Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1886, Image 1

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* tf i
, A Critical and Bellicose Stage Eearhcd in
the Bulgarian Question ,
1 llor I'rlincflllnlHter ClenrU Htatei tlio
\ Deniro ot lllH Covcrniiient The
Due tPAiiinnlo'H Aliinlllcciit
( Jilt -Other Korclgn.
Cniniot Conc'etli ! llic Penininli.
' SOKIA. bent 'I' ' . fN'cvv Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the Hi K. ] 'I ho ministerial
council , after an extended consideration of
il o subject , deckled that they cannot con-
tu the Hiis-slaii demands cniTrcinlnir its
in tlonsiuid luipilsonment otolllceis. They ,
levtrtheless , feel themselves dcsltous of
Hl.owing good will toward Russia but
decldid to postpone for tlio present
the teply to the Knsslan note. Throiigli
i a piomlnent member ol the government , a
' representative of Hussia has been again In
formed of the gtounds which make It impos-
illtle to accede lo the Itiisslan demand. The
O'dganaiis hope , according lo Hie member In
I itl'in , lo convince Ceueial Kmdbnis of
/ ojustliicatlon theiels for a negative iiUltude
* V'ln the lallei. II they cannot piove to htm
Jthat they have soimhtlhc means of leeoncdla-
/tlou / up to the last momeiil , and have done
j every thing that lay In their power to ward off
[ an open bieacb , siich i breach Is held lo im
J-lmost Inevitable should Geueiat ICatilbiis
i persist in hlsdem mil.
boriA , Set. | " < ) . Ciineial Kaullnis today
ived u deputation ot prominent HuL-ii-
. .uiiis who called upon him to eudcavoi lo
iidueehlm to withdraw or modlly Ids dicii-
ai The depulullon was eomposed ot lllot
the most Inlliieutlal men in the piluclpnlity ,
headed by Di. Voiillebelf. i'ney asked him
to leconsldei some ol Ihe UussUu demands ,
espectally that lot postponement ol the eke-
tlous Iwn months. The nation vvas anxious
* o f > peedlly settle the choke of a jirinte to
occupy tlio Knlgarian throne. Ayoullhelf
Hiiid , in addition to that modliication , tlm
people desired Uussia to vvltlulinw liei tle-
inand lei immcdiitu lalsing ol the stales
feelge and nlso llie demand lor lustaiil release
ol jnisoueis in custody for complieltv in thu
coup d'etat , ( ieneial Kaulhars declined to
answer until ho communicated with St.
Potcrsbui ir.
r 'llie liulgaiiaii mlnlstiy deckled to post
pone theii teply to Russia's note dcmandliig
us condition" ol the e/ai's ptotcction tlm
ralslui : ot the stale ot sie-'e , libeiatlon ol po-
lltd'al pilsoners and freedom of all puties
to vote in the elections of membei H
of llio gi , ind sobianie. lo thooso
tlie new piluce. Tim ministeis
aio not willing to Hath icfuse Itiissia's do-
iimnds , and b ive lesolved lo deimto and in-
Jtiuci some one to cuter Into negotiations
with Russia with.i view toliiidlinrsonicotlicr
method ol settlement between Hussii and
The state of SHgo hns bei-n lalsed. The
goveiumi lit olleis toileal only with the ae-
tual leadeis of the | ilot und pioposes that the
elections lie lield on Oclobei 10 , the assembly
not lo be i onvokeil until the candidate toi the
ihione has been made known. ( ! cnoial
Kaulbirs , bowevei , lefnses to make any con
cessions , and thre iti us to dcpait unless Ktis-
sla'hdeiiiauds aio a ned to.
Austria nnd Bulgaria.
Ptbin , Sept. ! ! 0. Piiiiie Minister Tis/a ,
repivlng to inteipolatioiis foi tlie lower
house ol the Iliimrailnn paillament , said
, , . * rcrHiingaf > intended to pievent any
iglo power liom establishing a protectoiato
or llulu.irli.'o want indeiioudenco
° oiig the Uaikan states , " ho continued ,
tilthoul having anv covetous dosi-iis
" " arils anv of them. No commit- * Inleicsts exists lu the llal-
nnsU- "lu ) Austro - Cieiman alll-
uiiaii > t nucs iMiaidlui : the mutual
"lulls' of existence without end-ingciing
ince. Aiistio-IIunnary will not allovv any
fglo powei lo make aimed inteifeieiicc In
' itaila. Austio-Iluiuaty eaimsily in-
llds enforcing this po'icy ' during tlieseciiil-
„ ( times. "
* The unter liaus presented a lively at > pear-
ancc during the prime mlinstei's speech. Tlio
.f. . day had been looked finwaid to as an ovont-
tul one , llie premier having sovoial days ago
announced Ids Intention of publicly deelai-
iifj the attitude declared upon by the ciuplro
.oward the thiealcuQd policy of Kussla in the
.liiiikaus. Kvery seat in the chamber was oe-
t'lMilcd and Ihu galleries ciowdcd. Hcrr
Tisza commenced by refuting the assump
tion that Austin-Hungary either planned
or had been avvaie , or In the slightesl dezreo
had approved of the plan to depose Prince
Alexander. Neither was Anstio-llnngaiy
aware Unit Prince Alexander made his stay
in Hulgaria dependent on'h consent-
No agrcemout exists between Ausiro Hun-
. aiy and Russia regarding llio exeilion of
their lospcctlvo liilltieucoH In the western erin
in the custom poitlon ot the Balkans. Austro-
Ilungaiy linnly adheicsto the ileiliu liealy
and has laken no steps In belialt ot
the kidnapping of Pilnco Alexandci
bho II.IH aheady warned litilirarla In her
i vvn inleiest aualiiht tlm adoption of anv
'hasty lesolutlon and tlm icsnlts that would
bo bine to ensue therofiom. In 1WW I staled
in icfoienco to tlm eastern question , it was
niv piivale opinion that , In event of chances
occiuilnir in tlm east , oui inteiesls would ic-
ipdio thai the nations Inh tbitlugthitpoukm
of Kmopo should form themselves into inde
pendent tatos , according to tlmii scpaiuto
individualities. This opinion is now
Bhaied by tlio Austio-niiiiarian
foreign mlnlstrv.Vo mild this
view best ansvveis the Inteiesth of the mon-
U'chv which , lepudlatliig all desho ot ag-
Krandi/emeut oi eonnuebl. would coiiientiate
ils etloiis to piomoio thu independent devel
opment of tlioso slates and piuvenl tlm estab.
llshmeut over them ot any protectoiate
not provided tor In the treaties ,
or the asseitlon over those countilea
of a peimanent Inlliionco ot any
onofoiolgii powei. ( cheers. ) Aiislio-IIiiiiiraiy
ndhcrea to her icneatedlv druluied opinion
that should TUIKOV claim llm light accotded
In the Uaikan othei iiowci
would bociilltkd toiewnt to aimed Inleiler-
feieuco or to the establishment
of a luotecloiato llieio ; also that no
clmnuu in the constitutional oi
relation of the ilalkan coiiuiiles can b ef
fected without llm consent of tlm ptweis
Blcnalory lo the tu-aty ot Hoilln. ' } hcso an ;
t , eiHitlliH-rt of om alms , which we hope will
bo biicccssful , and will ho attained In lini-
niony with the other Dovveis , andwithoul
aisturblnutlmiMMcool lunopo.
When Hen 'llb/.i finished ho was greeted
wlthchcerH Horn nil parts of tlmhoiiso.
All the deputies were displeased with the
niomlm'H slalement. Deputy Hovvath main-
'tallied that Huuiraiy did not vvaiit hiichpeaei
us that which the Ceiuian alliance seciiied
Oihoi-siihseiled that Hussla had violated tin
treaty of lleillu. A moposal to leopei
the discussion was lojectcd. In ronlv
to tlm loiiuesls ( if Demilles Hovvath ai.d Ap
wonyltl atlinmedlatoilebatobogiantcd hupn
lulerdcclaiedthata moro income leply wal
pobslblo. His explanation , ho h.iltl , wai
fulVor than that of tlio liiltlbh goveniment
fo Installco , should the Austro-llungarlai
policy bouiodlllcd Jiojvouhl know hl duty
King noopoltl's I'OHltlon.
