Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1886, Page 2, Image 2
; i THE OjffiAHA PAILy BEE : MONDAY , SErTgMBER 27. 1880. . Notice. Tl TATTO of application oMVtcrGo cli. Notion I * horoliy phcn ( lint t'rtpr Oo h rtld Upon tlu > 1 tth < liiy of 8optoml > or.A.I . ! " , iiiilx | | nt ion to the lionnl of truitoi of tlm vlllntro of Millnnl , DniiKlnt county , Nebraska , for llccnw to Ml mutt , fplrltuoiu nnd vlnom llnuuri nt Mlllurd , UmivlM county. Nebraska , from the Mdnyof October , A. 1) . 1880 , to the 3st ilnj of Mny , A. I ) . 1W7. If there bo no objection , rmnon trnneo or pro tect III' < l within two wock * from 8opteml > orI3th , A. 1) 1CN5 , the said HrotiMi will l > o irrnnUil. I'KTMIl OOSPII , Applicant. r , Viilniro ( Icrk. front 18-B5 Commissioner's Sale. Tn the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nobtiiikn. I'hoinlt Mutiiiil I.lfo ln iirnncol fompnnyot Hattford , Conn. , I In Cinncorr. John P Clirlitlim ot nl. J I'oio-lo'iirciol MortRiiiro : r > t IH.H tmtko H hereby jrUen that In pitrtit- JL mininml bylrtnoof n nilt-orco entered In llm above lnti"p on tlio " .Hi day ol Noember. . 1811,1. l.llls I. lllerbowor. pcclnlcommlM'loticr tumid courtMill on the Ulli day of Mcloticr. iwii , nt the hour of 4o'clock In the iiftornoon ot HIP ( "aid dny , lit the wet door of the Itlchnrcl- fern 10 nit' court house , In thocltrof TnlNCIty , Itlcbiiiilaon county. Mate nnd district of No- brnnkn , f nil at unction the following de erlbcd priporty , to-wlt ; Tlio southwest nimrtnr of the northwest iimrtor | of section number clx ( ) , often ton 114)11110110 ) ( I ) , nmtfo fonrlcon (111 ( ! also the cait hnlf of the 4niithcii tliiiiorrmd | thu south- cnst fjtiiirtir of the noitlicnsi qnaitorof BOO- tin | ( inimbor ono ( I ) , nnd thu onst hilf of the * nottliLU t uimrtcr of section tnclvo (13) ( ) , In toirii'liln number ono ( I ) , range thirteen ( I'D , cotitaliilnir'lii nil two linndrod nnd forty norc , And are BliiintiMl In the county or Hlchardson , In thostntoof Nt'iniuka. IJU.ts T. . lltiitmKll : , Special Commissioner. II. K. WIIITU , Solicitor for Complainant. Sept B-211-lS-Oct 2-0 Proposals for Purchai * of PavingHonda. . CtTV TlltHSUUin'H Of HOB , I OM IIIA , NBII. . Sept. 17th , 1888. J ' Proposals will bo received nt tills oillco until September -Stli , 1880 , nt 12 noon , for the purchase of f.10,000 uf PaUng llonds or the city of Oinnliii. Paid bonds wllllmoomo duo nnd pit } nblo In "U > enrs Irom October 1st , IBM. nro In SIMMS of $1,1)00 ) each nnd bear Interest from October 1st , 18KJ , lit tno nito of flvo per centum per nnnnm.piiyahlo ecml-niinintlly. nt the oillco of Kountzo Urothcri , New York , upon presentation of coupons nttuchcd. Thu principal will nl oho onvnblo nt the sumo pluco. Sold bonds are Issued under the clmrtcr power of said city , nftor the election diilyliclJ authorising thrlr "Issue for the purpo o of jiny. Ing the cost or pa\lng , ie-pavliiLf or macadam- blngthnlntoMuulIons f plrcots and Hpnccao | > - po lti ) nlloy.ilii the city , " nt which olnrtlon ox or nine-tenthsor the \otos east MOIO In favor oC said ISHIIO. 'Iho-o bonds will be dollvmod to purchasers , on payment therefor , ut the City Tronauiy In Uinulin , on Ot'toberdth , I8fl. lllds will bo mldi osicd to the undersigned nnd marked "Pinposals lor Pnvlnir llonds , " nnd must Htnto the inuiiu nndnddto'W of the bl Idor , the iinioilnt of snld bonds doshod and the prlco to bo paid. Tliorl glit Is reserved to i eject nny nnd nil bids Bl'dH TIUIMAN HIIIK.City ; Troasuror. IiOfral notice. TN DISTUICT UOUltT-Uouglas County. Loulo C. Whltbeck , Plaintiff , 1 \H. v Dodrldiro Whlthuck. Durondant. ) Dodrldgo Whltbeck. duluiulant , will tnko notice tlmt on the Ilril diij'nf Soptcnibur , IBSi ) , t Louie O. Whltbeck , plaint. heroin , lllcd her petition In the district court of DoiiBlns county , Nebraska , nxnlnst Bald dofondnnt , the object nnd prnycrof nhlch Is to bedUorood fronisnld dereiulnnt , for the following : ronions , viz : De- fondant's belmfof siilllclcnt ability to provide * 'sulti\blo innlnlonanco for iilnlntllT , Riossly , wantonly nnd cruelly netrlcctln g BO to do , nud nl o habitual driinkeiincss of defendant You nro lemilred to ims er snld petlton on or before the 18th ilnv of October , 1880. tioptembor 4th , 18M. 18M.LOI'IR C. WHITIIKCK. Uy N. J. IluiiNHAM , Her Attorney. 84-11-18-34 R. W. GIBSON & CO. , n i T nnm i r. Kooin 5 , Wlliiicll ( Jlloeli , iicr Ifttli and Ilunioy Six. , * -Hnvo a snlondlillNtof bargains in city property The lollowlnir mo n tvw only : 114 lloii-oiind lot on Virirliiln avo. , house eCO rooma : prleo $ .1,75) ; f 1.0JI ) cash. 145 Houbo nnd lot in Idlanlld , only $2,100 ; on easy terms. i'aiflson's'add.south jjJJlr-.i'Otjon . , front , botncennd and Slth stieots , for " J1.81W ( f Bold In u fondays. . J2fr-lJ ( line lot * in 1'lnlnvluw. Will sell at a bar- KHln , " 10 linl In Patrick's addition nt very low prices. 