Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1886, Page 7, Image 7
, _ _ / THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FUIDAY OCTOBER 1. 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES Advcrtlfcmonlg under this ho d , 10 cents per line lor llio lirst ln ortion , 7 cents for cnclt miu- jcxjnent Insertion , nnd $1 M n line per month No advertisement t iken for loss than 25 cents for the Drst Insertion. Povi-n words will bo counted to the llnot they rntipt run concern- lively and must bo paid in advance All ndvcr tlsement * must bo hnnde-d In before 2 otlork p.m. , nnd under no ciicutn-nnfes will the } betaken taken or discontinued tlolcpliono. . 1'nrties advertising In tlicse loluinns nnd hs.v Ing the nnswors Hi'drus'ed In enr of Tur HTB will plnn o n k fr * n eheck toennbl them to got tholr letters , ns none will bo delivered pxpopt on prc cntntlon of check All answers to ad- rortl'eincnts should bo enolosed In onvplonps. TO I.OAH MOUEi. rpt ) I.OA.N Money I onus plncud on Im- JL Kill e tito In city or county lor Now Knglnml Lonn .V 'I rust Douglns County hank , 16th nnd Chicago ls 807 o 27 $ no.000tolimn. Sums $51J aiid "upward I/mvost rates. HcmiK 1 jtli nnd Douglas sto MM Fo.Nii : 10LOAN-0 F. Duvls.VCo. Heal 1 Kstutc nnd Loan Agents ifO'i Fiirnnm st. jVIOM.v 10 LOAN on real estuto nndoTiat- -LlL tels. D U Thomas. nil MONK1 to invest If jou hnvo good notosto sell cell on J. II. Pnrrotto , 1Mb mid Chi- cago. fKX ) MOMiY TO LOA.N-Iinums of t.U ( ) ntid upwards on ( Irst clnsi real estate security. Potter * Cobb , 1515 Farnnm st. 012 "VI ONfSY to limn on chattel miiT rcnT estiito ; JT ! Inlrrato Interest , J. H. Par rot to , 10th and Chlcngo. 4' ' i ) M KY LOAN 1:11 : at C F. Heed & CD'S.Lonn ofllcs , on furniture , pianos , liors awngona , porsonil property of nil kinds , nnd nil otlior nr- tlelesnf vnluu. without removal. 310 8 lllh , over Hlngliiun'f ) CommUslon store. All busi ness strletly confidential. tiM TOANS Loans Loans. ilonl obtain loans. Collateral loans. ' Chnltpl loans. Longtime loans. Short time loans. Money nh\aa on hnnd to loan on any ap proved seourll } . Inv estmeiit K cilrltlcg bought and sold. Call at tbo nlllio of thu Omaliii Financial ex- chnnge. second lloor of the Itiukor block , s. w. cor. of Fifteenth and Fuinnin bta. _ Corbptt _ Mtiniigiii. 753 TVT"o\iT\ LOAM At lowest rattsof Inter- I'l eston fnrms and Improved city property. 1' . J Day A , lo. , room fi , Cmiiso block , S K. corner CiipitiUjivoimo and inth street 'iU-0 B 2500,00 < ) 'I oloandnTTTaalm city property nt (1 P poroont Interest. O. W. Duy , ever 1312 Douglas Bt. ' 113 G l'iu : Oi ; : < T Money to oiiii. J. J. Malionoy" IKn Fnrnnm. 5" > 'J 61'ISIl CKJ. r money to loan. H. 0 Pntter on , 13th nnd Douglns. CO. ) G7 , nnd 8 percent money to lonn Mottgngcs taken In exchange foi roul cstnto Central Investment Co , Hoom 7 , lluikcr llloolceor llth ami1'nrnMn K- i > [ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - w Khnvo cheap money on longtime , m nny loiin on inside city property.or farm land. Marshall Sc Lobeck , 1511 Furnam st. _ _ C02 MONKY TO LOAN At lowc" ? ratestlmnnii } where else In the elty.onfiinilturo. plnnos , organs , horses , wngons , or stock ol any kind. Ilomombor , at lower rates than nny other loan company in the city. City Lonn & Mortgage Co. . room 16,1404 rarnam st , opposite Pulton betel. fiOl Ml > Niv to lonn by the undersigned , who has the only proporlv orgnnl/ed lonn ncrenoy in Omnlia Ixinn * of f 10 to $1,000 mndo on fur niture , pianos , organs , her ps , wagons , machin ery , &o , without removal No delays. AH business Ptriitly eontldentlal Loans pomade thnt nny pnrt cnn bo paid nt any time , encfi pay ment reducing the co t pro rntn Advnncos mndo on fine wntches nnd diamonds. Persons should cnrofully consider who tbov are dealing with , ns mnny now concerns nro dnlly coming into eilstencp. Should you npod monov , enll nnd pea me. W. H Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncll , 15th and Hnrnoy. Ofl 6 CKNT Monov to lonn. Stewart Koom. ) . Iron bnnk. 12th nnd Farnnm BTISINZISS CHANCES. "TTlOit SAIiK liukory , confeetionery nnd - lunch room , cheap If sold soon ; sickness cnusoor Rollliw. Iimnlio of Kopp , Uiolbus& Co. . llOil Fnrnani St. , Oinalui. Nob. _ Jlrl ! _ I7'Jvf'I-'rQliriir ' ! ; tniidc > or. JUli nnd I'ar- -K .ulinui. Hoins : n'good business. _ _ _ j _ _ _ 8S3 1 * TTlOlt SALIJ A i'lrit class restaurant nt a bart - -t ? Ruin. Address O fil , lloo olllco. 82J I * FOIl SAIiII A ( ? oed imjlntr lunch counter for _ SlOO cnsh , addresrf P 1 , lleo olllto. 881 30 * BUS1NKSS CIIANCU A rnro chiinco. n p irt- nor wanted with n low hundred dollais , n ( rood pa > lnir unit cttlnbllshul business , address O 72 I lee olllcf. w 7 3 ) * FOIt'sALL Ntoo stock of "pioeorlcs. bu l- ness ( rood location 111 it-class Cause for sollinif piopilotoi wishes to retire from bus iness. _ Addross.jO . 41) ) Hep olllco _ 717-30 TT10H SALK DriiR store In live town north- J.1 eaptoin Nebraska , county sent. Oood ron- sons for SPlllnir. Apply to F. Hanscn.irholo- gnlo drutfs , Sioux City , la. 745 4 ITlOlt ' SAI.K 12 Teem hotel on corner lot 1(10 ( X' xlPO ft , neitMlepot. f..OJO , 5700 i-ush , n rood snnn of vroi klnvhorsos taken IIB part payment , time iflvon on bnlaneo to suit. Address. T. W F. bo15 South lloml. Nob. TM ft * FOH BALTjlmplomont store niurblaeksmTth Hhop , comhhipd or Hoparntoil , in ono of the liveliest towns in Nebraska. Tor further par ticulars address L. I ) , post box 104 , Ileomor , Nob. _ IT OH UA.I.K ono of the oldest established 1 ? ifrocory business In the city , with \ciry lBr e , well paying trade. Will exchange for 1 Omaha roul cstnto or part cash and halanco secured - V cured notes. ( liiod reasons trlvon forsnlllng Address 1415 Jonca. _ _ wi7 FOUSVI.E-Or trndo for Omaha proportyT The best loeutoil liv cry business , with stock In the city. I/onir ICIIHO of bam at cheap rent , Mayno llros , lliip Kamain _ 411 _ HOUSKS I ot , rarmB.lJ\nds numoy lontibd. llcinls , l.Mh nnd Douglas stroots. nitt rouiTD. TAKKN UP-On Mi Hnsto's land , woxt of the poor farm , nno bay pony about IB j ears hind foot white Inquire on the idaeo. Martin Johnson. ' .in. I 2 * LOST. $6 IIRWAHI ) for the return of my pockotbnok , lost between tlio tiaiHfer depot nnd real- donee , Sept. 27. C. W Thomas , tUJ 1'aik nvo. IWO 2 LOST dnetlll pup , llifht Imir , blnok noso. Itotuin to HO ) Duugl ist st. nnd gat reward. _ BiH 1 * _ IOST on the street , drawer of Singer fumlinr 1 inaohlno , contnlnlnvnll attaolimonts to machine chineI'mdcr return to 17US Dorcns etreol. _ 1 < mil ciontnut No 2i(172. ( convnvlnir tta IIOIPS Irom the Jl A M. H. U C , , tnJ.M. o , rinderwlllbo puld feu trouble of IOHV- me nt this oll'co. ' KHi ; n > Y OST. A plain bind gold finger i Inn- , either J-J onUth.l/nidor 18th atroot. with thonamo "Inez , " en&ravod on Inalde. llio finder will pjeasiijeji vojit lieuottleo Kti V ObT PocUof instrument PIIM > , at or near tlio XJ poatonito , Howard oBmo'l It loft at the Hep olllco. iiso V 0s" ! ' A line leit Unit ghnwl , about d"oTelopk J-/ Saturday ovcnlng , Sept. 11 , Leave at tbls ollloo and got lew aril. -"Jl T7UHST-CLASS tatlo bimid forgentliiman und J' wlfoor single gpiitlemon. In prlvntu film- lly. 114 N. 18th , but , Dod o nnd Cupltol nve. BOAKDlNlf Partles wishing good Hoard 7o7 $3.50 per vrecU ; day board f J.oj ; cull ut 111W N 17tn M. 102 i BOAHDIMI-Good day board , lOldTnliroTiniir . 4I7O1B' BOAHD- And lf-lalngs , ntUS N. Jt'lu st 018 I > I5H&ONAL A widow lady of thirty , pos- Bossed of menus , desires cnnirMmiidonco with u tiontleman nf menni. Object , matrl- wony. Addn M Cutiospondlng llurouu.Willicr , Neb liiclosu two i out ttamp for reply. 