(3 ( THE SUNDAY , BEE ; SEPTEMBER 2(5 , 1R86.-TWELVE PAGES. THE SUNDAY BEE COUNClTBLUFFS , SUNDAY MOUSING SKPT , CO. OFFICE , NO , 13 , PEARL STREET. rcl.tcrcd by carrier In nnj-pnrtof the city nt twenty cents per week. II. W. Tit/rojr , Manager. r ; , No , 13. NIOIIT Kunon No. 2J. MINOU M NPXV York Plumb.ijj ! Co. New fall goods nt Holler's. C heap railroad tickets at lluslinrll's' . I'nitcd Slates court will meet to-day. lr W. H. Shorruden , dentist , 27 Main. Itichiiioiu ! furnaces , Cooper & McUoo. The democrats are to holil their city primtirii's this evening. Fiiii' tot stoves , furiiiturn , etc. , for sale on payments b.y A. J. Mamlul. M. M. Adam ? , ot ( , 'ouneil ' Hlulld , and Mary Iv. FolMMii , of Crescent City , have been licensed to marry. This i ? a good season for residence building. Morn than the usual number arc in process of erection. .Mrs. William Lewis has purchased of ( } . Hoys a house anil lot on Seventh avenue , between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Good wayos paid to a competent.girl to do ulain cooking , washing and iron- itili. No sneoiid work. Mrs. S. FarnsWorth - Worth , South Eighth .street. P. Haulier , who picked up the painter's vest Friday , wan discharged yesterday , as his statement that he thought the vest was nil old one that , had been thrown away was believed by the judge. Christian Peter Christiansen has : i per mit from the county clerk to wi'd Stenn Peterscn. They sire both residents of Council Mull's. They went before Jnstieo 1'nitney and were married. Good luck. The ladies of the First Baptist church will RIVO a "Hard Times'1 sociable at thu parlors of their church next Thursday evening for the bonetit of the Seandina- viaii Baptist church of this city. All arc invited. Last evening those who attended thu soi'iable of the Congregational church , entertained at her resilience by Mrs. G. W. Crofts , passed a very enjoyable time. This pleasure was not a little contributed to b.y the line music. Died. Mrs. Hettio lu Hois , on Friday evening at ItiiJU o'clock , aged 85 years , at the residence of her daughter , .Mrs. J. .J. White , No. Ill North Eighth street. She leaves two sons and onu daughter. 1'rieuds are invited to attend the funeral to-day at WIO o'elouk from No. 411 North Eighth street. Every lime it rains the people of Coun cil BluU's take oeea.iion to make very un pleasant remarks about the city council. J'liero are miles of paved streets in the city , but those who are not adepts in the art of wading might walk miles and not lind a place where a crossing could bo effected safely and comfortably. The six-year-old son of J. W. Congort residing on Third avenue , corner oi Ninth street , on Friday evening , while with other children playing see-saw some ren , was accidentally knocked oil' and in falling injured his head so badly that he remained unconscious for some time. The little follow is quite seriously injured , but hopes are entertained of his re covery. It may lie that the good , law-abiding citizens of Sioux City are perfectly satis fied with the manner in which the investi gation into the murder of Uov. George C. Haddock is being prosecuted. But to n great many in other parts of the state it has seemed that the effort was directed rather how not to do it. In this city a subscription is being qnicljy raised to cmplo } ' Council UluH's detectives to work on the case. There is still tiomo hopes that the assassins will bo captured and punished. 7t. T. Llndscy & Co. have commenced nn action against the Western Union Tel egraph company for $115 with interest and costs. Tim claim is that last May when Mr. Lindsoy was out in Colorado , at Cannon City , he paid for a. message to be sent from thereto Pueblo , ordering his sample trunk sent loSalida , in that state , but that the message was bungled so as to read Salt Lake. That he had to pay to have it reshipped and that he lost valua ble time and hotel bills waiting for it. The case wjll come up at the next tcr m of the district court. As the little indicator seemed to couple the names of parties residing on onposite Bides of the Missouri river , it was con cluded to allow it to rest for future use , as the mammas are'reluetant to let their dear children leave the paternal roof , and if thnir names are oneo coupled by this