Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 131 : TrERDAY. OCTOBER 5 , 1880.
InactiTity and Heaviness Marlt Monday's
Trading in Chicago.
Corn Also on the Down Turn , Wlillo
Ont j 1'ollinv In H.yiiinuliy |
JloK Products UIINCI-
tlod null ' .Vcak.
OnicAno , Ocl , 4 ( Special Tnlo ram to
iho UiK.-"OI : | < l IIulcli" started tlio ball
to-ilny by sullliiK S'0,000 busliuli or nioro of
\vlit'at on thu cutb tit ? 4)/o ) for Novriuber.
Tlio receipts bcro were llbuint , nml at Diilutb
( iVTicais. 'I'hcro wasn HttloulVort inaileat tlio
icKiilaroiicnlnz tojji't tlic niaikot itnrtcd u | > ,
nmlltilltl hold at 7l'4 ' nfo for a minute ,
anil then became easy nt 7lc. The lluriy was
nvor In liftccn niiiuilos and the ) it ! loukud as
dead with tlio r > rlcunt7e ( as It did a day or
RonKont 7iJ4C. ( If II had lint been thiU thu
vlslhlu biipply llguics slio\\ed ii little smaller
Incicasii lorliunt Iliaii was CNircted | , and If
Iliilclilnsoii bail not been a iitutty llb'
bn > er to cover Ids shorts tbero Is no iluclilliiK
wheio tlio unco would have KOIIC to. It did
touch 7i.J < c for Noveinbcr , Ic under Satur
day's close and Hie lowest pileo t-n Tills
makes ca&b so near * ( c that theio Is every
prospect that It will gut theic. ( Josslp over
thu condition of wheat at Milwaukee , and
pome little uosslp concerning \ here
In onu of thu old cluvatois , inade
It easy to buy all the \\heat
nnjonu wanted. 1'ilvale cables .said tl.a1 the
ioielKH markets weic dcimishcd and that the
limits nl\eii to .some time ago had
been lowered. A piomlnont commission
man snlil that theiu had been < | iilto a genera !
roerlnjj amim u uood many of thu outside
traders , nml hu tliutiiht that local diiei.itots
were already even up.
In coin It Is said that I'artrldiro , who has
been llm l.ujro operator In It , has well evened
up and Is nut with a good sl/ed wlnnliiL' .
Them was a sudden drop In pi Ices this morn-
liigatthe ujienlni ; until December sold at
BUeand May at-tOJc. Itnt theiu was Just as
midden n rally. I'lie untle.iiiated leceipts lor
lo-morrow aio 700 cars nml aielllieral iniougli
to make to-moiiow's maikct a weak one.
At Ihe coMof ! tliesL'hhltin was rather
Meady but pi Ices show a decline of J < c , on
ti-)900t tin ; adjoin nmeiit of 'chaiiKU on Sat
urday. October sold down to \c \ and
closed at 7vu. ! Vovember raimed at and be-
tsvcen 7.1Jiifi74ieoicnliiKiit | Tlciitnl closing
llt7 lfc. December closed at 7ic. (
O.its weio modciately active but prices
were weaker and lower in sympathy with
wheat and corn. October sold at ' % (3.14c ( ,
closing at UTi'tc. November sold at i.5 clown ,
-lown to 2V.fe and closed nt'JA c.
1'iovlslous weto uiihuttled and weak and
prices axeraL'cd lower , There wa more-
piessure to hell mess poll ; early and prices
receded ir > e , but the fair demand later tended
to moio steadiness and pilces rallied a aln.
The elosiiiK liiures showed about 71ic reduc
tion. Laid was quiet and stead } at the re
cent decline . Kxpoiters aieout of the mar-
J > nttv o " " I'01 Sll1' ) ' ? t S".o@t ' < .82) ) . n'ld
closed nuict : ; f 58.70. jovcmDcr * > oi > ojicti-n. :
BH-M ) , declined to ! } < . advanced to SS.75
mil closed steady. January was fairly
active at S > .B'.23 < f@10.00 and closed steady at
ISi.lW. October and November lard sold spar
ingly at Sri.7S@5.77 > tf. .January was in lair
leqtiest and changed hands at S0.87 , @ .VJ3J-j
and closed steady ut ? 5.W ) .
2:30 : p. in. Tliu grain mu | | irovlslon mar
kets worn steady and not imitlcularly active
on the atternoon .session. J'hu slight chances
. taking place were for the better.
CHICAOO , Oct 4 , [ Special Telegram to
the llur. . ] CATTI.B Tlierc were about
nnoo , i-angcrs and only about that many nn-
tlve.s , all told. The market was stronger.
There was a scarcity of good stock antl pi ices
wcio unevenly higher. On tlio avciago K@p
wcro 10c higher , though there weresoiiu ) in
stances In which .salesmen thought lt @SQa
would hardly cover the Improvement. Infe
rior to lair kinds were not ho much stronger ,
but there was a good clearance and the good
cattle weru soon sold. It must bo remem
bered , liowcvcr , that tlio oll'crings of strictly
good cattM were very limited. Shipping
Bteers , iCO : to 1500 ! bs. S-.70@5. ) 20 ; 1-.JOO to I.'BO
Ibs , S-t.l@t,70 ! ; 1V > 0 to lt00 ! Ibs , $3.GO@-U5.
Theic was n largo proportion of lange cattle ,
1 but the actual supplv was comparatively
flinall. Salesmen asked higher prices , and
that fact made buyers hold back a little.
1'ilces , however , were concially stronger and
In some rases higher.
lloos Tlio maiket was active , and pi Ices
lully to higher all along the line. The
Yoikcrs and Daltlmorc soil cost about fie
more , and other lots that were sorted weio
fie higher. Low ginilo and common packing
sorts were not quotably higher than on
.Saturday , but lully lOc higher than Friday.
At the extreme close , however , trade was
tdowand the general market lather weak ,
with big packing linns holding on' , as the
provision market down town was also dull
mid weak. Common , 83.7r > ( < i3.'JO : fair to
peed mixed , S4.00 < J.H.M ( ; best heavy , 3-1.85 ®
,60 ; light sorts ,
Now York. Oct. 4. MOMHY On call ,
active at 5@S per cent , closing at 0 per e < Mit
1'niui : MKIICANTILE rAPUit 4@5 per
SrKitt.iNo KXCIIAXOK Qnlut , at 4.819 for
CO day hills , ? 4 8-IK for demand.
s ( loveitiment bonds were
( piiet bullirm.
SrocKB Tim block maikct was one of In
tense uxcitumcnt at times , and was fovorisli
mid Incgular throughout thu cntlro day. A
'depiessing ell'ect was caused In the early
hours by the action of CSovernor 1'attison , Ji
J'tinnsyiT.tnla , In icgaid to the coal combina
tion , and thu tuink line pool , andcoal stocks ,
especially sulteied trom tills cause , making
rapid and material declines In early hours.
Later , however , Xew England bccamo the
special fcatuio and Hading was accompanied
by mtiiioious rumors , most of which have
ilono duty before In no sliapo and another.
lint this stock lapldly iidvanced. The open
ing was about steady , Hist prices eeneially
Bhowlng only tnslgnlhcant cliauges tiom the
pool prices of Saturday. Trading was lever-
Uliamtgenciallv weak , and Now England ,
niter advancing 1 % per cent , lest It all and n
tmmll fiactlon. but later iccovcied und
reached the highest prices yet recorded for
that stock , and thu general mnikct recovered
with thu exception of coal stocks. Western
Union then gained In advance , and trading
In that stock was verv largo from that tlmo
out. Tito general market then subsided and
became uuli'l ' , and theiu wcru small and ii-
rcgurar llucuiatlon ? , cenerally In favor of
lower prices , but the market dually closed on
the sally.
t > cent bonds , . 100 | O. &N. W UOJ ,
U. preferred. . . 14'J'i
N.Y. C
Pacific O's of 'm , 12U Oregon Tran. . . .
Central Pueltlo. , PaciiloMall
C. * A ! P. D. teK 143 iiO
' ' '
o. n. & ( > Itock Isfa'niV. , , . ! 120
13T St. L. VS. K. . . . SI
i > ! &ji u. preferrwl. . . K
0. , M. iVSt. P. . .
pro erred . . . preferred. . .
