Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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Achcrtl cmcnt8 under this lie d , 10 rent * , per
line lor HIP tlr t ln ortion , 7 cents for onofi sub *
sequent In-crl on. And $1.50 n line per month
No n < hcrtCiicnt ! ! tftkcn for Ires Ihnn 25 cents
for the ilrst Insertion. Seven ords will bo
coimtcil to tlio line ! thry must run conn-cu *
lively nml must bo paid m advance. All ndver
tlfeinonts miint bo Itnrvlcd In bo ere 2 o'clor-k
pm.iim ! iincl'r no circumstances will thoj betaken
taken or ill contlnticdy telephone.
rnrtlts ndtcrtlflnir In tlic n column * , ntul Inr *
Injrthe answers aJdre s l In cnio of TIIK llr.K
will pli-mo nsk for n check toonnbto tlinm to irot
their lottMs , M none will bn clHIvcred oxccpt
on pro'ontnllr.n or chwk. All unsworn to nd-
Tortl t'inonlB Mioiild IIP pndovd In pnvi'loiirs.
'pO LOAN Money Loans plnred on lin-
JL proxed real ost-ilo In elly or county for
Now KiiKlund l.oin .V Trust Co. , bv Douglas
County Imnk. ICth nil' ! Chicago Ms 807o 27
: i ( ) , < > ( ) ( ) to lonn. Hums ? W ) and
$ Louefcl rntos llcinl" , l.Mli and "
ONITO i.AN-rn\ACo. ( ( )
istutennd : Lonn Agents 1W5 rnrnnm st.
Stir IM.V TOIOA > on real ostnto und chut-
Id * . 1) L. Thomas , nil
i\r \ to invent If you have ( rood times to
sell call on J , H , I'arrotto , loth and Chi
cago. 500
TTfo.N iY'T < rLOAN- sums of JJ,0. . and
111 upwunit on flrst class real estate hccnrity.
Potter K Cohh , 1515 Fariiam st , ni2
MONBV to loan on chattel unrt YenT cstntnT
fair rnto Interest. .1. It. 1'urrotlo , Ifilh iimi
MONiv : I.OANKUntO. P. Heod.V-CoVi.Loun
olllcs , on furniture , pianos , Iinrf > eswngon8 ,
personal property of all kinds , and nil other ar
ticles of value , without removal. III' ' H. 13th ,
ever Illngliuin'flComnilf-slon storo. All busl-
.ness strictly confidential. Oit :
TOAN8 Loans-Loans.
llcnl oMuto lontu.
Collutoiill loans.
Clinltul loans.
Longtime loans.
Short time loans.
Money nlnn > s on hand to loan on any ap-
in ovud security.
Invcstinoiilsecurltleg bought and sold.
Cnll nt tlio olllco of thu Omaha Financial ex
change , second llocir of the llnrkor block , s. w.
cor , of Fifteenth arid Fmiitun Kts.
Corbett .Mniiimor. _ _ _ 753
* j\/I / ONllVTO f.OAN Al lowest rates ot Intor-
J.T ! listen farms nnd Improved oily property.
V. .1. D.iy .M Co. , room fi , Cronso blook , S. U.
cornerCiipllul momm und inth street linUIQ
* ' *
' ; : to l < nin on
07ANUH ) city pi opoily. L.I' . Hammond ,
* Hoom 3,1522 Douglas HI. , Omaha. 70S
ilj500,000 "fa loan oil Omalm eity property at 0
P percent. Interest 0.V. . Day. oier iil- :
Douglas st. jUI _ "
rr.K OKNT Money to oiuu J. J. Miihonoy"
150U Farnain. fi'l _
" "
I'KIt CKNT money to lonn. H. C
lilth and Uonglns. C0.1
67. and H percent money to loan. . . . . .
i tnkon In axchango for real estate. Central
Investment Co. , Hoom 7 , llarkcr lllockcor 15th
nnd Fornam. OiO
WKhavo cheap money on long time , in nny loan on Insldo city proporty.or
farm land. Marshall & Lobcck , 1511 Farnnm st.
MONKY T < ) LOAN At lower ratcsthnn any
where clso In the city , on furniture , pianos ,
orgnns , horses , wagons , or stock of any kind.
Itomombcr , at lower rotes than nnv other loan
company in the city. City Lonn A Mortgngo
Co. . room 15,1401 Farnain st , opposite riixton
hotel. 005
MONKV to loan by the undersigned , who has
the only properly orgnnt/cd loan ngoncy
In Omaha Ixiuns of $10 to f 1,000 mndo on fur-
nlturo , pianos , organs horses , wagons , machin
ery , Ac. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly conndentlal. Loans so mndo
thnt nny pnrt cnn bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the co t pro rntn. Advances
made on fine watoheH and diamonds. 1'ersons
should carefully consider who they arc dealing
with , as many new concerns nro dally eomlnc
Into oxIMence. Should you need monor. cnll
and oca me. W. IL Croft , lloom 4 , Wlthncll
IHilldlnz , 1Mb and Hnrnoy. Ofl
6 TEH CP.NT Monov to lonn , Stownrt fi Co. ,
Itoom 3. Iron Imnk. Uth nndFninnm. C07
"UHlNKsblllANCK-A rare clmnce. a piirt-
nor wanted with a Tow Inliidrod dollars , a
Kood imylni ; and established business , uddross
O THee olllco. btlT 1W
1 ( ilf TOTr < H A llrst dill's restaurant ntHTTiiuv
AddroaaOB4 , lloo olllco. KJJ *
'rpoit ' SALK Nlco stock o f prooorlesTbusT
JIUBB K od locution llrst-clnsg. Cause for
selling proprietor wishes to retlro from bus
iness. Address , 0. 4 ! ) Dee otlieo. 717-30
THOU SAI.K Drujr store in llv o toun north-
Jo'istorn Nebraska , count v spat. Oood rea
sons for snlllnir. Apply to F. llnnsen , whole-
snlo dritpTS , SIouv City , la , 745 1
"IjlOH 8AI.U 12 room hotel on corner lot ICO
J-A xISO ft , near depot. f .OOO , (700 cash , a treed
span of wotklnK horses taken as part payment ,
tlmo dlvon on bnlanco to suit Address , T. W
! ' . box 15 South Itond , Neb. 50 5 *
_ _
FOlFSAI Knproriiont toro and bhioksniith
fthop , combined or separated , In ono of the
liveliest towns In Nebraska. Per fuithor par
ticulars uddi ess U U. , post box 101 , lloomor ,
Nob. _ _ _
. of the oldest established
grocery business In the city , with a very
e , welf-pBylnir IraOo. Will exchange for
Omnhn renl eatato or part cash nnd bnlanco co-
cured notes. flood reasons clvon for selling.
AddipB814jriJonos. _ 007 _
T71OHSAI.E Or trade for Omaha property.
JL ? The best located livery business , with stock
In the city. Lontr lenso of burn nt cheap rent
Ma ) no llroa. , Ifili ) 1'arnam. _ 441
lotsVnrm8l/ands money loaned.
Ilemls , l.'ith nnd IJoiiRlas Rtroota. GIB
niAKKN UI' A llwlit bay niiiro pony.whlto on
J. both hind feet , branded , nnd wlnto spot on
forehead , ut the cor of Valley und 3.13th Bt.
Murmy's brick yard. Win. H. Murray.
sept 23oot S-13-liK.'O
_ _
AKI'.N Ul' At WiiBhlimton 1 1 111 U rod helfor
culvos. William iaston. :
TUAVr.l ) OU STOrr.NT-rrom near basebiill
Rionnd on Hlieiinnii avo. , Sot. ] ) 18 , nlitfht
sorrtil pony , wnlKht about BOO , about U yours
old , branded on Iclt hip , u llttlo suay-biicked ;
lnwl a now halter on with about 40 fuel of inpo
attached , and nn old blanket A sulttiblo 10-
wnrd will bo elvon lo' rot urn of same to .1. T.
