Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1886, Page 8, Image 8

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The Body of an Unfortunate Founu by thi
Omaha Track.
llotli Sltlos of tlio Cn < < c An
zlcr ArrcHtiMl I'nlluc Points Dlfl
trlot Cniivt Clnnpral lo-
( . IIICXVH. .
Starved to
Il xvonlit seem Hint in this state , txni ! os
per-iullv in tliis section of It , there vvoiilt
be no ncnil nf a livts Inniltliy man stiller
! ii tinpnnss of jnmirpr , much los1
todoalli. Siicli a circumstance
T was iniRai'tliL'il yrstenliiy.
A Iniin hanit on one. of tlm early Chi
cufro , MimiuMpolis , Si. 1'aul & Oinnlii
train V' ! < 'nlay morningill | cnvoriil tin
body of aiuan l.vinjrulosu Ijy tlio railroad
trucK a taw miles north of Omaha. Tin
train was slopped ami the body win
taken aboard. Il was fount
to bo thA.t of u man about tliirty-livt
years of ngi' , who was shabbily tlresseil
niil ( Ktivt * ovei'v indieation of beim ; : i
train ) ) . His clothes were torn and
greasy , while his shoes were tattered
ami travel-worn. He was undoubtedly a
ramp Ills faee W.H hollow ami
oinaelatetl. as though he lunl not tusteil
.food for a lnn < ; time. On Ins pe.r.Mju
were foimil buds , evidently plucked from
wild bushes , berries anil nuts , will
which tilt ! poor fellow had evidently
triotl to assuage the pang. ? of hunger ,
Some of the food was partly gnawed , a-
though Iho vietim had struggled t <
eat them and was unable to tic
BO. There were no papers on
the man whieh tended to throw any ligjil
oil his Identity , Them are two tlieorie ;
about llie matter. One Is Unit the mat
was di'iitented and hail left , home ant
wandered about in the woods until lit
Klarved to dealli ; and the other is that hi
was a tramp who had been unable foi
MJine reason or other to obtain food
Tlit-re are no'marks of jividunco on hii
person to hulk-ate that ho had been tin
Victim of foul play , or thai he had beei
run oIT by a railroad train.
The Chicago , Minneapolis , St. 1'aiil S
Omaha ollicials hail the body taken tt
lllair for tins inquest'us il was diseovurei
outside of the Douglas county northen
( CO. Ijoiili & Co. Makfl a Sale Untlei
I'uoiiliur drou instances.
Ycslernny II. Deimel & Uro. , Chicago
procured through their attorney , ai
attachment of $ -.2,10(1.0 ( ! } in llie dis
trict court , upon the stock of Gee
Louis & Co. , the furniiure dealers. 01
Douglas street. The sherilV look poises
sion ot the. .store , and held the for I unti
noon yesterday when his domiti os eom
pletetl a careful inventory of the block.
It is alleged that the aIIairs of the lirn
are in decidedly bad shape. For sonu
tlays past il is alleged the linn has beei
trying to give out the impression' thai i
was mistrust or nearly so
and unable to meet its debts
Mr. Taylor , the business niunii
g er of linidstrccts , began an investiga
lion ot the : i Hair ami broughl to light tin.
strange condition of all'airs. Air. Tayioi
disnoveretl as he says , that Geo. It. Lonif
& Co. are not now nor have tliey evei
been connected with the Kansas City am
Cincinnati houses , as they claimed tc
have been Furthermore most of its
debts were owing to relatives of the part
ners.When these circumstances are taken in
connection with the fact that Mr. Georgt
Louis , the senior partner of the old linn ,
hati sent his household goods out of tin
city and gone cast with his family , foi
good , the allair looks decidedly suspic'
jous. liefore leaving , Mr. Louis sold out
the business to Wonnsey & Louis , ol
Kansas City , and the purchasers claim tc
be able to show a clean bill of sale to the
property. Mr. Taylor of IJradstreots , said
yesterday that in his opinion the schemu
was --imply one to defraud the creditor.-
of the concern by selling to preferred
relatives' lie continueu :
"As near as wo could Hud out
Louis owes : it least $2'.2,000 for bor
rowed capital , not including what , he
pwes for merchandise. The furniture
was bought on sixty and ninety days
time , merchandise credit system , from
eastern firms at Chicago and towns north
of Chicago ; furniture bein < * boughl
utiiiully directly from the factories. Louit
claims that there are quitu largo amounts
due him on leases anil for furniture sold
on the easy payment plan , but he cannot
say how much. It looks as lliough he
Wfuito'd lo make as bad a showing u *
possible. Now the suspicious feature It
thp claim by the linn to bo owing rulntlvus
more than anybody else , A chattel
mortgage could be given on the goods tt
fcome favorite creditor who would takt ;
possession next tlay. This tirninndoubt <
edly , Instead gave a bill of sale to tin.
Kansas City man , who is in possession ol
the house to-day. The new fellow win
is there to-day is running tlio bnsincsi
for the Kansis City house. That alleged
partner. Johnson , may bo a myth foi
aught I know , for he has never been seei :
by any of our men ami we couldn't line
him. "
riir. OTIIKU sinn.
