Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Titt > pMi'nt iTiiti itiniri TP
Wheat Fluctuates Considerably But Tinally
Oloses a Trifle Iligher.
I'orlt Tails to Itoni'li tlic CloxIr.K l"l j-
iirt-HoTtlie 1'rot iiiii laVliat
Ilio Illi ; Traders 1)1(1 (
> N ( MiicAco ; 'enon. .
Tiiirno , ( ) < ( . 1. | Sii | > clil Telegram to
the DI.I..J About the only conditions shown
bi tlio signal scrvii-e repoits weiu talr
\vealher In all districts. As compared wllli
Thursday mmimii , ' the leiniiciatiiie is lower
In all districts except tliu uorlltt Cuib
prices \\eio decidedly hlybt-r b > leason ol a
decline In consols and some sharp short cov-
cling Novcmlicr sold at ? i' > 14 < " ' (5l ( < , c bcfotc
tlio regular oiM'iiin , hut leaded later. It
opciH'd olllclallj ul TftJuc and settled hick to
7."inic. Coin opened e.isy at ! ( M > c. Thurn
wen ; plentj sclllui : In piuvlsloiis , November
jiorK beliiu ollereil at S9.JTij ) , 5c low el Uian It
closed last nlcbt on tlmeihb. Jones , Hcam
and their follow ItiKueiu nil bulls appaiently.
They woiked tlio nmrliet up to sell on. Jones
had ado/en binkcrs on tliouitib , and whuiu
he bought 'iOO.OOO bushels his brokuis sold at
least 'JfKOW bushels. A tier the olllcial
( iiicninx they were all nmnounc.-ed seller i ,
but up toll o'clock tailed to uct tin1 niarlict
much under " > \ < ; when hu > iiiK ordeis cniiio
in Ircely. Tlieiu beKnn to tin more talk of
foieiKH coniplluatlons and pi Ices walked up
( piiti : "liurply to -Ci : , but Jailed to
hold thereThe easier tmm was
hcljicd by talk that tlm bli ; men
are prcltv well out ot the m rket. h.ivlin :
eveiii-d ever > thlim up In siuh shape that It
Is a matte.1 ot liullireionecldeh way \ allies
KO. The hulk of onlcis that came in UuiliiK
tin ) day wet o In and out of thu way befom
noun , Until the lust hall limn thu maiket
mini slow , rathei he.iv > and Inclined to tend
do.vnward tmm thu top , but tieslUtud about
" .
Values picked up < | Uitu sh.iiplv aruund
121) : ! , Novembei K'dntf this time to in e it
WHH bulled b > liujiuc ami export talk
at New Voik. A fair tiado was liatl in coin ,
but the market was without special feature ,
the November option only tlnetuatliiK be
tween : MV and : 'te. ' \t no lime did poi k
Ket itu to jcsterdaj's close , but the nveraue
was not tai below It bcalpeis vveie Inclined
to ol ! it down soon alter the oui'iiinn , and
L'ot November to sU.17ciU UO. but later It ad
vanced to SU.K ! % 'Jie ) ovei thu ouunlui ?
iirlce. The local ciovvd did all the business.
2 : 0p. m. On the allurnooii board tlio
heal s rode down to TVYc for Novuin-
bei , whole It vlosed. Coin was n shade
lower , elosl u cat Its'ie lei .Novemlier. AIeb8
jiork was fiiifjTjge lower , and l.ud t.iirly
Ci nit. 2:40 p. m. I'nvlle-jes on November
wheat , 75lf , ( < i75'4ciim : 7ii(2.ii'6C ( ; '
CIIKAOO , Oct. 1. [ Special Telegram to
the Uuj : CA i ri.nUeef cattle prices to-d.iy
were about steadj. bales weie unevenly
made. In some cases smooth tat hteois sold
n sh.ulo hlghei , while bids on common to fair
cattle weie general ! } lower. On the whole
them was no quotable oh.ingein pi leas. Any
possiblecatly htiengthwasmore than offset by
the weakness which developed hitoiespecially
on thin and rough cattle. Shipping steers ,
KttOtoIftOOIbs , 84.70t1U5 ( ; 120U to 13)0 Ibs ,
S4.10'j.C4.7 ( ) ; U.)0 ) to 1200 Ibs , 83.50,151.10. The
1.1111:0 cattle offerings to d.iy were inodei-
atcly laigo only. Common to fair native
h.df-bieeiH vtoio slow sale at Improved
prices but fat Toxnnp , both winteied and
.southern , sold moie ic.idily and at strong ,
pi ices. Texas c.ittleunder model.ito re
ceipts , have been selling bettor than other
kindx all thn week. SaleH : 1M Montium-
Texans , 1005 Ibs , SP5.iO : ; 21 D.ikot.i , 12iS Ibs ,
9.2K ! ) ; \Vjomlng ) , 11S15 Ibs , 3.25 : 187 Dako-
ta-'l'e\ans , IM6 Ibs , ? VJO.
Hoes Ti.ide opened slow and wc.ik. with
ain.tliei down-turn of SflflOc on tbo culinary
run ol hogs , saj such as aie usually taken
Dypackeis. Hough and common sold down
to $ : ) .CiOd ( ! . ! > < ) , light soils , ? a.75' 4.40 ; pilmo
nnd lancj assoited light , S4.4r > ( ! i 1.50.
Now York. Oct. 1. MONEY On call ,
loaned at 517 ( per cent , closing at5 percent
SiKni.ixn KXCIIAXOK-Dull nt 4.b2 for
Hi.xty day bills and S4b4 > , , lor dem.ind.
OoVKitNHi.NTS Cidveiiiment bonds weio
dull uut strong.
h'locus. J'rlces at the onenlng weio lircs-
ular but geneially higher , the ndsanees rang
ing from ' ( ; to K ller cent. New England ,
however , was up * per cent and .Michigan
Central 1 pei cent. A lew further slight ad
vances woio made in only dealings , but the
whole market .soon weakened and declines
tanging up to I1 * pei cent weio obl.ibHbhed
in thn Hist hour. A slight r.illy was f oho wed
bv another decline , which was checked alter
13 o'clock , and the mat kot became Kcncially
him , slight fiactlons buiim regained. It
closed tlrm , close to the lowe t of the day.
cent bouds. . 'MX C. & N.V . . . 117
U. b. ' proteiied
X.Y. C 111
Pacific ' of 'JB. ' Orccon Tran
Central r.icitic . 48th I'licllic Mall
C..t A. . . . . . . . I' . 1) . .W K. . . .
preferred. . . Ill
C. A.A.U Kocl ; Island. . . .
1 > . h.A\V . . St. L. A : S. F . .
J ) . .tH O ! tH $ nretened . . .
KtlB. . . . . . . . . Sft'f ' , 0. , M. .t St. I' . .
prefci red . . . 70& prolencd . .
Illinois Central. 181'iSr. ' I' . * ( ) ro ; <
J. , . , fc\V HI'j ' picteiied. J
85i Texas I'.iclllo. . n
' .to1. , 1'nion I'acllie. . . fiO' ' <
I'.n4 W. , St. 1 * & I' .
Mich. Central yo'jj ' pi el 01 rod . .
Mo. 1'acliie . . Ill1Vestein Union
Northern 1'ac 'WO. , ll. * N . . . 105'f '
pioferred fll.Sl * 1'A. lllv.
Oct. I. Flo in-Steady and uu
Wheat' Opened finn , and aftei lliiclualinu'
closed " 4c above jtfsteidaj ; cash , 74V10cj
J < o\emuoi,70MOc ; May. b4'4c.
Coin-Kte.idy and ill m ; llucln.ited within
very narrow tango , clnihiE * s nhove yesterday -
day ; cash , ! Vi"ic , ; Novombcr , ! ls'4c ; May ,
OaU-Steady , compared with yebteidi
cavh , 24 < iii25 ; Noveniber,2i > 7-10c ; .May , 81 }
lt > e-lnll at 4s'c ,
larle ! > Qnlot u t' > <
Timothv t'rlme , rl .
VorU Ka r' ' > nctlvoeaily , but quiet near
cloe ; declined 15'iiVOo early , milled
cnnd nulsldu tigineH niiiintaln > 'd ; cuhh , i'.l.U ' ' ,
l < aul November , 5j.05'5.UJj { ? ; January ,
llide.8 Heavy green sailed , 7Xe : Heht.
damaged , r.f . } ; bull hides , . 'iio ; drv
wilted. lH ? l o : dry Hint. UKc e.iif
kins. < SloKi ) ; deneoiiH , Cue e.irh.
Tallow No. l countrj , UWiW cake.
