THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AVuI . OCTOBER 2 , 1880. THE DAILY BEK , COUNCIL BLUFFS. SASUTDAY MOHN'INC O ( . roitliU. 8. OtTIOE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Drlmr l t > ) uni HIin mi ) pnitoF tliccltj nt Uuntj ci II , W. , r , No. 4 . NIGHT Knn on No 2J. MIN'Olt .MENTION. Now York I'linuljhn Co. Now fall goods ut Hoilcr' . Cheap ruilioad ItukcU at Hitslinell's. "Kast L\iinu" al maltnuuthis after- noon. ( Jnn I'D/CH ' ( Mblncts and a lai c iianel for t-J 10 al Schmidt's nallui'i. Iho Scottwooil nine to day pluj HID J ) iV. 1) nine on tin ; institute ronml-i. Ei'l'lie reiullii'iui | prntiaiics arc tolju held Uils evi'iilnn to "duet dule utt'S to thu uounteoiiu'iition. . Yt'Sturtltij morning a lunauay oc curred on Madison .sti out , and a bpiing wagon was demolished Telephone No It ) ? has been put into thu up town ollico of Win. 11. HuriKs the Union I'acilic general agent. To night the rollicking comedy , .Josh Whitcomb , will lie givun ! > } tliu Ihine company at the opcta liousu. United Status .Senator Allison speaks this evening in Masonic hall. L.ulies as ANull as gcnth-mun aru iinitcd. Tht1 In > t manlago licunsu issued this month was gt anted yesterday to S. Hob- insou and Nill 1 i ( > eman , both of tins city. Tlio dumoeiatic jnnnaries arc to beheld hold TnuMlay evcnimr ne\L to seluist dulu- gatiis to the democratic c'Hintx uonen - lion , All llii ! ladies should sou Miss Ho\\e at the matinee this aftetnoon. Her cos tumes aie elegant and her acting still more so. The Des Monies policemen aie petitioning - ing the city council to furnish them \\ith winter overeo.its at the city's expense. buch a petition licit1 would lake away thu bic-ith of the aldeimen , if not that ot thu policemen. J'oliccman Nick O'Hrien sa.s . the HI.K yestenlay ga\i > him the cieilit of woik- mg tin the ancst for hoiisebreaking agauibt C'hailes Clark , while he only helped on the case , Olllccr Jo Weight- man deserving the bulk of credit. The legal conteht as to thtj ownership of the "White Swan,1' one of the favorite boats on Lake Manawa , is to take place In Justice Schuiv.'s comtearlyneUweek. As .soon as the case is determined the boat is to be rechristcncd "Satisfaction. " The Maude llo\\o company appears this evening , closing the emr.igement The opportunity of seeing and healing this dimming young acti ess and her com pany should not be missed. Those who nave attended the nrevions evenings' en tertainments will nrctl no urging. Smith it Movers aie changing aimnt Laey'.s old stand , ho as to nrovnlua liineli counter. Ith all the st.\le now for e\cry saloon to have a lunch counter and icgu lar boaideis ' 1 hen the doors have to bo opened on Sundays so as to keep the pub lic fiom going hungry. Ollicor Leonaui ycstoulay threw into the bastilo ajoung man named Hinkson for being di link and refusing to pay his hack hire. When searched he had only 80 cents in hi pocket , which would not go far towards pajiug tor an extended trip Nith a Council ImuTs hack diner. The news ot the disappearance ot the ollicials of the Kaw Lifo association causes a sensation among a goodly num ber in this vicinity who hail pinned their faith to _ itis a sure provision for their families in case of death. The company Iris done quite a business in this pail ot the state. Mr. lieokman , the city uoll tacolleo - tor , is making arrangements with attor- nius to commence suits against all delin quents. Those who have not pi'id or worked out their lav are fast binning away their day of grace , and should.jump to the front , settle and have the costs , which count up fast. It is talked about that Chief Matthew s is to be the lepublican candidate for cleik of the courts. Matthew.s savs he wont tun under nnj circumstances ? All know that as chief of police ho wont run woitli a cent , but is a slayer. As a can didate for that or any otln r position on the county ticket he would i tin like a deer though. The only trouble is to get him to consent to make the stait. lie will run all light it he does , not refuse altogether to .start. The editor of the Vail Observer , al though a republican , urges the choice of 1' . K C. Lally as county attorney , basing thu for lum on the ground ol his Illness for the place , nnd urging republicans of that county to support him because the democrats arn to oll'or no opposition to Judge Conner's election. Mr. Lally has many friends heie , who will bo glad to Joarn that his name is be ing considered for Mich honors , and who would bo still more glad to see him placed in such a position. Ho is a joung man who hah been a biilliantcampaigner for the democracy , but yet has a happy way of winning admirers among the re publicans His reputation as an attorney and as a man entitles him to some posi tion of trust and honor. Hov. J Is' Mills has just removed from Vail , liaring been appointed to thu church at Newell. In taking his depart ure fiom Vail ho makes a public state ment that he ! H compelled to leave with out paying all of Ins debts , but that ho will soiul w hat ho owes as soon as possi ble. Accoiding