Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Speculative Trading in Chicago Rather
Slow at Lower Prices.
Corn Ailvnticcs Dnrlnc the Dny , tun
( Jors liom-r IlrToro the Cli ) c
1'i'OvlHloimHytniatlil7.o | ultli
Oral ii Quotation ) } .
ON < Miic.vo ! 'on A von.
CnirAoo , Sept. " ! > | Stecnl | ! Tolcxram to
the ithK. ) As usual thcboiixt of trnilorablc
nnd Ik'urboliin vvcieapart thismoinliiKTbc
former hliounl nn Ineienicof nil grains on
passage to the Unlluil KlliKiloin ai/UH'K.illiiK'
040,000 bnslicls. Tlie latter made It an in
crease oM 40,000 hiislieU. These v\ere about
tlioonlv eomlltions shown by cable * . The
ilgnnl vcrvleo reported frost lust nitslit In
lovvn , Kaiisn ; ) , Nelirasku , Missouri anil Illi
nois , vvlth tenerall > lower te.iiiie.intiuu | in
Hie lake iL'nlons , but higher and risintc v\cst
of the Mississippi , llitrly jinccs vvcie him.
November \vhral opened nt 7AJ c ami kept
very cloM ! .ironnil 7nc , but temlud t
Corn was a little higher , opunini ; at
and selling atWic. . November pork Ilrsl
.sold , it 8U 50. liuth Kent and ir.ive tht ;
few hnjers nil the wheat they wanted , begin
ning with November around 70f and titling
tlio market stiainht down to 7il @ 'iri\c ,
Theio wns ulbo very llbuml selling on tlio
inrt of the crowd Ke.iier.illy , vvbo came on
-'chniiKc "long" ofvhunt. . 'Ihey vsLre in-
ilticed tw buy on yesterday afternoon's spurt
at 7. > i fii7.)3 e. The market was veiy heavy.
Corn dropped elf to : w c after selling at
: w ; < c. Pork declined to $ ' ' : , but siibse-
nuently lueuvered to tll.4J'-j. '
u Up to noon tlieio hul ; buun very little im
provement from thu depression vvhiuli had
net in over an hour befoie. November Kept
around 7.V.fcvi > i > heavily. On the decline
to that point Hun Stuulferholil veij HhtM.ill } ,
principal ! ) foi December. The He.un intei-
csls me thouglit to bo at Ilio ) uf it. Ills
aliened jinrtlesvlio VMMC selling tlio
heaviest today v\ciu > estcithiy buying in
November. 'I do scheme tl.ey Biiccesstnlly
\vorkedvvastiibuy near options , of which
they were slioit , and when they hail the mai-
Uet all niceli liimetl up , as they had it this
nioinlng , gn\o thuciowil alt thcv would take.
It is ligiuetl that whoever did this wliolesnlc
clmnglnv v\oiKuil the imnUet in such n man
ner us to imike a cle.ti le tliiooch bujing
October and November , nnd selling Decem
ber and moie lenioto options. At l > : ! ! ONo-
vcmbur was unsettlcil at 75c.
Corn witnessed a fail trade , but tbeio VMIS
notliiiiK at nil Mgnllicant. Thn Novcmbui
option doclincil to : wc , nnd only levoveied
lc. Towiiul the close tlio tone became heavy
and denresM'il.
The Kowlers sold , \ little pork ana Inrd ,
but were evldentlv not overly aiiNioirs to
crowd ItolT. I'tovlsion prices weio lowei on
all lending articles , In sjnip.illiv vsith * ,
and thu liberal receipts of hogs , accompanied
with a tixirkcd tlecliue In ] ) rk'es. Tlie
market in a gunetal way priiiented no ) inr-
tlculnr features. The olferlngs on speculative
account woiu moderitel > free , while thede-
Iiinnil was ciedited luincipally to " .shorts. "
Llvcipool advices were untnvorable and quo
tations'i educed iid on b.icou nnd laid. Tnu
castein markets woie i.itliei easy. Mess
pork uiled weak nnd declined I'Xg'JOc ' nnd
closed dime. Laid \ unsettled and nnces
irregular. September sold at § 0.70tf ( ( > .7 5 , but
nt the close was ollered at S0.0i > , will
bin ers at 50..VJ. Octobet closed at ttO 05
Novemboi sold at 0.05 , December at SO 07H
30 ! ! p. in. Wheat bold down nearly n } i ,
on the nfteinoon board nnd closed nt a loss
of mine than Ic fioin jesteiday. Coin also
loathe. I'rovisions wete caoy andslichtly
lower , c\cept lor rilis.
Ouim 2MO p. in. i'livilezeson Novembt'i
wheat , 74dc nud t > \ < & " > Xc.
CIIIOAOO. Sept. 20. fSpecial Telcginm to
the UKC. ] CATI I.E The iccelpts today
showed a further falling off and theie wn
'only ' a moderate proportion of useful native
beeves. Tlio market for uood to choice cut
tie was nctivo nnd prices to-diy wcio nbon
lOc hiirlior tlinu jesterdny , though tlieiuwaa
no quotable improveiuont on the common
fair qualities. Owing to the Into depression
in thu detnnnd for heavy cattle , there have
been fewer choice heavy beeves olTuied so fa
this week than last. Last week nnd tlio vveel
previous a few tnncy beuvcs sold nt 3' > .W , bu
Monday , tblb week S5.00 was tlio lop lor tli
best olfcred , nnd Thursdny eleven head o
150S lb steois sold to a Now Voik butcher a
85.20. Tim foreign cnttlo imirkets continue
weak mid dcpiesscd undei excessive ollct
Ings nnd the export demand is Ilulit. .Munj
1500 to 1700 lb cattle , very fnt but roiuih. hnve
been stilling slowly nt about S-t.tu&j 00
Lnrgo numbers of corn-fed westcin cattl
have sold at 83.C5JI.O" , nnd some of tncn
hnve been losing owners plenty ol money
Intci lor to fair USO to lUM Ibnntive steers hav
been blow s.ilo nt 5f2.50C.J4.oo. Shipping
steers , law to 1500 Ibs , 84.75(25.25 ( ; 1 > 00 tc
1850 Ibs , 4.15 ® 4.70 ; OX ) to 1200 Ibs , ? : i.72 < 2
4.20. In rnnge cattle , on Monday , the com'
won kind of Tuxans and western sold slow I.v
nml yesterday n simile lower , while there wnt
no competition In the demand for westeni
feeders. Suveinl lots of 1200 to 180.1 lb Mon
tana beeves sold at 5.5.t 3i4.X ( ) , or nbout 60c
below the bust price of thu prcsmit senson.
To-dnj'h otfeilngs weie not so Luge and tht
niniket for tat rancers wns rattier stioiuur ,
Thin nnd Inferior kinds weiu barelv bteady ,
Bnlos ; 20 Montana , l'12Ib , S4.05 ; ' 115 Mini
tana. 1218 Ibs , feUO : ; S17 Coloindo-lVNnns
1018 Ibs , S3.'J5 ; 200 Montana. 1270 Ibs , S2.b5 ;
100 Montana , 1213 His , Sy.Ok : 321 Toxnni ,
1018 Ibs. ti. : 10 ; M Wjoinlm. , lllOlbs , Sa.40.
lions. Trade opened slow , with nn na
easy and unsettled iccllng nmonc botl ;
bujeis nud helleis , The recent bad picak in
Inid nnd thu general weakness In the pro
vision innrKct raiied n hnlt on the part or tin
speculative element In the trade , who in tmii
vcie disposed to "Iminnier" prices out ol
Bight , olfei lug fullv 10'cUftc less nt the OIM-II
ingtlmn thej Imdpaid ictli'iday. nud in sonn
cases tin r to good iiiixcsl picking paits soli' '
IDQirxi lower. Hut , In n wneial vvaj , thu de
cllmi was not muchovoi Ilk * , especially nn tali
to food stock. Then , ngnln. buyeis ofpilmi
nssoiled heavy Iind to pay nearly ns hlgl
Jiriccs ns yesteidiiy , nnd n few lots of suet
bold ns high as 4.70 < 34.N > , oru itldn Su ns hlgl
as yct < > rday , while th bulk of fair to goot
nxi | > l went out within n rnugo of u.40tt4 50 ,
Light MUtiiiiold within n range ot 2,75(1 ( .75
Chlcnco , Sept. 29. The Drovci's Journn
reuort as follows :
C'nttle Hccelpts , 8,000 ; market stronger
nipping sleeiD. 5.i.75ii4'J. * > stockcrs ami
fee.turc , 8JU5C'4'-50j cow. bulls nnd liellers
81. > ( < J' . < . ( M ; b-ilk , SJ.'J'S'ita ' ' 5'J ; thiougl
Texns cattle , cows , SiOiXa'J.SO : steeis. S2.W
© 1.2.1 : western rnnzew , steadier ; iintlves
and hnlt-bu'cds. 8JOoai.Ki ( ; cows , t2,25ffi
2.VK1 ; wlntcud Texnns , SJ.7. ' iA40 ; sah-s
Montnnn , 8.SrirtJl.XVyomiims : ) , S3.IOTex :
mis , Sji.loa.J.85 : ; Colorado Texans , S-.Wg
1.10 ,
Hues Kecelpts. 23,000 ; slow and 10rt j5 (
lower ; rough nnd mixed. S-UO < S4.S4 ; packIng -
Ing unit bhlpplne , 84.40iil.bO ; Jlgiit , skwrq
4.GO ; bkips , b'.OlH33.45
' Hlicep-Kecelpts. rt.OOO ; strnni ; ; natives
82.2-VZM.ixi ; wo.stein. si.503.tu : : Toxnnu
. .