B c ; No. S , 3c.
Afternoon board Wheat , weaker ; c.ish ,
TIl c : November. 75Xo : May , 84 , ' < e. ' ojn ,
Iriesularicash.anfc ; November , 8SVc ; May ,
43Vc. Oatd , easy ; cash , 'W \o\ciiiboi. \ .
5Wo : May , Sl e. 1'oik. weak ; cash and
November , I'J.a ; January , S10. : > f. l.m.i ,
urecular ; cash , 85 DO ; Novemboi ,
January , SO.oavj" , Shoit rius . ,
Iterelm * . Shipments.
Flonr.bbN . 15.000 .
Wheat. bu . . . ( KOOO 10.1KX )
Corn. 1'U. . . . . . 107.000 S51KJO (
0 t8.DU . 1 ,000 77KW (
S.OOO none
Now York , Oct. l. Wheat KccelpUs.
4BOOO ; Mports , 8,000 : spot > iC Ko higher
out I s Actlvo ; options opened 'IW\o '
Wither , aftot wards weakened .and doollnod
W&Kc1. later advanced K@fc , closhiK heavy
Vfilh areacllon of @S4 ; ungraded reU.74W _
. 8 Vred ? MiWtfo
MJVcilfo. reil.
elevator ° ! ' .l-J : , B5Hc . , . . . J , ' ; > J0 < 1 , cd i69Kcj \'n. 'J
red , October closing at
Corn Spot , 1 < 3 ! ' c belter hut very quirt ;
oittiiiiif. a ihnde higher but rlnsod weak with
thf advntiru lost ; receipt * 91,000 : exports.
dlO.OOO : niiKraoed. 4fMt47c ; No. 8 , 40'Nctin
' alfiiat , Octobel closing
[ it 4litC.
Oats Shade lower : receipts. S5.00J : ex-
polls , none : mixed we-tern , ! U ; 'J.c ! ; white
western , 3X 4l'4 ' ( '
Petroleum Firm ; United clo ed at 01''c. '
Pork-Dull and vve.ik ; mes ( jtioted nt
ll.XXfill.25 ( for new ; Sio.2i-.Wfor old.
Lard Three to tm points lower , closing
heavy ; western steam snot. 60 W.
Huttci Finn with fair demand ; western ,
12f. 2Dc , ' "
Cheese QuI-t but ste.ulv ; western llat , 10 ( ( >
10' , e.
Kegs -Fall icqiiest ; III in ; westcin , 20' ' . ®
2U- .
. . . . . . . . . Oct. 1 - - Wheat Active
nnd higher ; N'o. 1 hard , e.i'h and Ocloiiei ,
72c ; November. T.l'4c ; hecember , "i > : No. 1
northern , cash and October , 70 < : ; Novem
ber , 71 ue ; Dotembei , TiNo. : . 2 northern ,
cash and October , ( .sc ; November , GUV ;
December , 71e.
Fhmr-Ste.idv ; patents , SI 2.V.U.40 ; bak
ers' , si.2iC : < 3 4ii.
HecelpH Wheat , 171,000 bu.
.Shipment'-Wheat , 2f..fiOObu. ; flour , 2:1,000 :
Clnclniuitl , Oct. 1. Wheat Quiet ; No.2
red , 70'wc. '
Corn-Weak ; No. 2 mixed. tOc.
Oats Dull ; No.2 mixed , ' 'JSc.
U > -Firmer ; No. 2 , r,4c.
Pork-Dull at M > > 7'tf ,
Laid-Weak at SIM.1 ! .
Whisky-Active , linn and higher at 31.13.
Milwaukee , Oct. l.--Wheat Kasler ;
cnsh , Tlu ; October , 7i' c ; Sov ember , 74 > .jc.
Corn Dull ; No. 2. KiiV.
Oats Weak ; No. 2 , 24 4c.
Kyo111 Mier ; No. 1 , .We.
ll.iiley Firm ; No. 2 , Ml > $ c.
1'iovislon.s Lower ; poik , October and
November , SO.UO.
Ht. 1)0uli. Oct. 1. Wheat Strom ; and
and bichei ; N'o. 2 led , cash. 74ji75 , ( ! < . ' ; Oc-
toner , TRe ; Novombei. 77'4o ' : Ma.v.S'i'sc. '
Coin liicgul.u ; No. 2 mixed , cash.
84'iic ; October , 34'jc ' ; November , 3 : > \c ;
May 41 c.
Outs Shemlv ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2fljfc ;
October. " 6'o ' ; November , 2r e ; ' May ,
itvo 41V bid.
WhihUvfcl.12. .
1'orkV.isj nt 10.00.
Laid-Wealt nt fcri..K ) .
Hutter Sle.idy but iiimcie.imciy,22@25c : ;
ilaiiy , lOtn'JOc.
AVTIU.NOO.V : U Ani > Wheat Weak and
1 ic lower. Corn Kasj but , 'tu ' lower. Oats
hli.ulc lov\ei.
I'olodo , Oct , 1. Wheat Opened linn but
closed weak ; cash , 7
Corn Dull : cvsh ,
OalsN'limlnnl. .
Ijlvcrpool , Oct. l. Wheat-In moie
dumand , new No. a vvintui , dullat Os iijuil ;
new rso 2 sprlusr , dull nt Gs d.
Flour In moie demand ; dull at hs 4il.
C'tiin In dumiind ; spot nnd October ,
dull nt 4s 4d ; Novombci and December ,
steady .it 4s 3j d.
New Urlonns , Oct. 1. Corn Scaice and
Oats Steady.
Cornnirtalstiom ; and higher : SI.15.
Hoc 1'ioducts Dull , vveaK and lovNcr.
1'oik 51012' $ .
L.ird Kulined , tierce , 80.W.
Itulk Moats-Slioiildeis , ,10.00 ; long clear
and ilb-j , SO.75.
Gtilonuo , Oct. 1. The Drover's Jomnal
icportsat tollows :
Cattle Itceehits , 7,000 ; slowly , shtpilnc
steers. . ' { .50iYi.)5 ( ) ; stockeib and feeders , 2.2'i
Cn50 : ! ; cows , bull * ami mixed , Sl.tOQ&lfl ;
bulk , S2.40ft2 fi'j ; thiouuh Texas c.ittle slmdu
slump ; cows , Sl.srii2.50 ; bleersS2.00@9.2j ;
wustein ranceis. liim ; natives and hall-
bieeds SS.WldM.Oa ; cows , S-.40@2.1K ! ) ; w In
teied Tex.ins , SJ.lOfa3.50 ! : sales Montana
Texans , yU-K't'tUiO ' : , $8.25 ; Dakota
TOMUIS , 8'0 ( < i'jo. : !
Ho.'s Ifecelpts , 2.5,000 : slow and We lower ;
closed ste.idv ; lough and mixed. S8.50gj4.20 ! ;
packiiu'anil aliippinc , S4.00s4.50 ( ; light , 53.-40
( A i.4 ( ) ; skiiis , S0./i0c 3.u"i
Sheep Keeeipis. 2,000 ; steady ; natives ,
f2.25i4 ( 2J ; wostein , ? 3.40cta.GO ( : Texans ,
? 2.40v,3.15 ; lambs. ? 8.75@1.75.
Kaunas City , Oct. l. C.ittle Receipts.
1,200 ; shipments , 'JOO ; cows and butelii'is *
stock stronger : others slow and wc.ikgood ;
to choice , 34 : ! 0 4.50 ; stockers , S2.252.75 ;
feedeis , S2.SOa3.iO ( ( ; cows , S1.W@2.GO ; glass
lange steets , 2.2.X 32 ( ) .
Hogs Hoceipts , 4,400 ; bhinments , 1,100 ;
market domoiali/ed , inegulai and I0 ( 20c
lowei ; good to choice , S4.iO@4.r,0 ! ; common
to medium , Sl.OOrtil.2T > ; grasseis and pigs ,
ht. Louis. Oct. t. Cattle Receipts ,
2.000shipments ; , 'JOO ; ste.ul > ; fair to choice
native shipping grades , 84.20 ® 1.75 ; butcher
Hti-ers , S.25 ! ( < t..75 : ! ; lan o and TCMUIS , S2.bO
. .
Heirs Receipts , 400 ; shipments. 1,100 ;
dull and weik : butcheis and choice ho.ivy
L'liules , S4.2. ' > < vif4.55 ; p.ickinp. S4.10 > < 1. 1 5 ;
Yorkers SI.OX-gl.M ; pigs , S3 754.00.
Fuday Kvcnlnir , Oct. 1.