0151. PEltbONAL-ljidlea or cents socially or run- trjimmlally Im lined dpjirtng correspond ence with tlio cippohilo box bhnuld address the Corto-pondlnir llureuu , I'anuma , ] u. Ltati. lUhucI tliruni.l ) jears , niiclly ccntldentlnl. Kn- oloeutlainp forrepl ) . BJ02 " -If JullnO Smith 4 OJ lleo olllco , ghe will luaru Bomtihlng to her advantage. II , K , Smith , bUlihU * WA N'lT.n Pu"piTr"f or"Oermnu imiTT.titln , painstaking euro , competency , guocoM ; nddn is M 1J Hco olllco. _ 8J5 O 6 * T > KlfSOiNAL Ni-at und tasty all-wool business JL gults , $7. L. O. Joues i Co , American Clothier * , 1SOO Fauiam tt. Mull orders tilled BSO N 6 , Dr Nnuui * clitlriojriiit , M"illcal nnd butlnm Medium ii } No. U , 12) ) North 16th t , Omaha , Neb. tflP L tr'/ooiuat. icuc < iior of lautle. IBM Iucni-ort < uflg 30 1'lauo and rlolm tnught pFl- vatoly ; Uutruotleti of nrtt ordrr ; Profu > ser , oare > Itr Mwyor. O 6 * - - - ' , I IIIISONAI. To buy roil e tnto , to borrow money , or get nn nlistrnct of title , ro to the office of H. 0 Patterson , 13tb nnd Douglas. MIBCriiI.ANEOUS. " 13AN To Thorouglily nnd quickly tnnght Tiy JiJ Pnrteo Ilro . , the famous Hnnloliits 110 tinlj expoits In the wo t. Lndy pupils folldted. Mudln. 1117 CUM street. IW-I * KTr.XOOltArilV nn < i Typewriting school , llooms 7 nnd 8 , Iron bank QW. linker. 190 II" YOL clo'lro n stcnofrrnphor nddressO , W. llakor .V Co , Itoems 7 nnd ti Iron buiiK. MACHINES repaired nt rooms IT i ami 8 Iron bank. MJt ! FOR SALK-vAt cost , n full line of now bug- glo" , w noons , carls nnd harness , or will ex- clinimo for good hortes at DitalcVs Deposit * ir ) , HiOBCnis st. 'jr.- & 17OH \LK-Agood stork of linrdwnrei nnil ' njrlrultural Impletnei.M , u spli 11IM lorn- tlon , enl ) < mo other stoek or midwnio heio , n now rulliOIK ! now being Inlllt to HID town , busi ness In town boom Ilia Adrtres * PB , llcoollho. VW s * "VTOTICF. llcnl Ff Into men having listed foi- J- > lowing propprtv Notice of withdrawal from market Ishoichy glion lit 11 block 1 Idlow Mil lulil. C. M nnd A J I'lUon fcCO 30 _ fNHW OHTH , N ob . "oTTers t-,000 "boni7s to nny rcspon lblo pei iui who will croct n 100 bhl roller Untiring null at tlnit place. Charles i ; Holmes 71J 5 * N8IMUATION curd rending bj MM. ! ' Sc\i\T- \ \ - hcrt , Ttfl South Utli 8t 8101 * 'TI' J on nro suffering with Piles como nnd Kit 1 cured. Satlsl action guaranteed In allfiisos. J. Iloninr , 101- north 10th si , Umiitia , Null e.'s 3 * rpllKF.8 , Hoses , Shrubsetc . planted rroo for . .1penons buying ol Do iglns Co. Nurseries. C.O. Howard. l'rop.,1' O bnc."K ) . bST-nlJ1 THOU HUNT Sn.mro Piano M monthlr. A J Hospe. 1M3 Douglas. _ C20 _ TOOit IIKNT Square Piano , J4 month I v A JU Hospo IMSDoilglus. 621 MArifniONIAI.-Pnper contains noiuy200 | advertisements from Indies nnd gentlemen wanting correspondents. Pent 3 months for 10 touts. Address , Helping Iliind , 70 LnPnlln St , Chlcngo. 111. h i 3 _ F OR HI : > T Organs , U per month ilospo , IBH Douglas - ' - _ _ _ _ r ° 5 BAir MIBCEHAHEOUB. TTllTu S.\Ti : Parlor l.odrooin and kitchen -1 ? furniture carpots.rangu nnd lieiitlnirstovea , nil no ill } now , a gentle horse the jearH old , nil nt abirgatn , giving up housekeeping , 2" > ll Douglas st. 5-5 _ 17OK S Vli-L < irge Urn and burglai proof 1 safe , enst $ ij ) t > ell forf.'IO. J. W Mai- shall. IWJ Pnriiiini at- _ 700 Foil SAM : Tlio cute t pony , harness and n > rt | n the city , nil in good order Iniiulro nt llli N. llith St. , loom 4Cioiinco Hlock. Iib7 _ FOR HAM : Icn In cnr load lots Address ( Illbei Mlros.jCounpiniltirfa fc2l I FOH s M.I : At private sale complete pet of household goods nnd furiiltiiio for night looms. Call at I'JIO ' Webster stiecu wm FOItPALK A4 ) cai old poll } , hinnoss aiid cart , all In geed condition , at a b inruln , must sell by the : Sth ) of Supt-mbor , tall llti Noith lUust , Crounso Ulock , Koom 4. b53 Foil SAfjK ruinltnro and lo'iso of hotel. Address Hvdur House , btromtburg. Neb. _ i-ii-.JO * _ FOH HAIiIl County rights In low a for revoi- idblo self heating sad iron. A gtc it Inven tion. For lull particulars write to H. W Hun- ttess , 13TU Pnrnam street , Omaha , Neb. 7to 1 * Poll SAIii : I'm nituro andl en-o ot slv room house , lime on pnrt. Call 120J North i7th stioet.jtno blocks fiom Hod Car line. H IiotsT armsLniiils--monej loaned" Ilemls inth and Douglas streets di ) IT ) It SAliK 'Iwo No. 1 , second h mil , citnopy 1 top Surreys : also two good , second bund pliaoloiiB , ntl4U9 Dodge street TTiOK SAI.K Caoap. iron culiimns Mild win- J dowcnpssnltnblo for front on brkk build ing. Forpnrtlonlarsapply nt thisn'lico. ' Sit WANTED FEMALE HE1.P. T\7AN1 ni ) Womnn for general hon owoik , > xraiill fainll ) , in the poiinfj seven miles from TILmontnone but experienced took and laundress need npnlj .small Inmllv , good wages , man kept , npply Millard Hottl olllto 11 Iday be- tw cn nlno nnd three. " 47 .10 * WANTIID Young Indy stoiiogrnphor. tlior- onghly competent , will necept position forsimilisiilury. Ai.Iilross-Mny " Jlovoy , Hngh- ton , Illluols. _ 0li | | * _ _ ) -riHi , washer ' - nt Millet's Heslnnr- ant. 1C04N. 10th etrtot. WO WANTIJD luundro's nnd kitchen girl nt the Occidental. 8.17 W AN'I HI ) Competent corvnnt for general housewoilr , none other need npply , 1810 California. Mvi \\7AN1I1D A good girl for i-enoriil housework - ' work ; Mrs WilllainsSt.lUiimbus roctoiy , 62.tN.lUh st. H3 WANTKD A girl to do second work. Apply 500 I'lih Bt. RJ J WANTKD A competent second girl. None other need apply. Mrs. Frank Kemiiird , no cor mill nnd Dodgo. 811 .JO * WANTKD Lady or gentleman of good nd- drois who writes n good hand nnd is willing to work hnrd for n good snlaiy. Addicsa O ti8 , Hoe olllco , with references HQ ' ! ' W ANTID : Ladyclork Mullor's ory , 1414 Ftrnamst. AN rr.D A eompotont girl for hoiisow ork , Mrs H , Hlngliimi , 810 south IGth St. Wl JO * Girls for house work , first and second w ork , also good fomnlo cook , best of wagon , oullOmahu Employment Uurouu , 119 North 16th Bt 7M W AISTKD A cook for small family , Inauli o KW south 1 Jth St. 010 WAM'l.l ) ( Jlrl for general hoiiiniwork In small family. Mis. Thos 1' . Hall. 1541 BhormnnjiU ) . 0 < 3 WAN ni > Ladles to work lor usattholr own homes. $7 to (10 per week can bo quietly mado. No pboto. painting ; no canvass ing. 1'or full particulars , please address nt once , Cioscont Art Co , 19 Contra ! si. Huston , Mass , llox.p 170. OO.'Oll' TV 7ANT15I ) Head cook at the Famous res- ' tiuirnnt. 319 S llth st. 780 TVWANTI'.I WANTI'.I ) 2.1 young ladles nnd gents to limn tologrnpliy. Prospects for positions when competent.goodr Address W.J. I ) , nom l.Crounso block lUth st. Omnlia. 01 D LIAI'C HELP. ITANTF.D A broid nnd enl o baker at 711 T Lower Hroiulway , Counull muffs. yni-l WANTKD 75 laboiers for tronchlnir nnd pipe In ) Ing cm Plattsmoutli watt i woiliH. Wages # 1.7ipei day. Apply on tlio works at I'lattsmouth. 07- | W.VNlll > Amnti'iir photographer who hna some Ic'Isuro tlmo Pluaso addies > t P. 4 Hco olllco. D7i'.l * " \\'ANriD : A good tompetiint Fervtuit for > general housework Mr * H H Meday , 281J Howard nttect , cor Park nv unuo. 871 M * WANTKD Mattiess makers , stcadr work nnd highest vvnro guaranteed to tlret-clusj men ; 8. K. cor , litb nnd Jackson. mis 1 * " \\7AN IKD Installment canvassers to cull at i 1J07 Piumim ft. nnd see what wo bavii to offer. C. H. Leo , Manager. 375 rpHKIargost Mfg Co , In tlio world wnntninn JL to sou their goods on salary or commission Innlltowns in Nolunska. No capital or evperl- I'luu iioniSiary. Kefornnco leuulicxL Addreab , M , lox-C7 , Ouiuha , orM , box CJ7 , Lincoln , Nidi. 711 u.i : W ANl'KO .Ticurpontors at Fowler packing house , South Oiimtiu. 9412 * WANTii-icncial ( agents , flood salaryor 50o on the dollar to wholesale my goods. Hnrochanoo to maku niouoy. No competition , htrlctiy business. None but biulnoss men neoj nppl ) . Adilresswltb stamp K. M Weuvor , In dianapolis , Ind. 71m O2 WANTKD 'lallora , coat , pants and vei-t inaKeri. Fmnk llenhum A Co. artist tullors , 1515 Dodge , up Stairs. * W ANTUD OHre boy who can tsrlto a lair hand and attend strictly to business. Ail' dress , Btutlnir cxpeiiuu u nnd wages expected , 051. jlco olllcc. 7JJ W arpnntera. Allbrlirht'a I-nbor Agency , IJW Fnrnnni. 