IHiiis Sept. 33.-Tim letter of Leopold
King of the llelgians , to Kiiineior William
bus caused much comment heie. King Leo
tkl 3 rope cd to hav ti made o Iho ( ieiiuai
en' orm the follrvvlng dec aratlon : "I havi
HotWiiic tVu-ain tiom icmibliean Fiauco. Ii
. bodeteated ( Jcnuaiiy the Uelglau monaivln
f Joiiilbuoveithrown.vvhoiens ' a tmuunlibj
j ! vould , makojuytliionosceuie.
I'ronounooil A nlui t Oorupatloii.
w \ n NX V , Sept , SO. Diplomats hero ( tellevi
that Miicu the rotiun ofCount , Kaliioky. tin
-liJim iilnUter of foitilun a Kills , Iron
th Aiisliia'b attlludu against HusbiVs oc
Jrupatkw of Uulgarlala moio pionouiieeu.
The IIi.Kllsh 1'lko It.
Loxiiox , October t. Tlm Staiulard , com
iiU'iitlusonHon VtmTlsjrn's speech In tin
Jlungiirmn naillHuniitye tenlayMyh : Hei
Yon TiHza tiiows that wlmtevci eklo ar
ha > o been made with the mi
the alliance of Anstila and Oermany ,
has never been superseded bv the triple alli
ance. 'I he eirds of at least one F.nroptaii
inwt-r nre on the table and are found to suit
idmlinblv the lion ° st game of the KnKllsli
on Ign policy , which the government has rc-
Alcxnutlcr's Abductor
Moscow , Sept , CO. A Sofia ( lisp-itch
to the Mo covv Ha/otto savs. "DmltiiclT ,
he man who actually arrested Alexander ,
mid tlm author of the resolution , ntid Cap-
alnVa ttT ) , a Russian "Indent at the en-
; lnccrN acadcmv , have disaniieared and no
race of them can lie found. It is fen led that
( luieral Kaulbai's miss on will prove lutlle.
DiuiPAiitnalc'H MnsnlllcontOllt
to llic l-'ttMiuli liiHtltute.
1' , Sept. FA [ N'e.v Yolk Herald Cable
Special to the HIT. . I An actot tuilv loval
iiiiiniilience was to day accompllshttd which
has sMicely a paiallel in the history of
France. The entire domain of Chaiitillv ,
w lib Ils magnificent castle and all its depen
dencies , tlm value of which at the lowest es-
Umalo Is ovei sixty millions of Irancs , has
IHCII pieseiitcdby Die Duo d'Auuialo to the
Institute of Fiance , to be held by It In
tiiiblfoi the Fieneli nation.
iioiv nit : tni'T ws MAIII :
The lollowllu' is tlie manner In which the
glftwas made. At i o'clock this aftiiuooii
M. Hothci called upon M. Camlllo
Dni ( > tvlci ) president ot the administration
committee ol the institute , and handed him
the following letter :
PAIIIS .Sept IS ) . Mr. I'resident We have
Ih i honor to communicate to you a letter ail-
dlcssed to us by mouse glim the Due
d'Anmale. We also enclose an extract Irom
an oleiuiaphle will of theDued'Aumale.diily
cei tilled Ity M. Fontaim , a noiaiy ot i'aiis
We Imid onisi'lves at your dispnsal to luliil
the mission entrusted to us by the Dim
d'uiii ik . Veii truly , etc. .
1 itw MID Ior ! Hi li.
.Scnatoi ol N 01 mainly.
Si NA7IIU KltMONI ) llll ! ssi : ,
* ot the Kunch academy.
mi. DUC'M 1 1
' 1 his Is the Due d'Ainnalo's letter to the
above gentleman :
WooitxnuioN , August 21 , ls.sC Mis- ;
sn.tus i.i Cnmts AMISDisciylni : to as
sume the destination which it in accmdinco
with tlie wishes of my peers , 1 intend to
make of tlio castles and domains of Chan-
tlllv. I wish to accomplish todiy aiesolvu
which , if delayed until alter my death , iiiluht
be attended with lormal and Icirul
dlllicully. Coiisciueutly ( 1 have asked M.
Font. urn , a notaiy ot 1'aiK toopenmy ideo
graphic will ot Juno : ! , 1s.1 ! , and eh. ute him
to place in yoin hands a duly eeitlliedcopvot
thai part ot my will icfeiiiiig to the domain
ot Cliantilly. 1 appeal toy out tiieiidship to
eo that the piovisious ot niv will
be put at once into execution , with
the icsoivo of iisiifiiut which
I inlend to keep not meielv
foi my habltailon. but enable mo tocomplele
ccitain poitions of the domain still imliii-
Ished , and to reduce the expenses ot the ad-
mililstiatloii In the Inteiests of the com
muiiity and the 11001 people ol the nuichboi-
hood 1 heiewlth uive you lull powei to
act and can v out this beiitiesi , I be von
also to assoelalo with you M. Llnbonii ; , an
advocate , who bis un conlideiice , and who Is
an coinaut of my intentions.
Hi MIn'Oin LANS.
wii VT UIL wi.i. s vvs.
This Is tlie ec'rlllied extract liom the will :
Paiagiaph fl. Wishing to picscivc foi
Fiance the domain ol Cliantilly , w Ith Its lor-
ests its law us , its waters , its liuildin s and
all they contain , Including liophles , pletutes ,
books , niehivcs , and objects of ait , I have
resolved to intiust Its deposit to
the llliistroiis body which did mo
( lie honoi to call mo within Its
ranks. Coiisemiently 1 Rive and bequeath to
the Kiench institute to be held , aceoidlng to
tlm conditions herein specified , thedouuin
of Cliantilly , just as It shall be at the day of
my death , the legalco to maintain the domain
in its then state. Attei hav linrdef raved the ex-
penscb ot keeping It up , the Institute will
employ the excess ol levenuo Irom the
cstite , Hist , in aequlilng objects
ot ait : second , In pensions and pecnnlaiy
aid to Illeiaiv men am * , artists ; Ihlid , in es
tablishing a fund to aid and cncouiage those
who devote themselves to the caicei ot let-
tcr * , bclenco oi ait. The naileries and col
lections at Cliantilly will be called tlio Musce
Condei and shall bo open to the public.1.
The much Married Composer Still Ke.-
in.ilns lu .laii.
LONDON , Scut. 80. [ New "ioik lie-
aid Cable Special to the Uir.J : : Urovvn
October will begin with the composer Solo
mon In jail. Ho falls with the leaves. A
motion to ball him in a reduced sum was. to
day denied and ho was lemovid , looking
very unlike his foimei self when , with "ally ,
fairy Lilian" Illttim : before the footlights , lie ,
In whlto cloves , waved the baton. Mi.
LelJieton , Mrs. Langtiy's banister
hi other , his retired from the
case as Solomon's advocate , and his placn Is
taken by Fouest Fulton , Q. C. , and M. II
A Her some foimal evidence theio was an
other remand to next week. Uanistei Over-
lend , who prosecutes , says that , althouuhtho
bigamy was committed outside the JiuUdlc-
tion of England , yet as the Ihst mairlago was
heie , undei an Fugllhli license' , thu court as
sumes jinlsdictlou In pcisoiiam upon proof
of a vlitual contempt ol the Uuglish
law , no mallei 11 committed olscwlicu * , ami
this Is latllled by statute and decisions. H
tlio witnesses to the second maiilage aulvo
In a lew davs thelawyeis told me that the
case agaiiibt Solomon would look veiy heil-
ons , and one added : "While unileigoliig
sentence the mlsoiicr tan liavo the ok
comedy , ' 1'lm Double Manlage , ' turned Into
allbie'tto , "
rite ttonlil-Klnciloii Nuptials.
