Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    U7 j.uui nm - - -
Annual Meeting of the American Board
of Commissioners tor Foreign Missions.
Post Mortem 1'rolinllun
Divines nml hales
1'rcsont I in port nut Circuit
Court Decision.
lj\c of the Session.
Dr.fl Mom : * , In. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tclo-
gram to the Hnn.J A largo number of visit-
orH hnvo nlrcnily nrihcd to attend the annual
nicutlnc of the A met Iran hoanl ot coinmis-
eloncrs for foreign missions , which begins
liere to-morrow. Although the board Is com-
pospil of liut'i'X ) ninmbers , Its nu-etlngs KOII-
cially nttrnctn thousand or moio of the iup-
rcsentatUo ministers and Injuu-ii of the
ConKicgntionnl clnirch. All of the foielgn
mission work of that church Is done through
this hoard , which Is nn Incorpotatcd body , re
ceiving a charter from the Massachusetts
IcRiBlnliiio In Ibl'i Two yeais before , how
ever , nn oiKnnliatlon was. perfected , so
that this la the seventy-sixth jear of
the board's existence. Darius the first year
the money that passed through Us hands was
n Ilttln more than SWO. Jnst year the board
disbursed for the of loielgn missions
.SGJ'i.lHiO. The meetings ol thu bo.ud , though
devoted clilully to inlsslnnniy Intciosts , ha\o
.bomo to bo the meat relUlous nnnlvei.sarles
of the Congregational cliureh. The ablest
innd most iiiomlnent divines , and the most
Influential l.iymcn ntlend them iitul discuss
more or loss the current luucs ot theological
The meeting this year has been anticipated
with more than usual inteiest from the x-
] > ectntlon that the iiwstlon of futiuo pioha-
tlon would bo taken up with the prospect of n
warm contio\ersy between the lepiesenta-
lives of the old and the now theo
logy. The latter , led by Or. Newman -
man Smjthe , of New Jlaven , and
several ot the youtiwr piolcssois of Andover
ThcoloKlcal hchool , have for ye.irs entertained
views that by the older membms have been
zegarded us ipilto Hut owing to
itho Independent ehuich policy ot Congrega
tionalism , theto has been little oppoilunlty to
lirltm them In question bufoiu nny lepicson-
tutlvo uhuich gathering. That opportunity
seems to hnvo tome this year.
Among the young missionaries who ap
plied to tin ; boaul foi toHiiini woik Was llov.
Knbeit A. Hume , of New Huven , Conn.
When ( iiiestloncd as to his views lie dechued
that ho uelltsM'd In ttituio piobatlon ; that is
that the heathen , who bhoulil die without
having heaid thu gospel , would havu an op
portunity In the next world. The prudential
committeoot thcboaict objected to Ids views
nnd rutused to send him out , deciding to reter
the matter to thu entlie bonul nt its session
hero. Thoio nro otliei Doting missionaries
whoso appointments are withheld for the
name mason so that the iiucstlon Is of great
'importance nnd Its discussion is awaited with
gieat Inlcicst ,
Among the prominent men already hero ,
or expected , are : Kx-1'iesident Mink llop-
Jclns , Of Williams college , wlio ilclUnis one
of the. addresses ; 1'iesit'ent ' Uartlett of Dart
mouth college , ex-CiovLTiior Kaiibanks of
Vermont , li. l.ymaii Abbot , editor of tiio
Clirlstian Union , Now Voile ; Dr.V. . 11.
\Yiml , editor of the Now Voik Independent ;
llov. Newman Siuythe , Now Haven ; I'rofos-
Bor Kgburt Smyth , nnd I'lolessor Edward
A. 1'aikof Andover , Ki-v. Dr. .1. ii Withiow
of Uostoii. VJcu-1'iesidoivt K.V. . Jllntcliford ,
Chicago ; I'lcsldonts Kaiicliild of Oherlin col
lege , Cliapin ot Uelolt college , Wisconsin ;
Uiittcrlleld of Olivet college , Michigan , nnd
others well known In educational and minis
terial work.
The sessions of the bonid will bo devoted
to hearing lepoits Iroin different .sections of
the foreign mission work nnd to mnklng ap
propriations for the ensuing year , with such
discussions ns will nntuially arise. The local
committees have piovlded entertainment for
700 visitors and the number will piobably bo
Incieased to 1,000.
> Knocking Them Out of $1OOOOO.
* Jis : AToi Ks , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
to the Bicn.J Judge 'llenderson.of the circuit
court , to-day decided the very impoitant case
that has been pending in the court for a
week , regarding the rival street car compan
ies. The old company claimed exclusive
'tight to all tlio streets of the city under a
Charter granted m IbGO. The new company
received n charter from the piesont council
to lay a track on several stieets not occupied
by thoold , but was stopped by au injunction
obtained by thu old company.
Judge lloiideison holds Hint the old com
pany has not exclusive lights to the streets ,
and If It hasexeicised it it was only by toleration
eration of the public. Thu decision is re
garded ns knocking 8100,000 oil from the
value of the old , or narrow gauge company ,
ns the now bioad gaiuro road will commence
at once to complete its lines.
Destructive liioontllnry Flrn.
FoiiTDouoK , In. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK.J A companv of graders
who work in this county on the Mnsou City
tfc Fort Dodge railroad , lett Newark town
ship Saturday night , and moved to within
three miles of Uolmond , stopping with a
farmer. About o'clock Sunday morning nn
'alarm ' of Jlro was raised , When tlio giaaors
reached the place where their horses were
liltchod to their wagons , near some liny
stacks , fifteen horses were burned to death
nnd two more so that they will die. Ten of
the horses belonged to the graders and seven
to the farmer. Thu icradcis lost their horses ,
Inn nesses , wagons and tools , and tholnrmor
has lost sheds , hay , grain , etc. Neither the
farmer nor graders had any insurance. The
lite was Incendiary.
Suicide by Drowning.
CEDAK llAi'ins , la. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tel-
cjnam to the HKK. ] Cyrus Wynn , fifty-live
jyears old and unmarried , an empioyu at the
"oatmeal mill , drowned himself eaily this
mornln ; In the Cedar lilver. The cause is
/L / Funnel- Near lliiHtlnKH Found Demi
in 11 Cora Field.
1IASTIN08 , Neb. , Oct. 4. ( Special Tclo-
prnm to the HKI.-.J Tlio oody of James
Qulnn , n farmer who resides about eight
nilles northwest of the elty , was found in Ills
coin Hold this evening horribly maimlcd.