711 \ \ 'A.NTED-Lal'oro i7 for Hnllroiid rk. K. & . AilbrUlit'a Labor Aifouoy.lSOtJ Fin nnm. \\'A > TICI > 2 Knervettojoiinir mt-ii at onco. A. .1. Wood , 141) ) 1 jiidgojt. Kll 28 . " \ \7"AN rUl iu men for rullicmd weilc In No- 1 > tijaska and lowu : shuvctluis , triminors , f-cnipcr liolilorn , Ac. Oood wugua. Call 119 NoHjMBth tt. Wl _ T\7"ANrKu A Juivyo ny men of tmeinei-t T ? alilllt ) tomato low H , J , M. French A Co room 10 , UuHhmun blk. HI 3 * io-A brlirht.honest bo > of 15 to takd i' cnru of horse and vork In ttoro. Enqulrn nt 1J09 Farnani it. 904 1 AN'lliU A BiiletniBn to miroduiv a now ipoclntt } amour tri\tletpoop'e n < l meohan- Ics. Addre s with roforoawn aud past cxptri- enco , llox O 20 , Hen offlc . 487 " \\TANTIin A few more niroiita to introduce 11 our Automatlo Miuleai ln ( ruments. on Inntalliuenti Anyone can play them without uiuiic&l Instruction , the be t paying , easleat selling no\eltj or r Laovrn. JiitoJlOKwoek can bo reaIUe < l. 0 U. Lee , Uantger , 1307 Far- naui street , up stair * . 483 WANTKD-A hey to carry n banner. M. T. Martin , 3109 15th , Oil 30 StXUATtOlT WAHTI5B. . Sltilntlon bv nn oxpfrlenced colored - ored * v oinun ns cook. Call lor two dnsnt nin\\iiliiut gt , , Omnlin , > cb. 1"WJ WANTI D Hy n recently vrldoned Ind } . n ( < ltUHtlon ns hon ok(0ppr In n gcntlo- innn > famllj nn objection lo phlldreli ! best of rofrrciico Address P s , Hoe olllco. Bt .2 ' AVTlTl ) AnnctMinte , mpld , nnd otpor- lencod stenogr ipher ifoslres ninploy- ment In tbo evening. Address P J Hco. 87S..I * WA > TID : A position by n girl ti > work inonilnir nnd ovi-nlnir nnd Saturday morning until Mondii } noon foi her boirtl Address P. 8 lleo ollloo. 87P H * _ _ Y\fA > Tii : > Pltimllon by nn pvi orlenced Miller , plthPr buiror roller } stem. .LA W ll on.HI7 N St. _ M7 1 * _ _ T\7ANTKI-SltunTinn In n notel or reslnurnnt b } n llrst class cook best ot reueieneos Atldre-ss vrilh term" , box 811 , city _ * _ V\"ANTF.l7 A place In ( Trh atn f nmlly liTwork ' for boird niu1 room , b } n lad } student , up ply nt Omaha ( .oinmoiciiil college , 1114 Fnriiam su 8.0 2S 4USCKLI.A1IEOUS WANTS. WANT rn-To sell le-ise nnd furniture of 11 room lieu e for S.M ) : thts U a liarmiln , 610 N imhst. _ _ U51p _ ANTii : Hoarilcis mid roomer * ! bonrd nnd rooms llrst-tla 8 , ,05 N. Itth st UIO ( ! W AViTiT Younif mm to learn sti'iiouia- lihy and typo wrltlnir ; peed positions whenlciiinod. UV. . linker , rooms 7 and 8 Iron bank. WO 4 _ _ _ _ Ono or two unfurnished rooms , In desirable part of t ha city , . \ddtons 1 * 7 , \\7ANTr.D-Piirllul boanl , A 1 ' or liineuiiKe lessons In payment Address 0 58 , Ike olllco , JUS 7 * _ _ WAN iT.ii A. KiMitloninn andTwiro , no ohll- dron.straiiKors In the city , nottlil line n llrot-elnss place to bo ird nnd room for the w In ter In nprlMito family : best of rofoioncos re quired nnd ulv en. AddrossO 71 , lleo olllco WANTII roiir unfurnished rooms , or n small lioii--o tnntrnlly locited. Address O Oii , lite olllro. fjj 2 * "l\"AM in : Onocl hoiso nnd dilvor wnntml * T to liolst bilck with an pleMitor , Rood HUPS paid to tellable parti. John 1' . Cools , cor lllli ind Ilarnc ) street BSO.I. \\rAM un-lnfortimlloiof IXt ottuwn > . V > who left liwln , la.llilj .Mtli , tir .Vohru ka Inseauhot locntlon for huidtr ito torn Any poii-oii uluiiK iiiliablo Intormatlon will bo lib trallv I'wnnltd. Address H , Ottnway , Kltk- man , Iowa. M7- ! ( > * I ii : All wnntinprtoloarn shoit-hnnd nnd tjpo writing to attend Valentines Shoit-li.ind Institute. Imposition b illdiiu Omiilnu We can tumuli sumcicnt omplo\ment tooini r inc'ii and boys to pa ) tin Ir board while Inatlondiinco. CO'i Ott0 T\fAJ Tii : ) I wanttorontn ( rooil'or Sroom ' house In ( rood location I'atnlU ot four poisons. Nochl'dren ' Address AI.OJ , Hoe of- [ i"AMiu Tennis. 'I. Minrii } . > BIB KENT KOUSUd AND I.OT3. biFiTr.Nr 3 room houso.- 0 room bouse. 11 room house M r.Mattln. 31118. 15th Bt. S.11 1 TjlOK lllN1 n room cottage , Iliunoy near -U sotli. fU per month. S. A. blomiin. 15IJ rnrnam st tBJ IiAOll liixr : Nowfl room house. 1 mile fiom P. O , cltj water , oto. 1) ) . O. Pattnrtton , Omnhu Nnt'l bank , 740 FOH LK V > * B Wo hnvo eleven acroi on IT. P. H. It. track.SOi ) toot fiont : will loiso all or pnrtforllvovcara Bo Iford ASouer bJ7 EEHT ROOMS. FOH 11LNTTurnisned rooms , 1810 Dodge _ 87:11)27 : FOIt KKVT To mnn nn I w ife or lo la lies , front parlor and bed room , furnished or unfurnished , lionrd neAt door 2llGIInine > ft. _ Wi _ MAN AND WIFI'-roslrlng nicely furnisiied room with use of bath and gas , call at s w corner ot ajtli nnd Wobstcr Hoard cnn bo hnd close by. OiiJ < xftff ( , ' FOH KENT 1 nlcovo loom , east front , mod- oin conveniences , with or without lioard. E23 Pleasant. ! U 2 * _ T7 > OIlTtr.NT Tno largo rooms ) and cellar with 1 citj water , suitable for liuht housekeeping. 211 boutn2. > tli , noir rarnumS15por month. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FrtK ItKNT A Inrpc. well fiiiiilslicid loomnt a low -nte , 211 South 2Jlli , near I'urn un iOJIM * _ FOH HRNT Vront room , with or without board. 17.4 Douglas St. 800 ,1J T > OOM With boaid , 101 , ) Capitol ave _ > FOK ICUNT With board , n futnlsliod room , I'lOCabsst. WJ O' " F OH lir.NT-A small li-ont bod-room atlllJ Douglas et root. 817'JQ * TT OH KhNT Comfoitabln room private fam- J- ily. Address O 111 , Heo unite. 83J 3 * POK HKNT furnished looms , bath , inoilerii conveniences , 401 N. 16th at. b9730 * FOH HLNT Furnlsliod front room. IWOt rar nam. JU M' TT'OHHKNT Eicgntitly furnlbhod warm rooms Jfor the vrlntcr. with board AH conveni ences. Also bonrd for parties looming near. 22.'i Dodge. 7JJ T7IOH HKNl' Nicely funilshed front room J- with nlcuvo , till modern conveniences , for tlirco gentlemen , four blocks directly south from opera house , apply at once , 141 't Jones st. Ml Tj > OIt lliNT-Two newly furnlHliod rooms. f for family or single gentlemen , at 2117 Hnrnoy Bt. 1)122 ) * T7IOH KENT Suite of rooms , furnished ; also JL1 1 alnglo room lor gontlomon. COJiJ fct. Mar } 's MO , BJ7 2l Foil ItKNT A largo front room , piciily .fur- iilahodabundiiui ; room fortwo ; every con venience ; v ory nholco , 414 N. 10th st. 049 T7IOK Kir One new"ly furnished front J mom to oltnei ladies or gentiomon ; u tlno location for mat-class drcasmiiKcr , Iminlio 1H7 Hnrno } % nil jii * HiNT : Furnl.-hod looms , vtlth hoaid. Ul Doilgo. U55 J * _ F I oil KIN : r Furnished looms for gentle men , lr > 03 Cuss street. b77.10. * FFOIC FOIC ItHNT-Nicoly Puinlshod front , "wltli gas , bath and llist class board , Oil Pleas- nut SL Shi 2 * FOIlltK.vr 1 to 4 very iileuxnnt unfnnilsliod rooms , 111 H Ibtli st. fr'M ) J * 171 OU HUXr Furnished rooiiu.TflOl lie fhTiT i ] b7404 Iioii UKNr I furnished rooms for gnntlo- men. 20.3 Furnitin. ( Uil U * FOIt UINT-A lint In doslroblo location , which cnn bo completed about Oct. 15 Can holpasoifor low rentul by a party willing to ailvunteS.1QU. AddreaaO 15 , lluo olllco. 45i IIH | ; it \r-PJoasant furnished' ' rooms ? -L1 nouth front brick Hat , bonrd cnn bo had noxtdnor. Apply at 14HI UhlOHgo at. 812 JT'Olt JIKNT 1'wo largo furnished rooms , gun ' bath und board , miignldo out vlows , tontrti ocatlon. 214 B. 18th. 7,14 1 * FdRTllIVT-Nowlyfurniahod iiobmsm"str Mary'suve _ F IOIt HUNT FuinHhod rooms 2209 Dodgo. 75J-30 * T710K HK.NT Niculy furnished rooms with JLJ _ boa tof board IfOt jraruiini. _ 844 & _ "TTlOll ItKNT Large und pleasant rooms with JU board. Inquire SMIO Yebeter. 8fl.iO | * T710H HKNT- Furnished fiont room ; uniuiro X1 at 2314 Capitol HViintie. 76i ,10 * "T710H UK NT rurniiheil rooms forlhrht hoiieo J- keeping In lloomor'a block cor Klghth and Ilowmd. 814 P 1'urlsuod rooms. 