M1J. . L. Webster , the attorney for tin
now linn and the old one , said ycstcrd-n
afternoon fraud ab 0111
tlieJlrnnsacUoii ami that all the accounts ! )
the old linn would be adjusted in tint
time "Mr. Louis has not gone away ii his creditors , " ho said
" 0.1111 everything about the trans
aelion is perfectly square ami honest. I
homo of tun. * ! ) sitrill orcdtiois aho nl towi
will keep their shirts on they will ge
avery cent that Louis owes them. 1 Imvt
already adjusted $11,000 of his liahilitie :
to thu perfect satistaction of every out
concerned. "
Hail No ton.
Mr. J ) . H. Kceler , assislanl genera
freight agcnl of the Union I'aoilio , will
li9H < tqmirterK at Denver , is in the city ,
Ge.nerul Sheridan , now at Fort Leaven
worth , will to-morrow start for a weston
trip over the Kansas branch of ( ho ITnloi
Pnellio , In all probability he will no
Visit Omaha , though it is possible that hi
may do so ,
Ames station , 030 miles west of Omaha
lifts boon opened as a regular freight am :
passenger station , with Mr , W. 1' . Mam
ab agent , taking ollVct to-day.
One of the olllcial cars of the I'moi
PneJIio , No. Oil , went to Council Hindi
last evening to take General Dodgi
southward by way of the Kansas City t
Hi , Joe ,
( Jcnoral Manager C.illaway went tt
Kansas City last night by way of tin
Kansas City and tic St. Joe.
Tlio ollico of Union 1'acilio Depot
Master Uanoy has long been a stull :
little tiling , in which tliu gonllemau wht
riius it , together with hia assiotants , wh <
have occasion to visit it from time ti
t'nno , iutvo scarcely room to turn around
Yesterday it was enlarged by extending i
so as to cover up the passage which r >
oabt of it. On the north sldo a row o
innil boxes for all the up-town Unloi
I'aciUo olllces , as well as all the othe
rouds , having o 111 ens here , will be plaoeil
-These will open in front and fave Mi
U.auny a great dual of time ami aunoj
once , and at Iho same time make things
a little more convenient for those who
have liusini'ss to transact with the oflico.
The Hejubliean ) Vnley train on IheL'nion
I'acilic Thurstlay evening was unable to
connect with the train on the main line
at Valley. The latter consequently
came into town without the train from
the south. The delay was occasioned by
n heavy train of nine cnr.i from the
south , live of whieh were empty. They
wort ! borrowed by the l.'nicn Pacific from
the Kansas Paeilie divi ion , because of
the scarcity of their own cars to Mipply
the great 'increase in pawngcr trallic
which has lately been experienced. The
Lincoln train then was run into this city
by IS. H. Miller , conductor , and made to
connect with llie passenger trains for the
east , arriving here nl0 ( ! : ! ! o'clock.
The passenger train on the O. it N. W.
road from Chicago , arrived in the Itlull's
at 10-o : ; o'clock ami the passengers did not
reach this city until llO : ! o'clock ,
Thursdav night nearly four hours behind -
hind time. The delay was occasioned
by an accident which might well have
resulted disastrously. At Stanwood ,
a station at the other side of Cedar
Kapids , at : ! ( ) o'clock Thursday
morning a freight train going east took
the side track to wait for and eiriblc the
iw-i'iiger train to pas < on the main track.
The switch toward the passenger was
left open and before the lael was discov
ered the passenger train rn-dicd in upon
it and down upon the freight. liotli en
gines were badly wrecked as were the
mail and baggage ears The freight had
not closed lip its slack which occasioned
less resistance than if it had been other
wise , and thus saved a much more seri
ous accident. Four hours delay was oc
casioned , at which time a now engine
was procured and the passengers brought
to town. Kvcryliody was more or less
shaken up ami some of the sleepers were
thrown out of their berths , but nobody
was seriously injured.
Yesterday morning the Chicago passen
ger tram in coining into town had a nanny
escape at the new bridge over the 15. &
M. round the llrnt curve. At that point ,
the company is building a double track
over tiie trestle , and on the temporary
track formed , a pile driver was working
with a .string of ears behind it , which
tilled up the irack. The train Had about
three inches to spare at the frog , and the
Pullman passed the obstruction by less
than an inch. Tlio engineer steppe I just
in time to avoid a serious .smash.
Hed Cross Co lice is the best. Ask your
grocer for it.
I'ollce Court.
Peter Ililliard , a rather verdant youth
who claims to have lived fourteen years
in Now York city , appeared yesterday
morning as complainant against ,
Ida Jones , a frail colored girl
who he claimed enticed him into her
castle Thursday afternoon ami robbed
him of1. . It was shown thai the girl
had been very nfTcctionaloin her caresses
of the young man and as Milliard's com
panion ha sccn her put her hand in his
pocket the judge concluded that she was
guilty and sentenced her to fifteen tlays
in the county jail. "I deohih fo' { jood-
ness , judge , ' ' the young woman ejacu
lated , with tears in her eyes , as she look
her scat , "Pse not guilty and youVe got
no right to send inc. to jail. "
George Conrad and' Danicj Anderson ,
t\yo men charged witb hanging around
disreputable houses , were sentenced to
tt.n days in the county jail.
