Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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AilvcTtlrmonts under this lie d , 10 cent * per
line tor the Br t Insertion , 7 tents for each sub-
, equpnt ln ortlon , nnd $1.50 n line per month
Ko lulrcrtlectrent t ken for le s than 36 csnta
for tlio first ln rtion. Seven words will be
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively nnd must bo paid In advance. All ndvor
tlttfnenU mun Lo hnndexl In before 2 o'clock
p.m. , nnd under no clrcumtnnccs will they betaken
taken or discontinued by tcleiihono.
I'nrtks lulicrtl.'liitr In tbest1 columns nndhnv-
Ingtho nnswcrs nJdrc sod In cnie of TUB Hr.K
irlll picnic ask for n check toiMinMo them to get
their lottcrf" , as none will b dollvered ciccpt
on presontntu.n of check. All Miswors to ad-
vertlM-menU nlionld bo enclosed In onrolone * .
* lj3f > , ooi ) to loin. Sums ? .VM Mid upwards ,
P Lowest rates , llcmls , Uth nnd Ootighn sis.
[ OM-.V TO MIAN-0 F. Davis tc Co. Itcnl
I F.stntc and Loan Agents 150,1 Fnrnntn * t.
M ON iv TO LOAN On real estate imd chat-
tjl . I ) I. Thomas. All
MON11Y to inxcit It youltnveTgood notes to
soil call on J. II. 1'nrrotto , lth and Chi-
c.ago. MO
MONKV TO l.oA.N-lnsums of f2ax ) nnd
upwards on Hr t class rcnl cstato K-citrity.
lottcr Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam st. 612
MONR\r tolontt on chntfeT nnrt rofll estate ;
lalrrato lntcri.tit. J. H. 1'nrrotte , 10th nnd
Chicago. _ 4M
Tlf O.NKV I.UANKU at 0. F. Ileod 4 Co's-Loan
J--L allies , on furniture , pianos , hor8psuiigons ,
personal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other ar
ticles of value , without romovnl. 319 S. 13th ,
over Illnglmm s Commission store. All buil-
ncssRtrlctly confident iul. 613
-Lo in s la a ni
Heal estate loans.
Collntoml loans.
Chattel loans.
Longtime loans.
Hhort time loans.
Slonoy nlwaya on hand to loan on any ap
proved security.
Investment securities bought and sold.
Cml nt the ollico of the Omaha Financial ex
change , second floor of the llnrkor block , s. w.
cor. of Fifteenth and Fiirnam its.
UNKVTU I.IAN At lowest rules ot Inter-
M cat on fnrms nnd Improved city property.
' . J.Duy & Co. , room fi , Crouo block , S. E.
orncrCapltal avenue nnd ICth street. 'J3 W.0
riu : UKNT inonev to loan on
* farm * rind city property. L. P. Hammond ,
Itoom 3,1522 Douglas St. , Omaha. 70S
ifi500,000 To loan on Umnlm city property at 0
P per cent. Interest. O. W. Day , over 1312
.DoUKlnsst. 013
G I'Kll CUNT Money to onn. J.J. Mnbonoy ,
6 I'KIl CKNT money to loan. 1LC rattoroon ,
13thnndouKlns. 603
6" 7 , nd 8 per cent money to loan. . .
* takou In oxchnngo for real estate. Central
Investment Co , Itoom 7 , llarkor Hlock.uor 15th
nnd B20
W'Ehnvo chonn money on long time , in any
qunntlty.tolonn on Inside city propertr.or
farm land. Marshall & Lobcck , 1511 Fnnmm st.
OJfKY. TO LOAN At lower ratcsthanany
whore clso In the clty.onfurnlturo , piano * ,
organs , horses , wagons , or Block of any kind.
Kcimombcr , at lower rates than any other loan
company in thn city. City Loan x Mortgage
Co. . room 15,1401 Fnrnam st , opposltj Pnxton
hotel. KXi _
MONEY to lonn by the undersigned , who has
the only properly organized lonn agency
in Omnhn. Loan : ot $10 to 11,000 made on fur
niture , plnno * . organ * , horses , wngons. machin
ery , Ac. , without removal No delays. All
business strictly ronndontlnl. Loans so made
thnt any pnrt can bo paid at any time , esch pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance. ?
made on flno watche * nnd diamonds. Person *
should carefully consider who they nro dealing
with , ns mnny new concerns nro dally coming
Into existence. Should you need monev , cnll
and ceo me. W. R. Croft , Kooiu 4 , Wlthnell
Rulldlng , 15th andHnrney. 00
6 PER CENT 3lonoy lo lonn. Stownrt & Co. ,
Rooma. IrOn bnnk. 12th nndFarnnm. C07
BXCHANUE-Westcrn nnd central No-
JL brnska lands , for hardware business In llvo
Nobrnskn town or ( rood cnttle or Horses. Ad-
drcss box 812. Fiomont , N b. _
F K S\I.Kr-Nlco stock ot STOcorie ? , busi-
po.53.yood. ! oeatio"iv llrt-c , ] sa. CHUSP- for
g proprietor \tlshcs to retire from bua-
Atldresii , O. t'J line ollk-o. 71T-oa
T710II SAI.K Drug store In llvo town north-
JL1 eastern , county scat. Good rea
sons for Milling. Apply to F , Hnnson.wliolo-
ealo drugs , Sioux Clly , la. 746 1
ffnoit HAr.i : Stock farm , stock ranch and
-L1 stock , paying town property , or either sep
arata , nt a bargain. Part on long time , address
quick. Ham & Co. , Hnssett. 709 27 *
TTloit. SALK 12 room hotel on corner lot 1GO
JD xlS ) ft , , near doi > ot. S2.01X ) , f 700 cash , n good
snnn of working hordes taken ns part payment ,
tfmo given on balance to suit. Address. T. W
F. box 15 Bouth llond. Nob. fi50-5
TTIOIt SALE A ivoIT estnbllshod bakery and
J-1 confectionery , located in ono of the best
towns In the state. Address O iil.lloa onice.
neil SAI.i : A Dairy of 30 cows , nearly all
frojh.wlth nil appurtenance. Including ho o
power , corn mill , delivery tenm und wagon and
a good milk route. Terms cosy. Immediate
possession. Enquire of Snm'l J. Howoll. oUlco
-'ITS. Uth. _ -J89
FOU SALE Implement store nml blacksmith
shop , combined or separated , m one of the
liveliest towns in Nebraskit. For further par
ticulars address L. U. , post box 101 , Uoomur ,
yob. _ _ 6C-3CO *
T7 ) U SALK Ono of thn oldest established
JQ grocery business in the city , with a very
large , well-paying trade. Will exchange for
Omaha reel estnte or part cash nnd balance se
cured notes. Good reasons given for sellln g.
AddrfM HIS Jones. _ 9tf7
"fTIOltS.VI.i : Or trndo for Omnha property.
JL ; The best located llvory business , with stock
In the city. Long leuso of burn at cheap rent.
Mnynnllroq..lM'J l iirrmin. _ 411
TTIOK SAI.i : FlrsKlass pient mnrKot with
Jnlco flxtures. all complete : uood trndo ;
best of reasons for coiling. Call or write to
Gco. W. MnsfQii , HglII _ ownrd. _ (115 (
H OtlMiS fxjtf.Fnrms.UJnds money loaned.
Ileinls. 15th and Douglas streets. C16
AKKN UP A black nnd whlto 'I year old
cow , at tlio eor. of SOlh and Ilrlstol , ono
inllo north of ittnor's brick yard. I'rann K.
Fox. 3.1 8 4 11 IS 25 *
LOST Ijidlcs Jupiiuofo leather curd und
poc-kot book. Finder plcuso rotuin to 1100
OlUco. 731-35
_ _ *
IO > T A nno Shepherd dojr , itaino Hector.
J Liberal reward for his return to Canflcld
hi/use. H. a HIlOilcu. 731-23'
Y X > STOn Fowurd St. , Iwt. fiowani St. M. K.
J-J chuioh and No. 2I ) , a lady's black Jersey
waist. Finder Icavo at 2123 and got reward.
701 as
T OhT I'ockot instrument case , at or near the
J-J postotllco , Howard offered if loft at the
iiopmce. ! _ _ eta
rST [ A line rod knit sliaul , about 0 o'clock
Saturday evening , Sept. 11. I.oave at this
ollico nnd get reward. 291
OOAHWNQ Good day board , 1018 California
-P < 17 QIC *
TOAHI-And lodgings , afJZi N. 16th st.
