Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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TnrtMfl or Himscntrrios !
tnllv 'MornMsf ldltlon ! ) Including 8iiniln-
lit r. Onn Vear . $10 (
J'orBir Monttu . ft <
IVirTlirfp MotitlK . 2 !
Tlio Omnhii S iulny lltn : , mnlloil to nny
i ) , Olio Your. . , . 3 (
OMtM Orrtrr , No. 911 jn UK TAlifAM RTlirr
Hrw VIHK nn'H'V , HIKKI itt. TimirxK nrn.niM
WASH i % . KIN iin-irc. N < > - SHFOI-IITKCSTH sriik.1.
AH ro nmunle.iliotniuliitliiiM ( n < MV * nmlnd
torml innttor Hlioulil bo Uildrossed lo thu I'.D
Ton of Tin : HKK.
All li'iMm-M li-ltort iiiulremlttiincPselioiiM 1
nililM" . i l to TUB llt > : ' I'rm.isniNo CIIMPAN' '
( IMUIDrafl" , riliofk * mill | ni lolllpi' orilni
to bo ID aile payable to tliooixlirof lliucoiujmii ;
K. HOSBWATHIl , KttiTon.
Kwnrn .Statement orClroulal Ion.
Stnte of Nebraska , \ , „
CounU ( it Douglas > . . . ,
( i i. 11. TzM'Inick.serrotaryot tlin Hcc nil
Jigliinu company , lint's solemnly swear tin
tlio nottml circulation of the Dallv Hi
for the week ending Sent. 21th , l > ' was i
Jollcnvs :
Satmdny. IRHi . } ' ' .
.Sitiiilay. imii . I'M !
Monday , uoth . ' > . /
Tni'Mlay.Slst . - "
Wednesday , Kd . I'-- ! ' -
Tlmr-tlay. aid . 1'.1 , " !
Friday , 'Jill . -
Average . ' : ' -1 !
( | KO. H. T/scitrcu.
Stiliscrlbrtl and sworn to liofmo moth
Jolli day of .Sept. , IbiO. N. 1' , Klin. ,
IHHAI , . I Notarv 1'ubllc.
di'O.tJ. T/.selmok , lielncfin'tduly sworn. tti
poses nntl pays that he Is secretary of thti lit
J'uhllshiin : company. thai tlio artual nver.ia
dally clrptilatlnn of tlio Dally lieu for tli
month of .January , ISM ) , \\as 10,1173 roplo >
lor Kchniarv , ISsSO , 10MV > rotilcs ; for Mari'I
1W , . ILK ! ? ' copier. for Anrll , 1SW1 , 13.1S
topics ; inrMnv , issrt , 12.4.7. ) conies : for Jum
issfi , 12S' copies : for July , 1SJ-G. rJiMcoi ; > io :
lor Atifubt , lbM , 1'-lW copies.
tir.o. H. T/.sriircK.
Subscribed and sworn to before me , thl
: 1th Uay ot Sept. , A. D. IbSO.
N. I1. Km. .
/BRAT. . | Notary Public.
For Senators :
J < \ > r
\V. ( ' , . WHITMOKK ,
V. U HlliliAKD ,
It. S. HALL ,
T. \ \ ' . 1ILAOKBUHN ,
For County Attorney :
For County Commissioner :
'I'm : Chicago Mail has si hundrc
thousand dollar libel suit. That ought t
inako that paper happy.
ONI : of Omuha's greatest needs is
base hall club. Next to . that comes
rnllrbuil to the northwest.
Tin : next thing on thn programme i
the policemen's ball. This is n sure sig
of tlio near : ip ] > roach of the ovcrco ;
Wiggins' Ri'uat carll
quake d\y. Up to midnight wo hud n
colvcd no rt'iiorts of another shook n
is what talks In railroad bnih
inc. If the road to tlio northwest is to b
i built , funds for a preliminary feurvo ,
should bu collected us rapidly as pos.s
AUTUMN has finally set in much to th
.satisfaction of tradesmen. Nothing rr
tartls business moro than unscasomibl
weather. A few frosts nowadays ar
worth many thousands of dollars I
'Omaha business men.
TUB fuel that earthquake shock
occurred at Charleston on Tuesday wil
bo reassuring to HigjniiH. His nrcUk
tion of a general shaking up was fo
Wednesday , but in a matter of this ser
a day either way is not material.
COMIT.AINTS about the postoflico ar
'not confined to Omaha by any means
There is hardly n big postoH'ico in th
Y country that is not complained of 01
, account of the delay in distributing am
dolivurinu the mails. It all goes t
show that the working force of the posl
oflioe Khould not in any way bo disturba
by change of administration. Anotho
cause of the irregularity in mail mutter
is that tlio force is not increased sun
ciciitly from time to time to keep u
with the increasoof postal business. Tli
postal department needs considerabl
g up.
THE temper of tlio republicans of N <
brnska has been shown in the count
conventions , most of which haye dou
their work and nominated their candl
datos. The wave of anti'inonopoly whic
four years ago rolled over the state hn
spent its force. The republicans of Ni
urasku have been brought to see that th
success ot their party is bound.up in il
Viiliui us a mouthpiccu of the honest set
tlmonlH of honest roiiubllcans. In
largo majority of the conventions hoi
btrong anti-monopoly planks wore li
Bcrtcd in the platforms and candidate
placed in nomination who arc pledge
to carry the platform utterances hit
e fleet.
