Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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it ,
SfT"larf MoPherson Shows What Party
Ho.3 Done the Stealing in the Past.
Jli'nHremllnj * Kcuiici , Among Dm-
r-lmrgpel I'rlnle'ts Many Army Oi-
ilcrnAlnniitii N Siii < ( < p > , or Col *
iK Ciunpulu" I'll nils.
limn linn Mullooti
\ \ \tiiiNe.niv , Oct. i. { Sppdnl Tclocram
to Hi'1 Hi ) . Secretary Mrl'liuttnn , of tin1
le-pii'-lii-nti ' rnimrus-tliinal committee , lias
\\tittrn a , luttt'i about the recent eliM-lo-mros
so pilli'il , of the rpfflstor of tintriMstiry. .
That "Hl ( Inl , iindur a ti solution of iliu house ,
I'nosi-el ft compilation to be niiili ! of thu itov-
e-riimi'iit's unsettled iMlaiinslth its e-iti-
7i'iii. poUloii ol wlileli , ii-liitinc to tlio last
t\\i'iii > years , innkus up the snliitancc of the
drmorrntlc rainpalKii text hook , the design
bolni ; to make It minear llieie has lie-en a vast
ninnunt of stealing under ieiublk [ > an admin
istrations Sfcii'tnry Mrl'licrsun points out
tlntt ( iriorto IMU tlio ] > crccntuo ; ot losses ,
both In iccniDt nnd disljuiseiiiunt of public
tnonoy , was SVJ1 pur 51,000Mu \ lioiu isfil
to twit was : : cents on thoSl.OOO. In other
uorilq the losses of tliouenurmiirnt under
< leniooratlcnilinlnlstratioiiNeiethliteen times
ttlmtthuy uuiu when the icpuhlli-ixn party
was In po\\ot. The simple truth is that the
rcimrtof the ie ister ol the tre.ismy Hliewejil
A\ lint unsettled balances were In nluetuen
cnses out of t\\enty , these balances having
henn disputed by ofllclals whose accounts
\\ureiiot closed lit ) , hut the democratic com-
inltteo put In a pliasu of Its own. chniulni ;
that the oIllcInNlio disputed accounts \\i-io
( letanlters Among thobo thus stlrniutlziei {
are loading niemlieis of its o\\n party. J ,
Sterling Morton , of N'obrnsKn , 1ms an account
ncalust him as sceretniy ol Nehiaska t"ni-
toijhicli has ncM'i been settled. Acconl-
Inj ; to the demociatlc r.ini | > nlKii book ,
ho is a "detanlter. " rmiuta sninn Cur-
tin's ar-counts as minister to Kiissia ate still
nn-ettled , hut II his party associates are to
bubelloud , ho slolo inonu } from the uovein-
ment. Un the same anthoilty .so illdJohn'iro ) ) Motley and lle\erdy Johnson , min
isters to ( ireat liritain ; preshli-ut .lohn
Otiiney Adams , Vlco President P.inlel 1) .
'lompklns , .James A H.ij.nd . , grand lather
of the present sec'ietaiy ot state , and hosts
of others ulio ha\esei\ed their country in
lilch pi ices at home and
jMcI'herson thinks thlsunon li to explain the
"balloon liguiea" ot thu legistei's list ot bal
Tin : MIIIS riiiK : : ) SMI. ST.
It is mm pretty uenei.ill ) iindeislood that
the stiietuies which ha\e In on pissed upon
Cenoral .Mile ) In connection \\lththusiu-
rendei ol Ueioitiiiiouie ) insjiiieil by of-
lielals at the wai dcnaitiiicnlheio a .seeiet
Is no loimur of ( llspleasiiru at lecelviiii ;
the miirdeious chiel under any condition
whatever. 'llils evenliiK'sMar has the fol-
loliijr editorial comment upon the subject ,
which it Is said shows the tenoi ot the feel-
Inic entcitalnul by tho. societal v of war :
' The chaise ) that he accepted ( ieroulmo's
surremler on conditions , which was soliroi -
onsl * . denied by liieuds ol ( ieneial Miles
A\hen the news ol the alleircd captnro was
first sent east , Is nrovcd tiui > by the Keneial's '
own repoit. This puts the covoinment in a
\ery L'liiti.inassini ; position. Thionnh Its ac-
eredlted agent it has given a pledco ol IIP-
niunity to the savages , which Is in direct
conliaventlon ot piomlsesi said to have been
made by leading membeis ot the administra
tion to citizens of the tenllorv wheio ( Jeron-
Imo's band lias been making itself a pe-t ,
and of the oideis of the war department
concerning the conduct ot the campaign. It
cannot icvoku the acts ot Its rcpiesent.Uhe
and put the m.u.uuteis b.ick Into a position
wheie they weio bflomhe began his work
against them. On the eilliui baud , the piece-
dent of .simple Iiiipilsonmeni for such crimed
ns the muidernt non-coinbatantsis a danger
ous onu to establish In an Indian country
just now , when other clilels aie weighing the
pros and cons ot a raid on their own account.
K Tlieio mav beyonm tacts , not \ut publlshod ,
wiilcli will Millielently explain Oeneial Miles'
ootii se in the matter , wit it Is not likely that
bis olllclul .snpciiois will make lightol thu
/oiicn&o / against discipline laid at his door. ' '
AHMoiciiis. : : .
Lieutenant Ui.wlund ( . . 1II1I. Twentieth
infantiy , aide de-camp to his tathei-in-law ,
( oiili I' ' 1'otter. has been detailed
nsnetlng Indue d ocato ol the Uepartment
of Mlssoml with lank ol captain.
AIIIIJ leaves gianttd : Majoi bamiiel Heck ,
assistant adjutant , Umaha , one
Captain Walters. Duggan. Tenth inlantty ,
Ft Union , NowMexic , one month with pin-
jnission toapplv foi lifteen divs' oxtension.
J li'iitenant Isaac \V. Ijlttell , Tenth Inlan-
tiy , Ft. Loii , Colonulo , one in null.
Ijltiiilennnt Daniel N. Howell , Seventh In-
faulty , J' ' ! , Lai.nnie.Voiuiug , onu month
with iit'imlsslon ta apply tor lateen days' ex
Lieutenant Isaac W. Llttell , Tenth Infan
try , Ft. L\ou , Colotado , one month oxten
Lieutenant Daniel \ , . llowell , Seventh In
fantry. I't. LaiamleV > dining , one. month
with iH'imiridion to apply toi ono month ex
Acting Assistant Surgeon II. S. Hasktn ,
Ft. Omnlia , ono month with peimLssIon to
> npnly lor ono month extension.
Ainiy i in loughs anthori/ed : Corpoial
Frank Q. Dunn , tioop L , Seventh cavatiy.
'Fort Itnlotd. Dak. , lour months ; Piivato
John Connelly , hand. Sevunteenth int.intry ,
Fort David A. KiissellVvo. . , lour months ;
Sergeant John Doyle and Viivato James \V.
Holt , eompany C , I'llieenlli ' Intantiv , Foit
Kufoid , Dak. , two months : 1'ilvatoValter
II. Clregoiy , troop K , Klist cavalry. I'oit
-Asslnnlbolne , Mont. , loitv days' o\loii"ion.
* Lieutenant Colonel lid win C. Mason ,
' , Foulih intiintiy , acting inspectoi geneial lor
the depaitment of Dakota , is otdeicd on thu
same duty in llio deputment ot Arl/.onn ,
takln , ' the place ot Majoi William ( ! . Uium ,
Fouiteenth Infantiy. who is ordeied to the
department ol Dakota.
