* r r THE OJLA11A DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOTCEK 2. 1880. SPEG1 ALNOTIOBS Adxcrtl f mont under this he J. 10 cents piM line lor tlio fir t lnei lion , ' , cents for rnch ub ecqnoit ln ortion. and ll.'it. . n line per tnontf No Rdxctllsoinont tnkcn for If-s thnn 2ripent for the tlrft tn crtmn. ficn f wotds vlll bi counted to the line ; they mn t lun cotifccti lively nnd must be pnid In mix mice. All mix cr tlfionic'tt * tnul bo hnivled In bcforo 2 o'do 1 p.m. , nnd iiuili r no circum taneej xxlll the ) bi taken or dl'oniiiii ! | d 1 > > to'eplmtip. 1'nrtHi nilxtrtiMnir In thi" eioluinns nnd linv Inptho answers n 'die-sMl In rnro of Tin. llci will pldi'o nsk fr * n check toonnble thptn tojre their letters , us tionn xvill bo delivered nvii * > on pie'cntntton ot chi'ik. Ail hn xxcrs to ad ortl ciiont ! * liniiM | icpnelo id in * > nx clout * . rpo LOAN Monc ) loans placed on Ini 4 proxid leal > -tnlo In city oi-conniy fo Now Knglund Loan > V trust Co. , hr Diiiigla Count ) lunik. IGtli and Chicago sts Wi7i"7 $ : i , ooo to liiiin. Sunn JfiM nnd upwards Lowest rail's. llemU , 15th nnd Douglas. SIB 007 : * , loi.iiAN n l. Dm is A. < < > . Ito.i MOM Katuteiind Ixmn Agents tW.'i Faiimm st. Wl \I ON iy 'i ( > i.o.von rn.il estate and ohal . "I tels , I ) U Thomas. _ ti ! l MONKY to inxcst II > nli have pooil notes ) sell call on J. II , I'urrolto , I'.th nnd th cngo. fno M M : . "TO 1,0 \ -linnms of ? 2o < Tnn tipxnuds on Ilr t clnss real estate stein | tj Potter.v ( old. , 1515 rarnain s | . < jo | MONKV to Inan ( m chattel and ical "estate fair into Intoiosl. J. 11. I'ariotlo , Ifllli inn ChlCllKO. 4M ! MONiV : TeA Jx I U at C F. Heed .V Co's.Loai olllvson furniture , pianos , IIIUSOS.WIIKOIK prrsonal property of all kinds , and nil other at tklesofxaiue , without tmaoval. Jllli H l.ltti oxer UhiKliam's ( ominl'slon store. All bus nossstrletly eonlldotitlal. ail L .OANS lioniia I/onus , Kent cfttatnlniuiB. Collnteinl Uiiius. Clmltel IO.IIIH. IiOtiK tlmo loiins , Short lime limns. Money nlunys on liand to loan on any ixr. pioxed si curlty. Investment Hcoiirlllea boimht and sold. Call at the ollUn or the Omaha rumiu'lul CT chniiRii. .lecond llooi of the llnrkur block , - i.i cor. of rifleniith and rarnain sta , Corbet ! Mnnnitor. I'I2 ' _ O IOA > 7\t IOUCHI uiles of Inter MONKVI cHton fiu in" nnd Impioxed elty pioporly J' . . [ .Day \ Co. , room n , I toifa hloek , S L toMHir Capital eniioiind llithIrinl _ i ) I'M ) i > ' UfiWOOil ) T < iloaii onOiiuiha eit.x propmtynt 'N P percent. Interest. 0.V. . Day , ox-er Ml Ill I OI'Klt ( ; 1 1 S T M on cyTT .1. J . MliTion cy IWTl rnrnnni. 1G Gl'KK C'KNT money to loan. if. O I'nttrfon 13th and DoimhtR. UIO ' 7 , BiidK percent monej loloiin" ) , lakon In exchange for re il estnto. lentiii Invcstincnt Co , Itoom 7 , llmkorlllookior Fill and FariiMn. 1)17 ) "t irKhave choup money on long time , in nn. TT ( | unntltyto loan on Imldority prnperlj.o farm land , Jlar hull , V I.obcck , 1,111 Furiinm st ai MOM'.YTO LOAN At lower rntesthanany xvhero clso In the cityout urnltiiio , pianos organs , horses , xxngoni , or stock of nny kind Itmnomber , ixt lower rates than mix' other loni oonipuny in thn city. City Lonn .v Mortgng Co. . room 15 , 1401 Farnam st , opposite 1'axtoi hotel. _ _ liiu MONIJY to loan by the unrteMlnnod , who ha the only proper ! v nignnl/nd loan ugnno' ' inOmnha lx > nn of JlOto 11,000 mndo on fui nlture , pianos , organs , horses , wairons , machln cry , &c. . without removal No delays. Al business strictly confidential Loans so mnili thnt nny part cnn bo paid nt nny tlmo. each pnj nont reducing the cost pro rntn. Advance made on fine watches and diamonds Person should carefully consider who thov nro deallai with , ns many new concerns are dnlly comlm Into existence. .Should you need monor , cnl and son me. W. n Croft , Itoom \vithnel Itulldlng , inth nnd Ilarney. ten CPEK CF.NT Money to loan. 6t.wart .V Co Ilooml. ! Iron bnnk. llth and Fnitinm. 031 BU8IK SS CHANCES. Foil SAIi : old established milk dairy.dolni a piijhiiT business ; piosciit oxvner rctlrliu from business. .1. J , . Itlco & Co. , over Commer cinl bank. as'i i , S\Iilakery , : ) , confectionery am 'i'lutioh room , chcnp If sold soon ; nU'knoj , . . , . - , , , , , jolllntr. Itninlro of Kopp , Drolhnsj Co , , lion Farnam bt. . Omaha. Neb. "ITIOK sAll ( Igin-stand , cor. 15th 4. iiiiiu. Doing a good business. sna i * FOIl HALI ! A l-'list class rosinuiunlut a bat ' _ _ gain.Ahlres3 _ ( oni. lleoolllco. KTJ 1 * "triOlt H VIH Drug store ln livoTown nollh 4. ' onslom Nebraska.tounty scat. Oood rea sons for selling. Apply to F llanaon , whole snlo dings , Sioux City , la. 74ii4 171OK SAli : 12 loom hotel oiTcoriiT'TlotTfti -L xlHI ft. , near depot , $2,000 , f 700 cash , a irooi span of xvoi klnir horses taken us pint payment tlmoirltcnon bnhineo to suit. Address. T. W F.JJOX 15 South Ilonil , Nob. 550-5 * "I7 > OH BALK -Inipleinont store and 'tiltibksiifltl J1 shop , combined or epnrntiil , In ono of tin liveliest towna in NoliiUHkiu For further piu- tlculais address L. 1) , post box 104 , Itoomer Noli. _ _ _ _ _ _ TTlOHSA.i.lS-Or trndo for Oniahn property J- ' The best located livery business , with stocl In the city. Lontr lease of bam nt clump rent Maynollros. , IfiPJ Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ VSS H Oils is I.ot- > , Farms , I Jinds nioiioy Ioiinnil Il'jinls , inth and DoiiKlas streets. filti rouinj. rpAKKNirr-On Mcdnsto's Innd , west of th L poor farm.onn bay pony , about Ifiyeni old , loft hind foot white. Inquire on the nluco Martin .lohnson. (1.71 ( a * LOOT I OST ( lold eye glasses , ( -old chain , t. - . . J cil xxlth anchor uttiichod. Finder picas letnrn to lleoolllco and net. leward. UJilll * ( l5 ! ItKWAItT ) for the totifrtfbt my poeKetbool P lost between the transfer depot and res doiico , Sept. CT. 0. W. Thonui ? , K13 1'atk nvi r 1151) ) 2 * _ QTItAYF.D OH STOLKN-On Bopt. Mill 'B'T. ' K _ > dm k lirmvn nun o about 13 jours old , wi weluh between 1,000 and 1,100 j.numlg , snui xthito spots on lircnst and xhort inane anil Bray hind toot ( lood Aiahlan hrocd and goo roadster. Any Intormation leading to lierio cox-cry xxlll Lc lib. rally icwnrncd. Chns Con toinian.at Mlllnnl , Doughm Co , Nehinskn. SU 1 * IOS1' A ' - ' ) cur old roan colt , with loathe J bailer ; onu hind toot whlto , Itctuin t Khaxv's blacksmith shop , 8. ICth ft , and uet rt waul. lUi'j I * JiST . 'Instllf pup , light bull. _ . . . J Itotitrn to HUj lioiitflast st. tuul gut reixind " 1" OfeT on the street.drawero | Singer Mixxlin 4 1 innolilno , contalnlnif all atlauliniciitH to mil clilnu- Finder return to 170s Dorcas street. W.I i * LOhl' . A plain band gold niicuTTliiir , ellhc on U th , l/uril or IBth street , with the nuin "Inn/ , " oiiBr.ivod on Inside. 'Jho Under wl plcusd leave nt lice olllco _ Kit IDijT 1'ockut inntriiinent casent or near till J poslolllio Huuiird otToiul If loft at tin I lee olllco , _ _ fisfl . * T (1ST ATlTHrroirktill slmwirnhoutll o'clocl , JiJ Saturday eveningSept. 11. Leuxe ut till ollleo and get reward. sui EOAltDIHQ. 1P1KST-CI.ASS table bonrd for Rentlnmun nni J wife or single gcutlumcn. in prlxuto tnm Hy , 114 N ISth , hot. Duajo and Capitol avo. DM6 BO A It 1)1 ) Nli Parties wishing good lioiint fo JJ.W per week ; dny board $ .1,00 ; call nt 110 NJ7t ! ! _ . _ U03 4" YiOAKDI.Mi ( jooddny bonrd , IUIO Ciilltornlr 4 417 O1B "liOAIIU And IwUlnss , ntSii N. 16th 81 Ii A xvldow In ly of thirty , po = 4. serbcd ol moans , dcslies lorrespondcnc. . xxlth u s'Oiitleniini of mcain. Object , niiitii mony. Address Con c > ponillng lluroau.WIllici Neb. InclOKO.twoccnl stninp foi reply. UI5 I "OKHMINAl , 1 Jiillet or tents socially or mil trimotiliilly Inclined desiring correspond cnce with the opposite fu.vshould iuldic-8 th Cories | > oniUiig llureuu , rnminia , In. lUtal : llshcil tlireo fJ ) yrnis , strictly contldcntlnl. in : cloho slump for reply. MO-U W A NTit : ) Pupils for licrinnii nnd Latin painstaking cnre , couipotenvy , nddrt'ts M l'i ' lleo olllce. BJ5JI ) 5 * h JUllSONAL Nont and tasty iill-xroiiTbuslnes Jmiltsf7. . L. O Jones .V Co , Amorlcu Ciothlcni , IXfJ Furnam et. Mull order * tilled. KAN I IJLIItONAL Mrs. Dr Nunnto V. Warm cliilrvotuit. Medical Rnd buslnesn Medlun Itoom No. S , UI North 10th tt. , OaiHhn , Nnb. . 