvIOWA. IOWA. Postmasters appointed In Iowa during the Vii'.tV ending October tt , JSiO : Afton , Union county , AHco 11. ( ! roves ; bnoxvllle , Mittlon county , J , K. Davis : llu- demobd , i'otLuvaUtuto county , Hans Itlnf ; > > ha ( Cheer , Keokuk county , Ulcliard The nnso Hnll Kccord. AT I'lTTsnrrui First Onmo ! PittslmrK . S OOOOOOtO- -r Baltimore . 0 0 0 3 0 0 a 1 * - ( I'ltchers-Gnlvin nnd McUinnls. Btu < lilts I'lttsburc f > . Bnltlinoro 13. Krrors- Plttsbure l. Baltimore 4. Umpire York. Second ( tame : rittslmrg . 1 1 1 0 0- f Baltimore . 0 2 0 1 0- J Pitchers Kllroy nnd Morris. First base hits-I'lttsburg 2. IJaltlmoro none. Krrors- PltUburit 1. Baltimore 2. Umpire Hobb. AT CINCINNATI Clnelntmti . o 0 0 1 0 0 ft 0 0 -i Metroiiolltnns..O 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0- J I'ltcliers Mullnnn ami Shaffer. Base hlts- CinrlnnatiT , MetroimlitansO. rrors-Cln rinnnti 3 , Mutroiiolltnns 2. Lmplro- A'alcntlne. AT hnfisvir.u : l.ouUvlilu . l 0000200 0- : Brooklyn . 0 . * -2 ; I'ltcliers Henderson nnd Chnmberlln , Doulile plays White. Base hits liotilsvllk 7 , Uiooklvti 10. Krrors Louisville Brookljn 1. Umpire Kelly. AT WASHINGTON First iramo : Washington 7 ; Detroit : i. Pitchers- Henry and Ollmore. First base hits- Witslilnctun H. Detroit 14. Krrors- WnihlnKton 0 , Detroit ! l. Umpire Pierce Second ( lame : Washington . 1 0000000-1 Detroit . 0 B 1 0 0 0 0 0- ( Pitchers Ullmoro nnd Baldwin. Firs base lilts Wnshlnelnn 7. Detroit S. Krrors Washington 5 , Detroit : ! . Umplrer-l'iorco AT PHILADELPHIA Kansas City . 0 1 2 0 1 0 0- ' Phllndelphla . 0 2 0 a 0 0 n 1 ! Flistbaso hlts-KaMsn * City" . Phtladelphlt 12. Krrors Kansas City 1U , Philadelphia 1 Umplro Fulmer. AT Ni'w YOUK Ohlcaco . 0 0 0 2 0 0 2- Now York . 0 200311 ' First base lilts Chicago 4 , Now York P. Kr rors Chicago 3 , Now York 1 , Umpiro- CJuest. AT BORTON Boston - . 0 2001040- St. Louis . o : First base hits Boston 0 , St. Louis 4 Krrors Boston 7 , St. Louis 7. Umplro- 1'owcrs. AT ST. Lot' is St. Louis . 4 1 Athletics . 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 Pitchers Murphy nnd Hart. Umplro- McQu.ido. _ Toulcoy Club llnccn. nitAVRSKNi ) , L. J. , Oct. 5. All ages , non winning nllowanccs , ono mile : Gleane : won , Llttlo Minnie second , Killtor third Tlmo 1:41 : } . One and one-eighth miles : Climax won Nakomls bTcond , Ferona tlilrd. Tlmo- 1:60Y. For two-year-olds , three-fourths mile Bessie Juno won , Laredo second , Feu lot third. Time-l:15K. : First ot October sweepstakes , for three-year olds and upwards , ono and one-fourth miles Volant ! won , Mllllo second , Jim Douglai third. Timo-2:03 : . Selling allowances , ono mile : Beccan Bush won , Jessie second , War liaclo third Tluio l:43 : f. Park Ilaccfl. LATONIA , Ky. , Oct. 5. Selling purse , nlm furlongs : Turgathererwon , Llgan second Warrlngton third. Timo-1.57 . Maidens , tlireo years old and upwards seven furlongs : Glen Almond won , liar rodsburg second , Audclla third. Tlme- lnijf : Mile nnd seventy yards : Llera won Lntitto second , Porter Aslo tlilrd , Time- 147K. Handicap , milo and half a furlong : Mont won , Llttlo Minch second , Fort third TlniG l:49tf. : Barrett stakes , for colts and Tillies twi years old , ono mlle : Uolialt won , Kiglit u way second , Barburg third. Tlme--l : uyt , TrottlnR nt St. Louis. ST. Louis , Oct. n. Trotting at the St Louis Fair association : First race , 2:25 class : Astral won , - St. Be , second , Alert third. Best time 2:2-2 : } . Second race , Osage stakes for two-ycar-oli colts and fillies , mile heat : Chimes won Victor Wllkes second , Georgette third. Besi ' Blc Train and Many Notables. The overland train for the west Insl night was ono of the heaviest of the scsv son , nnd Conductor Keen , who had it in charge , had plenty of work on hand bo' tween hero and Grand Island. There .wore fifteen cars , inchnlln < ; two specials , The couches wore all tilled nnd tlio bug- ngo and express cars looked like mov ing commission houses. In ono of the Pull mans were the lion. William F. Cody. ( Btilmlo Bill ) , Hon. George Cantiold , Julo Kcono and Con Grnnor , of thu "Wild West. " They go to North Pin tic to attend the Lincoln county fair , visit Buffalo Bill's big ranch and have a grand old time generally , In which a little hunting may bo indulged in. Tlio twr specials were No. 15 of the 11. & Al. and the ollicors' car of the Hnnninal &St. Joe road. Their occupants were General Crook , A. K. Tonznlin , Superintendent Holdroco , John A. Collins , U. Uonnhoo , L. II. 