Tin : attention of the HIK : has bee
been called , through numerous con
plaints , to the lack of accommodation
in the passenger waiting rooms of tli
Union I'aclfio depot. The fttw seats fu
ntshed arc scarcely sutllciunt to seat
fourth of the tired travelers who thron
thu station. Many women and men in
forced to stand sometimes for houi
when trains uro delayed , or to walk t
mul fro on the platform when the ope
nlr seems preferable to the stilling ai
inospltcro of the crowded waiting room
Travel is especially heavy just now au
the evil is doubtless exaggerated on th :
account , but oven in thu ordinary run (
travel thu seats furnished arc sadly ine
ticlont. Thu company owes it to Us p ;
irons to romndy the evil so far as it ca
bo remedied in the cramped space i
ita disposal. When the now depot
built. Komutimo in the near future , thei
will up doubt bo few grounds for sue
complaints. Meanwhile , the seating ai
comniodatious could easily bo doubled.
Snoxv Them Unclor.
Tlio political hacks and hired attorney
of corpornto monopoly nro once mori
rallying their forces to capture tlio ncx
legislature. In every county in the slat
tapped by the Burlington and Missom
Pacific systems , the agcn's of thosn cor
poratlons have been hard at work fo
weeks la.ying wires lo control primaries
conquer conventions , and dictate tin
choice of can iidatcs. With n Miameles
disregard of political dcee.ney to whlcl
the voters of this state have long sine
become accustomed , they have throwi
their section gangs and employes fron
primary to primary , and by i
liberal use of passes , favor ?
and rebates have succeeded in corrupting
many men of whom their neighbors Inn
a right to expect beltet things. Lik
Jay ( iould in his ICrio light the corpon
lions of Nebraska are republicans in re
publican districts , democrats in demri
eratlu di.strlets , but monopoly men first
last mul all tlio time. The success or defeat
feat of cither party is nothing ti
them t-o long as party defeat is their owi
victory. Their solo aim and object is ti
secure a majority nf their tools and hire
lings in the law-making body snuicicnl
ly large to block all legislations designui
to lelieve producers from the wrong
from which they nro sulloriug
Utterly regardless of thn wish o
the people of this state am
mindful only of their own interests , tli
railroad managers are leaving no stoiv
unturned to override the popular will am
lo paek Iho senate with men of their owi
making. Republicans of Nebraska a
well as democrats should kocu u shari
look-out on the political maniiuivers o
the monopoly managers. They have ul
ready shown their hand In Saline county
where n bolting republican Candidate fo
.senator has been endorsed by Tube Caste
and the railroad democrats. In othe
counties , where straight out ami on
monopoly tools have been placed it
nomination , the people should take can
thai every such candidate is snowct
under a mountain of votes.
Assiirnnoo.s l
In outlining plans for the new road It
the northwest care should be taken U
keep the project entirely separate am
apart from any scheme for the oxtensioi
of existing trunk lines. The movemen
of last fall for the Omaha & North
western was blighted in the bud by .
proposition which turned out to be
simply a well devised plan on the part o
the Missouri Pacific to extend its line
from Papillion to Yankcon. Their gen
erous oil'ur to go on with the roail i
Omaha would donate Jellerson squnn
and a quarter of a million of dollars
lars is still fresh in tin
minds of our business men
The chilly reception given to this pro
posal allbrded convincing evidence thai
Douglas county and Omaha knew whnl
it wanted and was not willing to pay :
dealer for anything else.
Any proposition for a money subsidj
for a railroad in the direction proposed
if it is to be successful , must rest on cer
tain definite assurances to our people
In the lirst place , they must bo assured
that the road is to strike and tap tin
trade territory from which our merchants
chants are now excluded. A road lo tin
north is right enough in its way. If tin
Missouri Pacific or llurliugton or nnj
other line wishes lo conslruct it no om
will object or throw a straw in their pall
so long as Ihey put their hands ii
their own pockets. The line whicl
Omaha needs , and needs badly , is out
which will run up the Elkhorn valley
tap the fertile and well settled territory
of northwestern Nebraska and entci
into active competition with the North
western railway in sections which thai
corporation now controls without a rival
The tav payers of Omaha and Douglas
county who 1mvo donated hundreds oi
thousands of dollars for roads to bo con
trolled by Omaha capital and in Omaha's
interest will require to bo assured thai
the new railroad will not be operated as
n stub to some great systen :
whose terminal is elsewhere. Heforc iu *
ttLstanco is voted , they will demantl
pledges that the now railroad shall be
trusted or that a majority of its stocli
shall bo so lied up that envious rivals 01
scheming speculators shall not be able tc
use it as n club to assail the men wht
build il. Wo Imvo had Iwo such exper
ienccs in limes past. Wo need no mori
lo teach us the financial folly of such tin
derlakings. Lastly , the people who wii
be asked to assist the new enterprise an
likely to demand assurances that tin
proposed road shall bo honesty
built. The hislory of railroai
construction in Nebraska is a his
tory of fraudulent scheming ot
the part of railroad managers to enrinl
themselves at the expense of the stock
holders. The Union Pacific , in the wordi
of one of its officers , was "milked dry bj
corrupt management. " Construclior
rings and lown lotsyndioates aropcculiai
features of the two most extensive cor
poratious in the state. The now road foi
which apnoals to the people are being sc
earnestly made , must , if built , be bull
economically and honestly in the people' ;
A ConurosHiimn on Congress.
