Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1886, Image 1

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    rr \
Laraar to Mate With a Latly Second to None
in Mississippi !
Mrs. Cleveland nnd Her Mother nnd
HoxvThcy llusy TlieiiiRi-lvcs After
Gcionlnio'H Itlood National
Capital NotcH.
Coming Matrimonial Kvent.
WAHHIXHION , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram lo Iho Ilii : : . ] It Is now pretty gener
ally conceded by the family of Secretary
Lamnr , nnd Is not denied by him , that ho xxlll
boon bo married to Mrs. Holt , of Macon , Ga.
A gentleman xxho knows the lady xvcll has
given a description other. Mrs. Holtisontho
sunny side of foity-llvc , nnd looks under her
KKO rather tlinti over It , In culture that Is
thoioiigh and not superficial , In dignity ,
grace of manner nnd poison , nnd that In
describable high bleeding which recalls to
> nion whoso heads are noxv gray the dnvs
f- h when such women weio typical southern
dames , the lady Is second lo none
from her native slnto or of her
time. Hnv luir no children , although mistress
of n home such as an nmple fortune nnd ic-
flned taste alone could m.ike , she has had Iho
leisure , denied toothers by reason ot moth
erly caies , to Juop coiivoi ant touching
ever } thing a woman of intellect and culture
nhnuld caio to knoxv. If It shall turn out ns
It HCOIIIH lo bo written , then the ' 'good sense ,
Rood laste. and intellectual acumen" of the
Mississippi philosopher will never bo moio
conspicuously displavcd than in the crown-
Ingevent of hisoxentful history.
Mis. Clcxcland and Mrs. Folsom have
spent thodnH veiy quietly at thu white house
Blnco thch teturn liere. They have made
BOIIIO visils to their couiitiy house nnd
wale lied the work In piogiess there. Mis.
Clevelnnd Is pleased with the rcnuxnilon
which she toinul in her own boudoir nt the
northwest cornel of the mansion. This is
the resting spot foi the mistress of the house ,
nnd with tloweis and blids , together xvlth
nlltho little accessories she has added to It ,
it Isirthcr a cosy nest. Mrs. Clevelnnd has
n veiy capable housekeeper , a quite
necessary olllcc , which has not
been lilled since Mrs. Ilnes lelt.
This pcisou iclleves the joiithful mistress ot
management , although the lattei Is enthusi
astic enough over hei nexv duties totakn an
aulivoparu Ills said that Mis. 1'olsoni xxlll
Ixu at the white house during the icmnimlcr
ot .Mr. Clexeland's term nnd assist her
daughter at ieceptlons. It 1ms becnnmvs-
tciy to the Washington people xxhy Mrs. foi-
som has not been with her daughter moio
slnco she became mistress of the executive
Colonel nnI Mis. Lniuont me noxv setlled
nl " 00.11 stieel , xvheio they xxlll keep house
this winter. Mrs. Lamout is busy with the
iiiinlshing nnd decoration of hei new home ,
which Is veiy pleasintly situated.
c oAi i IMI i OK ( .intoNiMo's oonn.
Aimy olllceissay that Geronnuo and his
\ " Aiiache follow ing xxill uudouhtedly be tried
by n nillltaiy commission , which menus the
hnnghiE ! of the xx hole lot. 1'iesldeilt Cleve
land nnd llio seciclaiy of wnr are being im
pel tuned by the people of the southwest tor
in in dealing xxilh the sin rendered braves ,
nnd many of them domain ! Geionlmo's blood ,
without legaid lo any nlleged conditions
undei xxlileh lie umj hnxumirror.dnicd.
on VNOI s IN Tin : IIOUSK.
Ills noxv estimated thnt the change In the
membership ot the house of icpicsentntlxes
nt the nppio.ichlui : elections will reach , if it
does not exceed. ( X ) percent , it seems ) that
the chniiKO ) xvill bolnrgcr in propoitinn to
the number In this house In the icpiibllcnn
innks. The onlystuto xxhlch hnssoitu guir-
nnlccd a i el inn of nil Its delegation IsMnlue.
Vermont may keep IID Its conlinully , bill
theio xvlll be broken links oveiyxxhcie. Dur
ing thosesslons the paitlcs "stand to/ctliei"
pretty well In piotcctlng Individual Inteicsts ,
but xx bun the campaigns come on It Is "every
man for himself , " etc. In some states there
will be a change ot thicc-fourths of the mem
bers. But tew of the old fnmlllai faces will
bo seen in the lllll' th congress.
rAi'i u WILL uiniiii : Mi.vni.
Tieasuiy olllclals juedlet that there will bo
n cessation of the clieulutlon of standaul sil-
vei dollars to the amount of the one. two nnd
llxe-doll.ii ceitlllcntes HH soon as the latter
can icach the hands of the people. They
think and they icach thcli estimate Irom
the tlcmands being lecelvcd that no one
will wnnt llio coin xx hen the ccitUicatc3 nio
accessible. "Tho 'JO.OOU.OOOof Slcertlllcates
will be asndiop In the bucket , " said ono
olllelal. "Thofrl gioonbicks hiixobeon obso
lete 01 KIIII long cnouuh to cieato a crav
ing foi something small In paper cilucncv ,
nnd they would bo gobbled up If Ihcro weio
f 0,003,000 of them. Congiess will undoubt
edly authoil/o an enlargement of the Issue.
Both of the campaign committees hero
baxo adopted the stealthy plan of pioocdurc ,
nnd instead ofglvlnir out the usual Infoima-
tlon about the coniMessloiml lights In the
various close districts aio ns mum ns mutes.
Hut llmtndosnei.itobtiugglo is being made
to cut possession ot the lower house of the
next congiess mix body i an see. Ills stated
that a hona'or , who Is ulvlnir lieely his
means to elect certain men , wrote to the
pccrctaiy for the exact stilus of thocam-
t palgns In which ho Is Interested ami xvns 10-
V- liNed Ihelntoimitlon on thogiouiid that "it
might become known and ilustinto the
woik. "
The fnlliuo of the icpuhlleaus to nominate
n candidate for congiess In ux-Spenkei .Sam
uel J. Itandall's district In PcniiKixnnla , is
inteipicicd bv men In both unities hero to
mean thnt that dlutlnculslicd statcsimui Is
likely to bodoleated. Thoiopublleans with
held action tor the puiposo of aseeitalnlng
vxhethei the ( Uht which thodemoeiats have
tin onioned to wage against Mi liandall ma
terialises It it does , nnd theio Is n division
of the vote in that pntv , xx-hleh seems veiy
piohable , on account of Mr. Ivnndall's tariff
views , then theio will bo n ( andldnto nomi
nated by llio lepublleniis. vxhlrh tholaltcisny
they will elect. Mr. IfiiidnH's district Is
democratic , but If ho loses ninny xotes In his
luity n lepuhllcan can bo elected. The re
publican congtcsslonal campalsn committee
here lb looking up Iho situation.
Tlio Woodonw'nro of ttio Present itnd
tlio Iron \'etsols ; to lie.
WASIII.NOION , Scpt.20. Chief Constructor
Wilson estimates the nclholtfc of the wooden
v.nrbhlpsof our piesont navy ns follows ;
T ( nnessco , the only ono classed ns flist rate
Blx miiiithb ; Ticntou , Omihn and Vnndalla ,
Fc.oii'l latps , nnd Mohlehin , third rate , ten ; LancnMcrnnd llrooMj n , second rates
and Adams , Allinnco. is : > ex , Knterprlse ,
Mpslc , lallapoosn nnd Ynntio , third rates ,
MX jeais ; Hnnford , Hlchmondand Penst-
coin , fcoond rales , and Jiiiilala ,
Olpec , gmniifbaiifc' , Swatara , Galena ,
Mnrfon , Iroquols nnd Kcarsargo.
thli d rates , iixo ) cars , 'I heso , together with
the Irim ships , Moiiocnly , Aleil mid Itanuer ,
thhd rates , and Mlchlunn , Palus and Plnta ,
fourth rates , con.Mllute thu available hgbtliiic
foroe of the piceent naxy.