DLIII.IX , bept. 80. | X vv York Herald
Cable Special to the Uir.J : 1 give you some
Now Yoik newh fiom this city. To-day's
Fiecman'b Jouinal says , In lofeieucoto the
( ioiild-KIngdon nuuiluei * . width event has
foi med thu subject foi many paragraphs ii
ueiily every newspapei In the United King
dom : "Thib Klngdon Is an Irish woman
clevci and prepossessing. She was born il
Llmcilck , and the marriage was celebrate !
uceoidlng to the iltcs ot the Koman Catholic
hei church , by the Kov. Father Duelo. H
Koman Catholic elides this Is looked on as
veiy Mendicant , fls Mr. ( Joultl lias been a
piomlnent member of the established chuicl
In Xew Yoik city. "
Sept. ! M. [ New " \oilc Herali
Cable Special to the Bi.K.J In accoidance
with oiden fiom the mlubtei of wai the
foiu jiartlclpatoi-s In the Uuigas conspiracy
Ueronoll , Shlshmanolf , Kalaiofl , and II dotl-
have been sot at libeity. Theio lemaln li
prison only the Ivvo Moiitenxiulvcib , and fo
thcso llio llusslan consul has pei&onally
pledged hlm ulf ,
Altaioliisls at Duller * ' I'olnlH
llr.iu. , Sept. : w.-Thu C'jl'uno ( Jiuetta's
London loircspondcntfeays : DJ-sension ha
broken out between the only two Cerium
anaichlst clubs in London , and tlnoatuns lu
end In violence. One of the clnhilmsllic
Fieihelt as its organ and a Uolgian namei
Dave as Its Icadei. Dave Is an Intimate
tilend ol Johanu Most. The otliei club
named llio Autouoiutc , h.ia the AnaichUt a
its , oigan ami an Austilan named Penckei
as leadci. Only three weeks ago tlio ( v.o
clubs met In Clo\eland hall and Oipres-ul ,
Miuiutli ) with the Chicago anarclilbts. No , ,
they liavo drawn daggcis niialnst each otlur ,
Niliillttlu 1'lot Discovered.
lit r.i IN , Sept tO.-\lt Is rtiamred that a plul
toblovv up the train pn which the czar was
traveling has boon dlWeied at St. Petcra-
The Platform Perfected by the Ropablictus
of the State ,
\ Prohibition Plank Inserted After n
luiim nml Mvely ll ousson--'J ! lie
btntc Central Commlltro
Die HppiililU'Nii riutfoiin.
, Neb , Sejit " 0 The republican
state ( onvedtion remained in' c'-sloii till an
carl } hour this morning.
The committee on lesolutlons reported tlm
follow 1111 ; plaltorm. which was adopted :
Tlie plattorm of tlie lepubllcan p.xrtv ot No-
biasKa , in lonveiilion repietented , ileclaie
theii nualtniable devotion to the funda
mental prmcipu s of tin- parts , as enunciated
hv itseinlit natioiial conventions , and \eiu- -
plillcd In Us conduct of nation ilntrilrsiiuder
the llhe-tiioas admlnlstintlons of Lincoln ,
( iiant. ll.ues , ( iariicld and Ailhiti.
VJ. 'llie-e i ilnclplissocMiupllilcd liave tes-
cued the union , tieed tlio slaves , lestored the
public credit , extended comineiie , established
uMuiiidcuiiencv , i.iiMd Hie wages of laboi ,
piotected d'ime-tle ' liidustrj , given home to
the landless , spanned tlie continent with
i\llnaisaiidnlonleil ! evei > child a chime
lot a llhoiul education.
! i. The demociatle pally Inving nltalueil
power bv delusive pioml'cs addu'b ud to dis
appointed ambition , and shallow
eiedullt.v , Ins In nineteen months
of uiisiiile pioved itself as Incam-
ble ot govcrniin : the countiv as when
it went out In dishonor and icbelllon In l U.
I'lciUed to ilvilirvice lefoim , It has not
onlv lemovedmaiiv tlioii'-andfidtlitul ollleUls
lioni Fcdeial pn-ltlons tot political advan
tage , chaigiPi : hiindiedsol them witli uiisde-
meanoisand tlieu ciavenlv lelusim ; the evl-
di'iiie upon vvlilih to blaeUen tliechaiacteis
ol honest citi/eiis , mnj of whom have been
cilppled in the delciise ol the national lile ;
pledged to etonomy , It has incieased bv
mau > millions the annual expense of inn-
nlng the ioveiiiuieiit ; pk'iUid to reduce tav
atlon , It has e\cccdiil in its raids on
tlie tieasurv tlie ahundiiit levenues
piovided by lepubllcan loieslglit , and
must bonovv muiiev m Issue diatts
upon tlio future Income befoie the
e\piratlon of theciinent tisialjear ; pledged
toeiiLoniaue om shippimr Intelest it liasiob-
bed out ste unship lines ol thenimiiulatlous | |
voted bj ( onsiess lor caiijini ; the toielcn
m tils and dlckeicd with foreign bottoms to
peiloim the luiictions ol postal messengeib
and has trearheioush destloved ttie man
wlm liist demonstrated om ahilltj to uim-
Pete with loieign shipjaids In ihe constino
tion ot lion vessels pledged to rehabilitate the
navv. It has stripped the tieasmv ol tlie
funds that were available foi tlie purpose
and pie iesscd no furthu than to hlio lint-
isli engiiieeis and atelntects to di iw souio
designs foi mi iginai v w.u vessels pledged to
reduce the sin plus fund in the tieasinj set
aput bv law lot the pivmeiitol Hie n itional
debt , it has lit it aicumulate uselessly
while millions aie wasted in inkiest fin
the lieiietit ot the Wall sliett monej leudeis ,
and hoiulnoldi is ; pledted to eare lol the
ilisatiK d soldleis , It has leplaced huiidieds ol
the ciippled veteiaiis ol the union in public
emplov mi lit with men who loiiu'lit against
the llasr and has giecten with uiiseLiuh
ajuilaiise the strcasiusoi the uiosulent in hia
vetoes < > l 111 pension bills ; pledgeit to deleit
tlm nation's houoi hns eiawledln
Ihedlist holme , i hist class imwer that inso-
leutlv violated luteinational courtcsi in its
Ireatment ol om s-.iilois and hsheimeii and
ha > j.ittemiteil ) b > a pc-iveision ot law and
justice to embioil us with asistoi lepnblic
unable to cope with this uournmcnt in wai :
pledged to pi meet l.iboi , il lus displaced its
imbc-cilltv in vain tlnkeiliig with the , taiill
foi two entile sessions ol eonpiess unset
tling values and discouia-jiiu the e-tfabllsh-
meat of maiiutiietiiiitig entermises
4. The lepubllcan paity having cnlian-
chlsed tlie woikingincn and proteited him
liom injuiious competition w ith 11 uipci I iboi
abroadtavois all linthci piacticaolemcasmes
lot thcenlianceiiient of his well belli ! , ' , tlie
v indication of Ids manhood and the seem ity
of ills rights.
! > . It favors Intelligent organl/ntion ot
wage workers foi all lawful pin poses , and
especially foi mutual piotection tiom thcen-
cioichmentsot oiiianl/edcapital. It denfunds
stringent laws toi tliepieventlon ot injurious ,
competition ot contiacled labor with fiee
laboi. It will not penult aiiaichism or sanc
tion the settlement by mob violence ol diller-
ences between employms and the cmplojul ,
but pionouiicefoi a fair sjstem ot peaceliii
ailjitiatlon in all eases where tlio pintles cin-
nol by themselves agiee , to the end that exact
justice , > -ol.u as possible , ma > be t-naianteed
In the relations between laboi and capital.
0. The Njmpatliii'b of the lepubllcans of
Ntbiaska are tcudcied to the people ot ho-
Inml nnd othei portions ot Uril.un , In
then struwloloi home inlc' , and they reco -
nl/e In tlie lontcst tor local tiecdom waned
! > > J'arnell and dladstone , a manly battle toi
human riuhtb against the assumptions of
licrcdltaiy inlets and monopolistsot land.
7. Tlio legnlatlon of Interstate commeice
by congress Is iiecessaij to prevent oxtoitlon
and unjust discrimination by railioad and
oilier tiunsportation companies , as supjile-
mciitaiy to state le nlalion , and wo declaie
it to be the duty of the national leglslatmo to
piomptlj pass measmes toiemedy tlieevils
ot oppiosslve ( omblnations andtoipoia'e it-
tcspoiislbllit > to state anthoiltv.
b. Thoowneishipof laik'e bodies ol land
obtained by aliens horn the public domain
through evasions and peiveislons ot the
homestead and pie cmptlon laws enacted lor
the benelit ol iiidnstiioiiseltl/ens ot limited
means , is a cause lei appiehension , and leg
islation Is demanded that vvill pievent the
monopoly of the public domain by loieUn or
lesldent capitalists foi the pmposo of specu
U. That the lepnbllc.m imlj ol Nebiaskals
In favor of submitting the miestlon ot an
amendment to tlio constitution pioblbltlng
the niauiilaitine , sale 01 Impoitatlon ol any
splrltous , maltoi vinous llipiois in tlie state.