George Thompson , an incorrigible
young thief , was charged with having
.stolen a shirt , whieh was found in his
possession when arrested. The charge
could not be proven however ,
and ho wasdiseharged. J. J. Woodward ,
arrested lor Ihrowing papers on the
streets , was also discharged.
Seven drunk" were- arraigned and four
were disoharcd.t The other two , I ) , 1) .
Slatter and M. Tobin paid a line of % > and
costs each.
Hod Cross Co lice is the best. Ask your
grocer for it.
Thirty Days on tlio Track.
The Moline plow company arc some
what annoyed by the delay which they
experienced in the erection of their ware
house on Pacific near Tenlli'streets. These
have been occasioned by the difficulty in
getting material shipped to them , to be
used in the construction of their building
In conversation with a 15i-K ; reporter ,
Mr , Stephens , one of the re
presentatives of the company said
that they had been wailing thirty days
for a ear load of certain material , and
that the companies had said they had not
yet brought the car to this side of the
river. He wont and made a search of a
number of hours along the track , and
found it stowed away among a number of
15. & M. cars , whore it probably would
not be reached for thirty days more. The
crowding of the yards of both roads is
unprecedented in the history of llie city ,
but the delays this crowding occasions
are almost too much to bo borne patiently.
A meeting will bu held on Sunday
afternoon. October 3 , at Cunningham
hall , Thirteenth ami Jackson streets , for
the purpose of organi/inga council of llie
Junior Order United American Mechan
ics. This is not a labor organizationand
all American-horn workmen , irrespect
ive of trade or profession , are eligible to
membership , The objects of the order
are to maintain ami promote the inter
ests of Americans anil ihield them from
the depressing cll'ects of foreign compe
tition ; to assist Americans in obtaining
employment ; to encourage Americans in
business transactions ; to establish a sick
and funeral fund ; to maintain the public
school system of the United States r.nil to
prevent sectarian interference therewith ,
and uphold the reading of the Holy
liiulc therein.
Hod Cross Coffee is the best. Ask your
grocer for it.
An Klliliezzler ArreRtod.
Yesterday morning a Jdetectivo of the
Moynihan agency arrested a man named
W. II Harrington , who is wanted in Kvor-
green , Ala. , for embei'/.liiig $3,000 or
$1,000 of the county funds. Tint prisoner
was taken before Justice Anderson anil
committed to the county juil to awit the
arrival of the sherilVfrom Alabama.
The detectives have been on the look
out for Harrington for several days back ,
but could not gel any iraco of him until
' 'when ho called at the postofheu
and inquired for letters nmlor the mine
of W. II. Hampton.
Hud Cross Coll'oo is the best. Ask your
grocer for it.
.Medical K.\ierlH. |
Dr. ( Jortli and Major Uirnoy , of the
state live stock commission , arrived in
town with Dr. Hamaeciotti from Lincoln
yesterday. The two former fcloppeil
oft'at the Mock yards to inspect some
cattlu , and afterwards went with
Dr. Hamaeelotti to examine
three horses said to bo atUiolod
with glanders. They had not returned
from tliu examination at the hour ot
going to press. It was thought Urn' ' thu
norsos would have to be Killed. Tnosii
three gentlemen this afternoon will vidl
the Council IS luffs yards to examine sonic
Illinois cattle whioh have arrived there.
For Sale. .T = T
The furniture nnd rental of the Cozens /
zons hotel.
This house h now doing and has dent
for twoyeai's the second hirgcst
of any hotel in Omaha ,
.Satisfactory reasons given for -wisliinf ;
to i sell. 11 , P. KuJKKr.
One With Ijonufcllow at tliu Sacrctl
Honrt Auailoniy.
Thursday evening the Academy of the
Sacred lloart , inaugurated n series of
monthly literary entertainments , which
cannot fail to be both interesting and
instructive. They will partake of the na
ture of the gatherings held in the social
anil literary circles in the east , ami
known as "Hours with the Pods. " The
entertainment Thursday evening was
styled an "Hour with Longfellow,1' anil
though lids pleasing author was the mov
ing spirit of the gathering , yet , there were
minutes spent in contemplation of other
musters , however , exclusively of a musi
cal order. With such a happy inter
mingling , the appended programme ,
whieh displays rare taste ami discrimina
tion , was' earned out by the talented
young ladies of the academv :
"An Hour with Loncfellow , "
Prelndu . Miss ( . ' . rrnlvtnn
Sketch . Miss A. Hahcock
Head ing . "My Lost youth"
All.ssK. Mi-lliiL'li.
Characteristics . Miss A. U. .tones
HeiidltiK . Pesi'H ' Siiml anil Hour tiluss
M ! < < ' . Daucock.
A Catliolli ; View . Miss A. MePorlln
KcailliiK . rin * Legend Ileaiititiit
Miss Jennie ( Jri'ijir.
Musical Interlude.