The mobt i > oxxerlid vxoapous are converted
Eimshavlngranses of verhnps Ixvo iiiHeS ,
excellent nrms for opni atlons asoliibt wooden
Elups and nnrlcnt foitltlcatlons , or for shelling -
ing towns , but lui'Rlulcnt ncnlnst mo-iern
uriuor. 1 Im very best of theeo ships are held
byournnval nuihorltlps ns belnc behind
the thnos as n rollauce for otfousu or defense
In actual wurfaro.
Thu list of Iron clad ? comprises mnro than
a dozen monitors , but none of them aio In a
condition for sen Ice nt this time. With tlds
showing the United States Is placed by her
oxrn authorities al the toot of the list of naval
vovvora In the essanllnl matter of ships nnd
Sins. ; Iheit" " belne three South American , txvo
Blallo and bftieu or sixteen Kuroiiean
pqvreii , which outrank us ,
That portion of our prospective nexv navy
Vjjojj ) conslri ctlva taa alieady btcu
tloncd by conirrc s. which will cost In the
ngirreitato something moro than twenty
million dolhrs and the last of xvhloh , birring
accldrnts , or failure ot appropriations , Is ex
pected to be allont four years hence. Thev
are rciiulicd to be built entirely of metal , nnd
no device known nndaptiroxcd al the date
of their planning to secure elllelcncy as
n lighting machine has been , or Is to bo
omitted In their construction. Their arma
ment thiotighout will bo of modern high-
powered Kims , the laiircst weapons atnrcsont
contemplated being the twelxe-lnch breech
Inadinc rlllo carr } Ine a missile , xxhicli vxelclis
moro than K0 ( ) pounds , nnd leqiilrlnj ;
more than 400 pounds of poxvder for
ench discharge. The theoretic il range tit such
vxcanons Is nbout twelve miles , but dlUlcul-
tlcs In matter of elevation and otherwise
= eixo to reduce this somewhat in practice.
Sevenof these ships aio to be armored , the
heaviest , probably , carr } Ing sixteen Inches of
steel ns a protection. There xx III bo "pioteeti d
cruisers , " that is , vessels whoso thick lower
decks ot steel dip their edges oelnxxthcxxater
line nnd serx-es ns a protedlon to the
machinery , mn/n/lncs and other xital parts
of the xcsseU. Thootheis xvill be foui steel
cruisers , two gun boats , one llrst-cliss toi-
pcdo bo'U and ono d > initnttcgun rruiser. Of
the steel cruUers the Dolphin of l.WO tons
displacement Is already completed and iu-
celvlng her armament. Tim Atlanta , : ) , DJO
tons , la on lici trip , nud her niiuament
Is being tested , while the Hoslon , 3,000 tons ,
anil Chicago , -Ift00 tons , aio well advanced In
construction. Five of the auuored vessels
nio of the double turret monitor elnss , e-xch
designed to eairv four heavy , hlgli poweied
guns , tin on ing.Pi00-pouiid shells xx Ith a pos
sible tango of ten miles.
These ships were planned ten jcars ago.
Doubtless It tiinnned to-day some changes
xxould bo nude , but they aio nexurlbel s <
spoken of by Constiuctor Wilson in his last
nnniinlieportns the best typo of coist and
harhoi dolense vessels in existence. Though
not designed for cruising , they can In an
emciitencv bosentalmnd. Their scixvoithl-
ness has been xxcll tested In the pist. Con-
giesshas noxv npiIied ) the means tor tur-
nlshlng these ships and tlio work Is progress-
In IT rapidly.
'Iho .Mlantononmh , n.Bir.tons. will bo ready
for scixlco lids } ear ; PinItan , 0.000 tons , has
her engines In place ami Is neatly roidy for
licrnimoi , while the Tenoi , Ainnhrlte and
Monadnock , ! ! , ! ilf > tons eaoh , aio now rcceiv-
Imr their mnchlnery. The other two
nrmoied ships have not yet entered
upon their ilrst stage ot existence , their
construction navlnir only been authorized by
congress at the end of its list session ,
and thev are to be of 0.000 tons displacement ,
have double bottoms , engines designed to
drive sixteen Knots an liom , and complete
torpedo outtlts , nnd nimnments of the most
effective kind , and are to cost not more than
txxoand a half millions ench. In the mere
matter of displacement these ships will ex
ceed neaily one-fonith the best and largest
of our Die-sent naval vessels , while In speed
and effectiveness thev aio Intended to com-
paiu favorably with the bettei class of Euro
pean cruising war ships.
The diinmlto gun cruiser xvlll boa nox-clty ,
compniable , iirobablv , to nothing noxv in
existence. The secretary of the navv is 10-
quiiedtomake n contract with Its iiixuntor
for its coiibtinctlon , nnd the dopaitiueiit will
have little or nothing to do xvith the work
Inn end passing judgment upon tl'O plans In
advance , and the icsult nt Is completion. The
conditions imposed by the act ofconme-s
contemplate the construction of a vessel , 180
feet long , proportionately veiv nauoxx ,
and ot veiy light draft with
exccedlnitly powerful engines , guaranteed to
ho capable of producing n speed ot twenty
knots. In brief the plans for this craft me
tindeistood to look to the placing of nia-
chlnciy and other ordlnaiy appliances ot
ship toxxards bow and stein , leaving the
region amidships tor the maga/incs and
pneumatic guns , ( he l.ittei being hxed in
position and having n high elevation. Dyna
mite missiles will bo throw n like boombs from
an oidlnai v mortar.
With allilhese x-essels the United States.nsrt
naval power , will outrank liia/ll , Chill , the
Aigentiue Republic , Cnlna , Japan. Uieecc ,
KOI way , Portugal nnd Sweden , and will bo
nbrt-nstof Tinkcy. Spuln , Jlollaud and IJen-
111,11 k. falio will still bo outranked
by England , France , Germany , Austria , Italy
and Kuss'a. '
For 125 Printers Who nro Dlsclmiccd
from the Governnicnt Ofllcn.
WASIIINOTOX , Sept. 20. f Speclnl Tele
gram to the lieu. ] The first bloxv of the ofll-
clal axe fell upon tl.o gox'crnmcnt printing
ofllco vnstcrday nnd 125 emplojes walked
the plank. The dlschatges xxeiemadc wLh-
out lucard to politics or peisonnl considera
tions. Mr. Benedict found the olllcocioxvded
to its utmost limit , ho said , nnd apparently
without lo nid to the wants of public service
ordomandsof the piescnt sv stem , which lie
thinks icqulics a spscdy and radical reorgan
ization. Tlicfoicoiequircdfor the last thirty
dajsa total of SlflS.OOO , or n daily aveiago of
about 50,000. The last congress appropriated
8 ,000,000 for public printing for the fiscal
year. In connection with this appiopilation
congress piovidcd that tlio public printer
should not exceed one-half or the total np-
niopriatlon during the hrst six months.