] | obhiflon1lii N _ liith ' FtMOjnnlin. _ ? ! ? . - ? ! _
Y OS1. A pliiln'biind trolif lliitfor ilnir , olthur
JJ on KUh , l7iird or 10th strout.wltu the name
"Inc/ , " oniir.ivpd on Insldo. 'Jho finder lll
leave nt Hue olllco. KCI
1' ) sr llotwooii LioTiKiiiKntloniil cliuruh on
J-J Capital live , and 1' * O. a pair of Bold nebo
O } U tflllSSOB. till 6
1OST 1'ocUot instriimunt case , at iiFiicar the
i postotllco , Iteward olloioil If loft nttho
llco olllco _ ObO
XOST Aflno rod knit shawl , about 0 o'clock
J Bntnrday ovenlnv , Sept. 11. I.oavo at this
olllco and not reward. _ "Ul
BOAUDING Good day board , 1010 California
417 QIC'
'nOAltU And lodk-lngs , ntstl N , Ifithsti
13EHSONAL Ladles or conta socially or inn-
X trimoulnlly Inclined dcflrlim correspondence -
enco with the oppimlto sex should nddrohs the
Corinjpondlmr lluieau , I'anuraii , la. Kutab-
lUlied ttireo (3) ( ) > cars , strictly coiitlJentlnl. Ku-
dosu stump for reply. BIU-2
PKHSoNAL-lf Julia C. Smith nlll nildioss O
U2 Dee olllco , she will leuru omeihlii ( ; to
her luhuntago. II. K. Sinllli. bJtiUO *
S Al 3ii sririT. "fost. expei-roiiced
_ , cor. K\w \ and Patrick uve. COSji ! > >
WANTii-rupils : for German nnd Luting
paliiktaklntr caio , competuney , success ;
nddress M 111 lieu oIlU-o. B. > 5 O 5 *
PKIl OXAlNo HI und tnsty all-wool buslnofj
suits , f 7. U O. JOIHIS & Co.American
Clothier * , 1309 Furnaiu st. JUUI ordcrj Illlod.
. llr NniiniB V.Vnrron
clHlrvojant , Mi'dlciil nnd biulnoss Medium
lloom No. 0 , 121 Noitli ICth et. , Omaha , Nnb.
, _ _ _ 61 _
Tj- > iif > o.\Al-.Mis. L 1 * Thomas , u-uctier of
-L imlntluir unit mublu , 1011 Dacnnort st. US2 30
* I" > KH8ONAL I'liino"nnd violin tuiiRlu pn-
.L vutuly ; IiiBtruotlonof tint order : 1'rotost.or
" WleUle , care Max Mcnr. _ 634 Jl ) & _
) iit.SN'Al. To buy roul estate , to "borrow
money , or set un abstract of title , tro to
Uia olRce of H. C , I'attereoii , lath and Douulas.
CiTKNOOHAl'HY nnd Typewritmar school
.7 HOOUJj 7 and 8 , Iron bant. GW. linker.
_ 1901 _
\TOTJOE-lteainitatt ! men _ „ IHIeJ fol-
- > lowlnif propel tys Notlco of
lettUd iddT ft M. KtfJK. J.Kittoa tCO
A ISSWOIITII. Nob. , offow 2,000 lionusto
xnny rc pen ihlo per on who will crett a lee
I'M ' roller flouring mill nt that place. Annioss
I hnrlcs K. Holme. . 7ft *
T NSr'lUATION CBrTroniUturiiy MrsT V ? c\i\T- \ \
J. bcrt , 700 Poulh 13th t 831 4 *
TFyoii nro sufTorlnir with 1'Ilos como nnd ett
niirrd Hnt'ifnctlon ulltirnntcod In nil cn ( < .
J. llomnr , 1012 norih Ibth 9t , Oiunlm , Ncli
8238 *
rplllr.S ; , Itoce , > Jhrilb9ctc . planted free for
. - per ons buyltiK ol Do irlas ( Co. Nurseries.
C.n. Howard. Crop. , r. O. hotg-JO. irt'-nlJ * _
17lUiti ! > T S.inro I'lano ' JJ motunlr. A
JL1 Ilospc. 151.1 Houitlns. ( SO
) AN.fn : iliorotii'lijr ! and cju'ckly'taTicht liy
I > I'nrtcd llro . , tint famous linnjol-ts Tlio
only exports In tbu we > t. Lady pupils solicited.
Studio. 1417 CissHtrcH.
T710U IIKNT Squnra I'iiino , $ \ montlilv. A
L1 Hronn. 1513 Douela < . _ 'JI _
ioNI U.-l'api'f contains nonr\ ' . '
M ndvortl oiiioiits frnm ladles iinM Ki-nlli'ini'ii
tliiK corr ! pinilMils. Pent 3 months for 10
crnt . Ailiiiosa , llolplnt ; Hand , 7(1 ( l.n Sullo bt ,
Chlc.iHO. Ill _ J0' * .
Foil ItllNT Organs , J2 per month. iln pc ,
1513 Ootnrlns _ _ _ _ _ _ Oft !
BAI.r MIBCKLIiAlIEOUB. Vniior Uidrtio'ii nnd kllcla-n
j fiirnltnrocurpi > t .ruiiifo and lioatlnir ftoyui , Kontlc hnrso llvo years oM ,
nil ut n bir ( iiln , Hiving up housekeeping , " > ll
Douglas st. _ 523
IpOK SALI ; 'Fntiiliy horse nnd
phiu'ton us ( rood us new , her o perfectly
gentle. L I ) , Kvmii , loom 5 , postolllce building ,
_ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ 7352fl'-
7 ? oil NALll-'LarKo llro nnd buiulnipioof
I1 sufo , cost $ * ) . -ell for $230. J. W. Mar-
oliall , 1.71 1 Fiiriium st. _ 70'J
TTMHlSAlilJ Tlio cutest pony , harness nnd
JLA rurt In thoi-lly , all in peed order. Iuitiliu |
lit 111 ! N. llith t. , loom 4. Cioiinot lllock. _ i > 87 _
ijioll "SAM ! Furnltuio 10 room hence lor
J rent. Inquire Fetter It I'obb , IMfi Karnam
Bt. _ _ _ _ 10752B * _ .
flinil SAIil < ( icntlo family horse , o years olil
JL.1 for f I23ci hcan bo < eon at ( I , 11. Pitch *
clt's rojldenco , cor Mt. 1'lonsant nnd 1'nrk nvo.
_ " J _ _ _ _ _ _ _
OH SA"LlT-A lot ot line HonsoTolil ( limils on
I 1 easy terms. W. H. Crott , room 4 Wllhncll
C64 28
SAI.I : A 2 Heated family cnrriimo.
FOR us now. A bnrgulii. 10.10 South 22dst.
"IjlOlt SAI.i : Ice In car loud lots. Address
J2 ( Illhort llros. , Council llluirs. KJ1I
TT1OK SAM : At private silo complete pt
JL' dl household goods nnd furniture for
eight rooms. Cull ut 1U10 Webster street.
Mil _
FOUSATiK A 4 year old pony , liurnn < 8 and
enrt , all In geed condition , at n haranln ,
must cll b } the 3Uth of Sopt'-mher , cull llu
> ioitli liithst , CroillibO lllock , Hoom 4. 85(1 (
OH HA/.i ; Furniture and Ion o or hotel.
i 1 Aildi ess Itjilcr House , Stromuburg. Nob.
W. 10 *
"I7UII SAM ! County rights In lounfor rovor-
Jslhlo self hoiillnir sad Iron. A gieat ln\cn-
tlon. For lull particulars write to H. \ \ . Hun
tress , I3i ) ; ) Fnrnum street , Omiiha , Noli. 78T > 1 *
FOK.SAI.i : Furniture niidl cnso ol slv-room
hotis-o , lime on part. Call 120J North 27th
street , two blocks from Hod Car lino. bH ! _
H OIJSKS Ix > ts rnrm9lnii < ls monpjMonnoil.
lloinls IBth and Douglas streets. 0 l
Foil SAM- : Two No. 1 , second h-ind , canopy
top Surreys : also two good , second hand
phaetons , at 14j'j ( lodgqstrept. _ 2.15.
FOK 8AM2 tnonp , iron columns ind win
dow caps suitable for front on brick build
ing. For particulars apply nt this otllro. 811
ANTIID Competent girl , Gorman jiro-
ferred , fOl Virginia nonue. . tG'l ' US
WANTKI ) l.anndrcES nnd kltclion glil nt the
Occidental. a > 7
WANTnu 1'no dress makersMUs McCnbe ,
Crounso lllock , ICth and Capitol nvpniio.
KW 2S *
WANTI' ] ) Immediately , girl lor general
hou o oik. good wages given , N W cor
ner Hamilton and Her btreets. fcKI ' . ' ! ) *
WANT13U Competent xoivnnt for gonornl
housework , none other need apply , 1810
Callfoiina. t-M
V\7ANTKD A good girl for Bonoriil house-
> V work ; Mrs.Wllllams.St.Hariinbus roetory ,
523 N , lith St. 813
WANTRO A kind girl to attend baby nnd
assist ut hotisnuotk In n fnmlly of three ;
wages $10 per month ; sw cor > * 0th nnd Doug-
Ins. 811 S8
WANTnn A girl to do ECcond work. Apply
50) S. litihst. 8.H
A competent Eciondgtil. None
other need apply. Hrs. Frank ICiMiimrcJ I ,
nocorlUth and Dodge.
