Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1886, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY Bill ; : : ErtDAY , OCTOttBK 5. 1880. THE DAILY BISK COUNCllTBLUFFS , TUKSDAY MOKNING OCTOHKH. 5. OFFICE , NO. 12 , PEAKI * STREET. Ecllvcicd by cnrrif-r In tmypnrtnf the city at twenty tents per week. II. W. Tn.To.v , - - Manager. FiNnss OmcK , No. 43. h'ldllT EUlTOIt N'O. 23. MIXOIt Now York IMinublnf ; Co. Now fall { roods at Keller's. Cooper & Mc ( > c' ) Mill stoves. Uny Seal brand nysterc , the best. Cheap railroad tickets at lUislineH's. To-day Neola votes on the waterworks ' question' . Grand opening to-night at liiseman's 1'eople's store. A ease of dlptberia Is reported at No. 007 Kast Pierce street. One dozen cabinets and a largo panel for $2.M ) at .Schmidt's gallery. To-morrow night a social hop is to bo given by Abe Lincoln post , G. A. H. Thu Dnlys arc to appear at the opera house Wednesday night in their "V aca tion. " To-night is the last evening of the grand opening at ICiscnnin's 1'eople's store. The work of excavating on upper Uroadway has commenced preparatory to paving. ' 1 hi ; registration books for the Novem cor election will be opened one \veeK from to-day. One of the neatest lunch counters i'.i the city has bci'ii opened at the "Mint , " "Doc" Duncan being chef dc cuisine. The ladies of the Broadway .Methodbt church are to give a supper Tuesday evening in the store lately occupied by Cocko & Alorgan. William Henry Case , of Omaha , and Miss Nellie K. Manchess , of Norfolk , Nob. , were married in this city yesterday by Ucv. G. W. Croffo. Kd Nicholson has returned from the round of the races with the line running mare , Lulu Hroxvn. During the trip the mare won eight races. Sheriff 1'arwell , of Mills county , was hero yesterday after J.V. . Gallier , who has shown signs of insanity , and whoso homo is near Glcnwood. Permit to wed ha * been given William Ebert and Henrietta Dixon , both of Weston - ton ; also to William H. Case , of Omaha , and Nettie E. Manehess , of Norfolk , Neb. Frank Footo wasarresteti on the charge of beating a b&ard bill at the Crystal hall lunch counter , but afterwards let go on the order of the complaining witness. Hilly Smith. 1Q9uniilieH ( ' to take American Hound V 'r.SuCr. an two week's ' trial. 'After u fair trial , if you don't think them worth more than they cost , return to Cooper & McGco , No11 Main street. The Omaha Musical Union band yes terday paraded the streetu and furnished lively election music in the interests of Mayor Evans. They wore served a boun tiful dinner at Ucchtele's. The Council Hlull's Hebrew association bave elected the followmgollicers for the ensuing year : II , Freidmnn , president ; U. Goldstein , vice president ; A. J. Man- del , treasurer ; L. Harris , secretary. A girl aged about twenty was given free lodging at the city jail Sunday night , she having no home and no friends here. She says she conies from Syracuse , Neb. Iler condition and prospects are sad. The Second ward democratic primary , instead of being held at the citv buildni" this evening , will bo held atDolmny's.olu hall across the street , the change being matte by order of George A. Holmes , chairman. \ The well known citizen. John Hammer , reached his Oind birthday on Sunday. A number of friends dropped in upon him , and besides expressing congratula tions , left htm n number of pleasing and substantial remembrances. il The United States court adjourned yes terday , Judge Shiras left last evening for Sionx City to open court thoro. Judge Love expects to bo here one week from Saturday , provided his ton , who is dan gerously ill , is so that he can leayo him. The insane -book-binder from DCS Moincs has been taken charge of by his friends who came hither after him. They ware greatly gratified at goltin him in tl iir charge a'gain , as they had lost track of him. With live weeks of favorable weather it is expected that the new court house will bo under cover. The work is being do- Jayed a little by the slowness in getting otono , but no serious delays have been thus far caused by this or any other rca- eon. eon.James James O'Urien , who had his wrist broken a short time ago by a fall while .lighting the headlight of Ins locomotive , is able to bo out and about , and will soon bo able tu resume his duties for the Mil- waukeoiV : St. Paul. His arm will soon bo as good as ever , according to present ind. cations. Shorin" Reel and Deputy Hickolts re turned yesterday from Jilt. Pleasant , whither they took two insane women. The number of insane cases has been greatly increasing of late , there having been as many as thrco daily , whore usually there have not been that many in u month. A goodly number nro going from here to St. Louis to attend the fair and other doings there , J. C. Mitchell , the ticket tigent , has been soiling about twenty a day , anil last night two sleepers were filled to the utmost , and still other pas- Ecngors clamoring for n chance to rule and snooze. John Murphy , who has caused his widowed mother much trouble , is now placed in the hands of the authorities pending the decision of the question as to whether ho had iiot better lui sent to the reform school , John has been drift lug to the bad for some time , and now his mother thinks slie can stand it no longer. The now sewer ditch is being put in pretty good condition. The matters In dispute between the contractor , Mr. Vin cent , and the city , are not settled yet , the case still pending , and nothing being done to hasten an adjudication. In the meantime thu amount involved grows larger. The matter is an important one , \ and it seems that some stops should betaken taken to adjust it. Last night about 10 o'clock Ofllecr Ues- wick arrested two young men. neither of whom appo-ired to bo over twenty years of ago. They had boon creating a dis turbance at Hans Christoolfscn'.s saloon , on Uroadway , On their arrival in the city jail ono of them came to his senses und nogaii to bellow. "I've a young wife utlioino and shall bo disgraced , " ho cried out as the tears ran down his chocks , "Pln.iso don't lock mo up , I did not want to crcato a disturbance 1 tried to get oil' without having f muss and those men hero can prove it , " ho continued. Ollicor Uoswiok returned to the saloon , and after getting the particulars of thu disturbance thu young married man was allowed to go home to lua y < ung wife for the night while iiis "pal" was looked up to appeal before the police judge this * morning. "Evorard and KiiluMa. " by Kd. Wright for sale by UiiBhnoll it Cookwoll. Ilat regnrdlosH of cost. Closing out hat stock f F11. . Stubbs , comprising KIIOX'H. Btotson'rf and other line brands E. 1 . WIU.IAMH , No. OOU Uroudway. HIE BATTLE OF BALLOTS William Qronewcg Elected Major By a Libsral Majority , ElfWTiAN'S GRAND OPENING Sentenced I'or Utioviiit ; Jjcntl Dollnru A Ucc.iylnjf Corpse Koiind Near CfCHOunt 1'orsonnl 1'olntn ntul 1'olllionl I'rnttlo. Who I 1'lic otcction passed oft' very quietly yesterday , and in some iwpccts was in nmrkiul contrast with any election cvor liuld before in this city. Under the new law none could vote who had not already registered , so that there was no sweari S in of votus , or the usual rush of business in that lino. Another now feature of the election , u result also of the new law , was that there were no crowds standing about the polling places , all the political workers and ticket dist.ibulers being obliged to remain at least ono hundred feet away. Many wore delighted with Ibis change , as it enabled voters to go up and deposit their voles without being pulled hither and thither at the last mo ment by those who ilesiro to have the last say. The vote was a lightoiio throughout the city. The contest was between two men , Mayor Kvans and Mr. Groneweg , and as both are old citizens of high busi ness and social standing , alike respected and trusted , the voters had no patience with any attempt , at mud throwing at either candidate for mayor , and the unt- lit ; of the ballots was waned in good na ture and with no frightful predictions of coming calamity in any event , and no bitter charges against either aspirant to the ollico. The guesses on the result ran largely in Mr. uroneweg's favor. Many repub licans conceded that ho might have a ma jority of 100 , but during the day this was cut down in the minds of many by vari ous indications , until it was claimed by shrewd observers thatKvans was winning the day , although all said it was jroing to be snug , and that there would not be : t hundred majority , either way. The result as shown by the count of.the ballots surprised all. Mr. Groneweg is elected by UO'J majority , the following being the'count by wards ; 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th. Kronowce SIS 5'J ' 2.0 ! : i7-t Kvana 1W 5H3 103 270 ( ronewcq'smaj. . . . S4 07 07 101 The lightness of the vote in the city was remarkable , as shown by the fol lowing : Voted. Kegistereil. First ward -J03 4W Second ward 51 COS Thin ! ward 3U3 4M 1'emi th ward W4 753 'P ; 13 3,020 223 , : ! The new may or was tne recipient nany congratulations , and a crowd of lis friends called at his residence with inich enthusiasm and a full band Hats regardless of cost. Closing put .iat stock of F. K. Stubbs , comprising Kuox's , Stetson's and other lind brands. E. U. WII.U.VMS , No. 50G Broadway. Eletric doorbells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli ances at the .Nou York Plumbing Co. J. Krnsdlorf , having taken entire eon- rol of the Phujnix chop house , desires testate state that he has secured the services of Jharles Decker , a lirst-class cook of New York city. The best the market allords , night and day , in the best style of the .irt. Will also have a regular bill of fare. Itrlllliifit Opening. Chief among the loading events in Jouneil Blulhs each season are the spring and fall openings of Eisman & Co.'s mamoth establishment , known as the t'eoplo's Store. Their fail opening , now in progress , drew as usual an immense throng of ladies and irentlemcn last even ing. There was in fact a crush , and the gathering of people , eagerly ga/.ing nnon the many now goods so taslilly displayed , gave the appearance of a most fashion able reception. The building had a gala bla/.o of brilliancy , there being electric lights and locomotive headlights from the entrance to the skylights. There are so many departments , each a complete establishment in its lice , that it seems an endless journey to follow out all the laoynntlis , while it is almost impossible at a single visit to take in all the sights of interest. All connected with the estab lishment have been busily at work night and day preparing the displays , the tusk being a great ono , necessitating the entire suspension of other business. The labor has resulted in a wonderful sight , and no such showing of goods has been seen in this city before. In fact it was -an exposition not only in name , but in real ity. Witliout exaggerating the display in extent and variety , in richness of goods , and taste in arrangement it is seldom equalled by . the great cities of the east. Flowers and plants have been placed throughout the UiH'orcnt depart ments , a band tilled the great room with music , and every detail is tlius carried out without regard to expense or labor. The show windows , which extend along liroadway for nearly half a block , had crowds of admirers before them last evening. The most elaborate and most attractive of these windows was the 0110 representing the now church organ to bo placed in St. Paul's churuh. The repre sentation is ingeniously made of plushes , velvets and silks. The sides of the organ are of plush , the stops of largo imported buttons. The pipes are of varieties of brocaded velvets , and the smaller pipes of satin. It is a rare sight , and excites much admiration. Another window is lillcd with rich laces , very gracefully arranged. Fur trimmings am ingeniously arranged in another. There is a pleasing showing of cloaks | n another , of blankets in another , while other windows are devoted to gcnt.'s furnishing goods , to boots and KhoGS and to hats and caps , The Broadway frontage is taken up with four departments , onu being devoted - voted to dress goods. In this there is a really wondertul display of rich fabrics and of novelty suitings. Next to this comes the notion department , in whioh there are many novelties. Thou the cloth ing and gents'goods take a whole store , and adjoining this is the shoo and hau and caps department. In the rear a grand stairway leads into the ladies' furnishing goods depart ment , where many now goods tire dis played. Uolow it is tiio largo , room whbro uro to bo found domestic goods , table linens , etc. Then up stairs in the trout is the cloak room. Tlio display here is remarkable , both as to quantity and variety. The richness of the goodslsalso noticeable , and it is safe to say that no such display has over been seen before. lleroa lady can make her selection from the cheapest-priced cloaks to those cost- ing500 , The departments given to children's clothing is also very complete , and - children dren up to twdvo years of ago can bo lilted up hero completely , and with satis faction surely , both as to style , quality and price , There are many features to this estab lishment which are worthy of extended description , but they are bettor seen and can only thus be appreciated. The open ing last evening presented an opportun ity for hundreds togax.e admiringly upon the rnuuy Bights , and to-uujht ; another like opportunity will bo given , which should bo improved surely oy the < e tin- able to bo present last evening. Conm 1 IJlull's may well congratulate itself upon having located hero so largo and orodlt- oble an cslablishmnnt , which would grace a city like Chicago or Now York. Oakland Clilpi. Miss N'ellio H. Hunter , of Hampton , Ills. , is visiting with Mrs. S. K. Halkam. 