ingenious invention "its ago , " sure. Tlio Odorless Sanitary Co. , ofOmnlin , cleans cesspools , cisterns , etc. , with the odorless pump. Ollice , No. 1023 Fa main street , Omaha. Orders for Council Bluffs may be loft at 11. Eiscman & Co.'s. New line of millinery just received at Mrs , W. J. Scales' , No. 2M Broadway. I'crsonnl I'nragraphs. Mrs. W. J. Scolcs has returned from the east. E , M. Ainsworlh , of Vail , was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Julius Schneider and Mrs , Peter Jlcck left last evening for Logan to visit Mrs , J. Ernstdorf , Mrs. William Btior , of Taylor's station , a few miles from this city , died on Friday night in lior 87th year. Mrs , Adeline Parr nnd Miss Sadie Clark , of Marseilles , 111 , , are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Taylor , 523 Sovcntii nvonuo. Mr , Ed Wallers expects to start on a trip to-morrow in the interest of Burn- Jiam , TulloyH & Co. Mr , Walters has boon with the linn for some time , but 1ms been confined pretty closely to the ollico. E. W. Hart , manager of the Now York plumbing company , has been selected as thu western agent for the Strange forged twist drill company , whose drills are con sidered by mechanics as equal to any other drill manufactured. Attention Comriulcs. Special meeting of Kncampmcnt No. 8 U. V. L. at U. A. K. hall Monday even ing , September 27 , for muster. O , HVAHJUN \ : , Joim Fox , Adjutant. Commander , T The Atlantic Messenger proposes to make a political Issue against thu govern ment "tioing into the envelope business , " or otherwise printing anil furnishing re turn envelopes. It proposes to ques tion every candidate for con gress as to his position on the envelope , Stamped envelopes are a great convenience , but it always did seem to be rather small potatoes for the govern ment of the United States to underbid a country printing ollloo on so small a Job ns the printing of COO envelopes. Borne folks can't ' see why thogavernmout should underbid the printer in the matter of furnishing the coal dealer with envelopes any moro than it should under bid the coal dealer in the matter of fur- nlsliing the printer with fuel. A/Jfllnt to lliislnnss Mon. HarpeiSi Haaar : "Did you go for a vacation - cation this summer , SmituT" ' Pliyes. "How did you mnuage your allairs ? i took my advertisement out of the paper until 1 returned , so thuro wasn't any busi ness to uiauapo. Greatsoueuio , elir BLUFFS SOCIETY EVENTS , Some Parties the Past Week ami Moro Planned for tbo Putnra. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Council mtifl IilKctr to Ilnvo n Ycnrly Sunday Scliool A sctnlly Olcnson does tt > li\H Cluifcli Scf- vices To-Day. The Social Benson. The society season is near at hand and many a fair damsel , ns well us married woman , is taxing her brain and slyly pumping others for suggestions by which she mav receive n pointer ns to some new method of entertainment for her "dear live hundred" and thereby outdo her social rivals. Council Bluffs is not forward in setting the social ball a rolling , but there i.s little doubt but w'.ien she does fairly awaken to the Idea that the season i.s on her , she will open with a "six niuhts1 season" " as a starter. Some four or live "aflairs" arc being arranged for the near future , but what they will be no one dare nreilict until these ' all'air.s'1 have formerly been "christened" bv the authors. Next week will witness as grand a party as has been given in this city for some time , the mother of a handsome and stately brunette debutante of the lonrlh ward being the hostess. Prepara- ations are already being made and ns soon as publicity is given to the all'alr , it will create a furore nmong the young society people. initiatory events of thu season-wore given the past week , one being on Wed nesday by Mrs. T. A. Clark , at her resi dence , No. 210 Harrison sticet , in honor of her guest , Miss h. 1) . Itehse. the ar- "ste , now of Nebraska City , who for sov ; iral years was n resident of Council { lull's. The reception was a novel nr- angemcnt , and at Mrs. Clark's suggos- ion Miss Kehse painted on eggs the ames of the lady guests , together with ther appropriate decorations. The eggs ji'ing wrapped in tissue paper , were so- eeted by each gentleman present , who onk as his partner the lady whose name \'i\s \ painted upon the egg. Among the guests present were : Mr. nil Mrs. .ludson , of Chicago ; Mr. and , Irs. Brodbeek , Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jlmpuian , Mr. and Mrs. Bryant , ol Chi- ; ago ; Miss Crawford , of Soda Springs , Idaho ; the Misses Lena , Clara and Ada liedison , Miss S. 1) . Hehse , Miss Ralston , Miss Bray. Mr. and Mrs. Bryant , of Chi- jago ; W. H. Warren , of Cheyenne : J. P. 