Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 30, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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Gossip About Iho President's ' Rural Homo
and a Speculating Syndicate.
totlie Detriment ortlic 1'iilj-
llo ScivlocVliolconlo Dismiss-
alN-llonl INtnlo Su-hnMliitf
General Uniutolino Ncvvn.
I'lin-lin'io oPCJrovor'N Homo.
\ VsiiiNdTov , Sept. 2'J. ISpodanVloKMiil
lolliu Hi r..J Tim to last Samlnv's
Hit , narratliiK the ri'mils | hero to tliu olfpot
that a syndlrnto of real estate dealers hatl
nUeti n "pretty firowcf to I'lcildcnl ( Move-
Intnl. lias Htirroil up tlio recipient thovvlilto
lioiiM' ' and In NuwYoik. An ofllclil ilunlnl
In uuncrnl ternii Is In thU ovculiiK's fatnr ,
\\llli tin * coniiui'iit :
"It was smicrly necessary to nmo a
foitnal denial of the report "cut out ot Wash
ington bv coiruiMndi'iits | ) in search of a sen-
nation , tlio presidunt acceptoil Ills conn-
to Homo ns u gift from a sjnuic.ilu of rent
c'stato H | > < calator ; . In tlio Hist place Mr ,
Cleveland Is not In tlio habit of aici'iitlnir
gratuities from speculator , or anjbodv else ,
mid In tlio second place certain circumstances
fUti'inllnn tlio purclinse , and known nt the
tlmo to over } ono , vvhi > had occasion to watch
the negotiations preceding It , ha\o no doubt
that the Story was tn.nlc nut of whole cloth ,
perhaps not hy coire-tpoudents , hut l > \ par
ties Interested In dlsuiedltliii ; the uennlne-
ness of tlio reported sale for c.ish. "
I'hu denial conly occiiDlos half n do/en
lines and m.ikus no spccllicatlon. This Is
not a proper denial , that Is , a di'tilnl which
istates to whom tlio money lor I'ri'shlnnt
Cleveland's country place was paid , and
nhcn , and hyhuin , and the amount paid ,
no thi ) story Is generally ticlUivud , al
though Its truth was not vouched for Ijytho
Jiii : : correspondent In the dispatch of last
Satuulay nit ' ' and Is not now a settled fact ,
but Klvcn omy as uosslp. Tlio New \ ork
World nhes up a ureat iical of space In com
ment upon the matter and concludes that It
cannot he true. The real e.stalo men here ,
\\huliadlodo\vlth tlio transler. have notli-
IIIK to say on tin ) subject. It Is nsci'i tallied
to-night the man , ( a democratic fedeiid
olllro holder ) , vvlio used to liansfer tlio
jnotty projiertv to the piesldent , holds In his
iinnm u Iaiu ( block of eitatu adjacent to
the "pretty prospect , " althotn ; ) ) he Is woit'i '
no Hinnuy hhusoll. 'J'lie iiicstlon | nrKi's ' :
Who did ft belong to , a.syndlcatu of
speculators Is usliitf him as a cat's pawV
A 11011:1. : Ai-rnnrniA i iov.
An effort will tin made tills winter to net
concessional assistance in the constitution
of u mammoth hotel | n Washington , The
piojeclors propose to lines ! 5-,0Xoooornino ( )
If congitiss will oAunint the property from
taxation foi a peiiod ol ten years. There are
already tlility or moro hotels In this city , of
which fifteen or ever are largo nnd comturt-
able. Then theruaro hundicds of boarding
houses and icstaurants mid small hostilities
which should bo termed iiriv.ito pl.ices. In
' " the early part of last session of coimress a
bill glvliiK the unconrnguiiii'iit iiieiitioucd
was liiliodiici'd , but no action was tnkun on
It , and little was said about It. There is ,
ho\\e\er , an element laying for that bill , anil
* \Oiun ( Iconics up the country will bo treated
to an exhibition of what the hold and bo.ud-
h ing house keepers can do towards defeating a
ine.isuio. This Is announced In a .sort of con-
Jldential way , but the tactics to bo employed
by ( his lobby are not known. 1'iobably some
statesman WinJet a reason of boaid lieu of
Colonel K. C. JIason. I'ourth infantry , Is
rotlicd from duty as acting inspector general
< lepartment of l.ilcota , anil is assigned to
ihimllarduty In tlie depaituicnt of Arl/on.i to
reliovoMajor William F. Drum , Kointeentli
infantry , who Is tr.insteired to Dakota ,
i'iist Lieutenant Thomas M. Woodruf ,
'Tilth infaiitiy , acting bigniil olllcer. Is
Julreotcd to piocecd to Kort Chaile.s , Ylmini.i , instructions tiomtliechief
' ' otlicer.
Second Lieutenant K. O. 41111 , Twentieth
'Infantry , Is dctallcd'as acting judu'o advocate
of the dopaitmi'tit of the Missouri.
< ui. i < t'a\o.of Second Lieutenant.I. T. "Knight ,
. . f'lilrd cavalryv Is extended fourteen d.ijs.
iTIiu leave ot Soconil UiMilC'iwnt1 .Jmnes A.
fjrous. Twentieth Infaiitiy , Is extended two
tiinonths , and the leave ot Captain It. It.
UCeeler , Eighteenth in tun try , Is extended \ \
* A runcur.sou OF SIJV.UOIITIU. :
Vrlghfs In tlio department ovci anticipated
dismissals come and go like the ever-recm-
ilnc malaria. The old employes who Imvo
hold on under republican rule were just be
ginning to get over the threatened slaughter
on account of the apmo.ichlng elections
when the public printer shied his castor Into
tlio ring. This lias sent a chill over overr
republican In olllco heio and i.s Interpreted
to mean that the dismissals of olllco-holders
is only a matter ot tlmo and experience ; that
they will IMVO to go at the oppoituiio mo
ment. It Is generally believed that-thonuw
public printer intends to het an example to
the heads of other bureaus and tiiat the
ch.uiires will bo very radical.
nni'tiiir.ioAX coNonnssioxAi. OAINS.
A loss of twenty-ouo members to the dem
ocrats would turn the housn of lupre-senta-
tivos over to the republicans. Jleio are some
of the claims of the republicans , taken from
statistics at the headqu.uteis ot the congress
ional committee : Afaln of two members In
Now York , two In rennsylvanla. li\o In
Ohio , three In Indiana , one in VliL'inia , two
in Michigan , two In Iowa , two In Illinois
In all a Rain of nineteen. It I.s conceded
llmtthero may boa Io.ssof ono In Kentucky
.and one In Smith Carolina , which would ie-
Unco the republican L'alns now In sight to
seventeen , four less tbiin enough to organlzo
thithouso. I have not found : i slndu repub
lican who really wants the next house. And
the democrats all s.eem anxious to loj-o It , t > o
that they may get rid of the responsibility.
jfKrKss.vnv WOIIK STOI'IMI : > .
