Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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    t n
couNciiTBLUFFs ,
DfllvtreJ by tnrrlcr In any port of the city nt
twuity cuiUporwiik.
11. \ \ \ TIITO.V ,
, No
Kiutoit No 33.
New York riuinltl ij * Co.
Now fall jrooih tit Holler's.
Thi ! vi-rv be t cnbinelt : il $ ! 5 lo/nn nt
Qulli-n number of naturalization papers
The Dierk's Harv ester woiks will begin
operations in u few the * .
Unit I'o/en rabitiets and a large panel
for $2 50 at Schmidt's gallery.
12 Cabinet Photographs $3. Qualit }
thu llne't Sheriadeii , ! 117 Broadway.
The total number of natur.ili/ation
papers issued to dnte been about
Tlie copvctsational clnbof tlm Y. M C.
A. met on Tuesday evening at the rooms
of the association.
Schmidt it Hottiir , the barber. " , No 720
Droadwaj have Just completed some im
provements in their shop.
The Hall school wilt reopen this morn
ing at U o'clock , it having been closed on
account of the sickness and death of
the janitor Mr. Dunn.
The republican city convention will be
held nt 2 o'clock tills afternoon at the
citv building to place In nomination n
candidate for major.
Politics m.ikes strange bedfellows The
ilumocnitic coin eiilion was hchl vester-
day in the hall recently taken possession
of by the Salvation army.
It will be unniT * - ary for the n who
failed to register to try on Monda. } to
cast a vote , as by their own eatelossiies.- ,
they Imve been disfranchised.
The funeral of the lateCyins . ) Dunn
was held je.sterday. Kov. Mr. Crofts
ollicmtcd and gave some befitting and
tender words of sympathy and comfort
Tlio Mando llovvo company plajcd a
"Mountain Pink' ' last night at the opeia
house to a goodly -M/ed audience. Mi
Howe's part , SineoritvVeck > , was ex
tremely well played
Leave to join in wedlock vvas > given
ycsterdaj to ( ! Larson , of tins eitv _ , anil
Christian Johnson , ot Missomi Yallev ,
also to Martin < ) Todd , of Randolph ,
Fremont county , and Augusta A. Dook ,
of this city
Arrangements are being made for a
inatinee b\ Miss Howe and eompAtij
Satnrdii. ) , and piices are to be made 25
cents to all p.tits of the house. The opeia
hound will be crowded in view ot s-.ich
The Hebrews of the citv held services
in the Koyul Arcanum hall last evening ,
it being Iho Jewish New Year. They hold
services at the same place ut 7 .10 o'clock
this morning and 7 o'clock to night , as
well as to-morrow.
To-night Miss Maude Howe and her
excellent stippoit appear in "Ladv
Audio's , Secret , " a powerful cmotioirtl
dramn , the stiongcst in many respects of
any in her extensive repel toiro.
Mrs .Kastridgo , whoso advertisement
appears in another column , is having
great success , and her looms at the Pa
cific house are thronged with those being
initiated into the new ami simple wai of
cutting clothing , dresses , eto.
Much trouble has been caused the Dis
trict Telegraph company by pernons 10-
moving boxes or changing their posi
tions , thus leaving the wires open. The
boxes should not thus be interfeied with
without notifying the central ollicn.
Messrs. Henry Kisouian it Co'aie now
making extensive preparations for their
grand fall opening , which is to take
place shortly. Their show windows will
very llKoly exceed in elegance anything
hciotoforc seen in this city , ono of the
bi designs being a representation of the
organ in the Episcopal church.
Yesterday morning as Mrs. J. Fred
Kimball and n lady friend had just en
tered a dress making establishment on
Broadway , Mis. Kimball's horse , who is
a high spiiited animal , became flight-
onod and clashed oil' , doing considerable
damage to buggy and harness.
Last ovonmg "Mountain Pink" was
given at the opera house by Miss Maudu
Howe ami her company. It i.s a grace
ful , pleasing play , a product of journal
istic bruinitnrton and Bates of thu Inter-
Ocean , having joined in writing it. It
was excellently presented last evening ,
and the company addett to the popularity
which is fast increasing hoio.
In the United States court yesterday
the case of the Aultman Taylor company
against Yetzor , of Atlantic , was on trial
before .Judge Shiras , it being the lirst jury
case tried. In tlio other room , bcfoio
Judge Love , the case of W A. Woods
against Bowman was up on a demui ryr ,
winch was argued by Judge Day aim
Colonel Sapp , the argument taking most
of the day.
To-day tlie boot and shoe stoic -o > cng
known as Luidsoy'i , is to ho opened under
the new linn , consisting of Itwt M
Kargenl and John M. Piisey. The stand
IB an old and popular one , and its many
natrons will rejoice that the business has
fallen into the hands ot such vvoithy
successor * Uoth mo young men of push ,
and nil ! spare no pains to please the pub
lie and increase the business in all 10
. . spoc'l.s. Mr Sargent has been with J M
1 hllllps ; i long time , is tlioioughly oxper-
cnced , and Knowing what the trade
wants , knows alio how to meel the want.
