Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Bat Little Ghaaee ia Prices Irom
Ilic It portrtl Corner in the Septem
ber Option I'rorcn I'aUe Uiit
Itnr-inc < Pone In
Wheat ntul Curn.
CIIKfio.Sept.24. . I tvec' * ! iviefratn to
Jlic ttr.K. ] Tl.fre . w s lie t ) t nlRlit In
\Vjomlnp. \ NAra ka. Kan i , WivonMn
anil tlic noitliweM.and the It'iniralnre a <
roinjwred with Monday 1 * dcrtderily lower
all o\vt HHeountr > . Unrin ? Hie la t twenty-
four litmr * tlit-re has lutn t tn In the Mis > i -
Mppi. Oliio. anil Tentipse ralle\s tlif lake
rrplon. Ixul5lnnna nd the eastern states.
iMit tti" precipitation lift" not been heavy.
Tlieopcnlnc prici * were very little clianct-d
t rom yeMerday s oo ! lng. No\eiubor wheat
ftarted out nt T i'tc , but fell bark to 74 * < c.
Corn for NovembrKtlU at nOKig
Si > tc , but COMH ! back a fraction. November
pork was Hist quoted at St',00. but : ilHnu'd
evtri disposition to sell lower. Ik-lore I0o ;
\\lit-Rt had lirmeJ nn to 75'4 tT" Hc , but re
acted to 75 to. Tlic volume ol bu 1nts vas
xcrj'licliL Corn kept -between W V' Vc.
Sealjt-rs boncbt tKirk aulte freely ami jmt
XoM'tnbcrup to"1 . Tbeitanow ranpc
exhibited by wheat mound the otnlng ; kejit.
up pretty much all tlav. > \ hciicvcr it saive < l
bick to "K : foi November , It would liuaiiably
i-ecover U > TS' c , but outside of tbuse limits it
was very slow alKUt ) uoinp. It is said that
Jttain wild a KOOI ! dt-al of n lieat , but the .re
ports could not be tiace < l to any
pounce. This > > ide of the market was taken
by the general trade but salt"of wheat were
not Inrced. Yciy manj exjiecleil a bulcp
this moniincoii the tlieory ot "natural reac
tion , ' ' hut it fnilcd to pet hen * .
Tradini : toward the clu-e of the
session befainelow and tlratpy. ; Corn iiu-
ptoved in volume ol business , but tratler > .
Merenifxtlj on the --elilnt side , nntl as a
consequence prlt es dropi > e < l ' ni e bv noon.
but alter th l time lev ived a little and closed
inodcraU'l.v Meml.v. The bit bienk of thedav
was In feeptember lard , which M.ent. all to
" iii&Tes. " Un : went so nmriiy luftt > er >
ninny ojicrators outside of tJi - pro * . Unm pit
did not hear of it for some time afterward.
There has been au unlouuiled U'liet for
weeks tiatt that SeptemlHTlanl vvas eornered.
but It petered out to-day and prices for that
option dioppcd with extreme suddenness
Jiom S7.27' to S6.33.eteidav lard was at
TJtc premium betvuen the twomontlis. To-
dav the discmmt is lOc.
Traders , ilopjied around to tlic buying side
and took in w neat verj actively nn the after-
uoon besslon , November poiiiK to < oJ4c on
rct > oits of twenty-one boat loads > taken at
js'cvv York and talk that heavy financial men
there were buj Ing wheat both at home and
here. But the exports were believed to IK-
made up lareely ot 70c Danv llle w neat w hich
sold on shijiboaid at TTc. This is said to hs\e
saved it beins ; po ted.
The close vas as follows : Wheat , strong
Octoberlvlic November : 4'i\c Maj. O.its
steady ; a'x&eitembt-r : 2.V-ke October. 1'ork ,
firmer ; S'AM Septeint > er ; S9 55 October :
ffl.524 November : ' . ' . & > j ear ; SlO.rfl Janu-
arv. 1-ird steady : StaTH September ; SG.10
October ; SCO > Xovember. bhoit nbs , easj ;
SasiSepteuiber ; ? G.b3 October ; S5.40 Janu
ary. _
CHICAGO. Sept 2 . [ Speclarrelegram to
the BEU. ] CATTi.n The fact that there was
not so lame a proportion of natives as ye -
tcraay gave sellers hope * of something better
this morninc , but alter working hard aud
Ions they considered that they were fortunate
in seeming barely steady rates. The market
'for common , rough cattle vvas dull. Some
tidy fat 1430-lb beeves sold at S. % but some
verj' fat but rather coarse 1700-lb cattle could
not be told better than S4.S.X To offset the
very few instances in which choice handy
cattle sold better to-tiay there were many
cases in which undesirable cattle sold lower.
Tlic general trade was dull and closed v ery
weak. The range cattle receipts to-da.v weie
15OOJ , southern Texans and about 4.590 win
tered Texan * nnd territory cattle. The mar
ket would have been nnn on something
cnolcc , but the quality was not .so coed as on
veMeiilay. Sales ol common to lair Texas
. . . . and thin we.-tern cattle were a shade lower
and thesrcneral market vvas Mow and weak.
The Swan coinpanv cot S3..Vlor ) ] Sr > Wjoin-
ings averazins 1125 Ibs. Other repre enta-
tive sales : Ki .Montanas , i-jji Ibs , a..ij : 170
Montanas , 1240 Ibs S4 00 : 05 Montana Tex-
nns. 1051 lb , § 3.00 ; 57 Montanas , 1-.53 Ibs ,
Hoes The market was active and about
fie hither than Monday. At the close , how
ever , there were talesmen that had late con
signments who complained of their inability
to pet as peed prices as at the opening of the
market Kough and common s > old at S4.00 < §
4.83 ; fair to good packing sorts. ;
l > est heavy and assorted lots , S4.7ufijif4.b5 ;
light sorts SS.75ii84.75. (
t\ > v York. Sept 23. MOVET On call
quiet at 3a7 ( per cent , closing at 3 per cent
FiUitE .MUIICAXTILE 1'ArEIl 4@5 per
cent : EXCHAXOE Quite strons at
SJ.Wi ! for sixty day bills , and S4.M } _ for
Uovciixuurrs Ooxcruiuent bonds were
dull but linn.
{ jTorKs The stock maikei shewed a fcorac-
\\hnt better distribution ot business and
prices weru materily higher tlirouchout tlic
dnv than at the cilice last nUht , New Kim-
land continued to be the feature and its
fluctuations were wide and , at times , violent ,
but U reached higher figures than have yet
been attitncti on anv previous day. aud
showed a handsome gain at the close. 1'rices
at the opening were very Inegular , Kacka-
Avana Ik-Snedovvn ' ix-rcent and New Enc-
Jand ami Union I'ncihc up a HK > J amount ,
oilier chauire * l 0inc for MiiaHer fractions.
J'riM-s hesiutwl Bomew hat in carl } dealings ,
but thcmaiket soon tH'cniijo t-troni ; through
out , New York nnd Jfevv England gaining
- " IK.T cent The advance ciUminated
Fliortlj befoiv noon and M ue heaviness vvas
difplajed , whin the advance in New Eng
land vvas nearly all lost Hut it won Joined
the remainder or the list and with tno ex
ception of n small reaction toward the close ,
the market was firm all the way up , finally
closing sU-r.dy to linn.
a cent bolide. . 100V , c. A-N. W . . . 117J/
O. Sx4J's _ . . . . 113 ) preferml . . IvJ
Ncw-4's 12si4 x. y. tx
Pacific O'K of W.G 121 Oreion Trail. . .
Central 1'acltlc 4-VracirieMall . .
C. & A Hi IM ) . AE
preferred . . IfiO r. 1' . O 145
Ii ft. AO ! ; ' Kock Island. . , . 127 } .
U. L.&W 18 > i St It. i S. F. . S3K
D.&n ( j SKK1 preferred. ( A
Erie 85't C. , M. .v. St , I' . .
Eriepreferred. . . . 7s I pielerred. . 125
Illinois Central. 1S5 StK A:0 : . . . . 60
L..JI. A-W. . . is I prefeired. .