Ills lioihoa being gone , the supposition Is that
ho lost his lifu doftuuHii-C Ills propel ty. The
coroner has just gene out to examine Into the
Grout Sport lit McCoolc.
McCooic , Nob. , Oct. 4. [ Special Telegram
to the UKU. ] The MeCook land dlsuict fair
nssemblos hero to-morrow with every indica
tion of uuccess , especially the lacing will bo
Hindu attractive. Among thu notable speeders
of the turf cnteied hero for too week's races
ftro Kate Kwlng and Tramps , of Salt Lake
City ; Ullngo and three other , of Denver ,
Jlottdo Cook , Worth , Novelty , Jack Crowder ,
FranKford , Vans Uomlss , 1'alot and Nona
Such , of Atchison ; Ktta 1) ) . and Willie
O. . : of Wlutlold , Kan. ; MeLeod , of Arapahoe -
ahoo : Hilly Duller , Charley C. ,
nud Maud D. . of JUoatrlco ; Hell P. , Peep
O'Day. Moon light , of Not ton , Kan. ; J. Jay
S. . Well Pitman. Uoll Douglas , Frank ( ? „
lltuo Jay , FiedDouulas , Hell Lowman , Hush.
Kate Jtay , Jlollio DunlaysVill C. C. and
Unity * lietiides Telegram , entries hav boon
imido for tluco fast steppers from Kansas
City and two from Denver. The association
| offering laiger pluses than any in the
state , nnd It U attracting liundiuds of horse-
moil and thousands of people ,
Doduo County Democrats.
FJIKUONT , Neb , , Oct. 4. ( Special to the
UKB. | At the democratic county convention
John 15. Shorvln was lenomlnateU for the
Blato benato , Henry Schwab anil James ( lam-
bin as representatives. Tlio following delo-
gutos weio chosen to the Btuto convention nt
Jlastlnco : J. K. Shervln , H. 11. lloblnsou ,
I I ) . 0 , Wcstfall , h. Bpoar , Charloa Hani ; , N ,
t J 'ascoo , N. A , llageiistein , ( ieo. L. Loomls ,
lcimau Wohilbcer , John Deeu , IhiKh Toy ,
Hal Ciulsty. To the dibtilct uonvuntlon at
KorfolK : F , W. Vauglian. John Helmrich ,
Kittle , Ooorgu M.VllIlams , W. II.
r , J , K , SUcrviu , N. W , Smalls. 1J. II.
l.oo ci. en. Henry bchnack , Charles Shaffer ,
A. Wntt , W. A. Kihg. Alice-whiskey plank
was subsldlrd In the platform.
Dlcrt Anioiie Strnngrrs.
STitoMstifno , Neb. Oct. 4. [ Spcclnl to the
HUE. ] About ono\veek ngo , 1) . S , Hiirhnnan.
a prominent real estate dealer of Valisca ,
la. , nrrhcd In town and put up at tlio llyder
house , Last Monday morning ho was taken
sick and almost Immediately became speech
less , Medical nid was summoned , nnd his
friends wired Ids condition. His bookkeeper
anUed promptly , but his nearest relatives , a
brother and sister , live in different localities
In Ohio , and fors > ome reason weio delayed.
The sister arrived Friday night barely In
time to see her brother die. The brother
from Ohio nnlved jesteiday morning. The
body of llm deceased was embalmed , nnd > es-
tcruay , nceomwinlcd by the sad relatives ,
started lortho old home in Ohio. The cause
of the death was paralysis of tlin thioat and
side. K\erything posslblo was douo for the
unfortunate ninii , out without avail.
Prominent .Stock 31 nn Dion.
Kr.Aiivm , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ .Special Telegram
to the HKU. ] l.ato last night , on his cattle
ranch on the Loup , Klisha Miles bieathed his
last. For ton jeais Mr. Miles has made his
homo at Kearney , being largely Interested In
the cattle business. Years ago ho was con
nected with SOIM of the best railroads In
Ohio nndvns laigcly Interested In thu old
Toledo line , Mr. Miles was o\er sixty years
of age.
The National Onino nt Itcd Cloud.
Hin : (1t.oui > , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Speclnl Tele-
giam to the Hin. : ] A game of base ball jes-
tetday between tlio traveling men nnd Hed
Cloud clubs resulted In n M'oro ot 10 to 14 , In
favor of the traveling men.
Liuclcy JlcCnnn.
OtJAM.ArA , Neb. , Oct. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ur.n. | William A. McCann , of
Hay Springs , county , was nomi
nated nt Ozallnl.i on the twenty-third ballot ,
as the nomlneo of the Kilty-ninth represent
ative dl.sti let.
Tlio IttiHO Itnll llccord.
Cliicaco . 4 0 0 0 1 1 0
New York . ! J 10210 7
Habo hits Chicago 0. Now York 10. Kr-
rors Chicago a , New York 0. Umpire-
Quest ,
Hoston . 0 00000034 7
St. Louis . 1 00000041 0
Plteheis Kadbottrn nnd Hualy. First
base lilts Uoston 14 , St. Louis 11. Kuors
Boston 4 , St. Louis 7. Umplio James Man
Washington . 2 0000001 3
Detroit . ! 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4
Plteheis Shaw and Smith. First base
hits Washington 5 , Detroit 0. Kirors
Washington 0 , Detroit 0. Uinphe 1'leicc.
A'rSr. Louis
St. Louis . n 00000000 0
Athletics . 0 0 0 0 0 'J 0 0 0 S
Plteheis Atkisson and Hudson. Fiist
IMSO lilts St. Louis 2 , Athletics 7. Ernns
St. Louts 'J , Athletics 7. Umurre McQuadc.
Louisville . 1 00010000 2
Uiooklyn . 1 0080 000 * 4
Pitchcis Unmsey and Porter. Huso lilts-
Louisville 0 , Biooklynfi. Enors Louisville
4 , Hiooklyn 0. Umpiio Kelly.
Cincinnati . 0 00111001 4
Metiopolltans..O 0 2 0 0 a 2 0 * 0
Haso hits Cincinnati 8 , Metropolitans 10.
Eriors-Clncinnati : ) , Metropolitans 4. Lm-
piro Valentine.
Kansas City . 0 00000000 0
Philadelphia . 0 2300021 * 8
Haso hits Kansas City 3 , Philadelphia 13.
Krrors Kansas City 4 , Philadelphia 5.
Uuipire Fulmor.
Uoauh Uncos.