Illinois Central. 1S5 ; $ St. r , &o 51
i. , u.&w 10 preferred. . . 51n
Kansas & Texas , Texas Paclllo. . . n r
Union Pacific. . . cul
1 * it \ 51J4 \V. , St. P io
Jtleh. Ceiitrnl. . . t > l. preferred . . . so
llo. Paclllo. . . . . . Ill Western Union. 77K
Northern Pao. . . 28 O. . It. iN . 104 > {
int'ferred. , . 01 %
Glilunco , Oct. 4. 1'lour Qnlet nml tin-
cbnngcd : winter wlieat Hour , 84.o. " 4.lO :
Boutliern. 5UWiJ4.00 : ; Wisconbln , 84.00 ®
4.10 ; MIclilKnn boft eprlinvbent . , S3rjOC < {
- - - - - ' ' ' -
-J ; patents.
. ; rye Hour.
. In sacks ,
Wlieat Weak and lower : moderate trail-
Int. : Him \\eatner , dull and easy cables ,
lower markets eUuwberu nud blelier consols ,
toi't'tlier with n largu untlulpated Increase In
tlio vlslblo Mipply , tlio oiiculng was weak
lower , declined # c , rallied K@
\p , nnd clovd 'jo under .Saturday ; cash
and Orlntier , 72 f7'"tc : Xovemlicr , 74'4'c ;
Deepinber. 7V ( 7flI , c { May , SiiW8'3Jfe.
Corn Opened weak iintler heavy pre'surn
to i'll. declined Ic , tended > < ' , due to some
co\erlnt : of shnrls ; the vMhly supply showed
n drcica c nnd helped to steadv the nuiikct
later , \ \ \\lilrhcloioil lower tliitn Mattnday ;
cash and October , 'fie5 November , ' ' ? > %
ww4c : : Dcecmbcr , ! ! 7Vf'fl7\c | ; May , 41Xc.
tintsI'rcl iicd ! e , tended ' 4C , closed
steady : c.ish. 21e ; October , "Md'J-Uic ; Novem
ber , 25'ic ; itay , 80Si' < %
Itye Steady at l c ,
Itarley Knsler nt 5.V.
Tiinoilivseed rriini' . 81.75.
Flax-sped Opened nt Sl.tfl , declined , clos-
\Vhisk \ > "i\\\ \ \
Poik Iiieitnlar , eaily declined 12) ) < rrd5c ;
later raH'ml , but settled back ncaln ijfpiioc ,
; "teuily : cash , PS.75 : October nnd No-
SS.TSftil.iii ; Jatiuaiy ,
. .
hard-Otilft and steady ; ea b , S5.90 : Octo
ber and Niireinbci , 85.15 fi.7JJ ; .lannary ,
Hulk MciiVt Sliimlilcr's , $ .V0t.lj.75i ( shoit
clear , 6T.01@7.10 : short ribs Sii.lO.
Hiitter Klrin : cicamury , IDXi'J'o ; dairy ,
Clieeso Finn ; full cicatn cbwldar.1 * .
( fillJicjilo Hats. ll'0 ' l'.V : ynuiiK
l'JU'JJ4CJ ( vboluo HkliiiS , 7 ( > Oj e.
KBISS I'll in and scareni I'ku ' I7c
limes Heavy Kiecn sailed , lully cuied ,
Me ; llebt. do < > < , ; bull bliles , 5) ) c ; drv
salted ll@iyc.
'I'allow No. 1 country , SJ Q. c ; No. 5.
So : cake , sjfc.
Ai'TKiisooN lloAlin-Markpts nil elo ed
steady. Wlieat November , 7l'4@74te ' > , Do-
eeinber , T0'c ' ; ilay , Si e. Coi n October ,
351 0 ; NoNombur , . ' .Wii'MeDecember \ ,
7 * c ; May , 41e. . Oats-November , S-'Oic ;
, May , .
No\einber , SM.rJ > f ; , linni.iry , tlU'Jji. Laid
November , 65. 77 4 : January , S5.
Plnnr.bbM . 15.000 1S.OJO
Wlieat , bu . 7i.XW ! ( C'.i.tWO
Corn , uu . 215.0i0 ; ! fiMooo )
OntS.Oll . 100.000 10U.IHK )
Uye , Oil . 4,000 none
llaiier.Dii . 0:1,000 : 04,000
Now York. Oct. 4. Wheat Receipts ,
430,500 ; exports , 110,000 ; spot about } < c nnd
options " . .C' ifi lower , clnshiL' steady wltli a
iL'covciy ot ' 4 ( < r'Veiinijrailed ; rod ,
No. 3 red. Me ; No. a red , Kl , asic In ele-
vatoi , Hyc alloat , JMJ c lob ; No. 1 ictl , 88Vc ;
No. ' . ' , Oetobur , clo'ed at b4c.
Coin Spot Uc and ontlons J fSi e lower ,
Oats Kittle lower ; receipts , 140,003 ;
poits , : xi ; mixed wehtein , 3l(3. ( ; o ; wblto
western , 3.'i@41e.
Petroleum iStendy : United closed at M34c.
Poik Dull and lower : old iiiess , S10.0J ;
new , Sll.03@ll.50.
Lnrd Two to sU points lower , moio
active ; western steam , SG.'Jj.
Hiitter Firm with fair demand.
Clieeso Firm and < ) Ulet.
EKBS Finn aud demand fair.
MliincnpollH. Oct. 4.--Wlieat Weak
nnd lower ; sample lota In uood demand at
bout l c lower ; No. 1 luud , casb or Octo
ber. 71c ; No\omber , 72Vc ; No. 1 nortbcrn ,
easii or October , ( WJ ce ; November , 70 > rc ;
DuTomber , 7ljc ; No. a nortliern , cash or Oc
tober , 07c ; November , ( VS' c ; December , 70e.
Flour Quiet and iinclianicd ; patents ,
84.25@4.40 ; bakers' , : ) 3 40.
KeceiptH Wheat , 275'iOO bu.
bhlpments Wlieat , aj.000 bu.
Cincinnati , Oct. 4. Wlieat Dull ; No. 2
red , 70c.
Corn Dull and weaker ; No. 'J mixedHS %
-w.it3-rin7i ; rta2 mixed , J
llyo quiet ; No. 2 , f.3.J c.
Pork-Dull ntS .60
Laid Weak ; S5.75 bid.
Whisky Klin at SI AS.
Milwaukee. Oct. 4. Firm ;
cash , 72.4c ' ; November , 7c : ; December ,
75k e.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , : ! ; > c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , 24c.
Ilyc Steady ; No. 1 , 5ic. ;
Unrloy ; No. 2. 55J e.
Provisions Steady ; pork , October , SS.60 ;
November , 8S.K ) .
St. Liotiis , Oct. 4. Wheat Weak and
Oats Weak ; No. 3 mixed , cash ,
November , ! i65 c ; December , } < a asked ;
Jlay , Sllie.
llye-45 ! } < © 48 c.
Whisky 5JU3.
Hiitter Quiet but steady ; creamery , 22 ®
y5c ; daily , 1021c.
Toledo , Oct. 4 , Wlieat Opened lower ,
recovered and closed with bolter tone ; cusb ,
Corn Dull : casb ,
Onts Dull ; cash , 27e.
KUIIHIIH City , Oct. 4. Wheat Lower :
No. 2 red , eash. Oljic bid ; November , 0 4' @
CMXe bin ; May , 7''e bid.
Corn i.o wer ; No , 2 red , cash. 29c bid ;
November. i.H.iKe ; December , Illj u bid.
Oats Nominal ; cash , 2ic : bid.
Now Orleans , Oct. 4. Corn Scarce and
Oats Steady.
Coinmeal Strons nnd higher ; S1.15.
Hoc Products Dull nnd lower.
J.ard-Uolined. tierce , 50.00.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S5.S7 $ ; long clear
and clear ribs , Sd.75.
Liverpool , Oct. 4. Wheat In poor de
mand : new No. 2 winter , dull nt Cs G U ;
now No , 2 spilnc , dull nt Os 8d ,
Flour Poor demand ; spot nnd October ,
dull at 4s 4d ; November nnd December ,
btendy nt4s3Jid'
Clilcnuo , Oct. 4. The Drover's Journal
rciioitn as tollowb :
Cattlo-Kecolpts , 7,000 ; stroiiK and 10@15o
hlKher ; shipping steers. sn.00@.r.,20 ; stockers
and feeders , 33.2T @ 9.r.O ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , 51.50 .1.2.1 ; bulk. e2.OiV-2.00 : ! ; tlnoiiKli
Texas cattle strong at S&WX&H.iiS ; cows , S2.25
W2.50 ; western raimers , linn ; natives nnd
halt-breeds. S2.00@4.00 ; cows , 52.40 .00 ;
wintered Texans , S2.0.'ji. : S.