M > 4 Texas I'aciUe. . 17' .
* l-i L'nion Pacific. 01 y.
50vV. . , St U A 1' .
Wlcli. Otitral. ,
Mo. Pacific . . llKlWesUTtf Union
KorthernPac ' " " , iu iV I\ . . . 106
picf erred. . .
Chlcajro , Sept. 25. Flour Dull and not
quotably lower ; winter wheat nour , 54UVq [
4.10 ; southern , $3.tOa4.00U'iscons'n , Sl.Oo c
.10 ; Michigan soft epnuc wheat , .i i ?
4.10 ; Minnesota bakers , 3.50 4. 10 ; patents
$ ( low crudes , 1.75Ai75 , ije riour.
quiet at .lAaSLia in bancTs. and ilOO , ;
S.OO m tacks.
Wheat Oj > enod e sv and closwl ' c alxive
Tpfctenlaj ; cash,73SK78Sc ; October. 735-lCc ;
> ovemt > er , 755-lCc ; May t39-iCc.
Com Kasier. closintr J c lovxer yes-
terdaj , cash. ac.ijtacGH October , 16 11-16 ,
Joember. . S c ; May.
OaUQuiet and dull with very little
change : ca.h and October , 25J < cNo ember ,
1 ( > e Quiet at 4SVe.
KarleQulet at M <
i'r me. 51.M.
P.rVctve irre.idar ai.d n > f > dei ! > ley !
r < -tup. ash and rvtolr. . SVVJ : Nwpwber.
l.r IHrl'ned to WKc OM
rallhfd 7'fri , < ctoslnctmne :
and > lOc lowct : cah. SA.S7'i : Oc-
Jannary. SMS , itf . . ,
Hulk Mi-ftt Sfivnlitor * . S6.00fi.l : Mwtt
Clear. ? 7 10 ® : . 1' . : short rib . f. 5 ) .
Untter F-nn but doll ; creamery ,
dairy. 14i lsi
Chee * r'lrm : ftdlcrtwrn
flats ll < ail _ < > : yoiiiit ; AwiPrtcas
Mm * , W
j siren alte < l. TKc : Htlit. r ;
danmrvd. ' , : btill hWe * . "I'ic ; drv
saltiM llt-c. drv flint. IftitUe ; calf
fklns Vfjiuisf ; ricucons1"ce ich.
Tallo * Nn. 1 wmnt.-v , 5i-t'rfft ! : cuke.
t : No. 2 , * > .
Afternoon Ixianl Wheat firmer : rsh ,
7c : OctoiHT ra ti ; Nnv ember 7.Vc : Mav ,
Me. Corn tirm : cash. a"i\c ; October , JW1 1V * ;
Noveiiibor. > ic : May , 4S iC. Oats Irrecn-
lar ; cash , AV ; Oit ijer , i ' e : > ovctnl > er.
2fi\c : Mav. 31 , c. P rk firmer : caMi and
OctfilxT SP.V : Novpintx-r. SO " > 7j , . Lar.l un
changed ; October , SO i.i : November , $ fi 10.
Itpeelnts Shipments's ' . lb.0.0 7.0W
Wheat bo. . Ttl.lWJ 2 .VJO
Corn , mi . :5-i.i > JO if.\ao
OaKtiu . UiO. ( > M 1SMUO
Hje , bu . 3.0JJ ! i.KK )
H . > -7.wO 02.0JO
New York. Sept. Sa. IVlitaJ ISecelpK
lHi.tx v exports. 182.000 : ish. a shade blcher
and fairly active and In coed part for exiK > it :
OulioiLs i i 'iicl weik and asiiade lower , later
niled stronger and advanced HQ'c ' , closini ;
wit ! ) IK > SI tirures rulhic nnn : tin traded teu.
7r.flsvc : No. Sr l. S2Hc : No. 1 n d. S TC :
Nn. 2 nxl. MVc iu elevator : sv.i < a4Cc afloat
BtidMi > l < M-rcU : S.V ( si * > , L f. o. U ; October clo = -
nt s'-iC
Com Cash a tritle eat > iei and options \
(3 " 4c higher , cl'isint ; tirm : r * cl ts I4ffici0 ;
t-Njinrts OO.IKX ) ; iinirraued , 414a4Gfic ( : Na
2 , 4rVv' < ci40Yc in elevator , 40J ;
Oekibei closinc at 47'vc
Oats : receipts 110,003 : ex-
poits 4. . : mixed we.tein , 3lrtnc ( ! ; white
Petroleum bteadj : united. ( Sc ,
Pork Fairlv active but steady ; tnns.c ,
S10 Waio.75 tor old ; Sll.'J5 il.50 tor new.
Lard t'nsi-itled and lower ; western steam
smtt quoted at SO 05 asked.
Umter- Quiet but liim.
Cheese Quiet but hrm.
E'is Firm with lair inquirv : western ,
SD'k 'lc.
Minneapolis. Sept. --Wheat Quiet
foi futures but pee < l demand for sample lots
lor mill'iii ; ami vhipitient ; No. 1 hard and
cash , 7lc : October , 7lHc ; November , > c ;
No. 1 northern , rash and October , ffic * : Nov -
v ember , TO' c o. 2 northern , cash and Octo-
FloiiV MowT patcnts , " S4.M > u .4U ; bak
ers' . Si.20 340.
liex-eiptA WlH-nt. 143.000 bu.
Shipments -Wlieat , W.0 ! > 0bu. ; Oonr , 1S.OCO
Cincinnati , Sept 2S. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 led , 76c-
Corn Quiet : No. 2 mixed. 40c
Oats Strong : No.2 mixed , 2 'c.
Hje-Qulet ; No. 2 , 54c ,
Pork-Quiet at SlttOO.
I.ard Uull nt SC.OO bid.
Whisky-Firm at SI. 12. bept 2\ Wheat Hlf her ;
cash , TS c ; October , 73c : November , 75c.
Corn Oroopine : No. 2 , SOJic ,
Oats steady ; No. 2 , 2.-x ; .
Itje-FInn ; No. 1 , nominal.
Barley Steady ; No. 2 , .WJfc.
Prov Isions how er ; pork. > et > ieuiber , S9.GO.
St. iToulit. Sept. 2S.V heat Steady ; No
2 red , cash. 74o : October , 74 ' c bid.
Corn Easy ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 34J4XS
Sj c ; October. WUc.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mired , cash. 23J '
( ffJO'ic : October , 2-"sc : Nov cmt > er , 27 } c.
Jive Weaker at474c
WhNkj S1.12.
Pork Easy at ? ! 0.12Hia25. (
l ard Stionper at $0.30
Uutter fetcjily nnd unchanged : creamery ,
21@24c ; daily , 10 < < Milc.
APTrnvoox HoAiit ) Wheat Stronrcr
and f-i'sc higher.
Coin Advanced ' f' c
Oats Unclianccd lower.
New Orleans , Sept. 2 ; . Corn Unset
tled ; mixed aud white , 4b. < i49c ; jellow , 50
( n51c
Oats-Steady at S3/.S / } c.
Hoc Products Quiet and weak.
Pork & 10.M.
Lard Sr.OO.
JJulk Meats Shoulders , S7.03 ; Ion ? clear
and clear ribs , 57.12 } .
Toleao , SeptWheat Firm and
liisher ; cash , 7fiJ 'c
Corn bteady : cash , 39J c.
Oats Nominal
Liverpool , Sept. 2s. Wheat In poor
demand ; No. 2 winter , Cs 7d ; new spnnir ,
Cssd. > .
Flour In poor demand ; extra spring.
Ss 4i.
Corn In poor demand ; newmied , spot
and fceptember. 4s 4d ; October 4s S' d.
Kansas City , Sept 2i Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 , n-d , cash. Clc bid ; October , Ol&c ;
November , nominal.
Corn feteadv : No. 2 , cash , CO'uc bid ;
October. : c ; November , Sl\'c bid.
Oats Steady at 23J4c.