Among the congressmen who imme
diatuly after the adjournment expressei
an unwillingness to return to Washing
ton as representatives was the lion
Abram S. Hewitt , of New York. Tin
reason given by Mr , Hewitt at the Unit
was tliat of general disgust with tin
popular branch of the national legislature
turo , and it is remembered that ho wai
very explicit in denouncing the Ignorance
ranco , stupidity and jealousies that cotv
traded that body. Recently , Mr. Howiti
has been again unbosoming himself t <
the same effect to thu representative of i
New York paper. Ho is quoted as sayinj
that ho could see no reason why IK
should go back to congress. After an ox
porioncu of twelve years , during whicl
he has been conscientiously endcavoriii }
to promote legislation whioh ho believer
to be for tlio general welfare , ho is nov
compelled in contemplating the result
of Ids work to regard his congressiona
career as a failure. In explanation Mr
Ho\yiU attributed his unhappy cxper
ienco to two causes ono the ignoranei
of congressmen touching the ques
lions that purtain to the bust
ness and commercial advance
ment of the country , and Iho other tin
personal jealousies of rival leaders
The illustrations given by Mr. Howit
of his explanatory causes need not bo vo
peatcd In order to enforce thu justice o
his complaint. No one will question I
who is at all familiar with Iho charade
of the popular Jbcaupk of congress. Com
poSed largely of third-ralo lawyers , win
never had a practical thought boyon
ordering n suit of clot ie * , who ar
wholly withoul experience of affairs of
business character , and who luivn n
liking for such mailers oven if they vet
sesscd the ability to matter them , it I
not surprising that the great financial
commercial and industrial interests c
the country nro cither continually sut
jected to stupid anil injurious tampering
or arc wholly neglected at times whci
helpful legislation is most urgently di
manded. It Is impossible to nritig lhc
pettifoggers to ir.iderstnnd that the ,
can have any possible concern in the tin
tional Interests unless they can someho\
bo given a political connection that mu
bo turned to personal advantage , am
with Ihe majority of them eousequentl ,
.Such questions receive only I ho mos-t can
less anil perfunctory consideration , who !
they receive any at all. Not n- few u
this class of nien represent important an
intelligent constituencies , with large aiu
growing interests. Indeed , they in
most frequently found representing tin
sort of a constituency. The intolligenc
and integrity and fidelity in congress ar
found most largely with the represent. !
lives of rural districts , the men whos
constituents are chlelly farmers aiu
small tradesmen , and not among tho.s
who go from the irreut cities , with thei
multifarious interests which ought to b
represented by the wisest and most con
seientious of their cili/.ons. If we wil
examine the list of thu most useful mci
in either branch wo will find tint
they did not come from the grea
centers of business. The cxpluim
tion is readily found in the fact that ii
the cities the political machine is mor
potent than in the country , and tlio slick
esl politician who secures the support o
the rabble is the successful man , will
liltlo regard lo his capabilities. Th
question ot availability does not neccs
nrily , or ordinarily , embrace inlelligenc
ami integrity ; it means little more thai
capacity to manage the machine , ant
very generally the essential qualification
of audacity and iinscrupulousness.
With respect to tlio jealousies of riva
leaders , the last session of congress wa
prolific in examples. There was bardl ;
a day of Iho session when Ihey were no
moro or less conspicuously apparent
They appeared oven in advance of tin
assembling of the house , thny worriot
lite speaker in making up the commit
lees , and Ihey were obtruded in connec
tion with every loading measure thai wn :
inlrodneed by tlio majority. For I hi
evil , and so it certainly if , there is per
haps no remedy. Ambitions creati
rivalry , which is the parent of contentioi
and intrigue. 15ut improvement of congress
gross in respect of the character ant
qualifications of tiic men sent there doe :
seem to be practicable , although it imy
bo dillicult. Tlio prerequisite is a highc
popular standard of merit , tli2 first con
dilion in which should bo unqiicstionci
integrity. No man against whom air
charge of knavery or unscrupulous
trickery can bo justly made should bi
clothed with the duties and responsi
bilities of a national law maker , what
ever the degrco of his intelligcnci
or smartness. To do so is to degrade tin
onieo , already deteriorated from tltii
cause , and lo endanger the general wel
faro. It i. to put a premium on dishon
csty , and cunning , and trickery. It is It
yield lo the elements in society will
which-theso qualities are most admired
and to cneouragG tlio growth of sucl
qualilios. Everywhere the intelligent
self-respecting voters are numoroit
enough to require that only men of tin
highest merit shall represent them , am
if they fail lo do so tlio fault and the losi
will be theirs.
Hliermnn on National Issues.
With Senator Sherman , Governor For
alter and Congressman McKinley on tin
stump in Ohio , the republican cause n
that state is certain to bo well taken can
of. Mr. Sherman made his first speed
in tlio campaign on Tuesday evening , ant
addressed himself wholly to the consider
ation of national questions. Wo ncet
hardly say Unit they were prescdted will
Unit candor and ability which nlwuyi
chnracleri/.e Iho senator's public utter
uncos and commend them to tlio titten
lion of democrats as well as republicans
The speech of Sonalor Sherman is !
uregnant arraignment of the democrat ! )
party for its causa regarding the treas
ury surplus and its false pretense it
claiming to be Ihu friend of labor , lit
pointed out that while in tlio president ! ; !