9S4 _ 'lJl.lls.oN A I , Mrs. L UTnomas , icuctier o J-palntlny _ nnu luusio. 1GII Datcnport sl.l-n ; : > > fUKSl > NAl-l'Iano and violin tiunln pri 4valrly : Inttructlon ut Rrst order ; I'n.russo \rtfblp.care MAX Meer. U OS * UI8OiiiI < AK OUa. ana lyuowritinir tchoul llopmiT auJS.lrou bank , 0W. Unktr KO YOF desire n stcnoprnphcr ndriressO. W. IF linker & Co , Rooms 7 nnd S lion bank. . . 5'2 _ A.VHITINO MACII1NK3 rcpnlrca nt rooms 7 and H Iron bank W ) 3 . - cost , n full line ofne.wt.up. . FOlliAI.K-sAt gio , xvnimnscarts iindhnrncss , or xxillcx. ohnnitn lor ( rood horses nt linnlok's llepoiu.r . ) , l ( 8 < 'n sst. WiS 6 17 olt HM.F.-Ajrood stock of linrdwnro and J1 ndili u'turai ' Impleineiits , u ipbiidld loiii- tion , omx one ( ithc-r stock of .inrdwnic here ; B lieu riilnoiid now In itiff built lo the toxxn , Inisi. tics' ) in toxmbooinlna. Address I'D , lice olllio , lil'.i ts * .Neb , oner * 13.00) ) honustr mix n "poiKiblp pct on xUm will Ptcctiitnr bid roller tloiirlng mill nl that place. Audi use ( harlcg K. Holmes. 7. ? > fi * t NSPIHATION cnr.I rending by Mrs. F Helm- J IK rt.7i.fl South lllli st 8V. 4 * IF jo'i ' tire. suticrinn xvlth 1'llos come and go i in l 'sntisiiirtii.n giiKranloed in all cases , J. lloniar , 1013 nunh bith st , onninn , Net. 3 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MM r Pit KF.'s. Itiisei , shrubs , etc . planted tree foi L ptMsoii" buylngol Ilo iglas to. Ninserlcs C.o. iinvr.Til. . PIOD. , p. r > boxjrio. w nU * 17toii Klivr > < < | inro I lumi Dmomtilv. A 4. ' H ( | .r. Fill lionulas. lt 7 JTIOK lll.s r Square Piano , tl raonthlv. A lloflpo 1613 Houglt * . 0-7 \TIIIMONI VI. Paper ci.ntnins nonrn'J'id M ii'lvoiIKcniont * Iroin ladles an I uenlleinen wanting ( iirro pindiMits. ( ctit 3 iiioiilhs for K cents Ad'tress , Helping llnml. n LnSallo ° ' ( lilcniN. . . III SM.V iildU IIBXT UrRans , $2 pur month , lio'pc , 1 151.1 UonitUm _ ll.'T BAir-MIBCELtANIOUS. " ( ill s \ 1.1 : I'm lor l.rdroom amt hllchof f nrnlt uro carpots.rntiKo and heiit In IT stoves , iilliio ill ) iii'xr.ii Knntli * IIOMII llvo ycirs old all at u Imriraln , KlMiiK up huusokuopln/ ' _ _ _ _ _ 1' poll s \ IjlIiirjfe Uro nnd hurilar piool J oalit , INK ) TVii. hell for fJ..U. .1. W. Mar slnill , l.'iOU Furniiin st _ 70' ' ) _ FOKSAI.i ; The cutest pony , liatnexn ani ci.rt HI tlie elty , all in troiid order. Iniinln at 11UN. 10th st. , room 4.Ciiiiinet > Illoek. _ ti- * ; 171OU S.VI.i : Ice III car loud lots. Addrcv -L ( lllhort llro-t. , Council Illuirs Kill Ijlltll SAM At pilvnto Bile coinpleto < - < \ J- ' o | household goods and fiiinlturo foi olKht rooms. Call nt IWUI Webster sticet. r > ( iu Foil SAI.I' A I year old pony , hnitii"-s aiu eiut.nll In ( rood condition , at a b.uvaln must ' ell by thii liotli ot * > opti > inb < ir , tall It1. North llith 91. Ciomi'-o Illoek , Itoom I. b.M I olt Sfji ; ruinllnro and lenso ot liotci -L AOdieaS ltder House , Stroin linrv > Not > _ _ Nil 10' F01I \l.r-Citint : ( } rlirbts In Inunfor rcvur hllilo self liontlmr slid iron A viunt Inx-en tlon Foi lull pirlieulnrH willo to II.v Hun ticss , Kits I'nriinin ttrcot.Uiiiiilnl , Neb. 7 , J 1 * I pllll SAM ! rnrnitnro aiuli ca-o ot ( .Ix-roon lioii o. time on part Call I LI ) ! North U7tl .licet , l o blocks Iroin Ited lar lino. f-'it ' HOI s Us Iots I ariiis.l.ann'--iiioiu' ! } limned lliimls Kith and Ddiiplm streets. ' . ' ( IT IjMHt SAM3 Tvro No 1 , second Irind , canopj top Sin reyg ; also t o treed , toLond ham phaetons , iitjIOU Doduoslroot _ " .H. _ IPOU SAfli I neap , iron columns ind win X1 dowcpssiitablo | Tor fiont on lirl'-k liulld Inir. For partlculun upplj at this oil ) e HI ! \\TAXTrn A kind glil to ntiond b ibx nnd ' assist at housoxMiil : In n fniiillx ol thuc xvuses 110 | .or . month , sxv corL'Jth ami Doiiirlas , \\ANI'iil : A gill to do second xvork , appl ) > > D11I15 Cnpitolaxc. U7 2 * 'AX AM'ii : > A gill for general hnusexxork , > IniiilioSaturdayaltoineon | at nortlnvcsi coiner Paik axe. and Mt. Pleasant si. Mrs ( > i o n Fllchcll. 1)73 ) \\'A > Tl".l ) A good competent gli I for Bfii- ' eral housewoik. ( lotxl wages Ibll Doug las st < > M ! l * AI ANTLD Youim lady stenogiaplici. tlior t ouglily conipi tent , will accept positinn foi small alai ) Addicss May lloxoy , llriL-h ton , Illinois. 'JI'M ' * \\AN l'iiIMsh : wnshoriit MlllorS llestaui > > ant. IUII N. Kith strtot. ! ' ( fl \\7'ANTii-l.aiindtoss and l.ilchun ghl nt the T > Occidental. h' > 7 \\TAN ril > A oed cook. Apply at 1 ? ' , > Dodge sticet. t's.2 ' \\7AN 11:11 : lilvlat oucuiit371ti Loavonwiuth > noprUi'Qrflu'nxo. Small JuinliyU ! IS7 \\'A\Tii ) nirl for gcneial lionsoxrork : TT good xx'aijesj nw cor Hamilton and Pier , " \\rANTii : > Chi torKonerul boiiM'uiiik , Mi' Mot/,3111 liinne ) . ! U3 a * W\NTii ; > Oiilto ilo general housouoik , Inqnlio Itlnu ( Iioonry stoic , ht .Mury's nvo bet. 17th anil ISth. F. U. Anderson /'AXTIlti Compclont ( rhl , Qcrman pie > > feried2 ; In lamily. Mrs. 1) . \Vneelor. . COI VlrKinla ave. mil 1 WANTIjD Competent soix'iint for fiencia ! houscwurk , none other need applISU California. b5Ti A\'ANTii-A : ( teed Kirl for enimTr honso > work ; Mrs. Willianis.St.llarmibas ro ( lory , 52 lN.JHJijst. bC3 ni > ladj or rontloman of good nd. dro s xvho writes a good hand and I ; XTlllIng to work hard for a good salary. Addles- l lis , lleo olllce , with relercnccs. MO il * XXTAvn.l ) ( llrls for bonsn work , Ilrst and > T second work , also good female cook , bes ! of xvugiM , call Ointiha Kinploymoiit Ilnroiiu , 111 North llith st IiL ! ! _ \\f ANTIOD A cook for small family , inquire MO south lilth st. Oil ) WAM'iu : Liulles to work for nsattheii own homes. $7 to f 10 per xvnok can bt quietly made. No pDolo. palnltng ; no canvass Ing. For full particulars , plousu address at once. Crescent Art Co. , 1' ) Central st. lloston Mass. . IIOV5170. jiQ.'Oll * VWANriJIi I lend oook at the Fnnious res tuurnnU : il S llth st. 7 ? > WANTED MA.I.U HELP. AA ANTKU A Inu.iil and en ) o baker at 7U Lower llronduuy , Coiitu-II Illulls. Ufll-1 * AWANTIJD 75 lubincrs for trenching nnd TT pipe laying on I'lattsmoiitli xsater xxoiKs Wages $1.71 per day. Apply on the works al riatlsnioutli. 'JI7-3' " \\f AN ri { | > - Amntoiir pliutouraphor xvho Inn TT Nomn lei-iuru time Plcaso addtoss P. 4 Ilcoolllco. Bill. I * " \\rA.NTI ! ! ) MuttloBS makers , stradv work > > and highest xuii'cs guaranteed to Ilrst clas : men ; S. I , , cor. l-ith and .laekson. NW I * U'ANriiD Installment canx'iissors to call ift 1307 Fin mini st. and see what wo have tu olfor. U I ! . Lee.Mamigir. _ IIT.'i Mlir Co In the HOI KI want nun to sell their foods on snlary or commission In alltowns In Nchia-ka No ciiital | | or expert cncc neci ssiuy. Itelcronco iciiincd. ) Address , KI , box 'd7 , Omaha , 01 M , box & 'I7 , Lincoln , Neb , _ _ _ _ _ _ TJIJKI _ \\rANTIJIl " . 'icarpentdid at Fowler packing house , South Omnhii , 114 1 2 * A VAN rKD-tiouoriil audits. ( Jood snlary , 01 'i 50o on tht diillnr to wliolodulo my KOIKU. ItnroohanoDlo make money No competition. Stilcliy bU ! liios4 , None hut business men need npply. Addrobs with stump F. M Wouxer , ln < dhiiinriolls. Ind. . 