Chicago , Sept. 2s. The Drovei's Journal
reports as follow * , :
Cattle Heceipts. S.OOO : slow but steady :
shipping steers. ; stockers and
feeders 2 V0a.50 { ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
Sl.50.gAOO . ; bulk , S2.2X 2.70 ; throujrh
Texai cattle a shade lower ; cows , S1-T53
2.S5 ; steers. $2.50(33.25 ( : western rancers ,
slow ; natives and halt-breeds , S'iOO@3.75 ;
cows. SiSO@2.W ; wintered Texans , SiMXjj
o.25Montana ; , S3.9i0-l.00 : Montana Texans ,
Saso : Wjotn.nss , S3.45S3.50 ; Oregous ,
Hoes Itcc Ipts 15.000 ; stronc and 5c
higher , cloinuwith the advance lost : rouch
and mixed , Sa 70@4.00 ; packlns and ship-
pine , Sl.OOa4.JO ; light , 3.70. < ? 4.05 ; skips ,
Sheep Receipts. 3,053 ; steady ; natives ,
S-2.25'5-1 00 ; western. Si./a3.00 ) : Texans ,
Si.-O.i'UO . ; Jambs. St.40@5.00. :
Kans.-tH City , Sept .ii. Cattle Ileceipts ,
2,000 ; shipments HW ; shipping and gra-
ranee cattle slow and weak ; butchers stuff
stcaa and feeding Meers iiriuer ; cotwl to
choice , S4.00irf4.50 ; common to medium , < Ki ; Mockcis and feeders , S2.25@-3.CO :
grass rane steers , 2.2.Va3.'JO.
Ho s Heceipts , 5.40J ; shipments , 200 ;
< ] unlitv better : market steadv ; peed to
choice , S4.50dj4.75 ; commonto medium , W.'JK
te4.4' . ; erasers and pics fr3.7ft4.'JO. (
st. LfOius. Sept 2s Cattle IJeeelpts ,
2,200 ; shipments , 1,500 ; raaiKet active but
steady ; coed to choice native shlppini ;
ciades ; butcher > t rs & 25 , < j
4.10 ; Texas and western , giOlriS-OS.
Ho.'s Heceipts 2.KK ) ; bhipments 1OW ;
all grades stronger ; butchers' and choice
heavy , S4.70n4.H5 : packing grades. S4.25
( iJtbJ ; Yorkers .l.UO. 4.50 ; pigs , sa75gJ.'JO.
Tue--day Evenlnp , Sept 25 ,
Cattle The cattl market continues about
Fteady lrc ed beef steers are In very fair
demand. One bunch of verv choice , heavy
corn-fed steers broucht ? 4.IO to-ilav. There
is more inquiry for feeders and a better mar
ket Is anticipated as the season advances.
Butcherfctutf was very slow ,
llnp The receipts of hogs were liberal to-
da > aud the market active. The bujers wete
well repiesented on the market to-day ana
ev erj thing w as sold at an advance of &S10c
over vestenlay's market
.Sheep There were a few in to-day and all
l Alllu JJU
* * * * * * * * *
llo s. 1.KK )
Prevailing Prices.
Shovvlne the prevailing prlcas paid for live
Mock on this market
Cholcu steers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs. . 54-25(34.35 (
Choice steers. HOUto 1SD3 Ibs. . a75@4.i'i
Medium stoers. 1230 to 1250 Ibs . . S.GO.a4,15
Fat little steers , 1053 to 1153 UM . . . . 8.80S4.0J
( iood to ci.3ica corn-fed cows , . . . . 2.i >
Fair to medium crass cows . . . . . . S.o
( iood to choice bulls . L.50V&2.00
J.lirht and medium noc ? . 4.15J-1.SO
( ! oed to cliolce lieav > toes . 4.S534.45
Good to choice mixed ho-s . 4.2.U4.SS
GooJ to choice 6hoep. . , S.0023
Fair to coed sheep . , . 2.75g .00
Common sheep
ReprckentAtive Hales.
Na AT. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
7 . .10W 82.50 11 . . . , IfcO 52.80
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
20 . 1151 54 09 20 . .11C4 S4.25
to 124S 4,20 SS 1300 1.CO
SI . . 11C7 4. 5 1 3 . < 14ft ] 4.70
SHE El * .
\o. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
19 * . .79 SI * . 17 * . . .10. SMO
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. bhk. Pr.
il .94s . . . $4.25 # . .m jan $4.15
07 .SSS 80 4.39 7P S * } 4.SR
K ? s.s 120 4.39 71 . . .SSI 120 4.3T.
< w. . . * a < w..erri so 4.Jft
7 < . 284 S ) 4.W ! ft1..2fls 49 4.5571 ;
M . .9U4 SO 4.TJ O..27 540 4.49
71. 543 40 4.TO ( Tl . . Iff' 4.40
73. .347 . . 4.'U C1..2-45 40 4.40
m. . ? y > 4.v , 21..s * . . . 4.40
. . . . _ < * 3 4.ST , 4s . . .WO 40 4.40
OJ SN < fl 4 < ft 'iO. . .5:2 HI 4.48
71 2S2 SO 4.HH & "i . . .901 . . . 4.40
(11. ( 'l 1 4. & 45. . . .820 100 4.43
7B. . .3fB I'M 4.8.1
Tlinovv Of6- ,
No Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. bhV. Pr.
. . . . ! ; $ , i. . .an S4.u
' " ' " ' ' '
. ; . R.75 i'.874 4'.io'
l > . . . .ls- , 0 S.75 4. . . 4'C 120 4.25
71 . lis ( lai S.JU i. . .4to SO 4.40
R5.f H ) KJC.
llanuc ol'l'rlccf.
Show In : the Inchest aud lowc t price *
jrnid tor loads of boz * on this uiarket during
the iw t even dn > and lor tnc same time
IJIM limnth and lost } -ar :
D y. Aur.
Showlnc the number of cattle hors and
sheep shlp ] > eil from thp yards to-day :
No. Cars lit Dftt
22 N. W Chicaco
0 U. 1 Chicago
2 H. AM Ashlaad
No. Cars lit. Ics _
10 C. B , tQ Hoston
2 11. I Chicago
2 r..N''V\ * Chicago
All sales of stook In this market are made
per cwt. live weight unless othurvvisc stated.
Dead ho s sell at'.c per Ib for all weights ,
"Skins , " 01 hogs weighing less than 103 Ibs
no value. Pregnant M WS are docked 40 Ibs
andstigs soib * .
Notes ,
Hogs higher.
Hog sail sold
Corn fed caltlespll well.
-More inquiry after feeders.
The hog market tikes a lOo step upward.
market to-day.
Mr. Uarrett , Weeping Water , was in to-day
looking for feeders.
ItemiiV Storrs. Swing , had tn-o loads of
cattle at the yards.
Joseph Wldlck. Friend , Neb. , was here in-
quinngnftei feeders.
C. IX Sanderson. Central Citjvvas hei
and sold a load ot heirs
.1. b. Nordcreen , Chapman ; , was herel and
marketed a load ot hogs.
Kien A Maloney , Albion , were both here
with four loads ol cattle
IsaacShepaid oii , Hiverton , Neb , vvas a
v i'ltor at the vards to-day.
.1. C. U. llester. fetuart , had a load of 107
sheep on the market to-day.
CJaaence Brown. Chicago , is visiting his
father. W. F. Brown at the .vards
F. Folda , Scliuyler. was heie and sold
three car loads of corn fed cattle.
Thomas Harris , Central City , was here
with a load ot hogs aud two loads of sheep.
Mr. IMey , ofthenrm of H iwk < = A lllley.
Albion , was on the market -with a load of
her and four loads ol cattle.
T. B. I lord. Chejenne was looking over
the market to-dnj. Mr. Jiord is manager ot
the hancc CreeK Cattle company.
_ Ed. F. Crldf-r , of Jennings , Crider A Co. ,
live stock commission merchants of Kansas
Citj. paid his GrM visit to the \ards to-day.