campaign , with a view lo inlluonciin
sontimeiil in certain western stales , tin
democrats charged that the ropublicai
administration had permitted the surplus
to accumulate to an unnecessary amount
with consequent injury to the businesi
interests of the country and Iho well
faro of the people , anil dcmandci
that this surplus should bo released
leased as soon as the democratic admin
istralion came into power. This pretense
tense of objection to the surplus was ro
pudiated. ami within the first year of tin
utlniinislralion the Ireasury reserve wa
increased by ? 80.000,000. As to the clain
of Iho democratic party that it is tin
friend of labor , Mr. Sherman assorted
"without reserve , doubt or qualification,1
that it has never framed or adopted an ;
measure of substantial benefit to workinj
men. "Tho republican party has placet
upon the titututo books of Iho Unitei
States every measure of practical utility
to the laboring men to be found there
and is ready to adopt any practical moas
nro Unit will tend to improve , elovntu o
advance Iho condition mental , moral o
physical of the men who toil anil labo
and their children,1' The course of tin
democrats in congress inimical lo pen
sion legislation was explained , and it wa
said that "throughout the racent BOSS'.OI
there was a manifest indisposition on tin
part of the domocratio majority of tin
house to grant any sunplemontal logisla
lion in aid of pensions lo tin
Union soldiers. " Regarding th
silver question , Senator Shcrmai
saitl : "Tho growing disparity ii
intrinsic value between our gold am
silver coin is now approaching a crisi
that may at any time bring us to a single
standard of silver. For one 1 feel botint
to say thai I am in favor of an hones
dollar made of either silver or gold
coined at their respective market values
anil that all other dollars , whether in tin
form of groQ.ib.ioks or bank notes , o
gold certificates or sliver certificates
should bo equal to each other , of tli
eamo purchasing power and value with
out discount or degradation. 1 .am in
moro in favor of cheap money than I an
in favor of cheap labor or cheap words
or cheap demagogjsrn. 1 want an lion
cst silver dollar e-ttial 'to ' an honest golt
dollar , and worth thnWmo in every par
of thr I'liited Stales i\'nd of Ihe civllt/.ei
world. " , _ ,
TIIK development , anil allegation
connected with the penitentiary investl
gallon in progress at Columbus , Ohio
are < oine of them of the most shookinj
character. The statement of ono of tin
prisoners , that dead convicts wen
skinned , ami the cnticc ) used in ma kin ;
canes , taxes credulity to the uttermost
ami for Ihe sake of humanity it must bt
hoped that the allegation will bo showi
to bo false. Charges against thu lad
management of other outrages an
hardly less incredible , though they up
pear to be supnortcd by ample test !
inony. Altogether the development
thus far made show Ihe administrutioi
of the Ohio penitentiary for the pa > t fev
years to Imvo been oharaelerl/ed b ;
abuses nntl alrocitles of the most rcpre
heiisiblo nature. Force and credibility
are given to the charges made by tin
discovery on Tuesday thai two of tin
prisoners whet > e testimony is most im
portant mid probably been poisoned , uni
tills hasgreatly intensified lite excitenien
incident to the disclosures. No punish
ment win bo lee severe for the seoiin
drels guilty of these barbarous outrages
Tin : pretended draft of a now lishlnj
treaty which lias been widely publisher
and considerably commented upon , turns
oul to bo a pure fiction , doubtless tlevisei
by some acute newspaper correspondent
A Washington paper n few days age
charged that it had been made public bi
the English foreign ollice in advaucn o
its being received by the state depurl
ment and characteri/.ed the proceeding
as a piece of discourtesy. Credulity wa ;
given to the deception from the fact thu
it originated in Ottawa , the Catiatliai
capital. A London dispatch states no !
only the report was a fabrication , bill
that no such treaty has been proposed b.\
either government. The matter in con
tfoversy has been under consideration ,
but tito progress made as yet has not
readied the treaty-making point. The
siib-eonimittcoon foreign relations of the
senate , cnargcd with the duty of invest !
gating Ihe subject , is now in session ii
( JKNEUAI , KATMIAKS has boon charged
by Itussiii with the delivery of an nlti
malum lo Uulparia , tlio elleet of ncced
ing to which would virtually bo an ae
knowledgment of the Russian right tc
control the onltro legislation of the
country. It is hardly possible lliat it will
bo acceded to , ami Kusblu will then uithoi
confine herself to an outward semblance
of resignation and the'maturing ' of mori
plots , or else wliljsh ii $ more probable--
elect to cross tlu > Danube. Meanwhik
Austria will shortly b lieard from. The
llungavian chamber. ! of deputies lias
asked for information ns lo Ihe proposed
policy of Iho A'ustro-IIHingnrinn govern
ment , couching its > quo'slion in terms thai
leave no doubt as to tlip intensity of thti
auti-Hussinn fooling. , Hungary is nol
likely to submit quietly to any measure
which would strengthen Slavic influence
in the Balkan peninsula.
TIIEKE is a loud all , from Ihe citizens
-North Omaha that a norlli ami south
street bclwecn Sixteenth and Saunders
shall be uaved as early in the spring as
uossiblo. Both these thoroughfares will
bo in good condition before winter sets
in , but there will bo no cross street on
which easy and safe travel will be af
forded. Either Clark or draco street
should bo selected and paved as soon a.
funds are available for that purpose ,
With an extension of the sidewalks on
each side to thirteen feet , a thirly foot
roadway would afford sufficient room for
all the demands of travel. To pave this
space would not bo burdensome to prop
erty owners while it would greatly im
prove that section of the city.
THE deep felt sympathy of the repub
lican boodle organ over the refusal of the
Otoe delegation and Senator Van Wj'ck
to support Kosowator is very touching ,
It is , however , quite superfluous. Kosn-
water is still in the ring and Senator Van
Wyclc shows no signs of throwing up the
sponge at the demand of his enemies.
GUAUINC on llarnoy and Sixteenth
streets should bu pushed before cold
weather sets in. Hotli of these streets
will bo demanding paving next year , and
it is highly important that the ground
should have ample time to settle during
the winter.
Coi.oNici , COUIY has hail as hard work
to keep out of a coat of tar anil feathers as
Church Howe has hail to escape the peni
tentiary. They are a beautiful brace of
republican rascals to appeal for thu sup
port of honest men.
LAUD has dropped. The olcomargarin
law which goes into cil'ect next montn is
likely to drop it still further. Colored
pork fat will then no longer bo palmed
off on an unsuspecting public as "best
creamery. "
IjIcoiiNo and Free Hum.
SprlnafleM IlcpuMlean ,
High license has cut down thu saloons In
Missouri from H.OOO to 'J,800 nini ; raised the
revenue from § 517,000 to 81,500,000. A state
lliat lias had free rut'rt practically Is not Illie-
lytognback to It after' U has once fount ]
that It can raise froiiiijip saloons a revenue
lurjjo tmoiiKli to pay liu.\Yholo expense of thn
state government , j
A 1IA1J.AII f ) ' TIIK l.ATi : WA1I.