Mr Ptisoy is avoung man wlio i.s also
widely knovMi and popular , and there
fieeins no reason why tlionnw linn should
not only aold the old trade but add to it.
Opera house barber shop and bnth
sroom. . Kvurjthing HrMclu.HS , H , M. Mar-
Just received , Ladies' line shoes , best
makes. Prices low. Geo. lHaxIm , b < )7 )
Harmony Chapter No.2ri , O. K , S. , will
hold uspcclal mooting at the residence
of Miss Kmnia Potter , on Fiiet avenue ,
this ( Thursday ) evening lit 8 o'clock , to
perfect arrangements for their ball and
iKiiujuot , which is to be given at Masonic
tonipln Friday ovonlng , October 1U. Ity
order ofIho WM ,
If you want n good furnace and ono
that will bo as durable as your houve , gvt
a "Kiolimoml" at Cooper & Mc.Uuo'ii ,
First class rcpulardlnner2.5rents.l2to2 '
o'clock. 1'hojnlxchop hoine , S05 JJ'vvay
Hani Time * Hoolalilc.
At the JiaplUt uhtirch this ovcnlng ,
literary C cxcrchua , comuiuncing at 8
o'cloclfMiuio and rofrosnments A'l-
iijflon ) ; HicinilK I'roci-id. " for Iho bcno-
lit nt th > ; Hcanillnarlun Kaptist chuieh of
thin city
Hut * regardless of co. t. Clo lng out
hat stock of F K. Hiubhs comprising
Knnx'i , Stcljson's niul other lind brands.
K 1 > . Wn I.UUS , No. 50G iiioaihvay.
"Kverard and Kulalla , " by Kd. > S'righl ,
/Or sfvlo by UiLOiiioll A Cook well ,
illghcut prirc * paid for county , town
" \tf \ ! school bundf , Odcll Hros. t
, No .0.1 Pinri/lHJei,0' / ' " > ouiicU
i nP ivf ttA/ i TInitmni
William Qroneweg Nominated to Fill
the Mayor's Olmir ,
Tlie Itrpnlilican I'llmailcH l < ant Mjlit ;
anil Convention To-day Close
of Itci-lHti-nlliin-Ollier
Nl'UM 111 tllC llllllTM.
nrinooriitlu Wisdom.
The city demooiatie convention was
announced to meet in tlio city hall jcs-
terday afteiuoon at 'J o'clock , but the
roomwasb\ means ntlvquato to the
demands of the occasion , there being ui
enthusiastic outpouring of citizens ,
caused by the knowledge that many
si homes were workimr , and the anticipa
tion of "fun on the iloor. " Chairman G.
A Holmes taking in the situation , sug
gested that the scene of action be trans-
feirod to Dohany's hall , across the street ,
and that was soon piettyoll filled ,
showing that not a third of the number
desii ing to watch thu proceedings could
have been accommodated In the city hall.
There was much figuring and whisper
ing , side talk and consulting- patching
up preliminary f-cliumos , niul so on , and
it was long after 2 o'cloek-when the con
tention was called to oriior by Mr
Holmes , who bnelly stated the object to
bo the nomination of a candidate for
tfd Hates named William C.roneweg as
chairman , and ho waspkccd in that posi
tion without a dissenting voice
fJJ A Holmes nominated J J. Fralnoy
as .secretary Klectod unanimously.
The chaii man suggested that a com
mittee on credentials bo selected. Mr.
Holmes called attention to the contest in
the lust ward , presented a protest from
the tlrst ward , and suggested that in mak
ing up a committee no rcpri"-ontalivo
fioiti the liist ward bo placed thereon.
The committee as eho--cn ( ! . A
Holmes , P.V .Spctman and W. L , Hlggs
represented the .soeoml , third and fourth
wauls icspoethcli
A reeess was had while the committee
considi'ied tne contest in the lirst ward
I5 > ieiue | > .t of the committee one repio-
.sontati\e from each si > t of delegates
iimtod to appear before the committee ,
Mr. Ko.ti . uprenting the Vaughan sot
and Mr. Uuanolla the opposing set.
The committee reported in favor of al
low ing each of the tirsl ward sets of del
egates 3J vot"s , the seven \otes to which
the ward is entitled being thus divided
between the two sets.
Mr. Vaughan addressed the conven
tion in behalf ot his sotof delegates from
tlie First waul. He'coied Mr Holmes
for accepting the position of chairman of
the committee when he had alreadv do-
elated that tlio Yaughan delegation
should not be admitted P Lacy called
Vaughan to older , anil after some inn-
mug lire Vaughan took Ins teat
"Texas" Heck moved to nominate a
mayor by acclamation Seconded. With
draw n after some amendments and spar
ring , in which Pat JLacy moved to nom-
tnato Mr William ( Jronoweg unani
mously and b.v acclamation. Killed out
of order , and finally the decks wore
Hpaicd for a formal ballot , Mr. Lacy and
Mr. Jacl.Mm being named as toilers. The
ballot resulted in the nomination of Wil
liam ( ironoweg , who tocoivcd 20 } votes.
