THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 2 , 1880. THE DAILY P EE. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. Dub" Mmni.w Uillt.niii liifliKlin , ' Sunday Hut Urnnr . $1001 Vor Sit Month * . li HI I'urTliiTti Month * . . . . W Tim 'Mimliu Saii'lny ' llin : , tiiulltnl to liny , one Year. , . 200 OMMH Ovrirr , No. PI4 AMI Pin K.vnVA f stnerr N -w V lu iirrlrt : . lti > a\i IA. TIllltfiK urn IHMI. WAMIlVilON mnCK , No Ml Pol llTHE.NIIISlllt.l.1. Vl > rommunlcitinin iclnllnif I" He toriul mnito-HlKjUlil bo uililiessiM to tlto Lin- lon 01 Tin. HIK. ni-siNKfis i.rrrr.m : All l i < 'ltif ' > ilclti'i iiiiiliiimlllnnce iitimil < .1 ho niMr < cil lo Tin. III : . I'nn.Kiiisn ovii-vsv , dMiiHnirt , olio k ami pn-lo'Ilee ' i > rdpr < to bo iiinili > im > ulile to the enl ro ( thu ooniiaiiy. | THE BEE POBLISHIKPW , PROPRIETORS , K. ItO.SF.vV.vra * . KWTOII. THI'J 1 > AII/V HKH. Sworn Statement of Circulation. Stnte of Nebraska , I . Countv of Doiwlas. f s < s < I ( Co. H. T7 cliuekserrrtmycit the lire Pub- Ilfthlnu coinpnnv , flot-s Miieinnty nvw-nr that Ilio nrtual circulation of the Pallv HPO for the week cmlliiK Sept. a tin , Iib6 , win ns follows : . , , 7 of ( if Sntmilnv.1' < tli Jii'Vi' ' " .Sunday. IIUli ] ! | .1 > Monday.'JOth - / - ' Tnosdny.Ulst If10 ; Wednesday , --.M 'A ' 'J Thm . .lny.M < l l'-'T I'lldny.'illh ' -i'-1" " Avcinpe 13. Wl ( ino. n. T7. rlirCh. Sulwilbcil nnil sworn to herons inn this iillliday of .Sept. , IbSO. N. 1' . Fmi. , [ SKAI..I Notnrv Public. dro. li. T/sehuck , bottii : flirt duly sw m l > oses nnil bays thiit ln > is M'crctniy nf the Bee I'lilillshlnir company , lliat thunrtnal nver.iire ( Inllyi-iii'iilntlon nt tlui Dally lco ! tor the month of January , HW5 , wns 1073 , : ! copies ; lei Kelminry. ISSrtota \ : > n > | > ics ; for March , Wfi , 11.K17 copies : for A til II , Ibsfl , 11W } copies , InrMnv , IHsrt , m,4.l ! ! mines ; for Juno , 18 > , I'-V-tw copies ; for.Mily , 1 w , , isau copies ; for August , IbsO , li,40copies ! > lno. ! 11. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed nml sworn to Lioforu me , this llh day of Sept. , A. 1) . IbSG. N. 1' . KKti , , fSKAr , . | Notary 1'ubllc. STATIC TIOKUT. For ( lov-cmor JOHN M. THAYlCIi. For Lieut. Covcrnor II. II. S1I1CDI ) . For Seei clary of Stiite-O. . LAWS. ForTro.isiuer-0. II. W1LLAIH ) . For Auilltor II. A. II.YHOOt'lv. For Attorney General WILLIAM LKKSK. For Coin. Public LandsOS ) Ki'H SCOTT. ForSupt.Piibllelnstructlon-liKO.lJ.LANh. N COUNTY TICKET. Kor Senators : lKO. ! W. LIXIXGKK , UUUNO TXSOHUOK. I "or KeprcBentntivcs : W. ( ! . WIllTMOHK , F. II HIBBAKI ) . G150. 11K1MKOD. It. S. HALL , JOHN MATTIHESOa. .TAJIKS 11. YOUNG , T. W. HLAOKHUUX , JI. 0. HICKETTS. For County Attorncf : KMVAK1) . SIMKUAL. f'or County Commissioner : ISAAC N. TMEKCK. Tut1 , win- cloud is still Jloatin < j over the cast. America can niVonl to be so.renely Inditlurcnt about the outcome. Ki'.roi.uss tii.\ition is public robbery. The treasury surplus Insl , month was of $11,000,000 re duction in the publics debt. Tin : first "killing" frost has put in its appearance. It failed to kill oil'n do/en score of candidates. The public will perform that service a month later. AMID all the turmoil and noise the fact remains that the Douglas county repub lican legislative and county ticket will be R hard one to match. It will bo a harder one to beat. Gr.Nr.itAT. TftAYEit will secure some thing moro than tin tilcclion. lie will be given such a rousing majority at the polls that his opponent will scarcely know that he was rmmiii . Tun political gunning reason has opened. It began with the hunt of the railroad attorneys after proxies , und it will end with the killing oil'of u largo number of railroad candidates for the legislature. EVEIIV railroad attorney in the First district is working tooth and nail for Church Howe's election. On that sub ject the railroads have pooled all issues nml will endeavor to maintain Ilio price of votes at the tnrifl'rnto. By an error which wo nro glad to cor rect , Mi1. Kuony was listed as one of the representatives in the last legislature who voted for the railroad commissioner bill. Mr. Kuony is recorded us a steady and consistent opponent of the meas ure. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BoitiNO for natural gas is the latest Omaha enterprise , backed up by ample nmplo capital. If a company will organ ize to "pipe" the unnatural smells in the vicinity of thn ( daughter homos , heavy stock subscriptions uau bo nt onuo secured - cured from the residents of the southern and southwestern portions o the city. of thu supposed duties of the worthless railroad commission Is to in vestigate accidents on the railways operated within the state , At the rate at which collisions have been occurring of Into , thu commission could have been kept busy at this part of their job , if they wore not created and organized to do nothing , and earn their pay by doing it. have nothing to gain and everything to lose by committing them selves in favor of thu submission of a prohibitory amendment. Our present excellent high license law already gives prohibition to every county where public sentiment demands it ami where it can bo enforced. The legislature has no right to force frco liquor , which is what no license means , upon communi ties. Legislative nominees will very properly refuse to bo bound by the declaration - claration of the state platform on this question. They will bo elected on county platforms which voice tco sentiments