The crv of Sandy Mactipvan of. the Veteran
Volunteers I ' '
llo cries wheni Uic'llht ' Is llcrcest , piercing
each heart Ihat'htfifs.
" \Vatfrl" beyond ; Ho breastworks , Unit cry
'mid the torrililu.ilin
Who'll 1'aco the hall ot , bullets touring V-MU
Sandy InV
" " Innt nt'answer ' ' " ' " ' "
"Hero ! comes ; ;
lirsttlmt tries ; i
The soUllfr that 1'alU l y Sandy MatUovan
the bravest of deaths hu dies. "
The JirMt is sone. and a second swept down
by the hellfsli ruin ;
Send a third ! Never Bandy .MacCovan let
the helpless cry In vain.
The third Is irene and a fourth : in a moment
Urn tilth will KO
Lo , the last brings Kantly MacOovan , torn
I rum the hands of thu I'oe.
Ay , snatched from Iho eiii'iny'hands , but
lifu is almost goiui :
"Farewell , uravo Siindy MacGovan ono
urusu , and woiiuht on ! "
\Vns It worth three men , then , think you , to
briiiKouulii to tlio !
Follow tlteiii into thu sluu btur , and mark
each cumnulu's oyo.
If praise for heroes , remember tlio niuusautls
that bore the scan )
acti of ( ho ji'af of tlm eale , In place of
tht ) bars ou the stars.
Keep It. Hoforo KepitMlrnns.
The republicans of the First distrlc
should ask themselves whether n ma
having sueh n record as that of Chiire
llo wo has any rightful claim upon th
support of any decent republican. Loa\
ing oul of question his corrupt method
and notorious venality wo appeal lore
publicans to pause and relleet bo for
they put a premium upon party tre :
son mul conspiracy against its very oxlsl
Ten years ago , when the
party was on the verge of disnstor , utu
every electoral volt * cast for Hayes an
Wheeler win needed to retain thu part ,
in power , Church Howe entered int
n conspiracy to deliver ropublicai
Nebraska into tlio hands of the enemy
This in famous plot is not a mure oonjec
turo. The proof of it does not rest o' '
surmise or suspicion. It is not lo b
pooh-poohed or brushed away liy pro
nonliving it one of Ko > ewatcr's mulieiou
campaign slanders.
The records of Ihe legislature f wldo !
Church Howe was u member in ' 7(1-7 (
contain the indelible proofs of thu irons
oiniblu conspiracy , and no denial cui
stand against evidence furnished by hi
own pen. liriolly told , the hislory of ( hi
plan to hand over Iho country to Tildei
anil democracy is as follows :
In 1870 Nebraska elected Silas A
Strickland , Amasa Cobb and A. 11
Connor presidential electors by a vole o
31,1)10 as against a vole of KJ.tWI casl fo
llioTilden and Hendricks electors , Afto
the election it wns discovered that tin
canvass of ( his vote could not take placi
under the then existing law before tin
legislature convened. The electoral vol
had to bo canvassed in Decembe
at the latest , and the regular 305
sion of the legislature did not bccii
until January. In order to maki
a legal canvass of the electoral returns
Governor Garbcr culled a special sessioi
of llie legislature to convene on tliootho
December , ' 711 , at Lincoln , for the pur
pose of canvassing the electoral vote o
Iho stato. The democratic effort to capture
turo republican electoral votes is historic
Tilden's friends , notably Dr. Miller , hat
been plotting for the capture of one o
the electors from Nebraska , anil it is alst
historic that a largo bribe was offered t <
one of the electors , General Strickland
The call of the legislature broke into tin
plan of the plotters , and thny found a will
ing anil reckless tool in Church Howe
Whim thu legislature convened at the cap !
tal.Churoh llowo Illod a protest which imn
bo found on pages 0 , 7 and 8 of the No
brnska House Journal of 1877. The fol
lowing extract makes interesting reading
" 1 , Church Howe , a member of the lesiffla
ture of Nebraska , now convened by procla
mutton of his excellency , ( Sovcrnor Sllai
( Jarber. for the purpose of canvassing ant
declaring the result of tlio vote casl in Nc
braslca for electors for president and vici
president of the United States , hereby cute :
my solemn protest against such act , donyiiu
tliat the governor has power to call tins liodj
in special session for any swh purpose , o :
that this body has any authority to canvas :
or declare thu result of such vote upon tin
followini : grounds :
Pirst Tills legislature now convened hav
ing been elected under what is known as tin
oltl constitution , has no power to act in tin
premises , tlio now constitution of the statt
having boon in foico.since November , 1875. '
The second and third clauses deal will
technical objections ami arc somewhai
lengthy. The concluding sentences ol
this precious document arc as follows
"For the foregoing reasons I protest
against any canvass of the electoral yeti
of the slate by Ibis body , and dumunc
that tliis , my protest , bo entered upoi
the journal. " ( Signed ) Church llowo
member of the legislature of Nebraska.
The democrats did not respond to the
call of Ihe governor and there was barelj
a quorum in Ihe semite , while there were
Hovcral to spare in the house of whicl
Howe was a member. The protosl eu
tcred by Howe was doubtless preparet
by the Tildon lawyers in Omaha am
llowc hud Ihe glory of being Ihe soli
champion of Sam Tildcn. The Icgisla
lure ignored Church Howe , spread hit
protest on its record and canvassed the
electoral vote in spite of it.
