Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered 1 > ) carrier In liny j > ait of the city at
nuntj ttnlsi > cr week.
II. W. TII.TO.V , - Malinger.
JirFiKy-sOnicp , No. < > .
KKIMT Kiinoit No. Si.
Now York riiimuinK Co.
Now full { jootls nt Hi'Ucr'fl.
Cooncr & .Mcit'i ( ) pell stoves.
Hcpublicnn primaries this evening.
Chi'ii ) ) railroad tickets lit BiHlini'lt's.
To-ilny if your last chance to roaster.
Tin ! MM-y bo t cabinuts at if3 a dozen at
Gorlmm'f )
iScliluittcr ft lloli'y r ci-ivctt a car load
Of HlIC IMIllt"J 1'lSt OVl'llillJI.
MosoViso lias a now lot of fast driv
ers , as well as draft horses.
"Tim Mountain I'ink" is on the boards
to-night at tin : opera home.
Oui ! dozen e'liblni'ts and a lar o panel
for $2.50 at .Schmidt's gallery.
A man named \ \ Ilk'tt was last evening
arrested for bcinjr "boiling full. "
During the absence of Captain Cousins ,
Olllccr Leonard is in charge of tliu police
force at night.
All republicans , and rewiblicans only ,
are ) Invited to attend the republican nri-
niaries this evening.
iMiss Maude Howe and company in
"Tin- Mountain I'ink" will be the attrac
tion to-night at Dohany's.
DCS ? , ! oini > s IIIIH finally decided to have
the names of her sliouts placed on the
fitreet lumps like other cities.
The switchmen's ball in Omaha was
cnjoved by a irootlly number of Council
BUill's folks. They report a very enjoya
blc all'alr.
To-morrow will be the Hebrew New
fear's day The places of business kept
by people of the Hebrew faith will be
generally closed.
The county auditor and chairman of
the board of supervisors weie yesterday
nigning bonds to tile amount of $10,000
Issued for the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. Snoderly are out on bail.
The case will be called Saturday before
Judaic Aylc.sworth. Col. I ) . B. Dailey is
attorney for tie ! Snoderly family.
Put Lacy lias a buckeye tree crowing in
his lot , on which luu ripened a number
of the nutn this fall. He says he thinks
It is the only buckeye tree in the city.
The Hrst tramp of the season has put
in his application for lodging at the city
jail. Tliuso cool nights make it rather
unpleasant for tramps to sleep out of
To-day , if you \ \ ish to vote , you must
go ill person and register your name ,
provided you have not already done so.
This is the last and only day that yon
will have.
The democratic uily convention will beheld
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in tiie
city hall for the purpose of placing in
nomination a candidate for mayor , to be
voteil for on ne\t Monday.
The mail carriers have nearly finished
uj ) the vacation business for this year ,
Meyer will "ro on duty in two or three
days , when i'hil ltd'/ will bo the only
man who has not taken his two weeks
The black Green boy who stole a hat
nt the opera Sunday night , was ro-
Icasod , yesterday from the look-up. He
declares , "i'so boiin' not to go and do so
no mor1. I ink it jes fo'fiin. but I don'
want no mor' fun ob dat km' . "
Cyrus J. Dunn , janitor of the Eighth
etrcet school , died yesterday morning
from a dropsical allbction. His brother
from St. Joe arrived the night be
fore his death. The funeral will take
place tiiis morning at 10 o'clock.
Joseph Phelps , of Norfolk , Neb. , and
Loena PJnnent , of Omaha , were yester
day issued a permit to wed , by the county
clerk. They immediately availed themselves -
selves of the permission and repaired to
ollieo of Justice Schur/ , and were married.
That line spotted stallion that Dave
Gray has been so proud over , goes to
Omaha. Gray has sold it to C. R
Blayno. Mayno knows a line horse when
lie sees it , anil for the past eight or ten
months has been trying to purchase this
OHO of Gray.
\Villiamstho vagrant , who slept
in jail while the judge took his case under
advisement , was released yesterday.
Williams will bo obliged to steal some
thing , for winter is cominir on , and it is
cheaper to board in jail than to hvo any
other way.
C. Wesley says ho docs not fool very
well satislied witli the result of the dem
ocratic primaries. He says lie didn't got
a single delegate. Ho says the people
want him for mayor , but the politicians
will defeat the will of the people. It was
ever thus.
Hicksap is tlio name of a new variety
of Michigan anple sample which Mr. J.
Jkl. t'lagler left at the Bin : olliee. They
wore .sent him troiu bis old homo iii
Michigan , and knowing the partiality of
a newspaper man for fruit , ho remem
bered his triends.