61U Pleasant 7C4OJ POU aAI.B-HOP3U3-I.OT3. Ni.wroiTr Ariuss-j-joo , win subdivi.ia . into 5 city lots. C. UMnjno Heal l.Muto and Trust Co. boo 4 HANSCOM Place mid the surrounding proi > - ert ) oller a * mfct and turo proilt 1,11 un in. v estment ua any portion of Omuha. Cable lluo and now street ears will bo running to the park in a ohort time. ' 1 ho main avenues and streets leudlug to imd guiroundliiK the purk uro till bo. Ing vriidod. I'urk avomio oupoolully , when completed , will bo ono of the flutist dnvownjs In town. Property around the principal purk In Minneapolis acll * rood/ ! ! (150,00 to fJOO.OO per You tan buy tbo finest lot in Hun scorn place overlooking tlio park undfronlliijfoiiun eighty foot struct for fifty dollar * pur front loot , do put mid ice thu grading going on , notice the ' lew , the uelghboiliood and the great number of now and uvautlful housej being erected , tud remember that there are not twenty do' ilr blo lota left for stile InallthU addition , and thenooinoto ue and we will wake your prices and terras that caunot bo dupllcftttd. llloig i , lotfbraui , 215 South 19th ttroet 871 3 /IHOirn lofffl'Xfnrsh ' ndd. EiM front , fl.ttM W C. E. Mnpno Heal Kstnto * Trust Co. T70II riAUIt-Vjir 1 week onlj.fliio lot In Knn 1 Walnut Illll , S7VI , pa y nnvtnont * . Then ( U on A. Co. , yisS. I'.th st. 8-04 ft ITUIK sAfjKCir otcnnrgo llouoe nnrt lot , JUl ! > ttinnl Monhlns : housn nnd lot IMh and Dorcns. WinjIi Monroe , nthjuid Dmittlfts JIM l/IOIl S.vrFTrIxts 7 nnd 8. 12Jtl53 toot , In JL block t , \\r \ \ \ addition to South Omnlia. Call on Trcd Lemon , laro rarmors" lioii'o , or addressOcoryo Undo , P. O. bot407 , llnpld ( Jty Nr.XVl'Oltl Al'ltKK ! : ) Will _ Into f. i iky lots , C. H. Mnyno Hcnl IMMo nnd 1 ru t Co' . n KM 4 171 ) U SALK Fern few davsoiic of the finest JL ; resldPiicHuKHn I'nrk Place. Iheo OJMMI > V. C6 ,218 S. 15lh Rt. S"4 B ' ' bt'siTnnuriij2riLiu cmTT'iace. $1,700. C. II. Mil ) no Hcill Katnto A liust Co. 6J" . 4 GuiToouv A \muY , Heal Kstnto nnd Itpnt-il Agents , I'M-'Dollsrlas Street. Heruniunfow of the bargains wo oifor ; 11 thetu Is mulling hero that suits } oil , cull on us. Wo can show voiiotliurs Cornprliit oaSoivnnl bt. , Ixjvve'sndd . 8 1,000 Lot adjoining above. . . . . . . . 11X1 Corner lot on Hamilton M 1,1 < > Adjoining lot * , nil In Orchard Illll . . . I.WW Corners In Plalnvlow and Klrkwood . . . 801 Corner Imp Ass add. . WK ] . B.O'in Corner Yntes nnd Heed.rMXlOO 700 Coiner lots In Paddock Plnco ( dill nl ofllco tor prices. ) Corner on Dod/o St , OiUI U , renting for $ lionjior jenr . . 30,000 Corner lot on 101 Ii St. , Koiint/ ndd , v\lib tnnrkot building , mil } . . . . 4,000 tlunlllntra oil lot 1 ! 2xlJ. , ( llleilgO St. , 8-room honso on corner lot , Schull's mid , OJijxIOO , . 4,003 Now ft loom cuttnRo on corner lotMil- InrdA Cnldwoirp add 2.10U 7-room lieu o , H K. Holers'nddIront- intfisth st. . lotooxMO . . - . : i/oo 6-rooni luMi o , I'opplnton mo , south front , lot ( Wxlus . 3,000 Now 0 room cotumo , well built , on lot fiOxl Hi , near SanndcrA . 2,800 2 room h < > u o \VustHlde , 1 block from cnnnltnr fnttory , lot tOxl.'s . . . . 750 0 loom hoiivo nnd I room honso , burn , olitprn , collniM , triul trees , oto , on lot GJxr > 0 , frontline both 17th nnd 18tn 0,000 B-room IIOIIAO on SDili Bt , near St. Mnry'savo.cltwnter , oto. . . , . . . fi,200 rino corner on I'ntntnir ft , a lioimo . 13r > K ) I'lnolot In Imp As < o add ODxlaS llttlo iiliou'iiulo linrirnln l/'OJ Lots In Kllliy plncu 701) ) Lots n Lincoln pliico . . . 4 * > ) Lot on rarnnni near Lowoa\o . . I,7X ) llncM > iut lioutlot.OJ'ixUJ ' In NoUou's mlil.luiKiiln . -.OW Tint I rout I'd st ; Hnnscom place . . . 2 , : * ) Splendid lot * Irontltur Park ; onlr \ > W Ilautliiunn lotson Dnvnnport s-t . l,1 ) l.astlronts Just on ( ttado . . lll ( > Uniuliii Vlon lota ca.-t on tlio bill at ? i J to f9" > 0 Cll'll Cllt'lip Ono block InVest Omaha , 4 noroa ( call at of- lU-o lorprltos ) Special attention nix on to properly llstoil wltli us ut rtasonublo prices } ofonroirii on tun mark et w o run not do other thnn a strlctlj commis sion Diislncss , ( SHL'KIIY A. \DI.nV , 1312 Uonglas St. To'ophnno & ' ) ! . Ciill nnd fteo in _ _ JS 1 lOfict fumtufto on Howard 8t , for $ i COO C. J I ! Mnuu Itcul Itstato A. Trust Co. P15 4 1 [ 'Oil Su : 11 ncres of bottom land , all tpiiicd , within-DO It of ilupot , 1'5 ' ntros In Btraw'jerrlos lialuneo In tame irtiis * . sultablo lor market or urn ill fruit irnnlon ; $1 "Wi ) , fiK ) pa-li. linlaiiLO to uit A biinriiln. AdilroisT. \V P , box I" . , outh Itonil , Nob. jit'JJJ * NKUTORT AMir.s-TOO. Will silbdUldo InteC i Ity lots. C. K. Miyni : lloal IMate nnd'Iiust Cp. n 8 % 4 F ORS \LI > lu oem liouso , ( icortrln n > o. ; tlo ots. b iluincnts , well , all complete , 1J room lio\BO ! Idaho at , ; closet , pantry , col- lai , bath room , ' * | n nkliiB tnbuj , shttibbcrv , trees , n co juril , burn , cnrilavo honso , two Inrpo Llatorns , city water , nil complete , $ i,7iM. 4 loom hoii-ii ; syutli Iront , pmtry , closets , laruo b.iy wfndoft' , cistern , collar , b'ooj out- honsp , en j icim" , fJSO , 4 room IKIUMO , piintry , clo ots , bay window Kood cellar , w o 11 and outhou > es , \ cry cheap , 51.N ) ) . 5roomcoltrturci iay w iiidow , closets , collar , vv ell , cistern , fruit tiec3 , ti barBiilu , JJfi50 , or with lout lots ! earn tot ins t--"iU. , lii _ - _ * can double > our money , $750. I .i 8 lots.W. A , llollok iiidltlon , $ lr 0. 3 lot" , Tabor place , for ono week. $130. 5 lots , Kilb } place , w 111 met ease 20 percent before - fore snow falls. Houutlfiil lot. Creston plltco , doubloyonr ifiivy 0116 } e ir , Patrick addition. Lots on easy terms nnd low If loulnuo houses to rent or sell or lots to sell ll t them with mo. Ido n stnetly commis sion business nnd will look nftor your Interest. .t lotd.-Aintflcr Place , the best bargain In the addition. J. II. Pariotto , 10th and ( liluii'to 217 F SALK Lots on nnd near S 2Jtli street. L ? Theo. OI ou , 218 b 15th. 831 5 FOH S VLK Cheap , a bouutilul flcilth fiont. lot In block'I , Walnut Hill , lor JljO until , call at Now I nglaml llaKei } . 8" B J ACIUS tr.ioo win snbdixiao into ri city lota C. 1J. JInjno Itcul I'.stato nnd Trust Co Blip t _ FOR JAM : House nnd Lot , Lake st , near 20th. Cash required , * 4U3. 'J lieo. Olson,218 Sluth. fcM5 _ _ _ _ UPUUIAL BARGAINS Tor Sale ' 4 of nnacio in Drookllno , on Mis souri 1'uclllc II. It , , $000.03 ! cash , bal. 1 and 2 > cars. Lot In Walnut Hill for S4KO , worth $ COO II W. Ilimtross , IJOi Kartmm Ht. 00330 OWI.INU < iltKi : > 'lotsS BJ.Yopcrcontcash nnd $5 poi month. Murshall .t Lobeck , Agents , ISOUl-arnam street. 049 NlTwPoltr 'ACItl.S liualll snbdlvido into > city lots. C. E. Muynu Itoal Kstnto und'lrustCo. 81W t _ RKAL Kd 1'AI.r. ITAIlGAm-slToniitlf ullots on west CnmlnK st. , $700 each. Flue bar- Fuliis. J. L. ICluo & Co. , room 0 , over Com- merclalNatlonul U nik. _ 07 _ T710R SAIKbargain. . Lot ilflxl U. 3 blocks -C from postoinco. fJJ.OOt ) , half cash. Mar- slmll i LobooK 1500 Fariium street. _ 21 J niOH HALH HouBo and two full lots in Wal- U nut Hill , IJJD ) , $ (10) ( ) cash , b ilunco $ . ' 0 per month , 5 room" , east Iront. coiner. Lot In Plulmlew. fOW , only I * I cash. A lot on Miami street , enl > $ 1. Lots In bin Ivor Pluco. fJ2i , $4" > cnsh , balance t't jier month ' Iloiifo nnd jot In Omnlia View , SI.IOO. 1UO fout on 1'leroc struct , corner , ? J , % > OJ. Ilolnro > ou buy call nnd see II W. Itiintro's , 1JU3 rarnam st. List ; our houeoannd lots with mo. _ C59 NI.Wl'OIIT AGRICS f)10. Will Silbdlvlilo into f > city lots , C. K.Mayno Itoal Lstnto nnd ' 1 rust On. bt/l ) / 4 K U.Tll X BHLHY'S olgroal estate ad every other day. boo It. 281 FOIt SAT.K i and i > room hoiisus In North nnd South. fl 'O ; f..fiOO , Easy pal mentg. 'J hoo. Olen , 21H B 15th St. , > } E815 Nl.U'POItr ACKI'.S-$10).Willsulidlvldo Into R city lots. C. U. Mav no Heal Kstnto and Trust Co. 8 HI 4 H OIISIIS IotaI nrms.Lands money lonnoil Homls , 15th and Douglna streets. 016 TJflOK HALT3 At n liargnln on onsy terms , ! * JL lots In Wnshlngtoii square , onoh $ ' , OJ ) . The best corner in Ilanscom 1'liice , 100x153 , J5.000. House und lot 30x140cor. 19th and Paul street , " ' "jWj'rurnanl str/ut , Sfarsliall & . I/obcck. 385 Ni\VI'C > KT ACKI.S $300 , Will Sllbdlvldo Into 5 city lots. C. H. Mayno Itcul Kstuto and Trust Co ) M ni 80tf 4 KL'BII > V BI'.LIfTTi big roa estate ud ovary other day. 8eo It. S81 NKWl'OKT AOUKS-JtOO. Will Bilbdlvldo * lnto&cltylots > C. li. Majno Houl Kotuto undTiustCo. i , 6W ! 