The firm is considering the project of open
ing a branch house here.
Among others having hoes on todav's
inaikct were the following. Allen A Moore ,
UticabpeltsAK : , , Bellwood : J . Smith ,
Ulysses ; C 1 . Champion , Dorchester ; Kev-
nolds Paul A Co. , lUymoud.
Mr. Tiedgen. of Tiediren A Keiiners. Mun-
.son , was heie and sold 202 head of choice
corn-fed cattle of his own feeding. It was
the best bunch of cattle that has been In the
yards for Mime time , and 1 < 5 of them sold for
SL70 , which is conslderablv higher than any
thing that has sold on this market for a long
On the market with hois : II. II. Dorsey
A Co. . Mead : J. M. Abraham. Valley : Files
A Co. . Cedar Kaplds ; Fuller A Paton. Fuller-
top ; .Mor-e A Co. Benton ; Morse , Jtozers A
Co. , Dowlmg A Pureell , South Bend : F. C.
HawkKiene A Mallonev. Cedar Kapids ;
Davis A Co. , Emerr-on F. J.
I . . * , . -i1 . H * , .l , IT , - . ! . . ; f ! Hale ( . _ , . Battle . „ . _ _
A : Amen , Ashland.
General Produce.
Tiiesdav Evenini : . Sept. 2 ? .
Tlic following prices arc JOT round lot * of
prw'utf , aoWon Wic initrct < odaiThe
ijuotntloiut on frnitf represent Hie prices at
whiiJi nutnUcorder * , arc tilled.
EGOS The market was very active during
theenrly pirt of the week. Keceijits Mnee
yesterdav have been more liberal and pric- .
are not quite as linn. ITc is about outtldu
hruie obtainable for strictly fresh , candled
IH'TTEB The demand for first class table
butter continues vrv brisk , nhile lower
erades are dull and nelectea. Fine cream
ery a id clsiry meets with ready sale at quo
tation * . Tresh creamery. ± J@2-Je : fre h dairy ,
isgSJi ? : choice country rolK isra-jac ; choice
countrj'solid t > ackH , 17(5isc ( ; oed country
roll , lO'SHc ; fair country solid packed , 11W
14c : common , oCaiK ; .
CiiEcsn Fancy full cream cheddars. 13c :
fancy full cream fiai-stuo in box , l- ' c ;
fancy full cream yonns Americas , lour In
" " - - ' - - -
suplied with
live cl iclens ; and sales are dia lnc. There
havebeun a few eon-liniments ofdre < * a
chickens in the market which met with
rather slow &ale , owinc to the warm weather.
Live Chickens , old. r > er dor , sr'i.'iWi.W ;
t-prinK chickens 82.00 ; duclig.iWfciTS :
tnrlei : , & 7.00' it.OO : , 5-6 ( Us s.M.
Ireed Chickens choice , | > er Ib. 10c ; fair
to rood , hfd'.ic : ducks , choice , lie ; geese , lie ;
turkejp , Vii iac.
GAMH The weather has acaln turned
warm and tliet'ame trade -omewhat weak.
Good bound prairie chickens hold about their
own , while ducks are extremely dull ana
low. Pro i > ectsiavor a verj brisk trade in
prairie chlckens tt hlirher fizures as soon as
cold weather sets In. Prairie chickens , § 2.00
OfiO ) per dozen : quail , .LS LSO ; snipe ,
plover , etc. , Sl.lKK5l.li5 ; ducks. ( Mallard ) .
fcl.KKffl.7S ; duckN ( Teal ) , 51.00 nl.25 ; ducks ,
mixed. "Sew 51.00 ; Kt-e e , SiWrttM ; deer ,
sadtlles. ] > er Ib. , ll@12c ; Ueer , carcasse.s per
Ib. , 7 ( .io ; anteloj > e , saddles , ll@l-c ; ante-
lei e , carcasses , ( , elk , saddles ICKglli ; ;
elk. carcas i-s , & /7cjack ; rabblu , perdoz. ,
SH..W44.CW ; small , i erdoz. , t'JS.
OitTKi:5. The exceedinglv warm weather
of the past few days has had the effect of
rutlins down the oyster trade. It is as coed
as could be extK-cted at tills season of the
vear. Prices remain the Aame as la t week.
The follow ini ; are the prices at which country
orders are nlled : Mediums 3"c : standard ,
aic : selects , 40c- extra selects , 45c.
POTATOES There Is very little demand for
potatoes lust at present , dealers belne ino-tly
supplied tiy local farmers and are not ready
vet to lay in their winter stock. The out
look , however , for the mouth of October Is
quite favorable. From 150 toJOO car loads
of potatoes vv ill b needed to supply the local
tr de ; and no doubt a food many more cars
toco to points where the crop is almost a
total failure. They ate selling in & small way
at .VKgCSc per bushel.
O.MOXS Heceipts are more liberal and
market not quite as brm as a week aro.
Onions , fancy , in bulk , rr bushel , SU103
1.25 ; good , jr bushel. to@SLOOj choice ,
from store , i > er bbU , SS.25.
O RAPES Prices UB higiier , on borne
rown grapes , and still higher prices are an
ticipated as the season draws to acloe and
the supply diminishes. The following are
the prices fit which outside orders for
choice stock are nlled : Shipping
stock , pet In. . 4\ci 10 In. baskets. 40c.
A car load of extra choice New York crapes
has arrived in the market and met witii very
good sale at about the follow icp prices : Con
cords & @ 101b baskets 40tVx DeJaw areis Mb
baskets , S&'sfOc. Martha 51b basket * C sTOc.
Itocers Mb bafclcets iOA c.
OBAIJ : Corn , 25c ; new oats , 25c ; rj eJOc ;
wheat , No. 2Uc.
T P"TvTOK T ) . i | < > liomgrown. .
per il > . 2r. Ji r ( - > . uet l > ' I . S4.0.
CAnn ciE Thftv Is n fRirdemRiid for choice
caWmre at "A i.V tf r flat hmds.
Arn.Mtcttlmn. . fancy catmc. t < t bl ,
? i 7 "i < * . % ( > . : Michlftn ii onedviirie1t r , hve-
barrel lots per bbt 31 * : Miclilnin. assfvtpti
vnrietle * . ten-t ant l loKin-r VM SIM : Ml-
MWri. cfiolce iwttift , irbbl S250i ( .75 ; MU-
wiri. s < , rt l vark-lies uve and ten-lmm-1
lots per bbl $
Cnnt iiiii : > - faiir Cod. fanrv. per bbl
\0 ; Jer y. clnr , Wi con&ln. ? 7.2S.
U v > \5-Clifi4cc
latch : pr bunch , 8ttM vS.o.
nMA 1'KAiis S lcnrp i > .
.W9 M/e. per box ? S.V > ;
fancy bnr Maioris , % < ite perl > ox = 10.03.
OIIANOI s A consignment of Jamaka
orancfs arrived In tn < - market this week.
Tln' } _ ate ci > od brlcht slock. Jamaica , per
UTAH Intirs- The 'receipts of Utah
fruits have not been liravv the past vm-k.
Penis , 40lbbo\es SX.OCKnSi' . : Prnches , 20Ib
luxes , si 5(11.75 ; Plums. Sl.ooml.25.
Minnow PIJU HI.S The supply on the
market is licht and letter prices are bring
obUlnetl. The shipments arc gradual ! ) fall
ing off. The follow ing are thp prices at w hlch
outside orders are tilled BKets. . accenting
tf > size , 7' gi-l.OO : crates. 4 baskets , $ A.KM (
H..YI.Mi t.o\s A few arc still coming in. but Uie
doiuatul is light and they are slow ale.
CKI.KHT Kaimnszoo perdoz. , 4f > n4V ,
MAI-I.I. fat o Ait strictly pure. 50-Jb boxes
IV per pound ; strictlv pure , 10-lb tin pails
14e per pound : choices.-bricks , 2Mb boxes ,
12c per ixuind ; choice penny cakes -vlb
boxes , 12'.c tvr ) > otitid.