WANTP-D-Aglrlronuruoono child. Ap
ply 2JIO Howard near ftM hi. a8 ! 28 *
WANTKD Lndyorffontloimiii of good nd-
droas who writes u good hand and Is
willing to work hard lor a good salary. Addioss
O fit ) , lieo olllco , with references. & 10 3 *
WANTIID Uidy clerk Mullor's Confection
ery , 141 1 Knrnniii su fc50 SO
WANTKD-A eootc. Sirs. Warren Swlt7lor ,
UbOl St. Slary's avo.
WANTUD A good girl , 2718 Lonvouworth.
& "J
WANl'Kl ) A compptent girl for housework ,
Mrs. It. niiiKlmin , BID south 10th St. 821 3J'
North 22d st , n girl to di
general housework must bo u good plain
cook and laundi ess. 7M 'M *
\T7ANTii-Olrls : lor house work , first nnd
IT second work , also goodfomalo cook , beat
of wages , call Ouinlia Kiuiiloymcut Huronii , 119
North ICtli st. 7M )
ANTEn-Bhlrt nmkors at Hnrrlson'8,1112
Farnani. 07028'
W ANTED Fomnlo cook at Miller's restaur
ant , 1004 N. IClh st , CIO
WANTIM ) Female cook for boarding house ,
Gorman pi uf cried. 411 8. Uth st.C3033
C3033 *
TKD Two dining room girls nt Dan-
baum's rcataurnnt. 1511 Farnain st. 005
W Aeook for small family , Innnlro
_ SOUjontlrMn M , _ Cli )
\\7ANTii : > ( Jill for Konctal housework In
> V pmall family. Jhb. Thos F. Hall. 1541
Bhcrmaa uvo. 943
WANTlTnLndlcs to work for usattholr
own homos. $7 to $10 per wookt-on ho
qulotlv made. No photo , painting ; no canvass-
In ) ? . For full partlculaiB , please uddixHS ut
onco. Crescent Ait Co. , 19 Central st. Hoston ,
Mass. . ItoxfilTO. _ 00 'Oil *
W ANTii : Head cool ; at tuo Famous rea-
taurant. 313 B llth fit. 76J
. , . , i Sa young ladles anil gentH to
TT learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W.J. U. noiu
l.Crounso blonk lUth st , Omaha. CJ
" \xr NTI5D A good compctant eervant for
TT Konernl housework. Mrs II. 11 , Moduy ,
2812 Howard direct , cor 1'ark avernio. 871-30 *
WANTHD JIuttross makers , steady work
and highest vagus guaranteed to flrst-chiss
men ; y. i : . cor. 12th und Jnukeun. HJ3 1 *
WANTI2D-A barber , g-ood IwaifOB. at 1'nx-
ton hotel burlier shop , HID 2s *
WANTKD A Rood derrick hand , ono accus
tomed to setting iron. 1'axton Sc Vlarllnu
l-ion Works , U. 1' . tracks and 8. llth st. fl38
\\7ANTED Installment canviusors to call at
T T 1207 Fnrnam st. ami seu what wo huvn to
olfcr , U. F. . Lee , Manure r. 375
fill 1 ii : rfost Mltr , Co , fn thu world wantiueii
X to sell their ( roods on salary or fonimlssion
In alltannsln Nohrmkii. No capital or oxporl-
nice m'consiuy. Itclcroneo toiUlied. ) Addro < s ,
M , box 207 , Omaha , or M , box 507 , Lincoln , Nub.
V\7"ANTjil-onlco : boy who can wrllo u fair
> hand and attend btrlcily to business. Ad <
dress , stiitlnir experience uud wui-es oxpoctcd ,
OS1. ' . .
ANTHD-Hrldtre Carpmiters.
T Labor Agency , U.TJ Fanmm , 713
'AWANTKD- I'lit-l-cliifj tlnnurs or corn cumcn
TT nt Fremont Corulco Works , Fiumont ,
Nob. 710 SB *
TVANTiD ; LtilMifcti for ItHllroad Work. KT
I T 8. Allbrlshfs Labor Agoucy,1303 Furnnm.
\\7AMT.H-3 goua ngouts for thit city. Apply
> > ut U22 Douglas st. _ fOJ 2s *
WAM'Kn-Suhnmoii. to reprusent usTiiTfe
bras ten and furtbnr west ; must bo A 1
enlcsmon. Know the traduaud bo posted In ho-
bloiyunderwear , white goods , notions , etc. ;
salary ncoordlng to sales ; etalo references ,
JacobMojer , V llros , Chleapo.
rAN r : Shovolers aud teams. MoKiu-
nny & Hall , court house. 107 2S <
iyANTKl > 2 I'.nerBOtlo young men at once.
> V A. J. Wood. 14M Dodge tt. Ml 28
\ \ y..vrlilt'K ) men for railroad work lo No-
TT bratknnnd IOWHI ghovoloi-s , trlmmen' ,
f crupt'i-lioldcre , &o. Good woco , Call 111
North 16th gt. S04
WANi'l'.U A row youug mcH of bujlnas.
Ability to go to Iowa , J. M. French it Co
room li. llu.Umun blk. HI 8 *
" \ \ " "ASTKIOood atove blacker uud glove ro-
IT palrer. eiuei3thet. Ml2 }
WANTP.D Agents ; good men mnko fKl per
weeK clllng our new frpeelaltles. Cull at
10 n. in. Itoom I , 1304 Douglnft st. 8M .M *
\\fANTill ) Messenger boys. The Hi-nil *
T T street Co Ml 23
WANTI.D A "salesman to Infroduce a now
speclii ty nmontf tradespeople an 1 mechnn-
les. Address with toforenees und pu.t experi
ence. Hex O-20 , lion olllce 4H7 _
" \\rANTI.D-A few more aecnts to Introduce
TT our Automatic Musical 1m niments. on
Installments Anyone oin play them w IIhont
musical Instruction , tlio bo t paying , easiest
selling notelty over Known. ? M to $ (0 ( n w eek
can bo renh/od. C li. Lee , Mumper , 12U7 Far-
nnm streetup stairs 438
\ VANlF.D-dciieinTngetil" . Hood sninrv.or
TT Wo on Hit dollar to wholesale my gooiK
lloro clinnoi ) to make inonot. No competition.
Strlctiy business None but buflno s men need
nttpKAdiiroM with stump F. \Von\cr.ln- -
djljiiaimlls. Ind 7IT. (12 (
\\7"Avrii : > Sltu-itlon by nn o\orlpneoil |
TT Miller , cither bun or roller system. .1. A.
\\ll on , W7 N 10th st. 8-17 1 *
"WAXTKD-Vritlnir in nn ollico byn\otitiir
> > Indy Address O TO , llt-o olllen. 8l"-2 *
\\rANTlJD-Pllimllon Inn Imtt-l or restaurant
il by u lln > t class conk : best of it'li'ionccs.
Addtfs with terms , box 8)1 , city. Kl5
\\rANT1.l ) MtuMton by > onng Indj to do
TT soconil work or to c.iro for children , ud-
dress I ) , r.21 N lOtli M. SI" 2s * *
\VTANTIJI * Situation by n mlildlu nirod pun *
TT tli'iutuius u clerk In store Cnn irl\u host
of rolcrcncu" . Addrc * O M > , llcoOnicc. * ! 'J ' 18
"Y7"AVniSIUnitlon ; by lilt experienced
TT stotiOKrnplior mid typo wiltcr. llust inl-
rroncos lurnlshoil. Address Stenographer ,
room a , Crelirhtnn Dloolt , Omaha , Nob.
798 ' . ' ! ) '
W ANTKD-A ucntlo pony , N. Sholton.illlO
lodtro st liOBga
_ _ _
AVANTr.U 1'nrllnl board , A 1 plnno , slnif'ni ?
' ' or Innifiinuo lossonsln pujnieiit AdilroiS
O 58 , Ilcu ollleo , til 7 * _
Yt'ANTl ! ! ) Hoard with mom with nice pi I-
i vnto fuinily. Address O 07 , Hoc ollico
812 'IX *
WAvrilii iFt'iitlrinnn and wlfoi no clill-
Iron , itnuiKPrs In the city , uould IlKu u
tlrst-clnsspliiuo In bonrd und room lor the in
ter In nprlxnto tiiindy : tirst of rofnn'ncpj re-
< iulicil und tjlen , Address U 71 , ltt > o olllco.
WANTIJD Tour nnlimiMiod rooino , or n
smnll hniMo cnntntlly loentud. Aildrcos
O Cfi , llco olllcu. HJo ! ! *
\\7ANTKD A liijrloir3ntlomiuiwlb'"i lonm
unfurnished or t-rnishod In IIOUSP with
modem Improvements , Addit'ss. stating t"rin ,
O 47 , llco olllco. R W
A > TiU-lnrTinmioii : of iT U. Ottuwiiy ,
u ho left Itwln , In , , Iul > SUtli , fr Ni-brii'kii
Insoiiichot locution for hntdnr.iro storo. Anv
poison wlviiiff icllublolnforimitton will bo lib-
cnilly rewnuloil. Addicss II. Oltuway , Kirk-
tnnn , town. n - ( I *
) All wnntmsr to loiirn
and tyiio-wrltlnir to ultonil Vnlontlno's
Shoit-luind Institute , Exposition b Hiding.