Katicv , Dt'liUIMaich . Hetterer
Misses Lowe anil CreiKhtnu.
"The Utilise,1' . I . . .Longfellow
MissO. liobcoek.
Ilouqiict do Fleiirs Vnlse . Mattel
Miss L. MeShiinc.
Trio. "O ltestlo < s .Sea" . White
Misses C. CroiKliton. C. Hiibcock , K
Xcarer , My ( ! oil , toThrc . llytler
Miss MfXainar.i.
Quartette. "Come Where the Lilies
Ultima" . liinclctto
MI M's A. Uabniok , C. I'rcluhton , 0.
Kiibcock , K. Creijrliton.
Pocinc d Amour . llonsett
Miss iH'llone.i
< train ! Miiich . Do Cnonlcl
Harp . Misses Lowe and aN'ash
Piano . Miss Dellono
Atlilolle Athletics.
The Athletics of this city , must have
slept until late in thu afternoon of Wed
nesday lasl when tlio West Point club
laid them out by a score of ! ) to 0. Mr.
Farnsli , who is llie manager
of the club at long range
in this city , and who did not know what
was meant by thu "tin can"aUichment
to his first messngc , will now probably
feel like asking the West Pointers tor a
delintion , since they were them-'olvi's
laid out Thursday by Iho Athletics by a
score of 1 ! ) to 8 , and' knoekinir out two
robust pilchers. The laid game in the
series was played yesterday afternoon.
To-day the. Athletics , on the'ir way homo
will ploy the Grays of Fremont.
A. Sharp Tratlo.
O Ilioer Bloom arrested a Swede named
Chas. Nelson yesterday on complaint ofja
third partv , who claimed to have been
swindled by Nelson on a watch trade.
Nelson had two good watches on his per
son yesterday morning , and.olFered oil her
of them to the complainant in return for
his watch. Tlio latter chose a good time
piece , and turned over to Nelson his own
watch. Nelson then gave him , not the
watch he bargained for , but a clo o imi
tation of a "turnip , " worth at a high es
timate about ? . Upon being remon
strated with Nelson nil away , but was
captured by lilooni before he got very
All old Irishman who was passingalong
the corner of Fourteenth and Uarnoy
streets yesterday near Tom Murray's.
new building was .struck on the head by.
a hodfiill of bricks which came tumbling
from the fourth story , lie was knocked
senseless and was carried to his home on
tht ! corner of Eleventh and Davenport.
He was too badly injured to trive Ids
name. Fortunately his skull was not
fractured , though his head was badly
gashed in several places. He will re
A Prodigal Son.
Chief Cummings received a letter yester
day from Chief of Police Huebler , of St.
Louis , asking ihal a young man by the
name of Sehaofersupposeil ; lobe working
in Omaha , be located. His father , Chief
Hiiejler says , is anxious to have him
come back home and will grant him a
full pardon and a free ticket from Omaha
to St. Louis.
The young man is described as buing
nineteen years of age , with light com
plexion , brown hair and eyes.
Yesterday evening at tlio residence of
Amandus Get/.sehmann , 511 South Ninth
street , A. P. Spitko , city circulator of the
Gorman "Tribune" was married to Miss
Emma , daughter of the gentleman first
mentioned. The ceremony was per
formed by the pastor of the German
Lutheran church , anil , after il an excellent
repast was served whieh was followed by
dancing unlil a reasonable hour. The
bride was attended by Miss Annie Miller
and the groom by Julius T. Festuer.
IS. F. Hodman , who for some time back
has been the bonded warehouse olerk in
the internal revenue ollico of this city ,
has resigned his position ami accepted
that of claim agent for the II. T. Clark
Drug company. This is a position in
which Ins experience as one of the claim
clerks of the Union Paeilio will bo of con
siderable advantage.
KIht ? I'anpni-H.
John Mahoney , superintendent of the
the county farm was in town yesterday an
hays that ho expects lo have a crowded
house this winter. Helms now accommo
dations for but eighty people and the in
mates at present number seventy-eight.
They are all doing as we ! 1 as can bo ex
pected. _
A Mowing MnohitK * .
Justice ISorKa yesterday morning issued
a writ of replevin in favor.ot Martin John
son and against A. Snydunvin , to re-
covet possession of one Climax mowing
machine , whioh the plaintin" claims is
being wrongfully detained from him.
Hetl Crsss CoiVeo is the best. Ask your
grocer for it.
, lee .lelVersim Putting His Varied lv\-
IVtrlciiucH on Itccord.
Kt. Louis Globu-Domoonit : Mr. Joseph
JeHer on arrived yesterday morning ami
took a suite of rooms at the Southern
hotel. Upon the door of his parlor a
Glebe Democrat reporter knocked a few
hours later. Mr. Jullersoii was busy at a
table , wldeli was covered with maun-
fccriitl and writing materials.
"Sit down , " was his greeting. "Kx-
( use my appearance. 1 have had a long
journey HUM am tired , and did not ex
pect company. Beside * , 1 am working ,
von see. "
There was evidence of that , though not
of the fact that he was tired , for his eyes
were bright and his f oo fresh. Ho did
not look like a man who had been be
fore the public for lifty-four yoara , cor-
talnlv. After a brief retnronco to old
Hip Van Winkle , the conversation wan
dered to the written matter on the table ,
upon which the actor evidently boon expending -
pending so much time.