Kniiuus City , Sept. 29.-Cntte-llecclpts !
8,000 ; shipments , 1 , K ) ; shipping windes nm
grass nuiio wtnk nnd .Vrtli'c ' lower ; butch
en httilT Hti'Atiy : f rodrrslirui ; common ti
choice. Si : xVjf4.CU ; RtocL.i > ra nnd feeders ,
'A35 ( { : ifi : coiumoii.Sl.&Cvjf..O'J ; grnis inn i
steers , 5i.25@3.25.
IloHecclnt * . 7,000 ; shliuiieiits. 000
vvenk , slow and luecular nud 10 iiSOe lower
peed to choice , S4.45y4..Vi ; eoir.'nor. lo me
dium , M.VO ( < $ U'1 ' ; gw.ccrd nnd pi/s , SJ IWu
41 * x
BU Ijouis. Sept. 29-Cattle-llivclpts
2,00. ) . mostly ramtcrs ; shipments , l,2oy ; .xboui
steady ; good to choice nnthe sldpnliu
Ktiulw , S4.4' ; butcher stt-era. tSSUy
4.10 ; innuers and Tcxans. .U\'i3,70. .
Ilorfs-Jtecelptt , 3..MW ; shipments , 1,100
openrd bliong , but emdualld declined
lower ; butchers' and cholci
mai-b , Sl.2 ;
and gras
-New Vork. Sept. BO.-Mo.NKV-Ou ull
lo.incd rtV ? 10 per cent , closing at 8 per cent
1'ntsiK MKiCAN"inB ! 1'Apr.n < (3 ( rer
ExcitAXon-Qulct , steady nud
( idVKitsMf.NTS ( lovernuiciil bonds were
lull but strong.
Sror us The New I'ugland denl inonono-
l/ed much le'S attention than for the past
\eek. That stock was comptrntivelj quiet
intil late In the afteinoon , nnd Its best price
was onlj finclionnlly higher than that of
vesterdny , nnd notwltlistnndlne that Its
irstprice was I1 * pei rent hither than the
clo < e ot last evening. Its net gain for the day
siuily ' . pci cent. The feeling tblsinoi nine
v\asilecidedl > nnd Vnudeibilts' be
came a featureof tiadluc. Cnti.idn Southern
nnd .MichlL'iin Central nttucted tin1 mo > t
itlenllnn , nltltoiu'h Like Mmre wns pinini-
lent and sti out ; . l'i Ices were nil hljhei nt
: he opening , tin1 advance * uv i the llunl llg-
nesof > esterda > rauclni : ftom ' < , to ' < ; per
ent genernllj. while New r.tiL'l.uid was un
1't , pel cent. ' 1'bere WHS "lime tliu'luation In
nrl > tlenllngs. but the market -oou became
strong , led by VaiidwbllK Tin1 upwnid
niovenicntculminnted about 11 ' tiVlnck n.
lu. , b ) which time Canada Southern hid
K.ilnrir. per rent and the othcis in proper
tion. The mm ket then-alter lluctuated within
comparatively nnrrinv limits , though the
general direction of prices wassllgbtlv uown-
v\ard , nnd eluded rnthei benvj.
? > cent bonds. KXistf (3. A N. W . . . . ll f
17. b. 4U's . . . . 112 1 prefericd. . . 142'4 '
New 4ii . 12"VN. Y. C . 1I
1'ncltic ( i'N of ' > . 1'JO
CcMitmll'ncilic. . 4 Vl'i clllcMnlI
C. , V A . 14J41M ) . , v : K . . . .
prufcricd. . . 100 1' . I' . (3 . 141
0. B.AO . it7 : 'Hock ' Island . 12.1 %
1) . L. AJW. . . . 13U > vht. h. AS. K. . . . tW'f
I ) . itlti ( . IBM iirefeiied . . . fAi
Krlc . 31JHC. , M..tSt.l > . . .M > ; . < f
prefciicd . . 7S'i' ' iireti'ired . , . * * iat'J
Illinois Centrnl. 13.1 iSt. V. .V.O . " f.I
1. . Ii. .V\V . . . lOh'l ptefened. . . ll-ii }
Kntisas.tTcxns. SOJj'Texas ' I'aeltlc . . 17
Lake Shore . . . W < Union 1'aclhe . . 01
L. .tN . . ) < \V.St. L..V 1' . . SHJ <
Mich. Cuntrnl. . . b'J > < i piefened. . . KTJf
Mo. 1'ncllic . . . 11J'S Western I'uiou. 7ll f
Noithein I'nc. . . 2sj < U. . IS. & N . . . . 105 f
pi ef erred . . . C il
* KDiv. .
1'UODUCn M VIlKl'U1.
Clileimo , Sept. 2" ) . Floin Moleralcly
active ; vvlntei wheat Mom , S4.0-jt4.lO ( ;
soiitliein , S.UKM ) .00 ; Wisconsin , S-\.Wi \ (
4.10 ; Miclilunn i-ott oprlm ; wheat , $3.M
4.10 : Minnesota bakers. < . < . .l ( > t4.iu : pnU-nM ,
S4.WC ) < ? l.OO ; low giniU-s , Sl.71ai71 ; ne lloui.
quiet nt iH/JVitfJ./ ) ban els , and SU.OOi {
3.'M In sacks
WheatKiiiru active but weak and lower ,
nnd closed nlmut Uc undeiesteidny , cash ,
TJ IiuTIi'dc ; Uctubei , 7Ii6 Hie ; ovembui ,
7 , " . vice ; May. K" 11-lti'-
Corn Opened stronger and ' 4clil liei but
declined } ac : cash. W.C' W c ; Octobei ,
! Mhc ; N'ov ember , S AfiMnv,4iJ.jC. ; .
Onts Kaslei , quiel and stcnilv ; cash and
October , 2.V ; Noveinhei.2Gj.iu ; M ny , - ' ! % .
U > e Quiet nt 4S c.
Unrley - Klim nt foUfTMfx : .
Timothv I'rline. Sl.lfftil SO.
KlnxseedSl.0,1. .
I'ork Kaiilv nctivc ; prices rc.-cdcd 15a20e.
lalei ruled hte.ulici , rallied 'Jl < c 5c nnd closed
steidv. cash , SO.XK3i.Jn : ! ; October. VJ. : 'i ( < 5
0.iS : ; Noveuibe.i,5U.wli : , @ ' . .3.r ; Jauuaii , 510.40
Larif 2i lc lower : cosh. SO.'iO ; October
and Nuveuibei , SO ( tt > $ ( ii6.05 : J.umaij , 5r0.10
Hulk .Meats bhouldeis. S'.foa < 5 00 : sboit
cleat , ! j7 loei7.irishoitrlb- ; 10.
Huttei Finn but dull ; cieameiy ,
dniij. IBulilc.
Cbeesu i-'limcr : f.ill cicaui cheddnrs.
ll1 , c ; , ll-Ql"c ) ( , : joung Anienca- ,
Hides Hi avj grnen ! > .ilted,7Xclbcht. : ( < t'jc ;
damaged , ( i'j ! bull hides , 5'-rc ' ; iliv
snlted. licajl'-'c : drv flint , iiyi4e : ; calf
skins , K' ' lO' ' e ; deacon" . We each.
Tallow Nr ) . 1 count ! y , S'.jdijyi'o ' ; cake.
JiJiu ; No. a , Sc.
Afternoon bonid- Wheat , Iiiettuiai ; cash ,
72 1 1-10 ; Octobei , 7J lU-lCe ; Noembei , 74 c ;
Ma > , SJ'iC. ' Coin , lirognlar ; cash. ! ! U ; Octo
ber , " 0'4c ; November. " > se : May , 45't.c. . Oats ,
iiiegiiiar ; cash , 24'v ; October , 2Uic ; ; .Nov
ember , 2(1 Jie : .Mnj , 'll1 1. 1'oilc. Incgiilar ;
cn h nnd Octnbei , S'J.SO ; November , 3' ' . " > - ! ' ;
Janniiy , 31ii5. ) : Lard , Irieyulai ; cash , 5051 ;
Oetobci.SO.tti'tf ; November. ? 0.00 ; ,
S0.10. abort ilus , cash , > ? ii.7r .