'toucher ' , of Omaha ; H. C. Hollis , of ) maha ; Charles Bray , C. H. Knlston , of Umaha ; W C. Morgan , Edward Parsons , . ' . Jolms9n , L. Winter , of Ohio , and Ar- hur lloll'mayr. A rainbow party was given \Vcdnesdav .zoning by Miss Clara Bebbington , at .he family residence No. 101 Park avenue , , n honor of Miss Anita Hudson , of In- .liana , who is at present her guest. ' ' " Mis Sherman , Sapp , Bowman , Haas , Atkins , Wakelield , Brown , Miller , Seybert , Woodbnry , Ernest Hart and E. 11. Hart. TIIIJ IlY.MENOMKTiit. : This little instrument that has to-recast io many incidents in the past , again is jiut in working order , and at Us lirst opportunity finds plenty of work. The liymenometer is an instrument that never 'ails in its duty , and although it occas- onally indicates far in advance that which is not seen , its prophecy is of necessity apt to be final. With tliis introduction the hands boffin o move around the dial of the little nstrument , and after a few seconds quivering remain stationary opposite the : iames ot a commission merchant of this 3ity , and a young lady in Omaha whoso iistor is very shortly to be wedded. ' . 'rom indications it looks as f this couple would soon follow in the wake of the young lady's sister. The hands , noiselessly and with seem- .112 exactness , now point to the name of n young lady , daughter of a prominent eweler residing among tuo hills of Coun cil Blulls and a young man of Omaha , and the indications are that a union wjll take place ere "tho Jlowers that bloom in the spring. " With the dexterity peculiar to this in strument the hands again move and quiver as they rest on the names of a gentleman connected with a banking in stitution in Omaha and a petite young lady , a resident of the second ward of this city. The nani3 of a young traveling passen ger agent connected with ono of the great trunk lines having its terminus in this city is next seen linked with that of a lady of1 the glen , and the instrument in dicates a union by the new year. Council J'f Last evening the council met. as per ad journment , all the members present , Mayor Evans in the chair. Horace Everett presented a petition asking that ho bo relieved for an over as sessment for curbing along Pearl street. J. J. Stewart and others petitioned for a lamp post on Mynstor street , between Seventh nnd Eighth streets. H. H. Field and others also petitioned for a lam ] ) post nt the corner of Stutsmnn and Plainer streets. The petitions were all referred to the appropriate commit tees. tees.Tho The council took up the matter of the obstruction in front of the Union Avcnmi hotel on lower Broadway. Thu facts seem to uo that when Broadway was paved the street was filled in about five feet above the Door of the hotel , so the citv built a brick wall along the outside " of "tho front porch , mid filled up to the wall. After that a heavy rain washed tlio dirt under the wall ami caved it in , FO George Gorspnoher put up a fence around the whole thing and across the sidewalk , which was unsafe to uso. The public have over smcii been forced to take to the street in that place , nnd as the city never , well , Hardly over , thinks of cleaning a paved street the mud is too deep for comfortable wading , After discussion it wa decided to tear down the fence , rebuild the wall nnd lay the sidewalk , nnd settle the question as to who should pay for it after the work was done. lion. George F. Wright , on behalf of Mr. II. P. Nlles , stated that he owned some property on the corner of Fourth street and Tenth avenue ; that ho had a frontage of about ono hundred foot on Tenth avenue ; that the city ordered a side walk along that front uiul finally built ono , taxing up ? 10 for it ; that tlio sida walk consisted mcroly of two plunks laid lengthwise. That soon after it was laid the city ordered tlio street filled and the contractor filled onto the walk , so that while Nlles has an assessment of ? 