W. K , Vauirhan received ! 5i votes Dr.
Cool : j vote and Javo MoAdams 1 vote.
The nomination of Mr. Gronoweir was
mndu unanimous on motion of G. A.
Holmes and amidst much enthusiasm.
The nomination was ically a .surprise
to Mr. Gronowcg , and there was some
doubt felt as to whether ho would accept
the nomination. When ho announced
that ho would accept the decision was
greeted with loud applause. Mr. Grono-
weg said that it elected major ho uhould
not expect to .suit overyboily , but that all
ho could promise was to try and do right
in all things and to all men.
Sir Vaughan pionounccd the bonidic-
tion by declaring that ho was glad that
the convention had chosen a candidate
who did not belong to any cliciuo or ring ,
and one whom all could gladly support.
The convention adjourned in good feel
ing. The expected htorm did come ,
and those duiwn thither by curiosity to
sec a monkov and parrot time wore adly
The result of tlio convention is gratify
ing to all , irrespective of paities. Mr.
Groueweg is ono of the most prominent
and successful business men in the city ,
and the wholesale grocery house of
Gronowog iV ; Schoentgen is among thu
Btnnnchcst and best in the west.
Mr. Groiiovvcg is a man in whom all
havn confidence , both as to his ability
and integrity , and should ho bo elected
mayor it would be by no means a mis
fortune to the city If the republicans
make an equally good nomination the
cltircns dcsirinir to see the city prosper
ous , can choose in accordance with tlioir
personal or partv prefcionccs. feeling
satisfied that in choosing bstwcen two
goods Instead of two evils , the city's in
to ) odts will bo safe in any event.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. iS ; K. L Squire. No.
101 Pearl .street , Couuoil Hind's.
The Richmond combines the four es
sentials of a irood furnace , .simplicity ,
capacity , dm ability and economy. See
them at Cooper & McGoo's Main.
A Vuiieiy of CInirrli Matters Ably
The sessions of the annual meeting of
the Council Ululfr Association of Con-
ciegational clitircliin interested good
sued audiences jesturday at the Con
gregational chinch in this city.
In the moining sosbion a very interesting -
ing paper was road by Hev. J. 0. Stuvon-
son , of Shonamloah , Ills subject being
"Growth of thoChuich , " Mr. Sloven-
con is one of the brightest and spiight-
Heat essavists in the association and life
vvnlhiKS abound in a very enjoyable
Scotch humor. Ho did not attempt nnv
historical or sti.iMUal toviev , ' of tlio
growth of the church , but called atten
tion mainly to feature * ! of giovvth Ho
thought thoohuich honld not lx > a men )
social elub , or mono } making .scheme. ,
but a spiritual power to bo wielded for
the gaod of the world ,
"Cluislianity Applied" was the topic
of an ou'olhmt paper by Hov. K , S. Hill ,
of. Atl.uitie. llu touched iincm many ot
Iho points dwelt upon In tlio preoeiling
paper , but much was new and all well
put Ho mowed how the principles of
ohrlnbnity .should bo inado to apply to
every kind of political and social litoand
to tlio community in which a church or-
ganiiatlnn was located.
A devotional meeting wan held , con
ducted In Hov ( J. U Klcc , of this city ,
after ' .vhiclicamor. paper on "The' "
by llnv , A Hogcrs , ot Dunlap. Jt would
tuuut that there wn * omo peculiar eig-
nihcanco in preceding the handling of
th pi ess by a season of dovotlon , but the
oa-avMt don ! ) lis had no Mich idea otllio
needs of the jiruss , for ho paid it FOUIO
high tnbutoH. Mr. Hogeis is odlting a
paper himself , which pmhaps accounts
in part for life app.uent hympathy with
the fraternity His paper was very
spiiKhtly and witty , and ho covered the
ground well Ho remarked that ho would
havw bcuu Inclined to lm > o curtailed ecime.
of tuepiaUc ho bestowed on the press
h d ho spun the old lady's scrap book 3 cs'
I terday moriMng before ho Imd written tlio
address There was como statements
mndo in the Noniiarcil which evidently
did not stnko him ngicenbly
At tha afternoon session the subject of
Sunday school woik was discussed Hov
Mr. Tolle , who was elected as state
secretary about six- months go , reported
concerning the work of cstablls'iing Sun
day schools in various paits of the state.
The report was very encouraging. He is
pursuing a policy of sure rather than
fast building , and does not believe in or *
ganizing schools simply to live a few
months and die.
The other topic considered was the
work among the joung folk" , especially
us being done by tlie societies of Christ
ian Knileavor. Thete have been oigan-
i/cd among the churches about lifty of
these societies , and the work is proving
very satisfactory. Hov. Mi. Heaeh , of
Pairagut , one of the bc-t leadeif the
church has in this Jine , gave much inter
esting information concerning the f-ocie
ties , and many Useful hints Ho v\as well
lilted for doing so , ho having organised
a similar society in his chinch eight or
moio.ears ago , befoio this kind of
organi/ation had developed to any ox-
A number of leports anil misiucss mat
ters of the assoei'ilion occupied the lost
of the afternoon
In the evening a sermon was preached
bj Hev K. A. Leopcr , of Hod Oak.