'lower nntl It. C. dishing , who are going to Idaho nnd Montana on a hunt- infi trip and general tour of observation , Dcdioatlon or n New Church. The good people of Walnut Hill arc congratulating themselves on the facl that next Sunday tlio now Christian church erected in that locality will be dedicated. The services will open at 11 o'clock in tlio morning and bo condtictcil by J. Madison Williams , a distinguished nnd eloquent clergyman of West Liberty , la. A special feature will bo made of tlio music and nothing will bo loft , undone to make this occasion n memorable one foi Walnut lllll. Undoubtedly a largo num ber will be present , nnd citi/ens ol Omaha arc especially invited. Mrs. J , A , Gillespie , of the deaf and dumb institute , deserves particular credit for .thu success ful works ho lias done In bringing abotil the erciclion of this pretty little clmrcl : and turning it over on dedication da\ "free of debt. " It "Was a Cnnnrd. Yesterday Buffalo Hill received a dis patch from his superintendent in charge of the Wild West cnmp on Statcn lelund that Hit ) reported shouting of ono of hit cowboys was a canard. There was nt fight , and only the accidental discharge of a pistol gave rise to the sensational dispatch. Judge McCulloah called tlio docket ol cases for the Octouer term of the conntj court yesterday undo disposition of sixty thruo cases. Causes Us victims to bo miserable , hopeless , contused , ami depressed In mind , very Irrlta- lilo , languid , and drowsy. It Is a dlseaso which does not c'ct well ol Itself. It requires carctul , pen-Went attention , ar.d a remedy to throw uJI tlic causes and tone up the diges tive orijaiis till they perform their duties willingly. Jlood's Sarsaparllla lias proven just the required remedy In hundreds of cases. "Ihave taken Hood's Sarsaparllla for dys pepsia , from which I have suffered two years. 1 tried many oilier medicines , but none proved FO satisfactory ns Hood's Sarwiparllla. " THOMAS COOK , Urush Electric Went Co. , Now York City. Sick Headache "For the past two years I have been afflicted with sever * headaches and dyspep sia. I was Induced to try Hood's Baisaiia- rllla , anil have found great relief. I cheer- folly recommend It to all. " HUB. K. F , AN.VAUI.K , New Haven , Conu , Mrs. Mary 0. fiinlUi , Cambridge port , Miss. , was a sufferer trout dyspepsia and sick heart ache , ftho took Hood'i SarsapAillla and found It Uie best remedy the ever used. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drpgclsts. t J six for S. Made only by 0.1. JIOOU ft CO. , Lowell , Masi. IOO Doses Ono Dollar. RINGING UP THE CURTAIN For the Season of 1888-87 in the Metro politan Theatres. CAMERON-COMMODORE CRITICS. The Opera nnd the Stnr Pall to En thuse Mrs , LaiiRtry Scores n Great Success Other Drnnmtlc Items. Knvorltrs of the Foottlghtg. Nuw VOIIK , Oct. 5. rSpeclal Telegram to the Hnr..I The theatres began their rnijulat winter season last nlfiht. The performance of the Lonsdalo Violet Unmeron troupe nt the Casino Is severely crltjcised by the morn ing papers. The Tribune s\ys : " nnd Internal circumstances combined tc make the Kngllsh flavor nigh so lili li , In deed , that the odor was decidedly unpleasant to the nostrils of all decent people and well < wishers of the stnge. Anil yet Miss Yield Cameron and her 'Commodore' found no flavor. It Is true that the house was crowded , but It was not such an audience ns we are went to see at the Casino. Nine-tenths ol the present wrre men , and it was noticeable that when there WAS .applause the theatre was somewhat oppressively scouted with patch ouli. It was exceedingly obvious that n do- toriutned effort was making to give the greet ing to Miss Cameron n semblance of hearti ness niul sincerity , but It was nevertheless only a little less of n failure than the effort to bolster up the operetta with applause. The work Itself scarcely received n hand , nor did it deserve n hotter fate. 'The Commodore" is one of the weakest of offensablo museum comdillcs. 'Tho Commodore' Is Ill-con- col veil , ill-written , Ill-set , and 111-porformeil. Miss Cnmoron has nn njjrceablo manner of slnu'lnu' , and her singing volco Is decidedly pretty in the lower registers , but In the tneif- lum niul higher registers It takes on edge which robs It of its sweetness ami charm. Her sneaking volco Is hi jh pitched and wiry. Her attitudes arc few mid her Kosturns un graceful. Shomtahl KVO ! pleasure with n secondary part , but In the presence of a dozen or more singers on an American stage she Is not equipped to stand nt the head nml give her name to a lyric organization. " The Times Is equally sore upon the whole performance. The World says : "Hy all odds the most uninteresting entertainment nml performance nt the Casino was given there lost night. " Mrs. Lnngtry mailo her re-entrance on the American state at the Fifth avenue , appear ing as Lady Ormaml In the comnily of "A Wife's Peril. " She was ht-artily received by a laruc audience. The play Is peculiarly adapted to her power , and In It she shows that she Is not a novice In the art of acting , but one of the