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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY JlIflE : IWIDAY" . OCTOBER 1 , 1880. - JU11S DAILY BEK. * JOUNCIL BLUFFS. J-H1DAY MOKNINC On'OCKS. 1. [ OKFJCE , NO. 12 , PEARL STREET. flUcicd liy miner In mijpnrl of tlic city nt inc nt ) ' iriits jitr vrc-k. jMV.TiiTOtf , - - .Malinger. . TKIXPMONKS : SiN f Oi-rirr. , N'o. . niiiT Kim < nt No1. . MINOR aiKXTIOX. New York Plumb ! .if ? Co. Mow fall jroods : it Keller's. ' Cooper \ - McIiiM- soil slovos. Vliuiip ntilroiid tickets at "l.ynwooir to-night l > y Mawlo Tli" VITJ lu"it cabinets all : n do/on at lorlmin s lion Joseph Lyinan addresses the poole - le of Diimap to-morrow. Om > I'D/.CII ' cabinets and a largo panel jr $ 'J 50 at Schmidt's gallery. Dan Carrigg , of this city , lius completed liiind i > inc brick block in Atlantic. IS Cabinet Photographs W. Quality ID llni'St Sherradon , 17 Hroadway. Prriiiit to wed has been granted latihuw Mullen , of Chicago , and Cora luiiiph , of tills city. Judge Low yesterday received news Kit iiishon was .seriouily ill , ii'jLc-ssHut- tg his return home last evening. The ladies : ir especially invited to at- ii'j HIP republican meeting hero Satur- iv mglit and hear Sentlor Allison. 'The city council meets .Monday night , hose who havi' claims against the city | tumid lilo tin-in with the auditor this turning In the federal courtyesterday ; the jury t the case ot Aultiiian < fe Taylor against returned a verdict in favor of the laintill' . The young and talented actress , Miss luiule Howe , and her company play the ointii.ual . Urania , "Lymvood , " tli's ' even- Stf at tin1 opera nonse. The canning works at Atlantic put iii | 10,000 cans ot corn this cciiKou , and the ins are now being labelled , boxed anil lipped til the rate of three car loads a I inted Stales .Senator William 15. Alii- ) ii will address tilt1 people of Council , lull's from a republican standpoint at the J'emplit , on Saturday evening ! \t Henry Kiseman & Co. have done away | ith thu package delivery by their own ys , anil her'-after will deliver all the ukagi-b by the American District Tele- iipli service. The t nitcd .Slates grand jury yesterday turiH'd two batclies of indictments , est of them being unseiisatioiial charges violations of the rcveiiuo laws , The and jury having completed its labor , is discharged yesterday afternoon. Tlio Hrownold case was called ui ) bee - o Judge Aylesworth yesterday morn- ; hut was continued for a week , the il being given for $ T > 00. Tlie case of 'm ' Allen , cluirgeil with resisting an lieer , was also eoutiiuied. The Latter Day Saints are to hold a rn- J ion at Garner's grove , near Alondn- l-ii , commencing to-nioi row. and prob- I 'y continuing over two .Sundays. A ge tent with n seating capacity of 00 has been provided , President 'oph Smith is expected to be present , ilway rates liuvo been llxed at one and i-lhird rates for the ropnd trip. I , ust evening there WIIH a reception en by Hev. lr. and Mrs. McCreary at new parsonage. This pastoral home in excellent one , and is one of the oinpensing features of the itinerancy Itern. , The Methodists hero now have ionic for their pastor of which they y well feel proud , and the present > lor and family are certainly worthy upants. "lie citv jail is being put in condition L'cuivo the free lodgers who begin 'jpiug in as soon as thu nights begin to frosty. The stoves are now sot up , ken lights of glass restored , and the co being iiiado very inviting and com- tablo. The ollicers are expected to w the impecunious visitors every at- 1011 to be looked for in a lirst class ascl Fox , one of the prosperous far- y of the county , well known in this nily , was yuhtorday married to Mrs. j lira P. Davis , also a resident of this I nty. Justice Suhur/ performed the S miony. Mr. Fox has for many years u a justice of the pence , and has tied ly couples himself. Now it is his i to bo tied and to receive con- tulations. ribt night Miss Maude Howe appeared in at the opera house , this time in uly Audloy's Secret. " probably the oiigcst play , if not the most pleasing , ( all m her ropurtoiro. She appeared to ( CL-lk-nt advantage showing some points j strength , which had not been brought it in her previous appearances. To- /ght / she appears again , and as on each j'ceiiding night , so to-night there will bo an increase in thu size of the iillunco. U . Ls'Mclunond ranges tor hard coal atm > per it MoUeu's. ust received , Ladies' line shoes , best m . Prices low. Ueo. Hlaxini , 807 in. 