of the communities sending them to the leg islature , Jn Douglas county the republi can party has declared in favor of t\ rigid -enforcement of the existing law , whieh is the bust practical restriction law ot Ita class m the United Slated. Do HIP 1'coplo Itulc ? Two ynr ngn nti amrtnlmrnt ( o Ilio con t'lut.on of Nebraska wn * iibmittod lo the pi'opli' by uhicli it was proposed to onallin addition to the pM-rutm- oflleers already e\i ting , a board of rail road comml.sionur * with limited powers lo supervise ami regiilnlo the railroad Irallle. On this proposition ( itU-Ci Votes were polled. Only 52 'JOT wefe recorded in favor of the nnieiidincnl ami11.1 3 were ea t against it. In other wonls the people of Nebraska by u two thirds Ilia- jofily rejected the scheme to create for Ilium si railroad commission. This pronounertl verdict nsjainst the rail road commission w-as ivgnnli-il nn all hands as decisive. Wliil"1 it is true Unit the vole wl on tlm commissioner amendment was barely one-half of the entire vote ra l at tinfli etion il showed that less than onu-si\lh of Hie eiilire voting populaliun ill that time were in favor of Hie emumission. In the laee of this ifii t emphatic refusal of the people to Irin-ifer their right of railnwl regula tion from the legislature to u eoiilliiisslon whleh was never designed or evpeeted to allbrd them relief , the railroad bosses sol deliberately at work to nullify Hie. popu lar will. They besieged the legisla'uro ' with n corruption lobby , befogged and liilllilo/ed its member.o , and at the last hour of the session logrolled through n bill to create a railroad commi.s.sion tnmlu up of the clerks of htateollieors. Thu fraudulent coniml-sion thus created in bra/on violation of the people's mandate has been in u.siMenco nearly eighteen months II has proved an uxncnstvu farce Made up sit the die- late of the railroad manages il has proved what every intelHm-nt man must have foreseen , : i delusion and u snare , useful only lo the eorponilions ami uso- les to the people It has wrung i\ thousand dollars a year out of the tax payers for standing in with the railroads and delating justice in its proper course. If a vote of the people could bo had at the next election tliu railroad commission would be swept out of e.xistence by a hundred voles to one. In the faee of the known sentiment among all classes on this barefaced im position upon taxpayers and railroad pa trons , the republican state convention , by a majority of 54 , had gone on the record against a resolution demandintr its aboli tion of the commission. Three hundred and two delegates out of the .51)3 ) that made up the convention said in so many words that they would rather be lackeys of the railroads than to voice the people's will. The deplorable truth is thai the railroads of Nebraska are not out ot poli ties yet. When the resolution demanding Iho abolition of the commission was brought up by Senator Van \Vyek u brass colored delegate moved that it bu tabled , livery railroad attorney , lobby ist and shyster in the iwy of rail roads at once fell into line. They wanted to rebuke Van \Yyck , but in fact they have only .slrenirtheiied him with the people. Instead of sitting down on Van U'yeli they have given the party : i black eye in udvci tiling il as a vicious and dan gerous' ' combination organised in collu sion with corporate monopoly to sup press the popular will. Tim nifIit Spit-It. This republican candidate for governor of California , lion. John F. .Swift , ap pears to bu n man who deserves \vell at the hands of the intelligent and fair- minded voters of that state. There is an element in the state , not very largo but atlecting a superior respectability , which in politics assumes an altitude of hostility to Roman Cat holies and foreign- born citizens. This clement presumptu ously calls Itself "American , " although the principles it represents and the policy it contends for are to the very last degree un-American , and il they had prevailed generally in Hie earlier years of tlu ; re public tins great country would not bo an independent nation. Could they ovnn now secure the support of a ma jority of the people anil bo put into prac tice crystnlli/od into laws and bo suc cessfully executed nothing is more cer tain than that the nation would enter at once upon a course of retrogression morally , .socially , politically and mater ially , and in less time than it has taken to build it up to the present mighty power and proportions it would bo found far down the road toward di.sinlegration and decay. This clement , of which the editor of n weekly publication in San Francisco , having sonic local reputation , seems to bo the head , got together and announced what it called an "American' " ticket , heading it with the name of Mr. Swifc , the republican nominee. There had been no consultation with the gentle man. Ills feeling and sentiments regard ing the doctrines of these alleged "Amer icans1' were not known to them , and they took no trouble to inform themselves. The thought that the use of his name in such n connection might do violence to his views and bo a source alike ot great .personalannoyanco and possibly more or less serious political embarrassment , seems never to have entered their narrow und bigoted minds , or if it did it did not remain long enough to akctroot. In the arrogance of their self-conscious impor tance they assumed that of necessity Mr. Swift must deem himself peculiarly honored in being thus accorded the un solicited preference