to Ins statoniuut tint church at Vail OWCH him 105 on his sal ary , and if ho could gut this hu would bo able to biniuiii up his bills at once. Ho refused to allow a subscription paper to bo passed aiound for his ouiiolit among the outsiders , who would gladlv have raised the amount. This public showing ought to put the Vail clnueli to shame. The laboior is woithy of his hire , and the sooner thu Vail church and all similar churches g t over the idea of a frco gos- pnl of the soil which makes the pre.uiher givu his time and strength without money and without price thu better. Financial honesty should be as prevalent in the church as in business ciinles A carload of largo , heavy mules , also H lot of line , laigo hcav.t brood mares tor nalo by Schlontcr A : Holey , Council Mlufl's. There is a special display of now meerschaum goods and smokers' articles Rt 1L ) , King it Co.'s ' , 01 ! ! Hioadway , for thrco days , Take a look at them. Just received , Ladies' lint ! shoes , best makes. Prices low. Uco. 151a\im , 607 Main. _ _ First class regular dinner 35 oents.l'J to 3 o'clock. I'luunK chop houao , 505 H'way. Hats regardless of cost. Closing out hut stock of F. K. Stubbs , comprising Knox's. Stetson's ; u > d other Inui brands. E. H. WH.UAMS.NO. SOU Htoadwaj Evcrnrd ami KiilttHii.'Miy Kd. Wnghl , for Bale by liiiblinvll & Cookwoll. Fresh oysters in every style at the Phtuulx Chop IIouso. No. 605 Uroadway Hats regardless of cost. Closing out hat stock of F. K. Stubbs , comprising Kuox's. Stetson's and other line brands. E. 11 , WILLIAMS , No , 600 Uroadway Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement , etc. Council Hlufla Fuel Co. . No. 6U J Uroadway , relcwhouo No. 130. THRICE TRIED FOR J1KRDER , Olouser Agaiu Convicted and to Bo Shut Up Tor Life. A REFORMED GAMBLER MOBBED. Tilnlul'a PostnuiMcr l-Nir Hmlip//.lc- inc'iit An UxiH'iiNlii1 li tlcr Hud- ncsM.Men Ariettcd l-or IColibcry Otlirr ItllilTs Local. FIN Tlilnl Sentence Cor IHe. The ( 'longer murder dial eanic on the board for the thiril lime al tiluiiwood Uils week. The ln lorof the ca e is an inteiesting one. The tragedy occurred in August 187H , at or ncai a stone quarrs in Mills count , ] 'I wo men , Doiau , the boss of Iho ( inaiii , ami Tinan , a work man , weie both shot down in cold blood by some one concealed on the opposite Mile of the lailuay track , nc.'ii which their bodies weic found. Joseph Mo- Cit-aiy , who lived the hcenc was ar rested as the muideier and promptly conxicted , his scntenco being impiison- menl for life It appeared that he got a gun at his father's IIOUM. , and some ammunition - munition from a neighbor , that ho went to the supposed ambush , slipping oil his shoes , and stealing stealthily along. Other circumstances pointed to him as the .issussin. After being in the neniten- tiaiy a few years he niMlc a confession , but claimed that while a pally to the ciimc he was not the real slater , Jasper N Clouser doing the Miootlug. lie claimed that theie was a grcit deal of feeling oxer a diuiiken low at the ( pun ry , and that Clousur was determined to kill Doran. MoCrcary was at the time icst ing under an intlietmciit lor lobbery , being out on bail. He met ( 'louder in Kgan's saloon in Haillett , and an agicement was there made by which Me- C'rcar. > was to get a gun for Clouser and biinir it to him at the designated spot at a ceitain time , for which scnico he was to be given $100 , and tiiiuished xxilh two good laxvyers to detoud liini in the lob- her. } case MeCicary claims that he got the gun , loaded it , met Cloiisoi ami ga\e it to him. MeCieary then \\aitedata coin CM ill while Clouser xvcnt oil to the tailway Hack with the gun When Clouser i etui ned he told MeCieary that he had killed both , limn , and stated as thu reason for shoot ing Tinan that after shooting , Tman tinned around and saxv xxho was the man that tiled the gun , and he hnd to kill him to prevent him from nr.ikiug trouble . Clouser was hunted up and found in the xvihls of the west , biought back heie , tiled before Judge Heed in the district couit. and toiind guilty bv the imy. .Judge Heed set aside the Addict and or- deied a new tiial The case was then hcaid l > efoie Judge Loofbouiow and Clonsei tound truilty ag.un , tin * judgmeiit as before being thai lie should hecut to the nenilentiaii for lite. 