'irst class regular dinner 25 ce.nK12 to 3 lock. 1 liu'iiix chop house , 605 H'way. lilats regardless of cost. Closing out 4t stock of F. K. Stnbbs , comprising > ) x's , Stetson's and other Iinil brands. /E. / H. WILLIAMS , No. 500 Hroadway. lEvcrnnl and Eiilalia. " by Ed.Vright , Isyle by Hiishnull & Cookwell. , ( lighest jiriccs paid for county , town I iY nnd school bonds. ( Jdell Hros. it 1 y , No , 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , Hun OvoraClillil. l-fitordny afternoon Bill JoiVris whilu g a jJny at a fust gait along Broad- run against a little girl named J'ir. knocking the child down and In- fig her apparently quite badly. She jftnken into Cook & Landerwnssnr's Jo , and the blood being washed from face , It was found tlmt hot injuries I/KM / really slight , and she was able to nlk homo. A warrant was issued for ] girls' arrest on tlio charge of fast driv- I' ; , and later In the afternoon Olllcor < < ; htniiin found him and locked , Lsaid ( that ho could not mnnntio the | > , and Ids foot catching In the allrnp , | vs bonding down to disengage it , . \rtho pony got a fresh start on thu J and soon after struck the little girl , nil have a chance , to explain morn to Judge Ayk-s worth. li-esh oysters In every style at the urtlx Chop House , No. 505 Broadway. . .ills regardless of cost , Closing out > stock of F. K. Stnbbs , comprising 'ox's. ' Stotson'd and other line brands. . B. WILLIAMS , No. SOU Broadway. r and foftcoiU. wood , liino , cement , j Cornell UhiJrs Fuel Co. , Ko. Sail r , , ad\vay. i'clephono No. 18J. ( Me trio door bolls , burglar nlarm.s.and W form of domestic eloctrieal appli- | s at the No York Plumbinp Co. f L that your books are made by More \\f \ \ & Co. , room 1 , Everett block. li MAYOR EVANS ENDORSED , The RcpiiTjiicans Tlntinimoiisly Nominate Him With a Hurrah. CLOSE OF THE CHURCH COUNCIL A 1-lttlo Cilil ItocUlr ly Itun Orcr- Hi'tintor Allison ID Spcnk Hero TO-MOITDW Niytit Oilici- Itlllfl'HCVS , or .Mayor. Thocily rupnhlican convention unit in the t'lly hull vi'Mcnliiy iiflernonn. W. K. Ssniji , jr. , euHril to onliT. I * . A. Itnnkit \vis suliiuli'd as cliairtnnn , nnil M. 11. Mrown as srcnstnry. On motion of .lolui Linill a poinruitti'c of one from uanli ward was apDolnlcd on orotli'iitialH Jacob Slinx , .John Limit , Walter Smith , L. A. Casper. Tins report of the committee- , showing iloh' nti'M ns iiublislicil in yesterday's Hir. : , was : ulotiMl | ) , and the temporary ollleers made purniani'tit. Mr. Jacob Sims moved to proreeil i\i tlio nomination of a ouidiirrtu : for nin or. Carried. W. K. Sajip , 'I'M ' placed in nomination J. F. EV.-.IS. Walter Smith secondeil it. J.Vnn Lindt moved to declare him the nominee by acclamation. This carried unanimously and applause followed. A committee eonsistlnc ofV. . N. Lapp , jr. , Walter Smith and , /acob / Sims were appointed to hunt up Mr. Evans and present him to tlio convention. There was dillienlty in finding Mr. Evan. . and during the absence of the committee , the delegates had a love feast. The good feeling which had charactorix.ed all Hie proceedings , broke forth into much enthusiasm. J. J , Steadman was called out and made one of his earnest and fool ing speeches. While not discussing the merits or demerits of the candidate , and easting no rellections upon Mr. ( irone- weg , the democratic nominee for mavor , \.r \ Vu'god the republicans to stand by "Mr. Evans an > l work for his election. Mr. Evans' teeord as mnyor had .shown him to bo the man for the place , anil there was no oi'ca.sion tor a change. Colonel I ) . II. Daily was called for , but lie declined to make any extended speech. liy this time the committee hud re turned and through Walter Smith ro- liorted that they had been unable to HO- Mr. Evans' presence at this time. The committee supposed that the chief anxiety of the convention was as to whether Mr. Evans would accept and how he looked upon the prospects for success. Mr. Smith reported that they had met Mr. Evans ami had held a sort of caucus : They felt authorized to re port that lie would accept the nomina tion and that ho would beat William ( jroneweg by at least liOO votes. This an nouncement culled forth more applause and the convention then adjourned. The nomination