HOKS Hecelpts. 15,000 ; fati'ou and 6@10c
bbiher , closing with the advance lost : lough
nnd mixed , Si.0@4.ri ; : ; packin ; , ' ana rihlp-
pIllK , S4.10 4.a > 5 H'lltWOlilltS1S3.00@l.5i ( ;
slclps , SAarxija. %
Slieep-Kfceipt.s. Ji.OOO ; Firm ; natives ,
82.K ! ( ! l.255 wentern. $ : i.40(38.W ( ) : Texans ,
S'.25C C3.25 ; lambs. ga.75(24.'J5. (
The Drover's Journal special London ca
blegram reports very heavy biintily and prices
for cattle l/c per lb , lower. Debt Ameilcau
steeis , llj/c perlb.
KutiHiiH City , Oct. 4-Cattlo Kecoljits ,
3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 : market steady ;
L'uod to choice , S4.00cf4.fX ) ; common to
iiicdiinn , si.iO@t.t : ! : 0 ; stockers , V-j/'S J. ? ) ;
feeders , S2.bOC.a.fiO ; cows , 51.50giCO ; grass
ninito bteers , Sj-J.25trfU.20.
Hogs Hecelpts , 2,000 ; sblpments , 1,000 ;
market quiet ; good to choice , S4.25i34.a5 ;
common to ini'dtum , 4.004.20 ; grabbers
nnd pigs , St.OOi3.'J.j : ( ! ,
su houls , Oet.I. . - Cattle Ilccclpts ,
.000 ; sliliniienls , 1,000 ; lair to choice native.
shippers , ; butcher steers , ga.'JS ®
4.10 ; niiiyo nnd Texans , Sl.75@i.SO. ? ;
Hoes ItecclptH , 3,000 ; bhlpinents , 1,000 ;
market oix'iied stionu'cr and advanced 5o on
nil kinds , but gradually declined nnd do-Mid
wc.ik ; butchers nnd choice heavy , S4.40JJ
4..W ; pnckliiK. S4.S.Xfl.45 ! ; Yorkers , 51.20dj
4.40 ; pigs ,
Moiulay K veil In ) ; , Oct. 4.
CATII.U Corn-fed cattle were In fair demand -
mand , but there were only a very few In ,
Seveial bunches of feeders changed hands ,
but tlio market was as quiet as usual on Mon
lloos The receipts were lighter than they
have been for several weeks. The market
was Ilrm on account of the light receipts ,
Sniirr Nothing itoini : on thu maiKct.
Cattle . 2,000
) . . . )
lllo .
* * * * * * * * * .AA
Sheep . , . 125
1'rlcc * . '
Showing the pi-ovulllng prices puld for live
stock on thU market.
Choice steers , 13.SO to 1500 Ibs. . S4. @ 1.35
Choice bteers. 110U to UiOO Ibs. . . . . . . 3.75M4.25
Medium steers , 1350 to 185U Ibs. . . a.fiojw.15
Fat little steers , 1050 to 1150 ibj . . . . yB ) ( < W.OJ
Coed feeders , . a.ooa .
( Jood to clioica corn-foJ cows. . . . , 2.00 ( 3.2,1
Fair to medltnu grass cows . , . S.00 < c-2.o.l
( iood to choice Dulls. . , . . 1.50 { < 2.00
Light and medium nogs . a.76Xa.t.M )
( iood to choice lutavy pogb . 4.00(1.15 ( .
Ciood to cholco mixed ho o . 3.SO\ . < M.OO
Good to elioiuo sheeu. . . , , , .
Falrtoeood sheep 2,7.yrT.oo
Common sheep _ l..VOa.A.iO (
\vi : riiis : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
HO..1140 SH.OO 73 1153 S",00
roll.N-KKU ' TKKII" .
Nn. Av. Pr.
1S7..12NJ S4.10.
No. Av. Pr. Nn. Av. Pr.
43..101U S2.50 2(5 ( IH37 5J.oO ?
non > .
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slik. Pr.
us..V > \ 210 S4.10 . . . .200 . . 54.20
lH.'j0 120 4.15 2ttJ..Vb(5 iV.'O 4.2.J
Showlnc the hiuhet nnd lowest prices
paid fin loads of hoes on tills market during
Hie na&t se\i > n da > s and for the same tlum
] a t month nnd Inst year :
fiiiy. "Sfiit. \n.
' $1.10 J4.75 ur oun f 11.40 ( f'H.r.0
j'rih 4.IIO Q 4 .V ) 4.11 i.i7' : 11.15
' 'Mil 4.3J O4.IH )
Kith Siiliilny n. < n
: wth j.afBj.ii.1 . ; i.lo : i.4o
Hay. "Sopl. IfrNI. I UCt. 1KN ! . I UCt. JSSX
nt .i.i
Showing the number of cattln. hog and
sheep shipped from tlio yards to-day :
No. Cars lit. Dcst.
63 . X.V . Chicago
All sales of stock In this market are made
ner cwt. live weight unless otherwlM ) stated.
Dead hous sell at J n per 11) for all weights ,
"Skins , " or hogw'elghlng , less than 100 Ibs
no value. 1'iegnant sows are docked 40 Ibs
and stags bO Ibs.
Mr. K. E. Silver , Sutton , was In after feed
ers.Files & Co. , Cedar Kaplds , had a load of
bogs in.
W. 11. Stone , Plum Cicek , had a load of
sheep In.
11. C. Lydick , Tekamah , was a visitor at
tht ; yimK
K. I ) . Walker. St. Edwards , bad n load of
hogs at the jaids.
H. 1) ) . Ilonle. Lusk , was on the market
wltli : KI loads oi cattle.
ll.l'ord , Smltltwlck , had twciity-oiio loads
of cattle at the yards.
Mather & ( JiternslySmUhwck ! , had twenty
loads of cattle In to-day.
Kobcrt Henderson , Sutton , was hero and
bought 7 ! ) head of lecders.
Mr. Nelson , of Nelson A : Ynunij , Oakland ,
was hero looking for feeders.
Build & MclCav , Green river , were on the
market with eleven loads of cattlo.
Thomas Powers , Sutton , was In anil hold
live loads ot hogs , which brought the top uf
the market.
H. Thornton , ( Jrcen II Ivor , had In four
loads of cattle and Otto Leifer six loads liorn
Oreen lllvcr.
Hunter , Evans it Co. , live stock commis
sion men of Chicago , arc ligiirlng on estab
lishing a branch olllcu here.
J. II. .Johnson , Tekamah , was on the rmr-
ket with four loads of. cattle ; Johnson & Co.
bad tluce loads and sold to J. C. Hammond
ite I'o.
Mr. Mart In , of Chicago , senior member of
the ( inn of Martin liios. , llvo stock commis
sion merchants of Omaha and Chicago , was
here to-day.
1 _
General Piniluod.
Mondav KvimliiL' , Oct. 4.
TlicfoUoivlHQ prices arc jnr round loin of
prMlitcciisKiMtmtlic ( mnrhcl tn-tlnn. The.
quntaUonx on frulls retirement the prices ut
which iiutaldc orilcru tire filial.
UuTTKit The receipts of butter are exceed
ingly poor and there is not ono pncuaue in
twenty that can bo uraded as irood or choice.
Commission houses are overrun with poor
butter , and have hard work to sell any
price , whllo theru Is an Incieaslng demand
for choice butter. Shippers can iirprovotho
quality of their butter by handling It with
more care. Pains should be taken to have
only ono itrade In a package , as poor butter
packed with good necessitates the whole be-
inir sold as poor butter. It is too early to
boxin shipping butter In boxes. The market
lemains about the same as last , week. Choice
nutter commands lXjJ18c ( , and fancy lb@-0e ,
but there is very little of that grade In the
market. Fair to good is belling at Ujjil5c. !
and poor atIQOc. . Choice cieamerv butter
Is selling at ± Je to ale.
Kcins Thu receipts of cygs arc not heavy ,
but as the market has advanced the demand
has fallen oil to the same extent , BO that tlio
supply Is about equal to the demand , At the
present time the nmikutls linn ut 17c for
stiictly Iresh eggs , and dealeis ucnurally do
not anticipate any lowr piicos. Tlio morn
liberal leceipts at the close of last week and
the lirst of tlio present week compelled deal
ers in bomo cases to clear up their block as
low as Klc.
PoL'i.THY The demand for poultry has
been very light for the past few days. Ilnck-
stcis have been glutting the market with both
old fowls and spring chickens , and by put-
tine prices down have cut off a good deal of
tiado from thu commission houses. Prices
aio not as firm as last week. Old Jowls ,
choice , per doz , S2.'iX2.W ) ; Bprlng chick
ens. large , S2.00 ; spring chickens , fancy ,
$2.25 ; spring chickens , medium , & 2.25 ; spring
chickens- small , not wanted ; ducks , 52.2'Xffi
2.BO ; tnrkoyp , not wanted.
