Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Progress of the Work of Lnjing the Long
Line of Mains.
Contrite ! * Kor Mtnto Suppllf. Awntdlill
- County Institute Itopoi is Kcoetvcil
ICni lilH Sclcot Candidates
ut Ijlncoln.
tniOM fur. iirt'p : t.isroi.v iirnR U-.l
'I ho most extensive improvement of
Hie year fop Lincoln from the hnndc of
the municipnlity Itself is the srwrrajjo
stciii , now well nmler way in its con
struction. It is the nlin tn * the poniipil ,
the engineer in charge , and tlio con
tractor to have six miles of mains laid
before severe wlnler weather causes the
work to cease , and ns a great deal of
complaint was heard that the work was
progressing too slowly to accomplish this
a little inquiry was made.
It was during thn last days of August ,
paid Councilman Dean , when the coir
tract was entered into , and that was the
first opportunity that tlio contractor had
in which to branch out in ( he purchn c o (
material. A visit to St. Louis and Alon-
niouth , 111. , was made , and it
was found that sewerage pipe
was a scarce article in the
inarket--so scarce , in fact , that all that
could be obtained had to bo manufac
tured alter it was contracted for. In tills
ilcin alone , said Mr. Dean , isthn explana
tion for the greater part of the delay oc
casioned , and the material i.s only arriv
ing now as fast as the present force of
men can lay it. It will take for the six
miles of mains r.nil laterals over one hun
dred cars of material , and as the order
was not made until some thirty days ago ,
after which it had to be manufactured ,
tlio parties interested consider that excel
lent progress is being made. During the
past two weeks the conlr.ictor has had
some seventy men at work , and thov are
averaging about one hundred and'lifty
feet of the large mains daily.
Tins work lias been done in
the part of the city where
the most dillicult ground to cross lies-
thai i.s , over and through die bottoms
where tlio II. & M. tracks run , and in
laying one of principal mains , from
Ninth street west on P , forty railroad
tracks have had to lie tunneled under and
kept braced for the moving of trains
over them during the time. Water and
quicksand have also played havoc with
the won ; in many places , rendering it
both tedious and expensive. However ,
the worst part the contractor feels cer
tain is past , and ho has commenced with
a force of workmen on Thirteenth street ,
iiiul iu the coming week contemplates
adding to the force until 200 men arc cm-
Inquiry from member * of the coun
cil and those who are taking
uctivo interest in the work elic
its tlio response to the query
as to the character of the work done anil
the quality of the material UMM ! , that nil
is first class , and that the engineers who
have been inspecting have boon very
strict in throwing out all but the host
material. Mr. Tyler has boon appointed
by Mayor Hnrr as sewer inspector , and
in addition the engineers in chariro of
the work propose to themselves furnish
an inspector free of expense to assist in
the work.
"I think , " said Councilman Dean , at
the close of an interview , "that if tlio
people who complain would understand
the facts in the ease that they would
rcali/.o that the contract i.s in the hands
of an excellent man who is doing first
class work in every respect , and who is
pu.-hing it so that no apprehension rtced
li ! felt hut thntthosi.x miles contemplated
this season will bo completed. "
srri'i.iis : AWAUOIID.
The state board of supplies , at their
quarterly mooting hold in the ollice of tlie
commissioner of lands and buildings yes
terday , awarded the contracts for fur
nishing supplies to the different state in
stitutions lor tlio quarter ending Decem
ber ill. The successful bidders for the
diil'oront institutions were as follows :
Groceries , ( ! eo. Brossolman , Lincoln ;
butter , Tlios. Sev/oll , Lincoln ; paints ami
oils , Konnnrd & Kiggs. Lincoln ; drugs
and medicines , J. 11. Hurley , Lincoln ;
dry goods , J. & D. Newman , Lincoln ;
coal , L'omoroy Coal Co. , Lincoln.
Hrcad , Urlan & Schwab , Omaha ; coal ,
Coutant & Squires , Omaha ; dry goods.
S. P. Morse & Co. , Omaha ; paints and
oils , Omaha Paint and Oil Co. , Omaha ;
drugs , C. I1 , ( ioudman , Omaha ; meats ,
Harris it 1/i.shcr , Omaha ; groceries , Win.
I'lcming & Co. , Omaha.
Meats , \ \ . Ileeht , Kearney ; Hour , Caroline
line Thomason , Kearney ; grot-one * , Caroline
line Thomason , Kearney ; dry goods , ( ! ,
Kramer , Kearney ; coal , Siglor it Co. ,
Moats , S. W. Krail , Nebraska City ; coal
Chicago Lumber company , .Nebraska
City ; groceries , Fra/.ior & Uttorbach , Nebraska -
braska City.
These contracts are entered into , com
mencing Ootobur 1 , and tilt ) clerk of tin ;
board has forwarded duo notices ol
awards to the successful bidders at the
dlfl'orcnt places.
iNriTtTirn : UKPOUTS.
The state superintendent has received
reports from a number of county insti
tutes hold during the .summer , the re
ports giving the iletalls of the work done ,
stutiNtical information , length of se-sion ,
and other etceteras. The counties fron
which reports were received yostordai
were : COUNTY.