'Iho ca e was taken to the supreme com t and another tiiul granted Thus the case came to ( ilenwood for the third trial. The trial has lasled about a week Di tuct Attorney Thornell pioseeiited , and although coming into thi > case with little or no knowledge of it , he hainlled the slate's interests lum.irk- ably well. Attornevs Stone and ( Jilli- l.iud condueted the defense with stiongth and sharpness One of the singular and sensational tcatuics of the trial was the piesenco on ( ho witness stand of four porsons-who aio sorxing life sentcuces for minder , Kaeh bait coiumitti'd : i bloody crime , witli details dilleiiiig widely. They weie bi ought fiom the penitentiary mainly as x\itnesses for the defense , to'show that MeCieary liad told them that the alleged confession was false in many important details. The oa o went to the jury Thursday night and yesterday morning they re- titrsed a x'oidict of nuilty , and li\iug the penalty as imprisonment f < ir life , thus making the thiid time ill which Clou-or has been couxieted. This will piob.ibly 1)0 an end to thu matter , and instead of being three times and out , xvill bo thiee times and in. Theie is an impicssiou among many who havtghcard the details that McCrean has fixed his story so as to oveitse himself to a much greater c\ti nt than the leal tacts would warrant , if fully known , and that Clotisor , while jieihaps not having had as much to do in the crimu as MeCio.iry claims , .still was so conoei ned in it , that the sentence of life imprisonment is no moio than he merits. If you want n gooil furnace and one that will be as durable as jour house , get a "Hichniond" at , Cooper tteMcGeo's. MorrlN Is Mobbed. Al Morris , " the reformed gambler , " as hois knoxvn here , has been having a hard time of it in JJnrlmgtoii , where he has been indulging in street pleaching. While here he dressed very dudish , sported a bilk tile and silk wipe , and in manneid and speech disgusted thu com munity , He has been a tin-horn gambler for some years , and his lecord , by his own statements has been such that ho has barely escaped the gallows. While here ho banked largely on what a sciisa tional bad boy ho hail been , but had changed his- modes of life and become eauiestly engaged in haxing others from the hlimos into which ho confessed to have fallen. It WHS publicly staled here thai some of the saloon-men a ml gam- blurs had given him fid to leaxo Iho city , and not to speak hero any morn , and that ho had accepted the bnbu , ami signed an agreement not to dislmb the citv any moio. At the same time that this ar- langoinont xvas made public in the Hr.i : , Moriis disappeared , thus confirming the statement. Since then ho has Kept away iiom the city , thus fuilhurconlirmmg the belief that ho xvas bought up for a lew pieces of Mixer. Despite the fact that there is little faith placed in lum hero , still the brutal conduct of those xvho mal treated him at Turlington xvill u-eoivo little endorsement in this community , even among those who dislike the man and his methods. So long as ho was violating no laxv huwas certainly entitled - titled to decent treatment , and if violat ing the law , thuro arc other methods of reaching him thnn by a mob. The details of thoallair xvill bo lead with interest hero , us contained in the folloxviug ac count fiom Burlington , xvhuro ho is " " Moriis known as "Kph" Kpli Moriis , eonceiulin , ' whom xxohaxe nmdoprexious refeienco , imally n'ahoil our city xestenlay , but his staj wnshlet. Ho procuied a horse and Inita-y Jinl inailottiocn- cult of the toxvn , his liorsii and xelilelti blanketed with banners bearlnj ? sueh bent nients ao "Prohibition must be enlorml , " "Laxv or no law , " "Thu saloons must go. " etc. As ho drove aloin ; hu sliouted alouii to the iteonle similar sentiments and his appoint ments foi coming leetiut'4. About 4 o clock ho droxe upMain slreet until opposite the court house , when he tinned his huisu about , exidentlyintt'iiilliiB todrixe back iluun the htieet. At this jiniuluie he xxas assailed and brutally abused. A eioxxd of mobably , eifllit orten men , oxldontl ) galheied lioiu otio or txxo MiUious on Mnin street , bad been lollouine him up Main stiect , and tiath- eilug fresh atci'ssions to their inimbers on tiie way. Sexeial men lushed out troiu then ranks , onu selzit't ' ; thu hoisu and tuo "thei the man. Hu attempted to jump tiom his seat in the bnjrey but his limbs were wrapped about with a robu and lie fell lie.ully to the crouiul. Ueio ho x\as set upon , kicked , stiuck with stones and with the list , and It Is said one of his nmnly and eouraKeous assailants stamped upon Ins bead as he lay upon the irrotinil HP succeeded , Imwexer in unln'u ? the dnnrw.ix ol pliramnrseiocprj and theie sought lefu e Iwlilltd the countri. The mob weie Inxited to reniaiu outside bv the jotini ; pinpilelnr. and dlil o. MiuiN cincrcrd a moment altei ami innxTd nortbxxaiil nn Main stuet , still tol- loxved lij tliiMiinti , xxlm hmxexcr , iieicelxiliK that he x\ns mine , his rlsht ICR \ > v\ntt \ broken pome tlmoafjo ando \ \ \ \ uselcii , idloxxed him to RO. lie mounted an expre1" ) wnijoii itiiut- IIIK iii-ai bami wasdrixcii out of toxvn bv theblull mad alidiis fat north as Hie Island Mill. Heie heillsmoiiiiUd and continued hU xvay on foot , terribly lame as he was and xvltiiout ciutch or cane. He iumincd luiw fu It xvaa tu the next to\xa , nnd when lie heaid It was onl.x eight 01 tru miles he seemed r 'hced ami started iiopolullv on. This Is one ol the thliiBs whii h xxeliad hoped nexei to be compelled to rliionulo in liMrllnclon. 