KeeclDt" . Siilpinent' ! .
Flom.bbU . 27.000 , OiJO
Wheat , bu . i:5av : )
Coin , un . : KO.OOO ira.ixio
OntF.Uu . 2U.OOO liil00 ) ( "
KjO , Oil . 4,000 l.OOU
Harlev.ou . 91XU ( "XJ.OOO
Now Yorjc. Sotl.29. | Wliint-lieecipts ,
117,000 ; exports , 17,000 ; spot without , any
chnngoot Impnitnuce , closing heavy ; e\poit
trnding les" ncthe ; options ileclmett Uuil'dC ,
lolluvvlui ; the west , nnd closing with bottom
( iguies , iiilini ; weak : nnsradcd leu , bl@
toe : No. 3 led. tJ > c ; No. i red , foe ; > o. u
led , S l S-lfiCaHl cm elevator , fa-r-4 ( , l-10c
alloat , October clovat S4'B'c.
Coin Spot. } @ ' 'je highei , but very quiet ;
options. iVot c lowei , closing lienvj ; re-
celit' ; . GVXK ) ; exports D.OCK ) ; uiiL'iaued ,
4iif ( < 4714c ; No.2 , 47itt'jc ( , October
closing at
Oats Finn : receipt > , 90.00J ; exports none :
mixed we tein , 3lJ ( iiKc ! ; white vvestein ,
3.1 ® tic.
I'etroleum Steady ; united closed at GJ e.
K gs Fhm with laii deninud : western ,
Wi < ilc.
1'oikEasier but less nctivo ; uie < iuo-
Icd at $11 00ii l.25 ! for new ; 510.25@iO 50 for
Cheese Quiet : western flat.lO OlOj c.
Lnrd Tlueu to si : , points lower ; fniily
ncttve : western steam spot , 50.51 005.
Unttcr Unchanged.
MiiiiieupnllH. Sept. 29 Wheat Steady ;
good demand tor sample lots , but little
doliu in luturcs ; No. 1 haul , cash and Oc-
tooci , 71'i'c : November , 7c ! ! ; December , 74' e ;
No. 1 noithuin , cash and October , 08J4c ;
NovnniLei , 70)ie ; Decttmbei , 7Sc ; No. 2
noithcin , cash and October , i/ic ; November ,
WKc ; Deeembci,70e.
Hour -Dull ; patent * , S4.20ffiM.40 ; bnk-
crs' , Jt.'iO340. !
Keci'ljits-Wheat , 211,000 bu.
.Shlp't.entWlmal , : $5OU , ) 1m. ; Houi , 22,000
Cincinnati. Sept. 79. Wheat -Finn ;
No. a , 70' ' jc.
Coru llnsler : No. 2 mixed , 40i.
OnH-Fluu ; No.'J mixed , -JHc.
ItjciWeak nnd lower ; No. J , 5"o.
Voik-Knslm nt S' > .S7 .
I nidWeak at' . .
Whlsky-Kiim at SI. 12.
Alllvratiknn , Sept. 29.--Wlicat--Wcak :
cash , 7J'c ' , ; Octobci , 7J-Ku ; Nuvembei , 74'fc ,
Com Diooping ; No.Sii c.
Oats -Steady ; No 2 , U.l > ic.
Kye Scarce ; N'o. 1 , 64c.
Harliiy-inse : ! : No. 2. 51Ke.
riovlMons--Diill ; pork , bcntcuiber , SO.ld ]
Octobei , SP.i" : . .
Bt. LoiilH. Sept.2'.i , Whent-Closed weaV
andlovvci ; No.'J icd , cash , 74 if < 374Kc ; Oc
toner , 74X74Jfc ( ( ; November , 7o ? c.
' ' "
Ont -
- -
WliNkv S1.18.
I'ork-Wcnk nt S10.00.
Lnrd-Wenk nt SO.OO.
Hutter Active nnd tinner ; creamery , 21@
24c ; dairy , lOS'Jlc.
ArnciiNuuN IOA ) IIDWhcnt - - Weak mul
iM'io lower. Corn Easy and # ( < sje lower ,
Oats J usy nml H'e better.
Now OrleiinN , Sept. 2V- Corn Pinner :
mixed nnd white , 4'J/a.lOc / ; vellow , 6iw8-'c
Onts-Flrmei at S3Jv&il > < ? c.
Hog I'lodncu Dull and lower.
rork-y.i. 75rn 10.K7X.
Lnrd--SO.O. K.
Hulk Mcab- Shoulders , SO. 10 ; Jens : elm
nnd _ clear lib * , 87.0J.
rnlocln , Sept 29. Wheat Firm nnc
active ; cusli , Tit e.
Corn JCnav ; c sb , S9jc .
( ) iits Neglccted.
Ijtverpool , Sept. 29. Whent Supplj
good ; new No. 3 n Inter , Os 7d ; new No ,
J bnrlny , 0i ( H' d.
Flour Supply good ; extra No , 1 spring
bs 4 J.
Corn-Olfcrcd sparingly : new ml.t
steadj at 4s 4d ; October and November ,
Hamas City , Sept 29. Wheat Man
active ; No. 2 , red , cash , 00) 0 bid ; Octo
bcr , 6'iaiVi } c ; November , fS' ' 'c ,
Corn limber ; No. 2 , ca h aud October
3lc ; November , SJc.
Oat * Nominal ; cash , ir < } c bid , tM. ' , ' (
Wc < lne e.sday Kvcnlnp , Sept. 29.
( 'AVII.IS Thec.ttlle luniket was moreac
tive tiMlny. .So.'cnil bunchui of corn fee
old nt good prices. The feeder in rkbl
was more nctivo tlinn It bus been for some
time ,
lloi.s-The hog market Avns nctne nt
prices nbout steadv with icstertlay. The i.e-
: elpts were liberal , thouch not as heavy as
the tlftj befoie.
Siii-hP There was notbinir doing In the
Cattle fi'K )
Ho,5S . . . 1.400
I'rovnlllnt ; Price * .
Showing the provnlllng prlc paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steers 1U.7) ) to 1,100 Ib S4.S1@4..V >
( holcc steers , 110U to 1S03 Ibs n.7.'W4.21
Medium teci . 13.KMol3.1Mbs. . . 3.roci-l.l5
Fat little steers 10V ) to 115J10J S.8)u-4.00 (
dooit feeders , lUXlc.H.'il
liood I" . h.nci ? corn-fed cows 2.W JU 2,1
Fair to ined'iitu ' gr.v-scows 2. < H' ' rt.iri
< iood to cdolee nulls I..vx < t2.oo
Llnlit and medium nogs 4.15 4.30
( iood to choice heavy rogs 4. 14.40
( iiiod to choice mixed ho's 4.21 i4. .1
( Jood to clioiet1 sheep " .O0wi.21 :
KnlrtoBood sheep 3.7Viti.OO :
Common sheep I.u0jf2.-10
Hcprescntattvo Mnlcn.
of Pi-loos.
Sliowim : the highest nml lowest prices
paid foi hinds of hou's on this tnnrkct during
the past " -even dnjs and lor tno simu tiiui1
last iminth nnd last _ > ear :
buy All jr. ISM. I Sept. 1SM1. | fcupt. INvi.
'llil Sutidii > ' $440 Stl.iVl f.i 15 ,5:1 : jo
S.trd $1 II tu4 IM I 4'10 fU.l" > , i 411 ' '
Jlth t.'i5 M.7i ! | 4 23 ft * M ; uu
Mill i 4.1(1M ( < 7fi I t.tM CJ54.40 ; i 40 C'J ru
4.-U ) fMiH I 4 15
UMh ! 4 HI Ot.nO 4 . ' . " > Cr4 45 I JUKI
Dili ' Sun liiy I 4.IU dit 40 I ! 1 10
Show ins the nuinbiir of cittle. boss nnd
sheep shipped fiom thejnids to-day :
r.viTi.i : .
No. Cms lit. Dcst.
5 N.V Chicago
No. Cnrs IU. Dest.
14 \ \V..iast : C.imbiidtre
b C. ] JitJ ( .Hast Cunihiidire
All sales of stock in this uiniket nit ; nmde
pel evvt. live vvcluht unless othetwlse etnted.
Dend hoj- > sell nt 1.'c per lb lei nil weights ,
"bkins , " 01 lie vveluldiu less thnu 10 , ) Ibs
no vatie. ! l'i 'nnanl sows me docked 40 Ibs
nnd vjii ) ! , .
No lei- .
llous nil sold.
lloj : inniket sle.idv.
Cattle inniket active.