The dlseciisslon upon the niohlbltion icso-
lutlon was hiii4 and animated , and was not
concluded until op. in , when It was adopted
li > a vote of ull to Ib'J , and made a pan of
the platloim , bclngr the ninth plank. U was
lutiodiieed altei the committee on icaolutlons
Had made Its repoit.
Tlm convention then adlouriicd aftei an
announcement was made that each dlslilcl
should picscut the name of Its membei ot
The follow lug are tlm names and postof-
flco addiesses ol tlio now state eential com
mittee :
lion , A. .1. Weavei , chaliman.
.1. H. Me Call , Plum Creek.
11. 0. Hiouie. Norfolk.
JolinT. Clarke. , Omahi.
A.V. . SmilresValwoith. .
It. S. Noival , beward ,
( ieoigoV. . Collins , Pawnee City.
\V. T Scott , Voik.
0. II. Wlllaid.Anbuin.
H. II. CiaigVynmie. .
Joshni Cox , Hampton.
C. K. biimnei , hchujlci.
J. Jensen , ( ieneva.
J. N. Paul , St. Paul.
Ch.ules II. Dewey and \V. P. Ueeliol ,
I. . 1) . Kluspl , lloldredge.
W. P. Shot-key , llnivard.
M. A. Dauglieity , Crete.
i : . C. Webster. Hastings- .
K. M. Love , Alnswoith.
II. II. Oakley , Lincoln.
Walt M. beely , Heiinet.
Prank C. Condon , Arapihoo.
Aaion Wall , Loup Cltv.
.1. C. Post , lillvvood.
A. C. Hosim-r , Ited Cloud.
7s' . I' . CooU.CImdron.
Li Ciomiae , 11. Calhouu.
Ihhamlteav la , Kails City.
\f. L. Wilson , Xebiaaka City.
L. 1) . ItichuriU. I remoiit.
. W. H. Morse , Clarke * .
1) . W. Iliibson , Ponea.
.Inn. H. Becker , I'Utlomoulh.
rt. ( i. Ifijan , Abhland ,
N , T , Aiuold , Osccoh.
Hay State IJiiiiuieials.
\VoncKsThit , Mass. , Sept. 'JO , Tlie tl i. .
ocratic state convention was called to order
thU moinlng. P.ACollinsclinlrmaii.bpokea
tew words In opening. The substance ot the
icsoluttons pii' = ented Is as follow :
The dumociats of Massachusetts hereby ie-
alllrm the iirlnc'plcs cnuiuciatcd In thu n.i-
tioml deiuocntlc rlittonn ot lss | , nndvi w
with eatlslactloiuthe bone icleiit lestiln of
democratic mle Hi the nation. President
( ( eland has k nib's ' faith wl'li theneople.
ll-'is Kdeemlnc ( he ) ile lL'es of lefirm on
whidihe was clcv : < d , mid has cen to the
( O'ntrj a clean , \pihlo ind jnttlitk1 ml-
nun s i.ition , woithy of the suptiort of all the
fin-nils of uoiid governineiit. We dcaiand a
judicious lofcruortho tin iff. vll needed
protection toeatutal and labor engigul In
the various Industries cin be assured under
u lev i ed scale of ilutle * which will aTordall
lli revenues ix'ipilied bv the government ,
ard r lievo the greit boily of the people of
the heavy vveleht df taxation. Honest money
must bo maintained. Ihe gold and silver
tolmge of the eonMllutlon. and a circulating
injei medium based on both coinages , and
easllv com cited Into uithei , must be de
fend d iinlnst allnvuiilis We shall oppnsn
nil ellorts to admit nvals under a loieluu
II u to sed llioli llsh friv of dittv and taxes
In tlie imrkels of the I lilted Stales. We
weld'-nea new era of niiranirod labor. v\e
lecin with satisfaction to thoelToits of the
democrats In the lo.'islatuie to secure the
pasta. u in measures In the Inteii sts of labor
and < an faulv appeal to the working peonhi
ol tlie stflte to sustain the p.uly wldch Ins
fouu'lit its ball lea. We protest airilnst the
Impoitatlon iiudei rontiact of alien nnd sei. >
vile hboi to compote with the
honest tree laboi ot the land , and
we pit dm our snnpoit to eveiy
well eonsiUrel moisuie bv which labor
seeks tolmptove its condition and secure Its
laii shaie In the pioductsof its co-operation
with capital.
James H. dr.micl . ! then took the door and
nominated John P. Andievvs ol Boston foi
goveiuoi 'Ihe motion for an jiitoimnl Inllot
wa- lust mid Amhews was uomlmted ban
almost unanimous vote. V uimiiin'ee w is
appointed to nominate members ol the state
commlttic and annthei to nominate the ie-
iniiinliig officers on the st ite ticket , after
which an adjoin nment was taken untU'Ji.iO
p m.
I'lie bilauce of tlie state , with tlie
exception of lieutenant govunot , will be
mule as follows : Secietaiy of st ite , John K.
'Ihuci ol Worcester : liea mer , William
Aspliuvall , of Brooklyn ; amtitoi , Williim
T. Cook , ol Spilinrlielil ; attorney ueneial ,
. .loiinV. \ . Corcmaii , ot Clinton.
1'iank 1C. l''ostc'i was nomimted foi I euten-
ant governor. Mi. Asnluwall declined to
eive as candid ite lor tieasuiei , and Lewis
Wainci , ot Noitlniiiiiton , was substituted.
'Ihe convention then adjourned.
Dattotn. Democrats.
Am ii : > Ki.N , Dak. , Sept. .TO. Thetetrltorlal
deinoeiatic convention was held lii're vcstei-
daJno. . It. Wilson , tempoiary cha'iman.
Xoitn Dakoti wasrepiesenteil bv 1-11 dele
gates , cuitial s1) ) , and HI ick Hills 10. In the
evening session lesolntioiis weie adopted
which endorse Picsldent Cleveland , approve
the ellorts to wiest tiom lallio ids unearned
land giants , pionimuco the existing protec
tive tu iff unjust and buidcnsome disciliui-
nation .uiiiist agiicultiue , endoiso the In-
dim pollcv of Seeietaiv Lamai , lavoihu
submission to a vote of the people ot tlie
whole ten i toi v the question ol division
ol the teintoiy on the foity seventh
standaid ol paralell , and deiioune-
lim the late bimlx Falls constitutloml
eoiivention as wasteful oxpendltme of public
monev. ' 1 he resolutions tuithei dcclaio that
emiL'iation should bb iicoin.ijed , denounces
the emplov moat ot coin kt laboi , lavoi sub
mission ol allimpoitant ( picstloiis , including
pioliihition , to the people , favor a gridiiated
silaiy liw tor coiintj ollIc'Ts , deiiouneo tl.e
jnesi'iit i.iiiioad commission and deniiud
one seem nit ; an ofy'ii maiUet. icasoiiable
lieight laksatid iiovdlseiliiiliiitlon between
Mild 'deniand tint all
persons places ; corpo
rate | ) ioiioitv be taxed at thesiino late as
lar'ns , ask piovlslon for a oldieis' home ;
tint m ixlmiim rate ot inteiest bo jilaied at
10 pel cent , mil fav ning a I iw ] iiohihitlng
tciiltoilal , lonnty and judicial oihcers from
acceiitinc la'Iioad ' | uses
The seventeenth - ) , jpintlGn Is alongar-
laigninent ot tlm rtppibllcan jmty for Its
iiianigcment of thejiUalrs of the temtoiv.
Aftei nominating speeches , ballots weio
taken toi a delegate , which resulted in lav or
of M. 1' . I ) iv , who Is in lavoi of submission
of the question of division to a vote of tlie
people. ft
Ijiibor and 1'oIitlcB.