( lAMi : iood ! sound prairie chickens hold
about their own , while ducks are
extremely dull anil low. Prospects
tavor a very brisk trade In pralriu
chickens at higher figures as soon as
cold weather sets In. Prairie chickens , $2,50
(33.00 ( per dozen ; quail , S1.S5@1.GO ; snipe ,
plover , etc. , 1.00(31.25 ( ; ducks. ( Mallard ) ,
Sl.fiO@1.7fl ; ducks , ( Teal ) , S1.00@1.25 ; ducks ,
mixed. 75c@l. 00 : geese , S2.50 < < 7i.50 : : deer !
saddles , per Ib. , ll@12c ; deer , carcasses , per
lb. , 7'Jc ; antclqpu , saddles , Il@l2c ; ante
lope , carcasses , 7@a ; elk , saddles , 10@llo ;
oik , carcasses , IXitTe ; jack rabbits , per do& ,
S < 53.M4.00 ; small , per do/ . , S1.00@t.25.
OVSTKKS As the season advances the de
mand nnd the number of outside ordeis In
creases. Only the very choicest stock Is
being handled by the oyster houses this sea
son , and they nro belter prepaid ! than ever
to till outside orders. Prices are r > u lower all
tlio way around than last week , and lower
than any other city. Mediums , 25e ; stand
ard , We ; selects. : ! 5c ; New York counts , 40c.
PoTATtnTho season Is appioaching for
the lav ing In ot winter stocks and the mar
ket Is firm. Local gardeners aio temporarily
supplying a p.irt . of Ihu totall trade which les
sons thu demand upon commission dealers.
The local supply , however , Is light and deal
ers will bo forced to look to thu outside for
their winter stocks. A ttnv Colorado and
Utah potatoes have arrived and sold
85e. Choice shipping stock , per bu , TMiJi.
CAtuiACiK ( ! oed solid heads are selling at
Gli@75c per do/en ,
fc > wiiT : ; POTATOES There Is a very liberal
supply of choice stock on the market. Choice
shipping stock , per lb , 2c.
UNIONS The demand Is not heavy but
choice stock sells fairly well , Choice stock ,
per bush , 81.00.
CJH.UHV The market Is well supplied and
the demand good. Shipping stock , per doz. ,
Ari'i.KS The demand for choice apples
continues good and tlu < supply Is very light.
The market has been Hooded with poor stock
which had to bo gold at very low prices and
which tended to keep down prices for good
block. Stocks have been mostly cleared up
and the market Is about bare. Choicu ship
ping stock and fancy stand or eating aniilt s
are in good demand. Common stock. S2.00@
2,25 ; choice shipping stock , S..U ! ) ( < g2,76 ; fancy
sUnil , 8a.75ffl3.00.
MICHIGAN PKAOIIKB The receipts the past
week have been verv light. Baskets , accoid-
Ing to size , 75c@jl.oO ; crate ? , 4 baskets , 83.00
013.50 ,
LKMONS Choice. CCO sUe , per box 58.50 ;
Messina. 30.7M10.00.
OiiA > QK8 The only changes on the mar
ket ate Jamaica , which are lower than last
week , Jamaica , per box , sn.OO : per bbl , , $11.
CitANnKintiEs The market Is falily well
supplied with verv choice stock. Capo cod ,
fancy , per bbl. . S8.50 ; Jersey , choice , S7.50 ;
Wisconsin , S7.10.
BANANAS Bananas are selling at about
the same as last week. Bananas , veliow , per
bunch , fcl.VKa-2.oOj BanaiiuB. yellow ,
bunch , S2.fAii3.50.
CAUI'OIINIA Fnuirs Two cars of Cali
fornia fruits were received this week. On ac
count of the cooler weather they aislvod in
very good order and met with quick bales.
Peaches , S5J.25 ; irraiH ) ' , Tokays , S..OO ; crapes ,
black , S'.OO ; pears , vicar. So.OO ; plums , gl.75
( 2.00 ; quince * , . S2.50@-i7Q.
< ! iiAris : The supply Is
glowing less as thu season advances and
prices araamndinglv tinner. Shi ppi UK block ,
per lb , 5c : 10-lb baskets. 40c.
MKI.ONS A few are still coming In. but the
demand Is light and they are slow sale.
MAI-I.K SuoAit Strlclly pure , 50-lb boxes.
lie per pound ; btrlctl ) pure , 10-lb tin palls ,
14o per pound ; > , iMciJs' > br'rks , 35-lb lKxei ,
12e peiioimd ; clioicu pcnii ) cakc , 'Jo-ll >
bo\is , Uueper pomd.
HNt.v--\clrt.4k.i ( ) , 'Mmiee , while cloier ,
i : > ( ( 10e. ; Nebiaskn , ddrk.l'JytUc Callfoinla.
o < ttri\\hlti Iio.oboee. : iJoutiLgc.
UKANX The market Is amiost cleaned un.
.Mce clean IM--IUS In fair lenuest. II. P.
Xaxy , 51.70CS1.W : 11. P. Medium. Pl.r > 0 < 5
] . < V ; eholee clean 'rouptry. Sl.'iViU.nO ; itood
clean coiintiv , Ma l.ou : Inferior ( MHu 75c.
Pnovi ioN1 * Hnin ( sugar-cured , ik- : :
boneless , .V-lb ) boxe-s. iie | ; picnic ham. 10 > < e ;
breaking bacon , Miuar-cineil , IV ; ilmuld'er-i.
sm.'nr-ciired.H1 : clvar side bacon , ikiin e ; diy
salted sides M.e ; dilod beef ( bains ) . 15c ;
dried beef ( icgtilar ) , 13 < ' lard.40-lb cans , Kalr-
bank's , 141io ; , 5 and : Hb pall , l-'airb.uik's ,
Jii4 , fle. ! .
On MX Corn. ! Jlc ; new oats , O.TC ; rye , 40c ;
wheat , No. 2 , We.
Fl.ofn AND MII.I.SMTIStnter wheat
Hour , best quality patent. 82.75 : M-eond niial-
llv. S2. 10 ; best quality spring wheat
Hour , patent. ; bran. fiOcpercwt : chopped
fcf-d , "Oc per cwt : white coin meal , Sl.oo :
; i edow cm n meal , ' .Hc ) per cwt : screening , OOc
peri'wl ; hominy , 8'J.OO tier ewt : sboits .Vie
per cwt : craham , SI. 00 ; nay , In bale * , S5.-'iO@
O.oa per ton.
Grocers' 1 , 1st.
Picui.r.sMedium , in bnh , S.V,0 ; do In
half bbls. S3..V small. In libl.i. S7.M ) ; do In
halt bbls , 3I.2.V gherkins , in bbls , SS.50 ; do
In hnlt buls. S1.M.
BYliri' No.70 , 4-gallon kec , S1.20 ; Xcw
Orleans , 3S&840c per gallon ; Maple Syrup. ' <
barrel , strictly pure , 7i pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. S' .2 , ' > per do ? ; H gallon can 85.25 por.s
doz : niiartcans. S3.w.
SUOAKS I'owdercd. 7\frt7)i'c ; cut loaf
7W71e ; Kranulatcd. t xftt } < c' contcctloners'
A.O jc ; stmidard extra C. fkli { > lc ( ; cxtiaC , ! > } (
s ; c ; meilltim yellow. 51iTrf i/c. ? / ;
KOPI : K ; ? Inch , lo.'i'c ' ; } ( Inch ,
lmii : ) Kni'iTS Nn. 1 quarter apples , 3Jf@
4c ; In evapoiated boxes. kiJSc ( ; blackber
lies , boxes , WJC'l c ; peaclics. eastern ,
fiJuc ; peaches , evaporated , l. ) , ' < , ' @nc : Salt
Lake , none In maykcf laspberries.muv.17lf
it ; currents , 7Ji(37 ( > i'e ; pitincs , now , 4
STAIICU Mirror gloss , 1 lb , fi.34'c : .Mirror
Kill '
WcYlvlnirslord'sbulk' . 4c.