A flood man } feedeis ilinnzcd bniiils to-
Mr. Dnken , Lincoln , wns beie inquiiing
lot leedeis.
I' . M. Colblii.idshaw , wns hero nnd * old
two loads ot hoi- > .
Doc llnnls , Larnniie. wns hcie nud sold
" .1 head ot feedeis.
0. II. Jones , llastinus w'iis nt the jards
iiKiuiiiiu' for feeilen * .
V. 1'oldn , Schuvler , v > ns on the mnilxut
w ith one loid of c.ittlc.
K. C. Baldwin , riue Hlulfs , had tlueeloads
of cnttle on Ihe mnrkct.
John S. Freeman. 1'latlo Centci , wns visit
ing at the inuls to-day.
J. ( ! . NortlBieen. Clinumnns , wns hcie nnd
imirketctl hvo loads ol cattle.
C. II. I'nrmele it Co. , Cedar Creek , had two
loads of hogs on to-dav's mniuct.
1'rntt it Ken is Cattle company , 1'inc 131ulfb ,
had eleven loids of hognt the > nnK
Etl , Cooper.of Coojiei it TevvKsburv , AVcei > -
Iii } . ' Water , wns a visitor nt the yards to tiny
San. lieveiidire , Kiemont , came in to- lay
with a load ot ho s which he .sold on the
"The leason lei tlieie beimrsuch n benvy
shiink on soinoot the iHUsthntarfl coming
in now , " remarks nn old live stock man , "is
due in pent part to the feeding ol new coin.
I lin\o noticed eveij > enr at this tliuu that
the hlirlnk Is heavy on hogs that have been
fed now corn. "
On the market with lie s : John Leinke ,
Mlllnid : T. Van Alst , Klkhorn ; L. Amleison
it Co. , Mead ; Clark , llcatou & Co. , U'esjton ;
K. C. Hawks. Cedar Unuids Files it Co. ,
Cedai Itapltts ; J. Askwli ; it Co. , Oakland ;
] ; . Crenshnw , Moiidamin ; D. . \ . Hall. Madi
son ; ! ) . Anderson , Columbus ; L. L. Donne ,
Scotia ; r. F. Wjniidt , Miilord ; Fisher A
Wagner. York ; K. K. Silvers , button ; J. U.
Lewis , llilisdule ; AV.V. . Klock , JJradslmw.
General Prntluac.
Wedncsdav Evenlmr , Sept. 2U.
TlicfoltmvliKi prices are jar ronti'l lots of
protliicCtiisKulilontlie mitrhci to-ituy. 1'ltc
limitation * on frutt * c/ic / ) cit the prices at
ulileli nutxld'corders me tilled.
j ; < ios The market was veiy active diirlnj ;
the early pirt of the week , liecoipts Miice
jeslerdny have been more libeinl and pilees
nio not quite ns linn. 17c Is nbout oiitsidu
thine obtainable foi slilolly liesh , candled
Urn IK : The demand for liist class tnblo
butter continues very brisk , while lower
ciades nrodull anil nctleetett. Fine cicam-
cry a id dnny meets with ready sale nt quo-
tnilons. Fresh cienmcry. 22L ( 4cifresh dalrj ,
IbtS'-Oc ; choice country rolls , isra20c ; cholco
count i ) solid packed , ! 7fal-c ! : coed country
roll , I ( > ( < 4l7c ; laii coniilij solid packed , 1K ;
14c ; common , 8 'A' .
CIIKKSK 1'nncy full cream chcddais , 12c ;
fancy lull cream Hats , two in box , Uic ;
fancy full cienm > oum ; Americas , four In
hov , lHW14c ! ! ; fancy Swiss. Mechoice ; , 14c ;
bilclc , 12 > ] @ 1S ( ! ; hlinbuii ; . 1'Jc
I'oui.iuv ThenmrUet is well Biiphud with
live el Ickcns and sales nro diaKKiiit ; . Theit :
hnve been n tew cniisimimunt.- dresscii
chickens In the market which met with
rather slow sale , owme to the warm weather.
to uood , KifUc ; duckb , choice , He ; jj eese ,
turkoib , I'JMUio.
tiood .sound pralilcclilckens hold
about tin. ' 1 1 own , while ducks aio
extremely dull anil low. Prospects
tavoi n very brisk tiade In pralile
chickens at lilulicr liuurr.-i as soon as
cold weather set * In , I'raiile chicken * , S'-.WJ
BaJdles. per Ib. , ll@lJc ! ; deer ,
Osi rns. The evceeJint'ly warm weather
of the past few days has bad the etfect of
euttliiKdown theov.stertiade. It Isas oed
as could be expected at this season of the
vear. Prices lemalii the t-nmo as last week.
I'lio following are the prices at whiclicountry
orders are tilled : Medlttms , SOe ; standard.
S-lc ; selects , Vic- extra selects , 45c.
I'OTA TOES There is very little demand for
potatoe * just at present , dealers being mostly
supplied by local farmers and are not ready
yi i to lay lu their winter stock. The out
look , however , for the month of October is
fjnlte favorable. From IM to 'JOO car loads
ol potatoes w ill bo needed to supply the liwal
trade ; and no doubt a good man ) ' moiocaib
to KO to points where the crop Is almost u
total failure ' 1 hey are selling In a small way
at .uvjjesc pei bushel.
ONIONS Receipts are more liberal and
market not quite as linn as a week aco.
Onions , fancy , In bulk , per bushel , Sl.UXg
1.23 ; coed , per bushel , 00c@81.00 ; choice.
from store , PIT bbL , gli .
( ! nAi > KB-l'rlces > are higher , on homo
J.TOWII grapes , and still higher prices are an
ticipated as the season draws to a close and
the supply dliniuMtcs. The following are
the prices nt wlllch outside orders for
Choice stock rd tilled : Shipping
stock , per lb. , 4hc ; 10 lb. baskets.JOc. .
A car load ot extia-choice New Yoik crapes
has arrived In the in trket and met with vcrj
uootl sale at about the follow Inc prices : Ton-
eoids J < Cftllb ( ) baski'ts thji. ic. lelaw arcs. Mb
lmxkets.V/itonc , , Martha 51b baskets ( VX Oc.
Hoiti-rs Slh basket * MH.Y.c. )
bwi.KT 1'orvrof.s Cholre home gtown ,
per Ib. , 2c : Jeisuj , perbbl. , S4.50.
CAIUIA < .K Theiii is a falrdcmand forclioice
cabbage at "XX'iT.V ? per dobends. .
Ari'i.i -Michigan , fanc.v eatluir. in-r tibl ,
souil , assorted vnitetirK tue and ten-baiiel
lots , per bbl ii .t .W.
( n Mii nnir.s Cape Cod. faney , pei bbl
SS.M ) ; Jersey , eholei'.tT.WVNeoimin : , 8T..V ) .
H VN vvs Choice stock has been scaico
lately ; per bunch , ? i.oo .iOO. n ( nisi A I'l uis \ Icai pears , per bos ,
LV.MONS Clioiee. riX ) s/e | , per box ? ViO ;
fimcy bir Maloiis , : wo | / > , jier box 510.00.
On Nors A eoiisicnnient of .Jamaica
ornnues nnivod In tno market this week.
Thime Kood bright stock. Jamaica , per
box , SO-SO : i > crbbl. , Sl'iM.
TTAII FnviTs The leeeiiits of Utah
fruits have not been lieav.v the pist week
1'eai" , 40 lb boxes SH.lXXd 3 ' . ' : Vearbcs , SOlb
boxes. SI JOial.Tf. ; I'luiiis. Sl.OO l.VK.
Miruiii V.N I'liArnr.s The suppl.v on the
market Is llulit and better prkcs aiobeim ;
obtained. The MilrmicntH me gradimlly fall
ing olf. The follow I UK are the pi Ices at which
outside orders are tilled : Uaskets , acconilne
to si/e , TfliitSl.Oi ) ; dates. 4 baskets ,
. , .
MKI O.NS A few run Mill coming in. but the
dotnnnd is Ikht and the } me slow mile.
Cin.hitY Kalamazoo per d < u. , JOfti-tric.
M \ri.i : SrdAii. btiictly pure. W-lb boxes.
l"c per pound ; strlctlv pine , 10-lb tin palls ,
14e per pound ; choice .V bricks , 2Mb boxes ,
l"o per iiouiul ; choice penny takes , "Vlb
boxes , 12'iiMier pound.
HOVKVNebraska , choice , white clover ,
l.yaii'1. ' . ; Nebiaska , dark , l'J 14c.CalifornlH. :
Mb sections , l" > c. ; Calltornln , ti-lb frames ,
HKANS The market Is annost cleaned tif .
Nice elean IKMIIS in fall ICIIIICM , It. 1 * .
Nnvj , 81.700U.7.1 : 11 P. Medium. l.MK < ?