When the legislature convened in Jan
uary , 1877 , the presidential contest wns
at its height in Washington. Churcl
Howe had changed places from the house
to Iho senate. Early in tlio Hessian , u
resolution was introduced expressing tin
conviction on the part of the senate thai
Hayes and Wheeler having received si
majority of the electoral votes were civ
tilled lo their seats. This resolution
gave rise to a very lively debate whlcl :
lusted two davN. Church llowo askeu tc
bo excused from voting when it lirsl
cumu up and was so excused. On the
final passage of the resolution tlio record
[ page 870 , Senate Journal 1877 , ] shows
the following resull : Yeas Ambrose ,
IJainl , Hlanchard , Bryant , Calkins ,
Cams , Chapman , Colby , Uawes , Garfield -
field , ( lillmm , Hayes , Ken nan I , Knapp ,
I'onoon , Powers , Thunimol , Van Wyck ,
Walton ami Wileox 20.
Those volir.g in tlio negative were ;
Aton , Ilrown , Covell , Ferguson , Hinman ,
Holt , Church llowo and North 8.
During the same ! session of the legisla
ture , Church Howe's vote on United
States senator for the first Ihreo ballots i < 3
recorded an haying been cast for E , W.
Thomas , a South Carolina democrat ,
I pages 108 and U08 Senate Journal. ] All
this time Church Howe professed to bo a
republican independent , republican on
national issues and a temperance granger
on local Issues. Wo simply ask what
right a man with such a record has to
thu support of any republican.
i Wi/rollas with a glass look-out In front
uro now and of 1'arlslan make. They como
In black anil brown anil Imvo elaborate sticks.
Knu'llsh milliners are said to have discov
ered a way of making bonnets ot tissue
paper. They about as much as If cov-
eieil with bank notes ,
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
road lias notified the railway anil warehouse
commission that It lias established n H-ccnt
local passenger rate on all illnnusota Hues.
Senator Stanford has buxun the prelimi
nary preparations for his gicat imlverolty at
I'.ilo Alto , a landscape at list having beun on
tlio grounils arrunhMig the artistic features
at the surroundings.
The greatest balloon In the world has been
constructed at San Francisco by a Mr , Van
Tassel. It will hold 15'J,000 cubic feet of gas
mil has been made for the purpose of trav
ersing the American continent Iroin ocean to
There are llfleeii men in the city of Port
land , Ore. , jiibt In the prime ot lite , worth a
million or moro. men went to Oregon
without a dollar , and by fortunate real
state and laud speculation , rather than fru
gality , have umassed their large fortunes.
Two of the wen referred to have never
crossed the Oieeon border , or only to vlsi
Washington li'rrltory. since I1 00.
An Knrtli < | tinko Hint Missed n Clinncc
m/d.JrO'M.t . ' . ( Mil.
\VlggIns says ho had 'Sonn'tlilug to d
with the earthquake. " Our only leciet I
that the earthquake didn't bine smia'llilti
to do with him.
ts r < M-tn ! > Stump.
.Yur Hilnnis t'ittiyunc.
It roqiilicsn peculiar talent to canvass
congiesslonal district cfTertually. Some mei
who go tin the stuniii , talking for tliluks , ar
not lit to canvas a liam.
AVhut Illuli License Will Do ,
l > Hlnlt > Titliune.
Low llreiiM' , or no license ratlior. Is on
oMi-eme , luohlbltlonls another. High llreu
is Intermediary. It is not oppressive , no
docs it inideitako what II rannot accomplish
and theii'ln Is one of Its strongest reeommen
datlons. Illch llconsn would at oncoswec ]
from existence every low doKgery and den
Hint under Us operation blind pigs niitl n <
license bais in drug stoics would bo liupo ;
Sliorintin In Kentucky.
irn fifii/l ( / < m Hiitrlirt.
The 'niinoiiiH'i'iiieiit of Senator Shnrinai
that he will speakat Louisville and other Ken
lucky points during the fall rampalgn Is in
Instance of bearding tlio Dmmlass In his hall
Senator llecit has icpeatctlly done ycomai
service in the Htickeye state , and the iiresid
lugolllcerof tliOM-nato is emleavoilng to le
turn the compliment. In the event of a Join
discussion Senator Heck's constituents wil
bo treated to a ichuarsal of those M'liatt
scenes so familiar to gallery ficijuuntcrs.
Kearney is ready to welcomea canning
Central City's prohibition club ha ;
seventy-live members.
The Hod Willow County fair will bt
hold at McCook , Oct. 5 to 8.
Hurglars made a general and fairly
successful raid in I'lallsmoulh JSaturduj
Weeping Water's fair last week Is salt
lo have been great in every donartinenl
and a financial success.
A sand burr lodged in the throat of : i
ten-year-old girl in Palmyra. An incision
in the windpipe dislodired the moaslj
tenant and saved the child ,
Henry Tltego of North Hend has boon
jailed , charged with Iho serious crime ol
starting the blaze which reduced to ashes
a goodly section of the town recently.
A braknnun on the Klkhorn Valley
road at \ \ ahoo accidetitly stuck his fool
in the mouth of a frog , which held hint
until the cars manclcd his body , lit
dietl almost instantly.
The final accounting of the firemen's
tournament at Fremont .shows a nut bal
ance of 17:1.80 : , and all bills paid. It i. <
probable that the surplus will bu useti in
creeling a grand stand and fountain in
the city park.
_ _ The wholesale and retail lujuor men of
Sioux City are storing their goods in
Coviugton on the Nebraska side , to escape
the raids of prohibitionists. A number of
pipe lines and scow lines kcop the town
well slaked.
The Weeping Water postollico is short
J'iOO or moro tlirough the speculations of
a clerk. The mournful stream near by
is bald to have risen .several inches in re
sponse lo the postmaster's lamentations.
The. frisky .stamp canceller vamoosed.
A car of stock took lire from the en
gine , on tlio Omaha road .just above
Ulair , Monday , several head being burned
to death , and all of Ilium having their
eye.s burned out so that they hail to be
killed. The stock belonged to J. II. Ann-
Secretary Wilson , of the Ca- . < county
fair association , was neatly caned by ad
mirers at the close of the fair in Plaits-
mouth Saturday. The stall' is of ebony ,
gold-headed and will stick in a sidewalk
crack as reaiiily as a dude sapling.