One of the cases that will come up for
trial at this term of tliu federal court is
that of Frank Sherman , accused of de
falcation , when lie was postmaster at
Taeille Junction. A crowd of witnesses
came down from thorn , who hopu the
case will bo speedily reached ,
The federal court was opened yester
day morning by Judge hhiras. There
was a good attendance and the docket is
a largo one. Judge Sliiras is a very pleas
ant man on the bench , but a young attor
ney does not appear before him for the
lirst time without a certain trembling of
the knees.
The girl who Is an inmate in a of
prostitution on Broadway , going tinder
the name of Ktta Smith , has concluded
to go to her homo in three weeks. She
Las given good reasons lor not wishing
to return now , and her brother-in-law
lias returned to his home in Nebraska for
the present.
I'atMcCann , of Weston , is in Jail hero ,
charged with the crime of rape. Mrs ,
Caioy , who Jives near that place , is the
complaining witness. McCann was ex
amined buforo Justice Barton , \Vualon ,
and bound over. Not furnishing bail ,
Constable Kly brought him to tliu city
and lodged him in the county jail.
Yesterday , Mary Davis liled a petition
in tliu district court to grant her a di
vorce from her husband , \V. II. Davis.
She alleges that they have boon married
five years , and have resided all the time
in this city. That they have two littln
toys , but that her husband is an habitual
drunkard , and that he fails to piovide for
the family.
Kilos has purchased the building -103
Broadway. He could not purchase the
Jot , for it Is a part of the Jeremiah Fol-
com estate , and is in chancery. That
pioporty Imj been in litigation for four
teen years , already , and can not bo set
tled yet for several years. Mr. Mies
proposes to extend the building toward
the rear , and carry it up cwo stones
high , lie will build of brick ,
The man who passed the forged chock
for $25 on Jim Wilson on Monday , has
o ( yet boon found. It was yesterday
rumored that he had done a like trick
Monday evening in Omaha. His name
is Robert II. Puelps and ho has recently
been dealing in chickens , Ho has live
Lorses mortgaged as well as his harness
and wagons , and it is now thought that
fco lias skipped out for good.
So Says Candidate Vaughan Whether Ro
Has a Delegate Or Not ,
Itolilircl lly n Man , Not Ily n ( Jlrl tnc
fltoro Unfortunate The Irreiiicss.
Iblc Snotleilles ( Jenernl Cuiin-
ull IJltiiTs News.
The Pharmacy Iinw.
Yesterday afternoon the federal court
listened to able arguments in the ea o of
Kohn vs Meleher , involving the consti
tutionality of the Iowa pharmacy law.
A linn in Illinois had been felling liquor
to a pharmacist in this state' and linally
sued for a balance due them on account.
The pharmacist put in n counter claim
for 10,000 , claiming that the sale to them
of liquor was in violation of law , and
that under the law they were therefore
entitled to roeover the full amount pre
viously paid by them for intoxicating
The pharmacy law permits the sale of
liquor under certain conditions , one of
those conditions beiti" that the vender
must be a resident ol the state of Iowa.
The argument yesterday was on the
constitutionality of the law , in that it
discriminates against non-residents of the
The case was ably argued by C.
Haldane , of the linn of Wriirht. Baldwin
< V Haldane , of this city , umlF. Lcghman ,
of Des Moiues.
12 Cabinet Photographs $ ! ) . Quality
the finest. Shorradon , 317 Broadway.
Fresh oysters in every style at the
Pluunix Chop House , No. MX Broadway.
IlcpiiMicaii City Convention.
The republicans of the city of Council
Blufis will meet in delegate convention
on Thursday , September ! ! 0 , at 8 o'clock
p. m , at the city building for.tlie purpose
of nominating a candidate for- mayor , to
bo voted for at the special election on
Oetober .
The primaries for the selection of dele
gates to the convention will be held on
Wednesday evening , the 1211th , at 8 o'clock
as follows :
First waul At the Western house and
select seven delegates.
Second ward At the city building and
select eight delegates.
Third ward At the office of John
Lindl , esq. , and select eight delegates.
Fourth waul At the building lormerly
occupied as an otlice by Suckrtt A : Pres
ton , No. ! ! G Pearl street , and select .eight .
delegates. WM. F. SAW. .m. ,
_ _ _ Chairman.
Hats regardless of cost. Closing out
hat stock of F. E. Stubbs , comprising
Knox's. Stetson'n and other line brands.
E. B. WILLIAMS , No. COO Bioadway.
Hard and softcoal , wood , limo , ccmciH ,
etc. Council Bluffs Fuel Co. , No. GUI )
Broadway. Telephone No. I'M.
Associnl ion.