Institute held at Hebron ; length ol
session , six weeks ; number ol loachon
in the county , 1)5 ) ; number enrolled
118 ; average attendance , 75 ; conductor ,
1 * . M. Gallant ; assistants. F. S.Mivoy , W
Holland , A. .1. Moroor , L. W. Avory.
Institute hold at Franklin ; length ol
session , two weeks ; teachers in county
75 ; number enrolled , (18 ( ; avorairo attend
mice , fid ; conductor ; Mrs. M. J. DoClorey
assistants , Professor Clark , Mrs. Morgan
Professor McKinnon ,
Institutn hold at lleavcr City ; length ol
session , three weeks ; teachers m county ,
81 ; number enrolled , 105 ; average attend
unco. conductor \ , A. d'Altcmnnd.
Institute hold at Wilbur ; length of scs
biou , throe weeks ; teachers in county
1(15 ( ; number enrolled , ? ; ; average at
tendance , 118 ; conductor , J. 1) , French
1100NE COt'NTY.
Institute hold at Albion ; length of ses
fiion , two weeks ; teachers in county , M
number enrolled , 80 ; average attendance
771 conductor , K. A. Knright.
mi : > WM.I.OW cor.vrY.
Institute held at McCook ; length o
session , two weeks ; teachers in countv
45 ; number enrolled , ' . ' ! ! ; conductor , O. C
- . ' .
Institute held at Osccnla ; iengtli
of session , three weeks ; teachers in
county , 8U ; number enrolled , 81 ; averagi
attendance , 7U ; conductor , J. C. Halio.
Institute hed | at Omaha ; longtli of ses
slon , two WCOKS ; number of teachers n
county , Glj number enrolled , 87 ; nverag <
attendance , UJ ; conductor , James H. liru-
nor ,
Institute hold at DoiUrico ; length o
session , four weeks ; teachers in countv
3QO ; number enrolled , 110 ; average at
tendance , 0 ! ) ; conductor , M. I ) . Ilorham.
npiToi. SOTIS.
Tlie tate library is growing In number
of volumes slowly bnt'snrely , and is al
ready sadly feeling the lack of room for
nece * nry accommodation * . Yesterday
the auditor drew : i warrant for $ s."i7.5t ) in
payment of books recently added , largely
law books.
Unilroad Commie-donor Hu chow , of
1'cd Cloud , Was at the commission ollioo
yesterday , but there was sis u ual no bus
iness to transact and nolliliig doing.
Work for the season on the capllol
building has practically ceased and it
will take a heavy appropriation the coin
ing winter to furnish means for the con
struction of the dome and the inside
Auditor Habcocl ; hn < gone to Vallny
county on n business trip to hi.t home at
The calking up of the seams in the cap
llol building progresses finely and it will
f-oon be ready for winter weather. '
JiiMH.I'.TIM * Till : TIC Klr ,
The Knights of Labor and trades as
semblies of the city hcl'd a private caucus
or convention Thursday night to select
two candidates to nlaoe in the vacant
places left by the democrats at the tune
ol their nominations. Tlie labor organ
isations seem to have made excellent se
lections , judging from comments made.
They have selected .Joseph Hums
for the semite and Henry Schaal
for the house. Air. Hums is a p'ump ami
well man of Lincoln , who bears an ex
cellent name anionir his fellow men ,
and whoso selection for the
place was predicted some time
since. Henry Schaal is a printer in the
otlice of the Staats Anzcigcr , and is re
puted a man of intelligence , Two va
cancies yet remain in the ticket to be
filled , both vacancies being for members
of tlu : house.
A man from Monmoiith , ill. , appeared
at police headquarters ami recited a tale
of robbery in a manner convincing as to
truth if it did lack , a.s the ollicers stated ,
substantial evidence upon which to con
vict. This man Irom Monmotith was en
route to Mindcn , Kearney county , to visit
it a brother living there , "anil he
slopped oil' at Lincoln to
see the city. He had $03 in Ids
pocket and "Wednesday he fell in with a
party , well known in police court , named
Jack Itronnan , who lured a rig and took
tlio Monmoiith man for a ride over the
city. They drank some , but the stranger
was positive that he had not taken more
than three drinks anyway. The next that
he can remember he woke up borne three
miles from Lincoln in the woods in the
night and minus his $ i > 5. He remem
bered riding with Hrennan in tlie city.
Out how ho wasspirited away and robbed
passed his recollection. Tlie police au
thorities state that Hrennan has since left
the city.
The fire warden reports three lire
alarms and fires during the month of
September , the fires roMilting in losses
to tlio amount of $2,009 , all _ of which were
more than covered by insurance. The
total number of tires for the nine month *
in the year ending October 1 were twenty-
eight , and the total loss only about
The packing hon.-es at West Lincoln ,
saiil J. .1. Imhon" yesterday , are pro
gressing rapi.lly toward completion. It
is stated thai everything will bo in readi
ness for the slaughtering of hogs by the
lirst of November , and active work in
laying tracks to the buildings ready to
switch in hogs is in progress.
A warrant was issued yesterday for the
arrest of Cornelius I ) . Sullivan , charging
him with procuring a corn shelter and
accessories of .John Doolitllo & Co.
through false and fraudulent misrepre
sentations of property. Tlio papers in
t ho cane stale that Sullivan el aimci I to have
a farm in Otoo county and other
property personal in amount nninciim-
bored of some four thousand dollars.