7' * ! o 2 tAVIT.I ) A boy to xuirk lu broom factory V > l liChlcatfo st. OiJI 2 * _ _ WA > Tii : Aift'tits ; Bond ca $ JO per xvcok iullmir our now Call 10 n. ni. , room 1 , iul ; DoitKlas ht 1171 il * A * T.VNTli ) tine sluuimuUoF" hTsl cliisI sowed work ; none but llrst-eluss need 8p ply. ti T. I'ulnniulst , No. IU S. Iftlh. UiO 2" \\7A.NTii-25nien : ) forllluok lllllsTxtensUm" TT icamsteia J7.5ll u mouth and board scraper holders , etc , t-.no u Uny. AlbrlBhi Lnhor AKoncy , FJOj rarnnm. .HI WANTI.O i It ) salesmatu iiiusr f oT ii& quiilnted with the trudo ; al o tiavcliiiH innn ; only expcrlonteU nieu need apply I'oyiuc llrou _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lls ° ' _ A 4 TA > Tit ; > I'lno coHtninknia iu | | . P.lmmer > man's , St. Joseph , Mo. I'rlcos to suit quallt ) of work. 18J , ' ! ' WAN l'ii : Tallora , coat , punTa iiiiU v"c i makers. Frank Ilcnhnm Ik Co. , art Icl tiillors , 1515 Dodtfu , up ttuirs. I'll.U ' * \ \ T ANTTHl-TjilKircn for Itailroad Work , fi ] II 8. Allbrlsht'a Labor Ancncy.lJjS Knrnftni , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ \\rAN run M nieufor railroad w ( iik Yn Ne * ' brusku aud luwu ; sUovcloig , trimmuis , scraper holdeis , io ( iood WIIKOJ. Cull 111 _ WAN I'lHi A luwyouutr men ol nblllty to go to Iowa. J. M. French X Co rooinja.llu8liiiiHii blk. _ 841 ; i * \\'ANTirt : A liritrTit.botittst boy of 15 tu tnko i' cure of horauand work in ttore. Knqulru nt 1JOU Farnam tt. Wl 1 WANTED A salesiiinn to introduce n new gpocjulty uniontrudeipooploanJ inccliuii li i. Addicts xflth roforeucos utid past experl- ciicojjoi O-2U , lleo otllce 487 Al'ANTIJD A few fuore agents to Introduce our Autonmtle Miulcnl In * ruinenH , on luitnllments Anyone can play them without iniiiical Instruction , the boat paylutr. easiest felllnif noxelty over kuoxrn. $25 tojto u xreek ran bo 10 iluo 1. C K , Lee , Manljer , 1207 Far- num street , upstairs. 4sJ GITUATIOir WANTED. \\ANTF.t > Situation bv an oxporloncod colT - T T c.rcd woman n cook Cull lor two daxs nt Bin \\iilmit t. , Omaha Neb. t * i-3 * \\TAM I'.D-Position to drtxc wholesnb or V > letnit xxngou. Address P 11 , lice olllce. Ml 2 * \\rANTil-sitimtlon : as engine" r or onto of TT healing boilers b ) a competent.'tcndy nnd oi > cr young man ; addict K. 12. Nethnway , Wei ping W alor. Neb t > 75 4' \\r A > l l'.l ) AplncnTor econ I work In good T > fnmllx tiy tin American K\tl. \ lull or ad dress M N,5)l Walnut bill. lvi"l \\TAvrii > filiation by n younir man of I T T years' experience In the general men linn- ilio business in u wholesale or lelall Kiocety or cotifcciionery.nr In n clothing hou o. Can tut- nlsh good relorento ; addit'ss P 13 lUoolllco. H74 1 * \\M VF.Ii-'ntuntlon In thy goods * lorc : ex- TT pcrletuod , gt.od . ti'lcieiHCS Atldios P 10 , lice olllco. IHi'.ii ' * " \VANTr.D-Ily n tcccntly widowed Imly , n T > eltutitlon n * housekeeper tn it couth" inan' fiiniil ) , n object ion lo clilldien ; bc t of leftrcuco Address Ps , lice olllco. 'Jl.l- ' \\TAV rii-Annci-ur : ilc , rapid , unit cxpor- TT impel stcnogriplicr ileslrcs cttiiioy- | ini'tit hi tlio i Veiling. Addlcssp. ,1 lleo. S7" . . > * \\T A N ni : > - Situation bv nn cxporlc-nccd TTldler , dther bun or rollci s ) stein. .1. A \ \ ll-on , SJ7 N Kith st. . K17 _ ! _ " \\'ANTnn-Sltnnton ( Inn hntplorrcslaunint TT by n Hi M class conk : best of relcrcnces Ail.lics3Witlilern1s.box . ; Bll.ulty , S" > 4 * MtISC Z.IjACT OUB WAKT3. " \\rA > Tii : > Spt ofNobrnskn repoils Inquire _ > of John Shea , 7b't ) ' N. IMIi V. H-7-4 ' \ \ rANTiiTo : sp | | lease and fin mtilr'o of II T T room house tor fJoO , this tan bin gain ; did N 1'Jth st. " 51 C \\TANTI i > Tcnin to rtu ha-ling. Apply at T > 13th nnd Nltholas. Slmw .v Field. Ui'.7 4 * _ ' \\7ANTio lloanlers and loomers ; bounl and looms t'.ist.da s , 105 N It-tit st. till ) ( ) ' WXNTI.l ) Young men to learn hlcnogin- phy and t > pe-wrlllng : good position * xx hen learned. 0. W. linker , rooms 7 and ! : Iron lunik. Wit ) I \\7"ANTiD : Oncorlwo unfurnished rooms T T In desli able part ot the clly. Address P 7 , lice. W I * A\'A\TiD : Pin Hill bonid , A 1 pluno , lnir nu TT i > rliiiiiriiiigo lesMinsIn piiiiient. Address t-3 , lite olllce , His 7' AX AN mi 1 O-T iinliirtilslicd looms , or n 'T Miinll h'ulsu icitti'iilly located. Address O til , , Hie oilice. W. ' _ ' * \\rANTti : > flood hors mil drlxer xxnnti'd TT to hoist Inlck xvll'i ' an clexntor , nnod xvnues p : id to loliahlo put ) . John F. loots , cor. lllh Mild llinno ) btroet. KS1.1. " \\TA > Tii : > InfoiiniUliMi of F . It. Otliiwnv , T T whnlelt liwln , la .I-ulx With fur JS'rbrii'xn Inseniihol loi'.itiini fo-hindw in. . store Mix pnison fix ing i eliable Inlorni ition "ill bo bli- crnlly i xxnnli,1 Address II. Ottilixny , Kiik- nnin , loxva. li7J 0 * "XyAV rii ) All xxantinir to Icurn lioit-liand TT and tx'po writing to intend Vnlentino's Bhort-hind Institute , llvnn-'ltion btillding. Omaha NXeiini finnish snlllcicnt cinpliivnient toouti'j'nn n .ind buys to p.i ) theli txmnlxxhilc inntlendntico "itil Oct. " 0 \ V A N riiTcninsr : 'l-Mii-1 ay. > 1)18 ) rOK UELfT HOUGE3 AND 0X3. JL1 ; i room house. ' C loom houso. ! i room house M F. Mmtln.aiOS. Fithst. DPTOIJ lli\T Or Sale - - U xery pas.x funs , in ) t o tnry In room hon-e , \ \ ith barn , rood xx ell , ct'llni. et" , In Lincoln plncc , t ( i lil. civ lion , Hi'li I.uie II. U C. C. Sti.itloii.t'or. Uth unit I'ninain sis , oxer Mer. .MU'I llnn'.MS ' ' .MS TT1OII KI'.NT 2 new 'I ' room houses on Mich. JSt. . , ono street Mintli and ono x e-l ot the coiiini I'HiUax'e an 1 li nvonxxortli jt ra"inir Hontli \\lll bo llnKliolOtt. li ; or xIII nll. 1 , . Coarln.niJ I'nik , ixe. 'Ji'i fi' > K lti.NT-Vroom : ( boii e. No. 1107 Daven. 17 poitst. liniulru lOlii r.iinam st..npstuiis. 117s 2 * J71OIS liis'i U loom colt'ntu. Ihunoy near 3Hh. & ] ) per month b A. Slomiin. 152 rarnam st f-OJ I flOH hi : \ sljVo li'ivoUToi-oR UdiVr on I' . I * . It U track , SJJ foot fiont : will lu iso all or part for II'o years Hod ford . Souer KH roil EEIIT BOOMS. jMJH Itl.NTrninwned rooms , Idlll Dodjro. 1 _ b7J ; O 27 FO < : IEINT : Txxo laru unruriilslied ir. ( 'ontlomon pieterred IOJ S. ISth M. 'J77 1 ( K Hiv I' To in-ill nn \\lfn 1 or two ladies , front parlor and bo I loom , fiirnishu I or unfiunitlieil. lloaid no\t door. Sllti llainex it. ' " ' " ' 1J < OU IllJVr-Kiont room , xxitli or xx thout bourd. 1724 Douglas nt. SJD2 * M\N A.N'l\Viri-llo-lilnu' ) : iilceDMnrnisned room with use of batli and jrncall at s xv coi ner ot 20th and Webster. Hoard t an bo had close by. ! lil. octil r H HUNT- Turn shed looms , bath , modern coiixunionuot * , 401 X. lutli st. X)7o ) * "ITIOl' KIIN'J Ulegant Suit of fuinMioil 4- rooms xxltn bond. Kxoty modern conveii' ience. iill St. Mary snxo. Via y * TfjIOIt ItKNT A commodloiis suite of olllocs , 4J xvlthovci ) cniu-oiiionco ; centrally locate I , snltahlofor phxBlolan , law > or 01 ion ! estate agent. Also desk loom cheap Apply W S , Seaxey , 111Hthsu MIL' _ _ _ POIt HUNT I nlcovu loom , oust Mont , mod. 01 n conxenleneos , with or without Im.ird. K31 Pie isnnl. yiii i' ' " l OO.M With bouid , ItUa CnpUol'iivT ) L K72 ' oil KiNT Comfoitabto room pilxato fain- lly. AddicssO Bi , licootllco. wi ; i * I roHHIJNT iicn'antly : ftirnlshod xvnimiooms for the winter , with board All conxctil- cncos. Also board tor parties rooming near. 2225 DodKC. 7'J ITloit HUNT Nicely funiMiOil fron't romn 4 u Itli alcove , nil niiidern convcnioncoi , for three uentlomon. four bio -Ks diroutivoutli tioinopem house , apply nt-onoo , I liri .lonnsst. _ J.soil Kisr-Tx\o : newly lurnishcd rnoins , ' lor family or single Kontleiuun. at 2117 llnrno ) st ; ii ' POIl 1U..NT Sulto of looms , ruinisid | ; also 1 biiulo loom lorKontluineu. 2jt. ( St , Mnix'b nvo. _ , _ ; xi * "ITlOlt UIN : I A larirc fiont iniini , 4. nlgliediibiindiint ; loom for two ; efor/con- veiilonid , x'ei ) oholto , til N. I'Jlh st. my ITiO't itl.NT-Fuinl-liod rodin-rwlih boaid 4J IblU Dodiru ny , , , . HKM'-Nicoly riiriiishod Iront. with 4 , ' ana , bath and Iliet chiss boiift , 5M I'leis nut st. _ 8-M J Jj1OKlliNI'-l : to 4 voiy pleasant nnliirnlHiiol 4 , ' roonu.lll S Uth tt. WJ d * JTUUlKKNl' FurnlsliOil roonu.Tooi lloua.-d _ _ _ ( I "Ijioit ItllVf 3 furiiHhed room * for umitlo" 4 ; nicn 20C5 Farnmu. 101 a Trioit UI..NT-A iiiifin "dofhnblo IdsatioiiT 4 ; which can bo completed about Oct is Can bo If iisori for low ient.ll by a party wlllinirto llilvmu'OWJU. AddreasO 15 , llcootllce. 4'j "ITlOIt KKVr-I'Jo.isunt turnlshed "rooms. 