IiitSONAL : Don't buy a hnnginglnmp ou
weekly iiaymunts until you get prices at
Moody a China store , Ifitli ana Davenport. Vou
cuu Euvofromutty to one hundred rier cent.
1 > UUSONAI/ the person who picked up a
vest In front of tliu llupublican ntlico Frl- \ return tlio KUIUO to21S N. Dthst. , ho
wUlJlm ro urded. A. T , Holinoi 723-25
] > l'.ltsbN.VlMis. . li MTVost , exiivrioncod
* tiuriio , n.j ) . cor. King ami Patrick avcJHM 26 *
* \\rANTii : > 1'upiU for German nnd Lutln ,
T palnstuktpi ; ciu-e , competency , success ;
addrru Mj lleo olllce. 6Ji U 6 *
TJEIlSONAIr-Ncut and tajty all-vrool business
JBUlU , 7. L. O. Jones 4 Co. , American
Clothier * , 1309 Faruam et. Mull orders tilled.
or Ktnts socially or
matrimonially Inclined , desiring corresnon-
d otioo with too oupoiite fax. Bhi uld ndJroi-8 the
Cortesiiondlntf Bureau , Wllber. Neb. Strictly
confidential. Enclose 2 cent etamn for reply.
739 25 *
. l > r. Nanma V. Warnio
Jclairvoyant. . Medical and buslncts Medium
lloom Na 3 , 121 North ICth st , Omaha , Neb.
_ _ _ tl9
IiilM ; NAL Mrs. L. UTnoruas. ttuccei of
t > aintm a juuslo.l8llDaTeni _ > ortst.M _ _ 30
TjElUiuNAL-l'lano and violin
tuueht pri-
A vately jiimructlon of nr t order : I'rofus or
" 'i 10.1 ! Max _ > lci 01 _ 8 } o 5 *
ptlUiONA To "Buy real eituTo" . to borrow
-L money , or set au ub truct of title , jro to
the office of H. C 1'attersou , IJth and Douglas.
_ _
rpffirniEAL CAl.lOllAPH , u. W. iinnor
J. agent , rooms 7 and a. Iron bank. C812S
and Typewriting
Kooms 7 and 8 , Iron bank. G , W. tinker.
_ 190
A INSWORTH. Nrb. , offPM JJ.OOO bonu * to
jrVaiiy responsible person who will erect H 100
Mil roller flouring mill nt thnt place. Address
Charles E. Holmp * . 7W ! 6 *
fpllKiSltop-hruiB7Ptc : * . planted"froeTor
. * . persons buying of Dojgla * Co. Nurseries.
C.O. Ilownrd. 1'ron. . P. O. box gj ) . b7-nl2 _
TJIOIIUHNT ST-HITO I'lano S3 montnly. A
J , Ho pe.JS131)ougla ) * . MO
"I71OH JSINT : Squnro 1'mno , } i monthly. A
- _ yspoJ''UI ' ' ? ' * ! b 621
MVTJtT.tlONlAITitppr contain * neariiuw
Bdvnrtisomcnts from ladle * nnd ( tcnllpmpn
wanting correponilents. Sent 3 mnnth * for 10
cent * . Address , Helping Hand , 7l ) LnSallo St. .
Chlcngo. Ill
UK srilsi7in vm a. w
T airrnt.rooms" nud 8 , Iron Imnk.
OK KKNT Organs , f2 per montB. io
1513 Doucln * . _ _ _ _ _ _ 0--J
MAli ; 'iiFior 7/ediooin niid kitchen
J- f urnlturo carpots.rnngo and heating stoves ,
nil nearly new , a gontlr horse five years old ,
allot a bargain , giving up housekeeping , - > H
Douglas st. S25
inR'sAl.K-A 1 line , Ural-class horso. Inqiilru
C. lj. Krlckson. opp. I'.U. 738 87
SAM : Family horpo and phneton ,
JP phiiPton at good ns new , her o perfectly
Kcntle. 1. 1) , Kvunsroom D , postoOlco buIMlng.
. 735 83 *
_ _
T7\lt SAI.K One nonrly new ltcmlmtoii
-I typewriter , JfiO , n bargain. Itoom . " . Arllng-
tonblk. 707 2f ,
_ _
77011 SAI.K Largo lire and burglnr prnot
JJ ate , cost f Xa. Soli for f2iO. J. W. Mur-
Bluill. 1.VW Fnrnam st. _ 706
FDK.SAI.I ; The cutest pony , harness nnd
curt tn the city , nil in good order. Inquire
nt 11U N. IBtli St. . room 4.Croiliico lllock. OS7
" 171OII SAfTli Furniture 10 room house for
-U rent. Inqulro Potter & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnam
St. 07r,2'.l-
TjlOR SALK ( ientlo family horso. 0 voni- * old
Jt : for 1125 cash ; cnn bo seen nt G , H. Fltch-
clt's residence , cor ill. Pleasant and Park nvo.
I7 < Oll SALE A lot of tine Household ( looils on
I1 onsy terms. W. R. Crolt , room 4 Withndl
Mill * . C64JE8
OK MALI : A 2 seated family carriage.
good as now. A bargain. 1020 Soutii 22 1 st.
C4U28 _
Foil HALK Ice In cnr load lots. Address
Gilbert Ilros. , Council llluffs. I3J 1
T71O11 SAI.i : At private snlo complete FCt
Jot household Roodi nnd furnltuta for
eight rooms. Call at 1UIO Wobater strcot.
_ C69
K County rlwhts In lownfor roror-
- * - Blblosclf-hcntlnif sad-Iron. A irrvut Inven
tion. For full particulars write to H.V. . Hun
tress , 13W Farnam street , Omuhn , Xob. 785 1 *
Foit SAM ! Furniture andi once ot sir-room
house , time on part. Colt 1202 North 27th
street. to blocks from lied Car lino. 893 _
HOUSES IotsFarmsI.nnds money loaned.
Ilemls 15th and Doucla * streets. 023
FOK SAM : Two No. 1 , second hsnd , canopy
top Surreys : also two good , second hand
phaetons , at 1409 Dodge street. 235.
T71OJI SALK Cnonp. iron columns and win-
JL1 dowcnpssuitable for fronton brick build-
Ing. For particulars apply nt this office. 613
WAXTKD A COOK. Mrs. Warren Switzlor ,
JMt St. Mary's avo. 703
WANTED An elderly or mlddlo-nsred parson
to take care of child. Apply 500 S. 13th su
758 2.1 *
WAN1KD A BOOlconiOtcnt ( | Kirl for Korcr-
nl bousowork. ilrs. C.A. HInger , 11 N.lMh.
701 85
WANTF.n At 303 North 23d St. , n glrto \ do
general houcowork must be a teed plain
cook and laundress. 750 "s *
VirANTED Vouniriaily- apprentice to learn
' fnncy work , must come with the best of
references. Apply nt:110 : n. ICth st. 7195
WANTKD y > peed girls for Roneral house
work. Good places nnd good wnq-es.
Omnhtt Kmploymeut liurouu , 110 n. 10 street.
Crounso IHocb. ' . ' 747-2i
w ANTFI-Good girl for small family , 1613
A girl for ecncral housework , at
310 8.16th stt' . ' - 73027 *
"TT"ANTKI ) Girls for hoiiso work , first and
> > second worK , also good foinnlo cook , beat
of wage ? , call Omaha Employment Uuroau. 119
North IGth St. 750
WANTED-rShirt makora nHarrison's. . 1112
Farnam. 07028 *
WANTiu Immediately , peed girl for BCU-
crul houso-nork , 1417 Cass street.
533 25 *
WANTED Female cook at filler's restaur
ant , 1001 N. 16th St. 015
WA > Tiu : Female conk for boarding house ,
German preferred. 114 S. 14th st.
st.C3028 *
\\rANTED-Two dining room girls ntDnn -
2\ bourn's restaurant. 1511 Fnrnam St. 605
W'ANTKU Girl for general housuwork. a
1711 St. Mary-save. ittl
\ * f AJfTKI > A girl for general housework.
t permanent situation. Inquire at 211 S. 2td :
Et , near Farnam. C82 25
TXrANTKU Girls at Occidental immediately.
WANTED Nurse g rL Apply s o cor. 20th
und tit. Mary's nve. 7U2 2i
WANTKD A cook for small family , In'iulro
506 south 13th st. 019
WANTKI ) A girl for general housework
apply at once at 1415 N. Uth. 413-25 *
TVTASTKD Girl for general house work
V t 1430 S. 13th st. J. Kondlg. S27-27 *
W AXTF.IGlrl for general houso-work.