most expert. Ingenious ami pleasing comedy nctresses.'of her time. Corn Morris appeared at Union Square as Mrs. Moulton. Her personation of this char acter is so familiar to all American theater peers that It is only necessary to say that she lias lost notio of her wonderful power , Mine. Janausclieek made her lirst appear- nnco nt the Windsor theater as "Mnry Stuart. " Her excellent acting was well re ceived. AMUSKMENTS. A KAVOKITi : COMEDY. "A Uimch of Kuys , " the best of Clias. II. Iloyt's farcical skits , will be presented nt Boyd's opera house on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday mat inee. The piece is said to bo brighter than over this season , now music and new specialties being introduced. Marietta Nash and Eugene Cnniiold arc still with the comuany. The sale of seats will open Thursday morning. The New Hotel. George A. Josiyn is now busily engaged in pushing forward the work on the new hotel which mainly through his entqr- priso and .money will bo erected on.'tho southeast corner of Furnam and Tenth streets. Ho went to Des Moincs yester day having-with him a rough sketch of the ground and floor plans of the hotel ns dr.tivn bv the architects , Mcndollsohn & Fisher. The building is to bo sixstories high , 133x183 , it will contains 10rooms , bo constructed of Cincinnati pressed brick with terra cotta trimmings , and when completed will bo ono of the handsomest structures in Omaha. The interior will bo somewhat similar to the Paxton , with several extensions and improvements. . The dining room will bo on the second tloor , and will be two stories in height , thus making one of the most desirable eating apartments in the west. Another feature \\ill bo a nromanado ; 23x08 feet , on the second floor , and tiic ceiling of the dining room will beef of glass. The office will bo directly opposite the Farnam street entrance whence the clerls can have a full view of the entire lobby and apartments connected ' nected therewith. Hack of the offi'co will bo the reading , writing and smoking rooms , all having skylight ceilings. There will bo seven stores in tlio build ing , live on Tenth street and two on Far nam. The plans for the exterior are not yet completed , but it will be fully In ac cord with the best urchltiictnal re quirements of the day. There will bo nothing omitted in the design and finish of this hotel to make it the equal of any in the country. Personal l * i-Kjrnplis. John A. Creighton went to St. Louis yesterday. Senator Van Wyck arrived yesterday morning at the Paxton hotel. Lucien Stephens has returned from a visit with relatives in 'Missouri. S. Woolf , a prominent meroliant.of Salt Lake City was in the city yesterday. Dr. Merritt , a distinguished Now York medical man , was a passenger to San Francisco last evening. Hugh McCaffrey , with dog and gun , wont westward last evening to buy some prairie qhickons from the grangers. U , A. Vnngroon , of Vangrcen Bros. , the popular West Cuming street grocers , wont to Custor county last night to slaughter tlm gentle prairie fowl. Lieutenant E. II. Brooke , who has had charge of the construction of tlio rille range at UoMovuo and did so much to make the camp a success , returned to his post at Fort Sidney lust evening , Kansas City Times ; Uird C. Wnkcly , ono of the most rapid and legible short hand writers in the west , is in the city visiting friends. He is official reporter for his father , who is judge of the district court at Oinnnn. United States Marsha ! bierbower went to Lincoln lust evening , wliero he wil.l be joined by District Attorney Lambcrtson , and together they will take a trip through the Republican Valley on government hu incss , J. H.Grcon , of the Union Pacific pas- eunger department , went to Lincoln yes terday on business connected with the road. He is making arraangoments for a party of California travelers , nineteen of whom will IcavoStroimburg , Nob. , yiu thu Union Pacilic on Thursday. Hon. J. D , Wriglit , ex-mayor of Lin coln and a prominent member of the leg- ishituro. came in from the east yesterday and took the evening train for homo , The honornblo John was a candidate before - fore the last county convention for re- nomination , but owing to certain pecu liar tactics he says he was loft. Ho does not believe in viva voce choice , especially when outsiders have ilia best lungs. An Indiana tramp was seen hiding n package in a hedge before he entered Chatham on a begging tour. The pack age contained $70 in nickels. $100 in greenbacks , and a cenilioate of deposit for $300. All Ibis wealth was handed over to the trauip , and ho was told to move on. The county commissioners have gone to St. Louia on business connected with the proposed tiuw county hospital. The Association of Grnln Dealers Which Is Now Oolrig This BnMncss. This morning n largo