, It hCKlns to look ns though the wheels of
the treasury dopaitment would stop on ac
count of the wholesale dismissals of printers
tliero by the public pi inter. A binncii of the
gineinincnt pi luting olllco Is located In the
Ueasmydep.n tmcnt , and about DO percent.
r employed on dcpaituiflnt woik , circulars ,
oillclal blanks Imieau icpoits , cle. About
i ano-tlditl ot this force has been dismissed
nnd alre.idy the work Is much behind , somu
of the olticlal 101 ms lor the monthly stato-
nients , which were oidered over a moiitli
nuo , are not jot leady. Much ol the work on
the < * annual leports of the various bin can
z.ohlef.s ami the report or thoHccrelary must bu
donoheio. ( Ireat delay is expected on nu-
* count of tno restriction of the foiee , and It
isfeaied that it will bo very illlliciilt to get
the toports rliudy by the timoconmeas incuts.
Theio appeals to bo nothing that can bodonn
liovvuver , as theio is not oiiounh money , and
Jiono can bo nnil until congress piovidcs it
Thiiio is n veiy general complaint against thu
overstocking of tlio pilntliig olllco when
there was little to do and leaving it bliort
.handed In business time.
' Among the discharged men from the env-
rinment printing nlUco It Mr. Louis V. Toft ,
founder of the I'ort Madison ( lu. ) t'lain-
, dealer , nnd for many jeais conductor of that
eiannch democratic p ipor ,
Homo omnslnic dlsappolntmiuiU have
grown out of the purchase by tliu govern
ment of the coiiKresslonal library site.
Nearly half ot the inal estate was nought
jeana''oby speculatois , who thouglit thov
weiugoini ; togougo the guveinment hand-
pomely when the property was linally con
demned and confiscated. Ono man pur
chased as long ns ton years ago , when the
llbrar ) building was rirt > t agitated. JIo put
in Sll.oio , nnd had the hardllhood to claim
S4.r > ,000 fiom tliogoveinment , alter diawlng
n steady Income In the form of rentals. The
lirst juiy auaiilcd this man about S 13.000 ,
nnd no took an api > eal. The second jury
conlhmed thn lirst awaid , nnd the scllisli
speculator has to taUo it. Anotlior man In-
\ested ylKXJ about tlirco years ago , and
risked the Jniy to award him Ho
gets Sll.iHW. Still another put In S1S.OOO ,
und thought by blnovvd im > nagement ot the
jujles ho would get 5(10,000. ( llo fates better
than most of his colleagues and will r.iko In
overS > 0.000onntwo jears' iiwMmout. It
in Impiobublo that If there ever was a mete
Audacious elfort made to swindle the govern-
liiiuit tlian In some Instances In the library
site , and no cio a was ever more completely
Jolt in a scliumu than tills ono.
A pitiful btatu of trvpldation con
tinues nt the government printing
olllco , notwithstanding the announcement
made this morning that "tho UTS dismissals
already made will bring the pay-roll within
- the appropriation. " nnd that ' 'there will bo
no moro wholeiaio discharges nt present , "
Tlio public printer Is sevoicly crltlcl-ed bo-
c use b refuses to give thu names of the per
oiis dlsoharged. U U alleged Hint hisiefusul
laglvo the munu.s Is duo to tliu f.ic.1 thnttlutj
\roiiIdUlsclosunpolltlwilmotivi' , About uv >
thousand pnonle depend upon the 20\orn-
Inrnt printing onlco for n livelihood , there
Mtitthalf that number of cmplovesrand moro
than half the whole number of families In the
cltj are In < * ome way Interested , by friend
ship , iclatlon or otherwise , In the employes.
It Is generally believed thodlsmls als are not
nt an end ami that hundreds of others must
co. There will bo many hardships enduted
by It. as many of the emploves arc destitute
and not a fuw of thorn are ladles ,
Otto D. Ilasmusseii was to-day appointed
postmaster nt DannchroA Howard couiitv ,
vlco Clirisllcii ( ' . Han on , removed ; . ) . N.
la\ls. ) nt Knovvllle. Marlon county , la. ,
vice William M. C'ardlck suspended ,
The Maroonn IJOPO n Gniuo Ily Kicking
A nlnst tlio Umpire ,
WASIUVOION , Hcpt. 'JO. Tlio game tolav
l'etv\cen St. Louis nnd Washington was ono
of constant "klcklnc" on the part of the
Maioons. In the beginning of thn seventh
Innlngnftcr two of Iholsilors had been ills-
iwsed of , Klrby v\as called out on strikes.
Tlio Maroons planned that only two strikes
had been called on the batter , but thu umpire
refused to reverse Ills decMon and ordered
tliolsltors to the Held. They icsorted to
dilatory tactics , with a view of prolonging
the uaii'c Into darkness , when the iimplio
ilcclated tliogamo foi felted to \ \ nshlngton
by n score ot tl to 0. The score nt thn nnd of
the sixth inning stoodSt. : . Louis 2 , Wash-
InjMon 'J. I'list base hits Nt. l.mils f > . Wash
ington 0. J'.rrois St. l-iouls \Vnslilnitoii
'J. Umplio I'earce.
I'lilladelplila . 0 1001402 8
Chicago . 0 001 J 0 0 0 5
( Came called nt the eighth Inning on
account of darkness. ) Pitchers Feieiison
and Clark-son , First base hits Philadelphia
5 , Chicago 8. Krrors-l'hlladolphla r , Chicago
cage 11. Umnlrc Fulmor.
AT I'msituno
PlttsburK . 0 01 030000 3
Athletics . 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0(5 (
Pitchers ( Jnlvln nnd Mathews. base
hlts--Pittsburg 10 , Athletics 8. Krrors
Plttsbutg , Athletics 3. Umpire Kully.
Loulsvillo . 0 OOOCOOOO-0
Mctroiiolltnn. . . .0 0 1 0 1 : t 'J 0 * 7
Pitchers Hanisey and Shacllor. Umpire
Cincinnati . a 51100000-0
rookljn . o : i o i a o : i o i 10
Pitchers Itecklnuy and I'oole. First base
hits Cincinnati II , llrooklv. n 10. IJriins
Clucliinatl 7 , Uiooklyu 0. Uiiiphi ! Mc-
St. Louis . 0 0010300 n 7
Jt.lltilllOlO . 0 200002 t 0-11
Pitcher * Koblnson aiulKllroy. Umpire
Now Voik . 2 000100 10 4
Kansas City . 0 00000100 1
First base hits XewYork 0 , Kansas City
n. Knois Ni-wVoik y , Kansas City 0.
Umpire Powers.
Detroit . 0 03210001 0
Uoston . 0 00 ! l 00001 4
1'Itcliers ( ict/eln nnd Kadbourno. First
base hits Detroit 13 , lloston , 11. Krrors
Detroit 0 , Boston 4. Umpire Quest.
Coney Island Knees.