of this exclusive co- tcrle of choice spirits , and doubtless con gratulated themselves upon having done u most proper thing that would carry unbounded gratification to thu recipient of their high consideration. Uut Mr. Smith utterly failed to take this view of it. On thocontrary the moment no saw the announcement ho addressed a letter to the Individuals who had with most unwarrantable presumption thus made use of his name , telling them that he did not desire to bo identified with such political company , and that he had no sympathy with their views and no ro- jpcct for Ihoir principles. It was a very ( rank and explicit letter which Mr. Swift wrote , and some of its observations inaice good reading outsidu of California. After tolling tliosu "Americans" that he had never expressed or entertained anj senti ments in common with them regarding nationality or religion , Mr. Swift wrote : " 1 believe that the policy adopted > n tlm early days of thn republic , extending the right of citizenship to all Hitropuaiis in order to encourage their coming hither , was a wise policy , and I vtuld not change it if I had the power And 1 think further , tlmt even if the policy as an original question was of doubtful ad vantage , it is in my opinion in the high- degree unjust , and unwise because unjust , to ugitatu the matter over again after millions of good men anil evi'ellent cili7ons have accepted the invitation and acted upon it. " This i < the broad and wise mid just view -\vhieh is truly Amor- can and volees the sentiment of every native-born clti/en of this country wlio o mind is not dwarled and warped by nar row prejudices and bigotry , mid who has the intelligence and fairne-s to sea and acknowledge what has been und imtsl slill be for the welfare of the tuilioti. I'Urther Mr. Smith declared his belief thai Hie religious classes utilugoni/cd by llicso elfljleil Americans are as loyal to republican insiitiilioiij and to the gov ernment as the I'lMiestantChriilinns , and if they are citi/ens ought to enjoy pre cisely Iho same rights in nil respects. \Veare not aware that this litilo ( 'all- fornia c ibal itseounterparlunywhoro else , bill il is nol improbable tlmt there are other localities where it has .sytnpa- thi/.ei-s , though they lack organisation ninl do not make any attempt at di.stmel political action. Hut wherever they have nn existence they may its well assure thcniM'lves that there is no niK-don for them , ami Unit in their policy and prin ciple" they misrepresent the sentiment of the great majority of their intelligent and fair-minded countrvmcn. A Hot ruction Dcnuuiiletl. OMMIA , October I , isyu. Mr. ( ! . M. llitclieock , Kditor ll'orW ; Sin In last evening's isxue of your paper vou charge me with hounding your into fattier into his grave because 1 "could not bleed him. " No\v , sir , 1 demand an ample and unequivocal retraction of that charge or you must produce the proofs to sustain it. I defy vou or any other man to show- tin instance where I ever directly or in directly asked lor any personal or political favor or tried to procure any Mib eription gift or loan from your father during or after his term in the United Stales somite. Much as I should regiet to drag your father * ! > conduct into a public controversy , I shall , should you decline , feel in honor bound to publish the truth and thu whole trull , regarding my relations with I'V. . Hitchcock .mil leave an impartial public to judge toward him was jiMitied before man and ( ! od. Yoill-S , KlIWAIIlt HllMIWATKI ! . ( iixiitAi. : : Nnvvrox , the new commis sioner of public works , is a terror to the contractors. Omaha conlraclors have to ask an introduction to the chairman of the board of public works when they want lo see him. UAVINO planted himself squarely for prohibition , it will now be in order for Church Howe to begin circulating the usual siibcriition ) papers among brewers and distillers to kill the job. Au\ : \ NPii'sahductorliadisappeared ( from Htilgaria. As Alexander has also disappeared with u cool $1,01)0,000 ) to so lace his declining years , honors seem to be easy in the l5alkan . "Tin ; worst sidewalks in any western city , lining the best pavements , ' ' was the icinark of a visitor to Omaha a few da.\s ago. It hit the nail square on the head. ( * KMU\I. Mn.r.- ' famous "campaign" against ( 'eronimo could have been con densed into one .sentence : "Come in and all will bo forgiven. " Till , candidate who has done the most and bragged the least , is in nine cases out ot ten tlie man for the olllcu. Other Lands Titan Ours. The situation of attain * in southeuitern Kurope during the pail week has been more threalonmg. ( Jeneral Kaulbars , the Russian agent , has sent a threatening note to Bulgaria demanding as an ultima tum in return for Kussian protection , that the Bulgarian ministry shall at once re lease the kidnappers of Alexander , refuse him and his family per mission to re-enter the country , raise the state of siege , and postpone for two months the election ot u prince to the throne In reply , the Bulgarian ministry on Thursday declined to release the actual leaders of the abduction plot , agreed to raise the state of siege , and oll'ereil to postpone the elec tion until October 10th. Ueneral Kaulbars in reply haughtily declined to make any concessions and Ihrealoued lo depart un less Russia's demands were agieed to in full. The fiignilicancc ot Bulgaria's atti- ludo lies in her evident determination to assort her independent nationality. The short-lived