CANJJP.I ) ( loons Oysters , standatd. per
ens , fr3HO ; strawberries , 2 lb. per case. 82.10 ;
raspberries , 2 lb per case , 2.10 ; California
peart , per case , " 54,50 ; apricots , per case ,
SU'O ' : peaches , per raise. S5.HO ; white ehcirim ,
per case. Sl.Oi ; plitins , per case , S3.75 : blue
berries , per c.isu. SI.Vi ; OKI ; plum * . 2 lb , net
cafe. & 2.50 ; pineapples , 'J Ib , per case , 33.20
@ 5.ftO ; 1 lb mackerel , per do ; . S1.20 ; 1 ib sal
mon per doz , 8l.5Xgl.flO ; a lb goosebi-ries ,
per case , SI.75 ; 2 lb string beans , ppr casii ,
551.70:211) limn bccns per case. S1.00:2lb :
manowfat pf > as. rer case , S2402 ; lb early
Juno peas , per ease. 52.75 ; 8 lb tomatoes.
uur KKM uiuilKiry KI.IUCB , ii vii7fU4 n ,
r.@lic ! ; prime. l'J rSlSccboIre. : lyftUc\ \
fancy green and yellow. I3j @ 14c : old cov-
Dll worth's. lOc : Hctl Cross. lfi.fc. ?
ToiiAff o I'lujr , climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
! ? 7c ; star. , ' ti\ \ spear head. : ! 9o ; piper helilslck ,
OOc ; tolil ; shield , : R ; merry war , 'J5c ; J. T.
J. , : KC ,
ToiiArro Smoking , Dtiiham , Is 51c ; J s ,
Melts' . "i7c : ks , GOc ; meerseluuu , JiOe. ; old
style , ii' c ; V. N. O. , ir > o : spirit cuieil , 4r c.
MATCHES 1'er caiMIc , asc ; square cases ,
§ 1.70 ; mule square , 1.20.
CANDY Mixed , WQUXc ; stick" , SW@9Kc ,
CiiACKnits Uiirneau's soila , butter and
ii5oo ! , r > j'C ; fleams , SJi'c ; ginger snaps , 8 c ;
-.11 W MU'lu 3 ' - ' '
boAi's Riik'si Savon imperial. 32.rO ;
KliU's satinet. S3.V.1) ) ; Kirk's standard. S.'i.OS :
Kiik's white Ku&ian ; S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap. S.50 ( ! : Dome. 83.M ; Washboard , S'UO. '
White Clout ] , Sa.75.
GciicrnI lUarkcts.
Wool , Mcdlnni. It'djSOj jier lb ; line heavv ,
14Hic ; llpbt , irKKi'-'c ' ; coatse , 14lGc ; burry
wool , U@ . ' > e otf. '
HIDKS ( irccn biitcbor" , 0'ifc ; green
cuied/Stit 'fc ; do' Hint. ll@iic : : dry salt.
9@10c ; iro-n calf skins , 'JfetiKc : clamaccil
bides two-thirds price. J'nllow S'c. ' . ( iiease ,
prime white , ! ici yellow , "c ; blown , \c.
Sheep Pelts. iof75c. ! , '
LIATIIIK : : I'rimo slaughter FOO leather ,
oaK Kip. B.J ( < IU. > C ; rrcncn Kip , oi.iiwi.- ;
hem , calf , S1.00@UO ; oak calf , S1.00Sl.2.j ( ;
Krench calf , SI.25 ( < U.bO ; Morocco boot leer ,
SOyKWc : Morocco oil pebble , 28@f2c. : toppings
nnd linings. GOttf'JOc.
HKAVY ilAHDWARn Iron , rate , S2.2j ;
low stonl special cast , 4c ; cruclh lestcel , Go ;
cast tools do , 12 < < ? 18c ; wason spokes' per sot ,
8l.75 ( < Wf.OO ; hubs , per ser. $1.25 ; felloes ,
sawed dry , $1.40 ; tongues , each , 75c ; avjes.
each. 75c : square nuts , ner Ib. 7llc ( : cell
chain , per lb , 612c ; malipablo. ( i@Sc : Iron
wedges , Oc : crowbars , Oc ; harrow teetii , 4e :
sprinc steel , 7@Sc : Utirden s horseshoes ,
$4.40 ; Burden's mule shoes. 55.40. liarhup
wire , in car lots , SJ.OJ per 100 Ibs. ronl
Nails , rates. 10 to 50 , S'J.50 ; steel nails , 52.05 :
Shot Sl. < ! 5 ; buckshot , Sl.bS : oriental
powder , keL's , S2.N ) : do. half Kegs , S2.00 ;
do. oimrter kegs , 81.50 ; blasting. ke s , S2.35
fuse , per 10 teet , C"ic. Lead liar. St ( .
Diiuos AND CVKSIKSAI.S Acid , carbolic *
S2e : acid , tartarlc , iWe ; balsam cooaiba , per
tt > , 4Qc : bark , sassafras , per lb. lOc ; calomel ,
perlbA ; : chinchnnldia. per oz , 40c ; chloro
form , per lb , M ) c : Dover's powders , per lb ,
81.25 ; epsom salts , per H > , 3 > fc ; glycerlno ,
pine , ) ) cr Hi. 18c : lead , acetate , per n > . 2le ;
oil , cahtor , No. 1 , pcrial. , S1.50 ; oil , custnr ,
No. 2 , per jtnl. , 81.40 : oil. ollvc.per Kal..S1.40 ;
oil orlirannuni , 60c : opium , S3.20 ; aulninu ,
P. it W. and 1 ! . &S , , per oz , 70c ; potassium
iodide , per Ifc , 8 ' .V5 : Ballcin , perez , 40c ; sul
phate niorpnlne , per oz. $2.Jo : ; sulphur , per
n > . 4o : strychnine , peroz. 1.15.
I'AINTH IN OIL Wiiiccad. Omaha , P. P
J < e ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S7.75 ; Mar-
ellles ffreen. 1 to 5 Io cans. 2c ; Krench vtlnc.
ureen seal , 12c ; Krench zinc red teal , lie ;
Krench zinc. In varnish asst , 20c ; Krench
zinc , 75c ; vcrmllllon , American , 18c ; Indian
red , lOc : rose pink. He ; Venetian icd , COOK-
son's , 2Jje : Venetian red. American , i ) c ;
red lead , 7Hcciiromo ; yellow , c nulnc. 2Jc * ;
chrome yellow , K. 12c : ochre , roclio le , He ;
ochre , Krench , 2c ; ocbie , American , l o ;
Winter's mlmril. 2Kc ; Lehlnh brown,2tjc ;
Spamsli brown. 2Ke : Prince's mineral.-c.
VAH.NISIIIS : liairels , per gallon : Kurnl-
ture , extra , S1.10 ; Xurnlture , .No , 1 , 81.00 ;
coach extra , 51.40 ; roach , No. 1 , S1.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70c ; nsphnltuiii.
extra , 5Sc ; Ehcllac , S3.50 ; hard oil linlsn ,
DuYPAmid Wblto lead , fc : Kronen zinc ,
12c ; Paris whiting. 2Jo ; whitlnir , Kllders' ,
2J/c ; whiting , coni'l , Ike , lampblack , Cer-
manstown. 12c ; lampblaclc , oidlnary. He ;
Prussian bluo,55R : ultramarlnn , IScvamlyke ; ,
brown , tie : umber , burnt , 4c ; uinbor. raw. 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 40 ; siitnna. raw , 4u ; Paris
gicen. genuine , U5c : j-ans ereen , common.
22e ; chromtt 1'ieen , H. "i' . . 20c : chrome green ,
K , 1-e ; veriuillion , ICnirlisli , In oil 70c ; raw
nnd bin nt timber. 1 lb en us. r.'c ; raw and
burnt sienna , 1-ie ; vandyke , brown , Hkj ; ro-
lincd lampblack , 12e ; coach black und ivory
black , lOo ; drop block lOc ; Prussian blue ,
40o ; nltramai inn blue , ISc ; chroma green , \ , . ,
JI. > Vc I ) . , lOc ; blind and Kiiutter L'leen , L. , M.
A It. , I6 i ; Purls irreen , Ihc ; Indian icd , l c ;
Venetian ml. Do : ' 1'iibcaii. ' 22c ; Ameiican
veriuillion. L. &D,20c ; yellow oclne , 'Jo ; L.
M. & O. 1) . . l c ; good ochre , lc ! : patent
dryer , Be ; graining color , light oak , dark oak ,
wlannt. chestnut and atdi. 12a
bi'iiiiTS Cologliu spirits , 188 proof , SI.10 :
do 101 proof , 81.17 ; Merits , second aunllty.
101 proof , 81.10 : do 18S proof , 81.15. Alco
hol , iw ijioof , 83.111 per wine gallon. , , Itedib-
61.50 S.OO. .
domestic. 81. ; > wj
( ! i .00 ; ilomestTi. . . .
Imjiortcd , per case. 8liS.00@33.fOj American ,
per case , S10.00@I0.00.