The following is the program for to
day of the Council BInlls Association of
Congregational churches , now in session
with the Congregational church of this
city. The public is coidially invited.
Wednesday , September 3D Morning :
9.0J "Growth of the Church , " J. O.
D8J Christianity applied , " E. S.
1:00 : Devotional meeting , led by G. G.
11:00 : "Tho Press , " Alon/.o Rogers.
Afternoon and evening.
2:1)0 : ) Sunday school work.
1. Relation of congregational and un
denominational Sunday school work in
the state , by C. A. Towle.
2. "Young People's Religions Move
ment. " Address by Beach , Jamison ,
Holcombe and others.
8:10 : Sermon , E. A. Leeper.
_ Highest prices paid for county , town
city and school bonds. Odell Bros. A :
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Blulls ,
Hats regardless of cost. Closing out
hat stock of F. E. Stubbs. comprising
KHOX'R , Stetson's and other find brands.
E. B. WII.LI uis , No. 00i ( Broadway.
DoinocnitN Tor .Mayor.
The prominent democratic candidates
for mayor , who go before the convention
this afternoon , nro W. C. James , anil W.
R. Vaughan. The friends of both are
confident of the nomination. AH to
which or who it will bo the convention
only will decide. Vaughan is always
confident , and ho claims twenty-two
delegates out of the forty ; this , of course ,
if. on the basis of the admi sion of the
lirst or regular delegation trom the First
ward. Vaughan savs ho is a candidate ,
and expects to got tfiero.
Judge James says hois not a candidate ,
but that he is in the hands of lii.s iriends.
His friends claim that it he has not
secured all the delegates , that at least
Vaughan has not one. They evidently
do not intend to admit tliu Vunirhan
delegation from the First ward. The
Ii'ht waxes warm , and both sides are
bitter against the other.
"Everard and Eulalia. " by' Ed. Wright ,
for sale by Bushnoll & Cookwell.
Opera house barber shop anil bath
room. Everything lirst cities , R. M. Mar.
Another I'oorVnnmn. .
Yesterday Mrs. A. Po ppor , of Avoca ,
was brought before the commissioners of
insanity by her husband , and Deputy
Sheriff MeCamlless. An examination
buowed Mrs Popper is a German by birth ,
Hlit that she has been a resident of this
country for several years , She is llfty
years of ago , and for the past eight years
has boon insane , and that the disease of
bur mind is gradually becoming worse ,
The board issued an order for her admis
sion to the insane hospital , and ( lie sheriff -
iff will send her there to-day.
Just received , Ladles' line shoos , best
makes. Prices low. Gee , Bla.sim , 807
Main ,
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J.V. . iV E , L. Squire. No.
101 Pearl street , Council Blull's ,
Not Uohhcul Ity a Girl.
Stella Long denies that a man was
robbed of ? 50 the other night by some of
the ' . 'sairios" in her house , it now trans
pires that it was a Council Blull's young
man who was robbed and not a stranger
in the city. Ho was robbed bv a man
and not by a girl , as was yesteiday stated
in Urn Bo : . There is little hope of the
robber over being arrested as the man
robbed won't make a complaint.
First class regular dinner 2,1) cents.13 to 3
o'clock. 1-htt'iiixchop house , 503 IV way.
Will Open To > ! tlarro\v.
Having purchased the retail boot and
shoo business formerly known as ' . T.
Lindsey & Co. , we would say to our
friends and the public generally that wo
will have the same open and ready for
business Thursday , Sept. 30 , and will be
pleased to see you all ,
_ TO , - V
J. H. Hill , of rhirinda , Is In the city.
Joeph C. If etxcr , of Atlantic , is in the
Sol Bloom , of Deadwood , is in the
Thco. Brown , of Griswold , is in thr
John Hackett , of Creston , is at the
J. B. Freeman , of Toledo , O. , is at the
(4. 11. Carrier , of IVescolt , is nt the
Williard Butts has returned home from
the cast.
J. II. Hurlburt , of Fonlanelle , la. , is at
the Ogden.
A. J. Earl , of Anita , is stoppine at the
S. E. King , of Ottawa , wns in the city
( . ' . J. Holman , of Sargents Blull's. is at
the Pacilic.
F. S. Freeman , of Fairlield , In. , is at
the Beehtele.
M. V. Spencer , of Corning , is a Hech-
tele hotel guest.
C. F. Kingol , of Creston , was at the
Ogden yesteiday.
(5.V. . Cullison. Haitian , was at the
Pacilic jeslcrday.
O. R Livingston , of Boston , was at the
Pacilic yesterday.
II. O. Rico and wife , of Ncoln , were at
the Pacilie yesterday.