Gorrann or Irish preferred. TApply Forest -
est avo. , 3d house from St. Mary's avo.
601 25 *
WANTKli Good girl for general bousowork
nt 111.1) Jones st. 371
WANTKD oTrf for general housnwork Tn
Bmnll rurally. Mrs. 1'hos F. Hull. 1541
oborman avo. 013
ANTKO Ladles to work for us at their
own homes. $7 to S10 per week can bo
quietly mado. No pnoto. painting ; no canvass
ing. For full particulars , please address at
onco. Crescent Art Co. , Itt Control st. lloston ,
Mass. , lloxalTO. OOiOll *
W ANTHIi Hcail cook at the Famous res
taurant. 31D S llth et. 763
\\TANTKn a young ladles and gents to
T T learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when competentgood. Address W. J. D. loom
1Crounso block llitli st , Omaha , ai
\\7ANTED-An experienced young man of
I T nt'iit nddross for iulvort15UiK agent und
totnkochurgo of advertising department of
the Capital City Courier. Mustglvo llrbt class
iuturoucoi Adilrosj , stating oxpurlouco . refer
oiiccs , etc. I.Vtmel , J r. , Lincoln , Nob. 770 27
" \TrANTKD Dru clerk. German or Swcdo
' prcferrod. Address H , Sandstedt. Wuhoo.-
732-25 *
WANTED A good derrick hand , one nccns-
tomtxl to setting iron. Pnxton & Vlurllng
iJon Works , U. P. tracks nnd S. llth nt. can
A good sober barber , linmodl-
ately. Address AsuDLxon , Ubiir , Neb ,
7W 25 *
, \\rANTE Installment eanvasiwri to call at
i T 1207 Fnrnum et. und see what wo bare to
offer. C. E. Lee , Mana jcr. 375
W AN1KD Young roan to do oflico work at
Valentine's Shorthand Institute for
tuition. 70025
WANTED 2 shoemakers for help on second
ttork , olomouUrcnborir , No. 110 N. lath
at. 722-25'
TIHBlurgoit .Mfg. Co , In the world want men
to sell their goods on ealary or cotnmlsilon
In all towns In Nebraska. No capital or experi
ence necessary , iteferonco required. Address ,
M , box2t7 ! , Omaha , or M , box W7 , Lincoln. Nob.
\\TANTED OIBcelxjy who can write A fair
hand nnd attend Mrlctly to business. Ad-
drcis. ttutiiiff ejyerlouco and waxui vxi > octod ,
O M. lleo oulco. 7U3
\VANTKU-Iloy to run Gordon proas. Chase
& 70025
WANTED 30 men for now railroad worx ,
f L7S for day , ship T o'clock Monday morn.
Ing ; cull to-day and ifet sour tickets. Moore's
Employment Agency , 0 } couth lOih st ncer
Union Depot. 755 M *
W ANTRD-llridyu Carpenters. Allbrlitht'a
Ww Labor Ageucy. laa Faruam. _ 713 _
w ANTKDFlmtcUas tluners or men
at Fremont Corulco Works , Fremont ,
Neb. 71U a *
\\rANTKD-A No. 1 Proscription Clerk to go
IT to Kuwllns , Wyo. For information , caller
or address 11 , T. CUrktiDrug Co. , Omaha. Neb ,
for Railroad Work. B'
8 , Allbrfcbt's Lubor ABency.1308 Farnam.
TTrANTi : Al once ono pants mnkcrnnd
* * one cent mnKp. tUKxIjmy and steady work.
E. C. Sawyer , Fairmont , Noli. 071 35
A snlemnn to Introduce a new
WANTED ntnon ? ti-rdcspooclennd meclmn-
IPS. Addrp "i with references und past etperl-
once , Ikix O-20 , lloo olllce. 4b7
"Vl'ANTED A few more nc-cnls tolntrodtlre
t' our Automatic Muslcnl Insi'ruuient * . on
Installments Anyone cnn piny thom without
mimcnl instruction , the best paying , easiest
celling novelty over known. ! 2o to $40 n ccc !
can bo realized , C K. Let1 , Mnnijjcr , 1207 Fnr-
nain street , up stnlw. 4Ha
\\rANTED Oenornl neenl * . Good snmry , or
0o on tltt do'.lnr to wholesale my goods.
Itnrochniioc to mnko monpy. No competition.
Strictly business. None but bu lnes ! > mon need
npply. Address with stamp F. M Woovcr. In-
lis. 1ml. 7V U 2
" \\rANTED Situation In n good permanent
> i burfnost In this cltv. liy nn expotlpncod
tiune ! s u nil who , II suited , could hnvo privi
lege of purchnsinir Intoiost. Addro * for ten
iliijs , n. W. , of W. O. Tcmplcton It Co. . Rooms
7 andBOmnhii Nat'L Bunk. 77U27
W A f Tln A position to IdnrrTto do general
bousonork by n colored man. Inmilro VI *
N. Tnonty-thlnl street " ? 4lr * ! _
\rANTED"Fi Tllon n. * n governess by young
i > Indy with eoo.l Hngllsh nnd musical edu
cation ; address Mls A. HastyCouncil HlulTsIa.
724 25 *
W ANTED Bra young mnn of
nnd good character and temperate Imblts ,
n position In a retail dry goods sto-o , known as
n llrst cjass * ae ! m an and the best of references
given , address O 29 Jleo ollico. Mfl 25 *
rANTHD A good sl7ed eoond hand flro
proof safe , must bo in good condition.
Addrc" * , stating Mzo und price , Cooper & Me-
Oee , CouucII IllillTs. 78727
Y\rANTED Parilnl board , A 1 piano , plnirlng
' or language , lessons in pajmcnt , Addrcas
OM. lice ollico. OH 8 *
\\rANTCI ) From 2 to G unfurnished rooms
T In modern honte. In llrf.t-eln s locality.
Address until October 10 , J. A. QrlfUth , 537 I'nrk
nvo. . 76t 2. " ) *
\V7ANTED-Aslnslogsntlomnn wishes a room
ii tinfiirntMicil or furnished in. house with
modern Improvements. Address ; stating terms ,
O 47 , Hoc ollico. GXJ
\T7ANTi : Information of IX II. Ottawny.
T i who leftli-wln , In.Juiy 20th , for Nebraska
in search of locution for hnrdwnro storo. Any
person glvmgrollntdo information will IwJlb-
crolly rewQrdciI. Address II. Ottuway. Kirk-
man , Iowa. 072 6 *
"VJlTAXTnii To rent by a prompt , permanent
TT nndP4ireful tenant with small family a
housoor flat of I or h rooms , not too far from
business. Address with lowest rent , < O 45 lloo
office. 1)51 23 *
\Y ANTED Hoarders at C03"N 'l7tu ? t. Num
ber limited. . , , 012
WANTKIi single gcntlemrtn dislro"s room
nnd board , private family prolcrroil.must
bo first-class , stale terms. Addi ess Q 30 lice
onice. C12
\\7AJifTEl ) All wnntmg to learn short-hand
' nnd typo-writtiiir to attend Valentino's
Bhort-hiind Institute , Exposition building.
Omaha.Vo can furnish -siilllclent cmploi'inont
to young men and boys to pay their botirdvhllo
inattondanco. 5G > Oct 20
WAXTii > I wnnttoronta gV > od7 or Broom
housoin rood location. Family ot four
persons. NochiMrcn. Address M , 62 , Hep of-
Cca 314
WAXTBU Evening employ mont. book Keep
ing or otherwise. Address , It. C. McClurc ,
Land Uopartmenc U. P. 11. It. Co. IQU
T V rAXTKU Teams. T. Murray.
Tj > OU HKN'T Nlnn room house . modern con-
i1 vonloncps , I'lll Douglhs. tnqulro next
door , possession October 15.
Foil HUNT 8-room cottage. Harney near
20th. ? 30 per month. 3. A. Slomnti. 1512
Farnam st 63
Foil HUNT A store , good locality for dry
goods , boots und shoe * . Inqulro 1412 S.
13th st. CS3
T7MJU KKNT XowO-room bouse. 1 mile -from
J3 p. O. .city water , etc. 1) . C. Patterson ,
Omaha .S'iU'1 bank , 740
FIHUINX The Gorman Jr. K. church pulld-
Itiff/on'tho sQUthdaal cornerTwelfth and
Jncksonstreets , for anv loyitlmnto baslnois. U.