Major Dunn will lonort at his new station
nttho exiilration ol his sick leave.
t x J , . . , jrANMNO A.M > Ills hUJ ClIsSOII.
ilVfHauthorativelj stated that henator Mc-
I'herHon , ol New Jerfey , will not succeed
Jlr. Manning an .sectntaiy of iho tieasury
should Iheiebu a lotiremont soon. At any
ratu , Hecietaiy Manning will i-'l\e. hlnihclf
41 M fall ! ti l-il , us It Is the gennal impression
'that under any eiienmstaiiees ho will not 10-
- sign until atlei the Novermberelections. The
president will 'hen bo hcttei able to judge ot !
of the status of the admlnistiatlon befoiotho
peoplicand to make a htiitablo selection of
another cabinet i Ulcer.
Jciome McCahan lias been commissioned
tinstmnstcr nt Nrra ) , lown.
Jt Is believed Iheio will bo but few moro
dismissals at the goveinment piloting otllco
nnd eoiilldenco is being icstoiea In these
eronlnio's Coiiclitiniinl SurroiulcT
Ties the Govoriimom's IIjunln.
' "
WAsniNdSo.v , Oct. 1. The annual leport
of ( iiMiural Mllps is still In the bands ot the
president and lias been the subject of a hriol
conference to-day between hlm-julf and Secre
tary Endlcott , but It Is uiiilci stood that no
line of action has yet been decided upon In
sret'ard to timt portion lelating to the burien-
aerof ( ieionlmo. Wbllo the text is not jet
ncccssablo for publication , it la Known that
In respect to tlio matter -Miles does not ex
plain himself to the .satisfaction of the au
thorities. and that his gianting of the condi
tions , whlcUnro now understood to bo even
inoia liberal than have heretofoie. been t > ti | > -
posed , Is the tnibicctof ombairnssinent anil
poiplexity. Without saying B In emphatic
teims It Is gatbuicd noin the general's
roundabout expressions on the
Hubji-ct that the agieoment was niado that
the lives of tlio prlsoneis should bu
protuctwl , and tliey should bo lemovedat
oncofrom Aiuona. Jn this re.spect Mile.- ,
lias. It Is said , goiio contrarlly to ( how el
underbtood wishes of Ids superiors , which
wctlon amounts practically to disobedience ol
orders. The only icason suggcslfd lor tills
couise , in the absence ot any satisfactory
statement on the point by Miles , Is that it ho
did not secure the prlsoneis > in tub way they
would make terms and surrender themselves
to tlio Mexicans. This would huvo rcndeml
. tiotci | initiation of the campaign appaiently
less credltablo to the Americans. In this
state of atr.ilrs thuro seems to bo nothing
which the authorities uan doloi tno punish-
weut of the prisoners , except to keep them
permanently ns prisoneie of war. K\e'i
the clvllauthoiitlai of Auzonai'c '
mand them for trial with the ino t posltHe '
iioof of muriler roatly for pro entatlew , the
lands ot the administration would bo tied ,
llio Surrender Was Unconelltlonnl.
NFW IKvi.v. Con. , Oct , 1. The * state
ment In Ueiicral MlleV report of the
Aiai1iecamiialL'ii | , maelo public nt Wasliinz-
! on juMvidar , that ( lermiimo was neit cap-
: ure-el but surrenderee ! unconditionally. Is
ce > ntradicteel bj CnpUiti Lavttuii , who was In
coinmaiiel of thu linited .States treioiiH at the
: lmo eif the eupture. In a prlxnte- telegram
' lieutenant Alhoc , of the Wlnehestor
nj , elated at Huqin-re , N. M , Captain
Ljuvtim cxiiliriti ) elenips that the surrender
of Oeroiilini ) was coupled \\ith any condition
whiit'HMmir , _
I'rUnto Se-rrctni'les in tin ) AVlillo
ileniso Since llm-lmnan'R Time.
New VotkSiin Dan Lament is Clove-
land's right hand , nnd arood , sluing ,
[ u-rsimsho one , too. Sometimes lie is
is potent ns liotii hanels. lie may eicea-
lionally be ei-n hi New Yeirk , ii one
kmnvs'him. Otherwise he vyemlil attract
nobody's o > o , for ho is eiuiot , taciturn ,
inul pre fers to look on at the cienvel from
afar lut ! if you got near enough to look
Into his Scotch eyes you will see caution ,
shrewdness , and n keen , penetrating
iliince. Ho will hardly he content with
Ins career as Clove-laud's privatesetre -
litry Perhaps ho may go to the White
Hetuso iig.iin some day. Who knows ?
Senator ( .ionium useid to bo a page in Ih'i
senate ) , nnd ox-Acting Secretary e > f State
llitl was , n fuw ye-ars before * , stenogra
pher lo a congress committee.
Fred Phillips was a much more import-
nut right for Piesidunt Artlmr than
the politicians generally thought , lie-
was as taciturn , if necessary , as Lament ,
but concealed his taciturnity nnelor
disguise of childlike mnoconco Phillips
line ! a Jillicnll job in keeping the Now
York political bores away from General
Aitliur , anel ho elid it ovcoe-dingly well
Ho is .somotimos seen in New York ad
mit ing the art gallery at the Hollman ,
but ho still lives in Washington
in cle-gant bachelor npartnu-nts
at tlio Metropolitan club. Phil
lips looks with .some ) amiisoment and
ama/ieineiit upon Dan Lament He says
that Lament may belli make or iinnmku
politician" , but ho never will beat the
jiresuluitshooting nlliiraiots or recede
prcsideMitial compliments for the way he
ee > oks planked uliael on the Patomac. Mr
Phillips used to bo asked for by the la-
elies at the wlnlo house , but ho no\er
know that it was for his handsome ) eyes ,
and mil bccatiio he1 was the piesidentS
private ) sccrutary , that they wished to
meet him.
General ( larfielel expected te > elepe-nel
very much upon his right-hand assistant ,
F. M. lirnwn , but for the few months
lirown was ia the executive ollioo ho
seemed somewhat ela/.ed , llo was the
youngest of till the private sccrotaiies ,
anel tile moustache he cultivated was .still
downy when he entered the eillice. Itrowu
had been ( Jarliolti's stcne > grapher , anil
never lan smack up against politicians
until he went to the white house. Now
and then ho comes to New York , anel
may be soon in the corridor of the Fifth
Avenue * hotel , with Tommy Nicnol , who
was once ono of ( lailielel's seori'tanos
lirown is now assisting Mrs. Garlield in
the * management of her estate.
Hayes' right hand was : i poor , \\itlieieel
inslinment. Hayes made him so. Ho
brought Mr. Rogers with him from Ohia ,
and the seoietary seemed to the politic
ians a curious kind of mortal. If Hayes
had found him with his nose anel eyes
buried in the pages of an old book at a
.second-hand boon stall , pcoplo would
not have been surprised. Rogers was u
tawny , middle-ageelmau , and ho ran the
the uveeutive ollico something as an at
tendant stauels guarii at the tent of a
general , llo comes occasionally to Now
Yoilc , where ho seems to fool lost. Reig-
crs is now a. claim agent \Vut-hingtoii. .
( rant's private secretary , Geo. I5ab- '
cock , was a man with a career when Jio
look the ollico. He was a blunt , brusque
nfliccr , whe * had served on Grant's stall' .
Ho began another career alter he fol-
lowoel Grant into the white hoiiio , anil
came very near goinir from bis ollico
tliero to the penitentiary. Babcock was
the only private secretary , except Lament
mont , who hael , accordinsr to remitc ,
the persuasive voice in tiio car ot the
jiresielent ; but tliero is this elili'orcnce
( i rant was thought to be inllucnccel uy
Habcoek's wishes , while Clove-land is
understood to rely on Lament's judg
ment ami observation in making politi
cal combinations that are to be * elTectivc.
15abeock _ vvas drowned a few years ago
oil'tho coast of Florida.