J. A. Hamilton , of Nco'a , was a Piieilic
hotel guest yesterday.
T. S. Maj.\vull , of Des Molnes , was at
the Paeilie yesterday.
II. J. Cavanaugh. of Atlantic , was at
the Pacilic yesterday.
J. L , Brown , of Bedfoid , was an Og
den guest yesterday.
M. A. Campbell , of Mount Age , was an
Ogden guest yesterday.
C. C. Williams , of Missouri Valley , was
at the Paeilie yesterday.
W. Schulcs and wife , of Greenfield , in. ,
were at the Ogden yesterday.
Mrs. Swanson , of Atlantic , was a
Pacific house gtiestycsterday.
R. M. Kirkpntrick and wife , ol At
lantic , wore in the city yesterday.
Mrs -Merrill , of Nbola , was In. the city
rj'wstenlay and mot old friends here.
L. L. Delano , of Atlantic , was in the
city yesterday and dined at the Ogden.
Oliver Mills , c\-prosident of the state
agricultural college , is at the Ogdon.
A. P. Cramer , postmaster of Avoca ,
dined at the Pacilic yesterday while in
the city.
Mayor Cole , of Pacilio Junction , was
in tlie city yesterday and dined at the
Fred. Iludio , of the Erieiailway at Buf
falo , N. Y. , is the guest of his brother ,
George Rudio.
W A. Stow , an attorney , formerly of
llambuig , la. , but newel Omaha , was in
the city yesterday.
.Miss Anita Hudson left yesterday for
a short visit to St. Loins while on her re
turn home to Indiana.
Yesterday morning Dave Gray started
east for a trip to New York and Phila
delphia. He will doubtless enjoy it
A. Ovcrton has returned from Arkan
sas and reports the issue to bo prohibi
tion and anti-prohibition. There the
democrats are the prohibitionists while
the republicans are the anti's.
W. S. Smith , of Bullalo , N. Y. , father
of Mrs E. E. Adams , and her uncle ,
Moses Smith , of Forth Brooklicld. Mass. ,
are spending a tow days here. They in
tend going further west before returning
Garland cook stoves arc the best made.
Get one of Cooper & AleGoo.
Under the now election law of this
state , no ticket peddlers are allowed
within 100 feet of the polling place In
fact no one is permitted within the pro
scribed limit except those who are actu
ally waiting to vote in turn. It will bn
a novel experience to many to get a
ticket from every peddler anil then bo
unmolested wnilo walking 100 feet. Time
is allbrdcd for each voter to select the
ticket ho chooses , and no ono bo aware
of the selection made. Very little use to
buy votes. A voter who is PO inclined
can take the ollered money and vote as
he pleases.
Richmond ranges tor hard coal at
Cooper it McGee's.
The Maude Howe company showed up
to a much butter advantage last night in
"Kathleen Mavourncon" than they did in
"A Wife's Devotion" on Monday night.
Miss Howe is a young and handsome
actress of much merit , and must bo seen
to be appreciated. The audience last
evening was not so largo as it should
have been fora lust-class play , but sel
dom has one been more appreciative.
Miss Howe plays to-nightin "A Mountain
Pink , " The prices arc 3oo , JWc and COe.
next best thins to a Richmond
Furnace is a Radiant Home Base Burner.
Sold by Cooper & JieGee.
"Krale's Rustler" is to appear in a few
days. It has already had a head put on
it , especially designed by C. E. Tried-
man , of this city. I'rom the proof print
it appears to be decidedly unique , and if
thorestof the paper shows up cone-
spondingly it will bo a sheet which will
command attention trom the very start.
Clark is bound to make a winning on it.
For Sale At a bargain , if taken at
once , my complete household liirniture ,
carpets , parlor and chamber set , kitchen
utensils , etc. Almost now. Will give
time on part. No. 313 North I'Jth street.
John J. Larson.
To-morrow ( Thursday ) evening the par
lors of the parsonage will bo open from 8
to 10 , when Dr. and Mrs. McCreary will
bo happy to civet the members and
friends of the church.
J. Ernsdtorf , having taken entire control -
trol of the IMuunix chop house , desires testate
state that he has secured the sorvieus of
Charles Decker , a lirst-elass cook ot New
York city. The best the market all'ords ,
night and day , in the best st.ylo of the
art. Will also have a regular bill of fare.
The Salvation Army has given up Do
hany's hall , and has rented the building
No , 303 Broadway , just east of the coll'eo
roasting establishment ,
See that your books are made by More
house & Co , , room 1 , Everett block.