1.0.1 iiMinlcp clcnti countiy , 51.2.1(31.50 ( ; < ri
clean couutrv , WS'l W : Interior , i > iij\75e. (
I'ltoviMONs llnin , sunnr-cinc'd. lHil
boneless , 80-lh boxes , ll' c ; picnic limn. 1
breakfast bacon , simar-cured , fij e ; shoul
siisrnr-eurcd , N : ; clenr side bneon , ' -V'-'Uc ' ; iliy
salted sides , iji4e ; titled bed ( bums ) . I.V ;
dried beef ( icijiilai ) , 12laid,40 lb cans , Fnli-
bulk's , b' ' e ; 10 , .1 and : i-lb pills , Fall bank's ,
s > 4 t ! e.
< in vis Coin , 2.1c ; new oats , 2c ; rye. 40e ;
w heat. No. 2,15c.
I'l.oi u VM > Mn.i.sirrrs vv inter wheat
lloui. bi-sl qiiallt\ patent , Se.bH : secoiul ( inil-
S'J.lOfuSi.-O ; bi'.Mt qnnlity spiiiiKliunt
Hour , patent.'jOciei ! ; ) c\\t ; chopped
fetil , Klc per e\\t ; whlto coin Jiu-al , 51. IX ) ;
jellott coin inoal , ' .Hc ) per cut ; screening , Wu
pcrcwt ; bominy , S2.00 nor c\\t ; slioit , .Vic
pere t ; L'rnbain , ? 1.00 ; li.iy , in bales , SO.OOftTi
7.00 per ton. _
Grocers' Jiiwt.
I'icKi.Ks Medium , in boN , Sfl.50 ; do lu
half bbN. S : > .7.r > ; mmll , in bbl < i , S7.iV ) ; do In
halt bbb , ! . . ; gherkins , in bbU , SS.W ; do
inlmllbuKSl.V-i !
r-ftYili'V No. 70 , 4-finllon kotrs , Sl.'JJ ; New
Orleans , SSSWp I > er jzallon ; Mnnh' Syiup ,
barrel , stiictly puii ! , loc pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. pci doz. ; W gallon can S5/J5 per.s
donurtcans , S'i.OO. t
btiOAH1 ? I'owitci-ptl , 7a'c ; ; cutloaf , 7 < 37V ;
KrannlaU'd. 0'4c ; conluclioners' A. O' ' c ;
standard extnt C. < itaiirsee\tiaO ; , 5 # ( < * y e ;
mrdluin jellow. ri'jffrtj'Je
isoi-i : 34 inch. .Hie ; * ' inch , 10'jc ' ; X inch ,
10 c /
Dnir.n Km ns JJo. 1 quarlor apnli-s , : )9 ) @
4o ; in o\.ipointwt biixes > , ' ( a'.i c ; ul.ickber
ilc , bd\cs ' .iJiJliO'Uc ' ; peaolifs. eastprn. l ff
r > 'tc ; poaches , evupninted , l.Vg Kc : biiit
LuKi * , none in ina > Kef..ibpbernes ) , noIS
ruUkcuin ! ; > nt < ( , 7 @ 7'rfc ; prunes , new , 4
SPAIICH iliiTor gloss , I lb , 51 0 ; Miiror
glov , A ) b , flUc ; Sll.ror gloss , ti lb , OKc ;
tra\e- ! > ° corn , 1 Ib , . Gc'Kinpsfoid's ; corn , 1
lb , 7c ; Kingsford's't'los ' * ) , 1 lb , 7o ; Kings-
ord's ilo ° s. C lb , 7Jc ; Kiiigsford's pure , 31b ,
J c ; Kincsloid's bulk , Ic.
UAN.MU ) Oooib uysters , standaid. per
cas , ; u > 0 ; strawberries. Ulb. pet case. 55'J.lO ;
raipborrles , 8 lb ner ca , S2.10 ; Californin
peart , wr case , 'S4.50 : apricots , per case ,
S4.ut : Dcaches. per casd , S. > . .SOliite ; cherrii-s ,
pei case , S.0i ! ; plums , per case , S3. 75 : blue-
bei lies , per case. 31A' > : egg plums , -Jib , per
c.ic. . 52.50 ; pineapples , a lb , per case , S3.20
( & 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doi. S1.80 ; 1 lb sal
mon pur do ? , gl.Wiil.fiO ; 2 lb goosebenes ,
percasp , < 5l.7.r > : 2 lb string beans , per case ,
S1.70'J lb lima beciis , pel c.tsiS1.00:21b
innnowtat pfas. r > er case. 52.403 ; lb early
June peas , per o.iso , 82.7" ! ; 3 lb tomatops ,
pi-r case , S3.15@2.25 : 21bcorn. per case , Sl.V )
C i2.10:2 lb corn beef , perdoSl.TOQt..oo. .
COFFEES Oidinarygiaaes.lKyilX'o : ,
l.12 c ; piinip. Iij 5l3cchoice. ision c ;
laiicy grcpn and yellow , 13K@14J < c : end gov-
Dilwortb'b. ICc : Ked Cioss. Kl'/c.
TOIIAC ro Plug , : cliinax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
37e ; btai. : 'J ; ; head , 39c ; plpei hcidsick ,
OOc ; gold shield , 84c ; inoiry war , 25c ; J. T.
.1. , : c.
TOIIAC ro- Smoking , Din ham. Is 51c ; Jfs.
54c ; 'is. r , c : 'ts , OOc ; incpibchiim. : iOo ; old
st > lp , 2'e ; N . N. ( ) . , 15e ; spiiltcniod , 45c.
BOAPS Kirk's baron imperial. 32.70 ;
Kirk's satinet. S3.00 ; Klikstandard. . fcun : :
Kirk's white Kiissian. S4.00 ; Kiik's White
Cap. S0.50 : Dome. $3. & > ; Washboard , S3.10.
W hitp Cloud , S3.7.- . .
AlATriiK 1'er wddie , 28c ; round , per
case. 81.00 ; &quaiO cases , S1.70 ; mule so.naie ,
OANDT Mixed , 9K < ? 12c ; stick8K(29 ( > jC
CKACKKits Oariit-nu's soda , butt r and
picnic , 5) < e ; cieanis , bjfc ; ginger snaps , bj c ;
cltv soda. 7' 'c.
UniF.i ) Kni'iTS No 1 quarter apples , S/ @
4c ; in aporated boxes , O Ca\ \ ) blackber- \ -
iii'N boxes , bH , @ ' ' ; poaches , eastern , 4 % < 3
5' c poaches , cr.ipor.iteil , W OjlTe ; Salt
Lake iKino in niaiket : raspbeincH , new. 18
@l'c ) ; ciniants. 7J @ 73fc ; uiunes , new , 4 8'
Goticral JIarkots.
Wool , Medium. 17H8c per lb ; line hoavr ,
12Oi5c ; light , 14c l7c ; to.use , 12 ( 150 ; binry
\\onl , y@5c oil.
Hiiuss Green butehoi" , fiKs7c ; green
cuied , h'ffSSJjCc ; dri Hint , ll@Uc ; dry s.ilt ,
( ) @ 10c ; damaged hides two-thirds prito.
Tallow ! ! c. ( Jrease , prime white , HP ; jellow ,
2c : in own , lc. Sheep Pelts. 85Q75c.
LiArnin : : I'limo slaughter sole le.ttlicr ,
! Kc ; prime oak solo leather , : Wa.j ( > c. Upper
leather per loot , 20M5c ; hem , kip. WfeSSe ;
oak kip , sSfttOVj ; ncncli kip , ;
hem , calf , 5l7oo1.10 ; oak calf , S1.0K ( < il.255
1'itiiich calf , ? 1.2o'l.bO ( ; Morocco boot leg ,
EOrtJWc ; Moiocco oil pebble , aSfffilte , toppings
and linings. fiOJiDOc.
HBAVY JIAKHWAUB iron , rate. t2.a > ;
low stool special east , 4o ; crnclb lesteol , Ui ;
c'ast tools do , I'Jitf Ibo ; wagon spokes' per bJt ,
S1.7Xii.OO : ; hubs , per set , 81.25 ; felloes ,
sawed drv , Sl.-JO ; tongues , encti , 75c ; n les.
each , 75c ; square nuts , wr lb. 7Sllc ( ; toll
chain , per lb , 0l2c ; malleable , OC-e c ; Iron
wedges , oc : crowbars , Oc ; hairow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7@ic : Jlurden's borsoKtioes ,
$4.40 ; liiiidcu'H nmlo Hiioes. SV40. Harbep
wire , in car lots , .84.00 per 100 Jbs. ronl
Nails. raU's , 10 to WVS'J.BO ; steel nails , 82.6,5 :
Shot 81.U.V biickiihoK Sl.bS ; oriental
iwwdei , kpgs , S2.W : do , half Kegs , S2.00 ;
do , ouarter kegs. 81.50 ; blasting , kcgg , s .35
fu e. pei 10 feet. 05c. l ail Har. SU ) .