Colonel Warden was Andy Johnson's
right arm , and a good one. The Colonel
unilerstood the curious mental and tem
peramental peculiarities ot Johnson , and
was able , Therefore , not to run counter
to thorn. Colonel Warden now anel then
comes to Now York , and is instantly
recogni/e'el by thn clerk of the Metropoli
tan , llo is a short , stout gentleman , with
grey hair , and is now a lawyer in Wash
Colonel John Hay lias been , perhaps ,
the most fortunate ) of right
hands. President Lincoln brought him
toV asliiiigton from a law ollico m
Springlield , 111. Hay was then very
. \oimg , but ho pro\od himself equal to the
tii'f.y furnace heat at the Wnito house
during the war period. Colonel Hay ,
Ilowc\ur , turned from politics to litera
ture after ho quitted the White house ,
wrote one beiok , "Caslillian Days. "
which gave him a ele.sirablo literary
repute ; a poem , "Little Ureechcs/ '
which bi'trayod the talents of a humor
ist , anil for a while was connected with
the New Ye > rk Tribune. Ho now lives in
erne of the most beautiful anil costly
houses in Washiugtem , which ho built
and is supposed to be linlshinc : his great
book , "Tho Life e > f Lincoln,1' Colonel
liny oflens comes te ) Now Yeirk , and gen-
eirally pri'fi'is the lirovoort hoiisu. Ho
iliesses simply but oxpoiihivoly , is a
ine-ilmm-si/.eel gentleman , with lull dark
bean ! ami dark eyes. His wife brought
him a fortune of bovoral million elollar-s.
In glancing over the careerj of Ills pie-
eleee.sMirs as presidential right bauds ,
will rulleetioiifi come to him snggeste-el by
the fact that all emit politics whim they
went from the white house ) ? IB Dan Lament
mont going to bo the exception which
proves the rnlu ? Another thing Kvory
ono of thorn lias remained in Washing
ton. It , Daniel going to break the ruin"
Beware of Scrofula
Scrofula Is probably moro general than any
other disease. It U Insidious in character ,
and inanlfcMs Itself In running sores , pustular
eruptions , bolls , svH'lllugs , enlarged Joints ,
abscesses , sure eyes , ctes. Hood'iiSarsap.ulUa
expels all tr.ico of scroIuU from thu blood ,
Ic.iUng It pure , enriched , and healthy ,
"I w. 13se\e-rely afflicted with scrofulaami
over a > earhailtworuiinliiBsorosouniy neck.
Took flo bottles Hood's Sarsaparllla , and am
cured. " C. K. J.oEJOV , l-o\\ell , Mass.
0. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , scrofulous
FOI c.s fur EOen ) cai s , spring and ( all , Ilood'4
SarsaparHIa cuied him.
Salt Rheum
Is one of tlio most disagreeable diseases caused
by Impure blood. It Is readily curee ! by Hood's
Saisaparilla , the great blood purifier ,
William Spies , Klyrla , O. , suffered greatly
from erjslpelua and salt rheum , canted by
handling tobacco. At times Ids hands v > ould
cracl : open and bleed. Ho tried parlous iirejw
aratlouslthoutnld ; tlnally took Hood's Sir-
gapai llln , and now says : " I am entirely well. "
"My son had salt rheum on his hands and
on the cahes of his legs , lie took Hood's
Barsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J , 11.
St.mton , Jit. Vernon , Ohio.
Hood's- Sarsaparilla
Holdl.jr all itruggltti. fl ; UforS5. Made ouljr
| iy 0,1. IIOOI ) A CO. , Ajwtliccarlei , I-cmell.Miii.
( OO Doses Ono Dollar
A Sample of the Pury of a Woman
lint ten's Trouble An Italian's Shortage -
ago Saints nnd Sinners The Kulr
Association A Ham Itiirnoel
Other Ijoeul News.
A AVennnn Scoi-ncct ,
Soiilr * days ago a well-known sporting
man of this city took a fancy to a comely
young woman , who is we'll known in the
citj , and whose character is not nbe > vore
preach , although she hides all bra/en
diiplay in a modest suit of black ami
associates with none of the wayward sis *
ters who are as publicly known as the
names of the streets upon which Ihey
promenade. For a time there was a
veritable honeymoon ami the stream of
picasnru llowod along as smoothly as lif ts
fountain head came fiom the moat oi'tho-
dox matrimonial spring. Suddenly a
chance came ever the conduct of the
man , nnd ho raisetl his hand in anger
against the woman , iie > t once , it is said ,
but fioquenlly anel often , bho elid not
follow the ordinary custom of her sex
and rush to the authorities with tears in
her eyes and complaint upon bur lijn ,
Uli no ! She quietly bided her
lime for revenge , or rather
repayment of the elobt of ingratitude
with interest One morning when too
much wine of the owning before had
closed the eyes of her "liege lord" and
kept the ocular lids down far into the
morning hours , the woman stealthily
arose , took a sharp knife that had boon
previously prepared , ami commenceil
operations. She skillfully removed the
sh'eves from all his coats , including a
eostly "MVallow tail1 neatly divided his
unmentionables like a cook eloes a mack
erel , did the bame with his vests ; perfor
ated his best gaiters as if they wore about
to encase buiimncd feet , sliced up his
best cabinet photos of near and eloar
jriomls , let the silent sawdust of his boy
ing gloves see the fieo air of day anel in
a word was an ieonchist to all his graven
images in addition she made a strong
salt brine and eloctored all the * liquors in
his well slocked bar so that the usual
coek tail callers anel other matutinal
drinkers imagined the were pationi/.ing
the Lincoln artesian well or indulging in
a Syracuse sangareo Then she telephoned
for a cab , and em its airival she cut the
telephone wire so no electrical "fnyj"
could be made about the matter , and
then and there she divorced her.solf from
all relationships with ono , who to-day is
the maddest man in two stales. The
woman laughs , anel well .she may , for
there is no elange'r ol any complaint
being made against her that wonlel at
tract the public cyo and the matter
might got into the papers.
' 1'bo Clove * Contest nt ttie Imposition
Annex To-night.
The glove contest that took nlaco eiur-
ing fair week between Marx , "tho Texas
cowboy , " and Mike Fit/ger.ild , tlio Utah
champion , elid much to increase life interest
torest in pugilist c events in Omaha. The
contest was the first that hael been wit
nessed in tlio city for a long time in
which the contoilants wore men of ree-
ord and the contest ono of scientific
wxjrkfor ppinls instoad.of hippodroining.
Thjs intprost has been iuAreusedjby the
movements in pugilistic circles which
resulted in a match between Al Marx. , the
winner of the battle referral to , anel
James McCornuck , a Chicago pugilist of
note. Those men have buon matcncd
and will appear at the exposition a-iimst
to-night in an eight-round glove
content , Marquis of Queensbiiry rule- , , the
winner to get the e'litire gatereceipts ami
the state championship modal. Marx is
backed by Captain O'Malley , and will be
secondeel by T. ISraellmrn. McCormick
is backed by 11. Hothory ami will bo seconded
ended by I'lt/gcrald. Every attention
has been paid to the elc.ta.ils of the ar
rangements , and an orderly and success
fully managcil contest is assureel. Uoth
Marx anel McCormicU arc in excellent
condition , and an interesting contest may
bo exnccteet. The ele > e > rs will bo open at
8 o'clock this evening. A number of
local adepts with the glovu will furnish
entertainment until 10 o'clock , when the
event of the evening will Do called.
Saints null Sinners.
"Saints and Sinners" brought out an
other immense audience to the opera
house last night , who laughed ami crieel
through the live acts of tlio elrama with
the heartiest sympathy. The play has a
higher literary merit than moat produc
tions of a similar nature , and thu com
pany was eyenly balanced and satisfac
tory , saving an occasional slight tend
ency of the principals tovvarel the molo-
The play tolls a simple stor } ' of English
country life , such as has often happened
ami often will ocour as long as women
aie weak and men unscrupulous.