number of the grain men of bolH Nebraska and Kansas assembled In thj ! c y , to attend the second annual meeting of the Nebraska nnd Kansas Grain Dcalnrs Insurance as sociation. This { solely ivas org.ini/.eil two years ngo , nnll its nim was to Interest the grain growers , both of tills state ns also of Northern1 Kansas in u move ta protect themselves against the rapacity of regular insurance companies. Thu rates of the latter hail become so high that tlio grain nt n had inndn up their mind that they corfld stand thorn no longer. At the litel1 meeting the project of the now association was discussed , and later a plan which was subse quently adopted was formulated \vhk'h practically , at least so far us the mem bers of the association nro concored , docs away with the insurance of outside corporations. The grain of the moinbors is insured by the association against lire and lightning , nun at reasonable rates nnd on a mutual basis. The association now numbers about llireo hundred mem bers , nnd comprises , the leading men in the districts mentioned. The ollicers for the lirst year are P. C. Illmobnugh , of Omaha , secretary ; T.V. . Lowery , of Lin coln , president , nnd F. E. Lawrence , of this city , assistant secretary. The asso ciation met at S o'clock unti the attend ance was largo. Tlio session was con ducted with closed doors. Among those In attendance were : (5.V. ( \ . Ltnvry , Patrick Egan. C. G. llowon , Mason Grngg , Thomas Cochrnno , Lincoln- . C. Gregg , St. Joe , Mo. : O. (5. Uulburd , Hiawatha , Kan. ; J. M. Davio- son , York , Neb. : John A. Born , Utica. Nob.t Louis A. Van Wasmer. Grand Island ; U. D. Laneson , Khvooil , Nob. ; Himebuugh & Mcrriam , Omaha ; Omaha Elevator and Grain company , Omaha ; J. Boms , Ilnnovor , Kan. ; C. W. Wyiidhan , ( ilonvillo. Nob. ; S. Jameson , Stella , Nob. ; James Morricso'v , Plaitsmoulh ; G. W. Wii-t , Aurora , Neb. Tlio meeting adjourned at about 0 o'clock , aftnr a session which occupied a greater part of the afternoon. A num ber of subjects was discussed , ono of the principal of which was that as to whether thu association should undertake to in- sitro tlio stock , property and private resi dences of the members. The question aroused quite a lengthy debate , nut was finally decided by resolution to have nothing to do with any property except that of the grain and elevators belonging to the members of the association. The election of ollicers for the ensuing year resulted in the following : Presi dent , T. W. Lowroy , Lincoln ; Vice Presi dent , P. C. llimobungh , Omaha ; Secre tary , F. E. Lawrence , Omaha , and Treas urer , Patrick Egan , Lincoln. . So far as could be ascertained from a number of thu members the association , lifter ono year's existence , is in. an ex cellent condition. It is still , however an experiment , yet it bids promise to hold out at least until the insurance companies reduce their figures to a rate low enough to enable grain ' .ij-.dcnlcrs to insure tit reasonable tigurcs. During the year which immediately , prucedcd the estab lishment ot the association , the insurance companies took ant 'Of the pockets of grain men tor' ' { insurance in this state no ,10835 than $50,000. Their premiums rnri ns high as 0 pur cent. This , it roaaily will bo scon , was excessive , especially ire view of tlio fact that during the 'preceding two years , there were not mb'ro tll'an two elevators destroyed both i A { Nebraska and North ern Kansas. Thi's/JfuQt'ser. / tlio grain men thinking , with the result that what they now insure coststhem : : but about three per cent per _ aiinnin''iA.s the years pass by , there iSf'scnrcqlyariy doubt but that this'rate'will till''ftirtHuf ' bo reduced. Tho.suvi'iigs'of'tltti ' Jlrst year .have now been put into a sinking fund , and when a goodly sum is laid by , dividends will be declared in the same manner as with any other mutual company. There are but few states in which in- urancp companies of this kind are now n existence. One of them _ is Illinois , where it lias boon in working'condition for some years back , and where it has been productive of a great deal of good. A semi annual mooting of tlio associa tion wilt bu held about mid-winter. licensed to Wed. Judge McCulloch issued marriage li censes yesterday to tlio following parties : Name. llesidi'iice. Ace. I Geo. 13. lllcker Dakota City "ffil 1 Dora Marquis Woodbine , fa ! ii j Edward A Tlmnorly. . Douglas county 21 iLIIIleA Williams..UouslnsROunty 18 I John A. Wolteshek..Omaha 0 ' ( Mary Jlchn Omaha 'JO ( Andrew Medlu Omaha d ? I Ulcnda E. Peterson..Omaha 20 ( < ! i > or'o ( F- Austin Mason , Neb 28 ( Lizzie A. Lubey Milwaukee'U Iliilldlnt ; l' ; ri itB. Superintendent Whjtlock issued build- inic permits .yesterday us fol.ows : Mist Ell/.iibeth Kuhlman , one-story 1 rnnio cottage. Eleventh JimlVIn ton$1,000 M. Ucllman , nddltioiml story to store building. Thirteenth and Knrnnin . . . 