Itnioino.v ltiAcn : , N. Y. , Hopt , 29. Three-
quarters mlle : ( ileiidon won , May W. second
end , Olenbar third. Time 1:17 Jf.
nllovvniices , tliree-qnaiters mile :
Charm won , Boreas second , Ventilation
third. Time 1:17' : ' . , .
Seven furlongs : Itlghend won , Cato second
end , Ituigurdv third. Tlmo lSl. :
Threi'-uuarteis mile : Saluda won , Fiauz
second , Delia Ueach third. Time 1:15 : % .
Mile : Ferg Klo won , Kii abcth second ,
Treasurer third. Time 1 : WA.
lilo : Mamlo Hunt won , linrmnn second ,
Lord Lorno third. Time l:45 : > i' .
MI3N. *
IlcNoIutlona Adopted ly the Illinois
Si > in.voriii.illl.Sepr : 2' ) . The following
resolutions were adopted to-day by the
Illinois Saloon-Keopiirb' Protective associa
tion :
We , the delegates nf the seventh annual
convention ot thu Saloon-keeueis Piotectivo
Association of Illinois , in convention as
sembled , do declaio that wo are in favor of
the strict enfoicomuntot all just and equit
able laws lor tlio protection ot ptopoity and
to secure to the licensees their lights and
liberties ; that our business Is perfectly legit
imate , mul recogul/ed ns Midi hy the Institu
tion of the state , and should not bo especially
selected to bo oppiessud , loaded down wltli
taxation , nnd the most extreme- and unjust
lestrlctions ; therefoio bo it
Ite.solvcd , That It Is thu duty of every loyal
clti/.en , ongnged In or depending on tliulid-
nor business , to use their best elforts to se
cure the repeal of all unjust laws levelled
against tin * business.
Uesolved , That as tno so called "diam shop
nut" Is so constructed by our cours that liq-
1101 dealers are technically made liable tor
offenses committed without their knovvledjo
or Intent , it should bo amended , and wo call
upon every clti/en who is In tavor of justice
and peisonal libcity to assist in securing its
Ucsolved , That wo declare ourselves as
absolutely tree from the control ot any poli
tician ; that wo nro indupendcnt of any po
litical party , and irrespective ) of party will
support only such men for olllco whoso past
record has sliown them to bu In favor of peis-
onal liberty for all men.
Itesolved , That the active co-oncratlon of
evciy punson engaged in tbtvDusiness is nec
essary to maintain nnd strengthen tills or-
gani/ation and place it in a proper condition
to light thuso enemies of oui business , the
fanatical prohibitionists.
He.solved , That tlio S. P. A. In convention
assembled at Springfield recommend to the
national distillers , wholesale liquor dealers ,
nnd bruwoia Association , to bo orgam/ed in
Chicago October 18 , isso , not only to suggest
ns ndvi.mble , but to iiuko It imperative upon
every member of this national association
not to go on thu bond of any wholesale or
retail liquor dealer who docs not belong to
his local or state protective association.
A number of speeches were made by dele
gates In harmony with the resolution.
t'hiiilus Wncker , of Chicago , was elected
president ot the association. L. liollenberi : ,
of Peori.i , was elected treasuier. P. F.
Mollonoy vvaselected , and lour vlco
picnldcuts were elected ns lollow.s : A
division , Kmll llocchstur ; It division , John
< ! . Munch , Sandwich ; C division , Luvl
Wateiman , ot ( ieneseo ; 1) division , Frank
Keiscli , of Smlngiield.
It was decided to hold the next meeting of
thu association at Koelc IsLind. Adjourned ,
She Jllros'TlirPO Negroes to Kill Her
HAI.KIOH , N. 0 , , Sept. ! . Last Tliursday
night the store of A. 0. Uvvons , at Oressvvell ,
was entered by burglars. Owen's heard the
noise nnd stepped to the door. Ono of the
burglars sa\v him and tired , loity buckshot
entering Owen's body und killing
him. tiinco that tlmo the authorities
have been on the track of the
muidereis. Monday night Sheriff Sprowlll
arrived nt Plymouth with the wife of
the murduied man nnd two negious.
Another negro named Davengort
was shot nnd killed. Ono of thu
negroes made a confession homo days ago , ns
follows : Mrs. Owens Had hired them to kill
her husband. Slio wanted them to dtovvn
him , and prepared water In a barrel foi that
purpose. Shugavohlm medlclnu to put him
in a sound sleep nnd thu tluee
nagioos actually Ktooil by his bcastdo
wuly to commit Iho crime. Their courage
lulled them , Finally Davenpoit , n lew
night * nlterward , entered the store , nnd
when Owens appmachud shot him. Daven
port was pursued , nnd on making a desperate
attempt to kill thu members of thu sheriff's
nossc , was shot through the In-art. Mrs.
Owens and the other two ne rous are now in
jail nt Plymouth to await trial.
An Academic llooin.
FKA.NKI.IX , Neb. . Sept 0. [ Special to the
Hi'.ic.l Franklin academy Is having n boom.
Now ladles' hall , an 58,003 , four-story build-
int , ' , Is just dedicated nnd U inpldly tilling.
It will accommodatenttytwo young ladles.
The hall contains line double parlors , n music
room , an elevator , nnd every convenience-
for the comfort nnd health of Its Inmates.
Stovvnithall is already full of young men ,
i'rof. Harbhbarger is sparing no pains to
make the business department n success.
Plot. Du > , thoroughly \vn > od In ncadeinlo
and col logo work. Is at the Helm. I'rof.
lleitel has n tinu beginning class in Ciouk.
I'hm ) lad > teachers are conducting classed
In ni'Mc , painting and elocution.
\ ri n TT t l lt 4 XTPl l lOTI
8am Jones Will Hold a Revival in Omaha
in November ,
Tlio Jewish No\v V'cnr Hoy. Ornlinm
Asked to HcHlun Slnggcil
nnil KolilxMl Other
I/ocnl News.
Tlio Georgia
The eflbrts that have been made for the
past year to soenro Sam Jonca for n
season of revival meetings in Omahn ,
have resulted in n union of the various
churches denominations In the citv ami
tlio Y. Al. C. A. to seutu-o that object.
Mr. 1 * . C. Ilimobnmrlt , of the advisory
board of tha V. M. U. A. , who has been
especially netivo in the dlorl to Rut the
ruat revivalist to visit this city , wrote to
him on September 8 in regard to his
plans for Dies coming winter and received
the following reply-
CAUTKIIVII.M : , ( Jn. , Sept.14 , isso.
Mn. P. C. lliviinAi' : : friend nnd
biothcr : Voms of Septcmbei 8 received ,
ami In reply my plans taku In Omaha fiom
about thu 7th of November to 25th of same
month. Now. please let all ot the pastors nnl
chinches willing to co-operato In thu move-
menl et touellierand otgani/o tor Ihu work
nnd then please vvillu me how many pastors
and churches will co operate In thu move
it has been my understanding that there
would bo n Kcnoral union elfoit made. Please
write mo.