The village beauty , the daughter of the
village priest , is beloved by a simple but
honoit son of the soil , ami while yet
half-won , she is decoded fremi homo by a
dasliingeioljonairaniiv ollicer , who keeps
her with bun on the promise of marriage.
Her heart brokem father heoks her out
ami a lieico altercation ensues
between her betrayer ami himself , JutU
ns things are beginning to look danger
ous ami the audience is holding its
breath in suspense , the aforsaiel son of
the neil rushes in at the nick of time anel
an nllbctivo tableau einsues , in which the
guilty party is represented us getting
baellv loft ,
The play directs many a well aimed
blow at Hypocrisy ami narrow mimled-
ness , vvholesennely ventilating craft ami
greed , masquerading in the guise of ro-
ligion. The characters nro elravvn with
superior skill , anel are Hfo-liKo sketches
of actual types , suah as may be found in
any parish , and the entire'story was .So
true to human emotions that the most
blast theater-goon , wcto surprised into
The principal character was that of
the old minister , whioh fitted J. 11 Stod-
tarel so naturally that ho scarcedy scumcel
to bo acting. It ia a careful pieeo of
study , showing both rolinement anil
strength. Ills portrayal of the doting
lather's shame when ho learns thu news
of his daughter's llight , was a piece of
realism that rouse'd the audience to un
wonted enthusiasm , and caused them to
demand his appearance before the cur
Marie Hnrroiiglih made a line impres
sion. She is , pretty anel natural ,
withal possessing Miflicicnt power to be
everything dtisirnblo. :
The other parts were all well sustained ,
the tart but faithful servant being well
taken by Mrs. E J. I'hilipps , The play
will be repeated this afternoon nnd
evening ,
South Oinabii Fire Dupiii'tincnt.
A meeting of the South Omaha lire
company was held last evening , and thu
following ollicers elected : P. Walker ,
foreman , I ) . Johnson , lirat assistant ;
Thus. McUnlro , second assistant ; John
Canol , treasurer- . E , Reuther , secre
tary , Twenty members were enrolled in
the company „ A committee was nj > -
pointed , consisting ot 1 * F. Walker , Thos.
McUniro , and Mi Nher , to confer with
the Union I'.ieilirtianil Hie Setuth Omaha
s\ndicate in re'gaWfjV hydrants and the
laying of main' . " 1ThA company adopted
the rules and piSlAWs of the old Omaha
Volunteer ho e hmirwury , Ihe meeting
adjourned until wutiy at S o'clock p. in.
sharp. _
M. YifftcWInjt's Hcinalns.
The coroner's inqiivstcner the tcmums
of M. Yoackloy , who wa killed in the ac
cident on Ninth 'tre'l on Thursday afler-
noon , resulted Ja.thn liniliugof a verdict
of accidental d&ilhl and holeling the
owner of the bijilm.hg blameless in the
matter. Yeackli'-y , it has been learncil ,
lived at Prsston , 111. A brother of his is
expected to arrive ! lierato elay. lie waste
to have gone with the elocensed to the
Chadron country to secure * a claim. The
funeral will take place from Prexel &
Maul's tmelcrtaking establishment at U
Stredbuckor , one of the victims of the
accident , was lemoved to SI Joseph's
hoiiiital jesteieluy from tlio Omaha house.
He was' t'ikoii ( o the Omaha house * just
after the accident by the police authori
ties ami loft there without any medical
attention until je'lorelay. lie is rapidly
recovering from his injuries.
natton'i Troubles.
Jninoa Batten , the yeiung fellow who
Was arrested ohaigeel with perjury in
falsely swearing to the age of the
tl.mghter of James McArello , with whom
Ju * recently elopeel , was airaignuel before
Justice ) Anderson yesterelay afternoon.
Uatten objected to having his case heard
before Justice Anderson , and saiel ho
would obeet | to every justice of the
peace * in the c-ounty except ono. He re-
fusoel te > give the name of the magistrate
huforo whom lie was willing to answer
for his olle'iiso , anel Justice Anderson
sent the ease to Justice llelsoley's court
anel sent the * fresh young man back to
jail to await trial.
A Hunt IltiriirU ,
Al ! o'clock yesterelay afternoon a
liio broke out in a barn belonging to
Amos Crawford , at the corner of Nine
teenth and 1'ierco streets. ly ? an en erin
in the call , which was sent in bv telephone -
phone , No. ! ! company was sent to tno
e-orncr of bixteenthinel Cass stre'ots.
The delay occasioned by the mistake
gave the tire a heaelway that could not
bo cheeked , and the bain and its contents
woio totally destroyed. The loss will
leauh UO.
To-ilay N Vonr Ijnst Clinncn
For bargains at the Boston Dry Goods
Store , OH and ( HO S. lUth street.
A Kite Too 151lor
Boston Daily Globe. At Dorchester
Mr. l-'o-ler M Snurr , the assistant citv
messenge'r , resolveel to make a practical
test of the- amount of vvinel pressure upon
kites. With a vuloQiltf' of fourteen miles
an hour a ge > eel l ree e for kilo Hying
the pressure of winilj-was founel te > be
about one poun'el to the square foot ,
though lor an altitude of above ; siMj leet
from Iho grenmd thirty per cent imisl be
aeleled It wac calculated that as the
piessnro upon theS' kitfi is not direct , for
llio wind sliiles ojV , tlms forcing the kite
up , that it would.ampint | te > about one-
half of the whew surface. Mr. Spurr ,
therefore , concluded -that a very large
kites ce > nlel Do fie > ntnp > : \eryenhiiy man
aged. Aeeordin-gty"with thu assistance
ot some frienels , "liojijjommoneeel a few
weeks ago the c'oiifU iplipnof a kite in the
bhape ot a parallelogram , ) ! feet long and
six feet wieltt , a suruic . of sixty hejuaro
feet. The "sticks/.1 / ofe this great air ship
nk-ooFash , twoivoffefcllttisn ono and -one-
quarter mentis vfitlft -three-eighth ot
an mcli Ihick , crossed if the ccnlrc. At
Ihe point of intersection. iieoe of sttong
wooel is fastcnel perpendicularly to tlio
erossuel sticks , llio piece is round , ten
inches long , and one-half inch in thick-
ne'ss. Across this pieco. and reaching
from tno ends of the sticks , two strips et
ash , of the saino width as the .slicks , are
drawn , making two complete tius-es
These arc each braced by she > i I pieces
abonl two feet apart. Across each ot the
frames two sticks are plnee'd , the one to
hold the whole ( irmly in place , and the
other. parallel to tlio sticks
in the centre , holds the covering
out at the .sides. The covering is
made of gla/.ed cloth , such as is used by
architects in drawing plans , and is ( irmly
fastoneii by cord running through a hem
anel tieel upon the corners ami cioss-
hticks. The "loops" are fastened as upon
an oidinary small kite. The tail of "the
monster is lifty feet long , m.ielo of bobs
of paper fifteen inches long , ami placed
at intervals of about tun mehes. The
tassel on the cnel suggests the tip enel of
a lion's tail , nnd is about three foot long.
the hOp ) te > which the tail is laslened is
long enough to reach the center of the
kite. Thu weight of the wlmle thing is
eight or nine pounds , the frame itselt
weighing just six.
Saturday nftornoon Mr. Spurr , with
Messrs. William F. Men-it t , N. T. Merrill
rill and T. C. Dennis as assistants , re
paired to the liedel adjoining Mr. Spurr's
incidence on Norfolk street to g'tvei the
kilo a trial trip. About live hundred
fuel of cotton nutting twine , tosteel to IfiO
pounds , was run emt from a large reel ,
and the kite bomg held in position by
Mr Merritt , Mr. Spurr , holding iho line
nl a distance of about a ImmTieel feet
from the kite , waited for a fiionelly pull'
to come along , Shortly a brcu/o sprung
up , the man on the string startuel on a
brisk run , and the huge atlair sailed oil'
proneily into the * mr As Mr. Spurr
ran ho allowed the cord to slip through
his glove-el hand till tlio nol was reached ,
At this time thu white airship was sailing
along prettily at a height of fully 200 fout
Then the line was let out about 500 feel
and fastened.