This would bo nn axcragc of 500,000 per
month lei Inbor and material. The labor
roll alone , left by Mr. Hounds , wan within
SU.COO of this average , whereas SIO.0'0 a
month is needed for material and other ex
penses Itcsldcs the re'iini ] nnpioprlatlon
of 53,000,000 thcie ore a fexv .special anpioprl-
atlons for agricultural reports , icnorts ot the
commissioner of labor , etc. , nnd resources
fiom tlio sale of vxnsto material. Taking
Into consideration nil the resources theio Is
nxnllnbloon the lirst ot October not exceed
ing S-iJO.OOO for nil expenses during the no\t
tnreo months , xv hlln the cxpcndltuies foi tlio
nuaiter ending this month bnvo bcei < nbout
SOTV00' 3Ii. Hounds , It Is stnted. confessed
to his successor Hint h had grcatlv ovoiiun
his limit. This stnto ol nir.drs left ill. Bene
dict but ono duty to pcrfoim , and that waste
to immediately rcdiiro the force to comply
with thu law. The bloxv fell the heaviest
upon his personal staff of clerks , BIX Ing theio
aiono an ngL'iogato of 810,000 in salaries ,
without , In his opinion , detriment to the
public seix'ico nnd fuivlng tlmt much more to
the skill ot the otllce.
Discovery uy Workmen In n
Wisconsin Ijounllty.
K , Sept. CO. At Knukauna the
workmen onirngcit In excavating a sexvor
piimo ujion the iiilns of a stone building nt
the depth of eight feet. The stone liist
found bore daces ot line woikmanshlp and
polish. 1'uilbor digging developed a quan
tity of as'ies ' , about twenty-five bushels of
which were removed , when nnolher
wall was Ftruek. Tlio stones weio finely
faced , EO'iio being blackened as it
b } lire and emoke. The othois must liavo
been subjected to great aitlficlu ! heat ns they
hud crumbled Into lime. The xvoilc wns
found but n foot or two above bediock , and
bhows evidences ol vxorkmanslnp that could
have been porfoimed only by n highly civ
HUed race. It mubt have neon done cen
turies ago , as a lance elm trco has grown over
thoruuiR. The dlwoxery lias led to the ad
vancement of many theories.
Dcspovndoct ) Steal a Woman.
LAIIKDO , Tex. , Sept. 20. At 2 o'clock this
mornlnc the city authorities were notlllcd
that live armed men had entered the icsl-
dcnco of a Mexican during the progress of n
dance , broke up the dance and forcibly car
ried awny Ihexxlfoof the pVopiIetor. The
desperadoes were followed doxvn the river
and two of them. Gonznlos qjid Contraf ,
vxnro o/crtakcn and arrested. From thorn It
wns learned that the gang Is n part of El
Cojoto's , the bandit , under the leadership
of Mniclal Ucnaldes , wiio succeeded in
evading puibiilt. The woman is supposed to
bo with licnaldes against her will , No spe
cial cause for kidnapping Is kuowu.
Cotton Dumucod by nuln.
GAI.VESTOX , Sept , 20-Heports from several
counties In the cotton bolt tell ot the disas
trous result ot the bto heavy and continuous
ralus , also of considerable damage resulting
from the common worm , which is ravaging
Wttbhlncton and neighboring counties. It Is
believed that large quantities of cotton have
bicu wubbcd out aud Uauia od by rain ,
Eleven Great Mass Meetings in Iowa and
Brilliant Speeches by Orators.
Governor Larrabco Shows up the
FnlHlty ofa Democratic Charge
Weaver's Latest IJrcnk Other
Iowa Happening" .
Brilliant ltoulillcan | Speeches.
DF.S Moivr.s In. , Sept. 20. [ Special to tlio
llr.r.l liepubllc.ins throughout the stitc aio
nil Inlklng of the splendid way In which tlielr
campaign xxns opened on Thursday list. It
is believed that never belore in the history ot
loxva wore theio so many and so Impoitant
speeches dcllxncd on one davnson that ,
nicven great miss meetings xveie hold-one
tor ench congressional district and Iho
speakers Included a United .States senator ,
all of the lepubllcancongiessmeii from loxva ,
thoKovernoi of the stnte ami Iwo ox-govei-
nors. The secietary of state , the nttoiuey
general nnd the commissioner of laboi statis
tics , quite an array of notables , and an index
of the character ot the speeches. If there
was any IIMIO state or national thai was not
discussed that day , it would take thn largest
kind of microscope to tlad It. Tx\enty-elght
columns ol these speeches In supplement
form aiobehu distributed Ihioiigh the state
bv the republican stnto centnl committee.
They bellexe that in Iowa , the most effective
wa } to make votes is by appeals to the renson
and Intelligence of Intelligent people 'Hint
wouldn't do foi Missouri , but the people of
lown all lend , nnd most of them rend n good
8T\.Tr rivAxrns.
The democrats have raised a good deal of
noise over the fncttlmt the stnte has a llont-
ine Indebtedness of a few hundred thousand
dollars , which Ihoy chaigc up to republican
oxlravngaiicennd mismanagement. In his
speech opening the campaign nt Webstei
City , on Thursday , Governor Lnnaboo dis
cussed this subject In n very complete and
veiy sallsfaelory manner , xvliich has put a
stop lo any fuithcr democratic complaints ,
llo showed that the curient debt , small ns It
Is , was Incinied by increased appiopiintlons
foi the various educational and cliailtab'o ' In
stitutions ot the stnte some txxenty in num
ber-appt opt Intlons that have all icady been
justllled by the noccssltiss thnt called them
torth. , ho compiled the
condition of the tinauecs under lepubllcan
management xx Ith thu condition ot things in
states ot simllni si/c undei democratic con
trol , lown's entlto indebtedness , xxhlch will
be wiped out in two or three } eais , Is but a
lew hundred thousand. Missouri , as strongly
democratic ns IOXXM Is lepnlillcnn. has n
bonded indebtedness of oxer fomtccn
millions , nnd no inospect ol leduciug it.
IOXXM , wlli a lexy of liom 20 to 2.1 cents on
the $100 raises an annual Income ol from
one million to a million and a quattcr dollars
lars , xxhlch meets all the expenses ot the
stito , executive , legislative and judi
cial , nml puts hundreds" thousands
of dollars annually into the permanent
Improvements and the limning expenses of
txxentv stito Institutions Missouri , to meet
Itseuireut expenses , makes a state lev1 } ot
folly cents on the dnllai. raising lei jenrly
expenditure oxei S-,700 030 The goveino'r
put In niiothei tolling blow in comparing 10-
jmblican Iowa xx ith democratic Georgia. The
hltei stale , with bO.OOO less pnpul tlon than
loxxa , has nn indebtedness of nearly nine
millions , nnd an annual expenditure ol
ncirly tvxo millions. Jnt an example of
democratic mismanagement and Inclliclciicy
can be .scon richlin Iowa , xxlicio llio two dem
ocratic counties , Dubiuiuo and Lee , tint give
combined , the latest democratic majorities
in the state , have the largest indebtedness ot
nny , and ( licit financial affairs are the scan
dal and lenioachof the stnte. The demo
crats once had a chance to mnnacc allnlis In
loxx'a , and the lecoid they made is sadly
against them. That was in the eaily da } s of
llio state befoio the lepubllucnn natty was In
loice. Hut when they handed thebtate. not
then sex en vcus old , oxer to the republicans
In 1S54 , thodellveied with it a bonded in
debtedness of about SSU.OOO , and all their
assets xxeio the old state cipltnl nt loxxa City
and n little old building nt Fort Madison ,
both built chlelly at the expense of the na
tional gox'einmcnt.