The complainants state all this was false ,
and consequently the action.
Postmasior Watkins some time since
receive orders to make room for the tur-
nitiiro anil ell'ccts of the suveyor gen-
enil's ollieo at Plattsmouth , that had
been discontinued. Hooui was made in
the government building for the relics
and n miscellaneous lot of twenty-year-
old furniture and other worthless truck
will bo stored away In a day or two that
will never bo of use to any one.
The police force and the mayor had a
long consultation a day or two ago and
the result is that peace and harmony
again reigns in the lorce and arrests will
be commenced again. The result of the
conference seems to have given the chief
full power , and henceforth complaints
and grievances must pass through his
The now People's theatre Ins for the
coming week Clark's Comedy company ,
that play six evenings and a matinee.
Their opening play will bo "Shaiigh-
num. "
Nothing at all was the record at police
court yesterday , and the number of pris
oners in the city jail is now rodueeil to
Congressman Weaver returned homo
to Falls City yesterday , after calling a
meeting of ilio state republican committee -
too ut Lincoln the 8lh.
yesterday , among other Nebraikans ,
were the following : L. P. Mo s , Mc
Cook ; K. M. Wheeler , Nebraska City ; K.
O. Sawyer , liiiltonborg ; L. D. Woodruu" ,
York ; C1. M. Kincaid , A.xtollJ. ; A. Crofts ,
The dangers of .1 malarial atmosphere
may bo averted if you will occasionally
take one of Dr. .1.11. McLean's Liver and
Kidney Pillots.
A .Mllo Up in ThiH Air.
The Century : As nearly as could b
judged , I was more than a mile high , ami
all sounds from the earth had ceased ,
There was a death-like silence , which was
simply awtul. It scorned to my over
strained nerves to forbodo disaster. The
ticking of tlio watch in my pocket sound
ed like a trip hammer. Icouldfcol tlie
blood as it shot through the veins of my
head and arms. My straw hat
and willow car snapped and cracked ,
lining contracted by the evapora
tion of the moisture in them by the fast
cooling temperature. . I was compelled
to breathe a little quicker than usual on
account of the rarity of the atmosphere. .
I became sensible of a loud , monotonous
hum in my cars , pitched about on middle
C of the piano , which seemed to born
into my head trom each side , meeting in
the center with a pop ; then for an in
stant my head would bo clear , when thu
same experiment would be repeated.
Hy throwing out small pieces
of tissue paper I saw thai thu
balloon was still rapidly ascending ,
* t\ Idle debating with myself as to the ad
visability of pulling tlio valve rope (1 ( was
afraid to touch it for fear it would break ;
and discharging some gas tlio earth was
lost sight of , and the conviction was
forced upon me that this must be tlu :
clouds. It made me di//.y to think of it ,
Above , below and upon all sides was a
tleiiso , damp , chilly fog , Upon looking
closer , large ( Irons of ram could be seen ,
silently falling down out of sight into
what scorned bottomless space.
"Tho President of tlio Cambridge ,
Masj. Fire Ins. Co. , reouminemU Hooil'c
Sarsaparilla as a building up and
strong ! hening remedy.
An old farmer named Smith , riding in
a light conveyance , was overturned ycs >
toruay afternoon at the corner of Fif
teenth and Douglas streets bv a heavy
two-horse wagon. Smith' * rig'wus prettj
badly damaged , but , fortnuaU-ly , he es
caped without serious injury.
A Manager Astonishes an
Author ,
And OlvcH Htm Homo l'
instruction Kiill ol' tic !
( loin of IS.xiicrlcnuo.
Now York Time ? : It wn ? night. It
wis : p. in. Tim gusty Septt-inlicr wind
was blowing thirteen difl'cronl wnys at
on with nil the c-iitlni la. in niul esprit
< li ! corps tlml cliarncteri/e a northwest
erly breeze in HIP ! n\ydny of its youth.
A lull building tootl on one suit ? of the
stivet. It luul npvpr stood on tlicnilicr ,
but that Is no eoiHeiiieiice. ] It was < ! eco-
rated with numerous unsliyhl. * . and steamers -
er-s of bunting , and had an ill-conditioned
oilor of stall ! jjluo and tinU'olitab1i | ]
c'scnpod pus. Thoip who have been lit
tin ! business will know at owe that it
wus n thoatro.
Almvc the bfllliantly illuminated en
trance was a largo room , within wlili'li
sat a portly man of miildle age --iiiukiiif ;
a Kuina Castoria cigar of Memler proportions
tions and ilccp-M'iitctl vileiies-i. HD
thought it was n ( jooil pijjnr , and it was ,
indued , good enough for him. Opuositu
to him , on the other siiloof a small table ,
sat a lean , sharp-faced man whose ago
might liuvo been anywhere between id
and 50. Tlii ! two men were enga ei ! in
what they fondly fancied \va < eonver.-n-
lion , when the door opened and an
ollice boy entered.
" \Vell. what do you want11' ' hundred
tlio portly man.