8,000 Charles Alnttlmwson , one-story frame cottage , .Eighth , between Hickory and ' Chailes . 200 Three permits aggregating SO.iiOO A Protly Little Traveler. There was one party at the Union Pa cilic depot last evening that was pitrlicn- larly interested in the .arrival of tlio Mis souri Pacilic train , and when it did not counted very closely. This was com posed of the Hon. J. A. Gillespio , Mrs. come in exactly on time the minutes were Gillespio , and two lady teachers of the deaf nnd dumb institute. They were anxiously awaiting the arrival of Mr. Gillespie's niece , little Hay Abra hams , aged live , who was com ing all alone from Kansas City to Omaha , Thu train rolled in and among those on the Pullman car was the goTdun-haired child radiant in smiles at meeting her relatives and evidently as happy ns happy could bo at the reception she received. Tlio many passengorR on the car seemed as sorry to leave1tl)4 ) little ono as nor friends wore rojoicRd.tjb . receive her , and no arrival Juts btjim Abated in the depot for many a d .y jtfiat'uttraolod more at tention than tliiijcoiuing of little Hay. It only goes to phowalmt with the care exorcised by railr/Wd1 companies and especially the Pirllmutl car company , in having none bu "kilui hearted men in their employ , in tlnyso days children , aged people and Invalids are jiut as go- cure in traveling 08) ) , ! surrounded by n score of their si4tcrs-and : their cousins ami their mints. ' , < f- Injured . Yesterday moni\\ip \ \ iAVillinm Dibond , employed ' on thes. construction of the Union Pacific brfdg , nct with a very serious accident. Tie Was working on a derrick by which iron was being hoisted to the upper portion of the new struc \VhileatnndingoiiBomurnils that were being raised , the chain oroko and ho was thrown a distance of twelve feet to the ground. Ho was nicked up in an unconscious state , and taken to his rooms on Pacilic , between Eighth nnd Ninth streets. Doctor Galbralth was called and found that Dibond was badly injured in the side and his left ankle somewhat lacerated , It is not thought than any serious results will follow. Domiuick Egtm was arrested last evening - ing charged with having assaulted Chas. Hustnd. Egan has becii paying court tea a stoydaughtor of Hu.stad , and when the latter interfered K KM assaulted him. Ho Was arrested by Officer Whaleti , SUE SWALLOWED MORPHINE All Because Her Colored Lover "Wen on Her , CARVt-D WITH A PUTTY KNIFE Imat Nlyht's Session of tlio Council Grain Insurance Court Xotcs llrevltlos nml City News In Gonct-nl. Blio U'nntod ( o Die. Joslo ilnmlesoii , n pretty wlsito girl , who is nn inmate of Madame hooper's place on Jackson street , near Fourteenth , made an attempt to furnish the coroner n job last night that camu very near prov ing successful. Josie , it appears , is fair to look upon and 1ms many mltnlrors , bnt slit has given them all the cold shoulder and fastened her affections upon Sam Knur , the saddle colored mulatto who is tin king tbeo nniong tlio colored sports ol tlio city. Whilu making a pretense ol returning tlio ullections of tlio girl , Sam , It seems , has boon tritlln1 of late and payIng - Ing attentions to certain other girls of Joslo's class. This has caused a feeling of jealous despondency to take posses sion of the girl that ended last nlirhtin nn attempt to commit suicide. Karly in thu evening who wont to Powers' drug Htoro and obtained a < itiantity of morpblno. She returned to her room nnd wrotu n note to her colored lover , in which she licensed him of having broken her heart by refusing to properly return her love and trust , and while holding him respon sible for her death , forgave him and begged that lie would pay her room rent and sec that her grave was kept green , nnd n lot more ot that kind of gusli. Then Bhu swallowed a dose of the morphine nnd prepared to die. About thu time the drug began to nffoel the would-bo sui cide she changed hui- views on the sub ject of death and decided she would live n while longer and try to play even with her recreant lover. She cried for help and aroused the inmates of the place , who took prompt action to save her life. A physician was summoned and after a great deal of work succeeded in bringing thu foolish girl out of danger. At n late hour she was resting quietly nnd in a fair way to recover. This is the second time that the girl has made an attempt to end her existence on account of her coon lover's ' faitliluuness. About a year ago when she was an inmate of Vny Sliepard's place sliu quarreled with her Sammy over his attentions to an other girl and swallowed poison to end her woes , but was saved through the in- tcrtcroncu of her friends. CAUVED WITH A PUTTY ICNIPE. Ualy