"One of the substantial and ornamental
improvements made during the suninuu *
in this city is the parsonage built by the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Elotno doorbells , burglar alarms , and
every form of domestic electrical appli *
anc.cs at the Non YorK Plumbing Co ,
Supper was served at the Congrega
tional church last evening for all the del
egates and visitors to the Council Blull's
semi-annual association of Congrega
tional churches ,
Avoca Herald : On Tuesday morning
about i ) o'clock a young woman in Avoca
while alone and unattended gave birth tea
a child , and arising from tier bed , with
her naked child in her arms , she walKed
about two blocks to a neighboring liouso
and applied for admission. Of course
she was taken in and cured for and med
ical attendance was at once summoned.
A warrant is issued for the arrest of tier
bcducer , _
New arrival of solid school shoes , and
never so uhuap as now , at Adams1 417
The Dnlfo of
The Duke nf Porllam , the hero o
a London society Journal's prnsutional in
qnirv , "Who \ > ill mam the duke' ' " i
well known , having.wlille . Mr. I'aven
di h-Bontiliek , an ollicer of the Cold
stream Guaiii * , pasJd some time a
Newport and Sarntdca. ' He is onlj
twenty nine \ears of ago and of hand
some presence , and , unlike his tw <
voiinc brother * , Dukes of Hamilton am
ularlborotigh , uho have been sadly givei
to level , iingodlj glee , concubines am
carnal company. Is a very gentlemanly ,
well-behaved fellow He has been fro
iniently gm-n away ; n marriage , nn <
was one of Dr. Grilling advertisemeii
suitors for the hand of our beautiful
wliiteouled Mary Anderson , whom m
said he had never even Seen. At prosen
considerable angling is being earned 01
to hook him for the joung Princess Vie
toria , daughter of the Duke and Duehes
of Took , who is the llower of the royn
family , very pretty and very poor. 'Hi
inherited an immense estate , real nut
peisonal , from his cousin , the late duke
who was very eccentric , delighted not it
man , or woman either , and hud the ave
lines to Welbeek castle tunneled , so tha
ho might never sec or meet a human being
ing if possible. The present duke is !
very strong conservative and contribute !
$1200,000 to the Carlton ( lub electioneer
ing pot , for which ho has found ro\\an
in being made Master of the Horse to tin
Queen , the highest post in tliu household
Crocodiles J3\tlnct.
The steamers on the Nile have drivci
tlio crocodile from that river to Mich ai
extent that the reptile is practically e\
tinct. So IK the faitli that once rcgardct
the creature as sacred.
I will close my place of businos
0 o'clock this evening until ( ! o'clock to
morrow evening , on account of a holi
day. II. Friedman.
Police Captain Cousins has " ; one t <
Minneapolis as a witness in a burglarj
case. A man named Kelly , who was nr
icsled here , is accused of the crime.
Will make n Special Sale this wo3k o
Prices will bo Loiyer than made bj
any othsr store in the wo'st.
Do not fail to see us be'oro ptirchns
inp elsowliero.
This department wo sl all close out
and shall make prices to ijiell them. Oui
Stock is seasonable and'styJos exceL
e >
lent. ' '
! l
Tiiese are Bargains Never Be
fore offered ,
pau ca'i save ironoy by calling
onus before purchasing for wo will
not be undersold.
, la
= = * , MAUDE HOWE ,
The Ideal Romantic Play
Prices to Suit the Tinios and tlio People ,
50 , 35 , and S5 Gents.
Seats at Bushnell'ti ' Sfio extra.
lA'dcurN , Jdiii'iialHy County and
ItaiiU AVorli ol'i lKln \ < li a Slice-
lull ) . , ,
Prompt Attenlionjo Mail Orders
Room 1 Evorct Block , Council Blnfls ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines anil
U. n. National Hank , M. U Smith it Co. ,
CitUens' Hank , le ) ( > re , WolU i-Co. ,
hirst National Hank , ( X It. Insurance Co. ,
Ill cor & I'usov.liankors.O. II. Bavlniri Hank.
Beduction in Prices ,
Ctina , ( lassware , Etc. ,
AIV S Hfiner & ( Vs. No , 23 Main st.
Council Blufla.
IZvli'ii Lcriif Amortniciit and tlir llrst / > f// / } * In
Carpets , Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Mattings , Linoleums , Window Shades , Etc.
-fm iiKliiccnit'iifti HfJ'rrcd noil' , an a chaitjic nf firm Is to / < f/.v i > tarr ,
Mock utvt be retlnmt , Tttltr no one's irin'rf , l tt cull and . .rr/V j *
w/irs , that Hin' ni'lccsand ( jnainics cannot In-
Out ofton'n tvadc especially solicited.
Council Bluffs Carpet Co. ,
Mo. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Bride buildings of any kind raised or inovod and satisfaction guaranteed.