4. ' south front briuk Hat , hoard can be ha 1 mmdoor. Apply at. llUM'hluifro st. 1112 _ IiM'HIIKNT o Inrvo furnished rOoTns , pus 1 Inth and board , matrnllcent ] vis ws , centra ocntion. 214 H IKIIi. 7) ) ( i * P K Uisi : Nexvl ) luinUhod ruom,2-nl st Mary s ave _ KIJ fTIOH lllNT-Niu ! > ly furnishcd Tcoiiis wlih 4 , ' bostofboird 1"0) Fnrnun hit , ! * 1J1OU UR.NT I'liiniolio I looms lorll.'ht hoTiso 4' keeping In Iloomur's block < oi nightli anil IlowaiU jij ; 1 flu it lll-N l 1 urntsiioifiooiiia. 51u 1'lonsnnt 7HOJ BiALF.sf.\TK : HAKUAIN-IInirHcioTin llith st and U I' , track with 3 biuldiiu'e ; sidon- ilid Imi train. J L lilted Co. , oxer tommeiual llnnk. _ . _ ( iu ) 4 J.I ANSLOM i'lnco and the surroiiiidjn. piop- Iei t ) olftrs ns safe and turo , profit Man in x ostmont a mi ) portion of ( Jinuliu Catiic line and new meet cats win lie i uniilnir to Ilieimik lu n atioit time. 'Iho main axouut-s and sticots lonitliitf tonndsuirouiullns-tho | U1C mo nil bo l lf piuded. I'aik ax-onuo fxtpt-olully , when complol d. will boonoof the tlnejt drlvownj , In ton n I'roporty nroiind the iirlnclpul paik In Minneapolis Bells , reudlly at JlxJ.iW to f.-vW.W per limit foot. Vouan buy thptlnost lot In Hansom place over looking the paik utid fronllntron an ol.'hty foot street for lllty do litrs per Iront foot. Go out Hud see the trru'lliii. ' golnir on , notice the view , the nelirhboi hood and the Kreut nuniber or noxr and nciutltul bouo belnw erected , and remember thnt there are not twenty do- Eliabloluts left for s.ilo Innlllhls uilJitlon , and then come to us un.d xre will uiuko Jour prices and terms that cannot be duplicated. IllcK * A iBlfhram 215 South 15tU street. 671 2 Artll.S-JOO Will onbdivlda i > Into r eltr4oM ( N li Mnjno Itcnl F tnto nmrrntft Co. . „ , _ _ _ KM 4 _ /11IOKI ! lot InTnish adl , Knst frniu , fi00 \J C. I ! . Mil ) tie liesl F.stuto \ Trust lo ti i 805 4 I" ? Oil SAI K Jt r f wfoV oni.x.nno lot In Knst . W nlnul HilUMiO , easy pa ) iiients. Thee nl on Hli"ll ! s' ' ' ' " ' 9t- _ 8Q' 5 - ITiliu s Vli-pr : fxcmirire. llonsa and tot. 41 | tii nnd Nfotinlls. house and lot 1Mb mid Dorcas. Win II Mllnrnc , t'th and Douirlns UM tlWltSVt.t : * 1mft 7 nnd S , l.'lti : > ) fpet.lil .L1 block t , tltr addition to nutli Onnihii , C ll on Tied Ilion } , euro Farmers' liomo. or iiddress Utorftf'litftilo ' , I' . O. ' > ox IJ7 , Uapld CHy J.T ) _ . _ _ _ * * * " NiMU'Oitr AXJUIH-KI : ) \\iii subdix into r , < Ity lots. C. F . Matu Hcnl 1M nnd l'ru t Co. Mifl 4 T71 HI SALT , J'or.ii fexv diivs one ol the Dnest JL1 i osidnnce loft ft ) Pnrk I'lnco. I bco Ol on .M Co'l 318 S. 1Mb l. * M 5 Ol ST. und lot , lliiii'ciin Plnco , JI.700. C. U. IT Mn ) ue llcnl Potato A Ti n t Co. KM 4 T > TTAl i > rATI. llATtliAiFhTo" InF oti 4Ilnmllton st Just on yindc. Mvl'J ? . with new t room house , uood barn , well and cistern ! f.Vr'X.1. J. L. Hue \ Cooxor Commort al llanlc. .KI 4 UI.OOHYit.xnT.nY / ] ' G Kcal F tnlo nnd Itentnl < * juts , iilDouiriiisStiect. : . Heroine n foxv oftho bargains we oiler ; It there Is nothing hero that suits ) ou , tall on us. We tan Mioxv > on others. Corner lol on Son aid M. , Loxrv'tiatld . .J 1.1 ill Lot inljoiulng above 100 I'ornerlut on Hamilton ! * ! . . l.ivi Adlolmnglot" , all in Oil-hard Hill I.IK.X ) Corners In PhilnvioH and Klrhxxood . . . . Mil Corner Imp ASS add , , wixl U . , S.liin ) Corner Yntcs and lloell , MxlllO . . ! U ) Coiner lots In Paddock Place . . ( Call at ollicc to , prices. ) Cotneroii Dodobt.WxlW ( , renting for fl.dOO i.er . ) cnr . . . 00,000 Coiner lot on 10th M , Konnt/c's ndd , w lib market building , only 4,000 dwellings on lot ICivl.i : , ( hlcago St. , renting $ l,4ii ( ) per } oar . . . . ? U(0) ( H-room house on cornoi'lot.HcliiiU's add , ti.x-liiO . . . . . . 4,000 New fi loom cottnRo on corner lot , Mil- laid iX-Caldwell's add . . . . " ,100 7-rooni house , S 1' . Hosiers' add , 1 rout ing nth ' . . lotnix-UO . . . . H.iiOO fl room hoii o. l'op | < letoii axe , south fiont , lot liovllis . ! i,000 NiiwOioom cottage , well built , on lot ftOxiai , near Siiundcrs SViM - ' ruoin hoii-c In West Side , 1 block Iroin cunning factorlot M ) > I'M . . . 7.V ) a-ioom house and 4-iooni bouse , burn , o Wet ii , ( dims , | ruit tieos. etc . on lot r.Ix'ii ; , iioniing both 17th mil ISth fi.OO. . ) c-iooni IIOIISK on S "Ol'i ' t , near Si MUIJ sine , city xvatcr. etc . . . . . " ( Fine cornei on Ciinilnir st , ; inousos Ul , ' 0 Fine lot In Imp Asso dd 00x13 ; ) little nhuxu guide li.ugaln . . . . I.11' ' ' Lots in Ixllliy place . . .00 ' Lots n Lincoln pliico I'll Lot on Fniiiam neai Loxniaxc . . . . 1,700 llncei.t fiont lul.lK'jxUi ' In Nol-on's add , lungiln . . . Solo I'ust liont .I'd si ; llansco'iipl icn . . S.-il ) Splendid lets iroiitlnv Paik ; only . I , ! ) llawthoinc lolsou Davcnpoit ot . . . 10) ' ) llnst IK.nls . lull on guide . . | ( ' Omnna Ylcw lotua ton the hill At filVI to $ > 'iO each cheap. One block In Wo-t Oniahn , I acres ( cull at of fice I or prices l Special attention given to property listed xxlta us at reasonable prices. Having no propel ty ol our own on the m.irk- ct wo can not do other th in n strlctl ) commis sion business. CltK'iO.tY .t HADLF.Y , KI13 Douglas t. Telephone 1ft I. Cull und "Co in _ _ _ ( IDS "IJIli ! KsTA'IU IIAKCAIN ( iood ft room cot- 4 ta.o on Ironosl bel Hamilton and t. Imnes lol . " * l\Jd , Hliinle In os , I feel aboxo t'lmlt1 ; icnts lor ? . ! > per montll ; only SJ.'Oil. F.asy terms .1. L like \ Co. , oxor.Cominerclnl Hank. INJ 4 - | to feet fionl'lU'\J.n ( . llowird sf , forjt ,100. t\ 1 F Mayno lical'Hstato.V ' Trust Co. 11 . , MI5 4 ot srs lilts' , Uin insI.anils inoiier loni : I H stit-ots U)7 ) Olt SALli .ifn hnrjiiln on oiv termsi Ii lotsin WaUlilnfciton s iiinio , each VVXll. _ The best corilfiihi ll'tllscom Pl.ice , ItlOxlW. l'loii-onnillot10 IOcor. 13lh and Paul stioot , f.,411(1. ( ' " l.'iO ) rarnam "tiet s Marshall , \ . 1ohcclc. ! ' 0 < > ? riVktl > OKI\ " ) itl s)0 ; ! ) \\.ll > .nbdlxlde o- > into fi clly1 lots ; C. IX Mu.xne Itenl INiHto and Ti ust Co. Vli ! I KFSI1 \ Sl'fcU.V'lxlUir rci : c-tnts ad cx-oiy otliei daJt ( Sco It Illl -NlllU'l'OltS'tirU'M1 s-f-iOO Will Mibdivdo i\ into " cit ) HqjSu C. K. Mayiif Heal ll-tuto s xl.t. Vifoo loom hoiiso unit J coiner Foil lot" In WalnutiHill'i-cash ; bil. touit. . Cnl Mnrtin 110 llth st. UI4 _ 1,1Oli s Voi : 1 line LotsneurTiittle's Subdl xislon A big llr.rtniln If taken at once Cash'i'oiUirol | for till , f.'OJ. Theo. Otf.cn , L'lh 3 1.1ti. | t-ol ft - . vii HOIISOI roomscity uator and J71OII- ? , I miloliom I' , o. . I blo < 'k from stciu-s , iirlco f.il ) ) i. siimll p it nients , h il'inco inonthls * . Inquire rooms 1 nn I - Omali i N'at 1 li in' ' ; . I'll" ' ) ITIOHsvi.1 Wolnvo SIMCOII lots in ll.iw- Jthorno addition that \\u will soil : best and cheapt-stliisldo property In Oman i. Uedloid A. Pouor _ ill I _ S.U.I'Or exchange , M ) or liiiiiicio rarirT ITHiil Improved , ID miles southwest ot Oni.ilm ln < | iilre on promises or address M. M. 1'arrlBh , I'npllllon.Neb. . f.J O 2 * AN F.lcimnt llesldoncc , UO feet frontaire on Sist st. ncnr s > t. Mar\'s incline , torn few daxsnn'v. nt ? b > ,0)0. ) C IX Mnync. Kcul IMnto .V l'i ust Co. W5 4 H' irms.ljiniismoney loanon. llemls , Ifith and liouirlns strnots. tU7 V"i\YI'OISTACItiSJK : : ) ) . \ \ Illstilnlivldolnln -l- > 5 clt ) lota C. i : Mil ) no Itonl Kstnto and Tl list Co. HUH 4 IT1OII s , vit ono ol tiio lie t picces of prop- 4erty In Ninth Oinalin , otn > tilock from paxcd sticet. An eight loom bouse , iie.nl ) new. can bo had olio.n. , If taken at onco. O. F Davis A : Co Ift'l'i ' Fnninin street ( U7 Rl'.AL KSI'ALK HAIKjALN'-S boaiitltul hits on xvcst Ctiming St. , $703 cneh. I'ino bai- gains. .1. I * It leu & Co , room (1 ( , ox-or Com mercial National II ink. 07 ; > "T710U svit : _ v lurgnii Lot Mix If. , a filucks 4. from postolllco. $ IJ,03J , lull cash. Mar shall .V Lobeo't ' , I'll ) ) Fum nn street. UU ITlOlt siALi ; Ilouooun I two lull lots in \\al- L nut Hill , J'.lin , SlDiciHh.b Innco f.'Opor montll , "i loo.ns , 0 ist front , coiner. Lol ill Pl'iinvlexv.sil'ii ) , only l-lc.isli. A lot on xiininl street , nnlv JH ' . L'Ms ' m shriver Plato , fli" . , fj'i cash , bilnno'j fi IK r month llou-o .tniI lot in Oinnlin Vloxr , ? lIin. Im ) toct on Piciec sticet , oiirnor , f I , > OJ. Itcloio xon b'iy c.ili nnd see II U. IliintrosS , 1.H1 Farii'im st. I/stin.i IIUIISUH and lotsxvith me. 051 \ \VI'OIIT | AC'ltl.s ; ntl. Will oiihdUliJo 1 > into 1 city lots. C. i ; . Mayne Heal INtalu und InHt Co. NJI i If it It s , vii : _ | nniF i room IIOII-IM in N'uitli nnd South , fL'-'H ) : J.VilJ. IJnsy pu nii'iit'i 'llico. ol-cn , 3l8Slfttli t tUI 't "VI Wl'OIIT ACICI s $ ) U1.Wlli snhdlvl Ic Into - ! - > Icily lots C , 11 , Miijnu Itonl list ilo und Tiust Co. H'm I Ntcwi'oicr Acitif : > . win sui innio into fi city lots C. 1 ! . Miiyn-i | tc U l'-'t ito and Trust Co. ton 4. U-lti loom house , ( lioiirln ave ; closets , ba oinonls , well , all complete , , , IV roomhoiiflo , lUuhost , ; closet , pantry , col- mr , bath rooin.i ucikkinif titbos , , trees , nco ; yirnt , Turn , canln o house , txio lnrtroilatorns.ijityH-utur. all complete , $ 'i,7lXi ' , 4 toomlioiisqi tfintli fiont , p > intry , elosnIR , larifo b iy wlmloxr ; 'fclstorn , collar , ( food out- housc.s , easy ; ivu * 2,2.W. 4 room House ; imulry , cloiets , bty window celhiryrfll mid oiithuu.-e > , \vo cheap , 2 lots. W. A. HtMlt'rfc addition , ? I. J a lots , Tuber p.fud , Tor ono week , $ ' W filiits , Kllliy lilnbo , will inciciiso JUperuont bo- for ( snow falls , .it lloiintifnl lot.eu ton t plate. Fail inont place : 'All Inxustinont In thuso will double jonr mllnfyilnoiio year Pairltk uddltKiii : ) i't on easy terms ami low prltes. , i , . If youhiixolroijtoH to rent ors.fl ! or lots to fell tut them w fi'hnnii. ' Ido H Ntiictly conimin- Hlon business anil will look after your Interest. 'I lots , Aiatilcr t'Hce , the liost bnrginn In ihu addition. J. H , Parrotto , 10th tin I < tilfii'o ' . ' 17 JJIOli s , \l.i : Lol3in ami uojr b SJth sttooT. Tlieo-JJUon , 2lb b 10th. fcsl ft > j r. \ \Yi'TitT" (7iTusl ; m " "warsiibTiixMae -L > into 1 city lots. C. K. .Mayno Itenl Ustute und'11 ust Co. bM 4 RKAL Ks'l'lTK AlTnAIN 01x3J | lot in llaxvos' add , (1,051. hub cash. t-i > ! hH | mid you will purchase. J I * Itico & Co. , oxerCoin- inoitml bank. uju Ijtuii s.vi.ii Huijfe an I Lot , Lake fit , near 1 S9th. Ciwmwiuirod , J40J ThOd.Olson.218 S 15th. kin 5' ( JWIINfOlCKiNlots.15rl ! lOporcontcush and { S nor month Marshall & Lobetk , , 150U rnrnam street. 'Jl'J . L\ Into & olty lots. C. E. Muyno Itoal F.otuto nnd Trust Co , tfJO i IV Loll > v ai'.Ili"uijrroai ! jiituto iiu ovcry 4-V otUerduy Bee It D3J "iron SVI.K-At n b.irxaln ci.nn-r lot 73x14 : , 4. pnvcd str'rt. n ( * r busmoAs , JVW ) , Stewart A C.O. , room , t , Iron Hank. _ 1W ! _ 1pOlt < \ , S now'iVroomcottatri s with Iftriro lotsiRch \\nlnut llllli i > a x terms , or w ill tinde tor ether city pioj'Orty. liiiiuirc at 14r t. 784 2 No. S-Vln lot on H.unpy street . f.W No. 3 U line lot son linn tiect . 4(0i : No i-s-y Ouolots on Fnimiiu sttdt . . . . 4,0 ; No ll'i-l ' line lot on I liarlcd sticet l.-Oi No. : il-t line lot l n\rnx\nrth nnd27lliSt 4,2. C No t.t a lotson Hamilton St , fltixlli feet , fnt- ' Itjtr on Hninlltoit nnd Charles , t t.SV ) cnch. The uiKivo nre a text of the bargains of. fcrod by I ennwn \ Co.opiollo postofllco. llsf ) 3 "TOOK SAI.I : Chcnp , rv-vcnr loaxp of htinilicil 4' nrro fnrin. 4 miles fiomoitt , tor dairy jnir- losp , J , I , . IticcA Co. , ox 01 CoinidPtvlnlbniiti , _ _ ! HO I " ] j > Olt SAl.P.-Txvo lots tt Dotincken s add tn 4. ' Wnlnnt llili.iiixim , $ 50 etch , for om week onlv , t n y pigments. Tlico lloli | \ Co. , 2I < S 15lh Bt. 8s4 f. IrOI HAI.IJ-Or ntohrtiitrc. tnt ' Lnnil l.cn i < , I : i-1) ) acres , no.ir Itallro td Town. Addles ? , 1 * 5 , lice ollnc. Ml ! ! Li OU si.\ii\ ; | , , , , pottnifo. In oond icpnir , without houses , femes , wnlk * . etc.crx cheap , to do icmoxcd. Call at IT , 1 Miei limn ave. K. I ) Kltton Jtsi ) j ATI'F.NTION \TTL1 M P.N-Ono of the best slocK tainix In I''iM.'rn Neh , x\lthin2"i mill's of the ( tillllhil stuck MU'drt lor sale cheap. NtMirlx iKki nci es well Mulcted , plcntx ol llmlier , con nl mom. etc ( Uci 'Oiactcs in pnitnn > at picsent with an abuniliince ot splendid hit ) In stack. AddtcssC I > Max tie A I o , llonl l.stiitu Aiicnls , Omtihii , 01 W. II loniptou Ticumsehi Neb irl-0-l NEBRASKA MAP. lu colors , shows nil lountlcs , towns , rnllronds Mailed tor25c. Omaha City Map , nexv additions , etc. , 2.V. Nelnnska Stnte Ca/itte , lliiMncs * , Director ) ami Fainici's l.bt , $ . " > , J. M.WOLFF A CO. , 121 S. llthSt . Oiimhn , Neb. SAI&ATOG-A SARATOGA , WYOMING , These xMileis contilnlron I'litnvlunit Iilino , So'la , Mnciii'siu , ( lilm nlc ol Sodium nn Mill- plinr , and are u po-itlxe euro tin all dlseiisea luisiiiu' tiiini nn IfpniuxtntiMif tlio blood Aid'- tain specltle lor ItlicnmntiMii Daily Stage and Mail Line to ana from Fort Stcefc. Good Physician in Attendance If. / / . CA DWELL , ST.LOUIS f 0f ! SALE BY ( Jeo.J Aimbriiht , 2.0t Cnmlnv "it I ) . II. ll < m man , I'Ji ; I arnniii bt. .lohn Ilus-o,2l'i7 ' Cumlnir st. Ih rman Ixiinde , ( il'l South 10th St. O. Lance. .US bonth Mtli-t W V. Stoel'i I. lti.il lloxvaid st. M. I. . Van Suotntt. I'llll Dodiro t. C. W. Sleopor.5J7 South 1.JIU > , t. Sidewalk Notice. XTO'I ICR Is hoiili ) ' wldo.'i JL > ouiu-rsol mo follnxx'itiir roil estate In the cllyot Oni'iliii , to la. sldex\nlk > . In Hunt ol nnd iiiljuinln their piopurty xxllhln l"i diiysfiom the lllh day ot ( J. toiler , 1M1. Sucli siilexvalks to In ) tousttuciod and laid in 'iccor.lnnco xxilli plans nnd > . .polllcations on tile In tlio olhcool tin'Hoar lol I'ubllc Woiks. and In accoidancu xx'itli loolutions ailoined by the City Council , VI' 11 its.'i.ii. 7n , ninth bldo ol 1'leico fct , bllt 247 , li TIM \\iile. t . lit""i ( , ii , 7 , b , noith Hldoof I'loix'e M , lilk 210 , ( i teet wide. Lots 4 , n , east sldo of tuli st. lilk 24" . fl feet xx lilt l.ol f , , e ist slduot ! lhstblk2.ri , lltoct xildo. I oiri.noith side of I'aulllo tt , blk 2J { , dleut wide. Lot l.foiith sldo of I'aclllc st.blk 248 , K feet xxidc. Lots 5.0. 7 , g , IKIIth Sldo of 1'acltlott , W.C 22'J. ' (1 ( leel widi ) Lots 4 , fi , enst side of lth ! st.blk 2fifl , fi feet wide. Lots I. j , i' i die of htli M , li'c 24 "i , 11 It xx1 id u. LoU I.- ! , vest biduol Cihsl.blk 210 , ( ! It wide. Lol K , enst slileot I7lh st , lilk IK)1 ) , , II tt Hide. . Lots ! , ( , west sidoof litli st , IK ) | " 1) ) > , 'I ' fl wldo. Lots ! , ( . . wiist side 12th M. blk . " , I ) ft xvido Lolai , , ; , 4 , f-onth sldo of Allison Bt , bile 22'.l , n ttnilu. . Lots 1,2 , II , south tldoof 1'ierco st , blk2il5 , 0 ft wido. Lot 5 , east sldo of llth st , blk Ifll" , (1 ft xvide. Iits4fi , eastside of lith st.blk IW.Cicdit Ton. cier.O ft wide Lots I , . ' ) , cast sldo of Ctli st , blk 22 , Ciodlt Kon- CIiM-.U tt uMo. Lot s I , fi , east side of tth st , blk 15 , Credit Ton- cler. d ft w Ido. Lois 1,5 , e.vt sldeof fith tt , blk 4 , Ctedit Ton- clei , d It xxide , Lot H , xvost sldo of Cthst , hlk 37 , Ciedlt Fon- lier , ii tt x\ldo. liom thenoith line blk . ' 17 , west side of fth Ht.Crodlt Toncler add. to the south line ol blk a/i , ( I II xv Ido. Lolsl.2 , l,4r. , (1,7 ( , 8,11 , 10 , 11 , 12,1.1 , 11 , south t-idi'ot I'ieice-t.A Konnlze's mld.fl ft xvido. l it- I , : , .1. 4. r , , wt'jt tfldo I5lh st , hlk fi , Kiiunue'sild.lilt xviile. Lots 1.J , 11.1 . Id , 17 , is. Itf.SO , enst sldo 1.1th M. blk A , Ivouiit/o s.dd.ij 11 xxidu. Lot 1 , south si lo of DOIC.IS si , blk I , KoimUcV Ith.b It x > iilo. Uilc I , in. Fontli bldo Doicas st.bll. ; iK'iuiH7u's 4th-Ut wido. Lot 2 , noith aldo DOIOJS el , hi , ; 5 , Kount/u'n 4thii Itwlilu. Lois in , II , north sldo DOICIH fct , blk 2 , Konnt/n s llhd It nnlo. lol Isouth sde , DoiousHt , blk 12 , S. i : . Itoj , " nrs , d 11 wide , Lol I.Kiiiitli bldo Doiciisst , blk II , S K Ito.r in. < llt Hide. Lois 11 ID , noith sldo Diiruia st.S r. llouoiv , li It uiili. . L lrt 12 , 11,11 , 15 , 111 , 17.P. \ . | P , 20 , 21. 