I , N. Y. , Oct 4. For two-
year-olds , tinea-quarters mile : Pool Hex
won , Georglo C. second , Lady Alay third ,
TIuie-l:10. :
Selling allowances , seven furlongs : \Vi-
nonn won , LIzzio Slack second , La Claire
third. Tlme-la3H. :
Seven turlongs : Soudan won , Bill Owens
second , Grand Duke thlid. Time lSl4. : }
One nnd one-eighth miles : Ferg Kyle
won , llarofoot second , Mamie lliiut third.
Handicap , onq and one-quarterinlles : Bon
nie Prlnco won , Brouiihton second , bam
Brown third. Time 2:12 : > < f. Certificates paid
One milts : Top Sawyer won , YoiingDuko
second , Klkabcth third. Time l:4l : ( > j.
l/atonln Park llaceH.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 4. Kxtra day of the La-
tonia race meeting :
Maidens , two years old , five-eighths mile :
First section Cora L. won , NinaB. second ,
Passion third. Time 1:04 : > $ . Section second
end lloso won , Linda Payne second , Vis-
tetto third. Time 1:04. :
Selling purse , seven-eighths mile ; Wahoo
won , Dawn of Day second , Skobololl third.
Time 1:30. :
Milo : Little Fellow v/on. Klrklin second ,
Emma Johnson thjrd. Time 1:45.
Three-quarters milo : Jacobin won , Denny-
brook second , Florlmoro thlid. Time 1:17 : } .
illlo and ono-slxtcuuth : Berlin won , Pan
ama second , HottloS.thlrd. Time 1:51. :
Quaker City Races.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct 4. Gentlemen's
driving park race , live-eightns milo : Harry
won , Lewis socoud , Chinchilla third. Time
-1:05 : % .
Ono and one-eighth miles : King Bob won ,
IHbernla second , Alamo third. Time 2:01. :
Seven-eighths milo : George Angus won ,
Tunis second , Commander third. Time
lilK. : :
Tlireo-rpiartors milo : Jfalarhi won , Pope
Leo second , Hollow third. Time 1:18. :
England Wins nt Cricket.
PiiiLAiiKU'iiiA , Oct 4. Tlio game of
cilekct begun on Satuulay between thn
Enu'llsh gentlemen and the Philadelphia
eleven was completed to-day , the visitors
HI ore Imbor Troubles Fonrort.
CHICAGO , Oct. 4. There Is a prosoect of
trouble nt the Doering IJni vester works. The
Imincnse sliops were closed , as Is tlio ycaily
custom , on August 13. The company lias
gradually been employing 800 men for noNt
season's w orK. It is bald that the Knights of
Labor , who have made applications tor
work , have been Informed that tliulr services
were not rcipiiied. The stnteiumit Is nlso
made that tint iorcmun of thu vailous depait-
ments have a list of men who participated In
last spring's bti Ike , and when Biich persons
apply tor work they aru told that they am not
wanted. To a loportcr to-day Mi. Deering
denied knowing ot nnyttoublo. "There in
one thlni ; certain , however , " said ho ,
"sooner than omgloy some of thn men who
\\oiked last year , I will shutdown the fac
tory nnd never run It again. That Is positive.
I shall hire whom 1 choose and dispense
with whom I choose. 1 suppose we have n
list ot men wo do not want , but that It Is not
a black list. " Deering Ueclaied thcio was
no discrimination being madu by him against
any labor organisation.
Trniii Wreckers Foiled.
ST. Louis , Oct , 4. A special dispatch from
Scdalla saya an attempt was made early
yesterday moinlng to wu-ck the cast bound
pashonuer train on thn Missouri Pacific at
Gieunwood , thlily miles cast of Kanaus City.
Bails , ties and other rubblbh had been piled
on the track in thu curvn and had the obstruc
tion not been dit > co\oied by a farmer who
llavged the train a disastrous wreck could not
ha\o been pievented. Theie Is no clue to
the perpetrators , but as It was In the old train
robbury district , It b suspected robbery was
_ _
A Cody Cow Boy Killed.
NEW YOKK , Oct. 4. To-night n light oc
curred among the cow boys on the Wild
West much on Statcn Island. Ono ot the
cow boys was killed. The names of those
couceined In the affair have not beeii learned.
Kan. , Oct. 4. The throe
day's session of the National Woman's Suf
frage association , In conjunction with the
state organization , begau heio this evening.
' 1 ho opening address was made by Susau H ,
Anthony. There is a largo attendance.
Grovcr'a lattle Mite.
Ciuni.K6TOK , S. O. , Oft. 4. President
Clex eland has sent 9-0 to the confederate
homo with u sympathetic letter.
Peculiar Oircumstancea Connected "With the
Fire In Linderholm's ' Store ,
'M SliortnRO A. Pockctlinolc
Wlioso Child It Is Sluujjcd
nnd Holiliuil General
Liocnl News.
Wlio AVns tlio lucendlnry 1
From the many rumors Unit were current -
rent yesterday , facts were developed llmt
show without n doubt Unit the Liiulur-
helm lire on Tenth street on Sunday night
was thu work of nn incondinry , nnil will
probably lend a clue to p-irtics who nro
intoreateil in working up the case. Prob
ably the llrst man to see the lire wns ( Jus
Nelson , n yontiK mm ! employed in Nel-
Kon's store ndjoinin Linderhoim's pliico.
Ho saw thorellectionof thubliizc through
the window nnd ran down to the store to
see what wns the nmttui. Ilo looked into
the window and saw a man crawling
around on the lloor. The bitHdim ; wns
then iilled with smoke , and ho cotilil not
got a good look nt tlio
num. As ho was ga/.mg through
window two colored fellows suddenly
came upon him , apparently out of the
alloy. Ono of thorn ] asked him What ho
was doing thorp , then struck him in the
faut ! , knocking him down and cutting ids
lip and check in an ugly manner. When
Nelson staggered to his foot his assailnnts
had lied. He is confident that the man
he saw in the building was kindling Ii re
in different parts of the storo.
P. Peterson , who keeps a saloon at the
corner of Seventh and Pacific streets , wns
standing in trent of the Atlantic hotel ,
just opposite Liiulcrholin's , when the lire
broke out. lie rushed across tiio street
ami found the frontdoor unlocked. Ho
pushed it open nnd went inside.
The lire was only burning in ono
place at the time , and ho went
to look for a bucket with which to carry
water to throw upon , the blnzo. As ho
returned from the rear of the1 store an explosion -
plosion occurred that threw him upon the
lloor and robbed him of his senses for a
few seconds. When ho recovered tlio
store was all abhuo , the llnmes having
apparently boon spread by the explosion.