1' . S. Toothaker , will take a hunting trip througii Arkansas this fait. M.J. Do Graft * & Co. , remove to South Omaha this wock , and when there will engage in business. Fnrg ( Jroham , who has been in the cm- ploy ot M. J. Do Graff & Co. , the past two years , goes with him to South Omaha. Mr. Carpenter , has secured a position with an Omaha real estate linn , and will remove there m the near future. Phillip & Crcssoy , will occupy the build ing vacated by M. J. Do Gnill'ifc Co. , they having bought the same , and they say they will carry the largest stocK over brought into East Pottawattamio. C. H. Converse , L. 11. Robinson , Win. Lymnn and lly Cooper , will attend the republican county convention as dele gates from Uclknap. J. L. Fetter and T. J. Moore , will rep resent the democracy of Itolknap at the democratic county convention. The foundation of Hancock , llodgrons & Co. now elevator is looming up in line shape. Politics at Macedonia. The republican caucus hold at Mace donia Saturday night was presided over by Henry Thomas , W. E. Thresher serv ing as secretary. J. II. Hradlcy , 1 $ . 1' . Clayton and Henry Thomas were se lected as delegates to the county conven tion. A committee of three , consisting of T. I. ClarkT. . J. Young and E. E. Smith wore chosen to confer with a like committee of democrats to fix up a town ship ticket. In case such a union ticket cannot be formed , the republicans will put a straight township ticket in the field. It was dccid dthatE. E. Smith be se lected as the unanimous choice of Mace donia township for county olork. It was also decided that the proceedings be pub lished in the Bin : . Fresh tallies sit Haird's , MO Broadway. Opera house barber shop and bath roni. Everything first-class , E. M. Mar vin. Shoving Ijcml Dollars. Last summer two boys , Collins and Regan , were arrested near this city for passing counterfeit silver dollars. They had passed one , and on being followed up they managed to slip nine other dollars lars into a hole , where they were after wards discovered. Collins plead guilty , and was yesterday sentenced to ono year in the penitentiary. Kegan plead not guilty , and stood his trial. Ho claimed , . I. r. . . - ! . ! , . .11. . I , , . , - . . . , . . , , w .4 t7 i jviutlltr. ifn\j\/A * ,7 ttClJtlrMIlletl with Collins , ami that he did not know lliat the money was counterfeit , or that Im had any such money until the ollicers ; rot after tnem. His companion took the firiint of the whole afl'air upon himself , and Kccan was ncqn'ttcd ' by the kindhearted - hearted jury. On Wednesday , October 0. Mrs. S. D. Rogers will open at No. ! tt8 Broadway , in the store formerly occupied by J. J. Bliss , a largo and well selected stock ot millinery and fancy goods. The store will bo un der the management of Mrs. O. A. Kogcrs. who , as the ladies of Council Rluft's well knuw , is familiar with the requirements of the best trade of the city. It is design ed to make this store the most popular fashionable millinery establishment in the city. In connection with this store Mrs. A. S. Hall will conduct a fashionable dressmak ing establishment. Mrs' . Hall has had largo experience in this line and by those who know her best , is considered second to none in any city. The patronage of the ladies is respectfully solicited. The next best thing to a Richmond Furnace is a Radiant Homo Base Burner. Sold by Cooper & McGco. Nippnrt tlio Nippers. John Epcnctcr yesterday notilicd Chief of Police Matthews that his place of bus iness in Omaha had been robbed of some . had also the shop of Rucmpiiiir & Bolte. The chief placed the case in the hands of Policeman O'Brien , who inside of two hours arrested two old employes of both of the firms , recovered all the stolen property except ono hammer and took them to Omaha. They gave their names as J. D. Hamilton and Thomas Sweeney. Hard and softcoal , wood , lime , cement , etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. 031) ) Broadway. Telephone No. 180. Richmond ranges for hard coal at Cooper & MotJeo's. The Uity Council. The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held last evening , Mayor Evans in the chair and all the al dermen present except Alderman Shu- gar t. t.O. O. 11. Mitchell was allowed bonds on his grading contract The rust of the time was taken up in routine business , passing bills , etc. Garland cook stoves sire the best made , ( let ono of Cooper & McGoo. 