CA iTLF.--Tho fresii receipts were not heavy
nnd theru wore only a few In the yards that
had beer loft over fiom the previous da > .
The feeder maiketas fairly actheand a
tew bunohes chaneed hands. Thpiulsallttle
better movement Inibiitcliera' stuff and re
ceipts aie Ik'ht Good coin eattlo holiHtcady
nnd aru In domiinil.
Iloosi The receipts were heavier to-day
than yesterday. Tim market opened lower
nnd speedily declined I5@20e , A lew sales
made early in the moi nine brought better
pilccs than could bu obtained for thu same
jtrnde later In the day. The maiket was
fairly active at the decline nnd the pens were
denied before tlio market closed. A good
in.inj dealeih aie expecting still lower prices.
SHEEP Theie weio a few lu but the mai-
Xet was vij ; quiet
i'revailiiii :
Shovvliuthapiuv.\lllnK prices paid for Hvu
stock on tills market.
Choieo hteuip , UWOto 1500 Ibs . S1.2.'i@4..T.Ii
thoicdhU'Plrt , UOUtoii001bs : . : i.7.X'4.2. )
Medium steui , 12r.O to IttfJ Ibs.
Fat llttlo steers , 10W to 1150 Ibs . . . . .80 ( < B .OJ
Coodfceduis , . illWofiWi
( lood to ehoico coin-led cows. . . . 2.1M.25 ) : (
Fair to medium grass cows . 2.00 dim
( iood to piioleo nulls . l.50u ( > 'J.OO !
J.lght nnd medium nogs . a.75'.tU"0 : "
( Jood to choieo he.ivy l-oifs . 4.00 ( 1.10
( Jooil to choice mi.xod ho s . y.b5t 4.00
( lood to choieo sheep . ti.oor.KJ.25
Fall to good sheep . 2.75ji.OO ( :
Cummoti shcop . . . . . . . t.50tii..rfl ( !
Showing the highest and lowest prices
puid lei loads ol hogs on ibis market during
iho hcvon days and lei tlio s-amo tlmo
last immthancl histj'ean
] > > iy i Am- .
J4th 3.1.75
i'llli 4.40 6475
27th 1.1,0 f.j,4M
t'tith 4 HI 34.UO
2111 h Smuliiy
; Ki ) | | _ titt - -
" "
Hay "Spl. .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r.
12. . . . h70 82.HO 10 . . . . .11082.10
21 .1073 U.J10 VJ . . . ,12ib 3.05
40..10S7 8.10
roiiN-riai H runts.
No. Av. Pr. No , Av , I'r.
20. . .llbO 81.10 1 1SIO S4 60
No. Av. IV.
11. . .1225 8H. ' . ' . ! .
No. Av. IV. No. Av. IV.
7 . .11W ! S2 5 4 aV ) 3i.4r
2 . . UW 2.45 21 lOoO 2.RO
lions. 0r.
No. Av. Shk. IV. No. Av. Shk. IV.
SI . .24 8iO S3.bO 110..270 100 (
OJ . .243 100 S M .207 40 4.Vi (
7 .854 bO H.tv5 S7. . .272 120
< > S .240 SO S-Wi ttf. .254 2fO 4.U5
0 .OU.5 120 3.b.r > 57. . . 'J71 bO 4.10
7 40S I''O ! ! .S > 5 CJ. . 2.VS 120 4.10
10 . . ! 1V5 &JO 8.h5 fifi .240 120 4.10
8. . . IttO 120 3.fc5 5s. . .2sl ! bO 4.10
81 .805 4 0 U.W 5" ) .817 210 4.10
70 . . .Ull VO 8.00 ftl . . .237 bO 4.10
07. . .350 Va S.OO M. . .250 40 4.10
67 . ST5 320 8.0. ) TJ . ! ! 100 4.12W
Oi..2i5 200 8.U5 5b . .8.V1 2MO 4.12JJ
K > 271 ICO 8.1H 40. . .353 ! ZJO 4.12U
04. .237 1(10 8.5 ' 51 .at > 7 . . . 4.15
53 .270 K4,00
No Av. Shir. Pr. No. Av. hhk. Pr.
3J..101 80.50 . . .218 fcO 83.75
n avj nv s. n.ii 120 n.75
a an so : i 10
All sale * of stock In this market aie made
per ew I live weight unless otherwise t.itcd.
] ) ead bozs sell at 'tr ' per lb for all weight * ,
" .skins" or hogs welghliu less than lee Ibs
no value. IVgiutit sows are docked 40 Ibs
and'tags SO Ibs.
Iloc nil co ] < l ,
A few sheep In.
A tew feeders bold.
Com fed cattle In ilctnniul.
llutehcr stock selling a little bailor.
The bog m.itket takes another tumble.
Hog market active at n decline of U > ( ii20e.
W. 11 Mouc , Plum Creek , had sheep on
the mniket.
James Willis , Waco , was here and sold a
cai ol shicp.
W. .1. D.ivls , tirand Island , was looking
over the miiikel.
.Jno. Stiode. Caldwell. fM head of cat
tle at Hie janN.
Hugh ( ianghi.iii , Jackson , had a load of
caltlcon the maikel.
Ml. Addoms , Jot AdilomsX ( ilovcr , Chej-
tune , was heie to da ) .
W. .1. MeC.illln , llciikclman. h.ul ten e.iis
of cattle on to da ) 's m.uket.
Care ) Hros. , Itock Creek , were on the
maiket with twelve lo.ids of cattle.
II , L. Men limn and tii-oigo Sewer , F.UII-
am , weie both heie and sold cattle.
Duiinic the past month the total number of
e.usot stock shipped trom the Onuhajards
to Chicago was 7iii , of which number tbo
Kock Island handled 210 , the Chicago , Itm-
llngton julncy2iu ( , the Nortlivvestein 201
and the Milwaukee KJ.
"I can toll jou what the mnttei Is with this
feeder market aud why there arc no more
cattle selling , " lemarked a live stock dealer.
"Money is ncaiee among the farmers and
fc'dcis , and tin , ' } waul to tiny entile on time.
When jou begin to talk cash v on sc.uc tno
mob tot tlie buveis away. Resides that some
of the heaviest leedeis , who with to buy in
tills way , make their teims direct w lib the
ranchmen and the oaltlo are shipped diioi't
to the buei without coming to the yards at
On the market with heirs : ot so , occH.
Co. , F. .Sicilian , North Jtend ; Fuller.V P.ilnn ,
Fullerton ; Akotot .V Hohner. Perrj ; J. W.
I'hl. htiomstiuiii ; ,1 , M. Hedge , Yiitan : h.
H. hplkti , lllali ; J. Askwii : .1 Co , llan-
ciolt ; A. Hedges l'lm Cieuk : C. Kudat A-
Co. , Noifolk ; . ) . \ . Kehoe. Platte Center ;
Meisner \ Tavlor , Shelton ; J. Wllhclnison ,
Datiiieluoi ; ; blilelds A hncas , Ch.ipmans ; A.
Koehler tV Co. , Sicklev ; Toojood Hros. ,
Crete ; . ! . Huek. Cioto ; James Iliveil , hlncoln ;
H. Ford , Maiqiictto : lloovei A K. , Doiches-
General Produce.
1'ild.iv Evening , Oct. 1.
ei tne jar rounti los ( of
prtwfuce , u-isoltlon the innihct to-tlay. 'Ct\e \
quuUtttnns onnilfjt ic/nevc/it / Hie pricey tit
which outHhlt axiom an filial.
Uui i so : The iccelptsof butter are exceed
ingly poor and theie Is not one packaito in
twenty that can be irudcd as stood or choice.
Commission bouses are oveniin with poor
butter , nnd have baid work to sell Itiat any
price , while theio Is an liu'ieaslug dcumnd
foi choice butter. Shippoiscan tnpiovetbu
< \lliyof their linttcr liv handling It with
moipcaie. Pains should be taken toha\e
only one ci.nio in a package , ns poor butter
) ) .iuked with oed necessitates tlio whole be-
inir sold as pou ) buttei. It is too earl ) to
bu ln shipping buttei In boxes. The maiket
lemains about the same as last week. Cholco
nuttei commands Mia i e , and laiicy - ,
but theie is veiy little of tint grade In ( he
maiket. 1'air to good is selling nt l'-Mj@l" > c.
and linen at Itfifie. Choice cie.uuerv tmtler
is selling at 'J-io to 14c.