'Hit' siici-t.icle ot sexeral able- bodied men inhumanlx and bmtMilr abusing a eilpple Is one too dciiadliif ; lo occur In any Iowa town. No matter that tlio man \xas an impostci. a II eie seems to lie plentx of exi- deiiie he xvas. no mattci x\hat seiillment he held , hexxa" ! haimliij ; no one , doiuloleiire ol no Kind , tr.uisire < ssliii ; no Mnttito 01 ordln- aticc , ami ( tescrxitii ; ot nu snub tiealmcnt as heirceixcil The Uiclnuoiid combines the font es sentials of a uood furnace , simplicity , capaciti , durabilitv and economy See them at Cooper xr McGee's , Main. J r.niMlloif , Imx ing taken entile con trol of the riii'in.\ ( chop house , desues testate state that he has seemed the scixices of Charles Decker , a first class cook ot Nexv York citj. The best the market allot ds , night and day , in the best style of the art.VJIl also ha\ca _ regular bill ot faie Hox\c OfT Ihr Slam' . MNs Maude Hoxve , the charming young acttess xvlio Irxs been tilling Mich successful engagement at thaopera house licio this xxeek , appears to tull > as much adxantage oil' the stage asupon It , and in many lespeets mote In the pallor mid the draxving loom she is at home , as suicly as befoio the footlightami her pelloiial beauty is moie sinking Many hnxo called upon h el dails at her looms at the Ogden house dining her staj , ami she has met and made many Iriends. Among those -ho thus called upon the little lady xxas a jomig xxoiuan xxho seems to. liaxo been drawn thither as much b. > ciiiiosity us any other motive. She sent her caid to Miss Hoxve , and xvaited in thu pallor until she appealed As Miss Howe enteicd the loom and ad- xauced to gicel hei , the caller said "Why , Ihisisnot Mi s Hoxve , is uv You look sodilleient , 1 wouldn't have know n 3011 " Miss Hoxxe became immersed xvith the idea that t lie caller must be some old ucipiaintace : : xxliom e'ao had not seen for some time , hut xxhde she xvas lacking hei hrain xvith guessing as to xxlio she might be , the lady denied up Ihe mjs- tery by remarking , ' Why 3 on don't look a bit as xou do on the stage. You're piettier , and 3011 look much younger. Why , > ou're a hxvect little git 1 , " and.she actually stepped up and chuckled her under the chin , as though she was a mere child , and then irtahlring both her Lands , pulled her to the sofa and made her sit doxxiibyher "You know lii"xersaxx a leal acticss , that is , close ID , and I iiexcr talked lo one before in all my lite. Whj , xou don't seem a bit like an actie-s. " The caller i.ittled on in about this strain , gushing xvith admiration , xv bile Miss Howe xvas so sliuggling xxit'i ' her almost iirtsitable desiie lo laugh , shecould luirdly con trol hcisclt Tlie caller xxasex iilciilly .sat ' isfied with thus haviuga [ iltlexisit x'xitli a leal actiess , and after admiring her , and questioning lier upon all soils ot themes. she took her depaiture , promising to call again and often. Miss lloxxc is young indeed for one who Ins developed such di.un.Uio poxv- eis , she being but txventy years ot ago now. She han been befoio the public , hoxvever , since Iho airc of siycais , ap pearing first in Nexv Orleans , ami for \cars she continued in the stoek company of the Academy of Music , tlieto phmug child parts. At the age of twelve hhe commenced a tlioiough dramatic couise , and lor the pasl two years has been a leading and favoi ite aetresxvith gieat piomises of further success. Oll'tlic stage she appears as an intelligi'iit , spiightly conversationalist , modest in her demeanor meaner and giacciul in her maiineis. Onthobtagc she is iietter knoxvn , but those xxho haxc had the pleasure of meeliiig her oil' fiom it seem no less cbaimed xvith her. School. Western lovxa College xvilj bo open Monday , Wednesday and 1'iiilay eyun- inirs , commencing Cctober 1 and continue till April 1. Students may pin sue any branches de- shed. _ An K\-l'os < master in Trouble. 1'iank A. Shcimau , icceutly postmas ter at Pacific Junction , was on tiial in the fedcial court -\csteiday on the charge of embe//lenient. ] t aears ) that one of the government inspectors , Hasnctt , dioppcd in upon Mr. Sherman lather tin- Dxpuutcdly one day , and inspoctinir his accounts found a balance due Uncle Sam of about 'JIOO. Ho demanded that the money be slioxvn up , and Sheiman piodueed from his pocket j-UTi , went oxer to one of his bondsmen and got $ .210 , and obtained the balance from another place , tints paying over the tciiiiicd | amount The Mileof the nostollice authorities ic- quire that the ca u should bo in the ollice , or in an appointed depositary , and hence Sherman xvas arrested forenibiv./.leinoul. S'jicrman explains thu monetary condi lion \y \ staling that thuio had been bur glars in the vicinity , and ho did not teel like running the nsk of losing the on hand , and so placed some of it in the hands of a bondsman , lo bo call ml for on demand , and had ( hi ) icst ot it at home and in his pocket The exidence was taken yesleiday and tin1 arguments will be madi ; tins moiiiing. See thai vour books aio made by Moie house & Co. , loom 1 , Lvuiett block. A $ IOO I'oMtAKO Htainp. Yesterday a young man , not yet txvcnly-ouo , xxas bofo 10 the fedeial court on the charge of depositing an obscene letter in the mail. His name xvas Hamil ton Clay , but ox-en Mich a distinguished name did not save him. Hi1 