The wiml was blowing about ten miles
an hour , and the kite loelo in the air al
most motionless , occasional ! } rising as
the wind fret-honed. The pressure on the
line was estimated by gooel jnelgeto bo
about forty pouneis , ami a man could
hold it easily with ono hand The ) name
"Spurr , " painted on the covering in
letter two feet longwlien the kite was
ut the highest in the tiV ! , looked like small
type te > the spccta'toft Tndow After ke-up-
ing the kite up nfefst , m the aftuinoon , to
the great wend iiuint of the people of
tlio neighborhood , "ami moio especially
the small boysl > tthe terial monster vvas
easily wound do rt to the reel and carried
oil' the Held ' conclusive-
, having jjl'ovun ) ! }
to her builders tile I'at-t that this air ship ,
like tint Puritan , ; uul Mnytlovvor , was
model led on an uxjonlliint plan.
I' .Men WU ( > j\jfo Katlslloil AVilh
llio lips lirat Are Olljipeel
Iron i
New York Sun A mieldle ageel man ,
not ill elressud , Mini Iniving in his ham ) a
handsome , btinight bnarvvooet pipe ,
walkeel into a cigar More ; in Park row
jcsterehy afternoon , and going up to the
Mand on which is the little apparatus
for cutting oil' the emls of cigars , picked
nil the traj on which the ) little bits ot
cigar tipslull , ami calmly stutl'ed his piiio
with them , takin" care to press the
humpy mass of tobacco down until the
pipe bowl was as full as it would hold ,
Then ho poiiiud what was left in the tray
into his hand and transferred it to his
coat-tail pocket. Ho next carefully lit
his pipe , anel as soon as it was well going
turned around , beamed will ; a patron-
i/.ing smile upon thu proprietor of the
store , aiid sauntered out with the air of
n patron who was satisfied with the shop
and might cull again.
"We never bate tocmpv } thosi trays , "
said the cigar mereihant "We've In If n
elo/elisuch dii Hers as timl who w-ilk in
and emplj them for u < Once in \\hilo
two of them drop in at once , ami one of
them hai to take * a back seal and lill lu
pii > e with air while the other takes the
clippings. 1 remember one oliturj in
stance where Iho man who was left
actually walked up ami bought a live-
cent cigar and looked on with an aiiia/eel
air , like a supeie-iljems million lire , while
the other worked the cigar-tip growler ,
Thov sav the tips make a very gooel
smoke , though Uteri ; is MI much gnni on
tlieni 1 elon't see how they can , but , of
course there is a good eleal of gemd to.
bucco in the-in In the hop where I was
befoic 1 came he-lei , an old man came ami
regu'arlv ' bought for a tnlle the * exe hisive
lighl to thu tips , anel wo hael to dn\e all
the regular cruisers awuHe used te )
come in icgul-iih at certain IIOIIM e'vei\
day anil empl } the tras into a bag he
cairicd witli linn. Hemiisl lime hid a
eleven mole placeon his circuit , for the
bag was efton twe ) thnels full What he
diii wit li lhe < slulV 1 elon't know , fen he
e-oulilu't have ) smoked it all himself.
There was some sort of an Lvetalian fake *
about it , , \ou can bet on that , | heaiu
always up to MIIUU of thoi-o .skin a cent
schemes. "
l' anpe.
Nfew Yorlt Sun. Six- years ago Dr.
Junker distinguished. Russian ethiiolog-
ist and uxploior , buried himself in this
depths of Africa to pursue his scieiitilio
labors. Sehvvcinfurth , a few years bu-
tore , had brought homo man } fuels about
two very ic-markublo tubes , llio Niam
Niams anil the Moubuttos , ami it vvas
tliero ] ) eopio | unil their country noith-
etist of Ihei great northnin benel of the
Congo thai Dr. Junker proposed thor
oughly to study , lie wont to Africa at
his own cxpe-nse , nnd for four years
lived nlono among these tribes , dwell
ing in their liuts , eating frie'el ants and
other unique products of Niam Niam
cookery , studying their languages anel
oiistenns , and exploring their country.
Ho founel that the Niam Niams wore not
anthiopophagi , as Schweinfnilh had be
Dr. Junker at last concludeil his
labors , ami was about lo return to Europe
with Ins large collections when tlio
Soudanese upiising in the north nnd
tribal wars in the semth cut oil bis retreat
and made him practically a prisoner in
the heart of Africa. Last year two ex
peditions , one Irom Xau/.ibar unel'the
other fiom thu Congo , were soul lo his
\\oliadonlyjuslheard that one
ol these expeditions hael returned to the
coast , dcluatcel , ami that the other was
still struggling tovvarel its destination ,
W hen thu welcome news camu last week
tkat Dr. Junker had escaped the neiils
thai omiioncd him and isue > w e > n his
way fiom Victoiia > Jyan/.a to Xan/.ibar.
Dr. Junker is onuol thu few scientilic
men of cstablislietl lepiU Uion who , in
the interest of their special stmlies , hao
cheerfully cut themselves oil' liemi the
chili/eel world , and for ycais bravoel
immitold dangers in deadly climates
and among savage tribes. Ills welcomu
home will bo all the heartier because
more sciences than e > ue are likely to
piolit by his sulf-saci Slicing labors.
215 S. 13th St. , Onmlm , Nch.
School , County and Municipal Bonds
Hour. 1 > .'iis V. II. Jon-wiv ,
8. s. 1 I.OVI ) , A.r M CAMI'iillI.1 ,
Meinlu'reialvi" > tinC"t I Muiulier % u lit li am Out-
ton liieV" unlst l.iMila ti > iil ! < liaiuonnU Clilcixo
Mcrcliuiim' lzcli > .nie > I Iluindnl I'r.iilt * .
S , S , FLOYD EL GO , ,
ItioKcis In
Grain , Provisions , Pclrulran
For Future delivery
inn Open forlmtliir nnnnon < inr > f-
jiccs can hi-/Hied nji.
KM ) AND 111 .9. J.'ilh
K1SIH > \ V CO.lI.Vl'OCK ,
Genl. Insurance Agents ,
Mc-rcliiuiC * Niitloinil niuiK IIuildliiKi Cor. Kir-
jium unit Kithtts. , IOQIII i up"lulu. .
Toluplioiib No 375 Omulni , Notirudlca.
HKI' M ;
Plioonlx. IxinUein , I'.nptiinii J5,7J3'J74.n
Hrcmii'8Nuwiirk. N J l "ilBil.ti
Ulcn'oVaJh , ( ilun'Hl'ulls.N. Y lW.MM
( JlrarO , i'bllildnlphla , I'd . . l Mf.mi
WetilcliuBtor , Now York , N. Y 1.14 YMS.54
John U nncnrlr Mutual I.lfn .IIoslonA7SI,71U,47
" "
Nebraska Laud Agency
Gencruldoalora In Ho at listato and Iloal Itatato
cCUiiayc'XFaruaui ; ) st Ou.iht Neb
Northwestern Exchange
Fine Wines , Liquors nnd C
713 .N. ICtU St. , Onmlm ,
Hardware , Tinware ,
Cutlery ToulM and Stote * .
Thp l'lr t , Ihn ( IrUlnnl nnd Onl > ntnrch llml l <
rMtii ; | In mm lui Imte n iirncelrul leiitinInlcn
ttf Ihr lnnnitr > t rofpdon II t. quirrs tie r l.iiiff ,
kef fi tbotr Hi fr mi on kinit ( in I 'm m from ti mr I'IR
H " li nl is , n I f VPB n < t , , ruiTi mid . n lint
Hlffnf nl timultrnl po' h tlif h , o > i , n n. ,
litcli , ibortf kni. < lioot > ii tti-ni cirnn t hp M
lone , llcwaretif Imltntioin. Stf tint th n m J O
HI IiINOFU k lllios N w Harm , Conni \ ou
CT.TV tmiia i > S i i
OI7 S . Clmrlow.SI. , St. I.ouln , .llo.