Tlio city council of l-'remont has con
demned Iho wtiter works and ordered
tlio contractors to comply with their
agreements or move out of town. Fre
mont , like Platlsmoulh , has learned wis
dom from costly experience with im-
porled talent.
The Union Pacific has been matting
surveys for an extension of its Albia
branch north to Niobrarn , crossing the
Sioux City it Pacific atOakdalu. The line
as far as Oaktlalo is located and work
commenced. Last week the Sioux City
& Pacific jumped in between Oakdalo
and Albia and began grading. Tlio
Union Pacific i.s liKcl.y to dullcct its line
further west , and cross at Neligh , where
a bonus is. beckoning il on.
Ambitious little Fremont continues to
imitate metropolitan methods for appear
ance sake. Tlio pushing "prettiest1 has
secured a belt road , anil the opening of
Ihu line last week was made the occasion
of a proclamation that "Fremont is
whooping it up to Omaha in a very brisK
manner. It is amojiir the possibilities
of the nineties Unit Fremont will whoop
up to the Gate city to become a thriving
addition to South Omaha.
Surveyors of the Sioux Cily & Denver
line arc .said lo be operating in the South
Loup country. The Sioux City Times
says "troni this point the survey is being
made to the bend of Iho Middle loui > , in
the north part of Custer county. It is
not decided whether the survey will cross
Iho Middle Loup directly , or follow cast
in Iho valley of tliat stream to a point
near tlio east line of Custer county.
Whether it is the Illinois Central , the
Union Pacific or somu other company
that is back of I his survey is btill ono of
the things to find oul. "
In thu building of the Klkhorn exten
sion in Wyoming the contractors from
the states came in contact with Mor
mon contractors. The e Mormons live
where they work , own numerous horses
which tire grazed instead of being grain
fed as * horses from thu states must bo.
Until very recently nothing has been
heard of Iho contractors out.slde of the
territories , but within Ihu last few weeks
Ihuy have swarmed into Nebraska. On
the now line being built ! > ' > the Sioux
City & Pacific , from Oakdalo' Albia in
central Nebraska , lei last week , the
states' contractor stootl ho show , the
Mormon contractors tnkinglivoniilocoii-
tracts as low as 8 ( cents per yard.
Iowa ItoiiiN ,
Crouton in agilaling a canning factory.
The militia encampment at Marshall-
town cosl Iho stiuu $10,000.
The jury of the circuit court at the last
bcssion cost Woodbury county $ ( i01. ! ! ( ) .
The milk men of Crestoii have pooled
mid milk goes up to 0 } cents a ( | uart , Ihu
high water notch , on October B ,
J. C. Kerr , a candidate for the oflico of
Bounty attorney of Culhoiin county , has
begun a libel still against the Cnlhoun
L'ounty Journal companv , alleging dama
ges to iho amount of sf''i.Oi 0.
The mayor of Dos Moines , in order to
put a stop to Sunday hunting , has given
the police of that city oidurs to hereafter
: irrest every person Keen carrying a gun
within the city limits on Ihu bahlmth.
A Churokeo county man claims to have
liseovered a Mini , though novel remedy ,
for thu hog cholera.Vheu \ the hogls
> ick all you Imvo to do is to amputate his
ail and the ailinir animal i.s speedily re-
itoied to health. It is not necessary to
> cnd for n veterinary surgeon lo purlorm
he operation.
Miss Anna , thu cighiccii-ycar-old
luughtor of Dr. Hiram A. JIawloy , sta-
.ion agent at Detmar Junction , Clinton
joiinty , disappeared or vlopiul from
iehool in Sudburv , . Vt.nud was captured
icar Hague , N , 1 . and taken homo. She
vas dru cd in nian'a clothes , was armed
with a big revolver and thn pursuers n 1 , / * j
to use strategy in approaching her. M , U
fays thr only reason for leaving hoi. . .
was that she was tired of her quiet life
A Muscatiuo policeman , thinking II- t
he had found n chronic disturber of lim
peaee , attempted to round up n skunk
ono dark night of last week. The on ! t-
ture vigorously resisted arrest , and ih.i
policeman , concluding thai ho had bn'ii
following the wrong wont , wont homo
to bury his uniform and mcdilalo upc n
the sinfulnes.s of tlio world.
Hev. C. 11. Seymour , a Muscnlino
divine , has developed a creed of niuseii-
hirohristlaiianity. While on a train en
route to his homo in Davenport reocntlv ,
ho observed a trio of ttiavolmg men tor
menting a half-witted woman , one of
them In particular aetnig in a most dis
graceful manner. The par.Min , becom
ing enraged , inlllolod a sevcro punish-
meiil iiiion iho olVuiulor. nntl. upon tlm
arrival of the train al Muscalino , handed
him over into the hands of the police.
The reunion of the hatter Day Saints
will convene at ( Jarner'H Grove , on Oe-
licr ' , ' , l so. Arrangements have been
made for the guthermti , a largo tent is
already for use , with a seating capacity
of 1,000 persons. President Josepli
Smith is expocteil to bo present and pre
side. Tha mooting will continue over
two Sabbaths , and as much longer as It
will no thought advisable. Arrangement. *
have been made with the leading rail
roads for one and one-third rates round
trip. All are cordially Invited. (5-irner's
Grove is situated Ihreo and one-half miles
cast of Moinlamin , on Iho Sioux City &
Pacific railroad , in Uiiglan township ,
Harrison county.
Dakota. f * < T"
An eighty foot elect rio light polo has
been raised in Doadwood.
Two hundred and fifty cars of stock
were shipped from Hupid City last week.