"There's a gctilli-niin : down tnr ; who
wants to see vmi , Mr. linker. "
"U'ho is ? '
" 1 don't know , sir , here's hi < card.1
The portly man look the card aim read
" ( J. Ilancom Brown , editor of the Smivel-
ton ( Juarilian. " Mr. linker handed tlio
card back to the boy and said :
"Tell him \ve don't rceogm/n country
papers , and he must liny his ticket it' ho
wants to jo in. ' '
The boy hurried away , and in a few
minute.returned. .
"Me says , " declared the boy , "that ho
doesn't want to go in. He's seen the
show on tin ; road , and it's the worst in
the world. "
"Oreat Scott ! " exclaimed Mr. linker.
"Ho is not an idiot , anyhow , " said the
lean man.
"Mot much , Smith. What does ho
want ? "
"Well , sir , " said tlio boy , striving m
vain to repress a smile , "lie said ho
wanted to see yon on business thai might
prove to be of great importance to yon. "
"Show him up and let us sue what sort
of a tellow ho is. "
The boy disappeared once more and
tlio two who men were no others than the
manager and his .stage ; manager , sat in
silence till lie returned , ushering in a
well , intelligent-looking man.
"Well , sir , " said tlio manager , "what
can 1 do for yon ? ' '
"Have I 'tlio honor to nddre-s Mr.
ISakory'1 inquired the newcomer.
"Yon have.1'
"I hone yon will bo patient with mo
when 1 toll you that I have written a
The manager groaned and the .stage
manager whistled. The stranger paused
in astonishment. The manairer turned
and lookoil him over from head to foot.
"You seem to be quite sane , " he said.
"Do you think your play is a good
'i don't know. I hope it is , but I am
not a good judge of my own work , t
want the opinion ot'somo one like you
who known a good play when lie sees it. "
Managers are human , and this delicate
stroke of ( lattery had its weight. Mr.
linker spoke a little more kindly.
"Have yon any means of earning a liv
ing without writing plays'1" ;
"Oh , yes ; I do literary work , which
pays me well. "
"You're a literary man , eh ? That's
bad ; literary men can't usually writegood
plays. How many acts are there in your
piece ? * '
"Three , sir. "
"Tell mo the plot of the drama ,
please. "
The literary man sat down and in con
cise language detailed his story. It was
a strong plot , founded on human char
acter , anil interesting oven in skeleton
form. The manager .shook his head du
"I'm afraid it will not do. Kead mo
the second act. "
"Well , good night , " said the stage
manager , rising.
"Sluy a little while , Smith. I want
you to hear this act , ' * said the manager.
Smith heaved a heavy sigh , and nank
into his chair again. The literary man ,
looking a trillo nervous , opened his ninn-
iincripi and began to read the second
act. licfore he hail gone half way it was
plain that lie know but little about the
technicalities of the stage eyept as they
can be learned from the auditorium ; but
his work had nn < | itc.iiionablo merit , and
tlio manager saw at once that with slight
alteration it , would make a beautiful
play. The author road to the. end of the
act , and then closing his book looked in
quiringly at tlio manager. That digni-
tai.y shook his head.
"It'll never do at all , my boy. "
"I am sorry , sir , " was all tlio literary
man could say , as ho reached for his hat.
"Don't bo in " said the
a hurry , man
ager ; " 1 want to say a few words to you.
1 don't send men away with a play with
out giving them a reason. You probably
wonder that I have come to a decision so
speedily , do you not ? "
"Wcfl , yes. sir ; I do. "
"My friend , that is a bnauliful play. If
the third not is as good as the second
and 1 judge from your sketch of the in
cidents that it is it is one of the inoit
ruliued , delicate , genuinely poetic plays
1 have ran across ; but it'll never do.1'
" 1 don't understand. "
"Of course you don't. Lot mo illus
trate. Not a great while ago I stood in
the lobby of the Madison Square theatre
at the conclusion of a performance of
M'roken Hearts. ' The manager of the
theatre .stood bi'.iido me. ami , unknown
to the people who had witnessed tlio per
formance , wo listened to their comments
us they went out. I suppose yon know
Gilbert's Itrokun Hearts. ' "
"Oh , yos. "
"It's one of the most delicate and po-
etio thingo ever written for the .stage- , "
continued the manager. "Well , the peo-
idc as they wont out said : 'What rub
bish ! Why on earth do they plav such
things as that ? Why don't they give us
s-omething lively ? I'd rathur see "The
Tourists in a i'lillnian Palace Car" any
day. ' Tim manager of the theatre turned
to mo and said : 'That's the sort of pub
lic gratitude I get for producing this plav.
The critics of the press will praise , but
no oae oUc will. And the public will bo
bored fey it.1 Now , my friend , that's
just what will happen to your play if it is
over produced. It's altogether too good
for the public taste , if it were a horse
play tarco like 'A Tin Soldier' 'A Hag
baby , ' it would make you a barrel of
money. "
"Hut I can't write that sort of thing , "
protested the literary man.
"I know you can't. " said the manager ,
"nor can 1 afford to produce tlio sort of
thing you do write. If I were a philan
thropist with an unlimited purse 1 should
bo glad to do so. lint this is a biiMnca : ,
with ino. 1 run a theatre for the pur-
poiio of getting money out of it it I can.