Thev aio telllnsr a good story on General
Weaver , the fusion congiessinan from the
Sixth didtiict. One of his hobbles in public
is to denounce the Issue of ralliond passes to
public ofliclals , nnd in private to use nil ho
can get and ask lor moie. A low dn8 airo
ho went a fexv miles northeast of heio to
make ono of his anti-pass speeches and left
this city oxer the "Diagonal. " When the
conductor appeared he pi oil need an annual
pass over Ihe Minnesota & Southwestern.
The Roneial has been out of the state so
much that hn hasn't kept Informed on all
railroad matters , and he had an Idea that
the "Diagonal" xvas under the management
of the road whoso piss ho presented. The
conductoi looked at it and said : "That's no
good over tlds road. "
"Hut do you see that name there ? " the gen
eral poislslcd ,
Thoconduelor held up the pass and lead :
"James H. Weaver. "
"Yes. 1 see It , " he is reported to have 10-
pllcd , "but it } our nama is noxv Weaver it
will soon be Dennis if } on don't jav jour
faie. "
The anti-pass reformer leluctantly pro
duced his money and took his receipt.
The proposition of tlio Grand Army of tlio
Republic to ralso a turn ! for the icllcf of
the Charleston sulleicis is meeting
with general faxor through the state. The
old holdicrniiio determined to shoxv thnt theii
braveiy in war is equaled by thelrchlxaliy In
peace. One of the Grand Auny posts of this
city lias just sent n draft for SUIT to the
nmjorot Charleston to bo added lo llio idiot'
Tiiosr. IIAILVVAV PAsr < * .
Tlio atloinoy general goes to Washington
In a loxv da } to appear for the state In the
supreme court in the cases agnlnst the rail
way cot poratlons that have refused to com
ply with the hweenuy law , passed by the last
leglslatuio. This Inxv requites them to reincorporate -
corporate under tholaxvsot loxvabeforedolng
business hero , and they declare that tholaxv
Is unconstitutional , and have agreed to take
this test case to the United Slides supreme
court for a decision. The bland taken by the
railroads will bo followed by other coipoia-
tlonsif their position is sustained , so great
Intoiest Is taken in the result , IJy rclncor-
pondlng hero , us contemplated by this law ,
they would then bo subject to state contiol ,
and would bo compelled iocairyon their liti
gation with citizens of the state In the state.
Senator Allison has relumed fiom Maine
where ho made several speeches , and In a
few dais ho will enter actively Into the cam
paign here. Tlio whole state Is pleased at
the very favorable mention with which his
name Is received in the cast as an axnllaule
candidate for the presidency In IbSS. Hut no
effort Is being made lo start a boom for him ,
as some outside papers have reported. Iowa
republicans are committed to no man as } et ,
and they aio wise enough to know thai llio
most dangerous thing for nny candldalo
would be to start a boom for htm now. In
IbSS Ihoy will bo for the man who can be
elected , nndt \ Illalno Is a candidate they w III
uuUoubtedly stand by him as they have douo
three times before.
Imtt-st Fonlan Scare ,
LoKnoN , Sept. 30. The Kostcrn Morning
News of Hull has received a letler , bearing
a London postmark and signed "Ono of
Them , " announcing that the Fenians intend
to burn Hull , and will set tire to the toxv n at
twenty different points simultaneously. The
writer ens he Is dlsxustod with hlsbrothor
fenlans. Ho enjoins secieoy upon the editor
ot the KCXTS. saying that he , the writer , will
bo murdered If the fenlans discover that ho
divulged the secret.
Weather for loxva and Nebraska.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Local rains , fol
io vxeu by fair , cooler weather , with a cool
so.vuns rnr.M ALU
The DoiiKhtr l'r , . lcr Idntlo to Sot Up
All the Gotham Parties.
Nr.wYoiiK , Sept. 20. [ Spechl Tekcram
to the UKE. ] Tnmm.iny hall politicians nio
much alarmed at tlm energetic way In xxhich
the maimgersof llcnrx George's can x-n s hnvo
cntc'icd upon the cimpnlgn. It Is admitted
by them that most ol Iho votes cast for
George w 111 bo drawn from the ranks of Tam
many , and In view ol llio fact thnt the pros
pect of coalition with the County democ
racy organization Is croxvlng smaller from
dnv to day , those in control of thudesHiilcs
of Tammany are trjlnic to niraiige some
plan vxheicby they will bo able lo mike n
fnh showing on election day. A conference
committee will bn appointed to wait upon
other democratic orirani/ntious and nrrango
a union ticket , if nosilhle. If this last effoit
for union should fall , It Is said Tam
many will place a ticket In the Held
headed by P. Henry Duqio , nnd n deal w 111
be made xvlth the republicans , xv hereby the
candidate of the latlei organization will bo
Hiciillced. Thlslsoul } onuot imny rumors
alloalnt city hall. Tnmmnny men deny It ,
and say if the County democracy should re
fuse to join In rimlnatlni : n union ticket
Tammany will place a lull ticket In the field ,
and exei } effort would bo made to elect the
cuidUlntes thus named. It was also said
that the cll7cns'committee ! of 100 will hold
n meeting in the latter part of next week ,
and xx III name ( trace as the most nxnllnble
candidate for mayor. A prominent member
of the Coutitv democracy said : "Mi. Giuco
xvill be nominated dnsplto his announcement
thnt he Is iiotn cindidite. The nomination
vx ill ho forced upon him In such a way that
he cannot refuse It. "
wiinrcnii >
Deplorable CoiidlUon or the IndlntiH
ol * Northern iMIniicsotn.
Si. PAUL , Minn. , Sept. 20. Messrs.
Wuuhtnnd Lnrrabee , of Indiana , thoeomnils-
sion which has been airnncing ticatles with
the Indians of northern Minnesota , nro in
the city foi n fexv diys. In ndditlon to the
facts already published nbout the treaties
made they repoit the most determined effort
on the part of the men Interested in the sale
ot xx bisk } to the Indians to piejudlco them
agmist Iho commission. Thu theory Is that ,
so long ns the Indians cnn bo kept outside
theii leseivations and open lo the advances
of the whites , they can bo led lo part with the
money they make from the sale of rice and
blucbeilies for whlskv. The Indians o the
H 'Cell Lake rcscrvatio'ns linvo sold this sea
son 810,000 worth of berries , and the commis
sioners st ite that a large part of tlds eoes
to buy whisky , At White Oak
Point the Indians were found
in a most deplorable condition. In some In
stances they had becn no completely demor-
nli/ed and so entirely robbed ot the means
of siibsistnnce that tfioy xxould cat the dead
bodies ot diseas.'d horses. The men vxeie in
a rex oiling condition and seemingly lost to
nil moral sense , while the women were made
nitlcles of meichaiidise. The last scene that
the coaimission xvituesscd as they pulled
out to theii eauoes Iroju White Oak Point
\ as touching ns tenIble. Upon the
bink of the lake in the midst of n chilling
rain sat a poor Indian woman adding hei
tcais to those thnt nature seemed shedding.
Her husband had jusStMild one child , n young
gill not moro than hfteon } ears ot nge , to
some lumber men for n sick of Ilour.
It is siifl by the commissioner }
that there s nro many instances
where pills nro as 6qd as sold to whilc.meu.
and after being robbed 9 ! all they have most
doarnre tiunetj adrift with bibus In their
arms and anothorglil taken In their places.
The commission will visit the Millo Lacs
leseivation and will co thence to Fond .dii
Lac , Boise Fort nnd Grand Portaco to com
plete the work in Minnesota. They will , If
not to late , also go to IJnkotn. stopping nt
Fort Uerthold nnd from there to Montana ,
then to Washington Tenltory , Oregon and
A Ijast OfTViiso That Is tlio Means of
IlrliijjIiif'Tlicm to Jail.