Kiiis The icceiptsof e.gsaro notbeavi ,
Imt as the market has advanced tue demand
has fallen olt to tbo same extent , so that the
lv Is about equal to the ilemand. At the
pieseiitthne the maiket Is linn at 17c for
strictl ) tiesh eggs , and dealpis general ! ) do
not anticipate any lovvr prices. The moio
llbeial receipts at the close of last week and
the lust of tlio piesont week compelled deal
eis In some eases to clem up their stock as
low ' as Me.
Pon/inv The demand lor poultiv has
been vei v light for the past few days. Iluek-
stois ha\ohceu glutting the market with both
old fowls , mil spring chickens , and b ) put
ting prices down have cut off a good deal of
tiade lioiu the commission bouses. Puces
aie not as him as last week. Old Jowls ,
choice , per rtoz , S2.25ra2.50 ; spring chick
ens. I.uge , S2.00 ; spiing chickens , fancy ,
52.25 ; spring chickens , medium , $2.25 ; spiing
chickens , s-mall , not wanted ; ducks , S2.20@
2.50 ; turkcv.s , not wanted.
CiAMi : ( lood sound prattle chickens liold
about their own. while ducks are
extremely dull and low. Prospects
l.i\or a veiy brisk ti.ule in pr.iirie
chickens at hhlier 11'iiren as soon as
cold weathei sets in , Pialilo cldekens , 5 > iW
Oi2.50 per do/en ; quail , 81.25 1.50 : snipe ,
plover , etc. , SI.OOTU.25 ( ; ducks. ( Midlaid ) ,
Sl.50@1.7n ; ducks , ( Teal ; , Sl.00-ai.25 ; ducks ,
mixed. 75ciSl.00 ( ! : geese , SU..r > OjJ ! ,50 : deei.
saddles , per lb. , IKgl-'c ; deet , carcasses , per
lb. , 7fe ! c ; antelope , saddles , ll@12c ; auto-
lope , carcasses 7@.ic ; elk , saddles , 10llc ;
oik , caicasscs , Oia7c ! ; jack i.ibbits , pei do . ,
? : i.50@I.OO ; small , pei do * . , $1.00rtl2'5. ( '
Ov srmcs As the season advances the de
mand nd the number ot outside ordeis In-
cieascs. Only the vei ) thoicest slock is
being handled by the ostei houses this sea
son , and they aio better nrepaicd than e.vor
to ( ill outside oiders. Pi Ices are 5c lowei all
the way mound than last week , and lowei
than any othei city. Mediums , 2 c ; stand
ard , 80c ; selects. JHe ; Now York counts , 40c.
i'or VIOKS The HC.ISOII Is approaching for
the la ) ing mot winter stocks an l tlie mai
ket is linn. Local gardeners aio temporaiily
.supiilying a part of the retail tiade which les
sens the demand upon commission dealers.
The local supply , howovei , Is light and deal
ers will be forced to look to the outside for
theli vvintei stocks. A few Colnuido and
Utah potatoes have aiiived and sold at MM
Wic. Choice shipping stock , pei bu , 5U ( vv.
CAiniAii : ( ioo'J solid heads aie selling at
G"n7.riC ! pei doiei ) .
hvvii/r : Per VTOIH : Tlieie isa veivllbeial
supply ot ehoicK slock on the market. Cho.ce
shipping stoi'lc. per lb , 2c.
OMONS-Tho demand is not heav v but
choice stock sells fairly well. Choice stock.
per bush , JM.GO. market Is well supplied and
the dcnrind good. Shipping stock , pei do/ ,
AiM't i s-The demand for choice a
continiiis good and the Mippl ) H veiy 1
The maiket IMS been Hooded with poor stock
which had to be sold at veiy low prices and
which tended to keep down pi Ices lor good
stock. Slocks have been mostly cleared up
and the iimikot is about baio. Choice. shh > -
ping block and fancy stand or eating apples
uio In good demand , Common stock , V-.u' ' @
2 25 ; choice shipping stock , $ . ' .50J.75 ( ; fancy
Maud , S2. TxiM.OO.
OU.\NGIS : The only changes on the mar
ket aio Jamaica , which aie lower than hist
week. Jamaica , per box , 3 < i.OO : per bbl.fll.
CntNiinnnu.b maiket is talily well
biippllcd with \civ choieo .stock. Cape cod ,
fancy , per bbl. . Bb.M ; Jersey , choice , 87.50 ;
Wisconsin , S7.rx > .
KANAKAS Hanaiias am selling at about
the same ns last week. H.nmnus , vellow , pur
bunch , S1.50W2 00 ; HananaB , ) ollow , lar o
bunch , 82.60jil.fiO. ( !
CAUFOIINIA Fiium Two cars of Call-
loinla fruits weio iccelvcd this week. On ac
count of the coulci we.itliei they airlved in
veiy good order and met with quick sales.
1'e.iches , SJ.25 ; giaioTokasl.tl2.K ( ) ; t'raiies ,
black , ? i.OO ; pearn , vicar. SS.OO ; plums , 81.75
QiOO ; quinces , S2.50@ ! > .75
HoMh-onowrf ( inAi'is The supply Is
less ns the season advances and
prices are accoidlnglv tinner , bhippln , ; stock ,
pcrlb.r < c : 10-lb baskets , 40j.
MICIIKIAK PKAf IIFS The receipts the past
wccjc have been very light. Haskets , aceonl- sl/e , 7.ric ( < tS1.00 ; crate. , i baskets , fii.OO
Choice. CM sl/e pei box SS.WJ ;
fancy bar Midoris , ! WO size , per box 10.00.
MELONS A tew aio still coming in. but the
demand Is lluht nnd they aio slow sale.
K SuoAit. htrictly pure. SO-lb boxes ,
i/er / pound ; = tilctlpiiie , 10 lb tin pails ,
He per pound ; choice 62 In Icks , 25-lb boxes ,
12c i > er pound ; choieo penny cakes , 25-lb
uoxes , 12 > fe per pouiid.
llnNUV Ncbrasl.a , choice , vvhlto clover ,
Ift&slOc. ; Nebiusku , daik , l2Hc. ; Callfoinia ,
l-lb eectlonti , IV ; . ; California , ii-lb frames ,
HEAJIS The market U aimosl cleaned up ,
Nice clean beans In fair retiuest. II. P.
Kavj. SUOCul 75. H P. Medium. Sl.MXtf
l.Vcholco ( ) ; clean cuuntiy. Sl.yOQl.M ) ; oed
clean conntrj , l"0iai.oj " : Inferior. 6 s7fte.
Pnovisio.Vb liatn , sugar-cuied. ia. < tlS } { ( ! ;
boiii > 10M , 50-lb boxes , U e ; picnic bam ,
tueakfast bacon , suiar-cured , OKci shonldeis ,
smar-cuied ; , be ; clear side bacon , -Xa'JXi'o ; dry
salted sides , S/c : dried beef ( bams ) . Ific ;
dried beet ( regular ) , 12j lard , 40-lb cans , Kalr-
h.iuk's , BJrc ; 10 , 5 and S-lb pails , Fairbanks ,
filmsCm n , 2..c ; new o-U , 2."c ; rje. 40c ;
wheat. No. 2 , W.
Fiotn .CM' Mll.usri I-FS-VV inter wheat
Hour , be t nimlitv patent , Se.h9. ocond
llv. S3. lOulSAS ) ; host quality spring wheat
Hour , patent , S-J. " 5 : bran , . > 0c per ewt ; chopped
feed. K c per ewl , white corn meal , ? 1 00 ;
jellowcorn meal , V0t > per ewt ; sdconlug , liOc
pcrcvvt ; hoinlnj. Si.00por cwt : short * . " > a
per rvvt ; eraliam Sl.ou ; ha ) , in bac ! JAOO
7.00 per toil.
CilOCPlV IllSt.
PirKl.KSMedium , in boN , Sfl.V ) ; do lu
half bbls , ? : Uf. ; small , in bbK S7..0 . ; do In
IiallbbN , SI.2.V Kheiklus. hi bbls , SVA ) ; do
in halt bbls. S4..X
l' Ol HI i So.70tgiilloli kec" , 51.22 ; New
Orleans , RV(4t > c IHM gallon : Maple Syiup , 'V '
barrel , ntrlctl ) pure. Joe per tmlloki ; 1 gallon
cans. V.i.25 pel doVJ : gallon call $ Vi" > per , ' ;
dodUurteans. : . ti.o : .