I'AINTS i.v On , \ > luueau. Omaha , I' . 1'
Ho\ \ white lead , St. Lci9 | , ' imrc , 57,75 : Mar-
ellles gieen , I to 5 10 cans. 2c ; French /
rrcen seal , 12c ; lVencftInc red seal , lie ;
French zinc. In varnish nsst , 20c : French
zinc 75c ; vcrmillloii , American , 18c ; Indian
red.lOc : rose pink , UajjYenetlnn re < l , UOOK-
fcou's , 2ic : Venetian ipd. American , IKe ;
red lead , 7J c ; c'lr'in ° n'linw. crpnuinff. * > 0f ?
chromo ellovv ,
V AitxisiiF.s linrrulH , perpnllon : Furni
ture , extra , 81.10 ; fuinturi % No. 1 , SI 00 ;
coach extra , 81.40 ; coach , No. 1 , S1.20 : Da-
mar , extra , 81.75 ; Japan , 70o ; asphaltum.
extra , r Sc ; shellac , $3.50 ; hard oil linlsn ,
bpiniTS-ColOKiie spirits. 188 proof , 81.10 :
do 101 proof , 81.17 ; bpliits , second ounllty.
101 proof , 81.10 : do Ite proof , 81.15. Alco-
Keutuckyniidl'onnsyhaiilarje.s , > 2-oO@0.50 ;
Golden Sheaf bourbon and r > evhl > Ulei ,
S1.50Q".00. Hrandles , Imported , ) 5.00 < a8.50 ;
domestic. 81.aoai.00. Gins , Imported , 84 56
@ < 5.00 : domebtlc , l.25C 3.0 ( ) . Chnnipaenos ,
liuiiorted , per case , 828.oO@33.00 ; American
per case. 810.00@lfi.00.
UnYl'AiNid White lead. c ; Frencii zinc ,
1'Jc ; I'arls whiting. 2Kc ; whmnr , Kildora' ,
2xVc ; whiting , com'l , IMC , lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12c : lampblack , ordinary , bo ;
Prussian blue.V > e : ultramarine , iec ; > andyke ,
uro\Mi. be : umber , burnt , 4c ; uinber. raw. 4c ;
eienna. burnt. 4c : sienna , row , 4c ; I'uns
greeu , genuine , tuc ; ran * creen. comiuou.
22c ; chrome nttn. N. V. . OOc ! chrome green.
K , 12c ; vermlllion , Knclish. In oil TOc ; r w .
nnd burnt umber. 1 lb cftns. r.'o : raw nnd ,
burnt sienna , 1 % : % andyko , blown , inc ; rp-
fincd lampblack , I2os coach black and Uory
black , IPc : droc blscR. lOc ; 1'rtissian blue ,
40o ; nltrnnuriiipblitp , iSc ; cinomo cieeii. u ,
M. A H. , 1V ( ; blind nnd sniittor meeii. U. , M.
A 1) . , Ifx- ; Paris erwn , IS.- ; Indian red. Ihc ;
'N oiu'tlnn ntl. IV1 ; Tuscan , vsic ; Ameilcan
\riuiilllon , 1. . A. 1) . , 2'V ; jellow ochre , Oe ; ! , .
M. t O. 1) . . ISc ; good ochrp , itV. intent
tlijer , i > c ; graining color , light oak. daikoak ,
vlainit. chustnnt and nsh. iSc
DnrntAMi cav Mir M Acid , carbolic ,
c ; ivcld. tartnric , 5icbal ; 11111 copalha , P"'r
Jl > , 4'p ; bark. Mssufras , pel lb. lOc ; calomel ,
Verlb ? Jc : chlnciionUiia. per oz , 40c ; chloro-
loiin , per lb. Oc : Diner' * powilcrs. per Ib ,
81.25 ; cpsom salts , per It > , il' c ; glu-eiine ,
puio , per lb. isv- : lend , acetate , per n > 21c ;
oil , castoi. No. 1 , , SI.50 : oil , ca tor ,
No. 2 , per gal. . S1.40 : oil. olive.prr gal.SI.40 ;
oil orluanniitn , 50is ; opium saso ; iinlnini' ,
1' . & W. and 1 ! . A S . per or , 70o : potassium
Iodide , per lb , 83,00 : aliein , pel oz , 40c ; sul
phate morpliino. pet oz. Sii ; Milpliur , per
n > . 4c ; Mrjclinme , ii-roz.
_ nEiiiiivos.
iHiv irr nuor nm I'll KI
I/CO Olli'd Tiltli'J A IXI 'I HO 2 Tf. 1 M i 3.1 SO tf
UK U'd MiTe l"cy G IK ) 3 IX ) 2 7M K , \ \ 50 4&
I.AKK risil. " _ _ _ _
'lf ' HIl ) yr"llblB P'lnKtB ,
1K ( ) lua \ 40 , „ , u
No , 1 Wliltu Heh. i 7 IW StOn Sl-1 II ) 1 Oil PO
Family Whlto Tisli , 3 M 3 ir > y mi r.i < K 55
No. 1 html . . . . 4 00 - > 2 Ml PI , 74 6T.
I _ l _
illrisltr Illili. Q'r Dhi 1'alls or Klfq
Norweifinn )
, X > 7 60,0 833 803 10. 90
Holland licr-
rln ' 9 , now. 00
Dry Linrauor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand Id ft . S17.50
No.2 " 12 , 14 and 10 It . 14.75
No.3 " " 18 , 14 and 10 It . 13.50
Ho.4 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 12.00
\K \ ft'II ' ftjlfc ft' ' lt'24 ' ft
10 SaitUiJ IR 50 17 IX ) IS ( X ) 21 IX ) 21.00
in no in no 10 no 17 DJ is oj si ix ) 22 oo
. in.m in n > 17 uo i ixi ai no 21.110
2\IU . . . II. W IB.5) I .V ) 17.
.Ififi If , VI Ifl W 17 00 , is ih ) X" * Oil 2l l
11 50 111 5 I 17.00 lb 0 1 Ml W ) i0 ! Oil
No. 1 , 4 , t 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .517.03
No. 2,4 , v Cinch , 12 and 11 it. , iinigh. . . 14.00
A 12 , 14 lUfilt. , 210(10 ( C . Sir > , ( K )
U 12 , 14 & 10 It. , 2,000 I ) . 11.00
1st com. , ? .f In White 1'iniPartition. . . . .
yd > ' _
2il Com. ? s In. Norway Pine Ceiline. . . . 14.00
A filnchhltopine , ffll C . SiO.OO
O Cinch , " " ! M D . 21.50
A 12 inch. s. Is. 4ti C . 8.W.OO
H 12 inch " " 42U . 2J.50
No. 1 , com. 12 In. , s. 1 s. . 10 , 18 A 20 ft . . 21.00
No. 2 , " " " " " . . . IS 50
No.2 , " " " 12 vt 14 It . 17.00
" " " 10ft . lf.0o
1st and 2ti. clear , 1'4' inch , s.2 s . S500
d , clear , 1 inch , s.2 s . 45.00
d. clf.n , I'i' , l's ' , 2 in . 47.50
13 beiect , 1 Inch. s. 2 s . 20.00
H select , 1 > 4 , l't,2 In . 3000
SllllI.Al * .
No. 1. plaln,8and 10 inch . S17.50
No. 2 , plain , b and 10 inch . 15.50 : , IAT1I.
XXcloar. 4210 , A .standaid , S . &O ; No. 1 ,
Sl.i.r : > : Katll. 52.25.
I'OSTS Wliitu Cedar , 0 in. , > < s , 12c ; S in.
IJIMK" Krr. Quincy \\liUullmu ( best ) 80c :
Cement ( Akion ) Sl.m Ilali , ! 55c. Michi
gan plaster , 52.75. Sash , 50c. 131iuds , 50c.
Doors , 50c. Mouldings , 50
A Boston BnnU Itoinlnlsconco.
Boston Lpttcr to the S\lem : ( Mass , ) Gi- :
zetto : iMnnv .years ago a vonnjj iniiii in
one of the banks showed such capacity
: is n toiler or cashier that home of its
customer * got up a bank for him. Tlicio
was : \ Imbit of borrowing between banks ,
ami sometimes between tliem anil reli
able indiidunls , and liiis young casliior
bail such a relation with a man supposed
to lie beyond suspicion. Ono daj Ibis
man eame to him with a large request ,
no Ir-s than the loan of $1150,000 , equal to
half the capital of the bank , which was
$ ; 5)0,0)0. ( ) ! ) Strange , ho got it , and disap
peared , not to be. found ; his kindrctl
eoulit give no information about him ;
telegraphs , railroads , ocean hteamors did
not exist to allord inquiiy or pursuit.