Peterson also saw a man in the building
when ho entered it.
The identity of the man who was seen
in the store is a puz/.ler to all concerned.
Mr. Llndcrholm was m the store in tlio
afternoon , and ono of his clerks , Mr.
Lnndon , stopped into the place a few
minutes before 8 o'clock and found ev-
ovcrythiiiE all right , The other clerks of
the establishment wore not in the btoro in
the afternoon or evening.
Tlio loss on the stock was covered by
insurance as follows : Connecticut
Fire , ! ? 3,000 , ; London Assurance
corporation , $2,000 on stock , sf.jGO
on li.xturos ; Nebraska and Iowa.
$1,500 on stock and ) flOCO on fix
tures ; Sun of San Francisco , $2,000 on
stock ; Homo Fire of Omaha , $1,000 on
stock ; Hamburg , Bremen , § 1,000 on
stock ; Scottish Union and National , if 3,000
on stock ; Lion of London , § 2,500 ; Western
Homo of Sioux City , il,000. Total ,
7,500 on stock and $1,000 fixtures. The
Lion also has $1,000 on building.
Yesterday afternoon the local repre
sentatives of the insurance companies
interested in tlio fire , commenced an in
vestigation of tlio facts connected with
tlio same , and ascertained from Mr. Lin-
dcrholm some of the facts concerning the
value of the property. Ono of these was
the value of fixtures of the store , f9r
which , under oath , ho testified ho paid
$200 to Wiig & Wcstberg , while- the in
surance carried upon it was $1.500. It is
not thought that the investigation will bo
carried very far , because the representa
tives ot the companies think to adjust the
loss will not require more than one-third
of the policies issued.
AN1 >
An Unusually Intorcstinu Meeting : of
ttio Hoard , of Education.
'lljo regular monthly mooting of the
board of education was held last night ,
all of the moniDers being present.
Treasurer Buck's report was read
showing the following condition of
finances :
Ualanco last leport $50,295.P,8
Tax collection in August 550.03
Fines in police com t 1,400.00
Licenses in September 81'J.OO
Total SM.4C0.4G
Warrants paid In September S'JT.a'sJ.bO
TrunsfcncU to sinking fund 118.U5
By balance Sna , 100.40
Balance In sinking fund 3 tiG" > 7.50
Bonds on deposit 5,500.00
A warrant was ordered drawn for the
payment of the balance duo the con
tractor on the Lake felreet school ,
Mr. Blackburn created a sensation b3'
reading the following coninmnic.ition :
To tlio Committee on Teachers nnd Text
Books : ( jentlcincn As a momucr of this
board and a tax paying citizen , I deslie to
propound a few inquiries , not with a view ot
raiplngciiticism , but to obtain infoimation
for the bcnelit ot myself and other members
of the board as well as the public generally :
1. How many basement looms aio occupied
and In what schools i1
2. How many rooms nro not occupied and
In what schools V
3. Why should Lcavonworth , Pleasant and
Central schooli Imoveiciowded when thuio
Is room tospaio in Dodge , Cuss , Kuiiam and
Castellai ?
4. Why are the children in the vicinity of
Cstellar ( , tor Instance , allowed to attend
Cass school , and why aio those who properly *
belong at Dodge permitted to go to Pacific ,
Cnss , Leavonworth and Cuntial , ciowdlng
other ohlldion living neater'/
5. Why have thu grades above the fifth
been lomoved Irom ledge , one ol our best
buildings , and where- are tlio chlidien who
foimeily filled such classes in this Mihool ?
0 , By whoso iiiitliouty are children scat
tered all over tlio citv instead of bulng con
fined to schools In their own district or
vicinity ?
7 , Why do wo have so much confusion at
the opening of tlio schools uiiiong childion
seeking their piopur places 'i
8. Why aru the te.icheis obliged to rcmnln
in Ignornnco ot thmr assignment mull the
day piucedlng the opening of tlio schools ?
U. Why are teachers troin nil parts of the
city torced to gather at Dodge or iho boaid
rooms at the call of special teachers when
these teachers have timeto meet teachers at
their own * chools at t > ; UO a. m. or : ; ' o p , m ,
10. Why IB theio so much ill-feeling among
the teachers ; so much lack of Imrmonv : so
much jealousness ; so little apparent anxiety
for tlio general good of tlio beliools , and bo
much w Ire-pulling forbetter places ?
11. Cannot your committee devise some
scheme of districting the city so as to avoid
tlio contusion above leferred to among cliil-
dien ?
W. Cannot your committee device some
method ot assigning teachciAhicli will work
lower hardships to teachers and conduce more
tu contentment among UieniV
13 , Cannot jour committee take charge of
the special teachers and so divide the work
nmong them that all shall bo kept comfort
ably busy and fewer dlsugieements shall
occur between special and assistant teachers ?
Hoping to learn something from these in-
terogatoiios wliicli will enable us to rectify
soiiio mistakes of the present year , 1 am
yours , tiulr , T. W. BI.ACKHURX ,
After somu discussion of tlio communi
cation , it was referred to the committee
on teachers and tax books and the su
perintendent , Mr , Long , chairman of
the committee on teachers and text
books , objected to having Superintend
ent James added , to the committee , as ho
had never boon able to work with him.
The objection was overruled.
Claims amounting to $23.093.18 were
L. U. Necdham was appointed assistant
teacher far Dodge school , E. J. Carney
assistant teacher for Uartmun school , C.
E. Gohnllcr for Jzanl cchoo ! . N , 11.
Lemon for Long school nnd F. M. Nevlns
for Pacific school. \
By resolution tlio committee on teach
ers and text books UMIS instructed to
have the "Sixth B rndo" iu the Uodgo
school. '
A resolution was' adopted instructing
the commitlco onru1c5\ , forms and print
ing to prepare a so.t of rules for the regu
lation of the distribution of free text
books nnd supnliai. . ,
A number of unimportant mattcro were
disposed of after a grHat deal of discus
sion. Superintendent 'James1 ' annual re
port was road amiplaced / on file.
Harrington , the Alabama Kinliozzlcr ,
to lie Tnkoii * Homo To-Day.