Fnrtue buildings moved cm Little Giant trucks , best in the world.
808 Eighth Avenue and Eighth StreciCounil BlufTs.
K1 A
t J nWoDdM
hthcilii iBiigiiln milking HM nnnnnl vNlln-
Mo. Tc-n ycuis' tiliiloCim. THOS. JKITIUIIS'
KKMrDY tor Unit faliil nn > liidy lins ilomon-
rutrd tliu fnct that It Is Inrnllllilu us n i > rocut -
Ivonndcnin. II jou pcnnlt jour chlldrunto
dlo with dlplillioila. "Their lilood IPO upon your
licud. " Tor nalo only nt tlio olliee , No. : . ' . } South
8t list root. Council Itlnirs , In. , or sent by oipiess
on looolnt ot price. $11.
C. II. illiiko-iloc , of No. 1110 Campbell stioet ,
Onmlm , who locontly lost u lieantllul and In-
teii'sllnn iliuiKlitor , tiixud nbout 15 jt'iua , by
illphthorl.i , iimler the treatment of ono of the
best physicians In Omaha , v rites to Dr. .lelleris ,
or this city : "Your icmcdy lor diphtheria catno
too lute , our doaidauKhtei "its djlntrheiiit
wasiecui\L'l. I urn satislied thut her HfoLould
have been IIM d. Another onoof ourclii'dicn
who had the diphtheria , her throat wif * tilled
upilh Iho putrid iileeration , o used jour
medicine and in tncho honts the disease \\iis
completely suljducd. In tlio iutiiio vo will
Keep your medicine at all times In our house.
Wo feel that it Ni\od the llfo or ono of our
children Wo are voiy thnnkliil to Jim , mil
only ledrtctthat o did not cull on jou eoonor.1
IVoin the Council lllnIN Daily Ueiald :
Mrs. E. M Oeiard , ilo ol Knciiicer Grraid ,
ol tlic Union 1'aelllc , thU citj , lia" lieen u Kimit
sulfoifrfor many years , willi what \ \ asup
posed to bocancor of the thioat. It AMIS bo bad
that she was thieatcned with Mnn titioii. lie.
K 'neral health A\as eoniilotcl } broken down
t ho could only swallow liquid lood , and P\CI >
that her stoniHch could not digest or assimilate
1'liysicliuis ot Council IllutTs uiiil Oniahi
attended her lor thrco j'ears and gave m
lellof. Dr. .leflcrls , of this city , u as culled. In
lour celts' time ho cut ed her throat , mid coin-
iiletoly restored her Ki'nornl hoidth. Had Mrs.
Oernid not obtained icliof teen she nould have
died finm blond poison , the fiuno condition that
dc&tro ) cd the lito o ! ( ion. Utant.
rrom the Council lllnirs Daily Glol > o :
} 1. A. McPlKo. editor UL tno CambiIaKbons (
bin IT , 1'a. ) I'locinnn , has been the persona-
friend ol the editor ol the Globe lor more than
twenty yours , and Is known wherever hu la
know u us ono of the best men living. Ho K also
nn Intlnmtt ) Iriend of .Mr. Chuk of the Non-
pin oil. Ho 1m- , been unloitninito In tlio tact
that his tumlly wa ° invnKed with diphtheria ,
and Ktcntly distiecsod. Mr. Claikhavlnir heard
ol his calamity riont linn MIIIIU of Dr. .lellciis'
Dlplilhcila Cine , IMMts used at once , mid tlio
lives ol the re tel his ehildien suvotl. Ietlois
Ironi Mr. Mcl'iko are unbounded in tholr ov-
] > tesslons < il piatltudo lor Undine coino means
ol nveillnir the loss ot his whole rioup of llttlo
and tender ones Khonl Mr. AlolMko'sphliilroii
out ol elpht died fiom dlphthei la lieloio ho had
an oppoitunltyol nsliif ? lr. .lellens' lenicdy.
D si-Ki'SM" DVM > II" : > IY !
Dyspoptlo , why li\o in misery and dlo in dls-
alrwlth viiiici-rof tliostoniiien'11 Dr. Thomas
eiroris cures o\cry ease ol Indliroatlon ami
oiiHtlpatlon In a very shoit timo. llest of rel-
crcnccB ifi\on. Oyspopsln is tlio eauso of
ninety jier cent ot all dicoaucd conditions.
I'ricor > lor two weeks treatment.
Dr. .lefferls' dlphtherlii modieino is Infalllblo
for all kinds of pore throats Indlspenslblo In
pnti id sore throat , in malignant Huarle lloxor ,
chniiKliiK it in 4S hours to the simple form. Infal
lible euro lor all liitlnminutorv , nlceiatlvo , put-
i ill , cancerous ulcoratlon of tlio womb and all
catarihal conditions.