Hovm Nebraska , choice , white clover ,
l-XcjlGc. ; Nebraska , dark. 13S14c. ( : California.
1-lb sections , 15c. ; California , 2-lb frames.
iadl2'tc ,
BI-AK The market is amiost cleaned tin
Nice clean beans In fair leanest 11.1' .
Navy , Sl.7Wn.7Ti : H P. Medium. 51..Wrf
l. < v > : choice clean country. SL2.vgi.50 : good
clean country. W.SS1.03 : inferior , GO-n7V.
PitoviMON * liatn. sugar-cured. ! Sf l3J.fc :
lioncless , 5CMb boxes. lllicpicnlc ham. 10) ) c :
breakfast bacon , sugar-cured. S'Ke ' ! 'lioulders.
sugar-curt * ! , N1 : clear side bacon , J'Si' ' c : dry
salted sidev ' c ; dried beef ( hamsi. l.V :
dried beef ( legtnarl , 12c lanl. 4iMb cans. Fair-
bank's , sije ; 10 , Sand 3-lbpalls , Falrtunk's ,
i'l.orn AVD Mii-LSTrrr * \ \ inter wheat
flour , best nualitv ] > atent tc.M > : swond tuiil- ]
itv. S2.4fta5iM ) : best quality spring wlieat
flour , patent Si7. > : bran,50cpercwtchopped ;
feed. K > ci er cwt : white corn meal , 1.00 ;
jcllow corn meal , SOe per cwt : screening , OOc
IK-rcwt : hominy , ( tier cwt : siM > rts. .Vm
ix-rcwt : craiiam. .LOO ; haj , in bale * , ? G.OOrf
7.05 jxr Um.
Grocers' J.Ut ,
PicM.r.s Medium , in bol ? , 55.50 ; do In
Mir tnn ; . ? ar nnn.ii : bwfi f " ' { > SP ' 3
halt bbls , ti.25 : gherkins , b bms , > 5.uO ; oo
in halt btils. 34.7. ) .
r- sjinri'o. . 70. 4-paiion Kegs Sl.i2 ; Xew
Orleans. : isa-40c ( per gallon ; Maple byrup. S'
barrel , strictly pure , TK- per gallon : 1 gallon
cans. S9.2.1) per doz. : K gallon can 55.25 per.s
doz : Qtiartcans. S3.UO.
broAita I'owdered , T c ; cutloaf , 7g7'4c ;
granulated. C'4c ; confectioners' A. 6\c ;
standard exti-a C. &j < ) ' , c ; extra C , 5fo.5Xc ( ;
medium yellow. 5U"i53.c. >
E H inch. J4c ; ? b inch , I0c ; M inch ,
Dnir.D Fiu ITS No. i quarter apple * . S > 4rt ?
4c ; in evaixir.itod boxes. W < ( r3Jfc ; blacktH-r
ile.s boxes , Si)8 ( < M ! 4c ; i eacfieeatern. . 4tw
S c ; peaches evaporated. r H@3 < e : bait
Lake , none in majkef raspberries , new. is
raific : cuiTentv 7 > , ( § 7Jijc ; prunes , new , 4
Mirror gloss 1 Ib , S c : Mirror
y.c : K"ini > lord s bult , 4c ,
CANXI.D UooDfc Oysters , standaid. ner
cas , S3.iO : ; strawberries. 21b. i > er case SilO :
rasnl rries , 2 Ib per case , 2.10 : California
peart , per case , S4.50 ; apricots , j > er case ,
4-Ufl : peaches , petcase , Sri.SO ; white cherries ,
per case S > .OJ ; plums , j > er case , $3.75 : blue-
tarries , i > er case SLS.1. eggpiumsi. ib , per
case 4:2.10 : pineapples. 2 Ib , per case , 53.20
@ 5.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel , per doz. S1.20 ; 1 Ib sal
mon per doz. SLKigLCO , 2 Ib goosebenes.
per case , SL75 ; 2 Ib string beans , per case ,
51.70:2 Ib lima beens. pel case. 51.60:2 Ib
marrowfat pss. wr case , S2402 ; Ib early
June peas , per cxse. 52.75 ; 3 Ib tomatoes ,
per case S2.l5--23:2ib corn , per case , SL'ja
fa-2.lO:2 Ib corn tvef. perdoz , SL7UJi03.
"COPFKES Ordinary grades , ll@HKc : fair ,
l.Ttfi2 > sc ; prime. UH'ialScchoice 18@i"Hc ;
tancy green and yellow. lSX < S14)tc : old cov-
frnment Java,20ff2 'K ; ; interior Java. IC c *
20c ; Mocha , 22w24c : Arhuckle's roastco ,
10'.e ; McLaughlin's XXXX roasted , 10'4c ;
Dilworth's. jOc : lied Cioss. lOVe.
TonAcco Plug , 'climax , 42 ; horseshoe ,
: ! 7c ; star MIsj ; ar head. SOc ; piper heidsick ,
f > 0c : gold shield , G4c ; merry war , 25c ; J. T.
J. , 53c.
Ton cco Smoking , Durham , Is 51c : Vs.
S4"J4 < 5. 57c : HS , ( Vic ; meerschum. 30e : old
stUe. 2ic ; N. N. O. . 15c ; spirit cun-d , 45c
Cap. Sfl.50 : Dome S3.S5 ; Washboard. SilO.
White Cloud , S3.7Ti.
MATCIIK * 1'er caddie , 2Sc ; round , per
case. SLOT ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule square ,
VCANDT Mixed , PX < gl2c ; slice , PK@9 c
O : Chnirs ( Janieau's sxKla , butter and
jilcnic , 51-jc : creams , 8 > .c ; ginger snaps , S'j'c ;
citv soda. 7 , c
Iip.inD Furirs No 1 quarter apples. SJV ®
4c ; in evaporated boxes , S KSc ( ; blackber
ries boxe- % . f.O'j ; jieaclies , eastern , i % ( %
5Jtc peaches evaporated , 15 (2i7c ( ; Salt
Lake none In niHrket : raspberries , new. IS
; currants , 7 C@7fc ; prunes , new , 4 ?
General Markets.
WOOL Medium. 17glSc ( per Ib : fine heavv ,
12 < ai5c : licht. I4l7c ; coarse , I3l5e ; burry
vvtiolj@ . ' cotf.
Hiuu ( ireen butcher * . 6X < g7c : green
cured , t14tfs ( 4c ; drv thnt , llguk : ; dry salt ,
{ igiOc ; damaced hides two-thirds price.
1 allow Sc , ( irease , pnme white. Jk- ; yellow ,
2c : brown , Ir4c. Sheep Pelts. ii5(575c. (
LKATHEI : I'rline slaughter sole leather ,
Sic ; prime oak sole leatlicr. . ' & ' : { > . Upper
leather per foot. 20 ( 2"ic ; hem , kin. 7..fi5jc ;
oak kip. b-VWiV : French kip , Sl.Wal.30 ;
hem , calf , & 1.W@1.10 ; oak calf , Sl.00ai.25 ;
French calf , SViXSl.sO ; Morocco boot lee ,
: v t.'ae ; Morocco oil i > ebble , 25 32c. toppings
and linings COWOc.
HKAVY jiAitDWAnE iron , rate , si25 ;
low su l fpecial cast , 4c ; crucib le = teei , Oc ;
cast tools do. 13"n.lbe " ; vvacon fixikes per sat ,
.l.TT.a-UK ) ; hubs , per set S1.2 ! : felloes ,
sawed drv. 5L4U ; tongues cacti , 75c ; i jes ,
each. 75 : ; square nuts , per Ib. 7cllc ( ( : coil
chain , per Ib. & 312c ; malleable Oc < tt < c : iron
wedges , Oc. crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4c :
spring steel , 7(3 ( 0 : Burden's horsc. tioes.