J. A. lJuor , deputy shcrilV , nnd J. B. F.
Watts , county treasurer , of Evergreen ,
Alabama , arrived in the city last night to
take charge of W. II. Horrington , who
wns arrusiti'd here on Friday by Moyni-
linn's detective agency nnd who is wanted
In Evergreen to answer to tlio chnreo of
forgery and ombex/lomoiit of county
funds. Mr. Aalts' story of llerrington's
misdemeanors shows that ho is ono of
mildest mannered mon that over abused
a public trust , llorriugton is a member
of tlio llrm of Cooper & llorriiiffton , deal-
'ors In ironoral nu'.rcluindise at Evergreen.
Ho was a clerk for the firm of Alansiii &
Cooper for a number of years , and upon
the death of Maublll several \earsngo
was taken into partnership with Cooper.
Ho hpld tlio entire confidence of
his partner and of the citi/.ons
in general bo much so that
ho was made private banker for a largo
number of the business men of the place.
Ilo served ono term as mayor of Kyer-
green nnd could have any favor within
the gift of his townsmen for the asking.
Ilo was ono of the bondsmen ot County
Treasurer Walts and kept all the books
and moneys of that officer in tlio safe in
his store. In June last a rumor that llu ;
linn of Cooper & llerringlon was in
financial str.uglits was coupled with
complaints that certain moneys which
had been approptiatcd by tlio county for
various purposes hail not boon paid over
by tlio tivusmer. Mr. Watts , who on
account of enfeebled health , had en
trusted the entire business of his oMice
to Hcrringtou , went to him and made
inquiries concerning the complaints.
Horrjngton made excuses from time to
time , until the county commissioners
finally ordered an examination of the
county treasurer's books llerrington
nihdu continued excuses for not appear
ing betoro the committee appointed
to examine the records and on
tlio pica of sickness delayed the
examination until the first of August ,
wjicii ho was forced to open his safe and
give tiio treasurer's books to the commit
tee who examined them and reported
him $ li)10 ) short in his accounts. Her
rington asked until August 15 to make
good the shortage and said ho could raise
the money by that time. Tlio members
of the commitlco were friends of Herring-
ton , nnd , not wishing to sco him punish
ed. finally decided . .to give him until
August 0 to makrt .VsotClcmcnt. On Au
gust 4 Horrington went to Mobile under
the pretense ot moHgaWng ins homo to
raise the necessary money. This was the
last heard of him until the news came of
his arrest in Omaha. Hio crooked deal
ing with the county funds is not Herring-
ton's only crime. Sincu ho loft Evergreen
anxious innuiries havctoen made for him
by wholesale firms-in Now York , Mobile
r.nd Montgomeryiwitu jtvhom his firm did
business showing that ho had obtained
largo bills of goods , fcoiji thorn under false
pretenses. Mr.Coo'p'er.wIio entrusted all of
tlio business of the firm to llerrington
has discovered that no os thousands of
dollars in debt for goods that he sup-
noscd Were t paid , -for 'when purchased.
The amount whichJllccrington has stolen
from his will rcacU.tiibUsaJids of dollars.
Horrington is abe charged with having
cheated his own father out of several
thousand dollars by securing monov on a
time lease which Ins father had placed in
his trust. llerrington has a wife and
three children who have so far been kept
in ignorance of the extent of his guilt.
Ho was soon at the city jail last night and
expressed his willingness to return to
Evergreen without a requisition. The
mon will probably return homo to-day
with their prisoner.
AVnnted to Give Away Ills Child.
A well-dressed and decidedly intelligent
woman arrived in tins city yesterday af
ternoon on her way to Loup City. She
gave her name as Mary Dowd , said slio
resided near Jefferson , Grcono county ,
Iowa , and was going to the place first
mimed to attend a lawsuit in which her
brother was interested. So far there was
nothing remarkable about Mary's visit to
Omaha no more tlmn tlioro is about tt
hundred other Marys who como to this
goodly metropolis. The fact , however ,
that she had with her a little four-wook-
old boy and wanted to give him away ,
made this particular Mary rather inter
esting. She inquired high or low for a
hospital or asylum where she could do-
posjt the little one and vainly endeavored
to ( ind some individual to take Iho boy.
Indeed , it looked as it she would leave
the child in tlio wailing room , and the
chances nro she will never take it to
Loup Cily. On being cioss-oxammed
in a reportorial way Mrs. Dowd < snul that
the child wan not her own ; that its
mother , named Annie McCarthy , c.vno to
Jojlbrson , la. , a short time ago witntho
child ; she was in the last stages of con
sumption and died witliout tolling "to
whom minted or by whom begot. In
fact the young mother refused to tell any
of her antecedents , or the pltico whence
she came , Mrs. Dowd had lost an infant
child about this time , ami at tlio urgent
requestor the dying Annie she took the
woo orphan and promised to euro fo1' it.
Now she roirrots that she over made that
doatli-bed pledge and says thu trouble of
travel to Loup Cit.y and oilier reasons
necessitates her giving the child away.
When asked whether she would call lor
it again in naso she loft it here , she rather
hesitatingly thought she would. There
is ovidumly soni4 mystery about the
case and the "othdr. roasons" aforemen
tioned when transii/odi ) by investigation
may stir up a sensalion'c It looks ns if the
child were her ownouul that slio did not
wish to roach Loui ) Cit.V with a bnbo iu
her arms. Tmio j' ' vill undoubt
edly unravel whjit at present heoins
so Unnatural anii'iijiu'i ' go a mother by
nature or adoptioii publicly Booking to
give uv/ny her cliihU when aU the Mir-
roundiiigs indicatM ample resources to
prorldo for the littlp ( ink ,
'Itobbod. '
Yesterday moruing"lt , { an early hour ,
"twixt the two lighU " Unns 1'otorsou , n
bartender in n sn qpnj on Sixth street
south of the B. & Til. track , nwoko to
find that ho had been slumbering nil
night in a collar41 liafck of the Barker
building on the corner of Jones and
Thirteenth street. Money that ho had
in hu possession the night before was a.l
gone , nnd a very comely inco that had
been nicely &hnvcd for Sunday service ,
was nil cut , bruised and begrimed , Ho
called upon Dr. Darrow , who found in
addition to the bruises a deep out across
tiio lips which was sowed up. It had evi
dently been done with .sumo sharp instru
ment. All that Mr. Peterson remembers
is that ho was blinking dice with a
man , who Mild lip was a eommorclnl trav
eler , about midnight. After that he can
recall nothing. Evidently while under
the intluuncu of liquor ho was taken to
the locality where ho awoke in tlio morn
ing and blupgcd. About $15 was .taken
from him.