40 for .sidewalk still against his properly ho has no walk. Mr , Niles has also just discovered that he has been ussossoit $1,000 on his stock- , moro than the entire fitook la worth. Both these mutters were referred to the committee on assessments. Mr. Wright then stated the mutter of ttia sidewalk in front of the property on Pearl street , owned by himself and Dr. Woodbury , ought to bo settled. He atuted that when the curbing mid walk wa < put down U was done bv the oily.nnd assessed to the prop erty. It wua supposed thai the city KUL-W enough to put a sidewalk ou the .grades , pr . _ . When the city took up the curbing to raise it to grade , preparatory to paving , new curbing wn3 n'l ' broken up so Hint the curbing was necessary , which the city had put in. They now considered it the duty of thn city to raise thevn1k to grade , but that ho nnd lr. \Vo > wburv lind tnlkcd the mnttor over , nnd nnd decided that the now curbing was rcallv an improve ment , and tney were willing to pay for half the curbing If the city would raisu tbo walk. The matter was left with the committee. Adjourned to meet at next regular meeting. Hats regardless of cost. Closing out lint stock of F. E. Stubb , comprising Knox's. Stetson's and other line brands. E. B. WILLIAMS , No. M3 Broadway. 10 Cabinet Photographs , $3. Quality the llnest. Sherraden , 317 Broadway. Miisculnr Christianity. From the Davenport Tribune : The ollico and usefulness of muscular Chris tianity ns A shield for the wenK and de fenseless was well illustrated on the ex press train which left the city for Kansas City last e\cning. According to the Museatiiio Tribune , a half-witted woman boarded the train at Davenport , and before it had made a half ilo/.un miles , wandered into the smoking car , "when she made herself familiar with the men , not knowing any better , of course. Sev eral traveling men undertook to take ad vantage of her ignorance , and gave her liquor to drink besides taking tip a col lection for the purpose of getting her to perform an net that no gentleman would think of asking any fe.nalo to do , let alone a half-witted creature. Ono bald headed traveling man , who was bolder than the others , took especial delight in this outrageous performance nnd was in the act of doing a most disgraceful tiling , when a left bander fell upon Him ' from Kev. C. II. Seymour , of Davenport , who was in the rear part of the car , saw what was going ou and de termined that these so-called gentlemen should not succeed in accomplishing their object. The fellow attempted to hit back- but the professor followed up his first blow and gave the bald-headed traveler several good ones from the shoulder in the face , and taught him a lesson thai he is not likely to forget very soon. The traveling man slunk to his seat , the worst beaten fellow that has been seen for many days , Ho was so ashamed of him self that he scarcely spoke a word to any one after that. When Museatino was reached his actions were reported to llic marslial , who at first thought best to ar- est him , but after investigating the mat er concluded to let him go. thinking lie lad received a lesson that' would last a ifetime. " The poor woman was given .n . charge of the station agent in Mnsea- inu. inu.Prof. Prof. Seymour has for years been con- idered one ot the ablest divines in the ulpit "the state knows , and out of the inlpit he is a practical philanthropist , vliose walk and conversation are in ne- lordancn with the precepts of the holy 'eligion he believes in. " Hats regardless of cost. Closing put lat stock of F. E. Stubbs , comprising liuox's ' , Stetson's and other line brands1 E. B. Williams , No. 500 Broadway. Only a Stew. "What will it be ? " imiuisitivelv asked man with a dirty white coat , the sleeves f winch shone like ebony around his ivrists , as a BKE man seated himself at a ilgh stool before n lunch counter. "A stew , " was the reply to which the man who were the apology for a white oat remarked , "a half ? " The man behind the counter then united up a small stevv pan with a handle , mil after opening the ice chest , in which ho ovsters were kept , lie producco his counts" JSew York counts. Holding lie stew pan in his right hand