AtrfnUrM4itt f t < o Mtdlolrellrfrl li < * n lonnr
rtimfA | [ IB ILaipttlal UttttntntoC Cn n if NitTni n , f4 m
ftfid Buu tiutiiii thin u olhtr rhrilelin luat. Loul * .
M < tl ; | | > tri ihtw n. | til nil nil IrnliVno *
Nervous Proslfstlon , Debllllr , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurlil and other Aflec-
tlons cl Throat , Sklnor Bones , Dlood Poisoning ,
bid Sores and Ulcers , .r truMtj with .nniniioicj
l fl > , u Itlfil KUnllOo rHntlrl , , , .l.f.l , PMlitrll.
Diseases Arising Irom Indiscretion , EncetJ.
Exposure or Indulgcnco , nblth rioJuet , , m. or ib.
followlnc rH < l < t i r.nuirr , , , d MIH > dlnin-n ot ilthl
and iteff elite numorr , plmH ioo Ihe hcc rliil , l Jtj
ttnlontollir Ktle'rof fml i , coercion of Mr > , , eto. ,
renderlui Mirri K Imprnpir or unluopy. n
prmtntDtlcurrJ. . r.mphljt < l ru-.r .n . lb bole , ot
lntlf J nriepe , n-pelona ftddrp , ConultfcllonatoN
rUtorb ; mill ( rt. Inrlltil .n.l ililtllj oiCdtntl.l.
A Positive Written Guarantee glim u trrryci.
nble cue. tledlclne itnt etj h ts bj m > ll ot < i | reel.
360 TAOE3 , TIN-E PLATKS , tlpfiunt c dth nA
blndlnp tfiioafrtr ? oO li i o i feorcnrr ocT. Ofcr ilftr
Mii-rrut r.apl.-turti tru t lir urtlclpioother
abjrcti * h m j mtrrf , who not , wh j manhood ,
teed thyilenl drear , r fuftq ufr llbwr taciB
iolojr orrrnroiliiettaD
A Hook tlmt pvrrr fAther
eliouM i tin co In ) iit son 'a handa
care. ( Jnt-a all the
ni.d torrlblo n snlls o
iluptu l.Hrly \ ICP nnd Ijcnur _
in re. . tl'roi , knn
of > nm tOf r | Ti-nncf )
il It , TistfuuniialH/totn uulnctitLotiUon Due ton
For Pralt njWmltnun , Ixist Vitality , 3 to Bi-nt
l'rt e i ii iillntlon. Front V A M to5i si.
.K AliLNO. IT-l I-lilliiii M. . N < lurk.
TansilPs Punch Cigars
vroro flhippoil dir/InK thn punt
two 5 oar B-\v itl.otu u drnui-
nu-r fn our cmplov. No other
houne In thniirlil can truth-
lully make nuch n sliowinr : .
Onu ai-eut ( lUuilir ouly )
wnntort lu nuch town.
-m RWTANMLI rii'-i-in.
Nebraska National Bank
Paid \tp Capital . $250,000
Surplub . 3O,000
II. W. Yates , I'rcsielent.
A. K. Ton/aim. vrieo 1'iesiilont.
W. ll S. Hughes , Cashier.
\V. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
11. W. Yates , Lewis S. Reed.
A. K. Toiizalm.
Cor 12th anel Farnam Sts
A General Banking Business Transacted.
N. W. HARRIS & Co.
Jl.i A/t KJtS , L'illCA < ! O.
nnRlflO Or Counti.-M , CIIU > s anil ollioisof
DUIilwt lilKh K'liult ! huuglit antt soM Kiscin : |
olliio liS Duvoiisldio Et. . llostoa. Loiies | > oncl-
Dlillllcil fur
im ruw L MAI.UNO , Fur
gmn in CliliT , Oiurc
ofN J , rMiD
"Jlr uttintlu'i wa ollol It
\oiir Knnliinn 'Mult U hlik > > > b )
Kr l-nlor , Driieelbt , ut Tn nton
ami 1 luvn llt-pil a fnv bottlul
with fur better rflut limn any Z
liuvn Inul I am n coiimipinlint
.uiur nrlfclit In in > jinirticH , uuti
fiml IIirj atl l ictorj "
ii > Din ul im lit i Ihi * hit it I lira o
riSMll li MINM-MI1N
on Oil , I ftUl
( tel Asrutifortliel H )
310. 318 and 320 Race St. . Pbiladebhia. Pa.
( loodman Dni r Cei .Oeml A entsJnialia (
HIM.ur .M.usi.y ,
irov , M\V , iiitsnr. :
li ! ul r liiui vi-iir coiirfo , fnlluni 1 1 ir ttu
ili'triuu ol llaclielor of hi tuncu , u po it-r.iMiiiunoi U9i >
i-lriilvo cnurii-n In Cliuinlury. Illuliuy , ejuoliur ,
Miithi'miitlcs ami I'liftli-H. H KnrlliuUo niu ufUivll
KiiKlneer , Inclihlliiir Imii lei llio unu il | irnfo iliii il
ptudle * iiiiiilliullonaof Klr-ctriclt ) to tliu Arts , I'odt
graduate lunirui tlon In llixlmr SI itliomiitlrM.iIriilitilut.
ADMitiicai nun Ainillol e'licmliiry Hut Amiylnx.
Illoloirr , I'tiyiln aii'l ' A tronnmy ICntriiK'aoruniiii.
BllomSopt lull unit lith. H4I K'ir rnei'lul cinl e <
uuilutliurlnluiiUMlluii tipply lotiiu Culfeeti Trtitiiu
ffttl KP53 / < i H P ff
ARmyH {
tlmt can lie
jiroiliu ed.
pl oof
aie < highly
jleas ) > cd
with them ,
If your f rutrr ur M.AI kcl inun tin uut krrii
tUem.sttUd direct to.VruiuurV C't , . , f'hliavo
Suc'ccssors to Jno U Jacobs ,
/ > 13 JK T A li ID 11 H
A.M >
At the old Manet 1 107 Farnum st ( > nlei
by telegraph so.icitcd and prom4l | > at-
tuiidud to Tuluphouu Ku. x'JO
Special Ordinance No. O10.
AN Ortllnntici * h'\yliiorn pi-cliil 1st nndn oiM
nil-ill on nil lot * ami ion I etiito M Itliln I'nv *
Ins Oilrlet No IH. in ihe-cllj of Ofnnhn , to
i-oxpt tlio < o-t of pnUiiK rnrnam clre e t fitim
on t line of T put lot li Mioc-l to oaM llnoot
Tne lit ) ninth Mice * ! , In Meortntck ( a addition.