reign of Alexander , if it ac complished nothing else , awakened a new feeling of Iho importance of Bulga ria a.s an independent .state , able to with stand her enemies , and powerful as long asshewas able to keep hernelf from being the football for foreign intrigue. Hold ing the key to the Balkans , Bulgaria through the past Iwo vear.s' evidence of KussiuV ; ambition to control her govern ment for sollish ends has lost much of her allinity to Russian interests. In opposing the latest atlempt of the C7.ur to dictate and control her policy Bulgaria will receive strong support from the bpnuoh of I'nmo Minister Tis/.ii , of Austria , delivered on Thursday in the Austro-IIungariun parliament , in which Austria announced her firm resolve to permit no other power to control the destinies of Bulgaiia. * * Candidates for Iho vacant throne of 1'riiico Alexander are multiplying with such rapidity by the lime the grand sobranjn meets il may find a choice em barrassing. The earlier candidates were Ihe Prince of Montenegro , who ntronirly represents Russian interests , and Prince \Vuldcmar , of Denmark , brother of the czarina , who could doubtless be relied upon to reign a.s conservatively us his brother , King (3eorge , of ( irueco. Next come the candidacies of the Duke of Leiichtcnburg , who u > in thu Russian cav alry service , and of the Prince ot Olden burg , whom thu Russian consulates in Bulgaiia have been said to favor. Now in a bunch conio King Charles , of Rou- mania , "some ono of the Orleans Princes , " Akko I'a&lin and ( icncral IgnullefT Thu Aleki ) Pasha thus men tioned ii tbu Turkish statesman of Bui- guro-roek ( ! stork who vva made governor or Kaglcrn Roumuliu when iMilgaria cheM ) tlm prince of Battenberg for her ruler. Thus there is no lack now of can didates. It would bo boniowliut hiirpris- ing , however , If the choicu should fallen on Jgnaticu" , while the objections in somu quarters lo bringing Rouumma , Bulgaria , nnd Kastern Roumollu under thu same ruler arc aNo manifest V Although parliament has been pro rogued ttiu Irish question continues of supreme and ab oi liing interest Mr Panioll s leiier to President IM/gerald , of the laud league , presents the urgent neeti of prompt assjttanep in \ lew of the threatening conditions. The rejection of the tenant * ' relief bill , the "scarcely Veiled threats" of the Irish secretary and the increasing numberof evictions , In hi- judgment indicate Ihe coinmeiiceinenl ol it combined movement of ex-termination against HIP tenant farmers of Ireland b\ the Knghsh Kovernment and the It-Mi InmllonU. "I lose no time , " he pays , "in advising you of the iniini- neiicn of a cn < i and a peril which have seldom been equalled even In the troubled history ol Ireland.1 lie ex presses his confidence Hint the president of thu league will take measures lo en able the Irishmen In America to do everything pi * sible "to frustrate the at tempt of those who would assassinate our nation , and alleviate the sufferings of Ihe'victimsof Hie social war. ' " In sending moral mid material relief two tiling- ) , lie says , will be ! iceomr-li hed "Von will encourage Ihe weak to n" < l l and bear oppression , and you will al o lessen and alleviate those feelings of despair in the minds of tint evicted which have so often and so unhappily stimu lated these victims to recourse to Hie wild spirit of revenge. " Il will be an as sfctancu in "preserving for our move ment that poaeeab'e ' character which has enabled it to win its most recent and almost crowning triumph. " This appeal reveals the grave niixlcty Unit is felt by Mr. Parnell regarding the immediate future in Ireland , as well as his earnest wish to prevent , if possible , any outbreak of violence that Mill afford the govern ment pretext for reviving Iho coercion act with its terrible oppression * . Its earnestness is significant of the. - rious- ness of the crisis. * * * One of the surprise-i of Ihe session of the British parliament which has ju > t closed has been Ihe unbending attitude of l.nrd Hartington toward the Irish. Man.v of the conservatives were di-po < cd to reconstruct the Parnell land bill in a way to lido ovei the pri-senl distress of Iho Irish peasantry , but uverv ovurturc was mel by Lord Ilartinglon with a re fusal to do anything but vote the esti mates and adjourn. He has proved a lory of the lories , and thus the coalition has every show of "cohesive power , by which means the reconstruction of par lies upon now lines will be hastened. Repression in Ireland will be adminis tered by men who like that sorl of thing. The wings will pass over to the conserva tive camp , there to remain , and the liberal party will come more under the influence of the radical wing. With these changes thu light lor a broader iiemo- craev in ( ireat Britain will lie renewed. , The Peruvian .scheme of providing a water and railway across the continent , of .Soulh America , which was begun fif teen years ago , and .suspended by thu war with Chili , is about to bo revived. The .scheme proposes arailway fiom Lima over the Andes to Poito Niievo , on the Ucayali , : i tributary of the Ainnxon. 1're in there mivig-ilioii is , easy for small boats part of the way and for large ones the remainder to the mouth of that mighty .stream. The entire distance from Para , at the mouth of the Amazon , in Brazil , to Lima isV.'JOO miles , and only 2iO ! miles of it will be railroad. About -evenly miles of the propo.