SITOATIS Powdered , 7 c ; cut loaf , 77 ( / e ;
granulated , 6 4c ; eonteclloners' A. fiVe ;
standard extra C , flWMSeMuC , ftJftiVfo ;
medium jellovv. 5' ' . , fti < i\
KOPK H inch. o , ' uIneh ; , 10' c ; ' ' Inch ,
iniK ) Fin ns No. 1 quai tor apples , fl84fc (
Ic ; In evaporated boxes , ic iyfc : blarkber
rlos , boxes. iHifti'J c ; pcaclH's , eastein. 4\oi
.V , o ; peaches , ovapoiated. l.V4@l7o : Salt
Lake , none lu luajkct laspberries , new , 18
dtllV ; curients , T4V'"l4i' ; pinnes new , 4- ,
iyrAtiCii Mliror gloss , l lb , C'fe ; Mliror
gloss , .11 I ) lb , ,6'fc ; Mirioi gloss , (1 ( lb , fiife ;
Jraves coin , 1 lb. Klngsfoids ; corn , 1
b , 7o ; Klngsfoid's glois. i ] b , 7o ; Klnirs-
rd's gloss. 0 lit , 7'e ; Klngstord's pure , 3Ib.
Jic ; Klnirsford s bulk , 4c.
UANM.I ) tJooits ( tysters , standaid. per
cas. $ : i..X ; straw hot ries , alb. pei ease , S2.10 ;
iRSpbeirles'Jilt r > er ease , J2.10 : California
on per doSl.Mijl.OO ; 'J It ) gooseberies ,
pe case , 51.75 ; 3 lb stilng beans , per case ,
$ 1.70 ; a lb lima beens , per case. S1.C.O ; 2 lb
marrow tat pens. t < er ease. S8402 ; lb eailj
Jnneicas ) , per ease , S2.75 ; ,1 lb tomatoes.
per case. S'i , ! ? > ( & . ! 21 ; aibcoin , per ease , SI. ' . * )
( V52.10U : lb corn beef , perdo31.71W2.00. .
CoFFKFH-Ordlnarygiaaes.iKaiiVc : lull ,
l'ri2Hc ( ) ] ; prime. I'J'valSe : choice , ISdd'iHc ;
tancv green and > ellow , iai c U1 > je : old gov-
ernnient.lava0t 2 < x' ; Interloi .lava. Ifi'icW
20c ; Moeh.i , vridtilc. A i buckle's roasicu ,
10' , c ; Mchauihllir ! XXX X masted , lii'4e ' ;
Dilworth's. lOc ; lied Cioss. li.Ue.
ToiiAtfo Plug , 'climax , 42 ; bor esboe ,
'l7cslar ; 'Jt-speai ; head. ! K > cj piper heidslek ,
fiOo : gold shield , K4c ; meriy win , ' - . ; '
.I. , : ie.
Tonvrro-'Smoklng , Dinham , Is Me ; Ss.
.Me ; "i" " . 'i7e : 'js , fioe. meeipebnm , : ue ) ; old
stvle , ' --'c ; N N. O , ir > c ; spliil cnied , 4fic.
boM's Ithk'B haven impeiiai. S3.H ) ;
Kirk's satinet , 83.00 ; Kirk's ht.ind.iid. Sji.O-j :
Klik's white Uusslnn , St-00 ; Kiik's White
Cap. 80.SO : Dome , S3.STi ; Wnsbbtnrd. J'-'i.lO.
White Cloud , .
MAirnr.s-Per caddie , 2Se ; round , per
case , 81.00 ; square cases , & 1.70 ; uiiilo .
CAVDY Mixed , Kfo)12c ) ; stick ,
Cin.fKins : Ciarncnu's soda , butter and
picnic , rie , ; cieams , 8Jic ; ginger snaps , a' c ;
citv soda. 7'/c. /
DitiKD KnuiTS-Nol quaitcr apples. . & ( &
le ; in ovaoorated b , > xes , D ta'.l c ; blackber-
ilcs , boxe814@ . ' ) ; ] ) eacbes , eastern , 4S < 5
.rOc ( , peaches , evapoiated , l.Vtosi'c ; Salt
hake iiuiiu in 'iiaiket ; nuspbeiries , now. H
; currants , 7V@7 > ic ; uiunes new , I ' „ '
Wool , Medium. 17@18cper lb ; line heavv ,
ltrS)15c ; ) ; light , I4c < ti7c ; coarse , TJWl'ic ; bnrry
wool , x@ " > c otf.
Hinr.s Oicen butcher3 , 01Yt7c ( : green
cured , bl Csh3fo.illj ; tlint , lltgic ( : ! ; diy salt ,
! ) @ 10c ; damage hides tvvo-thlnis price.
1'allow He. ( ireise ; , prime white , ! lc ; yellow ,
tie : brown , Ii4c.g Sheep Pelts. 2 : > ( aT.C. !
Li ; vi unit I'limo Mnnihtoi i-ole leather ,
.T2c ; prime oak sole Ic.tthei , sttHgaic. Upper
leathei per foot. 20 < jB25e ; hem , kip , 76ai5c ! ;
oak kip , Ki0 > c ; French kip , S1.00fu > l.20 ;
hem , cilf , Sl.OOQl.lO ; oak calf , Sl.OOiU.25 ;
Kiench call , Sl.T5C4l. ) ; Morocco boot leg ,
SOitiWc : Moioccooil pebble , 2S 3' . > c. toppings
and linings , fiO lOOc. .
HKAViiAiiiiWAiti : iron , rate , ii > ;
low steal special ovtt , 4c : erucib lesteel , TXJ ;
east tools do , 12ipl8c ; wagon spokes' per sot ,
S1.7. ) ( ( 'J.OO ; hubs , per set. $1.25 : felloes ,
sawed dry , SUO ; tongues , Caen , 75c ; Mes.
each , 75o ; square nuts , ner lb. 7Q4Uc : coil
chain , per lb , Cl2c : malleable OC < Sc : Iron
wedges , tx ; : crowbars , Oe ; harrow teeth , ic :
spring steel , 7@Sc : IBuulen's horseshoes.
84.40 ; Jiuideii's nnilo shoes. S > .40. Barbep
wire , in car lots , Sl.OO per 100 ihs. lonl
Nails , rates , 10 to 60 , S2.50 ; steel nails , 82.05 :
Shot 81ft ; buckshot , S1.H5 : oiiental
powder , kegs 32. ) : do , hall Uejrs , g-00 ;
do. Quarter keKs.Sl.50 ; blasting , kegs , 52.3- >
fuse , per 10 leot. Wto. Lead Uar.&lb.
PAINTS i.v Ou. \ \ lueeao. Omaha , P. P
J c ; white lead , St. Lc-iis , pine , S7..5 . ; Mai-
ellles freeii. 1 to 5 It ) cans. 2cKiench zinc ,
L-rcen seal , 12e ; French zinc led seal , lie ;
French 7lnc. lu varnish asst , 20c : Kiench
chrome jellovv , K , 12c ; ochre , roelie'lc ' , : ic ;
oclne , French , 2 c ; ochre , Ameiican , lH'e ;
Winter's mineral. 2Kc : Leblgh biovvn.S'io ' ;
Spanish brown. 2Kc : Prince's ndneial. "e.
\ AnxiHiir.8 Uarrels , per gallon : riiinl-
lure , extra , SI 10 ; finnltiire , No , 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach extia , S1.40 ; coach , No. 1 , 31.20 : Da-
mar , extia , S1.75 ; Japin , 70e ; asplialtum.
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , 83.50 ; hard oil linlsn ,
" hpinirs-CologneBpIiits. VJS proof , S1.1C :
do 101 proof , S1.17 ; spiilt-s , second ouiility.
101 proot , 81.10 ; do 1W jiroof. 81.15. Alco
hol. Ib8 proof , SJ.1U per wino gallon. Redis
tilled whiskies , 1.001.50. Gin. blended ,
8I.50ft2.00 ( ; Kentucky bonibons , fe2.00Hfi.OO ( ;
Kentucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $2.00@6.50 ;
( lOlden Sheiif bourbon and rve whl-klcs ,
S1.50ti | ° .00. Hrandfos , Imported$5.00W.50 * :
domestic , 81.30@t.00. ( ! ins , immuted , 5f4 50
(50.00 ( ; domestic , 1.2V'fJ.OO. Champagnes.
Imported , net case. 823.00@'J'1.00 ! ' ; American.
* -ti | * ( j SU
IKVlAiifiV ! VVhTtb lead. PC : rionch/lnc ; ,
1''c ; I'ails whiting. 2He ; vvhltlnv , clhleis ,
SJi/o ; whiting , eoiu'l , We , lampblnck , Ger-
inanstowii , 12c ; lani ] > biick , ordlnury. N > ;
PniBslan bluesic : ultramarine , isc-\and.vke. ;
biown. 8c : nmbci , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw. ic ;
wienim biiint. 4e : sienna , raw , 4c ; Pans
preen , genuine. : ; j-nris creen. common.