101 1 acre In ( Use's nddltlon , close to Saunaers btrcut. Hero Is something'that will puy a bljf poi1 cent on Investment. Only $1OUO down , balance 1 , " and n yours. IBO-ln 'I. V. Smith's addition , JS lot , .1,1x140 , house of 4 IIUKO rooms , nil for $1,800 ; H cash , biiliitu'o to milt , monthly or voarly. ITSMIousoandloton Shornmn avon'Jo , lot 52x 180. It gold BOOH , will soil for $ I , ! > JO ; H cash , balance to .suit. lals In Ambler Place , JB3-Lot In ; $350cash , balnnco to suit ; front on Hanscom Park. JOO HoiiBonnd lot In ThornoU's addition , 48 feet nldo and runs through Irom " : ! nl to UHli BtrOot ; prlco only $4,000 ; 5i cash. This is n bar Kiiln. J3-Ixit In Ilnwtlioino , J 1,000 : H cash. 7 Lot In Cortlnndt Place , uUxlHO : price f.1,500 : f2OJOcnsh , bnlanoo in C jcars at U percent lUlntorost , S-H lots In Wllcox's addition for 81,000 ; M cash. HoroUn bnrtfiiln , If.jou want an lu- vostmont. Iil7 Lota In Hoyd'n addition at n bargain. Wo huvaeomeof the clioicost lots In Hanscom Place. . -HoiiRonnd H loton K. 18th stbouse with 11 rooms , all modern Improvements ; prlco JJ.500 ; $1,600cash , haluneo to suit. Thlalsa ir ! ' 174 2 lots' In ICountzo's 4th Sup. Add. Ono n oornor , 00x140 , the other 00x140. Very line lota. Pi Ice for both m,5iW ; on terms to suit. JCfl s iQts In Thornburs's add. . for $000 each ; K cash. Special attention frlvon to all property listed with ii on commission. I'M Vina propeity on Georgia Avoworth $5,000 , to trade lor Improved land In York or Ucwnr counties , Nebraska. Ordinance ZTo , 1,104. AN Oidlmmc'o oidcrlngpnvlng In ooitaln ] > avlnw districts In tlm city of Omuliii nml allowliiirthlrtydnjs to the owners of the lots undieal oMiito In said dlsulcts , reispoctlvoly , to dotoimlno and designate the mulct lid to ho used lor such. llo It ordained by the city council of the City of Omiilm : Suction 1. That that part or Davenport street } n Paving DlstUct No. Ol ) ; that part of Tenth Bttoeljn I'nvliw Dlstilct No. Ml ; tlmt irnrt of riirnam Etrnct In Pnviiur District No. 07 ; that part of Cnmlnir Ktieot In PiivhiK District No. C8 ; that part of 24th street ( formerly Saimderi htroct ) In Pavln Dlsttlet No. fl'J ; that putt of Tenth street In I'livlnif District No , 71 ; that part tOt JliiMiifitrH't In l'u\lnn Dlstilct No. 72 : that iiurtof I'.Unontli stront In 1'uvIiiK District No. t3 ; that imit ofTenlb sticet In I'uvltiv DMilat No. 73 ; that part of iiou'iith : ' Ktitol In Piivlnv Dlstilet No. . ( I ; tlintinirt of Twelfth htrcot In TuIng District No. 7i ; tlmt part of 'llilrlrenth Htreut In Pavlntr District No. 78 ; that part of eixteentli street In Piiving Dlstilct No. M ; that part ot Slxtoenthttioct In PaviiiK : District No. Ni ; that part or Davenport struot In Pavlnif DUtr'ot No. 87 : that pal t ot Thirteenth ttroot In Tuvliw DHtnot No. Ul ; that part ol Vlnton btrcotln Puvlnpr DUtrlct No. V2 ; that part of Vllllam Etioot In I'nvlns Dtntilct No. tfi ; that iiurtof Twonty-llfth uveniio In Paving Dlstilct "Ko.lii ) : that part of Lo.uenworth street In Pav- ink-District No 101 ; that part of Tnent-ninth nunuo ( formerly Park u\i > niie ) In Pavlmr DU- trlctNo. 102 ; that part of Twenty-fourth ( form erly JelliTfon stiuet ) In PavingDihtrlct No.lUJ ; that part of llarnoy street In Paving DUtrlot > Ko. 104 ; that part of Doduo stioet In Pnvlng Dis trict No. 103 ; that pait of Dodgu street In Pav- inuNo.'Ot ) , in thu city of Omaha , bo and the game nro hereby ordered pnvcil. Section - .That any person , company , cor- , . < ponitloti or association owning- any street lull- I v ay within any of said paving districts beio- uqulrcd to pnvo between the ralU of any railway 'traeiC o nod by t-uch company , i\8socluiloii , cor- 1 } Kititon ! or poison , at thnlronn cost , such pnv- to bo done at the sumo time , and to lie of thufiimo iimtiulal and olinraeter us the navlntf to ho done In the dUtrlrt In which the entno U Bltuutod , unless the board of public vorhs shall othorwUa spcolally order , mid In the oiuutof the neglect orrolusalof any such imrt'os so to ? | > oiwiionthornlUof nny such mil- vny , the same Is hereby urdoroddouousls by law piovldod. Section 3. TliatttO days next nfior the passavo nnd approval of this ordlnancu ho and hereby ' i * alloved to the owners of nlltho real estate In f each of said pivvlna districts to doslgnuto the luialerliil defliod to bo utod forxuch IIUMIII ; , And notify thu city council thereof , It Imvlnjf been mid hereby being determined by the mill or nnd city council of tuld city , tor i oasons ' vrhlch appear riwht nnd proper , that all the real estate Hltliln cjicliof suld pu\lnir districts. ie- B poet holy , shall bo chniKCd and niwensi-J with the cost of puvinir thoruln , to bo hereufter da- fcriuluedund v tublUheduocordlng to the bcu- olJts to the property in each of bald dlstrlets , ro peotlroly. by reason of gild paving , Bectlonl. That thU ordinance shall tnVooffeol Biidboln foico from mid alter Its passage. I'u&siul Beptt'inber Hill , Ibtxi. Wu. F. Ilbciiri. , I'rcbidout City Council. J , H. SOUTIIAHU , City Clerk. Approved SeptemberWili ! , ISM. - JAMES 15. DOVP. Mayor , Jfi I OH TJIE CHICAGO MAn. \4 * IJJ. . Maiij edition ) will l > a ' enl to nr ft , thell. H or CuiniJii"BTH inunt'bi for II.U m ; CHICAGO MAIL , us * > iuav. < t DIRECTORY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ATTORNEYS. 