-cd railwav has been built , at a cost of 10,000,000 , and u contract for building forty miles moro , together with a wagon road ninety miles in length to Porto Ntievo , at the head of nav igalion , has been let to a New York firm.Viion the project shall have been executed there will ho opened to settlement and civilis.alion a vast and al most unknown tropical region , abound ing in available elements of wealth. . * * Thu Swiss military authorities have a drastic way of dealing with the interests of trade. The autumn mameiivres aio now in full play and the landlords of a few villages about Laiisanuo , whore some regiments were to be quartered , hold a nilclingand resolved that it was their duty to their trade to get a moro than reasonable profit out of the thirst of the troops1. They all agreed to raise the price of wine during the quartering of thu men in their neighborhood. The command ant of the battalion hcaut of this meas ure and determined to checkmate the greed of the unpatriotic Bonifaces. Ho telegraphed to Sion for an immediate supply of1,000 litres of sound Val'iis wine , which could be sold to the men at u fair price. The disappointed landlords , who had laid in a great stock for the ae- casion , will bo obliged to sell their wine cheaply for a whole year to come , to the profit of the villagers. Perhaps they will revenge themselves by joining the Peace society. * * . It is all very well for the French press lo talk of blockading the ports of Mada gascar again if the ultimatum presented to thu Malagassy govornmenl is rojooleil , Out this would bo a poor outcome of ne gotiations once heralded as completely satisfactory. The islanders arc evidently nol disposed to cul themselves oil'so com pletely from Iho advantages which En glish oupilal can oiler as the treaty ex acts. The device of a Mahigussy appen dix to the ugroonxjnt is , however , naturally resented in iFranco , which does nol wish lo find IcuMoins collected , mines worked , and nJouty ; coined by an Knglish corporation1. ' The treaty provi sion lor the occupation of , Diego Snarics. bay was put in langUagoitlml implied the establishment of u French station of an indulinito oxlunl on the territory ad jacent. It can h\fdI.y : \ bu agreeable to find now coercive "measures in prospect for obtaining the bniictitl of concessions supposed to be freelvjlgre-ed to. Homo Tilings Kveu'llie IVi-dlilonl Can't Have , j1 /iiufiin .Miinlnf. "Daniel , " said ( SroWrllfu other day , alter they returned to the vvliltu houve , "I notice some Innovations have ijeen iiuule itiirlni ; our absence. ' "Very gicntly Improved , " replied Daniel , "Wliilu iKilnt ami putty will accomplish vson- ilers. " "Daniel , had you occasion to bo out very late last nitht- "No , sir , I was > tired out and ret I ml eaily. But why do you askV" "I was inciely golnc to hint that a casual glance at the front door Indicates Unit the latch lock has been icmoved. " Dan east a Blanco at n photograph of a beautiful hi'ly ' Etanilln on plover's table , nnd continued to paste In scraps ironi thu the newspapers about the trip to the Ailiron- itucUs. _ Coal Best quality lowu Nut Coal $ U.7S. Coutuut & Squ'res ' , UlU S , 13lu fat. Keep It Hcrorp The republii aiis of the 1'irM district should nsk themselves whether n man having such a record us that of Church Howe has any rightful claim upon the support of any decent republican. Leav ing out of que-tion his corrupt methods and notorious venality we appeal to re publicans to pause and rolled before they put a premium upon parly trea son mid conspiracy again l its very exist ence. Ten year * ngo , when the republican party was on the verge of disaster , ami every electoral vote cast for IIayes unit \Vlicelorvvnsuccded to retain the party in power , Church Howe entered into a conspiracy to deliver republican Nebraska Into the hands of the enemy. This infamous plot is not a mere conjee- lure. The proof of il doeiu t re t on surmise or suspicion It is not to bo pooh-poohed or brushed away by pro nounciiig il one of Roe\vuter's > malicious campaign slanders. Tlin records of the legKliilure of which Church Howe wa a member In ' 'n-Tt , contain the indelible proofs of tin- treasonable enable conspiracy , and no denial can stand against evidence furnished by his own pen. Brielly told , the history of this plan to band over the country to Tilden and democracy is as follows In 1HTII Ncbra-ka elected Silas A. Strickland , Aninsa Cobb and A. II. Connor presidential electors by n vote of ' 11'ilRas ugainM a vole of ( ) cabl for the Tilden and Hendrieks electors After the election it we.s discovered that the canvass of this vote could nol lake place under the ( hen existing law before the legislature convened. The electoral vote had to bo canvas-eil in December at the latent , and the regular -es- sion of the legislature did not besrin until .January. In order to make a legal canvass of. the electoral returns , Governor Garber called a special session of the legislature to convene on the Tith of December , ' ? < > , at Lincoln , tor the pur pose of canvassing the electoral vote of the slate. The democratic ell'ort to cap- lure republican electoral votes is historic. Tilden's friends , notably Dr Miller , had been plotting for the capture of one of the electors from Nebraska , and it is also 1'istonc thai a large bribe was offered to one of the electors , ( Jeneral Strickland. The call of the Icgiilulurc broke into Hie plan of the plotters , and they found a will ing and reckless tool in Church Howe. When the legislature convened at the capi tal , Church Howe Hied a