ho turned .iis . back to his customer , and with .tho oft hand dipped into a bucket of oysters , pulling out one at a time until ho had re peated the dose six times , no such inven tion ns a fork being used , it being wholly unnecessary. As the last "count" was jounted and flopped into the stew pan the cook grabbed a black looking rag , which possibly at some remote day hail been used for a mop rag , but had re cently lost that distinction , and wiping the moisture from oil'the hand that hnd been dipped low in the "count" bucket in search of the "counts. " ho inquiringly looked Ihc BKK man in the eyes as he re marked , "Do you wish it in milky" As ho wns answered in the allirmative he poured some milk into the stew pan , and noticing some object in the milk" that ho thought probably would bo offensive should it uo boiled with the oysters , jab bed his r/ght hand into the pan , and witli a flop of the hand sent it to the floor Turning half way aroundhe then grabbed a pinch of salt , and also some popper , with tlio hand that had just left the milk , and returning lo the jar in which the butter was kept in went his hand and hauled up sonic butter. The stow being then ready , it was placed on tlio range where It was allowed to remain a fov minutes when it was pulled oil * and th contents of the pan dumped into a bowl , which rested on n saucer , and this paint able ( < ) oyster star was set before the nowsgatheror to devour before retiring f or tlio night. See that your books are made by More house & Co , , room 1 , Everett block. Dlamlo Howe at Doliany's. This talented tittle lady commences r six nights engagement at Dohany's to morrow [ Monday ] evening with her owi : company , giving a different play c.icl night and playing at popular prices Miss Howe is n southern stage beauty and conies frpm a family of royal con neetions , having two uncles lords in Entr laud and Ireland. She is in her twontletl year , a v < ry talented aotrnss , handling th finest inroads of the emotional work will ; equal alacrity that she does the waif , tin crude girl and the ringing soubrett parts , She has been on the stage sinci six years of ago. Her company are ul very oluvor in the dramatio work ami ovary play will bo carefully mounter with' every attention to detail and ward robe.'o \ \ insure for them a very profit ablh week. Monday evening will bo pro dtioed Bartlov Campbell's ellectivo home picture , "A Wife's Devotion , " with th following cast ; Hurry Unintly . . .Mr. A. L. Kcenni ALT. Musffi -Mr. .1. H. Scull Jnmoa ( Joiuon Mr. Frank Iou < Uncle Uuidelt Mr.O. B. Clur Jcsson Mr. .lames Mortor .loo Pluniiner. , Mr. A. It. Jone : Dlniich bturllng Miss Kannv Sinelal. Hallle Ann Wnadles Miss Fannie Hooker anil- Miss MAUDK lloWK..nsFl.OIlEN'CEGllANTLY During tbo engagement the following plays will bo presented : "Lady Audley s Seo'rut , " "Mountain Pink. " "Kathleen Mftvouwfon , " "The Child Stealer , " and "Tho Child of the Sierras. " Saturday afternoon will be given a Indies grand "East Lynne" matinee with prices at 25 cents to all purU of the house , no more , with the pretty little Maude Howe in the dual role of Lady Isabel uud Madam Vine. If you want a good furnace and one thai will be us durable as your house , get a "Richmond" at Cooper & McGee's , Substantial abstracts of titles and real estiitu loans , J.V , & K. L , Squire , No. 101 Pearl street , Council BluQ'a. Will make a Special Sale this Week of , 9 CURTAIN GOODS , ETC. lower than inculcby any ot7tcr in t/ie iccxt. Jo not fail to sco us before yon clscwliere. Tin's ( Ic-iKivtmcH't we sJtall close out , and shall nut fee -prices to sell tJtcm. Our stock is seasonable and styles and excellent. These are bargains 'never before offered and you , can sai'e money by calling on us before purcJiasiny.for wenUl not be undersold. Hem ember the place. B'ARKITESS BROTHERS , Broadway , - - Council muffs , la. SB ? Elf Bail Us First aiincnranco of the CHAK31INO , YOtXG , 1'KETTY and TALES TED LiUle Slur Actress , AXI > HER co. , IXT THE GrKSATEST OF PLAYS. Pleasing Star- -A Pleasing Company- -A Pleasant SUnfcertaiiimeiit , -At PI easing Prices Monday evening , Sept. 27tli , will he presented UAUTLKY CAM I'HELL'S in tensely interesting play , founded on every dtiy incidents of tlu present lime , entitled , ELABORATELY