18 Cabinet Photographs $ .1. Quality the linest. Shorradun , ! H7 Broadway. Seal brand oysters at II. J" . Palmer's. A Dorul Body Found. Alex Frost , of Ila/.ol Dell township , while hunting yesterday about ono mile west of Crescent , was horrilled at the discovery of the body of u dead man , lying in the willows. The body was badly decomposed , and had evidently been there some time. Ho at once no tified the coroner , and that olllcial will go out this morning to hold an inquest. Until then little can bo learned as to wno the man is , and his identity may not even then bo established. Substantial abstracts ot titles nnd real estate loans. J , W. & E. L. Squire. No. 101 Pearl street , Council Blulls. Fresh oysters in every style at tlio Phoinix Chop House , No , 503 Broadway. Seal brand oysters at 11. J , Palmer's. The I. O. U. T. have completed all their arrangements for their first annual ball , to bo given at the Masonic temple on Thursday evening , October 4. Parties coining from Omaha will be able to re turn at ' 3 o'clock a , m. Tickets are for sale at Bushmill's book store. See that your books are made by More- house & Co. , room 1 , Ivvorott block. Don't forgot the Good Templars ball at the Masonic temple on Tliurbdiiy evening , 14th inst. Tickets for sale at Bushnclf's kook store. A car load of largo , heavy mules , aUo a lot of fine , largo heavy brood mares for sale by Schloutcr & Boley , Council Blutls. First-class regular dinner 25 cents.13 to 3 o'clock. Pha-nix chop house , .r > 05 B'way. Just received , Ladies' line shoes , best makes. Prices low. Gee , Blaxim , B07 Main. C. H. Tyler has gonu cast on a brief trip. I. It. Whi'lplon , of"RcdOnk , is at tin Paoilic. The Misses Italdwih w'cnt to SI. LouU yc. larday. Mrs. John M. Haldwiu ! left lsist cvon ing for Chicago. W. W , Loomls and wite lelt last even ing tor Chicago. T. H. Gault , of Chicago , formerly with the Wabash , was in the city yesterday. Colonel MeKissoek , pf thn Wabash , has gone to St. Louis on n bricl business trip.Fred. Fred. L. Keller left yesterday for Cin cinnati , called east by the illness of her sister. Mrs. T. A. Clark anil daughter arc amongthose seeing the sights at St. Louis this week. Mrs. M. F. llohrcr and family returned home last evening after an absence of two months. E. H Cadwcll , who has opened a law and collection olliec in Avoca , was in the city yesterday. Miss Cora Hodison , who has boeu visiting - ing in Sioux City for the past two weeks , has returned home. Dr. II. W. Hart has gone to West Union to attend a reunion of some of his veteran comrades. Jim Hllss , nn old cigarmaker and for merly secretary of the union here , is now heard from in Ogdcn. llov. T. J. Mackay , rector of St. Paul's church , left lust evening for Chicago to bo absent two weeks. Misses Clara and Lena Hedison left Sunday evening for St. Louis to visit friends. They expect to remain two weeks. Mrs. Lou Wiuter.of New I'rightonVa. , who has been visiting in this city the past two weeks , returns homo Sunday after noon. Mayor Hiley Chirk , of Noola , was in the city yesterday. His town is to vote on the waterworks question to-day , and he is red-hot formusi it. A. W. Hickman has accepted the posi tion of cashier of the Council I'lufl's sav ings bank , vice Mr. Watts , who goes to Neola. Mr. Hiekman is an experienced and faithful bank clerk , who will fill the pout well. George M. Klein , of Vicksburg , ' is at the Ogden house. His name is a 1'ninilinr oiio hero on account of the prominence and importance of the cases growing out of the Klein estate , a large quantity of real estate in and near this city being in volved. Cole , the Cattle Buyer. Chicago Mail : Thomas Cole , the rich Kansas City cattleman , bought cattle for Plankiuton in Milwaukee in the T > 0s. He bought for Armour at Chicago when the house was started hero. Now ho buys for Armour's big Kansas City house. Ho began with the parent house , and has one after another been with each house in the train. He has grown rich in the service. In the carlv davs. t wlii n CwlllS. T.-IC driven cast o"n the'roa'usf leading to Chicago cage , the herders sent word forward to Milwaukee to Plankintont & Armour that their drivers would ue at Waukesha or some other station labout such a day. That gave the cattlemen the benefit of two markets. If thov cojild strike a bar gain at some crossroads with the Mil waukee men , they .liked . it. If they couldn't , they pushed 'on to Chicago. Cole would 'put $25,000 or $50,000 or $100,030 in his pockets , and with from ten to twenty helpers .intercepted the cattle drivers. There has never , becn a man in the country who could boat Thomas Cole in judging hogs and cattle on the hoof. It is said that John P.lankmton ami Sam Allerton are the only .men who have ever equalled him. Cole , like old Uncle Dan iel Drew , did Ins "liggcrinc" in