\Vo Imvo just closed n gracious mectlni ; In
my town. [ test until ahiuit the tenth of
October , and then io to Toronto , Canada.
vvrlto mo to lids point. VotiM tiuly ,
Aeliii"r upon the snjjKostion contuined
in the lutter. Mr. llimcbangli called a
mi'otin < r of all the mtnisturs in the city at
the 1' . M. C. A. rooms at 4-IiO o'clock
yesterday afternoon. In response there
was a larijo attendance , roptcsentiiij * all
of the various denominations in the city ,
and all cxprussed thuir willingness to co-
oporttto in the movement ana make thu
revival a union meeting of all thu
churches and the Y. M. ( ' . A. A com
mittee was appointed to arrange for thu
holding of services in dillVient Dortions
of the city pi eccoding the revival meet
ings. The time and place of these meut-
ings will bo announced boreal tor , when
the committee complete their work. Trie
exposition building lias been .secured for
the holding of the revival meetings.
Tlio MarrlnKO of Two "Well Known
Young People Celebrated IIHHI Niglit
A nuptial event of more than usual in- .
tercbt , on account of the social promi
nence of the parties concerned , was tlio
marriage , last evening , of Miss Cora
Uoane to Mr. Charles 15. Keller. The
bride is the accomplished and beautiful
daughter of Judge Doano , while the
groom is a young and well-known lawyer
of this city.
The ceremony was performcn by liishop
Woithiiigton at a few moments of eight
o'clock in Trinity cathedral. The spaci
ous cathedral was lilted to overflowing
when the bridal carriage drove up to the
door , and the bride attondeu by her father
and mother , with the groom alighted.
Mr Butler presided skilfully at the
great pipe organ , while the bridal bro-
cession moved up the aisle. The briilo
was accompanied by the father , while
the irroom attended Mrs. Doauo ,
the two parties being preceded
by the groomsman aim bridesmaid. '
'Iho beautiful and imtiressive niat'riagu '
ritual of the Episcopal church was per
formed by Ihshop Worthington , and the
young couple were pronounced husband
and wife. Tlio ceremony over , the bridal
party and guests repaired to the resi
dence of Judge Doane , where a recep
tion was held from ! ) until 11 o'clock.
The natural charms of the bride were
enhanced by an elegant toilut ot white
satin , vyith long train and llovving veil.
The bridesmaids * wore also handsomely
attired in white silk. They were Mis's '
Given of Des Moiiics , Miss llerford of
Oakland , and Miss Wakeloy. The
groomsmen wore Mr. Coles of Virginia ,
Mr. A. U. Wakeloy and Air. Guy Doano.
Messrs. Hobort W. Patrick , Gco. Herka ,
rraiik. Hamilton , Chas. Dutiul and II.
D Pike acted as ushers. Two young
misses , Jennie McClelland and Birdie
Harbour , placed the cordons of ribbon
along the aisles up which the bridal pro
cession passed.
Tlio residence of the bride's father on
Tvvonty-lirst and Chicago presented a
brilliant scene until long after 11 o'clock ,
A largo number of Omaha's best society
people were present at the recaption and
showered their congratulations upon the
newly married couple. The Music
cal Union orchestra stationed in thu
observatory fuiuished sweet music for
the occasion. Refreshments wore served
in elegant abundance by a well known
caterer. The presents were numerous ,
costly and elegant. A well-known so
ciety man , who has attended every wed
ding iu Omaha for years back pro
nounces thu collection the lines I he ever
btiw. Among tliu guoots at the
reception were noticed : Mr. ami
Mrs.V. . L. Adams , Mrs. Gun-
eral Manderson , Mr.V. . K. Aunin and
wife. Mrs. Guy Barton. Mr. and Mrs.
Heeil and Miss Baluombo and Mr. and
Mrs. Bioi bovver , Mr.s. and Mrs. Lewis
Bradford. Mr. and Mr.s. Joseph Barker ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. N. Patrick , Mr.s.
Krvvm Davis , of Now York , and Miss
Davis , Miss Wilson , of Luavonvvorth ,
General Crook , Mr and Mr.s , Frank Col-
put/or , Mr.s. Herman Koimt/o , General
ami Mrs. Dandy , Dr. and Mrs. Graddy ,
Dr. Darrovv and wife , Miss Emily
Gunoral and Mrs. Hawkins , Captain nnil
Mr.s. Hiibtln and Mis- , Claim Hiistin. Wil
liam McMillan , William Morris , Judge
Savage , Mrs , Popplotou , Henry Kiistm ,
Hon. A. S. PaddocK , Mrs. Charles Powell ,
Mrs. Jos. Clarkson , Mrs. Kobort Patrick ,
Mr. and Mrs. George E. I'rltonutt , Dr.
Interesting Horvlccn nt tlio
Jjast Nl ht. .
Yesterday was the beginning of the
Jewish now year and was marked by the
complete suspension of business by all
of the Hebrews of thu city at sundown
last evening , Services were held at the
synagogue last night and wore attended
by a very full representation of the Jew
ish citi/.uns. Interesting musical services
and rites peculiar to thu buliuf were hold ,
followed by Habbi Benson's discourse
upon "Tho Joys and Sorrows of the lo-
partect Year. ' The IlabbI introduced
his remarks by returning thanks for the
blessings that had been bestowed upon
his congregation during the year jlist
closed. ' "What , " ho asked , "does the
year QG37 hold for usy Is it life or death ,
sorrow or joy ? " Ho prayed for a con
tinuance and increase of blessings upon
Ids people , and urged them to cling
to thu Deity in whoso trust
alone safely could bo found.
The year has gone , and upon the eve of
a new year it is well to pause and reflect ,
to face the Haws of the past , and make
provisions for a bettor lifo in Iho year to
come. The Itabbi said the past year , while
a happy one for the people of this land
of liberty , has not been u happy one for
the people of Israel. Some of Israel's
leaders have fallen. Their works remain ,
iiut their hearts arc dead. They nave
fallen , and thu great misfortune is their
places can not be filled. There is a need
of men who can , and will stand up for
the tonaiita and Hf-mi'lples of the Hebrew
faith. The heart turns sick when wo
read of the nflilciioils to which ( hu Hebrews -
brows have bcwisubjected In Hussia.
Hut wo i > ra3" tllrit } lle slngs may follow
out of this oviri\idji'rscoutlon. ; Lot us
ask what have vy/o Jtndo With this ? Have
we. b"cn Irupto gtifialtli , and done deeds
that would entitle us , to tliu blessings wo
jvskf The Kabhl eloped his discourse by
proposing thrct'J renolut ons. which ho
asked his congfagMion to adopt , He-
solve lirst , to makc'j our homo and your
children happy \fy\\r \ children will be
your blessing 0 jijiiircursc , according
to your trammel of. Ilium , Kesolvo to
honor Iho name of Hebrew Seiem-cand
philosophy may destroy Christianity , but
they can't gainsay the Hebrew religion.
And lastly , resolve lo docood for human
ity's saki' , mingle with ( ho world , and
make it purer and belter.
llin Chamber of ( . 'onimcroo.