I don't always succeed , but 1 try pretty
liiinl , and 1 know by biitor experience
that there is no chance for me to get rich
if I produce such line plays as yours.
L in not running a charitable- institution ,
Tlir neii'spnper if yon would be irell Informed tts lo tin politic-mini style * of the titty. There
Is nothing in Ilic neirsptiprrs of tiny more Interest to Hit' intni irlio iroitld lie irt-ll drc + srd tit ti
smalt coat than the adrcrtifcnient of thcOXLV MIsriTl'LOTllIXli I'.lllLOtiS , tit HID
] 1'n rim m street , ti'lio tire constantly receiving Jrcrclntnl Tailors' Mltjlls and l'nealted-/\r
Uarments from till ot'fi' tin'fount ) / / . These suits tire niatle tip in Hie innsl upprorrd stale
and the nii'ii in
City it'llo tire goodjudges ofclotli , buy these null , * tin fast tis they arrive , tut by that means
they saverom10 to ftO percent on the price ordinttrtlj/ charged by merchant tailors. In
titltlition to the/hie IhieofJIlsflt Clothing at tlie Misjil Clothing J'arlors , " ' ' " be found un
enormous xtock of furnishing goods < tnd men * ' ttnd children * ' clothing of the best quality tint !
style , tis ii'i'll ' tin thclott'cst prices in the city , lletitl tills
$5.1.00 Morc'nt Tnilur Mmlo at $13.00
$25 Merchant Tailor Muilc at < ? 10.i0 ; 1 t.OO
i ? 0 Merchant Tailor Made at $ 0.00
ISO " " " 11..10 10.00
8 " " " -1.00
10 " " " 11.75 10 00 18.55
15.00 20.00 10 " " " G.OO
-15 " " " ' . ' 0.00
50.00 S3..10 13 " " " 0.00
" " "
50 25.00
( iO.OO 28.00 " " "
( JO " " " ' , ' ( ! 50 15 7.50
(5.1.00 ( iiO.OO
70 " " ' " yo.oo ' " ' 1 ! ) " " " 8.50
75.00 , ! 15,00
The \iretit \ poptdtiritu of tln > Sllajlt Clothlna Itirlorn ix evidence of the fttct Unit their good * ore the best and
their price * rii/ld. If you ivnnt to bnu furnishing good * , an overcoat , tt suit of clothes for yourself or i/onr hot/
aftrai/s yo to
n ;
and I cannot aflord to cultjvatc public
taste at the cost 61 my own rum. You
go and wiitc mo a rattling melo-dramu
like 'The World , ' or an emotional drama
with a Max code of morals like 'L'-d '
Astrav.'or a fureOjlike'T.lio Colonel , " and
I'll produce it. I don't I'IKC plays of those
kinds. I prefer good plays. I'd rather
play the legitimate drama the year
round il the public would stand it. I'd
like to do some.thing tolovnte the slatre ,
but I can't all'ord to. If I had a syndicate
cato of rich men bi hind me and unlimited
swav over unlimited resources I'd pro
duce a host of such plays a.s yours , in the
hope that ihejliuhlic might prefer them
to rubbish , just as a man learns to smoke.
Though it makes him sick at lirst. after
a while he hungers for his cigar. Hntjt's
no use for me to try that and try to
make a living for myself and family ,
( teen night. "
The literary man , sadder and wiser ,
arose , put on his hat , ami strode silently
out , of the room. When lie reached his
homo he sot to work to turn his play into
a novel. In six months it was published
and made a tremendous hit. The man
ager lighted a Iresh cigar , handed one to
his stage manager , and said :
"Smith , did 1 tell the truth ? "
"You did. "
"That settles it. "
A Beautinil Present.
The Virgin Salt Co. . of Now Haven ,
Conn. , to introduce Virgin Salt into every
family are making this grand oiler : A
Cr.i/.y PatchworK Itlock , enameled in
twelve beautiful C9lors. and containing
the latest Fancy Stitches , on a largo Lith
ographed Card having a beautiful gold
mounted Ideal Portrait in the center ,
given away with every 10-cnnt package
of Virgin Salt. Virgin Salt has no equal
for household purposes. It is the clean
est , purest and whitest Salt over seen or
used. Remember that a largo package
costs only 10 cents , with the above pres
ent. Ask your grocer for it.
After Many \'earn.
Arkansaw Traveler : A young man
who applied for a position on a daily
paper was questioned concerning his
qualifications. "Oh , 1 am a fine writer , "
lie said.
"How know "
do you ?
" I wrote a thing for our homo
paper. "
"Well , lot mo tell you what to do. Go
on" and rtsnd 'Henton's Thirty Years iu
the American Senate. ' Then conio back
and I'll give you a place. You must not
attempt to deceive me. "
"I ' "
The editor , knowing that the young
fellow was ignorant enough to bo honest ,
loaned back in his chair and chuckled in
contemplation of his own sagacity.
Years , on their noiseless wheels , rolled
on and on. One da.v a grey-haired editor
sat nodding iniU \ ollice. Some one
knocked ut the door.