An Old ri-OKrnmmo oi'Knro Historical
The production of "Onkol Tom's
Huttc,1' at the onern house on last Sun
day night , caused the unearthing of an
interesting paper , which has been slumbering -
boring among the souvenirs of a gentle
man of this city for nearly thirty-three
As slated In the BrF of last Saturday ,
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was produced
on the stage in ( termanv. This produc
tion took place in 1853. Mrs. Stowo's
novel of that name appeared in ItWO. It
went to Germany , was rewritten in
the language of that country , by
Ihcresn iMogorlo , and from her version
.t wasfdrnmnti.ed for thu ( ti-nuan
singe. The play wis : a pronounced suc
cess and from uermsin y went to Franee ,
tin ninny . _
of tlio performance * at thu Imperial thea
ter in Vienna. The programme used
that Higlit cost liulf a kreutxer , and , be
cause of tlio novelty of Iho entertain
ment , as also tlio excellent man
ner in which it wns given ,
Iho doctor has pro si rid tne programme
until yesterday , whoa ho presented it to
Mr. BoauroH the stage manager of tlio
Gorman company which produced the
hamo pieeo at the opera house on Sunday
night. Ho claims the homo performance
was very near as well parried out as
was that nearly one-third of a century
ago by sonic of the loading German
actors of the time.
A Pocket hook nnd Tlirco Thousand
Dollars MIsHlnj .
John I * . Thomas madu a complaint to
Marshal Citmmings yesterday evening
that led to the arrest of Charles Wilson ,
n yottni : m .in employed in the Union Pacific
cific- shops and A. A. C'owles , an employe
in the tame compauv's headquarters.
Thomas , it appears , came hero from St.
Louis about tun ilavb ago for tlio purpos o
of going into business. Ho brought his
money in the shape of a cashier's , check
on ono of thu b.inks of St. Louis for
$ ; l,30l ) . Ho engaged board and room at
Mrs. F. L Clarke's , 415 North Fifteenth
street and occupied a room with the two
gentlemen above named. On Saturday
Mr. Thomas made a contract for the pur-
1'hsisn of the store of U illiam Gentleman.
Hu started yesterday to msiko a payment
upon his purchase , when ho found that
his pocketbook containing the check ami
iJMin cash was missing. Ho had placed
the book and his vest under his pillow on
Sunday night and \ylien he wont to got it
yesterday morning it was not lobe found.
Ho caused the arrest of Wilson and
Cowics on suspicion. When arrested
Wilson had $17 , while Cowlcs had but
$ 3.50. Both of the young mon maintain
that they arc innocent ot the l.ircony of
their room mate's wealth. They will bo
given an examination to-day.
"Vacation. "
overs of the noisily nonsensical wore
highly entertained last evening at the
Boyd by the graceful and athletic Dalys
in their hilarious eccentricity "Vaca
tion. " That tlio largo audience laughed ,
shrieked and apphiued from beginning
to the end of tlio performance goes to
.show that it is the right sort to tickle the
public pnlato. TKo piece is brimful of uproarousnoss and broad ab
surdity , and not a moment dragged. The
Dalys as the irrepressible collgo students
ready for anything , and the automatical
English tigers danced , jumped and tum
bled into the favor of the audience , till
their every reappearance on tlio btago
wastho _ signal for an unusual gigglo.
Miss Liz/io Daly , as a Minister of
alarming sprightliness contributed
largely to the general fauor , and her an
tics in the bathing scene caused a palpi
tation oven among the frequenters of the
front row and made them feel that for
once they might get more than they had
bargained for. Annie Suits and Lisle
Hiddoll , lively Vussar girls , were brisk
and capable in their parts , and the rest
of the cast were equally acceptable ,
Harry Dcitz's songs being a pleasant
"Vacation" will be repeated this ovcn-
An Old Sinn's Serious Fnll.
About ( i o'clock last evening an old man
named George 15. Hedges , who resides in
Toledo , Tnmn county , Iowa , met with a
serious accident at tlio B. & M. depot. Ho
was coming down the steps , leading from
the ofiico level to the lower platform ,
when lie made a misstep and foil , head
foremost , to the planks bolow. On being
picked up it was found that ho wns se
verely cut over tlio right eye , and there
were several bruises on his facu. Mr.
Hedges had boon on a visit to tlio interior
of Nebraska , and was on his way homo
when tlio accident occurred. B n't ore ho
loft on tlio dummy n physician , who was
in the Union 1'nci'lic depot , dressed the
old man's luce , but ho complained of
considerable pain.
Hoard From the Horscthief.
SlioriU'Cobiirn has recovered the car
riage and one of the- horses stolen by
Charles Lincoln from Mrs. Bechol , near
Fort Omaha , lust weok. On Mondi-ylast
Lincoln left tlio horse and Uuggy at
Krousu's place , about seven miles west of
the city , and borrowed a .saddle , with
which ho rode the other horse away. Ho
said that ho was in search of a horaothiof
whom ho hoped to intercept at Elkliorn.
Had Testimony for Tltns ,
BEi.vinmti : . N. J. , Oct. 'J.-Tho trial of
Janitor Titus , of the collegiate Institute ,
clmrced with thoinpoand murder of Tilllo
Smith , n domestic , was continued to-dny.
Louis C. Ayies , Titus' assistant , tcstilied
that Titus had told him about going to the
potato Lollnr with THIie. Jacob Dicinor and
ilemy Sloddaid testified that Titus wnf pale ,
neivoiiH ; ind excited the moining alter Iho
murder , botoro the llnillng of the body. Or.
John S , Cook desciibcd the condition of the
body when found and thu post-mortem
examination. He tc.ititied that death was
caused by strangulation , and that the mur-
deied gill was pine at thu time she was
bUlcken down , isho uas iu a dying condition
wliun outraged.
An Overdue Steamer.
.Niw : i'oiuc , Oct. 4. The steamship An-
cliorla , Of the Anchor line of steamships ,
has not jet arrived , She lett tila&xow Sep-
tombcr lit , ami stopped nt Londonderry to
tnku on ! ' - passcngeiK. In all bho had about
r > Opa ! > M-nici < m bonid and was due heieou
\Yedne-day last. The company's ollieials
profess to believe that nothing hasoceiiued
fHijond tlio bieaking down ol machinery.
This u on Id necessitate the steamei having
toiesoitto Hm bails' Kiom the fact that
heavy weathei tins punailed lately , feuis are
enteitaliieu for her safety.
The Wron-Sliot Fatal.
IlAiiTrniin , Conn. , Oct. ! . lleiuy Ilotch-
kiss amuBlcian , aped thlity-fUo years , has
for some lime been in tioublo with his wile ,
fiom whom ho U supposed to have separated.