' That is a part of mv book1 lie ' an-
bweretl , as ho .fondly looked iipou'thorti *
suits of his h\bor. ' It is iv ! # # jo-
'rSaLe _ , .u .j ! > .
minisccnccs of a somewhat extendct
career on ( lie stage , at which I have beei
working for a considerable time
It is a labor of love , am
is n happy occupation for leasun
hours. I have only reached :
period of more than twenty-live year
ago , so I have a good deal'of pleasun
yet before me. 1 am now waiting for ;
stenographer , who will write at my die
tation a diaper or two which 1 have jus
completed in the rough. 1 found tht
work a great relief from ( lip tedium o
travelling , and write a good deal on tin
train. ISut , as I haven't acquired tht
baggageman's art of being steady ovei
on a sleeper , while going at n rate o
forty miles nn hour , no boimr could
my mannserip' , so I have to read it ti
some one who will write it out on n type
writer for me. "
"What is the subject matter ? "
"Please do not ask me to go into de
tails , for then there would be nooceasioi
for my writing at all. It is the e\per
lenecs of myself nnd those with whom I
have come in contact on the stage. I an
tryimr to make every page interesting
and 1 have a good deal of what you cal
"exclusive matter" to make it so. Then
is not 1 believe , a single one. of what art
vulgarly called "chestnuts1' in the book
but there are many anecdotes which , I
think , will bo read with interest. I liavt
imlde a good many remarks about acton
well known in the annals of the stage
and but there is lee much tt
describe 1 don't Know when ii
will be published , or by whom. I
can not even say when it will be rendj
to leave my hands , for I don't know. Oh
yes , I expect to make some money out n
it. I have alwajs made mercenary con
s-'ulorations secondary , but , there are feu
men to whom the nlminhty dollar is noi
acceptable. Hy the way , 1 think Wash
iiigton Irving's answer about the al
mighty dollar was one of the best bits ol
satirical humor ho ever expressed. You
know he originated the phrase. Once
some preachers took oNoeptiun to it , ami
expressed surprise that a man of siicl
refined tastes should apply the word 'al
mighty' to such a conception as 'dollar.
He answered : 'ISclievo me , gentlemen , I
meant no disrespect nol even to the
dollar. ' "
Meal Kstato Transror .
The following transfers were tiled Sept ,
30 , with the county clerk :
( toorce Loins ami wile to Samuel SHilcs-
liiKPr , undivided Hlot tl and part lot 1'block
W ) , sunlit Omaha , wil 81MX ) .
( i. W. LoKnn and wife lo Charles Hublson ,
c { ( ) feet lets 1U and U , block 1 , Lake's odd. ,
wd i-,000.
K. K. Seavin , et al , to the public , tit lea
Place , plat.
J. It. ConklliiK and wife to L. It. Handle ,
lots : s ami 4. block a , Richmond , wd-STOO.
J. It. Conlclini ; and wife to L. Ii. Handle ,
lots 5 ami U block URichmond , wd-STtX ) .
l < " . C. White and wife to H. .1. Karl * , n 1A lot
8 , tiloekn. Lake's add. , wd-Sinoo. :
C. M. Katon , et al , to Charles linpey ,
Omaha , lot 11 , block - . ' , Itllewihl , wil S-4KJO.
K. K. Krcnoh ami wile to Annie K. Shaw ,
lot K ) , block 15 , Central Park , wil S450.
C. \Yootlworth to C. 11. 1'anl and C. H.
Slinrklt'fniil , lot 7 , Ax-foul's add.wil - - * ! , MIO.
Mac Collins , single , to Jerry O'Hoarn.v
1SS ft lot 10 , hlock 2 , WaMiln fen Hill , wd
S400.Aucastus Koiitit'/.p , el al.lo Jamci VicKory ,
lot ( i , block 1. Plain view. i\tl r-ivo.
C. K. Shaw anil wife to 1-.K. Kieiich , lot 0 ,
block r > , Ambler Place , wdSI00. .
] : . M. Park to K. K. French , lot 4 , block ( ! ,
Ambler I'lace , wd 81.XX ) .
J. M. Swctimin and A , K. Hu 'lc to the pub
lic , 1st ndd to Central Park , plat.
\V. It. McLeoil to Omaha Heal Kstato anil
Trust company , lot0 , Washington Square ,
wd ; ? 100. !
Alvin Sannilors and wife to Omalia Heal
Kstato and Trust company , lot . " > , block 111 ,
West Km ! , ti'-il ! S,5UO. !
K. M. Park and wile to L. I' . Pruvn. un
divided } , iatciest In lots'.land 10 , block ' 21 ,
Walnut Hill , wd fcMU
licnnlc M. Coules ami hiis-iainl to L. P.
Pniyn , lot , 0 , Pruyn's sab , lotr > , Millaril *
CalUwell'sa-ld. , wd-3'WW.