15 < siov , bi'jit. " > 0. The union card longue
met licio this afteruobn. About ua delegates
weie picsent , lepresentlng over dO.OtX )
Knighf s ol Laboi am } tiadeb unionists. Three
delegates in each \vaid weio emjiowered
to call a meeting"of union men to
select a ( ommlttco to inteivlevv all
the nominees for public otlicnw Him \ievv to
ascei tain theii view son the libor issues of
tbedij. AVdeie views are found favoiable
ami hacked by pledaenof candid itcs to sup-
poit said views by their oti > s , they should bo
bo suppoited ; othervyfse not.
Two ltepiil > 1icnti
K VNK VM.I : , lll.Sdpt. W. The lepublicans
of the Sixteenth H natorial dlstilct nom
inated at ( iilman tcAluy foi lopiesontatlves
Di. M. II. Keyset , orjvankakee county , and
J. L. Hamilton , of iromioU county.
A I'rolilliltlon Nomination.
Si. Lot ih , Sept" . DO. The prohibition
congicssloiial eoiuei tlon of the Eighteenth
Illinois district al Kiht.St. Louis to-day nom
inated W. H. MoonHoriongress.
Another Daniel Nominated.
CIIIPAOO , hopt. 30.The Inter Oceiu's
Clinton , III. , special coys : Duilel VooihevKof
Det.itm was nomiiiUted lei eonuiessby the
democralft of the Koiirtecnlhdlstnct.
A $5(10 C It ANT .SCANDAL.
Tlio Undoitakerx Hue for the Amount
of 'I heir Hill.
Vi.w YOIIK , Sept. i0. ! fiipeclal Telegram
to tlm Hi rj The Sun's special Iroin Sna-
toiiasays ; 'Ihe uiidcttakeis who embalmed
thobodv ot ( icneial Giant have notified W.
J. Aikell , pioprktm ol llio Albany Kvenlug
Jouinal , ol a suit Instituted against him lei
S")0 ( ) for that sen Ice , uiidoi direction ofDi.
Dou.-l is , who was physician In chaige.
Aikell telegiaphedas soon as tlio general
died , to the liimol 11 Holmes iViCo. . bara-
toga , to go at once to Mt. McUiegor with ap
pliances lei laving out the body. A special
tialu was < - ( > nttoi the nndeitakeis and their
men. Di. Dou.'hs snpeilntcndeil tlm woik
ot emh ilmlng and the bill of S' > 00as In-
cmred The bill has been piesentedto eveiy-
body connected vvlth Ciaut'h family ,
except Mis. ( iiaut , and as It has
been icpudlatud all aiouiid , they
have fallen Inck on Mr. Aikell. Mi. Lcstei ,
attoiney foi Mi. Holinfts , says they bent the
bill to Colonel P. I ) , lirant , which was pio-
nonnced piopei by ( Dr. Douglas. Colonel
( iiant simply letnsnd to pay. There Is no ad
ministrator ol the ( ! r ] nt estate to whom It
could bo presented , and Holmes it Co. did
not like to ptesout it to Urn , ( irant. Mi , Lev
tei says ho has found jioony connected with
the docased general who seems to tw\ \ any
moral obligation to pay for tlm cam of his re
mains and tholi iirennratlon lor burial , and
M they have decided tofluo Mi. Aikell. The
bun , commenting on the above dispatch ,
say M "W. .1 Aikell imitin he did not euro to
dUcusb tlio matter.and as far as ho was finan
cially conccined , ho had placed his Interests
In the hands of atlorneys. " The Sun tinthoi
commcntlne : , edltoilnlly , siys : "If Messrs.
Holmes A. Co. will bo good euoiiKli to send
tlm bill In iiiicMlon to tlie edltot of the .Sun ho
will remit thuiu the Hiiionut. "
Ni.w 11 viCoifii. : . , Sept. CO. At 10:10 :
this moinlng the jtele.'raph opeiatoia at
Ihantoid and lirldeport icpoited blight
bhocks ol eaitlKjuakg lelt theio
liiinx.i.i'oitT , Coim. , Sept. ifl. \ seveie
shock , supposed lom on earthquake , was
felt heio at 0:57 : tils moiiilug. Jluildliu's
weie suvex ly shaken in the wcstein ii.irt ol
the city and tenant ateulbly filgiitcned. As
far as can bolcainej no particular damage
vvnsdoia . _
Will nrin ( . Xo Advance.
Pit i > : > ! no , Pa , , Sept. SO. Piomliienl operat.rSiIncrvIevved | today do-
claiu that lliey wilt 'eontcdo no demand ol
their miners for an advance in wages , as the
market will not jiutifv it. It the men in <
tdst an IncieaMitiio mines will bo closed
down imlohnltelv. At pre.scnt nearly bevcu
tlioifaiul minejb arc eniPloyed in
\ A'PI'O I\T 11tfl Tllf I Olin * '
Oonferenccs With Olovolnnil Which Ars
Thought to Prccetb Dismissals.
TuTnlto ITpUic ItcltioorOtltcjo
To-Day StroiiK Pcollne Aualnst
Inillnn CoiniiiKslonci' Atkins
National Ciuiltal NUVVH.
Aiiiiehenslon In llio Treamirv.
W vsniNtno.N.Kept ! ! 0. | Special Tclcurani
to tlie Hi. I , J Assistant Secietaiy of tlm
Tieasmy Thompson spent an bom with the
piesldciit yesterday , and ted \v he had an-
otlict loni ; Intel view with Mr. Cleveland.
There Is a well authcut eated report about the
me it stotio building known as the tiensiiry
tLuttheso Interviews show tint a complete
leoigaiil/atlonof the tieasun Is about to
lake place. Tills report natuialh exeites
gieat apprehension among tlie olllci ils lusldo
the treasuiy outside the civil seivlco rules ,
Tlm rumoi has il that not only are the few
lepublleius left In high places about to loose
their heads , but scvenl ilemncnts. Including
Iliggltis , who have not given satisfaction.
To-mouow begins a new month , and It Is
said the changes will begin with October.
Assistant bccietiry Thompson his eiillio
charge ot" the appointments and lemovals In
the tieisury , and hence Ids consultation with
tlio piesldeut.
To moiiovv theoidei ol the sccictaiy of
the tieasury in tenant to llio Washington
navy yaid goes Into elTect. H w ill be changed
into an ordnance foundiy. Alltheemploves
ot theothci bmeaus , numberiuir about -00 ,
weiedisdiained this aftei noon.
SI Ollhl VlMVSXINtiS ! 111 11 UN' .
hecietaiy Maniiiiig's vacation will ex-
jiire to moriovv evening , when ho is
expected heie. Those who have been
In communication with the ScCiet irv say lint
he looks with appielieiislou on Ids advent
hue. Wlieu he lett thiseitv List spilng lie
did so with plcasnie , because his illness had
made the ulaco distasteful. He had hoped to
be nlilo to tot I m , but the peisistenco ol the
piesldcnt in urging him to remain in Ihe cabi-
mil until , at least , the elections are over , has
forced him to remain. Manning will eo to
woiK by slow demees lirst. Ho will not
devote himself lo the details as he used to do ,
but will be satislied with being merely a liK-
nie-head He will LO tocablnet meetingand
will try to act the secretarv anyhow.
ins IIAMIS n i.i. .
The tUspcptic Indian con in ssioncr seems
to have Ids hinds ipiltofnll , and tolw making
quite alistot liiselloits to leloim tils ser
vice. Ho has the ol almost the
entile Indian element ol the noilhwest and
southwest In Ids condominium ot the who'c '
list ot old incuts , their icmoval and the ap-
uotntiiicut ol paitlsan tavoiities. It tlieie
was injustice in tno old system tlieie is dia
bolism in tlie now one. I'lie enl ; thing eom-
pl lined ot is that the nunibui of'Indlins on
icservatioiis Is not aslir c as that icpoited
ioriatlons. Yet llio new a outs appointed
have made no CM on tlie subject , but
e mtinue to icceive th old allowance , and It
there was coiiuption nutlet the
old legime. tlieie is a con
tinuance ol It nndei the new.