End Ins of ft Quarrel Over Pool Chips. An ugly fight took place about mid night at the corner of Seventh and Pacific streets , in which one of the participants , Denny Sullivan , came near being scalped. Sullivan , who is n young man employed in the Union Pacific freight depot had been playing pool witli some friends when a painter by the name of Charles Tuft got into tlio game. At tlio close of the game there was sonic dispute over the division of the pool chips when Tuft struck nt Sullivan who re turned tlio insult , and a light ensued. In the trouble Tuft drew n putty knife and cave Sulli van Uyo vicious slashes with it across the side of tlio head. Tuft was arrested by Ollicur lla/e and botli the prisoner and SdSilvau' ' taken tiv the city lull. Dr. J ciscnring was called and attended Sulli van' . who hud two ugly gashes across the right side ot his head. The wounds wuro dressed and Sullivan hold as a witness against Tuft. PUT THROUGH WITH A HUSH. A Busy Session of tlie City Council All of the aldermen and a large num ber of visitors were present nt the reg ular weekly meeting of the city council last evening. The mayor's communication approving the ordinances passed at the last meeting of the city council was read and placed on iilo. The mayor's appointment of Andrew Fahey as a member of the police force vice Patrick Murphy , removed , was re ferred to the committee on police. Tlio mayor's appointment of Frank W. Salan as ) poundmaster vice D. A. Hurley , removed , was referred to the com mittee on public property , after considerable discussion between Mr. Daiicy , who wanted the matter re ferred , and Mr. Ford , who wanted the appointment confirmed. The mayor's appointment of Mark Kohn as special policeman for the Harvey Lumber compiny was referred to the committee on police. The report of the building inspector for tlio month of September showing that permits wore issued for buildings. having u total value of $210,000 , was received and placed on file. A large number of estimates for public improvements were reported by the bonrd of public works wore approved by the council. On motion of Mr. Ford the estimate of Hyan&Co. for the grading of Tenth street , amounting to $ : iOU , was approved and the city auditor directed not to de liver the warrants until the laborers on the work hnvo had thuir pay secured. The motion was mndo upon tno strength of complaints that have been made that tlio laborers on the work have not re ceived any pay for their labor from Wis- nor , a sub-contractor of Ilvan it Co. Thu proposition of tlio Omaha Thomp son & Houston Klcctnc Light company to furnish fifteen electric lamps at sflb per month for each lump , was referred to tlio committee on gas and electric lights. A petition asking that U. S. lliggins ho required to abate tlio nuisance in the form of an imperfect smoke stack on his restaurant was referred to the commlttim on public property anil improvements and the building inspector with power to act. act.The petition of P. K. Her , John A. McShane and others , asking permission to use parts of lots 1 nnd 2 , in block 2G7 , near thu river , for thu purpose of sinking a well to the doptli of U.OUO feet in pros pecting for gas , coal or nil , was referreil to thu committee on public property and improvements. A petition asking the council to vote $15 per month for a .special policeman in llnnscom park wits referred to tlio com mittee on police. The chum of James Fox for $1,800 for extra work on grading was referred to the committee on grades nnd grading nnd city engineer. A protest against tlio paving of Four teenth street from Davenport street to CummgMrect , and a similar one against the paring of Uraco street were referred to the committee on paving curbing and guttering , Petitions were presented asking for the division of tlio various wards into morn polling places , and referred to the dele gations from the various wards. ltKSOI.UTIO.V3. Hy Ford Instructing tlio marshal to protect tlio contractor on tlio North Omaha sewer nnd keep thu residents of that vicinity from filling the sower. Adopted. Uy Ooodrlch Instructing the board of public works to award tlio contract for the paving ofVwt Farnaui street with cedar Mocks to Murphy , frolghlon & Co. Adopted. lly oehroedpr Ordering the payment of damages to the properly owners by reason o ( tlio change of the Sixteenth street viaduct. Adopted. lly Pailey Instructing tlio board of public works to have all sidewalks laid to a uniform grade. Ailopteil. H.vCheney Instructing the committee on public property iiiid improvements to tnkn steps to keep ciittlo out of .Jou'orson square. Adopted. The coniinlttei ) on pollen reporleil con- ( vary to tlio ordlimneo unintinii iJ. II. Moynllmn llm. right to nrpuil/u and con trol a preventive night \Vutuh. The re port was adopted. The report of the committee on public propel ly itnd iniurovi'ineuts lit favor of allowing the cilv marshal to purchase n safe for tlm keeping of the effects of prisoners poni'lni ' ; trial wits adopted. Kpecinl ordinance making appropria tion for the payment of liabilities in curred during tin- month of September , from the various funds ns follows : ( fcncrnl fuiiil . Sll.MS 11 Mhrniy litiid . NM ) s > 1'ollco t uiul . 