22ichiome ; t'leen. N. Y. . 20c : chrome green ,
K , l''c ; vermillion , Knulish , in oil 70c : r w
and burnt umber. 1 lb cans. I''c ; raw and
Imint sienna , 12e : vandyko. blown , IHc ! relined -
lined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and nory
black , lOc : drop blacir , lOc ; Prussian bine ,
40c ; nltramuiinobluo , Itic ; cinomo green , lj. ,
M. A 1) . , Itic ; blind and snutter ween. L. . M.
* I ) . , Ifie ; i'ailsL'ieen. Ihe ; Indian led , Itx- ;
Venetian red. Oe : Tuscan. 22c ; Ameiican
veimilllon , L. A : 1) . , 20c ; jellow ochre , ! 'c ' ; L.
M. A O. IX. l u ; good ocluo , Kio : patent
diyer , He ; graining color , light oak , dark oak ,
wlanut. chestnut and ash. I2u
JJitros A\n UuKHicAi.s Acid , raibolic ,
fi2c : acid , taitailc. 5tebnlsam ; copalbft , nor
lb. 4'c : baik. sassafras , pei tb. lOc : calomel ,
perlb72c : chinchonlum. pei o40i ? ; chioio-
form , per lb , * 0c ; Dover's po\vd < us. jK-r tt ,
51.25 ; epsom salts , per ' , 3Ke ; glvccrlne ,
pure , pr lb. 18c : lead , acetate , per lli 21e ;
oil , castoi , No. 1 , per gal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40ioll. ; ollve.per eal.$1.40 ;
oil nrlirannum , sou : ppium , 83.iO ; ; quinine ,
P. * W , and It. ifcS , , per ot , 70o ; potassium
Iodide , pei ! ! , 83,00 ; SHllcin. pel o40c ; mil-
phate inorpnlne , per 0.7. 82.J15 ; biilphur , per
tl > . 4c ; strj'chiiinc. per , SI.15.
\\n\v JISII. , lUiviJVf iruyT Hhis 1'N Kti
1 ajo''ijj "
) "JO 60 40 U 10
Hen's S't.No 1 l/hifod I CO. ! If , 2 011 70 C' <
i/eo oiiiM rnucyifi wwioos : si MI m &o H
I/K ' ' ! hh'ru JToy B Oil J 03 2 7."i 1 65 1 30 W _ ± t
fcxitu risii.
HIiUUl llbln I'MnlKlrt
No , 1 WlliUi nill.11 00 | U WI Wl 10 1 01
Kiuiilly White llbb. . . a jtj ; 152 05 1 M 62
No. ITiout . . , : . , riO4 | Or > ,2 f ril 5i 74
' iMi-iurrin : KISII.
lfrlh"Hf IllilhQ'rlllTls I'alfs oT Klli
i 0,10 , | jot ) 110 50 4U I 12 1U
NorwcKlnn I I I I I ,
KKK llut'ntrfc 14 .0.7 60.6 80S 80,3 10 . . . . 1 04 |
Ilollaiul her
_ rlj > ( (8 , new.
I10A1ID * .
No. 1 Coin , s , 1. s. 12 , 14 and 10 ft 817.50
No.a " 12,14 and 10 ft. . . . . . 14.7'i
No. 3 " " 12,14 and 16 ft 13.50
No.4 " ' 12.14 and 16 U 12.00
2ll IC.MIltl.SJ 16 W'l7.0y ' 18.00''I.OOJ21.00
16. . . . 10.50 1050 10.50 17.0J 1B.OO .UO 1CJ.OO
m iu.fiO iawtifl.w.i7.oo . in.00 si.oo 21.00
2x10 16 53 16.60 111 WII7.00 18.00 . (10,22 , bO
2ll2 16 51 lLf.i ( 10.Mll7.WllB.OO ( Z3.00 2AOO
10.50 16 6oil7.00 18.00 2U UO1 JO ( M
No. 1. 4 , t fi Inch. 12 and 11 ft. , rough . .517.00
No. 2 , 4 , V Cinch , 12 and 14 ft. , lough. . 14.00
A 12. 14 AlOft. . 21000 C S15.00
It U > , 14 A-Ui tt. , 2,000 I ) 11.00
1st com. , " 4 In While I'ine Partition. .S. .OO
Vd " " " " "
. . a ; M
' MCom. in. Norwa ) Pine Celling- . . . 14.00
KI oontvft ,
A filneh , White pine , 2t ! C SW.OO
c 6 inch , " " : M n ai.M
' ' ' " * ' ' * '
A 12 Inch. s. l ! 40 C. 'I' . ! . S.V..OO
It 12 Inch " " 4-i D . 2.1.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In , 5. 1 s. . 10. ISA 20 tl . . 21.00
No. 2 , " . K50
.No. 2 , ' 12 A 14 It. . 17.00
If ! ft . . . . UHV )
i i
l t and 2ii. clear. 1'4 inch , s. 3s
Hd , dear , t inch , s.-Js . 4VOU
M. , 1' ' * , 1' ,2 In
H "olect , 1 Inch , . 2s . W.OO
ll uloel. 14 * , IS.'Jln . M.OO
Mtir i vr.
No. 1 , tilaln.siiiid 10 Inch . SI7..V )
Nu. 2 , llun,8 ) and 10 Inch . 15.M )
SIIIMII l.i , i.Alli.
Xclear. . MlO ; A slainlald , S..f'O ; > , o. 1 ,
Sl.Jtt ; I .nth , S'i.i-'i.
roarMiltoCethn.O in. , Ss i-'c ; 8 in.
( | rs. , in o.
I < 1M1 , I'ir. Qnlnpv white lime ( bcsU SOo :
Cement i Mtioni Sl.tK. Hnlr , -'t-'x1. Mlehl-
gun | ila ler , SU 73. S.ish , Wc. ) Hlltuls. 60o.
Uoors , fiOe. MotildliiKS W >
Ciiicap.Mitauta&StPaulR'f . '
< [ ori , Mm aid CnUNCIL BLUFFS o !
Chlciiffo , UND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Jlinnesipolis , < edur Kapids ,
CUntoii , Dubuqne , Davenport ,
Koek Island , Krecport , Ilockford ,
Klffin , Madison , .luncsvillo ,
Helolt , Whionn , La Crosse ,
And nil other mportiinl points Itabt , Northowt
mill Soulhout-t.
. , , . , , . .v..r- . * . . - cull on llit Ticket . ' _ , _ . .
nt HU1 Vnriinm stiect Un I'nvton Hotel,01 ) u
t'nlnn 1'aelflo Depot
I'ulliunn SloeiHTS niul the finest Dining Curs
In i thu world mo run on Ilio main lines of Ilio
mid oeiy ultuntloii Is pnli lo pii8 ciiKOis bj
couitfKins Piiiploji-s or tlio eoinimny.
H Xlli.i.l.11 , ( Jc'iirinl .Mnnnijcr.
J. K. TlJCKHt , Assistant ( Ipiiernl MnnnBer.
A V. 11. CAKl'ENTKK , Ooiloml l'SSOHifer Ilil
Ticket Awcnt. ,
Oho. E JlKAFroiin , Aftlstant ( lonoral I'asiou-
Kor nnil Ticket AHcnt
J. T. CLAHK , ( Icneral Supoi-iiilutuleiit.
and ddtt Work.
JO''O Fu : nam Street , Omaha. Nob.
jl uKitlvel } ruredlnoo OB > liylr *
' . .
3 rrum.comblnid Uuurantteatha
' ( inly ore In ( ho world irenrrntlnff
aconilnuuui LlrcMo .f Maenrtlo
"currrnt. Sc-ientlflc. Towcrful. Duniblc.
jfortnble anil FlfectUo. Arolil IrAUtlii.
* L0r nrerlMlDO tureil. hcli.lM unpfoi | iaim Ulot ,
JftJO Xnrtlt Jtith Htt-cct ,
Paid in Capital , - - - - $100,000
OKO ( K iiAIHClIH , l'ri l < U'iit.
ItOIIT. L. GAltl.lCIIS , Vioc-1'n-KiJi ill.
1' . II .
Dinrrons : :
hi , II . Oll o , ( ! io. : 12. Itunnt ,
Hour. I , , t : Mii.iriiWM. . Sitn i iih ,
K. 11. JOIINhUN.
A Kcnuinl li.inkliiK lniBlno's trniisnctoil.
Iiituicxt ullnuL'il on timu iloporiits.