4 Foil S.VLII NicoS room house and j corner lots In Walnut Hill ; U cusb b.iU to suit. CalMartlnJlOH llth st , 015 T7IOKI.ivrt5Jlio UitsnourTuttlo'H Subdl- L vision. A big Harguln if taken at once Cash ro inlred lor all , 1Mi. Theo , Olson , 2188 15th. flil 5 TTUU-j vl.Hpllcifrso. U roomscity vfiiter unit -1 gas , I mlle fifjJin P. O. , 1 block from Bt cnrg , iirlcof.,00 ( , sihiCllS ) lyinentf , balance monthly. Imiulro rooms 1 tiud 2 OmaUa Nat'l b inic , 043 POItSALifo : lmvo sixteen lots In Haw- tborno addition that we will sell : beat nnd cheapoBt Insldo property In Omaha , llodford & Spuer 64J FOlt BALK Or uxctmngo , eOor HUucio'arm , well improved , 10 uillos southwest of Omiihu Inqulro on promleos or uddreas M. M. Purrlsh , Pupllllon , Nob. 623 O 2 * A K FJegant Hcsldence , 120 feet frontage on -tx 2ltt st. near hL. Mary's uvtnuo. tor u few ila > aonly , ut { 10,000. 0. K. Mayno , Heal Estate i. Trust Co. 835 4 HOU.SKS Lotnl'arrn8Liiiii9 money loaned , llemls , 16th und Douglas Btrneta. 616 KWl'011TAOKl'.8-Tj300. Will subdivide Intel -l- > 5 cltylola. a E , Muyue Itoal Estate and Trutt Co. Mil 4 "I71OK hAI.i : Ouo of the best piece * of prop- -L' erty In North Omaha , onn block from paved street , Au tilifht room house , nearly new. Can be bad cheap , If taken at onco. O. V Da vis Jf Co. 1505 Faruum street , 037 "Ij".0n "Ul.i- : n bargain , cornrr lot 72x142 , -L1 puTed street , near business , $ -1,000 , Stewart A Co. , room 3 , Iron Hank. 190 , "ITIOIts M.i : 2 new 6-rootnoottnscs with largo X1 lots each \\nlniitlllll : easv terms , or will trade for other city nnipoitj. Inqulro nt 1403 Doiiglns st. 791 S L KAVKNttotl ST II. H. trnekagoonoor moro lots or nnaoro , at n great Imrssln. Sec J , W. Logan , nt Linvi-nworth limitless Place , or O , . W. linker , Hoom 1 Iron Hank bullillnir. 61 Iplllt SA III ! Two lots In Donnokon s niM to \\nlntit Hill.'l.'xIOJ ' , ftjO ont'li , Inrnno week only , on y puj monts. 1 nco Ol eii .V Co , 218 S 15th Bt. 8 l 5 M \L15-Or r.vihnnse , ' tut I.aml Leiip , ilMnereg near Hallrond TOAII. Addioss , P 5 , Hoe ollicu. 8J1 2 * s\I.i : Vire cottmre , In good repair , L without houses , fcnco < , wak ! , etc. , very chenp , to bo lomoved. Call til 1171 Sherman nve. H I ) Kitten 8M1 ' . * ATTKVTinN CATll.KMKV-Ono of the best ti > ok farms In Ki torn Neb , within 2.1 miles of thoOnmha tock jnrds for sale cheap. Nenilv OOJ ncres well nnteie I , plentj nftimbet , torrnl rootn.ttc ( Her 20) ) not IM In pastiiioat present with an abundance of splendid Imj In otai'K. AdhessC K Ma\no\ , Hual Lsinte A pns | , Omnlin , or M . U Compton. Tociinneb , Neb oil O 1 * To AVIinin It Sln > Concern ! RIMLKI ) bids will bo rte-clvcd at the ollleo of the cltj clirk.of Omnhu up to 4 o'clock p in October 5tli A. D ISMII , for the following do- sorlbod propert } . to-vvlt : Hi'gtiinlng nttbo N. W cor. of block Dl" and lunnlng Roulh IK feet , thi nee west 20 feet , theiieo north I U feet , theneo east -J leet to thu plaetMit begliinlng , lloglnnlng nt the S. W. eor. of block 317 nnd running nnrth UJ fc t , thence west 20 leet , thence south 1JJ feet , thence oust 20 feet to thu place of be ginning , Heglntilngnt the N , W. cor of block 14 nnd running south I.CJ feet , thonro west 20 feet , theiito north IK ! feet , thence oust 20 foot to the plncorf beginning. Ik ginning nt thoS. W. cnr of block 14 nnd running north 1U fo6t , thcnco west 20 fcot , thence south 1.12 feet , tlitiito cnat20foetto the plnco of beginning. Hoilnnlng attlio N. W. cor of block 10 nnd running south It ! feet , tlicnco wist 20 foot , thento north It2 feet , thcntooist20 lect to tbu place ( it beginning Hcgiiililu nt thuS. W. corner of block In and running noitb 1U fout , tlinnco west 20 feel then o south I A ! feet , thence east 20 foot to the pin o of beginning. HeglnnlngnttlioN W. corner of block 47 nnd running south 1 U leet , thence west 2J feet , tlimito north 112 leot , theme east 20 feet to thu plato of beginning Heginning at tliu S. W. corner of block 47 nnd running ninth M- feet , thence west 20 lent , thence south I U feet , tlionco e < st 20 leet to thu place ol beginning. He ginning nt tlio N. W. corner of block fii nud running south IK foot , thence west 20 Itet , tiiontu ninth 11- feet , thence east 20 loot to the pinto of beginning. Hoginnlng nt tlio.3 W corner of block 52 nnd limning north 1.1foot , thence west M ten , thence south 1 ! 2 fcot , thence cast 20 fcot to thu plato of beginning noglnnlngat tno N. K. corner of block 310 nnd running ninth UJ feet , thence east 20 foot , thcnte noitli K > - foot , tlienee west 20 foot to the place ol beginning. lloglnilng-iit tbuS. K cornorof block ? 4R nnd rnnning ninth li ! feet , theneo en t 20 foot , thonto south 1J2 fott , thence w cst 20 fcot to the place of beginning. lloglnnlng nt the N. K. corner of block 15 nnd running south 13i foot , theneo ea-.t 20 foot , thence north 1 f. Icrt , thcnco west201cotto the place of beginning. Hoginning at theS. E coiner of block 11 nnd running noith 1U foot , thence cnst 20 fti t , theme south 1JJ feot.thonco wost20 feet to the pinto of beginning Heginning nt the N. K. corner of block 18 nnd runnliix south IT. feet , theneo cnst 20 feet , thence north 112 foot , thence west 20 foot to the place of beginning. Ho lnnlug at the S. K corner of block 18 nnd running north 13J feet , thence cnst 20 feet , thence south l.2 ! feet , thence w est -0 feet to thu place of beginning. Heginiilngiit thoTs' . K cot net-of block 43 nnd running south 1.12 foot , theneo east 20 feet , thence 1101 th 1J2 Itot , theneo west 20 feet to the plnco of beginning. Hcglnnlnirnl tliuS. R. cornoi ol block 48 nnd runningiioilb IU fet t , thence cast 20 feet , thunco south Infect , thence wo t2J lect to the place of beginning. lle/iiiiiliignt thu N. E. corner of block 51 nnd running south 13 ! feet , tbonco east 30 feet , theneo north U- feet , theneo w est 20 leot to the plate of beginning. Hegiimlug nl the S K. corner of blocic 51 nud innning- north UJ feet , thonro enst 2D feet , thence south IT ! foot , thence wtbt 20 fcot to the pltco of boglnuli'g. S200t J. U. SOUTIIAUD , Cltj Clerk. Special Ordinance SoO45. . AN Oidlnanco lev j ing nsnetlnl tux and nssess- , incut on all lots and teal ostute within Paving Dislritt No 41 , In the clt > of Omaha , to tovct the test of paving' Jncicson street Horn Ninth street to Thirteenth stioct. \v in m.vs : It hav lug been , nnd being hoioby ndjudred , dotei mined nnd established thnt the sin 01 al loth and pieces of ion ! estate hctelnnfter roiurrfiltolinvoonili been specially bonullttod to tlio lull amount herein levied nnd assessed against tilth ol s lid lots und pieces of real estate rospcttlvelj , b > reason ol tbu paving of thnt mitt ol Jackson ptrcot tiom Ninth street to Thirteenth stieot. TiuiiFt OHE , for the purpose of pnylng the cost nt tald paving : Ho It ordained by the city council of the City of Omaha : Sotticm 1. That the cost of pnv Ing of thnt pint ot JncUson street within Paving Disttict No. 4,1In thu clt > of Omalia , from Ninth street to Thirteenth strcct.Bald cost being the sum of (21,121.18 , bo and thu sumo is hereby lov led nnd assessed. In proportion to the feet Iront nUinr nalii paving , und according to Bpccinl benefits by reason of said inning , upon the following ilcbciibcil lots und real estate , ns shown by the generally rocognl/od map of the clt } of Omaha , lf-8,1 , llthogiaplied nnd published by Geo. P. Homls ; said cost being so levied on said lots and real estate , respectively , as fol lows , to-vvit ; Fred MotIt 5 blk 103 , City $39722 PotorWIIg , w lOOofltfl blkmi.Clty . . . 70214 Win. Latlnsborg. ot2of HO blk 10.1 , City . 224 B3 John H. 7 blk 10J , City 3 ! 7 21 .Inhilll. Orotn.ltBblklKI , " 02(184 Phcbu H.nnd K. K LInton , Itfi blk 1111 , City 002 03 Phebo It and K. K. LInton , ItO blk 104 , " 6 < U 03 GtorgoT. Mills , n H and w 32 of a H ol It 7blk 104City . 240 88 Andrew Tiuynor , u 100 of 8 l/t of It 7 blk 104 , City 150 33 John Sohanb , It8 blk 101. City IUI1 8J Bophroilln Jones , It 5 blk ltd , Clt } . . . GO ! 