'I he commissions complains tint congress
failed to piovide foi a new census ol the In
dians on the leservatlon , but falls to take
advantii.0 ot the powei alic.uly In his hinds
to cine the alleged evil. It seems sti anne
that a commissionci of Indian atfalis ; should
ask eongiess lo appiopriate money lo piy tor
tally Ing the Indians who cf.lliipon tlie : ueuU
for annuities' . It. simply means tint the com-
iiilssloiiei Ins no conlideiice In the integilty
ol Ids agents ; that ho believes that men s > o
diic'Ltlv inleiested in swelling the census as
the agents aie should not to entrusted with
thewotk. People heie bellevethut tiio assei-
lion of Ihoeomiiilssloiiei that the census ot
the Indians is too lame is a veiy poor pretext
for cetlnio' rid ot old icpicscntativcs ot llio
niviiirr's : ) COWAHIJI.Y III-MOVAI.S.
Kveiybxiy isiemaikjng thecovvaidly way
in which Public Ptintei llonedkt is iroing
about the vvhoksaln removal ol republican
employs found In his ollice. H'3 has de
clared time ami a aln ih t ho Is "waiting on
the icpoits of the Inrcmcn and suneriuli nd-
cnts in tiie ollice. to ascei tain w ho can best bo
dispensed w Ith , " and nev er falls to add that
"those men who aio to lepoit foi dismissals
aio lepublicans. and tlieie ran bo no politic *
in It. " Men who liavo watched this otllce for
jeais and who know all sbiut its operations
ay this is a mean snhteilttge. and a desJL'n
of Hie public pi Intel to remove republic in
employes and Ihiow the lespouslbllltv on re
public ins lu tlm olllco republicans who
aie alreadv nmiked lor decapitation.
The featmo that makes tins \\oilc
of icmoval so despicable is the assertion that
theio is no politics lu it , and thai Is all lelt
lo republicans lo determine , when It Is well
known here that not a demociat is selected
foi decapitation. The list of 10. polled em
ployes foi removal iscaiefnlly scmteni/ed by
men in the olllco and out who know how to
discriminate , and the laitblul paitinnsaio
Iclt. . The idea is lo leduco the force to a
minimum , while woik In the ollice is slack ,
and then , when congress meets In' December ,
employ democrats. Thus will the desUn ol
putting only men .who yore the udininis.ti.i-
lion ticket into the ollice t > e fulfilled.
in : couM ) nnr.i * mi\m .
Tills evening's Critic ays : "it Is rumored
that Cleneial ( leouo A. Sheridan , now In the
city , will visit dciieial Tlionm A. ( iiady in
a tew days at Colonial Ucaeh , Ya , to
peiuso the first chantei ot Urady'h loilli-
lug book , giving the Inside histoiy ol cei-
lain deiiaitmental and congressional ti.ins-
actionsat llio national cnpild. if ( ieneial
iSheiidin felt so disposed Ills assumed that
ho could add an intcicsling chaplci wlilch
would illustiate veiy vividly some of the
"vviigL'ling in and wiiggliiig out" of the
bnef but hiu'hly moral administration of
Piesldent ( Jaiheld. "
IMMAJ ? i i\cnrn.
John A. Carey , ot Chemuug. N V. , has
been appointed RIIIVI Intention ! ami pilnci-
pal teicliei of the Wlnnebigo Indian board
ing school , and his wllo has been appointed
matioii ,
rosioprin , rn.v\fiis. :
The following Xcbiaska postmasleis were
apiolnted ) to-diy : I ) . L. Millei , liiewei.
Keya Pahicouiity. v'te ' V. H. Menlson. 10-
hignedllliam ; Neese , Lutes , Uiown
county , vlco John Lutes , lesijnul.
James A. Wind has been commissioned
postmastei at Califoinia , la. , and Kiank Lan-
campat Mnnii , la.
Mii.iiAiiv MATTIHS. :
Major Hugh A , Theakei , Kiftcontli In
fantry , lecently piomoted tiomcaptiln of the
Sixteenth , has been assigned to station at
Poit itaiidall , Dak.
Thomas C. itandall , of Iowa , has been ap
pointed a watchman at'J. ! . In the po.stolllco
depailment , and.lamcs H. Lewis , \Vlbcon- -
sin , a tiicman at the same silaiy.
Aiiny fuiloiitflis aiithorl/ed : Seib'caut
Call Molu , company P , bixth infantry , Koit
DodL-e , Utah , foiu months , with permission
to go iibio'id ; First Soigeant Weston A , Hub-
bard , company G , 1'ourtcmith inland y , Van-
( .nuvcr binacks.T. . , tlneo months : PH-
vato Fiedeilck N. Itecd , company H ,
Eighteenth intantry , Foil Hllcy , Kan. , four
Hospital Steward A. J. MeAIIIstei lu ?
been oidercd to duty at Foil Lewis , Colo.
Now IndiiHtry Kor liiitiaiiM.
WA Ill. , Sept. HO. The sceietary of
the Interloi has under consideration a pi o po
sition toallovvcnrtaln tiibesof Indlaiisln the
west tlio pilvllceoof ntilUIng the glass upon
the bin pi us lands of tho'i ' i enervations by
allowing them to take cattle from nelgliboi-
ini : cattlumcn to pastuic , the Indians lo Imid
and cam toi thu cattle and to iccclvoa lair
and just compensation tbeiofoibut no whlto
man will Iw allowed upon the rcsmvatlong.
It Is probable an older autliorUinir ccri
tain tilbes to eutei into toiitiaets with cat
tlemen as outlined above will 30011 bo issued.
Uoyul Aicli > rnhoiiH. '
WAoiiiNcno.v , Sept , .X ) . To-day's session
of the general gtand chapter of Koyal Aieh
Masons was a long one , nnd a good deal of
business of a private ihai\ttci was transact-
ca , The graiid chapter iffuscd
the Mark lodire of Canada , because It had In
vaded tlm Jurisdiction of the grand chapter of.
Quebec , by establishing Mark lodges In that
jurisdiction. The nppllcitlou of Koyal Areh
M.IMUIS of a lor lepieseutation hi the
genci il giaud chapter was refused , it being
decided tint no chapters ntidei the Auu'ilian
svitem should be established tu thatjuiis-
dlelioii. . , . ,
Tlie lollowins ! oPlcers were elected : Nome
H. Liruer. Wi < hiinstoii , general 1:1.111 } hluh
lines ! . D.uld P. Dav. llullalo N. Y. . deputy
eenei il Kiautl hicli priest ; Joseph II llm-
nei , New Oileaus general gland klue :
tieou'e MeCihau , It iltimore. geuei U grand
serlh < ' 1 ue lemainder of the otllcets will oo
elected to-morrow.
I he th ipter lu a body went to Mount N ei-
noii this aiternoon.
'tlie Vn\v Yni-il
W vniN'u i ON. Sept. Ill I'lie older ol the
sceictuvof Iho nivv. tlnngiug the Wash
ington navy y aid Into an oulnance foundiy ,
uoes Into effect to day. Tlm heads of bineans
atlected by the older hive been Insliucloil to
make the best an iiuemouls possible lor thu
transfer of sueli bulldlniis , mnchliicrx and
tools as .ue needed bv tlio ordnamo buieiu
and the lemoval ot the u > st. Tlie oulei has
not been modllled tuithei than tlml thevaids
ami docks ( lop ntmeiits will not lie molest , il ,
and Civil Kngliieeileuocil , who Is In chaKU
of thatdeinilmenl. will letaln Ids tesldetieo
and continue on ilutv. borne necessiiyun-
iinlshcd woik In Hie steam t ugiiieeilng do-
pait'iientwtll be lomploled. All I'm ' em
ployes lu the other bureaus , mimbeilns :
about two hutidii d , aio to bo dlsclmiged liom
this evenuu. Do.ibtKss the uiiiouty of
those dlsehaiged will bo ie emploved us soon
as the oidiiauce v.ork Is well under way.
Timittnc nxiM.osiox.
lluon MIMI Illoun to MOIIIH In n I'ovv-
( Ice -Mill.
n.vniow-"ON-nii.-Soi x-n , " X. V. , Sept.