COSTUMED , ELEGANT STAGE SETTINGS , EVERY AVAILABLE ACCESSORY. Entire Change of Play E ery Might Entire Different Bali Erf intliln the rcacjt ofcrcryfiodfTo spend an evcntny ( U the Opera Jfouac ' " " " 'To witness a first c ! < (3S J-'laij and Performance. Entire CENTS Entire Balcony CENTS CENTS , CENTS FIRST FLOOR CENTS VEXTS 2ti Foor , CENTS CENTS GALKEltY ; idFloor 3 > cents. Scats secured In advance at lSUSlINETsZ , > S,2ii cents extra. Ladies' ' Grand "EAST LYIE" Kiuiiuu , uttiiuiuv Prices to all parts of the house , 25 c ! No MORE v No LESS ! J. H. LAINE , Business Manager. Glon.son Gone to Jail. As Policcniiiu Mok O'lh'iun was hunt- jl uj ) some stolen property ho stepped into the second-hand store of M. Marcus , on JJroadway , .yesterday afternoon , ami shortly afterward a fellow walked in witli a black doeskin Prince Albert frock coat mul wished to borrow some money on it. As Marcus refused to loan liim any money on the coat ho loft and O'15rion , having had his suspicions aroused , arrested the man. liy tlie name in thu back of the coat it wits learned that Hurry Skolton was the maker. O'Urlcii asked Skolton who the coat belonged to and he named Dr. Hart or William 11. Itoblnsoti as the owners , Dr. liartsaid it was not his , but in Mr. Robinson mi owner was found. Tlio man was taken before Justice SuhiiiY. where ho gave his name as "Tim" Uloasonnnd tilaimed to have purchased the coat on Friday in Omaha. 'Squire ' ScliurKiigjrcstcd that perhaps Glcason ujtild lind the man ho purchased the coat of and briiip him before the court , in which case Glcason would become n free man could lie prove that he purchased the coat in good faith. J. J. Stewart , the prosecuting attorney , suggested that the accused might have until December 1 to think over the name of tlio man from whom he purchased the coat , as ho claimed to have forgotten H , Whereupon the justice said tliitt if it was given pub licity through the UKK the seller miglit come to the front'but to give Mr. ( Rea son lime he could remain in the county jail until the gnuiU jury met next De cember. ' ' Gliurcli HorvicoH. Services at the JJnptist church Sunday nt 10i30 : a. m. and 7:110 : p. m , ; baptism In connection with c > ening services. Scats free , Roy. C. Hoover will nrench this after noon at : ! o'clock at Harmony mission chapel. All will'bo welcome , Services to-dcy'In thu Congregational church : preaching by the piifctor ; morn ing subject. "Gotljs Revelation of Himself - self ! " evening , "Sinful Entertainments. " A cordial invitati'dn is extended , Saint Paul's chlirch : services to-day nt 11:00 : a. m. and 7:80 : i > , m. ; Kormon topics , ' 'Gratitude ' " "Hob morning. ; evouinir , bies. " The public and strangers wel come , T. J. MaoKull , pastor. Rev. J. risk will preach this evening nt 7'JO o'clock at the A. M. E. church on William street. Sunday School Assembly. Two weeks ago the UuE mentioned the fact that there was n project on foot to Institute a Sunday school assembly to beheld held hero every year ajtcr the plan of the great Chautnuqun assemblies. This pro ject is not dead by any manner of means. The gentlemen who are interesting themselves In this movement are quietly looking the ground over before deciding , 'llioy have their attention lixcd just novr on a forty .acre plat on the bluffs adjoin ing Fail-mount park. It seems as if amore moro delightful , picturesque spot could not well bo chosen. In the summer there , is always n breeze there , and plenty of simile , plenty ot room , and with the waterworks plenty of gootl water. Jf this project is successfully car ried through it will prove of immense advantage to Council lilull'ti , and , it is to bo hoped , to this part of the world. An assembly of this kind was hold last year at Ottawa , Kan. , and 10,000 strangers were drawn to the city during the ses sion. Owini : to the great advantages Council Ulull's possesses" in the way of railroad facilities three times that num ber of persons might reasonably bo ex pected to attend hero. Of course it is contemplated to make the organization a permanoiitono , and hold an assembly every year. ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COUSCJL 11 LUFFS , IOWA. An excellent educational Institution , furnish odwlth nil the modern Impiovcnietus , con- uctcd by tliq SJSTKltS OF CIlAIUTV.ll. V. 11 .For term of Ilvo months , ? 