Oinaliu. Wo ean furnish milllolent eiunloment
to young men mid hoys to pay their bo u-d while
In attendance. 6 > Oct. 20
" \\7ANTIII ) I want to rent u good" or 8room
TT Iioti ° oln peed location. I'nmllr ol four
persons. Nochlldren. Address Jl , (12 ( , lice of
fice. 311
\ > A > TlJi ) Teams. I.Murruy.
T > 03B
rou liEtr'r iiousua AND
II room hougo. '
0 room houso.
n room house
M. 1' . Mai tin , ! I10 & nth st. 8Til 4
IlKNT AIlist-cliiB3 7-room cottage with
burn nnd city water ; 10 minutes walk Horn
liostolllce. liKjtilro , Kdholm Acllilekgoii ,
FOH ltt.NT-n.onp n store 2fl\IO.wlth good cel
lars and llvlii'npariniontsol four comloria-
bio moms on Cuniingsbtieot iieiul l > i\l lon. In
iiulio I ) . I ) , binouton , with T. M. & Co , . llth and
llurnoy , 78,1,23 *
POK ItKNT Furnished hoiiso of fi rooms ,
from Oct. l t to March 1st. 2iUl Howard St.
Inquiio nt olllco Western Pottery Co. , Uvposl-
tlon bullillng. 7 S
Tmoil KIXT : (1-rooni ( eottugo. llurnoy cur
J-A 20th. ? 30 per month , a. A. Slomlin. 15.J
Fnrnam sf MJ !
T7 01t Ttl-iN'r A storeTgood locality tor dry
J. goods , hoota und sliocs. liiqulro 1412 S.
13th st. OH8
Foil Itn.XT Now ft-rooin house , t mile from
P. O. , clty water , etc. D. C. Patterson ,
Omiiha Nat'l bank , 740
FIItTtKVT The Germ-in Jl. K. eliiirJh bUlld-
ing , on the southeast eornor Twelfth and
Jackson streets , for unv legitimate business. H.
C I'iittorkOn , 13ih an 1 Douglas. _ 4'il _ _
I"lOltlii : VSU Woli'ivoelov-iinaeios on"I' . I'T
1 It. H. track. 8Jd foot front ; will louie all or
partforllvovenrs. Bo IfonKkSouor. ( M7
ron EEHI- ;
OH 11KN1NFurnlslied rooiiisTlSfo Doilge.
873 O 27
n 00M With board , 10III Cnpltol nvo.
F Oil Itr.NT With bonrJ , n furnished room ,
17iO Cnsa st. M'J yo *
JF UKNT A small fiont hod-room ntlllj
Dcnplas stroot. . t7-3U
FOK IlKNT Comfortable room private fum-
liy. Address O Ul , Ueo olllco. 83.13 *
T71OH ItKNT Ono furnished front room ,
JL Double , Terms moderate. IiKjulro ntlllC
Fiirnam Bt. 7SS. 28'
T7IOH HKNT Sulto ot rooms , furnished ; nine
- * - 1 single room lor gentlemen. 20(1 St. Mary's
uvo. 827 HI *
TT1OH HUNT Largo , doslrablo , well-furnished
-L room , with gas , bath , cto. Knnulro nt Hose
llros.1 Alt sloio. 8052U
FOH HKNT Nlcoly furnished plen < mntroom
for Bciitlcnuin. Knqulre HiJU Furmm St ,
BJIi 2t >
FOH HKNT 1 iinfuinlhhed rooms for IIOIIRO-
Keeping.707 south 14th gt. 781.28 *
_ . _ _
OH HUNT A ploasaut funiNliod room , $2
per month at > M > north Kill st , blu $ '
F OU HUNT Fuinlflhed front room.lUJI Fnr"
num. 8.0 ;
1/1OH ItKNT Comtortiibly fiirnlshfd room at
JL' rousoiiiiblo price , at 5.17 I'loiisiint bt. 810 28
YOIJNfl 3I1IN Ueslrlnif nicely furnished
room wllh use of Imth anil tfas.cijll at s w
rornor at "Ulh and Webster , lloaiil can be hud
close by , tie ; octa
TT'Oli JiX'J' Ono plriisunt furnUlieil Iront
J. loom , MO per month , 70JN Ibtli st.
tUO 23 *
FOItltl'N'T ii : < wuitly fiiriiMhod xriu in rooms
tor the winter , with board. All conveni
ences Alto for parties rooming nc-iir.
2J.-JJ DodKO. 7iM
THOU HUNT Nicely fiirnUhud front room
JL1 with alcove , all modern conveniences , for
threu gentlemen , four blocks directly south
liom opera house , upply at once , 1415 Jones st.
TTHMt KH.VT Nowlv furnished front rooms ,
.1 ? 3a. . Hilli. cor , lath and llurnoy. C8.I 2J *
F Olt HRNT-Front room , with or without
board. 17.J4 Doutrlas st , fc0023 *
1TIOH HKNT 3 unfunilBliedrooniR lor house-
JO Leeplnir. 131 ti. 17th st. bet , Jackson und
Loa\i'liwoitli. _ _ WJ 28 *
1T10U Ui.vr 3 furnished rooms for ( reiith >
.12 men. 2oai Funiam. OJd 2 *
THOU itKNT A Hat In dcslrablo locution ,
-A. which can bo uomplDtod about Oct. 15. Can
ho leased tor low rout ill by u party willing to
ndvunco ! MJO. AdJrusaO 15 , llco olllco. 45'J
inoit"KKN f Pleasant fiirinslicd looms ,
- iso ith front brick tint , board can bo had
noxtujor. Apply at Ultj Ohlougo st. OU
"j ; > OII HUNT Two Inruo furnlfilied rooms , ftoa
JL < bath and board , magnlQuent vl ens , contra
oeutlon , 214 8 , IStli. 734 1 *
H UKST-Nowly luinlshcd room,2)il fat.
Mary'g live. _ 70J
HKNTFurnHhoi rooms 2iOi Hodge.
75'JOO ' *
' [ 7/011 HBNT FnrnUliod looms s.r. . car , 21st
i. uad Louvonwoiili. Also house near dopot.
liionliccor.1st und Loavoimortli. 71JS-2S'
H KENT Nicnly furnished rooms with
_ _ bonrd. 1M ; Furnam. 844 3 *
T7U5H HlINT-Lnrife and pleasant rooms with
Jo boaiil. liiiuiro20IU Wohster. EGISO *
TT.OK RKNT FurnUhod fiout room : inquire
JL' atg.'U Capitol avenue. 7K SO *
FOH KENT 1'uitof tloor25x.V ) feet , BUltiiblo
for lleht manufaoturlnir or etorncro pur
poses : centrally located , tW month , U07 Fur-
unm itup stairs. 710
TTIOIt HKNT A few oinc gpacoi for rent ,
JL ? ono with front window on ground lloor.
KoQulroof J. S. HIchardtoD , 150'JFarnam st.
_ _
TT1OK HKNT Elf t-BUtlylurnnhtd rooms with
Jfirttolasi board at 1 < OS > Jonoi eu.Ioui
blocks a. of Fiirtum. nil modern convenlencea.
OU HKXT FurnlsJiod rooms , I Ml ! ! own.-J.
i ? 7404
"I710IC IIKNT ftirmMiftil rooms forlliht hou o
4-1 keeping In-llcotaer's block cor Highlit and
Howard. / i 814
"tjMUt It IJNT-4l'UEhlsiiM rooms. 19 Fl ( > n anl
JL1 ( 7NO.3
rou 3Ai.c-nouan3-i.OTa.