1JKVLNS & , N-W. Cor , 13th and Douglas Sts. W. J , CORNELL , 313 9.14th StrooU OEOUOB Vf. DOANE. ATTOHNEY AT Liw , ITttlconcr's illock , 15th and Doujrlixs. (1KOIU5C S. SMITH , IKflFnrnnm Street. I. . I > . HOI ICS , Attorney at Lawt lloom S 1'ronzcr lllook , Opposite 1'ostonico. PHYSICIANS. o. s. nor rui AN , ni. i > . , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE , N.W. Cor. Uth and Douglas. Ofllco Telephone 483. Itrsldonco Telephone 43. W. .1. ttAIjttltAlTII , Surgeon and Physician OFFICE , N.W. CoUih and Douglas St. OdlcnTelephone 405. Kcsldonco TclouhonoSOS JAMES II. I'KABODY , 31. D. , Physician and. Surgeon. Residence , No. 140T Jones Street Offlco , Wlthncll Ulock , Telephone , rasldoueo , No. 135. ofllco C.1J , _ _ _ brt JAB. BECKETT PHYSICIAN AND SmtaEOs , Offlco nnd ttosldonco. Til N. 18th St. 11. A. tt'OULEY , 31. I ) . , Omco 14W TJodpo Street. Telephone 453. llcsldcnoo 1712 Cnpltnl Avc. Telephone 510. VAN CAMP M.D. , 1SW Tjodiro St. . 1st tloor west of V. O. Tnko ole ntor to rooms 13-13 third lloor. Telephone No S3. ItoBldoiico.KnN' . SOth street Tclophono No. 30 P.M. CI1ADW1CK , Physician and Surgeon , Telephone C89. _ Office 313 9. 14th at R. W. CONNELL , M. D. , ttoracoopathlat , Offlcc. 3133. Uth Bt. Tclophono537. _ vic. jr. w. BYSAKT , Surgeon and Physician N.W. Cor. 1 2tli & , Howard , HoslJonco , 1011 DoilBO Bt. tTolophono , 80. O 111 eo hours. 10 to 13 lu nnd ! i to 5 p m. INSURANCE , 0. T. TAYLOR , General Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. OnicoCor. HtUnnd Douglas Sts. Issues Ordinary Mfo , Kntlo mont , Limited Kndowmcnt , 1'lvo Your IMvIdond Plan and the i'opulnr Noii'Korloltiiij ? Tontine Policies. As sets over ? ( /0OOD,0M. ( Agents \ \ untoO. r. General Afont | Proyidont Savings Lifa ASSUME Go of New York Mtllnnl Ho'ol ( Hook , Omnhn. . The stilctly "Natural I'rfinlum I'lun. " Aetna average yearly cost during 183) , 1831 and 1835 , nt ago M , for tlO.OOO , was $78.80. _ FINE JOB PRINTING. CS PRINTING CO. , Printers , Book Binders And Blank book Manufacturers. Nos. 108 and JDBS.Uth street. Omalm.Nob : J.F. Falrlle , Super intendent Hlndory. Telephone No. 25J. HARNESS. J. F. SEGKER Manutncturor and dealer In harness , saddles , whips , horse clothing , etc. All prudes of hnrnoss always kept on hand or inado to order. Hopalrlnsr n specialty. Ill ) N. loth 8f bet. Doduo nud Capital Avo. AUCTIONEER. A , W. COWA T & CO. Auction and Commission Conslffiimonw solicited ; furniture boujrhtanl Bold. Sales of live stock and household furni ture at private residences is a specialty with us. Ilrinumbor the pluoo , West Se I'lltscher'a bloot NUthst. No 110. STOVbS and TINWARE. OKU. J. AUSIBUUST , Stoves , Tinware , Cutlery , Btc. Also Tin Itoofln ? , Quttarln Spoutln ? , nnl General Job Tinnlmr. The best of work and ro.t Konablocharires. Jlillc cans nml other tinwaro n stock. U1 Ciiiiilnir St. Omaha , Nob. Dentists , \V111XNEUUY & KEIM , Dentists , 1.1U Farnnm Btroe MEAT MARKETS. E. 13th Street Market. A11 kinds of fresh and salt moas constantly on hand- Foultry , eamu , etc. , In season. U. lUuuKUTA , 14 So. 13th street. RESTAURANTS. The Morris Restaurant t the very bostcatlnir house In the city. Trylt and you will be satisfied. mils of f.iru on Mo American tml Uarop eau an. an.A ts.50 commutation ticket for 11. Tickets for SI meals RUi ) . lioardbytho wcekU.Si. Meals , 35o oaoh , 16th Bet , Dou lat and Dodge Sts , JOHN SIMMONS FLORIST , All kinds of bedding plants for sale. Gitiiiiousn : : ON STATE ST , 3 blocks North of L. D. Williams' rusMonca. K. SAVAGE , Aiul 1'ractlonl Tinner nnd Sheet- Iron Worker. Hoofintr nnd Guttorini. a specialty. T30 13th utidl-uatounoitubU , Outuha. Personal 1'nrnKrniilis. D. M. Carr , of the Lincoln Jonrnnl , is In tlio city , J. Q. Allen of DCS Molnos , Is nt the Merchants. It. A. WhUakcr , of Waterloo , la. , is nt the Mlllnrtl. Joltn A McMurpliy , of Sohiiylcr , Sun- unycd in the city. 1'otcr Schonw , of Kntisns City , is visit- inp fricutls in the city , 0.0. McNMi nn wife , of Wlsnor , wcro in the city S'cstordny. Mrs. J. J , Ulls % llio Dotifjlns street inllllnci' , la in JCew York inirehasing goods. 