Drr liumDer ,
1IOA11DS ,
No. 1 Com. s. l.s. 12 , Hand 10 ft 817.60
No.'J " 12 , 14 ami 18 ft 14.73
No.3 " " 12,14 and lOlt 18.60
No.l " " U , 11 and 16 it 12.00
! ft H ftjlU ftp t' ' J UJS4 ft
' '
16.50 luiio'lH.WllT.Oo'lB.OO 21.00 21.00
10.M 1U.W 1U.5U1T.OU IH.OJ'2U.OO 2..U )
law ROD laajsi.oo i.iu
2.UO iawilU.50ll7.Wj lB.0082.00a2.W ,
1(1.5) ( ) IO.S01ll.SOi 1T.OO is.oo. . ' .uj . ' .oa
iaaojioisulijioo 18.00 : 0 00'20.00 '
No. 1 , 4 & 6 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .817.04
No. 2 , 4 & 6Inch , 12mid 14 ft. . iouih. . . ll.OU
A 12 , 14 AlCft. , 21000 C 815,00
H IS. 14 A : 10 tt. , S.OGO 1) 11.00 AND 1'AnriTiox.
1st com. , * i In White Pine Partition.SS3.00
Jd . . . . a.M )
lid Com. ? , In. .Norway 1'lno Celling. , . , 14.00
. . .
A dlncli , white pine , ; r. f
C Cinch , " " ! M 1) . 21.50
A 12 Inch. s. I s. 4'IC . 5.XOO
It la Inch " " 4'JD . " t.M
No. I , cum. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , IS A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No. 2 , " " " ' " . . . l .fiO
No. 2 , " " " 12 , < i 14 ft . 17.UO
10 ft . 10.CH )
l t nnd On. elear , 1 > < Inch , s. 2 s . 5n.OO
ikl , clear , 1 inch. < . . ' a . 45.0i
! < d. clear , IV. l' . 2 In . 4T.fiO
H select , 1 Inch , s , 2 s . 2H.OO
H select. 1'4 , I't.'JIn ' . ! 'i.OJ !
* iiir I.AT.
No. 1. plain.Sniid 10 Im-h . SI7.50
No. 2 , nml 10 Inch .
" lll.NOI.iS : I. A I'll.
XX.elear , 82.10 ; A Mnndatd , SJ.M ; No. 1 ,
v i'os \VhiteCedar.O i in. , Hs l''c ; 8 In.
qrs. , n1 jc.
LIMP. F.Tr.-Qulncy white Hum ( best ) Oc :
Cement ( Akron ) S1.H5. Hair , ! e. .Michi
gan plaster , 82.75. Sash , Mc. ) HllmK . " > 0c.
Doors , 50c. Mouldings , r > o
in's irr irUor iiiii ru KIS
MOW FISH . „ , , , ( V , fi , , > ft g i. , j
lion's S't.No 1 l.'li T to I no : i rf > 2 in I TO j5
I/RO diiAi Vnncy : oo : i no 2 : : > i la i ; ) ' RO 45
l.'g ' It'll Sli'ro l-"cy6 | 00 M OJ 2 75 1 fi5JM ! | 50J5
.idi" Tlf iTTilS I'lsiKls
. ! Hbls.Qr .
NRIV "s"
' 100 W N ) 40 | 12 I 10
No , i White Kin ! 'Too ' , n no3 M : t 10 nil " iio
Kiunlly Whlto rih , . . ' 3 fil ! . ' 1 15S 111 1 M 02
No. 1 Trout | t AOU li,2 ) , 55.1 P5 , 7t do
neil , Hrlslir lllilH/rIllisil'nllor | Kits
ay 1W m 00 40 12 10
Norwegian I I I I
7 600 SOU 10 1 Ot W
Hollnnd her- WTO
rlncf" , now. TOTe
To AVlioin It Mnj1 Concern !
UBVI.ED bids will uo rcpi'lvtitnt tlio onico or
I J the city clerk , ol Oninliu up to I o'clock p.
m. October fith A. 1) . IHMI , lor tinrolltwlnir ilo-
Berlboil ptopurty , to-\\lt :
llouliiidiiR ut tlm N.V. . cor. of Mock 317 nnd
rilMiilnv south lit ! It'i'l , thiMieo wc-t I'll foot ,
tlieneo north | : > 2 feet , thuncoimsl 2j feet to tlio
plucoor liotfliinlnir.
HoxIniilMK nt tlio S. W. ror. of bloek ,117 imil
mimliiK uortli UK fcut , thence wi".t 20 loci ,
thflico south I1J ; leet , thence east SO leet to the
phicoot lieKiiumiir.
llt'KlnaiiiK "t tlm X , W. cor. of block Kami
riiiiiiliiK south i.1 : ) rout , tlicnco wct -0 iwl ,
UIOIKO north 112 feet , thence eiisl 2U luet io the
plneo ( f lu' inn ni , ' .
lIvKlmilnirnl IhoS. W. ftr. of lilock 14 and
running north HIluut , thunco est ' M leel ,
KB tect , thence vnstSO loci Io the
UcRlnnliinr nttlio N. W. cor of block 11) ) and
rumiliiK soulli li- ; feet , Ihenro west 'M luot ,
ttiencu not th 1J2 feet , thcnco east 20 Icct to tlm
jilucuol hoRlnnliiK.
Ili'gliuiln ut the S. W. corner of block ID mul
mnnliiK north IIU leut , thence wet 20 feet
tlicncu south IIU Icct , tliunoo cast leut to tlio
tili.o of licKhmhiir.
llevhmlux' nt the N. W. corner of bloek 47 nml
ruunhiff south 111- fool , thence west 20 feet ,
thuncu north l" > 2 foul , ilionco oust 'M feet to the
plncooi' hctrhuilm ; .
lU'Kinnlnx' "t thu S. W. corner of block 47 nnd
niMiiliitf north l.'l ! Icet , thiincu west " 0 luol ,
Ihoni-o KO.itli iU ; ltd , thence oust 20 ( cut to the
plueu ol betflnnlnjf.
Ilt > KlnnInirnt the N.V. . corner of Mock ft ! and
rininhur south it : ! loot , tlieneo west 20 It-rt ,
thence north l.r ! feet , thence east 20 foul to the
place of liCKlnnhi ! ; .
H''KinnliKf nt ihc.S.V. . cnrnorof block ft ! nnd
running noith 1,12 I'oct , thence vest 20 feet ,
thence south UI2 feel , tliunt-c uui-t 20 I cot to thu
place of huitinnlntr.
" - " ' " " ' " -Ht Dm N. K. cnniProf block 310 and
riSainTKBTf STr . 'Ssr- " - ' u : -
thcncu north 13J foot , thence west 20 luet to thu
plnco ot bovinnlmr.
ItcvliiMin ut the P. E. corner of block CM nnd
rtimilnir north 1B ! fret , thunco eiKt 20 toot ,
tlioncc south 111' ! feet , thence est 20 feet to thu
place of beginning.
lloirlnntnirut Iho N. E. corner of block 15 nnd
runnliiK south I3 < foot , thunco uist 20 fuut ,
thoneu north lit ! fcut , thoncu west 20 leet to the
plnco or hcfdnnlnir.
HcKlnnhiK at the S. E. corner or block 1.1 and
running north li2 ! root , theiicu cnst 20 feet ,
thcnco south 1IK fcottlioucc wcst201cot to the
place of be < iiinliiff.
llcirlnnlntr nt the N. K. corner of block 18 and
riiiinliiK south 1K ! fcot , thcncu east 20 lout ,
thence north 111 ! feet , thence west 20 foot to the
plnco of beginning.
Bofiliinlm ; nt the S. E. corner of block 18 nnd
running north 132 rcol. thcnuo cnst 20 feet ,
thence south 132 1'cct , thcnuo west 20 feet to the
plnco of bus-Inning.
lleirlnniMirnt tlio N. U. corner or block 48 nnd
runnlns : south IK ! foot , thence cust 20 fret ,
thoncu north 1IC ! Icot , thunco wust 20 rcct to the
plnco or hi'K'nnliiff. '
lies Inning nt thoS. E. corner or block 48 and
running north lit ! roct , thcnco cnst 20 Icct ,
thence south IX ! feet , thence west -J Icct to the
plnco or beginning.
lloghmlng ht thu N. E. corner of block fil nnd
running south I'Jl loot , thoncu cast 20 fcot ,
thence north 132 luet , thence u est 20 feet to thu
p'nco of beginning.
llcgliinlng nl tlio 8. E. corner of block fil nnd
running north 111I'cet , thciico cnst 2J font ,
thence south IX ! fcot , thcnco west 2J root to the
place uf bo lunliig.
eSlKJt J. 11. SOUTH AHD , City Clerk.
Dissolution Notice ? .