lives a short dirtanco from heie , on the line of the Chicago , Milxvaukco A ; St. Paul railway , and netting into some tioublu with a noighboiing young man , ho .sought to his opinion of him in a letter , which he sent through the mail. In this epistle he called thu object of his wrath some vile names , and Iho recipient of ihu missive piomptlx. laid thu letter before Iho grand jurx' Clay appeared jester- day and pleaded guilty. Hu xvas fined flOO and costs , rather heavy postage lor letter. ono _ _ Ivlotnc doorbells , burglar alarms , and every form of domestic electrical appli- anu-s at the Nuvx Yoik Plumbing Co. I/iniM-lCto llo Ora/.y. YesUuday afternoon an insane mnn gaxe hiniM.'lt up to Shcrin" Keel. The man xvas in a deplorable plight , but f-eemed to realise that ho needed to bo cared for , and so sought out the sherill , xvho placed him in thu county jail. He gave hi.s nniuo us W. II Coonoy , and said he was a bookbinder from Des Moinoe. It is said that hu caught his in sanity fiom binding the teports of thu liroxvn impeachment trial His relatives have been notified of his condition by telejjraph. Captain Coiisin , of ll.e police /oice has leturned. ( Jo'in ' Y Stone xva i at the Ogdeu yes terday , and alien tliu court. A ( ' Oher , of dlenxvood. spent yester day at the Cic ton house. C 1 ? Judd left la t ex-cuing tor Texas , xx here lie goes on business. J \N Ios , of Tabor , wa a guest nt the Creston house \esterday. T , H. C'lsey of Missouri Valley , was at the Crrslon lieu eyesteiday Dr. Laex. yesterday iTturneil fiom a \isit to his mother in Chicago S. Baldwin , foi met ly xvith K. lo\xliug ) , is in theemplovof HiukncssHro . lA Sherman , of Paeilic Junction , xvas nt the Creftoii house yesterday. Maxor anil Major ( Ji'orgc Cole , of I'a cilic Junction , xvas at the Pacilie house yesterday. 12. Dowlingstalls on Monday for Xexv YorK , xvheiu he may spend n Jarge'poi- tloii of the xx inter. 1'iaiik Blair , of Motmi , xvho has been a guest nt the ( 'icston hoii c the past fexx days , hasietuined home. Among the guests at the Creston house from Shelbx xesleidax weie A. 1) ) . Loose. i : . C. Sherman and H C. Babbitt. H P. Dalton , ot Shelby , ami C. A Daxenport. of Mobefly , are among the late anixals at the Cicston house. Mrs. Squire , of Coming , N. Y , and her sister Mrs. DC Con , of Woodbine , lonethcr with Mrs 12. K Itureh , of Deuison , arc xisiting Mrs. K. li Avlesworth , ol ibis city.J. . J. Vt. Cole , of Ureene.istlo , Ind ; W U. Cole , of Mount Pleasant , la , and J J Cole , of St Louis , Mo , all membe's of the xx ell knoxvn firm of Cole Bros , are here attending a business meeting ol the linn. linn.L. L. H. Maync , uoxv of Omaha , xvas call ing upon his ( ouiieil Blulls fi lends yes terday , lie xx ill soon remoxe to Valley. Is'cl ) . . xx here lie xxill lie1 in charge of a real estate and banking business , in xxhieh his brother , C. K. Mayne , xvill also be in terested. County Auditor Clausen xxas axxay from his ollico yesteida\ on a sick Inr lough , that is , tin' lui lough xxaMi't sick , but the auditor \xas. His illness is not deemed serious , and all hope to s ( . > u him up and about in a dax , or t\vo. \ In connection Vrith this store Mrs A S Hall xvill conduct a fashionable dicss- making establishment. Mrs. Hall has had huge experience in this line and by the e xvho knoxv her best , is considered second to untie in any city. Tin1 pation- agc ot the ladies is lespccttully solicited. To-day William H Bums , tluv. geneial tigenl of the Union P.ieihe lanxxay lor tins c-it } , begins removing to Ins nuxv home in this eilx He and his family xvill bo licaiiily xxelconied to a icsidence in Council BinH's , and as he has alieady found fiee acei ss to the business circles , he and his family xxill liud society ic.idy to open the doois xxide. On Wednesday , October ( ! , Mrs S.I ) . Kogers xvill open al No : i.S ! liioadxxay , in the stoic foi met ly occupied by J. J. Bliss , a large and well Rcln'ctcd stock of millinery ami fancy goods The store xvill bo under the management of Mis. O. A Uogcis. xx hot a > the ladies of Council Iflulls xxell , knoxx * , is familiar with the requirements of the best trade of the city. It is desijrnixl to make this store the most popular fashionable milli- neiy establishment iii Hie city. Opera house bailior shop ami b'lth rom J xurvthing lit.sL-class , L M Mar vin. Ij ( xpct Not Wisely. MAHKIICI1J > the Hex. AK > x Thompson , nt tlie .Merchants hotel , Omaha , > 'ui ) . , Au.ust H , Mr. ( ! coi.e fiiiiiniin s , ol ( 'lexeland , ( ) . , anil Miss Nina K , Hole , of Fieepoit , The aboxc noticn appeared in the UIB : at the d-itu named , and it xvas learned that the day bufoic thai date Ihe lather and mother ot the bride , Mr. and Mis. J. 1) . White , of Mo-mi Canoll , 111 , had ai- lived in Omaha in seaich of their daugh ter. She xvas only nineteen yeais rl age , and had been missing fiom home xseeks. She graduated fiom a seminary in June , and had been at home but a shoit time xvhen she fell in love xvith a worthless fellow of that toxvn. Thu parents tried to leason