0. L. IS.irllctt nnd W. H. Miller , of Plitltsmoulli , wore over Sntulny tjitesU at this Millurd. Sir Knlplits K. K. Lone anil L. II. Korty returned from the bt , Louis con clave hist nl lit , Hon. John 1) . Howe , of St Paul , attor ney for tlio Chicago , St. Paul. Minneap olis & Omaha , is in the city meeting his old friends. W. A. Lonff. formerly telegraph editor ; of tlio Hepul'liean ' , resigned \ \ \ * posi tion nlul will go on the road as a Pullman conductor. Yesterday evening Airs. Hello MoGraw , who has boon visiting her daughter , this wife of Mr. D. Hoinn , of the Railway News , left for her homo in Moborly , Mo. , niter an absence of several weeks. Mabel Orchard left yesterday to ro- unter the seminary at Cincinnati , which she has been attending for n. cottplo of years back. She wad accompanied by Miss Oracle MoMaiuis , a niece of Mr. If. Kitchen. Mr. Samuel Orchard went as far as St. Louis with the young ladies. Allison Sanmols , ono of the most popu lar of the postal clerks on tlio Northwest ern between Omaha and Cedar Itapids , is at the Metropolitan. Mr. Samuels has licou on the line for four years without missing a day's duty , and is just now en joying a few days' vacation granted him by the department. lie ligurcs up that ho has traveled moro than tour times the distance around th world during his Ipng stretch of service and handled mail mat ter enough to keep a man busy a year working ten hours a day to count the number of pieces , A "Star" Transplanted. Genial Tom Pcironot , of "the finest1 has long borne the reputation of being a humorist in his own way , but his friends have hardly expected him to doll' the Wuo and don the cap and bells of the mimic stage. Such , however , appears to be the case , the bill boards in front of Uqyd's opera house bearing hip name as one of. the leading supports to Mr. and Mis. ' Florence. Gold Fields. Chambers' Jourilal : .tor some years the government of western Australia has offered a reward of 5,000 for the discov ery of a payable gold Held within StOt ) miles of a declared port , from recent news from Perth it would almost appear that a profitable gold field has at last been discovered.Vc learn that Messrs. Malct and McEwen , who wore sent by the government to explore the Kimberlov district , In tlio extreme north of the colony , have returned , after an expedition which nearly proved dis astrous to the explorers They lost their horses , and , having consumed all their provisions , only escaped starvation by coming unexpectedly to a settler's hut , where they obtaincil assistance. The party arrived barefooted , their boots having fallen to pieces on the tramp of 100 miles. Mr. McEwon nearly suc cumbed to the hardships of the journev. A quantity of the new gold has already folind its way to England. According to advices from Derby , the portof the coun try named iifter the presontLohl Derby. and situated at the head of King'a'Sblum largo numbers of people , who were totally unfitted for the work , were start ing for the Kimberly gold Ijelds , As the roads are rough , and provisions scarce and dear , with an absence of water , it goes without saying that no ono need venture m search of wealth without being - ing supplied with plenty of money and un ample supply of piovisions. The country is described as closely resemb ling the Peak Down district in Queens land. The gold is much scattered , but the gullies are numerous. It is expected that so soon as the alluvial gold is worked out , productive roofs will oo laid baro. The Kimberly district , contrary to what many have supposed , is a country about four and a half times the sue of Scotland , with splendid rivers and with millions of acres of pastoral and agri cultural land. The climate has been commended by Captain Gray and other explorers as ono of the finest and health iest in the tropics. Last j-car the popula tion numbered only about 103 white men. The blacks , who are not numerous , arc traptablo. Sheep , cattle and horsoa thrive well , so that whether or not the gold Holds fulfill the expectations of those who seek their fortunes at the gold fields , there is a line country to develop. Derby , the capital of this district , attho mould of the Fitzroy river , consisted lately of but a few huts and tents , and js the station ot a government resident. Should the "rush" to the gold fields con tinue , doubtless all this will soon bo changed. Earthquakes and ttiilldinc. From the Sanitary Engineer : The re cent severe earthquake shocks which have wrought such havoc in the city of Charleston and vicinity are probably unique in being tlio iirot in this country to cause destruction of life. The wide spread destruction of property also ac companying them cannot Out bring to the mind of every thoughtful engineer and architect the question whether this hitherto apparently remote danger to permanent structures is not of sulliciont