0.2 Ksltlto Of H. U A. J. H. Folsom , It U bile 1G5 , City 002 01 K ILCalhilian , ItTblk 105 , City . . . IKIJ OS John M. Veign , It 8 blk IIB. " . . . CJ12 ttl llnrcliiy White , n 44 ol It 5 blk 1W. City 1,12 41 1I..V L S.Hiied , s 22 of IIM of It 5 blk IM , " ( VI W Hiit-thi ) Whilu.n 44 ofHGDof ItOblk IM ) , " 24. 7ri Fred Mollus , s 22 of It5 blk 100. " sso OS lliiicmy White , n 41 of vv 11 of It 0 blk JOO , city 22 07 H.A-L H. llced.B 22 of n CO ofwll ofltfl 11 VI Iliiiclay WhltoIi41of BOO of vvllof It G blk lijfl , city . . . 10 4(1 ( I'rcdMelons , 822of vv 11 of It 0 blk 1HI , " 3n 78 LawreiituMmignn.o f > 5 oflt (1 ( blk iwl , olty 551 118 John MtCitary , It 7 blk IUI. city WU ( Jos. Unuie.iu C'ineker Co .It 8 blk IGO.clly l > li. 01 Mnthow W. Iblk 174 , " ( MS IXI rathoiinoT Lntiro iiof It2blkl71 , " Ull 01 isolate of John McCormlok , vv Vi ItJ blk 174ulty . . ! I31 01 School Dlst. of Omnhu , It'I blk 174 , cit } ft ! Oil Goo. Glncomlnl , It 4 blk 174 , " r2 ( ! 02 Charles K .Squires , It 1 blk 175 , " . . . K J 02 Michael 2 blk 175 , " . l ! 0.1 Maiy Harrington , o 30ot It 3 blk 175 , city ! 0 t HenryMonlclt. wuiof ; Itilblkl75 " 3(11 ( 10 Plret ( lermnn M B Chinch , It 4 blk 175. " G > 1 ! OS Fred l\l llg , It I blk 170. "CCS OS Fi ed Krug , It 2 blk 170 , * fid ! 03 Fred Krug , It 3 blk 17 , " UU ! OS Krod Krug , It 4 blk 17l ) , - I.OJ . UI Mlchnel Dee , o 44 of It 1 blk 177 " 377 Ul Michael .v W.Daltonw2Jof It 1 blk 177 " 2iO OS Joseph Harker , oZZ of It 2 blk 177 " 220 07 Howard Dlneenmldrilo22of It 2 blk 177" 22(1 ( ail IlilltHzlv rumor , vrStnt 112 blk 177 ' 22007 HaUoz Kramer. o2Sof It J blk 177 220 U8 Andrew Hlloy i Thomas Dillon , ni of w 44of It 3 blk 177 city 309 0.1 Margaret DOO.S } { of w 44 oflt hlk77olty ! l.t4) Andrew Greber , c of It 4 blk 177 " 220 117 Margaret Deo.n M of w 44 of It 4 blk 177" 308 05 olin Ktnnelly , s ii of w 44 oflt 4 blk 177 city . . . . IIS 40 Section S. That said special taxes levied ntorosuid , on said U > ts rospoctlvelytihiill become delliuiuunt us t'oll.iivs ; one tenth of the totnl amount MI lov led on each of saM lots shnil become - como ilollnquont In llfty dajs from the passauro and approval of this ordlnunco.ono tenth In on o > our , ono tenth In two } ear , ono-tonth in three } ours , ono tenth In four j ears , one-tenth In nvo j cars , omi-tonth In six } oars , o.iu tnnth ino\on } ears , one-tenth In otght } ours , and one tenth In nlno } ears nftor said levy , und be In ? from the pnssagu und approval of this ordinance , Kat-huf Mild Inntnllr.ents , except the first , shall draw in- teinstat thu rate of ooven per cent pei annum from tlio tlmo of the levy aforoMilil , until tbo sumo shall become delinquent. A penalty of n\o percent , together with intercut ut thu rutu of ono per cent , per month , payable In udvtinco , chilli bo paid on ouch delinquent Installment. Poctloii3. That the entire amount of tax so lov led nnd assumed on any of said lots may be paid by tbu owner of any lot , or the entire eijttul pro rutu proportion of culd tux on any of tuid lots , may be paid by any person on any part of raid lots within llfty days from BUI | | lov y , nnd thereupon t > uub lots or parts of lots , shall be ex empt frrm any lieu or charge therefor. Hoctlnn 4. That this ordinance shttll take effect and bo In force frotn and alter itu passage. 1'ussod September llth , 1SJ , WM. K HECHKI. , President City Council. J , U. BoUTiiAHt ) , Oily Clerk. Approved beptomber'Jnh , 1888. JAUEH B. Ilorii. Mayor. Those taxes are now duo und payable to the city treasurer , aud will become delinquent aa ahovrn lu bottlon 2. TJICMAU DUCK , City Treasurer Sidewalk Notice , NOTICE Is hereby given to tlio owner or nwtitrsof the following roil estate In the clt } of Oinnhn , to lay sidi walks m front of nnJ niljolnlng their propert } within 15 ilnjsfrom the 6th dny of O. lolirr , | s , + 1 h-uch sidewalks to bo roitstruetvl nnd laid In necorlnnea with jilnns nnd pe. illrnlions on flic In thoolllee of thelloarlot Public \\orks , anil In ncvonlnnee with ru < olutlons udopted b } thuCil } Council , > | 7. Lotsfi,0,7R , north side of Pleice t blk 217 , dftttvvlde. I/its 5 , ( i , 7,8 , noiHi side of Pleice si , blk 2in , 0 feet wide. IxiM 4 , 5 , en at side ofPth st , blk 2I < > , n fei t wide Lotf > , ( " t sdo | if mil ft.blk2.ttn Icx't wide 1.01 5 , not Hi side ot IVoillo ft , blk .Ml , ( I fort Wide lxiH , outh side of Pneltle st.blk 21s , 0 feet wide. lx > t B , 0,7 , S north side of 1'iivlfloM. bl < i2f , 0 feet vidii Lots 4,5 , east gliloof Cth $ lMk20rtfl fiet nlde. Lots 4. 5 , east fi In of Mb s { , ( ilk -Ti. ( I ft w Ide IxitsLS , west siiiool I.lli8lblk 2 < n , ( I ft wide. Lot 9 , east slilt-of ITIli ft , blk lMI'Ht ( wldo I/its ls wu < t slikMif Oth st , IdK Lit.'i ft w ido I/ot I , S west sdo | l.Mh st , blk . " "t. 0 ft w de Loin 1 , , ' , ; ! , 4 , toiith side of Mnon st , blh i , D ft w Ide. Lots 1 , . ' , J , south sldo of Pierre st , blk 205,0 Tt w Mo. Ut 5 , enst sldoof llMhst.blU lOJ'i , Oft Wrtdo Lots in. enst side of W list , blk JS , Credit Foil- clor.U ft wldu Ixits 4fs en t side of ftli st , blk 22 , Credit Fonder der , ( t It wide Ixits 4 , B , east side of ( 'Hi st , blk 15 , Credit Foil- cler , ii ft w Ido. ! / ) ! 4,5 , east side of fith t , blk 4 , tiedit Fern- cler , tl ft w Ide , Lot H , west sldo of fith st , blk .57 , Ciedlt Ton- clpi.Oft wldo. From the north I hip blk ' 17 , v\e t sldo of fith st. Credit 1'onelei add , to the boilth line of blk 2t.5 , ft wide. UUil. 2,11 , 4,5 , (1,7 ( , 8,0 , 10. 11,12,11 , II , south sldo of Pierce 61. A Koiuitro'n ndd , n ft v > ido Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , west sldo 1Mb at , blk 0 , Knuntro'e .Id , 0 ft wldo. Lots 13,14 , h , 10 , 17. is , IPao , east side 15th st , blk 5 , KoiintJo Sitid.n ft wide , Ixit 1 , south side of Dorcns st , blk 4 , KoutitJo's 4th , 0 It wldo. Lots 1 , Ul. south side Durcns st.blk S.Kounlro's 4th , 0 It wide. Ixit 2 , north lido Doicas st , blk 5 , KounUo's 4th , Oft wldo. Lots 10 , II , north slilo Dorcas fit , blk 2 , Knuntro's 4lli , 0 ft w Idu Lot 1 , south sldo Dot Una st , blk 15 , S. li. ling ers , 0 ft vrtde. Lot I , south side Doicasst , blk II , S K Hog- crs , (1 ( ft wldo. Ixits 15,10 , north side Dorcas st , S H. Itosor" , 0 It wide. I-otslJ. H. 14,15 , 10 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , S3 , east sldo Vliglnla uve , blk 11 , Hniistom Ph.ce , 4 ft wide. Lots 1,2. south slda Fntnnm st , blk 10 , McCor- mltk'HaddHit wide. Lots 1 , U , west sldo 20th Bt , blk 10 , MtCor- mlcU'Riulil , H it wldo. Lot 1. west Bide a th at , blk 11 , MeCormlck's nddSH wldo Lots 1,2,3 undo 4 ft ot 4noitb sldo Hownixl st , blk 11 , MtCoimlck's , 1 ft wide , "to wllhluU'i ft wlthlncilib line on natural grade. " W. ,1.1ft It 4 , south Bide Inrnnmst , blk 0 , Me- Cormick's , 5 ft wldo. IX JO It It 1. south sldo Furnam st.blkO , Mo- Cormick s , fl ft wide. W. an ft It fi. outh sldo Fnrnum st , blk 8 , Mo- mick's , n ft vv ido. K. 20 ft It 1. south sldo Farnnm st , bllt P , Me- Coi mlck'n , 0 tt w Ido. W1511U2 , south sldo ruinnmst , blk7 , Mc- Cormlok'8,0 It w Ido Lots J , 4 , south Bldo Harney st , blk 7 , JlcCor- mlckV , Olt vide. . Lot 3 , east sldo 27th nvo.blk 7 , McCoimicVa , 0 ft w Ido. Lotl.touth f > ldo Howard fit , blk 5 , J.I. lied- tck 8 sub , 0 U wide. Lots2.I , 0 , 7 , west sldo 2flth nve. blk 0. J.I. Ilodlck'ssub , 4 It wide , "to within 'JVJ It within curb line on natural gimlo. " W 10 ft It 11 , north sldo Farnam Bt , blk 3 , Himr } ft ShellouM addn It wldo. K. 15 ft It Il.noi th Blue Farnam St. blk 1Henry , Sholton's add , 0 ft wldu. W. tilt it K , north sldo rninnm st , Kollono'a 1st , n ft wide , E. 3Uftlt 18 , north side Farnam st , blkl , Cap itol add , 6 ft wide. K. 21 ft It 14 , north sldo Farnnm st , blk 2 , Cnpl tel add , 0 ft wido. 3) ft of lots 1 and 3. south sldo Tornum at , blk 2 , Capitol ndd , G f t w Ido. W lo ft lot 2 , south side rnrnnm at. , blK 1 , Cnp ltol ndd , 0 It wldo. K 150 ft lot 1 , south Bldo Fnrnnra st , blk 0 , Cap itol add , 0 ft wide. U it lot M , south sldo rnrnam st , blk 0 , Cnpltol add , n ft vrido. W 50ft , blk 5 , Capitol add , north Bldo Farnam Bt. , Oft wldo. W15 Ft , lot 10 , noith sldo Farnam st , blk 1 , Capitol add , 0 Ft wide. K 10 It lot 11 , north sldo rarnam et , , blkl , Cnpltol ndd , 0 Ft wido. Lots 7,8 , o , 10,11,1. . south side Karncy at , blk 3 , Capitol add , 0 Ft wldo. Lots 11 , U , west side UUth Bt , blk 2 , Capitol add , C it wido. W 10 Ft lot It , north side Farnam st , blk 6 , Hoggs & , Hill's add , (1 ( It wide. W 8 Ft lot 11 , north sldo Fnrnnm st , blkB , Hogg's A. Hill's add,0 Ft wldo. n 10 Ft lot 10. north side Farnam Bt , blk B , Hoggs i Hill's nud.O Ft wido. win Ft lot 4 , north side rarnam st , blk 0 , Bogus X Hill's add , ( I Ft wldo. W 10 11 lot Bnoith sldo Inrmun st.blk O.HoggB 5. HIM 8 add , 6 Ft vrido. Lots 1,2 , J. 4fi. 0 , 7. 