11,7. 2 si Kirofiiml . lt,75l 72 Viaduct tiitnl . 17.1 10 Judgment Hind . , . : W4 10 Curbing niul Buttering fund . l.ui : ; us 1'nvlng tiiul ) tuml . TJ Ml 1'nvlim fund . , . UJ ( K ) Special leal estate . 00 ordering . sll ( V ) Chungmg the grade of Jui'ksou and Jones streets from Sixth to Ninth streets. Passed. Ordering the grading of Jackson and Jones streets from buvqnth street to Ninth street. Passed. Relocating the haymarkel now situated on Jackson street , and platting it upon Jones street between Twelfth and Thir teenth streets. Public property and im provements. Ordering tlio curbing of Cuming street from Hrown street to the city limits. Passed. Declaring the necessity of extending Convent street from Tliormill's ' addition to llnrnoy street. Grades and grading. Changing tin1 grade of Chicago street from Eighteenth street to Nineteenth street. Passed. Declaring the necessity of changing the grade of JMirnmn street from Twenty- seventh avenue to a point K4II feet west of Twenty-bevfciith avenue , and of Hartley street from Twenty-fcuventh avenue to Twenty-eighth street. Changing the grade or Capitol avenue ' from Eighteenth st'rcet to Twentieth street. Passed. Declaring the necessity of changing tiio grade of Sixteenth street from Harney street to Howard street. Passed. At 10u : ; ) o'clock the council adjourned , having disposed of 120 papers , the larg est amount of work ever put through at any ono session of the council. The Court Call. The following cases will be called in Judge Neville's court , to-day. Vogtmun vs. Muck. Kowitt vs. Lonn/.en. ] 5rown vs. liernstein etal. Hoagland vs. Omaha. Callahan vs. O. & S. W. U. K. Co. Dolun vs. llowlcy et aL .Bunks vs. Miller , sheriff , ctal. Clar.k vs. Muck , city treasurer , ct al. Hoagland vs. Omaha. Turner vs. Omaha. Jntchcr vs. Ntison. lloaiilund vs. Cooper et al. Ilongland vs. Amlerson et al. .Bock ct til vs. Peterson et al. Garner vs. 15. & M. K. II. Co. , in Ne braska. Charvootka vs. Yomucka. Abbott vs. llr.E publishing Co. Kiul man etnJ vs. Cnrr. Kount/.o vs. Omaha. Thomas vs. Omaha. Hascall vs. Omaha. Kubovec vs. Ro&ieky. Yerga vs. Verga , 3 cases. Gi'.nius vs. lloitsel. State ex rcl Chose vs. Murphy. Dlfltrlot Court. F. and L. Kuhn Uros. brought suit yes terday morning to secure an attachment against George Louis & Co. , for $3,005.25 for goods furnished defendants. Juliette C. Griffin ctal. appeals from the appraisement of $100 for the land be longing to her condemned for the Bolt Line railroad company. The following pleaded not guilty this morning : John Lynch , charged with robbery ; Archie Robinson , charged with attempt to commit rape ; John Wilson , forging a check ; Charles Johnson , larceny ; Na than C. Ford , arson , anil Charles Wil liams , stabbing. The verdict of the jury in the case of Welshaus & McKwan vs Oliver C. Camp bell , was in favor of the plaintiffs for $01.40. In tiic case of Stephen Robinson vs. C. D. Wood worth , thu verdict was in favor of Robinson for ? 1,138.0S. Judge Wakely is hearing the case of Dolan vs. Lnngworthy , in which the plaintiff sues for > . 3,000. Judge Nuvillo will go to JUirt county next week to hold court for ono week. Aoeording to the Paris Figaro M. Paul Hcrl , the J'rrinch minister resident at Tonqiiin , lias been instrumental in es tablishing tlio "Academy of 'lonquin , " after the model of the Academy 1'ran- cuiso. It is composed of forty members , and M. IScrt has made himself its presi dent. HAVJNO-A'BOTTLE-Op . J h B B- THE CHICAGO MAIL . .O .O j Mollf cUllloo ) will bo font to nr addr > > In the U. & or Canuila ( tuuntht tar Me. AdJrciiTllKCHICAOOllAU , UB 6lliv. . , CUIcuiio. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio Orljl nl nml Only Ui-iuillic. HktMKAdll'ljri K ll kl . E vut f wprlllttM ImluUaos. I lltp'i.i V. U LADIES. A L . ir 1'rvirElit M "rbUhxUr' * FogTl.h * ol l l ( .vU-.c I ; ( .tub * . M l r p-titl. ' ' 'l ttlttr 11 return mail. . , t'blehmrr C'krmlrit ! ( , NAME PAPER , , 'l . , . nmt > tu , „ , | 'kll y. ! Sold by Druagiets everywhere , Ask for "Chi Chester's English" Pennyroyal Pills. Tu io uu oiiiur. 