DKMINO , N. M. . Sept. 20. Friday evening
nt dusk txvo aimed men held up the Santa
To railroad station lit Null and robbed tlio
agent , G. D. Tardier , of all the money on
hand. They then compelled Farmer to ac
company them n quarter of mlle out of toxx'n.
Ho returned andgnxe the alann and a party
was organised to capture them. The party
oveitook them a mile from town , and xvhen
w ithln tw en ty paces the robbers llrcd on them ,
wounding Henry Hnivov in the thigh , the ball
shattering the bone nnd making a dangerous
wound. The lest ot the party leturned to
Nutt and liifoiiiuUlou was telegraphed to
Doming. A special train left hero at8.TO :
wltn txxenty men , but having no horses , they
could do nothing , and so left two of the
party to follow the train. At da } break the
others returned , bringing the wounded men
to Doming. llarxc's leg xvas amputated
Satin day morning , but ha sank under the
shock , died at 0 o'clock p. m. , nnd
was burled hero to-dav. Woid was re-
celxed early this morning tint txxo men ,
ansxvering the , description ot the lohbers ,
xxeiuencamped about txventy miles south-
cast of here. Poshes stalled for the camp
nnd bioti ht In the men at da } light. Their
names nro Jim Gouldo and , Inck Clark and
they aio the same men who lobbed the tix-
piess agent at Sepan tvylco , and held up the
Kingston stage nbout txxo weeks ago. They
acknowledge theii crimes. The prlsoneis
xxeio taken to Hllyer City by special train to
prevent lynching.
Kiinday In Charleston.
CnAiiLHbiox , Sept , 2 . Xo shocks oc-
cmred here last night. The weather Is line
to-day and most of the city congregations
attended services In their own churches.
Open air xvoiblnp on the baltery was con
tinued and vxas laigcly attended. The city
Is crowded with excursionists , The signal
oftico hero applied to the weather buieaii at
Washington for indications covering llio
period of Wlggljis1 predicted earthquake.
To-night the following dispatch was icccixcd
trom General Hazenr
There are at present no Indications of any
atmospheric disturbances between now and
tlioJWtli. Timely notice will bo given } ou
should any clmnuo ftpppar ,
A. Child 11190 by lints.
HiiELnvviLLE.sllLBeptao , , fSpecialTcl-
egrom to the UEK ] I'hoslK-months-old baby
of William Keynoldsi\ ! farmer living five
miles north , suffered a horrible death Friday
night. The Infant was placed In its crib In
a room occupied by Its Barents. A lady in
an adjoining room beard the child cry toward
morning , but supposing the patents were
awake said nothing1. In the morning Mrs.
Hexnolds discovered her babe was dead.
Hats , which ore veiy .nmnuions about the
promises , had killed the child , and literally
denuded the bones of the face , and otherwise
terribly mutilated the body.
Sunday Ilaso Ball ,
Cincinnati 100012000-4
Brooklyn 5
Ilaso hits Cincinnati 8 , Urooklyn 10.
Errors Cincinnati p , Urooklii 0. Pitchers
Henderson and Mullune. Uuiphe Me-
quade ,
AT bT. Louis.
St. Louis. , . , . . 000200000 f.
Baltimore 000000000 0
liaso hits St. Louis 8. Baltimore 5. Errors
St. Louis 1 , Baltimore 1 , Umpire-Valen
Good rime. For a Census.
ST. Louis , Septi WX Keturiis made by
railroad companies and steamboat lines shoxv
that fully li5,000 : people were brought to this
cltv last vx eck to wllneas the display uttcudaut
upon the Kulghts Templar conckix e.
Substantial Progrefs in tlio Pnwparons 0p < -
ital of Ilntto Oounty.
Chnrgpil AVIlh Incrnillnrlfiin I1nr-
Klnrj at Nclirnnkn City OhniKcil
With DnnvliiK n Sxxltcti IMti
Political nnd Ocncrnl Neus.
They Ituildoil AVclI.
COI.UMIIUS , Neh. , Sept. ! W. ( Speclnl to
the 1U B.Tliis | little cltx Is boKliinlug to assume -
sumo iitilto a niotionolltan aspect , with Its
sex crnl nexv business blocks looming up nnd
ncurliitf completion , in inct , ono beais on all
sides remarks bearing on the generally Im
proxed condition of milters. In the way of
tnule , the old remaik that "IhiiiKS aio slow"
Iscatliely obsolete and Columbus people In
geneial. and its merchants In p.irtlculai , are
very Jubilant oxer thi-Ir incicaslng business
nnd the biiuht prospects foi a nisiiliiR
autumn. Jiclghborlng nmlcuUmlsts nro
clmiacterlml by the hramlm ; smile that ox try
onu of them carries. Their small grain Is
carefully housed and cio this time coin has
bcun icleased fiom nil danger so far as the
destructive ability or Jack Piost is con-
ceineil , and the ono anxiety noxv in the mind
of the riatto county faimei is that occa
sioned by thu question of who shall exhibit
the prloegetable , axvlne , etc. , at our comKijr
county fair.
The lair xylll bo held from WcptcmberSS to
October I ine uslxe , and nil that is asked Is
fax ofAblo weather , In xvlnch case there will
bo the i largest ciowd in Colnmbm that has
OHM attended a similar gathering In
jseuraskn. llm maiiairementortho associa
tion Is sparing no time , pains nor labor , to
.i l . , u Ku , lll's ' I" perfect trim ; niideer-
tnltilv they should bo icwatded this time , for
outside ot Omnlia there is no place where the
Clements hnxe seemed to so peisisteutlyeom-
ln ? tp dlscoiiuiTO the people and contend
against the uudertakliig.
One ot the most iuipoitaut Impioxcnicnts
hero Is a project set on foot some tlmo since
\in iji * iAli" ° ' ' -'st ' ot establishiiiK ana
a lakojiiston tliooutsklitsandlmmedl-
ntely\xestofthe toxxii. Jinny piophesled
hat the uiiilcitakiiiif would ncxor succeed.
but the IndefntlKable Auiold has succeeded
in gi s at the nccessaiy stock PiibsciibiHl ,
and excavation xvas begun last week. The
lake \\ill be SOOxfiM fuel and xx 111 hold elRht
feet ot xvatei to be supplied by the cltv's
\vatoixxoiks , nnd eailv in the spiInU will 'bo
doiibled n leinrtii U „ m bo'w ell stocked
with choice varieties of the niinj tilbe , will
furn sh thoclti's reqiihemeiit of Ice , nnd
w Ilbo thobestof sKatiiiL' links dining the
' "t' ' ' ! " . and a tool resoit In tliusuiiiiii < > r ;
i , i 10ioml.nit. . , ulL'ctlll1 Proposition w ill
this countj to
vole &UOX ) bonds , foi the pin nose of elect
ing an addition to the ctmit house , xvliieli Is
fast becoming too biimil ioi the liicicasiiiK
work In thoxai ions olliees. The small talk
licnrd occasional ! } peitalnlnir to tbeiemoxal
of the count } scat to 1'latte Cenlci. amounts
tonothln.'aml Is toniliiLd within the limits
of the hamlet so designated.
I no work on tlio wateiwoiksls pro'i easing
inpldly , a laige foieo hnxlng eiiteud last
-Monday upon the task ol excavation lei the
mains , which , when completed , will coxei
some ilx-C 01 .six miles. Although the s } slem
1s not expected to b liutshod on coiituict
time , t will bo but a few weeks until Colum-
, "sV'4ilb < ! " 'Joilng ' the uonctitsto bo de-
lived thercli-om.