22 , east side Viulniaavo , hlk 11 , | | unciilil I'lncu , 4 U x\idi. LolH 1,2 , houth hldo r.iuuun bt , bK | 10 , McCot- mil US add , Bit wide. lots I. 12 , we t Mdo 2Hlli st , blk 10 , Me Cor- rnu.'lv'rt ( uld , ri It wide. Lot. I. wust tide .null bt.lilk 11 , McCormlclt'd udd.Htl x > ldo Lots 1,2l ! undo I fl of I , north sldo llo-.xnrd st , Id ! , II , Mel oiniUk H. 4 It x\ide , "lo withinUjj It wlihlnciiiblino on imlnr.i ! ) .riade. " \V .Hit U 4 , oiitli Bidu l-'mnam st , blkU , Me- Cormlck , a ft wide. K.'MK It 1. boiilh Hldii Furtinm st , blk II , Me- Cornntk , il It niilc. \V iliift It 5 , foiilh dido rarnain Bt , blk # , Me- mlcli'ii , ii ft xvido. II. 20 ft It 1 , ronlh bldo rarnam bt , hlk S , Mo- CounUk'HI ( ft wide. WJBUH3. BOiilh s'do ' rarnam M , blk 7 , Me- ronn'oi'hori ' widn Lots , ' ) , 4 , boutlislde Hainey gt , blk" , Mcl'or- mlckV. ( i tt xride. l.ut y , ciist side 27th nvo , blk 7 , McCoiinluk'g , li ft w Ido Lot 1 , south sldo Houiuil el , blk C , J. I. Hcd- Kk ssnboft wile Lots 2.I , d , 7 , wist sldo 2Mh axo. blkfi , .1 1 ] lnllcU' nb , 4 tl wide , "to within Ji It nlthln cum Inn-oil i.atural Kiado " W 1U ft a 11 , north H tin nmmm t , Ink 2 , 11 cnil A. Shellon'i. it. . Id. I ) It wido. I ! l'i It It ll.nnrlh slim Piirnam st. bl' ' < l.llrnry A. Slielton'h add , I ! 11 wldo. NV. d tin K , north tlio rnrnam el , Kullonu'a 1st. D fl txldu , ILtuftlt is , noith sldo rarnam st.blk I , Cap itol add , fi ft wide. I ! 2.iltli 14 , noiih el lo rnrniim t , blk 2 , Cnpl- toludd.tlfi wubi. : ) ) It ol lots | and 3 , south sldn rarnnm si , bit. 2 , Capitol add , Cft wide. W 10 It lot 2 , south blue Kurilnm St. , bin 1 , Cap itol add , ( I tt wldo. I ! 15) ft lot l.buuth bldo I'm nanibt , hlk t ! , Cap itol add.fi ft wide. 12 tt Iot2 < ) , boiitn eldo Tarnum Bt , blkli , CHpltol addlilt wide. WSift. blkB , Capitol add , north Bldo Tarnum Et . fift wldo W 15 n.lotin , north Bldo Kurniiin St. , tlk 1 , Capitol add. 6 Ft wide. 1. 10 Jt lot 11 , north eldo Furnam kt. , lilk I , Capitol add. 0 I't xvido. J.otB 7. H , u , 10 , n , I1. , south sldo Hnrncy et , blk , r | iltol mid. 0 Kt wldo. Jxila 11 , li , westBldiCKth t , blk 2 , Cnplloladd , ' W 10 Kt'lot II , north sldn rarnnm et , bllt 6. lloift.'HA.IIir | ndd.Ftwldo. ( \ \ iil't lol it , north title Farnam st , blkS , HoifK' i. 11111'n add.U Kt xviUlt i : 10 Ft lot It ) , iiurth * IJo Farnam tt , , blk 6 , Hosts \ Hill's nud , 0 Ft wldo. 'i Int 4 , tioit'i Me Fiinnni st.blkfi , s A lllir ndd , Ft wide w In HI lot * north 'Me ranialn sl.blk O.ltogcs \ lllll add , fi ft wl. . Lot * 1,2. 1.4S. . ' . , , wc t ld2th n\c , blk I lloi'Ks A Mill id mid. ( . ftxldp I on 1,3 , , t , 4 , ft.O , 7 , c t side Sflllt nvo , blk 1 , lloircs.l lllirc''ddddn ftxiiie. . I it 12 , noith si lo Arch st , IMrkor' * ftd.l , 8 Tt xvlde. liot 12 , we t < ld ( > ! * tiiiulcr't , blk 0 , l'ftiior'8 niM.HVt xnde. J.ol Its , fast sldn 17th ft. llorutlcVs'stililil ( , | , WOM sldo inth st , blk 3 , U V Smlllr ndd , 0 Vt wide l ot In. vast -"Mo intlt st.tilkS. 12 % SmllltM ndd , Lot i , aiitli cldr dracoM.tilk 8 , 15V Smith's l.'t < limit lii. iiiitli MpOrorpM , Wk f , tJV S'lilth'.sndd. fi I'txrlde , l il I ir..smiilisiMlrm-oft | , blk 10li V Snillli'3 add , 01 I wide. . . , . „ . Uils 1 , in , south sidp Orneo * l , blk 11 , 1J V Smith s add. on wide. . Lit : noith sldo llracf st , hll > T , 15 \ Pmllli'i ndd. ( ' Vt wldo. . . L , < l 'i. fl , noith siilo Ornco st.bllt 0 , 13V Sinllirsadd.fil'i wii'o. lol B. , n irtli ilde ( Jrnco < l , lilk ft , I ? . V. Smith ! > nlil is II xi idc. All nnrlh Ulc tlr.ico si Oppo llo lilk 1 , 15. \ . Pinith i > .fl fl wide . . 1,0 Is I. b. nuili sidoOrrtce st , blk II , 15 V. Pmith s.ii ftxide I.H is and M , smith ldo Clink , "not do- perilled on mnp , " 0 ti xi Ido. l. t'II. 1. ' , II. It. lil.ill.Mrat side Mil l. 1hr- ! nbeth I lace , fi ft xx Ide. Irfilsii , 7 , s. ii , 10 , u ) , il , : ,3l , Rtnml ronst i > ldo UUh t , r.li/abelh I'liice.H II xxlde. Udsl and li' ' , south sldo Spritcn l. Kh/abeth I'hue.ofiido .t. i : norsr. . Cli'ilrnnin Hoard ol 1'ubllo NVtitks. Umaha , Septembci ilUth. 1 (1 ( , B )0d ) It In Whom It Slay Ciincrrn : "VTOTiri'lsheienx itlxen tlint ( boclly of Onm 1 > ha will receive bids until 4 p. m ol Mon day , Oolobei llh , \ . 1 > . I8I , at tliu olllcn of Hie ell ) cleik , lor eah ot the following piucelsol land , to wit : Astiipof hind ( Uscilbedns folloxxs. IleKln- nlntf at the N. W. coiner of block .M nnd inn- nlnir ooulli IU , f"et , Ihence west .1) feet , thctieo north I.E ! I uet , Ihence ouit20 leel to the phueof beginning. A strip ol land de crlhed ns folloxxs : lleuln- nlimnl the S. W. coiner ot block M and run ning noith 1 f-et. thelicn west 2(1 ( led , Ihencn south I.i ; lect , thnnco cast 20 teet to thn place ut lic.'innlim' . Astiipoi land ilcspilho 1 us folloxxs : llcvli- nliiK'Ht the N.r. ortn'rof block 2il. > and runnlnv south l.K leet , thence east 20 feet , thence noilh 1 U feel , thenee xvost 20 Icct to the place of be- Klniiinv A stilp of land described ns folloixs : lie-in- iimir at the < 1' . coi ner or blocn 2i > and rininliu nnrlh iU ! feel , theiuu east 2O leet. thence soiilli 1 i. Itel. thence west .M Icct to the placn ot be ginning. A stiMpof hindilcscilbed as follox\s : tlccln- nlliK ill tlio N'V. . curlier ot block 4 , Cie lit Toll- cler alditlini tn iltx ot Oniiiha , nnd lunnlni ; Mintli I L' I I'd , them u we < t 21 leet thence ninth 1.12 leol. thence east 20 feet to the place of be- Kltinlni , ' A slri | > ol Mild described ns follows , llotfln- nlnif ntiluiS W. corner ol block I.Cieilll Fun- cicr nd I , linn to the oltx ( t Uinahii. and iniinhlK inn Ih 1,1 ! feel , thence west .M Uct , iheiuo south lC. : ten ! , thence cast 20 1oct to the pliuo ot be- Klnnliii : . A stilpof hind desciibed as folloxisllcjrln - nlnif Ht the \V coiner ol bloi k 15 , Ciedlt Fonder addition to thneity of Onnihii , and inn- nhiK piiuth ir ; ; led. thru c west 21 leel , thence mil 111 KM teot , tnoilco east 20 left to the place of boxinnlni ? . -tnpof land dcsciibcdas folloxitt : ItcKln- nltltrnt thoS W corner of block Ifi , Ci edit Fon- clei addition to thiielt ) ol Oiiuilni , and iiinnliii ? north 1 IJ leet , thence west 2il led , theneioutli HE ! leet , tlicnei' oust 20 leet to the place of he- . A strip of land described as followsllouln nlnurat thuN.V \ coinerol block 22 , Ciedlt Fen cler addition tothoeit , of Omaha , and iiliinhiK soiilh 1 Ufict , thence west 20 leel , thence noith 111. leet , th'jiice east 20 lent to the place of ho- Klnnlmr- A Hlilp of land tlo-ci Ibeil as folloxx'Deuln - nlni at the f. W. coinerol blnck2. , Ciodlt Fon- clei addition totliucltvol Oinalia , and riinnlni ; inn 111 HJ leet , thencoxiest 20 feet , thence south 1'Uli'el , tlience east . ' 0 feet to the place ot he- A sti ip of land described ns folloxTs : llcirln- nmif a' ' the NV idinor orbloik IIS , C'ledlt Foil- ciei adilition to the ell ) ot Omaha , nnd running sionlli I5J ! lei t , Ihence xxest a ) leel , thenou noilhl ! - ' toct.lheiijeoiist 20 tcct lo the piiiLe of heulnnln. . A stilp ul land described as folloxxs4 Itcirln- nhnr at the S.V unrnei ol bluck.X , Cicdil Fonder der addition lo Hi" ulty of Omaha , and running' IHII th Ii2 ! Uet , thence i'-l 'M leet , thence south l.W leot , theiite cast -JO feet to the place of lie- { rlnnlnir A strip ol land described as follow-s : Itoirln- nlntf t tliu a , I ! , corner ol block JI7 , Ciedlt Ion- cjc.'i'mlilHUm to tliu cityot Oniahn. nnd iiiiinnu' ninth Irj leet. thence ciml 20 I cot , thence south I'tiloel , thcnio xicst 20 lect to the place of bo- ( rinnintr. No bids to be consldcicd al a rnto lieloxr the iippi nl'cd xnlne 'Ihocltx council icseryes the ilifht to i eject my 01 all bids. .1. II. SOFTHAIU ) . Citv Clerk. Pejil ember 2lth.lsN > . B2ulit ( To Whom It 3Iay Conrcrn : SE LEOblds will