M in HI s it hnUnir In on inul hi-lntr hereby
adjudged , ileli rinlne' < l nnd estnhllfdio I Hint HID
f x ml lol inul plix-otof lewl o tntehereinafter
tolot M il to. himen li liot'll ' gpoolllll ) hntuillloil
to the full iinionnt lint-ln IsMevI ntul nwwd
nmiliiKt each of iilil Inn mill pieii" < of luiil
i - tnti'iei.pitluI * . . l > \ iononof the pn\hm tit
tluii | nit of Kiiiniiin Htirot fiom i-n t line of
Iwem C'th sue , i to < n < st llnr of Tweiit } ninth
stiDI I. In Me-i iirinKk s ailihlioit
I MI in nun , ioi tin , pmi'oee of ] > iiliiK the
e < l t Ol Mild pllIlljf
He li iiiilaliu'il ij the-Citj routu'llof the City
ol iiinaliit ;
Si < limit 'Unit the co t of pntltn ? Hint part
it I arinim Mroi \Hlhin t TuMii ) . ' | ) l lile-l Net 4H ,
in Hit- ell ) of Om.ilul , lioincii t line-of T un-
tn'in Miiu-t tea t line e > I T i ntj ninth dtoot ,
IP Mi i nl mlt K iiil lillon , iililco l In lint the Mini
ol * . ! - , ' , , . ' > it. In- HIM the * nmeI" lii'ioh ) iMlotl
mi I iiv -iil , in | itoioitlon | to tin- li'i-t Ironl
iiliniir omit pining , ami necoiditiK topri'lnl
In-ill tlt li\ rt'ii on of ald pa * . Itifr , upon
Hi. InllmMiit'ilo-i'i llit'il loli unil leiel o-tille , in
HIH II li\ tinironoiall ) reeoirnl/ed map of HID
iity if Onmlm , Ksi , llthn inphoil mill pith
liilu'illi > ( le'n. I * lloiiiN : val | i-o t In Itn. MI leleil
mi inlil lots mill uml i-stntu , H'S > ei'tiMl.\iis ftl-
UlWlO \\il
I , \y lim.ll6hlk4.1tiwr A Hill's 1st add f2J II
l'i tei H Snmti-1,11 li hlk 4 , " 70 JW 7 hlk I , " 111 M
1' I' Miiriloltsblk4 | , " aw fll
Hlilmnl llreltimir , IUI blkr , , " I'll 44
Amlio\r .hihliMin , It 10 lilk j , " " 1)41 )
A. U. Dnfrune , It II hlk fi. " ll > 'i 28
w ' It I' ' hlk 5 , " 1 > 7 lit
C Woliiliornef.o ' , It 12 hlk 5 , " V ( H
" It 1,1 hlk fi , M Ui-,2' *
( .3. Panotto , It II hlk 5 , IIO 2H
11 l ! > hlk fi. " Hi" , 2H
1'ntrlck-Dt-nnl'on. II Id Ink 5 , " 116 2S
( ( .mirdnn e link-urn Hunt \ ta\N ) , It 0 lilk
el , llonirs\ Kill s 1st mid . . 110 81
Coinrdon Clm knoii limit A Ihu Kit 7 hlk
n. Hiiro * \ Mill < 1st n.1,1 . , . 13071
Coin-Moil ( hitkvon Hunt A. DnMs , It S hlU
II , Horo-iA. HtU'siKliI . lift ! OS
C.llliains It lillillcil.lloircs.v Hill's Iht ml 111 2J
'thomm.l. KojfciH , It 14 hlK 0 , " I mi IK )
" It in hlk li , " IM IH )
" It Id hlk li , " 201 ! 1J
l.niUvltrPinnk.ll r > hlk Blle > ws ; < VtlirflSlid ! " * * '
II. K..lutuiisun , It il lilk u , " -il I'
ll 7 lilK-i , " 38 111
" It ( Hilk5 , " 71 11
Pm-iili 5 lilk II , " ! U ) 41
Low \ \ . Hill , It ( I hlU II , " I1U K5
" 11 7 Ink II , " 1M1 W
rhmh-s.l. Jnhnvniijt shlkn , " ; ii.s fil
( lllheil M.A : John II. Illtclu-ock , vr 1IM ft
ofs I t'lt It I.euplteilmlil R'Hlll )
.Itlllii It lloltoil.xnh It 1 It I I'apllolHiliI L't : . 0) )
h. I , . Ilinery. mill It li , It S , I'npltol
mill . . 4W 05
A. K Dnliom. ' , ith It II ) It 2 , Cnpl
tel mill . . . . IWt W
A II. llnrirne , onli I.I II S , I'nnltol iielil .atlM
l.oitnuKiilbiih II Its " 4il ! "I
( ie Si'iniunei.w 4iit sniiit tr.ii z , " . . an 2.1
C II Mtixne * . oSJ II Hilhlt IGltii , " 111) ) ( U
Win A llaiiliie-r-nhlt l * < II" " 5ss 41
Mien Ken h , mill 17 lot I , Capitol tulil : nn 81
Chi Minn llmtinmi.siiU IsItU Ciipllol nUil 311 M
lie-lie A. Pollock , siilitult .1. " IU1I M
MM on & I.S. He i el sub''lilt : ) , " HIM SH
A. llnme , vr S. it a , " 111 ! tU
II MnnhiiiK,044 : U n ( > U It null "I H3Cnp-
itel.iihl 2il ; t
Tm-oh Wlllltimi , u'JJ It SH fi snh ' . ' 1 It II ,
Ciiiltomlil | ! . . . . Ill ) ( U
.Inn P lluwkliiH , o 117 It of suh 21 II ! ! , Cap
itol mhl . . BH 21
Ndlhi'l Diult , Itfl hlk I I'm kins' snh of
It 5 , Ciipltol mill 24 01
Ni lllo < . DavisIt II ) hlk 1 IVrUns' biib ol
It fi , Capitol nilil . ItOfi f,0
Nellie'C DixMs , It 11 hlk t IVrklns' milt of
It . , Capitol uilil MJOC
Jno A Methane , s IM It of hlk 11'oiklns'
sn'iltr , , Cnpllol mhl . 137305
Win. A I'liMon , a l.W ft hlU fi 1'erkliis' suh
It o. Capitol mill . . . . . lli'10 40
P.un'l H Ilion n , n I M ftnh I II nCapitol.l&C ! lU
P. A. MeWheiitnr , e'Jii ft snh 2 It II. Cnpllol III" 8.1
J.avmuln.l.Mulo ollw.llltHiih2ltl ! ( , " UK ) 84
oBII nuhllltl ) , " M fil )
.Incoh V Illlnins 57 11 sub ! l It 11 , " iUK 17
\V A. I , ( jilihon , suh 4 III ! . " ! 118 07
A. 1' . I'nkujV. . P. Allen A. J. il. Siiolimin ,
null .ri lill , Cnpllol mhl . . 15901
Mary I ! KolloMr , snh 17 It (1 ( , Capitol mhl fill 23
.1 II. Mlllmil.Mili ISltll.Capilol mhl . . 747 M
M i : . Kollo K-.u .Mil ol Hill ) 2il Itii , Cnpitol 280 ' . < 6
J. II. Mllliuil.nT -.iib20 It li , Cnpllol mhl 117 11
Am on Calm , n 1 f.'It snh I It T.Caullol uilil OSJ 15
Biiiu'l ItciuheiiLioiv , n IJ2 It hub 2 117 ,
Ciipltol mid . . 260 48
A HOMIM atcr. n l.U It snh : i It " .Capitol ad 2 7 fi'J
Ui-o \ \ . Doiiiio.n l.litt sub 1 It f , " .1)0 OU
Win. < 1 ( liiiinhoM , n I.U HBUh2 118 , " 41470
Jno. V Cn-iKhton , snh UtU , " Wl 117
Johnr. Coml , Mih .Ut U , " 1034
" snh 4 ltd , " 212 03
j.y ( iiiiniii.r nit ni nj.u n of suii 511
! ) , Cnintoliiilil 2.1325
Mcjot Hillniiin.ivlUlftof n Wift of snh
Tilt U. Capitol mill . . . . . 014 VI
(1.V. . Uouno.Hiili oil ti , Capitol mill . - . - > 'M Wt
Jno A.e ruiyliloii , unit ol 2Jlh fil. oust ot