of Mr. Evans was not nnlooked for. It was generally predicted ' that such would be the aetion'of the con vention. The unanimity ami enthusiasm of the convention was a mere reflection of tiie feeling of a large portion of citi /ens. The mere conventional forms were gonti through , but for all practical pur poses they might as well have been done away with , as the party and the public had already lixed upon Mr. Evans as the republican nominee for mayor. ( ! oed citi/cns of all parties are rejoic ing over the fact that whatever may be their parly preference or personal wishes , Council lllnlVs will have a good mayor in either event. Mr. Evans was chosen as temporary mayor to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Chapman. It was a ditlicnlt position to till , but he has ( Hied it nobly , and has shown himself to be every inch a man. lie has resided here so long that lie needs but few words of public com mendation , his record being a proud testimonial of his worth , lie has large properly interests here , ami has the in terests of the city elose at heart. As to the chances of success predictions are various. That it will bo no easy vic tory for Mr. Evans and tlio republican party is conceded. It appears that in the mrittcr of registration the democrats are bettor orgamxed than the republicans , and secured the registering of a largo proportion of their voters. The contest promises to bo carried on in gooil feeling and without any mud throwing. Parly feeling and personal preferences may be strong , but there is no disposition on either side to engage in dirty work , and certainly no occasion. Tlio next host thinir to a Richmond Furnace is a Kadiant Homo liasc Burner. Sold by Cooper & AicOoo. J. Ernsiltorf , having taken entire con trol of tlio Plnonix chop house , desires testate state that ho has secured the services of Charles Decker , a first-class cook of New York city. The best the market affords , night and day , in the best st.ylo of the art. Will also have a regular bill of faro. PASTOIIS AI ) I'KOl'MS. Interest lilt : Gleanings from tlio Scs- hloiiH oT CniiKrcKationnllstH. Yesterday was the cloving day of the annual meeting of the Council 1U nil's association of Congregational churches. The sessions have been very interesting and , doubtless , profitable to the attend ants and participants. There are about thirty-five churches in tlio association , and with nastors and delegates there ban been an average attendance of about one hundred persons. The sermon given Wednesday night by Rev. Mr. Loopcr of Red Oak IN spoken of as one of the grand est sermons over delivered hero , and the reverend gentleman , who is a compara tively newcomer to Iowa , established for himself a reputation among these who heard him , i-o that all will bo clad indeed of getting another opportunity of hear ing him. Yesterday morning the time was largely given to the consideration of the home missionary work. The state secretary , Rev. T. O. Douglass , made nn earnest address and nresented many interuMing facts. His work is the qrgani/.mg ot new churches , especially in tlio newly settled part of tlio state , and rovlving churches which have weakened and fallen into a deadly trance. He has been engaged in this work for about four years , and is enthusiastic concerning it. lie gave some interesting statements concerning - corning Larehwood , in tlio northwestern part of the state. The large farm of Richard Sykes , embracing ' . . ' 0,000 acres , has lately been divided up , and there was a lively little town by the name of Larehwood. A church had been organ- i/.cd by him there. lie also spoke ot the necessity for work in the cities , whore vicious classes were pouring in constant ly. Ho npoko of the wonderful trrowth of Sioux City , where ho hud lately been visiting. He had inquired carefully into the Haddock murder , and had satisfied ii > " ' , own mind that there was a plot by w on six in all were to have been put out ot the way The conspirators had plotted not only against Haddock , lint against the pastors of thn Congregational and liaptist churches , n certain doctor , and other good citizens , nnd had not the plot flashed by the pre mature killing of Mr , lladdocl ; , there would have been more victims. He cited this as an illustration of how in the oittt.'s tlio vicious classes wore augmenting in numbers and in reckless criminality. In the devotional