54,40 ; Uurdea's mule shoes. 5.40. Barbep
wire , in car lots , fctOO perlO1 ! Iba. ronl
Nails , rates 1'J to M Si 50 ; steel nails 2.05 ;
Shot $1/6 ; buckshot , SLh5 : oriental
powder , kegs S2.MJ : do , half kegs 2.03 ;
do. Quarter keu's. 1.50 ; blasting , kegs , S2.S5
fuse , per 10 leet , fkic. l.eadliar. 510.
PAINTS IN OILV intao. Omaha , P. P
kc : white lead , Su Lculs , pure 7.75 ; Mar-
ellles green. 1 to 5 ID cans. 2s : French zinc ,
rreen seal , Vic ; French zinc r l seal , lie ;
iTench rlnc. In varnish asst , 20c : French
ilnc,75c : Yennllllon , American , ISe ; Indian
\ AKVisnKIJarrels ; tierpallon : Furni
ture extra , ? 1.10 ; furniture , No. 1,51 00 ;
coach extra , .1.40s coach. No. 1 , SL'JO : Da-
mar , extra , 81,75 ; Jainu , 70c ; asphaltum.
extra , 5se ; shellac , ? 5.W ; bard oil nni i ,
Cologne spirits. 1ES proof , 5tl6 :
do 101 proof , ti.17 ; fepints , second ouallty.
101 t.roof . , 1.10 : do Iba prcrtif , 8L15. Alco
hol. I ; * proof , filfl jr wine gallon. Jtedis-
tilled whiskies , Sl.Widl.Ki. Gin. blended ,
H0 2.CO ; Kentucky bourbons , S2.O'aao3 ;
Kentucky and Penusj h ania rye-s j2.CKKs6.50 ;
( iolden Sheaf bourbon and rve whiskies ,
SLM cjy.OO. Hrandles , imported , * 5.03 50 ;
domestic. SUaaafj.oo. Gins , imr > ort d , 4 M
< J.OO ; domestic , 1.2Vaioa Charaiiarnes.
mported , per case. 82a.i.3S3.00 ; American.
perca&e SiavMCKSl .
o W iiteleatt f < c : French zinc ,
lic ! ; Paris whiting. 2Ke ; whitinr. uilders' ,
J/r ; whiting , com'l , ike , lampblack , Ger-
maiiktown. 12e ; lampblack , ordinary , be ;
Prussian blue , .vc : ultramarine , ISe ; Vandyke ,
brown. Hs : umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4u ;
sienna , burnt. sienna , raw. 4c ; Paris
green , genuine , U'jc ; ram treen. common.
22f : chrome jrreen. Jt. 'i . . 20c ; ckrome Kreen.
K , 12c ; rermlllion , Enclish , In oil 70c ; raw
and burnt umber. 1 Ib cans. r % : raw and
burnt sienna , l-2c : vandjke , brown , ISc ; refined
fined lampblaclc. lac ; coach black and ivory
black , IGc : drop bluet , l&c : Prussian blue ,
ultrainanneblue ; , IBc ; cnrome green. I * ,
M. < t D. , ICc , blind aud .j. utter irreeu. L , . M.
< k U. , ICc ; Paris eeB. Ibc ; Indian red. U * ;
Venetian red. It ; Tuscan. iSc , American
Vfcnmllio.'i , L. i U.JOc ; > clluvv ochre , dc ; L.
M. A O. ! > . . IV : good oe'inK <
d'ver. x , graimne color Jlglit oak.
nlanut. chestnut and ash. 12c
DntosA\n iiiiic u sAcid. vrliic ! ,
ac : i cid. tartark5.c : balsam cwalba , m
E4 c : bark. as afnw , per n. . lOo ; calomel ,
perlbT * . chinciiontnia. t < er < . 40c : chion *
Form , per itT'c : Dover's jcmdTs jx-r H > ,
pure , per 2ISc : lend , acetate. ir Tb 2tc ;
oil , castoi. No. 1. per catM S * ' : oil , csc-tor ,
No. Z. per cal. . S1.4 : oil. olive-t'fr raL.l. > ;
oil ortjmnnuin. 50c : opium S.VP ; quinine ,
1' . .t W. and K. A S . per ot , 7e : ] > m s < tum |
lr dldp , per ft , $ .0i > : alk'n. ! pcrot. V < ; sni-
tihate tnorpfitnc pet oz. 2. " ; Milphur , t > er
& . 4c : strjchnine , m u s-1.15.
rf J1 ' * r IIWl n * Ktl
pen's 5'l.No.l L'b 7 CO I (08 ( (440 % ! ' .
bpr < 5lli'd Kane \ i WS t 9S 75 1 Ml I 31 W ) R
L'p U'dti'rt 1'Cj 6MXIIS :51 V.t W M 41
. . _ _ _
iMf llbl * Qrllbt' f l KM
run .
] 03 w M 4 ( ) , | ,0 ,
No. t White nsh. 7 Ol C 30 S Nil a 10 1 04 W
> amllv White Hfb. 3 VI 3 If. 2 ( fit M 2 M
No.1 Trout . 4.A4K.t51W 74 , K.
_ _ _
IMWHTEP fl ll.
' "
rl HI lltil'Q'rtltil"P ll or KH *
Norwt-plRn '
KKKkr-iiC 1417 MB fOSWS 10. . . 1 W
Holland her-1
Drr 1-nmDer.
No.1 Com. s 1. s. 1'A 14 and 1C ft . $17.50
No.2 " IS , 14 and 1C It . 14.7'i
No.3 " " 12. 14 and 10 It . 13.50
No.4 " " 12 , 14 aad 16 ft . 12.00
'li ' ft 14 ft It. ft If tt ao Jt S it J4 ft
Cl4 . . . . . 1 .W ItM IB W IT.W IMW I ] ftl I1.M
Elf. .
Cil2 . . . lfi.5
414-i-xS . 16.50 I6.0 16.5J 17.03 lt.1
No. 1 , 4 A G Inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough. . .517.03
No. 2 , 4 A Cinch , 12 and 14 It. rou h. . 14.0J
A 12. 14 AlGft. 21000 C S15.UO
B 12 , 14 A 1C It-A PO 1) 11.00
1st com. , _ in White Pine Partition . . . .S00
M " . . 27. W
2d Com. \ in. Norway Pine Cclllnc. . . . 14 00
ri.oont.vx , .
A Cinch , white pine , 2C 5.03
C Cinch , " " W D S1.M
Ala itichl 5."sT ! 0 . - . .r-.vv
Bl-inch " " 4JD
- 23.50
No. L , com. 12 In. , s 1 s. . 10. IS A 20 ft. . . 21.00
No.2 , " ' . . . ls,50
Na2 , " ' " 12A141t 17.00
i Vl { ,
1st nnd 2a. dear , I" . , ' inch , s. 2 s . ? y.OD
Sd , clear. 1 inch , s.2 s . 45.0J
Sd. clear , l i , 1' , . 2 In . 47.50
B select , 1 inch. s. 2 s . 2H.OO
Bselecu IK , l'v,2in . o0.03
No. 1 , plain , ? nnd 10 inch . S17.r.O
No. 2 , plants nnd 10 inch . 15.10
* mxcus LATH.
XX clear. S20 ! : A standard , .2.M ; > Jo. 1 ,
Sl. : : Lath. S2.2T ) .
POST White Cedar. 0 in. , HS. 12c ; S in.
LIME. ETC. Quincv white lime ( best ) SOe :
Cement ( Akron ) Sl. < 5. Hair , S5c. Michi-
can plaster , S2.7i Sash. 50c. Blinds , Me.
Doors. OJc. Mouldiuc-s 60
The Procession of a Lions Line of
Bogus Xobles In America.