U reck.
, Xeb , Sept. 20. [ Special to the
Bin : . ] Another serious wreck occulted hero
this morning to add to the long list ot e.isu d-
tlesontho Union Pacific load which have
oermrodoflitc. As the "O\eiland"c\picss
train came in at 0 o'clock it tan Into a fielght
train which was on the main line prcpaiing
to sidetrack. 'Iho passenger tialn was run-
nini ; at full hpced , and owing to the caily
hour and n heavy fog , the englncei on the
Incoming tialn could not sco the fiolght until
within a fexv rods , llo and the liieman
Jumped from the engine in time to saxo tuelr
.CSi , . ! | 1U tvu > tln'ns ' collided a moment
latoi with a Icaiful clash. 'Iho engine , ten
der and a fiuit car of the pissengei train
went oft the track , demolishing the engine
completely. On the fielght tiain the caboose
and two box cms weio toin to splinters.
Iheiesvns only one man on the caboose and
he had n miraculous escape. The construc
tion train came up from Omaha nt 10 o'clock
nnd has been at work all day dealing up the
fusion in Adams County.
llABii.voK , Neh. , Sept. -Special [ to the
Iin.J ) ; The p.ohlbitionlsts held their county
convention jc-sterdaj and endorsed the can-
dldntcs thatwcio nominated at Junlata n
xvook ago for the legislature. Di. Kiteh , of
Hastings , is noxv tlm people's candldnto foi
the sonatc , and 11. L. Palmer , of. West , and
II. G. Armatage , of Kenlsaxv , for the house.
There Is a general acquiescence In this union
or fusion of these two elements , nnd as the
Knights of Labor are recognl/ed In tUo plat-
foim , they will vote thopeoplo't , ticket. The
candidates nre all Htiongnn Wck men.
\ \ Idle the doctor 111 say but little about the
general In the campaign , he Is pledged ini-
vately to xoto and work foi him In Iho Icgls-
nt Nolmislni City.
XKiin.vtjKA CITV , Neb , Sept. UO. | Special
Telegram to the lli.i : . ] Some time dining
last ni ht pailics at present unknown ef
fected nn ontiance to the JJ , tt Jf. passenger
depot bvpr } ing open ono of the south win
dows. They then piocrcded to bloxv ojion
the bafo by drilling alioloina Juxtaposition
to the handle , and tilling It with powder ,
shlveiedtho door In many pieces. All thn
booty they cot xvas § : . ( . Of this amount
S15 DoloiiL'ed to Jlr. Wills Colloy , the ticket
nceiit , who had deposited It lorsnlo keeping.
'Ihls Is thofieeond tlmo thlsnlilco has been
burglarued in the last two months. .
Arrested For Draxxlnj Hxvltoli Pins.
NIJIIIUSKA On v , Neb. , Sejt ) , 20. [ Special
Telegram to the Uii.l : Hen Llojd nnd Wil
liam Cook , haling fiom Hamburg , In. , weie
nrrcsted this morning by Olllcers Haio and
Farley on the chnigoof drawlnitabwitch
pin fiom ono-of the switches In tlio U. &M.
yards. The parties on being auested denied
havlni ; touched the pin , but two xvltncsses
xvlll swear that they saxv them In the act.
They nio noxv In fail nnd will have their
hearing to-monow. The act Is a peiiitcntlaiy
Quito n ilallroad Kvont.
FjtEMOM1 , Neb. , Sept. 20. [ Special to the
BhK.J The hrst tiuin on the Fiemnnt , Klk-
liorn & MUsourl Valley tondwcnt around
the city this morning on the new line encir
cling tlio town. Tlieie vxero a iarco number of
people at the depot to see it make tlio hrst
trip , many of them abandoning their usual
place in church to bro It. There Is agoiieial
lojolclnp over the consummation of this
change , which has been In piogrebsfor many
months. _
Charged With n nig Crime ,
FUEMON r , Neb. , Sept , 0 , ( Special to the
DEC. ] Henry Thcge , of North Uend , Is now
languishing In the county Jail hcie. lie was
arrested jesterday and is charged wllh the
serious crime of incendiarism In applying
the torch to ills own property which resulted
In the destruction of u whole business block
at North licnd about a month 111:0 , doing
damage to the extent of 100,000. ijo Is ex
pecting to get ball , but tins not jet done so.
Another Democratic Nomination.
AiiAi-AHOK , Nob. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tel
egram to the DUE. J The democratic sena
torial conxentlon for thla district met at Me-
Cook jeoterday , and after tirellmlnaries were
Mttled , & W. Stll vboucr , oritga Willow
county , vxns nominated for state senator. A
semlorhl dlstilcl eontrnl commltlrons np-
pointed , xvlth one member from o\ch eounty.
Major H. P. Williams was appointed chair
A > r Vnn Wvoic.
Xeb. , Sept , 20. [ Special Tele
gram to the Hn : . ] 'I he Van Wxeker , hendod
bj C. St. Challls , of tlw Dlxpiteh , nnd ( ) . W.
I.oid , swept the board nt the Ul } < es primary
} e iteidax , electing thliteen slMljlit Van
Wjck Tepuhllenns by tblitv majority , 140
votes being polled In nil. This Insures the
lepuhllcnn county convention next Saturday
for thu old man ,
General Itovloxv of Trnitr , niul llio
Miook nml Money Mnrkots.
Nnw YOUK , Sept. Urt. [ Special Telepinm
to the Ilee.J Theie wasiather a ipilet nnd
leslful closlngof llio most actlxoatid Inlei-
estliiRweck wohaxobad dailmt the whole To bn sine sales \xoro uuusaallv Inrt'o
foi Saluidny , but biokersweienotsotrouhled
nnd had tlmo to chat nnd answer calls.
The icxlx'al of speculation has been very
marked , nnd lias considerably mom than
doubled the Income of the leading brokers.
Themaiketls peculiar from the fncl tint It
seems almost entliely lice fiom manipulation
oy Instdcis. The wlml of speculation Is
oveivdny becoming moio hopeful from the
outside , and theio Islmdly a tlist-classhouso
on the stieotxxlileh Is not noxv ennylnga
Intger number of nctixo accounts than at any
tlmo for two } cais. These who have the
laigest business are the most active as buy
ers , \x hllo smallei houses have been steadily
closing out old accounts , which have been
hanging on for some time , but at the same
time opening up nexv ones. It Is dlllloiiH to
get at moro than ono opinion.
It seems to bo generally con-
sldcied that a lltlle ' icaction would
bo a healthy thing foi the imiket , but oxon-
oiiu has dxcn iippicdlctlnzlU
Tinders aio nil on the bull side , for day
af lei day the highest prices In txvo } cars
has been topped and the average of the mar-
lct Is about nt the highest HIIHCB known
since ISSH. Nexerthcloss , there has been no
real reaction , and brokeis , xxho have been
carcfullj'niuning ox er their accounts , express
the opinion that the outside Inteicst nlieady
enlisted Is grow Ing so fast that it w 111 be use
less to look for any decline ot moro thin 1 01
2 per cent until later in the fall. Of course ,
If pi Ices adx mice steadily and rapidly , as they
haxe , and the support of the beai element is
entliely lost , n seilous bleak must lollovv.