xxith her , but Cupid would not listen , an I soon Iho girl left home , and about txvo xxccks later the young man also left toxxn. The narents surmising that they had got together began the search , nnd found them at last at the hotel in Omaha , tlie young couple declaring that the > had been mariicd. The girl ictuseil lo return xxith her father and mother , and the old folK.s left for thu east xvith hoaxy hearts. A hboit time ago the foolish couple came to this city , and secured aioom on Mynster st.'eet , xx hei e tliev became knoxvn as Mr. and Mi.s. Fargo. They boarded at Mr. James Smith's. About a xveek ago the git I icccixeil a letter fiom homo , pio- vidiug nieaiis for her retuin , and she de parted , leaving Ihe follow heio llcgaxc out that his xvifc had gone on a visit to Freepoil , and xvould soon rcluin. Thurs day night he disappeared , and it now appcain that he failed to pa ; several bills incutivd while heie , one being ya lor room rent , another of s0 for bo.ud. Smokers should bear in mind that a full jino of Wilkins iXi Co's liallimoiu Smok ing Tobaccos arc to bo found at ' 1. D. King i\s Co.'s , 54t ! Bioadxvay. ThcjVcrf Not ItobbcrN. Ycsturdav a peculiar casu xvas hcaid before Judgu Aylesxvorth , thu accused being Hie Mayno biolhurs. Charles and Jo , xvbo liavo a lixery stable al Mace donia. They had been attested by an old acquaintance , li ! V. Kirk , xxho charged them with robbing him of Ins" Kirk claimed that ho bought the xvafchof Charles Mayno , a year or so ago , promis ing to pay $ 15 lor it , or clue luttirn the xxaleh Hu had pa d along small amounts on it until at thu fairdt lied Oak recently he paid the balance. He met thu brother.- , heie , and thuygiabbed himon thoMioet , near the corner of Broadxvay and Pearl , and took thu' ' , from him The Maynes told a dillerei t story. They du clnretl that Knk liadnexiir paid anything on thu watch , and that a ( ( lied Oak they saxv him , and ho promised to have the money the next day , " "tH 'ho disappcaicd without iiaMiig them Hu also oxvcd for a livery bill When they met him here ono of them remarked that he had car ried the xxatch long enoughand asked him to let him earn it a while He pulled the xvatch out of his pocket , and handed it to ono of them , but xvhen they tiied to take it hu pulled on the guard , and in the struggle the ring of Iho xvatch came oil' , and ho kept that , while they kept the xvateh proper Judge AyJusworth do elded that tnuy had uonn xvioug in thus trying to get posscsjion of the xvatch , instead of trx ing to do so by a legal pro cess , but they xx'cro not highway robbers , and should bo discharged Ilo. 01 ( lured the watch turned over to Kirk , and the Mayno biothors xvill have lo take a dif ferent course to get it , if in equity it belongs - longs to them , Mothers xvho dread the olleet of mor phia should use lied Star Cough Cure. No poisons. Substantial abstracts ot titles and real estate loans. J W it E. L , Squire No 101 Pearl street , Council Hlufl's Richmond furnaces , Uoouor & McUeu Carpet Gonip ; T Ir/M / Ltii'iie .t ort incut tintt the Hi sr / > t's/i/fis / in Carpels , Curtains , Oil Clotlis , jviattings , Linoleums , Window Shades , Etc. l.i o/J'rwtl IHHI : < s < i 7wH/ ( < - o//h'w is in ttil.r ; > / rr 1 unfit lie ft i/i/m/ . ' / ' < ( / . < ' nn n/ic'.s n-nril , lull cull anil t > ccj'or t < cli'fn , Unit our in'iiTniint intnlitic * tnniiot hr hrtitrn. Out nfloirn d'tnlr rinrchtllif toliriti'il. Council Bluifs Carpet Co. , No. 3L05 Broadway , Council Bluffs. 3STZD GRAND EXOURSiOlsT THIS WEEK ! Farminir lunds iu loxva , Minnesota , Texu , Kuiians and ArKansns. from $1.25 to IIS per acre. School and Miute lunds in Minnesota tmUO JCIUN timer ) per cent interest. Land buyers fare free , liilornuition , etc. , given by P.I' . Lausti up , No. ' > . " ) Uroiuhvay , Council lUulls , loxvii. Tht Health of Horses. Ir ) Shepperd , of Ottaxva , HI , a vetei- inaiian of national icpiilatiou , arrived here Ia l evening and xxill remain in the city to-day , stopping at tin Ogden house , lie is on his xvay homexxard fiom Sioux. City , xx hither he has been on business , and xxill on his xxay back stop oxei al Moliue toec Wheolock's Hoiinie. Me ( Jregor Ir Slieppctd has in Ins inlirin- aiv at Ottawa at the pie-out time tidily Milti.tble horses , aiiionirthem txvo Omaha horses , one of them being Zulu , CoLiui'l Popplcton's hoist1 , concern ing xvhose iccoid of ' ! ! ) trained heie there has been so much talk While het ' Ir Shenperd xxill take a look at M attic Harlc , Colonel Dai le > 's speedy little maic , who xvas so bulled ncneath the timbeis of the Moral hall xx hen that xvas blown doxvn , but xx ho , although haxing a maixeloiis e cape , is still thought lo be MiHering somexxliat fiom the elloets ot the accident. Among the many lioises in Dr. Sheppcid's in- fiimaiy there is not one xx Inch is vilued at less than j-IOl ) , xvlnle sexeial ateyalued at * 10,0)0 ( ) and upxvatds The xalue of the iiatients. as expressed in dollais , tbeicfoio teaches into the thousands. AVolcomo to Vticle Sum's Itnr. A number of attorneys haxe