Kill ! printed iiisti nctions how to use the medi
cines bent ulth them. No doctor icinilrcd.
Ur. Jcfferls' romodles can only bo obtained n
hla ollieo. No'II houlh Klh'hth btreet , Conno
llluUe , Ion u , or gent ny ovpreas on iccolpt
oornsroiij BLxrinir's
I'rnel ices in the State iiiitl Kctlurnl courts
I'ooins 7 and 8 Slui art IJlo-sk.
Justice of the Peace
Ollieo o\or American i\inoss : Company.
1IIN. Main St. , Council JMulFs , In. , ami
'JO ! ) S. 15thSI. , Room 10 , Omiilm , Neb.
Mnnnrnctuior'B A : entfor thn
Tents , Awniiigri , lloofliit ? Kiatp , Jlan-
tcis , 1'lnto anil Window ( Unas , Show-
CUHCJS , Elevators ( hand and liy-
( lr Mill Arc.
Fpcclul advertltemonts , sucli us I.ohl , Venn
To I < oan , 1'or 8ulo , To Kent , \Snntfl , lloaidlnif ,
etc. , will bolnsertod In this column nt tlio low
raloofTENCIINTS VKtt LINK fortlio llratlnsor
tlonand KlvuConta I'urUno for eucli 8Ubso < iuunt
liiBoitlon. l.ciuo luhoillsomen i at our ollieo
No. 13 Veul street , near Ilioadway , Council
Illnns _ .
ANTBD A good jflrl to do jtonpral IIOIIBO
W woik'Apply nt loy I'ouuli btioet , Conn-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\\fANTKI ) A Bltuntlon liyn inllloror-0 > oar8
\ > oxpurinnee : ultlier roller or burr Bjhtom.
Addie.- Miller , lice olllce , Connull llliillti.
Creston House ,
Tiiooulyliotol In Council UlulTs Iiavln ?
modem Inipioiomenta.
l and 210 Main § t.
, . . ,
jemojod wltlio J
( he knife ordrawln ofblooj.
Over tinny yoHra priicliciilcicrlcnco ,
No. 11 I'earl Bt. , Council UlulTi
X . SOU & ft 11 THAIS ST.
Daily rrcoipts of new goods.fl.its
Caus , ClotliiiiK , and a full line of Dry
Goods , all of the latest styles. Call and
gut Dricub before puri'liasinjj uUowiiur
In the city can be obtained by pal i onl/.iiif the
540 Uiondwuy Council llluffs
GJIO , Tr. SCHIXDELE , J'oj > ,
Mono but cxjipricnecd hands employed.
Out of town orders by mail or express so
licited , and all work warranted.
Nos. 1519-15'Jl Douglas st , Omaha and
No U34 Uroatlway , Council BInlls.
I'nlnlc" ' ! Dcntlclry. No liunibiial Ons , Vltiillzcil
Air , lUlior Hiul Chorofonn , with tliclr plcUcnlnieffect
molded ! ) > tliu moil wonilurful iiiiiicsthctlc , purify-
n K the blood and Imllcllnu up tliutlaniiea.
Omalia Dental Association , Solo l'roi > 'rs.
Gold Ciown , Gold Vlato and Continuous
finm Teeth n t-pcelalty. Host teeth $0s former
price S8.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards. .
Oppobllo Dummy Depot.
s * s
| " " 3 lm _
C/3 J
s PJ
r g
d. B3
Horses and mules Kept coiiitanllv on
hand , for sale at retail or in ear loadH.Or-
durs iiroinptl.v lillcd by contract on hhort
notice. Stock sold on commission.
Suu"iuu Boi.i.v , rtoprlutors.
Tolopliono No. 111.
Formerly ot Keil Sale Stables , corner
1st ave. and ltd street.
IliU ) toin in entirely now mill l HO lniila | til it wo
nlllKUnnintfo tulontli > onto ilnilt niiriumfiilly In
u fuw liour . Ymiriui iliaH all On'l ' > utU'ni Hint l
nrulud for tlio Innill ) a It ruts all ituinH'ma wurn
by luil o .irntlcini'ii mill flillclrcn , . , ,
| jullo and itviitlciiien. llwlll c > t you notliltiu
until yim liuvu U-iirncd. tlion > ou will winit tli | ilimr.
Wo clialluiiKO luniiictltluii. 'Jho iiionloxiiirlHiioiM
ilri'siiiiiiikci > mid lallori in knowln IKO lu miiiarluruy.