Hnnscotn flnco rind the Piirrottiullnu ptop <
erty olttrs n tltfc hnd euro profit ( m nn In-
\estimirit nt nnjljiortlon ot Oinnhit. Cntilo line
nnd now strceuuni- III bo running to the pnrk
In n short time. Tnomilti avenues nml stucts
lending to nml OltrWundlnirtlio p.irk tire nil bo *
Inir irrutlod , fnrk nvotnio p < peclnlly , when
coniplotcil , wiiri'Otincol ' the tlnot tlrivpwiijs
Intonn. 1'ioperty around the principal paiklit
Mlnncnpolls cells rendll/ | Tii,03 to $3)0,00 per
front foot i
You pun buy tlt flnpM lot In llnnseotn plneo
IIVPI looklnif llio puik nnd frnniliiKonun ulphty
foot 11 reel lor IlltJ dollnispi < r flout loot. ( Jo
out nnd see the ( rrndlnit polntf oil , notleotho
view , thu nelKhboihood nnd tlio rcut niiinbpr
of new nnd beautiful homes being ; erected ,
nml lomomber Unit theio mo not tuntitydc-
flrnblo Into left for snlo In nil this uddlUou , nnd
then come to us nnd wo will imike > our prices
nnd terms Hint cannot bo duplicated. Hicks
A Inpliriun , Sin South 16th ftreet. 871
\\f \ NTrTf ) A plnce iTTprlrnti' fnmlly to wofit
for boniilmu'room , liy n Indj Htudeiil , iip-
ply nt UmnliA Commoivlnl collcpo , 1IU ruriinin
st , t-7J ga
BACH ami all of tlio - * West tiiiia ots nro
high and beautifulfull fll'e. and on month
ly paMnents , 1230. H. C. Pnttoison , 13th and
SAM : Or oxchnrge. iloneo nml lot ,
JL' icth ami Nicholas : bouse nnd lot loth nnd
Dorcas. Win L , Monroe , nth anil Dmntlas. 31
ITUm SAliK-lAitg 7 unY " .T-Mxtivffoot , lu
JL1 bloek ; l , llrst addition to South Omuhn.
Cnll on Fred Lemon , earo Fnrinui * ' lieu o , or
ndilrossdcoigo Mndo , P. O. 'JOX407 ' , Rapid City
D , T 787
G llenl Kstnto und llentnl ARonts ,
Hero nro n few of the Imtvalns wo otlor j
II tliuro Is nothing here thnt suits you , cult on
n . Wo cnn show > ou others.
Corner lot onSonurd bt , , l/o\vc'sntlJ..t 1,000
Lot ndJoliijiiK nboTti . . . HHI
Corner lot on Hiuiillton St . \\M \ \
Adjoining lots , nil In Orchard Hill . 1noo
Cornora In I'liunvlow nnd Klrkttood . fix )
Corner Imp. Ass. ndd. . Wtli . 3,000
Corner Vntcs nnd Hoed , r > \ll)0. ) . . , . 400
Corner lot on cur lino.Rotith itndwost
front , l'iitrlclv'9 ndd .
Corner lots In i'uddock 1'liico . t .
( Call nt olllco to. ' pitcc . )
Coruoron St. , nil < ic : ! , rnnlln for
JMHJOporjenr . 80,000
Corner lot on 10th SU , Kount/.o's add. ,
with market buildlnir. only . 4,000
itilMolllnvs on lot 1 rj\lii. , Chlcano St. ,
lontliiy 91,41)0 ) peryonr . t 11,000
B-iiKiin houco on cornorlot.fehuirs mid ,
( li'.xltK ' ) . 4.00J
New fi mom cottnco on corner lot , Mil-
Inril & I'nhlwcir * ndd . S.10U
" room hotiso , S. r. . lloircrs' udd.liont- 8t. . lotfi'lviio ' . : ) ,500
fri'ooiH hon n , L'oppluton live , soutti
trout. lot OOvIO1 * . 3,000
Now R-ioom cottnjro , well built , on tot
fiOvl.lo. near Siutndcrs . 2,330
2 room house In West Sldo , 1 blook trom
cnnnlna fnctory.lot W > 1-S . 750
D-ioont hou o and -l-room Uou-o , Imtn ,
ol torn , collnis , t'ruil trees , etc. . on lot
( i.Jx-'JO , fronting both 17th mU IStti
sts . 0,000
8-room house on S. ' 'Oth St. , nonr St.
Mnry'snve.clty wntcr , etc . 0,200
Flna uornor on ( Jiimtnir Ft. , ! l nouses . . 13,5 1) )
Finn lot In I ni ) ! ASM ) ndd C.ilxlSd llttln
iihox o > ri nile bnriraln . 1,1'iOU
TjOtiln Kllbyplnco . 700
I/OIH/II / Lincoln plnoo . > r > )
Lot on Kiirn.i'ti near Lowoavo . 1,7JO
1 Ino oust front lot , OJ'4.\125 ' III Kelson's
add , lininiilii . 2OW
I'.iist front ! ) 'd at ; liiinsconiphico . 2,3)0 )
Sulondld Ion lionflii ! , ' Park ; only. . . . l.OOJ
ll.uulmnio lotarm Dnw'iipoit. el . 1'W ' )
llnst fronts jnst'o-fi feiudo . WK )
Onintin VIew lots eiiit on the hill nt"iO to ? 'J" > 0
oueh chcnp. ' ' " = '
Ono block InVest Oninlin , 4 ncros ( cull nt of
fice lor prices )
Special attention irlvon to property llstod
% \ Itn us ut roiioonubjo pilcos.
IIii\liiKno : propLity of onrown on the mark
et wo cuii not do other thin a. strictly commis
sion DnilncssiU
( MKOOIIY jraiAnr.KY , 1312 Douglas st.
Telephone 8"I.-A1I | nnclsqb HI. _ U'JS _ _
Kl'SlI ' & Sii/DY'9 : / biff ro.i ostiito nd every
othoi day. See It _ 281
- _ . . .Ijl * Nicoli room house nnd2 corner
i.1 lots In Wafnut-llfll ; y cosh bill to suit.
CnlMartin HOS llth st. 04 >
, _ . .
_ i p.f ) % f. f . . . ,
FOIOAI.i ; Hotiso , u roomscity wuter and
gns , T mllojroiji P. O. , I blook from st cars ,
price SJ.OO ) , small p-iymonts , balance montlily.
liiiilro ] rooniH 1 ami 2 Omaha Nnt'l bank. . Ul'J
FOHSALH Wo h-ivo slxtoon lots In Huw-
thorno addition t'mt wo will sell : best and
cheapest ln lto piopotty In Omaha , llcdford &
Souur _ tf ' " ' } K4J
I pOU ALi--Or ; oAclmngo , HJ or IWJucro 'nrm ,
' well Improved , Ifl'iulles southwest ol Omaha
Tmiulro on premises or address SI , M. Porrlsh ,
Piipllllon * Nob. 523 O 2 *
_ _ .
OUslIS Lots , rnrtnsia mis money ( onnod.
15th mid iJoimhlj streets. 010
FOHSALK-Attl . . . . . . .
paved street , neur business , $ J,000 , Stowurt
& Co. , room 3 , lion Hunk. 100
FOltS VI.i ; 2new5-roomcottages with largo
lots each In Wiilnut Hill ; cany termsor will
trudo for other city pioiioity. Inmiiro nt 1103
DoUjlnsBt _ , 7 4 2
TTMt \ HAI.K A ilcslrnlilo lot In Patterson's
JL1 Subdivision for * 2- . " > UO cash-worth ? 400.
Address O ( i5 , llco olllco. 814 2S *
T7IOK HAI.K One of the best pieces of prop-
JL1 orty In North Omiiha , ono blook trom
paved Btieot. An eight room house , nearly now.
(7nn ba hud clioap , If taken nt once. O. F.
Duvls&Co 15i I'.irnum stioet. 37 _
LKAVIN\VOHTH : ST H. H. trackage , ono or
more lots or uniiorn , ut a great l > .ir raln.
Boo J. W. Logan , nt Lo.ivunworth Huslncss
Pluco , or Q. . W. Dukor , Hoom 7 Iron Bunk
Building- . ott
BO\VLINC. Oltiix lots$150.10 porcontcush
and f5 per month. Marshall & Lobock ,
Agents , 16QU ruriiam street. Ul'J
KAL E3TALK I1A1K5A1N-2 beautiful lotR
on west Cumlng st. , $700 cnoh. Pine bar
gains. .1. L. lllro & Co. , room 0 , ever Com
mercial National Hunk. _ (175 ( _
TTIOU SAMS A baig.iln. LotUlxl.l. . 2 blocks
JL ! from postoillco. $ 'JOOJ , hulf cash. Jlar-
slinll & LobocK , 1M)3 ) rnrnnm street. _ 21U
POK SALK-IIouso nnd twc , full lots In M'nl-
nut Hill , . ' , IOJ , * 80)cnsli ) , Inlnnco f 20 per
month , fi rooino , Cust front , coiner.
Lot In Pliilnvlow. SUM , only l-'l oji li.
A lot on Miami street , only fsx'5.
Lots In Shilvcr Phico. fli'i , t > cnsli , balanoo
( j JILT month.
House nnd lot In Oninlin View , $ lr X > .
100 loot on Pierce slreot , corner , f J.JO ) .
lloforo you buy call nnd see
II. Vf. Iliiiitrov * , 1303 Knrnnm ft.
Llstj-our Jiou'esand lolsjvlth me. _ 059
BU.ill J : BI'.LIIV'S tils real nstato nu every
other day. See It. S31
_ _
"fjAOU SALi : 31 acres of bottom land , nil
J- fenced , within 200 ft. of depot , I'A ' ucros In
strnbcrilo3 , bahuico In tnmo xitias. sulttibln
fornmrku or simill fiult trnrdon ; fl.NW , $ ' , * J
cash , bnlnnco to suit. A buiviilii. AddresaT.