C. I'uttcrson. 1'Jth and Douglas. 431
FOHI.UASE Wo hnvo eleven acres on. O. P.
It K. track. 800 foot front : will loose all or
pnrtforllvovearsu Bedford 4 Souor. tU7
FOH HF.NT Ono furnished front room.
Double. Tcims moderate. Inqulro at 1110
Furnuro St. 7Sd , 2S *
T7 > OH HKNT-Cheup R store 20x40 , with. good col-
X ! iursund hvlnir aiartmentsor fourcomfortn-
blo rooms on Cumiugs street near Division. In
quire U. D. Smentou , with T. JL i Co , , llth and
llnrney. ISi. 28 *
TOH IIRVT ( unfurnished rooms for house-
-E ? keeping , 707 south llth st. 781 , 2d *
FOH IIE.VT A largo , pleasant , well furnished
room , suitable for one or two gentlemen ,
terms reasonably 211 South 25th bt near Fnr
nam. COO 25 ,
\TOUNQ MEX Desiring nicely rurnisnod
-t room with use or bath and gns.callat 15 w
corner ot 20th and Webster. Board can bo bad
close by. Ofl-octfl' '
FOltltKXT Octooor 1,4 chambers , conven
ient for housekeeping , to n man and wlfo
without children , 319 in. 17th : the furniture can
bo bought cheap. Cause of change , death. 7U3
F OH HKNT Furnished rooms for Kenttemun.
References required. Inquire Ib'XS ' Casi.
"iroit KENT Elegantly furnlshod warm rooms
J-1 for the winter , with board. All conveni
ences. Al5o board for parties rooming near.
2225 Dodge. fX
"ITlOlt HENT Nicely furnUhud front room
-L with nlcove , nil modern convonlcncoj , for
three gontloincn , four blocks directly south
Irom opera house , apply at once , 1415 Jones t.
' Ml
J OU UBNT Nicely furnished rooms nt71D
JL ? 8. 15tb street , between Jones und Leaven-
worth sts. li'.iQ 25'
TTlou un.NT Nowlv furnished front rooms ,
JL ? 3J2S. 16th , cor , lath and Harney. C 3 2tt
'TTIOII HUNT Nicely furnished front room ,
JL' whh or without private board , fort o
young gentlemen ; room 10 per month , 801 S.
15th et. B&l 25'
" 171.011 HKNT 3 furnished rooms for gnntlo-
JU men. 20i5 Farnam. oti 2 *
TTlOlt UKNT-A ilut In dt-slrabio location ,
JL wlilcli can bo completed nbont Oct. 15. Can
bo lenses f or low rental by a party willing to
advance 300. Address 0 15 , lloo ollico. 45 ! )
171OU KKNr Pleasant fu"rn Ishcd rooms ,
-L. south front brick lint , board can bo had
next door. Apply at Itmuhloago st. 812
Iji OH ItHNT Two largo furnlshod rooms , gas
1 bath and board , magnificent vie ws , centra
ocatlon . 214 S. 18tfa. TUt 1 *
HKNT A pleasant furnlnhod front
orn f 3 per mouth , apply 721 North IPth er
700-25 *
17 OH HENT a couple of nicely furnished
1 rooms suitable' for mun nnd wifoorfor
young men. Board can to bad iu IIOUEO ifdo-
BlrcdAddro3s _ O M , lloe ollico. 742 o 24
Tmoirit KNT Eloga ntlyTurnished rooms with
JL1 first-class bonrd at HW Jones St. , four
blocks B. of Farnam , all modern convonlencea
719-29 *
ITlouitKNT rnlshed rooms , 1001 Howard.
U _ b74 0 t
T710K KENT Furnished rooms for light house
1- keeping in Uoomor's block cor Eighth and
Howard. 814
THOU HKM' Furnlgbod rooms. 619 Pleasant
- 71MO.2
_ _
mo DEMOCRATS nnd ropublloan-Don't lot
JL the election excitement take your emlro at
tention. but give some of your time and money
to the purchase of real estate. TUeto will bring
you quick and proQtable returns. Ixjok at
thorn. We are ready tit uny timeto show our
"bargains. " Call and bo convinced.
OS ) feet ou Capital aveuuo , with good nve-roorn
brick houio , well , cistern and good outliulld-
ings , only . , . ( J.CU )
50x120 , adjoining aboro lot . „ . 2,5oO
Two choice lots in Arlington . 1,4.4
&OilS. % corner In Hanscom Place . , ] , fi50
IWxlia. South front "aixornbura" , , , . wo
VtixHO , B. V. Smith's addition , corner . O.i/O
60il40 , Corner , "Prot pert Place " . ; . . i.ow )
WillO , house , 1 rooms and stable ou Ham
ilton st . . . . . . . . . . 2.COO
50x120 , house and barn in Hawthorne. . . . . . 1,700
Choice lota la all ad Jltlons.
0x135 corner. One bouie.eto . , . . . . 6JJOQ
a cast front lou la Kllby Place . 5,100
40 acres near land that was juit6old at $1,100
per acre , easy terms . 9.000
Ouroftlceia 1504 Farnim st. Telephone No.
} > L" 1 > lerson & Co >
7M. T
FO ] ( SALE 0 acre * suburban land at a bar *
gala. AUobuelaowaadrealdenco property
ID all part * of the city. List your property
with us. W. O.Templeton & Co. , .Booms 7 and
, Omaha Nat'L Bonk. TsO 87
Tir Q. SHIUVER , Henl Estate Onrr. ! n
rntmprovfrirvroperty ,
, beautiful oornorvjols In llnnscotn
Plncp , V\m fret /Pich / , on t trent B'r ' )
Full lot In ItlmpWiutli n co . 1,70
2 lota In Tabor PlAwVench . . l.COO
3IS 6Uft on Ixmvtaworth gt . . 2,500
2M hull lot , jiiHil n\Uo from I' . 0. , nciir
CroUtt/n pollP5 , . . . . . 1.000
LotiWxlW , olrottt. SKundersst. . . . . 2 , .V )
8lotlnKllby Phut * ; . U-OO
21otjlim : < J , o Uuni Hnnjoora Place. . . r > ,5W
4U C ft on jHQkion.ionr 10th . . . . 60
Full lot on 10th , tWnt' Douglas . . . . 11 , O
Lotonllnmlltoi r . a
Zlotscompr , WestCuralng- . 1 , U
I/otnn Hurt , near CM , line . 1-0 >
flood lot , Parkers mill . 1.4 * )
Corner lot on .Pthnndllnrncy. . . 10.0W )
t'ndlvl led half Interest In 5 1-2 ncros 1 1-2
inlloa soutti forw - . . HWG
Lot * on cny terms in "Shrlver I'inco" 1'leass
nnt Hill , West Cuminp ami Wcjt Side.
ImprtJved Property.
Full lot , Inrpo 2 story house and barn
Hint rents for ? 6.50 per mouth , on
Davenport no r Uth . $ 7OW
I'll ! I Int. 2 KOxl bouse * . on Davenport ,
ucflrizth . 8,030
22 feet front , largo house , on rurnain ,
nearlSth . 8,500
4 live-roomed cottue-c * , cistern , eta , on
easy terms , on 25th mid Parker at ? . ,
ouch . 2.00)
Fine residence on 2.V1 nnd rnrnum . 14,000
House nnJ cottngoon N. 16th ft. , on
monthly pMyinonti . 2,000
Donutirul cottngo In Wnlnut Hill , 1-3
cash , bnlunco long time . 2,100
SO feet couth front In Parker's add. , with
cottiuro . 1.70)
1'u 11 lot , H houses on 20th , nrnr Clnrk. . . . 5,000
Nleo Urick botno 25th nnil Cup. ave . S3.IXM
1'ull lot o. front HntiBcom Flaeo . 3fir , )
Nlco cottngo full lot on w. Cumlnir . . . . 1,000
Cottage 6 rooms tuul lot , ITtli near Cull *
fornin . 3,000
Full lot. nk-o eottago s. front on Charles
t. near 21-th . 2,030
Half lot and tioii'o near 15th and Cuss. . 3.TO )
House * nnd lots In every ncldltlon to the city.
Call unit see us before buyingolsowhoro. .
W.O. Bin-Ivor opp. post onico. 647
TjlUH IUM Newly furnished room , -ill jst ,
-t ? Mary's avc. _ "Si
OH HKNT-Kurnhhcd rooms 2J09 Dodgo.