S.J ) . Mciccr anil wife to < L. P. Pruvn , lot
11 and 12. ! blouk Ii ) , Walnut Hill , wtl-StWAli :
F. II. Davis to L. P. Pniyn , lot02 , Fair-
mount Place , wil feiViO.
K K. Kicnch to L. P. Pniyn , lot fi , block 0 ,
Central Park , wit 8100.
KiiKone O'Neil to J.T. Weston , Omaha ,
Dart south irrf ) feel lot 4 , block : ! , Lowe's M
nilil. , wd-SiiOO.
A. C. WaUlev , et al , to S. N. ( Justin , part
block 0 , Shinn's add. , wci S09. : ! ! !
Louise Kellcistrass to ( \ H. Dcniiey.
Omaha , lot IS , block ' - ' , llanscom Place , wit-
,1. A. Ilawloy and wife to Kllen M. ( load ,
lot'Jl , block r > , llanscom Place , wil S-.O'iO.
J. C. Deniseanil wife to S. M. Wilcox , lot
7 , block ! i. Donise's add. , wd SSi'i.
S. I ) . Mciver anil wife to P. A. ( Javln , lol
31 , block 8 , Walnut Hill. wd-5S150.
Xlls Clove and wile to K. M. Honisby , lo
' . ) , block U , O'Neil's siih. , blocks 1-J , anil 15
Lowo'wSd add. , wd SiV-MO.
District Court.
Antonio Trcska commenced sntlyeste r
day against Anna Sehul/ and Caspai
Sehul/ , husband of the latter , elaimin ;
$ .1,000 damages because of wilful defamation
tion atl'eoting the character of the plaintit
and her children.
Absolutely Pusre.
Tlilspow.lor novelv.inni. . A miu-vcl of pur-
ty , btienglli uiitl Altolauinoi ) ( p. Moro ocnn-
omlcnl thun the oitllnnry kiiu iinO cannt bo
told Inuompt'tllloii with tlio niittu | ! ! < lo of low
toBt.Blmrt weltflit nlura or olio ptuito iiowdoco ,
Bold niiir la cans. Itov.u , IIAKUMI I'OWDEU Co
iSSWall St. , Nuw Vork.
DB7 iMPpYf |
N.W. Cor. 14th mid Dpuglus Sis ,
Praetico limited to diseases of the
GlHsHeflrtttod for all forms of dofoatlva
Vlslou. Ariillclal ICyos luaartei.
" / / lias steadily secured increasing
popular and professional favour , as a
$ ure anil agreeable Table Water"
British Medical Journal ,
May 3L J8S.J
Of all Gnxen , D > ugsitit , & Jii. . Wat. > ejn ,
2 I
Of good ctnalities and low prices recently introduced by the NEBRAS
KA CLOTHING Co. , is what forces every one who examines their goods
to buy of them. Every hour in the day brings to them many new custo
mers , strongly recommended by those who have had dealings with
them , and are astonished at the very Low Prices and the unequalled
bargains offered. In addition to the specialties mentioned last week ,
we have placed on our counters 100 dozen heavy all wool scarlet shirts
and drawers , at 50c each ; worth double the money. Come all , and
get the greatest value for your money , and those with limited means ,
remember the only place where you can buy mens' all wool suits for
$6 ; mens' strictly all worsted suits for $7 ; oliildrens' all wool Nor
folk suits , from 5 to 12 years , at $2.95 , and goods at ONE PRICE ONLY ,
is at
Cor. Douglas and 14th sts. , Omalia.
fTiauw t
arc easily worn , mfo anil ro'lalilp. Thi-y liuvahoui
tecttMl In ttimiatiml * of cnOH mitt TV can poMtivoly
ntpcrt Hint m till raBOfrliero tlio liver. K | > | I > II. Ki.l- .
npyh unil boweli uru Involved. lu. lloi..MAN'S PAHS
niu at oni'i' tliu tent , quicken mill cln'iipcst : uml
tlirylmiu iiuiilo in'riniinoiit cuiun In tlmiiMimU nf
ntoH vvlioro niedictnu lus boun u ed wltbuut any
enrllts x\lintuvcr.
One of the Best and Largest Stocks in the
United States to Select From ,
ibf the Crucible ,
Abont twcnt , " y ir co I difCOTprod n little Bore on my cheek , and the doctors pro-
Bonnccd It cancer. I have tried a number of , lint without rwlvins any perma
nent benefit. Aoionff the nnrobcr wcro ono or t o epccialitta. The midiclno tncy applied.
vaa like fire to the eorc. c n mg intense pam. I caw n statement in the papers telling what
S. S. S. bad done for others similarly nOllctrd. I procured EOIUC at once. Before I had need
the second bottle the nelRlibors could notice that , my cancer waa healing up. Hy ccncral
licaltb had Icon bad for two or three years 1 liaa a hacUns congn ana cpit blood contin
ually. I bid a pome pain in my brcubt. After t.-iUIn.i BX bottles of fl. S. K. my conRli left
me and I grew etoiitcr thau 1 bad been for several } c r . Hy cnnccr lias healed over nil hut
it little tpot about Ihe si/u of a half dime , and It Is ranldly dlsajipiarius. \\ould aihuo
every uueMtU cutu-er tu glvu .S. & a. a fair trial.