The directors had to bis made aware of
thu loss of half their capital. Their iiist
thought was to reduce their capital to
$150,000. Tbu young cashier submitted
himself to their discretion , but proposed
if allowed to go on to deroto himself , all
his means anilunergieb , to the icbabilita-
tion of the capital. The directors ac-
ceiled to his request. The niattoi wafa
kept quiet. The bank wont on success
fully. The cashier paid promptly 8 per
cent dividend on iWO,000 } ! , out of $100,000.
Watching every opportunity to make a
penny , at the end of fifteen years bo ac
complished his ] > iirosc. | The capital of
the bank was restored. When he began
bis task he was thirty years old , wlie.ii he
rmibliud it bo ought to hajo been in the
prime of life , only forty-live , but the in
cessant strain of thobo fifteen > ears lull
him a wieck , and in le s sban live joavs
ill the height of his usefulness ho sunk to
his grave. _
Irish members arc f-o intensely patri
otic that tlioy will not pair The other
night a tory member suggested to a I'iir-
ncllito that , as they would generally been
on opposite sides , they might pair for the
rest of the fie.ssion. "boi , " rcsolied ilio
gentleman in question , "an Oiri > bnian
never pairs ? " "What ; not even on Irish
questions " "All questions aio Uirish
questions , " was the reply of the patriot.
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSJ'E , JR. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and
1513 IIOIII.-IHI Strcel. Omn'iii
Agricultural Imflements ,
Aflrricultnnil Imjilcments , Wagons ,
Carriage ! find liu trics. Jnnet ttreet. tetw ea Vt
ana lUttiOmiibnNfli ,
Agricultural Iniploniciits ,
i , Ktc.Vho1oial9 , OTi h ,
Wholesale Uealon In
Afrricnliurnl Jmilumeiits ] ,
( Vaconiand liufiden. SOI./ja.'JOi nnit'OT , Jonei it
Butter and Eggs ,
Ilnyers of Butter and Kg s.
nefrlnerator nnd Vacklne Ilouie , Dili aaU J. aton-
wortliBt , U I * . It. ll.'i'iBCk.Oniulm
Butchers' Tools.
Uutclicrs' Tools und Supplies ,
iauiage Cnslugs ot all klnd > nNajilri ituck. UU
Jonuitl. , < ) uintia ,
Builders' Hardware and Scales ,
Hnilders'irardvvnro&Scalc HopairHhop
MecuiulcV Tool ) and UufTalo BrolM. ItOi Jougl l it. ,
Omaha , Kob.
LEE , 'FRIED & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware und Nails ,
Tinware , Sbeet Iron , Ktc. Agent * for Howe Bc le .
anil IIlaml I'uwler ( < i. , Omaha.Nub.
Wholesale Hardware.
VVeHfrn urenti for JcrTmon eteel Nnlli. Antin
1'owderCu , xlrbanka Standard tc l Corner
lOtb and llnraeOmal a
Boots and Shoes ,
ArinnicAX ir.txn SEWED
MtnuUcturcr * nil VVliolcMitPlJo-ilcrs In
Hoots mid Slices ,
Complete Mort of llulitnir llmul * nlwsjn onh na
KM ? Ill hi I OiuibA.Krb A ' 1 Aii'llii. Agent.
ir. r. 3
lolilipts of Heels mul Shoes.
1(11 r.irn iufl , Oiuftlii , Neb MnmitiuUnr. bummot
Mrrel llo'loii.
for Anhpu or-Hiisli Hrofllnsr Ass'n
Spf r Inl llraml r u t , IHulKolnor
STORX , f > 1LER ,
IJ'.IKCI' Hocr Hi'pvvpr ? ,
1M1 Virth l th MN-PI , OinMm , Neb.
Coffee , Spices , Etc.
( ifA1tKI2 JlllOS. FY > 7
Omnlin ColFcc mul Splro Mills.
T i.Corro Spier * linking Voider. H'TOrliuBi-
irncts Lnunurr Illue Ink ntr Kit lullnrnor
MtccUOiimhi , N b
cTTir > i'.s. " COLE ci MILKS ,
Home rolloonnit Spice Mills M'f'e Co.
C'itTroto ! l < TiniHl pko ( Irlnili-rn , Manaturinrcri
nfllttklnit Poder , HivorliiK Ktlrnit * . llluMe. UP
Tr nnprfi r nl itir I R > pickiine Homo lllrnd lloittod
Oiffee. lilTiIIiinardtit dmnbiNeb
Cornice ,
.John Knonctcr , Prop.
MtmifNClurpr of RtlTanltnt Iron mul rornlro. Vtt
lioclgonntf IMMiil li t.,10tli tt . Oniiihi > .r < fb.
Xlnnufitrturem of
OiMiiinicnlal ( tnlMinired Cornices ,
Demur \\Itu1oiv , , llnnls lleullrikjllelit.ete. 3108.
lit i it.umilin.
C. Spceht , l'n ) ] .
flilvfinlteil Iron Cornier * , etc. HIM u'HlmiiroTCil P t-
cntMiUlloi-kTlliiht UM and Mo S lilli > t .Omntm.
Jobber * of
Carpet H , Curtainn , Oil Cloths ,
I lnolcumi > , Mnlllniti , Ktc 1111 DoviRlns ilri'it.
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MMlltiii , Curlnln ( ! i > od , Kto. 1123 Inrnam Street ,
Oraalin , .Neb.
Crockery and Notions.
Jr. L. n'RIGHT ,
.Agent for UieMuiiufHUiircrii nml Importeri of
Crockery , ( tlusswnre ,
J > nmp § , Oiiluini-jii , i > tr. Oflloi317 South 13th it.
Omnha Neb.
Commission and Storage.
rf. A. HUR LEy ,
Commission mul .lobbing1.
UnttPr , Ksusnnd Produce. Consignment ? nollcltfd.
IlL-Hilquiirlert fur bUmcwnri' , llerrj lion unit
I.ripe llntkil * . 1414 DotlKCrlreelOmaha.
PEYCKE liltOS , ,
Commission Merchants.
Frnlt % Pioilucc nnd I'rovMnrs , Onmlin.Ncb.
jr. K.
Storage ami Commission Jlerchant.
S-r l iltlei Unite' . KgK' I'licete , Potiltrr. ( Same ,
Ojetem I'll' . , lUii II3suuU Kih Mrt-et
Produce Conunission Jlerehnnts ,
PoullrT , lluttrr , dump , flult' . otf. 220 B. Hthnt.
dninhit N l < ,
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobti > T of Foreign nml Dome llc Kmlli . Torre-
BpoiKli-nto fnlkltiil. ari-lH.uBu nml onlcc , HON.
1 tiliteentlj St. Oninhn , Neb Tt 1iit [ > ono T7' .
T . jtoccolc co7
niporters ntid wholMilo ilculura In
Italian 1'rodnce ,
Kiirelnn. Doiiio-tlciinrt CnllfornU Fruits anrt Cnmml !
elon Jlcnh Hits lots. Hthit. Only uiclnslve
fruit house In umalin.
Coal ant ! Lime.
Dcilcrs In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office nnd yard , liith and Nicholas sin . Omana , Neb.
Vird Telephone , Cfl7.
QEII. i . , infilt , I'rrs. C. r.OooiiHAN , V. rro .
J , A. HDNDrni.ANn , hoc. mid Trend.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
203 Smith Thirteenth street , Omihn , Nob.
, T. , f. JOHNSON fCO. . ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Limo.
And tlilp | > m nf Coal and Col.o. Cement , I'lador ,
IJuic. Hnlr. I ire llrlrlc , DrHln , Tile nnd tewerl'lpe.
OTlcc. Pizton Hotel. Fnrniim et , , Omulia , Neb.
> , p. j.ur.c . co.7
Hnnnfnctnrinpr Confectioners ,
Jobber ! or r.ullB.NulB und Cl an. Jill Fnrnam BU.
Live Stock Commission.
Live Stock Conunission.
OPO Durlp , Mtnneor.
Union Stock Vards.S.Diniha. 'Iclcpliono Ml.
Live Stock Commission Mercimntg ,
Bblpuicnt pf nny mil .ill kinrtB of Hlork aollcitcd.
Union f-lo < i Ynrdr , Omanu , f.Lb.
Cigars and Tobacco.
5r AX MEYER < G CO. ,
Johbors of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Oune AII.I Aniiuiinllton , 2 ! ' > to 211 l > lllriit. , 10W to
1&1 ! Fiirnam H , OninhiiNfl >
Munuluctnrors of Fine
And Wholesale Iirnlpn In Lmt 'Fnlmcrot , No 108
uud UU .V. llt)4 ) ttirit , Diiuhu.
Dry Gocils.
Dry Goods , Fiiniishlii'fioods ( & Notions
HOI unit Hit piiimiAii cor lllliHt , Oniih .Neb.