Mobile Telegraph In the year of our
Lord 1721 , society in the vicinity of what
is now known as'Mobile vvas in a flutter
of excitement caused by the arrival un
expected and unannounced of a Kussian
The prince ? * came , ns we learn from
Pickett's "History of Alabama" and
Jleeks1 southwestern sketches , as a mem-
berof a German company of colonists
sent out by the famous George Law. She
is described bv the writers of the period
as a lady of remarkable personal beauty ,
hisjh accomplishments and evidently po-
.sesed of great wealth Her vvnrtfrobe
was rich and extensive , her supply of
gold and jewels was apparently inex
haustible and her regal extravagance
and luxurious habits excited the envy , if
not the anirnosiu of all the dames and
demoiselles of the infant col
ony After having made known
her name and title she represented that
her husband , the Czarowitz Alexis Peter ,
had treated her so cruelly that to escape
from his brutality she had fled from him
to these Jar off colonies , while he , to
evade disagreeable inquiry into the mat
ter , had represented her to be deud The
pretended princes * , in addition to her
other attractions , spoke the German , the
Kn iau and the French languages flu-
entlv. and her story vvas therefore gener
ally believed. The belief vvas continued
by the Chevalier d'Aubam , Bienyille's
adjutant , who. having seen the princess
at St. Petersburg , recognised her fea
tures in the new-comer , and upon the
strength of his opinion he formed a mat
rimonial alliance with the repudiated
Her true history was gradually made
known , and it was at last amply proven
that the pretended archduchess was only
an humble female , who had m some way
become attached to the wardrobe of the
lady she afterward personated. While
in the employ of the Kussian princess she
had succeeded , by a series of bold pecula
tions , in obtaining large quantities of
gold and jewelry from her mistress , nnd
to escape detection in her robberies flea
to Amenca ,
Artists' Material.
A. JIOSPE , , TH. ,
Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
151J Jlonslas f tre-U Omsha.
Agricultural Implements ,
VVbolf wile Pcalvr In
Agricultural Implements , "Wagons ,
nod liufplff. Jonct Kre-et. t > el etu ( iUi
Hid Jlth.Om b , > < t.
Agricultural Implements ,
W pen .r rritp , Ductfei , Eic. , Wboletale , Omtb * .
Wbole 1el > e&l n In
Ariculiural Implements ,
anil Bucrfet. Ml , 031 , HJ5 nod .If ! . Jocei tt
Butter and ggs.
McSHAXE . (5 (
Buyers of Butter and Egrg-s.
frlrerMor and Pactlr-f House , Itth tut L
onb Su , V P. It K. Tr .tk , uc > ab > -
Sutchers' Tools ,
Butchers' Tools and Supplies ,
Caiinri of all tlndi nl iio iu > cfc. Jill
Jooetti Omaha.
Builders' Harduare and Scales.
Bnilders'IIardware& Scale Repair Shop
Uccbanlct'Tooli and BuCalo Sealet. U3i [ > 9ulm , u ,
LEE , FltlED cS CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Kails ,
Ttovue , Et rt iron. Kit. Apecu for Ho
ard Mltmll'uwdrriiL Ocmlia > rl > .
Wholesale Hardware.
Wcucrn ar rt for Jefffrwn Etwl KtH Asitto
, lalrtaokt btandard r le - Corner
Building U at f rial.
nuilding- Material at Wholesale.
-von Paclllc Track. On alia.
Boels end Shots.
MtBnJatu rrd \\b < > lrtieli alcr > In
limits nnd Shoe ? .
Conplfte no"k f Itutt-er fiiv i ltj l nntiacd
&W f1 lb H ornatia. Nrt A T An tln. Armt.
ir , r. MOitsi ; , p txi.
fsi of Ioot ! < nnd Shoes.
I 1111 firniic t , ( > niiih Neb Mnrmfaeto t. S
Apt. for Aiilienser-ltusH Hrevvinsj A.s'n
Ffprt l r.r D < 5 * . I m l lltidf f t rr n < l l > 1snrrr.
Lacer Beer Brpuor ,
i Nnrtli lh < > iM ct. ( im hk Veb.
Coffte. Spices , Etc.
Omaha Coflpo and Spire MilK
k .Oonp * . < ptc < ' llkkint lY > dfr H < Tortn Kr-
trtctr l. uidrr Itluf l k 1'tr nil
Mrret iliimba. Neb
GATES. COLK tt" J///.KS . '
Home Toffee nnd Sjiire Mill * MTe Co.
C > Sce RoM 'rtj Mid TIC * Rrlndrrt. Miinfartnrrrj
of Itakm Pnndet. Ilivartnc Kttract. ! llulni.ltr
Tr < i > ncra e o ! ar 1 n p rkuce Home Blend Itoa ted
Oiffee. ltl < Howard ft < a ti , Nt-t
John Epeneter , Prop.
Mtrofscturcr if Raltanlted Iron anJ Cornice. V3
f JiOLTE ,
o (
Ornamental Galvanized Cornices.
Dormer WiDdo , > 1naf Mrtallci-klbt.ttc. ) J1DS.
m , rutircaba.
I' . Specht , Prop.
anlrpd Imn C < imlr < * , etc. SJ TI nimprcTC'd lat
rllflit tai and In ! JWli n Omaba.
Jobber * of
Carpets , Curtain * . Oil Cloth- ! . Hues ,
Iji.oleuins Mntunff Etc 1M1 iKiuriaj ttn-et.
' S. A7 onCHAltlJ.
Wholes.ale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
Matures o.rtnln O < xx ] < Etc. 1(23 I i > cam
Ocsaha Neb.
Croikerf and Notions.
W. L. WK1G HT ,
Apent for the \ ! onufartnrerf ana ] mportcrt ol
Crockery , Glassware ,
Lamp * , rhlmncjs etc Offlcc. IK Somh IJtb rt.
Oruaha Neb.
Commission and Storage.
„ „
{ jrriiLEi' ,
Commi'ision and Jobbing.
Better. Tccrand Produce Contirrmen's solicited
Ueadqnaner * lor frlonewtre. llerry Bor-f and
lir.ipe B ke ( , 1411
Commission Merchants.
Fruit * , Produce End Provl lor , Omaba Neb.
ir. E. it inn ELL.
Storage and Commission Merchant ,
fcpeclaltie * Butte * Egc Chceae Ponltry. Game ,
Ojriterv Rte. Ktc IISMiutb Utb urt-et
AX A CO. .
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Ponltrj. Butur , Came lYnltf. etc. SB S. llth ft.
General Commission Merchants ,
And Jobbers of Foreien end Doof f tic Frcitf. Cont-
cpondcnce * ntlcltod V , Kjrhou-p imd nr c-e. HON.
Thirteenth . onikhi. Noli Telephone TVi.
r. itocco .P co. .
mportere anfl wbt > 1c ale dealer * In
Italian Produce ,
Forelcn Domestic and California Frnlt and Commis
Mon Merchant * . ] N ! ! > .lUhft Onlr excluMre
Irult bouse InOmahn.
Coal an < S Lime.
Dealer * In
Hard and Soft Coal ,
Office and jara , Kth and .nebular ft. . Omaba , Neb.
1 art Telephone. OK7.
Gro. r i MiAon rre C. T GOOIIMAV , V. Free.
J. A. srvi > nut.A VD , bee. und Treak.
O.T .tJ/t CO.fZ. . COXJi ; C ilE
CO.HP .VI- ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
503 Couth Thlnwnth StrM-t , Omnhn , Neb.
, T. JT. JOHXSOX cfCO. . .
Mannfac-tnrers of Illinois AVhiteLime.
And -hlpper of Coal and Cole. Ce-nent , 1'la-ter.
IJme Hair , Hrc Brick Drain Tile anrt ' ewer Pipe.
f ( hce , Pjrton Hotel KUrnam ft. . Omiba. > eb.
Telephone til.
> j . FAY & CO. ,
Mannfaetnring : Confectioners ,
Jobbert of Frulu.Nnte and CUaiK. 1211 ruu&m Et _
Life Stock Commission.
M. BUJtKE . { ' SOXS ,
Live Stock Commission.
Go. . .
Union f tock Vnrdt.b um ha. Telephone SC.
Live Stock Connni'ssioii } Iercbnnlfi ,
Shipment ! ol UDT and all llndc of Mock K > llcited.
L'nlon . Uick 1 artm Offiaba , .ScU.
Cigars and Tobacco.