00 A teiildc explosion occuiied at tlm
Dctmai Powdei vvoiks , II ly Cbestei , on tlm
Harlem livei biaiich of the New Voik iV , New
Haven lailioid , about 10 this moinliig , ic-
biiltlug In llio liistuniaiieous death of foiu
men emiiloyed In the fuiloiy. llio explosion
oci lilted in the packing house , a 0110 stoiy
frame huildlnirUx".0 tceiin the centre ol the
grounds , about % u yaids tiom the main faet-
orv. a 1 1 ce bulldnu' neii the water wheie the
bulk ot the Chilli now del and nltro Klyceilno
used toi the new aiinediict vvoiks is maun-
factured. Men weie haul at work putting up
and packlnst caitihUes , when suddenlv and
without waiiiltiif an explosion occinied ,
shatteiiug the buildlnirtosplliileis and blow-
luir loin men to li.umL'iits. The exploding
povvdei , ot which there vvas a 1 true quantity.
shot up Into the ah as high as lifty lect ami
splluteiH ot the building were blown over a
mile dlst ml Tlu > names ol the men killed
aie as lollovvs : Kiuest Di ilmn , John ISnsch ,
Mix bhapbolt and Mi. llelnliiit. Xothing
is lett ot them except liagments of their
bodies , noitfons nl wliicli have been scatteied
in eveiy direction.
The toiemaiiof the woiUs snvs the explo
slon vvas caused by two men .shooting into
thebulldliiir. He was in the pnekliighouse
at the time and Kolin ; out tonnil two men
who said they weie shooting squiueli. Ho
says he tliie.iUne.l them with anesl and they
then bicime impudent. As the explosion
occm red the men weie een huirynn ; awav
biaiisheld , supL'i inleiiilent ot the Thmito
Povvdei compiny , iieti bv , picked up a box-
lull ol liagmeiits ot llie dead men , and
otluis ass bleil in the woik and the : o natns
weie all put in a heap to await the aim at
01 the coionei.
One ol the dead men leavi s a familv in ( ! er-
maiiy , the othcis weio sniL'le. I'he m do
lactmj ot the Detmai vvoiks weie neaily
w K eked , one mil beiu blow n to pica s , ex
posing the Inteiioi Altei llie explosion the
lovvei timbers ot the building took Hie. A
I.uge tree near byvvas torn up by the loots
and othei ticcs blown away , llie giound
lot half a inlto Irt strewn with fiairmeutsof
the dead , splluteis , jiacking papei. etc. The
violence ol tlie explosion shook houses in
Uarton , acioss tliecieelc from IJiy Chester
Maiiv windows In Hay View hotel
at Pclliini bridRe , ovei a mile away ,
wcioshatlcicd. A blacksmith shop al West
Chester vvas shaken violently and the windows
dews ol mam houses in tlio same village
hioKcn. 'lids Is the second explosion that
has occuned in these vvoiks this yeai. The
reiiiiins of the men killed lo day could not
possibly be Iileiitined. Many poisons llv ing
miles away linn led to tlm scene , and some ot
them helped togalher together the fragment0
of the de id men. 'I'he windows , sishes and
doors in the lailioad station at liay Chcstei ,
not fai liom the powdu vvoiks , were blown
to tiainncnts and tlie windows of other
houses damaeed , but no 0110 outbido the fact-
01 y was hurt.
llic Hallrond Pool.
Cincvoo , Sept. . ' ! 0. 'I'he maiiacers of the
Hues , members of the Southwestern Passen-
gei association , after a lapse of two weeks ,
got togethei acalu yesteiday , and renewed
their ellorls towards pool making. Thomajoi
poitlon ol the contract hail been agreed to at
the pievlous meeting , but It was deemed ad-
visab c to again taho up the whole eontiacl
anew. Tlie consequence was that the mem-
bcis struck a sna In tlm Hi st sei tlon defin
ing the classes of business to bo embiaced In
the liool. Failing to le.ieh any unniilmous
conclusion , the meeting adjomiied until tills
morning. The hilch was ( aiised by the lines
terminating at tlio Mlssoiui ilvei Insisting
tliat these continuing hevond shall pool tlio
business oi igiiiatlnui at local points of
the rlvci and destined tot iitiiiith east of the
Mississippi , 'llicio isconstdeiablo doubt ex
pressed as to w bethel tlmeonllittinir Interests
can boliaimoni/ed.
The session vvas losumed to-day , but no
progicss was made htlckimr on tlm same
iiolnt as the dav pievious. The htuiiibllin ;
block Is ovoi the kind ot biiiintss which Miali
lie ponied the Alton and Walnsh Insisting
that competitive business HO called west of
the Mlssoml ihei , shall bo put lu , and the
othei toads claiming that this tiallle is local
and not to be divided , Altei discussiinr the
points in dispnto all day , an adjournment
was taken until to moiiovv morning.
Wisconsin A
Mu.w vi'iu.i ' : , Wis. , J5i'it. ' | : io. At ltclno !
to-day tlio State Woman's f- nil rage associa
tion , at tlm instance ol hi is , in 1) ) . Anthonv ,
dce'deil ' tobeslego the next lem l ituio tor
woman's bitlliage lu miniieipil elections ,
with the undeiht Hiding tint such legislation
should bo lepealed II found impracticable.
Itesolntloiis weio adopted condemning
Judge Umnell , of Oshkosh , for Ids decision
In the .John Kenvln e. e Keivvln v > as
chaiged with assaulting a beautiful younf ;
gill ot Neenali , who siitsciueiitly ) killed her
self. Ho vvas let off with a tlneo mouths'
Asking I2\oliunip
Xuvv VOIIK , Sept : . The Chlcaito & ,
Xorthwcstcin lailioad asks tlm Block ex
change lo Hut t. OOJ Clilcago it Not til-
vvestein 4 jiercont extension bonds of ibSil.
These bonds aie fieemed by a deposit of
Hrioooo Wyoming Cential llibts ,
Dakota in st , and sSvjo.ooj Fiomont A , iik- :
hoiu Vallev lit sts.
Dm hi Paul eompiuy asks tlipexchan < 'o
in list ! J2HGOO additional Chicago iV I'aeirie ,
Wcstciii division , bonds , on the now road at
SW.COO pci mile.
A Initial iu Lover.
WA ii.iu.oo , ill. Sept.0. ! . ( Spci ial Tcl <
giain to thoHii.J A lenlblo tiagedv Is n
ported f i oni Chaplii Hiidire , this county Fit-
ward Clark , aged eighteen , lias been paing
souio attenllon to the lltteen-yeai-old dan , li
ter ot Chi Is KuU , in ( ipjicisltlon to tlm wWie
aslho lattei. Ytstord'iyouin ; Clail ; was
ordeiedout ol tlm hou o. Ho went , but
bluntly leturned when U'eglil h pneiils were
absent. Ho fhot the gin dead ami llien imt
an cud to his own lifoln afcimiliirmaniui.
A llnrsatltlef ItotimiB to .7nil.
Srin vi nit , Xeli. , Sept.Spcclal : | Tcilo-
gram lo the IJiu : . ] John Siiodiiek , llm horse-
thlot who escaped fiom jail heto several
wcfksago. volunlaiily icturned this mmii <
IIK and lul.ed tlm jallei to KIVU him some'
thing to oat.
Nohrnskn anil lovv.i Woathor.
Foi Ncbiubku and Iowa : Fair ,
wauuci ; Jovur cold-\va\o big
General Miles Mnk s His Report on tic Stir-
render of Goronhuo.
_ _ _ _
1'osltUo Instruction * of the Govern *
liie'lit Violated A t'uitnco Kor nil
Investigation No dilutee
1'roin Ci onk'H Plans.
Mites' U.iru-'il'i WUli ( icruiitino.
WASIIINOIOS , Kept. ! > 0 ( .icneial Mile * '
niinimt ippnrl , cmlmihliiR IhoMoiy of tlio
stiiienderof ( ieioiilmo , Ims been retched by
llio acting secietaiv of war. ( ! eiioial Miles ,
It is stld , lepoils tint lie accepted the surren
der ot the chicttaln , aKieelne , us
amiiue the conditions. ho slumlil not lie
Mincmleicil to thceh II autlioiItlesot Ail/ona.
lor ti la I. niul t hut hcshoiilil be taken away
lioni that viclnitv.
Thou put shows ( iQinnlnio and his
contiMii o is wi io not ( Mituii'il ) , luil sunou *
di r-ii cnmllliouallv. Hemknow u g''a that
his pioinisod I'll- ' hostile * thai thin should not
bu tutiol < > \o to the authoiltles oC
Ail/oiu , niul ti a then llvesslmulibsparcil (
In icmovlng them Irom llio emmlry Iniuio-
diateh. This accounts lei U'licJal Miles'
I illure to obej tlm instiuctlons of Hie wur
ilcpaitmctit to coiuluo the liobtllitlcs nt I ho
lle.llest pent.