W. K , box 15 , South Bond , Nob. Sl'J.IJ *
FOH8ALK 1U room houso. Georgia nvo.j
clo > ots. busomouts , welt , nil complete ,
rjioomlioiiBo , Idaho st , ; closet , pnntry , col
lar , bath loom , speaking tubes , shrubbery ,
trees , nice yard , barii , cmriuiro house , two
lurgoclBtorus , city water , all complete , $0,703.
4 loom house ; south trent , nantiy , eloeota ,
largo bay window , cistern , collar , good out
houses , easy term" , 2,250 ,
4 room nouso ; pantry , closets , bay window
good cellar , well mid outUousosury ohoap ,
5 room cottngo ; bny window , closets , collar ,
, cistern , fr lit trees , a bargain , $ -CM , or
with lour lots , i " " < lorms , | 2'iO. .
3 lots , Plain J [ can double your money ,
? 7M.
2 lots. W. A. llpdlci : nddltion. * l,2W.
3 lots , Tabor j laceTfor ono week. I'JOO ,
5 lots , Kllby place , will increase 20 per cent before -
fore snoiv falls.
Itoiiutlful lot , Creslon place.
Fairmont pludoi An Investment In thosn will
double yonr imaioy in ono your.
Patrick udaltlon ; Lots on easy terms nnd low
If you have houses to rant or sell or lots to
pell list them with mo. I do n strictly comnm-
blon businessiiiUI wfirionlc after your Interest.
3 lotb , AmblcidPlaob.T.hotiodt bingaln In thu
nddltlon , J , H.Pan otto , 18th and Chicago. 217
HCHISi : iMts , Hfrmsands | money loaned
llumls , 15th lyjij Douglna Btrnula. 010
TJ10II SALn At n nargoln on easy tonns,2
- Alotsln Wilslilijifton s > iunro , each * , ' , OJ ) .
rTlio best corner In Hansoom Place , 100x150 ,
House and lot 30xl40cor. 19th nnd Pauletrcot ,
ISOuVarnam street , Marshall & Lobcok , 3J5
I'flSSTION ' CATl'LKMKN-Oiio of the best
gtoclc farms in Eaetorn Neb , within 25
miles of the Omalm stock jnuls for biilo cheap.
NonilvtrfWiicres neil wnteied , plenty of timber ,
corral room , eto. Ovor20Jiicrts in pnsturoat
presuut with an ubundanco of splendid hay In
ttiiclc. Address C , H. Mayno & Co , Iteal Rstato
Aijonts , Omaha , or W , 1) . Compton. Tconnisoh ,
Neb. ( UI-O-1 *
Sl.Ml'JtOVKO I'AltMS , llutlor Co. , Kans. ,
for sale ; 53 nlcocltjr lots. El Doradu , Ivans. ,
for solo. Kach lanu u well ndaptoJ to ( rruln
and stock ; rich soil ; nil plow or pasture land ( no
waste ) . Title perfect , with warranty deed , The
lots are smooth , nice building lota , only % mlle
north of J . O. Price , W to IJ75. Teachers ,
cleikB , anyone who wishes a safe property that
will double In 1 year , should buy lots In Bl Dor
ado ; population fi.oiW ; the prettiest city In Kan-
fas Tvrras cash. AddreM 15 , W.Cuo , Eldora
do Kuusu.
The liu-ri-nso or Hnlil Honils ,
From "A Hnl l nntl Toothless Future , "
oy Virgil 0. Knton , in Popular Solohco
Monthly for Ootobur ; To n person who
hits a nioderatfly well suppliuil pooket-
book nnd n thoughtful turn of inliul ,
there can ho no more fruitful theme for
meditation than to n into onr Inr o
Imlls , thtnxtros , oluirchoa anil other pUti-os
of pnhliu rrsort , and hecnrinu n boul in
the gallery or in tlio tour part of tlio
loom , loqk at the lioads of tliu amlloiu'c ,
for no other purpo o than to ascertain hy
actual count how many show signs of
lmlilm's. Unless the lAponmentor has
boon In the habit of counting for this ob
ject , ho will bo .snrpnsrd to lo.irn that , in
most of the eastern oilios , fully i0 ! per
cent of the men ever tliirty yoatN of ago
show unmiatiikablo signs of balilneh.s ,
while nearly 20 per oent hnvo spots
on thuir IteniKs that are not
only bald , but actually polished
with the Kloss that Is supposed to belong
to oAlrotnn old ago. 1 have been in ( ho
majority of the elmrehes and theaters in
all the fargo eastern cities , as well as in
Chicago , tit. Lotus , nnd other places of
thu west , anil have vcrlticd my assertion
by actual count. I'rom my observation
1 Hnd thit : b.ild-hoadod mini tire most
plentiful in Now York and Hoston. Attor
these oomo Philadelphia , Washington ,
and the woslorn towns. 1 say "men1
for two reasons : 1. Ik'eiuisu women
usually w 'ar their hats or bonnets on
such occasions , thus covering tholr
crowns. 2. In case their hats tire removed -
moved , the hair is combed up so as to
cover any possible bald spot , or else
ulso tliuro is an artificial "switch" to hide
the delects of nalnro. So , without in
dulging in any speculations regaidlug
what may bo , I will conlino mv elf to
what is to bo boon.
Here are a few observations taken In
Hoston : Trinity church 213 men , 71
actually bald , -II ) indications of baldness ;
King's Uhapul 80 men , Ud actually bald j
M indications of baldness llollis titrcot
I healer , orchestra at pcrlormanco of the
"Mikado" OU men. 27 actually bald , 10
indications ; Hoston theater. Judio ICG
men , 51 actually bald , -W indications.
A Dclinlnil People.
From the I'hil.-v MMIcol UtcorJ.
VTV do not menu to intimate thnt nil the
Ro-cnlled remedies for dyspepsia nro
valueless , but human credulity U so
BtroiiK , thnt aoino unscrnpnloiis persons
trade upon the fears oT the weak and do-
bllltntod. Anioni ! the things which appeal
BO utrongly to this wcuknoss nro Bitters ,
The very name Is In their favor. The
mode of Hfo of the average American i
of such B clinractor , that lie Is constantly
in need ot u tonic. He Is rushed at Ills
business , swallows his rnonl hastily anil
without any thongnt as to the capacity
of hln stomach for digestion , tnkca llttla
rest , and necessarily feels hipped ; Is sub
ject to headache , juultiikos often a gloomy
view of things generally. In such COSCB
lie resorts to bitters , under the delusion
that they will net on the secretions of the
stomnch und tlve the system now Htrcnuth
and energy. The writer recently mtr-
clinttcd Bnmplfs of four of the most widely
advertised bitters in the market , and the
simple chemical analysts to which they
were subjected showed that they cou-
tatned about BO per cent , ( the amount the
GoveimncntalloWH ) of the most poisonous
nnd adulterated alcohol , and that tha re
siduum consisted of. various foreign sub
stances , which were simply added as flav
oring extracts , to disguise the taste of the
orluiiial compound. The vnlno which so-
called bitters , are supposed to have li of u
purely llctitloinchnrHcter. In fnct.lntlmo
tliey irritate and injure the dellcato mem
brane of the stomach , go vitiate the taste
that the palate soon cannot distinguish
between Rood and bad. These dccuctloim
ure consumed principally by the debilitat
ed , the convalescent , the depressed and
particularly by aged people and weak
women and others to whom n stimulant
is Indispensable. Now , while alcohol ,
especially in the form ot whisky , Is nc-
knowledued to be the bent known stimu
lant , and is prescribed and utcd by phyis-
clnns for this purpose everywhere , wo
can't conceive why people will insist upon ,
taking the nlcohol in the form of a de
coction , the compounding of which they
know nothing and which , as shown by
minlyils , contains fnsel oil , vitriol , catechu
and poisons of the most deadly kind. It
would bo far better for them to como out
boldly and use the pnro article , something
made from malt in which there is no fusel
oil. There may be a llttlo difficulty in
obtaining an nrticlo of this kind , as there
is only ono linn In the country i.e. , the
discoverers of Dnrtv's pure malt whiskey ,
which distils It and which combines food
und stimulating qualities.
A liov fifteon'yrars old , who was a wit
ness in the York county , Pennsylvania ,
court recently , admitted that ho had
never seen a bible nor heard of God.
ton should avoid all medicines which
cause you horrid gripping p.iins , they
destroy the coatings of the stomach and
mav make you an invalid for life , the
mild power is best. Dr. J. II. McLean's
Li\or and Kidney Pillcts will euro chills
and fever , biliousness , etc. , 25 cents a
. .