DUtlllcri of Ll'iiinrr , Al ot < I iid Pplilt * . Iiuportorfl
Aud JuM'Orr oT VV ir.eiand J/.quoro
CO. niKl Jl.ER l > CO. ,
] mportori anil Jolilnr * of Hup VVIm nnd Mqnors.
Sole irnnnfncttiruix'f ' Kcr.nfily' Katt Indtn lilt-
tirn nmt | ) iini" IflllijnnrK HU Iliniry M.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
. T. CLARKE Dltl'd CO. ,
Druir. Paint , Oil & Glass llon e
Wcttot t'tilcsvo , Coiniilcte I.lnc of DrcgeliU Sun-
drlt 1111 Jl rne/tl. , Oiu0na ,
OrOOD.if/ ] > R UG CO. ,
\Miolcsuln DiU iRts.
Au4 Pealfrjlnrainti , n Kunii Wlii'low 'Jlasi.Omiba ,
Drain Tile , Etc ,
A. H.RAI in I'r > - ) W lirriToitu 8et.lTro
U J. CAliboW , V.l'ro. anrtbujit.
Til E U NJ O \ 11 \ 'J ) HA ULIC
I ) It A IN TILE CO , ,
fjfflre 211 R. llth > t Omnbi. Neb Muchlnerr * pd
Mappllrt for Munuftaiuilrii t'smeni | ir ln 'I ie. )
Eiginecrs anJ Contractors ,
and ContraitovB ,
Brlrteei , V'iudj ( t Hoot ' 1 rum * , Ktrjin I1 le Urlvlnc ,
Plllnc , Luk ui. < l i'ltix llrltlxf. I.umticr 15tli tl , n ar
u , Oiunlia , N * i.
furniture ,
" 75/frr7nr7i
Wholesale Dealers In Furniture.
V'urniiin tl. , Oiimlm. Net ) .
Furniture , Ueddiiijf , Pnlmlstery ,
aiiA KiO K tcnru i , Omthe.
Groceries ,
Wholesale Urocpries mul Provisions ,
Nod Tff.07. . W9 nil til S IQtli ? l. Om li , Neb
/r co ,
Wholesale Hrocera ,
13th unit 1 rsTonworth ! , < ) mKbK
ir. , r.
llenvy Hanhvnre , Iron mul Stocl ,
Bprlugfnirnn Murk , lUrilwuif Lumber , etc 1900
Mul 1111 lUrnpj l tlnnlin.
Wliol oalo Iron mul Steel ,
> TRnnmiil C rrlnRc Wooil Stock , H TT lUnlittr * .
KUISi : niulUIJ l.fiironrrorthH Om lm , N b
xiTi/i'oy iitT : lisle .wjvvii
Sto\c , Hmiffe , FiirnareH , TileH ,
MsnllciOmtPF. . llnus < Seed 1121 mid I'd ynrn H
Slm | I
_ _ _
Iron Works ,
Iron Works ,
\Vroupht unil Cmt Iron llullrtlnir Work , Iron Ftnlr * ,
Itnlniiir , Itoanit nrid ultiler * . Stentii I'ltKlncf. limta
\Vnrk , < Un'rnl rontiilry , Mm til no mul MlKkumltb
Work iinicrt \\urkn.r P lit iiiliih Hlfrl.
EDllOLM , . „ _
Wholesale .Ipvvclers and Music Dealprg ,
lr ) lor In Fllrvrirnro , IMnumndi , VVnlrliei , flock * ,
JenplemIonia * ml Mntcmln. etc. 101 ind 10 > lUtU
pt.cur Dodjo , uumtn s b.
Denier in Lumber. Lutli , Ijimp , Snnli ,
Doorc.Hto. VuriU-Corm'rltti nnil Uoaii1ni | Corner
' .th nint DtiuiUt. .
Wholesale Lumber ,
814 8. llllitlrcetOraithnXfb F.Colpettrr. Manncor.
irthnnilCnllfortilixMroclii , Omnlm , Neb
UillAT ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Kte. , Kto.
Cor rtliiind lioiiElii si * , OninliiL.Nib
To Dealers Only.
Office , 1403 Fnrnam itrrct.Omnhn.
" "
CitAS. R. LEE ,
Jlnrdvvood Lumber ,
Wood Cnrpcln nnd 1'Hnjuel Kloorlng. till
WliolcKiilo Lumber , Kto.
Iniporlnl nml Amprlcmi Vorll nd Cement. BlnU
Aiicut fiirMllwiuiki'o Hjilrnullc Ccincutauil licit
yuliiiyhlto Lluui
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Llmltoil. JolniF. Boyd , SuperlntcrdenU
Millinery and Notions.
Importers anil Jobbers of
Jlillinery and Notions ,
1311 and 1215 llnrncy ut > eot , OnmliH , Neb.
* "S. S. GddDRICir\B CO"
Arc the only Direct Importer ! of
German & French Toys & Fancy Goods
In NolirnBkn. Ctilcaso prices ( InrUcnlert without nild
Insr rrvlftht.141pi hnrnuni rtrt'et , Oiunhii.
\ \ hiileinlo IXtMrr * In
Notions and FiirniRliing Goods ,
403 und 4f ( , S. Tenth Bt , Omoliu.
Notions , Hosiery and Gents' Furnishing
Ityv ; nnd 1003 Frfrnam > t , Omnbn , Neb.
Sranufaeturers of Overalls ,
Scant IVint' , Hhlrte , Ktc. 1102 nnd 11U Douglm Street ,
Job Printers , Dlunk Book llakera.
And Hook lllndere. lUtl nnd 1US South rourlceulb
troct. Omuli v Neb.
Auxiliary Publishers.
, rri' i § nnd Printers' Huppllei. U10
Houtli Twelfth Htnmt.
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
jsnii'iir MoititiN c co.i
ManufncUirerB , rnrltcru and Iicaleri In
Pickles & Strictly Pure Apple Vinegar
Iluklng I'owdpr , Ilivorlnu Kztrni is , Table P.iuce ,
"rrnrli Miulii'1. Wfih lllulni : . Oiours' trec"t59 ! !
hole I > K'nt lur Viil k Miitu Sunit ItcUiii'd Apiilo Ci
der. HOuI.cuveiiwi.rth M , . ( luiuliu.
Safes , Etc.
Omaha Safe Works.
M n\if cllirpr if Tire and ilurlur Proof Huff B. Vnull
Uuori.Jnll Wnrk.Hlintlcrn and \Vlru Work. Cur.
1Kb mul jMckkon an .Oui ha , Nab ,
Agents for Hall's Sufo & Lock Co.s'
llro iind llnrxir Proof ? ifm , Time l/ickt , V
! l Work ! MI ( arium Hrei-t Omaha ,
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. J > ISllR01 r CO. ,
Wlioler.ilc Mnnufiiclurrri nf
Sash , Peers , Dlimls nnd Monhltnpfp ,
llianch offlco.Klh nnd I > Hr > l rls , Oiniln.Nu1/ .
< ; . / ' . LYMAir ,
Snsli , Duor , lilimls , Monl
Dulldina I'.inrr , MeMI | fiimlb Tiilrlionth H'rfot ,
( . ' [ iieiiM , Neb , A cduiiiliilii Mock cf ilullili'n'
Manufacturers , nf Sasli , Oocrt , Blinils ,
Mouldltmn.hlnlr Work and Interior llniclYoml rinleli
Ju t opcntil. N , K cur. fill itnd I.vut cnwcirth Hlo.
OninbM , Neb ,
Pumps ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pine , Ki
fJteainnnd WMer Kuniillci IIinilguuiKrii fir Mnsl
1 ( ust ( V.'iUoudi Ulirnni m ft .uiimhs. lieu ,
A. L. HTRAN(1 CO. ,
Pninpn , Pipes and Kiiffliics ,
BteamVnlur. . llallwar and Milling fupi.Ilcn , Kto.
1ISU , WimidtKt 1-amam rl.Oiunh.i , Nfli
u. s. nriNiinNutap UMT
HalLxlar Wind MIHti clo'ii and Wt r riuppll e ,
hluaiDlnv tioi > d > , U < Itlnic , llo'iVI H nn.l I'y t nr-
uamil , ( linnliti. h K rcllnn , Muui > ii.r ,
ToU plume No , ! IO.
/ / . If. MAItIIOFl > \
Wholesale Trunk" ,
Mlllird IlntPl Illof k , OmiihH.
Wagons nnd Carriages.
A. J.
Tlio Leading UttiTla o Foe tory ,
1 < OU and I til DuiUo tlroet , Oraatia.
Building Matunal.
Dgalrrln All K'ntUof '
Jlalorlal ut Wholesale ,
ISUi Street anil U" uu 1'nclKc 'lurk , Oiuuku.