Noxv , hoxvevcr , It looks ns 11 theio vxns sulll-
clout support glxen by non-professional
traders to distribute stocks so xvidely that n
slump need not bo counted among piobihll-
ties. Theielsalso another element which
must be taken into consideration. The mai-
ket is n veiy healthy and natural one , and
theie aie a gicat many people with S" > ( K.00 ) ( )
to < rloiH ) , < ) OJ capital who aie now inking an
active Inteicst men who xvill opeiato xxith-
out fear when they see Hint the gnat leaders
ol the i > ast aio not anaxed against them.
Gould does not app"ii to be making the
slightest attempt to "i.ick'-cioxv up" Ills o\xn
stock. The Vandeihilt i > aitj seems to Iguoio
the stock exchanire conditions of thch seciiri-
} ! es and will content theuisclxo with chaim-
mk.imjpheslca about the xnluo of Jjncka-
wanna without mix etloils to make a coiuei
in It , or , to lilt it up and down , so as to milk
the mniket. The mainspring xxliieh has go\-
ernc < l the movement ot the maikutall week
is Ilia lemoval ot the Mulou * obstacles in
the way ol the organization ot Kending.
Picsident ( ioxven Jias c.urlcd out his pnit of
the ronlrnc'r , hns-teiidcied his icsignntion
andlsnowicully without Ipgilnoxxoi to act
iif eoniiif t6n ! "with the attniisbf tlio com
pany. JMr. Corbln hnb cnteiccl into
a reorganisation nlan with all Ids
usual energx. and , will make ( lie
administration of Heading ntfnlis his lust
dot } , llo goes Into the bo.ud In heaity sym-
pathv with all In Intctest , with the single o.x-
( LMitionot Iioldci of the In bt series oi con
solidated lives. They tlneateii to nnke It
veiy luteiestlni ; ioi the icorgnnlzitlon
ti listers unless thcvotlei them n gieat deal
better terms than tnev did on the loimer
jhin. The mono } nfirket is going to Work
easier nnd in spite of the Iniojunt tone of
the stock exchaiiifo dm Ing the week money
never loaned aboxo 10 pei cent , and nt that
n'-'iuu lei onlj a low momouts , the aveiagu
bein. Uelow rather than above the legal late.
it/vxcn jinx AUOU.SED
They Pear ClilcnKO nml Its JPlouro
f'litiiiiiinnln Oatllc.
DEMVI n. Sept. 20. Tlio president of the
International Itnuge association to-day
Issued the following cliculai :
To the olllrers of the various state , teirl-
tori il and local cattle giowcrs associations
of tango country within a post ol lwent-loui
houin :
Telesraphlc dlsjntchcs haxe continued the
strut ling Intelligence tint ooutairious ] iloiiio
pneumonln oxixts to nn alaimlng extent in
nmi nbout certain distilleries , ( ceding fainis
and ( laiiv fauns about Chicago ammcluitv.
nnd , while this Is being written , exciy think
ing nun Is no doubt , seriously contemplat
ing the possible imminent dangei. Chicago
Is the chief market lor our western cattle ,
and is also the leading point foi dls-
trilnitliii : the eislein cattle and thu
absolute necessity for the employment ot
uxeiipiecautlonaiy measiiio foi the pro
tection of join hrnls Is obvious. The live
stock sanitaiy tegulations nt the western
Males nnd teirltoiiesnie lamentably
nnd lei thumostpailsuchicgnldlonsas hnxo
been promulgated haxe not been clllcioutly
cntoieed , thus nllording easv oppnitiiiiltles
foi csistein cuttlo to cam admission to xxest-
em laiiRf" . The rigid enioieement ot nil
existing sanitary regulations for the protec
tion ol wcstein ealtlomiist 1m demanded , nnd
uxery jiosslblo clloit should bo put lot word by
jour associations to aid the Kmtiiiniithuif ! -
tics of thcxurlous states and teiiftorles to
stiongllum and impioxu upon the piuscnt
Cook Coiint'H fnlor I'ollilolniin.
CIIICAOO , Bunt. 20. Theio wns no llttlo
oxcltement tell In laboi elides to-day ox ei
the disluib.mco In jestei day's Cook county
labor convention. Half n do/en meeting's
were held during Iho day by dllleienl trade
orgnnl/atlons that vxcro not allowed lepie-
boutatlon jestutilay. Tonight an un
recognised clement held n laigo mcollug , at
which It was decided to hold a convention
to monow , Independent ol the other Inetlon ,
which is bald to bo contiolled \ > v the socialis
tic element , who had ngrced upon eoiiniv ,
leglslatlvonnd cengressionnl candidates , io
bo supported in the coining election.
OhJeolH ,
OTTAWA , Oat. , Sept. 20. Professor \Vlg- \
gins Is noxv claiming that ho has been mis-
lepiesentcd by the American press , llo
dnnies Unit ho cxet i elated to coiiospondcnts
the chapter of honors xxhich lias Leon glxon
as Incidental fo the fulfillment of a prediction
for tlio 20th lust. " 1 simply staled , " thu pio-
fessor Hald to a lopoitcr jesterday. "that
the eailhiiialo ] ; forces would bo to the tenth
of the thlitlclh parallel of latitude. "
'JV.xus I'over In
ST. Louis , Sept. 20. A special liom Mar
shall , Mo. , bays ; Since Friday , September IT ,
J , CoIe , a piomlncnl cattle dealer of this
cltj , has lot twunty-flvo head of i < attle from
Texas fever. The nntlye rattle .contracted
the disease from n held of Ti-xas calxes ,
vvlncli xx eie shipped hero fiom Kansas City
early In the summui and plated on a cattle
laneh , The disease has spiead to othei parts
nnd several deaths have occuned among
The Biooklyn bridge icceipts on Mon-
duy wore 3,711" ! 73 , tlm lai ont luKnti in
on a single day since thu buucture xv.u
ononod , _ _
Kartliquuto insniMiice , xvliich is in
vogue in Italy , js jnoposed us a not't of
coinpinion fur cclnuu ; iufumuce In this
part of the cuuntry.
As Long us tlio Corn Crop Holds Oat ns
tlio Reports Imlioato.
Imllnnn , Olilo niul Mlt-lil mi Iipnd the
Vnn iti the Order Nutnril-ltrit
Willow Comity la-ntlft In
AVecMy Crop Ilotiott.
CinoAoo , Sept , M. The following oioji
report will nppiMi In this week's Issue of ( ho
Palmer's Itoxlnw : The weather has contin
ued umisu dlv. faxorablo for glowing corn ,
niul bulletins ftom lo\\n , Wisconsin and Illi
nois counties Indlcito a sllghly moio favor-
nblc outlook than was deemed to bo po dblo
ono month neo. Thocioplm certainly not
gone bickword as a whole during llio past
four weeks , but reports ns to } lelds contlnuo
lo shoxv the yield pei acio will bo consider
ably below tlio nvenuco.
Hcpoits of coi respondents fiom twenty
comities In Illinois estimate tlio > leld by
bushels per ncro show n range from tw oho to
fottv bushels for the counties mimed. The
lowest iiu'incesiuuiepoited Horn Williams ,
\Vnjno \ , StoplieiiHou , Mndlson , Chejsllnn
ntiillioonu counties , w hero the vleld Is
placed at from twel\o to twenty bushels.
In Wnbabh , Stark , Pulaskl , , lo lav.lcss ,
Johnson. Greene , Hilton and Coles the viola
Is estimated liom twenty to thlity bushels.
In Ciawtoid. Lllliighim , Knnknkee , Maeon ,
McDonoiiKh nml Woodfoid the ylclil Is
placed ut 1 1 oin tweiitj-ilxo to toil } bushels.