The executive committee of the bo.ird
ol trade mot at the secretary's ollieo at
1 o'clock yesterday afternoon to consider
the bids for furnishing the gas and steam
heating apparatus for the now chamber
of commerco. A number of | bids worn
opened but notion upon them was post
poned until a meeting to be hold nt 7 ! (0 (
o'clock this evening. It was decided to
bo the seiibit ot the meeting that tliu tank
system of elevators .should bo used in tliu
new * building , though the secretary was
instructed to advertise for bids for both
the tank and the direct pressure systems.
The committee on the rental of the
now building reported that they had
made an cstimato' of $ : i ,0no an tile
amount of yearly rentals that would bo
obtained from the building.
Itcv. Ornlinm AHICCI ! to llr lcn.
Tim Omaha presbytery of the United
Presbytcrian ehiireh , mctyeslcrday morn-
ingil [ ; 8 o'clock Hev Mr. I'roudlil oflKvving
presided , half an hour was spent in de
votional exorcises. The question of ad
opting the petition asking pastor Graham
lo resign as discussed btitjno action { was
At 0 o'clock the Second United Presby
terian church was recommended for aid
from the board of homo mi"iions. The
church ft Gordon. Nob. , was also recom
mended for : ? 100 per quarter.
The synod is now discussing the report
of the committee on temperance in favor
of prohibition.
At 12 o'clock last night the presbytery
was warmly engaged iu discus-ling the
resignation of Mr. Graham , , and iiually
tms&ctl a resolution asking him to resign.
The presbytery then adjourned.
It will meet at Pawnee ue\t year.
The Printers' Ball.
Of the many dancing parties given
last winter , none were moro successful
than that given by Omaha Typograph
ical Union i > o lo. ! ) Knconraged by tlio
success of their lirst venture the mem
bers of this fraternity liavo decided to
commence at once upon the arrange
ments for their second animal ball , which
will be cotton up oil a magnificent scale.
At the last reguiaiVinecting of the union
a committee , ctinsigfing of James Der-
mody , D. C. Slfulloy , W. A. Htmkles , W.
P. ( Joe and Jamesli\iincr { ; \ , was appointed
to make the neq/nsssxry / atraiigemeut&.for
the ball , which will be given on Thanks
giving eye. The balKol the typographical
union will be prdhiKicnt among the danc
ing parties of thji earning season.
Inspector Wli'itloe'l ' ; is.Mied building
permits yostcrdirt'jis follows :
Joe Kuinltonersucy frame cottage ,
IS-'fiJ Sontli Fdiir rfiilli stie < ; t S 2W )
John A. reterfjoji , riie-t > tpry frame
t-tore. Tvvfiity-siivonlli'avenue and
Unrdctte stiiici ? ; , . , , " . . „ . . . , -100
Martha II. Uupbc ) iie { oiy fi.iniedvvel-
, llntf.j Tilrt--tiit | oivbniie between
_ Joagp and DafenyoU strgets
Bridi'etilcNamee , two oiiu story flame
cottages , 2117 1/juih . 2,000
Six peimits nKcregatlnjr . . . 57,500
anil Kol > l > ocl.
On Monday night W. P. Hudson , a
gentleman connected with the Two
Orphans Tailoring establishment , met
with an accident at thu driving park by
breaking his buggy. Ho then started to
ride into the city with three men , who
slugged liim on thu way and robbed him
of a gold watch and a small sum of
money. Two men , Andv Kuby und Joe
Sliill , have been arrested on suspicion of
having committed thu offense.
A New Hanlc.
A Gorman savings bank is to be started
in this city , and it is said that tlio articles
of incorporation will be. Hied very soon.
Frank Wassorman , for some years con
nected with the United Status Na nal
bank , is soliciting stock subscriptions It is said that W. A ,
1'axton has subscribed for $50,000 of the
I5re > Itics.
Superintendent Mahoney is carimr for
sovonty-cight inmates at the county poor
An effort is being made lo arrange a
series ot races between the two bicycle
clubs of this city.
Permit to wed was granted yesterday
to John For.sberg and Mis.s Augusta Mel-
son , both of Omaha.
Last njght's overland carried ab'out
thirty excursionists for the west under
tin ; auspices of the Bakcr-Dunnison com
The ofllcml bond of George Johnson as
justice of the peauo in South Omaha was
approved by the comity commissioners
Yesterday morning the members of the
hook and ladder company wuro set to
work painting the * ladders ol tlio truck'with
blue and black ,
The county commissioners yesterday
appointed Ambrose C. .Shepherd as a con
stable for Douglas precinct , the constable
eleut having failed to qualify. Ludwig
Moin.sdorf vvas elected constable for thu
Fourth want , j '
J , O. Cakinff.rtFio ] architect of thn nqw
Chicago hospital , recently completed , " is
In thu city confifsilrjng with the comity
commissioners in 'reference to the pro
posed Domrlas v&nniy | hospital , plans for
which will bu oiieuwl by the commission
ers on Octobcrtla i ,
Cards are out fpr'tho marriage of Rey
nolds It. Ovur , .rmo of the salesmen of
the barbed wlrjj "vyprks of this citv , to
Miss Lillian Shtvolyw daughter of J. F.
Shecly of this oity. , iTho marriage will
take place on Wednesday , October 0 , and
a reception will 'bo Hold at thn rcsidunco
of the brido's pjirepl , No. MSI Howard
street from thrpy { o llvo o'clock.
Constable HouokJI wont out * to Pauls
Park to collectr/ubill / of $24 nnaiiiFt thu
proprietor Sinfev IWing to a prominent
physician , no lbsed the saloon on an
attachment , but before ho succeeded In
doing so he was assaulted by Mrs. Sing
nnd two men about the placu. Ho suc
ceeded in knocking one of the mundown ,
and then gently compelled the woman to
take a back beat. After consultation
with hi. wife , Sing concluded to pay the
bill and the saloon was reopened.
TTT3i > r
JIAJ1MEU Itoburla Hummer , daughter of
llanna und Nils Hammer , September "Jth ,
aged iilno months.
Funeral will take place September Suth , at
3 p. in. , from No. S05 Leavemvorth. Friends
ore Invited.
Kilwlii Arnold III.
LONPON , Seut , 29. Edwin Arnold Is III.
He recently underwent uu opetutlon for In
ternal abacesi
Olntcmplntctl In the
by tlio Commission.