75MO *
_ _
" 17011 HUNT Furhlshod rooms s. w. cor. 21st
JL1 nnd Louvcnworth. Also house ncnrdopot.
Inquire cor. 21st and Lcavonworth. 70S-23 *
TTlOlt ItKXT One largo , well furnished front
1 } room , BUltublo for gentleman and wllo or
two gentlouicti , tit 1'Jil Howard St. 757 J *
FOH KENT Furnished front room : inquire
nt2214 Cuiillol avenue. 75' . ' SO *
OlUtnx'art of lloor 25x30 feet , suitable
for light manufacturing or storage pur
poses ; centrally located , f25 month , 1207 Far-
iiam sL.up stairs. _ 740
Tjiblt KENT A nlcu suite or single rooms.wlth
J bath and pas. First brick residence ! cor.
St. .Miiry and 20th St. 7U-20 *
KKNT A few office spaces for rent ,
one with front window on ground floor.
Knqulroof J. S. Richardson , 15031-arnatn st.
4iO-Sopt-25 :
TCjIOK SALE Corner lot , south front. Lowo's
X : llrst addition , n hnrgnln , ? 550 , easy terms
Inquire nt once 1315 Karnam st. 095-23
KKAI. KSTATi : ItAKUAINS 7 beautiful ,
wen front lots-In Plalnviow add. , ? 700-caohj
fortho bunch. J. L. Klco & Co. , over Commer
cial bank. . 07i 27
. 1XSTATK IlAIlOAINS--in3 1-3 feet
cast front on 8. ICth. St. . will inako 0 busi
ness lots , enl ; 87.5DO ; splundld bargain. J. L.
Klco & Co. , over Commercial Dank. C7i 27
. HAKGAlNS-Ucautlfui lotm Han-
scorn I'lnco for 520) less than they arc BellIng -
Ing for In samoplock.
2 acres for bale in Itrookllno add. , only 51,500.
Very cheap. '
Bargain 2 Doautiful , lots In Donlso-s addition ,
ono a corner , ith'toiith fronts , only $2,400.
Splendid corner nml lusldo lot on Howard St. ,
near27th st. , f UKOiHir both.
Mn nlflccnt lonon-Jimnllton at. , south front ,
Jl,500 : cheap. StooUdale A Mitchell , 1510 I > edge
. 25
nuoonv &
G Real Eslatannd Rental Agent * ,
T " 3l 1312 Douirlns Street.
Hero nro n few of the bargains wo oiler ;
If there Is nothiug-horu that suits you , cull on
us. Wo can f how yuu others.
Corner lot on So ward. St. , Lowe's add. . . , S 1,000
Lot adjoining Tibovt ? . COO
Cornerloton Hamilton St . 1,150
Adjoining lots , nil In { Orchard Hill . 1,000
Comers In Plalnvjeir and Kirkwood . bOO
Corner Imp. AiS. Udd. . D9T1X ! . 3,000
Corner Tales nnd If eed , MxlOO . 700
Corner lot on rMr'Jihe , south nnd west
front. Futricki&'ndJ . .
Corner lot * ; In Iud4 ) > } ck I'luco . .
( Call at ollii'o ro'p'rlco . )
CorneronUod o5t.B 3tl33 , renting- for )
? 3COO ilor yedKra.-.r. . . ' . . . . " . . . . . 00,000' '
Corner lot On lOth'Pt , Kountzo's ndd. ,
with mnrketbuildlng , only . 4,000
3 dwellings on lot Iti.xlJ. , Chicago St. ,
renting ? l,4Cr ( ) per'yenr. . . . . . $11,00)
S-room house on corner lot , Schull's ndd ,
C-"ixlCO . - , . 4.000
Now f > room eottago ou corner lot. MU-
hird It Culdwoll's add . 2,100
7-room liotit-o , P. E. Uogera' add , frontIng -
Ing 15th St. . Iot81xl40 . . . . . 3.SOO
6-room house , Poppleton nve , goutn
front , lot 60.X1&5 . 3,000
Now 8- room eottago. well built , on lot
' .Wxisn , near Sniindcrs . 2,800
2 room house In West Side , 1 block from
M canning factory , lot 50 > li . 750
D-iooni hou- und 4-room hou e , barn ,
oitern , collars , fruit trees , etc. . on lot
U3x250. fronting both 17th and 18th
fits . 6,000
8-room house on S. 20th St. , near St.
Mary's uvo , city water , etc . C.200
Fine corner on Cuming St. , 3 nouses. . . . 13,520
Fine lot In Imp Asto add COilSi llttln
above grade bargain . 1,000
latsin Kllbypluce . 700
Lotsfn Lincoln place . 450
Lot on Farnam near Lowoave . 1,700
Fine east front lot , 02 x125 In Nelson's
ndd , bargain . 2,000
East front : t'dBt ; Hanscom place . 2,200
Sulendld low fronting Park ; only. . . . 1,600
Hawthorne lots on Davenport et . 1,000
East fronts Just on grade . BOO
Oimirm Viowlots cost on the hill at ? av ) to ? OM
oarh cheap.
One block In Wosi Omaha , 4 acres ( call nt of
flee for prices. )
Special attention given to property listed
with us nt reasonable prices.
Having no proptrty of our own on the mark
et wo can not do other than a strictly commis
sion business.
Telephone 854. Call and sco us. 69 3
UBH & PF.LIrS bis ron estate ud every
othorilay. Sco it. _ 284
FOHSAFjH Nicofl-room house nnd 2 corner
lotsln Wnlnut IIUI ; " 4 oosb bill , to suit.
Col Martin 110 3 llth st. 645
POHSAI.i : HOUHO , 0 rooms , city water and
KM , I mile from P. O. , 1 block from st cnrs ,
prlco JJJO ) , small pay menu , balance monthly- .
Inquire rooms 1 and 2 Omuna Nat'l bank. OH
FOItSALK WeTTavo sixteen lots in Iluw-
thorno addition that wo will soil : besf nnd
cheapest Inside property In Omaha , lledford &
Souer _ M3
EACH ami all of the 24S" 8do : o'ts nro
hltrh nnd beautiful , full size , and on month
ly payments , fcSO. U. C Patterson , 13th und
Douglas. _ 515
TTIOH SALK Or oxchargo. House and lot.
JL' 18th und Nicholas ; house and lot 15th and
Dorcas. Win L. Monroe. ' 1th and Douglas , U.V1
IT10H SAf.n-Lots 7 and 8 , 120xlW foot , in
JU block 3 , tlrat addition to Soutii Omaha.
Call on Fred Lumon. care Farmers' House , or
address George Lin Jo , p. O. box 417 , llapld City
D T 787
REAL F.STATE HAKGAIN-Ffnost piece of
trackage on U. P. Ily. . ineldn being over 'i
ucro , nt n bargain. J. L. Illce & Co. , over Com-
mcrclal bunk. t ( \f \ _ n'427
Oil SALlOH ihange , eO or I GO ucro furra ,
well Improvrt.Htf miles southwest of Omaha
Inaulro on iiremlaeu or oddross M. M. Parrlsh ,
Paptlllon. Neb. 623 O 2 *
H IOUSKS LotslFafinglianas money loaned.
Ilemls , 15th and Douglas streets. 016
TiiOll SALK At if { Qargaln , corner lot 72x142 ,
JL1 pared strict , iHmV- business , (3,000 , Stewart
& Co. , room 3 , Iron Dank. lee
REAL FJSTATR/fi AHGAIN 3 flno lots car
20tb and Ike ets. , on cable line , can bo
sold by us this jvfec- at ? 7W ) , H cash. No liner
burgum In tht'ljuu Hut. J. L. lllco & Co. , over
ComtnorclaJ balik , : 074 !
REAL KSTATFfllAIMlAINS-Flnest corner
in Manb's aild. , high nnd slightly on grade :
log * than one milo from postollico ; { 3 50 , half
cash. J , L. llicoi.-tT ] . , over Commercial bank.
. _ B74 27
"iTL1 iou s.vinnivrraniu. \ . Lot Mxrtj , 3 blocks
-L1 from postoMJn.l 120,003. half cash. Mar-
ll A LobocK. IS } } t'arnain street. _ 213 I
FOll SALH-Houso und two full lots In Wal
nut H11L { 2,10) , $ t ) cash , balance $20p r
month , a rooms , east front , corner.
Lot to Plain view. 1 6.VD , only 13 cash.