probability to require its recognition in all designs. There have been well-de fined earthquake shocks in the vicinity of Now York and many other parts of the country , and it would scorn dcsirablothat the practical bearings of the subject should bo carefully studied , A recent paper by Professor John Milne , F , G. S , , of the Imperial College of Englnceilng at Tokio , Japan , suggests the support of buildings in earthquake countries upon hori/.ontnl cast-iron plates , between which are cast-iron shot one quarter of an inch in diameter ( the oracklng strength of each of which is about 1,600 pounds. Ho also suggested ( loop foundations free from the surrounding earth ; that all arches where such arunco- t saury shall bo curved into , and not form an angle at , the abutments in ether words , the substitution of elliptical or other curved forms for segmental arches ; that windows and doors snail not bo ver tically over each other since they form lines of weakness , as has boon repeatedly illustrated in destructive shocks ; lhat high buildings should bo avoided ; that upper parts of walls , and also roofs , should bo made as light as possible , and that steeply pitched roofs are dangerous. a Criminal 1OO VOHTH Ago. The Leip/igor Xoltnng reminds its readers that just 100 j'ears sigo the pun ishment of burning a criminal to death was carried out tor the last time In Her- llu. Its quotes from its IBSUO of the time n letter written on the 18th of August , 1760 , by an oyo-witness , describing the punishment. All Uurlin Imd boon in considerable excitement some days boforo. It was seventy years since a similar punishment had been carried out in the Prussian capital , and it was supposed that the en lightened views of the king , , no loss u person than the great Frederick , would inovo him to commute the punishment , The criminal was a servant , ono Hopnor , convicted of robbery and of setting lire to the house whnro nig master nud fam ily lived. The soatlbld was raised from tlio ground seven or eight foot , upon which thcro was n framework , secured with n door , making it n sort of 011111 * open , within whinji the condemned man was inclosed , 'iff ? jUiolo was covoreil nnd surrounded with wood nml straw. Tito culprit was brought from his prison nt 0 a. m. and placed before the ruth linns , nnd on being interrogated , rdmit- ted his cullt. Ais iscrrtonch was then read for the lust time , fhd' pllicor of the court broke his wand ot.oillCo. and llopnerwas handed over to tub executioner. On nr- riving nt the plnco of execution he was stripped tn hit slirtnnd | Inclosed in the frnme. The plln was lighted nnd it burned for three hours. A Tnlklnjj-Tcrror. Cincinnati Timci-Stur : "lam n holy terror from ralmonlh , Knlntuuk , nn' I kill men ns easy us gnats ! " howled n farmer in L'oilestsi's saloon ypstcrday , us lie grubbed the barkeeper nnd yunked liim from boliind the counter nnd snnked him Into the street. "Whnr's somebody tliat kin light ? Hain't HOMO of votiso cjtv fellers got spunk null'to tackle iuo ? < .rtu sick , nn 1 coluo inter town to BCD' n. doctor , but I'm n wild cnt from up the mounting bhlo' Whoop 1" His song of exultation was suddenly cut short by n little pollcumnii , who necked him nnd bundled him itito n waiting pa trol wagon. This morning the holy terror had a weary , far-awaylook in his eye. ' "Are you n terror ? " asked the court. "No , sir , I'm nn onfortunato fool that hain't got no sense , " wns the reply. "Do you kill mnn ? Where do you plant thorn ? How do y6u kill them ? " rapidly demanded the court. ' Never killed nitthin' 'ceptin' ' n coon. " "Who was tlio unfortunate colored mnn ? " nsked the court. "What colored man ! " nsked the prisoner. "Didn't yon say yon killed n coon ? " "It was ono of those atr lonsMniled oootis as what I treed in Scroggins' It wu/n't no nigger coon. " "I'm sadly deceived in you , prisoner , " remarked the court. "I expected to bee n real goilutno old-fashioned terror. A regular" killer in factl lint you nro n fraud , sir ; nn unmitigated fraud of this ilrst water ! \ou"co"itldn't whip n man in the last stage of hydrophobia ! Write down 'Louisa Sharp , alleged terror ; four minutes nnd night seconds to got across the river and inuku , tracks for Florence ! ' Now. , my terrorizing friend , put out nnd never rome near the Ohio river again ! " No Lmck In Money AVon In nets. _ Louisville Courier-Journal : I met a gentlemen recently who told me that ho viiev'cr made but ono bet In his Hfo , and althpugh ho won it yct < the money brought him so much' bud luck that ho hnvur repeated the oilbnhe. It was made on presidential election and.ho . won $800. f [ § \Vns away from llomo at'tho time and oJnvcstod the money in u handsome sot 'of .furniture for his Avife-- Their home Svas _ being improvcd.i\nd this set of fur- nituru would bo * a. pleasant surprise to Jicr , The furnipira-ovos . .packed and shipped , but an acffulout happened to the 'boat and it was tif'tt'ii'TsiK weeks in a hot port. When dclfcrcfl | } it was BO much dnmagcd tliat aftoJi removing the hand- somq marble topdfthcufurnituro was sent to a-ctvbinct shop nor 'repairs. Shortly afterward the shop ? 