75. Terms liogln first Monday In September and rst Monday In February. For catalogues ud- rcss BISTKIl BUI'KIIIUK St. Francis Academy , Council lulls , JACOB sir.is , ATTORNEY AT LAW , oomsroiij BijTjr ms Practices in the State and Federal courts Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart lilo k. OFFICER , & PTJSEY , COUNCIL JJLUFFS , IA , Established 1S3T Horses and Mules For all purposes , oo'ight nnd old , at retail and Inlota. 1-ivt'O ( juantlttod tu tuloct from Eoreral pairs of line drivers , snitrlo or douUlu. Couucil Blulls. Ilvtrn Lni'i/c Assortment and the Best Desiyint in Carpets , Curtains , Cloths , Mattings , Linoleums , Window Shades , Etc. inducementsojjt'i'ctl now , ttmt clntnyc of jh'in lain / Ar plucc , and Mock tinint lie reduced. Take no one's ii'onl , but cttll and sec fov your- sc/i't'.s thtttvut' ni'icestnid ijnalltica cannot ( HI batten. Out of town tt'ttdo e.onccttillii solicited , Council Bluffs Carpet Co. , Ho. 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame buildings moved on Little Giant trucks , best in the world. SOS Eighth Avenue and Eighth SlrcctConml Bluffe. G-RAND EXCURSION THIS WEEK ! iMinmmr lands m Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , rutigl from j1.2o to ? 1'J per acre , bchool and state lands in Minnesota on 110 year tiinoi ) per cent interest. Land buyers laro free. Information . . til ( I etc. b P. I' . Lausti-up So. 535 : Ilii-\ii.l * . > n. UKJ . / . , . . . - . j i Iiii . r . 111 . ill . . I llu , - ' " - , given by , Urotuhvny , Council Blairs , Iowa. . MURDER ! ! btlicrla I ? again innlclng Its annual vlsltn- tlo * .Ten years' trial ol UK. THUS. JKKKEUIS' KKMI.DY i'or that lutal mnlady has ilemnn- ratcd the 1'iict that It Is iiil'nllllilo as a preventive ive/ and euro. If you penult your children to dlo with dlphtiiorhi , "Their blood be upon your head. " For sale only at the ollico , No. "il South Sth utret't , Council Illiiirs , Ja. , or sent by express on receipt of price. 3- O. H. IIIaKeslce , of Xo. 1410 Campbell street , Omaha , who recently lost a beautiful and in- terej-tlnir dnut-'htrr , aired about Ifl years , by diphtheria , under the treatment of ono ol the best physicians In Omaha , writes to Dr. Jelleris , ol this city : "Vour remedy I'or diphtheria cmno too lute , our dear daughter was dylnjr whoa it was received. J am Biitislled that her llfceould have been saved. Another oneof our children who had the diphtheria , her throat wai tilled up with the putrid ulceration , wo used your medicine and In twelve hours the disease was completely subdued. In the Itituro o will keep your medicine at all times In our house. Wo fuel that it paved the life of ono of our children. Wo iiro veiy thankful to you , imil only vejrrot that wo did not call on you sooner. " From the Council llluirs Daily Herald : Mrs. K. M. ( torard , wlfo of Ktitfineer Gerard , of the t'nion 1'aclllc , this city , hns been a great BUllerert'or many years , with what was sup posed to bccaacer of. the throat. It wns so bad that the wa3 tuieatoncd with starvation. Her pcneral health was completely broken down. She could only swallow llcjuid food , and oven that her stomiieh could not dlirost or assimilate. Physicians of Council lllulls nnd Omaha attended her for three years nnd trnvo no relief. Dr. .leireris , of this city , was called. In lour weeks' time ho cured her throat , and com pletely restored her general health. Had .Mrs. ( Jerard not obtained relief teen she would have died from blood poison , the same condition that destroyed the life of Con. Grant. Prom the Council Illulls Oally Globe : M. A. Mcl'iKo , editor ui the Cambria ( ISbcns burer , 1'a. ) Freeman , has been the persona- friend of the editor of the Glebe for moro than twenty years , and Is known wherever ho is known as ono of the best men living. Ho U also an intimate friend of Mr. Clark of iho Non pareil. Ho I ins been unfoitunate In the laet that his family was ravaged with diphtheria. nnd greatly dismissed. Mr. Clark liavlnu' heard of his calamity bent him eomo of Dr. Jelleris1 Diphtheria Cure , it was used at once , and I ho lives of the rest of his children saved. Letters from Mr. Mul'lko are unbounded In their ex pressions of gratitude for llndlng gomo means of nvortlnir the loss of his whole wroup of little and tender ones. Five of Mr. Mel'llio'selilldren out of eight died from diphtheria before ho had an opportunity or. using Dr. Jolforis' remedy. Dyspeptic , why live In misery and die in dls- nir with canCHr of the stomachy Dr. Thomas elforls euros every rase of Indigestion and onstlpatlon in a very short time , llest of ref erences given. .Dyspepsia is the cause of ninety per cent of all diseased conditions. 