services uovem ! spoke upon the same theme. Rev. Ir Ccoley , ouster of the Fii > t J'situlst church , of this city , was prt-ienl , . ! > cuulu HOUK .stali-metilsas to Ihn dilli' iiltiisin the way of Christian work In r. . Hov. Mr. Crofts Mioki' in the iniiin line llev , Mr. Ste\i-ii.eiui , of Shenandonli , did not liclievo thai then ; wore any wore tieoiile in Council HlulVi than in Shnai > - loali , the only diH'croneo liolug that Ihr-ro were more of tlitin In Council Blurt's , lie llioiight human nalnro was about as bad as it could bo ; no matter whether it wn in city or country. This opinion did not se in to be en- doiMid by others , who InMMcd that in thn cities there were morn of the vicious elates , and more mlliKMict-B inerouslni' vice. In the afternoon Hev. Mr. Wlntllesey preached n sermon , nnd the sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered. Substantial abstracts of titles and real estate loans. .J. W. & K. L. Sipilru. No. 101 Pearl street , Council HlnlVs. All Alioilt Avucit. Avor.v , la. , Sept. 3) . The Oakcs Mcrrio Makers gave an ontcrtiiliimenl to n fiiir-sl/ed audience Tuesday evening. Quito n number of eases ot whooping cough are reported in our sehnols. Little Maud ( Jardner is recovering from a light attack of diphtheria. Tliw volmg woman Katie Popper , who recently gave birth to n child alone and unattended , is at present convalescent nmler the care of Dr. 1) . S. MeCon- nanghoy. lion. 11. O. Seefert and wife returned yesterday evening from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. Mrs. Henry Paid , of Davenport , for merly a resident here , Is visiting her friends the guest of Mrs P. Aekles. Mrs. K. 1) ) . 1 loupes departed Sunday evening for a two week's visit ' .vih ! friends in Cy.iinoiMlluirs utiii Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Shaw of Omaha arc thu guests of Mrs. U. S. Hart. J. C. Hot/el returned Tuesday morning from a business trip loCliieago Sunday- ing in Davenport with relatives nnd friends , No little excitement has been occasioned among our sportsmen by the report thai wolves had boon seen "north of town 'CV'wiitij . A I' J'tv of even or eight went n pursuit. .fiJiin'Porte wa < > snoees.sful in .winging one down. Tlio pride with which .John displayed the fallen foe to his eager companions as they withered iroiind him is easier imagined than told. The chase , however , is not abandoned , as a larger parly are soon to go. Mrs. 1) . L. Hacoii , of Stuart , la. , is an Avoen visitor , the guest ot her aunt. Mrs. Joseph Harvey , of the National louse. Mrs. S. Campbell is visiting her par- utits at Victor , la. Paul Ackels returned from Milwaukee Tuesday , where he went to purchase his fall and winter goods. JIrs , i' . Benjamin returned Monday from Portsmouth , where she has been visiting. Mrs. J. II Browne went to Des Moines for her fall millirery Monday. She expects to be absent about a weei : or ten lays. liy Phillips it Co. having disposed of their stock , Avoea is to be the loser of a oed eiti/.en In the person ot' K. W. Bar ber , who lias for s mo time conducted the business of that linn. Hi ; at pre sent expects to make Council HliiU's his homo. The be t wishes of many friends follow Mr. and Mr.s. Barber to their now lioiuo. X. Y. / . Arrested for On the 17tn of thU month , circus day , the house of Mrs. Mary A. Smith , on Prospect street , was entered by burglars who forced open a window , during tlio absence of tlio family , and ransacked the rooms at will. A clock , silver watch , gold chain , and a jar of- butter were taken. Since then the ollicers have been on the hunt , and Olliccr OTiricti has suc ceeded in tracing up the clues until yes terday ho arrested a young man named Charles Clark , charging him with being tlio thief. Clark is n married man , and lives in a little house near Indian crock. A search of the house revealed the pres ence of the clock , and it is claimed that proof has been got that the jar of butter was used up on Clark's own table , while lie sold the watch and chain and .spent the money front that. On being brought hel'ore Justice Scliurx. yesterday ho prac tically pleaded guilty , and was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of if 1,000. Not being able to give bonds in oven a small amount , he was taken to the county jail. There seems no way for him to avoid serving u term in tlio peni tentiary. Opera house