A ilrunkon man at a Cananian camp-
mcotina : bet sf5 that ho'd sro on the plat
form and sit through the services be
tween two ministers. Ho won.
Columbia , Pa. , Cottrant For rheuma
tism and all other pains , St. Jacobs Oil is
the best.
Among tbo treasures of Orange county ,
exhibited at its recent fair , was a parrot
which is known to bo at least eighty-six
yeard old.
Red Star Cough Cure supplants harm
ful Jcaturcs of other cures. No poison.
All the graveyards In Paris are filled. It
is said that death-furnaces arc a necessity
there , and that cremation is daily prac
/V / Valuable Koineily.
firandroth's Pills have boon used by
millions of human beings. Tholr success
is founded upon the theory of reason ,
and an attentive observation of symp
toms of disease. Whatever makes bad
digestion breeds disease , and whatever
makes good digestion cures disease.
Hrandreth's Pills make good digestion ,
purify the blood and remove nil bad hu
mor d out of the body by the organs of
the stomach and bowels. They act in
harmony with vital action and work of
nutritiou ; the strength liicrcasestho skin
and the eye become clear , and the symp
toms of the malady are surely rendered
milder by their uso. Tlioy arc harmless
for all aires nml conditions.
A newly formed church among the
Zulus has the following among its regu
lations : "No member shall bo permuted
to drink the white man's groy or native
beer , no to touch it with his lips. "
"For economy and comfort , wo usu
Sars'iparilla , " writes nn intelligent imf-
falo , N. Y. , lady. 100 Doses Ono Dollar.
" "Otis Clark , of Syracuse , applied patent
corn medicine to ono of his toes n few
days ago , and now gangrene has sea In
tind the foot must come oil" if the patient
would live.
Complexion Powder is an absolute
necessity ot the relined toilet in tljls cli
mate. Pozzoni's combines every clement
of beauty and purity.
Three hundred million dollars in n low
ostimatu of the direct cost to the people ot
thin country of ( ires that occur in n
Ilulforil Sanco excelled by none. Try It.
An Egyptian mummy nu exhibition at
thu lovya state fair has boon seized by n
landlord in payment of the
board bill.
Eight million dol'nrs lias lior.n paid out
for pensions nt the New York sub treas
ury during the past im.trtlr.
The Foreign Fruit r.xchaniro , of Now
\ ork , is arranging for the daily "calls"
of foreign fruits , which will begin a week
from to-day.
Pays Beat
C TiM Tt or COST IN ANT Ncw > r > Artm ,
TuKNItHtD tO fiurONSIBll PnTltl
The H. P. Hubbard Co. ,
Sucetucn to H P. HUBOARO ,
Judicious Advertising Agents and Experts ,
Eitiblnhcd 1871. Incoipont.d 1885.
Now Hnvon , Conn.
200 PAQC CAYAloaut or LtAoiNQ
Anil other * MilToiIng from
chronic ilHeuri , ' pnnmtuni
ilvcllnp ot ) uun < or old KTU
noslilrcly irtl lijr Hr.
lliirnr'n fimoui F.lictro.
. . TliouuuiiH
-/A ; - Mmrneltn Hrlt.
In fTB'-rt'i-JiBtfiU In ih union Invo lirMi curru.
il Tlrli --xVf-Sli I InVuntljr felt raloninlnml tolit ID
y m Whole family cnn vr\r utnv ! ) ! , l.lrotH
PiiinrniorlMfrrn wlihinalolx'IM Arolil wortlilrni lln-
Ittuona ami bogus compnnlc * . F.lrctrlc * Trn if lor
ll"fflil-n. 700 cumlln'85. Srnrt Mump fin | > itlll.ihlii. | .
DR. W. J. HORNS. iNYfurns. 191 WABASII AY. . r.Hiurc.
- - -
for I.1 M ) per annum , pn tnco prcpnlil. llciuf" '
pnntal noto. t o tftl nnlcr. err
" CHK'AUO MAIL. 11H Cth-nv. ,
. -I UK iiv , > 'iii : > n ; . % " <
15 ( < < l ImplciiipnlHwithrnrlt lint.
'iin > in Jtnlilnvn. . \ k > nnr ilrn
CT ror It. Srnt to liny nddro s fur tjl I .ftO.
WMALYDOH M'F'O. oo. , spnngtioid , o.
Messrs. Kuhu & Co. , Agents.
The Croat Rock Island Route
Oiiarant ( ts lu patrnim that trnfi * of pereonnl iecn-
rltr RtTorrtrtl hr n i > elM ( thnro.iifhlr Imllncifd roml-
De-l , smooth tracks of cimtlnunu * ft eel mil. mibtMU
t Li liy tdiilt culrtTta nnd l rMiceK , rolling : n lor It ni titar
p < > rffctloti m human rklll IM umke It. Die mfviy
appllanccgof ttti nt hutrernpint forms nnn ftlr tirnkrs ,
nd that eiacttiirf discipline which KOTCHIP thp priu >
tlunlupration nf nil Itn trnlnn Oilier pf clnltfp ot
-hi rout * nre Traiutern at all cunnfctlnir jiolntn In
Union Depots , nn < l the tuuiirpndBiMl coiufoitv and
luxurloR of its Prtsbcnirt-r Kijulpmo'it.
nltlcfiit IMillman 1'alncfi
fileepcraof the latest i , and ctimpniouM Dining
Cfirn. in v hlcn ul'ttiorntAly okeil in en Is art * Irltmrely
enton. Ht'twcenChlcAKa " (1 Kitn si'ltr ( mul Atrltlsou
aiu al5o run the CoUibr/uM JtoclinliiffCUolr Cam.
The Famous Albert Loa Route
In the direct and fnrorlto line tietw < n Clilcnffoand
Minneapolla andst. ] 'nnl.rbero connertlonn urnmtlo
in I'll Ion li-potRfi > r alt point * In tin * Terrltotlrn and
Hrltlflh Provinces. Over this ronto Fnut Kxprr n
Iralnn ar nui to the wMeilntr plftrcn , Mimniur r -
ports. plctiiibsqua lonallttiit , and IinnUnir and lUhln
irrnundnof Iowa nnd MlnneHtitn. It IN iZleo tjio in out
di-slrnblu route to the itcli wheat fields ami uastuna
lands of Inti-rlur Dakoti
Still nnotht.1 DIRUrr 1,1 SR. via flonacft and Kiin-
ICAkee , hkn btH > n oi iifil hetwttin iMnrlnimtl , IndUn-
nnolla and LafavAtte , ml Cimnrll HlufTti , Knnp& Cltr.
Minneapolis and Ut. I'/uil nnd liiU-riinxlla e points
( or detaJletl Infonn&tion nc * Jtaps nnd Folders ,
oMnlnablu.ivs * * fell A * tickets , nt rll principal Ticket
Onkfi lu the UuiUd Btatee olid Canaduj or l > y aj-
TrOB't Oim'l ' ' Oen'l ' . ' .
A M'K'F , T'Kt A. 1'ais. Aft ,
and Jaii ! Work.
1020 Iftiraam Street , Omaha. Neb.
The following Is the tlmo of nrrlval nnd de-
pnrturoof trains by Contrnl Stnndiird Time nt
the locul dopots. Trains of the C. , St. P. , M. &
O. nrrl vo und dopnrt from tholr dopot. corner of
14th nnd Wchstnr Htroots : trulns on the II. ft M.
O. II. AQ. nnd K. 0. , St. J. & P 11. from the II.
&A1. depot nil othora from the Union PuclUo
iminaE THMNS.
Ilrldiro tnilm will lonvo IT. P. depot nt fl:15- :
B7U--B:00-8MD8iio-iitO:00-llij : : : : : ) ( u. m. : 111:0 :
1:2U : lH ) ; UO a:00 : H4UU--5Uu : : j,3j-t'lJ- '
7:00-11:10 : : p.m.
Lonvo Tiunsfor for Oinnlin nt 7:12 IH:1P 9:10
9:4J : llilJ3 | : ; 10 : 7- HilT : n. m.ltJT 2u : 2JT :
3iJ-ia7 : : ; : 437 ; 5:50 : 0:12 : 7:20 : ; 7:3J 8:5J- :
llS3p : m.
I.ouvo llroadwny 10 H5 p. m ; ArlvoOmnhn
11 M. r.v. Omnlm 10 00 p. m. ; Ar. llroiiduuy
1025. In oll'cut August -"Jlh until fnrthurno-
tlco. Tlnsls iiddltloiuit to piuxint li uln sorvlco.
, T.V MOII8H , , P. A.
Arrival nml dopiiituro or trulns from the
TrnnsforDopot nt Council Illiiirsj
iii'AUT. : AitniyE.
cninAno , HOCK ISLAND A i-.Ai'ino.