Omaha , Nebniskx
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
Herman Kouutzo , President
John A. Croighton , Vice ProaldouL
F.UL Davis , Cashier.
W. IL Mwrqulor , Ass'C Cashlur
Capitnl Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . . 300,000
'Jiltiml ) Hiivlntrs bank In Iliuslilto. 1'ivo
purmnt inloiost paid on Joposlls.
Giivf. nation , President ; J , J , Ilrown , Vice
'J'robldont ; L M . llenrn'tt , .Manuring Di
rector ; .Inliii U. vviilmr Cnshlor.
Artists' Material.
A. IIOSI'E , ,111. ,
Artists' Jlnterinls , i'ionos nnd Organs ,
151 i DoiiKlim htrcet , ( Imr.h.l.
Agricultural Implements ,
< Wholesale le lcr In
AErriciiltural Iiniilemuntf 1Vii : oii8 ,
and llnttlf . Junr > mrfct , Uetwceu Utb
Agricultural Iniiiloiiieiits ,
WnEOiin'arrlaes , Iliigcles , Kto. , VVholcsnlc , O imh .
Affrlrnlinral Iiniileinents ,
IVagnni and IluiiRlc * , 101 , Wl .05 end W , Jones nt
Butter and Eggs.
linycrs of Jliitter and KKK -
Itefrlgerntor anil I'ncklnK HUUIR , llth und l. u\
worth St , I' I' il.ll.l iack , Oniahn
Butchers' Tools.
llutehers' Tools and Siinii. . .
jnuiJto Caeluv * of all Llnrti nnatln | duck , 121&
Joiii'KBi , ( iuiu'
Builders' Hardware and Scales.
JUMEltA UG ir .0 TA l'L Olt ,
ldersMIiirdvvuro&S(5alol'inii ( { ( | '
llcclmiilCb"Jool mnl Ihiimlo Hi alei. 1W huiiglut it. ,
LEE , Fit IED tCO. . ,
.luhhcrs of Hardware and Nails ,
TlQwue , Hheol Iron , K'.c Acenl for Howe 8clci ,
mid Miami I'unctcrl'ti Omalm Nil' .
\VlioIcsalo JIardvvarc ,
Wcitcrii iienta fiT Jefcttun burl Nalli. AuMlo
I'uwdrrfu , I'lUibankn htundard hcalei Corner
lOlU niul llnrney Ouiabn
fioofi nmSfiors. .
AM Kit ir AX iiAxn SEWED
SHOE rov/M.vv ,
Uiimilxltiirrtnmlholcfnlf Dealeit In
Hoots llllll SllH' ( .
CorotilPlP nlorl ( if Hnblifr ( lo < l < nlwmn nn hand
WJSI S I1lh t .Pinttin. Neb A 1 Au Hn , Audit.
ir. r. Mons7 : t p co.
.InlilH1 ! " * of Hoots mid Shoes.
1111 Kurnnui H , ( minim S > h Mnmifiufu 5 , Summer
Mri'otHi > n < n.
Apt. for Anlu'iiser-Htish lircMlng Ass'n
Spcilnl timid * K u t.llncJi l or nO Ktlniifir.
LitRci' Heer Hrevvcrji ,
T.JI Sorlh 1Mb "trcd , Oinnlin. N
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
" ' CLAUKE jutos. tir'o7
Oitiulin Collco uwl Spire JlilN.
T B Ooffi'P * spirit linking I'ondnr 1 I orlne8 '
trsclii , I Humlijr nine. Ink KK UK in tlnrncy
MI-ITt Oninlit. " eu
( I. ITES , < 'O L K ' MIL ES ,
Homo Coflepntnl Spice Mills JlTjr < ' < >
OiiITrellomlrrinnrt pl < . < llrlniti'i * Msnufi\inri r
nfll-UIni ! 1'imilor , HnuMtm K trncl llluliiK. Kli1
Tn nni'rii i orinr I pucktiKrlliniiollli'ini Unified
( .Vini'K liOllloiMiril l .limiSn Mt >
E.i a L E coiixici : wo mat ,
.lolut Kneni'tor , Prop.
Umiufnctuivr nf Knlruiltpd Iron HIM ! Cornice. V33
IKxUu nnd lOJamJ III * N , lOlli H . oniiilm , Nfti.
Mmiufiirltirom of
Ornamental ( talvani/iMl Cornices ,
Dormer VVImlnwii , Unnls. Mi'Ulk SkjllcM.Uc. 3108.
121i M , Onmlm.
C. Kpeuht , I'rop.
Oalvnnl/pil Iron Pcirnli i K. otr. SIMM t lniirovnl | 1'nt-
cut Mi lullrskyllslil , MB unit Ml ) S KMh rt Onmlm.
Jobbero of
Carpet" , Ciirlains Oil Cloths liners ,
l.lnnKMiiii' , Miitllnpf I'll1 Kill DotiBtm RlriHt.
, S. A. OUCH A It I ) ,
Wholesale Carpels Oil Cloths ,
tlnef , Tiirlulii ( iiiixK rtc. Kit Iiimuin hlrnil.
Omalm , Neb
Crockery and Notions.
w. L n MIGHT ,
Agent for the MimirnclmiTiinml Imiiorten at
Crockery , ( ilassvvare ,
umps I lilmiR'jB , rU. Ofllce , JIT Huutli 13th ft
Commission and Storage.
' "
D. A. lint LEY ,
CoinniNMdn and .lohbiiiff.
llnllrr , IVupnml rrmlnci * Consliinraelitn Hell llo * ! ,
II liiu iilcrn fur btiinonnip , llcrry Him a anil
v inpc llnfUel" . 1114 IKnlKi'i'lr 'cl,4Jni lia.
PEYCKI : nnofi. ,
Coiuinis-ilon Merelinnls.
Ki ultf , I'rmliH i * nml l'i I'loin. Oiu ilin.NPb.
jr. E. IttDDELL ,
Storage mid Commission Merchant.
bpici.iltle * lliutor. I.'CKI , Cliiese Poiiltrj. ( .111110 ,
lljhlcrs hie. , Kli USlull ! ! fctiotjt
Produce Commission Merchants ,
I'oullry , liuttcr , Ciinio , I nills. ate. 2M B. Htlist.
Oinuliii , Ni-li ,
General Commission Merchants ,
Ami Jobbers of Forolsn anil Pomenllc KniltB. Corre-
Bpondrnto tiilli Iti'H. Wan-lioiiBO nnd ofllri * . 110 N.
' 1 lilrtienlh M , ( linilin. Neb. 'I clpphonp 77' ) .
mporters ami lioli > nlo deilers In
Italian Produce ,
elKH , 1 mine -tit nnd Calirornln Kmlts nnil Comiuls
tlon MercliiiiiH I0 ( t > lull t Only oxcliuhe
fruit lioii'UlnOni lb i.
Coal antLime. .
2' . MILESTONE < D CO. ,
Uujlem In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
OIQcoand ynid , It th nnd Nh holan p | . , Orunhn , Nob.
Y.ud 'lelephdiin , 0i7. (
Ubo. i . I.AIIII , I'ren. C. F. Ooon VAN , V. rre .
J A MJMJLHI.4XH , Sue. .ind TrUHB.
Jobbers of Hard nnd Soft Coal.
no South TlilrtvcntliStrPHt , ( ) m ilui. Ncli.
V' co ,
Manufacturer1 * of Illinois White Limo.
And Milppera of Coal mid Cuke. Cement , I'lH l r ,
Ump , llulr , I Ire Hrli K , D'Jln , Tlln nnd SPWIT l'ip .
OHiio , 1'u ton Hol l. Karniim rt. , Oiiutliu , Nrli.
F , I > . FAY a1 CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobber * of KvullBNut > anil CU-um. 1211 1 uriium Bt
( Jmubn.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Commission.
( loo. lUitke , Man ifi'r.
Dillon Stock yurdx.S Omnlm. 'leltphnne 582.
S. 1 1rAJEK
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
BklpuienU of un > and nil kliuls of Mock folloltcd.
Union mix k Vanlr. Dniolm , Ni > b
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX ME YElt a7jO. . ,
Job horn of Cigar" , Tobacco ,
U-.ln bud Amiiiunltloii , 213 to.'I h Dili tl. , 1(00 ( to
11U1 l-aririm > t , Om ilia. N' b
fl'ISHT .0 IWITfiCUElt ,
Manufactiiror.s of Fine Cigars ,
And \ VliolonulrIIIT | ) | In I.pif Tobaicon , Noa.108
neil II'J ' .N. llltl nlrri-t , O iiiitia.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITir.G CO , ,
Dry Gooilw , Furnishing Goods & Notions
1102and 1101 Ilnimln n.r lllliHt .Onnilm.KiK
- - ' - ' -v- ' - - f '
IMntllltlB i f I.lrjiirrf , Vlcnliol nnd Fplrlln Importers
and jobbereof Wlnciand Liquors
CO. Hilt ! ILElt ti CO. ,
Importers nnd Jnbbomof line Wlue And Liquors.