"Como in. " '
An old man'hobbling ' on crutches , en
tered the room. 'His eye were sunken
and his skin looked like ill-utod parch
ment ,
' " Veil , sir , " the visitor in a weak find
tremulous voice lioiran , "I have come to
claim my situation : "
"I don't understand you. "
"I have read 'Honton. ' "
'Hie old editor tottered to Ids feot.stured
at tlie visitor Hjidnxcluiniud :
"Is it possible ? ; * , ,
"Yes , I roaejied the last page oi the
ordeal this morning. "
"My poor friend/ ' said the editor , "tho
world has made many leaps since you re-
Wred from active life , and 1 fear you will
bo unable to do newspaper work. Your
long course of reading has made you vcr-
boso and tiresome ; but do not ho down
cast. I can secure yon a paying situa
tion. "
"What work shall 1 have to perform ? "
' 'Kditiuga magaxme. "
Kupliire , Jtreaoli or Hernia
permanently cured or no pay. The wor t
unea guaranteed. Pamphlet and refer
ences , 10 cents in stamps. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association , 003 Main
St. , Uullalo , X. Y.
Itargaln Corner on Farnam , south
and front , amidst splendid improve
ments ; very cheap , $3,000.
S. A. SI.OSIAX , 1512 Farnam.
Adopted liy District Assembly 117 ,
KnijrlitH ol' IjalMM.Sloulcion ,
linn. , Sept. U. , 1N.HO.
Kvery proposition or principle of the
Knights of Labor every section of their
declaration of principles , depends for its
success upon state and national legisla
tion. Merely executive , clerical , minis
terial or judic al ollices can oiler little or
nothing by way of solution of tlio ques
tions now up between workers on one
hand and capitalists , .schemers ami spec-
ulnlors on tlio other , and such ollioos are
of minor importance anil should receive
no attention from members of our order ,
beyond securing honest ami competent
public servants.
The halls of our legislatures must and
will bo the place whore the rights and
wrongs of workers of all classes will bo
adjusted. In those halls will bo forged
their chains or shattered their shackles ,
and wo deem it important that public at
tention bo called to the fact. Therefore
we , while disclaiming any partisan inten
tions whatever , do believe thai we should
give our support to those who are known
to no advocates of our cause , and that
we should never bo found jiiving aid and
comfort lo the enemy.
Wo find that our cause has a few friends
in congress men of all parlies and
prominent among them are Senator Van
Wyck , of Nebraska , and John A. Ander
son , of the fifth district of this stato. We
express our hope and desire that tnej
may bo relumed to the national legisla
ture , to continue their noble battle for
tinpeople. .
\ \ o recommend that the delegates of
this assembly go to their homes and
among their people , and endeavor , as cit-
i/.eus , to secure the election of represen
tatives and senators to our state legisla
ture , who are known to bo in sympathy
with our declaration of principles , and
that without regard to the party from
which they may come ,
The assembly believes , and i.s entirely
FiUlslictl that ( i. S. Isott , democratic can-
dithte for Lieutenant governor , who , if
elected , wil ) president of ihe senate
a legislative olliccr ; and Charles II.
Moody , the anti-monopoly candidate for
congress from this district are wholly
and heartily with us in our oll'orts ; that
those men have shown their devotion to
our cause by sacrifices in past years , they
having boon tried and not found wanting
We therefor ; ) recommend to all iooal
assemblies , individual Knights and
workingmcn of all classes , that they sup
port tin-so men w'tli ' their votes and
_ _
Itonlon'H .Hair Urowor
All who are H.VLI ) . all who arc liecoinlaa
JiALl ) , all who do not want to lie h.thl , all
who are troubloil with DANDUUKK. or
1 ICIIl.V ! of the scalp ; should USD Dimton's
Ilnlr Grower. KIIIIITV PEII Cir < r of those
usim : U have k'lown hair. It never fails tu
stop the hair from lulling. Throimh sickness
niul fevers the hair sometimes falls off in a
short time , niul although the person inuy
havorniaalned li-ihl tor years , If you USD Ueii-
ton's Hair drawer according to directions
you are Hiiro ot a growth of lulr. In hun
dreds of rnscs wo have jirwluoeil n irooil
growth of Hair on those who hnvo lie-on bd ; > l
oiid clazed for years wo lmv < * iiilly substan-
tinted the following facts ;
We crow Hair In tK ) cases out of 100 , no
matter how Ionic bald.
Unlike other preparations , It contains no
sugar of lead , or vuuutablo or mineral
Itlsn spin-Hie for fnllinx hair , dandruff ,
and itehin of thu scalp.
The Hair Grower Is a hair fund , and Its
ompositlon I.s almost exactly like tluiuil
which supplies the lialr wltli Its vitality.
When the skin IK very tough and uard , anil
Ihe follicu is apparently eltectnally closed ,
thesliiKh ) strength will sometimes tail to
reach tnu papilla : In such cases the doiihlu or
triple strength should bo usml in connection
wlih the-slliKle. UhiiiK them alternately.
Price. .sln-'Ie strength , SlOQ ; double
strength , S'i.00 ; tnplo strength , & 1.00. If
your druij lst8 have not got itvu will send U
prepared on receipt of price . . .
Cleveland , O.
Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kiihn & Oo.