8. west sldo 29th uv. o , blk 4 Hoggs i. Hill's 2d odd , 0 Ft wldo. Lots 1,2 , ,1.4,5.0. 7. west stdo 29th nvo , blk 3 , Hoggs A. Hill's 2d add. 8 It w Ido. Lot 1J , north sldo Arch st , Parker's odd , 6 Ft wido. Lot 12 , west sldo SaundcrsBt , blk 0 , Fnikor's add , 0 Ft wldo. Lot 38 , enst sldo 17th Bt. Horbuck'a 1st add.O Ft wldo. Lot 1 , vrost side inth st , blk 3. E V Smith's add , 0 Ft wldo. Lot 10 , oust sldo l th Bt.blk 2 , E V Smith's add , 0 Ft wldo. Lot l.fouth side OracoBt , blk 8 , E V Smith's add , G Ft wido. Lots 1 and lit , south sldo Grace Et , blk 0 , BY Smith's add. 0 Ftwlde. Lot l-io.soiitli Bide draco Bt. blk 10K V Smith's add , 0 Ft wido. Lota 1 , 10 , south Bldo draco Bt , blk 11 , U V Smirh'B add.O Ft wldo. LatS north Bide Grace st , blk 7 , E V Smith's add , I ) Ft wldo. Lots 6 , 8 , north Bldo Grace Bt.blk 6 , K V Smlth'sadd.GFtwIdo. Lots 5 , A , noith slilo Qrpco fit , blk 5 , E. V. Smith's add , G ft wido. All north sldo Grace st opposlto blk LK.V. Smith'sOft wido. l/o tHl , 10 , south side Grace st , blk 14 , E. V. Smith's , U ft wido. Lota 1U and JO. south fide Clark , "not de- scilbod on map , " fl ft wide , Lotsll , 1. , II. 14. 15,83 , west Bide I'Jtb Et , Eliz abeth i'laco , G ft wide. L.jts 0. 7 , H , 9,10. JO.11,3.3.33,34 nnd L , east Bldo 10th st , Klizabotli Place , II It wide. Lot ; 1 and in , south Bldo Spriuo et. Klizaboth Plato , Oft wldo. J. 13. HOIISK. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omnhu , September 30th. 18G. Notice. Of thu sitting of the City Council , ns a Hoard of Iliiuall/ation To thu owners of nil lota and ro il estate In nny of thu paving dlstilcta , BUWOI dlstilotp , or aloiu the line of tiny of the improvements htiiilnaluu named. You and oaoh of sou aio hereby notified Hint tlio olty councilol thooltyof Omnlinwill Bit as a bonrd of oqiiiilUutlon , nt ( lie ollicu ol the clt } o'oik , In the court house In mild city , on Tiiosdav and Wednesday , the 5th and I th ilajH ot OUoboi.lPStl , between the IIOIIIH of ( I n. in. and U m ; and bolwicn the houiHiif 2p iu and Gp m , , lor the purpose ot oquall/lng thu ( im posed lev ) of the sptoltiltiixos and imsesmiicnlrt and con01 ting nny onors therein , to couu the ton of tcrlaln wit , Tocooi tlio rest of puvlnin follows , loth filloi.'t , from Mapon btruet to William HIM ot. 'lo cover the tobt of constructing suwurs , as follows : ! ! ew or 111 sewer dlsti let Nn 30 , To cover tbo i est ol liiu blng , us follows ; lOlh bttoot front William sttoet to Center htiont'Uli ; ( stroetfrom ht. M niH Avenue to Pleitoatiert ; 2tth ) AVI nuo tiom Fiirnum btiett to Dougliw street ; Cuming ttreetJlth Avenue to middle of lilock liotwoeiLllst and.Uc | etrncls ; 2ith Avenue nuo fiomCiimlngaticct lo nortluun terminus. Aou are turthornollllod tlpit by rrsulutlon duly adopted by said council , it IH proposi d to levy the said ens' of Bald improvements upon nil the lots und real estate In t-ald dlt.trli.lH or along the line of said improvements , icsnnct- Ivcli , ucceiiline to foot f i outage , and accoid- Ing to the usual scaling buck pioi ess ns horeto- lore ndopti c ( und follow od b ) Bald council , un less for good oniibii shuvrn , sumo ohnnuo shall uppViirto bo proper. \ou nndcnohot } ou tire hereby notified ( o appear bofoia saU bouid of oriuall/ntlon at the tlmo ami place nbovo tipucltlod , nnd miiUo any complnlnt } ou m y wish enncornlug sild proposed - posed lovlos oruii } part thereof. , J , H.bOliniAUD.CItyCloik. OmaliaNob. . Sept.viSlh , Wvl. sJddtit Dissolution of Copartnership , IU CopintiiertUIi | heiololoio oxlstliig bo- Ivvoen Croulun is l.nieiiHer Ii boroby ills- od. P. J.Crcudon i > to colliut nnd puy all bills os.ild | 111 m. P. J. Cltl'.KDON. , . . , _ JOHN IATI".NsKt. : OmahaNebSent 27th , ISM. Parlies ImUng liflU ugulnst tbo nbovo Ilrm willpleutto present Ilium on or befoul Nuv J. I w ill continue the hi 8liios.s nttho old bland , and invltii ill ! my frlcivli to call on Irn. diBlt 1' . J. CHKKUON , 3UIPKOVKI ) FAUNS. Hutlor Co , ICniK , for auloo3nlco ; city lots , Kl Dorado , Kan * . , Jo i gale. Kneli iniui is vrnll adapto ( to grain undetock ; rich poll ; all plow or pasture laud iim wastoi. Title perfect , with wuiranty deed. TIB | lots krwsmootli , nleo bull ling loin , only i > nilli- Doith of P , O. Pilco. 5175 to U75. Tcuchuiv. clerks , anyone who wlilios a safe proper ! } th it will double In 1 } oar , should buy lots In El Dot- ado ; population 11,000 ! the piettlnstolty hi Kan- sag T rins cash. Adiirojj a W. Cue , Uldoru- , A sjultkI'armtntr * Cum for Ui4 H > uhi Ml , liability , h r. MEN jpu nc < .w ln t Noquack.rr. In. dUpuWl.le I'roorg. Uu fh Special Ordnlnno * So , A N Ordinance lev } Ingn upeclnl tax n'l MI . /V Hunt on nil lots nndrcnlo tnto wlthinj lngli liltt No , fil.ln the city of Om i- c-ovir the eo t of pirinir Jones ptro ' Ninth street to Thirteenth street. , .4.i \ > lieitas , It In v 'n boon andlieinfrlieropy at Judged , ditermlnel Aim ostnbllshcd that " ' spvi-inl lotsniid pit ts of.rcnl cstnto neroi. tprin.erri'iMo , litvocnch bocnspeo'Kllybonf ted totholullamiiiint herein levied anil ns < osl against naeli of sild lots mid nieces of Tj estate , jo | petuol } , by ren'Oil f " " > pnvit of Hull part of Jon s slieet from NliUh stnl toTliliti'i'tilh street. Pliorefoio torthp purposoof pnjttiff the of nld pnv ni . , . HP ttoidnlncdb ) thoelty council of tnoclt Oiiiahn V'oiljiil. Thnt lhi < cost of paving tliiul of Jones street within Pnvlng District No In the o ty of onmhn , from Ninth strcnU 'I lilrleentli stiiet , said eo t being thn nun ? $1".UM. ! > 1 , In-and tin-snmo Is hereby levied nsgi'suitl. In proportion to the leot front nl- mild paving and in entiling to rpeclnl beiiofllui u'ii iiii of < nl I tniv ing , upon the following' f-critieil lots nnil leal eistnle. us Miowrf KI nriall ) leeiujnl ixl iiiupiM \jltyofOmn IKs ) llthngrnpiMl nnd published byIisi.P. Hen piildoost In ing so lev led on said lots mull ; t'siult'ip ppulvolv us follows.tivvrlt ! _ * Joseph. Mini 1 ! Hui krr , 115 blk 174. oily. * ? * ? John Mnlv dull , w t of It n blk 174city . . 8 1 Jerrv Mnlv ( lull e ' nl It nhlk 174 , city t Phillip \ on WliidlKliit.lt7 blk 174clty. . Pattlik Qiiliilnii It Hldk 174 , city K H \ \ lllliuiiH.v. 8. 11 Johnson , L \\llllauis\9 \ II Johnson , ItO blk 178 , ' ' ' ' ' I/ll1 Williams A. S H. JohnsoiiVn' } j'o'f'lt T * . - blk I W. ell } l' L. 11 Wllllnms & S. It. Johnson , * ! i or It. 8blkl75.elt\ 1/J / Haltii ? KramerBS of It 7 blk 175.olty. . . . 4M Ilaltn ? Kramer , s 'i It 8blk 175 , city * V liedKriig , It 5 blk 170 , city * Find King , ltd I'k I7i > , olty ngj INtntooflhos 7blkl7nclty. [ 83 Kstnto of Ihos Kennedy , It 8 blk 170 olty. 8JJ W P. Konnilly , n22ol It 6blkl77 jM Michael Dco.nfiil ol s UDoflt 5 blk in , City U John Kiiiie > llFi4tof It 5 blk 177city. . . . nil Fiod Li AniPJ.IUtblk 177olty C3 Fnil I. AmosIt 7 blk 177olty M./ ' " FrcdL Ames , It8 blk 17.elty - l'aillnUu > n < loi1T.Maitinpart of then 114 ft of It 1 blx 101city COT ) U P. H. H. Co. , 1897.5 an ft 111 tlio 187 Of H i 1 blk liil , Clt } W Joseph A ( leo K Hnrkor , pnit of n 123 of It 8 blk U > 1clt ; K U P. H. It. Co . NW 5 q ft In the 8 IB of _ It 2 bikini , city M Win , A Pn\tonlt3blKlOIelly BS3 Win A. PilMoil. It 4 blU 191 , olty 683 O. A. 14 uC ItlblkllU 811 Lewis S. Iteod , Hf > 5of n Utof ) It 1 blk ltt ! . city 184 A. II. lllaliop.n v > ot B 31 of It Iblk 102 , ' olty . . . . , 8. M. Klti heii,8ii of : of It Iblk ll , cltr 0 A. LlmliUcsllt ] 2 tdk 1U2 W3 Lov I J. Kennaid , It .1 blk 11U , city f > 83 Mark 4 blk 1112. olty B83 OinnlmOnB 1 blhUU. city. . . . . . f | Omaha ( las Mfg Co , It blk 1K1 , city. . . . . . W .lercmlnh ilblk lUl.clty. . . . . . . . 