4i : * * 1K * 4 * ! * 4M * ' V * * * The l'lr t. the Orlsliml nnd Only Mnrrli llinl It Pill up liv inoii who IIMD n rrnclii-nl ktumlnlco ft Ilir Inmtilrv rriirt'Mli'n. ll tvnulrr.i no ronklnR , Vf | > jtielr. . n from tlckl > < ami Mum rrwu Ml tfln wlitle Ir.iiilnc. Mi.l Rlvrs Mn , rutfn in , | wiuia tli i flltTnosj ami tnntKul voll h tliry lnvo when Bow , Jiulch , rvfTtlxMjr knows. kfCM thorn -lc n tnloe M lone , 1i ! > ( ire < > f ImiHUorn. tar ttmt tlitnxmo J O. lllllHMjnu i JlHos. , NKV lh\cn. t'ouu. , li cu cmy iwcknio. SolO l > j alt Urorcrj. ujsBs 1 3Rssia C17 SI. ClmrlrnSt. , fjf. , JIo. nS IHo D n M l thnntnr olt r 1'btiltUn'lnSI. LlulT M Mif ptpfti ibow ttti | 1 nid iMidtnii ino * . Ncrvoiu Prostration , Debllltr , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial ontl olhor Aflec. lion * o ! Throat. Skin or Bones , Olood Polsonlna. old Sores and Utccrl , n tnu.i win , .nr.riioi i loMr.i , mln.nttiftuinarMtitlrtfi , s M > rrlrittir. Dlioajoa Arljlnp from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposura or InUulganci , bl s rroinc. ra or ibl ll lnr cet i lietiouiDfM , dibllllt , dlnioii of ilitt erilontoUi > . .elet/ff tcra l 4 , coofn.lo. o ( u n , t . ! rtndtrlne iwirrlato traprnptr or unliippy , ln < , .I.JrnrHor . rrtrloanr JJrt , < . Onitltilton'ilof. runt li/ mill rr . Intltfd unit itHelt/c.nOd.ollM. A Positive Wrltton Cuarnntco glrtn In ome . iftolec4i . UNlclaifCDlvvcrjnUenbf mkllortiprMi. Rfl/XlIAir > er * * BiJfri5 13 r B\ BI i i V < 1 BS , ftj ( U I Bj Km See TAOE3 , TINS FLATED , olftlM 'ilh init ( III blndlnc. fnlejror 5Co. lo po.l jn , tmrrcnf. OTr nflr wondprnil r n ! > ldturi > i. trueu llfci krlklvioa llioroUawlivf lionl. bt'rtnil d.fnr , rC.s'liofttllt > * jr kailciev.ttie fbri. lolejjofrfr' inollMi , nilcnnj iiior. . Thoio uitrltd ar Tansill's ' Punch Cigars were shipped ( Ulvlnil tlio pait Iwo yonrnwltl.out n ilrtim- tnor In our oiiitilov. No ollior linuio In the \7iirld cnu triitb- i. Ono n out tiK'itlur i.onlyl wauled In each lowu. S3LD DY LCADINQ OSUCCISTS. R.W.TANSILL&CO.,55 Stale St.ChlcaflO- A Book Hint orerv fAther chouM i > lnco In his hon'a Jianda And i ratl liltnsetf with the utmost cuii > . Ulvt'8 nil the fmiiploin * nnJ tfrrlblrt icmiltB of UIDCAAIS ituoto Knrlf > Ice nnd Junor * (1'tof. ( JonnOlrtalu. ) l unit Itriuli or F m- "ltf T'illi'lYiihcc. ) Illurf lice J It. 'restlmunlala f i oni eminent London Doclutl FRENCH HOSPITAL TP.CATMF.HT For Dralnn , HicnyVetHmtm , Lo t Vllnllly , Eto. Sent pnlr roM" ' ! . 1'rro dutmiltntlon FroinU A. M. . to& I * H. ClVl.Vl.i : Aia\CV , IT * rulton HI. , KKW Yurk. U5THIEOEDAHS" A Homo id Div School Tor Vounv [ .nillos , rc-0 | > oii3 OCT. I Dolliflitt'ully sltimtoil it Gooi'KQlowii Ilclirhts. Liirpo grouiuls. Kn- rg cil iH'Coniniodntlonp. 1HSSKAHI.K , Winastli \ViisliltiBtoD. . C. IviMood'JU J. 1. WILKIE. Jtanufucturor of 10U S. Mill st. Oniiiba , Nob. Orders by mail solicited and will ro- jcivo prompt attention. I Htli.M ) . . oh Inline. Huro : iin > in i iu4 iliiyi. Ask your ilrtiijKliit ror It. Sent tii ivny oililrpuB for 81 .no. a IALTDOa M'F'O. CO. , Sprlnafold , Messrs. Kuhn & Co. , Agents. ipnrs0 Tns ft I NERVITA tp jii/ K.EIL.I. I UlllB ill MTMIl o [ jnuthlul irton , ° Kr L I ill/4SP / N r ou II 6lllHrln l C B IIL io I I i I tl IUB tj limit , Ixitt Manhood , kDtl Uodred KfTKtlonf. TrUI nuckize lie. ' Fr .loflo . I U. A. O. ) I.IN CO. . No. IMV , Miji u SU 111. Dl.OO pcrl'iicLuEe. Hll lor 5.OO. Aljsolufoly i'uro anil Unntlnlterutcil. HOSPITALS , CURATIVE INSTITUTIONS , INFIRMARIES , AND Pfuecnioia ny PHYHCIAM CURES CONSUMPTION , HEMORRHAGES .Inil nil If'tiittnu Jilfcnii-s/ DYSPEPSIA , INDIGESTION , MALARIA. TIII : ONI.V PURE STIMULMT Fen THE SICK , INVALIDS , CONVALESCING PATIENTS , AGED PEOPLE , WEAK AND DEOILITATED WOMEN. Vorul bjr Drucslitf , Uroccrmndlcaler > . Friro , Ono Ilollar iierllultlu. yliltMM iMiltlrv , unit nrr * rtnctn * PK- Ii iMi riurlr 'll'i rk l.ib lnUI < > Mrieiii.l ! ) , r , * it < \ 111 * Uftma orctjrifftiiy I lowu In U > tlU T rnlnrlr ) , itiitbli , Iti jirucur * II fiulii tl'if'f d < Miior f rKU ! > IUU IhtMU tvbl , 111 l > Uln l-aiif , uniatlkftil , j l- jjrtu cluriti j > r | t4M , t > y rcwiillng MX UolUri la The DuH/ Mall Whiskey Co. , BittmoreMd. ! SinH-tlotilftrftr furffjmillil C..i i rll nr rK. ulii.taniU : * ! arittlfalll > / r wtn/ l < l l ' ! ' * tr > . * ' < i i' i < / " IJtllattll" , ; i p l ( , an'l rtfjf.r./r.- . " - I'lmaa. II c l.jw/at.J , . * . . . * . ' * . J-llv < litetuutnimi/i > rwl4 , , , ilt.i- t.'r-r ktbtir'4 / illii < at , a , It tl Aw Red Star Line : rrj-lnjrtliollnlgluni Itoyitl nnil rJultod SUtei JUUIbiiilniCVT / > - 'utiUay between Aniworn St Hew York 0 THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , J10L- LAND AND PRANCB. l-'AI.I. AND \VINTlilL Salon from JOT lo f.Hxcur ion trip from 110 to $1 ' . bocand Cabin , outwitrtl , liii n-ciinlil.-1) ; u.xcur HJII f'-O. HUvrH a IHKII * it IO-.T ralui. 1'elor Wriarht It tons , W&net iL-ontR , i5 Jlroiiihrar. N w York. ' ' - I'ttulu-a k Co. ilunry i'uiiilt , uu 1'Hi-iuuunt. ; 1-c j : tr ' . 'in tit - . 1) . O. Vruciufii , IJ-'I yaruAW V