The pro < : ianinio as at ranged for to-day
is as follows , and the public generally is
cordially invilcd to attend any and all of
Iho sessions :
n 00 "Juslillablo Ihithnslasm , " J. M.
H M "A Life Worth Living , " C. N.
10 00 Devotional tneeliiio- led by F. S.
1100-"Iowa Home Missions , " T. O.
Douglas ,
2 00 Business.
2 30 "Kvangeli/alion of Our Cities , "
X H. Wliltth-M-y.
U 00Lord's supper , John Gray and
\ \ ni. M. UrooKs.
Ficsh ojs-ters in every style at the
Pluviiix Chop House , No. 505 Hroadway.
Hats regardless of cost. Closing out
hat stock of K. K. Stubbs , compiisiug
Knox's , Stetson's and other line brands.
K. H. WH.I.UM.No. . rOU Hroadway.
The KeKintry CloHeil.
Yesterday was the closing one of the
boauls of legist ! y for the coming special
city election , and those who failed to get
their names recouled will have to stand
idly by and see others do the voting
The icgistry being tlie first ono made
under the new law , much intcicst has
been felt in c > cry detail of the proceed
ings. Theio has boon & disatmiug of
many of tlio criticisms made on the
passage of the law , and there do not
seem to aiise so many complications and
injustices as the evil prophets piodicted.
Tl.ero was great fear lest manv old voters
should bo barred out from the fact that
thoj had mislaid or lost their naturali/a-
tion papers , but this has been hugely
allayed. Applicants have not been
compelled to produce their papers , as
many thought they would be obliged
to When able to give the time and
place wheic they got their [ tapers , this
has been deemed sullieiont by their
boards , and they have been registered ,
the statements being made on oath. The
only boaid which has refused thus to
register 13 said to be in the First vv aril ,
whole demand lias been made for'ho pio-
duction of the papois themselves , causing
in many cases gieat inconvenience , ami
possibly in some cases tlie disfranchising
of some , who aio entitled to vote. It i.s
reported that there may bo homo trouble
raisoit about this. Aside from this the
registry has moved along smoothly and
with little fiictionof annoyance. The
rogislor has boon very light , the election
being a special one , for city purposes
only , and many not taking sulHcicnt in
terest to go to tlio trouble of appearing
in person bef 010 the board. The total
number registered will not exceed 2,000.
which is a thousand or more short.
Hard and soft coal , wood , lime , cement ,
etc. Council HlutTs Fuel Co. , No. 5J5 !
Broadway. Telephone No. 110. !
Itnj > iilllcin Primaries
Last evening the republicans held their
primaries for the selection of delegates
to attend the convention to bo held this
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the city hall ,
for the iiu pose of nominating a candi
date for mayor. The piimaries were
lightly attended and but ono vvaid , the
tliiid , iusti ueteil its delegates , they being
for Kvnns.
Kiitsr WAKD.
M. H. Brown , chaunian ; M. I. Sears ,
secretary. Delegates L. A. Caspar , M.
B. Hi own , Joseph Cromer. Wall MoFad-
den , Kd Morchouso , Frank Williams , M.
1. Sears.
Charles Hnbbard. chairman ; Jacob
Sims , secretary. Delegates C. S. Hub-
bald , Kd Molt. G. H. Jones. F. A. Burke.
Jacob Sims , W. F. Lyons , Theo. Guittar ,
Kd Watts.
Dr. Gordon , chairman ; Thomas Tosto-
vin. secretary. Delegates John Limit ,
F. J. Day , J. C. Hhodabeok , W. F. Sapp ,
jr. . Win. Arnd , W. K. Haverstook , Goo.
Fairman , P. J. Montgomery.
The delegates were instructed to use
all honorable moans to secure the nomi
nation ol J. F. Kvans for mayor.
rot inn w'Aiiu.
C. Haldano , chairman ; G. II. Stillmiui ,
secretary. Delegates C. Haldano , Gee
MePeck , A. J Brown , O , M. Blown , A.
T. Flickingor , Walter Smith , F. W. Olm-
htead , Harry James , J. W. lulgoto , Ford
Richmond furnaces , Cooper McGo
Mrs Henry Keller has gone on a visit
to Missouri to see her lelatives ,
A E. McFarland , night clerk at the
Ogden house , hub returned from his Inp
to Chicago.
C. A. Heed loaves for Iho cast to-day ,
intending to visit Washington and other
points of interest.
A carload of largo heavy mules , also a
lot of line largo heavy biood males for
sale by Sohloutor & Boloy , Council Blufls.
Hev. A. Hogors , of Dunlap , is among
tlio familiar fares attending the
annual association of Congregational
chin ohcs.
Albert Ilolloy , of Danbur.v , Ct , who
lias been visiting his cousin. W. B. Sum-
ors , the past week , to-day leaves for thn
east on hi.s way homo.