II 7:15 A.M. I Dilr.A. ! : M.
HUl.r : , A. M. 115lW : i' . M.
UU:4Ui : > . M. | llTi : > ) i > . M.
ClllCVdO ft WOHTinVI.SlF.lllf ,
A 0:15 : A.M. I A'JilSA. M.
A :40iM. : . I A 7:00 : r. M.
AO : ! A. M. I A 11:15 : A. M.
110:401- : . I1U:2U : | > . v.
| ATlXi ; ) > .M.
A 9:15 : A. M. I A 9:11 : A. M
A 8:40P.M. : 1 ATMi : ( > . u
KA > HAB CITr , 8T. JOE k COU.NCIJ. Ill.llfrS.
A 10:00 A.M. I i > nnA. M.
0 b:55 : p , M , I A nU.i ; p , U.
VCAllASII , 8T , LOUIS & 1UUU 1C ,
A 3:00 : P.M. I AUrJJr. u.
KIOUI crrv & pACific.
A7:0.A.M. : . I A 0:35 : A. u.
A0:2ij' : . u. I Ati5Ui ; > . M.
Dcpnit , Arrive.
UNION' J , . pTiiT
. . .IMclllo . . . . . . 7VJ.i : . „ ,
, .Dcn > or Kxprova.
II. He M , IK NKll.
. .Mull and
_ _ 1
"ATM. I P. M , .MlSSOimr'PAC'IFjO , A. M.Tp. M. "
IC.'c./Sl' . JP& ° O. lY. ' "
Vlu I'lattHinciutli. . . 7:00l : | 7:10
' ' "
NbltriiwA'i'ii ) . Am.-c.
T. u. t p. H , i c. , RT. l'"M7 * o. i A. u. i p. t7
8:1611 : .SionxClty KxpicM. . * 5:45o :
. . . . . . I S4SCiOiil ; > luiiil AuomiiiQj'n UlUpAi
_ DfiiMi-l. _ E ASTW A 1 1 P. " Aii-iVn " *
A.M. fp. M. I ( ) . , IT. * Q. I A. M. I p. M.
_ _ . :00 : ! . . l'lnttsrnouthv.Jli : ) _
NOTK-A.ti-iiliin'lully ; ii , dully ct-'cpt tjun-
dny.t ! , dully except Suiur.luyj 1) . daily orcoiH
Monday _ _ _
" "
will loftve U. 1' . depot , Oni.iha , lit * :11-7:3o- :
B3S1 ; 0OUa : , raj a:00-0Wh-liJ5 : ; flrti K.OO n. in
araclfloBrnroiii , SfM p. m. ; Oenyor hr. , 10:55 :
a. m. ; l ( iil Kr.,6:0i : p. m ,
Leave stock /.trdi for Omahn ut 7W : < : io- . .
:30 : : V3 3.U-lUJ : . OJBU ; n. m ,
Atlantic Kt..l i . a TT5n. m. | J'.v. ,
If B.O.6:07p.m.s : I.oc l Kr.le , a. 0 , IG.ji n.n , .
Up.VftO.Br. l . Ao. li-5 24 M. ft Kx
COJ - ra.
Except Suuday ,
Omalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago.
Tlioonlr rend to tnVo for VPH ) Molnps , Mivr-
n'lnlliortii. ' i olnr llftiilils , Clinton , UltlP. Chlcn
( jo. Mvn \ 1'ieo ind nil pnlnts pn t To tlio DPO-
vlo of Nfbin Kn , Colorado.Vyomlntr , lltnlt ,
I Inlio , Nmmln , On-con , VViishliiirlon nml Call-
rornln It olTir < siipoilor ndvnntiifPS not pojsl-
bloliv nny other tire
AIUOIIK n row of the numerous polnl of In-
pcrloiltr cnjoyol bv the pntron * of thlsroad
lictwn-nOmnhnnnd Chlcniro. nto Its twotrnlns
ndixvor DAV CDACHV.H vhlcli nrn the ntiogt
tnnt liinnnn nrt nml immunity cnn crontc. Ila
1'AliACK BI.KRI'INn OAlia. hlch nromodnU
or oninfort nnd tilcKiinco Itn l'\UUlt ) DltAW-
ISO KOOM ( JAIIS , uniiirnn * oilbv nny , und IH
widely eolobrntrd I'AI.ATIAIj DININO OAUB ,
the omiRl of n hk > h ennnot bo round p'gowhero.
At Council MlilUs the trnlnsof Ilin I'nlnn Vnol-
lie llr. ponnopt In I'nion Doimt wilh thooo of
the Chlnin ( \ Xorllnrcstorn llv. In Clilonto
the trnlnt of thin line nmko clo o connection
ulth the oof ll pnnlcrn llni" .
KorDptroll , Colinnlnis. Iniltnnnpolln , Clnoln-
nntl , Nlnifiira 1'iills.UuiTitlo , I'ltlnlnirir. Toronto ,
Moiitrciil , Hoston , Now Vork , IMilliidelphln , llnl *
tlmor * . Wnahtnitton nnd nil i olnls In tuo Pint ,
nsk the ticket ngput for tlekptu vln the
Tf yon wish the be t nocotnmodMloni. All
tlpket nirontfl neil tlckuts Tin tills lino.
M. HUOHITP. II. 8. llAIll ,
Qonotiil llunnpor. Ocii. ruin. Asent.
. CtllCAOO.
Iteiuly tor uia In iino nilnutai save * labor , tlmn and
troubles confiln * nil tlio InirrpitU'nti iifcil hy Inimflrr-
nicni ttlvcii u Imnilmnnor pollnh tlmn nnrotlicrStiirch
ever innniifiicturoili It I * l > ut up In KUIil < I'OUNU
1'AOKAORS , nn thort * elylit . Onn.poaml MMBl
two | iounit < of liny other Htnrch. Folil by nil nr
clnss Kioccrs , wlii supply BAM1M.K I'ACKAUU.
OP run
CUcaplMllvaube&StraulRli ,
hen mm and COUNCIL BLUFFS ot
Chicago , AND Mllwankco ,
St. Paul , innncniiolis , Cedar Uaiiids ,
Clinton , Dubuqiic , Davenport ,
Rock Islauil.Frcuport , llockford ,
Elgin , Madison , Jancsvillo ,
Bcloit , AViuoim , La Crossc ,
And all othur Importnnt points East , Northeast
und Southeast.
For through tlckuts call on the Tlolcot Aifon
nt HOI Knrniun street ( In 1'axton Hotel ) , 01a
Union I'nulllo Depot.
I'ulliiiunbluouoraandtbe nnest Dining- Cars
In the world 1110 run on the main lines ot the
und every attontlon IB pnld to pussoiigers by
couitoona employes of the company.
It. JIiLLiiii , tioncrnl Mmmtfor.
J. F. TUUKUII , Assistant ( lunoral Manager ,
A. V. H. CAiii'ENTKii , Qonornl Passonifor and
Tlokot A ont.
GKO. II. llKArponi ) , Assistant General I'ujson-
gor anil Tlckot AKcnt
J. T. CLAUIC , Ouneral Superintendent.
Thosowntors contain Iron , PotnsMiimIlmo ,
Boilu , Miignosln , Chlorldo of Sodium und Hal-
phnr , und nru a iioiitlvo unio lor all tllsonsva
urislng tiomun li purostnioot the lilood.Acur-
tuln 8)iQclllo ) lor JUiiuiiimtlym ,
Daily Stage ami Mai/ Line to and
from Fort Stcofe.
Good Physician in Attendance
w. jr.
_ rt-
ran BALE or.
( ieo. J. ' . ' '
Armbriist'O'l Oumlnx st.
1) . H. liiiwmnn , 1217 Furnaiust.
John Ilu8sie,2l'j7 Ciimlnu t.
Ilermitn ICiindu , 'ilUKoiuli ' lothst.
O. l.uniroiis : South iith : st.
W. K.HIoolnl , Jiui Howard t.
M. 1 1. Van Suoti'ii , IMQ Iodost : ,
C. W. Sli-oporCiJ7 South 13th St.
CarrylnelhollolKliim Itoy.-tl and United
Mailbailing uvcry > utuiduy
Betviean fintworn & New York
FAI.I , A NOlNir.ll. .
Palon from fix ) to t" ! > . Kxuunlon trip from
tUO to Sl.M. Heoonil Caain. OIIIHUIM , J 5j
| iruiialiitl& ; uxcur-itiiii. fX ) . tjlut-t-iiya oMi&uo
at low ratos. l' tor Writ-hi \ tfnns , Uoutrn
Av ni , U llroajway. Now Vork.
Tlbiu-y 1'unll , K'U Faiimmir. : I'tiiiliun , V Co.
1IJ1 1'ur.uiiu st ; 1) . O , I'li'Hiiuii , 1. ' : ; ; i'uruam-H