Yunklon is to have an electric light
after all , the council having finally con
cluded lo grain a franchise to the com
J. G. Montgomery , of Aberdeen , has In
Ins possession a line white pelican
wings measure eight and one-half feet
from tip to tip. Il wascaptureit by Chas.
Uuckland on thn Jim river a few miles
south of Aberdeen.
Ono of the attractions of the Hou
llomtno county fair will probably boa
cavalry company composed of the dash
ing ami handsome young ladles for
which that section is notetL C'apt. Wag
ner , the soldier and statesman , is to lean
( hem.
The prisoners in the jail at Mitchell
arc kicking about the. culinary department -
ment that liirnislics them with grub. It
is supposed that nothing les.s than cold
turkey and cranberry sauce will satisfy
their cravings. They wrote an insolent
letter to the cook , for which they were
locked up in separate cells.
Work is being prosecuted on the Mo
wonotou tin mine near Hill City , owned
by tliu llarnoy Peak Tin company ,
and the reports which eomo from there
are good. In the Niggorville neighbor
hood upon a .small but rich lodge belong
ing to Williams , Louis & Schamul , which
was supposed to Have "pinched out , " de
velopment work has recently .shown up
a good body of ore. Mine owners are
generally confident , and no doubt mucli
work will bo done next year.
Kvanslon has a population of 2,000 , of
which 'JOO are Chinese miners.
of territorial niii-
The corner-stone tlio -
versity at Laramie was laid last Thurs
day. vi.
The proposition of a new county jail
and residence for the sherilV , to cost '
$10.000 , will bo submitted to the people \
of Uintii county this fall. \
Ed M'xve.s. an old setllor in the Haw- !
hide Unites di.striet. had his bay window ,
crushed by a broncho's liool. Tlio bo- t
ruavoil family consoled themselves by
shooting Ihe nimble plug.
Track laying on the Cheyenne & North
ern was begun Monday. The track will bo
laid to the new town of Chii'Mvnter by
the middle of November. The Irack
layer will cover two miles per day with
Iho force of 200 men set to work.
A specimen of veneered check was ex
hibited in Cheyenne last week. A fellow
with a melancholy look anil waistband
tackled a restaurant , devoured a ten-bit
.linner and then coolly invited the pro
prietor to take his p.iy out of his hide.
The trip hammer action of the latter was
Impressively vigorous.
In speaking of parental duly Mr. Jones
recently .said : " 1 have got girls in Iho
tud now ; in Iwo 01 Ihreo years more
: hey will bo full blooming young ladies
in the carpet. 1 don't know how your
parents feel about it , but I am less'con-
iurncd about getting my daughters ofT
ihan any fellow you evtir saw. 1 will
joard them and lake euro of them us
eng as they are good girls , and if they
icver marry it's all right ; bill I will loll
-ou what il is , I don't care how badly 1
iVanled my daughters to marry , J would
101 push them out in certain circles of
iociely. If you have a boy who wants a
ivifo , anil know a girl jusl like your
laughter in every way , would you want
, -our son to marry her a dancing , giddy ,
iodle.SC , Chnstless girl , would youv
Now , honor bright , would you ? You say :
S'o , Jones , I give it up. Got ! knmrs 1 want *
ny boy to marry a better girl than my
ivifo raised. If you had a sweet , nice
laughter , and a follow had a fae-.similo
) f your boy , would yon like to see her
iiurry himV Let mo say this : If I wanted
o marry my daughters well I would try
o have them taught how lo bake bread ,
'ry chicken , and do all manner of domes-
iu duties so well that when persons came
n our house they would say my wife was
no best housekeeper Ihoy over saw ,
vhcn , in fuel , it was our daughter's
vork. Then there will bo somu first class
my eomo hero , ,100 hundred miles from
ionic , and marry her. 1 wont fiOO miles
o got a first-class wife from Kentucky ,
mil I got her , too. 1 put you young men
in notice. I told my wife when any boys
ame to our house to ask them in thu par-
or and treat them like gentlemen , unit
hen go out and hunt up little Paul and
Soli to come in and sou them , but to toll
! io visitors Unit my Daughters wore up-
tairs studying their lessons. Hoys , if
ou want to see Paul and Deb , jusl rack
KaKtnrn Star Ulcntlon.
St. Louis Pout-Dispatch of September
5 : At yesterday afternoon's sosukm of
ho Order of the KaMern Star at Ihu hall
m Seventeenth and Alarxul strcols , the
ollowing officers worn elected : M. J. T.
lonover of Cold water , Mich. , most
worthy grand patron ; Mrs. Mary O. Flint ,
iiol worthy grand matron ; Benjamin
, ynds of this cily , right worthy iibsistant
; rand natron ; Mrs. Alary K. .Mountof
, 'ebraska , right worthy assistant grand
iiatroiij Willis I ) . Kiiglo , of Indianapolis ,
Ight worthy grand secretary , and John
t. Parfcon of HI , Louis , right worthy
irand tniasuror
The following olilcers worn appointed
y thu M W. Grand Matron and Patron :
Irs. Jenny A. Walker of Illinois , W. G.
lonductrcfes ; Mrs. S. Alice Cox of Arkan-
t Iowa , W. G. Martha ; Mrs. Tillio Van
i'lnUlo of Now Jersey , W. G , Electra ;
Irs. Edwin Davis of Nebraska. W. G.
harden ; Hr.v. G , A. Dannolly of Arkan-
us , Very W. G. Chaplain ; W. ISltick of
mllana , W. ( J. Sentinel , and Jos. W.
lill of Massachusetts , W. G. Marshal.
The olllcors were duly installed lo-day ,
v U C. Giiskill of California , and F. E.
i'invirlng , Grand Pntron of Nebraska ,
t-tliig Grand Marsbal.autl idler transact-
i" homo general business the chanter