Kletrm doorbells , burglar ajarms , and
over. ) form of domestic electrical appli
ances at Iho Now York Plumbing Co.
A Key West , Fin , , newspaper , as a
joke , nominated General Abe Saw.v.erfor
mayor. The general , who stands 20
ini'hos high and weighs 281 pounds ,
writes to tlio paper u fiill-si/ed letter , in
which he says : "Jf the people of Key
West would elect mo major I would bo
nobody's tool , and 1 would show the
people what a good mayor would do. "
When.Brodlo . , the newsboy , jumped
from the Kabl river bridge , some of the
newspapers said that ho was thirty second
end * in reaching the water. The Manu
facturer and Builder has figured il out
uiaelly , and demonstrates that he drop
ped from Iho bndgo lo the water in jiiht
U.8 second * . In thirty seconds ho would
have fallen 1-1,753 feet , if there hud been
loom to fall to fur.
Suloru , Oregon , Htuteaman. St. Jacobs
Oil and Hcd Star Cough Cure are justly
Ono Cllnrscs the Other With Having
Jlorrlltly DchiutctitMl Ills I'nmllj.
Some surprise was caiiso I last evening
by the arrest of Fred Brownold on a
serious charge , the complaint being made
by Charles Allen , who charges Biownold
with having raped Mrs. Lena Lavenbcrg
'Ihoafl'alr grows out of a mixed family
history , and is quite complicated , so that
it is dillieult lo determnm how much or
how little there may bo to It. Fred
Brownold is a well known painter , a
cripple , who ho a wife and family , and
has not been looked upon as ono capable
of committing such crimes as are now
charged up to his account His wife is
a sister of Charles Allen , the complain
ant. The alleged victim of Brownold's
lust , Mis Lena Lavcuberg , is also a sis
ter of Chailes Allen Ij"iia about a year
ago was mairied to Will Lavonbmg , she
being onlv eighteen years of age Alter
living vill. . her husband for about nine
month ! , she suddenly disappeared , and
at the same time Sam Lavcnbutir , a
brother of her husband , ilisnppcnicd
also at the time that
the two had run away together , but later
developments disclosed tne fact that the
young woman had become an inmate of
"French Kin's" house in Omaha Lately
her sister , Mrs. Brownold , learning of
her whereabouts , went to Omaha and
sought to get her to leave the abode of
bin. but failed to persuade her. It Is
claimed that at this interview the fallen
sister told Mrs. Biownold that Biownold
had been the cause of her ruin , but no
stops wcro taken in the matter
until Charles Allen , the brother of the
two , got hold of the iufoitnatlon.
Ho claims that ho has learned that
Brownold had mined the girl when she
was bill eight je rs ot age , and had
maintained a ciimimil ntnuucy with her
more or less of ho time since then ; aKo
that she had tried to cover her shame by
having an operation performed upon her
by a physician , and Ihat Biownold had
alter that taken the pait of a doctor thus
adding uuotncr ciime lo the catalogue of
his sins The wan ant tor Brownold's
airest was last evening placed in tlio
hands of Deputy Maishal White ,
who proceeded to make the anvst at ,
Biownold's ' home. Mrs. Brownold and
another brother , John Allen , weio at the
house , and thej piolestcd so vigoiously
against the airesl of Brownold. that
Deputy Mar.shul White found it necessary
to aricst John Allen also , on the charge
of resisting an ollicer. Both Biownold
and John Allen wore laken lo Iho eilv
iail and locked up until they can furnish
bonds for their appearance. If oven a
portion of the hard stories told bj Chailes
Allen about his brother-in-lawBrownold. will go hard with him , ami
curtain ! } ought to.
J. Krnxltorf , having taken - entire - L con
trol ot the Phieuix chop house , ilesires > testate
state that he has secured the services of
Chailes Decker , a lir t class cook of Now
York citv. The best the market alibids ,
night and day , in the best stvlo of the
art. Will also have uicgulrirbill of fare.
See that vour books are made by More
house & Co. , room 1 , Kvercti , block.
Will make a Special Snlo this week o
Prices will \ > o Lower than made by
nny othsr store in the west.
Do not fail to see us before purchas
ing elsewhere.
This department wo shall close out ,
and shall make prices to sell them. Our
Stock is seasonable and sty's s excel
These are Bargains Never Be
fore offered ,
< Jnd pau iou save iroaey by calling
onus before purchasing for wo will
not bo undersold.
, la
* *
v = . . . MAUDE . ; HOWE.
Talented *
Powerful Emotional Drama
Prices to Suit the Times niul tlio People ,
50 , 35 , and 25 Cents.
Seats nt lluslmell's 25c e.\lru.
Reduction in Prices ,
China , ( ilassware , Etc. ,
At W.S. Hciner it CO'H. No. S3 Main st.