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobacco ,
Gsni and Ammunition. Ill to 23 fL 11th U 1320 to
13-'l raniam t-.Om U .Neb
WEST .0 FltlTSCHElt ,
Slannfacttirers of Fine Cigars ,
And Wholesale Txaler * in L/eaf Toboc < io , Nos.lU
acdllll.N 14th rtrrruO-naba.
Dry Goods.
M. E. SMITH & CO , ,
Dry Goods , Furnialiinir Goods < kNotions
llKandlJW Dunrlai. cnr.lllb ES-.Omfba.Neb.
DUUllen of Llqonn. Alwbul and Fplrlli. Itcirter
and Joti'if r of VVlne * a
CO. anil ILEIt fCO. . ,
Importen and JoM.erf of Fine WLHI | and Llqoors.
tule m nuUcturer uf Kronedr'r K M India 1111-
ter and Damu'lc U < juor > . Hit lltrnej H.
Drugs , Paints , Etc.
Large * ! Drug , Paint , Oil & Glass Honso
Wetlof Cblnto Complete IJne of TiragflHt baa-
drlet. 1111 Jlarner tuOmaba ,
Wholesale DmgrgiEts.
AD ! Dealenln PalnU , Oil * and Window GUx.Omaha ,
Drain Tile , Etc.
A. . IUSAI ES.Pr t J.W.Bcnronn b > c.iTeai
K. J. Ci RKK. V.l'rc * . nu d S u H-
Office Jl ! 5. Utb ItOmtka. . Nfb. Micblnerraod
.upptlei for Xi&nufte tunic Cement Praln Tile.
Engineers and Contractors ,
Engineers and Contractors ,
Brldret , Vladnclt , Hoof Tnu . Et m IMe
1-ilU-t , Oak * no Pine Urldre Lumt r. lltn l ,
itniau , Omaba
furniture ,
, | ?
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture.
Farcam tOttiha , Ntb.
Furniture , Iteddinp , Upholstery ,
Jkllrrci * . etc. irjC.lM ttd U19 rarntm tu Otcioa.
Wholesale ftroceiie * and Provision * ,
No * W& . IT Wkiri'US Kh St. . Omitjt S'rb
MccoiiD. HJtADY co7
Wholesale U
JSIh f"l 1-MTOnw > rtl
Hard * art.
Heavy Hani warp. Iron nnd Steel ,
. VV pn Mst lUfJwat * 1 < n br. rlc. HOC
r > < l If II lUmt-r it oreih * .
* , f GlltltOX.
Wholesale Iron niul Stool ,
Wucon iJ r rri RO Wood M"ck , Hmrt -
rir. in * nd Iti ? Lf arrnwunti it l > ra hNf b
Stoves , Kanees Furnace * , 'lileo.
( ratrr IIr ( . > * ! . 1 kid ! . > lao > m
Mrt t
/ron Works.
r ri'KJt
Iron Work * ,
Wronrhl n < J C t Iron Itnlldlnc Work. lrt Fltlrn ,
ItMh i p. Iifitiu * mirf ( ; lriJer . ! * fim Lncinc n. lir i
\Ti > rV.mnrttl Pnundrr. Mktbln * aril niicktmlth
Wet I timer n < J VV or V r H ti > < nth Mft.
Wholesale .levvelers and Music Dealers.
Denier * In * llt rriir * . l am ndrVatrrc * . Clock * .
JewrlerrTool'Mxl Xlttenhtt. nr. 1UI n
U our. IH-Klsr , Un > Bhirt > .
Dealer in Lumbor. Latli , Lime , Sash ,
noon. Kit lanH-CornrrTth .nrt DoucUi : Corner
Inli n 'l Ikmilfir.
Wholesale Lumber.
P14 S UthMrrrUOmiba.Nrb. l.Oolprltcr. Mtn
c. .V. DIETX ,
ih : r.nd OllfornU cn f-.f Omi
Fit En w. an A r ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. . Etc.
Or Uh and l > oucl , M. . . Omalin Nfb
T. W. IIAltVEY Ll MBElt CO. ,
To Dealers Only.
. J433 r rnam ffc t.Oai ha
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Cair't * af"11'tronH rioorinp. mil acd IVufIti
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Iniportrd * nd Amrrlctn Ponlnnd Oropnt Mat *
JUr Dl lor.VH * uk c llrdraulir I cmcrn and BeM.
Uulurr VYUltcl.Ime.
Lire Stock.
Of Omaha.
Limited John r Boj-,1 , Supcrtatttdect ,
Milliner- and Notions.
Iroi'OttcrmniJ Jobbers of
Millinery and Motions ,
KISand KlSIIarnCT St. eet , Omaha , Neb.
C. S. GOODllICn tfCO. . ,
Arc the only IHrcct Importer * of
German & French Toys < Sc Fancy Goods
ln br k& . Oilcnco prices dupllratCKl without ndd-
Ir.c Irolfljt1415 ) ' man ] t-in'et.Oruabn.
j ; T. jtoBTjrsoir XOTIOS co. ,
VTliolpmle I > ealprp In
Kotions and Furnisbintf Goods.
< El and ( Oi B Tenth ? t , Cnnaha.
Notions , Hosiery mid Gents' Famishing'
] ( JV and 10" > 3 Parnam rt Oziaba Neb
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeant I' , tliint. Ktc llc ( Hnd ] 1W I > oufi ! < f J-
timuhn. > f h
Job Printers , Blank Book Makers.
And Book Binder * . ItVT and Vfl Hoatb ronrtccctb
itreet. Omaaa. .seb
Auxiliary Publishers.
DsalrmlnType. Pre i and Prtntcri-'Soppllen. 03
Pickles , Vinegar , Etc.
Ebiriy MORRIS < ? co. "
Manuf rtnrcr > , Paclen end liotlc ; In
Pickle ? & Strictly Pure Apple
Ballnir Powder. ri.iiorlnc Kitrai i , TfcMe fnc .
Krenrb Mn u > hliat . Orxrr * ' fcp'i
hole ttrnu t T VorL utc llna lie flu o
drr. 14JO Iv urenvorth i-L. Omuba.
Safes , Etc.
G. AxnitEry ,
Omaha Safe Works.
Mnnnfrrturertof Hri-and HnrelnrProofFafrB. V nt
JJoort.jBll Wcvi.hhul ( rr ttud \ \ treVoiU Cur.
IttbandJaiLkonbti Uiccha. .Sib ,
r. BOYEit < rco. . ,
Agents for Hall's Safe & Lock Co.s'
Hre and Knrj ar Front Sul < - > , Time IxK-ts VuulU
and Jail Wan. Jlttl ranmra > tret Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Etc.
co. ,
Wholefalo Mu
Doors , Blinds nnd MouldiugR ,
Uraricb office. 1Mb < itid Jiu
G. r. LY3IAX ,
Sash , Docir , JMind ,
dlm Paper , etc. I'm South TlHrtterjtu Street ,
Omaha , S'tb. A Kiniplete nock. u | liullileri'
Manufacturers , of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uooldlnirificlr Work and Interior Hard Wood llulib
Jnit cptncd , > . K cor titb ana lx.u > enintibu.
Umuba , .St-U
Wholesale PninpK , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam nd VV ur Supplin Hrailquurtrrn ( r Matt
io-jtiOo'tGooOk. 1111 luriium tt Um > lin.Neu
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam , Water. lUllwaj- and JJIDlr.c tupplica. Etc.
soil , SC3a.udW4 > arnam u.Umabu , heb.
U. 5. EXarXE and
Halladar Wind MHlit cteam and Water Supplier ,
} < Juot liicGo 4 . M IUng lime Wt and VJ1 1-aj- .
u ta uOniaba. 8 K felum , Maaii .
Tvlvrbi.L * Kv , iia
jr. jr. MA it HOW ,
Wholesale Trunks ,
Mlllard Hotfl BlockOmata
Wagons and Carriages.
A. J.
The Leading Carriage Factorj- ,
J ( < 0 at-d 1(11 Itutft mttl. Omiba.
White Lead
Strictly I'nro White J.ead
aiMi t'ttti iu r Ur ouuiiiL