In the state of lown the averages follow
vci } chisel } those of Illinois. In iwonty-ono
counties leportliiL' this week the lowest istl-
"ln\ils ! twiuu ! ) " " ' ' "i1'1' ' I * " 1'nvetto county ,
niid the hlglieil forty bushels tor Giundv ,
Pottnwattamlu , Wliineshlck nnd Jnok on
counties ; in ln\ls lllnpgold , Wuvno.
Vx anen \\ashliigtoii counties the yield
Is est mated to ho fiom eighteen to Iwonty
bushels ; In Gage and Tnma counties. twenti-
fl\ ° bushels ; In Hiicliannn , ( iieeuo nnd
Wlmiobniro counties , thlity bushels ; In
Adair , Cheiokee , Cedar , L'miuet. INccola
and Palo Alto counties , tlilrtj-li\o bushels.
In .Nebraska the lowest estimated average
is t'xont.x-lixo bushels lei Hiulcr and Otoo
counties , l < oi lioono , C\ss , Gruo and llam-
Iton counties the average Is placed nt thirty
bushels ; Uichnulsoii county , foitv Imsliels ;
In Huiralo couutx , toilx-lixo bushels ; In
Llmvcr county , lift ) bushels , while the ox or-
' .VfP ' " IIFU low county Is placed at fiom
lift ) ' to eight } bushels.
In the state ol Missouri the lowest average
is indlented In bholbv couutxwheie the
mospoctlxe output Is nine bushels : In Hnr-
lisou , Putnam and San Francisco counties ,
lilleen to eighteen bushels ; In Cole , Ulckoiy
and Wobstei counties , twenty bihhels ; In
Ijullei and Petlis counties , twentj-livo bush
els ; In Howaid and Veinon counties thlity
bushes , and in Genliy county thhtj-tho
In the .state ot ICaiisis the lowest nxcingn
Is liflcon bushels , tepoitcd tiom Jeffeison
eoitntj. and the highest forlx-lixo bushels in
Kills county. In hyon. H.irpei , Cowloy ,
Doiilphan and Andeisoii counties the axcr-
ago I allies Horn twenty-live to thhty-lho
In Wisconsin the avciaic ranges veiy Joxv
in some counties , with majui it } letunih , hoxv-
oxer , Indicating twonl to
} txvontj-Jivo bush-
Cl * *
In UalvOti , the rolurns range fiom twenty-
llvu to folly bushels , though In Ctirlr county
the yield is placed nt liom loui to ten bush-
in Minnesota the avci.ucs range irom
twenty to foitybushcK
Indiana , Ohio and Mohican icpoit the
lildinst average ? .
In Indiana the lepoiH fiom elRlUco ncoun-
tlcsshnxv a general average of thiil-elght to
fmty bnsliols to the ncie , IMke , Moigan ,
MonUomoij.lIoniy , Clay and Canoll coun
ties lepotltng lorty to litty bushels. The
lowest axcitiL'i ) icpoited this weuic is hlMmit
county , which Is placed nt twenty-six bushels.
In VeimlJIIon , Maitinand Latnaiigo coun
ties tlio axeiaKO isthlrtyto thlitv-Jixo bushels.
in Ohio the neneial axei.r.-o ot toiinllcs 10-
i'l'itlnfr ' ' tills week isfiomthlrtj-two totlility-
RKbushels. . None of the counties lepoit a
less nxoiaue th in twenty-lixe bushels.
In Miehl an the BIII illest is twenty-fix-o
bushels , ippoited foi Kmmet nnd Ilunjn
counties , in Heiilen. IJaiij and Dnden
counties the nxeingo is placed at foity
bushels ; in liiL-haui county it is placed at
hoxenty bushels.
The recent rains haxe sa\od aast extent
of pasturnsjo and bilt'lilened the meadows
oer a xIdo area.
niood on ttio Aloon'N Pnco.
ST. Louis , Sept. W. A dlsputeh fiom At
lanta , ( ! a. , says that the elli/ons there claim
toliaxuKLMi tor this past thiee nights bloody
lines on the iaeo ot the moon , and timt the
mattci has become a subject of K'oneral com-
incnt. 'J'lio uciriocs , theaisiwtrh mvn , accent
it as the fiilllllmont of a prophecy that theio
Fhall bo a sign In the henxons Ijcfoni the end
of the woild , xvliich exent , they now elnnn
\vlll ( alto place on the 2' ' > th lust.
The Modern Anicilcnn.
The faet tint 500 sucurod
pus-aues , ; by the fitatost ste.viners of the
favoflto lines xvliich oros'.pil the Atlantic
l.iht wcok Iiiiulotlio London Standard to
lomarktlmt "year after > oar this croxvtl
of JSritoiib looking in a Iriondlv xvay on
their li.iiis-allanlio cousins has been in-
ereasliiK until it is hind to say xvliothor
wo or the Americans aio the fondest ot
( roinj ; to uaoli othor's honioh. Tim ty > cmin
iio theio were , of rum MI , pli'iil'y of
visitors liom tlio nnxvwoild. Hut. as u
rule , they WIIHI either men of Imsiiu'ss.
intent on fiutheiiiiK lliolr interests , or
( lillitunti. Sineu that tune a vast anioitnt
of xvoaltli has poured Into the imekets of
all in Amorlea , and the reonlt is ii
tion which furniHlies more men of
than any xvluoh iiieceded it. In
Ijiiiif.tlioic . wasnovorai-ocialfiiieocss llko
that of llm modoin Anuulcan , or ono , lot
us say , received xvilh Boater peed xvlll.
ToJ'aris , it used to bo said , the ' < ? ooii
American1 wont to die. Whether ho con
tinues to do so xx'o need not inquire , Mnco
to London xvo know that ho coined to
live. " _
The story Is told of a coninuiiiibl who
xvas iiclilicbsjiiKti eioxvd on the iiipquitll-
ties of the poor. He xvas in the midst of
his llery dee.laintions xvhen a voiea niiijr
out , "Vou'vo ot a gold watch and J
haven t any ; T xvaniyouiN. " The Hpcukor
was noiiplnsind. Itec-oxorinjx hinudlf ,
hoxvoxcr , he said ; "I bought thr xvatoh
and pnltl for it. " "Don't ninko any dif-
foienco , " pniplsiod thn volcii , "yon'vo
got iijKold xvatoh and I havon'l
ill" 1'hetalkorxvas fairly chukmated
and hud not nineh moro to t > ay ,
At the mretina of the hhh 1'arliameiit-
ory I'mid committee in Now York Tiie .
day thu seoietniyslated - tliat $170 hud
Leon received fiom John M. U'ajd , of
WHIo : lurro , PH. , v > hich hud Ijrcn Hib-
scribed bv the miners of that icgion.
The omounts collected sineo Juno if HK-
Er-jatcd f77.ti83.00. Tbo nmonnt on
hainl Is 197,037.63 , and the uxponao ? of
the fund woio OTfl.
The remains of a house ll > at oxpeils
von tin ( i to Hay is fifteen ci nimiesold h.ixo
lieon unearthed In Uomc. Theyuioin ; \ ,
comjiarativoly j-ood btato of pi berrn-
tlon. _ _
Cliinainun In some places on the 1'ucilii )
co.nt aio hiiiiplyin thoiiisHves nith
aims. , it is noticed. Ono giipbinlth eolil
foxentoon tt'iuchoMir jillos to rinnixiui'it
hi ono week.
At ItViuUiij ; Pa. , n st.xlk of corn , hoar
ini { ih < rtuoa MvIi-UvvnloiKut t-arit , is ex