'took lire and the furniti\ro \ was bUi'uetlv On his return home , after heariug = o cho loss of his1 furniture , ho foundtthnt ono of the work men had let somethiut 'fall ' on one of the marble , slabs and brokvn it. llo thought that he would fiimah. "tlio business , so ho got a ijledire-hamm nd. Shi.iShed the whole lot of martiloV'tiJlis.only spnaboy thrco years of litfe'lf'titHC 1 > V to see the fun , but stumbleM-'itndr'fDll on a'sharp r > ice of , inarblo ifftedftiife' X.dangarous " "wound-oudiig ' inniq gjln 'USI'Kto\"it ! ; \ to m"anho"o'dbitt' , ' > v'di < > arryHo ; his * grave1 an ugly scar. XJA' . * ' " * % A Now Steam Knjiln"c. > From Science Considerable oxoito- mentshas been directed of late in England to tho'porforinanocs ot the Marohant en gine , for which it is claimed that the dif ficult problem of 'tho.return to the boiler of steam which would otherwise bo wasted , has now boon practically solved by ' it. Several stringent tests have been made of this engine , under the superintendence of respon sible engineers previously unacquainted , and the resultof _ ono of the most recent may bo hero given : "The stated effective here power of the , engine ( ' .KJ.U ) wusjhcreforo obtained at'tho expend- ! tueo of 0.803 pounds of Welsh coal per horse power per hour- and wo hereby certify to such ascertained result. " Tlio boiler pressure was 241 pounds per square inch ; the average " "vqoiium in the condenser , seventeen inches , and the speed , 125 revolutions per minute. The results thus obtained work to a fraction over half a pound par indicated horse power per hour. The economy In coal is such that it is calcu lated that the Peninsular' and Oriental Steamship company would save 1,000 ( S5.0CO ) per day by the use of such en gines. As the condenser occupies only a sixteenth of the space of an ordinary con denser , it is adaptable * to locomotives , which might , saj's Mr. Marchnut. the in ventor , to built to run 1,000 miles without a fresh supply of water. The .London Athonieum is authority ( or the statement that the pigment known " " is nothing less "mummy" moro nor than your ancient Egyptain , his bones , his bandages , bitumen , and all , ground up with oil. It resembles asphaltum in its general qualities , except that , proba bly owing to admixture of linen liber , the mineral oil of the ancient bitumen lias disappeared , so that mummy is not quite so liable to orack or move on the canvas. _ It is explained that the reason the majority of women Wear black blockings while bathing in the boa Is to frighten away the sharks. At least that is what Frank Stockton assigns as the reason for wearing black hose In the water in his amusing story of "Mra. Locks and Mrs , Aleshino. " Ono of the heroines pro pounds as n fact that sharks never cat colored porbonH , and ( ho nearest they can como to being coloVeiljIn the water is to wear stookings of a rfblo huo. Catarrli Is a very "prevalent disease , with distressing and ortcps oTsyiiptoms. Hood's Barsaparllla gives rkily. cilef and epecdy euro , from the fact gjaftJliroupli ; the Mood , and thus reaches crery part of the system. " I Buttered with cal/irrlj flttcen years , Took Hood's Barsapaiillantxl inm not troubled any with catarrh , and my geocra * health Is mucli lietter. " I. W. T..iinhLllstal | Cleric Chicago ti St. Louis lUUroad. " I suffered v. Itli cMsrrji c or 6 j cars ; tried many wonderful cures1 , ' Inhalers , etc. , spend- Ingncarly ono liuudrjIWftllfira without bcuent. I tiled Hood's Sars wDla , ad ) was greatly Improved. " M. A , AiuiBV , "Worcester , Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is characterized hy llirco peculiarities : 1st , tbo combination uf remedial agents j 2d , the proportion ! 8d , the j > rocca3 of securing tlio active medicinal qualities. The result Is n medicine of unusual strength , effecting cures hitherto unknown. Send for book containing additional evidence. "Hood's BarsaparHla'tones up my system , jmrlncs my blood , sharpens jpv appetite , wid Ktcins to jn.iko me oter. " J , 1' , TuoiirBOX , lit-gbtcr of Deeds , J-owell , Miss. "Homl's Bareaparllla beats all others , and Is n ortli Its eight | n gold. " 1 , IUKJII.NUTOM , 130 Uauls Street ) New 1'ork City. Hood's-1 * Sarsaparilla gold \ > r " 11 drufrglsts. Jl 5 sU for 5. Made tmly Vy 0.1. HOOD 4 CO. , Jxmell , Mais. 1OO Doses Ono Dollar * ' - ' MAYlHQ'A-BOTTL 'Op _ . . , " A jft f-REKSKirn ( N.J.MUilTAIlV ) AOADKMY ± Ool.O. \Vlttoiir , 11. 8. , A. M. , I'rinrlpnt. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING Pays Best WHEH PnOPEIILY DONE. Wt AIM TO AND DO GIVE TO ALLCU3TOMCRS , SLOWEST pRiccB 'PnoMpr TRANSACTIONS SCLtCTION8---CONBPICUOUS POSI- ITIONa 'EXPCRIENCCO ABBIBTANCCUNDI - i AS co OPINIONS AND coNriDtNTiALBcnvicc. lADvcnTistMCNTS DESIGNED. PROOFS SHOWN AND' ' I ESTIMATES OP COSF IN ANT NEWSPAPERS , j i FURNISHED TO RESPONSIBLE PARTIES i FREE or CHARGE. i The H. P. Hubbard Co. , I Succctton to H. P HUBDARO , jJudidous , Advertising Agents and Experts , { Established 1671. Incorporated 1805. I Now Haven , Conn. n " 20O PAQC CATALOGUE or LCADINQ * prcR , * ' SCNT FACE ON APPLICATION. i x SARATOGA Hot Springs Hotel SARATOGA , WYOMING. These waters contain Iron , Pota ium , LI mo. Soda , Mnitnesln , Chlorldo ol Sodium and Sul phur , nnd nro a positive euro for oil diseases arising from an lirpnrostiuooftho blood A cer tain specific lor Kheuniatism. Daffy Stage and Mail Line to and from Fort Stee/e. G oed Physician in Attendance " " W. If. OADWELL. Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid up Capital $250,000 Surplus 3O,000 II. W. Yatoa , President. A. E. Toux-alln , Vine President. W. II. S. Iltislics , Cashier. mitr.CTous : W. V. Morse , John S. Collins , H. W. Yutoa , Lewis S. lleod. A. E. Tonxalin. BANKING OFFICE : THE IS ON BANK , Cor 12th and Fnrnam Sta A General Bankins ; Business Transacted. N , W. HARRIS & Co. JJAKKJSJtS , CHICAGO. QAUnO Of. Counties , Cities nnd others of DUlluO hl h rrudo boiiBht nnd sold. Kastorn ollloo OH Devonshire at. Uoston. Correspond- opco sol telted. telted.TRIAL jjnnviTA . ill tettu i > I imlblul neii , TRIAL . > errou IlebUltT , Involun- lirvLou * , , Lo t Manhooa. .nd lliwlr.d .ff llo l TtW MCI | J Ih. i tr.t.toffic * . lilt. A.O. OI.I.N CO. , o.l Ww 111. 1.00 per I'luLuee , BUfor i rr x : a ED AJIB" J- A llciino nnd Dav Sehool for Young Ladles , lo-opens OUT. 1 Delightfully situated n Georgetown Heights. grounds. Kn- re od ncooinmoilutloiiB. Misti UAltLR , luiuasth Washlngto n. C. _ jyCdOHdia _ DUFFY'S TOWER TOT CURE. I AN INVALUADLK TONIO FOR FEMALES. Seoarci nod Eitabll he Rteulirtty or * MENSTRUAL FUNCTIOHO , lltltittng fain and DtHrai. AH INVALUABLE AID TO NURSING MOTHERS , ] la th. DUeliftrge of ! MATKUXAL Dcm > WITHOUT FATIQUB. Fn jre BiMf In tba CHANGE OF LIFE , I'nlntnein , Melancholy , Miirnlng | fjlcbnn , tlio Trouble ) * uf 1'ri'ijnuiiuy Allot luted ml Cured , | T ASSIMILATES WITH THE BLOOD ) I * Jilttrilnted through every Teln ; Strenytficiii ctcry Organ , It U prepared la ncrnrcUnce with ni djc l l f. ( DUVJ-V9 J'L'ltK WAI.T WllttKEY and MINT Ulcg cf tb < li.Rrcdlr.nla , > nd Injeoljuilr comoltsf < * , < till rtces/niH euraUet agtnclti. , All ItlUri of Inqulrr will rtc lv prom , I ' < < i of charge , t > 7 our McOltil V prtmeat. rrlue l.OO Vw DiUlt. fen tiLutpv DBOoaurt AHD Dpt-r.u. ' tftM > gtHUtHt uHAovt'UuSoltoietngSattinUi I Hgnalvrt of Salt Hilling Agtnti , BALTIMORE. MD. Hard Wearing Suits , 85 , $0 nnd $8 ; woi Hi double ( he inonoy. , ? ! ) , § 10 , $12 to § 13.50 ; worth ono- third inoro. Fine Qress Suits , For 816 , $16 , $17.50 to $10. Our Tailornnlc WKD1UKG ami FK1XCK ALltEKT suits $20 , $21.rtO$25 to $ XS. Former price , $38 , $ XS to $43. JFIXKaml JIJiAVl" OVJSltCOATS , for men youth * ami children , $2 , $ . 't , $4 , $5 , $0 , $7 , $8 , $ ! ) , $ W , $20 , $25 and $30. BOYS' and CUILT > 11KNS' SUITS , 7tic , $1. > 0 , $2.50 , $3 , $5. Worth double the money. OUli CWJOM-MADJl OVER COATS , $15 , $ ± ( i.5O , $17.50 , $2O to $2-1 , $3O , $ X5 , $40 , $45 and $50. The best Underwear , inillo and Colored Slilrts at t/rcat reduction. Our flats , of latest st/Ics. } from 5O to $ Ilcss than usual price. Our English titade Shoes , of the best grade , at low prices , California and Oregon Cll\i \ Clothing Flannels , lllankcte , Ducking and Buck Gloves. This is the largest ; rmd best assorted stock ever brought to this state. The Mamioth Clothier 1001 Fnrunm St. , Cor. 10th. The only perfect substjtuto * 'orMpthpr'9 erfect nutriont'iri "ill Wanting "DlsoneeB. Hoqulres no cooking. Our Book.Tho Cnr0 nnd Feeding of Infants , mailed free. COLIDEK , OOODALB to CO. , Boston. D.C.PATTERSON OMAHA OJilceOmaha National Hank , Jtooms 1 and 2. -CHEAP HOMES FOR SALE , Bargain No. 1. Lot with now 0 room Uouso ; cltyiviitor and j-ns ; nice vlow , $2.000. 8100 ciiBli , linlunco $ - * > n montli. Only ono mllu from postollieo , In good locality , Bargain No. 2. Flnolot on Virginia Avenue , $1,000. Bargain No. 3. Two flno lots uour 27tli iind Wobstorcnch ; fl.'BO. Bargains No. 4. WobtBIUolota , nonrciitiiiing Inctory and ilo- pot ! only f-50toaoo. Bargain No. 5. Two of tlio finest norcs In West Omaha for Bargain No. 6. An ncro ono lilocU from Canning factory , tWO Bargain No. 7. 10 WushliiKton Hill lots for $3,000. Tlio best In tlio uildlllon , Bargain No. 8. 