They had two children. Vesteulny afternoon
they melon Market btieet. He dit-w a re\ol-
vei ami lired two xlints at her , one. of which
took etlcet in her head and the othci in her
hack. Snn died In a few minutes , llotch-
klbd then nrml and shot Into his own head ,
but the wound Inflicted Is thought to Do but
slight. Ho taken to a hospital. The
tiagedy has caused great excitement.
Agnlnbt Iho Coal Pool.
llAiimsiiuito , 1'a. , Oct. 4. Attorney den-
crat Cassldy will bo In llarrlbburg on
Wednesday or Thursday , when ho will take
the preliminary steps against the coal ] > eel
men. A bill in equity will bu Ideil to lestniln
several corporations from catering into the
Argument * In lt t Vnvor Ileforo the
Government Hoard ,
( "iitfAno , Oct.I. . The United States gov
ernment board of engineers on the Illinois ,
Michigan nnd llt > inu > | iin caiuK composed -
posed of ( Joneial ( ' . H. Comstoek , of Village
Point , X. Y. ; ( ieiierai O. M. Pot ? , of Detroit ,
and .Mayor ,1. 0. Post , of Cincinnati , was In
session In this city to-day toieporl on the
canals. Besides the board theiiM\ero piesent
( Jou-rnorOghMby , ox-Uovornor Htw , Mur
ray Nelson , II. B. Html , ex-Alderman Shoiey ,
Oenernl LtMk , c.uial commissioner , J. H.
HUUMI , ot Morris , and M.ijor llandbuiy , of
the United States engineer eoips. ( 'enernl
Comstiioic , rlmliinnn of the bo.ird , picslded
and called for some reumik.s on the subject
of canals. < 5oveinorOglest > y s.iid that ho had
not studied Iho mallei and was not piepared
toglvennvdelliilte Information. With the
great.Lake Michigan l > lng useless and tlio
Mississippi nvei on tlie other side of tlio
state , it wined as If nature Intended the
canals for use. lie asked If the cinciunient
could , just lor a sum of S 10,000,000 or SUV
000,00(1 ( , anord to let the gieiU natural interi
or channel remain Idle. Ho relened to the
vast increase ot poi illation nnd imuvelous
Incienseof coal , com , lumber , grain , Hour ,
etc. , ilinliu the p.isl tblity-two jears , nnd
wanted to know what the lnenu o would bo
In the next thirty-two joars. The object of
the eaunM was to ledueo to the lowest possi
ble staiidnid the into of transportation. 1'ho
United States cannot jillord to let
the pioject go by unnoticed. Lake
Michigan Is not in Illinois , but the Illinois
rherlsa part of the United States.
I heio is a meat , natural nilery almost beg
ging attention , and the government should
take it in hand. Tlio government should
not wait a day to avail Itself of the water
way. It should ieo what an Inestimable
benelit this arteiy would be to n terrltoiy one
hundred miles lomt anil foity miles wide
right hero In Illinois. The goveinor's ie-
marks weio followed bv a running debate by
the gentlemen present , ali of whom favored
the subject. The meeting then adjourned
without any action being taken. Thu boaid
will submit its repoitto tlio goveinmuut
some time in No\ember.
n < > min Hnticr IMun Fined.
CINCINNATI , Oct.I. . John .J.Gcghnn , food
commissioner for the southern district of
Ohio , iccently caused the anest of four
groceis of this city lor violating the state
butterlno law. To-day they pleaded guilty
in police court and weie lined ? ,0 each' . The
jucUupiomlscd them the full extent of the
law , 5 > 0 ( ) line and ninety days Imprisonment ,
in ciibo they came before him again. These
mo the lirst convictions under the new law
requiting the posting of the sign "Imitation
butter sold huie. "
Mother Knrtli'u Queer lrcak.
CITY or MEXICO , Oct. 4. A curious phe
nomenon occuued at Chlmapla , In the state
of Mexico. Within a few dnjb past tremendous
deus subterraneanropoi ts weio heaid , though
nt the tlmo the meteorological conditions
weio perfect , theto being no unusual aspect
ol sky , nor the Ml litest rain. The people of
the town were tilled with alarm , and an In
vestigation was made , by which it was clls-
co\eied ahlgh hill In the vicinity had been
completely divided into two paits by some
po\\eitnl torco.
Kdwln liooth in Chicago.
CHICAGO , Oct. ! . Neaily eight luindicd
people weio turned away Irom the Chicago
opeia house this evening , unable to gain ad
mission. The attraction was Edwin liooth
as Kiel.elicn. It was the opening niirlit of n
two week's engagement , and Booth's ] fust
appeaianco here in se\eial jeais. The ad
vance sale or seats lor the week alone
have ulirady amounted to over 512,000.
The Klglu Dairy Market.
CIIICAOO. Oct. 4. The Inter-Ocean's Elgin
fill. ) special says : On tlio boaid of trade to
day sales of "OV-M ) pounds of butter
sold atTcaii c , closing linn. No logular sales
ot cheese.
Two Small Fires.
Fire destroyed ti small frame shanty on
the bottoms nt the foot of Jones street
about,4 o'clock : yesterday afternoon. It
belonged to a Swede squatter , was worth
$1200 and had no insurance. Defective
Hue tlio cause.
A barn on Capitol avenue between
Tenth and Eleventh burned down yester
day evening. The lire department ar
rived on the scene in tune to put out the
Thieves Arrested.
J. D. Hamilton and Tom Sweeney
were brought over from the Blnil's last
night to answer to tlio charge of larceny
of tools from Eponoter's ' and Hcumping
< fe Boelte's cornice shops. Some of tlio
stolen property was found in the posses
sion of the men when they wore arrested.
Forty Arahs Drowned.
LONDON , Oct. 4. Advices fiom Algeria
report loity Aiabs diowned by Hoods ntXai-
| a > CD
" "fed
B hl wr * JM * u ft * M
llui I'lrM , Hio Orlgtiinl mill Only Mnrrh lml !
Mi tup lit men vim lm o n tirnrllrnl knonlfriaa
if lhi < Inundrv prorr lnn. It requires no cooklnir ,
krcjia tlio Iron JromMlcklnn unilllnon from Illitcrlng
Ironlmt.on.l Hn lilt | . cuirt urn ! coil r that
unil lifnutltul pollnh ihcr haxo htn new ,
which , nown , keeps thorn clMii t lcn M
lfl11Jlowaril.orml" ! ! ! > Uun * ' U" * tlinmnio J. O. It llllOS , New Ilivcn , Uonu , U on
cury nack ? c. Sou by all Urwfrs.
duo. J. Atinbrii t , 0.1CumlnH at.