been ad mitted at this term to practice in the fed eial courts , among them being Kiank S Fieeman , ol I'.iiilieid. T J ( Jarrisoii , of iJcmson , Joseph L Hill , of Clatmdu , Thomas L Maxxyell , of Cicston. J J. Stexx.ut , ot Council Hlufls ; A S lla/el- ton , of Council Blulls Notice. Tanners and eiti/ens All xvcighls liy oilier scales than the ( onlyt city scales on Hrxant sticet , at the city building , aie unolliceal. I xxill guaiantec all xveights. W S. Axn.tity Wciglimaster Will make a Special Sale this week o OIL CLOTHS , CURTAIHS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Prices will be Lower than made by any othsr store in the west. Do not tail to BOO us bo'ore purchas ing elsewhere. This department wo shall close out , and bhall make prices to soil thorn. Our Stock is seasonable and styles excel lent. These are Bargains Never Be fore offered , And pau i a'i save mo icy by calling- onus before purchasing for wo will not bo undeisold. DON'T FQRQET THE PLACE , NO , 401 BROADWAY , , la " . SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ollloi ) nxnr Amorlrnn Kxpross Company. R. L. 11 ! N. Main St. , Council muffs , la. , ami 20 ! ) S. loth St. , Koom 10 , Onialia , Neb. Manufnc liner's Agent roi the CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Tents , AwiiintB , Hoofing Sluto , Mini- tels , Plato and Windoxv tiliiss , Slioxv- Cases , Elevators ( hand and liy- dr iiill&c. R. RICE , M7D Or othur Tumors lumovudrithu i Llood , Oxer t hilly jcnre . No II I'fiirl St. , Council Illuirs. tonficu DOHABY'S ' OCT. 2 , ! ; LiistNiglit ! PRETTY HAUDHOWE , FAVORITE MAUD HOWE , OUR MAUD HOWE , at 2 ! ! To-Day i To-0ayat2 LADIES' ' GRAND MATINEE , O i.vsr : I.VVM : . ) M\tn i i\nv isxiiin , IJASl' I YNM\ i AND r.Asri-xNNL. i iioxxr. I MADAXI VINI : . Pric-s , 25c to All Parts of House. 25c and No More. ' 1 lie llolllckliiK anil I'linnj ( onieily , JOSH WHITCOMB Reduction in Prices , IN China 1 lassware Etc. , , , At W.b Himcr ik Co's , Xo. 23 Main St. Council GmaliaDentalAssociation Di , iUGMOUT , Manager , Nos. IfllO 1521 Uougla * st. Omaha and No 3H Mioadxxay , Council Hluirs. r.ilnlPKK Denllotr } . No IntinbiiK1 ( .RK , X'ltnll/ort Air Kther nnd Choiufunu , wlili tlnlrfii kciilnKi'lTrrt tiTtililed by the niott wontlorful nnMO"thctlc , tnirify- n K tlie blood unit bulldlnx up lUotlhtuie Omaha Dental Association , Sole Prop'rs. ' Oolil Crowns , Golil I'juic nnd rontlnuous Citim Tooth u i-piclalty. Host tcctli f G ; foriuoi MURDER ! ! bthriin Ifinsnln umMnii lie iiiiininl vIMtu- lli > . 'I en jours1 tnulor 1)H 'lKOS.JinTI.ltlh' hl'.M \ ) \ tor tlnit tiitiil nu'litily Imu ilKiuon- rutivl the liut Hint It is Inlnlllliluiisu iie\ent- ) ixu nil 1 cum. ll'jon ] i ( > nnit join cmlUicn to illu nltli illilillu | > ifii."llii > li hlooil lie upon yum licud. " 1'ot njla oitlj ut tlio iillii-o. No.ISoulli sthHtiPct.loiiiifil Hlulls , In. , 01 bunt lij expruos on ri'i'i'lnt ot prlto , t . ' C. H llhiKi.-lt'C ' , of No UK ) ( iiinpliell stu-nt , Oiniiliu , nho tui > untl > lo t 11 Ipi'iuuiful iiinl in- ti'iestiiij ; ilittivhtir , iiK''i ' | iitiiint 15 juirn , liy illlilitliorin , tniili'i tint tiimtmnnt ol ono of Ihu bc-t pli > 4lolnns In Onuilia , \ \ rlte to Di .li'lti rle , olthlselO "Voiu teniuil ) lor ( llplitlirrlneniHii lee lute , our ileui iliiu litct XMIS ajliirlion ( It MUhi ( < tulil. . I inn Mitniili'il Hint hui llfeuiulil liuvu IK eu KiiMU. Anoiliur one of our i lilldirn \Uio Iiinl tin * dlphtlii'ilti , Mm tlnoiu > UIH tilled up \\llli tlio putrid iik'cr.itloni' IIRUI ! jour ini'illrlno and In tnuho liouis Hie IM | | HBO nh coinplttih BUlnliiuil In tlit I'uluror will KnpO'i ] mc"llc'inc nt all times Inoui IIOIIBU , XX D iLuil jlmt it MI veil tin ) llfo or OIKI ol our chlliliDli XXo uruoiy tlinnkful to jou , and ( inlj i cwrnt that n e did not tall on j ou MXIIIIT. " 1'roin tli Coiuifll Hliillh Dull ) Humid ; MriK M ( ieiard , wllo ol KiiKllH'i'i Oni unl , ol tlu > I'ulon I'lii'lllc thisvlty , has licea n gicnt nutTijii'r fen iiiiiiij jcurs , with wlmi XVIIB nip piib il to liULMinurof tlio tlirout It x\nsKotiad Hint the wn tliiDHIi'iHMlrllli HUM iitloii llui Ki'iiniiil lienllli IH ( oinplmcl ) liroliuii down. Mm rnnld enl ) Nuallow ll < | iild rood , nnd ex un Hint hiTKlimimJi miild not dlccbt or nsaliulliilii , I'lij olilniis of f'oiuull lllutlR ami Oinnhu nttundod II'T for tlmo y < urs nnd iaxo no rcllof. Dr. Julfurli.oi thin oltj. was ( iilli'd. In Tour i I'kfi' tiniL'hu I'Uicil Inn tlirout , and coin pli'toly iChlnred tun i iicrnl health. Hnd Mrs , ( iiTiinl not olitniiin ! icliut i-ooii i-hu nnulil IIHVO dlfii troin liloud pols-on , HioMumuutiilliimi Hint di-hlroji d thu liloo ! lien ( iiiuil. 