S. Sept. CO The civil service
commission has been buMly enpaRpd for
sown time past In a revision of the rules and
reculallons relating to the civil service , and
within n short tlmo It is probable Hint n num
ber of Important modifications of the existing
rules will bo submitted to the president for
his formal approval. Thu commission has
ehaiiRcd the con tiuctlon heieloforc
placed on the law and rules i elating
to the appointment of soldiers to cljs illed
service ny the Issue of an order dlicctliiK the
appointing olllcer , when called upon , to draw
fiom the IIM of eligible * lo till anvaeanc >
In the clasMlled civil seivlce , to draw all
names of those who have n claim o piefor-
eJico under section 1TM. United Mates ie-
\ Iscd statutes , lour of w Imni sh ill be CM tilled
In tlio order of their grail Inn. In ease there
aio not four names on the icgister entitled
to prefeicnce , the eeitlfvmi : eleik shall
complete thu mnkliiK of certlilcatlou b.v tnk-
Im ; the uame of pieleience-clalmlm ; clip- ; !
hies fiom the icilsters of othei states ae-
eoiduiK lo the lel.itivu rlchts of sucli states to
appointments. In explanation of tlilsaction
ot thu comnilsslon , Obeily to-day s.ild that
section 1754 of the levlsed stntules , which
v\as In force at the date of the pass.-uje of the
cl11 serv Ice law , pave preference In appoint
ment lo poisons disabled In thu mil-
itaiy or naval fences of the United
States , Section 7 of the civil service
act provided that uopcrson be employed or
piomoted in the classified seivlcexmtll lie had
passed an examination or been shown to be
exempt theietiom. Hut It also piovlded that
no pieferenceor iltfht conferiedbv the sec
tion ot thn statute nlieady quoted bu taken
nwny. Takluc thu tv\o .sections
together , thu commission concluded that
vviien a person .should havu been
honorably discharged from tliu mllUatybur-
vlce , ho had the iliht to bo pteleiiedln cer-
tlucatlon to nppolntinunt to n civil seivico
olllro In the classified service. When this
applicant's name came betoru thu appoint
ment olllcer , that officer had no discretion ,
but uiulei the law he was com
pelled to appoint him. Tliero was no
competition and ( lie competitive Idea was
destrojed. Tuurcfoio thu commission came
to the conclusion that the two statutes tnUen
together established two classes of compet
itors honorably discharged soldleis nnd
sallois , and poisons who h.ul not been dis
charged , ami the construction above clveii
was placed on the law. The etlect would bo to
cause the names of four soldiers to bo ceitilled
at once to the'appointing ofiloer , thus alfoid-
inu : a lair compelIlion between them. 11 re
established the Idea of competition in that
class ol cliKlhlcs and dcstiovs dlseilminatim ;
against other pet sons whoso names aio sent
up with those ot soldiers but who stood no
chance of appointment and wcie credited
with ono ceitllicatlon. !
CholcraN Friuhtful Kavanes In , lapnn
-V ClilncHO \cciitlnii. ) .
SAN Fn.VNCisco , Sept. 20. Steamshiu ad
vices from China say cholera Is still laglni ;
throughout Japan , thu jn/portion of deaths
to cases beliiK very heavy. Uetwuen AtiRtist
CS and September 5 Inclusive , nlnodnys ,
13 , 18 now cases' were reported ; deaths dining
the same period 8,42. An examination oC
wells In ToUio was made and 711) out of 1,177
wuru condemned as unlit for drinking pur
At Canton. August ' 27 , a Chinese woman
ajrod only eighteen underwent the "Hug eld"
execution , which Is that while still living ono
piece ot her bodv Is cut away until
the body Is divided up Into exactly a
thousand pieces. The victims , ns In this ease ,
alwaysdio Irom loss of blood belore the hoi roi
ls completed. The woman was charged with
Iiavini : poisoned her husband and three rela
tives , and although it was sliown on examina
tion that tlio woman was Innocent of the
offense , the people of ( lie dlstilct demanded
her execution , which the viceroy linally
Personal I'arajjraphs.
Frank Dcllone camn in from the cast
Gunoral G. M. O'Brien , who has been
sciiously ill for two weeks back , is again
able to bu about.
J , W. Morse , general pas-songor agent
ot the Union Paoilic , arrived home Irom
an eastern trip yesterday.
Charles Met/ returned from Dunver
last evening , where he had been attend
ing the funeral of his brother-in-law ,
liiehard Siemon.
Colonel A. II. Forbes was called to
Woodstock , Ontario , yesterday by the
sad announcement of the death of a
lavorite brother , who was a man of larao
wealth and a well known patron of tlio
Judge Crawford , of West Point , Dr.
Bear of Norfojk , and Kugeno Moore , of
the lirst mentioned plauu came into the
town ye torday morning. of.tho
doctor was as blanJ as if his pocket were
filled with Grover's commission as
marshal of this district.
JiVw Drum Corps.
Nine young men mot at the residence
of John Ha/c , lastnight and organized the
Gate City Dram corps. John Haze
was elected president , nnd D. A. Cop-
son drum instructor. The objuct of the
organi/ation is to create and encouiage a
liist-elass standard of martial nmsio. The
members expect to make the organization
a credit to themselves and the city.
"Tlio Kllrt. "
Mr. and Mrs. 1'lorenco closed thuir suc
cessful engagement last evening with
their now play , "The Flirt. " The play
is lighter than thu others of their reper
tory , and , in fact , is usud by them as. a
poit of stop-gap till something satisfactory
may bo dished up for them. It is ex
tremely laiighablo and kept the house in
an uproar from beginning to end. Mr.
Florence appeared in the title role , and
it is needless to say that he made thu
most of the part. The principal comedy
part , however , devolved upon Howard
Coveiioy , who showed that ho only re
quired an opportunity to demonstrate IIIH
superior qualities as a comedian. The
otluir parts were all admirably liiled and
the largo audiuncc dispersed with a ro-
prot that the peformaiico could not last
another bom. Mis Floroneo astonished
HDSU who did not know that she pos-
sussed the accomplishment , by intro
ducing u song in thu third act which con
tained complimentary allusions to local
belles. Her costumes wore now and
superb ,
Fourth Ward Itopuliltcanfl.
The Fourth Ward Republican club met
at 7:30 : o'clock last night at Johnson's
store at the corner of Farnam and
Twenty-ninth street. President Robert
1) . Duncan presided. The only business
of the meeting was the adoption of the
constitution and bylaws of the club.
Another meeting will bo held next Wed
nesday evening when a plan for the
work of the campaign will bo decided
Lightning I'aviors.
The grading of Cuming street as far ns
Brown street had hardly been completed
when Cruighton , Murphy & Co. , who
have thu contract for paving , commenced
hauling material. They have already a
largo pile of cedar blocks on the grounds
nnd as soon as the water pipe layers and
gas men uro away , paving will com
mence. Work on the stone curbing
commenced at the Brown direct cud of
the section yesterday.
State Convention.
The state convention of the Y. M. C.
A , will bo hold in Lincoln commencing
on October 21 and closing on October 21.
The growth of the association for the
past year has been rapid and the meet-
promipos to bo ono of unusual interest.
Prominent workers in the cause from
the east will be in attendance at the
TlioSntrgoslton ofn Ktimty Man Which
Matto.lolT Dint * Mail.