protest which may be found on pages 0 , 7 and 8 of the Ne hrusku House Journal of 1R7. The t'ol- lowingextract makes interesting reading : "I. Chinch llowe , a iiienilM'i1 of the lenisln- ttne of Nchtask.i , now convened by procla- Ination ol his excellency , ( ! o\einor Silas ti.utier. fur the purpii-c of canvasslns and dedniilij , ' the lesiilt of the vote cast m Ne braska lor eleclois for pieslileut anil vice ( .resident of the I'nltcit States , heiehy enter my solemn protest ; ualn-t such act , ilenylus : that the Kuveinor has power to call this body In special session lor any su < 'h purpose , or that this body has any authority to canvasser or declare the result ot such vote upon-the liillowini : ciouuils : 1'iist. This le.'islattuc now convened hav ! ii lit'cn elected under \\lnit is known ns tlm old constitution , has no powci to net In tlie premiM1- , the new constitution of the state iLtvinir been m foieo since November , 1S7.V" The second and third clauses deal with technical objections and are somewhat lengthy. The concluding sentences of this precious document are as follows- "For the foregoing reasons I protest against any canvass of the electoral vote ot the stain by this body , and demand that this , my protest , bo entered upon the journal. " ( Signed ) Church Howe , member of the legislature of Nebraska. The democrats did not respond lo Ihe call of thu governor and there was barely a quorum in the senate , while then ? were several to spare in the house oi which Howe was a member. The protest en tered by Howe was doubtless prepared by the Tilden lawyers in Omaha and llowe had Iho glory of being the solo champion of Sam Tildon. The legisla ture ignored Church Howe , spread his protest on its record and uanvas-cd the electoral vote in spite of it. When the legislature convened in Jan uary , 18/7 , the presidential contest was tit its- height in Washington. Church Howe had changed places from the hoiisn to the senate. Early in the session , a resolution was introduced expressing the conviction on the par ! of Ilio senate that Hayes and Wheeler haying received a majority of thu electoral votes were en titled to their seats. This resolution gave rise to a very lively debate which lusted two davs. Church Howe askeit to bo excused from voting when it first eaino up and was so uxeused. On the final passage of the resolution the record [ .page'J70 , Semite Journal 1877 , | shows thu following result ; Yeas Ambrose , Build , Blanchurd , Uryant , Calkins , Cams , Chapman , Colby , Dawe.3 , ( Jar- field , ( iilham , Hayes , Kcmmrd , Kmipp , Popoon , Powers , Tliuminol , Van Wyek , Walton und Wilcox 20. Those voting in the negative were : Aton , Brown , Covell , Ferguson , ilinnmn , Holt , Church Howe and North-8. During the same session of the legisla ture , Church Howe's vote on United States senator for the first three ballots is recorded an having been cast for K. W. Thomas , a South Carolina democrat , ( pages lliy and 208 Senate Journal ] All this time Church Howe professed lo he a republican independent , republican on national issues und a temperance granger ( > n local Issues. Wu simply ask what right a man with such u record hus to tlm support of any republican. Ootolior. llaitl < utn St. Xtchitta * fin Ikluhci , October comes ncmss the hill , Like some Unlit Klmst she Is so still , Though her ttvvcot cheeks aie iosy : And tluoiiKli ill" Hunting thistle down Her tialllnu' , brier tanuli'il town ; Uk-am.s like a ciimsun posy. The crickets In the stubblechinm ; Lanterns flash nut nt mlllJiii ; time ; Tlie ilalsy's lost lu-r nitlics ; The wasps the honeyed pippins try ; A Him Is o\er the blue sky , A spell tlm liu-r iiiullloa , Th Kolilcn ioil fiule.sln the fun ; The spider's Kau/.y veil U spun. Athwart the Uioopliitr tcilu'es ; Thu nuts dropbottlv from their buns ; Nn blnl MIDI ; the dim silence stirs A blight is on thu hcilccs. Jtut filled with fair content she is , As it no frost could ever be , To dim her brown eyes' luster ; And much t > hoknow-sol lany folk That itiiucu beneath the bpicadlni : oak \VIIh \ twlnkliiiK mlithauil blu.stui. Kho listens when thn dusky eyes Stop boltly on thu fallen leaves , As it for message chccrlii ; And it must bo that she can hear , Hevoml NuMMiibur u'rlm and drear , The feet of Christmas neariii ! ; . Mr Harry J. Miller , Indinnapolifc , Ind. , was cured of buvcro rheumatism by St , Jacobs Oil. THE CONVENTION REVIEWED , The Inside Woikincsof tl < o Platform Com mittee. THE RAILROAD COMMISSION. Appliance or tlie ( SIIK Uule The rro lilUMIon liciolntloti A nnit Healed DIB- I.IM'Ol.N , Oil. 1. -C | < irrc pen lcli < e of tlie Hi I1. . -The 1 dry nnd matler-of-fiiet routine reports nf the do ng and avinjrs of the republican Male convention have given . \ou the essential ( mints , but many evcilliigaud interesliitgliicidcnts remain untold. The combat was short , sharp tiiid decisive. No convention nmile up of nearly hundred delegates has ever diiimtclied as much business in so short a time N'cvcrhuM Newaska witnessed n con yetitiou made up of men of so much prominence , ability and eloiuenee | with sn little to ay. There wus'u good deal of Ihe dramatic as well as the politic in the great how at tin ! opera house Wednesday night. To appreciate mid comprehend the work of this coiivenlinn ' vou have to 1:0 behind the curtain , and become familiar with tile stage .etllli } : . Long before the curtain arose there was a nlthe play at the Capital hotel The leading characters had been jealously watching each