1Mb untl JDoutrltii , Ifitb uiU Ouiniugj
It.iri'ain South Sixteenth st. near via
duct. 40x103. Will increase rapidly when
viaduct is completed ; $1,000
S. A. SLOIIAN , 1513 Farnam.
Prpparr > d vrllh Btrlct rcpinl toPiitltr , Stronplh , anA
lleiilthtulnota. Jr.J'rko'n Halting Powder contain. !
iioAmmonlaLtmoAlumorl'hopilmtca.Dr.l | > rlco < a
Uxttacts , Vanilla , Lomoa , otc.flavorUcUcioubly.
Time Tatole
Thofoltowliiir Is tlio tlinii of nrrlvul un 1 < lo-
parl iii-oof IniliH hy Coiilrul Hluiiilnril 'I'liim lit
itioloc-al ilnpnU Truing of tlio C. , St. I' . , .M. , V
l ) . orrlvu anil ilnpnrl from tlmlr iluput , oornor ol'
14Ili ami Wi-li-.torHtr Mts : Iniliu on tlio II , , V M.
C. II. & ( ) . 1111,1 1C. C. , SI. J. & p II. li-nin tlio I ! .
.V M. tluput all others from tlio Union Puulflu
nuinaB THAI.NS.
Hrlileo trains will. luiivn V. V. depot nt n:3i- :
I 7a.1-SiW-Hl-j-8Ni-inOil | | lllJ . in. : 111:0
1 : 1 1 kriU-3UO UK : ( ) Illll ] & : ilu o i'JJ-Pl ; < l-
7iK-lliIp. : ) ( ) in.
IjcnvnTransfcir forOmtilm lit 7:12 : HS:15--9H : : ;
: -Hliln-10i7-.lli7 ! : : : : : n. m.la7-3ia- : : . : ' !
3K-3UT : : ) : la7 : CSO : 0:43 : 7:30 : ; 7:5'J-8:5'J- : ' : '
llKiin. : | .
I mvo Ilroailway 10 IK p. ni ; ArlvoOinulin
11 IN. Lv. Oiiiiiliit ( ) ( ) > in. ; Ar. llronilwny
1025. In uiri-i-t Auiriist ) tli until furllmr no
tice. Thirils iiddilluiiul to pru oiit train sorvlcu.
J. W. MOItSH , O. I1. A.
Arrivnl nnil dupaituro of trains from tlio
Transfer Ui'pol ut Coiinull lllulTsi
II 7:1-1 A.M. I nasl.lA. M.
HUMS A. M. II 5:30 : i > . M.
C0:4li' : ) . M. I It7i : lM. .
A 0:15 : A.M. I A 11:15 A. U.
A 11:1(1 : ( 1M. . I A 7W : i > . M.
ciiioAiin , nuRi.i.snrox 4 QtiiNor.
A : : i5A. M. I A :1SA. : M.
UUtJi > . M. I I ! ti:30 1 > . > i.
I A 7UO : v. M.
cmc.tno , MIIWAUKIU : & KT , I-AIII * .
A 0:15 : A. M. I A 9:15 : A. M
ABHUe. M. I A7OJ- : |
KANSAS 1'rrV , ST. .Kit : A COUNCII , III. lit M.
A 10:00 : A.M. I n 0:33 : A.M.
cjbsrn' : . M , I A5-.a-.i-.u ,
A3OUf. : i. l AUJJ : | ' . AI.
HIOUX crrv u i-Aoii'ic.
A 7:0.1 : A. M. I A : S5.M.
A 0:35 : 1' . VI. I A8Wi- : . .
Dupnrt. WKSTWAHO. Arrive.
" ' '
A. u. iM. . I "tJNMO'M'lMCIKin :
. : - ) . . . . . . . :
1055n ; . . . . . . .Donvor Kxprws
. ti-Ma . . . .l.ociil Itrnm-i-f. .
-V M. IN Nlill.
8:10a : 0lOu :
. .JS'ljflit Kxpross. . .
A. M. | i > . M. j.MISSOl'nu I'ACll'IC.A. M. ' iu7
' " ' " : Gf''F'Fii ! ' -0 ° ! j'y' >
; i jK. .
' '
' " " "
t. _ . .NOUrilWAfinr' "Arrlvo' ;
A.M. IIM. . I 0. , bT. 1' . , M. A O. ' i-V
S:15U : ' LBuxClt1' ' Ill"-w--- ! ' . ! & : a
> ! - , ,
I B4io0iikliiii ; | < l Aoooiniiuiil'ii lusIiOa' '
Jieparl. ! ill'l'w"--I ' ArrivoT
A.M. | ! . M. I c. , j ] . i g. , - Aj - , _ i- , . _ „
_ SLU : " : ' _ . . : I'lattsmouOi. . . ] va > \ 1:10 :
NOTBA.huinsilally Tl. Uiilly"
. ; . eicopt ' Hun-
illf.ifdv a"r OJ"-upH3aiurla- , ; .
will leave U. I > . ilopot , Oniiiha , nt iiW-TM- :
bAil-JOOa. ; : ra ; aW-aui-Oj-na.J-bOU : ( : ; : : p. m
l'acUol-xi ! : > rossHWp. : m. ; Uonvor hx. , 10:3 }
u. in ; Local ir.Ga ; : ) n. in.