the head , not on mipor. When young Phil Armour first we'll tin with John Phinkinton he did all ho could to get Tom Cole to keep tab on his cattle purchases. He never made any headway. The old buyer would comeback back after atrip , sometimes with $20,000 , sometimes with SriO.OOO . , sometimes with $100,000 worth of hogs and cattle. "Here's your cattle , " he'd say , "and here's ' what's left of the money. " Then he'd go down in his trousers , in his vest , and in his coat. It was Colo's buying that made the firm rich , anil Ar mour soon gave over ns a bad job trying to get the veteran to begin bookkeeping , lie kept tab in his head. He never Kept any other tally. Armour tells how Cole ' once came ba'ck and said there was a $1,000 bill ho couldn't account for. lie must have lost it. A month afterwards , when everybody had forgotten it , Cole felt something in the lining of his old jacket. It was the if 1,000 bill. A letter having two ten-cent confcdcr. ate postage stamps thereon was placed in the Richmond , Va. , postoflico last Fri day to bo mailed. It was directed to a gentleman in Manchester , nnd was only some twenty years behind time. The stamps had en them the head of Jeff Davis. Angular writing is now very fashiona ble with ladies whoso epistolary efforts consist of invitations and their replies. If you receive a particularly square- shouldered , two words-to-a-linb written note , be Imypv ; it is the latest style and ' can bo rcad'at forty paces without glasses. Creston House , The only lintel In Council Illiiffa liavlns re lUsoa/pe / > ml nil | ] ' ( > < : rni improvements ! . ' 'It ) , -17 uudlit .Muln Ft. WAX MOHN , Prop. mums , 1J1X. Main St. , Council DIufTs , In. , and iiO'J ' S. Iflth St. , Room 10 , Omaha , Neb. Manufacturer's , \gonl for the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , Awnings , Koofliiff Slate , .Man tels , Plato and Window Glass , ShowCases - Cases , Elevators Xliaml and liy- dr j.uJi&c. , SPECIAL NOTICES. Special ndvurtlscmonls , § uli us Lost , T'oun Tolxmnl'or Sale , To Ilont , t > nnts , Iloardlnar , etc. , will boinsortod In this column at tlio low rate of TEN CUNTS I'KH UNE fonbo first Insor tlonand 1'lvo Cents I'erliliioforcach subse-iuunt Insertion. Leave advorllftomeh1 int onr ollico No. 12 1'cttl street , near ' Jiroadway , Council Ultttrs. WANTS. WANTED A peed Kirl for general house work at 10U llancrolt street. Hl'SA R "Two fresh oows by'Sulllvan A ; FiUgerald , No. U4i : Hrou'lwuy ' , Bednction in Prices , IN China ( lassware Etc. , , , At W.S , Hcmer & Go's. No. 23 Main st. Council Hlull's. 3tnl'V" . A ynlelc , r rminef < Cure fur I > t Vmhooii , Ucbllltj. Ken . , ' . No qUKkerjr. In- dUl'Ut.lifo 1'ro.Jl * . Ucok M > ct Moletl ti. UUK utu , oa. uvtTMo. n.2 We \ Simply Want to Impress ? } mfhs \ i i of the Public that WE ARE SELLING GOODS For the Reason that there ; vviil ! be a Our Firii § on Dec. 3fsf , and we must sell out Our Present Large Stock & ! Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Mattings , Oil Cloths , Lin oleums , Window Shades , Curtain Poles , Upholstery Goods , Etc , COME WITH THE CROWD and get Bargains COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. C GRAND EXCURSION THIS WEEK ! Fanning . lands in Iowa , . Minnesota , Texas , Kansas nnil Arkansas , ranging from $1.25 to 512 per acre. School aii'l ' state lands in Minnesota on :10 : years tiiiH',5 . . jier cent interest. Land buyers faro frpp. Information , etc. , given by P. P. Lnnstrup , No. 555 Broadway , Council UlulFs , Iowa. MRS. C. L GILLETTE , uC'iCM - HAIR GOOP6 , - , c/ MURDER I ! bilicrln Isnguln miiWni ? ltd nnnunl vlsltn- tloroil years' trlulof 1 > H. THOS. JKFFKIUS1 HEMt-'DY tor tlmt fntal nmliuly 1ms ilomon- rtUt-il tlio fuel Unit It IK intiUlltilons u prevent ive mul cum. If yon penult your elillilnm to dlo with cllplitliurla , "Tnplr blood bo upon your hciid. " For sale only fit the ollico , No. " 3 South Mil street , Council HiulTe , Iti. , or sent by express on receipt of price , fi C. II. Illauoslee. of No. 1410 Campbell street , Omnlm , who recently Ion n bountiful and m- tort-ntliitf daughter , Uffcd about 15 years , by dluhthurla , under the treatment of of the , . J _ , . . , , -i . - , . . f . Hn . . . . .i- . A n one * r/.rr. . * of tliTiTclty : " " Your remedy for SfnlitlicrUcumo too Into , onr dear chuijfUtor > ras dylnjr xvhen It was received. I am gntMlcd that her llfo could hare been snrtd. Another onoof our children who had the diphtheria , Her throat was llllod up with tlio putrid ulceratlon , we used your medicine nnd In twelve hours the disease WHS completely subdued. In the future wo will keep your