other and prc paring tor the great drama of intrigue and diplomacy. The railroad bos-es were there in full force to prevent any niiMuke and keep Van Wyek down. As usual they had their s.rikers ported con veniently for proper el'eet. Some of the iniKt active workeis in Iho hotel corri dors were dumoerais , who had been de lulled for thU w irk At 'J o'clock in the afternoon cver.vtliing VVK-I at fever-heat. The railroadeis had decided to take full control by making , lim Laird cliim man , gobbling the coni- mitlces , and blocking Van U'yek and his followers at every step. ' 1 hey had the advantage ol position. With ) est us chairman ol the central committee to reeogni/.emeiiol his own Mripo they were conhdcnt ot capturing the temporary or- guiii/.ation. The tug of war was ex pected , however , over the pcnnuiunt chairmanship. Van W > ek and his friends took at the proposal to make Laird permanent chairman , and they began mustering for a hand to-hand light At this point Congressman Dorsy threw himself in thu hroceli as a peace maker. After a great deal of parley it was mutually agreed that Jim Laird should be conceded the temporary chair manship , anil Judge Weaver should be made permanent chairman , under cci" tain conditions. Among the o was Ihe simulation that dero- should bo made chairman of the platform committee and nine other fence-riders and railroaders should be named by the anil Van \\yek faction , while the Van Wyek element was allowed live votes on the platform committee , provided that either Kosowulcr or Van Wyek should bu kept oil' the committee. While this parleying was goinir on Tom Kennard was improvising : i great ovation lor Church Howe. About four hundred hoodlums and ward bummers of the railroad stripe were mustered and provided with admission tickets to the galleries and rear part of the hall. Their special mission vyus to cheer , yell and "whoop'1 every lime Church Howe rose to his feet , and hoot , hi s and eream every time Ho ° ewutcr should attempt to address the convention. When all these dramatic situations bad been ar ranged. the curtain ro e. The house was full to overflowing. Ther i was n-it uu inch of standing room from pit to dome. The .stage wa occu pied by invited gucsU , a sprinkling of honorable bilks , and the press gang. In theriglilhand boxwcreex-ovcrnor ( ! Nance , Senator Manderson , ( Sovernor Dawes and several other prominent Nebraskans. The bo\ above was occu pied chiefly by ladies , among whom was Mrs. Van Wyok. The boxes on the op- poiitusulu were occupied by elate oflicurs and their families. Without much ado l'ic ' convention went to work. The platform committee , selected and unpointed by the chair , ac cording to stipulation , was given thirty minutes lo present the resolutions. Con trary to all precedent candidates were voted for without noniinatimr speeches , and all the oratory was confined to the sueeesstul candidates. Inside of the platform committee ; there was u good deal of tormoil and discord. The late rail road commissioner p.vsontcd his rcad\ made maehiniviioli-hcd platform , vvilh'-uvorul planks that wom peculiar. One of these declared Hie provision of the stalu constitution which allows the people to vote their prcforuncu for United States senator to be u pulpuhlo violation of the federal constitution ami the acts of congress. This was knocked out very promptly , us was also a resolution indors ing the ( Jiillom Interstate commerce bill as a republican measure. Prohibition was also a bone of conten tion. Wlnlc the majority favored local option and high license , the minority in sisted on u prolubitor.y amendment. A modified plunk favoring the submission of any amendment to the organic law , which was petitioned for by a rcsnccttiblo minority ot the people , was finally con ceded. Uosuwater's resolution to demand the adoption of the railroad commis sion was rejected by a vote of 11 to 4. But the minority headed by Van Wvck decided to submit it to the convention. No sooner hud this report been read by the secretary than thu mo- lion was made to table ft. To this ap pliance of the gag rule the defeat of thu tusoliitlon is largely due. Had there been u free and lull discussion many who , under whip unit spur of thu railroad leaders voted to ( able it , would not have gone on the record a.s defying Iho popu lar sentiment. The vote us it stood Is very significant , und thu men who voted to tablu Ilio resolution will have a good dual of trouble to explain to their con stituents. The vote on the motion to table the resolution was as follows. There were three delegate. ' absent 1 not voting from Harlan county , ami tui from ln'liard-ou. ! It will be noticed tlmt thn reform I candidate for congress. Church How voted himself and his entire dclcgat i n iu favor of continuing the railroad : u- ni' ' sion fraud The contest over prohibition wns fit r < , e\cititiji nnd decidedly disorderly. ] < i three hours the opera house wnsi p , r feet pandemonium. The galleries ; , , , lobbv were boisterous and seemed t' ' . te mined to break ui the convention w tli their howls and veils. Ilarlnian , of I'utValoand the irreverent Uev. Mr , 'J'nte opened Iho debate , us- si-ted bv a ptcachcr from southeast n SchiMskii , and ui-eil ; the ndoptioii of Ilu ; minor tv iu favor of the uudelin , ii aiiieintment. Knsew.iter vigorously | > - posed this plank on the ground Unit it was worded to deceive both sides of the prohibition ( | iicMinn , and would ( ilejisn neither. Hu Insisted tlnil the convention .should content itself with pronouncing ; m favor of the existing law , which Is pro lubitory wherever the people are di > po-ed to enforce it. ( icie. , of Lancaster , followed in Iho same .strain. Tliur.ston made a point bv calling it a bald headed snare , being neither lish , tle li , nor towl. Finally HIM resolution was laid on the table. The prohibitionists , however , were not downed in the lignt , but Introduced the resolution to submit the question of pro hibition. A runtime- and bitter debate followed , in which Laird. Tale , Hartman - man , Lin-sell , of Colfax , and half a do/.eti others took part pr > unit con. Finally the roll wu.s ealled with the fol lowing re.sult : There wore absent or not voting : 1 from Franklin county ; t from Howard county ; -J from . 