A lot on Miami street , ouly f S2S.
Lots In fihrivor Place , $325 , (25 cosh , balance
{ 5 nor month.
House and lot In Omaha View , 1 1,500.
IU ) feet on 11erc street , corner , I3m
liofore you buy call and sea
H. W. Huntress , 11)08 ) Farnam St.
LUi your houses and lots with me. 659
O TToll 4 BBLtlV'6 DlffroJI cstato aa orery
JLV other day. See It. 8t
add , just off Saundurs st. , only { 900 ; pos
itive bargain. J. L. Illce 4 Co. , over Ccramer-
clal bonk. G7427
TTWll SALE 31 acres of bottom land , ull
JJ fcncul , within 20Q ft of dppot , lij ncres la
strawberrlef , baiitiiee in turn ? giaia. suitable
for market or small fruit arden ; fl.M ) , } 5HO
cash , balance to uit , A bargain. Address T.
W. F , box 15 , South Ilend , Neb. eiv ,
FOH SAI.K Ono of the be t plecos of prop-
rrty In North Omaha , ono block from
rmvod street. An eight room houo , nonrly new.
Cnn bo had cheap , if tnkvn at once , O. K.
Davis St Co _ tv nirmtm struct. < U7 _
T EAVnxwoilTH BT IU It. tMnkago , ono or
JLJ more lots or anncro , at agroiu bnrgnln.
Se J. W. Loran , at Ix > Avi > nworth llii me <
Place , or Q. . w , llakcr , lloora 7 Iron Hank
building. 4
Bowi.iNn < > HIIN : iotst.A . ioporcentc h
nnd 15 per month. Marshall A Lobpok ,
Agoiitj , 1503 larnam street. OCJ
" EAL iiT VTE li AlHJAIX.-Hcnutltnl cor-
tier lot In Phlnn > Sd.ltOOnrthlrd rn < h.
Po ltl\o bargain. J. L. llico & Co. , over Com
mercial bank. Otfl 25
"KAL KSTALE HAUQAIN-S beautiful lots
on west Cuming s.t.J7'X ) each. Fine bnr-
pnln'3. J. U lilco , V Co. , room ( ! , over Com *
merclal National _ C75
KE\L I TATK DAKUAtNFlno lot on
Douglas Jlrcot , Mxli ! . Cbolco ln ldo prop.
prly. Speolnl bnrgaln < < If tnKfn soon' . .1. L.
Hlcc A Co. . over Cuinnicrclal luinK. 6U1 Si
front lots In Thornburg itrtil. . $ J.00 for the
bunch. .1. L. lllco & Co. , over Commercial
Hunk. _ f.7t 2 ;
fTMllir.E rare bargains In Hnn oem Place prop-
JL crty.jPeotliem. F. D. TaunorS Co . lills
Ho vnrdst. _ _ _ CIS SI
I" 7011 S.lill 10 room hou e , Uoorpta nv 7t
1 closets , basements , well , all complete ,
4,50i ) ,
12 room houec , Idaho st , ; closet , pnntry , cel
lar , bitth room , speaking tubes , shrubbery ,
trfC" , nlco yard , burn , cnrrlairo house , two
large cisterns , city water , nil complete , S1,7' ' .
4 room house : south front , \ntry , closets ,
largo bar window , cl tern , collar , good out
houses ca y terms 2 50.
4 room hnu o : pantry , cloiots , bay window
( rood cellar , wo 11 and outhouses , very cheap ,
6 room cottage ; bay window , closets , collar ,
wpll.clslprn , fruit trees , a bargain , J-ftJG , or
with four lot. * , easy term * . f 7.S5U ,
jl lots , Plain view , run double your money ,
2 lots , W. A. Redlok addition. Sl.iV ) .
3 lots , Tnbor place , for ono week. $ MO.
5 lots , Kllby place , will increase ! S ) per cent before -
fore enow fans.
1 Ilonutlful lot , Creston place.
Fairmont plneo : An Investment In these will
double yonr money In ono year.
Patrick addition : Lots on onsy terms and low
If you hnva hou'cs to rent or sell or lots to
pollllptthem with mo. I do a strictly commis
sion business nml will look after your Interest.
3 lots , Ambler Phioo , the ftctt bargain in thu
addition. J. H. Pnrrottc , 10th and Chicago. 217
IJKAL ESTATE BAitRAiN-spiondid bust-
JLV nesa corner on Suunders st.,63.ft , front ,
S7)0. ! cash ; this 1 * cheap. J. I Rico \ Co ,
over Commercial bank. 07127
IV on Hnmllton street. Just on grade , with 4
room house , good barn , well and cistern , only
-,700 : hnlf cnsh. J. L. lllco & Co. , over Com
mercial bank. CIO 25
1IA11G AIN Full ncre In Paris
J-U place , onry $3,500 ; will mnko U good lots J.
L.HICO& Co. , over bank. 074 27
E3TATF. LVloANElcgant rosi-
J donee lot in Washington squnro on pnvod
street Positive bargain , $2,501) ) . J. L. Hlcu &
Co. . over Commercial bank. _ OJH 25
HOUSKS Lots , Farms .ands money loaned
Ilemis , 15th and Douglas streets. 010
ESTATE UAHGAIN-Lot on Hamilton
REAL . Just on grade. $1,500 ; half cash. J.
L. lllco & Co. , over Commercial b link. 046 25
XV Hton street , with 5 room cottnge. Itoom to
build 2 others. Only $ IOJO. Ono-thlrd cnsh.
J. L. llico & Co.over Cominorclnl hnnn. 618 25
"TI1OU SALK At n bnrguln on onsy tortns,2
JLJ lots In Washington square , cnch $2,00) .
The best corner in Hunscom Place , 100x150 ,
House and lot 30xl40cor. 19th and Paul street ,
1503 Fnrnam street , Marshall A Lobock. 385
A TrESTION CATTLEMEN One of the best
U.stccK farms In Eastern Nob. , within 25
miles of the Omaha stockyards for eulo chcnp.
NonrlvfiOo acres well watvrcd , plenty of timber ,
corral room , etc. Over 20) acres In pasture at
present with an abundance of splendid liny in
t-tnck. Address C. E. Muyno & Co. , Heal Estate
Auents , Omaha , or W. li. Compton. Tecumsch ,
Nob. 0511 *
, Jotiritulu , County ami
> ItniikVorlc of : tll Kinds a Spec-
Prompt Attention Mail Orders
Room 1 Evcrct Block , Council Binds ,
Standard Papurs Used. All st3lcs of bind
ing m Magazines and
U. H. National Hunk , M. E. Smith ft Co. ,
Citizens' Uunk. Deere , Wells & Co. ,
Mrst National Hank , fi H. Insurance Co. ,
fflcor & Pusoy.Hnnkors.C. 11. Havings Dank.
Practices in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart lllonk.
Justice of the Peace
OUico over American Express Company.
Reduction in Prices ,
China Glassware Etc
, , ,
At W.S. Ilcmcr & Co's. No. 23 Main st !
I .Council Bluffs ,
Nos. 1510-1551 Douglas st , Omaha and
No 234 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Pulnlesi Dentistry. No humbasl Gat , Tlta'Ucd
Air , Ether unO Cboroform , with tlielr ilckeolngeffect
voided bjr the moit wonderful unne.tbctlc , purlfjr.
Ins the LlaoJ und bulWInz up the tlttuci.
Omaha Dental Association , Solo I'rop'rs.
Gold Crowns , OeM PJute and Continuous
Gum Teeth a specialty. Host teeth (6 ; f orinor
price { 8.
NO. 000 & . 511 MAIN ST.
Dally receipts of new goods.Hnts
Caoa , Clothing , and a full line of Dry
Goods , all of the latest stylea , Call nnd
get prices before purchasing clsewher
ToVliom It Mny Concrrns
"VrOTin5ls hcroby given thnt the city of Om n
i > hnxrill rtvclxo bl < H until 4 p.m. of Mnn
tiny , October 4th , A. D.t&t , nt the olrleoof HIP
city clerk , lor each of the lollowlng parcels of
land , to wit :
A strlpof Inntl describe. ! n < i followsUogln -
nlngnt thoN. W. corner nt block WO and run
ning-south l.t ! f t , tupitro Ml SO toot , thonoo
north 1M feot.thcnco oust JO feet to the > placeof
A strip of Inml d crll > Oil n follows : llc-iln-
nlngnt the S. W. wirner ol bloik SW nnd run
ning north 13J f"0t.thenco west ! W Ifet , thence
south 11J fiMjtthencot'n t 90 feet to the place
of beginning.