barber shop and bath room. Everything lirst class , E. M. Mar vin. Four Years and Out. Jo Spalding , one of the oldest letter- carriers of the force , yesterday fell as si victim of tlio democratic guillotine. His resignation was called tor by Postmaster Bowman , who had nt > reason to assign beyond the fact that the place had long since boon promised to another. Jo has been in the position just four years to day , and has served with great accept ability to the business men of his district , who on the change of postmasters peti tioned almost unanimously for his reten tion. He lost an arm by the premature discharge of a cannon being lired on ( .Jar- field's memorial day , and besides his ability to till tlio position there have been personal reasons why it seemed that he should bo given the place so long as pos sible. His succes.soris S. W. ( ireen , who has been serving as a substitute , and who is well qualified to perform the duties satisfactorily. Carrier No , 1 , Cy Parker , was some time ago called upon to resign. Now Spalding , No , 3 , stops down and out. No. U should make ready. C'oonor & Meoo ! sell stoves. Hoptihi lean I'rlnmrlcK. The republican primaries of Kane township for the selection of delegates to the republican county convention , which meets in Council lilufl's on October 0 , 1830 , will bo hold on Saturday evening , October 2 , at 7SO : o'clock , at the follow ing places : First Ward At the Western house and select five delegates. Second Ward At the city building and select seven delegate , " . Third Ward At the office of John Limit , Esi | . , and select nix delegates. Fourth Ward At the building for merly occupied as nn ollice by Sackett & Preston , No. 8U Pearl street , and select , eight delegates. liy order of the committee. WM. F. SAIT , Jr. . , Chairman. Oarland cook stoves are the host made. ( ! el one of Cooper & McOeu. A Hloleu Stood. About o'clock yesterday morning the stable of J. O. Hock was broken open and a valuable hor.Sii belonging to him was stolen. It is supposed from sounds heard that the horse was driven down ( Jrahain avcnuo. Thu police are on thn hunt , with fair prospects of recovering the an imal , if not of capturing the thief. The horse was branded on its right shoulder with u heart , and can be easily rccog- nl/ed. _ _ The alarm of fire was cansod yesterday morning by the burning of a small coal shod in the rear of 1) . C , Bloomer's resi dence ou Fourth street. In the attornoon another alarm was sounded , a'Julie one , caused by the attempt to scud m a call for the district telegraph. llriiryade , of St , Joseph , Mo , is hi tineity. . T. J. Evans left yesferday on a brief Vi-it to St. LonK * 7 Joel Eaton , of the gusieompuny , re turned yesterday from Cliidago. Smith McPherson , of Red Oak , was among the attorney In court here yes terday. _ ' Mrs. Dr. Simons , of Denver , daughter of Mr. Mueller , who l now visiting her friends in this eity , is planning on soon starting for Europe to there further her musical culture- Mr. John M. Kemp , one of the chief telegraph operators of Chicago , arrived hift evening on a visit to his old time friend M , 1) . Hrown. Kemp and Hrown took pros * report together over fourteen years ago. Among the lowans in the eity yester day were : J. E. O'llcarn , Storm Lake ; S. S. Ethridge. Des Monies ; Mrs. E. Y. ( ireenleaf , Rock Rniiids : J , 11. ( .inrlnuil and wife. Harlan ; Joel L'.ghtner ' , Iowa City , William Hlmr , Washington ; Wll- merSi'iithatirloo ; ( ieorge 11. Hreni- mer Red Oak. I'J Cabinet Photograph" . $8. Quality the finest. Sherrndeti , ! t7 ! Hroadway. The total regitry in the city is only 2 , . 'J. It is evident that many of the voters have neglected to appear before the hoards. School , Western Iowa College will bo open Monday , Wednesday and Friday evenIngs - Ings , commencing October and continue till April L Students may pursue tiuy br.uicncs de- si red. Kini ! Solomon was Xowhorc. Chicago Jojirnal : 1 strolled into tnat very interesting institution the Newsboys' homo one day \vliile the boys were under going an examination in the M-rintures and was vastly amused at thu answers of the hoys to some of the questions pro pounded. One answer amused me morn titan all the others. The teacher in quired : "Who was the wl M man thill ever lived1 Fifty hands shot iip The ( cncliev ; pointing to n brijriit- eyed youngster , said : "Well , Jimmy , who