0 ncro son West Dodge St. , 4 in tics from court house. Tills will plutlntu 101 lots , and I will Boll It for $7,000 , Bargain No. 9. C acres In Ilonllcld , for iiluttlnt' , $1,59X Bargains No. 10. Patlcrfcoii I j-.rk Ac-res , &U5O. IatU'rNnn Park AITCH , $100. l al ! jnoii Park Acres , 8 ISO , I'lillcrsoii I arli Acres , 85OO. Io t N lu Lincoln Place. L.ol In Hillside A'o. 2 , * LotM hi Milan's add , So , I , Lois In rolsoia PJace. WcM Klde. Lois In Ifcuford Place. Houses to Rent and Improved Farms for Sale or Exchange for city property , ( all and see D , C , PATTEBSOH , Forfeit if not Havana Fillet' , A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE 37-OCT. O OXH\TX > (3. Thti Cifnir nlll prort mnrrctrnlri * nn < t n I br ttra > ( kclr niUcitlx-it In trcty town lor -ilrtltn bo * UI fprrclato lit inctllsmil jiuihIInccordlUKlj. SltOKti ET 3-SKXO JlOe ClOJLTt , AJdress DANQniRT BK03 , Mo Agenta , 130 FlflU Avenue , - ClUCAQO n. w. y 0. V. ( loodiimn , J. A I'ullur A Co. , M. 1'arr. Choncy k Olown , M. 11. 1'owcll , KnhnACo. , Ham nirmworin ' , 1'rnnk Harrott * Co. , HII IIM & Schmidt , Jiiuics 1'orsi tlio. AND A BURMESTER , , Agent , 1318 Dodge Street. pedal Attention Given to Warming and Yentiiatln of Building , Public and Pivato The HKSS AIll WAlt.MKK lm < ! no on\ml on the inntkot for pouvr In lumtlnirnml RCONOMYj IN I'lTUIj , linnl or ott coat. Wu onrrj- I nil line ol r'uriiucoq nml llcntinir SIOMM , Hot Al < ItuKUU'tsniul Vontllntors. UoiiUI lie iilcasoil to mi\o tlioso In nnt of tiucli ifnoil ? to ciiilaniS oxnmlno thum Tin OIK ot nil liliuli , lootltiR1 and KnttuiltiHT osthnnlos Klvon , ami an work Ktmrantood. Core pondoiico solicited. K nAOTmrTn ? cur ° w'"out modi. A rliiil 11 y H , ci"l. . i > iLontoi | octo- n. LWlillLl borlo. 18,8. the moat obtlnatocnso In four days orloji. Allan'tSolubleMedicatedBougies ' , No nauscoiiH do'Oi of cubobs. oonMba or oil of Bandalwooil that are certain 10 mrtduco dyspop- Bln bv ilo'tiorlnir tlio coatlnim of tlio stomucli. I'rico $ I.M. Sold by all ilnnrirlits or mallrd on roc-olptof julcn. For further pnrtlpulars ont torclrculnr. T. O. Box 11W.ITTT \ T\ T. c. LL N * co. , ijllKK v w * * * KJJohnM. . Now York. tuca tli-antivm & Hnll'ord Siiuco makes your fooil moro muiitious. o. s. I BTTIS A ; co. , Wholcaalo and Ituta41 Fboctons , IlupfftcB and Koad Wagons , pot cent saved lu buying of us. laOS-UlO-iaii , Izard St , Oniaha , Nob. Drunoh at Counoll ESTABLISHED USED IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Cntalocupi nnd J'rlcra on application. Sold by H ttio bi > 3t Cnrrlni-H Iiullcitr uiul Dealers. CINCINNATI. II. H. A. Oiblu Aclc'Jt-KS. COO CIN , SILVER MOON DTSTEBPtBLOBAHESTIIUBIIIIT 10th and St. Mary's Avenue. Now York oysters iccoiroil dally. Shell oy - torsrxbBtcisiiiul clnms iilwujson hand. Fam ilies supplied. HUSTON A O'NKl. only ono In the vrorjd fronaratlnff aconllnuoiuEltctriaif Mtigntlia TV eurrrnt. Erlentlllc , 1'owcrful , Humble. Comrurl l > le and FITcollTe. Avoid ( roudi. Oy < rO.O < lIlctirfd. fcenilhtninpfol ' ' ' iLK : < rriiiu JIKLTH roil Di. HORNE. INVENTOR. 101 WAOASM AVE.CIIICACO , art Xortli s the pluco to arraiiffo for Milk , Ilutter , Cicutn iiml rhec'xo , Tulopheno K > . . I > . IIBJTC'BIIiVMKV , OIIU-c , 1.111 I'iir . UOtli nnd C'lilH'oriilu. Or tlio I.lqiutr Jfubll , ! < > * ( ( li Curcil by AilikUiiMfrrlnir Ilr. Hiiiitfv * Uiililcii Nltccllln. It con be given Inn cup of corfui nr ( < without theknoKluilKuut thapcritoii tuklnKlllaubulutolf annnleiinnd nlll uITict a pfriiiaiiiuituu'l speedy cure , wlicllivr the patlunt lilt moiler toarliikerei ii > mcoiiollo wruck It IIM but-ii ( ( Ircu In lUou. liu.ids of caset , and In every InsUu.conjicrli'i I cure liaiifolluntd. it nrritr folU 'J'hs oyntemono * InipiegnnU-d wltli UieHpoUJc , Ittccomeniiiiuttel lmiKK lljty | | | fur the liquor apptitlla to ml t- FOU BAI.B IIY I'OIU\VINO ) DUUaaiHTHt KUHN A : CO , , Cur. ! 3tli unit Haunt * * , nnd IHIh iV Onnilnn Si * . , Oinnlin , Nell. ' 4. i > . 1'ovriiu Of itno. , Council llluirn , latra. Cull or wrlln for pamphlet contulnlnK hundred * o ? U tlrnoiilul.1 from tlm bct wucueu and men tiuet aruol thncouuu * . MALT h > l > irlallr IINtlllril fur .tli-illrliiiil line. THE BEST TONIC ) UNEOUALEDforCONSUMPTIOh VVASTINQ DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTS DIGESTION , Dll. r.H\V L. WAI.I.INO , Bur gtun In Cklrf , aUuull Ourc ul NJwillui "My Kllentlun HU called tt roar Kcjltone Mult \ \ lil.kej tij KT toiler , IJrupglit , of Trtutoa mil I hare IIKH ! * fuw tattlM with f r tetter tff ct tUin any * | i t8 li J , I am mvuiiutixtloi \uur irllrU In iuy ( irMticii , uu tlud II very wlliUctt/rjr. " or IVITATICJIS. B &M Ibt ftUii luri * IISKlll * UKNUK or ntti. : ( > Q lb LttxL EBSNER & MEHDELSOW. ( Itolf Afet | kr the V 8J 316.318 and 330 Rsxe 8L. Philadtbh- ! . i Drug C'o.Genl AKuntsOiaati/ Kcbiuaka.