'ol'or ) ; ° on 2 from Nuck- oils ; 2 from Otoo ; 1 from Phelps ; ! J from Hed Willow ; 2 from Valley ; 1 from Wub- .slur , and 1 fiom Vork. The result of this vote was a surprise on all hands. The siiporter.s | of lliu | iro- hibition plunk were as much surprised at the majority a.s were the opponents , who had no idea that it would carry. The saddest , if not the sorest , men in the convention were Church Howe and Caspar K Yost. I lowu had made desperate cn"orlstoliominututwo or three state ollicurs in the First district whom ho expected to ulili/.e in pulling himself through. He worked hard for Clarke , whose "barrel" ' he expected to lap in Douglas county , and ho ( lulled with all his might for Hill , who was lo rally ( 'age county to his support , llo also had arranged in advance for the re election of Yost as chairman of the state central committee in order to insure u diversion ot the committee's funds for his special benefit. But man proposes and the Lord disposes , a.s the Maying goes. Kvory candidate from tlie First dis trict was beaten , and of all the defoaled men , Yost was the worst laid out. On a call by counties , which Thurstonjinslstod on , with the belief thai it would infiura Yost's election , only ill voles were re ceived by Yost us against ' ' 08 for Judge Weaver. The senatorial issue played little or no part in the convention. There was no lest of Van Wyek's strength , un less the vote on the railroad com mission might be regarded as such. Van U'yek lumselt appeared well satis fied witli the outcome , and his friends wore gratified at the .strength he hud dis played in a convention where the ma chine wa.s all against him and most of thn working politicians on the lloor trained with llui brass-collared brigade. IMOMINI-NT : PKHSONS. T'lililnstoln , the pianist , has a preal weak ness lor KiiiucH ol chnncu. Miss A lice Ijuiitftollow , eldest ihiualitcr of the poet , has cone to I'.irls. Mis. Tayloi , the widow of llay.inl Taylor , Is to pns.s Iho winter In Boston , ( icorju ( iiHilil is iiluady quotoil ns ilint "inaiihitji : Is a serious matter , " Ailcllnn Sjiccch , the Hinder aflor wliom Alleluia Patti was naiiicd , diuil lately Iu Home. Miss Marie Kevins , , who imuricil , lames II. Itkilne , tlr , , was to have iniutu her np- peainnce with Moiljcska In October. Deunlson , the inventor ol the convenient ami now indlspensnbln tau' , died last week In MassnclniM'tts. O\er L'J./.OUO.COU of his tngs urosoht annually. lr. Perry , a hotel pioprictor lit Saratoga , t-a > s the cxin'iiM-H of his IIOIISH iluiiiiK the RIMSOII aiu aljuut Siooo ; per ( .lay. fiom the hills loinlereil , soinu of were ot opinion lhue.\poiM-b ) he about 1,000,000 per day. Kx-I'ichidcnt Aithur's hcnlth does not show any inipioveiiient , neither can hu bu i-onslueicil any woiso Ihun whou ho let I New Voik. lie U certainly boinc.uhiit Ihln- ner ami Isconiuu'il to his chair thi ) gieater pai I of tlie time , hut his aupc.iranco would not le.iit n Blunder to think him aiicxtieincly hick innn. Ills skin IK uniJ 0.1 cvir. lie no IOIIKCI snllon limn insoinonln ; his appetite Is only occaslonully caiuicluue , and lie Is bright and chiierlul. Kilwitnl Klus , tlm lnbir : nKltator , IK a vorlt- ahle little ( 'inut. lie iu vi-ry nhoit , Imiilly mote than live leel In hr-lL'lit , well hull ! unit active. He itoos not enilrelv believe III llui lahor-piilllical nioveiiienl , ultlioiiyli ho doc.s lii'lie\ciu IJeniy ( ieoue. Hols ulralil Hint the new political uailj will ho siil/eil upon hv deinnii ) > ; iies , uither led try illhlntiir. osted men , and Hint lalmr will have llttlo hcnclii 1 Kim It. By tiadc Mr. Klin ? K u typo pollsliei. Now Vink Bun : "llo.sroo Conkllnjc , " snld a tlicnd ol lliat ( a' tlm othur ihiv , "comes to inn licituunih innl I have notlccu Hint on each Di'c.isliin he IN dlll'ciDiilly iillhcd. * Hu liasillireieiil oiitur viuiiiciils , n dlllciiiiit . pleat to his ihlri , dilTcrent nvcrKiiitcis , and vei > often a ililTeiiuit htylu ol wiitch clmln. Jlctclln mil he Is not rich , ami I ton nut at ail biirpiised at that , llownvcr bit ; a inan'rt income mu > t > e , hit cannot save money ami Mill 1 1 vo ai eMiavn Aiitly us Mr. ( 'oukllii { ; Uoc.s. " Itoycolt .SI. / ' < u.l I'unter I'ICKI. There Is no means by which the law can reach this impudent Cnnndlnn , who nmkc.s ili'ht of hiunaii biilfcrlnu It he can cliculatu a hoax to kecji hh name bnfore the pulilli ; . There is enl ] one tliluj ; to ilu , und tliat la tn li < ocott him. Let Ilio press lotiibU to print the silly hliilf which ho picpaic.slnr r-.dviutls- Ini ; , anil let the namnoi \ \ i i-'InK do forgot ten liy l.nmaii loiiiiica. He lumilono omninh nilschlcl ijnd had enough tii-u HilveitU'n" , I'm on HID bojcott and Jet u * huur no mur < ol1 '