683 .lireiiilali Llmihan , It 4 blk 10.1 , city &S.1 John Mulv Ihlll , It 1 lilk 104. olty K A. H-Dlifieno , oiufU2blk 104. olty 201 Hem j J vVlndsni , vv Vt of It 2 blk 191. city 01 Honiy.l. Wlnd oi , n ' , ll3l > IklN.clty. . , 408 J L Lov ott. a tt of ItJIblk ISM.ctty 17u mt 4 blk 104. oily 403 J. L Lovett , s ' 4 of 114 blklW.clty 175 Section 2. Tluit said special tuxes levied afoi said , on said lots lexpccllvely , shall become i llnnuent ns tollows' ono-tonth of the toj nmouiit so levied on each of Raid lots ahnll ] < comodollniiuent In llfty days from tbo pussij nnd npprovnl of this ordinance , ono-tonthi' oneoarone tenth In two ytiurs , one-tenth three j oars , ono tenth In four years , ono-lor in five } ears , ono tenth In six yours , one-tot In sov en } cure , ono tenth In eight years nud ol tenth In nlno yours nttor enld lory , nnd be ! from the pnesago and approval of this ere unco. Each of MI d Installments , oxccpt the fit shall diaw Intorostat the rntool govoo porco per cent , per annum ftom the tlrao of the lei aforesaid , until the same shall become dc quent. A penalty of five per cent , , logot with Intercut nt the rate one per cent , month , pa } iiblo In advance , shall bo paid cnch dcluiiiuont Installment. Section 3. ' 1 hat the on tire amount of lov led nnd ussossed on any of sntd lots maj ; pnlilb ) the owner of any lot , or the entire ofJ | pro rata proportion of said tux on any of ' lots , mny bo pnld by nny person on any parltl said lots within llfty days from safd levy , i ) tlioroiipon such lots or parts of lots , Bhullj exempt fiom nny lion or cliurgo therefor. { Section 4. Thnt this ordinance shall luke oQ nnd bo In force from nnd nfterlts pnsaogo. ' I'nssed September ] 4th , 1880. j WM. F. lKuiiii. ) , President City Councn J. H. SOUTH Alii ) , Cit } Clork. f Approved September 20th , 1880. Si JAUES E. Horn , Mnycfl t ft Those tnxra are now duo and payable to i city treasurer , nnd will become delinquent ; shown In Section- . * 20drt TIIOMAK Brrcic , Olty Troaauro Special Ordinance No. 8t > 0. , A N Ordinimcolov } lugaapoolnl tax nnd asagj XX ment on all lota and real citato within K > IngDIstiiet No M , in the city of Omaha , " cover the cost of paving Capitol avenue frJS llth ( Ninth ) street to Fouitocmu street. i Wliorena , It having boon and Doing horlf adjudged , determined and established tlmt hj sevoiallots und pieces of real estate horoinuljj. referred to , hnvo each boon specially bonollttt to tlio full amount herein levied nnd artos6 . against onoh of said lots und pieces of ) " , estate , rospeotlvolv , by reason of the pavBJ , of that part of Cnpltol avenue from N1J5 streotto Fourteenth wtroet. f- ! Theroloio , for the purpose of paying the iJJ Bo Itoidiilnodbytho City Council of the Clt * Omaha : i Section 1. That the cost of paving that rr of Capitol av onue within Paving District No * in the clt } of Omaha , 1 rcm Ninth atrcot to I'lf teontli street , anld cost being the HUtnf * 5JI.HJ1.72 , bo nnd the snino Is hereby levied i assessed , in proportion to the teot frontal t Bald paving , and according to special bouofltB reason of said paving , upon tlio following > and real cstato us shown by the generally , ognl/od map of thoelty of Omaha , 1883 , U f [ grnnod and published by Qco. P. Homls , i | > cost being so lev led on sold lota and real eitv rospoctlvoly , as follows , to-vrltt ; Jno. Hcddln.n Vi It 5 bile 70 , city $52 H Shannon , R'i ' ltd blk 70. city Ky Experience Estubiook , It Oblkn.clty 4V " It 7 blk 70elty..lli " US blk 70 , city Ill D. II. Bowmann BO oflt5blk71city 87 , James O. Aiiums , H 40 of It 5blk 71 , olty. . , , 43 : Jno. Lewis , HO blk 71 , city 785 Jno. Murtngh , n A & w64 It a tt It 7 blk 71 , city 030 Agnes H. Williams , u 78 n a H It 7 blk 71 , . ell } 141 J. H. Button , w 44 ft It 8 blk 7Jclty 371 K. It. Mlllspmiffh , w CO ft of o 88 ft It 8 bile - 71 , city Kit 3. II. Buttono J2 ft Its blk 71city IM LldiiHuukosJt5hlk7.2.olty 7U5 HstateofPi lei Foi lies. It el blk 72. city. . , , 7U5 I OillnoyA. Gllinoro , 117 blk 72. city 705 tl Holrs of M. H. Otllllng , Its blk 7.5. olty. , . 7B5 ( l'.d. Mmiroi.BU w' , , It G blk 71 , olty 7 4 Henry Llvesoy , n ! i w ! i und o ii It 6 blk r 7.1 , city , . . . 517 HobicfiiJ. Llvcaoy , ItOblk73 , olty. . , 7o D II. Hiiwmnn , vv lilt 7 blk "a.olty 3971 Euulco D. Pattuo , n V H7 blk .3 , city . . . . 307 [ Itnmlall A. H blk 73 , olty , . . TOl Delhi U Ilurkluy , Itriblk 74eltr , . 7MSI ( i A. Wright , w 'A ' It blk74olly ffi)7l JnliiiMciiltt.o ' / It ! blk 74 , olty HUT Jiiainin'iJ H7 blk 71elty. . . . . . . 1197 < CunloJ. MiiiUs.oli It 7 bile 74. olty. , , , , . , IW7 ll H H. i , J H I 3 blk 74. olty. . . . . 7U5 f Mojtr llollnian.lll lilk W , pity. . . . . , , . . , 7115,1 Juntos C. t liapumn. 112 blk N'l , city 70.V PijiorWilkliis , H.1 Idle S'J.olty 71 > 3 , Julia II llemlH.n < > lt4 blk hil.elty UtI HunlcoD 1'atteo , H'ilt 4 blk Mi.olty . . , . KIM Mmk Aiidiow , ll I blk HO.elty , . , 71151 , Cluuli'sH Hrown.ltJblk tw.clty. . , . ' Fred Dollono , It3blk'Ji.oity . . FrodDolloiio.iiM I tit 4 blklW.clty . . , .1 , M. Ouminliigs a an 1 tit , 4 blkuo.oltr. . . . . , , ll'Jj H. \\ooil.nWiltll 1 , blk Ul , oily > SJJ Anna Wll-on , tM ft It 1 blk 01olty , . 2I4 ( M ( 'iliinlnghiimoCI ; ft It 2blk Ul , flty. . . . SJ7li Oln Nelson , will ft 112 blk HI , city. . . . , . , . . iwl i\uOllvor : , ItJI blk til.oity . . 7 ( 'I1 Aiinu Wllcon.nbUfili I fdk tilcity t Small lleinsteln , H 40 ft It 4 blkllLcity. . . ' II. Slianiion.f'/ I blk W , olty . . . , , un\ . JiiiiiesCiitlcT , o : ci ft of w H It 1 blklf-.olty. 27MW 1 li/abeth ICnetlle.WHttof It 1 blk W.clty 2W.i , KhtHlnol ( I.C.Moiull. Ita blUUJ.olty. . , , * ff ! % npiiigudurdlntr. It JblkW.cItr . . . . . . . . IttTO Dinuus 4 blk l . city , r > J " - Van Kiinin lClu tlo Nut Ixmk und Wi'guor - . Co.o'iti | blk lU.clly 65ll ! .Inn , L. McCague , w ' , i It 1 blk 03 , city , . . , , fiSTll Chin In * 2 blk'd , city. . . , . . . , , , Jl" Ada P. ,1 blk Ul , city 4 Anna Wilson. 114 blkUl.oity t..t .Section 2. 'Hint Biiid HI uclal luxes levied afpE paid , on snldloU iiapth. tlve'y. ' ahull becouioin , liiKiui nt IIM follows ; ono tenth of tlioleill amount so lovicdon eniti of Bald loMbballl1 ] cgmedoliiKiuiiitln llfty da ) * from the PU Amid / / < mid nppiovnl of this ordlnanso , onn toutiXu oneynui , fin' ) lentil In ( wo three ycni , onn tenth In foi'i > cr , oiio-tiri ) In llvo j nuri ) , one tenth In six yi ) Vs.ono U-HU III tovuii yearf , line ti nth In el/i'l , , V cuia l\ , one-tenth In ninii } eaia nftur'Biil levyj lf boltiir tlio pn'gogo and nprivulof till oidlnuncu. Limh of Mild installH.Wits , * i tlio tint , sluldiawintote ! tntthe.f'leqf | | > rv pi'reeni pornnnttin lioui the iliaouf tbo IfK nfoioi ild , until the same \ > \lt litxoine nuont. A pomili } ol llvciiMfcent. . , leg , . , with lntMi- t nt tbo ruti > or ono per ccutifLfi month , iinulilA In advance , hall bo tmlifr , 1 o leh itelliKJiient iMstulliiiByt , > I r-iK-tion2. Tlmt the catjra nmount of l 'Mi ' l\lu < l and nsJi euo on unr or * iil < i lot * M i , ( pitlJ b } the owner of uiy lot , or the entire wiul jjro riitapropoitlon of ml < 3 tax on nny oJP lots , mwy b paid by tvn > ponon on any tHi-l il pnlJ lou * | ilun llfty drt ) noiu laid luiy , aP thereupon such lots or pr.itj of lot * , * tn&m cixompl from an } lien or cl.argafor.T - ji , Fe ilon 4 1 hut thia nrdlmtiuo ! m | | take alj'Jl und I c In forte fiom and after it pa uit . ' - ? l'ni ( i.1 Sffitemt orUtb.JKM. Wy , I' HECHK. , I'riuldftnt City Opu J H Son u Aitu.Mty Clerk. * > Appnived htintcmber 2 th , 1B . " " _ JiME E. fi ) Tin-so In\08nro ne/w dt.e und khuwii in hoctfou - '