Aftrlpof Innd dP crib ( > d as follows : lloyln-
nlngnt thn NK. corner of block StA nud running
south 1OJ fc-ct , theiio * e t A ) feet , thence north
1 K feet , thence wet l feet to the pluctot be-
A trlp of Innd dc orll oil ni follows ! Ilegln-
tilnir nt thoS. I'-corner of blooK * < t > nud ninuliu
north 132 feet , thence east 2J fei-t , tlivnco oiUH
It ! foot , thence west20 foot to the plneo of bv
A trl' | < of land dowrlbcil ns follow * : lloitln-
iilngiiltho N. W. cnnier of block 4 , Ci edit Ton-
rler mldlllou to city of Omnhn , nnd lunnlu ?
south liBfrrt. tlieuco wcs'SJfpct. thetiio north
I'd ffet.tlionec cast 20 fuot to the plneo of lie-
A trlp of land dp rrll > ed ns follows : Ilogln-
nlnx nt the S W. coinrr of block4Creillt Fan
cier addition to the city of Omnhn. nnd running
noith 1152 feet , thoncp rst 2U fcot , thoncc couth
l.ti foot , thence cast a ) feet to the place of be-
A strip of land described n i follows : Ilcpln-
nine nt the N. W. corner ol block 15 , Credit
Fonclcr addition to the city of Omaha , nnd run-
nine lontli 133 loot , thaiict ) est'JJ l < - t , thpiu-n
north 1W foct.thcnL-octutW lect tolho plucoof
boitl lining.
A strip of Innd described ns follows : Ilrgln-
nlnp t the S. W. corner of block lii.Cicdlt Fon-
clor addition to tha city of Omiihn , nnd running
north icj : footthenco e t 20 feel , thpneo south
1H2 loot , thence cnst 20 feet to the plneo ot be-
A strip ot Innd described n * follow * : Hogln-
nlng lit the N. W. corner of block22. Credit Fonder
der addition to thocltyof Omnlm , nud running
south 132 ffvt.thcnoe wo t20 foot , thoncc north
131 feet , thence east'JO feet to the place of boA -
A Blrfp of land described as follow * ! llogln-
nlng nt the S. W. corner ot block 22 , Credit Fonder
der nddltlon to the city of Omnhn , nud running
north 132 feet , thence wc t 20 feet , thence south
132 feet , thence cast 20 foot to the place of be-
A snip of land described ns follows : Ilrgln-
nlng nt the N W. corner of block 33 , Credit Foil-
cler addition to the city of Omnhn , nnd running
south 13 ! loot , thence west 20 feet , thence
north ll J feet , thence cast 20 feet to the place
of beginning.
A strip of land descilbed rts follons : llnglu-
nlng nt the S. W. corner of block : i . Credit Kon-
cler addition to the city of Omnlm , nnd running
north 132 feet , thence wc t2J feet , thence foutli
132 foot , thence cnst 20 feet to the place of boA -
A strip ot land do'crlbod ns follow * : llegln-
nlng nt the S. E. corner of block ! I7 , Credit Fonder
der addition to the city of Omaha , mid running
north 1G2 feet , thence enst2U feet , thence south
132 feet , thence west 2J fuel to thu plucoof be
No bid * to bo considered at n rule below the
appniNod value.
The city council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.a
a R 800THAHD Qt CIork.
September 2)th. 1S8G. BrICt
Ordinance Ko. 4O.
AN Ordinance declaring the necessity of
chnnglng the gnulo of Dodge street from
2.1th structformerly 21th street , to Ufith uvo- street , and of nart of 25th
avenue and Douglas street , and appointing
three dlslnti-restod npprulbors to ni ess and
deternilno the danuuro to property owncis ,
which limy be caused by such change of grade ,
und onlering the city engineer to mnko a
profile showing such change.
Ho It ordained by the city council of the City of
Omnha :
Section 1. Thnt it Is proper and necessary ,
and It Is hereby declared proper and necessary
to change the grade of Dodge street from 23th
street , tormerly 24th str. et. to 20th aicntic ,
tormerly 20th street , nnd of parts of 25th nvo-
nuo nnd Douglas street , bo that * uld gnulo ele
vations will bo us follows , the grade between
the points cited bulng uniform straight lines :
Grudo ot Dodjfe street
Elevation Klovntlon
of S.curb of N. curb
West curb 25th street , former
ly 24th street 201.Q 201.0
Point 130 teet west of thowest
line o'2ith street 201.0 204.0
Point CO feet east of the cost
llnoof Kith avenue 205.0 205.0
EastcurbofKthnvcuuo 2in,0 203.0
Wett curlyot 25th avenue 203.5 202.5
Bust curb of 2Uthmonuo 177.5 177.5
Grade of Douglas street
West curb of 25th avouuo 200.0 200.5
A point 150. loot -west of west
HnootT&thuvoiiuo197.5 100.5
Grade of 25th iivjnuo
Klovntlon Elovntlon
of W Curb of B Curb
North curb of Fnrnam street. 198.4U 105.74
Soutii curb of Doughis htrfOt.20n.OQ 20U.O
North curb of Douglna streot.200.5 2 0.5
Soutii curb Of Dodge Street. . .202.5 203.0
Section 2. That the city engineer bo , and
hereby It , instructed to miiko a prolllo showing
such projmsed chnngo of grade.
Section 3. That the miiyor with the approval
of thu city council appoint tbrco disinterested
appraisers to appraise , assess nnd determine the
dninugo to property owners which may be
caused by such change of grade , taking into
consideration. ! ! ! mnkiiureuch upprnisoincnt , the
boneHts , if any , to such property , by reason ot
such change of grade.
Section 4. That this ordinance take effect
and bo In force from nnd after its passage.
Passed September llth. ltfl.
WM. F. UKCIIEI * President City Council
J. 11. SOUTHARD , City Clerk.
Approved September 20th , IfWfl.
JAMK.S E. UOVD , Mayor.
Ordinance No. 1,163.
AN Ordinance crfiatlng Paving Districts Nos.
101 , 102 , IV ) , 101 , 105 u ml lUti , iu the city of
Onmlui :
Do it ordained by the city council of tlio City of
Omnhn :
Section 1. Paving- District No. 101 Is hereby
crcutod , the sumo to comprise and include that
part of l-C'uvenwortli street from the west line
of Fourteenth street westward to Thirth-slxth
street , said Paving District No. 101 to Include all
the lots nnd real cg'ato on both sides of said
part of eald Lunvunworth struct to the full
depth of 1U2 feet back from the Hues thereof.
Section 2. Paving District No. 102 I * hereby
create J , the sumo to comprise and Include that
part of Twenty-ninth avenue ( formerly Park
uvcnuo ) from tuo south line of LcavouK-orth
strcotsouthwurd to the north llnoof Hickory
street , suldl'avinir District No. 1U2 to Include nil
the lots and real cstuto on both hides of said
part of said Twenty-ninth avenue to tlio full
depth of 132 fuel back Irom the lines thereof.
Section 3. Paving District No. 103 Is hereby
created , the porno to compiUo nnd Include that
part of T enty.foiirth street ( formerly JclTer-
eon street ) from the bouth line of 1'arnum btrcct
southward to the north line of St. .Mary's uvo-
nuo , except lntercution at Itnnicy .street , said
Paving District No. 103 to include nil the lots
and real estate on both hldos of mid part of
said twenty-fourth street to the full depth of
132 f oct ba7k from Hie lines thereof .
Sittion4. I > iivinir District No , 101 Is hereby
created , the sunic to comprise and IncluJu that
purt of Harnoy street from the west line of Fif
teenth Mrcct w ostward to 2 > 3th street , excepting
the Intersection with IHih ttrout.Rild Paring
District No. 4M to Inciudo all the lots nnd rual
OAtatoon iHith sides of ( aid part of said llnrney
street to the full depth ot 132 feet back from thu
lines thereof.
Section 6. Paving District No. 105 Is hereby
created , thu game tocumpriso und Inciudo tbnt
part of Dodge street Irom the west line of
Sixteenth street westward to the oust line of
Eighteenth street , sni-l Paving District No. lt5 !
to include nil thu lots und real estate on bath
sldo-iof said pnrt of said Dodge strc-oito tlio full
depth of 132 foot back from the lined thereof.