Council IHuUa ,
Council Bluffs Carpet C
Jiftrtt Lui'i/c Attmiincnt < tn < t Ilir llt + t Druluiit In
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Linoleums , Window Shades , Etc ,
KrtntmfffrriiirtiNf > //V'rr < l mic. < r r c/irnir/f / > / / ' ' ' " ' t * lu lul.c
.s/ / cnitiit be rctliti'ctl * Ttihc tin niii' ' * it'itrd , but mil anil .S < T/ ' ' i/ ' -
n , tlnil our pi'irrmnul < in < tllti < ' # cannot In-
Out of town ti'a < lre.nccliUi/t > oli'Ueil. !
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
No. 4L05 Broadway , Couuoil Bluffs.
Brick buildings of any kind nii otl or niovod and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Giant , truck- ! , best in the world.
SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth StrcetCouiiil Nluffsi.
bihcilii l8iirnln ( iimklnK Its tmniml rlolta-
111. . Ton > ears'Ithilof UH.'IIIO.S JEtTKUIS'
hl'.Mi 1)V ) tor Hint lutal ini'latly lni Ounuxi-
TU oil tlio fnct Hull It id infulliblu us a iirov cnt-
l\u uiiiloinn. lf > on iionnlt jour chUOrun to
dlo with illplitliurln , "Tiii'li blood bo iiponyoui
hond. " Formic onlj m the otllco , N'o. " . ) South
" 111 streetCouncil Uliills , In. , 01 sent bj i-xpioss
Oil lULOlllt Ot prlLO. $ - . I
C. II. IHnlHMlou , of No. 1410 Caniiliollicot ! , '
Omtilm , Mho rocL'iitl > l ( > ; t n hi'iuiUful niul HI- '
Kni'vtliifT ilnuitlitLT , nircd about 15 joins , tiy
illtililhciiu , Uliilur the ticiitniiMit ol ouo ol thu
best phj slcliuiM In Onuilui , rlto * to Ii. .It'lfci 18 ,
orthlscltj : "Yoiirrc'incilj inrllphthi'rfncnmo .
too I ito , our dour ihuiihti'r v HB ( Jjliiirlion It
\\nsictiji\Kl. I nin < : itltllril that her HToronld
have lioi'ii siid. : . Aiuitlicr oncof 0111 chlldien
\\lio hml Hie dlplitherln , hei tlituiit tilled
upith the pnuld ulooi.illon * u cd > oui
nicdk'liio and In tnohit hours the ilNunio ns
coinpk'ti'hsLbdiii'd. . In the rutiiro wo will
Ket'pjo'ii mcillelno nt nil tlnios In oui honso.
Wo fci'l thiit itavc'il the llfo or ono ol our
children Wo 1110eiy thankful to jon , : nul
onlj louriet Hint odld not cull on jou sooner. "
From the Council lllulfs Ilillj Houild :
Mr < K. M tieliird.wlfo ol llimlucci Geinid ,
or the t'nlon 1'ticlllc. this ult ) , has bci'n n Rient
RUIfoicrtor manv jrurs , with what was Mip-
poscd to boi'iincer of the throat. It vtnssntiuil
thut she wns thicatcnuil with s-tat \ utlon. Hur
( Ti ncral hcnlthvns completclj brolttn down.
Mio could onlj' swallow liquid food , niul e'ii
that her tomach could not digest 01 asslmllato.
I'lijBlLliins or Council Hindu anil Oinahn
nttcndod her for thrio years and irnvc no
relief. Dr. JelTcrls.ot this ulty.wns called. In
lourwicksj" tlmnhe citrcil hurthioiit , niul com
plett'ly rostorfHl hot general liealth. Hnd Ir5.
Gerard cot obtained lellcl soon flic would have
died from blood voNon , tho'-ainocoiiditlon that
desttojed the lllo o' ( Jou. Grant.
From the Council HI nil's Dally Glolic :
JI. A. Met'lko.editor m the CnrahrlaKhpnB (
burtr , 1'n ) I'rocmnu-bus been the persona-
friend ol the editor ol the Globe lor more tbiui
tw cut y yoarb , au < l Is known whciever ho Is
know nun ono of the boxt men living1. Ho Nnl-o
an liitimato fileud of Mr. Clinic ol the Non-
pnicll. Ho has been unloitiinato in the 1 act
that Mi family wn . tavuccd with diphtheria ,
and irnntly ilUtirssiul. Ml. ClatMinviinr hciird
ot blseiilamlty hont him -iiino of Dr. .lelleilB'
Dlphthciia Cine , II was nfoil at once , andtho
lives of the icstol bis chlldien s-lved. Lettois
from Mi. Mcl'lko aio unbounded In their ex
pressions of Kiatltiido for llndliiR somu moans
of avei liner the loss of his whole KIOIIPO' little
and tender DHLS ri\oofMr. Mol'lko sehlidron
oiitot elifhl died fiom dliihtbutla boloio ho had
nn oiipoitunltyof uMnif li. . ( effnis1 lemedy.
in SIM I-SIA ! III-.PI i'ni\i
Dyspepticwhj livoln ml oty and dlo in ills-
ah with caiieiirof the stomaciiDr. . ThomiiH
eirorls euros ovcrj capo of Indigestion and
oiiHllpation In n vi'iy slmtt time. Hest of rol-
eronces trivcn. Dyspepsia is the eiin-o of
ninety pci cent of all diseased conditions.