When Jell l.i\ls was secretary of war
under President Picree , lie suiit a eircit
Jar letter to ninny army officers , inviting
them to fuinish suggestions for a change
of uniform and equipment , writes Ben
Perley I'ooro in.the MoMon Budget. One
of these inv itations w as scut to Lieutenant
Dcrbt , a good draughtsman and a merry
wag , who sent in response a proposition
for haying a two melt iron ring appended
by a pieee of strong leather to the seat of
each enlisted man's Inm-cr * . Long ami
formal specifications dcmotiMiated the
utility of this ring
Kach olllcer was to carry , Instead of a
sword , a lomr white-ash pole.wilh a hook
on one eml. liy hooking into the ring
of a private , ho could bo kept In line of
baltlo if he was disposed to hang hack ,
or caught if he attomp'ted to run awav
The ring would al n bo useful iu the ar
tiller service fordiaught purposes , ami
in the cavalry men could be locked to
other lings in their saddles to keep them
from falling oil' . The illustrations which
accompanied the speeilications repre
sented olllcers catching infantry str.ig-
glets and forcing them into the ranks ,
dragoons padlocked lo thrir saddles ami
artillerymen with cannon prolongs
hitched to their ring ; ? , hauling huge
pieces of artillery up .steep height * .
it was very tunny , and the clerks in
the war department enjoyed ome hearty
laughs over It , but when it reached ( ho
secretary he became indignant and re-
il.irded it as an insult. llo ordered
charges and specifications to bo drawn
up and a court-martial ( , orgaiii/ed to con
vict , of course ) was actually ordered ,
when it came to the cars of Governor
Marcy , then secretary of slate , who was
level-headed , mid who advised Davis to
let the matter drop.
He might have convicted Derby and
dismissed him from the service , but he
would have been huiiiheii at trom one
end of the country lo the other. Davis ,
who possessed a deal of common sense ,
took the J.dvico , and Derby's " .sug
gestions" aru still to be found , on thu
lilus of the war department. Derby ,
vvhoseiiom dcplnmo was "John Pluenixi' "
after a merry life , died just before the
war. His son graduated sit West Point ,
and is now in the aimy.and his daughter
i.s a Washington belle.
An Itnlinn Trnceily.
New York Herald : We would fain res
cue for a few brief hours from that
oblivion which sooner or later overtakes
everything tint is merely \esturdaya
story of love and death which seems
almost without parallel in sad experiences
and has surely no equal in the annals of
tragic things.
Brief indued is the narative as we read
it in tno Komaii Opinionc , yet how pro
foundly expressive , how full of painful
trant-autionst We. almost see the heroine ,
pretty little Francesca L'ompilli , a dark-
eyed Italian girl ot .sixteen years , as.arm
in arm with ner lover , she suta forth on
the morn of her wedding day to walk-
gay with ribbons and bridal llowcras
ttir as the church wherein they are to bo
united for life.
It is a bright day over the broad and
shining liclds of Campidagalia , and the
air is full of the music of .singing birds ,
yet the heart of little Franecsca throbs
with a more joyous beat than that of na-
tmo with the delirious trembling of re
quited love. But suddenly a cloud ap
pears ; the rising wind wafts it across the
sky. ami ere the couple can reach the
shelter of the church the storm has knit
its brows , Hashed its glance of lightning
and hurled its thunderbolt.
The paronts.standing within the portico
of the church , havn viewed tins .sudden
menace of the elements With true Roman
superstition. Ami now a new and dead
lier bolt , sent with a sureraim , is about
lo take ellocr. Franee ca falls on'her
knees and appeals for mens.v ; her be-
Irothud Mtammur.s a broken prayer for
help ; even the priest seconds the despair
ing cry ot the loveis with the sanction
of his sacred olliee. It is in vain. The
parents me obdurate. The elements are
against the marriage. What heaven has
forbidden shall they permit ?
Little Francesca takes the hand of her
lover , and the two walk back through the
liclds drenched with rain. That night , in
stealth and silence , thu couple issno torth
again , and in the morning , when the
waters have given up their burden , tlio
beach at Campidajrlia bears the weight of
thu same couple "now clasped in each
other's arms. The clcmunts havu thus
been kinder to Ilium than man , for if nt
iirst they forbade the union it was only to
relent and consummate it nt last.
K < * nl Krttato Trnnsrori.
The following transfer * , were liled Sept.
28 , with thu county clerk :
( i W Logan and wife to .Matilda Knowols.
It 11 , siibdiv of e 2)5 ! ) It of bit V , Shinn's2d
add , w (1-S1500.
( } U I3osi..s et al to Albert D Hughes , H 7 ,
blk 1 , Park Forest , w d-S X > .
Mis Jnno Hodwell to F P K L Hodwcll ,
ftO tt taken from side ol w > 4 of It H , blk 1 , S
K Rogers' add , w il S1BOO.
Frank T Muiphy to J II Smith. 8 11119 ,
Nelson's add , q c d 31.
J H Smith to Albeit Jf Grant , s % It 110 ,
Nelson's add , w d SW)5. )
J J Hoaser and wife to Minnie Sesonach ,
part su' < of se'f , 3MO-1S , w d-52000.
L A ( irnll etnl to .111 Spetman , Its7 and
R. bllcii , in subdiv of J I Redick's add , w d
Kveiett r Ballon ct ul to II uch Patter
son , Its 8 , ! ) . ill , 11 and ia , blk 0 , Ambler
place , w d S'ir)00.
Jno D Cielchton and wife to C F Emblen ,
lt ! , blk 8 , Patrick's ! M add. w d-Sl-'xJU.
Dextei L Thomas tn N H Paikei. It 4 , blk
( ! , Kllkwood , w d 3WO.
ItobUA Hauls etnl to L .M Uennelt , Its 14 ,
Ifi , 10 and 17 , blk 13 , Ilaiiseom place , w d
fc:030. !
.MT P.itilck and wife to .fnoIKiiossinnn ,
It 17 , hlk 10. Patrick's td ! add , w d-SlOOO.
Al 1' Panicle and wile to Jno 11 ( iiossman ,
U I . blk 10 , Pat rick's 'Jd add. w d SUKJO ,
S 10 Rogers and wife to Jno McDoin.ot , It
5. hlk 12 , Impiovumeiit Association add , w d
8.1ir .
Michael Leo and Wife to .las (5 ( .Vlekol , 1111-
dlvKlnteiest in and to Its la and II , bile 11 ,
Jian.seoni place , q c d SI
Uyon the recommendation of the com
manding olllcer Fort D A Russell , Wyo , .
the bread ration of companies E , O and
1C , Se.venteentli infantry , at that post ,
has been reduced from twenty to eigh
teen ounces ,
The l'lr t , Ihn OrlclnnI nii.l ( Inly Hinrrli tlinl
rm IIP l > > mm vim hatn a nrnrilonl knnnlriita
; > f Iho Inmnlrv | ifiri' lnii. II rrqnlrrs nn cooklns ,
n from sllcklnii ami linen from Mlittilna
i > Iranm * . ami Kite * * M > lt.ciilT ami cAlltn Ilitt
isj ami ti iillfnl iwil h they Imvo wlifn hew ,
which , Ofrvtwdy lnow . krcM tlirm clcln tnlcn M
1 n . llcwnra of Imltnlloin. Sf Unit tlicintnc J. O.