1'heStai saw "I'hc tact tint
Miles nc etptcil a ( onilltloinil suiieiiilei when
thi-po-Hlvo liistiiietiuns ol the goveiiimeut
were that iinthlnu but a eaptnio 01 uucoiidl-
tlnii il siureinlci sluiiihlteiiulii.itetlie Apnehu
cniipaiu'ii inlsus a voiy giavo qiti'stlou for the
ioiisliler.itInn of the. iiu'suletit and M-uielaiy
ot war. What the lesult will bo can only bo
conieetuied , but unless tin ie ate some exten
uating cheiimstaiiccs not .ippiu'iit on the
outside , a icpi Humid Is the least that can bo
cxpccti ( I. 'I he ivpoi t slum s tluu the Imsllles
had nevoi beloie burn dt hou to Mich a
sliu'o ot di" > | ici.itlnii and that they
could not have stood out against thu tioons
iiiui'h longer. Hut neveitholess thu wai tie *
niitineiit would undoubtedly Inixo wlsbuil
the Indl in wai to last nnotlieieat rnlhcr
than tint HID tiostllos should surieinli'i uuun
( belt O\MI tenns It Is s iltl that Ceueial
Miles' camink'ii did not , differ inatoi hilly
Horn ot ( k'lieial CiooU , and that the
lattei could have seemed the boitllos upon
similar conditions to those accepted by
( ieneral MiliM , last , lannai.\ , when
( h'loiiliiioevpiessed vvllllniincss tosiineutliT ,
but escaped when bo found bo could sccuto
no assniancu ol satetj Ironi ( ieiicrai Cionk.
( ioueial Miles'icpoit Is vetv long ntul Intei-
esiinjHo devotes the gioitci poitlon ot it
loan account ol the pursuit ol the Indians
since he tool * command. Ho shows how his
eunpaign dltreicd Iroin tliat ot dcneial
( 'took. The latter used liiondlv Indians to
ti bt the Hostile * , while Ceueial Miles pur
sued them with United .States tioous ,
only u few Indians as tiallcis.
One of Cliiciigo'b Ulil I
Houses ( iiicH Dim it
fine uio , .Sept. lit ) . ( Special Telegram to
thu 15i.i. | Tlio lion-e ol A. ! > . ( J.ue A. Co. ,
winch lailed tothyloi neatly a million , is
one ol tlioo'dest in tbocitx. It was founded
in the only piilol IS" , undci theliiiu miuo
olVi bitei A : ( , a.e Shoitly beloie the meat
lite ol istl , HIP In in n line was ( hanged to
< ISios A. CD , , the oiiuinal nieinbcix u > -
tiring. AHei helm ; binned out in the lite ,
thoi leupeneilinth lmlldiugon'nba > h lue-
nno now occupied hj MontKoinciyVanI \ .t
Co , ami 'jubicriuuntly ' icimueil to the noilli-
ti t corner of j > ri'li" " " c pct i'idrtdi Ii
avenue. A. S. Oi e , son of Seth 'ijgc ' of
d.ise J5ios. it Co , and nephew ol John .V ,
< .nfi' , the original founder ol the house ,
shoillv utter tooK the helm , und tl o
house bcouiio known us A. S. ( ! .ie ! \ ,
Co. About live jeais as < > thej moved
into their pie tmt laiije and haiidsoiutiuc -
t'lie ' on thu eotnei ol Wabish : nonna nil I
Adims htieet. One and amidlil
epibodeconnected with the lailme was tin )
fact that all the customuis who were in the
f-hop weie iiupiisoned for.seveial hours. Tiio
oeeislon of tills was that some half do/.i'ii
deputy shuiifts weic on the ontsidu clautoi-
Ing for admittance. Jnsl about 10 o'clock
one of theeabh boys was sent to tlm Wabaslf
tiscnuo doui , and assoon as be otoutiido
the door was locked behind him and nobody
could eel out or In. The store wns lilted with
women , who pleaded Innln forfieidom ,
but they were denied mid hud to content
themselves wlthllatleiiingtheli noses aRalidt
tlie glass on" the Inside , \\hllo the ciouif
who wanted to net In did the same on Ihoiii
side ol the Klass At the Adams nticct cn-
tianec the slieilll and nttoiuey lor the binlc
held hic e. At 12:10 : o'clock the doom vvciu
opened at llio Adams htreut entrance , and
about h\o bundled tiistoincis were het fiee.
Tlm find confessed JmlKiiient In fuvor of
the Kiist Nantlonnl bank this moinlntfor
S'J7,0 )0. ) 1 ho hi in din Ini ; the forenoon maUo
an asslsiiment ot Its entire stock toll.J.
McF.ulnnd and its large cbtabllslimcut wa <
at once'ilosed. Lmbilitles are placed at S7&0-
U)0 ( ) , ow IIIK almost entliel } to eastein liouses.
'I lie assets are loiighjv estimated at A'O'i.OO' ' ) .
bi\ months a.o , In addition to Itn wholesale
depaitment , the Him opened u I.UL'C. ictuil
diy goods store. It was surmised In Inibincir
cliclos that tno Hi m w as piessed , but the fail
ure did notrappcar to be anticipated. *
A deputy bheillf with tineo assistants took
possession of the establishment about 'J
o'clock in behalf ot the Kiist Xatlmml bank ,
il. I ) . Clallln ttt'o. , and other jndcmentcrcdlt-
mji. .ludge 1'ieiidein'ast was called upon this1
afternoon ti ) adjudlcuio between tlm contest-
In t ; claimants and decided that the bhcrlff
had no light to mo\o any goods from llio
piemlses. Ho oideied matteiH to lemaln In
statu quo and IH coiisldeilng the petition of
tins mm foi .inassignee to continue the busi
ness , thiiMispciihlon oO which would involve.
uloisol il.OIWa d.ii. Theasslu'iien lias been
duelled to gi\o bonds In SJ.OOO.OOO-douhlo
the estimated value ot tlm stock. The lirm
aseiibes the necessity foi Its closing down to
the basle ciisiil.neil by the bank people.
'Iliej e\piessi'd the MOW this evening that
they would piobabl ) be nblo to ic.sumo to-
. IllHOlVCillt.
CiiioAfio , Sept. ! iO. Application was made
today for the appointment ot a lecelvci for
thu Lnkesitlo oil eomp-iny. It Is clalined the
comnaiiy Is hopelessly Insolvent , ovvlntc
SJ-'j-OOO vvltli asets estimated at 310,1)00. )
Jmlgon.mby appointed W. U. ( Jmohundro ,
ono of lliu diiutois , us receiver ,
'llio Dow Law Solid ,
Oi.r.VKi.AND. Sept. W. In the elie.ult
court of the United States JndguVellarto - '
dav disposed ol the application of William
Tanner , sr. , a Balooukeep.-r of Alliance , O , ,
for piellminaiy injunction to restrain the
vllliin'u of Allhiiico Irom the oiifoicemenlo ;
the piohlbltory orillnaiiro pat-scd under tlm
Dow law by ionising the leglralnlui : ordei.
Jmk'uelfar held that the couit had
no iiirlMlletkm to alTord the icllof asked ;
that the oidlimnco does not eonlll.'t with the
fourteenth umotidment of the constitution of
tlm United States : that the oidluanco does
not depihc the. complainant of his piopcily ;
Unit the oidinnntu Is only a polity legiilutioji
In tlm intuest ot public moials ainlfor the
common good. Judge Jackson fopcuncdiln
llm refusal ot the application , This was il ' *
hi * case in Ohio uiidei the law nnd 4 !
aimed with gieal luteiest.
hi. l'Ai'i.Huii. | lA. . Y. 11. Caiponlrr ,
geneial jiassengei , , f , . , v „ , l w " ltlt1llVUU
load , telegiaphs tint the piojiosed lediiclltii
on all noilhwc t8in joujb io5o !
" . . per . . . . mllu . . . , wl
take IIIII.I , , "octnUci IK M'l.n .I. r'
" ' > ' 'll > t" l
unlimited lust-claw ; second club *
Maakln KciuafiiK In .lull.
OITAVVA , HI , , Sept.
- - * ! bf t * ntt j Jiu
court has denied the application for