was bo V'1 "Solomon , of course , " \yas the renly. licfore the teacher had time to confirm his statement the "Kid. " who sat alongside of Jimmy , shouted : "No , ho wa'anl. neither ! " "Well , who was he , Pete ? " asked the teacher. "liob- inson Crusoe , " answered Pele. "How do , v > u make that out ? " a.sked tlio teacher. "Well , ' ' responded Jimmy , "Crusoe was a hustler frow 'way back , ' he wn/.j a daisy of a hustler , 'too ; he when he had nothin' to hustle wild ; Solomon was only a Mormon , any how. " That ended tlio lesson. For hciinly.lor ciiinlort. tor improvement of the skin , use only I'oziiliii's powder , Will make a Spscial Sale this weak o ' ' OIL CLOTHS , G'UR'TAIfiS , CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. Priceo will bo 1-ower than made by any othsr store in the west. Do not fail to see us before purchas ing' elsewhere. Thin (1 epar tin o lit wo shall close out , and shall mnko pricoe to soil them. Our Stock is cecsonablo and sty'os excel lent. Those are Bargains Never Be fore offered , paxt rail save iroaey by calling oaus before purchasing : for wo will net bo undersold. DON'T FOnSET THE PLAGE , NO , 401 BROADWAY , , la PUBLICLY ENDORSED ! SHE IS EVKItYHOimS FAVOKITE , TO-HIQHT flT MAUDB HOWE. Tnlcntcd t i The Powerful Emotional Drama Prices to Suit llio Times and the People. 50 , 35 , and 25 Cents. Seals at Huslinoll's 25c extra. Reduction in Prices , IN China ( lassware Etc. At W.S.Hcmer & Co's. No. 23 Main st. CouUeil BluU's , E.vlnt Lnt'tfc . -is/wi'l incut untl the Hcxt Dt'.iinnn In Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Window Shades , Etc. /ir/m inttitcciHrntx n/J'crcil < ) , .t n chniKjr of fli'nt info 1nJr < iittl alnrk i , iIn / : I'ftltuvtt , Take lift onr's iroi'd , lint cell niltl see for ymir- wli'tv. Unit oin' i "lccsmul iiti Htlt' oiniiat lie Ont of town ti' < tdc c Council Bluifs Carpet Co. , No. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. MOVER AND RAiSER Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction gtmranteed. Frame buildings moved on Litllo Giant trucks , best in the world. SOS Eighth Avcnuo nnd Eighth Streot.Counil Bhiffa. aL J Aa nUXJ t-Lw ) S 7 i" D EXOUBSION THIS WEEK ! i-aiiffinp MURDER I ! lulicrlu teuifiilu iniillnir ( its uumml vlsltii- lid. Ton yemV triulof UK. TIKIS. .1KFKKKIS' 1I'.MI ; ItV tor Unit lutiil nii'lii'ly ' has ilemim- rutciltlio fiicUlmt it Is Inlnlllliloiisa tirovvnt- l\c timl euro. U' you permit your children to ( llo wit H nipnuK-rin , "Tnrlr Imiod bo upon your liund. " For Milo only m tlio olllce , No. : : ; ( South tth M rod , Council Illuiri ! , In. , or t > oat by expiosM on receipt of tirict * . ? - . C. II. llliiKc'SlL'O. of No. 1410 Cumiitioll trcut , Omiilm , who recently ! < ' ? l boautllul iinil in- turoftlnir duuirhtor , njrod about 15 yours , liy iliplitlieria , unilnrtlH ! treatment of one oftlin lio-t pliysluliui * In tlnntlin , writes to Dr. .lelleris , of this city : "Vtmr trmody for illphtlicrlucnino lee Into , our dour diiutrlitor was dylnjr when It was received. 1 urn twllhllod that her liruciiuld have IX.TII Kivi-d. Another one of our children who hud the diphtheria , > ier llirout was Illlcd up with the putrM iilcoratlou , we u.-'cd jour mcdlcino mid In twelve hours tlio ilNonso was eoniplutolv ELUdnod. In the future o will Keep your medicine nt till times In ourhoueo. Wo fed that il si\ud : the life of emu of our children. Wo arc very thankful to you , and only rcKii'tthat wo did not call cm you sooner. " From the Council HlulfH Daily Herald : Mr. . M. M. CJerard , wife of Engineer f'.i'ranl. ol the I'nlon rucltlc. this city , lias been n ( M'eat Millororfor ninny years , ' Tllh what was up- pifecd to budincor of Iho thnmt. It was so uad that hhc wa ? thicatcneil with Marvntlon. Her general health was completely broken down. She could only av.