bo icceUcd at the olllce of tliu city clerk , ol Omaha up to 4 o'clock p. in. October 5th A. I ) , isstl , lor the lollowlnp dc bt'ilbed pioporty. to-wlt : llcginnlng id the N W. ( or. of liloo'c 'H7 anil runninir south III ! leel , thence \vo-t U'O feet , thence north 1 IJ loet , thcntooiiHt 3o leel to the place ol beginning. llo innlng at the S.V , tor. ol block .1(7 ( and ruiiiilng north IU feet , tbeiuo west 3J leot , thence south 1JJ lect , llienco east 30 lect to tlio l.hueot . l.ogiimnur. . llctrinning at the N. W. ini.nf blotk 14 nnd running south l.U feet , tl unco xxo-t 3J leet , thoiuo north l3 feet , thence cast " 0 foot to the pbice (1 beginning. llcglnnlngat tlioH. W. cor. of blotk 14 and running north 1IIJ feet , thence west 3i ) Itet , thence south 1,13 Icotthcnto cast-'O teet to the plnco of beginning. llojiinnlng at the N . W. cor ot block 1 ! ) and lumimgbontli l.U teet , theneo wtst 30 loot , thento north 1 K leot , thunco east 2l > lect to the liliici'ol licginnlng llcginnln nt the S. W. corner of block 11) ) and iiinnmx noith lu : lout , tlienco xvost " 0 foot them o south 11 teet , thencu cast -0 leet to the plm o of beginning. licginnlng at the N. W. coi-nor of block 47 and running south CU Icot , thence west 3) ) leet , thoncd norlji 1ILJ toot , thencu oanl 30 feel to the lilaceol beginning. Ucg'nning ut the S. W. corner of block 17 and running noitli liU tent , tltonoo x\csl 'M leet , thence south 1 M foot , thence cast 30 loot to the pliuc. of beginning. lliginnmgat the N. W. coi ner of block KJ and lunnin , ' south 1113 leet , thence xxest 30 feet , tin urn north i.rj loot , thencu c.ist 3U leot to the pl.u o ol 1 tginuhii ; . lli'Mntiitig nt limit W. coinoi'of block fij nnd rnniilng noith i.lj foot , Ihoncc west 3D Icot , thtiKo ROUth ll'J feel , llicnto oust 30 loot lu the pi ice ot beginning Ilcgiimlng nt tno N. I' , corner nf block 1111 nnd l milling south It. leet , thence ca t 30 feet , thorn c noi ih i.i ; loot , thence xvoat 30 teet ( o the phu j 01 licginnlng. HuKlnnlng.il thoS. U corner of b'oik ' i'l'l ' ' and miming nuith iu ; leet , Iliumo oa-t 31) ) feet , thence south I./J lect , thence xitst 30 lool to the pmioof l.oglnnnitf. . llo-innltigiit the N. I" minor of block l'i and liinning south I.I ! feel. Ihenco ii-t 30 feet , thnnce ninth \K \ : lect , llioneo xtet 3U lot to Hie plaiu ol beginning. llegllining i't the ? . K torncr of bloc k 1" > and luninng ninth I ) . ; foot , tlieino cast M feet , thcnc ( KOiilli IJ , ! Itet , tlionco west iO lout to the pliuo ol beginning. llcclnnlngnt the N. IJ.aornornf block IS nnd ninniiiH MI Kb 1 C' fct , theiKO east 30 leoi , tin mo nuith 1JJ loot , tin nco xvost . ' 0 lout to the phn e ol beginning llo/lnning at the S. IJ coi nor nf block IS and i mining nnrlh l.U uet , tlitiuij cast 30 feet , thu'ico south 1.13 feet , tin nt'o xvost .0 lout lo Iho place of beginning. llovlnnliignt the N. 1 ! eornei of block IB nnd lUnnliiK south l.U loel , tliciii'd east 30 teol , thence iioi th J.U loot , Ihonce wosl Ufit lo the place of IN chining. lIcKlnniiig at the H. K. corner of block 48 and running norih.M \ loci , thence east "U tcet , thence south I J'loet , thence M'oM 3J tcct to the place of beginning , llOo'liinliitf nt tin. N. H coinoi of bloel. ftl and liinning south Kl ! lent , thunco cnsi 30 fet , llienco noi Hi in J lect , thence west : ! lfuet to tlio pluco of beginning. It. ginning al tlio 8. K. corner of blouK .11 und iilnniiiK north IU feet , tlionco east 3J leol , thence Mintli IIKfeet , thoneoxfcal 3J loet lethe ] iliu c dl lie rinnlng. J. II. SOFTIIAHD.CllyChnk ! ed Star Line , thollcilgium Itny il nnd United State * Ma ' tin. iir ixt-u ruiu day Bstvjeen flniweri ) & Hey/ York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOL LAND AND FRANCE. FALL Nll iVI.VIT.il PKlon from JiW to tn. KjciiDlon trip from 1110 to tl ; . Bocond Cab.n , outwur'l. II' . ; prcPldt45 ; excursion. $ .O. htooraro IIHSMIJU nt low ruins. I'nter Wrlirht .V bens , Uonura Aifenta , U llrondway. New YorK. lletuy Pun it , l.'ls Fnrn.imst. ; 1'nulson .V Co 1111 Furnitm si : 1) ) . O , Freeman , UJI I'.trntnn bt PUTS AND CALLS. On Who it , Cum , Onts , 1'oik. I iird uud II U blocks , for 1-onif and Short Time. Komi tu. : I'nto Ciicular H. 1' . HAKT AVi 1JJ WtxstiinijtTii M. , thlca.-i , Jll. HeU-runcoi Anvrnaql\ OpeolM Ordnlanco Ho. 349 , Onllnnnco lex ) Intr n spcelnl tnx nnd h P * - Al mi-lit < MI all lots and ical ostnlv within 1'iir- lt\i li trlit Nn. ill , in the cil ) of Omaha to cn ci the cis ( of piixiiu .lotics StU't-t fioin Ninth sued to Thhlccntlt ircel. \ \ licici * It h ix in. ben and being hprony nil * jndited , di let mined i\tm ( .tnbllshcd thnt thn scxeial lots and piece * of icnl csialc herolnnf * tor ro'orrc I to , Imvc CHC'I ' been specially bcnctlt led to I he I till amount hi lelnlex led and iisse spil iitfuin-t each ol mid lots anil pieces ( tf real t > tnlc. ics | cclixcly. b ) iia-on .l tne pnxinir of that part , of Jinivsstiei t fiotn Ninth Hicot to Thirteenth sticet Tnt'tN'foroti.rtlie . purpose of pnxlnir Uic cost of * .nld pnv n lie it ordained by thocllx ( ounniof the city ot Oiialin Hct"liiil. Thnt the cost of pulnir thntpnrt ( if. Inn , street xiitliin I'.ix in * Dlstilct No. M , 111 the city ol omalui , tnun Ninth street to Thirteenth sttcet , Mild insi I nliiif thn cum of JlSt > 7ii.- . ' > , bo and tlii'iiiiiu s lie-roll ) * levied nnil n sp 'e. | . In ptopdrllon li > ill' led front nlonjT stud paxliifr , and IKCOIIIIKK t < > "peclat bcncllts by icn on ot "iili ! | > aInc. . n | > . > ! > Hie tollowlnirdo- ponlied lels nnd icnl ixtnii , us shown bytho Kcnutill ) icciifjiil/id nnii' ol ilmelty of Oniahn , IS.N ! llthoxtapi il an.1 pui'iiMi ' d bIco.l1. . llemls , said cost In iim so lex n ton said lots and rent cstnte.iospoetlxolx , as u > I s to. wit ; Jo ( pit \ I , no i : H.irket II > I Ik 174 , clly f-Vfl 43 .lohn Miilxililll. wi \ of It i. I'lK I7l.cty ( , xml 7d .Icrr.x MnlV Ihlll. 'sol ' II ( blk 17 i , city SPI TJ Fhllllp Vnt > Windhelm. Ii 7 LIU 174 , city IWI 41 I'atiiek ( .hilulan Its lilk ' .I. < uy . . . . 683 43 1,11 xMlhnmsMs. II. .lid is.,0. . , lift blk I7.\ . elM . 483 44 I , It. Williams \ S. It. .lohiiM.u.ltiHilk 175) , cltx . 6W 13 I. . II. Williams \ ( . . . | on , n i of 117 blk 17 % ctt ) . . . liC ( XI L \Mlllnms , \ S. II. Johnson , n Vi of U . Sblk 17I > . citx- . J7I OT Italt.u K I inner , s ' of 11 - . blk KB , city 40H 43 lliilliizKNlincr.s ' , lSllk | , I75clty . 40H 43 1 led Ixriljf. It fiblk I7il , cltx . wn 44 Fled Ix i HIT , II III 'k 170 , city . 5S.1 45 IWatoofllios. Kennedy. It 7 blk 170 Pity 181 44 IMatcof 1'hos Kcnncilx.ltHblk 17ft city & 8.1 4A \ \ . 1' . Keinu ll\ , n ± J ol It fil-lk - 177 . f > S 34 MIchiielDi'e.iriWofs 111) ) of II r. . blk 177 , city 213 KI John Ki tiuelly , s II or It r. hlk 177 , lty . . .Ill 17 Fiodli Ami's , 11(1 ( lilk 177 , ell ) . . . I > s3 4T > Fied I , Ames , It 7 hlk 177. clly . . . M3 44 Fred L Anus. II H blk 177clt ) . M3 46 I'ailiii.OiendinirA Martin , pint of the n 114 tl of II 1 MR I'.U , clt ) . GOT 19 U. 1' . It. It. Co. , IWI7.5 si ) fl In tlio 37 of It 1 blk 1UI , Clly . 70 S5 , loeph Miio K llnrker , pint of u 12A ot It ' 'blk Illl. i Ity . G.V ) M 1' . I1. It. H. Co. , HK5 si ] It In Ihos IS of It ' 'hlk int. city . . . ! B 4n Win. A I'lixlnn , II IllilK IUI , clly . &H3 41 Win A. ravlnn.lt t blk Itll.ell ) . 58.14,1 O. A. I lnihinest.il 44 of U I blk lit ! . . . 31117 l.i < wlir > . licod , HfAtit iiUiot It 1 blk UK , A ! II. lllsliop.n 'i ' ol s ill of It 1 bik lirA clly . 437(1 ( R M. Kllchen.s ' , ofHlllol It 1 blk Ittt , elly < ; 1 n ( I A. l.llldillistlt | ' - ' blk I'O . r. 3 41 l.exi.1. Ixeniinid , Kit blk I ! ( ity . . f l 4r > Mink llanseii , II I Idk I'lC tx . . . 68.1 4 * Omaha Oiis M IK ( ' It I blk I'.l . , city . . r > Ki 45 Oinnhal. as Mu di. , ) | ; lilk 1" I , elty. HKt 44 .leicniiah I.inalian.lt .tlillt I'M ' , city f.S.t 45 .lcip.tn.ah Liniihiin. II I blk liu ( Ity nsil 44 .lohn Mulxlhill.lt 1 lilk int. cltx . f. l 4S A H.Diifieno o ' , nl It 'blk llll.clty . . l W llonry.l. Indsor , w ' . of It . ' blk 11)1. ) city ail TJ Heniy.l. Windsor , n ' , lt I blk 1114 , city , 4IM 4a .1 I , Loxctt.s 'jof ' It : tblk I'M ' , city . . 