It Ixtlio Intention orMailuum WalkiT. a well kmiwii
hrenili molltiu. U nils iiiiildly and uj'od ' mioHU
ni ko iiiiiiioy. Wo wiinl tlr tdiiB lUC'nH M t.iko
hold of tliobuiiln08 wltli in. Wo Ilko In in iko | > ' 'i f
and allow other * to do * u > l u , M > wo nffur llbural
. I'or lurlhof Inrnriiiulloiicall oruUdrf .
lloomKU'aUlIc Hou f , Council lllulTii , lowu.
An excellent educational Institution , fnrnibli
dwltli all the inodern Impiovoments , con.
J'or term of llro months , $75.
Termsbesln lirst Monday In September anl
ret MondayInlfebruuiy. For catalogues ad-
TO 18 BlSTIMt HL'I'KltlOlt
Et. rruDclH Acudemy. Council lulli
ri.n ni. \ . nn-i.t \it\r. < .
DIIIUWKLLS : : : & co. ,
nil rliw < , 1 IP . 1 to rominl 111 IIT , Iowa.
> niVo tlicOrlgmnl mvl Compli'lo
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COIIN siir.i.usnsNI > rutsn rrnr.ui.
Nils I'OI , lji , iVTi ami 117MKiUi Main Street ,
_ Council lliiiTJ ( , limn.
DA MI ) BltVDLKY .t CO. ,
MiinuTrs an I .loblitiN of
Agricultural Implements.Wagons . , Buggies ,
rSI1".1.1"111 ! ? ! " " 1 < l"l < ° r > ' ' Mnohlnory.
1100 to 1110 South Mnlu Street. Council tllutft ,
( ) . Clt.r < o.T. . ll.Doimt. a.'dro.r.VunniT ,
V - 1'rusM m. PUP X
Council BluTs Haidto Pactwy ,
( InrwporntPil.l
Mnmifncturcfsof A.tlo , I'lck , Sleitco naa Smill
_ llnmlli's , of menilo crltliin. |
Curtains Window Shades
Carpets , , ,
Oil Clothe , Curtnln Kltturo * . Uplinl tnry Hoods ,
Etc. No. 105 llroaitwixy Couaell llluHs ,
fs , 7fiiurro ,
Wholonlp Jobber * ! In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes
Nos. ZSMnln and B7 IJeiirl Sts. Council IllufTs ,
Wliole nlo
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No 14 1'oirl St. , Council 'limn.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
ts' Sundries. Ktc * . N'o i"J Muln St , nnd
No. U11'oarl rtl. , Council llhitrn
1 Jit . 'JX
O. W. 1JUTTS ,
Wholesale California Frails a Specialty
Goncrnl Commission. No. 5IJ lliendvrar ,
Council lllulTs ,
W1RT A : DUQUKTl'l- : ,
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Groceries.
Nos. If. and 18 IV.irl St. , Council HlulTs.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries
Also Wholesale I.lqnor Ilcnlotp. No. 416 HroixJ-
wny , Council l
. /rc.
Mnnu'ncturoiB of and Wholiilo DtnloM In
Leather , Harness , SaddlerEtc. .
No. E. > Jlnin St. . Council lllu Ti , Iowa. "
I If"
Jobbers in Hats , dps and Gloves.
Nos. ; il''niKl ,11 ! IHo.ulnMv , Coiinoll llltifD.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardflara ,
And Wood Stock , Council HI UK loivn.
J///J/.s' ; AM )
J ) . H. MeDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tullc v\Vool , Polls , Omi"o and Van Counojl
Hinds loivn.
Wliok-snlo Donlors In
Illuminating & Lubricitia * Oil * Gmlln
F.Tlicodoro.Atront , Council IlliiTa.
1'iuxa r/rc.
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Pillai ,
Andlirldgo MnteriiU StoclaUlnsWlioloiulo | Lum
ber ol all Kinds. Ollieo No. Ill ) Main at. ,
Coiinoll Hlutrs. luwn.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
At'cnl foi .SI. ( iotllmin's lluib lllltiTJ. No. U ijgp1
Main St. Council itlullrf.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
M. .
Office No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
) It to I" n. m.
Hews , } 2 to fi p.m.
i 7 to Kp , m.
Hoorn > 'o. fl.
KstaliJ shed 18.17
Horses and Mules
( Torall purposes , uo'iitht ncj gold , at totall
n lotA LUIKU iinantltte'i ' to i-eleit fiom
l palisof llniMlilvois ,
Council Blull's.
"P , C. MILLER *
No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs ,
House , Hltrn and Docora o 1'u'iilvr. ' I'nplcr
klaelio Wull Oriiamentb.
N no but best | 111 < ' t- tow -
ow us others.