-allo\v liquid food , ami even that her stomach could not dicost or assimilate ) . Physician ? of Council Illnirs nml Omaha intended her for three years and iravo no relief. Dr. .Ictfcris , of this city , was called. In four weeks' timohocured her throat , and com pletely restored her jrenoral health. Had Mr . ( lorard not obtained rcltol1 soon nho would have died from blood pol nn , tlio sumo condition that destroyed the lilo o1 ! ( Jon. ( jrant. From the Council lllutl's Dally ( ihiho : JI. A. Jlcl'lkc , editor in the Cambria ( Ubens burp , I'll. ) Frcoman , has boon the persona- friend of the editor of the Gloho for more than twenty yours , nnd is known wherever ho is know n as one of the liost men llvlnir. HII K al < o an intlmato Iriond of .Mr. Clink of iho Non pareil. Ho has horn nul'oitumito In thu I net that Ills family wan rnviiRcd with diphtheria. andKieatly dl'trefBcd. Mr. Clark havlmr heaid of his calamity Mint him come of Dr. Jelloris' Diphtheria Cure , it was ii ed at once , and the lives of the ri"t of his children t.aved. honors from Mr. Mcl'iko are uiihoiindo'l in tholr ox- prosstoiisol'Knitltudy for tlndiiiK some means of nvortlnir tlio last of his whole irronp of lltllo and lender ones. Fivoot Mr. Mcl'iko'chiidren out of eight died from diphthorla bcforo ho had nn opportunity of uslnir Dr. JolforU' remedy. . Dysjieptic , why live in misery and die in dis- air with canciirof the stomitch ? Dr. 'I'homas olloris cures every cano of Indigestion and onstlpatlon in a very short ilmo. Host of ref erences ifivon. Dyspepsia is the cause of ninety per cent of alt diseased conditions. 1'rlco $ .1 for two weeks treatment. , , , Dr. Julforis * diphtheria medieino is Infallible for all kinds of sore thronts. Indlspensible In putrid 6oro throat , in malignant scarle Hover , chiiiiKliiR1 it In 48 hours to the simple form. Infal lible euro for all tntlammiitory , ulceratlvo , put rid , cancerous ulcoratlon of the womb and ml catarrlml comllllons. Full printed Instructions how to use tlio modi- ernes pent with them. No doctor required. Dr. .Icfferls' remedies can only bo obtained n his office. No. S3 South Kl htli street , ( 'onno Illulls , Iowa , or sent ny ei'pross on receipt drieo. JACOB SIMS , ATTORNEY AT LAW , Practices in Iho State and Federal courts Kooins 7 and 8 Shugart IJlo-ik. N. SCHUBZ , Justice of the Peace Olllco over -\moricau I5xpre. s Company. 9 IB N. Main St. , Council JMufTH , In. , nnil ' . ' 09 S. 15th St. , Room 10 , Onmlm , .Nub. Maniifaclurer's Airontfortha CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES TentH , AwninirH , TtnofliiR : .Shite , Man tels , I'lntii and Window lilass , Show- Cnsca. Elevators ( hand and liy- ilr i SPECIAL NOTICES. Fppclal ndvcrtlBomnnts , mu'h n I.r/ft , l"oin ; Tol/inu , Tor Bale , To llenti nnt , lloiirdlnu' , etc. , will liolnsortod In tlili coliimn at the low intoolTKNCKNTd I'KIt LINK iortho nrstln or Holland FivoC'ontB I'or l.tnoforcach suli o.iiuiit insertion. Lcavo ndvcrllsomt'ii our ollk-o No. li 1'oul street , near llroadwuy , Council lllntlg. WANTS. l'.N'D A Imssiolln bow by Murk Wil- Hums , HIiiK-mauhlicct. _ 1\ 'ANTKI ) Two peed gobcr tinners nt Cooper A : JlcQco's , Council Illulfs. V\7ANTKI-A Kooil Klrl to ilo general Imuso V > woik-A pply at IUJ l-'ourth ttroot , Coun cil Illnirs. Creston House , The only hotel in Council IIIufTs havlnt ; Fire H3soap > e /.ud nil modern linprovciiienta. Slt > , fil uild I'll ) Main bl. MAX MOIIN , 1'rop. " R. RICE , m. n , rnnnone Or other Tumor * romovvil wit ho 4 OU/Scf o , | 1U liiiltu ordi-uwinifor Ijluod. ( Iyer thniy yearn prncticalcxerlenLV- No. 11 I't-nrlBl. , Council Illutla. il luiltniictr In the city can be obtained by patronl/ing-tho MO llion Iway Council Illuirs GILO , W. SCIUXJELE , 1'i'np , None but cxjicriciiccd liaiuls employed. Out of lown orders by mail or express so licited , and all work warranted. OmaliaDentalAssociation T , Manager , Nos. 1510-15'Jl DoiiKliiP st , Omiiliu and No Sill Hroadway , Council IHufl's. IMInlofs If ) > iitKtr | > . No hunibiiEl Ons , Air. l-Hlirr mid C'liorrifnrm , wl'li ' tlic'lr MckcnliiK pITwt nvolilril hjr thu most wonilcrliil unaustlietlu , partly- n e the blood nnil Imlldlui ; up UK tl Mti. Oinalui Dentul Association , .Sole I'rop'rs. Gold Crown. : , Gold Plato and Continuous Gum Teeth a specialty. Ho t tooth $0 ; former price ? 8. Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. . BROADWAY , COUNCIL IJ LUFFS , Oppo lto Dummy Depot. . ff Horses ami mules kept nous-taiitlv on liaiitl , for sale at retail or in ear loadH.Or- ders promptly lillinl by coutraet on short notice. Stock sold on commission. SUM TIK : iV HUI.IY : , Proprietors. Tulcphoiio No. 1M Formerly of Kcil Kale Stable.- , corner 1st ii\-e. and -Itli htreet. 'I'lili pyelPni in onlin'ljnowimdlni.oi'liiiiiliitliiit no nlll uuurniiteu In tench yiiiitu ilruft miri-rfffiillir In it luw Innii.- ' . VMir.