medicine at all times In our house. \Vo feel tlnit it saved the life of ono of onr children. Wo nro very thankful to you , and only reprct that wo did not call on you sooner. " From the Council Illulls Dally Herald : Mrs. 15. M. ( iururd , wife of KiiKlnccr Gerard , of the Union I'acltic , tills city , has been a ( front Run'ororfor ninny years , with what wns sup posed to bcicuncer of the throat. It was so bad Unit bhu wa ; tUieatt'iicd with starvation. Her ffcnoral health was completely broken down. She could only swallow liquid food , and i-ven that her stomach could not digest or nssimllato. I'hysicluiifi of Council lllutfs and Omaha attended her for thrco years and wave no relief. lr. Jcfferlsof this city , was called. In four woolis' timohe cured her throat , iind com pletely restored her general health. Had -Mrs. Gerard not obtained relief soon she would have died from Wood poison , the same condition that destroyed the llfo of ( Jon. Grant. From the Council lllnll's Dully Globe : it. A. McPIko , editor u. tlio CambrlaCKbens burpr , I'n. ) Freeman , has boon the jicrsona- friend of the editor of the Gloho for more than twenty yours , and Is known wherever ho is knoiT n ns one of the best men HvliiR. Ho is al o nn Intlmatu friend of .Mr. Clark of the Non- pnroil. Ho has been unt'oitunato In the 1 act that his family was rnvnfrcd with diphtheria , and Kiently distressed. Mr. Chirk havinir heard of his calamity sent him some of Dr. Jclleris' Dlphlheria Cure , It wns ni-od at once , and the lives of the rest of hid children saved. Letters from Mr. Mcl'iko are unbounded In their ex pressions of prutitudo for llndintf some means of nvcrtinc the loss of his whole trtoup of llttlo and tender ones. Klvoof Mr. Jlcl'lko'schlidron out of eight died from dinhthorla before ho had nn opportunity of using tor. Jolforls' remedy. DVfil'KI'RIAl nv.SI-Kl'SI \ I Dyspeptic , why live In ml ory and die in dis- air with Cinc r of the Ptomnch ? Dr. . Thomas olfaris cures every cnso of Indigestion nnd onstlpntlon in n very short time. I'.est of ref erences ifivon. llyppopsln is the citueo of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. I'rico fTi fortwo weeks treatment. Dr. Jcfforis1 diphtheria medicine is Infallible for nil kinds of Bore throats. Indispensable In putrid sere throat , in malisnant sciirlo Hover , oliiuiKlnK ItlnlHhourstotlioPlinploform. Infal lible cure for nil Inflammatory , nlceratlvo , put rid , cancerous nlcerallon of the womb and nil cntarrhftl conditions. Full printed Instructions how to use the medi cines sent with them. No doctor reiiilrt ] d. Dr. JcfTorls' remedies can only bo obtained n hlsonico. No.XI South Uijrhtn street , Count ) muffs , Jown.orseut Sy express on receipt drlco , Journals , Otinily nnil ItiiuK Work of ; II Kiiulx uSpco- ially Prompt Attention to Mall Orders fflOREHOOSE & CO. Room 1 Kveret Block , Council Kinds. Standard Papers Used. All ulylos of bind ing in Magazines and BLANK BOOKS. HKFBIUINOKH : C. n. National Hank , M , K. Smith .V Co. , Cltl/.ons' llunlr , Donro , WolU& Co. , hirst National llnnk , C , II. Insurance Co. , Ilicor & rubcy.llunkors.C. 11. Bavln.-B Hunk. H , . RICE , M. B. , ° ' ' oilier Tumora remove.l wltho-i Over thirty ycaa J actical oxoriunco. No. 11 I'oarlBt J , neil Illutlti. i. up nltco Star Sale State and Mule lards , IIHOADWAY , COUNCIL HLUITS , 0i(0blto | | Uuuuuy Depot. E oa _ _ . _ _ _ _ J 1J nTlorsos aniTnuilPfl kept coiistantlv on Jiand , for sale at retail or in car loads.Or- dors promptly filled by contract on short notice. Stock sold on commission , -UU & HOI.KV , 1'ropnuSrs. Telephone j\o , 114. Formerly of Kell Sale Stuules , corner at are. aud 4th street. Will make a Special Sale this week o u nruo , OIL CLOTHS , CURTAINS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will be Lower than made by any other store in the west. Do not fail to see us before purchas ing : elsewhere. This department we nhall close out , and shall make prices to Bell them. Our Stock is seasonable and styles excel lent. These are Bargains Never Be fore offered , And pau can save irouey by calling- oaus before purchasing for wo will not be undersold. DOFi'T ' FOItSET THE PUCE. NO , 401 BROADWAY , COT73STCIIJ , la , OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL KUJFi'S , IA. l ItrtT LAUNDRY OTFttC In thu city can bo obtained by putroiilxliiir the HomeSteam MO Ilioadway OKO , W. fiCIIJJfJKLK , l'n None but experienced bands employed. Out of lown orders by mail or uxprens so licited , and all work warranted. JB D B i EflH9inii HU j LATE OF ST. LOUIS. Oflico No , 525 Broadway , Council Stuffs. ' 1-11. 111. 