'HIE Parlnorshiii heretofore o.\l8tlnubetween
-L thu undurslgncil , iinrtor the Ilrm iiaino of
Mu nrthy .t llarretl. Is thH dny clln olvcil liy
mutiiiil coi.'Bonl. Mr. McCntIhy withdraws from
the Ilrm. All cliilins ntfidnst the Into tmrtner-
slilp will bo pnlil by the nuw Hnri or U'irrelt &
Honfoy , nnd nil bill owing to biild ixirlnerahiii
must bo pnld to the FIIIIIO firm of llarrott&
lleuloy. J. I' . McrAHTHY ,
1' . J. UAltlimT.
DntcilOct.lst , laso.
Having wltlnlrnwn from the firm of McCnrthy
& llarrctton ncoount of Ill-health , nml hnviny
sold my InlorcBt thcroln to Mr. 1' . 0. llearuy , 1
lieglo return Io my ninny filonds In Onmlm my
eincoro tbiuiks lor their liberal pntroiuiffc nnd
to cordially bespeak n co'ithiunnco or the Biinio
for the now Ilrm of Ilnrrctt ' llonloy , who will
continue the luminous nt the sniiio plnco. 218
f.outli Uth street. JAS. McCAU'J'HV.
o. s. I ITTIS : & < : > . ,
WJiolcsiilo nnd Hutull
I'linctous , lhi.vios nnd Hoiul Wnt'om.J
coiitknveil In buylntr of in.
1/uraSl. , Omitlia. Kob.
Uranoh ut Couaull lllulljloivii
Artists' Material ,
A. HOSPE , , TR. ,
Artists' MatorlalH , Pianos nnd Orpans ,
1513 DnuKlus Street , Omnlin ,
Agricultural Implements.
Wliolpralo Dealer In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CarrluucB iiud Iliiirploii , Jone iiieot. between Otb
und IMIi.Omiilio , Neb.
Agricultural Implements ,
Wagnni.CnrrliureB , IlniRlei , lite. , Wholeialu , OmabJi.
WholcialoDculr-rs In
Agrlculinral Implements ,
tVosonsand Itiifglo. Wl , WI..OJ nnd'.07 , Jouei lit
Butter and Eggs ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Refrigerator and Padtlni ; Houio , lltli und Leaven-
_ ftorlllEt. , 11.1' . U. U. Track , Omnlia.
Butchers' Tools.
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Jouiuge Cualnfj of all kinds alirajiln itock. 1216
Jone > BtOinnna ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
Biiilders'Ilardware&Scalo Repair Shop
Hue-hank I'Toolt and lluffalo Bcalci. 1109 Douglas tu
_ Oiiialia. Neb. _
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
TiDtntre , Sheet Iron , Kic. Agent * for Hone ttcale * ,
_ and Miami I'owjfrdi. , llmaha.Nfb. _
Wholesale Hardware.
Writcrn ncents for Jefferton Bttcl Nalli. Auntla
1'owdtrrCo , Fulrbank * blnndard hcali-B. Corner
lOlli mil llnrnu ; , Omaba.
floors and Shots.
MunntiutnrcrjcnJ 'ciHleDf tiers In
Hoots unit Shop ? ,
Complitp Moik of Itnlititr ( Jnol lif y on lianil
tu > R 13th M. . Omnlm , Nob. A T. An lln.
? r. r ,
Jobbers of Hoots uul Slier ,
101 l'nri ui.i H , ( inmhn. Noli. Mnmifiulo i , Summer
Hn-ol. lliiMim.
Apt. for Anlieiiser-lUisli llrewinjr Ass'u
Special Htnml tliii * ! . llwlirelaiprnnil Krliuiirw.
l.uirer Iteer Hrowers ,
r > 51ortli Hlh Mrort. Oinnlm , Neb.
Coftco , Spices , Etc.
Onialia CoflVe ami SSiiIco Mills.
Tc , CoITcC" , Splco . Hutting t'Owili'f , MivorluKltr-
trade , Limitary Uluo. Ink. Kir Hit ICllnrnry
Mrrat. Oninhi , Nob.
< ? ATEs , rov.0 MILKS'
Hotno ( 'olleo mill Sploe Mills MT'jr To.
O'tfffC Ho.iitcrfl nml Splr dritulcr * , MnnufniiHr'rs
of linking IViffdrr , Klirnrlnx Kttrnrt * . Illnlnc. Ktr.
Tn nnu rnn nf tnr l-fl > pnrkHun HnmoUIcnd ltuit > tcil
Oofft-o. MM Ilonrnril t . Omthii. Noli.
Cor/I/Co. /
.Tohn Kpuneter , Prop.
Manufacturer of Onlrnnlted Iron ami Cornier. 033
DoilgMHiid 103 mill 116 N , IQIIi M. . OniMia , Nrli.
M.imifnrliireri u (
OriiiMiiiMitnl ( ialvnniml Cornices ,
Dormer WlmluwR , "IDS.
1211 nt. , oniHhn.
( \ Sppclit , 1'rop.
( iRlvnnlrcil Iron Cornier' , etc. Hppct'f Iraprovoil 1'nt-
ent Mdnlle hkrll.'lit. HH mill Ml ) S r.'lh M..lnmlm. )
Jobber * of
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Linoleum * , Multilist. IHn. 1MI Uoiiglii * B I root.
Wholesale. Curppts , Oil Cloths ,
B , Ciirtuln CcxxK Kin. 1(2.1 Kiiinam Street ,
Omalift. Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
.A scut for Hie Itntiufarturcrn ami Importer ! of
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lnnipn , ( 'lilruueB , elf. Ofllce , 317 Buutli 13th ft.
Commission and Storage.
Commission ami .lobbing ? .
Unttrr , KilKSiuut 1'roiluco. C'oiiilitnuioiiti tnllcitril.
Ucailqu.trtcm for Btonownro , llt-rrjr lion H mul
( iinpa llii ! kc's. I'll IXxVcMri'ct.Orualm.
PEYCKE lillOS. ,
Commission Merchants.
Fruits , I'roiluco nnil ProvMons , Omaha , Noli.
llr. E. RTDDELL ,
Storage mul Commission Merchant.
" " ' o mr * , inc. , itc. m somii luu biiiiVt.
I'roiluco CoJiniiiasion Merclianta ,
Poultry , llutler , ( iinne , I'mlts , etc. TM 8. IttUtL
Oninlin. Noh ,
Gonei'iil CtmiiiiiHsion Morcliants ,
AndJolibprs of Knrclgn nnd DomcHlloFriiim. Torre-
BiioiKh'nt'O Hollrlletl. Waroliiiuitc tuul tinice , 110 N.
Tlilrleonlli M.OniuhuNeli. 'l'i > li > ptiiinu 77.S.
( ! CO. ,
mportcrs nnil nliolovnloilo.ilura In
Italian 1'roiltice ,
Forrlcn. Toinc'tlcun < l CnllfunilH Krnlts mul Coinmls.
slon MurclnintH. Wt S. lull t. Only exclusive
fruit IIUIIRO In Oiiiitliii. '
Coal atut Lime.
Dnilcre In
Hard anil Soft Coal ,
OCQcound yurJ.K'tli imil Noholn ! HB. | , Oinibii , Neb ,
\ mtl Tt'liih | < iiK ! , IOT.
Ocu. r.i.viiAiiir , Pros. C. F. QoonMAV , V. Free.
J. A. HUNDKUI.AN1) , Hec. nnd Trcut > .
Jobbers of Hani nnil Soft Coal.
SIM Smith Thirteenth Street , Onmlm , Noli.
laiiiifiictnrersof Illinois White Lime ,
And Shippers of Coil nd Coke. Comunt , ria lor.
UIIIP , llulr , Klro Hrlck , Drain , Tile anil Sewer I'lue ,
onicn. r.ixtou Hotel. Kur.-nra H. , Ourilm , Nvt > .
jr , p. CO. ,
Maiitifactiiriiifi : Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Flull , NuU and CI.'olB. 1211 Kurimm St.
Lire Stack Commission.
M. HUHKE ( ;
Live Stock Commission.
( Too. Ilinko , Mumigpr.
union PtocU Vnrds , 8. Omiilio. Telopliono 567.
Live Stock Coiiiinlsaion Merchants ,
Bblpmcnts of tiny nnd ull kinds ( if Ktnck eolloltcd.
Union Stock Yards , lm ) liu , Nub.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbfirs of Cigurs , Tobacco ,
Ouns und Amiiinnllliin , 2IJ lo2J ) K. lltli tt. , 1020 to
M.'l Kuril. ml t.O niiln , Noli.
WEfiT B FltlTHCUElt ,
Hiuiiiractiircru of Fine Cicrars ,
And Wliolci'Hlo Ii > alL'ri In Leaf Tobnrcoa , tios. 108
undllU.N. Htll Plreel , ( I iinhu.