JJiH. HAKCy J. ilcCONAUGlIET , Aeho Grove , Tljijxcaaoc Co. , luj.
Feb. 10 , ISSfl.
fiwift'o S | clflc IB entirely vp 'lablc , and Bocms to cure cnnccri by forclns out the ! innu >
rit'ca flvia tUc biuud. U'rvittbu on lilood und .Shin Il ) : tu > e5 inai"l ; free.
THE 8\VI11' Sl'JlUIl'lU CO. , Drawers , AtlHUla , Oa.
GBOl I1DHICK , Munnicor.
KKFEllENTES : Mori'haiiU' anil Kirinors' JJauU. D.i\lil city , Ni1 ! ) . ; Ko1rii'iy Mil' : ' < ) Til
llaiik , Kmrniiy , Nub. ; ( 'uliiiiilius State HinU. : ( 'oluuibus. N't1' ' ) . ; Mc-Unniilil's liunlc , Xorlli
I'lnttt'.Nfb. ; Oinilii : ; National i > nl > . Onialiit. NVb. ,
Will pay cusloiiiors' draft , with bill of laUini : aUaclied for two-llilnls v.-.luo of stoo *
im 8 , EB S1E&L ESTATE and TBUST 00.
s. w. c'oae. i..ih A\H > I'AIEXAII , O.IIAIEA.
I'roport.y of every ilo.scriptioii for silo ; in nil ] ) : irt of the city. Lantls for stlc : in
ovorj county in NoprnHkn.
Of TiUns of Donghifl county kept. Alups of tliu city stiilu or county , or siny ether
information dusirod , furni.shed troti ot uhar o upon ,
Watches , Diamonds , Fine Jewelry , Silverware
Tlio largest stock. I'nct-s the lum-at ItiipEtiriti" ; u spuciulty. All work wurninl-
ed. C'ornor Uoti Iith iintl 1'itli sjrculs , Oinnlia.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
AlJtnvli1 * all mum ) illo * fruitt tin * blnod ,
InvljzoKitt'H iiiul viniilyi * the whole sy. loin
EB4 > ! iiuti's ! , ivr ami Momurli B'atl
( "ure ll'llou < iipIiu1lii' tl\n. .ImmdlcJ ,
Dltirrliuru. Mlari.tSi'lc : ( lluailnclio ,
KlionmutiPtn , cto.
s F Ivor ituil Vtomacli I'atI
Hi1 'iilales tlii" lo'na"1 ! mul Ilo'vcli. l
tin1 A | . tltn. i-orrerl * -liiillallon ,
. .
EE > litiHti' < < Stiver nut ! Ht < Kiavi Bn < !
I'n oult Si-n s.cknpi" . Clinlora , Sniiilliui | ,
" Visllow.Tviilius , T > | ) li' ' < Hl and
llllkiuaKovr" .
A I.I , UliruijIb'lS Or-out oTtroci1 ! ? of
BAX H'AE > X > . ,
1'JO Williiim St. , N. Y.
h POSIT [ VF < < - Ma1" *
il I UOl U IJ rcr ! , * wwolw
Jhoinost obtlimtBcitJn In fuuriUys oi'lu -
- '
-'ISolubleMedicatedBougies ,
i Ko nauseous ilo-c ? of cubolit. eon ll > i "t oil i < l
taniliilwiiodthiit uro vonutii lo urodueo oyspoii-
tluliv dnttruvttirf llio i'iiitlinr ; < of t lie stoiim-ili.
1'iifoSl.rA 8 < iM by all ilniifjrisli or iiiiiitwt ou
10 " " " v 1
ssM ? . oMsr
r. c. . .XjijAsr co. ,
K John st. _ . _ Now YOITK. _
SI , Cor. Capitol Avenue.
r"ii TUP. TnrATSiTNT ni1 A 1.1.
Chronic & Surgical Diseases.
DR. NIcMKMAft'iY.'Prop "olo. .
itviMi y .at' HoHiniiil and I'nvato ITaotlcc
Vx'o hive : "ilia fm ilitles , npinritiii | < anil triucil
for the eiiccccsf ill trculniont uf cvory form of ili .
ui-c iTimirliii' clttiiT nicilioal nr etirylcnl trcntminl ,
aiul fii\ituull tocinio.'inil iiivtr tgftuf.r thrinhi-lv < ii ' '
< ir currcHpniid with us. Lung i-jportrnco In Irfol. ,
InucabvH lijr lo'.li'r uniiitrM u tu Ucut many cueca '
( .cicntlflriiilr wttbnnt footii ! ; them
WKlTli i'OK riliaUJ.AU on Di'forinllU-i nnd
lirnrcn , club 1'oi-t , Curtaturra of thu Hjilno .
D.sCM'in oi \V UBN. I'llr * , Tiimorn , Cnoccrc , ' '
( . atnrrlt. llronclillls. Inhalation , Electricity , Tarnl-
.vi' , lpilipy ! , Kidiify , Kye , Kur , Hkln , Hlorxl und '
! 1 " opcrallom.