I'lico ? r > lor two weeks tieatment.
Dr. JofToiis' dlphlhuilii niodirlno Is infalllblo
lor nil kinds of BOIO throats. IndlspenMblo In
putrid 8oie tinoal , In malignant hs'inlo llo\cr ,
uluiiiirliiK It in 4S hours to the slmplo foi in. Infal
llblo euro lei all Inllammntorv , ulccintUo , put
rid , enncorous ulcorntlon of the womb and nil
cnturrlml conditions.
Tiill printed hmliiietloiis how to use the medi
cines sent with them. N'o doctor required.
Dr. .Icfforia' romodlos can only bo obtained n
hlBoflltc. No 23 South Kltfhtli street , Conno
llluffs , Jown.orBent ny evpioss on lecolpt
drlce ,
Practices in DID Slate anil Federal courts
Hoonis 7 anil 8 Sliugurt Ulo'-k.
Justice of the Peace
Oll'co ' over Aineilcun i\piess : Company.
llfN. JIaiu St. , rouiteil JMuflH , In. , anil
201) ) S. 15th St. , Itooni 10 , Omiilia , Neb.
Manufacturer's Agent for the
Tents , AwniinrH , lloofliip ; Slate , Mantels -
tels , Plato ami Window ( Mass , Show-
Cases. Elevators ( liaml and Ity-
dr i ull&c.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fpcclsl advertisements , feuch no loat , 1'ouii
To Loan , For Sale , To Ilcnt , VSants , noardlnir ,
etc , will holiiBcrloil In this loliiian at tlie low
ratuof TUN OKNT8 I'KU MNU fortho fiiot lnsnr
tion and I'hoCentsrerl.lnoforcnoli tiibsecjiiotn
inmrtlon. l/eavo advnrtl oinonint our oHlo
No , 12 1'eal street , near Uroadnay , Council
Illnlfn. _ _ _ _ _ _
Dl'ND A lints violin bow bj Murk Wil
liams , HttlUmnn Blrect.
TANTio ; Two jfowl fcobor tinners ut Coojior
& .VIclieu'H , Couuoil llluirii.
\JTANTED-A peed irlrl lo do uoneral luinse
Vuork'Appiy nt 10J Koutth Mreoi , Conn-
C'll Illllllb.
_ _ _
Creston House ,
Tne only hotel In Council lllulfj
And till modern liniro\eiueuta. |
216,217 nndiilUMuIn st.
B. RICE , M.
"IborTumoH ruinoiod wilho I
l blood.
( ) \ci lluny yi'iirn piHctKnloxcrlcncu.
No. II IVarlBt. , Council IlluUn.
ljf Cuu tullMlcnlrc *
IntlicclU can bo ohtiilnc'd by pntionl/ini ; the
iSotu > but uxpcricnrcil hands umployoil.
Out of tovvn orders by mail or ovpiefcs t > o-
lii'ilcd , ami all woik vvarrantctl.
Oi , HAUGHA1UT , Manapr ,
Nos. I510-1W1 Joii lii" st , Oinalui anil
No aillJio.ulvvay : , Cotmoil Bluirs.
rninlojM IlpntlKtr ) , No UanibtiKl < Jn . Vltnll/ccl
Ah lltlurnml riioinlnrin , with UiolraickealuBCiri-ct
avoided b > tlie mo-t wonderful anHccthotlc , purlfy-
n K thu blood ami Iml'dlcjr up tlui llssnes
Omaha Donlal Aso ( > iitioii : , Solr t'lop'in.
Gold Crowns , Gold 1'into and Continuous
Gum Teutli a sppol.ilty. Ilest iccth TU ; former
prleo f 8.
Star Sale Stables and Mule lards ,
Opposite Dummy Depot.
8 ?
Uoi es and mules kept t-onstanth on
lianil , for wile at retail or in oar loails.Or-
iliM-s iHoinjillv lillrd li.y contiaot on short ,
notice Stock sold on commission.
Siu.i ILK tV MOI.M , I'ropnelon.
Tolopltunc N'o 11J
l-'ormcrly of K'cil Suln Mnliles , cornur
1st ave JiuiJUli hlii'i't.
This nyslem U'cnllrcly now ntidl > to iluiple tliiit i o
will Kiiiiriiitcn tu ion jU > mi lo dnilt miuenfiill ) In
H lew hour * . Vc iHiiri rtmft all thu iiatlorn * Unit Is
iioo.loil furllin riiinlljr u lt < IIB all Kiirrouatit worn
hr liullct eiitlomiMiuiid rhlliliiQ
J.idloii mid ti'iilK-uiDii. It will coil your notnliirf
until 7 < > a ImiMcnriiuil. then > ou * lll waat Iliii alter.
Wo fliiillm > i.o luiuiMitlllbii. 'tlio 11101 axi | rlt > nci < il
ilri' 6uinUPti mid titllori uclinunleliiu III miiiurliirUr.