II. II Itowmnii , U17 Fiu-iKiin at.
.lolin Ilusnlo , 21117 CuinlnKst
Ilonimn Kiiiuli'.ilin Sdiiili lOlh st.
O. I.ania , l8 South Mtli HI.
1'nulscn .V Miller , tit , " , Ninth Ifllh st.
.1. tKo > , r > 0'J Not-Ill tilth t.
W. K Ptoet/ol , IB.'l llnnnrd Bt.
C.V. . Slt'Opot.dOTSiutli lllthst.
C17 tit. .I.onlM,3Io.
ArrRalariralaiLtBof t .o UedlealCollrtei , hai bcenlonctr
< Bfaitdlnlhe i > eelallrealm < ntor dilute Naa nn , 8 > i >
and lll.oD lliiiiiai than nor olh r I'hrilclin luSl. LornU.
M eltr paper * ahow and all old reildrntiVnow
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec-
Hens ol Throat. Skin or Donos , Blood Polsonlnfl.
Old Sores and Ulcers , ere treated with > np > rall < .ll
Iteetiion laleitntlrnlllle principle ! SafclTI'rlr.tclr.
Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , which rrodue. , om. or ih.
followloj enict , : oerrouiUMi , debllltr , dlmntu of iltbl
acdderrctlTetnemiry , | iltnl > lei on the race , 1'bTilealdeear.
aTcr.lon to lie locldrnf f raalt > , confu.loa of Urn , eU. ,
rendering MnrrUco Improper or unhappy , aj
rtrmaninllj eurid. J > railjlctS | J..JM ) on tb abote , ion I
Intealed fnrcloio , rreetonajrndilre * ! . Conoltatlooatof-
Dee or Iij mall frte , Inill.J n J , tlcllj c.nOO.nlltl.
A Positive Written Gtiarnntoo giren iner.r/em.
rablo cut. lledlolai loot ttrj whsrjij \ null or tipreii.
EU ? A ti& KJ ? I A ft * c ? * i BII m , R ?
Vat Ailrcr6. ! % VaE , < L U I O c ,
200 PAOE3 , PINE PLATES , eletnnt o'.oilh and tilt
tlQdloir , Rralidfor 3Oo In I oittKQ or currency. Orer flrtr
irondrrrul pta picture * , true to llfel article ! on the following
ubjecu : who may rearrrwhoo t. why { manhood , woman *
boodh , itcal decar , etTcjIiorcellbftej nod eaeeif. tbe phr .
lologj orrrproduetonaad ( many more. Thai * tatrrled or
cent inUtfni | Diarrlcje h < ) < ild tptd It. r-orlar r < ) Uton
latue , ) ! ' - " > lr , . pt.n A 5VMttler '
Or lluI.liiuor llitlilt ,
0'iircU IJ Ail
Ilaliics' Golflcji Sx > < > lilo.
It can beglM ! " Inn cup of colfeu or ten wltliont
tucknovsleilgeof the porion taking It , Is absolutaly
ncrmlen , uiullll ulli'ct a JM rinuiientrU'J Bjicodjr
cure , whetlitr tlio patient Ino moderate drlnkoroi
.u uiconullo nreck. It lias been nlven In tliou.
ilVJds of CMOS , nnil In every IrmtHi.cGn erfuu euro
lias ( olluaed. It noror fnlla Ilia syatnin onca
Iraiuegimleil Ith tlio . | , ccl3c , It becomes an uttef
Impossibility for tlia liquor nppetlto to exlnt
/CUIIN & CO. . Cor. J5tl , nnil T > ancln > . a'nd
IHth & Citniliiar Sin. . Oninlsa , Neb.l
H. U. FOsTKR & illtl,1. .
Ciiiiccil Blum * . loiva.
Cill or write for pnmplilft containing Imnilrcda
i > ? testimonial1 , from tliHbcst wviiion and
l units of tlicountry. .
A Dook that erorv father
phould iilace In hln son's lianda
anil read liinisilf with too utmost
earn. Ulira nil the nrinptomB
and tcrrlblo rottulta uf DUeasia
duo to I.orl/ lie und Icnor-
mice , Ulof. Jonnciri&ls )
and Iloada of Tarn- ( Of lalla Franoo. )
Illos ncoU It. Tuetlmonliua from cnilneut London iJoctorl
Tor Dmlns , necny , Wcakne-w , Ix > t Vltollty , Etc. Bunt
only i.t > ulu < ! . I"rc,1 Co'iiiittntliin. KrolilVA H.toOr.X.
CUV1A1.K AOKMJV , 174 1'ulton Ht. . Xe\r York.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
sroro slilppod dnrlns tlio past
two yearn , wlUjdiit n ilrino-
inor in our employ. Ko other
house In tlio world can trutb >
fullyuinko such a Bliowlntf.
Una niont ( tloalor ouly )
wuntea lit oncli lawn.
R.V/.TANSILL&C0..55 Stale St.Cliicano
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
J. L.
tMiuiufnctinor of
10(18. ( llth fit Omuliii , Nob.
Onlors by nitiil solicited nnU will ro-
cuivu prompt uttuntioii.
The only perfect suhatltute for Mothnr't
milk. InyalHubli , | U uhnlorn Infnnturn
1 Teething. A prn.dluuatud food for D > -
politics , , connumptlves , Convuleacent * .
1'uiluot iiutilunt In nil Wll > tlnK nlsonees.
Huqulron no rooklnif Our fiook , The Curt
ana Fcecllnn ; of Infants , mulled true.
J.IOJUKII. co , , uoatou.
ftuccftaors to Jno , ( } Jacobs ,
U K 1 * IS K T A Jf JS / ; 8
At the old Maun 1 107 Kurimm bt , Ordura
tiilu ruDh j-o icitoil and promptly at-
loii iluil to Toluplioni ) No , 'JW
In cnlon , flliovrs lUI niuntlcja , lowiii. inilroadi
lluiii-il fiir'JSi1. ' -ft
Oiniilui City M p , utw n < 3iitnnt ! , etc. , 25c.
Nuljirthlci Hlutf Mn/itlv , Iliiilnus * Tllrt-olurj
tin ) r'uin.fli' * thl , S'i ,
1. U , WOf.FK A CX ) . ,
S , litli M , Oir Ua , .Sc