1'roiu the Council Illulla Dally liloho M A. Mcl'lko editor IL tno I iiinlirlail.lioiii hurK , I'n ) rinc'iiian has licun thu prisniiii- frlumlof thnf-dltornt tlio Uloho tor inoro tlniti t iiiityyoiu i. and IH knouii wlioruvor ho I * know mis our ol llioljrxt moil llxiliK Kit Is ulso nn Intlinnto filund or Mr , ( lark ol thu Non- paroll Hi him liccn unlortunato In the riut itiat hli ) family wan limited nitti illplithurin. nil' I KM mly < ! iMlt""Kd. Mr. CliuK luiMnir licnid or his ciiliiinll ) titnt linn MIIIIU or Dr Judurla' Dlplilhoilii t'liro , It wns tit-fid nt once , and the IK cam the i CM ol his Llilldien Hixed l.ctluis troin Mr Mi'l'lko nro iinhoundoil In llmli ox- prortbioiH ol Ktntltudii fui llndliih' BOIIIO MICIIMB urnxeitluv tixi lo s or bl whole triouiiof llulo mid K mk-r oiii3 I'iMMil.Mi Ml I'lko'm liliilron out ot nllit ( illi'il fiomdlphthuil.i heloro hu tiiul nit oniioituniiyor utrliiK Dr JelUilB' icratnly. 1 1 tlu , whj lno III tal er > nnd illn in dle- nli uitli cnncnr or Ihuktoinachi' ' Dr. 'rhnmnn illoriH uurt'S men uisn or Inilltiestlon and on ilputlnn in n xurj fdiort time , llcst or nf- oruntTH cixcn l ) > siui.sln | . IB thu CIIIIMI of nlni'tj pur cunt ot nil dlsounid cunditions 1'ileo K > foi tno uorku tiuutna-nt. Dr JetTeut' diplitheriu incilli inn Is Infallitjlo ror all kinds or wirii ihronts Indlbpi-iisllilo In putrid SOIH llnoni , In innlltrnnnt soarlo 1 finer , rliuiujlnif il In l lioiira tu tin slmplw foiin. Infnl Illilo euro foi till Inllaminulory , iilci'raUvniiiit- ild.cnncoroiiB nlcorittiuii ur thv wointi uJull laiitirlml foinlltions full punleil IiiBtru.-'tloin ho to uri' tlietneUI- clues HIMUtltli them Nu doctor roiiilr ] d. Dr Jeffprls' ri'inedlo-i can otilj | io oMnlnuil a lilioflite , No 23 houth KUhtn ktreol , Cuuno Illunj , liiHu.or ont S > viprcte on receipt drke WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCOXTSSS OJ ? COUNCIL BLUFFS. / S. " " = Hlfi i I I II It 1 1 IMI'I Ilt \ \ IS. nr.iiun. un.i.s \ co. , XX llOle llll > Agricultural Implements , Bimjln , s , 1 to 1 to i nmuM tiluir , loxtn. M vxn A < inuM ! cd MnVo I lie liriiriiittl .in I Co iit > ! oto Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press , rOHN SHKI.I Kits \M ) ITKn ' I Tint" . No * iroi.nxi , iwnnlfii ; * onlli Main street , _ f'oinu il liiinTs ltix n i \ \ ID niun : rA. Co. , Mimul i nnl.l' bliei n * agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies , 0 riKF 'n. nnd nil Vlnto ol Kami Mi > olilnorr. lift ) to 1118 outh Main trett , Council HHlOA town A\t iMA/1/f'v. _ r o. ( Ji MXWON. r II Douii * < , < isn \Xitiini-r7 \ I'rt1 rr . \ | ' | i.Min Sno Al-oi Council Bluffs Haadla Fact/ ) , flniMrpnrnted.l \\lel'k.k , SIcU'o mid . ' .iir o\er.\ ( A nriiv. . COUNCIL HI TITS CAKIT.T CO. , Curtains Window Shades Carpets , , , Oil Cloths , Cm lain riiture , I'pluilMeiv OooJi , Etc. No. 10J llnm.l\Tny . Council llluir. % Iowa C J .l v. ll U r-J. ( A / ( _ _ _ _ _ IMKI : : < JOV MOOUI ; XX holt"ilr .lohliniB in Iho Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nog. S3 Main mil ! .7 I'usrl ! . Council IHun > . ( UilAf/s'sK > X SNVDICR A : U\.M : Vtf , XX hultsnif. Frail and Produce Commission Merchants. No HIV ul ' t , fiiniifl 'lliilTi. ' Mil HAHLi ; , 11 VAS vV CO. , Wholesale Oils Paints Glass Druggists , , , , tu Munition. IHc No. Z2 Vil : bt , nnil No.11'onrl t , Counoil lllmr Htl It- . O. W. IHTTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty General Commission Xo BO routioll Uluff ? W1KT & XX holesnlo Fruits , Confectionary & Fancy Groceries. Nos. 10and 18 PPMst. ! . , Council lllnirs. ( lltLH KH/Ks. L Kiuscirr * co , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Also XX holoialo Liquor noitlom. No < IG llioad- wny , Conni'il HlulH K , KIT. HKCKMAN , STKOIinKHN & CO. , Hnnu'iictiircrsiif nndVholu - > ilo Denier ? In Leather Harness Etc. , , Saddlery , . No W , " > Mnln St . Council IlluirIowa. . M'/.s' , r.U"J. KIC. MKTCALF 1JKOTI1KHS. Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves. Now. 342 inn ) .1H llroariwriiy. Council Uluth. HEAVY fl fl.m .m ; & FELT , XX'lioIuiilu Iron Steel Kails Hardwara , , , Heavy , And Woodstock , Council HliitlH , limn. l f o/ , . 1) . II. MeDANCLD & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides , TallowWool , I'elld.Oionsonud I'uij Couuoll lllnffe low * . COUNCIL HLUIT3 OIL CO. , \ \ lioloiiilu Doaluri in Illuminating ft Lubricating OIU Ganllu ETO. ! , ETC ! . F.Thooiloro , Atfimt , Council lllulTi. loirn. I'lLIXO ETC. A. OVIIITON : & co , Wood Southern Lumber Hard , , Piling , * nd llrldiro Material SpeeInltl "i\VIioloinlo Lum ber of nil Kinds. Offlco No. ISO Mala 3L , Council lllulfH. [ own. AM ) JOHN LINDKR , Wholosulu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liqnon AtfiMit foi St. Ooltliaril'x Hnrb Illltcrj. No. H Mnin St. Council ItlulU. SC1INK1DKU & HKCK , Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors , M. . d.uiicd Ulujfi. Il I Si HIBVUIH IB I J | LATE OF ST. LOUIS. Office No , 525 Broaiftvny , Council Bluffs , U to I.'ii. in , ( i to : < p in. 7 to HP , m. .loom jvo , o. OFFICER & PTJSEY , COUNCIL BU'I i'S , 1A. Ithtnli ] bhed 18iT Horses and Mules For nil puipo < 8 no laht ninl wild "t mlull and III loll I.UIKC < | Ullllldl03 10 fLlOcI fllllll Sox i rnl pulrsor llnedihuis , KiniUioi do u bin. MASON WISE , Council P. C. MILLER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. MANUFACTURER OF PAINTS. Homefelrnnpd Dct'oiu c 1'nuitnr. I'nplti Mui ho XVnll ( irruuiuiits Nime Ian liutt 111 ( t t