HcctunO. Puvln ? Dhtrlct No. 100 Is hereby
crcnteJ.thoBamo to coinprlsoniid Inciudo that
part of Dodge strcot from the oust Hue of
Eighteenth htroot wostwurd to the east llnoof
Twunty-tUth street , said Paving District No.
100. to inuludo all tlio lots and real estnto on
both sides of eulcl part of suld Dodge ftro't to
the full depth of 132 feet , buck from thu lines
Section' . That this ordinnnco shall take effect
and bo In force from und after iu passage ,
Passed September 14th , 18NJ.
Wu. F. IIEOIIKIPrusldont City Council.
J. n. SouTiiAiii ) , City Clerk.
Approved Suptombcr20th , 18H > .
_ _ JAM KB K. IKivri. Muvor.
I'ropo * l3 for Curbing- and Ontterln ?
, 1
OUAIIA. NKII. , Sept. ITth , 18.lrt. f
SI3ALBD Proiiosiiia will be rocclrod ut tbU
olllce until September 24th , 1&4 , ut 12 noon ,
for the purchase of { 11,000 of curbing and gut.
terlng bonds of the city of Omaha. Huld bonds
will bo dutul October Isl.lScrt , and will Luiliioiu
one , two throe , four , nve , eir , eovon , eight and
nine ycurn from thulr date , an equal amount
Ixicouilngdito cuph year ; nro Jn bums of ono
hundred dollars eachcxccpt ninu , Hhich nro for
nvo hundred dollura each , and bear interest
from their datu ut the rate of six per centum
per annum , payable annually. The principal
und Intercut are liolu payable at tbu ollico of
Kountzo Urns , to New York.
Said bonds sroUsued under thocharter power
ofgalddty , and will bo delivered to purchasers ,
on payment therefor at the city treasury iu
Omaha , on October Cta. l&aR ,
Bias will bo addressed to the undersigned and
marked "Proposals for Curbing and Guttering
Bonds , " and must state tha full name and ad >
drcsj of the bidder , the amount ot uild band *
dt-slrod ( an ! amount duo each year from
one to nine yean ) and the price proposud to be
The right h reserved to reject any and all bids.
Bl'dit _ TMUMANjlucK , CityTjcasurcr.
211 Sonth TMrteeatt StreeL
Rooms 20 and SO , Omaha National
c. Onuilni. Nebraska.
Do Strictly a Cmmtsston Butsnes
List Your Property Us
80 For Snlo Lota in Ambler Place , ono
of the linost additions to Uiunlm , only
2 miles from court house und n llttlo
over I inilo west of lliinscom Park ,
l ota 500 to fl00 ! oacli. Easy terms ,
180 For Sale 3-story house , 7-roonin ,
collar , city wutor. stable , full lotMn
Hnnscom iilacu on Park avo. , $ . * > , ooo ;
? looo casli , balance to Mtit.
187 Fine cast front on Virginia rivfc. ,
$1,7.X ) ; $1,000 cusli , balance in 3 years.
182 For sale at a bargain , 5 acres for
if 1,000 ; half cash.
101 For sale at n bargain , corner lot 133
feet on South 13th st. , 01) ) feet deep , with
largo house , ? 20,000 ; half cash.
158 2-btory store building with lot SOx
130 on Phil Sheridan st. , ifl.riOO.
114 t line lots on Park avo. , $3,000 crtch.
100 Lot 50x140 feet in Dupont Plnco ,
$050 ; $200 cash. Cheap.
70 Lot in Arbor Plaeo , ? 150 ; ? 150 cash ,
balance to suit.
142 0 full sections of land in Cheyenne
Co. , Neb. , at $4. per acre , worth fO.
Must be sold soon.
131 For sale or exchange for Omaha
procnrtv. 1GO acres 3 miles from Pllgor
120 J-'or Sale Good business property
on Cuming st. , $5,000.
103 For Sale or exchange , for house and
lot or vacant lot. 1GU acres $1VOV.
08 For Sale Good house nnd two lots hi Hnn-
scorn Plnco , fii.OOP.
ForSnlo On Georgia nvonuo , near Judge. Dun-
dy'B , east front , 10 room house , barn ; al
modern Improvements , tlflX.
53 For Sale House nlid lot on Pierce
street : 2-slory house , 8 roomsgood well
and cistern , $3,000.
Foil SAI.U Splendid corner in Hans-
corn Place , 180x100. will make 4 good
lots. A great bargain , § 1,000.
7 For Sale House 5 rooms S 18th st. cis
tern , cpllar ; monthly payinoUs.$3,5 ) < X ) .
3 For Sale House and lot on Georgia
ave. , near Wolworth , hnuso of 7-rooms ,
everything in first clasi condition , a
bargain , ? 3,800- -
41 For Sale House and lot onN. 18th
st , house 0 rooms , good barn , lot Cox
414 "Fine- lot on Harnev St. , 41x171 ,
? 4ODO , for 8 days.
403 Fine east trent lot , Ilanscom Placo.
9-rocm house , modern improvements ,
$3,750. A bargain.
405 Lot hi Shinn's addition , $1.400.
404 Hottso and lot Slum's add. , bouse
of 7 rooms. $3,500.
403 Splendid lot in Hanscom Place
$1,300. A great bargain.
402 Lot and half in Hi iisconi Place , fine
localion , $3,300.
401 A house 8 Hans
new 2-story , rooms ,
com Place , $5000.
400 New house , 0 rooms , Virginia avo.
89 ! ) Two hno east front lota in E. V
Smith's add. , $2,000 etvcn.
SOSLol 414x132 on 20th. near Harnoy at ,
with 2 houses , $3,300. Special bargain.
39(5 ( Lot on Lake street , $2,500.
395 Lot in Pelham Place , $900. A bar-
392 Fine lot , south front , in Ilanscom
Place , $2.500.
391 Two lota with double house of 10
rooms , Shinn's add. , $3,500. A great
388 Lot anArmstrongs add. , $2,000. *
860 Lot 33x100 in nountzu's 2nd add. ,
now 2-storv house of 8 roomi , $2,500.
030 Three lots in Omaha View , $353.
035 Fine lot on. St. Mary's avcnun at a
804 llouho and lot on Soutii ICth street.
'onlyi.500. :
373 21 acres only $250 nor acre.
79 Lot in Ilanscom Place , oust front ,
only $1,000.
378 Fine acre property on Saundcrs st.
377 5 ucros with ( J-room house , Saund-
crs street , $5,000.
34G Corner lot , now house of 5 rooms
Lake St. . $3.000.
840 T-room house and lot on
near Leavcnworth st. , $1,000.
343 East front lot , Ilanscom Place , $900.
310 Lot in Cortlandt Place , $ (5,000 ( ,
805 Lot 30x140. Lake's add. , house of A
rooms , only $2,800 ; $300 cash , balnnco
$25 nor month.
813 Lot in Thornburg , $550.
230 Lot on College street , just south of
Lcavenworth. house of 4 rooms , good
barn$2,200$500cashbala ; nt-o monthly
220 Lot on Dimnu St. . Hanscom L'Jnco
$1,000. ,
212 House and lot on Poppleton ave , ,
Hanscom Place , $1,000.
202 Lot on Catharine st. , $2,000.
195 Lot opposite Judge Lundy'u$2 ) > 601
190 House and lot in l > cniso'u addition
$2,500 ; $200 cash , balance $25 oer mo.
147 Corner , 2 lots in Hanscom 1'luco
house of U rooms , good barn , $5,000.
69 5 lots on Saundu/s St. , $1,100 each. A
great bargain.
415 House and lot in Ambler Place , 8
rooms , good barn , $1OOU.
418 Corner , 2 Jots , Arlington , $1,50Q for
both. A bargain.
420 House and lot in Loire's addition
$1,150 ; $500 cash , balance to suit.
422 5 east front lota in Jioyil'a addition
$2.500 for all ; I cash , balance to suit ,
424 Corner lot in Luavcnworth Terrace ,
bouth and east front , $000 ; § 200 cash ,
balance in
424\ \ Lot 22xCO foot en 13th street , near
Howard , $9,500. A great bargain fern
few days.
420 Lot in subdivision , of J. L lledlck'fl
addition , east front , $2,500.
427 Iloiiho and lot on N. 17th et , , house
8 rooms , burn. . A great bargain at
$3,000 ; } cash.
If you want to soil list your property
with us.
Parties wanting1 to purchase should
call on
Harrison , Ambler 6 Woolley. .
Room 20,0inaua Nation ? Baai ]