nnil ailjmi nt toMili It I ltd , Caplloludd. 205 OD
A. I' , 'leiki-y. W. F Allen A , J il. Swot- 1 hlk I. Cnpitol HIM . . . . 319 b8
A. I' . 'Inkey. \ \ ' . 1J Allen . * c J. M. Swot-
niiin , 112 hlk 1 , Capitol Hill . . I9 83
rrleliiOliuili'ldeir , iiuJ ftoi 11 1 lill(2 , Cnp-
llul Hill ; r.H 6D
M B. Iliilnawoitli , sl'tt of It 1 hlk2 , Cap
itol Hill . 80 80
M. 15. lltiiimwoith , n 2.1 It of It 2 blk3 ,
Cnpitol Hill . . 7203
liiie * . A Mechel. s4tltof lot 2 blk 2 , Capitol
tel Hill . 131 : ii
M.S. JluCoimh'k , It .1 hllc 3 , Capitol Hill DI8 07
IM hlk 3. " illHOT
" o0 ! II ot It fi hilt 2 , " Ifi't ' 03
C. II. ( inlnn , wailt of lift hlk 3 , " 1BJOJ
Jno A. Wakollcld , w DS ft ol ltd hlk'J.Cup-
llolHIII . . 2",4 40
C II e'.nlon.olllll of H ft.hlk2Capllol Hill BJ 01
Dm line bi'liliibblntui , It SI hlk l.Hcniy i :
Shehon's mhl . 25 03
H. .S Hall , o ' , It IDIilUl.lli nry.VSholtim'H
nilil . . 101 29
Ciitliuilnn Mi ( heno ut nl , w / U 10 hlk I ,
llc-nii iVSIiulloii s mid . 10129
Catlierino ! heno ol ill , w 'i It U hlk 1 ,
HnniyXSIiillon'H mid 230 77
U S. Hall.o ' , It 11 hlk 1 , Homy \ Shitl
Ion's add . 230 7T
Nat linn Pin-lion , lt hlk 2 , Ilonrj & 8hcl-
ton's add . . 25 03
Jno. A. AliMmno , It 10 hlk 3 , Henry Sc
Miulloii'i mid 202 53
Jno , A Mi'Shiine , It H hlk 2 , Henry fc
Sliollon'g add . . . . .4" ! t
Jno. M.'lliuiBlon , It I , Kt'llono's 1st ftdd 'MM
" wCTIt It .1 " HW 8l >
MiirtbiiI.ThiirBtnnoUI Itlt J " 141) ) fil )
Mm I liu I , . 'I hui.Ion , it 114II It 1C " ilCI 70
Jno M 'I Inu-.ton , wliil f I It K " ail ; ii )
Jno. D Howe. It I Koyoa' Suhdirisloil Kl/ Oil
It 2. * * Uf CB
( ! eo. W. Tllilen , it.'I , " 2lir 08
0 I' ( hilhli , It 4 " 2fiT 1)0 )
Kllil ! lnlMii , u'Itfi , " 1,1 iM
A.Saunih'is , It 5 , " l.B Kt
e1 I. Hint , ltd , " 3(1' ( . IM
I ) T Mount , It 7 , " 2iiT. (10 (
Jno. I hlk 7. MeCoimiok'nndd 2Jr , 'W
0.17'jft ' It2hlk7 , " 1U8 m
Mmyl'uiioit , n 2H' ' , It It 2 hlk7 , " IM OS
" It 1 hlk H , " ! I41I fl )
" II 2 hlk 8 , " ! ) ! ! KA
Vnlrle-kT Murphy , It slink , " ai'J M
lljionlttod. It 4 hlkM , " ! I4U Ni
It fi hlk 8 , " aii BH
W-irien M. KIIKCII'H. It 1 hlk a , " HI1) ) 88
iitnuukuloj.ltJhllcl1. : \ . " ill ! ! HH
" It .1 hlk a , " III ! ) 8S
I.l\ld II. 4 hlk'J , ' ! UU KS
Pei'llon2 Tliath.ildhpcolal Invos lovlod iiforo-
mid , on Mild lots loipoulivnly , hhall hccoino do- v
Un ini'iit as lolouH. ono leinth ol thn total '
ilinonnt MI lei\Ie d on ria-h nl Hiild lots shall ho-
toiiiodi > liniiiont | In Illlj dajs lienn Ihu iiasnii o
mid iippioval ol thisoidiniini'ii , onu tonlli In onu
ji-ui , ono li'iilh In two , \ , one tenth In Iliieo
jruiH , one n-nlli In lour jni'iH , ono-tnnlli In llvo
ji'iirn. DUO lonlli In six jenrs. onu Iciilli In MIVUII
jn.irH.oiin lunlhln elyhl yi-in and ono-tenth In
nliio > i-us ; iiller Kiild levy.and hulnir lioin the )
) ) iiHsa einnd appioMil nl this oidlnmico I'noli
01 hind hihtallniDiitH , oxiopt HID Hint , Hlmll dimr
liiti'ii-sl .m Ihe iiilool to\eii pur tunt | > or mi-
mini Irom the ilinoof iho leivy nloiofald , until
thn Miino shall hiionio ilollminenit A penalty
ol lU-n pur lonl , toKilhen with Intninnt at the
ale ol onu per ci-iit per niiinlh , piinhlo In ad-
vaurei , Khali ho paid on e.ich ( lolliiiiioiil ) Install-
Sti'llon , ) . Tlmt Iho uiitlro amount of tux go
Imuil uml iisoh o I on any ol bald tola niiiy he
paid by tlio OVA nor nt miy lot , or the untlro
viial | pro ruin piopinlion f mlil Inv on any of
mid loin , iimj ho paid l > > unypoihon on any part
ol .Mild lots within llfty duj.s tiom Mild 1m y , and
Hieiunpon hiirli IIIIH or pmlH of lots , ahull her
r empt Irom miy llenoruiiuiiri * theiolor.
" " 4. That thin ( iidlnamo shall Inko of-
I net and ho in I in eu hum and nfur lupunaiigo.
failed Septeiinlior llth , lliSd
w I' . Ill ( m i , , l'i osidemt Cltf Couucll.
.1. II Souiiunn , city ( 'let It.
Aipro\odSiiil | | < ) nihor U'lh , 1S80.
.1 .1MI.S K. llom , Major.
'J'ln i lineh in d now duo und pujablo lo tlm
em lieiisiner , and uill bovotau culii | < | iieiiit an
NlKiwn in eeiclion .
tSeMi TiiuniAN Hue K , City Treasurer.
Mastcr'a Kale.
JiilhbCiieultCouii ot the United flutes for the )
Iliolin I ol NelinibKn.
ilaiy II. Uivt'joy )
, . , , , ib- j-In thuneory ,
DavidS. Mooio ct al. |
HHI' ( l.e.e IIKOf MDIITrMdH.
1)1 II1.IC iinllui IH lii-roby Klu-ii llnit In pursii-
J linn mid by vlitno of a derico entunxi in
Ihe aliino lant-e.on thu 'Jul day ot DecfinhC'r ,
l 'i. 1 , iill.s : I. Ilioihotteu. hpi-clal ila lur In
iliain-eii in Mild court , will , on the It-tb duy
tit < > iuW , Ihm , at the houi ol 10 o'clock in
tlio lot ( -ilium of thu paid ehi ) , lit Iliu noitli
dooi nf tlio I'nlldl hiiin-H LOIII t house and post
olllc-d Inillilm , la thu city ot Unnilm , Dontrlm
iMiunlj , hiiitu nnd dlstilut of Nulnubku , bwlut
iniLiioii thu lollowInif dtbuilbod piopurly , to-
wit :
HHmtod hi tluionnty of DouulHU.Btiitoof No-
hrrtHUii , and IIOIHK Uil No. hiiienieon (17) ( ) In
llio 1. No ilU ) ten. in Konnl/oaiiil Ituth'i addi
tion to the i-Jty ot Onmlm , an platted uud r < /
( .OldUd I' , Ii DlKIIIIOViKK ,
Sin-dill Muslur In C'lmiuery ,
Oto. U. LVKI : , .Solicitor lui Cotuplpluuul *