2 to n p. m. 7 to b p. m. "loom > "o , o. P , O. MH.LEB. No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. LATEST DESIGNS. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. House , SlKn lunl Deconi o Pulnlor. J'apior uclio Wull Oruamoiits. None hut bcfct linu-Js oi-mpl.oy.ed und eh ur AND JOBBING X-SOTJSSS OJF COUNCIL BLUFFS. AliliU I I.Tt 11.11. J.\////.U/.Vr. / / < . _ _ Di-iiu ; : ; , WELLS & co. , Wholesale Agricultural Implejuits , Bo&laj , OUTliiires , KIP . I'to. Council Ulufl > , lown. KKYSTONK MANTKACTUHING CO. > iu\o tlio Original ami Coinilolo | Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , tXIIN S1IKI.1.KKS AND KK15D rl'TlT.H . Nus. If.Ol , 1MI , l.VVj nint J.Vvuitli ) Mulu Street , Council Iliiiifs Town. " DAVID IWVDLKY & CO. , Mnnuffann ] Joblipra of Agricaltural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , rarrlntros. and nil kln.N of Turin Mnohlnorjr. 1100 to 1119 South Mnln Street , Council IIIuft ( , loir i\ . /l.\B JM.VDI.K.S. F.O , Gt.TUso.v , T. II. Dorm. 1 $ , ilKo.P. Wniuiir. I'ros.ATron * . V.-l'ros &M-\ii. SeivACoimsol. Council Bluls Handle Factor/ , . Mnnufnrlnrersnf Aln , 1'lok , Sle < 1io nad Sm-xll , of every description. COUNCIL HI.UFFS CAIU'ET CO. . Carpets , Curtains , Y/fndow / Shades , Oil Cloths , Curtain Fixture * , UpholMirjHooJa , Kta Na < 05 Ilromlwiiy Council llluITa , Io < To. tS , 7Y ) .trt' , K7V. PEUKGOY & MOOItti , Wlmloiinlo Jnlibars 111 the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco A Pipes Nos. SBMnln utiJ irr 1'oarl Sis. Council lllnlTs , lown. t' . SNYDKK & LKAMAN , Fruit and Produce Commission Merdnnts. No. Hl'o.u-1 S-t. , Council JllmN. DK Cf J.S / / > . HAKLE , HAAS & ( JO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , i' Hundrlos , Htn. No. S2 Main Si. , nnd No. ' . ' 11'isnrl St. . Council Illulls. O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialt/ General Commission. No. 512 llrondwnf , Council IllntTs. WHIT & DUQUKTTE , Wholcsiilo Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceria ? . Nog. IB nnil 18 1'onrl St. , Council llltitrs. ItrtltCKItlKfl. L. KIKSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries Alto Wholesale Liquor Oonlors. No. 410 Ilrond- wny , Council I HAHXESS , ETC. UECKMAN , STHOHHEHN & CO. , llnnn'ncturors of nn.l Whnlninlo Do-iloi-j In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No. Ki Main St. . Council Itlu'Jj , Jow.i. JIAT3 , CAPS , KTC. MKTCALF BROTHERS , Jobbers ia Hats , Caps and Glom Nos. 312 mid 314 H road way. Council UliitTi. HKAVY KEELINK & KELT , Wholosnlo Iron Steel Nails Hardwaw , , , Heavy , .Ami Woodstock , Council muffs , Iowa. Kti Ai > imor. D. H. McDANELI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , Tallow , Wool , I'ellfl.Oronxonnd i'ura Counail Ulnirs Iowa. Uli. & COUNCIL HLUFFS OIL CO. , Wholosnlo Dealers In Dlaminating & Lubricatiaj Olh B3TO. , E3TC. P.TIioodoro.Atront , Oonnoil HlniTa. Iowa. I'lLINO ETC. A. OVEIITON As CO. , Hard Wood , Sonthera Lumber , Piling , And llrldiru MHtcrinl Spoalnltlr > t > , WioIo.inl Lum ber or uU Kinds. UWco No. I'M Mala 3U , Counoll llluirs. Iowa , LIQUUltS. JOHN L1NDKU , Wliolesjilu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors , for St. Gottharrt'8 Herb Hitters. No. 1J Mnln St. Council Hluiti. SCHNKIDKU & HECK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , This a ) uti'iii in ontlrcly now and h r > nlmplu tlnil w will nuiiralitou In U'lifll yoiitn limit nct' ( bfiUly In n row liiinr' . Viiucinilrurt : nil tlm ini-turiiH Hint In nciMlii'l ' fiirtliufiiiinly. an U cutH nil uiinuunla worn | > y luii I' , K iilt'incn iinil I'liliilri'n. Ijiil't's ' anil uriulcnx" ) . It will Mint jruil notnlntf unlllyim lmvnuirm' | < l , tlii'N yim will wiinltliu Utter. WH rhnlluiiKO romiii'tltlon. Tliu moat oxicrli-noc | < l ilrnoniTiiikfriiiinil lullnri iirkiM lnlK ll uiiorl rUy. It In lliu Invention | M ulamn Wulkvr , H ull known Kronen m < Utu. It tells nipMInnd IE < KII | uuuiit > niiiko iiMinuy.V wiint llr ti'U H ua'nH titako jiulil tit iliobimlnoM wltli UKVullku to uriko innnuy nnil nlluw othiTH to ilu fcdjilmi , HII wo nT ! r h riil onnH. I'Vir ' furlhnInr.irimillmi cull or Mililr.'m ' , .MIIH.MAIlV lAKTItll ! > ( ! Kliun , AKHllt. HouiiiftH. I'liciiluIliiiKii. Coillii-ll llliHTB. luirn , W. A. WOltIC , I'roprlotur , Horses and Mules For nil purposes. nO'iirlil mil unl ) , ut lolilll anO lull.te. . UirtfO fiiuntUtcs | tu teloct fiom buvt.-ral pairs of llnoilrlvors. slnKlonrit'iiihtu. MASON WISE. Council ItluH's , JACOB SIEffiS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in the State and Federal com is Uooms 7 and 8 Shugart JJloik. Justice of the Peace Olllcu over American Kxprusa