Dry Goods.
Dry OooiiH , FnrniBliliiff Goods & Notions
IVfi nnil 11(11 ( IXniKlnn , cur. Hlli Ht. , Omnliii , Nob.
Distlllcre of I , liiors. Alcohol rind Fplrlla. IrnroTtcrs
and Jutticriot Wlnciend l.lriiorn. |
CO. and ILEIt .0 CO. ,
Imporlern nnd Jobbemnf 1'lno Wlnot and T.lqnnrg.
bolu inanilfneuirttri of Keuncdr'B ICnH Inrtlii Hit-
lorsniul IMmcu'lu I.lfjuoi" . 11U l
Urugs , Paints , Etc.
Largeut Drnp ; , Taint , Oil & GIiiHS JIouBO
Wo tof CUIcuco. Complete Line of IlrujjuUtB Burl'
dries , nil llHrncj H. , Oninliu ,
WlloluSlllli DlllrrgiHtR ,
And Ie ler ln Tnlnti , OlUand Window Oln § , Omnh ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. , ll.8Afrit.Pr' > > . .J.\VIlriiFniui.Fec.ATrem
It. J. CAIISOK , V.l're . nnd Hupt.
Office 319 S. Kilt tt. Omaha. Neb. Mucbliirrr nnd
bupplles for ilanufaoturlfitf Cement lnilu 'j'llo.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Kn iiieerB anil Coiitractors ,
dfoi , Viaducts. Itoof TratJrg , Btenra 1'ilo IlrMnj ,
lllnu , Ouk unil I'lnu llrlil Lumber. l&iU > t. , iicur
Furnuui , UniuliaNob.
Dealers in Furniture.
Kurnnmtt. ,
CJlA JCLES filll I'Ell ICK ,
Furniture , ItodiUug' , 1'iiliolstery ,
Mltrort. etc. ia > ' . 1J03-and UIQ Knrnnnitt , Omabo.
Groceries ,
Wholesale ( irocerle * and Vrovhlons ,
Non.7ivj.177 , nwnnJ711 S I'Jtti ' J-t .Om.-ilin.MHi.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Hilt mul l.MTCmTortli M , .Onmhn.
* "
ir./ . ntto.iTcir ,
Heavy Hardware , Iron nml Steel ,
BprliiKtVHRIIII Mock , llftrvlniirp l.iunbrr , etc. 1301
nnil 1311 IUrm > j ni , onialm ,
Wholpsalo Iron and Steel ,
\Vacon ninl I'nrrlnsuVoo l Stuck , HCBTT ll rrt r
lito. 1217 unit I2IU l.fnimiutli l. , OiiKha , Neb.
Stovns , Ilnn e.i , Knriiaces Tiles ,
Uanllo. ( irnlci > , ltr * ( lmHl < . I.U1 and 1.2.1 Kniuttta
Iron Works.
Iron Works ,
Wrought mill Onrt Iron lliilldlni ; WnrV. Iron Slnlri
llnllmK , lli'iuin nmllllnlcM , sipnm liiiKliu'n. llrnw
\Vnrk , ( Ji iHTiil I'lniiulrr , Mntliln * mul IllmkunlU
Wotomcomirt \\nrki.tM' . Ky lilulirili fllcrl.
Wholesale Jewelers mid. Music Dealers
Dt-Mcrn In Sllreiwara , KlKmondr'nlfho , Clock *
JtMi'ler'B Tools Riul Mntcrml' . i-ic. 1(11 ( nuU 101 lilh
ol. , cur. DoiU't' , thimlin , Ni'
Denier in Lumber. Luth , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Kto. Vardii-CornorTtli nml I > UUIA | > | Cornci
' . 'III mid l > muln < .
Wholesale Lumber ,
8US. Hill ulrcctOrunlmNob. I. Colpotior , Manner.
C. X. D1ETZ ,
13th nml Cnllfnrnlu Streets , Oninlin. Neb ,
1WE1) U' . ( , 'JIAV ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. 11th nnit liuuKlnn nip. , OnmhiuNob.
a : ir. HA UVEYLUMBER co. ,
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1(0.1 ( Km nniuBtrcot.Omihn.
CJfAS. It. LEE ,
Hardwood LiniibcV ,
WoodCnrpclsnnil 1'uruurt Flooring. Vl
"Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Impnrlrrt iul American 1'ortliunl Crmcnt. fitntt
AKcntfurMllKiiukca llr.lrimllr Ccuiont iiuu licit
gulnryVliltoI.liup. .
Live Stock.
Of Omnliii.
i. . _ . - , . - r. roja , su r.ntor.atms
Millinery and Notions.
I. < tl CO. ,
liiiportcra nnil Jobbers of
Milliuury anil Notions ,
1213 nnrt 121. ) llirncy't , Onmlm , Neb.
Are tlio only Direct Importers of
Gorman & French Toys & Fnncy Goods
In Nobrnekn. ChlciiRii prices duplicated without mid-
iDKlrelKlit. 14I * > Kiiriiiini Suect , Oniiilin.
T. JiOJtfA'SOtf JiO'JL'JOJt CO. ,
AVIicilcaalo Doalcrn In
Notions and Fnrnislilii" ; Goods ,
< ( klninUm B. To ntli St. , Oinnlni.
Jobber < In
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
lOW nnd 1013 Phirnam t. , Omabn.Nob.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans runta , blilrtn , Ktc. I Iff' nnd 1101 Doiiijlus Street ,
Omnlin , N > b.
.Job Printers , Blank Book Makora.
And Book Hinders. 101 und KH Houth FourtccnU )
Btreet. Omiilin , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
Dealers 111 Type , Premes and Prlntern' Huppllce. VOl
hoiilli Twplflh blri-'ft.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
EDWIN MOItlilS"tG cdr "
Manufacturer ! , Pucker * end Dealers In
riplclcs & Strictly I'uro Apple Vineffoij
linking I'ondor , KliivorlnB Kxtrnclt , Tnblo Bunco.
Kronen MuilM"l U'nsh IllulriK , droicrn' fcpcciKltics
folo iiKi'nti fur York htiito Siinil Helmed Apple Ci
der. 1400 Leiivi-riwurtli t. , ( luiuhti ,
Safes , Etc.
Omnliii Safe Works.
Mnniifnctnrrriiof Tire nnd lliirKl'irl'niorSiifci ) , Vnul
Doom , Jail Wrrkhliut.era and Wlrii Work , Cor.
KilliindJackfon HIB.Oir.i.lii , Neb ,
J . IIOYER l ! CO. ,
for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
( Ire and Ilnru ar Proof Niifis , Tlma I ickn , Vaiiltl
and Jail Work , 1'NI ' l < 'nrium ntrnot Onmliii , Nou.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
WliolernloManuriirturcr.iof '
SitHli , Doors , Jiliiiilu und JloiiliUnpg ,
llrancli olUcc.Hili nml Iniril jil . , < ) niiilmXel .
Snsh , Dunr , Winds , Mouldings ,
IlullilliiK rarnr , etc. Km houtli Tlilrtcnntli Htrcol
Omttlu , Knit. A onmplelu Mock of llulltluia1
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mnulilliio.SlalrWnrknnil Interior Hard Wooil Klnlcl
JiiBl opened. N , IS.iur. Bill mul LeitvouwurlliBU.
DniHlio , Nub ,
Pumps ,
Wholesale PnnipH , Pipe , Mttiiitftf ,
Cteamiiinl Wntcr 8iiiiilin. | ) llritilquiirlcr * t r Ma
' " - - i , lln rarniiiii ( , . ( liimliii.Koli.
Pumps , Pipes nnd Engines ,
Btoana , Wuter , Itnllwuy nnd Hiii ! | > llct. J'.U
_ WOa nd Kiirniim i , Nub ,
HnllndnyWInd Mlllni nlcain nriil Wfilor HnnMIe
IMumblnir aoo-J , llcltliiK. lloic. 1'ID ' nnd 1'AI lar-
HMUi it.Dinliii. H. K. Kellon , Munutjur ,
_ 'J'eli'dionuN | , SIO.
Ti links.
Wholesale ' '
'i'ninks ,
Mllhrd Hotel lilock , Oiualiu.
Wagons anJ Carriages.
The Leading Uarrlttge Fuctorj ,
( r.bTAIH.IBIIKIl 1US. )
l HII DodguBtrctt , Onialiii.
Building 'Material ,
Dealer In All Kind * of
Building1 Material at Wholesale. .
I3Ui Htrcot and UiHou I'ncino Track , (1/u.ilm ,