Ill UINOKll .1 1IHO.S , Xi > ir llHNrn , Couti , tl en
cvirvimk Sold ly all ( Irociri
017 NC.C'lmrlcHM. , Ht. I.onU.Mo.
Att ! nr ri luiUor \ a U < dlri1ColUM , fc i > n letiftf
ttiltltrl ID ibf ipicUl ltt tm ot ot r > . me. Niim * . 8im
ami Rlniit r > i ii ti OitnftDf elbtr I'htultltn InSt. Loul
M nypirriihwitiJ ll ldfMllMilipDow
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Altec-
lions ol Throat , Skin or Rones , Blood Poisoning ,
old Sores and Ulcers , * te tmtrd nh .or r iui i
ueerit. on uttmtlmllB pMneliilcih f tt. rrtr t lj.
Diseases AHsIng from Indiscretion , Eicsss.
Exposur or Indulgence , bith product m < ( iin
following rn etn ttirouBei , dttllllr , dlui n or lht
ftnd d rfdlfatntmArf. | > lm | > l ion the fttf , pliTileitilaetf ,
ftvenlon tntb * voelctjor r m lt , , eouruilo * or Idfti , U. ,
rcndorlnz MarrUiie luitimrar or unhtppr , t
Iniirklril nr lopp , trft tnanr ni1Jrtt CADvltktUnAlftf
fie > ( ir bf roftll Trtc , Intltej * n < l ittletlj oRdantm.
A Positive Written Guarantee ifn iitrtrrc * *
t t 10 cue. U dlelu lent everjuLerotj Dall or lpr l.
200 rxoKa , rtNK FLATBS , icitnt eth to a tin
wonJerful impleturtt , true tfrllff ; Krtl lr pnthe Ulloirltf
luT\Jcetii \ who rnnf tuitrTi * h h * > t , why ) intihoo 1 , woratt *
hood jhjiitfil dec rfIT rtiof fiIltafy ail ieei , tli i bj * ,
lotORf ofrrprpdiicMon , n J rnnnj mom. Item tns\rrl J f
contempt Ji * ' * it n ii rc4 It I'-j rtiir pdltlna
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were nlilppcil ( Uivliif ! the past
two ycnrnt Itl.oiil n ilrinu-
inur In inir ouiploy. No otlicr
liouso In tin ) wnrhl rnti trulli-
InllyiunkunitclinBliovTiMi ; .
Ono nGetit ( itoalur ouly )
wnnliut in uncll Ian n.
R WTANSILL&C0..55 Stain Ktrhlcanou
A Hook that OTcrr fnlhcr
RliouM liluco In li ! itun'i hnnd *
rnro. tlhe * nil Hie itvmi > Umia
nril torrlblo it'imlta or l > liaa < a
duo to Knrljr Vlto and Icnor-
Olii-c. UTot. Jo ll l
i nnil lloniU of Fam- lOf Tail * Franco ) .
tHtimonlnlflfiomenilnoiitLoutlou lJtx.torl
For Dmln * , Pocajr. Wralnimm. Tout Vitality , Etc. Sfnl
nlVMmUnl 1'ri * ' I'tinmillullon. Ironi 9 A M.tobTK.
.i : AUU.M'Y , 171 fiiltim HI. , N > work -
NIW , nitsiir. :
Ileculnr four-Tear coiirrcs. as follows ; I. For tin
iloKrco of Iluchelor of srlonco. iigoncrtt cuur o , nisii
I'loctlTO cotirBos In ChemlHlry , lltology , ( Joolnxr.
MiitheinatUttimil I'liynlcs. II. For tlio ileKruo of Civil
Kiifzlnccr. Incliullntf. bu lilci Ilia uaiuil profosilon l
( luJlos. iiiiiillLatlont of Kloi trinity to tin ) Arts. Toil
urnduntc nutructlon In llluhcrM itliomiillcj.liniphlot.
Analvtlciil iina Applied ClinmHiry anil As'nrlnj.
Illoloity , I'liyslr-Minil Antronomy. Kntrancn ojamin-
atlonneot. . 14th nnil lith. 1 81. For special couraei
andothm liifonnittloniiui > lr to the CollutfO'lreasurar
N.\V. Cor. 14 tli and Doughis Sts.
Practice limited to Disease ? of tlio
QlnHBCsflttoil for all form1 ? of dofootlva
Visiou. Artillcial Eyes IiiuortoiL
l usithfjri urcti.
llorno'Hl.lortro > Alnjcucllc IlclU
Trum.couitilncd. OuurantceilUi *
onljr ono In the world Rcncratlnjr
arunllnuous Klrctrlo it ttaanrlli
-'nirri" ' . hflonllilc , I'owcrtui , DnrnLIn ,
. wjr Comfortable and HlTectlve. Avoid fruuda.
< fr orrrii.ixii ) cnrml. Si-mlfitnmproi pamphlet.
No paint ) are
to inako
these meats
that can bo
P o o j ) 1 o of
aio highly
jlcaHcd )
with tliom.
Tfyo ir-Ui oi IT nr .Mm Uvtmnn tin not kri-p
tliuin.i iKliil till * ' 't l Arirxntt .1' ( N , f'Mtr r
Dl.lllloil for
.llfillclnal IJ.c ,
DH KIMV Ii MAUNf ) ) . Sur
K'on In Clilif , NiHIuiulUuiri
of N J. , rltni
"Ml mtrntlun wai rillrcl K
your KIIMIO | M ill U hl.kcy t )
Kr Ixilnr , DinggUt , uf Trillion
unil I lime n > l a few l < otllw
ullh fui Letter elTccl tlmii any J
linrci Imil I am ri uinjirudln |
vour irtlrlo In in * prncIlL * , n
llnilll ury ll.lai.tnfy. "
trT THe ll'null. , I > < ! ! > MlOlUK
816. 318 acd 'J20 Race Si. PliladtlnWa. Pa.
Goodman JruT ) { Co , ( iunl A < renl , Omaha
Cure witiiout modt
A POSITIVE. . 1'ateutol Octo-
, , , , , , _ „
tlieincsi obtlimtocmo In fourtluyg orloji.
Allan'tSolutileMBdicatedBougies ' ,
No imuscniis dnjns of cabotas. cooslba or oil ol
§ nn < liihn"xl Hint itra rorliuu to nru'tuco dT'l'OP-
ni : livtlrwnovliiz the ofiniliiw * of tlio numisjo ,
l'rc-o ! I.M. Bol 1 liy til ilruv/luti or inallml OB
rcteliitof prirn. For furtliur partlouliirJ ion !
torciro'lUr. I'.UDoxH ! ! . v
3" . C. wfa.31jXjjSi.3lT CO. ,
I , , Nuw Yor * .