Ilitttorlon , Inbulrm , Ttrnrcfl , Ti'inmrn , ninl
ill I int1 of M dlcnl unit SurKlcnl Appllanci'i1 , inui ,
urHi'tnrwl and for mile.
Ihc only reliable Medical Institute making
Private , Special f Nervous Diseases
from ubtlrvcr ratine lirniliiceil.fnccrwfnlly treated.
\\'v ran remove Syphilitic jmi on from tlie ujfctrni
nithnul mercury.
Nelv ro-lorattvc treatment for lo s nf vita ) power.-
Call nntl consult us or sund ninic and port' < iOiru
luldre plainly written enclose fetmnp , und wo
will Hfiul you. In plulii vtruppcr , our
I'OX I'lUVATB , fl'KlAI , AND KhIIVIllli
SKMINAI , WVARNE * . ' . Hi'jr. iiToiininn , lurovcN
t'V , STl'llILl" , ( loNnlllllllKA , ( iLLCr , VA1IICOCEI.B ,
( SinicTuiic , AM > AM. ni > fin : or run ORMTCI- '
UniNAnr OIII.AMS , oriciul liinlory ofuiir IUBC fur '
mi opinion.
1'crsons nimlilr to t lilt 119 mny lie trrnlci ) nt Iliclr
IIOIIIOB , liy corrCAponilcncc iMrdiciiicHiiiiil Iimtrn
niiMit pent by mull or exprei * SKt UIHCI.Y 1'ACK- i
KI ) FKOM OIHliKV.VIlD.V. no miirKh tnlndirni.i' '
or cn'lrr. ' Onn ji rBiiiiil inlervicvv
fcrrrd If coniciiient l-'I'ty PVIIIH for tlic IICTOII.
IiiOiliition of pjlii'ii ' liiiard mid "Ili'mlnllcc kl
ipnsoimWi ) pticua A'tilr " < nil I.ctti'is to
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute ,
Cor 13I.SSI andCanitol Ava. . OMAHA , tt' F.
The mily rjerfoct suhstltuto tor Mother' *
mlllc. Inv.ilimhla t-j chnlem Ijitantum
nnrt TnethlnR. . prn > dt ttato.t lood fur DV
panties , ConouniDtlvoi , Ctinvuloscnnis.
1'arifot natrlant In all V.'iUtlnK niseases.
H ( iulre4 nu fooliSij * ; Our HOOK Tlio
nnd FeadlnK of Infants , inallml tiuu
nnr " " " OtiniiAUH ti CO. . Bontou.
vs Ask y ur i
"r 11 H. nt t . any mlilrfxn fur M I .no. '
MALYOUll ll'f ' . CO. , Cjrtnia | W , O.
rw. Kiihnt \ C-'o , . Ayt-iils. ;
vv r
-v- *
Cnliilocuri auil I'rlcnii nu uppllcutlon. Hold by
all ( lie liesl r rilHK Iiulliifrt uiul Dcnlrm.
cutjji ) A.I > 'IV ' > I'OOOJN.
iliitny Kddloii will lia nmllod U
pur Hiinuiii. not > l inniki't and llourd oj
'i'miliiirpmUor tiny VVi'su'rn ilull ; . 1'ruii
IHtoitU hoi ur ulifuil of Iliu inoriilnx PUMT . Tlilx 1 !
> u llrftti'liiiivucktv. . hcni ! poHuHOBtimipl
i > l mite' pohtul ordur. or rt'uhLTit ( | It'tlur. U'lll
rill .MitJ MAIL. llHMIi-uv . tMiltiiiru , 111.
or I InMfjiiur Jliilill ,
Curml \ > y AiJitttniuti'
Hulling' < ; olUcn MM-clllc.
It .mi | IUKI\II ; IIIH cup o ( culler or tea without
Ilio kiion U'dtii1 of Ibu person tuLUu ; a Uubsoliilt'lf
Iiuiuic | 4 , mid will eH'fcl u pnriiiuurtituirl bptwlr
curt * . t\xiel'.iff ( bo pilutu : inn iiiodorutocrliiKurCi
ill tuculiullu wrcclIt lias ln't'ii Klveu In thou-
, rultol raten , und In cvciy lii ttl.reiiiCiiltciir
liis followed. It iiiitur t'nIU Tlio t./ttt-ra out *
ImpicKii.iUnl Mltli the Hin'clP , U l.i.-roines an uVl l
liupoHslbiiliy fortlK. liinur eppelltu lucxixt
KOltHM. ! ' ! I1V : - 'OI.IVINfl DnUOQISTH :
/U IIS iV ni.ur. ! tr.lli mid IlbUBlui , und
IKlli iV Cuiiiiua Sl . , OmnliUt rirU.l
\.l > . I'OSTI.'lt & Illf. , . ' . ,
t'oiifiril Illiurp , IdJi. .
( Jull or write for p.imjililft roiituliiinif luc.
i t 'IrnuiiUlvtruiiitlinliv't vvtuieu uud
& . . Ji tsol tU-iH-ual * .