-in ilmtl nil llm iinili-rn Hun in ni-edtnl fiirllio luiudy. It I-HIK nil fHiini-iits wurn l > y lailiP4.u itluiiR'iiiincI tlil.iirt'ii. . lJiillc nnit | iunlcinnn , It lll cent mi iiolln.ijj untiln > u hurci Imiriioil , tlion ion will wnnt tliiillttvr. Wo i-liiilltMiBO roiilliutllliiM. TliH iiinvliixiMTli'iiu-Ml l.i'dycrs , loiinitiU , ( oiuily and Itiinli U'orU ' of i U Kindt a Spec ially. Prompt Attention jo Mall Orders MOREHODSE & CO. Hooni 1 Kverut Hlock , Council HluOs. Standard Papt-ra Uund. All styles of bind- iuu in Muf'u/.iiic'ti and BLANK BOOKS. O. II. Nalluual llnak , M. K. Smith i Co. , CIIUi-iiH1 Hunk , ] > errf , WulUA < ' " . , Mrbt Nutlonid Hank , C. II. liisuniiiuo ( Xi. alter i ; I'u oy.UuuUur * i u. Kaviiun IlAiik WHOLESALE AND JOBBING KCO-CTS33S OJr COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ .until n.rt int. IMI'I.IMHT < . " DKKUK. WKLLS tV : IX ) . , Agriculliiral Implements , rniTlnin- I tc .1 1 < \ Connoil lUnITi , loirn " KKYSTONK M.\MTArirulN ( } CO. Mnko HIP drlKMiiil Hint Complrlo Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mil ! & Press , COIIN SIIKI.I.KltS AMI FKKI ) ( frri'.lK Ni-5. ii.nirici , i.itr. nn i ; , , , * o\tti ! Mnln struot , rouniMI ll.iitTs lonn. DA MM mini.r.Y .v. ro. . MnmiCr * tin I .lohh iof Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Bnggias , 9/y,1'11" / . " : * 1"1 " " Mnl * "I" Vrm Mnclilnnrr. 1100 to lllfl South Main Street , Council * , lona. r.O. i.r.oN. T. llitiUVW l'ies.\-Trcn' < , V.l'ri.M.ui. . SniAC Council BluTs Ha'idls ' Pact/ ) , . MunHfnrtuiornof AxliI'lck , Slttxo nnd Smill _ _ _ llnii.llis , of uvury < loj > rrlilluii | , COUNCIL r. ' ! ' CO. , Car pots , Curtains , Window Shades , Oil rinths. CnrlHln I'ltlunn , tTiluihtin-y ] ( loo-Is , Klo. Na iOj llroailwojr Council Illuttd , J.S TdI.ICCO'TC. / . I'KKKCiOV & A1OOHK , Wholchsk' .tolitmrs In the Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes Nog. I'SMaln > "i < l X 1'oarl Sis. Council liluir * , lows. SNYDKU * LKAMAN , Wliilt' nlo Fruit and Prodnco Commission MerclintJ. 11AKLK , HAAS & CO. , Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass , KlBtK' Pnmlricj. Kf. Xo. KJ Main St , mill NCI. " 11'onil St.0(111011 ( HhillR. I III O. W. BUTTS , Wholesale California Fruits a Specially General Coniinln5ion. No. fit * llromlwny , Council IllulTn. W1KT & MJQUia'l'E , Wholesulo Frnits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries. Noa. ir > unit 19 IVsirl St. , Coum-il L. K1KSCI1T & CO. , Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Alto Wholesale Liquor HeiilmXo. . 110 llronJ- wiijCoiinull IllulT'S. 7M .VKSS , KTC. HKCKMAN , STUOHUKUN & CO. , Mnnii'ni'tnrcrs of nnJ Whnli'salo Donlors In Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc. No. KJ Main St. . Council HltllTs , Iowa. HATS , c.iw.Jv MKTCALF UHOTHKRS , Jobbers in Hats , Caps anil Gloves. No.4.i ! < 2 anil nil Ilroailvvuy , Council IllntTi KKKLtNK & FKL'L1 , Whole < ntn Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware , And Wool : Stock. Council lllulTrt , town. / , / / > ! : . - > AM ) irt J/ I ) . II. Mi-DANKLI ) & CO. , Commission Merchants for Sals of Hides , TulIow.Wool , rcllB.OrpaPoand I'ura Council niuttti Iowa. COUNCIL HLUl-TS OIL CO. , Wholfsalo Donlurs In Illuminating & Lubricitiaj Oils G ETO. ! , E3TO. P.Theodore , AKUIII , Council Illnir . lawn. LVMIIKU I'lIJKO K'fC. id A. OVEUTON & CO. , Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling , * ml llrliltfo Mulrrlal Siioclnltli-s.Wholosalo Luio- bor of nil Kinds. Olllcu No. MO Main St. , Council lllulla. lown. S AM ) JOHN LINDElt. Wholt'nalo idu Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors. ot u ; Atont for St. ( iottlmril'8 llcrli Ililti'M. No. U ifc Maintit. Council liltiltj. ifcfj fjnr SCHNEIDER & HECK , nr Foreign and Domestic Y/lnos / and Liquors , nrli li B ttri SHB UB 8 J LATE OF ST. LOUIS , Office Ho. 525 firoailivay , Council Bluffi. ' . to U a. in. f'.i to r , p. in. 7 to s p.m. linoni No. II. "OFFICER & PUSEY , COUNCIL HLl'H-'S ' , 1A , ' . ' 1'klalil.nlic-d It'll Horses and Mules For nil purpose * , no'i ht nii-1 huld. ill lomllaiii ) In loin. lAign iiiuiitillns | to trloi-f from Bfveml pull8of linourU01 a , hinuloor iloulilu. MASON WISE , Council lilun's. " P , C. MILLER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. I..VIT.ST DKSIUNB. MANUFACTURER OF I'AINia. Hougp , iiljrii und Ducorn o I'uiiilor. ) ' .iilcil | Hut-he Wall Omumcnte. None Inn lu-tt Inn tt ow ui otlicr . A