1'rlco SO for two weeks treatment. Dr. .lefforis' diphtheria medicine Is Infallible for nil kinds of wire throats. IndispcnMhlo in putrid sore throat , In malignant searlo Hover , changing It In 18 hours to thoclmploform. Inlnl- liblo euro for all Inllammatory , ulceratlvo , put rid , cancerous ulceratloii ol the womb Kiul all catarrhal conditions. Full printed instructions how to use the nicdl- cines cent with them. No doctor rccinlred. Dr. Jclfcrls' remedies can only bo obtained a Ills ollico. No.'l South Klglitli street , f.'ounc Jllulls , Jowiii or sent ay express on receipt drlce. B LATE OF ST. LOUIS. Office No. 525 Broadway , Council Bluffs. \ o to 12 n. in. Hours , > 2 to ft p.m. ) 7 tub p.m. Doom No. 0. Star Sale Slate and Mule Yards , BROADWAY , COUNCIL I1LUFFS. Ojiposllu Dummy B y . . . _ _ _ p Horses iiwTmtilos kept consiantlv on liand , for sale at retail or In ear loads Or ders promptly JUlod by contract on short notice. .Stock sold on commission. SIII.UTKH & Uoi.nv , Proprietors. Telephone No. 111. Formerly of Keil Sale Staules , corner 1st avc. and 4tli street. Reel-notion in Prices , IN China Glassware Etc. , , , At W.S. Hcmer & Oo's. No. S3 Main st. Blulls , H. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace Ollico ovjr American KxprtiM Company , n. RICE , 1YL B. , Or other Tiiinur * rcimovuJ witho.i Over thirty y Ko. U I'eaHBt. , Council SPECIAL NOTICES. Spcclnl advertisements , such us Lost , Fcmn To Loan , For Sulu , To Hunt , \\nnts \ , lloimllnir , etc. , will bolnscrteil In tins column nt tlio low riltoof TEN CUNTS 1'Klt LINK fortho llm Inser tlounml FivoCents 1'crLlnororencli sulisuciuont Insortion. Lciivo lulverllsoiiien 'lilt ' our ofllco No. 1" 1'onl street , near llroiulway , Council lilllllK. WANTS. WANTED A jjood Rlrl tu do tionornl liottso worlf A pply nt lU'J Fourth ttroi't. Coun cil Itliills. WAXTI5I ) A situation hyu inllloror KOypnra L'xporlnnvo ; cither roller or hurr aybtoin. Addicts Mlllor , llco ollico , Council Illntls. iTwrjllfiine8 niirniitIco. | | "Apply No. : ill llroadwiiy , Council lllulls. T\7ANTKO A moat nnd vejretnlilo cook for t thu Deal' and Dumb Institution at Council lllulls. Fair wages. T,01l HUNT Hooma sultnlilc for lluht house- Jkeeping. . Incjulro at No. 017 South 6th street. F.f.SPETIANflBRO KO. 5O9 & 51 i MAIN ST. Daily receipts of now ° oils.llats Cans , CIotlihiK , ami a full line of Dry Goods , nil of thu latest stylos. Call nnd got prices before purchasing olsowhur Jourinils , Count } ' and lEiuili Work ol'll ! Utiiitl * til Spec ially. Prompt Atienlionjo Mail Orders MOREHOUSE & GO. Room 1 Everct Uloek , Council IHuDs. Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind ing in M ii7.ines and BLAHK BOOKS. HIFKUUNC'I3S ' : , I ! , n. National Ilnilt : , M. H. Smith tt Co. , Cltl/uiih' Hank , ] ) oirn.S ( nils \ to. , hirst National Hank , ( ' . II. Insurance ) ( .o. , A ; I'uiuv.ltwnkuriJ.C. II. Bavinits llanlc. Creston House , The only holol In Council Illuira linrln ? all nicidurn iiniirovniaonts. JD , 217 and ! il ! ' Main fct. WAX MOIIN , Prop. In the city can bo obtained by pationl/hiB the 6 < 0 IJroadway GKO , W.RU1UNDKUS , 1't'op , Nouo but experienced liutulH ouiloyed ) ) , Out of town orders by mail or express so licited , and all work warranted. 5 111 N. .Main St. , Council Hlufl'fl , In. , mul SiOU H. lOtli St. , Itooin 10 , Oiiiuliii , Nob. Wiinufaetiiror'B Bcntforthci CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER and SUPPLIES Touts , Awuinifs. Itoofliitr Hlutc , Man- ( els , 1'lalo mid Window ( ilasa , ShowCases - Cases , Elevators ( hand mul liy dr P , C , MIXER , No. 13 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , LATKST UKrilO.NS. MANUFACTUJIEH. O.F PAINTS. Homo , Slk'n nnd Decora c 1'umtct. J'n/ln Mucbu WnilClinamontf. None hut bolt ImnJi'Jinyb/eJ itlt-'UlC