H l tlio mention ol JUilnmc WjUkir. , w U kimwH
ITgiiLliu-oillilo It itlls ni'lrtly ' | (1 liciutl uKonti niunuy , Wu wuiil liritrluti cvtnU t/j Inku
hold of ibeMif luc-s wtlli u , \V o llko tt. nuiVo nionuy
mil Allow olhem In do MI l o , mi wo attrr lllionil
raiB her lurllmr Inrnriimllra cdl or nddronr ,
lIllh.MAllV IJAhTlllDUi : ( ion Aaent ,
UoOI-lIB t'llllllll' IIDIIM ) ( OMUIll J1UD ! , ICJWH ,
W. A. WOlth. I'luprlotor.
, IiiiiriiaU , bounty and
tVorK ol'j.ll Min l nSpc-c-
Prompt Attention jo Mailorders
Kootn 1 K or t IJlooK , Council Ulufls.
Stttudanl Papers Uei-il All styles of binil-
inu in Mn n/itiua ami
HKfl.Ui.N'CiS : : :
C. H Notional Uink , .M. K Smith iCo. ,
CittoiiK1 Hunk , llf i ro , VVdl ( t Co ,
llrnt Natiutirtl H nk < ' < . IMimurnlico I < > ,
It l'jwy.lnir ! tit ! > .c. II , barniK * Uuuk.
V *
_ _ _ .unn i t.u iui. ; v vwv/.v. ; ; /
DLIHK : , AN KLLS & co. ,
W liolptuto
Agricultural Implement ; , fiii taj ,
, Kto .Me ronnoil ItliitTs , town.
Mnko thoUrltfliinl Complete
Hav Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
Not. l.'ol , 11 ti , IVttnml V > i ; .Ninth Mnln Struat ,
Council HiiilT-s lint n
Mnmtf'i n I Jobli > M of
agricultural Impletnents.Wagons . , Buggies ,
CnrilnpiHiid nil klnl of Farm Mtoltlnory.
lltM to lllo South Main Street , Council llluT *
I'.O. Ol.r SON , T. Il.tlOI'OIAS , ( ICO I' . VVlUllllT.
' VI'riw AMin. So ? > V\'Ui80l. )
Council BlaTs Handle Fact/ ) ,
( lnisir | > or tpil. >
M mifitcturciiinr AiU\riok. > < l8liro nnj
linn. . HIM of evenilos ilptltm.
. * !
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths , CnrlHln Klxluron , tTplmlMPir Uooild ,
Ktc. No. 4K > ltro il"r y Council II luff * ,
ciHAitt , yoiurro , fr
PKHK(5OY ( * : MOUKK ,
WlioU-mlo Jotibors In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nott.b.Mnin anj 'T 1'onrl Sts. Council
W lul ( " > ! lli >
Fruit and Produce Commission Hercbints.
No lll'eiul bt , dwiiell Mlitin.
HAHLi : , HAAS iv : CO. ,
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Ui uirirlttii' Sundries , Etu. No 52 Miiln St , niul
No. 21 Ponrl St. , toilupll IllulT *
' fHf/7-T /
O. W. HUTI'S ,
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
Ooiiornl CoiiiMil ploii No M2
Council IIIufM
VV h
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
NOB. Ifinnd IB Funil ht. , Conn'jll HUiffs.
O OCK/f/Ws. /
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale l.lqunt Oo.iloi * . No. 416 Droml-
wiij , Council Illultl
Mnnu'notiircrsorniul Wholcwlo noilorila
Leather , Harness , Saddlery. Etc.
No (06 Main M. . Couuoil Illultj , Jown.
S , ( M.sKtC. .
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves.
No . 312 mill 3M nrn.iil rnr , Ouunrll Illulfu.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wooil Stock , Couiicl
J ) . H. McDANKLI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Pells , OiensuHnd furs Council
JlliilTs Iowa.
( J/.S. /
holoB.ilo Doalora In
Illuminating & Lubricitlog 01U G
E3TO. , E3TO.
F.TIioodorc , Affciit , Council IllnfTa. Iowa.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
4n < lHrlduo Malcilnl & | ) oclaltl'8Wliolosnli Lum
ber of Rll Kinds. Oincii No. 130 Mala St. ,
Council Jllnirs. IOWH.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Aji'iit forbt. ( iotthani'i lloili Illltcri No. U
Maliibt. Coinidtlllulls.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
bt. . IvMICll ll'.U'fi.
I B I UUtatta UU H )
Office No. 595 BrondH/a ) . Council Blulls.
I ' .MO U'u. in.
Hours , > -'Id 5 | i III.
) 7 to H p.m.
Itiiom Vo. 1.
Horses and Mules
Furall putpo rt no'ljfht and nlil , lit lotull itnd
li- Ion I.r.iuH cjiinnilltcst to rnicd riom
Huxiai pulnoJ UuodiIvors , tia looi doulilu.
Council Blutls.
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs.
Home , SUn und Do'-cid o rulntvi , I'ap'u
lliuhj vViUI tlinur.iouii.
Num. but 'jtitt 1 1 1 ui i tit r
ovt s olueri.