Luuvoblock yanU for Omaha at TW--3io : :
B30-ll ; ; a.m ! 3M-3i.--ta5-0:0.j ; : : 8a : ! p. V *
AtliititloRx .luS. 0. TMltt. in. ; Olilcaw Uif.
nl -
2d M
' ' *
Kxcept SuuUar.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tliaonly ronrtto take for Ues Molnos , Afar-
linlllown. < 0'lnr URiililn. Clinton , Dixie. Chlea-
o. Mil \vnukoo and nil point. ' ) t-n t. To tlie ppo-
nlo or Nubrii-ika , ( 'oloradii , Wyoming. Utah ,
Idaho , Novmln , Oietron , WiiihliiRlon nnil Cali
fornia. It offeM Btiporlor advantag-on not possi
ble by any ether lino.
Ainoni ; a t'oiv of I ho numerous point fl of iu >
pr-rloilty enjoyed by tlio patroni of this road
IjutnrecnOnmlmiinil Clil-nKnaru It * twotralnr
a flay of DAV COACIIEt ) wliluli nro tlio tluest
tnat hiimnn art anil iiurunnlly i-nn crrtlc. It
I'AI.Al'R BLK15IMNO OAHH.rflilcli Mro mndi'ls
o | o nlfortall < l olfffiinco Itn I'AIIT/JR DHAW-
INC HOOM I'AKS , iiimmimssoil hv nny , ami Us
widely oolol'i-iiteil I'AI.ATIAI. DININO OAI18 ,
tlio oiiital of which pnnnot I'D ' round olsowhnro.
Al Council llliiITu the tralimof tlio Pulon 1'flol-
Ho lly. roiuidct In t'nion Dopnt with tlio e of
Ilio I'lilcnso & NorlhwcHtnrn K > . In Chlcnga
( lie ualtm of this line nmlco close connection
wltli tbo n of nil eastern HIK- * .
l-'or Dntroll , Colinnlinp. In llHimpoIli' . Clnola-
nail , Nlavnrn I'nllK. llnmilo , ritlKbiirir , Toronto ,
Montrciiil , ItoBton , Nnw York , l'hlliirlpililii | ] , Ilnl-
tlinnr * . WiiHliiiiRl n and nil | olnls In tlio ca t ,
ask the tlckot nuonl for tickets via the
" ' "
If you whh the lio-t no-oiiiniodatloni , All
tlckdt nuiinlfl neil tickets via tide line.
M. HI'OHITT , 11. B. HAIR ,
Oonoral Mann nr. fion Pats. Afoul.
OZWXj-V. A 'julrk. Parmann *
Cum for ! * ( . M.iiibuoil , Oabllllj , h v
9viiii nw > iAVriilin u. No qumcktrr. I
IdlfputuhU rrrmfm. Douk Mnt aA
Irr o. i
BTIFP TFll fl I KKHVITA p 4ll7
LUlalL ILrinl > H U t arjrnitbrul trr
rllL.fl I nlAl N TouiI ) 6llltrl * ln >
I HUB. I Illrlbl iruu. , , Lut ManH od
l kiiilrfd ttlfalleiii. TiUI [ > iLk K lc. r > o Ui , FrM
IIII. A. U. III.IN CO. , No. l 1 W.bIni uetrMl , C
111. * I.OO per 1'iMlmiie , fl for 6.00.
lloccnlly Unlit. Kowly l'urnliUe4
The Tremont ,
J. C. l-'ny.Jl5lAIl ( | ) & KN ) , I'roprlotoiu
Cor , ttli anil 1'rtU. , Lincoln , Nob.
Ilnlr 3l.50icrtlar. | Btruol car * fruaiboiuo to u ' r
I'artof I lie clij- .
Architect ,
Onices-3.1. n Hinl 4'J , HluliiinU Hlock , Lincoln.
Neb. Kluvatoronlltli Hliunt.
A v CATTI.B. '
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hulos iniulu In nil iiarU of tlio U. H. atftilr
ratoH. Itooin ii.Hliitii Illouk , I.lnnoln , Nol.j
( iollowny iiiid Hliort Horn bullb fortulo ,
1 $ . II. GOULDING ,
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorrcM > on < lciK-o In rcguivl to limnu sollolted.
Itouiii 4. Illclianh Illouk. Lincoln , Neb.
Hiverside Short Horns
of Hiiitily piii-o llaiuhiniJ llalosTiiiipodcutllu iiuuibiTB alioiit < VI huail ,
l-'ainllU-H icpi-i--i.iili , I. filbarU. I'mtnti
M. Honic.v. Hoaoof Miaroiiii , MoUirtai
ly Duuliofbos , i'lnt Crunk Voiuig ilary * .
i , l.ouaiiH iimri mi , Loves. *
Unlit liirk.iM. 1 1'nro ll.iKM . Kilbert.l I'uro
llali-a i I-IIHK * . 1 ltoiof bliuion , 1 Vouiuf Mary.
1 I'niii ( , rult-k hliiink and uthura. Como uuil
When iu Lincoln Hop at
National Hotel ,
Ana net u goo J ( iiiuior for ate ,
lJ' ' ? ' "UTAHV'AOADKJfy "
C1 J , WIHUIIT , II. H..A. M. , JTInclj ) L O A