175 ( Cl John Collins , n ' , It 4 blk IUI. city . . .401 43 .I. L Loxetl.H ' .ot It 4 blk IUI , city . . 1T5 Wl s-cclion . That said special taxes levied afore said , on said lots lespectlxelx .shall become de linquent as lollouB line-tenth of tlio total innoiint so lexied on e ich ol said lots shall be come deliniiiient milt ! ) diisliom the pnssaun and nppioxnl ot thlH oidlnance , une-touth In one xenr , one tenth In two ) cm a , one-tenth In tlui'o } einsone tenth In four years , ouo-teutn in Ilx'o year" , ono tinth in six j ears , onotontb In een ) ems , one tenth In eluht years and one- ti nth In nlnn xcais allct 'aid levy , and bchiK irointho pa siiKC and appioxalol this ordin ance Hitch ot sa dliistullmi ms oxccpt the Ilrst , shall dtiixx' Intero-tnt the nitoof POXOII percent. per cent , per iiiinuni tni'n the tlmo of the lox-y iilorcsiud , until the slime shall boconie delin quent. A penult ) of the per cent. , toircther with Intel e-t at the into one percent , per month , pa ) able In advance , slnill bo paid on each delliKnicnt iiiulalltnont. t-o'tlon.l. 'Ihal the ontiie amount of tux so lex ied and nsnes-ed on an ) ot "aid lots nuiy bo paid bv the owner ot any lot. or the entire Q | ual jiin iiitn piopnrtlon ol si.ld . tat on any of paid lots , mil ) bo pnld bv any pet sou on any purl of said lot * within lllty dins liom sa'd levy , and thoiciipon sin h lots or pints of lots , shall bo exempt fioin nnx llenorclnniro tlieu for. .Section 4. That this oidinnnei. . shall tnko ellccL and bo In toiee tioni and alter its passage. 1'iisscd September llth , ls % . WM l' . UK UK i. , I'usldent Cit ) Council. .1. n Sin-in xitt > , Citx < leik Appioxt'ilKepteiiibi'i i > lh. 1fi. 1 . .IXMI H 1C. lloMi , Mtior. These laves aic noxx due and piiyuhlo to the cit ) tieasiner , and xxill become ilclliuiucnt m Fboxtn In bection - ' . s dlt THi'M.XN HICK , Clty Treasurer. Special Ordlnnnco ITo. SCO. . c lex * ) hi ) ; n special tax andnsBoss. ANClidni.in ment on all lots and icil cstato within Fav- Inir Illstilut No CM , In the city of Onnihii , to i-iixcr tlio cost ol pax nnr Capitol ax'ejiuo from I'th ' ( N'lnlhl Kr"i | tto Fouileenih street. \\heieits , II liiixinir he n and nelnif hereby adJuiU'i'il , determined nnd cstabllsho I that the sex eial lots and pieces of ical cstatii hereinafter leleired to , hax'eeuch been spi'clnlly bcnellttod totho lull iniionnt herein lexied and assosssod iiL'tilnst each ol said lots and pieces of real estate , H'spiollvclx , by icasoii of the pnvliiif ol that niirt ol Cnplun axcniio from Ninth StICOl 10 FoillU'Clllll slM'lit. Theieloio , lot the purpose of pnytiiK the cost of said pux'iiij. Ho It ordained b ) the City Council ot the City of Omaha : SiotlmL Thnt the cost of pnvlnir thnt part of Capllol axeniic "Ithln I'lixlntr District No. ! J5 , In tin. . cit ) ol Omaha , liom Ninth street to Four teenth stieel , slid co < t belmr the sum of . ' < I.S14 7" , bo and the same is lioieby levied and assessed , in piopi.rlh.n . . to the leot front nlonir s lid pavinir. nnd accoidlnKlo special licnullts by leason of said pavlin.r , upon Ino following lots and leal csttno as shown by the Kcncnilly roe- OKiil/od map of thocltr of Omaha , ltw.1 , lltno- ( 'rancd and pulillslied by ( ico. I' . I loin Is , Bald cost hcliiKso lex led on hiild lots and real estate , rcspc ( tlxely , us tolloxxs. to-xtit : .Ino. lldldln , n ' .llTiblk 70 , city. . . . 11. Shannons ' , II n blk 70. city SW 75 Uxporlonco Kstnlnook , It ( . hlk fi , city . . 477 61 " It 7 blk 70olty. . ' " II H blk 70 , city. . . .1114 5l H. II. Iloxvinnu.il fifl of It5blk 71 , city. . . . 971 40 .Innies o. Adams , t > 4 ) of It Milk 71 , city , 434 40 .Ino. LoxvlH , It c blk 71 , city 706 BT Jno. Mm High , nj Ac w 01 H a ii It 7 blk 71 , clly 330 43 Agnes I ) . Williams , o "iH It u Hit 7 blk 71 , city . . 141 09 J. II. Sulton. xv 4Ht It Kblk 71clly . . 1)7143 F. It MIllspniiHh , w ( < t > Hot e Nm It g blk 71. clly . fry .1. II. Snlton.03311 Its blk 71city Wi TJ J.ida llunkcs , Itft hlk7.olty 7U5 H7 Usliitcot Peter Foilics.lt il lilk 7. , city , . 7115 87 l.Miinox A. ( lllinoio. It 7 blk 7J , city TO-i 87 Ilchsol M. II. ( ii Illlnt' , II K I.Ik . 73 , city 7W > H7 IM Miiinor , N " , w " , It 9 blk 7.1city S78 60 Henry Llvo > c ) . n Vt xv " , and o H Itfi blk 7.J , city 61730 llobeoi'ii.J. Lixiso.ltliblk7.l , city. . . . 7lT > K7 I ) II. lloxx limn , xv 'jit ' 7 lll > 7,1 , ell ) . . . ! f 17 in IJtinlco I ) . Palleo , o ' , 11 7 hlk 7:1 : , city . tfJ7 tfl Itaniiall A. llioun.lt H hlk 7 ! ) , city 7t H7 DillaC Iliiikle ) , II G lilk 7ltitv . . . 71'5 ' 87 ( ! A. Wright , xvi ltd I.lk7lfly . | . . . . ! iy7 trj .lohn Met i llt.o 'i ' IUI blk 74 , city : ni7 tu .limiina Wright , x * 'i ' 11 7 blk 71clly . ui trj Can io.I. Murks , o ' , It 7 blk 71. oily . . . ! I'.I7 UI II II. .v .1 II Folsom. It n hlk 71. oily . 7W ) 87 Mcxtr Ilollimin.It I blk Si ) , i Ity 7ll ! H7 .lames ( i ( hiipiiian. U 3 blk H'l ' , i Ity 7I 87 Pelei Wdklns , II , t lilk t-U.rilv . . TW B7 .lulin It llcmis , n ' , II 4 I.Ik . i-'J. i Ity . W.7 11 IJiinlcoI ) Piillio , s " , It I blk "lclly aw 75 Mink Audi ( w , H I blk in , clly 7C ( , 87 Chillies II Iliown,113 Idle tll.tily 7 5 h" Find In llono , It , ) lilk in , city Tl H7 Fiod liullonu , n U ) Illl 1 lilk ! , elty , IT ) 4S M. CiinmlngR ) HUH It It l Idk'U ) , eltv nti ; H II 11uod , n Mill II I , blk til. clly W3 ( W Anna Wll on , s M It It 1 blk ' .II. city , 314 M M Cunningham , olH ft It 3 blk ( i | , clly yn UI Oli. Nelson , w .11 fl 113 blk UI , clly . . . , JUt 01 F.vn Ollxcr , lii ; hlk tll.citv , TTi 87 Anna WIlMin iiHlfi 114 blk nl , elty . IHB U ! ) Small llcrnvtt'ln , s 10 fl It 4 lilk'il , oily . Ifi'J IU It. Shannon. " ' It 1 hlk'3 ' ' , ml ) Kt" U JiiiniisColli'i.nfCltlnl w > ill I blkW.clty , 379 fi5 I ll/alielli lxii ( tile , wlllftof 111 lilkl/J.flly / 37 ft.'i I'.statool ( i c Moiiell.113 blkW.olty. , . , 477" CJ ( Icoige tlaidlnor. ll.lblklC , oily 705 b'J Dennis Leinx.lt I blUUi , oily , 70S t'J Van Kin an KlnMlo Nut Lo > U and U'nolicr Co..o 'i ' II l blk III.city , . H57 H .Ino L , MtCnu'iio , xv 'i It 1 I.IUUI. olty 61T 11 Chillies Noher.lt J blklU , clly . . Jlllifil Ada P Hiako , Hill.Ik III , city . . . 47761 Anna \\ilsoii. II I lilk ill , oil ) 477 fit ho. . Hun 3. That Mild | . ( ilnl last's ' levied uforo- said , on biildlots n Eicitlxcly ] shitll I'OL'omo do. linijuiint ns lolloxts iinciiiuli ut the tetnl amount BII lonuil on each ' sH \ \ lots ( dial ) Jjo- ioinedolniUiil | In lift ) dmn liom HIM pitisujfo ami utiproxftl of this oidiuun , one to.ith In iitieycaiono tnnili in inn ) O.IIH , luio-tonlh in Ilireo yetns , ( ino It nth In loui yonm , nno-tenih In llxo ) CIIIH , ( .no ti nth In S'X ' years , ono ttiutli In bcxrn yearsoiu nnth in olght ) iiiiigt iiid i.nii tnnili In nine xenis after mid lovy.'imd bolnn fioin the i H-SIIKO ami niiprovnlof this ordlniinic. Uiicli of said itibtiiliiiicnts , except Uin Ilisl , shall diaw intercut m ( | ll rateot tevin [ urcMii pcrininiim liom the time of Dm loxt ufoiKMiid. until the hiimc shall beioino duln | > A ' ? "J'"i.r. ' ( ' . ! ; . " . . " . ' ° i : coi'L. ' togmj.or . with lill"ie i ixt the i ate ( it ono per cent tter iiio.ith. pajul.U , In aiixmieo. 8lmll bo imld/ou oicliiluluiiUiit | insialimcni. ciKiliiii. Thnt ill' ' ciitnc iimoiiut of tax so 1 x led and ascs-tU on any of said lot * mn , I pind b > tinuwnct ol any lei , 01 tliooiillrpomud i-Hiiliiix on mi ) orWIU Int. . nni ) ho paid by mi ) person on nii port of Huldiots .oilnnll ty d.ig iOm , fa.l | fovrniii. ! Ihciciiiion siuh lots , , i pmt of | OU jft , , , , Miiinpt in m mi ) lien 01 rlnujforor. ' I ' 1'iiiit this Hi'ciiijn orilliiHiicoflnilJ tuko elfoui , These Hues Ho now "uo nrK u HUMAN DUCK , Ciiy Tiew.rcr.