Hole ruamifiiotnrrr'cif Kennnly'ii Kut Inilla IIIV-
iLm anil Poinifc lot linori | > Ill2 lla
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
n. T. cLAitifE nnua co. ,
Largest Jrng ) , Paint , Oil & Glass House
YVr lof Chicago Complete Mne of Dii'Cil'U buu-
dried. JIU lUnii ) ; p | , Ouoli.i ,
\ \ holcsale. Diuggists.
An < l DoulTnln r.ilnm Ollian 1 VVInilov Gluns.
Dram Tile , Etc ,
A. It.81 n I'rm .l.VV llrnrnnn.Ser.'J're'i
U. J. CAHSOX , v.l'rti. rnd hupt.
Ofllco V13 f lull ft. Omibn. N'rb Mnthlnprr and
huppllri for MunurociiirlUk. Cement Diu'n ' Tilu.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Cosaractors ,
Brldcet , VlMluna. lloof'lrui ep , htenin l'i In Drltlny
1'lllueOult aiid.lMieltrlilio t.uinS-r litUit .near
Kurnuin , immh.i Nob.
Dealers in Furniture.
Oinnlm , Neb.
CILI It LEU , S7/ / fEIiUK ,
Furniture , UoiUUng , I'pholstery ,
Mln-nn.etr , l > , ] 2U3and ! ? ) l ) Fnninmit. Oiuab
Groceries ,
Wliolosnlo < roceries ami 1'rovtsloiw , ,
NOT IiVi.Tn ; . TOO mid illy IQtli gt. . Oa liit. Nth- _
ll' C CO. ,
Hlh nntl 1 pnrtMitrnrtli t , Om hn.
, r.
Heavy Hard ware , Iron and Steel ,
* . > \ B . . stuck 1lHr\lwm Lumber , do.
ul till llarnrr it , Om li .
: i > : r , tl un vex ,
Wholesale I ton and Steel ,
Wnennund CntrUKO Wood Stc < < k , IIe TT
KIP 1217 nnd IVI'.i 1 Pitonwortliit. , Om h , N b.
Stoves , liiuitfi" * , Kitrnuces , Tiles ,
ManlliMMirntri llrnr < ( , ooil Inland 1TM Karma
Iron Works.
> .IA'7'O.V .0 riElt
Iron Works ,
Wrouplil nnil Cant Iron HulMlni. Work. Iron Plain ,
lUllmit. ItPMinn nml.lnl < ir Mrfim fnelncn. llrnti
Wurk , ( .iiiprnl Foiitiilrv , Mulilnc anil Ulnckimlth
> V rk linici'Htiil VVurku , I 1 * It ; RiiillTth rticel ,
Wholesale .lowclcrs nnd Music Dealers ,
li > nrr In silr'r ro. IMnmtiniicVntchn , Clock * ,
Jcwvler'd TuolK iul Xlntor' . ' 101 mid ) ( XUMb
H , cur
Lnber. \ .
Dealer in 1-ninlier. I-ath , Lime , Snsh ,
Koorn , Kto. Y nl rurniTilU nnd IKingUi ! Cornep
' .ilhiitul Diiuulu * .
Wholesale Lnniher ,
814 S. Kill ulrocl. Oruiilm , Neb. r. ( olpctior. MniniROr.
15th niul rnllfornlu Mrno ( < Omnlm , Neb.
Lnniher , Mine , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cur fth niul lidiiklii" M , Omnlm , Neb.
T. \ IlAUri\'TAMBEll \ CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
OUlffl , KKI Farimm nlrootOni li .
Jlarihvood Lumber ,
Wooil Cnriictn nml rurqnrt Floorhii. Plh Kiid Douglni
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported anil Aincrlran Vortlimil Cemi'iit.
Aucnt rur.MUn uikullTilrniilli Cement nod ! )
yulnrj VVIillol.ln'i !
Uye Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited. John r. IIoj J , a
Millinery and Notions.
J. OHKlirEhDEIi C CO. ,
Iniportci'iiun Jobbers of
Jlillinery mid Motions ,
ii3 mt UlSlliiriipy st ccl OmalmNeb.
notions. A i V
c. ? . ( Toonjircir , c co7
Arc the only Direct Importers of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
! n Ntliriikij. riilniRo price * dnpllciitcd without add *
lux freight. HI'i 1 nriiiun f-Ili'l t. < minim.
r. > . 'jtojtixsox WM'JTOJX' co. ,
Wliolosilo Ileilcr" In
Notions < ind Furnishing Goods ,
tm nnil < ( > ' > 8 Trnlh Ml , Omaha.
Notions , Hosiery and Gouts' Furnishing'
100Giiiiil 1003 I-'irimin nt , Omnhn , Neb.
jranufaetiirera of Overalls ,
Jcnim 1'antx , MilrlH , Ktr 110'nn'l ' lltU Douulua Street ,
( tm.ihii , Ncli.
.loh Printers , Hliink Hook Makers ?
Aiul llouk lllntlerii. 1H ( and 11M Houth Fourteenth
utrcet. OmnliH , Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
raealer liiTTp * . I'ro < p ninl Printer * ' Huppllei. W )
Poiilli Twelfth htrei't.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
HIjr/.v MO nnifi o co. ,
tlanufiicturorn , rackcn itnil licnlor * In
Picklec & Strictly I'uro Apple VhiPflfnr
Unking I'nwilrr , riiivorlnit K tnui . Tnlilo fiaure ,
I ri-ncli .Mu lii"l V'isli mulm : , ( IriKt-rn' ui > cc'-tl ! ! \
hole | ipnli lor Vnik Mule inniIli'tlnud \ Ai | | > lo Ci
der , lllx ! l.CMVCniM.illi hi. . Oinuliii
Safes , Etc.
Oiiiahn Hufe Woiks.
MunufncliircrHiif Kim nnil llurclnr Proof Bnfcf. Vnnlt
Dourt.Jnl ! Wirk.Muit cm and VMro Work. Cor ,
HtluinUJJckiuM hlK , On.i. hn.NJb ,
for ilall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Flru nnd Huri : nr Proof Hif' ) , Tlina ! / cki , VtulU
umlJnll Work. lOJ ) | nr.ium Mn-ct Omalm , N b.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
e co. ,
iiilo .Miimifnrliiruii of
Sash , Doni'H , ItliinlH and Moulding ) * ,
II anrh ofllco.U'ili uud Unnl d < , Onmlin.Ne ,
G. l < \ LVMAN ,
Sash , Door , lUiiidg , Moulding ,
Ilulldlnn I'npcr. olr. IWl hoiilh Thlrtpontli ELreet ,
OiimliNrb , A < riiiilt | > ni tnck of Ilullderi'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Jonl.lliifn . StnlrWoikund Inti rlnr llnrd Wood Klnlth
Juil N K cor. Bih nnil Iia\iinnuUliBU.
( uniihii , NrtJ.
Putn/is ,
L r UM rc. ,
Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ? .
Etenmiuid VViiti'r Siiiijiliit UcniliiiaMcr | < fir Xlbtl
l-o iilO > ' ( dooiU. lull am nil t . Onmlii. Null ,
, PipiiH and ,
i , VViiiir , ILillcny and JIlHInu Siiili-t. | | ] Kto ,
IV ) , vxuilV4 ! rurnitm et , (1'iuli.H , .Ntli.
tfTti. irrxi > Ey < i fxn
Iliilladn r Wind Millt ; rli-niu nnd VVi.tor
J'hinil.liiK . liorlf. Ik-ltlnf , IIn > ( > 1 > U Hint .rJO rh
iiuni et. , ( liniiliii. h K 1'elloii , 4Uu ii.r.
'I I'lojihoiiu No.MU. .
TV units ,
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllnnl Hotel niock.Oumha.
Wagons and Carriage * .
A , t/i fifMI'fiO T ,
Tlio LeadliiB'C'arrliiijo Far.toiy ,
1(00 ( mid 1411 Ii'yilcu ilrept , Oniklin.
OMAHA numnit cot
Dculcrlu AUKIiixisof .
iinililiner Material ut V/hoIcRale.
Hill Street mill Union I'nclin Trilk. ' ( jii.'nti.